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Rating the best wives on the horoscope. These signs of the zodiac are the best wives according to astrologers. Leo - perfect husband

Aries is self-confident and emotional. In any dispute with her husband, she considers himself right, always says what he thinks. Only strong men choose in the husbands of the Aries, but in family life they themselves help her career. The wives of the Aries are too impatient, so it should not count on the fact that they will create a cozy and calm atmosphere at home. The house for the Aries woman is too small for manifesting her creative energy. Aries's wife knows how to cook well, but she does not like their homework. A Aries woman is a loyal wife, but she is quickly disappointed in her husband, if he cannot implement her plans.

2. Taurus.

Wife Taurus has a business grip. She is very practical and makes her husband work a lot, for the sake of the well-being of the family. Tales do not believe in unearthly love, they are too materialistic. The financial side of the life of those who chose the representative of this sign of the zodiac will be excellent throughout life. Wife Taurus by any paths will create a solid and stable financial position of the family. A good mistress, the Taurus can only be next to a successful and rich man, home comfort and care it offers only instead of high material support. The wife of the Taurus itself will never give a divorce, although often the husbands leave them themselves, no longer withstand their stubbornness and calculation. Taurus never goes to compromises, in a family quarrel she always remains the winner.

3. Gemini.

Twin woman looking for a man for a long time, in whom she could fall in love with real. If she managed to marry his ideal, it becomes an indispensable wife in all respects. The twin wife is not grinding and never reproach her husband for his mistakes. She feminine and friendly, if there is a beloved person next to her. For the sake of love, the twins are able to repay their emotions and donate to many. But the wife of the twin is very changeable, she can budget her husband today, and tomorrow put it out. Homework woman twin makes a mood. If she enthusiastically takes something something, then wash, clean and cook it will not be on this day. But the whole evening she will tell her husband about his new hobby, offering him dinner to prepare himself. In women, the twins are independent and they get along with those who respect their interests with respect.

4. Cancer.

The wife of Cancer suffers from a lowered self-esteem, and therefore it is hysterical, jealous and intrusive. Every day it is necessary to hear compliments from her husband to his address and confirm his love. Cancer loves to cut on any occasion, why the husbands often run away from them, and throwing their obsession and hystericality for a long time. Wife Cancer herself never changes her husband, she is a good mistress and a caring mother. The main problem of a woman of cancer is her passivity. She never has her opinion and mainly listened to the Council of Mom. In family life, it is financially completely dependent on her husband.

5. Lion.

Woman Lev herself chooses her husband, presenting an increased demand for his material situation. She is married to those who give her dear gifts and promises secure life. Wife lion attractive and responsive. She does not regret neither forces, no money to appear in front of her husband a real queen. Next to his beloved husband, she manifests himself a good mistress and a caring mother. But she does not forgive her to her husband, and does everything possible to take revenge on her husband in full program.

6. Virgo.

Virgo's wife is caring and kindly, but only if there is a successful man next to her. Weak and unsure of her husband's husband can fully deprive peace and happiness. Egoistical, powerful and frigid is all about her, a virgin, which is married to such a man. Women of Virgin can adapt, they are caring hostesses and attentive wives only if the husband is worthy of her respect. As soon as a man admits a mistake, she throws her "sheep skirt" and turns into a spouse, which is calculated, cunning and ostera in tongue.

7. Scales.

Woman scales beautiful and feminine, so she wonders early. In character, she is a typical homemade wife, for which in the first place is home and children, and only on the second - the love of her husband. Therefore, she is indifferent to sex and makes love with her husband only to perform marital debt. But she herself is very sentimental. If the husband is passive in bed or manifests their scales indifference, depression can develop. For this reason, the scales begin to jealous and too control the husband, which often leads to the breakdown of marriage.

