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How to attract money really works. Ritual with a red wallet for money. We make a ritual for a monetary magnet

Why most people are unhappy and poor? What are the ways to attract good luck and money in the house? What are the rules for attracting money and how do they work?

Hello, dear readers! With you Denis Kudarin!

Many people think that attracting good luck and money in their lives is connected with Feng Shui, magic money, prayers and rituals. How to attract good luck and what is the secret of wealth? - Let me tell my vision of this question.

Talking with friends and spending their own experiments, I found out what really works and what is the "Magic Magic".

If you really want to change your life, fill it with sufficient and good luck, then you got exactly at.

1. Why some people are lucky and richer others - the opinion of scientists

Perhaps there is no such person who would not be interested in the question "How to attract good luck and money?". Financial independence gives a person internal freedom and allows you to do what he really likes.

But far from all people manage to make money for themselves to teach them in hand: one has to work hard and at the same time bare ends meet, others make dubious investments in risky projects and go. Perhaps, therefore, many believe that rich and successful are born, and do not become.

But I will try to refute this statement and tell you how you can attract good luck or.

Psychology experts argue that most of the events occurring in our life takes the beginning of our head - from subconscious images, beliefs and delusions. Not that these events were programmed from outside: Rather, they occur precisely because we want this internally. Or, on the contrary, do not want.

I will give a simple example:

Many people want to attract money and good luck to his home, but inside the part of people are convinced that being rich is either bad or embarrassing or scary and troublesome.

If you are thinking and talking about bringing money, but in the depths of the soul you feel the feeling of guilt for the possible wealth or fear of him, then this will not lead to anything good. Consciously you will strive for welfare and wealth, and subconsciously you will avoid it. And since the subconsciousness most often trimbs the top, the money will simply flow from you to other people.

But it is only part of the problem. Attracting money and good luck in your life - a whole science, to study which you need to spend a significant amount of time and time. Thousands of people have an economic education and a sober view of financial independence, but only units manage quickly and without much difficulty to receive a stable and decent income.

Almost all people reflect on how to achieve independence and live without working, and having, that is, such an income that does not directly depends on your daily activities, for example from the delivery of real estate for rent. And again, only a limited circle of persons manage to do it.

If a person knows how to properly manage cash flows and attract the energy of wealth, any undertaking will bring to him profit.

Funny experiment

Scientists were conducted special tests that allowed to identify characteristic personal traits Lucky and unsuccessful people. It turned out that the main difference between prosperous personalities - calm and confidence in any situation.

Voltage and anxiety - features peculiar to losers. They simply do not notice the happy chances that life offers them, thinking at this moment about the friend - how they are all bad, as they are lucky, as they have little money and no matter how well, if there were a lot of money.

Supporting inclination in thoughts and words, constant search for the reasons for their own failures, reflections instead of actions - all this is blocks on the way to financial well-being.

2. Attracting good luck and money - change internal installations

Magic money really works if we do everything right. Personally, I repeatedly managed to make sure that as soon as you begin to change you myself, magically changing and the world. Paradoxically, our objective reality is a projection of subjective reality.

In other words, we are really doing our destiny!

So what needs to be done to attract good luck and money? Let's decompose everything on the shelves.

Simple money attracting:

  1. Change your attitude towards money.First of all, you should change your attitude towards money. If you are constantly told that you work for a penny, spend all your strength "for these damn money," it will only push finance from you. Money as an energy substance requires attention, respect and careful relationship, not curses;
  2. Thank money for their presence in your life. Be grateful for any amount of money in your life, and you will see how the situation will begin to change in the direction of improvement. Stop talking out loud and mentally the following phrases: "I can never allow himself to afford" (with respect to expensive goods, cars, travel and everything else), "no money", "I never earn so much." Such phrases - linguistic programming in pure form. It is better to use reverse verbal structures: "I will buy this car (this house, this yacht)" or "I have enough money for it";
  3. Communicate with successful and rich people. At the same time, avoid the negative and envy to someone else's well-being. If wealth causes you evil thoughts, it will become a block on the way to your own enrichment. Learn to appreciate your hard work. If you do not satisfy the payment of your work, boldly go from the current work - respect your time and your life, for it is invaluable. Getting less than you deserve, you are not moving towards wealth, but move away from it. Even if you have to drastically change the scope of activity and lifestyle - no need to be afraid of difficulties: your financial future is in your hands;
  4. Love and respember yourself. Try not to limit your life financially. Reasonable spending on your own whim. If you want this particular laptop, but at the same time you think that such a thing you can not afford, just buy it - "break bad karma";
  5. Work on yourself. If you spend your time to increase the financial well-being of other people, get rich will not work. Start working for your own pocket and bank account: let initially income will not be too large, the main thing is to start moving in right direction. Fortunately, now there is plenty of opportunities for this: you can, or stop going to the office, and become free and in this will help you.

By changing your attitude to your time, work, to money, banks, successful and rich people, you will calculate the energy paths to attract finances, and money will fly to you.

Stop envy and talk about the earnings of others: Think of your well-being.

the main idea

No rituals, mantras and prayers will not help until you understand the main rule of money: our financial well-being depends on us - our thoughts, emotions, actions!

And nothing else.

This is the most the main idea And the most key, and all other techniques and techniques described below are only an addition to it.

3. How to attract good luck and money - 7 ordinary secrets of wealth

So, now let's turn to specific techniques and secrets. Immediately I will say that the "secrets" of wealth needs not just to know: it is necessary to be able to use them in practice. Even if you agree with all the advice and recommendations, but continue to lie on the couch and look at the ceiling in anticipation of a miracle, nothing will change: Be sure to act!

Secret 1. Using the Gold Rules of Money

If you believe in the metaphysics of money, then the money will surely believe in you.

The main rule of money - Take them with gratitude and joy!

By changing the attitude to finance on a positive, you will attract the energy of well-being and prosperity in your life. Decide to become a financial independent person right now and start changing your life and your thoughts right from this second.

