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Pedagogical process and its characteristic. Pedagogical process is in pedagogy Definition

In modern pedagogical science, there are several diverse points of view on the understanding of the essence of the pedagogical process (Y.K. Babansky, B.P.Bitinas, Z.I.Vasilyeva, I. Ya.Lerner, B.T.Likhachev, V.Slasthenin , G.I.Shukina dr.). You can highlight and compare different copyright positions on this issue set in textbooks.

Such a general definition makes it possible to allocate the leading characteristics and features of the pedagogical process of the kindergarten.

As can be seen from the definition, the leading characteristics of the pedagogical process are:



Availability of connections between participants;

Systemity and proceduralness (activity).

Consider these characteristics in more detail.

The focus of the pedagogical process. All authors, the pedagogical process is considered as a process to achieve special pedagogical purposes. However, the purpose of the pedagogical process itself is understood in different ways.

The nature of the goals of the pedagogical process of the kindergarten is due to modern trends in the development of pedagogical science and practice of pre-school education. In the most general form - the characteristic of the purpose of the pedagogical process is determined by a number of simple questions - why does the child need a kindergarten? Why do parents bring a child to a pre-school institution?

To begin with, we will express our own position and refute the widespread opinion that the kindergarten is time and place preparing a child to school. This, unfortunately, an extremely common point of view leads to the fact that the objectives of the pedagogical process of kindergarten become associated not with the development of the child, but with the preparation of it to surrender entrance examinations to school. With such an understanding of the tasks of pre-school education, this period is not an intrinsic stage in a person's life, but a preparatory step before the start of the following; And the life of a child with its unique values \u200b\u200band meanings that can only be live in preschool age begins to gain more and more to acquire the traits of the school.

the pre-school educational institution is considered as a unique space of accumulating the experience of interaction with the world - experience of knowledge and penetration into culture, dating and attracting to human relations. In preschool age, processes occur, which allow children to open the world for themselves and at the same time disclose themselves to the world. Therefore, the goals of the pedagogical process of kindergarten are primarily associated with the development of the holistic nature of the child, its uniqueness, individual originality. In this regard, the actual pedagogical process becomes a combination or complex of pedagogical conditions aimed at developing the identity of the child, the disclosure of its individual world, abilities and inconsistencies, the accumulation of experience of communication and interaction with the world of people and culture.

What is the mechanism for determining the goals of the pedagogical process? Or, in other words, - where do the goals of the pedagogical process come from?

The reasons for the appearance of the goals of the pedagogical process are understood in modern pedagogy ambiguous - from the dictated social order of society to the personal needs and interests of the child. The objectives of the pedagogical process are often identified with the objectives of the teacher, which in various authors is interpreted very widely - from the activities of the formation, management and management - to activities of assistance, CO-action and support.

It is important for the teacher to know that the objectives of the pedagogical process are formed by the connection at a single point of the four components:

Valid position of the teacher. The objectives of the pedagogical process are determined by the peculiarities of your pedagogical position, your interpretation of childhood philosophy, the originality of your value attitude towards the child, your understanding of the priority tasks of pre-school education.

Target buildings of the educational institution. The objectives of the pedagogical process are determined by those regulatory documents in which the social order is laid on what the graduate of this educational institution wants to see. At the steps of school and vocational education, these documents are primarily state educational standards. Kindergarten - as an educational institution of a special type, less susceptible to standardization. Its targets are determined by the regulatory documents, and, of course, the tasks of the chosen educational program.

Accounting for opportunities, needs, interests and inclinations of children. The objectives of the pedagogical process are determined by the individual characteristics of pupils. A modern diagnostic tool in the arsenal of pedagogical science and practice, your pedagogical intuition and skill allow you to study your pupils, correct the goals of their development and education, in fact, turning the pedagogical process into an individual educational route of the child.

Accounting for social requests of parents. The objectives of the pedagogical process are determined, given the ways of their child's stay in kindergarten. It may be the desire for the supervision and care of the child, organizing his communication and games with peers, early special training and school preparation.

The complexity of determining the goals of the pedagogical process is to find the harmonious unity of often contradictory components. We emphasize that they are equivalent and their equivalent accounting determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

Integrity of the pedagogical process.One of the leading characteristics of the pedagogical process is its integrity. Integrity as inner unity and consistency of all components of the pedagogical process characterizes the highest level of its organization.

