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Holy places of Greece. Orthodox shrines, journey through holy places

The variety of holy places on the island does not allow you to visit everything at a time, making only one trip. Greece adheres to Orthodoxy, because 98% of the local population are Orthodox. The first city who meets pilgrims from all over the world is thessaloniki - the Northern capital of Greece of the Fessonalki. Great Martyr Dimitri Solunsky is the patron saint of the city. In the fourth century, he was the son of the Roman Prosonsula of the city of Fesaloniki, he baptized his son in the house of the Church, as well and brought up in accordance with Christian customs and stood. He was appointed emperor gallery after the death of his father, in his place. After the appointment, he showed himself as a true Christian, began to preach in the city and joined the most of its inhabitants to Christianity. By order of the emperor, he was killed for it.

The shrines who attend pilgrims in Thessaloniki, first of all, this is a cathedral in which the relics of the Great Palamas of God are still stored. Also visit the monastery of the Holy Rev. Theodora's "obedient" Solunskaya, who keeps her holy power, as well as the relics of St. David Solunsky's Status - he lived in the sixth century. One of the holy places is the source of Holy Prakeshevia, it was the Christian Great Martyr of the Third Age. A bridge is located across the gorge and you can go to the rocky church of Holy Parasis-Friday. The source is located in the depths of the narrow passage and is located in Mount. Also, the sources of St. Parakevia are still opening in Russia. In the central area of \u200b\u200bKrasnoyarsk, the Square opened with all the honors, in which the source of Saint Parasis-Friday is located. The source is so named in her honor - St. Paraskeva-Friday. Another one is located in the Old Ladoga under the Maly Holy Mountain. Many holy places and more than seventy churches are located in the custom, most of them by the Byzantine era. In addition to the Church, Mauriotesia are also known: the Church of St. Athanasius Muzaki (XIII century), the Church of the Saints of Bessengers (XI century), the Metropolitan Cathedral of Archangel (XIV century).

The decoration of Orthodox churches in Greece, if compared with ours, modest. If there is a church shop, then it is located next to the building of the Church, and not indoors. Candles are simply, without price programs and anyone can take and put the quantity that wishes. There is a special bowl for donation, and voluntary, where you need to put so much money as you can or how much you will consider it necessary. The small chapels are particularly attractive, which are almost everywhere in the country. They are installed on the side of many roads - in honor of the memory of the deceased people in an accident.

One of the most visited places in Greece is Athos, that translated from the Greek means "Holy Mountain". This is the third of the peninsula Chalkidiki. One of the main holy places of the world for Orthodox Athos, we read how the terrestrial lot of the Virgin Mary. The Holy Mountain is considered the "monastic republic", with the autonomous, more than ten centuries are not allowed there women, men are more lucky - they are granted guests here. In the current days there are twenty monasteries. The precious crosses are kept in them, parts of the life-giving tree of the Cross of the Lord, keep him in precious rims, miraculous icons, ancient sacred books, the relics of the Holy Apostles and the Great Martyrs.

The main monastery - Watoped stores the invaluable shrine of the whole world of Christian - the Belt of the Virgin, as well as the gift of Magi-brought to the Fiflemian infant. There is in the territory and Russian monastte of St. Panteleimon, it stores the second largest bell in the world, it weighs fifteen tons. On the territory of Athos prohibit video shooting, you can take a picture on the street without permission - this is allowed, but inside the temple you need to have a blessing. In the holy place, except for prohibitions on video recording, it is forbidden to sunbathe and swim. In the monastery, Esphigre on Athos, the entrance to the temple is allowed if a long sleeve shirt is dressed in a man, you can take such entrance. Visiting the rest of the temples just need to observe a modest type of clothing. If we declare when you come to the temple that we arrived on a tour or just look at nature, you will refuse to visit the holy place.

Another holy place Island Patmos. Here is the monastery of John the Bogosla, the foundation date of which is 1088. One of the largest Christian libraries is considered to be located in the monastery, the early manuscripts of which are dated to the fifth century. There is a cave near the monastery, where John theologian received his "revelation", which he recorded his student Prokhor. Even deepening in the wall has survived, in the place where the apostle leaned towards it. The cave and the monastery are protected by UNESCO and is dominated by the World Heritage Monuments.

Shrine Greece

It is known that Ancient Greece - The cradle of European culture. And indeed it is. Homer, Eschil, Plato and Aristotle - they were all Greeks. Conquest Alexander Macedonian brought grain of this great culture At the very depths of Asia. Rome who conquered Greece in the II century BC He could not, and did not want to abandon Greek achievements. Greek language up to the fall of Rome, and even more so in the period of the Byzantine Empire there was a language of science, poetry and theology. All the miracle preserved the oldest texts of the gospel were written in Greek. Therefore, in the earliest period of dissemination of Christianity, it was especially important to convey the word of God precisely to Greece, which has changed in many ways, but not lost the fame of the foreigners of European civilization. The main role in the enlightenment of this country, the change of pagan shrine of Greece on the Christian, played the missionary journey of the Holy Apostle Paul in the 50s of the Republic of China for Christmas.

Shrine Athens.
Church of St. Apostles, Athens, Greece.

Surprisingly, when it comes to an amazing even now the imagination of ancient Parfenone, always remember his pagan history. However, it is necessary to remember that more than 1000 years he was christian temple! The inexhaustible flow of pilgrims sought this shrine of Greece. After all, it was kept here: the gospel, rewritten by the Sv. Queen Elena, the power of St. prep. Makaria Egyptian, as well as other relics, the information about which is not left. Time and war did their job. In the period of Turkish occupation, Parfenon was even a mosque. Now this is a museum that attracts attention not only to tourists, but also numerous pilgrims.

Nearby is the famous Areopag, where he preached the Holy Apostle Paul. A little preserved from the place where the most notable and educated citizens athens did not listen to strange and unusual words About the Son of God, the Human Sins, about the love of enemies, about the kingdom is not earthly, but heaven. Stone steps for which sv. Paul, changed little over almost 2000, but as the Athens themselves changed! From the center of the pagan philosophy, they turned into a stronghold of Orthodoxy and the capital of Orthodox Greece.

Church of St. Nicholas, Athens
The shrines resting in the Cathedral Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens tell us about the tragic proportion of Christianity during the period of Turkish rule. In this temple there are the relics of St. Gregory V - Konstantinople Patriarch. In 1821, the antitarying uprising of the Greeks for independence, which was mercilessly suppressed by invaders. Women, old people and children became victims of the regular army of Sultan. All the evil on the failure in the suppression of the uprising was brought by the Turks on the elderly the next church. He was tortured, and then hung at the gate of the Patriarchate in Constantinople. The body was thrown into the Bosphorus, but the captain of the Russian ship raised him on board and transported to Odessa. In 1871, the relics were solemnly returned as a shrine in the already independent liberated Greece.

Shrine Salonik

Basilica of St. Dimitri

The first church at the site of the dungeon, where, according to legend, took the martyrdom of St. Dimitri (for another version - over his grave) was built between 313-323. After a hundred years, in 412-413, the Illyrian Wielject of Leonthi in memory of His delight from Paralyach built the first major church between the antique baths turned into ruins and the stadium. The altar part of the church built was located above the estimated site of the burial of the saint, and in its construction, its power was gained, secretly buried there, according to life, thesalonian Christians in 306.

This ancient city is the port and is now the second after the Athens in population. Huge military, commercial and political importance he also had in the first centuries in christmas Christ. The heavenly patron of thessalonik is the Holy Great Martyr Dimitri, at the beginning of the IV century became the commander of the city garrison. His parents were secret Christians and raised her son with love to the Lord, in piety and faith. The persecution of Christians was died, they resumed again. One day, Dimitri received the Imperial Decree on the adoption of the most severe measures to eradicate Christianity. Neither fear lose such an important post, nor even the fear of inevitable torments and execution, did not confuse his heart. He not only directly and publicly profested faith in Christ, but the idolatry implied and urged everyone to refer to the true faith. The emperor, who realized all the powerlessness of his earthly authorities, ordered to execute Dimitri in anger. The saint accepted the martyrdom in the room of the Roman bath, the Arena for gladiators. Christians Thessalon was hidden by the body of St. Dimitri in the well not far from this place. Later over the grave of Holy, the majestic temple was erected. The relics of sv. Dimitria is one of the main shrines of Greece, whose worship of which are coming Orthodox from around the world.

In the center of the city, the majestic Metropolitan Cathedral is towers in honor of St. Gregory Palam, Archbishop Thessalonik, famous, primarily, with his theological works in the substantiation and protection of the unceasing prayer - Isicham.

In the vicinity of thessalonik, there is still the Holy Holy Honor of Greece - Monastery of St. ap. And the evangelist John the Bogoslov. Here the relics of St. Arsenia Cappadocian and Elder Paisius Svyatogort. St. Arseny, born in a small village of Faras on the territory of modern Turkey. Ordained to Deacon, he stayed in his native village and tried, despite the strictest ban on the part of the Turks to train children greek language. A strict post and prayerfulness gave their fruits - the gift of healing and foresight. Holy Arsenius fearlessly asked for the protection of the phase from the oppression of the Turks and unclean robbers, who knew about the holy and were afraid to cause any harm to the inhabitants, if they found out that he was nearby. Many wonders by the will of God were created by St. Arsenia and at the end of his earthly path. Here - in the monastery of St. John the Theologian - the relics of another devotee of piety, the elder Paisius Svyatogorz, who baptized himself. Arseny. Older Paisy for a long time I carried the prayer service on the Holy Mount of Athos, and then was the confessor of the Women's Monastery, having tightened the grace of God's righteous life.

