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Rituals and rites for the new moon to fulfill the desire (magic). How to fulfill the New Year's desire

Ritual to attract good luck for the new year.

This ritual told in his interview the famous figure skating coach Tatyana Tarasova. Her, in turn, taught it to do the best doctor of the country, this rite helped her to cope with difficult situations in life.

Those who have made this technique say that many desires really come true.

The rite is done on the last day of the year. When you have a clear intention to get rid of those circumstances that you interfere with life, take a handle and a large sheet of paper.

Divide it on half, on one side, write down everything, why do you want to get rid of, and everything is all that would like to have, or buy. After that, tear off the bad, brush and throw away.

Roll over the same part and put in an album or your favorite book, after a while you will see how slowly circumstances will change for the better.

New Year's magic from Darya Mironova.

It will help to implement your cherished dreams (but remember: desires may not be more than six!). The basis of this rite is an ancient spell-talisman whose strength is checked by many generations. 3.

On December 1, exactly at eleven o'clock in the evening, he burn six candles and say a special spell six times. After each repeat, write your desire on the paper sheet, indicating the exact period of its execution. So you will have six small leaves.

Exactly at midnight with the first flock of the chimes alternately burn all the pieces and let the ashes in the wind, trying three times: "Everything will come back to me, the bird of happiness will turn."

The spell itself sounds as follows:

Peel Kovatti
Sopllah Imor Ttot acted
Hop Nymato Onnotto
Krauskonny Moa Kit. "

I want to especially draw your attention to the fact that this rite is valid only in the evening of the New Year.

So what is the magical can be made for the new year?

Buy wheat and rye in advance. As soon as the numbers appear on the clock 12 o'clock in the morning, throw up the handful of wheat and rye with the words: - "From one will be born ten, out of ten - a hundred, from one hundred - a thousand, so that I have a slave (s) (s), I was born, and in my house remained."

The first number of these grains with the floor do not collect, but for the second January, collect (eliminate) grains and fold into the red cloth. Put this nodule for the icon. In the spring, you will hang these in the field or in your garden, in the country, so that they have come accurately. And in the autumn, collect this harvest and use the grains for the rite of next year.Your house will always drive money.

The next year repeat everything first. Weight will be even higher (constantly grow), if you use the seeds that have sowed themselves and took advantage of them for the rite next year.

You can take note of champagne with a champagne, which can be performed on New Year's Eve.

In order for you throughout the course of the year, happiness and luck, every time, unscrewing from a glass with champagne, lower your index finger into it and keep all the bubbles. Do not forget at the end of the procedure to lubricate whiskey with the same finger. Thus, you make anointing for good luck.

Simple New Year rites for welfare.

On New Year's days, all hostesses have to cook a lot, so taking advantage of this.

To begin with - a ritual to attract wealth to the family.

Prepare all the components for the test, for the place of it. When it becomes climbing, 3 times in question with his hands and tell us three times: "As you, the test, grow up, raise up, and down, and the breadth you grow up, so in my house there was money, grow up and never endured the centuries. My word is quick and easy to do. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then bake any pastry from this test. It is important that each family member will try it.

Next whisper to apply inany time from January 1 to January 14, the inclusive is but to whisper on any drink and eating three times, at the same time autumn twice with a baptizing sign, and food - once, such words: "Lord, save me, (your name)! Lord, help me (your name)! Lord, doses to me, (your name), live this year in the cock and in the sonship, health and happiness, the grace of your and kindness. Amen".

New Year's Eve is one of the strongest moments when a person can make a desire.

First, on the mental level, it is associated with us with the beginning of a new stage, on which everything should happen. Secondly, rituals are performed on New Year's Eve. This is the drinking champagne under the battle of the chimes, and attempts to have time to make a desire to this short moment.

And the main task of any ritual is to strengthen our faith in the fact that the desire will necessarily come true. And without the faith of a dream badly come true. So sin misses such a chance and not to make a New Year's order. And you can do it so ...

Preparing for the celebration, stay alone and define your most cherished desire for this year and express it in any dish or drink. For example, if you are going to buy a cottage in the Crimea, buy the Crimean Wine.

A few hours before the feast, recording it and temper your desire to him. And when they beat the chimes, drink not champagne, namely it. Or, if your desire is associated with some country, you can prepare any dish of national cuisine (preparing it, you need to think about your desire). And again, in a magical moment, under the battle of the chimes, eat a certain part of it.