Integrity is a characteristic feature of the pedagogical process of kindergarten. Indeed, in contrast to the school system in the pedagogical process of kindergarten, there is no clear boundary in the form of organizing the processes of education and child learning. However, in modern science and practice of pre-school education, the problem of the integrity of the pedagogical process is considered as one of the leading. The integrity of the pedagogical process is understood as the integrity of the processes of socialization and individualization of the preschooler, the conservation of the nature of the child and its development in culture, enrichment of individual cultural experience in the process of inclusion in socio-cultural experience, the unity of development and education.

So, what kind of pedagogical process can be called holistic? Or what are the essential characteristics of the holistic pedagogical process of kindergarten?

Firstly, This is a pedagogical process in which the integrity of the medical and psychological and pedagogical support of the child is ensured. The age features of the preschooler, flexibility, mobility and sensationality in the development of somatics, physiology, psyche require a special kind of kid support in the pedagogical process. The presence of a complex of reliable information on the state of health, the development of mental processes, the manifestation of special inconsistencies, the achievements and problems of each child makes it possible to design the lines of its individual holistic development. The use of a system of medical and psychological and pedagogical support in the pedagogical process turns it at the stage of practical implementation into an individual educational and developing route of the preschooler.

Secondly, This is a pedagogical process in which the integrity of educational, educational and developing tasks is ensured. In the pedagogical process of kindergarten with children, a large number of teachers interacts. In modern preschool institutions, more and more additional educational services appear, which means an increasing number of specialists decisive, as a rule, narrowly controlled tasks. The coherence of the work of teachers, the choice of common priority tasks of development and upbringing, a holistic vision of the child in conditions of interaction with different specialists and designing a single pedagogical process is necessary. The implementation of the health-saving function of the pedagogical process in modern conditions is associated with finding ways to integrate different types of activities of children, organization of the educational process, synthesizing the work of various specialists.

Thirdly, This is a pedagogical process in which the integrity of the child's vital activity is ensured. Macro- and meso factors, a modern sociocultural environment changed the life of a child, filled with new cultural attributes. The subject world has changed surrounding the preschooler, new sources of information have become available. The integrity of the pedagogical process can be ensured if the enrichment of the sociocultural experience of the child is based on, and taking into account the existing experience, individual subculture, the source of which is not only the pedagogical process of kindergarten, and the environment of the preschooler. Life environment.

Fourthlythis is a pedagogical process in which integrity is ensured in the process of interaction between the child with the world of adults. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process, the optimization of its developing potential is possible if the teacher is well informed about the peculiarity of the child's life in the family, and the parents know what children live in kindergarten. The comprehension of the peace of the preschooler, an understanding of his right to this unique world is tasks that unite and teachers and parents in the general process of developing the child. Collaboration of teachers and parents allows us to build uniform strategic lines of formation of personality integrity, disclosure of its internal potential.

Fifth This is a pedagogical process in which the integrity of the educational space is ensured. The modern pedagogical process is designed as a system of conditions that allow each child to implement individual needs and at the same time to interact with the children's community. The variability of educational space provides children with the possibility of choosing and manifesting independence in accordance with interests and inconsistencies. The organization of polyfunctional types of children's activities is initiated by the creation of children's associations in which each child performs the functioned function and at the same time cooperates with other children. In such an educational space, the processes of socialization and individualization in preschool age are harmoniously complement each other.

The nature of connections between the participants of the pedagogical process.The most common type of bonds between teacher and children is the interaction as a special kind of direct or indirect, external or internal relationship, communication.

The process of interaction between teacher and children in the pedagogical process can be organized as:



CO-action process

Interaction as WHO action is more characteristic of an authoritarian approach and is expressed in the teaching of the teacher to form the identity of the child in accordance with a certain ideal model. Evaluation of the effectiveness of pedagogical impacts and the success of children's development is estimated according to the degree of approach to this ideal. This type of interaction is characterized by the level differentiation of children with low, medium and high indicators. The teacher himself chooses the methods and forms of interaction aimed at raising the level of development of pupils. This type of interaction is often found in the practice of pre-school education. Its advantages are associated with the ease of the organization, however, when the teacher's pedagogue, the child's right to an individually unique development line is not provided.

Interaction as a non-action is characteristic of liberal or formal teachers. The formal organization of the pedagogical process, the vital activity of children is manifested in the fact that the teacher only nominally performs functions assigned to it. Methods and forms of interaction are a generalized character, designed for a "medium" child, the teacher does not delve into children's problems, superficially solves the task of the pedagogical process. This type of interaction is perhaps the most dangerous, and unfortunately, due to a number of reasons is present in the practice of kindergarten.

Organization of interaction as a process of CO-action inherent in a personal-oriented approach and implies the highest possible accounting for the subject positions of participants in the pedagogical process, i.e. Subject-subject attitudes of the teacher and children.

