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Do you know that air is a mixture of gases? Gas composition of air. All about the atmospheric air I. Actualization of reference knowledge

Let's notify immediately, nitrogen in the air occupies most, however, the chemical composition of the remaining share is very interesting and diverse. If short, the list of basic elements is as follows.

However, we will give a small explanation on the functions of these chemical elements.

1. Nitrogen

The nitrogen content in the air is 78% by volume and 75% by weight, that is, this element dominates the atmosphere, has the title of one of the most common on Earth, and, in addition, it also contains outside the human habitat - in uranium, neptune and in interstellar spaces. So, how much nitrogen in the air, we have already figured out, the question of its function remains. Nitrogen is necessary for the existence of living beings, it is part of:

  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • nucleic acids;
  • chlorophyll;
  • hemoglobin, etc.

On average, about 2% of the living cells make up the nitrogen atoms, which explains why so much nitrogen in the air in the percentage of volume and mass.
Nitrogen is also one of the inert gases produced from atmospheric air. Ammonia is synthesized from it, used for cooling and for other purposes.

2. Oxygen

The oxygen content in the air is one of the most popular questions. Keeping intrigue, distracted by one funny fact: Oxygen was discovered twice - in 1771 and 1774, however, due to the difference in opening publications, the honors of the discovery of the element got the English chemist Joseph attracted, which actually allocated oxygen by the second. So, the proportion of oxygen in the air fluctuates about 21% by volume and 23% by weight. Together with nitrogen, these two gas form 99% of the entire terrestrial air. However, the percentage of oxygen in the air is less than nitrogen, and while we do not have problems with breathing. The fact is that the amount of oxygen in the air is optimally calculated precisely for normal respiration, in its pure form this gas acts on the body like poison, leads to difficulties in the work of the nervous system, respiratory failures and blood circulation. At the same time, the lack of oxygen also negatively affects health, causing oxygen fasting and all associated unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, how much oxygen in the air is contained, so much and need for a healthy full breathing.

3. Argon

Argon in the air takes the third place, it does not smell, colors and taste. The significant biological role of this gas has not been identified, but it has a narcotic effect and is even considered doping. Argon extracted from the atmosphere is used in industry, medicine, to create an artificial atmosphere, chemical synthesis, fire extinguishing, creating lasers, etc.

4. Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is the atmosphere of Venus and Mars, its percentage in the earthly air is much lower. At the same time, a huge amount of carbon dioxide is contained in the ocean, it is regularly supplied by all breathable organisms, is ejected by industry. In person's life, carbon dioxide is used in fire extinguishing, food industry as gas and as a food additive E290 - a preservative and a baking powder. In the solid form of carbon dioxide - one of the most famous refrigerants "dry ice".

5. Neon

The very mysterious light of disco lanterns, bright signs and modern headlights use the fifth prevalence of the chemical element, which also inhales a person - neon. Like many inert gases, Neon has a narcotic effect on a person under a certain pressure, however, this gas is used in the preparation of divers and other people working at elevated pressure. Also neon-helium mixtures are used in medicine during respiratory disorders, neon itself is used for cooling, in the production of signal lights and those most neon lamps. However, contrary to the stereotype, neon light is not blue, but red. All other colors give lamps with other gases.

6. Methane

Methane and air have a very ancient history: in the primary atmosphere, even before the emergence of a person, methane was in much more. Now this gas extracted and used as fuel and raw materials in production is not so widespread in the atmosphere, but still stands out from the ground. Modern studies establish the role of methane in the respiration and the vital activity of the human body, but there are no authoritative data on this account.

7. Helium

Looking at how much helium in the air, any will understand that this gas does not apply to the number of primary importance. Indeed, it is difficult to determine the biological significance of this gas. Apart from the funny distortion of voices when inhaling helium from the ball 🙂 However, helium is widely used in industry: in metallurgy, food industry, for filling the aeronautic ships and meteorological probes, in lasers, nuclear reactors, etc.

8. Kripton

We are not talking about the homeland of Superman 🙂 Krypton - an inert gas, which is three times heavier than air, chemically inert, is extracted from air, used in incandescent lamps, lasers and is still actively studied. From the interesting properties of Crypton, it is worth noting that at a pressure of 3.5 atmosphere, it has a narcotic effect on a person, and at 6 atmospheres it acquires a sharp smell.