After you in the New Year's midnight, they made your most cherished desire, do not "spill" it - do not shout immediately "Hurray!", "Happy New Year!". Consider a pause of 1.5 minutes and only then lay down in the gap. If you agree with the whole company, then the energy of your desire will increase several times due to this unity.

And one more very important point. Desires come true when a person is grateful to what he has to date - as good and not very. Therefore, it is necessary before making an order for the new year, thank the outgoing for everything that he brought you.

We offer you several New Year rituals, with the help of which you can fulfill your desires.

To retrece failures.

But those who are seriously configured to start a new life from the new year, it is recommended to spend a special ritual - to arrange a fire on which you can burn everything with what you want to part. If there are no old unnecessary or interfering things, then prepare the notes and objects that symbolize your chagrins and failures: they will become "fuel". Arrange at the fire dance, tops, jumps with shouts, dance with singing. It is important that all the bad information about past problems, diseases and failures came out of you and burned down on fire. During the ritual, it is important not to drink and not.

To get rich in the new year, take advantage of the next ritual.

In a secluded place, burn three green candles, after attaching to their ends of the coin. Imagine how money fall into your pocket. And the more clearly you can imagine it, the more money should appear next year.

American magicians offer a more pragmatic reception. January 1 in the morning instead of the usual washness to lose the face by dollars. Of course, this is not entirely hygienic, but the magicians assure that the reception is very effective.

It is also impossible to celebrate the New Year with empty pockets - the right road to what you will spend the whole year. So under the battle battle in your left hand, keep the glass with champagne, and in the right hold the coin. Or just put money in your pocket or shoes. The main thing is that they are with you.

On December 31, write a letter to himself, put a postcard in it with wishes and cash bills. After receiving it next year, save the bill, it will bring you monetary success in the new year.

Put on the bottom of the refrigerator a red bag with 3 copper coins - a wide up.

Put under a plate on a festive table coin. One who will take from this plate, is waiting for monetary success.

When you first hit the chimes in your hand a coin and make a material well-being in the new year, throw in a glass and drink to the bottom. After that, in the coin make a hole and wear it, as a key chain.

How to make a desire for the new year.

New Year's desire is riddled in arbitrary form. You only need to avoid the "not" particle. Wish not "not sick", but "be healthy".

When the clock is 12 beating.

1. Before the clock is started to beat 12 times, prepare paper and pencil. With the onset of the new year, you need to have time to write a desire on paper, burn paper, stirrel her in a glass with champagne and drink it while the clock is still beaten. Then the desire will certainly be fulfilled.

2. On the first second of the coming year, you need to pat on the head of the boy. For the absence of such a boy, a significantly matured. And even the animal some, but necessarily male. By the way, if a man congratulates the first happy New Year, then this is also good, so if you meet the new year in a purely female company, then immediately with his offensive - running around the neighbors!

In the first minutes of the coming year, discover the lady's door and call good luck to the house, and all bad ride.

Simple New Year's rituals for the fulfillment of desires.

At three o'clock in the morning do the following. Attach your hands to a clean sheet of paper and circle them with a pencil, then fidgeted with gold paint (purchase in advance) and when during the year you will be bad, attach your hands to your hands, and you will be given the energy of the holiday and happiness.

If the already hanged glass toy fell from the New Year tree, then collect her fragments and when you will throw out, make an unusual desire. Will be.

When with New Year's Eve, you will remove the decorations And you will take it out of the house, then say: "Failure to a lot, a Christmas tree on peace, well, to my home. May it be so".

Needles that fell on the floor under the Christmas tree, do not throw away, but collect. With a cold, 1 cup needles pour 1 l cool boiling water, insist 3 hours and add to the bath. Take it.

If on the night from the 13th to the 14th of January Put the desire recorded on the paper decorated with the New Year tree, and it will be burned at noon, it will turn.

If you ignite candles on the Christmas tree, then the remaining wax (stearin) collect and make one candle from it, as it turns out. Slag with ailment and look at the flame. Healed.

To the place where the Christmas tree was standing, put the stool.It is considered: if it is to sit on it 10-15 minutes, then the negative, if you have it, neutralizes. There is this place a day.

The last decoration taken from the New Year tree is a reliable faith. It can be placed (hang) in its home where it is considered necessary. There is one year.

If you want your favorite with you all year, Put in my pocket of his face face to myself. And to push it to legalizing your relationship can someone's wedding ring next to this photo.

Seven days before the new year:

* Do not lend money to anyone and try to pay your debtors with you;

* Do so that your hairpins were only old, comb, comb, too;

* Do not wear a new belt;

* Do not sew tedied buttons;

* Do not repair shoes and outerwear;

* Do not make small purchases of non-food group;

* Try to wake up at sunrise.