With this type of interaction, the teacher offers ways and forms that take into account individual interests, attitudes, the inclination of children and offering a wide "palette" role-playing relationships and cooperation. The CO-action process is most complex in practical implementation, since the teacher not only defines the tasks of their own activities, but also designs the tasks of the child's activities in such a way that he perceives them as its own.

For the pedagogical process of the kindergarten, the adoption of a personally-oriented model of interaction between the teacher and pupils has already been traditional. What are the characteristic differences in this model?

1. The special attitude of the teacher to the child. The teacher perceives the child as a unique holistic person. Pedagogical objectives are associated with the comprehension of the world of the child, studying its internal potential, enriching individual sociocultural experience. It is fundamentally important is the positive attitude of the teacher to children's manifestations. Each child is also unique and talented. "Ripping" of this uniqueness and talent - here are the manifestations of true pedagogical skills. Actions and children's activities are assessed by the "success formula", from the point of view of achievements. In this case, the child's development process becomes the process of gaining all new and new heights and discoveries, and not the process of correction of available flaws.

2. Organization of pedagogical interaction methods for support and maintenance, which implies (O.S. Gazman):

Consideration of the pedagogical process as a process based on the principles of the internal freedom of the child and the teacher, creativity, humanism of relationships;

Attitude towards the child as a subject of free choice and activity;

The provision of pedagogical assistance to the child in the knowledge of themselves and its capabilities, in situations of difficulties and experiences success.

The meaning of the methods of support and maintenance is to maintain a teacher of a unique unique, individual-isolated quality or ability that are laid in each particular person and develop them.

Systemity and proceduralness (activity) of the pedagogical process.The Pedagogical process of the DOW is an example of a systemic object - the set of elements in relations and connections among themselves and forming a certain integrity, unity. For the pedagogical process as systems are characterized by the following signs:

Integrity, manifested in interconnectedness and interdependence of all components of the pedagogical process. The change or disappearance of one of the components of the pedagogical process changes the entire nature of its flow.

Structivity. The structure of the pedagogical process includes the following main components: target, meaningful, technological, efficient, resource.

Openness. The pedagogical process of the kindergarten is an open system that integrates into the system of continuous education of a person is open to the sociocultural space.

Multiplicity of description. The pedagogical process can be described from the point of view of different aspects, depending on which positions this system is analyzed.

The structure of the pedagogical process of kindergarten as the system is presented in Scheme 1.

The system consideration of the pedagogical process allows to consider its structural components in a static, spatial image.

If we talk about the real practice of organizing the pedagogical process, then in this case it can be noted such an important characteristic of the pedagogical process as the proceduralness or the implementation of the pedagogical process in time. In this context, the pedagogical process is the activity of consistently replacing each other and requiring solutions of various and diverse tasks. The very teacher's task itself, as a result of awareness of the teacher of the development and education of the child, as well as the conditions and methods of their implementation in practice - is a unit or "brick" of the pedagogical process. During the organization of the pedagogical process, the teacher solves different in content, in terms of complexity, by the scale of the results of the problem. These are the tasks that are designed in advance based on the results of the child's development and tasks that are situationally in the daily livelihoods of children.

Pedagogical process as a pedagogical system

In the organization of the pedagogical process, a number of stages can be distinguished:

1. The stage of analyzing the situation, determining the pedagogical problem, designing options for solving and selecting optimal implementation conditions.

2. The implementation step of the plan to solve the problem in practice, providing for the organization and interaction of the subjects of the pedagogical process.

3. Stage analysis of the results of solving the task.

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Pedagogical process is a complex systemic phenomenon. The high importance of the pedagogical process is due to the cultural, historical and social value of the process of cultivation of man.

In this regard, it is imperative to understand the main specific characteristics of the pedagogical process, to know which tools are necessary for the most effective flow. Important is the disclosure of the fundamental principle of the pedagogical process - the principle of integrity.

The study of this issue is devoted to the works of many domestic teachers. Among them should be highlighted by A.A. Rean, V.A. Slastinina, I.P. Podlavnoye and bp Barhaeva. In the works of these authors, various aspects of the pedagogical process in terms of its integrity and systemics are most fully consecrated.

The purpose of this work is to determine the basic characteristics of the pedagogical process. To implement the target, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

- to define the pedagogical process;

- characterize the integrity of the pedagogical process;

- to highlight the functions of the pedagogical process;

- note the patterns of the pedagogical process;

- Analyze the basic principles of the pedagogical process.

