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All affirmations. Positive statements helping to change our way of thoughts - affirmations

Here to the aid and come affirmations. Affirmations are conscious thoughts that a person thinks intentionally in order to replace already formed beliefs.

By big account, affirmations are nothing more than thoughts. You can repeat affirmations or loud or to ourselves.

Perhaps affirmations are the easiest and very powerful way Influence on a subconscious mind. You can work on affirmation anywhere and ever. Just choose affirmation that expresses your desires, and repeat it several times.

And with no matter where you are now and where to get away. It is important to correctly compile affirmations and work with them and the effect you will notice very quickly.

How do affirmations work?

Affirmations work on the principle of substitution. At a certain point in time, the mind can hold only one single thought, therefore the essence of affirmations is filling and retention in the minds of thoughts that your desire support.

Imagine a glass with muddy water.

You take this glass and put it under the crane, turn on the water and start pouring into it clean water. Muddy water begins to move across the edges, and the net enters the glass. Over time muddy water Replaced clean.

The same thing happens with the human brain. Now the brain (glass) is filled to the edges. When you work out a new affirmation, it replaces the old one. But the replacement does not occur immediately, but with time. The stronger the affirmation you wish to replace, the more time and effort will have to spend, to replace.

The essence of affirmations is to surround yourself with mentally positive thoughts that contribute to the achievement of the desired result.

If a certain thought is held sufficiently for a long time, it begins to cause emotions that activate the work of the universe.

Affirmations have nothing to do with the provision of current affairs. They are based on what you would like to see the position of your affairs.

Emmerson said: "We are becoming about what we think throughout the day."
Use affirmations every day - this is the easiest way to change the desired situation for the better

50-60 thousand swears in our brain. Thoughts daily. Why only 1-5% have an impact on us, and the rest just disappear in the stream? Because these 1-5% cause our emotions!

And now let's look at how to compile affirmations.

Criteria for proper affirmation:

1. Affirmations should always talk about what you want, and not what you do not want

Affirmations should talk about acquiring something, and not about getting rid of something. Affirmations should talk about achieving something, and not from leaving something.

You get what they concentrate!

Wrong affirmations:

  • I do not want to sleep so much
  • I do not want to earn so little
  • I do not want to go to work so far

Proper affirmations:

  • I sleep in hours a day, it's perfectly hurt and feel great (x - replace the desired number)
  • I earn XXX per month (x - replace the desired numbers)
  • I am a XX km to my work (xx - replace the necessary numbers)

Did you catch the essence?

Affirmations should be in an affirmative form, and in no case in negative. The use of a particle "not" is prohibited. If you want to succeed in a certain case, affirmation may sound like this: "I won a success in ..." And in no case "I did not lose ..." or "I didn't fail." Negative affirmations on the subconscious level act quite on the contrary, which we believe. They destroy you. Since you say lost - it means the defeat is perceived. If we talk in simple, then the "not" partial is ignored by the subconscious. If you want to receive positive results, you need to create positive images. Negative images lead to negative results.

Avoid use in affirmations such phrases like:

  • Never
  • Stopped (a)
  • Got rid (las)
  • And etc.

2. Affirmations must be formulated in the present time.

When you repeat the affirmation, you must feel that what you claim has already happened.

The brain does not understand the past and the future. When you say "I will have a house on the ocean", your brain understands this "I don't have a house on the ocean." When you say "I will", you indirectly argue that now you have no. Your subconsciousness does not understand such words as "I will", "Soon", "Tomorrow". It understands only what happens to him right now. Depending on how you take a certain idea now, it depends how quickly it is implemented in the future. When you speak your subconscious, that you already have it immediately proceeds to implement it. When you talk about the future, the subconscious mind does not know when to proceed with the implementation and whether it is necessary to start at all.