Shrine Corfa

Covered with green forests in the frame of the Azure Sea Island Corfu is not only fertile, but also amazing in beauty. The light of Christianity spilled on this land around 37, when SVV arrived here. IASON and Sopatr - Apostles from seventy. Thus, Corfu was defeated before the rest of Greece. Here, one of the most important shrines Greece is rewarded - the power of SVT. Spiridon.
The future saint was born and lived in Cyprus, in a small town of Trimifunta. He did not receive any education, was a simple shepherd, but his pious moral, meekness and goodwill was known to the whole district. Ovdov, Spiridon accepted monasticism and continued serving God as he served people, without ceasing to help the residents of his native village. Grateful inhabitants elected his bishop trimifunds. In 325, the I universal cathedral took place in Nahei, on which Orthodox struggle to defended the symbol of faith from Yeretikov-Arian, who considered the father of the Son's God. Suddenly, a previously unknown bishop Spiridon came forward. He stretched out his hand with a piece of tile. By the will of God, a miracle was accomplished: the flame broke out of the tiles, water expired and the dry clay remained - three elements in confirmation of the unity and inseparalness of the Holy Trinity. Heretics were posted, and the future saint, despite the fame, which was acquired after this event, modestly, as befits a Christian, continued his ministry in Trimifunte. Subsequently, the relics of the saint were shipped to Corfu, where many miracles were performed on his prayer intercession.
Total on the island more than 800 churches and monasteries.


church of St. Adray in Patra.
Among the shrines of Greece for the Russian pilgrim, the relics of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called are of particular importance. According to the legend, the apostle preached not only in the Greek lands, but also consecrated the place of the foundation of the future capital of Russia, Kiev, and even reached the Dnipro's leaders.
The Word of God has gained a patat on attentive and sincere listeners. After some time, as the life of the Holy Apostle tells, the majority of the population adopted Christianity. Statues pagan gov They broke, the rich citizens distributed the property to the poor, poor, not having money, helped, than could anyone asking. And only the imperial power could not accept the triumph of true faith. The apostle was crucified down his head on the cross, having a letter "x". So asked the Apostle himself, from humility did not consider himself worthy to take the same cross that the Savior. A crowded crowd was ready for a rebellion to save the beloved teacher, but the apostle called them to obedience to the authorities and forgive the enemies. The relics of the saint and part of the cross on which he was crucified, rest in the Majestic Cathedral of the city of Patras.


The amazing sense of privacy and quiet prayer joy covers the pilgrim in the monasteries of Meteor. Based on the huge non-gun pillars of the rock, they become a symbol of serving themselves in the hands of God. Now there are only a few monks in each of them, but there were times when meteors were centers of theology and educational activities. In the monastery of St. The firstarter of Stephen in meteors is resting his chapter, as well as a particle of the relics of the Sacred Martyr Chalalampia, which suffered during persecution in the III century. Merry Christmas.

The pilgrimage to the shrines of Greece is definitely not exhausted by the listed cities and monasteries. A special topic is the Holy Islands of Greece, in particular about. Patmos, where he preached and launched in the prayer works of St. Apostle and Evangelist John theologian
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Northern Greece
Women's monastery of St. ap. and ev. John the Theologian is a 30-minute drive from the city of Thessaloniki. A quiet abode is located in a small town of Suroti. Helped to establish the monastery of the Afonovsky older Paisius Svyatogorets. Once, women who wanted to establish a monastery, where they could live in strict Afonov rules. Soon the elder found a beautiful picturesque place for the women's monastery, received a blessing for his foundation from the bishop, and in 1967 the first sisters settled in the monastery. Now they are 67, and they really live in old Afonov traditions. Services are under console without electricity. Preserved in the monastery and another tradition peculiar to many monasteries in Greece - to treat visitors to Lucum and cold water. To get to the monastery, you need to climb the mountain. So such a treat falls very by the way.
One of the main shrines of the monastery is the grave of the elder Pairius Svyatogort, thousands of pilgrims seek to her. Near the grave is constantly located one of the nuns, which follows. People seek here to honor the memory of this amazing person.
The old man of Paisius Svyatogorets, in the world of Arsennaya Eznepidis, was born in the pharasics of Cappadocian (in Turkey) in 1924 in a large family. Two weeks after the birth of Arsenia, the pharaysian Greeks fled from Turkey to Greece. Before the departure of the Holy Arseny Cappadocyan (1841-1924), who was then the parish priest in the village, dubbed the boy and gave his child his name. He also uttered the words that became prophetic to Patius: "I want to leave the monk after myself."
As a child, a little Arseny loved to read the lives of saints, his older brother even selected and hid the books from him. Arsenia's youth passed in the city of Konitsa, where he studied at school and received a profession of a carpenter. The civil war began in Greece (1944-1948), he was called in acting army. After serving, Arseny went to Athos, in 1954 he accepted Ryasophore named Averki. Two years later, he was tonsured in a small schima named Paisius. From 1958 to 1962, he lived the contest of the monastery in the village of Stomio, after which she went to Sinai. Two years spent on the saints of the Holy Martyrs of Galaktion and Epistimia on the Sinai Mountain, where his cells were now preserved, but then because of the sickness of the lungs returned to Athos and settled in the Iversky Skece.
In 1966, the disease developed so much that the father of Pairi was removed most of the lungs. It was then that several women applied to him with a request to help establish a monastery.
Paisi's father constantly maintained the abode and twice a year until his death on July 12, 1994 came to visit sisters from Athos. He died in a surmity, buried there. As sisters say, it is right. If he was buried on Athos, women could not come to him. The relics of sv. The Arseniy of Kapadocyssic was not accidental in the monastery, in the creation and in the life of which the father of Paisiys played a huge role. They were born in one village, and it was St. Arseny baptized father Pairius, giving a child his name, prophetically saying: "I want to leave the monk after myself." It happened in the pharasion of Cappadocian, where St. Arseny Kapadoksky was a parish priest at that time.
IN early age Arseny Kapadoksky lost his parents. He was educated in the seminary in Smyrna (Sovr. Izmir, Turkey). At the age of 26, the monastic stop at the monastery of John the Forerunner in Zindji Teres in Caesarea (Sovar. Caseyi, Turkey) was ordained in Diacon and sent by Metropolitan Paisi II in Faras to teach children a certificate of church books in Faras.
In 1870, Rev. Arseny was ordained in the San of the Priest and was erected in San Archimandrite. He made 5 pilgrimages to the Holy Earth, and therefore he was called Haj Efendi. The pastoral activity of Rev. continued in Faras to 55 years. He instructed and argued in the faith of the residents of the Greek Anklav, who was constantly threatened by destruction. Rev. Arseny foresaw the coming tests - wars and an outcome from his native land. In 1924, with the resettlement of lowland Greeks, he accompanied his flock and died 40 days after arriving in Greece on Corfu Island. The relics of the presented were transported first to the city of Konitsu, and then to the monastery of John the Bogoslov in Suroti.
Monastery of St. Anastasia scholarship is located near the city of Thessaloniki. Holy Great Martyr Anastasia The scenario is his patroness and intercession. There is an opinion of scientists that she tied to where her monastery is standing today.
St. Anastasia was born and grew up in Rome at the end of the III century. Her mentor and teacher of faith was the Holy Martyr Chrysogon. Since childhood, spending good Christian life, she kept herself clean and strengthened in virtues. Wanting to devote your life to Christ, St. Anastasia attended abstract Christians in prisons and dungeon. She supported them spiritually and helped financially, handing out her inheritance. During his life, the saint received from God the gift of healing and helped many sick and suffering.
The holy is called "Velikomichen", since she mascked all grave torture and torment. It is also called "sophisticated", since it was filed by the power of core and spiritual diseases from the Lord. In prayers, it is asked to resolve the buses of unjust convicted and give consolation in conclusion. The holy is also customary to ask for protection against the witchcraft char.
St. Fefania, Queen of Byzantium, determined this monastery as a royal, in 888 sacrificed large financial resources for the needs of the monastery. The non-relics of the queen of Feofania before this day are in the Patriarchal Cathedral in Constantinople. It is considered the first adventurian of the monastery. Then the monastery was brought as a gift. Polations Patrone Resident - Chapter and Part right leg The Great Martyrs, who are now stored in the temple of the monastery and are its main shrine. Then the monastery came into decay, he was preserved by a miracle. In 1522, the saint Fester found the holy abode of the sinuspressor in a state of failure. It was he who restored her and made prosperous.
St. Faon was an igumen in the monastery reborn, and then in 1535 he was elected Metropolitan of the city of Fessonalki. Saints and non-relics of sv. Feeona are in the monastery temple to the right of the iconostasis.
In 1821, the monastery suffered greatly from the Turks, which destroyed and burned it. Since the rich library, archives and many monastery treasures burned, information about the history of the monastery with IX to the XVI century, which came up to us were burned out.
Kalambaca is not a very large city with a population of 11.5 thousand people. It is the capital of the same name of the district that occupies the northern part of the tricul prefecture. Is located at an altitude of 247 meters above sea level. Nearby are the bannar cliffs meteor.
Meteora ride from around the world. This unique place is amazingly beautiful. Smoothly polished inaccessible rocks, like pillars, connect the sky and soaked with Christianity. Meteors did not accidentally get their name, in Greek "meteors" means "soaring in heaven" or "suspended between heaven and earth." Almost 30 million years ago, Nature created on smooth surface The Fessenian Plain is incredible rocks, then they were at the bottom of the ocean, the water knocked down the sand and betrayed them amazing forms, which did not leave anywhere else in the world. But not only the picturesque landscape attracts this place of tourists. It feels the strongest energy of the holy place. From the first century meteoras are one of the largest monastery complexes of Greece. These irreparable rocks have become a symbol of faith, ascetic, repentance and renunciation of worldly goods. For many centuries, monks for whom the rocks have become not only the place where it is possible to quietly and calmly indulge in serving God, but also find reliable protection In the time of Turkish conquest. At first, the monks lived in the caves and rocks, the monasteries were gradually began to form. Up until the 20s of the last century, it was possible to get into monasteries only with the help of a system of stairs, forests and rope structures. Most often, the monks and pilgrims used grids and baskets, which were raised using manual blocks to the tops. All these lifting methods caused fear and excitement from those who want to get up. At a height of several tens of meters begins strong windwhich shakes and threatens to disrupt unreliable at first glance design. Lifting to monasteries became a kind of test of faith. Now, of course, there were roads and staircases walked in the rocks. There have ever been 24 monasteries, there are only six monasteries: transfiguration, St. Varlaam, St. Nicholas, Barbara or Rusan, Holy Trinity and St. Stephen. Two of them are female.
When the Rusan monastery was created exactly unknown, as well as the origin of his name. Perhaps the monastery founded Rusanos, a leaving from the town of Rusan. According to another version, the monastery was founded in 1288 by Hieromonah, Nicodematic and Benidict. In 1545, in 1545, in 1545, in the resolution of the Metropolitan of the city of Larisa Vissarion and Hegumen of the Big Meteor Monastery, the Brothers Hieromonai Joasaf and Maxim built monastic cafolic in the Byzantine style on the site of the destroyed Church of the Transfiguration and restored the monastery. Unfortunately, the monastery often cleared, and some relics remained from him. Those that have survived are now in the Preobrazhensky monastery (big meteors). In 1940, the monastery came into decline and lost his monks. Since 1950, over 20 years old, Eusevia, from the neighboring village of Kastraki alone, retained the three-story building of the monastery, which currently acts in an updated form as a female monastery, which received its second name in honor of St. Barbarians.
In the monastery of St. Stephen, located in a very picturesque place on a huge rock, easy to get. To visit it, you just need to go through one bridge. He is the richest of meteor monasteries. The first thing that the pilgrims seen until 1927, getting into the monastery, is the stove with the inscription "6770. Jeremiah, "which was in the arch on the entrance to the monastery and meant that a certain hermit named Jeremiah lived on this rock already in 6770 from the creation of the world, i.e. in 1192 from the Nativity of Christ. There is a version that this hermit and other monks have built a small chapel of St. Stephen and a few cups. However, the monastery itself was built at the end of the XIV century Anatoly Katakazinos and Satin's Philofey, whose images were captured in a small church in the territory of the monastery. At the end of the XIX century, the monastery inhabited 31 monks, but by 1960 he almost empty, in 1961 he was transformed into female, today flourishes. In the refectory monastery there is an exhibition of monastic treasures.
In 1340 Athanasius, meteorsky on the highest and largest cliff founded a male monastery, which is known as Preobrazhensky or big meteors. The monastery was obtained in honor of the main temple, which was built in 1388. As noted, it was built on the likeness of Afonov temples. The founders of the monastery Rev. Athanasius and Iosaf are buried inside the temple in the North limit. Iosaf, the last Serbian king, cut into the monks and did a lot for the monastery: expanded the Preobrazhensky Cathedral, decorated it with icons and provided the necessary sacred vessels. The cathedral is decorated with magnificent frescoes, which were fulfilled in 1522, unfortunately, the name of the wizard did not reach us. The temple is also famous for skilled iconostasis with gilding, which was manufactured in 1971. Here it is a large number of The valuable icons of the XIV-XVI centuries, and in the former refectory there is a museum of monastery jewels. Among the treasures of the monastery are highlighted: the oldest Greek manuscript is 861; bivalve icon of Our Lady, the contribution of Maria Paleolog, sisters of one of the founders of the monastery; Part of the Golden Bully with the signature of the emperor Andronika Paleologist; Fully embroidered shroud of the XIV century; Four Icons of the XVI century: Christmas of Christ, the crucifixion of Christ, the passion of Christ, the Virgin Murgeant. Not far from the entrance to the monastery is the Schit Sv. Athanasius. It was there who lived and prayed the founder of the monastery.
Until 1922, it was raised on the rock in the grid, as it was unsafe, a stage was abandoned in the rock. But the grid is still not forgotten and is used for the lifting of provisions and other items necessary for the life of the monastery.
Monastery of St. Nikolai Anapaavsas, probably the most unusual of meteors and stand out because of the characteristics of its construction. The monastery seems to be nutting on a small rock, it forced the monks to think about this placement of temples and keels, so that everything was functionally. So this magnificent monastery appeared, fascinating pilgrims a labyrinth of several levels. Presumably, the monastery was founded in the XII-XIII centuries, when the first monks appeared on the rock. He founded his monk Nikanor by the name of Anapaavsas, in whose monastery received his name.
Total in the monastery level 3. The first is the church of St. Anthony. On the Altar Square of 4 square meters. The meter can be only one priest.
At the second level there is a Cathedral of St. Nicholas, the Kafolikon of the Monastery was built in 1527. The cathedral is built in the form of a rectangle without windows and is crowned with a low dome, while the attitudes of the cathedral so spacious, which is created that it was originally built as a monastery courtyard. The altar is forced to north. The walls of the cathedral are decorated with frescoes of Feofan Strelidzas, an outstanding icon painter of the Cretan School. At the third level there are Celi, the old refectory, used as a reception room for honorary visitors, the small church of St. John the Forerunner and the crypt with the turtles of the monks.
Dimitri Solunsky took place from the city of Soluni, where his father was a governor in the Roman Prosonsula in thesaloniki (Thessaloniki) and a secret Christian. When the Father died, the emperor Maximian appointed him to the city. His the main task It was to protect the city. However, Dimitri returned to thesalonics and, instead of eradicating Christianity, as the emperor commanded, he himself began to confess Christianity before all and began to teach residents of the city of Christian faith. When the emperor recognized this, he immediately wanted to deal with Dimitri. Dimitri, foreseen this, betrayed a rigorous post and prayer and asked to distribute all his property to the poor. The emperor entered the city and immediately caused Dimitri to himself. He boldly recognized himself a Christian and was concluded in the dungeon. At night, the angel went to him, comforting and strengthening him in a feat. Later in the dungeon, he was brutally hammered by spears. The faithful minister of Dimitry St. Lupp assembled on the towel the blood of the Holy Great Martyr and moaed his ring in it. With these shrines, he began to heal the patients. The body of the Muchenian Dimitri was thrown into the destruction of wild beasts, but the Solun Christians secretly betrayed him. Under the emperor, Konstantine was erected over the grave, and in a hundred years, during the construction of a new majestic temple, the nettical relics of the Holy Martyr were acquired. With VP century, the expiration of the incense world begins with the cancer of St. Dimitria, so Dimitri gets a naming of a peaceful. St. Dimitri became a patron and defender of his relatives of the Nativesalonik, when barbarians approached the city. We repeatedly, the Slavic Gentiles retreated from Sununi's walls at the sight of a formidable light young man, a vested wall.
Saint Gregory Palama was born in Constantinople in a noble family. His parents tried to teach him from the young years of both human and especially Divine Wisdom. Gregory S. early years It sought to give all his strength to the ministry to God. Despite the fact that Grigory was from a rich family, he despised wealth, always walked in poor attire and behaved like a poor man. Some even considered him crazy. At the age of twenty, he finally decided to adopt San and go to the desert. Soon with his brothers, he retired to Athos. In 1350, he returned to thesalonics. In 1354 he was captured to the Turks, but a year later was released. Over the past three years of St. Gregory made a lot of miracles and cured many patients. In 1368, Grigory Palama was canonized in the face of the saint.

