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Activities for the implementation of GEFs to. Realization of Gos Preschool Education

From January 1, 2014, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science entered into force Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 № 1155"On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education" .

The basis of the federal state educational standard for pre-school education was not only technical aspects Pedagogy with respect to preschool childhood, but also a strong ideological base. Consideration of pre-school childhood is now not limited to its usefulness for a particular person and society as a whole. Its significance was considered much wider as the most important component of not only the culture of utility, but also the culture of dignity, according to the Director of the Development of the FGOs of the Preschool Education of Alexander Asmolov.

The new coordinate system that influenced the formation of the GEF of pre-school education, urges, first of all, appreciate, and not evaluate the child. In addition, this is a serious step towards improving the value and separation of education in kindergartens as an independent general education.

The structure of the GEM pre-school education includes three components:

1. Requirements for the preparation of educational programs for the DOW, including the description of the relations of the part of the mandatory educational minimum and the part free on the requirements and left at the discretion of participants in pedagogical relations.

2. Financial, personnel, logistical and other conditions in which education programs in the DOW should be implemented.

3. Results that should be a consequence of assimilation educational program in Dow.

If we compare the GEF of pre-school education with other educational standards, it can be noted that it does not imply a passage of intermediate and final certifications for the compliance of their knowledge, skills and skills to the requirements of the State Standard of Education.

Now education in the Dow is considered not as a preliminary stage before learning at school, but as an independent important period in the life of a child, as an important milestone on the way of continuous education in a person's life.

How does the adoption of new standards for DOU activities affect?

The development and adoption of the GEF of pre-school education will have a significant impact on the existence and development of the DOU activities.

  • First, the recognition of significance and fear of preschool childhood will provide a more careful attitude to it at all levels.
  • Secondly, it will entail an increase in the quality of pre-school education, which should be positively affected by its development and on its results.

Changing the pedagogical impact from the unilateral influence of the "teacher-child" on a more multifaceted and volumetric interaction in the system "Great-Adults-peers" Ensures the establishment of a new educational model. It cannot be said that this view of the preschool education is new, but the recognition of it as the only true at the level of the state standard of education will result in profound constructive changes in the activities of the DOU.

GEF pre-school education in practice

Since the GEF pre-school education supports the point of view on a child, as on the "man of playing", many techniques and technologies will be revised and translated from the educational and didactic level to a new, gaming level in which the didactic component will certainly be adjacent to the gaming shell. Each Dow will independently develop its programs based on the principles of GEF pre-school education. As an example and a reference, there are educational programs that are created by leading development experts and are posted in a special federal registry.

New educational programs for DW will focus, first of all, on the comprehensive development of a child on the basis of special, specific types of activities inherent in preschoolers. That is, in practice, we will get a more game and a versatile approach, welcoming the maximum use of innovative and active methods of pedagogical interaction, more individualized and aimed at disclosing our own potential of each child. The dictational pedagogy will finally be completely located, at least from the field of pre-school education, and it will replace more modern pedagogy development, pedagogy of creativity and freedom.

Modern policy in the field of education, including in the field of pre-school education, is aimed at achieving its quality. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", modern pre-school education is the first level of the system of general education. He owns a leading role in the upbringing and development of preschool children. The management activities of the modern pre-school educational institution (hereinafter referred to as QU) should be aimed at overcoming the gap between the existing and necessary (desired, required society) state of the pedagogical process achieved and the required quality of pre-school education.

Today's reality education in the pre-school education system is related to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education (hereinafter GEF to). The implementation of GEFs to implies the creation of a specific type of condition:

  • creation of personnel conditions for ensuring the quality of development of children of the main educational program DOU,
  • creation of software and methodological conditions for the implementation of GEF to (design and implement the main educational program of the DW, work programs of educators and specialists),
  • creating a developing subject-spatial environment, as the conditions for the development of children of the main educational program of the DOU.