Wrong affirmations:

  • January 10, 2012 I will buy new house (Although it may be a goal!)
  • On the next week I will have a great hairstyle
  • Tomorrow I will have a wonderful day
  • From Monday I will completely stop drinking alcohol

Proper affirmations:

  • I bought a new home
  • I have a great hairstyle
  • I have a wonderful productive day
  • I always and in any situations by 100% sober

3. Affirmations must be specific

Affirmations must be concrete, because only specific formulations can cause strong emotions. The whole point is that the affirmations have created emotions, and the stronger the emotions they create, the better these affirmations will work for you. And what emotions can fuzzy, general formulations?

Compare, for example, the two following wording:
"We bought a new beautiful house"I.
"We bought a new three-storey house from white brick sizes with a football field and this house is on the seashore "

Do you feel the difference in emotions?
Exactly thanks to this difference, your desire will be fulfilled.

Want to buy a car?
Compare these two wording:
"I have a new beautiful lexus" and
"I have a new snow white Lexus GS 460 with an automatic transmission"

Do you feel the difference?

You should have noticed that in the first wording of emotions weak, and secondly strong. All this thanks to the paintings that draw your brain in the first and second cases.

4. Affirmations must be prepared using the words indicating emotions.

We have already spoken earlier about what the effective affirmations differ from the invalid, and came to the conclusions that effective affirmations cause strong emotions. That's it precisely to make our affirmations even stronger, we will add emotional words to affirmations. When drawing up affirmations, you need to take care, so that they cause joy and enthusiasm with us. Any words that cause you strong emotions will also greatly affect your subconscious. Rule simple: the stronger the emotions, the faster your belief will change.

Find such words that create movement in your brain that cling to you and cause emotions, words, very bright words.
Here are good words:

  • stunning
  • great
  • stunning
  • comfortable
  • with tremendous joy
  • simply and easily
  • with pleasure
  • with admiration
  • and etc.

I will say that affirmations that are supporting your most important life values, have a huge force. Think over your values.

Examples of emotional words in affirmations:

  • I am easy and with great pleasure I build my own business
  • 30 minutes. Every day I am with great joy visualizing my future
  • I am with trembling and admiration and I treat my wife (husband)
  • I am pleased to charge every morning
  • I love to think about promoting your own business.

5. Affirmations should only concern you and the provisions of your affairs.

You can make affirmations only regarding yourself and your affairs. Affirmations that are aimed at improving anyone will not work. We cannot engage in affirmations instead of someone.

If you want to help someone change, think what a change in you will help that man and send your affirmations to these changes in you.

Remember, with the help of affirmations you cannot make someone do something.

The following affirmations will not lead to anything. You just spend time:

  • People love me and respese
  • My boss considers me the best worker
  • My boyfriend / girl loves me most in the world
  • My mom recovers

What would not be good affirmations that belong to other people, I do not recommend using them. You can not significantly affect other people with your thoughts. Therefore, it is better not to waste strength and energy and deal with yourself.

The secret of the work of affirmations is to repeat them simply and conveniently. Imagine that your approval is more than 10 words. How many times can you repeat it? Optimally, it is 3-4 words. For example, "I am a successful person." Only you should clearly know that a successful person means for you. These repeated affirmations can significantly affect your life in a very short period of time.

Try to find such affirmation, which during one-time repetition already causes very positive feelings. Very good if she is.

Why may affirmations may not work for you?

Often people admit very gross mistakes In the construction of affirmations and therefore do not receive any effect.

Here are some of these rough mistakes:

  • Building affirmation using the word "can".
    For example, "I can be a successful person." Your subconscious and so knows that you can, so it will not even start doing anything. And then, with such affirmation, you do not even take responsibility.
  • We work with affirmation not regularly.
  • Affirmations are decorated in the future.
  • Affirmation causes great resistance to you

If you claim that you will have something, it will be perceived by the subconscious, that you now do not have what they say. And so you will always "be" and never gain in the present. If you are engaged in affirmations every day, but each time you repeat different affirmations, the effect is strongly weakened. You can bring the following analogy: If you take a magnifying glass on a sunny day and send it to one place, thereby concentrating the rays of the sun in one place, you can easily light a bonfire, but if you take the same magnifying glass and constantly drive it, concentrating on different pointsYou can't succeed. This is because the energy is dissipated.

