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How to remove the updated VK version. How to return the old version of the VK on the computer

For a long time, VKontakte's design changed on trifles, pleased users by adding new features or upset by the removal of old. It is enough to remember the moment when the local "currency" stopped existed - voices. But all these changes were trifles compared to a recent update.

From August 17, 2016, the website of the social network "VKontakte" is forcibly and has already switched to a new design. Up to this point, users were offered to switch between new and old design in test mode, and some users had such a function, but most in the settings there are no desired link "Go to the old design". Of course, for someone new design and more convenient, it is more optimized for browser through mobile devices, which facilitates the use of a simple town man, but in many respects for specialists it turns out to be less practical. The greater the irritation of forced switching to it, with the lack of choice. Therefore, users are looking for ways to switch to an old design, and some even create their own expansion modules. A much simpler way to allow anyone to return the old VKontakte design is to install a standard browser extension that allows you to change the display style of the necessary pages.

Simple and reliable way to return the old VKontakte design

This method requires the user to perform a few simple operations that are booked to download and configure the appropriate expansion, the modifications of which exist for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and other browsers. One of these extensions is Stylish. We will look at the option with Google Chrome, as the most common browser:

Regarding the simplest methods of returning the old version of VKontakte

Unfortunately, simple methods "Return the old VKontakte design" do not exist. The link "Go to the old design", which earlier reliably accustomed in a new design, is now missing as a class. Self-passing scripts Even the experienced programmer will require more time than setting the expansion + style. Thus, any simple solution to the problem will be a variation on the topic of the method described above.

Stylish is one of the many extensions that allow you to apply custom scripts to change the visual part of the site design. JavaScript must be connected to the expansion in the browser. Scripts under Stylish people write, so in some cases the result obtained in this way will be far from the ideal. However, with timely update of the style in the end, the moment will come when its author will write all the necessary parameters. Also among affordable styles you can choose and intermediate design versions that will have the benefits of old and new.

To fully return the old design of the VC will not work, but you can get closer to the old style of visual design. If the script options offered by Stylish have proven to you, the nearest alternative for it is the TampermonKey extension. Despite the fact that (and rather, thanks to this ...) that both extensions serve the same goal in parallels, they may not work incorrectly. Therefore, it is better before installing the second remove or deactivate the first, and vice versa.

It is very easy to update VC on Android phone. At the same time, the procedure is mandatory, because obsolete versions over time can function well.

You need to update the program on the phone in order to enjoy all new functions, because the developers constantly adjust the site, creating something new and perfect for more convenient use.

A new version

The new version of the program that everyone can absolutely download to his phone can boast the rewritten code, in addition, the design is fully updated here. It is possible to note that the headlines of the section were blue.

And this is still not all the "novelties" of the site. At the top of the "News" section, you can use the "Search" and "Recommendations" tabs. The "Comments" tab can be used in the Response Department. Previously, all this could be done only with the help of the screen swipe on the right side.

User profiles also expanded, they displays the information all the same as on the web version. Changes touched and listening to music, in the audio player from now on there are lyrics and album covers.


Extremely simply download updates for Android. How to update VK on the phone android:

  1. To do this, go to the standard application of all android smartphones - Google Play. In this store of programs and applications, it is convenient to download updates.
  2. From above to the left you need to click on the menu and select the "My Applications" tab.
  3. Next will be seen which applications are installed on the phone, and at the very top will be indicated by those that require updates.
  4. We are looking for among them the VC application and click "update".
  5. The application will display a notification that it will have access to identification data, you need to click the "Accept" button.
  6. After that, the update will start downloading.
  7. The program at this stage is updated automatically.

If the usual Internet traffic is used, the application may notify that the size of the downloaded file is too large. This is necessary for the user to know that a delay or overpayment for traffic is possible. It is best to update VC with Wi-Fi connected, this will save money on traffic.

It is possible that there is little space on the phone. In this case, the application will also display a notification that you failed to download the update.
Then it will be necessary to clean the place on the phone, in order for the update to still be installed. You can remove games, music or photos. Unnecessary files from the internal memory of the phone are deleted, because all applications are installed only here, and not on the SD card.

But even if the places are not enough - try to free it, because the updates are responsible for the correct operation of the application. The goal of new versions is not only to come up with innovations, but also to correct the mistakes of old versions. After the application has installed an update, you can use the program again.

As you know, not all updates are equally useful, so some applications with updates work out of hand badly, and sometimes refuse to work at all. There is a thought - why not delete updates?