Work is based on the analysis of publications I.P. Podlavnoye, bp Barhaeva, V.A. Slayshenina, in which the main characteristics of a holistic pedagogical process are disclosed in sufficient detail.

1. Pedagogical process as a holistic system

According to I.P. A phenomenon, the pedagogical process is called "the developing interaction of educators and educated, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a predetermined change in the state, transformation of properties and qualities of educated."

According to V.A. Salazhenin, pedagogical process - "This is a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils aimed at solving educational and educational tasks."

Analyzing these definitions, as well as related literature, the following characteristics of the pedagogical process can be distinguished:

§ The main subjects of interaction in the pedagogical process are both the teacher and the student;

§ The purpose of the pedagogical process is the formation, development, training and education of the student: "Ensuring the unity of training, education and development on the basis of integrity and generality is the main essence of the pedagogical process";

§ The goal is achieved through the use of special funds during the pedagogical process;

§ The purpose of the pedagogical process, as well as its achievement is due to the historical, public and cultural value of the pedagogical process, education as such;

§ The purpose of the pedagogical process is distributed as problems;

§ The essence of the pedagogical process is traced through special organized forms of the pedagogical process.

The main integrative property of the pedagogical process as a dynamic system is its ability to perform socially determined functions. However, society is interested in fulfilling their fulfillment of the high level of quality. And this is possible, provided that the pedagogical process is functioning as a holistic phenomenon: a holistic harmonious personality can only be formed in a holistic pedagogical process.

Integrity, according to V.A. Slayshene - "The synthetic quality of the pedagogical process, which characterizes the highest level of its development, the result of stimulating conscious actions and the activities of the subjects operating in it."

In a significant plan, the integrity of the pedagogical process is ensured by reflection in the purpose and content of the education of the experience accumulated by mankind in the relationship of its four elements: knowledge, including how to perform actions; skills and skills; The experience of creative activity and the experience of an emotionally value and volitional attitude towards the environment. The implementation of the main elements of the content of education is nothing but the implementation of the unity of educational, developing and educational functions of the goal of the pedagogical process.

In organizing plan, the pedagogical process acquires the property of integrity, if unity is provided only regarding independent components:

§ development and design (didactic adaptation) of the content of education and the material base (substantive-constructive, material-structural and operational and constructive activities of the teacher);

§ business interaction of teachers and pupils about the content of education, the assimilation of which the latter is the purpose of interaction;

§ interaction of teachers and pupils at the level of personal relations, i.e. not about the content of education (informal communication);

§ development of educational institutions without direct participation of the teacher (self-education and self-education).

2. The principle of integrity - the basis of the pedagogical process

So, integrity is a natural property of the educational process. It objectively exists, because there is a school in society, the learning process. For example, for the learning process taken in an abstract understanding, such characteristics of integrity are the unity of teaching and teaching. And for real pedagogical practice - the unity of educational, educational and educational functions. But each of these processes performs the associated functions in a holistic educational process: education carries out not only educational, but also developing and educational functions, and training is unthinkable without rebuilding and development.

These links impose a compensation on the purpose, tasks, forms and methods of forming the educational process. For example, in the learning process, the formation of scientific ideas is prosecuted, the assimilation of concepts, laws, principles, theories that subsequently have a large influence and development, and on the educationalness of the individual. The content of the upbringing prevails the formation of beliefs, norms, rules and ideals, value orientation, etc., but at the same time, knowledge and skills are formed.

Thus, both processes lead to the main goal - the formation of the personality, but each of them contributes to the achievement of this goal inherent in the means. In practice, this principle is implemented by the task complex of the lesson, the content of training, i.e. The activities of the teacher and students, a combination of various forms, methods and learning tools.

In pedagogical practice, as in the pedagogical theory, the integrity of the learning process, as the complexity of its tasks and the means of their implementation, finds an expression in determining the correct ratio of knowledge, skills and skills, in coordinating the learning and development process, in combining knowledge, skills and skills in Unified system of ideas about the world and how to change it.

3. Functions of a holistic pedagogical process

The functions of the pedagogical process are customary:

- training;

- educational;

- Developing.

Education is "the joint activity of the training and training, aimed at educating the personality through the organization of the process of mastering the knowledge system, ways of activity, the experience of creative activities and the experience of an emotional and value attitude to the world."