The creation of the above-mentioned conditions is provided by the managerial activity of the DOW head. In this regard, we define and describe the necessary management mechanisms for the implementation of the GEF to.

Regulatory framework for the implementation of GEF to

One of the fundamental management mechanisms of the implementation of GEF to Is support on regulatory requirements . Normative base The implementation of GEFs to includes documents reflecting the requirements of the current educational policy of the state in the field of education:

  • Strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation until 2020,
  • Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for the period 2016-2020 (hereinafter FTCPRO),
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) of October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education,
  • The approximate basic educational program of pre-school education (approved by the decision of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association on General Education (Protocol of May 20, 2015 N 2/15).

In the strategy until 2020, the following requirements for the professional competence of the teacher were delivered:

  • ability and readiness for continuous education, continuous improvement,
  • retraining and self-study, professional mobility, desire for a new one;
  • ability to critical thinking;
  • ability and readiness for reasonable risk, creativity and enterprise, skill work
  • independence, readiness for work in a team and in a highly competitive environment.

The requirements allocated in FCPRO become for the head of the pre-foundation to build a management system of personnel potential, which ultimately ensures the implementation of the goals and objectives of the GEF to.

In the Federal Task Force Development Development Program for the period up to 2020, the creation of conditions for the effective development of Russian education, aimed at ensuring the availability of qualitative education, which meets the requirements of the modern innovative socially oriented development of the Russian Federation. One of the tasks of the FCPRO is defined the development of modern mechanisms and general education technologies. The solution to this task is ensured by supporting innovation in the field of education on topical issues, including in the field of children with disabilities and disabilities, as well as the implementation of the concept of mathematical education in the Russian Federation, as well as the concepts of development of other subject areas, which is fully Related with the first level of general education - preschool education. After all, in the content of GEF to in the educational region " Cognitive development»Allocated the tasks of pre-group of preschool children (the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, the properties and relationships of the objects of the world (form, color, size, material, the number, number, parts, and the whole, space and time, movement and rest, reasons and the consequences of others).

All of the above allows you to determine the first managerial mechanism of the implementation of GEF to design "Roadmap" In accordance with the strategies and goals of the development of pre-school education in the Russian Federation and in a specific region and its further execution. The maintenance of the "Road Map" includes the following areas:

  • the implementation of the implementation of GEF to, which includes the following activities: Designing the main educational program of the DOU, the motivation of teachers to participate in this methodological activity, preparation of the PREP presentation for accommodation on the UDO website, the organization of the development of work programs of the educator and specialists, managing the creation of conditions for the implementation of the OOP;
  • methodical support for the implementation of GEFs to, including the following activities: familiarization of the pedagogical team with a navigator of exemplary educational programs for preschool education to choose the content of the invariant part of the main educational program of the DOU, the organization of the activities of creative groups for the design of work programs of educators and specialists, organization of the system methodical workensuring the readiness of teachers to implement the GEF strategies to (an activity approach to the organization educational process, personally oriented model of the interaction of adult and children, ensuring the subject's subject position in the educational process);
  • information support for the implementation of FGSs to, including posting on the website of the OU information on the implementation of the "Road Card of the FGOS implementation to" for the current period, the creation and organization of the work of the site institution and blogs to inform the public about the results of the implementation of the main educational program of DOU, educational events.

Creating the conditions for the implementation of GEF to

Management mechanisms for implementing GEFs to include the creation of necessary conditions for this: personnel, material and technical, methodological, methodical, as well as the use of the necessary resources, that is financial security of the implementation of GEF to.

Management of personnel resources It is intended to ensure staffability of personnel, the corresponding educational level of teachers, an increase in their qualifications through the external training system and intra-revocative advanced training (through a methodical work system). The educational level of teachers must comply with the requirements of the professional standard "Pedagogue" (pedagogical activities in the field of preschool, initial general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher).