Alas, the Android operating system does not allow you to delete downloaded for update applications. However, there are exceptions. For example, in the firmware "sewn" some application. In our case, this is a Google Chrome browser. Since the application is "sewn" to the firmware, it is impossible to remove it without root-rights, but it can be updated using Google Play. After the update, the Delete button appears.

No, clicking on it, you cannot delete applications, but you can delete all updates by clicking on the OK button.

Of course, this concerns only some applications, remove which cannot be without root rights, including Google services.

There is another option. Go to the section with applications.

Select the application, then click "Delete Updates".

Confirm Delete updates.

Step-by-step instructions to remove application updates on Android

  • 1 Delete updates
  • 2 Android Update Setup

When you enable Wi-Fi, most Android devices start booting updates and games. The process is useful, but sometimes updating on android leads to the fact that the application begins to work incorrectly. In this case, Android devices users begin to wonder how to delete updates and return the programs to a working condition.

Delete updates

You can remove only updates built into Android applications - Google Chrome, Play Market. If you are looking for how to delete a third-party update on android, you will be disappointing. The only way to: delete the application itself, and then find and install it an old version.

You can search for old versions on 4pda sites - there you can find any popular program for Android. Downloading from other portals, installation files are more dangerous, but you can also, especially if the site is checked by other users. To make the remote application after installation immediately updated, you need to adjust the order of downloading updates on Android.

If you do not like how, after the upgrade, one of the standard Android applications (for example, Play Market) works, it can be quickly roll back to the original state:

  1. Open the settings, go to "Applications".
  2. Lay the program in the list, you want to delete updates. Click it to open the page with the optional settings.
  3. Tap the "Delete Updates" button.

Remote updates can boot back when connected to Wi-Fi. To do this, make recommendations for setting up application updates to Android.

Configuring Android Update

By default, the program begin to be updated when Wi-Fi is turned on. On mobile traffic, downloading updates is not produced, because it has a limit - a specific number of gigabytes per month. Most Android users suite such an approach: turned on Wi-Fi, the application was updated, you can not worry about the relevance of programs. But if you want to fully control how the last update will be boosted, you need to make additional system settings.

The first thing you can do is to establish the limit of background processes. It will help to correct the situation when the system freezes due to the simultaneous update of several applications.

  1. Open the settings, section "For Developers".
  2. Scroll down the screen down to the "limit of background processes" parameter. Click on it to change.
  3. Set the value that suits you - for example, no more than 2 processes at the same time.

If you want to prohibit auto-update generally, the easiest way to do is use Play Market settings:

  1. Run Play Market. Call the control menu and go to the settings.
  2. Click on "Auto-update" and select "Never".

Some applications are updated without the help of Play Market, so the execution of the above actions will not be enough to completely disable auto-update. To fix this disadvantage:

  1. Open the phone settings, go to the "About Device" section.
  2. Select "Update software".
  3. Remove the tick near the "Auto-update" parameter.

After turning off the auto update, you will have to update programs manually:

  1. Open Play Market, call the control menu.
  2. Go to My Applications and Games.
  3. Open the "Installed" tab.
  4. Click "Update" near the application for which you want to download and install an update.

Manual upgrade is not the most convenient way to maintain programs up to date, but you will fully own the situation.

How to Disable Application Update on Android

Today, the games and programs on Android are regularly updated by the manufacturer. The system often installs them independently without notifying the user. The question arises: how does applications update on Android? Content:

Why applications are constantly updated

Different applications are permanently updated for various reasons. Thus, antiviruses with each update replenish the database of viruses, the program-cleaners receive new features, games - new cards and levels. The manufacturer is constantly trying to improve the applications, so it is forced to release new versions. Also, updates come out if the previous version turned out to be "bugged" (slows down either at all) or the new version of Android does not support the old, non-optimized applications.

Is it necessary to automatically update applications

It is worth a clearly indicate where the automatic update is required, and where - no. Anti-virus utilities, for example, must receive updates regularly. If the user decides to independently download new versions of firewalls on an irregular basis, the system will be vulnerable to spyware attacks, advertising banners and viruses. Navigation utilities are also worth allowing automatic update: each new version of the same Google Maps or Here carries new maps and more detailed schemes of old. In other programs like Google Chrome, CCleaner or Total Commander, the automatic update is not necessary: \u200b\u200bupdated design, one or two innovations and traditional "minor bugs fixed" (low errors are eliminated) - that's all that usually gets the consumer after downloading the latest version of the utility.