And Samem big mistake People when working with affirmations lies in the fact that they lack patience. When you just start working with affirmations, you need to break concrete wall Your current beliefs. This may take a month of stubborn work, and people tried a couple of days and say: "They do not work." Of course, they do not work if you have already rooted such powerful beliefs, for example, as "I do not see the success of my ears," these all books are written only to make money. You are not interested in anyone, and no one will teach you anything, "I do not believe in the subconscious, only my logic is real." What happens if a person with such convictions will begin to apply affirmation: "I am a successful person." This affirmation can come against the entire system of belief.

That is why it takes time to work in the affirmation. How long it will take, it depends on how much you believe in our current affirmation.

Examples of affirmations that you can use (although I strongly recommend making my own affirmations, according to the rules that I described above):

  1. Every day my confidence grows
  2. I am a genius and in everything and always I apply my wisdom
  3. Now I have more moneythan before
  4. I need all my desires to be
  5. Every day my business flourishes
  6. I am surrounded only positive, funny and prosperous people
  7. The universe always leads me to my dreams with the most harmonious way.
  8. Everywhere and in all I achieve success
  9. Every day everywhere and in all my business go better
  10. Every day I get better and better
  11. Every day my income is growing, regardless I work I or rest
  12. The universe leads me in life the best and harmonious way
  13. I deserve great happiness, excellent relations in the family and wealth
  14. I live a stunning life and I attract only the best in it.
  15. Stunning ideas always come to me on time
  16. Every day I start with love and gratitude
  17. I attract to myself successful peoplethat help me build my business

Affirmations for every day

  1. My world cares about me
  2. Every day my life is getting better and better
  3. Every day more and more money comes to me
  4. Every day my business go better and better in all respects
  5. Every day I get better and better
  6. Every day I get better as a person

Andreev Alexander

Do you want to change something in your life? Or meet a satellite of life? Perhaps you want to fix your health? You wish to improve your own
Welfare? Or just become a strong person?

In this you easily and simply help all-fat words, or affirmations.

What is affirmation?

According to some sources, the word it appeared in the XIX century and comes from Latin "Firmare" that literal means "Making a statement"

Affirmation is a short positive phrase containing a mental formula and fixing the desired image or installation in the subconscious when it is repeated repeated. At the same time, improving the psycho-emotional state of a person and causing positive changes.

Sometimes we do not guess that they themselves are building their lives and their future with the help of words and statements that are repeated by us throughout the day. It is no secret that words have tremendous power. Both creative and destructive. And this force directly depends on our emotional state.

All negative thoughts and negative emotions (Such as fear, envy, jealousy, anger, irritation), like a magnet attracts bad events, misfortune and illness to us. Why? Because negative thoughts are stronger, their emotional color is brighter, they go from the heart and for a long time they scroll into our heads.

"I don't want, I will not, I will succeed, I can't, it kills me…»

These phrases are familiar to everyone. But not everyone knows that these are teams. Commands to their subconscious on failure. And then people are surprised by the troubles and problems in their lives that themselves themselves and programmed.

Do not forget that when you say your subconsciously listen to you very carefully. It makes it literally each your word. So let these words be only positive!

Let them fill you with energy!

Let them create your lucky future!

Take yourself with the help of rainbow thoughts!

With the help of affirmations.

The first affirmation, heard in life, was "I am the most charming and attractive ..." Remember where it is?

Affirmations - Rules for compiling

The following simple rules will help you avoid mistakes when creating almighty phrases:

  • Approval is formulated as a fact and necessarily in the present

That is, it is impossible to say "I'm lucky" or "I will win the lottery." You need to use "I am lucky!", "I win", "I - money magnet" etc.

  • Use only positive statements

These formulas should create only positive, positive emotions Joy, happiness and raise your mood. Avoid any negative words and their combinations in the preparation of affirmations for every day.