Think of your own purposes - about what you want to achieve in life. Best of all, if you make a specific plan and start inexorably move towards your goal. I assure you that if you do everything right, you will notice how the goal itself is approaching you.

Secret 2. Reading prayers for money - a special new method

Prayer for attracting money and good luck is a way to address the highest forces for help and instructions. Although religion advises people to think more often about the soul, it does not mean that a person needs to be poor and hungry. On the contrary, poverty and financial problems distract from the right thoughts. Internal harmony is impossible without harmony of external and vice versa.

I wrote here that's a special New method. It differs from all the standard the fact that it is worth praying not only asking for money from the saints, but also to keep the right way of life from the point of view of generally accepted norms of morality and morality. By the way, despondency, and therefore the inaction (tape) is the real sin.

The Orthodox Church knows many prayers that will help a person to gain material well-being. Some of the most famous prayers on monetary luck - Prayer of Seraphim of Sarovsky, prayer to the Virgin, Thanksgiving prayer, the prayers of Christ, who pronounce believers in financial difficulties.

In order not to clutter the article with the texts of a prayer for money, I collected the most famous of them and packed in Word document.

Regular utterance of such prayers with sincere gratitude will help you not only improve the financial situation, but also gives the impetus to the general personal growth.

Secret 3. Implementation of Feng Shui technician to attract money

Feng Shui - This is an ancient Chinese doctrine of harmony.

In the east, Feng Shui is considered full-fledged science. According to this teaching, welfare, success and health depends on the correct energy of the energy of Qi in the surrounding world and inner world man. Externally, this concerns the interior of our dwelling (office), and internally - thoughts in the head.

For example, it is impossible to be located on the bed while sleeping face to the door - it will disperse positive energy. You should not put the mirror in front of the bed: if the sleep is reflected in the mirror, this also breaks harmonious energy streams.

All windows in the house (office) should be clean so that happiness and good luck often looked into your home. It is also not recommended to clutter the door passage. Another symbol of material well-being is water. Well, if there is aquarium in the apartment or office (and better is a small decorative fountain).

It should be easily taken out of the house trash and old things, air the rooms and make cleaning. Well, if the room always smells like fruit, which are considered in the east symbol of prosperity and abundance. You can take advantage of aromatic lamps and candles. Another true way attract good luck - start money Tree (Another name of the plant is tolerant) and do not forget to care for it.

Secret 4. Conducting rites for good luck and money

Rites and rituals can actually help in solving money issue. There are many rituals that help develop the right attitude towards money and improving financial well-being:

  1. More often remember the expression "Money Love Account" and consider money. This will teach the right attitude towards;
  2. Be sure to keep at home at least small cash savings. Feng Shui experts advise to store several coins or bills in the refrigerator;
  3. You do not always need to take, you need sometimes to give. Donate a certain amount for charity - for starters, help the throat on the street. If you give from a clean heart, such spending will definitely return to you by Storm;
  4. Do not boast with your sufficiency, but do not complain about poverty;
  5. Any activity aimed at obtaining money, start only on the growing moon;
  6. Fold money in the wallet one way: "face" to you;
  7. If the wallet is old and boiled, buy a new one - do it, again, on the growing moon;
  8. You should take money with your left hand, but to give right.

Now that you can not do, not to scare away good luck:

  • it is impossible to fit the crumbs with a hand of hand;
  • walk with torn buttons and broken pockets;
  • hold your wallet empty and give money through the threshold.

Secret 5. Wearing cash talismans and amulets

The most famous talismans to attract money and good luck on Feng Shui:

  1. Toad with a coin in the mouth. According to the legend, Buddha himself caught the greedy and evil toad and, wanting to punish her, forced her secret to penetrate the dwellings of people and stretch gold coins from mouth;
  2. Elephant. This is a talisman for material protection. Feng Shui supporters advise you to purchase such a figurine to businessmen and all people whose activities are related to money risks. Before making an important decision on a financial plan, a trunk of an elephant should be stroked;
  3. Three Chinese coins with holes knitted with red thread. One of the most popular wealth symbols: such a talisman should be stored in a wallet or purse.

Talismans - The material side of attracting money. According to the doctrine of money, the correct thoughts are even more important than the magic figures and the harmonious location of the furniture.

Feng Shui advises to get rid of negative thoughts and think only about good.

Similar attracts like this!

Right thoughts will attract right people Your life and contribute to the emergence of favorable in terms of well-being and health of situations.

Secret 6. Using cash mantras

Mantra is a linguistic design that has a positive effect on energy in the universe and within you.

There are words that are able to turn cash flow into the direction you need. Mantras came from Buddhism, where they are considered a real psychological tool.

Mantra is similar to prayer, however, has a slightly different orientation. Since there are no personalized deities in Buddhism, the energy flow when reading the mantra is directed directly into the universe.

The most famous monetary mantra sounds as follows:

Om Lakshmi Viganshrie Kamala Dhayrigan Swaha.

Repeat magic words need every day every morning for a month. Some of my friends who are fond of Buddhism claim that it was Mantras who helped them to gain material and family well-being.

Secret 7. Communication with successful and rich people

The more often you will communicate with rich and successful people, the richer you will become ourselves.

If you consider yourself poor and unfortunate, to begin with change the circle of communication. Stop complain about your life with other unhappy people and look for among the friends of those who are worse than you.

Make exactly the opposite - start communicating with lucky and materially safe people.

I can assure you - you will feel the difference very soon. Positive people will change the direction of your thoughts and change the flow of energy around you.

Suddenly, for themselves, you will become more confident and calm, and your attitude to money will change in best side. Gradually, blocks and barriers between you and cash flows will disappear and your earnings will grow noticeably.

4. Real stories of people and opinions experts on attracting good luck and money in their lives

Personally, I know several real stories about how people drastically changed their financial status.

The most indicative of them is the history of my school friend Viktor N.

At school and at the institute, he did not shine special success and studied rather mediocre. A few years after the end of the university, he also did not fit. Victor had to perform heavy, low-paid work and spend his time, can be said to be wasted.