Such programs are better to update once a month. In games, each update brings new maps and levels, so it is also better to allow you to load new versions on your own.

How to delete application update on android

If the Android application update does not satisfy the user (an unpropered interface, picked up or the program does not start at all), then it can roll back to the previous version. You can return only those utilities that were originally installed by the manufacturer. Those multimedia files that the user uploaded itself, it is impossible to roll out. How to delete updating system applications: go to the Device menu, then in "Settings". There, click on the Application Manager / Application Manager tab (in different devices it is called differently). Find the program you want to roll back. Click on the Delete Update button. If not, go to "Options", and then - to the "Delete Update" tab. After that, there will be a menu that will ask to confirm the rollback. It is worth noting that after that, the utility returns to its original version (for example, if "from the factory" was set by Google Chrome V 1.0, and then the user itself updated it to V 2.0 and V 3.0, then when rollback from the third version, the program will return to V 1.0).

How to Delete Updating Non-System Applications: A single output - Find an installation file on the Internet (with APK format) an old version.

How to prohibit updating applications for android

To disable application updates, you must first go to Google Play, then click on the menu icon or make swipe left right. We find the tab "Settings", then go to "Auto-updating applications." In the menu that appears, select "Never". Tip: You can also choose "only through Wi-Fi" so as not to use tariff megabytes.

How to cancel application update on android

If the Android application is at the download stage, then you need to go to the Google Play menu. You need to find the "Downloads" tab and select the downloadable file. You can cancel its download long by pressing the file.

How to update Android applications manually

Go to Google Play, call the main menu, then go to the "My Applications" tab. A page will open where all installed games and programs will be displayed, including factory. Utilities to which there are updates will be separated from those to which there are no updates. On the tab of each application there will be a "Update" button. Also in this submenu there is a "Update All" button. With it, files will be updated "by chain". If the application will require access to identification data, multimedia files or contacts, then it will notify you about it. Press the "Accept" button. If the program does not need additional special permissions, it will throw the appropriate message - click "Accept". Updating multimedia files, however, requires space in the memory of the smartphone (it is the smartphone, not a memory card). To free it, you should delete any files from the smartphone memory (music, pictures, other app, cache of various programs). Before upgrading the google Play heavy utility, will offer to download it via Wi-Fi so as not to spend mobile traffic.

Turn off the update of one specific Android application

Go to Google Play, in the search bar, drive the name of the required application. In the list of games and programs, click on it, then click on the Troetchy, located on the right in the upper corner. Cleans the item "Auto-update", you need to remove a tick.

Why after updating android does not work applications?

The fact is that applications in Google Play are not optimized for a new system. Bright example - update with Android 2.3 to 4.0. In this case, it helps the best: 1) re-reinstalling applications; 2) Full reset with copying all data. First, it is better to simply reinstall the necessary games and programs. It is not worth worrying that Google will reside the funds for the jump of paid applications: after purchasing multimedia files on Google Play, you can reinstall its countless times. By the way, when you delete most games and programs, only executive files are erased: cache (for example, progress in Angry Birds) remains. However, sometimes you have to fully discharge the parameters of the device. At the same time, you need to make a data backup. We load and install on the PC a free version of the Titanium Backup utility. Then we connect the smartphone to the computer. After starting the user utility, you ask for root rights, click on the "Allow" button. Come in the smartphone menu, then in "Processing". Click on "Backup". Further Titanium Backup will provide a list of applications from which you must select what multimedia files must be saved. Selecting the applications you need, click on the "Run Batch Processing" button. After the operation of the Titanium Backup operation will give a list where ticks will stand near the games and programs as confirmation of successfully made copies. The backup itself will be saved on a micro-SD card of your smartphone, it can be saved to the PC for reliability.

Thanks to the Google Play service, the developers of Android applications and tablets have the ability to effectively disseminate updates for their products. It is necessary to update the application in the Google Play service, how it is automatically updated on all Android devices where it is installed. In most cases, it is very convenient. Both for developers and for users.

But, the updates are far from always quite successful. Sometimes after the update, the application does not work stably or contains errors. In such situations, a problem appears how to delete an application update on Android and return it to the old version.

Delete updates for Android applications

Fortunately, the Android operating system provides a mechanism using which you can delete the update that was installed on the phone using the Google Play service. To do this, you must open the Android settings and go to the section " Application Manager" or simply " Applications", If you have a standard shell.