Northwest Greece
Once the igumeenitz was only a fishing village. During the period of Turkish Iga in Greece, it was a small town called Grav. In 1913, the town was liberated from the Turks, and in 1938 he adopted a modern name. The city took his final appearance after World War II.
Corfu Island - probably one of the most famous Ionic Islands of Greece, the island area of \u200b\u200b593 km². The island is very picturesque and attracts tourists from around the world with its small coves and wonderful beaches. At the island ancient historyMention of it can be found even in ancient Greek myths. They left their trace and many nations on it: Romans and Normans, Gotta and Venetians, Turks and French, the British and Russians. It could not not affect the culture of the island, rich in monuments and temples. Orthodox on the island has its own shrines.
The inhabitants of Corfu Island or, as they also call Kerkira, know Admiral Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov and worship his name. His squadron released Kerkira in 1799. I knocked out the French from the island, Ushakov restored Orthodox bishopat on it after an almost five-minded absence in Kerkira of the Orthodox Church. Admiral also contributed to the creation of the first Greek state on the ionic islands after the fall of the Byzantine Empire. In 2002, a monument to Admiral F. F. Ushakov was opened at Corfu in the new fortress.
Cathedral temple in the name of the Greek Queen Feodora. The righteous Queen of Theodore entered the story as an iconostic. She was the wife of the Greek Tsar Feofila-iconoborets (829 - 842 G.), but did not share the beliefs of her husband and secretly honored the holy icons. When her husband died, she ruled the state instead of the young son of Mikhail. Theodora did a lot for Orthodoxy. Its merit can be attributed to the fact that she restored icon-performance, returned and achieved the iconoclands to be given to the curse. The righteous feodora did a lot for the Holy Church. She brought in the Son Michael firm devotion to Orthodoxy. When Mikhail grew up, she was removed from the management and, after spending 8 years in the abode of Holy Euphrosynia in the exploits and reading divine books (the Gospel, written by her hand), was peacefully died around 867. Her relics in 1460 were given to the Turks to the residents of the city of Kerkira.
Church of St. Spiridon trimifuntsky The most famous religious monument. St. Spiridon was born in Rome in the III century on the island of Cyprus, since childhood was pious and led the righteous life. Helped in need, sick, children. For his acts, God awarded his gift to the wirals. There are many miracles that made sv. Spiridon. Once during worship in the lamp, there was a fir tree, and she began to fade. The saint was upset, but the Lord comforted him: the lamp was wonderfully filled with a lot. In the reign of Emperor Konstantin Great (306-337 G.), he was elected a bishop in one of the cities in Cyprus. But, even by the bishop, he was able to combine pastoral ministry with mercy. Spiridon was the great intercessor of faith and fought with heresy. It is known that he took part in the first universal cathedral in 325 in Nice. After the death of his relics were buried in Constantinople, and when the capital of Byzantium fell in front of the Turks, leaving the city of Orthodox took them with them. In Corfu, they hit in 1489. It is not known how he was connected with Corfu before he became Spiridon, the patron saint of the island. But the story has been preserved that he saved the island from the plague in 1553. Later he burned behind the island back in 1630, when Corfu threatened his hunger, and in 1716, when Turks attacked him. It is said that he appeared dressed as a monk, holding a candle, and sowed panic among the Turks. The day of his patron on the island is celebrated on December 12 with a big sweep. The first church of St. Spiridon was in the town of Sarisas, but she had to destroy it when the city walls were built. The current temple was erected in 1590. The temple is built in typical style island. Inside huge gold and silver panicadiles, marble iconostasis, unusual sight icons in the gold framework on the arch. A large number of metal figures with the image of ships, machines and individual parts of the body hangs on the chains and on the chain of the chains, and the gratitude of the parishioners who received the Holy Help. In the temple there are non-relics of the saint in the silver sarcophage of the XIX century. Every day, hundreds of people come to the temple to attach to this shrine, and these are not only tourists, but also the locals who are very fond of and honoring their patron.