Take the insoles from your shoes (any), put them on the street. Prepare them so that you can burn, and tell me 6 times:

"All that is worn, all that the Herge, who served and unnecessary, burns here, will free from trouble. May it be so".

If you want to improve your material well-being, "call" in your life, then, dressed up, among jewelry, use coins, as well as cookies, candy, marmalade and other sweets.

For example, affected by spruce branches apples are considered a symbol of fertility. Drain from the New Year tree candy and to eat it - it means to live all year in wealth, it is an old sign.

If a matter of health is relevant for you, then go to the decoration ate with silvery and white garlands, bows, balls and bells. White color is the color of purity, it helps to neutralize the disease. Lonely people of the Christmas tree helps to find their second half.

If you want good luck in your personal life, you wish to attract - decorate the Christmas tree with red balls and hearts painted with eggs - a symbol of harmony in love.

If you dream about the appearance of a child in a family, hang on a green magician small children's toys and get along with a Christmas tree with pink or blue - at their discretion.

And do not forget about nuts in the gold wrapper - they symbolize the mystery of divine fishery.

December 31 for the new year there is a conceived desire and if you read a special conspiracy at the moment when you wished something on New Year's Eve, then after the New Year's ritual, the desired will surely fulfill. Magic for the new year is the strongest white and black magic that is capable of almost immediately to fulfill any dream that commenced at the moment of reading a conspiracy on a desire, the main thing that you wants to hardly and ask for the New Year to do not harm you and another person. Conspiracy So that in the New Year, the desire exactly is read next to the New Year's Live Christmas Tree. Sorridge from the Christmas tree 7 needles and remove the rain, all this is necessary to read the conspiracy of the acting intelligent - dream.

New Year's rite - Ritual December 31 with reading a conspiracy on the fulfillment of desire on the night for the new year is as follows:

On December 31, find a secluded place so that no one interfere with and you did not distract you from the design of the New Year's rite. Start a ritual. Tie 7 needles with a rain of 3 turns and every time tied up the nodule. There should be 3 nodes. While tie nodules Read a plot :

Shaggs from the Christmas tree broach in a bouquet.

Father and son and Holy Spirit, sorry and help!
As this node is firmly sweat, the desire to fulfill the temper.
The spirit of the New Year on the Christmas tree sits on me looks at me.

Magic possesses, my desire is performed.
All that comes, the Spirit will perform,

Until it does, remembers me.

Let the desire of the slaves of God (the slave of God) ... (Pronounce your desire) will come true.


Relieve the associated needles under the New Year tree and very soon your desire for the new year will be fulfilled.

© Copyright: Magina

  • It happens that man is constantly not lucky in all matters. Most likely that the person has damaged damage and failure. Conspiracy will tell the rite to remove the wrongness of the hornbeam with a person with a conspiracy and chicken egg. For the rite only a special egg demolished by black chicken. You can buy an egg from the black chicken in the village, and you can always distinguish it

  • The magical way of punishment of the offender (offended person) is done by conspiracy into water in windy weather. This is the strongest way to how you can punish the man who offended you with a man or woman rituals of black magic. This method was used for more than 12 centuries to punish the enemy and guiding damage. Conspiration to punish the enemy - the offender is needed

  • Want to get a rich harvest Read this strong conspiracy to a good harvest. After a conspiracy on the harvest on your land plot, the estate or vegetable garden will grow strongly all that plant. In the fall you will get the best harvest for all previous years. Conspiracy needs to be read on the growing month twice, once in the morning on a stranger garden, the second time in the evening on his, and the words of conspiracy

  • In order for the desire to be read by a conspiracy to fulfill his conceived desire. The technology of execution of desire with the help of white magic is quite simple. Any desire will be performed if you read this strong conspiracy three times: once at home before you go to church, the second in front of the entrance to the church and the third time returning home from the church and then a strong ritual for the fulfillment of desire

  • You want the desire to be fulfilled and in your life has come happy days. Perform a magic ritual. At night on Ivan Khapov, go to the forest and find a flowering fern. Do not hurry to tear it, you need to spend a simple rite and disrupt the blooming fern by saying the words of the conspiracy. After that, you will always be accompanied by luck, happiness, health and cash wealth.