At the same time, the teacher:

1. Teaches - purposefully conveys knowledge, life experience, ways of activity, the basis of culture and scientific knowledge;

2. Manages the process of mastering knowledge, skills and skills;

3. Creates conditions for the development of the personality of students (memory, attention, thinking).

In turn, the student:

1. Learn - seizes the transmitted information and performs learning assignments with the help of a teacher, together with classmates or independently;

2. Trying to observe independently, compare, think;

3. Clears the initiative in finding new knowledge, additional sources of information (directory, textbook, Internet), is engaged in self-education.

Teaching is a teacher's activities:

§ transmission of information;

§ organization of educational and educational activities of students;

§ assistance with difficulty in the process of teaching;

§ stimulating the interest, independence and creativity of students;

§ Assessment of students' learning achievements.

Development is "the process of quantitative and qualitative changes inherited and acquired properties of a person."

Education is "a targeted process of interrelated activities of teachers and pupils aimed at the formation of valuable relations from schoolchildren to the world and oneself."

In modern science, under the "education", as a public phenomenon, they understand the transfer of historical and cultural experience from generation to generation. At the same time, the teacher:

1) transfers the experience gained by humanity;

2) introduces culture into the world;

3) stimulates to self-education;

4) Helps to understand difficult life situations and find a way out of the current situation.

In turn, the pupil:

1) mastering the experience of human relations and the foundations of culture;

2) working on itself;

3) learned how to communicate and manner behavior.

As a result, the pupil changes its understanding of the world and attitude towards people and oneself.

Concretioning for themselves these definitions can be understood as follows. The pedagogical process as a complex systemic phenomenon includes all the variety of factors surrounding the process of interaction between the student and the teacher. So the process of education is associated with moral and value installations, training - with categories of knowledge, skills and skills. Formation and development also have two key and basic ways to include these factors into the student's interaction system and teacher. Thus, this interaction "is filled" by the content and meaning.

4. Driving forces of the pedagogical process

The driving force of the development and improvement of a holistic pedagogical process is contradictions.

All contradictions are divided into objective and subjective.


Contradictions between the level of development of the child, the state of his knowledge, skills and skills and the increasing demands of life. It is overcome by continuous education, intensive learning, labor, civil, physical, moral education. Complication of public life, constant growth of requirements for the volume and quality of mandatory information, skills and skills that children must have, generate a number of difficulties associated with an increase in the number of mandatory subjects, species of educational, labor, physical and other activities. There is a shortage of time, inevitable intellectual, physical, moral overload arise.

The internal driving force of the pedagogical process is a contradiction between the advanced requirements of a cognitive, labor, practical, socially useful nature and real possibilities for their implementation. This contradiction becomes a source of system movement to a common goal, if the set requirements are in the zone of the nearest development of opportunities and, on the contrary, this contradiction will not promote optimal development if the tasks are excessively difficult or lighter. Consequently, the task of the teacher is to master the ability to study the student and pedagogical teams well, as well as his individual members, skillfully design close, medium and distant development prospects and turn them into constantly visiting specific tasks.

Between the active activity of the child and socio-pedagogical living conditions.


Contradictions between the individual creative process of the formation of the personality and the mass-reproductive nature of the organization of the pedagogical process. Constant changes in public life, the emergence of new situations, relations, requirements for children make it impossible to create an unchanged pedagogical system, absolutely perfect pedagogical integrity.

Between the increasing role of humanitarian objects in the formation of a person and the tendencies of the technocratization of the pedagogical process.

Overcoming contradictions, ensuring the complete efficiency of the pedagogical process is achieved due to the full functioning of the main substantive elements. These terms include:

§ Child labor educational team, a variety of public organizations as leading informative systems of social relations, factors and conditions of education;

§ learning, as a rod element of integrity;

§ socially useful, productive work, as the most important basis for upbringing;

§ extracurricular (extracurricular, extracurricular) creative activity.

5. Patterns of the pedagogical process

pedagogical Child Knowledge Skill

To the laws of the pedagogical process I.P. Sub-clause relates:

1. The pattern of dynamics of the pedagogical process. The magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the amount of changes in the previous stage. This means that the pedagogical process as a developing interaction between teachers and educated has a constant, step-in nature; The higher the intermediate achievements, the more weeding the final result.

2. The pattern of personality development in the pedagogical process. The pace and the achieved level of personality development depend on:

§ heredity;

§ educational and educational environments;

§ inclusion in educational activities;

§ applied tools and methods of pedagogical impact.

3. The pattern of management of the educational process. The effectiveness of pedagogical exposure depends on:

§ intensity of feedback between raised and teachers;

§ values, character and validity of corrective impacts on educated.

4. The pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on:

§ Actions of internal incentives (motifs) of educational activities;

§ intensity, nature and timeliness of external (public, pedagogical, moral, material, etc.) incentives.