9. Hydrogen

Hydrogen in the air takes 0.00005% by volume and 0.00008% by weight, but it is it that is the most common element in the universe. It is quite possible to write a separate article about its history, production and application, so you can now restrict ourselves to a small list of industries: chemical, fuel, food industry, aviation, meteorology, electric power industry.

10. Xenon

The latter in the composition of the air was originally considered only impurity to Crypton. Its name is translated as "alien", and the percentage of content and on earth, and beyond its limits, which led its high cost. Now without xenon, it is not possible: the production of powerful and impulse light sources, diagnosis and anesthesia in medicine, spacecraft engines, rocket fuel. In addition, when inhalation, xenon significantly reduces the voice (reverse effect of helium), and more recently, inhalation of this gas is attached to the doping list.

We all know that there is no living creature without air on earth. Air will be vital for all of us. Everyone from children to adults know that without air it is impossible to survive, but not everyone knows what air is, and from what it consists. So, the air is a mixture of gases that cannot be not seen and do not touch, but we all know well that he is around us, although we practically notice it. To conduct studies of various nature, including, in our laboratory.

We can feel the air only when we feel a strong wind or we are located near the fan. Of which air consists, but it consists of nitrogen and oxygen, and only a small part of argon, water, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. If you consider the composition of air in percent, then nitrogen is 78.08 percent, oxygen 20.94%, argon 0.93 percent, carbon dioxide 0.04 percent, neon 1.82 * 10-3 percent, helium 4.6 * 10-4 percent, methane 1.7 * 10-4 percent, Crypton 1.14 * 10-4 percent, hydrogen 5 * 10-5 percent, xenon 8.7 * 10-6 percent, nitrogen nitrogen 5 * 10-5 percent.

The oxygen content in the air is very large because it is precisely oxygen desired for the vital activity of the human body. Oxygen, which is observed in air when breathing enters the cells of the human body, and participates in the process of oxidation, as a result of which the energy is released, which is needed for life. Also, oxygen, which is obligatory to be in the air and for burning fuel, which produces heat, as well as when producing mechanical energy in internal combustion engines.

Also, inert gases are mined from air during the liquefaction. How much oxygen in the air, if you look in percentage ratio, then oxygen and nitrogen in the air of 98 percent. Knowing the answer to this question arises another, which gaseous substances are included in the air.

So, in 1754, the scientist named Joseph Black was confirmed that the air consists of a mixture of gases, and not a homogeneous substance as it was thought before. The air on Earth includes methane, argon, carbon dioxide, helium, crypton, hydrogen, neon, xenon. It is worth noting that the percentage of air may vary slightly depending on where people live.

Unfortunately, in large cities, the proportion of carbon dioxide in the percentage will be higher than for example, in villages or forests. The question arises how many oxygen percent in the air in the mountains. The answer is simple, oxygen is much heavier than nitrogen, so it will be much smaller in the air in the mountains, this is because the oxygen density decreases.

Oxygen rate

So, with regard to the oxygen ratio in the air there are certain norms, for example, for the working area. In order for a person to fully work, the oxygen rate in the air is from 19 to 23 percent. When operating equipment, enterprises must necessarily follow the tightness of the devices, as well as various machines. If, when testing air in the room where people work, the oxygen indicator will be below 19 percent, then it is necessary to leave the room and turn on emergency ventilation. Control the level of oxygen in the air in the workplace can invite the "EcotestExpress" laboratory and explore.

Let's now define what oxygen is

Oxygen is a chemical element of the periodic table of Mendeleev elements, oxygen does not have a smell, no taste, nor color. Oxygen in the air is extremely necessary for human respiration, as well as for burning, because it's no secret that if there is no air, then no materials will burn. The composition of oxygen includes a mixture of three stable nuclides, the mass numbers of which are 16. 17 and 18.

So, oxygen is the most common element on Earth, as for the percentage of oxygen, the greatest interest in silicates is about 47.4 percent of the mass of solid terrestrial crust. Also in the marine and fresh waters of the whole land there is a huge amount of oxygen, namely 88.8 percent, as for oxygen in the air, it is only 20.95 percent. It should be noted that oxygen is included in more than 1,500 compounds in the earth's crust.