South Greece (Peloponnese)
Patras are a city on the Peloponnese Peninsula. In accordance with the Christian history, this place of martyrdom of St. Andrei. Andrey was the first heart rate spent in Patra last years His life, here he preached Faith Christ, created a large Orthodox community. According to the order of Pronsulus, Ahei Entheate was sentenced to martyrdom on the cross.
St. Apostle Andrey was born in Vifsada. His teacher was John the Baptist himself. The Apostle Andrei with the Apostle John theologian was the first to follow the Lord. After the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostle Andrei in the lot went to preach the Word of God into the Black Sea countries, passed Small Asia, Macedonia, Chersonesos, on the Dnieper rose to the place where Kiev is now located. Many feats in the name of Faith made the apostle Andrei, his way ended in the city of Patras. Here the imposition of hands the first-surveying apostle healed a lot of people, including his wife and brother's brother. But the ruler of Egeat, stinking, ordered crucified St. The apostle so that he suffered for a long time, - without nailing his arms and legs to the cross, and tied them. The cross was not the usual, and the mounted, because the apostle considered herself unworthy to die on the same cross, on which Jesus was crucified. Such a cross became a symbol of Orthodox faith and called "Andreevsky".
Two days St. The Apostle from the Cross taught the gathered citizens. Listening to his people compared the martyr and demanded to remove it from the cross. Fearing uprising, the ruler ordered to stop the execution.
But the apostle wanted to take death in the name of Christ, and the soldiers could not unleash the hands of the martyr. Suddenly, bright radiance illuminated the cross. When it stopped, people saw that sv. The apostle has already handed the soul to the Lord.
Church of St. The Apostle Andrei First Called in Patra was built at the beginning of the twentieth century in the traditions of Western architecture. His huge dome is visible from afar from the sea, because the temple stands right on the shores of the Corinth Gulf. The temple has an honest head of St. The Apostle Andrei and the Cross, on which he was crucified. The modern cathedral is built at the very place where the apostle was executed. Nearby you can see the cave with a source that, by legend, scored on the spot of his death.
Also in Patra are the relics of the Apostle Paul.
Apostle Paul did not enter the number of twelve apostles. He, originally wearing the Jewish name Sawl, belonged to the knee of Veniaminov. The Apostle Paul was born in the Cilician city of Tars. In his youth, he participated in the persecution of Christians. One day, Saul lit up the brightest light, from which he fell blind to the ground. From the light there was a voice: "Sawl, Sawl, why do you drive me?" To the question of Saul: "Who are you?" "The Lord replied:" I'm Jesus, whom you drive. " Soon after that he became the apostle. Paul was very educated and wise man. They created numerous Christian communities in the territory of Minor Asia and the Balkan Peninsula. Messages Paul Communities and individuals make up a large part of the New Testament and are among the main texts of Christian theology. The Apostle Paul has distinguished the fact that he sought to transfer Divine Revelation to the pagans not only adequately, but also convincingly, it is clear, beautiful. He speaks with people on the language affordable. The preaching that the apostle Paul read in Athens in Areopag, where all Athenian sessions were held at the time, entered the story. At that time, Athens were not only the center of education, but the city of idols. There is an opinion that Paul, when he arrived in Athens, was confused from the Majesty of this city. However, this did not prevent him from saying his speech. Although historically believes that most of the Athenians did not change their views, but still many have believed. Among them were Dionysius Areopagitis and many others.
Monastery Mega Spilio or Great Cave is located at an altitude of 924 meters near the town of Kalawrita. There is an icon of the Virgin Mary, created from wax and aromatic substances by an evangelist bow. Evangelist Luke was born in the Greek family and was very educated, he was a doctor by profession. The author of one of the four Gospels, he created the acts of the apostles, was sent by the Lord to the sermon on the kingdom of heaven. It is believed that it was he who wrote the first icons Blessed Virgin Mary. However, the wax icon, which is located in Mega Spilio, is unique. Thanks to her, a male monastery arose. It was created in 362 around the cave, where she was found. The building of the monastery has 8 floors, and the feeling arises that it is built into the rock. The monastery was destroyed many times, and there were fires in it, but the icon survived to the present day. The walls of the church of the monastery are covered with frescoes. Also here is kept handwritten gospels and stickers.

Central Greece
Milf Martyr's relics Gregory and the Cathedral of the Annunciation. The Patriarch of Constantinople Gregory was born in the poor family and was named George. He studied on the island of Patmos. Soon he took a monk named Grigory. Ascetic lifestyle, big knowledge in the secular and theological sciences, made him famous Metropolitan to Smirnsky Prokopy. He was ordained in the Diacon, then in the presbyter, and in 1785, Chirotonisan in the bishop became the successor to the Metropolitan Prokoki. In 1792, SVT. Gregory was elected Patriarch Konstantinople.
The saint made a lot for his flock. Despite the fact that the Turks prevented the spread and preservation of Christianity in Greece, the Saint Gregory repaired the old and built new orthodox churches, called upon the people not to change the Christian faith.
It is not surprising that all this did not like the Turkish ruler. After the third return to the Patriarchhood, when the Turks with Christians began to be launched, the Patriarch was taken and after a long torment he hung in 1821.
Turks were forbidden to merge the body of the priest. It was given to the Jews, who tieding the stones to the neck of the saint, threw him into the sea.
Body SVT. Gregory, miraculously rid of stone, was found by Greek sailors and transported to Odessa, where he was buried in the Trinity Temple in the northern part of the altar. In 1871, the holy relics of Patriarch Grigory were transferred from Odessa to Athens and put in the Cathedral of "Annunciation". The church was built in the 19th century, he was consecrated in 1862. The construction went slowly, the architects replaced one to others, so its architecture cannot be called unequivocal. It is believed that it is built in the "Ellinovezantine tradition", but some believe that it is not as beautiful as the real Byzantine temples.

Islands of the Aegean Sea
Eviea Island has an unusual feature, it is connected to the mainland 14-meter bridge, as it is closely close to the mainland. This is the second largest island in Greece after Crete. The bridge is not the most important feature of the island, water is much more interesting under it in the Strait of Evrip: it rushes with a mad speed, it practically freezes, and after a few hours, again gains speed, but what is surprising, moves to the other side.
The island is a favorite holiday destination for the Greeks themselves, it is especially popular among Athenians, because from Athens to him - only 88 kilometers. But tourists here are a bit, which makes the island even more attractive with its hot springs, beautiful beaches, green forests and the most beautiful mountains.
The church of the righteous John of Russian, one of the most revered in Greece saints, is located on the island of Eviemy in the town of Nefpopon, there are its relics. This holy lived amazing, fertile, but at the same time complete torment life. He was born in the 17th century in the municipality, he fell to the service for Peter I. He fought a lot and he wandered a lot of light, but he was always full of humility and firmly confessed the holy faith. He is attributed to many miracles. During the war, the saint was captured to the Turks, he was sent to slavery to Maly Asia, where he suffered a long torment.
Monastery of St. David Evobysky is located near the temple of St. John Russian. Tools for the construction of the monastery of St. David, who lived in the 16th century, was collected on the territory of the current Romania, Moldova and Russia. The most valuable of these gifts is still stored in the monastery. The monastery is kept by the relics of its founder of St. David Evobysky, as well as the honest head of SVT. Vasily the Great. The Great Raspberries of God and the Bogomdry Teacher of the Church of Vasily was born in the city of Caesarea in 330. He was not only a pious believer, but also educated personwho knows secular sciences. His education was engaged in his father. Vasily traveled a lot in search of new knowledge, he was in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia. However, he felt that the main thing for him was not worldly sciences, but serving the Lord. Therefore, he went to Egypt, where a nightly life flourished. When Vasily Great returned to Athens, he did a lot for the formation of the truth faith and drew into it many.
The elder Jacob Evobysky lived a pious, but very complex and complete bodily suffering life. He was born on November 5, 1920 in a devout family, which was closely connected with the Church. In childhood, Jacob with his family had to leave his homeland. Depending due to the oppression of the Turks. The will of God was prepared to get to the island of Evie. There he went to school and there began to lead the righteous and ascetic life. As a child, his beloved toy was Cadyl, which he himself was smart. All the neighbors were proud of them and saw in it the present god's man. Soon he was entrusted to the keys to the temple: there was no His priest in the village, he came from the neighboring village every two weeks. Residents of neighboring villages, when they had any difficulties, appealed to him for help. Jacob was called to ennoze oil and read prayers over sick, women who had difficult births, over obsessed and with other needs. Jacob could not continue to study at school, as it was forced to work to help the family.
His way to monasticism was long. At first he lost his parents and was forced to take care of his sister, then he had to fulfill the debt to his country and served in the army. After return, he was taken for any job to gather an attached to his sister Anastasia. Only when she got married, he felt ready to become a monk. He began to think about returning to the Holy Land. Once he came to him. David and said that the purpose of Jacob was to revive the monastery, which he came here once. His posture took place on November 30, 1952. And he devoted his whole life to serving God and restore the monastery. When her age approached the fifty, he began to overcome the diseases that tormented him from childhood. However, his heart bothered most. He was sick for a long time. Restoring the monastery of St. David, who chosen the elder with his spiritual heir, bringing healing and peace by thousands of suffering souls, the father of Jacob left the life of November 21, 1991. The monastery has preserved his cells and many personal belongings who carry information about the life of this holy person.

Women's monastery of St. ap. and ev. John the Theologian is a 30-minute drive from the city of Thessaloniki. A quiet abode is located in a small town of Suroti. Helped to establish the monastery of the Afonovsky older Paisius Svyatogorets. Once, women who wanted to establish a monastery, where they could live in strict Afonov rules. Soon the elder found a beautiful picturesque place for the women's monastery, received a blessing for his foundation from the bishop, and in 1967 the first sisters settled in the monastery. Now they are 67, and they really live in old Afonov traditions. Services are under console without electricity. Preserved in the monastery and another tradition peculiar to many monasteries in Greece - to treat visitors to a bow and cold water. To get to the monastery, you need to climb the mountain. So such a treat falls very by the way.
One of the main shrines of the monastery is the grave of the elder Pairius Svyatogort, thousands of pilgrims seek to her. Near the grave is constantly located one of the nuns, which follows. People seek here to honor the memory of this amazing person.