5. The pattern of unity of sensual, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the educational process depends on:

§ intensity and quality of sensual perception;

§ logical understanding of perceived;

§ practical use of meaningful.

6. The pattern of unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on:

§ qualities of pedagogical activities;

§ Qualities of their own educational activities raised.

7. The pattern of conditionality of the pedagogical process. The course and results of the educational process depend on:

§ the needs of society and personality;

§ opportunities (logistical, economic, etc.) of society;

§ Conditions of process flow (moral and psychological, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, etc.).

6. Principles of the Pedagogical Process

The principles of the pedagogical process reflect the basic requirements for the organization of pedagogical activities, indicate its direction, and ultimately help creatively approach the construction of the pedagogical process.

Let us turn to the principles of the pedagogical process allocated by Nikitina N.N. :

In relation to the choice of target formations, the principles act:

1. The humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process;

2. Communications with life and production practice;

3. Compounds of training and education with difficulty in general benefit.

The development of means of representing the content of training and education is sent by the principles:

1. Research;

2. availability and accuracy of training and education of schoolchildren;

3. Connection of visibility and abstractness in the educational process;

4. The aesthetization of all childhood life, primarily training and education.

When choosing the forms of organizing pedagogical interaction, it is advisable to be guided by the principles:

1. Training and education of children in the team;

2. continuity, sequences, systematic;

3. The consistency of the requirements of the school, family and the public.

The activities of the teacher are regulated by the principles:

1. Combining pedagogical management with the development of the initiative and independence of pupils;

2. Supports on a positive in man, on the strengths of his personality;

3. Respect for the identity of the child in combination with reasonable demanding to it.

The participation of the students themselves in the process of education is sent by the principles of consciousness and the activity of schoolchildren in a holistic pedagogical process.

The choice of methods of pedagogical impact in the process of teaching and educational work is directed by the principles:

1. Combinations of direct and parallel pedagogical actions;

2. Accounting for the age and individual characteristics of pupils.

The effectiveness of the results of pedagogical interaction is ensured by the following principles:

1. Orientation on the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior;

2. The strength and effectiveness of the results of education, upbringing and development.

In addition, the pedagogical literature is considered to be expedient to combine these principles in two large groups covering the two sides of the pedagogical process - organizational and activity. The first group of principles is the principles of organizing a pedagogical process governing the choice of goals, content and forms of interaction. The second group is the principles of managing the activities of pupils - it offers a system of requirements for the implementation of the process of pedagogical interaction, its methods and results.


In this paper, it was possible to analyze the main scientific teaching studies, as a result of which the basic characteristics of the pedagogical process were allocated. First of all, these are the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process, its main components that have fun functions, meaning for society and culture, its methods, forms and means.

The analysis showed high importance of the pedagogical process in society and culture as a whole. First of all, this is reflected in the special attention from society and the state to educational standards, to the requirements for the projected teachers, ideal human images.

The main characteristics of the pedagogical process are integrity and systemity. They manifest themselves in understanding the goals of the pedagogical process, its content and functions. So the processes of education, development and training can be called the uniform property of the pedagogical process, its components, and the basic functions of the pedagogical process - the raising, training and developing.


1. Barhaev, B.P. Pedagogy. - M., 2001. - 320 p.

2. Bordovskaya, N.N., Rean, A.A. Pedagogy. - M., 2000. - 278 p.

3. Nikitina, N.N., Kislinskaya, N.V. Introduction to pedagogical activity: theory and practice. - M.: Academy, 2008 - 224 p.

4. Sub-clause, I.P. Pedagogy. - M.: Vlados, 1999. - 450 s.

5. Slastinin, V.A. and others. Pedagogy studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. studies. institutions / ed. V.A. Salazhenina. - M.: Academy, 2002. - 576 p.

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    Structure, principles, driving forces and functions of the pedagogical process. Requirements for teacher. Education as a sociocultural phenomenon. Pedagogical process as the interaction of educators and pupils aimed at achieving the goal.

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    Decision of educational, educational and developing tasks. Essence of the pedagogical process. The interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process. Transition from solving one pedagogical task to another. Inspection and learning.

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Pedagogical process (or educational) is a process in which the social experience of educators is integrated into the quality of the personality of pupils. Ensuring the unity of learning, education and development based on integrity is the main essence of PP.

Structure PP represent teachers educated and cultivation conditions. PP characterize goals, tasks, forms, methods interaction of teachers and educated and achieved results.