As for the preparation of oxygen, it is obtained by separation of air at low temperatures. This process is happening in the beginning, the air is compressed using a compressor when compressing the air begins to heat up. Compressed air is allowed to cool to room temperature, and after cooling, it provides its free extension.

When the gas temperature is expanding sharply begins to decrease after the air cooled its temperature can be several dozen degrees below room temperature, such air is again compressed and selected the heat outlook. After several stages of compression and cooling air, another number of procedures are done in a consequence of which pure oxygen is separated without any impurities.

And here there is another question that heavier oxygen or carbon dioxide. The answer is just of course carbon dioxide will be harder than oxygen. The density of carbon dioxide is 1.97kg / m3, but the density of oxygen in turn is 1.43kg / m3. As for carbon dioxide, it turns out to play one of the main roles in the vital activity of all living on Earth, and also has an impact on carbon cycle in nature. It has been proven that carbon dioxide is involved in the regulation of respiration, as well as blood circulation.

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What is carbon dioxide?

Now it is more detailed to determine what carbon dioxide is, as well as we denote the composition of carbon dioxide. So, carbon dioxide in other words is carbon dioxide, it is a colorless gas with a slightly acidic smell, as well as taste. As for air, the concentration of carbon dioxide in it is 0.038 percent. The physical properties of carbon dioxide is the fact that it does not exist in a liquid state at normal atmospheric pressure, and it moves immediately from a solid state into a gaseous.

Carbon dioxide in solid state is also called dry ice. To date, carbon dioxide is a participant in global warming. Get carbon dioxide using combustion of various substances. It is worth noting that in the industrial production of carbon dioxide, it is pumped into cylinders. Carbon dioxide injected into cylinders is used as fire extinguishers, as well as in the production of carbonated water, and is still used in pneumatic weapons. As well as in the food industry as a preservative.

The composition of inhaled and exhaled air

Now we will analyze the composition of the inhaled and exhaled air. For began to determine what breathing is. Breathing is called a complex continuous process, with which the gas composition of the blood is constantly updated. The composition of the inhaled air is 20.94 percent of oxygen, 0.03 percent of carbon dioxide and 79.03 percent of nitrogen. But the composition of exhaled air is only 16.3 percent of oxygen, as well as 4 percent of carbon dioxide and 79.7 percent of nitrogen.

It can be noted that the inhaled air differs from the exhaled oxygen content, as well as the amount of carbon dioxide. These substances are part of the air that we breathe and that we exhale. Thus, our body is saturated with oxygen and gives all unnecessary carbon dioxide outwards.

Dry oxygen improves electric, as well as the protective properties of the films due to the absence of water, as well as their seals and reduce the volume charge. Also, dry oxygen under normal conditions can not react with gold with copper or silver. To conduct a chemical air analysis or another laboratory study, including, in our EcotestExpress laboratory.

The air is the atmosphere of the planet on which we live. And we always have an opportunity question what is part of the air, the answer is just a set of gases, as above, it has already been described what gases and in what proportion is in the air. As for the maintenance of gases in the air, everything is easily and simple here, the ratio of interest is almost for all locations of our planet.

The composition and properties of air

Air consists not only of a mixture of gases, but also various aerosols, and vapors. The percentage of air is the ratio of oxygen nitrogen and other gases in the air. So, how much oxygen is contained in the air, the answer is just 20 percent. Component gas composition, as for nitrogen, it contains a lion's share of all air, and it is worth noting that at elevated nitrogen pressure begins to have narcotic properties.

This is not a small value, because when working, they often have to work at a depth of tremendous pressure. No longer has been told and about oxygen, it is of great importance to human life on our planet. It is worth noting that inhalation of a person with increased oxygen in a non-long period does not affect the person himself.

But if a person is inhaling air with an elevated level of oxygen for a long time, this will lead to pathological changes in the body. Another major component of the air, about which there was already a lot to have carbon dioxide, as a person, without him, can also live, as without oxygen.

If there were no air on Earth, then not one living organism could not live on our planet, and even more so something to function. Unfortunately, in the modern world, a huge number of industrial facilities that pollute our air are in recent times more and more often call for the fact that you need to take care of the environment, as well as to monitor the purity of the air. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out frequent measurements of air and determine how clean it is. If it seems to you that the air in your room is not enough clean and this factor has external factors you can always contact the EcotestExpress laboratory, which will conduct all the necessary analyzes (, research) and will give conclusion about the purity of the air inhaling by you.