8. Scorpio.

Scorpio's wife is faithful and devoted, but absolute owner. She does not forgive betray and hurts "Jalith", if her husband betrayed it. Scorpio loves his home, the bed has a special meaning for it. She is passionate and sensual, it is easy to drag a good attitude and gifts. The minus of the scorpion's wife is that it is malicious, offensive and hot-tempered. Scorpio loves money and happy it only when they have them in sufficient quantities. The monotonous family life of Scorpio quickly tiring, it does not know how to flow smoothly. The only thing that can keep it next to an unloved husband is the children whom she considers as an embodiment of their love.

9. Sagittarius.

Wife Sagittarius quickly "husband sits on her neck." She caprinis, loves expensive and fashionable to dress. The main thing is for a woman Sagittarius - self-expression, and how the husband will give money to fulfill her dreams to life, she does not care. Next to a successful man, the Sagittarius's wife becomes a good friend and comrade. She is a hospitable and caring mistress. But the women of Sagittarius are excessively freedom-loving and prone to adventures, so they often make rapid acts.

10. Capricorn.

Woman Capricorn chooses her husband herself and often she gets married by calculation. Capricorn wish to have practical and influential husbands. If they succeed, they become ideal housewives with exceptional ambition to the success of her husband and children. Capricorn every day you need to feel love and support of your husband, then she pays for him deep appreciation, it is impossible to shake it. But the unsuccessful choice of spouse and problems in personal life make Capricors with selfish and demanding. Family life Capricorn in this case brings a lot of disappointments and suffering, because Capricorn's own mistakes and weakness can not forgive.

11. Aquarius.

Wife Aquarius is not jealous and never documented husband checks. But from her husband, she demands the same relationship. Aquarius loves freedom, and when she has the opportunity to change the sexual partner, it goes to it, especially without thinking about how it will affect her husband and children's relationship. In family life for Aquarius, the most important thing is mutual understanding and spiritual unity. Only in such a family, Aquarius becomes an exemplary wife and an excellent mistress capable of inspiring her husband on creative search and a brilliant career.

12. Fish.

The peace and happiness of the spouse and children for the feet of fish above all. Therefore, it does not impose an increased demand for her husband and are content with the fact that there is, although the career of her husband and the well-being of the family often wish to leave the best. For women, fish is characterized by increased susceptibility to other people's needs, which does not give her the opportunity to feel happy. All fish wives are beautiful housewives that can cook and create comfort in the house. They are devoted to her husband, but the treason and lies do not forgive.

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Incredibly attractive, enjoyable smart and breathtaking beautiful young scorpion - the worst wife in the world. Because to marry Scorpio - it means to sell yourself into slavery. Of course, to serve such a wonderful mistress in something even honorable, but there is one problem: while you are trying to get it difficult and learn to dare from the sudden fence, you have time to earn baldness, erectile dysfunction and old-age retirement. And then she will change you on a sultry thirty-year Macho with a voyage with such a mustache.

11th place - Fish

Marry fish - the same thing that the cat will have a cat: there will be a very beautiful creature in the house, which all his life will look at you as a regrettable fragrant outcome of the long process of digestion. At the same time, the fish cost much more expensive the cats, but the benefits bring the same amount: sometimes, if the fish deigns to stay in a good arrangement of the Spirit, it will be possible to take it on the handles and ride a little. Maybe she will even cough. And they are sitting on this face, like heavy drugs: from the first time and forever. Because even if you break from the needle, life will still remain empty and meaningless. Great, right?

10th place - lion

Wife-showcase and exhibition of achievements of the national economy. If the national economy did not work for a punctant in every ear of a lioness and for a couple of carats on her ring finger - writing gone: a heavy clawed paw will hit this very much. Very painful. And, more terrible, irreversibly. In the sense that it will not work out to be divorced with a lioness: theoretically, of course, it is possible, almost - all the other women after marriage with a lioness seem to be pale copies of living people. And for another lioness, someone is now too late, ha ha.

9th place - Sagittarius

Satan wife. Honestly warns that she does not need anything from her husband, except for his immortal soul, but here it, be kind, give it to undivided use. Not that Sagittaris is very interested in that this very soul is happening, it just needs warranties for the future. And the joint future in understanding the Sagittarius looks like this: how she will say - it will be. Always. Otherwise, the point in the contract is to burn you forever in hell. Always!