Consider 3 stages PP:

Preparatory . At this stage, appropriate conditions are created for the process of flowing in a given direction and at a given speed. Put the correct targetDetermine process tasks It is impossible without pedagogical diagnostics (from Greek. dia - transparent, gnosis - Knowledge). This is a research procedure, the main goal of which to get a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthose reasons to help or prevent the achievement of the outlined results.

Main. Includes important interconnected elements: staging and explaining the goals and objectivesupcoming activities interaction teacher and student, use the intended methods, tools and forms PP, creation of favorable conditions, the application of stimulating measures of pupils. Significant role at this stage is played feedlesserving the basis for making operational management decisions.

Final. This is the stage of analyzing the results achieved (only the teacher is growing, which benefits from the mistakes made).

Sources of improvement of claims are contradictions. Economic, political, social processes play a leading role in relation to the pedagogical. Contradictions between them in the public consciousness are reflected as the lag of pedagogy from the requirements of life. Loading polytechnic and labor preparation from production requirements. The rapid growth of scientific knowledge does not comply with the possibilities of textbooks.

Modern pedagogical theory represents the pedagogical process as a dynamic system. The word "system" (from gr. Systema is an integer composed of parts) means integrity, represents unity of naturally arranged and interrelated parts. The main signs of the system are: a) the presence of components that can be viewed in relative isolation, out of relations with other processes and phenomena; b) the presence of an internal structure of connections between these components, as well as their subsystems; c) the presence of a certain level of integrity, the sign of which is that the system due to the interaction of the components receives an integral result; d) the presence in the structure of the system-forming links, combining components as blocks, parts into a single system; e) relationship with other systems.

The systemic vision of the pedagogical process allows you to clearly allocate the components, analyze all the variety of connections and relations between them, qualified to control the pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process as the system proceeds in other systems: education, school, class, in a separate lesson, and the like. Each such systems operates in certain external, including natural-geographical, social, industrial, cultural, etc. And the domestic conditions for the school are logistical, moral and psychological, sanitary and hygienic and other conditions. Each system has its own components. The components of the system in which the pedagogical process takes place, there are teachers, you are Hovoveti and the cultivation conditions.

What is the structure of the pedagogical process? In educational work, the teacher poses the purpose of education. In order to achieve it, it specifies its actions, that is, determines the tasks; To implement the tasks applies the appropriate pedagogical agents. If it is sufficiently taken into account the patterns and conditions, then cooperation is established between the teacher and pupils, the teacher causes and organizes the active activities of students aimed at learning human experience, achieves certain progress in individual development regarding the goal of education, potentially manifest itself in the results Education.

The pedagogical agents in a broad sense include: the content to be assimilated; Methods and organizational forms of education, with the help of which the teacher causes active activities of pupils, establishes the relationship, organizes the process.

So, the pedagogical process is characterized by: purpose, tasks, content, methods, forms of interaction of teachers and pupils achieved with the results (Fig. 6).

Usually, this is a target, meaningful, activity, efficient components forming the system. Target The component of the process contains all the diversity of the goals and objectives of pedagogical activities: from the common goal - the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality - to the specific tasks of the formation of certain qualities or their elements. meaningful The component reflects the meaning invested both in a common goal and in each specific task; The content that needs to be learned. The activity component provides for the interaction of teachers and pupils, their cooperation, organization and management of the process. Results The process component characterizes the achieved shifts relative to the target.

The second important feature of the pedagogical process as the system is the presence of the internal structure of links between the components and their subsystems.

Integrity of the pedagogical process

For the purpose of scientific analysis and the characteristics of the pedagogical process, we are talking about this process at all. In fact, the teacher deals with the process of learning, many educational processes (moral education, labor, environmental, etc.), the processes of development of individual characteristics of students (abilities, inconsistencies, interests, etc.). For example, the development of informative, labor, heuristic, inventive and other abilities of schoolchildren, who has been successfully implemented by the well-known teacher-innovative from near Moscow Reutova I. P. Volkov successfully performed in specialized classrooms of creativity and in extracurricular work.

The pedagogical process is not a mechanical combination of these processes, but a new qualitative formation in which all components processes obey a single goal. The complex dialectic of relations in the middle of the pedagogical process is the availability of the overall and preservation of the specific one.

The specifics of the processes are due to their dominant functions. The learning process mainly affects the intellectual sphere of personality, directly forms its consciousness. Therefore, it contributes a special contribution to the curriculum. The process of education is facing primarily to the relationship, actions and emotions of the personality. It mainly affects the motivational and activity behavioral scope. In connection with this, its dominant function is a function educational.