It can not be touched and can not be seen, but the main thing is what we owe him - life. Of course, this is the air that occupied not the last place in the folklore of every nation. As his people's antiquity presented, and that he actually represents - I will write about it below.

Gases from which air consists

Natural mixture of gases called air. Its necessity and significance for living hard to underestimate - he plays an important role in oxidative processeswhich are accompanied by the allocation necessary for all living energy. By experiments, scientists were able to determine the exact composition, but the main thing is that it is necessary to understand - this is not a homogeneous substance, but a gas mixture. About 99% of the composition - a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, and in general air forms an atmosphere Our planet. So, the mixture consists of the following gases:

  • methane;
  • krypton;
  • helium;
  • xenon;
  • hydrogen;
  • neon;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • oxygen;
  • nitrogen;
  • argon.

It should be noted that the composition is not constant And it can be significantly different in different sections. For example, large cities are distinguished by a large content of carbon dioxide. In the mountains will be observed low oxygen levelSince this gas is heavier than nitrogen, and as the density of it will fall. Science claims that the composition may differ in different parts of the planet from 1% to 4% for each of the gases.

In addition to the percentage of gases, the air is characterized by the following parameters:

  • humidity;
  • temperature;
  • pressure.

Air is constantly in motion, forming vertical streams. Horizontal - winds depend on certain natural conditions, so they can have different characteristics of speed, strength and directions.

Air in folklore

Legends of each nation make air some "alive" qualities. As a rule, spirits of this element were elusive and invisible creatures. According to legends, they inhabited peaks of mountains or clouds, and differed in predisposition to a person. They were, as it was thought worked snowflakes and collected clouds In clouds, flying across the sky in the winds.

The Egyptians considered air symbol of lifeand the Indians believed that overtake Brahma - Life, and inhale, respectively, death. As for Slavs, the air (wind) occupied almost a central place in the legends of this nation. He could hear, and sometimes even to fulfill small requests. However, he was not always kind, sometimes speaking on the side of the power of evil in the form of an evil and unpredictable wanderer.

Air is an integral condition for the life of the overwhelming number of organisms on our planet.

Without food, a person can live a month. Without water - three days. Without air - just a few minutes.

Story study

Do not everyone know that the main component of our vital activity is an extremely inhomogeneous substance. Air is a mixture of gases. Which ones?

For a long time it was believed that the air is a single substance, and not a mixture of gases. The hypothesis of heterogeneity appeared in the scientific works of many scientists at different times. But further the theoretical guesses nobody moved. Only in the eighteenth century, the Scottish chemist Joseph Black experimentally proved that the gas composition of the air is heterogeneous. The discovery was produced during the next experiments.

Modern scientists have proven that air is a mixture of gases consisting of ten basic elements.

The composition differs depending on the place of concentration. The determination of the air composition is constantly. The health of people depends on this. Air is a mixture of which gases?

On the hills (especially in the mountains) a small oxygen content. This concentration is called "Raised Air". In the forests, on the contrary, the maximum oxygen content. In the megalopolis, the content of carbon dioxide is increased. The definition of air composition is one of the most important duties of environmental services.

Where you can use air

  • Compressed mass is used when downloading air under pressure. Installation up to ten bar installed at any tire station. Air pumping tires.
  • Workers use jackhammers, pneumatic pistols for quick removal / installation of nuts and bolts. For such equipment, low weight and high efficiency is characteristic.
  • In the industries using varnishes and paints, it is used to accelerate the drying process.
  • On car washes, a compressed air mass helps in a fast drying of cars;
  • Production enterprises enjoy compressed air when cleaning the tools from any kinds of contaminants. In this way, you can clean the chips and sawdust whole hangars.
  • The petrochemical industry is no longer presented without equipment for blowing pipelines before the first start.
  • In the production of oxides and acids.
  • To increase the temperature of technological processes;
  • From the air produced;

Why do you need air living beings

The main task of air, or rather, one of the main components - oxygen - penetrate the cells, as a result of which the oxidation processes. Thanks to this, the body receives energy most important for life.