8th place - twins

Gemini - a dangerous wife. There are women, next to which a man sees himself a gorgeous hero, there are women, next to whom a man feels a loser, and there are twin lads. They know who he really is. It is useless to pretend: the twins are looking at the very essence, feed from the hands of other people's inner monsters, they score them for the ear and allow the sofa. The problem is that in fact there are few people ready to get acquainted so close to their inner monsters. And will have to.

7th place - Aries

Everyone knows that living with a haired is how to sit on a volcano, but few people actually understand that for what it is worth it to risk the precious sedalent. And we know: in the flame of the eve of the Aries, you can warm any metal chock, to beat a little, and then harden, and then it turns out some thing - a beautiful and farming is useful. Actually, it happens about it and happens with the husbands of Aries, and they are usually very satisfied with it. All to one. Dissatisfied Aries in Cammet pass, on the smelting.

6th place - scales

Marry weights - from all sides Profitable Enterprise: On the one hand, this is the most "real woman", about which all men dream: soft, gentle and compliant young lady, beautiful, albeit a few nervous mistress, skillful cooking, clever, beauty and Sexy thing. In those days when scales tend to good and joy. What, how to say, happens infrequently. All other time, the scales are devoted to hysterias, suffering, scandals, sobs and eating foreign brains with teaspoon. But it is also done very, very beautiful.

5th place - Virgo

Five of the best wives opens Deva - not so much wife, how much best friend and comrades. Virgas are convinced that her husband and wife should look at themselves at each other, but in one direction, and in the one that Virgo will choose. So be the husband of the Virgin, on the one hand, it is extremely profitable - it's like being alpha-male in the wolf pack: a leader, of course, not at all, and the Wolf, but you have a formal status. If you, of course, do not ram in a wolf skin. Check yourself on the "battery" is very simple: if the insightful Virgin, seeing the ring, did not immediately say "yes," and stated that she was "to think" - you still have a ram. Run, bro. Run quickly.

4th place - Taurus

The honorable fourth place goes to the Taurus - a woman on which it is worth marrying if you are a cheerful beggar divorce. Because the Taurus has a gift - to grow from the beggars of ragling successful razolbayev, but here are the fun, as a rule, it is lost somewhere. So it is necessary to marry the Taurus if it seems to you that the plate, flying into your head, is very fun. Yes, and three thousand five hundred and eighteenth times - just as fun, as in the first.

3rd place - Capricorn

The top three Capricorn leaders are closed - women who know the recipe for family happiness. Elementary Watson! An ideal man should marry an ideal woman, it's easier to nowhere, right? So married Capricorns leave, guided by common sense and sober payments, and not some kind of half-philantal love. And then they live with their perfect husband in love and harmony, while death can not register them. The criteria of ideality we will probably not give: whom Capricorn will choose - they can see the mirror, and the rest has no need to know such terrible things. You will not sleep later.

2 place - Aquarius

The honorable second place gets to the Aquarius - only and solely because the aquaries do not like to be the first: what should I strive then, eh? Wife-Aquarius - Almost a mythical woman, the main heroine of male dreams: Eternally young (ninety-bearing aquaries can giggle, like freshman); Eternally beautiful, because the temperament of the time of time is not limited; Always amazing, because Aquarius will always live their lives next to her husband and will never live with them alone. The problem is only alone: \u200b\u200byou are seven pairs of iron boots you will stop, bro, while you will drag it and whine: "Get out of me, well, please!"

1 place - Cancer

The lady-cancer is not so easy to persuade into marriage, but if it really succeeded, it will manifest itself in all its glory: she is smart, and beautiful, and the hostess. Ideally leads the house, perfectly grips kids, friendly with her husband's relatives. Always support your beloved, always cares him. Because the family is the main thing. The main thing, she said! And who will be involved in his family duties, she will take the steel culley for some place. And here, of course, it would be possible to regret that I did not marry any scorpion, but ... it is impossible to regret. Klozcl.