The situation has changed when he changed the circle of communication. At work, he sometimes had to communicate with people successful in financial plan, and gradually he acquired the necessary acquaintances, communications and experience. At some point, Victor decided that he had time to change his life.

He asked his new acquaintances just to send it to the right direction. He was given a new position with a perspective of career growth. With the change of circle of communication changed and his attitude to life. Seven years later, Victor owns several restaurants and cafes in the city where I live, and gets six-digit monthly profits.

How to make money newcomer - 10 simple ways for those who want to learn how to make money

Many argue that you can only be born rich and successful. We will tell about how with the help of various techniques and methods to attract money and good luck.

Attracting on Feng Shui

Translated from the Chinese word "Fen-Shui" means "water and wind". In order to attract good luck and money, the ancient teaching advises everything in a certain order. This applies to furniture in the house, and thoughts in the head.

The bed must be located "face" to the door so that the positive energy does not dissipate along with good luck and health. Opposite the beds do not put mirrors - reflecting in the mirror, the sleeping man attracts unhappiness. Over the bed should not hang any shelves, because the energy should be easily climbing up.

The windows in the house must be clean, and the items placed on the windowsill should not block natural sunlight. To W. entrance door No threads of negative energy were discussed, it is not recommended to clutter the input passage.

On Feng Shui, houseplants are very useful. But in the house they should not be too much. Cannot keep dried flowers.

Material well-being and success symbolizes water. Houses will be useful will have a small fountain or aquarium.

Symbols of Feng Shui

Talismans, bringing good luck and money to the house, according to the Chinese doctrine, are:

  • three-tissue toad with a coin in the mouth - the main symbol of attracting money. According to ancient legend, the Buddha caught the evil and greedy toad and to teach her, forced to bring wealth to people. After that, she secretly penetrated the man and spoiled gold coins from his mouth;

  • elephant - symbol of material protection. The elephant statuette will be useful to purchase people leading their business and connected with constant money risks, including trade. Feng Shui advises to iron a trunk of an elephant so that in a difficult situation to take the right decision;
  • turtle - Talisman, symbolizing ahead of ahead and great wisdom. The figure of the turtle attracts cash flows and good luck in all endeavors;
  • fish means prosperity and luck. The image of goldfish is able to protect against negative events in life. Ideally, Feng Shui advises to purchase an aquarium and launch eight gold fish and one black in it, so that the troubles went around, and success became a frequent guest.
  • three Chinese coins tied up in red thread are the most popular symbol of wealth that attracts money. Such coins must be stored in the wallet.

How to attract good luck and money in your life?

This attracts like that. This physical law applies to our thoughts. Positive, favorable thoughts attract successful events, cash receipts and bodily health. Negative in our heads, on the contrary, seeks to bring conflicts, troubles and illness to life. Feng Shui advises to clear his mind from unfavorable thoughts and feelings and take that good that in a hurry to give us the universe.

Knowledge Feng Shui uses many entrepreneurs to attract good luck in business. In the office, as in the house, it is necessary to properly separate the furniture so that the positive energy is fluently through the room and created a favorable microclimate for customers.

The workplace of the manager should be far from the entrance door, and behind the back will be useful to hang the picture with the image of the mountains to give confidence and sense of victory. Employees should not sit to the head of the back, and for a more likely attraction of good luck in the cabinets, it is possible to place various types of talismans.

How to attract money in a wallet?

First, it is worth paying attention to the wallet itself. It should be clean and new. In the old, worn wallet money do not come, because he symbolizes poverty in one species.

Money must lie in the wallet neatly, the corners are all straightened, the bills are not bent and not crumpled. Paper money must be laid down by their nominal dignity - from Chervonians to thousands in order. Even better if the wallet is red, because the money attracts red.

In order to call good luck to the house, it is necessary that this house is clean. Need to make garbage more often and throw out old unnecessary things; often air the rooms to unpleasant odors They did not accumulate and did not scare the positive energy.

Before the entrance door will be useful to put a red rug, and hang over the eight-marched mirror. The house should smell with fruit, because the image of juicy fruits is considered in China a symbol of abundance. For the introduction of fragrance in the housing, aromatic lamps or candles can be used. The benefits of the owners will also bring pets.

  1. All the well-known expression "Money loves an account" has a real basis. Money needs to be considered daily, carefully overflowing paper bills and turning over ring coins.
  2. Money needs to love and respect. The statements that they spoil people and are something unclean, scare money flows seeking to man.
  3. The house needs to keep small savings. Let it have just a few hundred, but they will serve as a kind of "beacons" illuminating the road to their fellow women. A PO different corners You can decompose coins.
  4. To get, you need to give. Will this generous donations children's house Or one Chervonets asking for ledging the homeless - coming from the pure heart will return with interest.
  5. The gift obtained is necessary for nothing and give. Finding a forgotten wallet or a separate bill, you should definitely give them to someone who needs them. Dared money will not bring happiness to their new owner, but on the contrary, will contribute to losses.
  6. It is impossible to brag about your prosperity and profit. Human envy will repel good luck.

Rituals to attract money

Money path

There is a ritual who contributes to the layout of the money into the house. It should be started by the first number of any month consisting of 30 days. The first number must be postponed one ruble, the second - two, the third - three and so on until the last number of the month.

The 30th in the assembled piggy bank should be 465 rubles. If you fold the simple numbers of this number (4 + 6 + 5), it will turn out 15, we fold 1 and 5 - we obtain the number 6 - the symbol of money success in numerology.

Conditions for the ritual:

  1. It is necessary to postpone daily and strictly specified amount corresponding to the number in the calendar.
  2. As soon as 10 rubles are accumulated with coins, they need to be changed to Chervonets. We accumulate 100 - change to the storubluble bill.
  3. Six - the number of family financial well-being. If personal financial growth is expected, 35 rubles should be added to the deferred amount in order to be 500. The five in Numerology is considered the number of winners.