  • Conspiracies will tell how to quickly attract good luck in their lives with the help of magic and what conspiracy will help catch luck and good luck in all the cases started. Believe it is quite simple and at the same time, a very effective magic rite of white magic which will help to independently catch good luck in business, study, at work, in a lottery ... for the tail and become the most lucky

  • The conspiracy for the fulfillment of desire with the handkerchief is in third place in its effectiveness and the rate of execution of the mounted. Even in the old days, the novels were tied to the shawls or when the important event should be rid of an important event that should come true. The old people knew that the knot was knotted on the nose scarf possesses a magical effect (the magic of the fulfillment of desires) and believe this

  • White magic execution of desire teaches how to fulfill a birthday desire and what conspiracy contributes to the fulfillment of the desire in the shortest time. It was about this ritual magic that acting everything that wishes conspiracies for today and will tell. Believe me to independently make a strong conspiracy that accurately perform the mung desire does not need any magical objects, but

  • Strong conspiracies like prayers are able to fulfill any desire. Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Music Mary Mary Quickly, the most important desire has long been popular with people for its rapid and accurate fulfillment of what to ask. If you have a cherished desire, it is possible to pray and ask the holy performances of your cherished desire only for

  • Icon Nicholas Wonderworker Like and Prayer Acting Desires together combines the same thing. If you read the prayer to St. Nicholas and skip her words through your heart, then very fast any of your desire will be fulfilled and you will be able to make sure how strong the strength of this prayer is! Prayer To fulfill the desire to read in the church standing on the knees in front of the icon of Nicholas

Conspiracy to fulfill the desire for the new year Reviews who did:

There is one very important and necessary desire that I decided to make a new year. Now knowing this plot that helps to fulfill New Year's desires I will definitely read it for the new year and my desire will surely come true.

New Year's conspiracies to fulfill the desire is the most real way so that everything that comes to be fulfilled, but will help this special plot that I will definitely read for the New Year.

I also have one very important desire if I fulfill him, I will become the most happy woman in the world. A good gift for the new year turned out if after I read a conspiracy for the fulfillment of my accredited desire on New Year's Eve, it was turned out and I got what I will ask.

That's what rite and plot for the new year you need to make my desire to be fulfilled. Thanks for the good New Year's ritual for the fulfillment of desire.

If you do not know how to fulfill the desire to celebrate the New Year's Eve answer, you need to read this conspiracy to fulfill a conceived desire in the New Year and it will accurately fulfill. I got and I am looking forward to the onset of New Year's Eve to again fulfill the New Year's ritual Acting Desires.

Knowing this conspiracy to fulfill the desire in the new year I can make a magic to make so that my desire is fulfilled.

Now I know how to fulfill a conceived desire for the new year and this New Year's conspiracy Acting a real find

Every year I get to make a desire and read this New Year's conspiracy to fulfill a conceived desire in the new year to receive everything that wished. Very good New Year's ritual for the fulfillment of dreams!

Quote: Guest

Last year made this rite on New Year's Eve and guess desire. The conceived desire was fulfilled during the month, so on this new year I will read the New Year's conspiracy to fulfill the desire

Now I know exactly what ritual in the New Year will help to fulfill my desire. I will read the New Year's conspiracy to fulfill my desire and I believe it will be fulfilled.

Very necessary and good New Year's ritual Acting dream. I will make a desire and read the conspiracy and all that is intended to be fulfilled.

In front of you, 10 effective New Year will accept - with accurate observance of the implementation technique, all dreams are simply obliged to come true!

Manuscripts burn
Desire Type: Any
A proven way to follow 90% of our compatriots, passing it from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. It is necessary to cook a small piece of paper and, as soon as the Kremlin Quararants begin to beat midnight, quickly write their desire on a piece of paper, set fire to the ashes shake into a glass with champagne and to drink all this time. True, some lazy creatures prefer not to write anything, but just in mind to make a desire and drink champagne. In this case, the execution of the desire is not guaranteed!

Gastronomic dozne
Desire Type: Most Care
In order for the entire next year to be generous to successes and good luck in all areas of life, pressing grapes. With each flock of chimes in the outgoing year, you need to eat one grape - 12 grapes correspond to twelve months. When the turn of the last berry comes, make one thing is the most cherished - desire.

In full view
Desire Type: Financial Welfare
It is necessary to celebrate the New Year with champagne in one hand and with a clad coin - in another. It is believed that the whole coming year you will not know the needs in money.

Take it off immediately!
Desire type: life update
Meet the New Year in new clothes and throw out a bunch of old things - along with them all the experiences and failures, which brought the old year. In addition, it is possible to say quite accurately: when complying with this tradition in the new year, you will have a new wardrobe - you will not go naked!