The old man of Paisius Svyatogorets, in the world of Arsennaya Eznepidis, was born in the pharasics of Cappadocian (in Turkey) in 1924 in a large family. Two weeks after the birth of Arsenia, the pharaysian Greeks fled from Turkey to Greece. Before the departure of the Holy Arseny Cappadocyan (1841-1924), who was then the parish priest in the village, dubbed the boy and gave his child his name. He also uttered the words that became prophetic to Patius: "I want to leave the monk after myself."

As a child, a little Arseny loved to read the lives of saints, his older brother even selected and hid the books from him. Arsenia's youth passed in the city of Konitsa, where he studied at school and received a profession of a carpenter. The civil war began in Greece (1944-1948), he was called up to the existing army. After serving, Arseny went to Athos, in 1954 he accepted Ryasophore named Averki. Two years later, he was tonsured in a small schima named Paisius. From 1958 to 1962, he lived the contest of the monastery in the village of Stomio, after which she went to Sinai. Two years spent on the saints of the Holy Martyrs of Galaktion and Epistimia on the Sinai Mountain, where his cells were now preserved, but then because of the sickness of the lungs returned to Athos and settled in the Iversky Skece.

In 1966, the disease developed so much that the father of Pairi was removed most of the lungs. It was then that several women applied to him with a request to help establish a monastery.
Paisi's father constantly maintained the abode and twice a year until his death on July 12, 1994 came to visit sisters from Athos. He died in a surmity, buried there. As sisters say, it is right. If he was buried on Athos, women could not come to him. The relics of sv. The Arseniy of Kapadocyssic was not accidental in the monastery, in the creation and in the life of which the father of Paisiys played a huge role. They were born in one village, and it was St. Arseny baptized father Pairius, giving a child his name, prophetically saying: "I want to leave the monk after myself." It happened in the pharasion of Cappadocian, where St. Arseny Kapadoksky was a parish priest at that time.
At the early age of Arseny Kapadocysky lost his parents. He was educated in the seminary in Smyrna (Sovr. Izmir, Turkey). At the age of 26, the monastic stop at the monastery of John the Forerunner in Zindji Teres in Caesarea (Sovar. Caseyi, Turkey) was ordained in Diacon and sent by Metropolitan Paisi II in Faras to teach children a certificate of church books in Faras.

In 1870, Rev. Arseny was ordained in the San of the Priest and was erected in San Archimandrite. He made 5 pilgrimages to the Holy Earth, and therefore he was called Haj Efendi. The pastoral activity of Rev. continued in Faras to 55 years. He instructed and argued in the faith of the residents of the Greek Anklav, who was constantly threatened by destruction. Rev. Arseny foresaw the coming tests - wars and an outcome from his native land. In 1924, with the resettlement of lowland Greeks, he accompanied his flock and died 40 days after arriving in Greece on Corfu Island. The relics of the presented were transported first to the city of Konitsu, and then to the monastery of John the Bogoslov in Suroti.
Monastery of St. Anastasia scholarship is located near the city of Thessaloniki. Holy Great Martyr Anastasia The scenario is his patroness and intercession. There is an opinion of scientists that she tied to where her monastery is standing today.

St. Anastasia was born and grew up in Rome at the end of the III century. Her mentor and teacher of faith was the Holy Martyr Chrysogon. Since childhood, spending good Christian life, she kept herself clean and strengthened in virtues. Wanting to devote your life to Christ, St. Anastasia attended abstract Christians in prisons and dungeon. She supported them spiritually and helped financially, handing out her inheritance. During his life, the saint received from God the gift of healing and helped many sick and suffering.
The holy is called "Velikomichen", since she mascked all grave torture and torment. It is also called "sophisticated", since it was filed by the power of core and spiritual diseases from the Lord. In prayers, it is asked to resolve the buses of unjust convicted and give consolation in conclusion. The holy is also customary to ask for protection against the witchcraft char.

St. Fefania, Queen of Byzantium, determined this monastery as a royal, in 888 sacrificed large financial resources for the needs of the monastery. The non-relics of the queen of Feofania before this day are in the Patriarchal Cathedral in Constantinople. It is considered the first adventurian of the monastery. Then the monastery was brought as a gift. The power of patroness the monastery is the head and part of the right leg of the Great Martyr, who are now stored in the temple of the monastery and are his main shrine. Then the monastery came into decay, he was preserved by a miracle. In 1522, the saint Fester found the holy abode of the sinuspressor in a state of failure. It was he who restored her and made prosperous.
St. Faon was an igumen in the monastery reborn, and then in 1535 he was elected Metropolitan of the city of Fessonalki. Saints and non-relics of sv. Feeona are in the monastery temple to the right of the iconostasis.

In 1821, the monastery suffered greatly from the Turks, which destroyed and burned it. Since the rich library, archives and many monastery treasures burned, information about the history of the monastery with IX to the XVI century, which came up to us were burned out. Kalambaca is not a very large city with a population of 11.5 thousand people. It is the capital of the same name of the district that occupies the northern part of the tricul prefecture. Is located at an altitude of 247 meters above sea level. Nearby are the bannar cliffs meteor.

Meteora ride from around the world. This unique place is amazingly beautiful. Smoothly polished inaccessible rocks, like pillars, connect the sky and soaked with Christianity. Meteors did not accidentally get their name, in Greek "meteors" means "soaring in heaven" or "suspended between heaven and earth." Almost 30 million years ago, Nature created incredible rocks on the smooth surface of the Fessensky Plain, then they were at the bottom of the ocean, the water knocked down the sand and betrayed them amazing forms, which did not leave anywhere else in the world. But not only the picturesque landscape attracts this place of tourists. It feels the strongest energy of the holy place. From the first century meteoras are one of the largest monastery complexes of Greece. These irreparable rocks have become a symbol of faith, ascetic, repentance and renunciation of worldly goods. For many centuries, monks for whom the rocks have become not only a place, where you can quietly and calmly indulge in serving God, but also find reliable protection in the times of Turkish conquests. At first, the monks lived in the caves and rocks, the monasteries were gradually began to form.

Up until the 20s of the last century, it was possible to get into monasteries only with the help of a system of stairs, forests and rope structures. Most often, the monks and pilgrims used grids and baskets, which were raised using manual blocks to the tops. All these lifting methods caused fear and excitement from those who want to get up. At a height of several tens of meters, a strong wind begins, which shakes and threatens to disrupt unreliable at first glance. Lifting to monasteries became a kind of test of faith. Now, of course, there were roads and staircases walked in the rocks. There have ever been 24 monasteries, there are only six monasteries: transfiguration, St. Varlaam, St. Nicholas, Barbara or Rusan, Holy Trinity and St. Stephen. Two of them are female.

When the Rusan monastery was created exactly unknown, as well as the origin of his name. Perhaps the monastery founded Rusanos, a leaving from the town of Rusan. According to another version, the monastery was founded in 1288 by Hieromonah, Nicodematic and Benidict. In 1545, in 1545, in 1545, in the resolution of the Metropolitan of the city of Larisa Vissarion and Hegumen of the Big Meteor Monastery, the Brothers Hieromonai Joasaf and Maxim built monastic cafolic in the Byzantine style on the site of the destroyed Church of the Transfiguration and restored the monastery. Unfortunately, the monastery often cleared, and some relics remained from him. Those that have survived are now in the Preobrazhensky monastery (big meteors).

Meteors - Orthodox monasteries on the cliffs (Greece)

In 1940, the monastery came into decline and lost his monks. Since 1950, over 20 years old, Eusevia, from the neighboring village of Kastraki alone, retained the three-story building of the monastery, which currently acts in an updated form as a female monastery, which received its second name in honor of St. Barbarians.

In the monastery of St. Stephen, located in a very picturesque place on a huge rock, easy to get. To visit it, you just need to go through one bridge. He is the richest of meteor monasteries. The first thing that the pilgrims seen until 1927, getting into the monastery, is the stove with the inscription "6770. Jeremiah, "which was in the arch on the entrance to the monastery and meant that a certain hermit named Jeremiah lived on this rock already in 6770 from the creation of the world, i.e. in 1192 from the Nativity of Christ. There is a version that this hermit and other monks have built a small chapel of St. Stephen and a few cups. However, the monastery itself was built at the end of the XIV century Anatoly Katakazinos and Satin's Philofey, whose images were captured in a small church in the territory of the monastery. At the end of the XIX century, the monastery inhabited 31 monks, but by 1960 he almost empty, in 1961 he was transformed into female, today flourishes. In the refectory monastery there is an exhibition of monastic treasures.

In 1340 Athanasius, meteorsky on the highest and largest cliff founded a male monastery, which is known as Preobrazhensky or big meteors. The monastery was obtained in honor of the main temple, which was built in 1388. As noted, it was built on the likeness of Afonov temples. The founders of the monastery Rev. Athanasius and Iosaf are buried inside the temple in the North limit. Iosaf, the last Serbian king, cut into the monks and did a lot for the monastery: expanded the Preobrazhensky Cathedral, decorated it with icons and provided the necessary sacred vessels. The cathedral is decorated with magnificent frescoes, which were fulfilled in 1522, unfortunately, the name of the wizard did not reach us. The temple is also famous for skilled iconostasis with gilding, which was manufactured in 1971. Here is a large number of valuable icons of the XIV-XVI centuries, and in the former refectory there is a museum of monastery jewels. Among the treasures of the monastery are highlighted: the oldest Greek manuscript is 861; bivalve icon of Our Lady, the contribution of Maria Paleolog, sisters of one of the founders of the monastery; Part of the Golden Bully with the signature of the emperor Andronika Paleologist; Fully embroidered shroud of the XIV century; Four Icons of the XVI century: Christmas of Christ, the crucifixion of Christ, the passion of Christ, the Virgin Murgeant. Not far from the entrance to the monastery is the Schit Sv. Athanasius. It was there who lived and prayed the founder of the monastery.

Until 1922, it was raised on the rock in the grid, as it was unsafe, a stage was abandoned in the rock. But the grid is still not forgotten and is used for the lifting of provisions and other items necessary for the life of the monastery. Monastery of St. Nikolai Anapaavsas, probably the most unusual of meteors and stand out because of the characteristics of its construction. The monastery seems to be nutting on a small rock, it forced the monks to think about this placement of temples and keels, so that everything was functionally. So this magnificent monastery appeared, fascinating pilgrims a labyrinth of several levels. Presumably, the monastery was founded in the XII-XIII centuries, when the first monks appeared on the rock. He founded his monk Nikanor by the name of Anapaavsas, in whose monastery received his name.