Ritual with envelopes

For another ritual, you will need 4 envelopes of red and 16 bills of any dignity (the larger, the better). Will need to put in each envelope of 4 bills and hide them in different parts Apartments, just not on the floor. It is not recommended to spend money. The universe will take care that others have come to the "call" of the flow of bills.

Ritual "Rice Bowl"

After careful cleaning of the apartment you need to take a small bowl, falling asleep on 2/3 rice cereals, and put at the entrance door. Every day, coming home, put a coin into this bowl - as much as they cried out from the wallet or pocket. At the same time, the rice are stirring a little and say: "I am rich every day."

These actions need to be repeated for 27 days only one person, not missing the day. On the 28th day you need to get coins and on the 10th part of the savings received to purchase a spiritual book (Quran, Bible, etc.) or to give the needy, and for the remaining amount to buy a beautiful thing and carry it with you as a talisman.

The remaining rice must be stored in a secluded place until the next time.


Mages and sorcerers believe that material welfare reacts to the state of the moon: increases with a growing moon and unstable fluctuates on decreasing.

To attract the luck in material affairs during the younger month (not older than three days), you need to take a wallet in your hand, shake it over your head and say: "Clear month - to the moon, and money to me."

After that, three coins and three paper bills get out of the wallet, placed in the open box, which they put on the window sill, where the light falls from the young month. Until the whole moon, money should not be touched, but by his passages it can be spent.

Mantras and approval

Translated from Sanskrit "Mantra" is a means of implementing a psychological act. Mantra is a Buddhist prayer, when reading which a person comes into contact with a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe universe. With their help, you can cure a disease or call on wealth, gain peace of mind or embody a dream.

In order to attract good luck and money, there is the following mantra: "Om Lakshmi Viangsry Kamala Dhayrigan Swaha".

Another mantra to attract good luck to work and in all official affairs: "Om Gama Ganapatai Namaha".

Also for "zoom" funds useful to repeat positive statements. For example: "The money comes to me regularly and easily," "I love money, and the money love me," "I am a money magnet" and others.

A sudden crisis in the country makes many people increasingly and more often resort to search for additional earnings. As soon as the situation with finance in the house is becoming more rut, we are carefully planning spending, do not allow yourself excesses, we try not to take a debt. But what to do, if no additional economic education is already received, no one appoints the Deputy Director and does not shine a random inheritance from the great-grandmothers from Alabama. But psychologists and leading astrologers recommend many tips, how to attract money to the house, and be sure to use them in everyday life To increase your well-being.

How to become rich for sure

Our ancestors also searched for the options for attracting material well-being. Many signs that reached our time, we now seem absurd and completely inactive. For example, they were offered to shove the bumblebees in the grandmother's chest or wearing a daily jacket jug daily in the pocket.

And, nevertheless, striving to increase the number of bills in his wallet, even the most revealing skeptics often study all rituals that are somehow related to money. Any wedding ceremony, for example, necessarily includes the winding process of marrying trifles. This promises them a peaceful life in prosperity.

What you need to listen

Many signs that the universe itself sends us is actually valid and effective. It is important to correctly read and recognize. Check out the most common hints for financial success.

Signal Decoding
Suddenly he was combed left palm Expect finance finishes.

To achieve a larger effect, knock on wooden surface Or just chlo in palm.

Unexpectedly blossomed indoor plant
  • Wealth is almost already on the threshold of your home.
  • The only condition is not to rearrange the flower to another place.
Found a coin, gold or horseshoe
  • Good luck and the luck in the money will be accompanied if you immediately so much with the find.
  • We spend the coin in the store, the gold will attribute to the pawnshop, and the horseshoe hide away, without showing anyone.
Found clover with four petals As in the case of a solastone, the find should be removed from the extra eyes.
Butterfly, ladybug or bat flew out into the window
  • In no case can not kill sudden visitors.
  • Just keep the window open.
  • Guest will leave your home, leaving wealth and profits.
"Gift" on clothes from birds Many know that you do not need to be annoyed about this.
  • This sign is the most faithful chance to expect the replenishment of financial well-being in a short time.

How to brow finance

But what to do, if there is no desire to sit and wait for the servants from our universe? You can try to attract success in money yourself. There are many different options for this.

As attributes for these purposes, the figurines of the eastern gods, talismans, special flavors or just pets are used. In order for the family budget scale to rise to the highest plank, any means will be very much by the way.

Rusting bills are tender thing that requires a special relationship. So what should be done so that the cash is always in your pockets, how to attract money to the house.

Listen to folk wisdom, which recommends how to behave and do not hesitate wealth:

  • Paper bills can not be mine, lick or tear. Treat them with reverent respect.
  • Periodically recalculate the entire cash available in your home. But do not do it at night, as well-being will leave after the past day.
  • Never consider how much other people earn, do not envy them.
  • Suppose alms with the words: "There will never atride the hand of the giving."
  • Hungry people always offer to eat.
  • It is impossible to sacrifice a trifle with delivery. The beliefs say that in this case the poverty will turn to your face.
  • Let's cash signs right hand, And take the left.
  • If you are asked for a debt on Monday or with a growing moon, refuse.
  • Give, also, waiting for the full moon.
  • Credit should be issued when the month is young.
  • Manicure or pedicure on Tuesday and Friday guarantees financial income.

How not to move money welfare

How to make enough sleep settled in your house for a long time.

There are a number of methods that scare away the well-being and prosperity of the family, but there are also those who embarcate monetary success and luck. It is important to study them all to take advantage of the right advice in a timely manner.