Bokal lessons
Desire type: Good luck in everything
Sketches for the most cunning: you need to drink the last glass in the outgoing year. Wait when all the notes are already spending the old year, will deal with champagne, with their papers, lighters, grapes ... and drink your drink the last. They say the last glass in the outgoing year brings good luck to someone who drank him.

Night open doors
Desire type: life update
On the eve of the New Year, the tailoscury the entrance door and leave it no longer, so that everything is bad, which was last year, left, and the joyful events of the New Year managed to enter your home. If the door is closed, everything can remain as it was last year.

I can see everything from above ...
Desire Type: Most Care
Under the battle battle, you need to have time to jump as much as possible and make the most cherished desire in the jump. Even if for some reason it will not turn, with his jugs a la kangaroo, you raise the mood to others and become a parable in the towns in your company!

Desire type: Good luck in everything
If in the evening on December 31, someone sneezes in your house, then the whole next year will be happy. So just in case you cook tobacco and pepper - let guests sneeze the teams, at speed and volume!

Desire Type: Any
If the new year to make a desire and stroke the boy on the head, it will surely come true. Pouring boys in advance!

Desire Type: Any
Write your desire on a piece of colored paper and make a New Year's toy from it. Having this toy at the very top of the festive Christmas tree and wait when the conceived comes true ... Do not throw your craft, even when the Christmas tree moves to the mezzanine or in trash.

Issue Signs myself! For example: if you meet the New Year under a blue fir tree in blue and with blue ... Shadows, there is a chance that your blue dream will come true.

Whatever way to fulfill your desire you chose, the most important thing remains unchanged. You must sincerely believe that all the mandated will surely come true, well, a little bit of helping your dream to find the road to home.

Winter holiday change of the year causes a feeling of fairy tale and a miracle. Since ancient times, this time was considered the best for magical rituals, positively affecting life. Conspiracies and rites for the New Year - the opportunity to turn to the highest forces, express their respect and ask for help.

Features of New Year's magic

Festive rituals are extremely strong. During the change of the year in the environment, there is a special energy of positive and faith in the magic, which has a positive effect on working with magic.

  • ask only for yourself;
  • do not forget about gratitude to the highest forces;
  • to remember the essence of the ritual - to express the desire to leave all the bad in the old year, and in the future to believe in the best.

New Year's festive rites and rituals require the fulfillment and generally accepted rules of work with magic:

  • observe the post and healthy lifestyle;
  • stay alone at the time of the rite;
  • create an appropriate atmosphere;
  • believe in magic.

A good way to achieve success is to make a talisman from the new year symbol. Patron 2019 - Pig or Caban. The figure of this animal needs to be kept in the field of reach, periodically take into hand and share energy with it.

How to edit the Christmas tree

The festive atmosphere will not be finished without green beauty. Her decoration is a kind of ritual in many families. There is a way to strengthen the New Year rites, ask for the execution of the desired one.

This ritual can be carried out both alone and the whole family. During the decoration of the Christmas tree, it is necessary to mentally make a desire on each ball. Placing a star on the top of the tree better entrust the head of the family who will ask for a special dream.

Finish the rite to turn on the garland. At this point, all the participants are taken by arms, they pronounce chorus three times:

"The lights light up - desires are executed!"

Rite for health

Magical action will increase the beauty, get rid of diseases. Conduct it in 1 hour before the new year.

The executing must be taken in advance to the shower, placing the negative. At that moment it is important to ask for the cleansing of aura, withdrawing the unchalled.

By the date of the rite should be prepared:

  • three red candles;
  • outdoor mirror.

Candles ignite, arrange at the corners of the mirror and in the center. In my right hand take a spoon with honey and read a plot:

"On the three sides of the day, on the fourth night. From the Earth, water flows away. Utka, disease, tearing the thrust. Earth-Mother Ice, water. A drop of sweet me in the mouth of the Volya and the winch on the ground I will go. Young becoming overlooked, we seal sweet honey. May it be so".

Finishing the rite, conductive eats sweetness, drinking it with a small amount of water. The mirror must be covered with a dark cloth, which can be removed only by the next morning.

How to attract wealth

The financial situation affects all areas of life. Rituals for the New Year helps to achieve wealth, achieve a higher position.

Magic action is carried out after the onset of the festive night:

  1. For the first purchase, it is necessary to hide into the clay container.
  2. In the first new moon of the next year, one coin is added to the money and read a plot:

"As a month in the sky, the night grows and my money will grow. As a month in the sky, the night arrives, so the money in my pockets will arrive. Amen".