The best wives on the sign of the zodiac - all coincided! What woman will be the most loyal friend in wealth and poverty, good and evil, in illness and health, and with what better not to contact in principle - our horoscope will tell the best wives of the best wives on the sign of the zodiac - All coincided!


Aries - wife-rival. The young lady - a strong woman, and all sorts of weaklings in her husbands are not needed, of course. She needs a strong man, a resistant fighter capable of withstanding a daily mini-apocalypse: the temperament of the young ladies-Aries is not enough for everyone, just say. Therefore, when Aries find a man who can withstand it, she immediately becomes a lape and marries him. And then the most interesting begins: the struggle was equal, two Aries fought. No one will ever win, because Aries and her husband will pump strength infinitely and to a silver wedding, perhaps, will receive medals with the inscription: "Strength. Level: God. " But do not calm down, of course.


Taurus - Motivator's wife. Motivator of the eight-dimensional levela. The ladies are usually married for cute razolbayev, because it is very nice to love that it is very pleasant: it's always fun with them. But love love, but I always want to eat. And the Baryshne-Taurus wants not only to eat, but also the dress. And the house. And machine.

And so that everyone envied her. Therefore, the divorce, who fell into the hands of the Taurus, very quickly meets with a wide range of her motivating techniques: it is virtuously saw. It is ingenious manipulates. She is masterfully blackmail. And yes, the needles under the nails stuff it also knows how. Well, it will soon become rich and successful. If you survive.

Best Wives by Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Gemini - a wife-mirror. Almost mystical essence, mysterious and dangerous. There are women, next to which a man sees himself a gorgeous hero, there are women, next to whom a man feels a loser, and there are twin lads. They know who he really is.

It is useless to pretend: the twins look at the very essence, feed from the hands of others inner monsters and scratch them behind the ear. That is why the twins are young ladies - the happiest wives: to know about yourself all the most intimate ready only very, very good men. Holy people, in essence. Yes, exactly saints: somehow they endure the inner monsters of the twins, whose name is Legion.


Cancer is an ideal wife. The lady-cancer is not so easy to persuade into marriage, but if it really succeeded, she will show himself in all its glory: she is clever, beauty, hostess. Ideally leads the house, perfectly grips kids, friendly with her husband's relatives. Always support your beloved, always cares him. Because the family is the main thing. The main thing, she said! And who will be involved in his family duties, she will take the steel culley for some place. And it will show the lousy where the crayfish is winter!

Best Wives by Zodiac Sign: Leo

Lioness - Queen's wife. The lionesses are married only for those who are able to provide them as the kingdom immediately, immediately. Well, then all his life to conquer new lands to the glory of her queen and multiply the army of loyal vassals.

That is why it is very convenient to live with a lioness, in principle: a man with conquering ambitions is a strong man, and the lioness does not tolerate with him any competitors. Therefore, everyone should do their own business: the lioness is to shine, the husband of the Lioness is to provide her all that is necessary for this. You can meet at solemn receptions once a week, yes.


Virgo is a smart wife. Very clever. Damn smart! She understands everything, she never needs to be explained. You can talk to her about everything. She will always support, will always give the wise advice. She and her beloved, and the best friend, so the husbands of virgins usually do not have friends.

And they, poor people, no one even cry when a fool attacks the virgin. After all, when the virgin attacks the virgin, she uses her giant umushki, so that it can be sophisticated to grind her tender, soft brains. But then she apologizes, of course, and recognizes what was wrong. Like any smart woman.


Scales - cat cat. Cute, charming, immediate, but absolutely useless in everyday life. On the other hand - what kind of house without a cat? Empty, cold house, bad apartment. And, by the way, the cats are not so simple, as you think: if the young lady-balances do not holy, do not care, do not wear on the handles and not allow her to take the whole bed - she will be offended and leaves without a hat in a cold night. And it is useless to ask her, which is not the case, because: "Oh, everything!"