Air enters the body through the lungs, after which it is distributed through the body using a circulatory system.

Air is a mixture of which gases? Consider them in more detail.


Air is a mixture of gases, the first of which is nitrogen. Seventh element of the periodic system of Dmitry Mendeleev. Scottish chemist Daniel Rutherford in 1772 is considered the discoverer.

It is part of the proteins and nucleic acids of the human body. Although his share in cells is small - no more than three percent, gas is essential for normal vital activity.

In the composition of air its content - more than seventy eight percent.

In normal conditions, there is no color and smell. Does not join with other chemical elements.

The greatest amount of nitrogen is used in the chemical industry, primarily in the manufacture of fertilizers.

Used nitrogen in the medical industry, in the production of dyes,

In cosmetology, with gas treats acne, scars, warts, the body thermoregulation system.

With the use of nitrogen, ammonia is synthesized, nitric acid is manufactured.

In the chemical industry, oxygen is used for oxidation of hydrocarbons in alcohols, acids, aldehydes, nitric acid production.

The fishing industry is the saturation of water oxygen.

But the greatest value of gas has for living beings. With the help of oxygen, the body can dispose of (oxidizing) the desired proteins, fats and carbohydrates, turning them into the necessary energy.


The gas, which is part of the air, is in third place in importance - argon. The content does not exceed one percent. It is an inert gas without color, taste and smell. The eighteenth element of the periodic system.

The first mention is attributed to the English chemist in 1785. And Lord Lare and William Ramzay received Nobel Prizes for the proof of the existence of gas and experiments with him.

Argon applying areas:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • filling the space between the glasses in plastic windows;
  • protective environment during welding;
  • fire extinguishing;
  • for air purification;
  • chemical synthesis.

It does not bring special benefit to the human body. At high gas concentration leads to a choke.

Cylinders with gray or black argon.

The remaining seven elements make up 0.03% in the air.

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide in the composition of the air does not have color and smell.

It is formed due to rotting or combustion of organic materials, it is released when breathing and the operation of cars and other transport.

The human body is formed in the tissues due to the processes of life and transferred via the venous system into the lungs.

It has a positive value, because When loading expands capillaries, which provides the possibility of greater transportation of substances. Positive affects myocardium. It helps to increase the frequency and power of the load. Used when correction of hypoxia. Participates in the regulation of breathing.

In industry, carbon dioxide is obtained from combustion products as a side gas of chemical processes or when the air is separated.

Application is extremely wide:

  • preservative in the food industry;
  • saturation drinks;
  • fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing systems;
  • feeding aquarium plants;
  • protective environment during welding;
  • application in balllors for gas weapons;
  • refrigerant.


Air is a mixture of gases, the fifth of which is neon. It was discovered much later - in 1898. The name is translated from Greek as "new".

Singo-name gas that has no color and smell.

It has high electrical conductivity. It has a completed electronic shell. Inert.

Get gas using air separation.


  • Inert medium in industry;
  • Refrigerant in cryogenic installations;
  • Filler gas-discharge lamps. Found a wide application thanks to advertising. Most color signs are made using neon. When the electrical discharge of the lamp gives a bright color glow.
  • Signal lights on lighthouses and airfields. Well proven themselves with strong fogs.
  • Element of air mixture for people when working with high pressure.


Helium is a single andatomous gas without color and smell.


  • Like Neon, when passing the electric discharge gives a bright light.
  • In industry - to remove impurities from steel when smelting;
  • Refrigerant.
  • Filling airship and balloons;
  • Partially in mixtures for breathing at deep dives.
  • Coolant in nuclear reactors.
  • Home Children's joy - flying balloons.

For living organisms, no special benefit is not. In high concentrations can cause poisoning.


Air - a mixture of gases, the seventh of which is methane. Gas without color and smell. At large concentrations are explosive. Therefore, one is added to the indication to it.

It is most often used as fuel and raw materials in organic synthesis.

Home furnaces, boilers, gas columns work mainly on methane.

Product of vital activity of microorganisms.


Crypton is an inert single andomic gas without color and smell.


  • in the production of lasers;
  • oxidizer of rocket fuel;
  • filling incandescent bulbs.