The ritual repeat each night on the growing moon. In the full moon, the coins with coins are driving away from their own dwelling.

To accompanude luck

Conducting an ancient rite will allow you to achieve success in your career, love, attract good luck to your side. He is committed on December 31 after sunset:

  1. Conductive goes to the street, taking an important thing from the house. With her will have to part in the sense of higher forces.
  2. Looking for a desert place where the sky is not closed at home.
  3. Looking at the brightest star, it says three times:

"The sun rises in the east red, gets up in the east dawn allay, the midnight rises in the sky star blue, the star is high, the star is happy. The star is shining from January to December twelve months in a row, twelve months in a row. I stand, a slave (name), under the star, I go from the east to the West on the roads, along the ways, on the verst pillars. From the way, I will not go away, with happiness to the trail of the year. Amen to my word. Amen star, Amen good fate. Amen".

The text of the conspiracy is repeated four times for each side of the world. Start from the east, moving clockwise.

The ritual thing is left at the site of the first reading of the conspiracy. Next, the conducted goes home. It is prohibited to talk and turn around.

Love ritual

The ritual makes it possible to find one-person soul mate. The ritual is made in the festive midnight. Important condition - the new year must be found without a company.

For the performance of the ritual, two golden candles and a glass of red wine will be required:

  1. Exactly at midnight conducting the candles, puts them on the sides from the largest mirror in the house.
  2. Opens the windows to hear the echoes of the celebration.
  3. Plips wine into a glass, linked with a reflection in the mirror and reads a plot:

"I appeal to God! I open my soul! Smash thoughts and feelings! There is no art tricks! Split window! In the house dark dark! Life in the house breathe! Love me inspire and reward! Let it be for all the sun, the ray of joyful, light, sweet (cute) notable! There is no barrier for love! I ask for patience of rewards! How the sun will be wanted in the New Year, so a new life will start! Amen!"

"Will being said! Loneliness broke, happiness got it! ".

Upon completion of the ritual, go to bed. The effect of the magic act will completely turn the well-established life, bring the romance and feeling a fairy tale.

On the preservation of family relationships

New Year's rituals not only attract money and success. This rite will bring harmony to life, will strengthen the relationship between relatives. It is held an hour before the new year:

  1. It is necessary to go outside, substitute the face under the light of the stars.
  2. Ask the highest forces on help, express gratitude for the success and achievements.
  3. Conspiracy:

"Perfume of love and warmth! I ask you to be in my house, so that love is not gone! To cover the waves delight! So that was from your beloved sense! In bed and in practice! In joy and in trouble! To be with him always and everywhere! Amen!"

To fulfill desire

A complex New Year's ritual, the action of which will bring the achievement of the goal, will significantly improve the quality of life. It is carried out exactly a week before the celebration so that New Year's Eve became the seventh after performing the pre-New Year ritual.

To make magic, you will need:

  • paper;
  • red marker;
  • white candle;
  • threads of red and green;
  • a piece of bread, candy;
  • money;
  • red rose, which you need to buy yourself.

At midnight, the conductive remains alone. The location of the value does not have, it is important that the person is comfortable. The essence of the ritual:

  1. As a lit candle, the marker should be closed in the palms. It should be transferred to him all the desires, feel the exchange of energy.
  2. On paper, you need to record three main desires that concern only conductive.
  3. It is important to read the text again, put in it a part of your own soul. After below, they make a prescription:

"So it is, thank you."

  • bread will bring prosperity;
  • sweets will add fun, harmony and health;
  • rose will attract love.

Objects wrap in paper with desires, tied with threads and seal with candles wax. Magic amulet hide under the pillow, go to sleep. In bed, he must spend exactly seven nights. The first morning of the new year, the subject hides in the highest place in the house. A year later, the talisman is thrown out, the ritual is carried out again.

Obserg to gain confidence

The rites for the new year are not always complex. A simple action will help to find strength at the time of despair, increase the chances of achieving the goal.

The ritual is committed in the midst of the celebration when the conductive mood has a good mood:

  1. A person finds a secluded place, preparing a sheet of paper and a handle.
  2. Conducts left and right palms so that two projections of their own hands.
  3. Coloring drawings with gold paint, you can add sparkles.
  4. Having waited until the coating dry, the piece of paper is folded and hiding.

The chaff is getting at the moments of longing and sadness. Special energy will help to remember festive optimism and confidence, tells the way out of a difficult situation.

Creating an amulet for all occasions

The mascot in the form of a doll is created in order to gain eternal protection, help in all matters. It needs to be done a week before the new year. Necessary subjects:

  • thread and needle;
  • white cloth, tablecloth;
  • spices;
  • candles;
  • golden ribbon.