In professional standard, professional competences of pedagogical workers are allocated , on the formation and development of which the management activities of the head of the DOW should be sent:

  • the ability to organize professional activities built on the basic patterns of age development of preschool children, stages and crises of development, socialization of the individual, indicators of the individual characteristics of development trajectories;
  • the ability to exercise professional activities in the context of its goals, content, technology change;
  • the ability to create a safe and psychologically comfortable educational environment;
  • the ability to master and apply modern psychological and pedagogical technologies based on the knowledge of the laws of personality development and behavior in a real and virtual environment;
  • the ability to cooperate with all participants in educational relations.

The realities of today testify not to the full compliance of teachers with the requirements of a professional standard. And allow this problem Perhaps only creating in an educational institution innovative methodical work.

In modern conditions, a number of acute contradictions are traced in a methodological system in a preschool educational institution, the resolution of which is considered as driving force Her reform.

This is a contradiction between:

  • increased requirements for methodical work in the context of updating educational practice and its real state in practice DW;
  • the need to expand the arsenal forms of methodological work and not by the diversity of the latter in the real practice of educational institutions;
  • the need to implement methodical work on a diagnostic basis and is not always an adequate approach to the selection of content and forms of its implementation.
  • the need to develop a pre-school educational institution in modern conditions and not developed by a system of pedagogical conditions for the implementation of methodological work aimed at developing the professional competence of teachers.

All of the above suggests that the creation of a new model of innovative methodological work in the Dow, the selection of productive forms of its organization, the definition of approaches to its design is one of the actual problems in the GEF implementation management system to.

Present below model for building innovative methodical work in a preschool educational institution In the implementation of the implementation of GEF to (Table 1).

Table 1 is a model for building innovative techniques in a preschool educational institution in the implementation of GEF to implement

The model of building an innovative methodological work is a prerequisite for the process of updating the system of methodological work in a preschool educational institution in the implementation of the implementation of GEF to.

This model has incorporated the basis of updating of methodological work in DOU: the content of the regional municipal policy in the field of methodological work update, the priorities of the educational institution in updating the methodological work, the rating of the educational institution, the personnel potential for the implementation of innovative methodical work, the educational needs of consumers educational services.

From the point of view of the morphological aspect of the composition of the model as the main element, we allocated the main goal of updating methodical work: improving the quality of educational services in the implementation of the implementation of GEF to. The priority directions in the methodological work strategy are determined: increasing the level of competitiveness of teachers in the educational services market, methodical, scientific and methodological and didactic support of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the GEF to. The definition of the main goal and tasks, priority areas in the methodological work strategy made it possible to allocate the necessary and sufficient conditions:

  • selection of innovative pre-school education and the organization of its assessment by teachers;
  • design of productive forms of methodical work;
  • the rationing of the forms of methodological work oriented to the development and development of teachers of pre-innovative programs and technologies to increase their professional competence.

To implement the entire system of work in this model, it is necessary to specify the functions of the subjects of innovative methodical work: managers of methodical work and teachers. The relationship of all selected positions will allow to design such a theoretical model for building innovative methodical work, which will ensure the development of personnel potential. Thus, the management mechanism for the development of personnel potential is laid in building a system of innovative methodical work.

The external system of advanced training must comply with the category of teacher, features of his professional activities. For example, adequate to the teacher of the DOW may be a program to improve the qualifications of "Pedagogical activities in the implementation of GEFs to", for the educator of a group of children with disabilities - "Theory and Methods of Education and Education of Children with ABS", for the head of DOU - "Innovative Management Methods "

Material and technical conditions for the implementation of GEF to Must comply with the requirements of the exemplary basic educational program of pre-school education. The conditions for the implementation of the Program should ensure the full development of the identity of children in all major educational areas, namely: in the areas of the socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic and physical development of the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being and positive relationship To peace, to himself and to other people.

These requirements are aimed at creating a social development situation for participants in educational relations, including the creation of an educational environment, which:

  1. guarantees protection and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;
  2. ensures the emotional well-being of children;
  3. promotes the professional development of pedagogical workers;
  4. creates conditions for developing variable pre-school education;
  5. provides openness of pre-school education;
  6. creates conditions for parental participation (legal representatives) in educational activities.