After that, you will appear a list of all installed applications on your Android smartphone. Here you need to find the application whose update you want to delete.

Opening the desired application, you will see a screen with information. Here you need to click on the "Delete Updates" button, which will be immediately called your application.

After that, a warning will appear that the system is going to delete updates and restore the original application. Click on the "Yes" button to continue.

After that, the application update will be deleted, and the application information will appear before you again. Here you can see, to which version you roll back.

How to disable application update in the future

In order for this application to be updated again, it is necessary for it in the Google Play service. To do this, go to the Google Play application on your android phone and find the application you need there with the search page. After you open the application page, click on the button with three points. It should be at the top of the screen.

After clicking on this button, a small pop-up menu will appear in which you can disable the update for this application.

After the application update is disabled, it will be possible to update it only.

Most recently, all the favorite social network of VKontakte radically changed its interface. He liked many, but still there are users for whom the old version of the application is more familiar, and there really have a lot of such. Let's talk about how to replace the old VC to the old one, and something else is interesting.

As a new version of VK change to the old on android

After the release of the new version of the site, many interests one question - how to return the old version of VK, and in general it is possible to do it. On android, it is quite realistic, while the recovery process consists of three stages:

  • Disable auto-update application to Play Market.
  • Removing a new version of VK.
  • Restoring the old version.

We proceed to the first stage. To begin with, you must run, then go to the "options" (the icon looks like three horizontal lines, it is located close to GooglePlay lettering). Click on the "settings" and remove a tick from the "Auto-update" item, in some versions you need to put a tick to the "Never" point. This is the first step completed, it must be done so that the old version does not automatically update.

And now, actually learn how to make an VKontakte old application. Everything is very simple, you just need to download the desired version of the link Now you can use the old VKontakte application, not experiencing that it will be updated.

As in the mobile version of VKontakte, keep music

Another significant disadvantage of the new version of VKontakte was the fact that you can not cache music in the application on Android. This problem is solved very easily: everything you need to do is to download the old VK version from the site, which we have already mentioned above, and disable the auto-update application to PlayMarke, which we also spoke above.

Music caching on iPhone

The owners of "apple" devices are very uncomfortable, because you constantly need to synchronize the device through iTunes. To significantly simplify the process, many use special programs for this.

One of these programs is First of all, you need to go to your personal account and logged in with your help. However, it is necessary to take into account that this application is not official, so there is still some risk of security.

After that, in a new window, you must select the "Install Lazytool" action and confirm the installation by clicking on the key in the Set "dialog box. After the installation is completed, you must enter the "Settings" menu on the "Main" menu, then in the "Profiles and Device Management" section, we find "Vektumtsentr, OOO". Click on this key, after which you need to select the "Trust Vektumtsentr, Ooo" parameter and confirm your solution in the dialog box.

Next, go to the application itself and click on the settings key, which is located in the bottom field, click it quickly 10 times in a row. Thus, you turn on the secret mode of operation of the application. If everything is done correctly, a notification appears that you need to restart the application.

We close the program completely, and again go into it. After starting, select the "VKontakte" tab and log in with your account. You can log in in two ways - with access to messages (to send tracks to friends in private messages) and without it. You need to choose the way that suits you.

How to download version VK as on iPhone

If you compare VKontakte application versions for Android and iOS, then the second will seem more comfortable. Install the VC application as an iPhone can, but it should be understood that it is unofficial, so the search for PlayMarket is doomed to failure. You can download such a program on the already familiar site First go to the site, then download and install the format file.apk. However, it is worth checking that applications can be downloaded from unconfirmed sources.

To do this, you need to go to the "Settings", then go to the Safety section. The second line is called "Unknown Sources", it is necessary to put a check mark on it. After that, in a new window, you must confirm your action. Thus, we allow the phone to download applications not only from PlayMarket.

Advantages of the application

Externally, the program looks exactly like an iPhone, although it was created for android. The design completely repeats the application for iOS, even the label corresponds. All icons in the appendix are round, which is typically for "apple" devices. In addition, the leaf animation is much superior to the standard in the app for Android.

The developers copied absolutely everything - from a convenient slider to scroll through the pages to emoticons. This application has an additional feature that is not in the iPhone program. This mode allows you not to highlight online, even if you use the application at the moment. In general, the program works fine without errors and glitches, and the interface is completely copied from the iPhone application.