Fill herded doll, each of which symbolizes its own goal:

  • love - Rose or Jasmine;
  • good luck - mint or sage;
  • wealth is clover or laurel;
  • protection against ailments and curses - nettle or St. John's wort.

Spices filled with a doll, self-sewn from white natural fabric.

  1. The table is put on a white tablecloth, draw on the fabric of the pentagram.
  2. The center put a doll, in the corners there are burning candles of the same color.
  3. Make an incision on the finger of the left hand, dripped with blood on one of the candles.
  4. A candle is made to the future talisman, out loud to the desired changes in life, whatever you want to find.

The rite is repeated with each candle. During the implementation of new paths, links, events. It is important to tell about all thoughts.

A doll is looking for a gold ribbon, hide in a secluded place. About the holding of a ritual is not told to anyone.

New Year's signs

Festive night can tell about the near future. Any event in the New Year is a sign, prompted over. The interpretation of vintage will take:

  1. A broken christmas toy - to unexpected profits. At the time of getting rid of bright fragments, it is important to make a desire.
  2. To the New Year's Eve should get rid of debts and not loan. Such actions will warn the problem in the future.
  3. At the time of the celebration, a dress was broken - to a stormy novel. Spirid to money.
  4. If you drink champagne from the glass, poured the last, you can not be afraid of the troubles and sorrow.
  5. New Year's diseases symbolize good luck and abundance, according to accept, they cannot be thrown away.
Tatyana Kulichich

New Year's holidays are approaching, and everything around is filled with a solemn atmosphere. But in antiquity, the new year was not just a fun holiday, but a special, magical age of the year. Therefore, many rituals and fortune tells certainly tried to hold on New Year's Eve. At this time, we seek to lay the program for the coming year. This also says the famous saying "How New Year will meet, and spend."

It is believed that New Year's desires are almost always come true. Why is that? The point is the strength of thought, which increases many times, being supported by powerful egregor - when a huge number of people, at the same time, are configured to one positive wave. The collective field enhances everything that one person can do. Therefore, do not miss a favorable moment and for the battle of the chimes, be sure to make a desire. Do not know how to use the magic features that this holiday gives? We have prepared for you some of the most interesting rituals for the fulfillment of desires.

Magic balls

New Year's fir, in itself, - a powerful magic symbol, assure esoterics. And symbolizes the tree of the world, the axis on which the universe is held. In a special tree of the world, Scandinavians believed, calling him Igdrasil. It was believed that three norms live under him, female perfumes, hiding fate of gods and people.

So, for this ritual you will need a live spruce or pine, or several twigs of these trees. Of course, it is also an artificial, but its energy will be not so strong. Decide in advance with the desires that you want to fulfill next year, better write them down on paper. And then buy New Year's balls, on which these desires will need to write. To strengthen their energy, select those colors whose symbolism matches your desire. For example, if you dream of love, buy a red ball. About wealth - green. About spiritual development - blue or purple. And if next year you dream of purchasing your own home, write this desire on the brown ball.

Desires should be from 3 to 6, so that there is enough energy to have a lively energie. Magic balls closer to tree trunk. When the chimes are trying twelve, go to the New Year's ate and lightly tap each of the balls, uttering your desires to yourself.

Homemade toys

This ritual of execution of desires is similar to the previous one, its only difference is that you will need to make symbolic christmas toys yourself. Each of the toys should mean your desire. Dreams of baby - strollery or child, real estate - house, etc. You can make toys just in the form of painted cardboard pictures.

Ritual for the execution of desires with candles

Candles and in general fire is one of the main symbols of the new year. After all, this holiday almost coincides with the winter solstice, time when the sun is reborn after a long period of immersion in the darkness. In antiquity on New Year's Eve and at the next twelve nights, people lit up twelve candles, by the number of months a year. This ritual should be to bring the energy of light and heat into their home and bring the offensive offensive.

So, for this ritual, we will also need twelve white candles. They should burn at least 5-10 minutes for twelve nights, so it is better to take fairly thick and high candles. On the last day of the old year, take a blank sheet of paper and divide it into two parts. On the first, write down the fact that last year prevented you to fulfill the cherished wishes, all the problems and obstacles. In the second half of the sheet, list your desires.

On New Year's Eve, until midnight, burn twelve white candles. Also prepare a metal saucer or a ashtray where you will burn the list of problems. From the flame of candles, burn paper with recorded barriers to make desires and leave to get a saucer, representing how all your problems and sorrows remain in the old year. After driving the chimes, put burning candles around the candles and in the middle of it. Put the leaflets with desires. Let him stay there for a few hours while you celebrate.