How to make money What repels finances - the laws of poverty
  • The broom must always be put up up by pan.
  • The original solution will be the acquired souvenir, which hang over the front door.
  • Spend housing.
  • Get rid of unnecessary things, broken plates or cups, old clothes.
  • Part of the space is free to new acquisitions.
  • Dining table covered with a new, beautiful tablecloth.
  • Put under the tablecloth large bill. Make it need 3 days before the full moon. After money you can spend.
  • Money tree and other home plants.
  • Things calling bright, red.
  • Empty dishes left on the table, and the bottles are extremely undesirable.
  • Cleaning the territory after sunset. To endure the garbage at home is also not recommended at this time.
  • Email the garbage left on the table without a rag, with the help of a hand.
  • Better carefully collect a tablecloth and shake the crumbs on the street.
  • Cannot sit on the table.
  • Storage of money in the hallway.
  • Simultaneously with the current water from the broken cranes, finances can escape.
  • Accidentally left chop toilet cover.
  • Whistle in housing

If you want prosperity in the house you do not have a guest, but a permanent inhabitant, you need to create special conditions for it. Only in this case you will no longer wonder how to attract money to the house.

How to lift the fart in money with the help of things, animals, plants

You yourself love beautiful images, create a certain comfort in the dwelling of cash bills, then they will not at all want to leave you.

This can be done with the help of special attributes, ordinary plants or even animals.

Attribute How to use
Figurines and images
Tua ne Kong
  • These are the eastern deities that have a certain impact on the material benefits.
  • If you read the recommendations of the hair dryer, then put their appears in the southeastern corner of your home.
  • It is he who is responsible for wealth.
  • This is an Indian God who is endowed with an elephant head.
  • He take care of prosperity in your home.
  • But so that the money still was found, do not forget to occasionally scratch your tummy.
Slavic houses Their images will keep your family from misfortunes, attract finances and stability, follow the constant replenishment of your money chests.
Candles of green color
  • More suitable romantic agents.
  • They are able to hold financial wealth At the proper level, a special emphasis is on color, a preference is given to green.
Wheat, buckwheat, rice or corn Several grains of one of the listed croup in your wallet regulates financial streams in the right direction.
Bean, horseradish
  • Positively affect wealth and stability.
  • Horseradish - cash talismanwhich should be dug, put and put in the closet.
Chestnut, carnation, mustard Sustrate the bags, place one of the ingredients and store to attract the money.
Cinnamon, Mint, Ginger, Patchouli The fragrance of these plants has a beneficial effect on consistently incoming cash flows.
  • China has a whole ceremony in which rice is used to attract wealth to the house.
  • To hold it, they pour into a bowl and throw every day moon month coins.
  • At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the cash will be as much as rice grains.
Live assistants
  • It was always believed that cats are able to better influence other animals to the financial situation in the family.
  • Special preference is given to black or gray.
Sparrows, pigeons
  • Be sure to feed hungry birds, especially in the winter.
  • They will thank the fact that they will bring you money wealth.
Frog The most perfect supere-financisters of different nations.
  • Toad has always been a symbol of wealth.
  • It is absolutely not necessary to start living, take a statuette and put it on a new bill.
Wallet An important role is played by the color of your purse.
  • Better, if it is red, black, gold or brown. The wallet should not be dilapidated and battered.
  • Do not keep together paper money and smallest in it.
  • To do this, use special compartments.
  • Follow the location of the front side of the outward paper money signs.
Basket made of natural materials Cash that is stored in the house must lie in a certain place.
  • Get a special casket or box.
  • Do not forget to throw a happy money, which will attract additional finance streams.

How to find your happy money

It is believed that for each of us there is their own, special successful bill that take care of how to attract money to the house.

Most often it includes the following:

  • Has a digit seven in the room repeated several times,
  • The room contains a date of birth,
  • Coincident initials and a series
  • Previously forgotten in clothing, and later found.

Many are taken ordinary storobly, fold in a certain way in the shirt, which involves obtaining protection against unexpected investments.

Not all signs and superstitions came to us from the depths of the centuries. Some are already invented now.

  • Modern myth-making invented drawing on a patch of euro or dollar icons. So try to arrange foreign exchange arrivals. While, however, there are no prerequisites to consider this adoption as a valid. More close to the truth is another creation of modern society.
  • The resulting salary should spend all before a penny in the house.

This is a fully acquitted proposal that does not allow to produce unnecessary spending. But, it means, it still costs to look closer to the proposed peoples beliefs, most likely we will see a reasonable grain, increasing money in a separate family.

How to attract good luck and money in the house conspiracy is the most acting way

Most likely, each of us had bewilderment about the fact that we apply too much strength, and the result that would arrange in the monetary version do not feel.

In this situation, refer to magic, which represents many rites and rituals to attract wealth. But do not forget that they are effective only in the case of sincere faith.

Magic rituals for increasing financial welfare

Think about it and check on yourself.

Name ritual Necessary things How to spend How does it work
  • Handful of little things
  • Holy water
  • Special mood
  • Clear priorities
  • Creativity and fantasy
  • Wait for the moon in its growing phase.
  • Previously clean your home from unnecessary trash. Special attention is paid to the corners.
  • The corners in your apartment should not be forced, it contributes to the end of energy.
  • Early in the morning, before sunrise, herald the special words over the coins, and then over the water, in which place your little thing (below are given).
  • After that, wash it all the floors in the apartment, imagining that you wash off negative, and go to my money. Kommersant
  • When magical manipulations are completed, the water is poured under the tree in the yard, and the money is hiding in a secluded place wrapped in white handkerchiefs. Stored within one month, then you can use in other rituals.
It all depends on the intentions and true faith of the Contractor.

You must invest all of your strength and skill in the actions you spent.

Clearly imagine what you really want.

It does not mean that the next day you will find a treasure or a cash bag under the bed. Perhaps you will be offered to take a higher position that will help you assert the financial plan.

Conspiracy for money and good luck to read a coin

Conspiracy for good luck in life read

Conspiracy on coins in water to spend ritual reading (3 times)

Powerful rituals for monetary well-being
Attracting all the forces of the kind of aspect
  • New black handkerchief
  • Green candle
  • Tea Sucker
  • 7 coins
One of the most powerful rituals how to attract money to the house.