  • Avoid denial and particles "not"

Example: "My back does not hurt" you need to replace "my spin of health!". Remember that the denial is not capable of creating and is not perceived by the subconscious. It ignores him, misses. IN this example Your subconscious will hear: "My back hurts!" And make appropriate measures. That is, pain will only increase.

  • Specify

Slightly less common concepts and more concrete phrases. The goal should not be blurred, but to be extremely clear. Ask yourself how you need to become to feel happy and positive.

  • Do not use the word "want"

The fact is that the subconsciousness does not perceive this word as a team.
Instead of "I want new car»Speak" I drive on a new car! "

How to apply affirmations?

There are many ways. They can be pronounced about themselves, pronounce loud, listen, record many times on paper and even sing. Personally, I like. First, it is simply convenient, and secondly, if they duplicate them, that is, repeat out loud, it turns out a double effect. Such a "double blow" 🙂

A person's subconscious can be compared with the muscles that need to regularly train to be in the form. Therefore, it needs to constantly load affirmations. Daily repetition (at least 200 times) within 1 month before Give the desired result. Best time For classes - in the evening before bedtime, as well as in the morning immediately after waking up. Just 10 minutes of classes per day are able to displace negative attitudes accumulated from your subconscious over a month accumulated years!

On my own experience I can say that at the present powerful effect of affirmations occurs when when pronouncing you can achieve such an internal state, in which you will have a sense of joy and flight, light euphoria and soft trance. It's great! So reacts to affirmations your subconscious. It believed you! This means that you are on the right track and your desire will certainly be fulfilled !!!

Affirmations for every day (self-confidence)

I wish you pleasant and effective affirmations !!!

Alain Golovin

Interesting on the topic:

Many people B. modern society They suffer from low self-esteem, but at the same time nothing can do to increase it. It negatively affects their lives, and they find themselves in a closed circle, which does not allow them to move on, develop and achieve new successes. However, it turns out that it is possible to cope with problems much easier than you might think. You do not need to contact a professional psychologist and pay him a fortune. It is enough to take advantage of the power of positive affirmations, which will be discussed in this article.

Positive affirmation

Experts report that there is a scientific explanation of why positive affirmations can have an incredible effect on human life. If you focus your attention on your purposes with a positive and motivating way, you can create several neural connections in the brain between specific feelings and actions. This has an impact on chemicals that are produced in the brain when you just think about specific actions, so you can positively "testing" your goals.

How it works?

For example, if you survived parting, listening to any particular song, this song can cause negative feelings in the future. However, if this song played when your partner made you a sentence, feelings that this song will be in the future will cause you, most likely, will be incredibly positive. Thus, if you can train your brain so that it does not associate a discussion and consideration of your goals with positive feelings, you can feel a sense of joy every time you remember your goals that will help you continue to put them in the first place among the rest. Priorities. Over time, this will allow you to increase your self-confidence, as well as increase self-esteem.

Step one

Allow yourself to draw up a long list of negative traits that you associate yourself with. It may be things in which you yourself believe, as well as things for which people criticize you surrounding you. Do not waste too much time on this step, you do not need to try to understand which of these points is true, and which are unfounded, just write down so much on the sheet as you succeed.

Step two

Looking through this list, focus on several aspects that you really would like to change in your life. Remembering these aspects, take a handle again and write short affirmation, the length of which should not be more than two lines, and which should contain strong and detailed words. For example, if you want to increase your self-confidence in social conditions, you should not speak simply "I am confident." Instead, you should use words such as "brave" and "open" that will describe you.

Step Third

Three times a day every day (in the morning, in the afternoon and evening), take five minutes to look at yourself in the mirror and loud these affirmations. Pronounce words with conviction and confidence, as if you have already achieved those goals about which you speak. If you are in a situation in which you can't do this, for example, if you are in the office at work, write down these affirmations several times in notepad, strengthening a positive attitude in our own brain.