The influence on the human body was studied little. The use of deep-sea dives is studied.


Hydrogen - colorless combustible gas.


  • Chemical industry - production of ammonia, soap, plastics.
  • Filling with ball shells in meteorology.
  • Rocket fuel.
  • Cooling electrical generators.


Xenon is a single butomic colorless gas.


  • filling of incandescent lamps;
  • in spacecraft engines;
  • as a drug.

For the human body harmless. Special benefit does not represent.

main gas in the air

Alternative descriptions

Metal fragile gas

Gas from which air consists of 78%

Chief "Air Fill"

The main component of the air inhaled by you, which can not breathe in pure form

Air component

Air fertilizer

Chemical element - the basis of a number of fertilizers

Chemical element, one of the main nutrients of plants

Chemical element, component of air


Liquid refrigerant

Chemical element, gas

Magic sword Paracelsa

In Latin, this gas is called "Nitrogenium", that is, "Horitant Selitra"

The name of this gas occurred from the Latin word "lifeless"

This gas - the component of the air was practically absent in the primary atmosphere of the Earth 4.5 billion years ago

Gas whose liquid serves to cool ultra-mechanical appliances

What gas in liquid state is stored in the Dewar vessel?

Gas, frozen terminator II


What gas carries fire?

The most common element in the atmosphere

The basis of all nitrates

Chemical element, n

Freezing gas

Three-quarter air

As part of ammonia

Gas from the air

Gas at number 7

Element from Selitra

Popular gas

Element from nitrate

Vessel liquid gas

Gas number 1 in the atmosphere

Fertilizer in air

78% air

Gas for cryostat

Almost 80% air

The most popular gas

Common gas

Dewar vessel gas

The main component of the air

. "N" in the air


Aerial component

Ancient rich philus city, with Dagon temple

Most of the atmosphere

Prevails in the air

Following carbon in the table

Between carbon and oxygen in the table

7th from Mendeleev

Before oxygen

Oxygen predecessor in table

Harvest gas

. "Lifeless" among gases

Following the carbon in the table

Pat from Palindrome Feta

Gas - Component Fertilizers

To oxygen in the table

After carbon in the table

78.09% air

What gas is more in the atmosphere?

What gas hovers in the air?

Most of the atmosphere

Seventh in the ranks of chemical elements

Chem. Element number 7.

Composite part of air

In the table it after carbon

Unquenchable part of the atmosphere

. "Horitant Selitra"

Zaku of this gas - "Universe Gas"

The basis of the earth's atmosphere

Most of the air

Part of air

Carbon successor in the table

Lifeless part of the air

Seventh in Mendeleevsk


Most air

Seventh chemical element

About 80% air

Gas from the table

Gas, significantly affecting the harvest

The main component of nitrates

The base of air

Main element of air

. "Non-livid" air element

Mendeleev appointed him seventh

Lion share of air

Seventh in Mendeleev Shero

Main gas in the air

Seventh in chemical

Main air gas

The main gas of the air

Between carbon and oxygen

Inert under normal dimensional gas

The most common gas on earth

Gas, main air component

Chemical element, gas without color and odor, main component of air, also included in proteins and nucleic acids

Name of chemical element

. "N" in the air

. "Lifeless" among gases

. "Non-livid" air element

. "Horitant Selitra"

7th Count Mendeleev

Most of the inhaled air

Included in the air

Gas - Component Fertilizers

Gas that significantly affects the harvest

The main composition. Part of air

The main part of the air

Main "Air Fill"

Zaku of this gas - "GAZ"

What gas is larger in the atmosphere

What gas in liquid state is stored in the Dewar vessel

Which gas is in the air

What gas exhaust fire

M. Chemich. the basis, the main element of the Selitra; Selitrocker, Selitrod, Selitryak; It is the main, by quantity, part of our air (nitrogen volumes, oxygen azoty, nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen containing. Chemists distinguish between these words or the degree of nitrogen content in combinations with other substances

In Latin, this gas is called "Nitrogenium", that is, "feeding Selitra"

The name of this gas occurred from the Latin word "lifeless"

The main component inhale. air

In front of oxygen in the table

Carbon conversation in the table

Seventh Count Mendeleev

Chemical. Code name element 7

Chemical element

What a chemical element number 7

Part of the Selitra