How to carry out:

  • Wait for the first days after the new moon.
  • At the time of the magical actions, you should have a night shirt without butchers.
  • Sit at the table on which the scarf is raised, put a saucer with coins.
  • Light a candle, and drive it along the movement of the clock arrows over money, saying the words of the rite.
  • Then you need to bury money at the crossroads.
  • At the same time you need to chip: "Damage fee, I'm richly called me!"
  • Home should go, not looking around.
  • Thus, you make a payment for the fact that you are opening the ways of money well-being.
Growing moon gives additional opportunity Give earn your speech ritual. Most often, just a few days later, you will observe the improvement of the welfare and the increase in monetary revenues.

Conduct it in the lunar cycles, but no more than once, only then his work will be more correct.

Chipping over coins (7 times)

Mirror monetary love

What will take:

  • New Mirrors - 2 pcs
  • 3 coins
  • Green candle
  • White candle

How to spend ritual

Before holding a rite, you need to light a white candle, read our famous prayer for it.

  • Position it on the left and not extinguish throughout the process.
  • New mirrors, which were not previously used, are set one opposite the other, and the coins are put between them and the green candle is ignited with certain words (are shown below).
  • Check the mirrors to reflect all the above items.
  • Read the conspiracy (later), carefully focusing on the goal of the rite.

What to do with attributes after actions taken:

  • the litter's candles will be lit in the service in the church (repeating three times: "As a prayer in the health, the Lord read three times, and the money arrives in my turn! True!"),
  • mirrors postpone B. secret placeUsing only for subsequent magic rituals,
  • coins always have with you.

Useful to have monetary amoes:

When to carry out cash rituals

If you feel that in your life, it has occurred stagnation, you need to change something radically, then definitely try to spend all these actions. The effect of them is sufficiently lengthy and is able to persist for several cycles of the moon. This method is simple and quickly helps to achieve the goal. In addition to cash streamswho stick to your family, you will also gain peace and happiness in your personal life.

Prayer for money when igniting a candle (green)

This conspiracy over things to pronounce (40 times)

What can not be done - not to move money

Conducting magical actions, never forget about the material essence of our thoughts and words.

  • In no case do not complain about the lack of finance, poverty and benchmark.
  • You yourself can identify your mind to achieve a positive end result in the form of inexhaustible financial flows that you will bring stability and prosperity.
  • Everything completely depends on the faith and willingness to try all methods and means to attract wealth.

It will definitely overtake you, you will see.

Review your life guidelines, change the habits and preferences, and you surprise suddenly find that unusual things will begin to happen to you. Learn to manage finance with mind, constantly improve. Rich people are never lazy and fulfill large amounts of work. Studying information, how to attract money to the house, remember that you should not rely solely on the "manna heavenly". A little effort, and you get what they really deserve with your painstaking hard work.

Read more interesting.

Many people want to know how to attract money yourself. They are looking easy and non-futured waythat would allow without much effort to improve its financial position. At the same time, attracting money (as well as good luck, happiness, etc.) has a psychological foundation, which is based on certain patterns of our thinking.

How to attract money to the house? What are the most effective recommendations, exercises and techniques for this? What very active methodto attract money?

Many people want to know how to attract money yourself. They are looking for an easy and simple way, which would allow without much effort to improve their financial situation.

Secrets, recommendations and exercises: how to attract money

At the same time, attracting money (as well as good luck, happiness, etc.) has a psychological foundation, which is based on certain patterns of our thinking.

One of the interpretation of this is the law of attraction. One of the most important theses in bringing abundance is that wealth is a state of mind.

It has long been noticed that rich and poor people are soapy in different ways. Therefore, the first step towards attracting money is to analyze itself - their financial habits, its financial program, their beliefs, stereotypes, installations, goals in life.

Want to quickly attract money? Start analyzing yourself and change. The faster you start the process, the faster the results will appear.

One of typical mistakes In managing personal finances is that people avoid dealing with money . They evade accounts, paying debts, analyzing their financial situation.

The person will subconsciously get rid of the source of irritation of his nervous system, and so the money will float from it. Rich people on the contrary, constantly consider their money and assets, they are always aware of how many funds they have, everything is extremely clearly decomposed on the shelves.

Most experts on the achievement of wealth agree that In order to attract wealth money, you need to invest in yourself. To make high-quality wine, you need to possess knowledge of winemaking to do and attract money, you need to have knowledge in the field of finance, investment.

Read more literature on this topic, see documentaries, training seminars, trainings. Financial literacy Will you withdraw your new level.

If you sit goes on the banks of the river and just thinking, the money is unlikely to appear in your pocket on themselves.

You must act. It is the combination of your actions, supported by the necessary thoughts, will lead to what you will start attracting money.

So, we bring to your attention a number of tips on how to attract money correctly.

№1 Share what you have.

This is the most ancient advice of wise and rich people to attract money in their lives. The documentary film "Money" is a curious concept that money is energy.

And in order to get into cash vibrations (that is, to attract the energy of money in your life), you need to start sharing with people what you have, even if you have very little money.

Get the habit of share 10% of your income.

№2 Free from debts.

To be financially wealthy and understand how you can attract money, you must and permanently .

Modern banks are not interested in this, all the time imposing a mortgage, consumer credit programs and other nonsense. You must have enough financial discipline in order not to get involved in debts.

№3 Carefully choose what you say.

Stop talking in a negative key of your financial position. When you complain about the absence of money, you thus attract the circumstances that you do not have enough money.

Talk about finance only when there is a reason to say about it in a positive sense (for example, the payment of award, the increase in salary, debt repayment, the creation of a new source of income).

Surprisingly, as many people who want to know what to do to attract money is constantly complaining about their absence, thereby contributing to the reverse process.

Remember: Your thoughts and money words play a tremendous value. There is even whole line dangerous thoughts that can harm your financial Regulations.

№4 Release your concerns.

It is easier to say than to do, most likely you thought. But you can really do it. Stop worrying about money, comfort, safety and other material things.

In many theories, the achievement of success and wealth is argued that the smaller we looped about something, the more to us it is attracted.

Obviously, this is explained by the fact that when we are constantly frantically thinking about money, it causes a tide of negative energy inside and aroundwith that it does not contribute to attracting money.