Total in the monastery level 3. The first is the church of St. Anthony. On the Altar Square of 4 square meters. The meter can be only one priest.
At the second level there is a Cathedral of St. Nicholas, the Kafolikon of the Monastery was built in 1527. The cathedral is built in the form of a rectangle without windows and is crowned with a low dome, while the attitudes of the cathedral so spacious, which is created that it was originally built as a monastery courtyard. The altar is forced to north. The walls of the cathedral are decorated with frescoes of Feofan Strelidzas, an outstanding icon painter of the Cretan School. At the third level there are Celi, the old refectory, used as a reception room for honorary visitors, the small church of St. John the Forerunner and the crypt with the turtles of the monks.

Dimitri Solunsky took place from the city of Soluni, where his father was a governor in the Roman Prosonsula in thesaloniki (Thessaloniki) and a secret Christian. When the Father died, the emperor Maximian appointed him to the city. His main task was to defend the city. However, Dimitri returned to thesalonics and, instead of eradicating Christianity, as the emperor commanded, he himself began to confess Christianity before all and began to teach residents of the city of Christian faith. When the emperor recognized this, he immediately wanted to deal with Dimitri. Dimitri, foreseen this, betrayed a rigorous post and prayer and asked to distribute all his property to the poor. The emperor entered the city and immediately caused Dimitri to himself. He boldly recognized himself a Christian and was concluded in the dungeon. At night, the angel went to him, comforting and strengthening him in a feat. Later in the dungeon, he was brutally hammered by spears.

The faithful minister of Dimitry St. Lupp assembled on the towel the blood of the Holy Great Martyr and moaed his ring in it. With these shrines, he began to heal the patients. The body of the Muchenian Dimitri was thrown into the destruction of wild beasts, but the Solun Christians secretly betrayed him. Under the emperor, Konstantine was erected over the grave, and in a hundred years, during the construction of a new majestic temple, the nettical relics of the Holy Martyr were acquired. With VP century, the expiration of the incense world begins with the cancer of St. Dimitria, so Dimitri gets a naming of a peaceful. St. Dimitri became a patron and defender of his relatives of the Nativesalonik, when barbarians approached the city. We repeatedly, the Slavic Gentiles retreated from Sununi's walls at the sight of a formidable light young man, a vested wall.

Saint Gregory Palama was born in Constantinople in a noble family. His parents tried to teach him from the young years of both human and especially Divine Wisdom. Grigory from an early age sought to give all his strength to serving God. Despite the fact that Grigory was from a rich family, he despised wealth, always walked in poor attire and behaved like a poor man. Some even considered him crazy. At the age of twenty, he finally decided to adopt San and go to the desert. Soon with his brothers, he retired to Athos. In 1350, he returned to thesalonics. In 1354 he was captured to the Turks, but a year later was released. Over the past three years of St. Gregory made a lot of miracles and cured many patients. In 1368, Grigory Palama was canonized in the face of the saint.

Northwest Greece
Once the igumeenitz was only a fishing village. During the period of Turkish Iga in Greece, it was a small town called Grav. In 1913, the town was liberated from the Turks, and in 1938 he adopted a modern name. The city took his final appearance after World War II.
Corfu Island - probably one of the most famous Ionic Islands of Greece, the island area of \u200b\u200b593 km². The island is very picturesque and attracts tourists from around the world with its small coves and wonderful beaches. The island has an ancient story, references to it can be found even in ancient Greek myths. They left their trace and many nations on it: Romans and Normans, Gotta and Venetians, Turks and French, the British and Russians. It could not not affect the culture of the island, rich in monuments and temples. Orthodox on the island has its own shrines.

The inhabitants of Corfu Island or, as they also call Kerkira, know Admiral Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov and worship his name. His squadron released Kerkira in 1799. I knocked out the French from the island, Ushakov restored Orthodox bishopat on it after an almost five-minded absence in Kerkira of the Orthodox Church. Admiral also contributed to the creation of the first Greek state on the ionic islands after the fall of the Byzantine Empire. In 2002, a monument to Admiral F. F. Ushakov was opened at Corfu in the new fortress.
Cathedral temple in the name of the Greek Queen Feodora. The righteous Queen of Theodore entered the story as an iconostic. She was the wife of the Greek Tsar Feofila-iconoborets (829 - 842 G.), but did not share the beliefs of her husband and secretly honored the holy icons. When her husband died, she ruled the state instead of the young son of Mikhail. Theodora did a lot for Orthodoxy. Its merit can be attributed to the fact that she restored icon-performance, returned and achieved the iconoclands to be given to the curse. The righteous feodora did a lot for the Holy Church. She brought in the Son Michael firm devotion to Orthodoxy. When Mikhail grew up, she was removed from the management and, after spending 8 years in the abode of Holy Euphrosynia in the exploits and reading divine books (the Gospel, written by her hand), was peacefully died around 867. Her relics in 1460 were given to the Turks to the residents of the city of Kerkira.

Church of St. Spiridon trimifuntsky The most famous religious monument. St. Spiridon was born in Rome in the III century on the island of Cyprus, since childhood was pious and led the righteous life. Helped in need, sick, children. For his acts, God awarded his gift to the wirals. There are many miracles that made sv. Spiridon. Once during worship in the lamp, there was a fir tree, and she began to fade. The saint was upset, but the Lord comforted him: the lamp was wonderfully filled with a lot. In the reign of Emperor Konstantin Great (306-337 G.), he was elected a bishop in one of the cities in Cyprus. But, even by the bishop, he was able to combine pastoral ministry with mercy. Spiridon was the great intercessor of faith and fought with heresy. It is known that he took part in the first universal cathedral in 325 in Nice. After the death of his relics were buried in Constantinople, and when the capital of Byzantium fell in front of the Turks, leaving the city of Orthodox took them with them. In Corfu, they hit in 1489.

It is not known how he was connected with Corfu before he became Spiridon, the patron saint of the island. But the story has been preserved that he saved the island from the plague in 1553. Later he burned behind the island back in 1630, when Corfu threatened his hunger, and in 1716, when Turks attacked him. It is said that he appeared dressed as a monk, holding a candle, and sowed panic among the Turks. The day of his patron on the island is celebrated on December 12 with a big sweep. The first church of St. Spiridon was in the town of Sarisas, but she had to destroy it when the city walls were built. The current temple was erected in 1590. The temple is built in typical style island. Inside huge gold and silver panicadiles, marble iconostasis, unusual sight icons in the gold framework on the arch. A large number of metal figures with the image of ships, machines and individual parts of the body hangs on the chains and on the chain of the chains, and the gratitude of the parishioners who received the Holy Help. In the temple there are non-relics of the saint in the silver sarcophage of the XIX century. Every day, hundreds of people come to the temple to attach to this shrine, and these are not only tourists, but also the locals who are very fond of and honoring their patron.

South Greece (Peloponnese)

Patras are a city on the Peloponnese Peninsula. In accordance with the Christian history, this place of martyrdom of St. Andrei. Andrey was the first-surveyed in the pastries of his life in Patra, here he preached to Frare Christ, created a large Orthodox community. According to the order of Consul Ahai Entheate, he was sentenced to martyrdom on the cross.

St. Apostle Andrey was born in Vifsada. His teacher was John the Baptist himself. The Apostle Andrei with the Apostle John theologian was the first to follow the Lord. After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostle Andrei in the lot went to preach the Word of God into the Black Sea countries, Malaya Asia passed, Macedonia, Chersonese, rose to the place where Kiev was now located on the Dnieper. Many feats in the name of Faith made the apostle Andrei, his way ended in the city of Patras. Here the imposition of hands the first-surveying apostle healed a lot of people, including his wife and brother's brother. But the ruler of Egeat, stinking, ordered crucified St. The apostle so that he suffered for a long time, - without nailing his arms and legs to the cross, and tied them. The cross was not the usual, and the mounted, because the apostle considered herself unworthy to die on the same cross, on which Jesus was crucified. Such a cross became a symbol of Orthodox faith and called "Andreevsky".

Two days St. The Apostle from the Cross taught the gathered citizens. Listening to his people compared the martyr and demanded to remove it from the cross. Fearing uprising, the ruler ordered to stop the execution. But the apostle wanted to take death in the name of Christ, and the soldiers could not unleash the hands of the martyr. Suddenly, bright radiance illuminated the cross. When it stopped, people saw that sv. The apostle has already handed the soul to the Lord.

Church of St. The Apostle Andrei First Called in Patra was built at the beginning of the twentieth century in the traditions of Western architecture. His huge dome is visible from afar from the sea, because the temple stands right on the shores of the Corinth Gulf. The temple has an honest head of St. The Apostle Andrei and the Cross, on which he was crucified. The modern cathedral is built at the very place where the apostle was executed. Nearby you can see the cave with a source that, by legend, scored on the spot of his death.
Also in Patra are the relics of the Apostle Paul.

Apostle Paul did not enter the number of twelve apostles. He, originally wearing the Jewish name Sawl, belonged to the knee of Veniaminov. The Apostle Paul was born in the Cilician city of Tars. In his youth, he participated in the persecution of Christians. One day, Saul lit up the brightest light, from which he fell blind to the ground. From the light there was a voice: "Sawl, Sawl, why do you drive me?" To the question of Saul: "Who are you?" "The Lord replied:" I'm Jesus, whom you drive. " Soon after that he became the apostle. Paul was a very educated and wise man. They created numerous Christian communities in the territory of Minor Asia and the Balkan Peninsula. Messages Paul Communities and individuals make up a large part of the New Testament and are among the main texts of Christian theology. The Apostle Paul has distinguished the fact that he sought to transfer Divine Revelation to the pagans not only adequately, but also convincingly, it is clear, beautiful. He speaks with people on the language affordable. The preaching that the apostle Paul read in Athens in Areopag, where all Athenian sessions were held at the time, entered the story. At that time, Athens were not only the center of education, but the city of idols. There is an opinion that Paul, when he arrived in Athens, was confused from the Majesty of this city. However, this did not prevent him from saying his speech. Although historically believes that most of the Athenians did not change their views, but still many have believed. Among them were Dionysius Areopagitis and many others.