Program and Methodical Conditions Include design and implementation of the basic educational program DOU.

The federal state educational standard for pre-school education has been identified requirements for the structure of the educational program of pre-school education and its volume:

  • The program determines the content and organization of educational activities at the level of pre-school education.
  • The program ensures the development of the personality of children of preschool age in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological features and should be aimed at solving the tasks specified in paragraph 1.6 of the standard.
  • Structural units in one organization (hereinafter - groups) can implement different programs.
  • The program is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, the development of the identity of children of preschool age and determines the complex of the main characteristics of pre-school education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets of preschool education).
  • The program is aimed at creating the conditions for the development of a child who will open up opportunities for its positive socialization, his personal development, development of initiative and creative abilities based on cooperation with adults and peers and the appropriate age of activities; On the creation of a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.
  • The program is developed and approved by DW independently in accordance with GEF before and taking into account the approximate basic educational program of pre-school education.

When developing the DW program, the dual expectancy of children in the institution, the work of the institution in accordance with the volume of the tasks of educational activities, the limiting reality of groups. DOW can develop and implement various programs in groups with different duration of children stay during the day, including groups of short-term stay of children, groups of full and extended days, groups of round-the-clock stay, groups of children of different ages from two months to eight years, including miscellaneous groups. The program can be implemented throughout the time of stay of children in Dow.

Management mechanisms for the design of the main educational program are:

  • ensuring a high level of methodological competence of teachers included in the design process,
  • motivation of teachers K. this kind activities,
  • determination of approaches to the quality assessment of the developed basic educational program DW (definition of criteria, evaluation indicators).

As one of the mechanisms for the implementation of GEFs, we allocated the creation of methodological conditions. Under the methodical conditions, it is understood by the management of workflow teachers with calendar-thematic planning on weeks in accordance with the requirements of GEF to. The working program design management system includes a model to motivate teachers, increasing their methodical competence through a methodological work system (the organization of theoretical seminars, problem-project workshops, master classes and other productive forms of methodical work). Such a system of intra-profit advanced training should be built on a diagnostic basis identified by professional difficulties of teachers.


Thus, as mechanisms for managing the implementation of GEFs, we are allocated:

  • regulatory support for the implementation of GEFs before, designing and execution of the "Road Card",
  • creation and development of personnel, material and technical, software-methodical, methodological conditions, financial security of the implementation of GEF to.

Problems of implementing GEF in a preschool institution.

GEF of pre-school education, developed in accordance with Part 3 of Article 5 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", was introduced from January 1, 2014. Its development and approval is due to the fact that pre-school education for the first time in history russian society It became a full-fledged level of education. According to A.G. Asmolov, head working Group to develop the standard of pre-school education, "the problem of standard -pOSITIVE SOCIETY andindividualization of personality . Standard is based on childhood diversity support..

IN lately problem social Development The child is especially relevant, because the main source of development is the surrounding reality, which determines the path in which the child acquires new properties of the individual and forms individuality in the process of social development.

In other words, the social development situation is the ratio external conditionsinfluencing the child and its inner relation to these conditions. Consequently, the Doe Wednesday, an adult communication culture with a child, a child with peers, a range, a variety of activities related to the child's age is the main components of the positive socialization of the preschooler.

The basic personality structures are laid in the first years of life, which means that the family and preschool institutions are of particular responsibility for education personal qualities At the younger generation. The modern practice of pre-school education is implementing the provision that in each premium it is necessary to create conditions for the full social development of children.

But as practice shows, every year more Preschoolers narrows the field of active activity, communication and manifestation of individuality, such sustainable personal qualities are formed as closedness, misinterpretation, disrespect for others. As a rule, these are outcast and isolated children.

Overcoming these negative trends is possible only in the process of targeted, systematic, meaningful interaction of all subjects of the educational process on socially - emotional development.