When we let go of our thoughts about wealth, we create a certain vacuum that over time is filled with what we need, that is, money.Sounds somewhat extensive, is not it? We can demonstrate this principle with the words of the Great Poet: "The smaller the woman we love, the more we like her."

№5 First health, then - money.

Once Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "Health is our greatest wealth" .

Being sick, it is extremely difficult to attract money and well-being. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to your mental and physical health.

№6 Find abundance and concentrate on it.

Watch the nature to reveal abundance in it. In fact, everything is happening in nature without much effort, and abundance is observed literally everywhere. Look at the sky to see the flock of birds or countless stars, look at the ground to see the endless Roy Muravyev, look at the trees to see the abundance of lush leaves.

Train your gaze to be able to see an abundance, not a flaw. So your mind will be tuned on abundance in your life. Moreover, You will learn to see market opportunities and favorable moments for investment, deals, business.

№7 Protect your thoughts from harmful effects.

Do not take approvals about the lack of money, poverty from people you know (or do not know). Especially if you live with a person who is constantly complaining about the lack of money. He will be the willy-noilists to constantly poison your mind to his whining and will not give to attract a lot of money. Fortunately, there is an effective and easy way to counter this.

Every time someone will tell you about how you are poor or you have no money, mentally refute this statement, replacing it with a positive: "I'm rich. I have a lot of money."

№8 Way your money wisely.

If you want to attract large money, you must learn to spend them with the mind. Wash money to earn more money.

Even if you have a very small amount, you are reasonable. At this stage, when you do not have much money as I would like, it is vital to lay roots for your own money tree.

You can do this by investing your money to multiply them. It can be a bank deposit, securities Or even a washing machine for renting. This approach will not only allow you to make money, but also give a valuable lesson about passive income.

№9 Respect the money.

Want to know how easy it is to attract money? First of all, You must respect and appreciate your money - both paper and coins. - To attract more and become a kind of money magnet. Do not throw money on your desk, tremble or anywhere else. Keep them in the wallet gently, without crumped corners.

Get rid of the habit of coming money or bend them repeatedly. Observe somehow at your leisure: dirty, crumpled money gives poor people. The rich money is clean, decent species. Rich people know how belongs to money, so they are in abundance.

№10 Be rich and prosperous in all respects.

If you want to attract money in the family, then try to create an atmosphere of abundance and prosperity to create an atmosphere of abundance and prosperity that will periodically remind your subconscious about that you are rich .

For example, instead of a large amount of cheap clothes, it is better to buy less, but better quality. Old unnecessary items in the dwelling interior are also not conducive to attracting money.

№11 Explore the rich and psychology of wealth.

To attract, save and multiply money, you must continuously learn from those who achieved success in attracting money. If you do not have a Millionaire, do not be discouraged. You can study the thoughts of the rich you can with the help of books and films.

Based on the above principles, we offer you specific exercises (techniques) in order to attract money at home that do not require anything other than desire and determination.

6 simple exercises to attract money

Exercise number 1 - abundance

The more we focus on what we have, the more we attract it. The more we focus our attention on what we do not have, the less we will attract it in our lives.

Accordingly, if you want to attract money by the strength of thought, concentrate attention on what you have.

1. Every day, consider everything you have in life.

2. Feel the abundance and gratitude for what you already have.

3. Each time you catch yourself thinking that you have no something, we will concentrate with a volitional effort on what you have.

Exercise number 2 - Fear

The main blocking element that does not give us to attract a lot of money in your life, is fear. Start meeting your fear with straight proud posture and highly raised head, transforming it into abundance.

1. Start every morning with checking the status of your bank account.

2. If you are in profits, then check this fact. Feel gratitude in your heart!

3. If you are in a minus, draw in the imagination any financial asset that you still have. Even if it is the roof above the head

Exercise number 3 - joy

Money to some extent is a fiction, a piece of paper, which is trusted by society as a generally accepted payment facility. Money is only a tool that should serve for good goals.

Therefore, determine extremely clear what you really appreciate in your life and waste money in accordance with your values.

1. Write down the three most exciting experiences in your life (wedding, the birth of the first child, the first earned million dollars, etc.).

2. Describe how it can more each of these experiences - who was present, what was the weather that you felt with whom we shared joy, etc.

3. Specify 3-5 most important factors Each of the three events are your values.

4. Establish priorities in your purchasing guidelines: Sleep less on what is not important for you, instead, wait more on what is included in your value system.

5. Pay attention to how much more pleasure you now receive from money!

6. Feel more satisfied, spending less.

Exercise number 4 - Tell the truth

If you are not honest with yourself with your financial situation, then you are unlikely to be able to attract money and wealth to the house / family.

1. Sit down the table, take a piece of paper, handle and clearly describe your financial position - list your assets and liabilities, that is, what do you own and how much do you have debts

2. Find someone who can trust and tell about your position

3. Get any support from this person that you may need

4. Realize for yourself that you have taken the first step to attract money - a person can not come there where he wants without an understanding where he is originally

The clarity of its financial situation is the key to future prosperity.

Exercise number 5 - appreciate yourself

To really attract big money in your life, you must appreciate yourself. Your dignity and self-esteem is the measure of how much money you deserve.

Money is not attracted to people with low self-esteem.

1. Mark every day how you brought value to our world.

2. Mark every day, for what you love yourself.

3. Note for yourself how easy it is to do as you practice.

4. Please note how much you have done things to improve the world.

5. Please note how much more money You began to receive from these things.

Exercise number 6 - Remuneration

Start a bank account that will be called "Money for Me." It can be a real account in a jar or just an envelope or a biscuit box.

1. Every time you decide not to spend money on anything, put them in this fund.

2. Every time you get a discount, put the money saved on this account

3. Every time you end permanent expenses (for example, rent due to buying its own housing or loan payment due to their repayment), continue to put this amount of money in the fund

So the answer to the question "What to do to attract money?" lies in the features of our thinking and psychological installations .. We have to change our views and practicing every day to learn to attract money.