Then, throughout the twelve nights of the New Year, ignite the candles (they are still circular) and meditate on their flame a few minutes. In detail, imagine a new life and your desires. Then they will certainly come true!

Magic food

The New Year and Christmas holidays were preparing a special menu, each dish in which had its own symbolic meaning. For example, baking symbolized the connection with the world of ancestors, wealth and fertility. So, how can we make our New Year's Magic Food? There are several ways here.

First, you can cook special conspiracy and add it to some dishes, for example, in a cold or, which is best, in the dough for baking. How to make conspiracted water? Just take a glass of clean cold water and bringing lips as close as possible to the water, whisper utters my desire. It is necessary to pronounce that it has already come true, and without using a "not" particle. For example: "Next year, I will have a child" or "Next year I find a new high-paying job." Immediately then add water to our dish.

There is another ritual for the fulfillment of desires associated with food. For him you will need your favorite berries. Before the fighting of the chimes, prepare berries in the number of your desires (better to record them in advance, so as not to forget). Then, when the chimes are trying, you must eat them in turn, saying your desires to yourself. Some for a similar ritual use wheat grains or any cereals.

Ritual for the fulfillment of the desires "Dream in a glass"

For this technique, you need to record your desires in advance on a piece of paper. Also prepare metal tweeters or scissors, they will keep the burning sheet over a glass of champagne so that the ashes fell into it. And snapped! You need to do this cheerful ritual as soon as possible, ideally for the first minute of the new year.

Technique for the incarnation of the dream of a "sprout of a new life"

For this simple, but effective ritual, you will need grass seeds or plants that quickly germinate. Wheat is best suited for this. So, a few days before the new year, put seeds, fading one of my most cherished desire. Before throwing seeds into the prepared land, say: "The seed of a new life in the ground is thrown, the cherished desire to fulfill your own!" To enhance the effect, it is also possible to pour the land to the conspiracy with water, which we told about the preparation of magical food in the ritual.

On New Year's Eve, be sure to substitute the pot with seeds on the table. You can also additionally sprinkle with seeds space around it to strengthen the energy. What to do after the sprouts will germinate? If you sacked something like wheat, which quickly boils and fade, you need to cut the sprouts until they start fading. Keep them dried in a secluded place. If you have a full-fledged plant, carefully take care of it and put in the room at home, where you are most often.

In this ritual, you can also simply germinate grains, not at the land in the ground. To do this, we take wheat, lentil or any other grains, rinse thoroughly. Then lay out on a large round plate or tray. We pour out a little conspiracted water on it (that is, the water on which we have been involved our desire), cover the layer of Marli. And we remove into a dark dry place for 12-16 hours. You can also put a note with a mandated desire for a dish or tray. When grains germinate, eat them as much as possible visualizing the execution of our desires. Make this ritual is best on the first day of the New Year, they say esoterica.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desires "Light My Mirror"

Summary of ages people believed that mirrors are portals in other worlds. In the New Year holidays, their energy is enhanced, because the new year itself is a holiday of transition, the moment when the door to the future opens.

For this, the ritual you will need two mirrors, one white candle and a saucer in which paper will be burned. Mirrors should be small so that they can be supplied opposite each other. Record your desires on a piece of paper. Prepare the mirrors, put them together opposite each other so that they form a magic tunnel, if you look into them. Purchase in the middle so that it is reflected in the tunnel. From the flame of a white candle, burning nearby, burn the paper sheet with desires recorded on it. Put the burning sheet on the saucer, let it burn or smoldens and its light is reflected in the mirrors. So your dreams are saturated with the energy of the other worlds.

Technique for the fulfillment of desires "Portrait of a Dream"

This method is widely known and is often used both esoterics and psychologists. Someone will seem too simple, but everyone who at least once fulfilled it, knows how effective it is. In addition, it brings a lot of positive emotions during fulfillment and can be made by a cheerful New Year's fun in the circle of loved ones. You will need to make a collage depicting your dream. For him, you can use paper cuts from newspapers, magazines, photos.

To create a collage, you can use how much desires, but it is best to have them from 5 to 10. Take a large sheet of paper or cardboard (the more, the better) and divide it into sectors, each of which will correspond to one will. Stick there images that are associated with it, draw, write everything you want. After the collage is finished, hang it on a prominent place. There he must provide until next year.

Tatiana Kullinich for https: // Site

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