Step fourth

To actually reprogram your own mind, you should pay attention to all the details when you repeat your affirmations. Are you standing straight and confident? Or do you do it timidly and embarrassed? Do you feel somewhere in your body pain or discomfort related to specific affirmation, for example, in the heart or in the abdomen? If so, then you need to put your hand on this area at the moment when you utter your affirmation, directing your positive energy to this area.

Pitch fifth

Instead of keeping this affirmation secret, please contact those people who would like and are ready to help you in making this statement to the truth. Let your friend, a family member or psychologist repeats this affirmation to you out loud, as if they simply inform you a true fact. Returning for example in the second step, this person can use the above words to describe you.

Examples of everyday affirmations

  1. I find joy and pleasure even in the simplest things in life.
  2. Success is my normal condition in life, and I am successful in everything that I do.
  3. I admire my partner, respect him and take care of him. And I see the best thing in it every day.
  4. I can be completely to be 100 percent of being authentic in my relationship.
  5. When I go to bed, I am happy and satisfied, since I know that in my world everything is in order.
  6. I am happy for my own real life And confident in your future.
  7. With each breath, which I do, I inhale confidence and exhaling fearness.
  8. I have a good sense of humor, and I like to share laughter and happiness with people surrounding me.
  9. I am strong, confident, energetic, independent and capable.
  10. I attract only positive and inspiring people to yourself.
  11. I share with my partner deep and strong love.
  12. I always see only good in everyone who I meet.
  13. I constantly inform my desires and needs a partner with confident and clear way.
  14. I am a unique person, and I completely love deeply, who I am.
  15. My heart is filled with joy.
  16. We rejoice in my partner and always find new ways to enjoy each other's company.
  17. I love to meet with strangers, approach them every time with confidence, enthusiasm and warmth.
  18. I have a healthy framework of personal space in my life.
  19. I am creative, persistent and self-sufficient person in everything I do.
  20. When I come across difficulties and obstacles in life, I easily find decisions, bypassing all the obstacles quickly and efficiently.
  21. I feel joy, happiness and satisfaction in present.
  22. Today I am successful. Tomorrow I will be successful. Every day of my life I was successful.
  23. I radiate confidence in myself everyday life, attracting others to yourself.
  24. I want my partner to achieve success in life, and often try to support it.
  25. I am good in solving problems by nature, I always find the best solutions.
  26. I get more successful every day, in every aspect of life.
  27. I take happiness as my normal condition.
  28. Nothing is impossible in my life, I can implement any purpose that I post.
  29. Confidence for me is genuine.
  30. I feel incredibly happy thanks to how my life looks right now, but I continue to work towards future successes.
  31. I reached my goal (here to insert my goal), and I feel joy and pride what I did.
  32. I allow myself to be openly happy, and, doing this, I inspire others for happiness.
  33. My word is gold, I am a holistic and reliable person.
  34. I consider fear in my life just like fuel on my way to success, I go to bold actions and let fear bear me forward.
  35. I fully accept myself, and I deserve incredible things in this life.
  36. I know for sure that I need to do to succeed in my life.
  37. My mind is always filled with positive and inspiring thoughts.
  38. I like the idea of \u200b\u200bchange, and I can easily adapt to any situation.
  39. I enjoy everything I do, even from the most day-to-day tasks.
  40. I know that I am capable of real success, and my success is Reaen, he is waiting for me to come for him.

Today I collected affirmations for you for every day, this is my personal tower of affirmation, I collected it from various soles. I can add to add that they all work.
Affirmation is something like a prayer or mantras, as it is more convenient. Many believe in their magic propertyThey believe that this is part of some spiritual priquet. I prefer to believe in psychology, I believe that these affirmations set our unconscious (subconscious) to a positive way. Our brain begins to work in a positive key, expanding its borders and opening new opportunities. Just getting out of the usual routine thinking, we will be able to open the brain for new achievements and good luck.