Only with practice comes a specific result.Good luck in attracting money!

© Jake & Kate Persy

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

The most famous doctrine of proper location Items in the house - Feng Shui. But, besides oriental techniques, there are other techniques for organizing the situation in a house attracting good luck and money.

Few people know that money and good luck to the house attract 7 objects complementary and reinforcing each other. To disclose the useful qualities of these things in a rather definite way to place them in the apartment.

7 things to attract money and good luck to the house


First of all, this product is responsible for welfare, does not give money to "leak" from the house. These abilities are laid in the very structure of honey making it viscous.

Strengthen its properties can be attracted by wealth.

How to reveal the power of Honey:

  • Buy a floral honey collected from different plants. It is suitable only a fresh, unquerced and non-working product.
  • Make general cleaning And get dust from all available angles, web.
  • Take a clean brush, open bank With honey and stand on the threshold. Instead of the whole bank you can take the lid if there is a lot of honey on it.
  • Go clockwise all the apartment, dripping a tassel to every corner a little honey (you also need to go around the room clockwise). Do not touch the floor or plinth brush, let Mödu drag it yourself. If it is impossible to get to the corner, you can drop next to it - the closet or chest of angle standing in this corner.
  • At the end of the "sprinkling" housing, put the jar with honey to the center of the table. While the product does not sue, all family members should eat it.


Quartz is considered the "TV" of the planet, seeing and showing everything that happened on Earth. Like Honey, the crystal attracts money and monetary success, but is not responsible for the preservation of funds, but for the appeal of the risky situation in favor of the host.

As the witness of all events, the stone knows what a person's decision can lead and does not make a loss transaction. Mountain crystal helps businessmen, private entrepreneurs.

The greatest advantage of quartz will bring traders on the stock exchange and professional gEMBLEARS. - People whose work is related to money risks.

How to reveal the power of a mountain crystal

The stone does not need an additional ritual - put it on the windowsill, on the sunny or the most light side Apartments. But that the rhinestone quickly tuned to the new owner and began to actively attract money and good luck, you can tell him every day about plans, dreams associated with winning or business.

Filled with water Bowl

With the help, there are many rituals for different purposes, and as a mascot for material well-being, it effectively attracts money to the house and good luck, which complements the possibilities of honey and mountain crystal.

It's all about the crystal lattice of water is a kind of matrix that can be recorded (talking) anything, including the attraction of money and good luck in the house.

How to reveal the power of water

  • Buy a beautiful bowl that will serve as a "home" for the future overag. You can not take a vase or jug \u200b\u200b- the container must have a wide neck. Material can choose any other than wood and plastic. Put the bowl in the northern or western part of the apartment.
  • If possible, pour the spring water into the tank. Approach and shop non-carbonated mineral water. You can pour and liquid from the tap, but it must be pre-cleaned:
  1. filter in the usual filter - the cleansing of the earth;
  2. freeze in the freezer or in the winter on the balcony - purification of water;
  3. displays on the plate - cleansing fire;
  4. boil, cover with a lid - air purification.
  • Periodically, water in the thicket need to pour, do not hold the capacitance of the semide.

Tangle of red thread

As a charm, a red tangle is responsible for health, but it is often used in to attract good luck and money.

Alay thread preserves and restores the forces that helps it is better to concentrate at work and therefore although indirectly, but affects earnings.

How to reveal the power of the tangle

  • Buy a tangle of natural wool, spreading the coins of a yellow or copper shade. The desired tone of the thread is pure-red.
  • At home, spawn the tangle and wrap the thread wooden stick.. It is suitable and a clean spoon of wood.
  • Store the tangle in the bedroom and without need not to cut a thread from it.

This is "perfectly" red shades, without impurities of other colors. In the light thread should cast orange-red (as the first left color). The raspberry deflets indicates the impurity of the blue tone.


Make so that in the wallet there is always the right amount, and in the house there was money in excess and accompanied good luck, coins with yellow or red tump will help (better copper).

Coins are physical materialization of money energy, and therefore they are so often used in various cash rituals and rituals.

How to reveal the power of coins

  • Find 12 coins of the desired shade and any nominal. They must have a walk in your country.
  • When full moon, lay out coins on the windowsill so that the moon light fell on them.
  • Slice a bag of cotton red cloth. Coins should be placed freely into it. Tied up the bag of thread from the red ball.
  • Put the bag with coins in the jewelry box.
  • Every six months coins recharge when full Moon. If neither one windowsill does not fall moonlight, and it is not visible a month from the windows, put coins in the same room where there is a bowl with water.

Osin Prut

The charm in the form of a small aspen sprig does not attract good luck and money into the house, but it helps to get rid of the problems that already exist in the house.

Its action is complemented by talismans on protection against misfortunes.

How to reveal the strength of the pruk

  • Buy a sickle or knife with a wooden, bone or metal handle.
  • Purchase feeder for trees (organic liquid).
  • Find a healthy, imperious aspen. Pour the fertilizer under the root and cut a thin twig of 10-20 cm long.
  • At home wrap the rod in a white cotton cloth and put on the shelf in a bath or toilet.


The nail charm will also not help you attract money to the house and good luck, but it effectively protects the house from misfortunes than complements the action of the mascot of the aspen branch.

Drinking a nail, mentally imagine how you drive, imprint to your home a reliable armor and protection from all misfortunes, sorrows and troubles.

How to reveal the power of the nail

  • Take a new nail - with a wide hat, long. Clean and without rust.
  • Drink it into the door of the door to the kitchen, preferably, by the hat. If there is no door in the kitchen, and the jamb above the entrance to the apartment. The nail can be scored at an angle if it is too long and not fit into the jamb.
  • If you fail to score a nail along the hat, do not hang anything on it.
  • You can disguise the wagon from a curious eye, hanging a clock or picture over it.

Friends now you know aK attract money and good luck With the help of ordinary at first glance and items. Remember that separately they do not work, but only in in complete ammunition, as they say, a big and friendly company 🙂

Let money and luck always go with you in life!

Alain Golovin