Thus, the real educational situation in the Dow does not comply with the requirements State Standard In terms of providing a full-fledged social and personal development of the child and on modern stage The following contradictions are detected:

* The need for the integral personal development of a child - a preschooler (the relationship of all personalities of the child's development: cognitive, sensual - emotional, behavioral) on the one hand, the priority of the cognitive component in programs implemented in the Dow on the other side;

* the demand of the new quality of a holistic educational environment for positive socio - emotional Development On the one hand, the lack of mechanisms for its transformation from these positions on the other side;

* On the one hand, the need for constructive interaction of all participants in the educational process, on the other hand the unpretentiousness of a significant part of parents and teachers to cooperate and dialogue in the aspect of the personal development of the child.

Turning again to the GEF before, we see that the basic requirements of the standard are associated, first of all, with the psychic and physical health of the child. The personality of the preschooler, his ability and opportunities is put at the head of the corner; His desires and relationships. Before teachers there is a task of revising professional activities: orientation is not a system of knowledge, skills and skills learned by the child, and On the formation of children of skills to quickly adapt to new situations, show flexibility, establish social partnerships and effective communications, find solutions complex questionsUsing a variety of sources of information. The individualization of the identity of the child comes to the fore

Individualization is the development of features that distinguish the person from the surrounding mass.

There are certain difficulties (problems) associated with the introduction of GEF. Pedagogues and managers of the education system have a very wary position. For several years, in preschool organizations, an active study and implementation of FGT came across. Many considered FGT as a step in the process of standardization of pre-school education, on the basis of which GEF will be developed to. However, in the standards, they put new goals and objectives, changed the structure of the OOP before, in these conditions, the teachers were somewhat disoriented, confused, because the educational process was focused on knowledge, and not on the development of the qualities of the child's personality.

In addition, targets are the basis of the continuity of preschool and primary general education, and, subject to the above-mentioned conditions, the formation of the prerequisites learning activities At the stage of completion of the pre-school education. This statement is particularly important to understand now and teachers, and parents, and teachers. primary classesSince one of the main risks of the introduction of the GEF is considered to be a "collision" of the standard with parental installations, which still believe that the dow is required by the "dust" of children, which will allow them to be ready for school. There are certain expectations of this kind and in the teachers of the initial classes.

The need for a child should be prepared for the next level of education no one has canceled. However, the GEF is spelled out completely different - it is necessary to develop motivational readiness for learning (after preschool life there should be a desire to learn), and not just teach a child to reading, writing. Both systems "do not know", which may be a child who has mastered the main educational program of pre-school education, and what is his difference from the child of the same age that has not mastered the specified program.

The following problem becomes personnel provision. This is a serious question. After a few years, one-time care of preschool education teachers retirement may be observed, and the pre-school education system will fall into a deep personnel pit. We have very few 30-35 summer educators who will replace the teachers of pre-pension and retirement age. In the conditions of the countryside, the prepared frames are not easy, and this is also a serious problem.

It is also worth focusing that it will be necessary to saturate the pre-school organization by methodical recommendations, methodological benefits. Methodical loop that goes after the introduction of GEF. And these are additional financial costs. Unfortunately, the teachers again will be forced to feed book publishers, now for the note "corresponds to GEF".It is necessary to make the GEF to become a real development tool and improve the quality of education.

It is clear that we should not expect the momentary results from the introduction of GEF, especially since the process of its introduction in accordance with the plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will stretch over time.

However, already at the level of educational organizations, for effective administration of GEFs, a number of specific tasks are required to be solved:

    ensuring emotional well-being through direct communication with each child; Respectful attitude towards each child, to his feelings and needs.

    support for individuality and initiatives of children through the creation of conditions for a free choice of a child of activities, participants of joint activities; Creating conditions for making child decisions, expressing their feelings and thoughts, creating a sufficient material base for the development of game, research, project, cognitive activity.

    creating conditions for positive, friendly relations between children, including those belonging to different national cultural, religious communities and social sections, as well as having various (including limited) health opportunities.

    interaction with parents (legal representatives) on the issues of the child's education, direct involvement in educational activities.