So let's start with a simple:

Positive affirmations for every day
(Help tune in to positive, make your day simple and successful, help think easily and without thinking to overcome household everyday failures)
  1. I can do everything!

  2. I can do everything well!
  3. In my life, everything always happens in a timely manner for the best scenario.
  4. I am grateful (thanks)
  5. Universe for all the material benefits in my life.
  6. Today is the best day in my life.
  7. I have everything you need to enjoy life here and now.
  8. I attract spiritual and material well-being in my life.
  9. I'm fine and every day my life becomes even better!
  10. My life blooms, being in full harmony.
  11. I realize and feel my power.
  12. In any situations, I am calm and focused.
  13. I am always accompanied by luck.
Affirmations to attract money (cash mantras)
(Helps to make a money magnet from you, help open the brain for new opportunities and ideas)
  1. I am always in the right place and at the right time.

  2. I always get everything for me is the greatest benefit.
  3. Money flows to me easily.
  4. If others can be rich, I can also!
  5. I am a cash magnet.
  6. I always get what I want for myself.
  7. I am full of ideas to make money.
  8. I earn 100,000 rubles per month.
  9. Unexpected revenues please me.
  10. Money flows free and easy in my life.
  11. I am a magnet for money, and money is a magnet for me.
  12. I am very successful.
  13. My thoughts about prosperity create my prosperous world.
  14. My income is growing all the time.
  15. My life is filled with love
  16. I manage my life
  17. Love in my life begins with me myself
  18. I - strong woman
  19. I do not belong to anyone: I am free, I strive to recognize a new in life
  20. I deserve love and respect
  21. I firmly stand on my feet
  22. I feel good one
  23. I am aware of my strength and use it
  24. I enjoy everything I have
  25. I like other women, I love them and support
  26. I love and appreciate myself
  27. I am completely satisfied my life
  28. I like being a woman
  29. I radiate love in all its diversity
  30. I like that I live here and now
  31. I am a very strong woman worthy of love and respect
  32. I fill my life with love
  33. I feel my own value and perfection
  34. I perceive life like a unique gift
  35. I'm safe, everything is fine
  36. I want to see myself in all the magnificence
  37. My future is light and fine
  38. Now I am independent and independent in choosing solutions
  39. I am called upon to make a grateful mission on this planet
  40. I can calmly grow and improve
  41. I ensure myself with everything necessary
Affirmation on health
(Certain your body and spirit on a healthy way, help to cope with the disease, and positively look at things. Remember the folk wisdom "In a healthy body - a healthy mind!" Here we train the spirit, and the body is tightened for the health of the Spirit)
  • I am well.

  • Happiness surrounds me.
  • My mental health is normal. I am glad, positive and optimistic.
  • Each cell of my body is now vibrating with energy and health.
  • I am free from stress.
  • Every day I feel everything healthier and healthier.
  • I eat healthy foodAnd I feel excellent.
  • Every day my vision is better than yesterday.
  • I love exercise every day.
  • I am grateful for my healthy body.
  • Perfect health - my divine law, and I declare it now.
  • Each cell of my body emits energy and health.
  • My the immune system is very strong.
  • Each body in my body performs its functions at an optimal scale.
  • My body is energetic.
  • I have enough strength, energy and cheerfulness at any time of the day.
  • God's love flows through my body easily and restores it.
  • The light inside me has a healing effect.
  • Each doctor that meets me on the way helps recovery.
  • My inner voice leads me to the appropriate method of restoring my health.
  • My body treats quickly and easily.
  • My vital energy Increases every day.
  • Health and longevity to you !!!
Affirmations expressing love for their body
Love your body and it will always please you, these affirmations will help live in love and harmony with your body.
  1. I love my body

  2. My body loves to be healthy
  3. In my heart focused love
  4. In my blood there is a vital force
  5. Each cell of my body love
  6. All my organs work fine
  7. I admire my wonderful body
  8. I'm healthy like never before
  9. I know how to take care of myself
  10. My favorite drink is water
  11. I live in full consent with the world around
Affirmations Louise Haye
  • I am always safe, and God keeps me