Monastery Mega Spilio or Great Cave is located at an altitude of 924 meters near the town of Kalawrita. There is an icon of the Virgin Mary, created from wax and aromatic substances by an evangelist bow. Evangelist Luke was born in the Greek family and was very educated, he was a doctor by profession. The author of one of the four Gospels, he created the acts of the apostles, was sent by the Lord to the sermon on the kingdom of heaven. It is believed that it was he who wrote the first icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary. However, the wax icon, which is located in Mega Spilio, is unique. Thanks to her, a male monastery arose. It was created in 362 around the cave, where she was found. The building of the monastery has 8 floors, and the feeling arises that it is built into the rock. The monastery was destroyed many times, and there were fires in it, but the icon survived to the present day. The walls of the church of the monastery are covered with frescoes. Also here is kept handwritten gospels and stickers.

Central Greece

Milf Martyr's relics Gregory and the Cathedral of the Annunciation. The Patriarch of Constantinople Gregory was born in the poor family and was named George. He studied on the island of Patmos. Soon he took a monk named Grigory. Ascetic lifestyle, big knowledge in the secular and theological sciences, made him famous Metropolitan to Smirnsky Prokopy. He was ordained in the Diacon, then in the presbyter, and in 1785, Chirotonisan in the bishop became the successor to the Metropolitan Prokoki. In 1792, SVT. Gregory was elected Patriarch Konstantinople.
The saint made a lot for his flock. Despite the fact that the Turks prevented the spread and preservation of Christianity in Greece, the Saint Gregory repaired the old and built new Orthodox churches, called upon the people not to change the Christian faith.
It is not surprising that all this did not like the Turkish ruler. After the third return to the Patriarchhood, when the Turks with Christians began to be launched, the Patriarch was taken and after a long torment he hung in 1821.
Turks were forbidden to merge the body of the priest. It was given to the Jews, who tieding the stones to the neck of the saint, threw him into the sea.
Body SVT. Gregory, miraculously rid of stone, was found by Greek sailors and transported to Odessa, where he was buried in the Trinity Temple in the northern part of the altar. In 1871, the holy relics of Patriarch Grigory were transferred from Odessa to Athens and put in the Cathedral of "Annunciation". The church was built in the 19th century, he was consecrated in 1862. The construction went slowly, the architects replaced one to others, so its architecture cannot be called unequivocal. It is believed that it is built in the "Ellinovezantine tradition", but some believe that it is not as beautiful as the real Byzantine temples.

Islands of the Aegean Sea

Eviea Island has an unusual feature, it is connected to the mainland 14-meter bridge, as it is closely close to the mainland. This is the second largest island in Greece after Crete. The bridge is not the most important feature of the island, water is much more interesting under it in the Strait of Evrip: it rushes with a mad speed, it practically freezes, and after a few hours, again gains speed, but what is surprising, moves to the other side.

The island is a favorite holiday destination for the Greeks themselves, it is especially popular among Athenians, because from Athens to him - only 88 kilometers. But tourists here are a bit, which makes the island even more attractive with its hot springs, beautiful beaches, green forests and the most beautiful mountains.

The church of the righteous John of Russian, one of the most revered in Greece saints, is located on the island of Eviemy in the town of Nefpopon, there are its relics. This holy lived amazing, fertile, but at the same time complete torment life. He was born in the 17th century in the municipality, he fell to the service for Peter I. He fought a lot and he wandered a lot of light, but he was always full of humility and firmly confessed the holy faith. He is attributed to many miracles. During the war, the saint was captured to the Turks, he was sent to slavery to Maly Asia, where he suffered a long torment.

Monastery of St. David Evobysky is located near the temple of St. John Russian. Tools for the construction of the monastery of St. David, who lived in the 16th century, was collected on the territory of the current Romania, Moldova and Russia. The most valuable of these gifts is still stored in the monastery. The monastery is kept by the relics of its founder of St. David Evobysky, as well as the honest head of SVT. Vasily the Great. The Great Raspberries of God and the Bogomdry Teacher of the Church of Vasily was born in the city of Caesarea in 330. He was not only a pious believer, but also an educated person who knows secular sciences. His education was engaged in his father. Vasily traveled a lot in search of new knowledge, he was in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia. However, he felt that the main thing for him was not worldly sciences, but serving the Lord. Therefore, he went to Egypt, where a nightly life flourished. When Vasily Great returned to Athens, he did a lot for the formation of the truth faith and drew into it many.

The elder Jacob Evobysky lived a pious, but very complex and complete bodily suffering life. He was born on November 5, 1920 in a devout family, which was closely connected with the Church. In childhood, Jacob with his family had to leave his homeland. Depending due to the oppression of the Turks. The will of God was prepared to get to the island of Evie. There he went to school and there began to lead the righteous and ascetic life. As a child, his beloved toy was Cadyl, which he himself was smart. All the neighbors were proud of them and saw in him the real man's man. Soon he was entrusted to the keys to the temple: there was no His priest in the village, he came from the neighboring village every two weeks. Residents of neighboring villages, when they had any difficulties, appealed to him for help. Jacob was called to ennoze oil and read prayers over sick, women who had difficult births, over obsessed and with other needs. Jacob could not continue to study at school, as it was forced to work to help the family.

His way to monasticism was long. At first he lost his parents and was forced to take care of his sister, then he had to fulfill the debt to his country and served in the army. After return, he was taken for any job to gather an attached to his sister Anastasia. Only when she got married, he felt ready to become a monk. He began to think about returning to the Holy Land. Once he came to him. David and said that the purpose of Jacob was to revive the monastery, which he came here once. His posture took place on November 30, 1952. And he devoted his whole life to serving God and restore the monastery. When her age approached the fifty, he began to overcome the diseases that tormented him from childhood. However, his heart bothered most. He was sick for a long time. Restoring the monastery of St. David, who chosen the elder with his spiritual heir, bringing healing and peace by thousands of suffering souls, the father of Jacob left the life of November 21, 1991. The monastery has preserved his cells and many personal belongings who carry information about the life of this holy person.

In contact with

"So, going from the Troadas, we directly arrived in self-defraquity, and the other day in Naples ..." (Acts 16: 11).

According to the legend, preserved on the island, the apostle Paul stuck to the shore in the port of the ancient city, modern palpoli. In memory of this event, a three-trifle early Christian Basilica was built in this place, with the structure of which fragments of architectural details of antiquity buildings were also used. Paleopol is 7 km north-east of Sovr. Port of Camariotic. The main resort of the island - Terma - was used since Roman times. There are hot springs.

Cavala (ancient Naples). The temple is holy. Nicholas, who is near the port on the place where first stepped ashore the apostle Paul. Behind him there is a low cylindrical column in honor of the landing of the Apostle Paul. "So, by going from the Troada, we directly arrived in self-defraquity, and the other day in Naples" (Dean 16: 11).

The ancient city of Philippi - Archaeological reserve. "From there to Philipses: This is the first city in the part of Macedonia, a colony. In this city we stayed a few days " (Dean 16: 12). From Naples, the Apostle Paul went to Philippes on the ancient road Via Ignatia and, most likely, came to the city with eastern. This road is large stone blocks.

Chapel of St. Lydia Standing at the river in which it was baptized. This river is called Gaggiti. At the site of the prayer house now there is a temple. The place that traditions is considered to be a Lydia house is now built into the hotel Lydia, which is at the entrance. "On the day, the Sabbath we went out of the city to the river, where, as usual, there was a prayer house, and, north, talked with the gathered women there. And one woman from the city of Fiatir, named Lydia, who traded the bugger, who talked God, listened; And the Lord rejected her heart to listen to what Paul said. When she was baptized and her home, he asked us, saying: if you admit me to the Lord, then go to my house and live with me. And convinced us "(Act. 16: 13-15).

The place where the apostle Paul was healed by the maid, obsessed with a progressive spirit, is not far from the ancient square. The young maid of the appearance of his power was obliged to have the spirit of the snake, who had mastered her. This snake, is associated with an ancient Greek gamet in Delphs, known in the whole ancient world thanks to the prophecies of God Apollo, speaking Pyfi's voice. "It happened that when we went to a prayer house, we met one maid, obsessed with the spirit of the prisoner, who brought the most income to the gentlemen to the gentlemen. Walking for Paul and behind us, she screamed, saying: these people are the slaves of the God of the Most High, who prove the path of salvation. It she did many days. Paul, who renounced, turned and said to the spirit: the name of Jesus Christ commanding you to get out of it. And the Spirit came out at the same time. Then the Lord her, seeing that the hope disappeared by their income, grabbed Paul and the power and entailed the area to the superiors. " (Acts 16: 16-19).

The ruins of prison, where Paul's apostles were sharpened and power is a small building, similar to the cave, not far from the entrance to the ancient square. It is on the ancient area of \u200b\u200bthe Apostles Paul and the strength beat with sticks. "The people also rebelled on them, and the governors, thoring with them clothes, ordered them to beat them with sticks. And, giving them a lot of blows, plunged into the dungeon, ordering the dunking guard tightly wand them " (Acts 16: 22-23).

"Having passed through Amphipol and Apollonia, they came to the Dessalonik, where there was a Jewish synagogue" (Acts 17: 1)

The Apostle Paul passed these cities when she walked in Fesaloniki in the second journey.

Monastery Voldadon In the old town. On the territory of the monastery is ancient chapel of St. Paul. According to the first version, there was a synagogue where the apostle Paul preached "... They came to the Dessalonik, where there was a Jewish synagogue. Paul, according to his usual, entered them and three Saturdays spoke with them from the Scriptures, discovering and proving them that Christ had to suffer and resurrect from the dead and that this Christ was Jesus, whom I preach to you. And some of them believed and joined Paul and strength, both from ELLINOV, who spent god, a great many, and from noble women. "(Acts 17: 1-4).
According to the second, the house of Jason stood here, where the apostle Paul stopped and in whose yard was praying "But the unsolved Jews, reversed and taking from the square of some unsuitable people, gathered a crowd and outraged the city and, starting to the house of Jason, they were dominated by the people" (Dean 17: 5).