"Implementation of GEF in Dow"

If today we will teach the way they taught yesterday,

we steal from our children tomorrow.

John Dewey

The pre-school education system is experiencing serious transformations. The Federal State Educational Standard has come to replace the paradigm of knowledge, skills and skills, which is based on the preservation of the uniqueness and self-satisfaction of childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person.

GEF began to introduce all preschool institutions, not exceptions and our DOU.

What are the activities of the administration of GEF in DOU were held in the Medium Group No. 1:

1. Initially, we got acquainted with the project "Introduction of GEF to".

2. Passed training in FGBOU VPO "BGPI" on programs: "GEF of pre-school education: key features and mechanisms of implementation "and" Information Technology In the professional activities of the teacher. "

We listened to the online webinars of candidates of pedagogical sciences learning and introducing GEF to.

Participated in the work round Table. on the topic "Introduction of GEF to" on the general grade level.

3. Updated methodological literaturewhich meets the requirements of GEF.

4. Revised and issued an objective-spatial developing environment in accordance with five educational areas: artistic and aesthetic, physical, socio-communicative, speech, cognitive.

Following the requirements for equipping the Group were created conditions for the implementation of various types of activities with children:

Center for sensory development.

Center for Mathematical Development.

Centre visual arts.

Center for activity (game center).

Center "Be Horm!".

Corner of nature and experimentation.

Center of theatrical activity.

Speech Development Center Reading fiction.

Center "Little Builders"

Center of musical activity.

According to new standards, the developing medium in the group is accessible, meaningful, polyfunctional, safe, variable, corresponding to the age characteristics of children.

We also revised the developing medium of the group of the group:

Acquired a new transformable sandbox for sand and water games;

Set a table with benches for board games;

A house for plot and theatrical games;

The flower garden was issued to educate love for nature, the whole living and formation of labor skills;

A bench with a canopy - a place for privacy, reading and viewing fiction;

Machine - for scene-role-playing games.

5. In the process of developing a working educational program for middle groupwhich is compiled on the basis of an approximate basic educational program, using the variable educational program "from birth to school" edited by Veracses, Komarov, Vasilyeva and the main educational program, DW, based on laws and regulations.

6. Determined target guidelines for monitoring research of achievements of pupils. We draw up individual maps of the development of pupils.

7. We are developing individual educational routes of pupils.

8. Ordered and replenish children's portfolio and portfolio of the educator.

9. Revised the organization NOD. The main feature of the organization of educational activities in the DOU at the present stage is the care of training activities (classes), increasing the status of the game, as the main activity of children of preschool age; Including in the process of effective forms of working with children: ICT, project activities, game, problem-learning situations as part of the integration of educational areas.

10. As we all know, we will not be able to organize our educational work without our main partners - parents. In the interaction of the two structures, we take into account the differentiated approach to each family, social status, family microclimate, as well as parental requests and the degree of interest in the upbringing of their children.

Our main task "turn" to the family to the family, to provide her to pedagogical assistance, attract a family to its side in terms of uniform approaches in the education of the child. Therefore, we were obliged to inform parents about the introduction of GEF to. The introduction of GEF allows you to organize joint activities using traditional and non-traditional forms Work.

We informed our parents about Gos:

At the general meeting on the topic: "Very important conversation";

Through visual information (affordable for parents):

* wall newspaper "Federal State Educational Standard";

* Booklets "Targets of pre-school education";

Joint creation of a developing subject-spatial environment in the group and in the DOU site;

Joint participation in contests, exhibitions, holidays, entertainment;

Day open doors. Visit to node.

"We take the best of the past and work for the future.

In 2014, the team of MDOU kindergarten No. 42 "Cheburashka" began the introduction and implementation of GEF to.