Scorpio is a witch wife. Real Witch, no joke. They will drive anyone, and then kills him fame, success and wealth. Everyone's young ladies join everything: she is an incredible beauty, she is amazingly sexy, she is smart, she is the embodiment of an ideal woman. And the husband of Scorpion is the embodiment of the perfect man: he is a smart and charismatic, and in generally incredibly cool. Well, because you have to go, in essence, nowhere: "Dominant and humiliate!" - Here is the life credo of the young short scorpion, and who did not survive - he is not jigit. SE WA


Sagittarius - Combat girlfriend: It is possible to fire with it, in water and in intelligence. Behind her husband hides only because from there it is more convenient to serve him cartridges. Yes, it is important to understand that the husband of Sagittarius really always needs cartridges. Firstly, he needs to shoot competitors who do not care that the fact that the ladies-anchor is not married.

And secondly, it is necessary to somehow escape during the family quarrels. Although - we honest - shoot from the angry young lady-Sagittar, it is useless. Not a fact even that will help the discontinuous pomegranate. That's just a plaintive cry "I am to blame for everything, and you are right, right, dear!".


Capricorn - concept wife. The Baryshni-Capricorn has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow marriage should be, and she will not get a step away from him. Therefore, Capricors never get married to whom it fell on some kind of silly love, oh, no. Baryshni-Capricorns know perfectly well that marriage will be happy only if the spouses are wung out of one test. The problem is that the Capricorn itself is not at all of the test, but rather, from solid wood. And her Pulpina, be sure of it finalizing the ideal - even if an ax. True, in the process, the sins will fly and sneak from the legs of random witnesses, but then the world and the ladians will reign in the family of Capricorn. Amen.


Aquarius - Schrödinger's wife. It seems that it is, but at the same time, it is no matter how. In the sense that there is a suicide rodent daily in the refrigerator, the rodent suicide, from the pan, forgotten on the stove, the macaroni husband is implied, and the cat can not always get into its pot without climbing equipment.

And all because Aquarius believes: Life is too short to spend it on the base life. Family life is joy, laughter and fun! So the husband with his wife-aquarius is never bored. Honestly, he, the poor fellow, barely time to come to himself between two sessions of rampant fun.


Fish - wife-actress. The husband never knows what she really thinks, and, of course, has no idea what she was doing all day. But he himself always has something to do: first, he is trying to unravel all his life, what is really honey. And secondly, it should work with a stone wall, breadthrough, owner, lover and an interesting interlocutor.

Because, if the fish is not to ensure, do not protect, do not be pleased, do not entertain and not throw the gifts to her legs - she will win the tail and let's goodbye. Do you ask what is married the fish itself? Oh, the most difficult. She decorates being. Do not donate hands literally.

Want to know who the stars were awarded the title "The Best Wife in the world"? Read our horoscope - Rating wives on the sign of the zodiac!

12th place - Scorpio

Incredibly attractive, enjoyable smart and breathtaking beautiful young scorpion - the worst wife in the world. Because to marry Scorpio - it means to sell yourself into slavery. Of course, to serve such a wonderful mistress in something even honorable, but there is one problem: while you are trying to get it difficult and learn to dare from the sudden fence, you have time to earn baldness, erectile dysfunction and old-age retirement. And then she will change you on a sultry thirty-year Macho with a voyage with such a mustache.

11th place - Fish

Marry fish - the same thing that the cat will have a cat: there will be a very beautiful creature in the house, which all his life will look at you as a regrettable fragrant outcome of the long process of digestion. At the same time, the fish cost much more expensive the cats, but the benefits bring the same amount: sometimes, if the fish deigns to stay in a good arrangement of the Spirit, it will be possible to take it on the handles and ride a little. Maybe she will even cough. And they are sitting on this face, like heavy drugs: from the first time and forever. Because even if you break from the needle, life will still remain empty and meaningless. Great, right?