Each of the processes in a holistic pedagogical process also performs the associated functions. Thus, the learning process carries out not only training, but also educational and developing functions; The education process is educational and developing. Specially constructed processes of development of abilities, the inclinations of students significantly affect the expansion and deepening of their knowledge, skills, skills, on the formation of relations to the relevant activities, behavior. That is, perform the appropriate learning and educational function. This nature of the relationship is reflected in the goal of tasks, content, forms and methods of organically inseparable processes. For example, in the content of training prevails the formation of scientific ideas, the assimilation of concepts, laws, principles, theories, which subsequently a significant impact on the development of thinking, the formation of scientific worldview. The content of the education prevails the formation of value orientations, the experience of relations to the surrounding reality and itself, the motives, methods and rules of socially significant behavior and activity. At the same time, the content of education develops a presentation among students, contributes to the formation of knowledge and skills, stimulates interest in study, their activity in teaching.

Methods (paths) of training and education are characterized by an emphasis: if training uses predominantly ways to influence the intellectual sphere, then education, I do not exclude them, uses methods that affect the motivational and activity-behavioral sphere. At the same time, learning and education methods are interrelated. It is impossible to form any personality quality, and not teaching students to master the norms of social behavior, and not stimulating their teachings.

So, all components of the pedagogical process due to the relationships create a new qualitative education for which integrity is characteristic. It is the integrity of the pedagogical process that provides conditions for the implementation of the main goal of education - the full comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual.

Section 3. Pedagogical Process

Pedagogical process as a system

Pedagogical process -this is a specially organized, targeted interaction of teachers and pupils, focused on solving developing and educational tasks.

Pedagogical processit is considered as a dynamic system that includes interconnected components and interacting with broader systems to which it enters (for example, school system, education system).

In the pedagogical literature of the past years, instead of the concept of "pedagogical process", the concept of "educational process" was used. However, in the works of P. F. Kapterova, A. I. Pinkenovich, Yu. K. Babansky proven that this concept was narrowed and does not reflect the main characteristics of the pedagogical process - its integrity and generality of the processes of education, training and personal development processes. The essential characteristic of the pedagogical process is the interaction of teachers and pupils about the content of education using various pedagogical agents.

The pedagogical process includes target, meaningful, activity and efficient components.

Target component It assumes the presence of a variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity - from the general purpose of creating conditions for the versatile and harmonious development of the individual to the tasks of a particular lesson or event.

Operational - includes various levels and types of interaction of teachers and pupils, the organization of the pedagogical process, without which the end result cannot be obtained.

Results The component reflects the effectiveness of its flow, characterizes the achieved shifts in accordance with the goal. Special importance in the pedagogical process has connections between the allocated components. Among them, an important place is acquired by the communications and self-government, causal relations, information, communicative, etc.

According to the definition of M. A. Danilov, the pedagogical process of the internally associated set of many processes, the essence of which is that social experience is integrated into the quality of the person being generated. However, this process is not a mechanical connection of education, training and development processes, but a new quality education subject to special laws. All of them obey a single goal and form the integrity, generality and unity of the pedagogical process. At the same time, the specificity of each individual process is maintained in the pedagogical process. It is found in the allocation of their dominant functions.

Communication of the pedagogical process with:

Education - So, the dominant function of education is the formation of relations and socio-personal qualities of a person. Education provides developing and educational functions, learning is unthinkable without education and development.

Training- training in ways of activity, formation of skills and skills; Development - the development of a holistic personality. At the same time, in a single process, each of these processes also performs the associated functions.

The integrity of the pedagogical process is also found in the unity of its components: goals, content, means, forms, methods and results, as well as in the relationship of the flow steps.

Regularities of the pedagogical process considered as objective, steadily repetitive links between different phenomena.

1. Mainthe regularity of the pedagogical process is its social conditionality, i.e. dependence on the needs of society.

2. In addition, this pedagogical pattern can be distinguished as progressive and the successful nature of the pedagogical processwhich manifests itself in particular on the dependence of the final learning outcomes from the quality of intermediate.

3. Another regularity emphasizes that the effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on conditions of its flow (material, moral and psychological, hygienic).

4. No less important is a regularity conformity of content, forms and means of the pedagogical process age capabilities and characteristics of students.

5. Objective is a pattern communication of the results of education or training with the activities and activity of the students themselves.

In the pedagogical process, other patterns are also operating, which then finding their specific embodiment in principles and rules for building a pedagogical process.

Pedagogical process - This is a cyclical process that includes movement from the target to the result.

In this movement you can allocate general steps : preparatory, primary and final.