Period of implementation of the GEF until - 2014-2016.

The implementation of the FGOS is carried out through:

Regulatory support for the introduction and implementation of GEF:

A regulatory framework has been created, which includes the documents of the federal, regional level, as well as local acts of OU:

Federal and regional regulations By the introduction of GEF to:

1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012. № 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 N 1014 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on basic general educational programs - educational programs of pre-school education"

3. Sanpin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work of pre-school educational organizations"

4. Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

Local acts of DOU for the introduction of GEF to:

1. Order No. 65 of August 25, 2014 "On the preparation for the introduction of GEF to MDOU Kindergarten No. 42" Cheburashka "

2. Order No. 133 / 1Od 15.09.2014 "On approval of the Working Group on the Implementation of GEF to MDOU Kindergarten No. 42" Cheburashka ".

3. Order No. 22/1 of 02/19/2015 "On the establishment of a working group on the development of the main educational program of the MDOU kindergarten No. 42" Cheburashka "based on GEF to".

4. Order No. 133/1 of 09/15/2014 "On approval of the plan -Grapping of measures to prepare for the implementation of GEF to. Plan schedule for the advanced training of teachers of the MDOU kindergarten No. 42 "Cheburashka" in the preparation of the introduction of GEF to.

In addition, next worksupporting the introduction of GEF to:

1. Simulated training plan DOW taking into account methodical recommendations and the social request of parents of pupils;

2. Changes were made to the collective agreement (in local acts that regulate stimulating and compensatory payments to educators in connection with the transition to GEF).

conclusions According to the results of the analysis of the regulatory and legal support of the introduction and implementation of GEF to:

1. The teachers were studied by the regulatory framework, providing the transition of the DWE to work on the GEF (protocols of the meeting of the Working Group for 2014, 2015)

2. Developed necessary for the implementation of GEF to local documents.)

3. In the plan of intrasadian control DOU for 2014-2015 uch. G. The measures to control the administration of GEF (thematic control "Creating conditions for the introduction of GEF") were included.

Methodical support for the transition of OU to work on GEF.

During 2014 and 2015, the methodological support of the RF to work on GEF was organized:

1. Diagnostics of educational needs and professional difficulties of teachers DOU (in the light of the introduction of GEF to) and the introduction of changes to the OU Currency Procedure Plan;

2. An analysis of the compliance of the material and technical base of the implementation of OOPs by valid sanitary and fire regulations, labor protection standards of educational institutions.

3. Picking library dow basic documents and additional materials according to GEF.

4. Organization of joint activities with secondary school number 13 - drawing up a plan for interaction on 2014-15 uchiv, the inclusion of the continuity of the continuity of the GEF NOO and BC (the performance of the primary school teacher is similar to L.V. with the presentation "The continuity between school and dow in Introduction GEF to ")

Personnel ensuring the introduction of GEF in the OU.

1. Dow workers' instructions are given in line with GEF and a single qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and employees, appliances. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of August 26, 2010 No. 761n "On Approval of Unified qualifying reference book positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics posts of workers ".

2. Developed a promising work plan for 2014-2016. to raise the level of professional skill of pedagogical workers.

Output Following the implementation of personnel support of the introduction of GEF to: in children's garden The necessary documentary framework for organizing the advanced training of pedagogical workers has been prepared.

Information support for the introduction of GEF in DOU.

In 2014-2015 Consultations were held for parents"GEF in educational process" "We work on a new one. GEF to ", where parents (legal representatives) were presented information on the transition of the Dow to the first stage of education, the introduction of GEF before, a program of action to implement the standard was presented.

Informing parents (legal representatives) on the introduction, implementation of GEFs of pre-school education through information stands, site.

Output Following the implementation of the information support of the introduction of GEFs in the DW, it takes full extent, the familiarization of teachers and parents (legal representatives) of pupils with the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process in the Dow with the introduction of GEF is organized.