10th place - lion

Wife-showcase and exhibition of achievements of the national economy. If the national economy did not work for a punctant in every ear of a lioness and for a couple of carats on her ring finger - writing gone: a heavy clawed paw will hit this very much. Very painful. And, more terrible, irreversibly. In the sense that it will not work out to be divorced with a lioness: theoretically, of course, it is possible, almost - all the other women after marriage with a lioness seem to be pale copies of living people. And for another lioness, someone is now too late, ha ha.

9th place - Sagittarius

Satan wife. Honestly warns that she does not need anything from her husband, except for his immortal soul, but here it, be kind, give it to undivided use. Not that Sagittaris is very interested in that this very soul is happening, it just needs warranties for the future. And the joint future in understanding the Sagittarius looks like this: how she will say - it will be. Always. Otherwise, the point in the contract is to burn you forever in hell. Always!

8th place - twins

Gemini - a dangerous wife. There are women, next to which a man sees himself a gorgeous hero, there are women, next to whom a man feels a loser, and there are twin lads. They know who he really is. It is useless to pretend: the twins are looking at the very essence, feed from the hands of other people's inner monsters, they score them for the ear and allow the sofa. The problem is that in fact there are few people ready to get acquainted so close to their inner monsters. And will have to.

7th place - Aries

Everyone knows that living with a haired is how to sit on a volcano, but few people actually understand that for what it is worth it to risk the precious sedalent. And we know: in the flame of the eve of the Aries, you can warm any metal chock, to beat a little, and then harden, and then it turns out some thing - a beautiful and farming is useful. Actually, it happens about it and happens with the husbands of Aries, and they are usually very satisfied with it. All to one. Dissatisfied Aries in Cammet pass, on the smelting.

6th place - scales

Marry weights - from all sides Profitable Enterprise: On the one hand, this is the most "real woman", about which all men dream: soft, gentle and compliant young lady, beautiful, albeit a few nervous mistress, skillful cooking, clever, beauty and Sexy thing. In those days when scales tend to good and joy. What, how to say, happens infrequently. All other time, the scales are devoted to hysterias, suffering, scandals, sobs and eating foreign brains with teaspoon. But it is also done very, very beautiful.

5th place - Virgo

Five of the best wives opens Deva - not so much wife, how much best friend and comrades. Virgas are convinced that her husband and wife should look at themselves at each other, but in one direction, and in the one that Virgo will choose. So be the husband of the Virgin, on the one hand, it is extremely profitable - it's like being alpha-male in the wolf pack: a leader, of course, not at all, and the Wolf, but you have a formal status. If you, of course, do not ram in a wolf skin. Check yourself on the "battery" is very simple: if the insightful Virgin, seeing the ring, did not immediately say "yes," and stated that she was "to think" - you still have a ram. Run, bro. Run quickly.

4th place - Taurus

The honorable fourth place goes to the Taurus - a woman on which it is worth marrying if you are a cheerful beggar divorce. Because the Taurus has a gift - to grow from the beggars of ragling successful razolbayev, but here are the fun, as a rule, it is lost somewhere. So it is necessary to marry the Taurus if it seems to you that the plate, flying into your head, is very fun. Yes, and three thousand five hundred and eighteenth times - just as fun, as in the first.

3rd place - Capricorn

The top three Capricorn leaders are closed - women who know the recipe for family happiness. Elementary Watson! An ideal man should marry an ideal woman, it's easier to nowhere, right? So married Capricorns leave, guided by common sense and sober payments, and not some kind of half-philantal love. And then they live with their perfect husband in love and harmony, while death can not register them. The criteria of ideality we will probably not give: whom Capricorn will choose - they can see the mirror, and the rest has no need to know such terrible things. You will not sleep later.

2 place - Aquarius

The honorable second place gets to the Aquarius - only and solely because the aquaries do not like to be the first: what should I strive then, eh? Wife-Aquarius - Almost a mythical woman, the main heroine of male dreams: Eternally young (ninety-bearing aquaries can giggle, like freshman); Eternally beautiful, because the temperament of the time of time is not limited; Always amazing, because Aquarius will always live their lives next to her husband and will never live with them alone. The problem is only alone: \u200b\u200byou are seven pairs of iron boots you will stop, bro, while you will drag it and whine: "Get out of me, well, please!"