  • I am the truth about everything I need to know
  • Everything I need comes to me on the right day and hour
  • Life is joy and she is full of love
  • I love and I am loved
  • I am healthy and full of vitality
  • All I do, brings me success
  • I want to change and grow spiritually
  • Everything is fine in my world
Affirmations Louise Hay for women
  • I constantly open wonderful qualities

  • I see my magnificent inner essence
  • I admire himself
  • I am a wise and beautiful woman
  • I firmly decided to love myself and enjoy myself
  • I am responsible for my life
  • I am the only and unique for yourself
  • I extend my capabilities
  • I have a wonderful life
  • I am free and can realize myself as a person
Do not forget to save this page or print it. All these affirmations can be found in audio format or download free on the Internet, I saw online video with most of these mantras. Who seeks will always find

Love yourself and others, use affirmations and positive thinking And your life will be filled with new paints and positive emotions.
I love you, my dear investors
Always with you, Yana.

The practice of repeating affirmations shows its effectiveness in solving a wide variety of vital problems, from health problems, to problems with finance. With them, you can implement almost any of your desire, or at least bring them to the cherished goal. Sounds not too convincing? Perhaps you will react to these statements skeptically, however, thousands and thousands of people on our planet continue to speak positively on the application of affirmations in their lives. The main thing - affirmations work independently of whether you believe in them or not - you will introduce positive installations in your subconsciousness, and they begin to work. Well, the most amazing thing is that with the help of affirmations, many people affect such things in our world, affect which in conventional ways is simply not possible. However, we will not be distracted about how and why affirmations work, you can learn from other articles of the site. Here I will place affirmations for all occasions. Select from this list of affirmations those that are aimed at solving your problems, and try to apply them in your life to attract something you dream, or create changes in your life.
Note: Expressions "Affirmations" and "Positive statements" Synonyms here.

Links inside the article:

Full list of affirmations:

What is affirmation?

Affirmation - This is a positive statement, the regular repetition of which brings you to the target declared by this statement. The word "affirmation" comes from Latin "Affirmatio", which means "confirmation". The principle of operation of affirmations is simple and lies in the fact that you make your mind at least for a while believe that the goal you want to achieve is already achieved by you. This, in turn, not only motivates you to achieve your goal, but also on the metaphysical level affects reality and creates prerequisites for achieving this goal in reality. Repeating affirmations at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, soon, depending on the complexity of desire, you begin to notice that events and circumstances around you are built in such a way that your goal has been achieved. In this section, you will find maximum information on how to compile affirmations, how to apply affirmations, as affirmations work, and what purposes you can achieve with them.

What is affirmation? In short, affirmations can be described as positive assertions, repeatedly repeated in order to achieve a certain emotional state and, as a result, changes in life circumstances. A pursued result can be anyone as part of a reasonable: from improving mood and enhance motivation, before meeting the second half, and even getting a certain amount of money.

What gives the repetition of affirmations?

What can affirmations can give? Probably, anything, if only it is achievable in reality, that is, in principle, feasible, and only if you yourself are ready to invest your own efforts in the process of attracting your own efforts. Here is a small list of what you can attract in your life with the help of positive statements presented on our website or you created personally.

  • Change your beliefs
  • Develop personality skills and qualities
  • Attract material benefits
  • Meet, create and multiply love in your life
  • Improve your health
  • Enhance the motivation to achieve your goals
  • Improve mood
  • Certify depression
  • Climb the service stairs

All this is a list of the general advantages of repeating positive assertions. You can have a little different from what I suggested because each of us has their own desires. Well, what you can attract with this wonderful technique to fulfill the desires are limited only by your fantasy, again as part of a reasonable. You can learn from the regular practice of repeating affirmations from the regular practice of repetition of affirmations from my next article, the link to which I cite further.