Tasks Improving the information support of the introduction of GEF DOU:

1. Continue to exercise information support for participants in the educational process on the introduction and implementation of GEF.

2. Provide regular updating of information on the implementation of GEFs before, publish on the DOU site.

3. Fix the course of the educational process and the results of development by pupils of the OOP

The following are noted positive trends In the process of implementing educators GEF:

1. The use of teachers in working with pupils of modern educational technologies;

2. Orientation of teachers for organizing a health-saving medium;
Awareness of teachers of the need to transition to educational systems of upbringing and learning;

3. The possibility of professional communication of teachers and sharing experience with colleagues.

Based on the introduction of the draft federal state educational standard for pre-school education (hereinafter - GEFs to) in MDOU No. 42 "Cheburashka" the following activities were held:

1. The senior educator has developed a draft methodological support of teachers when switching to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education

2. A plan of studying by teachers of the federal state educational standard for pre-school education is drawn up. In accordance with him, the following activities were held in kindergarten:

Installation Pedagogical Council No. 1 of August 26, 2014, on which teachers got acquainted with the draft federal state educational standard for pre-school education.

The stands for teachers are decorated "We study the federal state educational standard for pre-school education" and parents "What is the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education?";

Meeting of the Methodological Association of Dow No. 1 dated September 25, 2014 on the topic "Discussion of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education", "Educational Seminar" Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education in Dow "

To fulfill the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1155 of October 17, 2013, "On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education", the following activities are organized in kindergarten:

Designed "Regulations on the methodological support for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education";

Teachers got acquainted with Order No. 1155 of October 17, 2013. The Ministry of Education and Science "On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education", held comparative analysis FGT and GEF to;

Compiled a "road map" and a plan for maintaining the introduction of the federal state educational standard for pre-school education;

Senior Educator A.A. Malovilovich was trained at short-term courses »The activities of the Senior Educator on Improving Work in Dow" -72ch, "Effective Administration of Preschool educational organizations In the conditions of introducing Gos Preschool Education "-72ch," Conflict Management in Pedagogical Institutions "-72ch

At the meeting of the Pedagogical Council No. 2 of November 27, 2014, educated teachers with the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils in the conditions of introducing GEF pre-school education "

Workshop "Subjectual Wednesday in the Group and its Impact on the Development of Creative Activities of the Child"

The work of the permanent seminar "Introduction of the GEF to" is organized;

Amendments to the regulatory framework are made;

A preliminary analysis of the resource maintenance is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GEF to.

In accordance with the Action Plan to ensure the introduction of GEF to December 31, 2013 and the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Moscow Region "On ensuring the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for pre-school education in a kindergarten, the following events were held:

Created a working group on the introduction of GEF to;

At the Pedagogical Council No. 2 of November 27, 2014, a plan-graph of the course training of teachers on the introduction of GEF to and the composition of the working group on the introduction of GEF to

At the Pedagogical Council No. 3 of 19.02.2015, teachers got acquainted with the comments to the GEF to.

Educator Karpova A.M. Passed training courses (72CH) on the topic "Professional competence of an educator in the light of the requirements of the GEFs of pre-school education" (72 hours), "Methods of environmental education of preschool children (in the implementation of the implementation of the GEF pre-school education" (72 hours)

educator Kuznetsova I.V. Passed training courses (72CH) "" Professional competence of an educator in the light of the requirements of the GEF of pre-school education (72 hours), "Methods of environmental education of preschoolers (in the implementation of the implementation of GEFs of pre-school education" (72 hours)

In April-May 2015, pedagogue readiness was monitored and DOU to the introduction of GEF to;

At the final meeting of the Pedagogical Council, the first stage of the introduction of GEFs were summed up;

On the website of the Dow Placed Information by key positions of administration of GEF to.

Thus, on the basis of the foregoing, it can be concluded that all scheduled activities have been fulfilled. The pedagogical team is mainly focused on the standard and is ready to rebuild the educational and educational process in accordance with it.