1 place - Cancer

The lady-cancer is not so easy to persuade into marriage, but if it really succeeded, it will manifest itself in all its glory: she is smart, and beautiful, and the hostess. Ideally leads the house, perfectly grips kids, friendly with her husband's relatives. Always support your beloved, always cares him. Because the family is the main thing. The main thing, she said! And who will be involved in his family duties, she will take the steel culley for some place. And here, of course, it would be possible to regret that I did not marry any scorpion, but ... it is impossible to regret. Klozcl.

Who is the best wife on the sign of the zodiac, and with what little ladies you need to be more inactive ...

Wives by zodiac sign

12th place - Scorpio

Damn beautiful, insanely attractive and very smart scorpion woman - the worst wife in the world. After all, a man who takes her wife, sells himself into real slavery! Without a doubt, serve such a precious lady and pleasantly, but until you get used to her complex nature, you have time to earn a baldness, erectile dysfunction and an old-age retirement.

11th place - Fish

To marry fish - it's like a kitten to start, because the benefit from it as much. Fish - the creatures are unearthly and attractive. If a female fish is to stay in a good arrangement of the Spirit, it will be possible to ride it on the handles. For some kind of mysterious reason, representatives of strong sex fall into the fanatical dependence on this sign of the zodiac. And if some kind of brave one can break the relationship with fish - life becomes meaningless and empty.

10th place - lion

The most brave go to the fight with the lions. Lion's wife as an expensive showcase - she has the most beautiful decorations, the best cars and all the same. It all depends on the appetite of the predatory beast. You can theoretically divorce with a predator, but almost - after a divorce, all women seem boring and pale copies. But for the content of another lioness, there is no longer no, ha!

9th place - Sagittarius

Satan wife. All she needs is your immortal soul. As a wife says, it will be, and always. If you dare to disobey - you will burn forever in hell.

8th place - twins

The most dangerous view of the wife. She knows who her spouse is really. And you do not hide anything, do not even try! Her tempering look will not miss anything, so put this cookie in place, you and so fat.

7th place - Aries

Very interesting view of his wife. She is the best thing that could happen to her man, in this wife-Aries convinced 100%! She will fight until the latter, but the husband reitates. And in favor of the latter.

6th place - scales

Skillful culinary car, beauty, excellent mistress - Yes, it is a wife-scales. Dream, right? But only in those days when her majesty is favorably good and tenderness. Everything else free time, the scales are devoted to scandals, hysterics and endless eating someone else's liver.

5th place - Virgo

Wife Virgo is a wonderful companion, best friend and colleague. I am convinced that the couple should look in one direction, and in the one that the virgin herself will choose. The leader in the flock will also be she. Formally, the leader here you are, but all the responsibility assumes the Volchitsa Virgo. And if you, in response to the proposal of your hands and hearts, you will hear: "I'll think about" - run, brother!

4th place - Taurus

On such a lady, it is worth marrying if you are very cheerful and not very rich in the divibor. She will not retreat until it grows out of you a successful man, though all the joy of you will disappear somewhere. But if you think that the service flying in your head is all the same fun, then dare!

3rd place - Capricorn

The perfect man should be a husband of an ideal woman, everything is elementary! In the choice of partner Capricorns are guided by the benefit and benefit, and not some kind of love there. And if a female Capricorn chose you, you're lucky to the end of my days. True, if you do not contradict ...

2 place - Aquarius

The honorable second place is getting waterword. Ever young laughter, air and tender, this young lady is a dream of any man. True, you will have to chase your happiness very stubbornly, because to persuade her to marry - the task is not from the lungs.

1 place - Cancer

Family for cancer above all! Sin complain about this young lady. She and the clever, and beauty, and at home perfectly cares, and the relatives of the husband adores. Well, what is not a dream? After all, the family is the main thing. So do not even dare to neglece your family responsibilities, otherwise you will get merit! And you should not regret that I did not marry any virgin ... it is impossible!