How to make affirmations

How the result is achieved in the outer world, we will talk a little later, while we consider what they are affirmations. So, first of all, a repeated positive statement contains several keywords in itself, for which we strive to pay our attention. These include the time of action - as a rule, this is the present time, the subject to which we want to have an impact are we ourselves, and the result or the state we want to create.

There are several basic rules for writing affirmations and recommendations for their repetition that you should know if you want to start the practice of self-impacts with the help of affirmations. Next, you can see a brief list of the basic recommendations for the preparation of affirmations, following which you can make your own positive statements to attract in your life what you dream about.

  • Affirmation should be positive. Your statements should be aimed at attracting what you want, and not eliminate what you do not want, for example, you should write: "I notice how more and more joyful events appear in my life," instead: "I Get rid of all the negative, accumulated in my life. "
  • Affirmation should talk about present. It would be extremely ineffective: "This year I will become richer," instead, it would be necessary to use affirmation: "I see myself rich this year," or "right now wealth comes into my life and I accept it unconditionally."
  • Affirmation must be concrete Try to make your allegations in such a way that they talked about specific things if possible. For example: "I see in my account in a bank of the amount of 10 million rubles in 2020," or "ROUR ROUR ROURS APPLY PUBLIC ACCOUNT."

If you follow the list of approval rules, you will make a big step towards your goal. And on how you make them up, the effectiveness of your affirmation repetition practice depends. More about how to propose affirmations, you can learn from the following articles.

How to apply affirmations

Well, how to make affirmation of affirmations you learned, but it is only half an end, now you need to learn how to repeat your positive statements correctly, and for this there are also your rules that will allow you to make your practice effective. Here are some recommendations for the repetition of affirmations

  • Regular practice. Repeat your affirmations every day, preferably early in the morning and late in the evening, because it is at the time that your brain is most susceptible to suggestion.
  • Distinct pronunciation. Best affirmations work when you repeat them not about yourself, and out loud, because it helps your brain to learn the program that affirmations carry, but nothing terrible, if you repeat them about yourself, the main thing if you repeat them about yourself So that you do it is also clear and distinct, as if they spoke out loud.
  • The inclusion of visual images, feelings and emotions. Present a picture of what you repeat, as if what you declare is already happening with you now, the brighter you imagine, and the more emotions and feelings include in your images, the better.
  • Head let go Upon completion of the session of repetition of your affirmations, try not to think about whether they work or not, simply release our desire and continue to do our affairs, just do not forget to do something to achieve the claimed goal if something is from you Depends on
  • Recommendations in really can be much more. Different authors lead different recommendations. Next, I will give a few articles on how to properly accept positive statements so that you can get maximum information and make your affirmations as efficient as possible.

    Request or unconsciously, the repetition of affirmations is accompanied by a call to visual or other images in the head, which helps strengthen the effect, and, in general, serves as a foundation on which this technique holds. Next, I suggest you learn a little about how affirmations work, unless, of course, you are interested in the details and you want to increase the effectiveness of your practice of making desires with the help of affirmations.

    I must say that affirmations are based not only on the foundation of the words on the emotional state of a person, but also on the concept of the strength of thought. The essence of this concept is that regular focusing of the person's attention on one thought for a long time, it repeatedly increases the likelihood of its manifestation in reality. Thus, intangible idea is manifested in the material world.

    Repetition of affirmations is an incredibly powerful technique of impact on human consciousness and, as a result, for all his life. Thousands and thousands of residents of the Earth are convinced of this on their own experience, make sure you. Next, you will find different articles on affirmations.

    Articles on affirmations:

    Well, perhaps, that's all. I hope that the information on affirmations presented in this section will be useful to you on your way to success and to the implementation of your own desires. From time to time I will replenish articles and information in this section so that you can only receive up-to-date information about affirmations. Do not forget about other sections of my site, there you will also find a lot useful informationthat will help you on your life path. More articles about affirmations, including articles of my old site "New Tomorrow", you can find by clicking on the link that will be placed below.

    Oleg Akhan