District Ayos Pavlos Behind the walls of the Old Town. The most ancient temple It is standing at the intersection of streets Castron and Leoffos Ohkhi in the green zone, there is a chapel, the holy source and cave, in which the apostle Paul stopped, leaving thessaloniki. According to legend, the holy source arose from the tears of the Apostle Paul - he spent the night here, behind the city walls, and prayed with tears. The new church towers over the entire terrain, located behind the old park. It stores part of the relics of the Apostle Paul.

Veria.In Belii, not far from Platia Square Orology, behind the school building on the Marromic Street, there is an open chapel in memory of St. Apostle Paul. The main icon leads four ancient marble stages, on which the Apostle Paul stood, preaching. "The brotherhood immediately sent Paul and the power in Veria, where they arrived, went to the synagogue of Jewish. The local ones were bass than theses of the Fessalonik: they took the Word with all zeal, every day of the Scriptures, right if it. And many of them believed, and from ELLINA Honorary Women and Men Men " (Acts 17: 10-12). "But when the Fassalonian Jews learned that in Belius, the Word of God was preached in Pavle, then they came there, exciting and outraging people. Then the brothers immediately let the Paul seem to go to the sea ... " (Acts 17: 13-14).

According to the local legend, he was sent from Belie on the ship first to Egyoton (the current Kalindros), and then in the coastal city of Metoni (today it is called Elevorochori). From there he sailed on the ship to Athens.

Athens.By the time the Apostle Paul was in Athens, the life of this city was far from being splendor. Here he first preached to the pagans on their territory. In Antioch, he addressed them in the synagogue, and in Athens, who have long ceased to play the role of a major prosperous shopping center, the Jewish community was not, she moved into new colonies: Pats, Nikopol and Corinth. The Apostle Paul was the first Christian missionary who came with the sermon to this famous city, the intellectual stronghold of the Greek-Roman world. And in fact, Athens were still the chief university of the Empire; They used the deserved glory of the city of philosophers, on the streets of which it was possible to hear the disputes of Platonists, Stoics and Epicurians. Other intellectual centers have already arisen - in Rome, Alexandria, Antioch and Tars, - but Athens kept the palm of unconditional championship. Despite the decline of the spirit, outwardly the city was perfect more than ever. He held firmly for his ancient traditions and monuments, holidays and sacrifices. Waiting in Athens's arrival of the Apostles and Timothy, the apostle Paul must have managed to turn around the temples, sparkling with gold and rich paints, and on the statues of the Song of Greek and ingenic gods, erected in high pedestals in the temples, in the yards of rich and noble citizens, in public buildings And on the streets. He starts his famous appeal to the Athenians: "Athenian! Everywalk, I see that you, as it were, certainly diverges: for, passing and inspecting your shrines, I found a satellite on which it is written: "Unknown God ...".

H.V. Morton notes that, mentioning the altars dedicated to the unknown God, the Apostle Paul, as always, adapts the form of expression of Christian teaching to the peculiarities of the perception of their listeners. In this case, he did not quote Jewish texts, meaning little to Athenian, and suggested them something clear to them. It was a wonderful start, permeated by a local flavor and promising unusual continuation. For everyone who listened to him that day, Altari with the inscription of the unknown God were part of their daily life. Everyone knew the history of the plague, hitting Athens in the sixth centuries to the Nativity of Christ. Then, bringing victims to all the well-known gods and seeing that the plague does not retreat, the Athenians asked for the help of the Cretan Prophet Epimera. He drove a flock of white and black sheep to Areopago and allowed them to wander where they wish. He waited for the sheep to rest on the places chosen by them, and in these places they were sacrificed to the "appropriate God." The plague ceased, after which it became a tradition to erect Altari with unknown deities, and not only in Athens.

Going away from the temple mountain on the ruins of dumps (ancient gates), at the bottom of the right, a large rocky protrusion is visible (a trail starts to be separated from the temple mountain district of Plaka. and curly across the northern side of the Acropolis). Ancient, carved staircase from fifteen or sixteen steps, leads to the top of the cliff with a smooth, as if polished, the surface, which is mastered like craters by holes. This vertex was specially leveled many centuries ago. This is APEC (or Areopag), an ancient place of the famous assemblies of Athenian, who the Apostle Paul preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to some, he could apply to the meeting with Agora (Market Square), but below the local Orthodox legend and approval of many historians, he stood on the most of the Mareopag. If so, then the apostle Paul climbed onto these stone steps and, standing on the ledge of the cliffs over his feet under his feet, spoke to his listeners, that God "not in the man-made temples lives" (showing at the same time on the marble temples, crowded acropolis in his back , and on the thirty-foot statue of Athens, whose golden spear sparkled so brightly with a tip, which was visible even to sailors off the coast of the southern tip of attic).

Pilgrim, who wants to remember the words of the Apostle Paul, being on the top of the Areopague, is best to come here early in the morning or late in the evening, when the sun sits down the acropole, shining the splendor of the paints is completely special, so characteristic of Greece with the shades of red and gold - and it seems as if Here the words of the Apostle are still sound. "In anticipation of the Apostles of Power and Timothy in Athens, Paul was indignant to the spirit at the sight of this city, full idols. He argued in a synagogue with Jews and with god-knit, and daily on the square with those encountered. Some of the epicurean and stoic philosophers began to argue with him; And alone told: "What does this Sueslov want to say?", And others: "It seems he preaches about other people's deities," Because he gone to them Jesus and the Resurrection. And, taking it, led to the areaopag and said: Can we know what this new teaching preached to you? For something is strange you vague our ears; Therefore, want to know what it is? The Athenians and all their living foreigners have no longer spent time, as in talking or listening to something new.

And, becoming among the Areopague, Paul said: Athenian! Everywalk, I see that you, as it were, especially diade; For, passing and inspecting your shrines, I found the altar on which it is written: "Unknown God." Of which you, not knowing, honor, I preach to you: God, created the world and all that in him, he, being the Lord of Heaven and Earth, does not live in man-made temples and does not require the service of human hands, as if having In anything, I myself giving all my life and breathing and everything; From one blood he made all the genus human for habitat around the face of the earth, appointing predetermined times and limits their habitat, so they were looking for God, whether it would not be silent, and would not find, although he is not far from each of us: for we They live and move and exist, like some of your verse, they said: "We are His and Rod." So we, being of God's origin, should not think that the deity is like gold, or silver, or a stone that gained an image from the art and fiction of the human. So, leaving the times of ignorance, God now commands people everyone repeating everywhere; For he appointed the day, which will righteously judge the universe, through the husband predetermined by him, filing a certificate to everyone, having resurrected him from the dead. Hearing about the resurrection of the dead, some mocked, and others said: he will listen to you at another time. So Paul came out of their medium. Some guys, in front of him, believed; Between them was Dionysius Areopagitis and a woman named Damar, and others with him. (Acts 17, 16-34).

Of all these thousands of idolaters, philosophers and speakers, only a handful of people who believed him said. Only three of them we know by the names: the fuser Dionysius Areopagitis, according to legend, the former judge of the Council of the Areopague, which consisted of only nine members; sv. Ierofey (perhaps he was also a member of this Council), who later became the first Athenian bishop, and the woman named Damar.

Corinth. After the sermon in Athens and the famous speech on the top of the Areopague, the Apostle Paul went coastal expensive in Corinth. Corinth of the time of the Apostle Paul was a unique city that was part of the Roman colonies in Greece. In Corinth, the Holy Apostle Paul stopped in the house of one Jewish couple, Akila and Viskah. They, like he, were engaged in the manufacture of tents and sails, and the Holy Apostle began to work with them, extracting me impregnation. Akila and his wife only recently arrived in Corinth in connection with the order of Claudia "to leave Rome to all Jews." Roman historians explain this exile to the desire to put an end to the speeches of Jews "to bring some sovereign", which involuntarily suggests that already at this stage we are dealing with disputes in the Jewish environment regarding the Gospel.

Spring to Paul, finally, the strength and Timofey joined. They saw that he with great inspiration preaches in the synagogue, and his success, as expected, stunned by the Jews. Their hostility has reached such a heat that they blasphemously poured Christ in the middle of the synagogue. In response, Paul "said the dust from his clothes" (the symbolic gesture of rejection of the Israelis, known since the time of the Prophet of Nehemiah) and exclaimed: "Your blood is on the chapters of yours; I am clean; From now on I go to the pagans. " And he left this synagogue forever. From that day, Corinthian Christians gathered in the House of Roman Tita Justa. Among the Jews, followed by the apostle, were Akila, Plushel and Church, Chief of the Synagogue, whom Paul himself was baptized and who later became the head of the local church. Turning to the sermons among the pagans, Paul preached with a not less lifting of the spirit than in the synagogue, and it was in the pagan environment that he collected a rich harvest. Greetings in his messages to Corinthians are sounding more like lists of citizens of the Rome city, rather than applying to residents of the Greek-Jewish colony: Tit, Gai, Fortunate, Territation.

That night when the Apostle Paul left the synagogue forever, the Lord spoke to him in Vision: "Do not be afraid, but say and do not silent, for I am with you, and no one will make you evil, because I have a lot of people in this city"(Acts 18,9-10). Perhaps anticipating the beginning of a vengeful confrontation, who pre-following him on the entire path on the ground of the Asia Minor and most of Greece, Saint Paul thought to leave Corinth as well as he left thessalonik, Philip and Veria. However, he stayed here for a year and a half, which turned out to be the most for a long time His stay, anywhere from the date of the beginning of his missionary travel. Jews, rejected the good news of Christianity, at that time waited, looking for the right moment to strangle the newborn church and expel the apostle from Corinth. Finally, with the arrival of the new Proconsule Ahaya, Gallion, they decided that now they had such an opportunity. They understood that it was hardly possible to influence the prison, having put forward charges of attacks on Jewish traditions, and decided to oppose Paul. Gallion was not just the ruler of the Roman colony, but Brother Seneki, the famous philosopher and teacher Nero, as well as the uncle of the Roman poet Lukian. Beautifully educated, leaving from a good family, wonderful speaker, Gallion was considered among his contemporaries charming, friendly man and insightful leader. Unlike the Governors of Philip and thessalonik, he could not scare the crowd, which began religious distribution. Jews, bringing Paul to him to the court with screams: "He teaches people to honor God not according to the law," hoped that the law officially defending Judaism would be on their side. In addition, they expected that the performance arranged by them will make a great impression on Gallion as a new person in a new place. However, he answered coldly: "If any insult or angry intent, I would have a reason to hear you; But when there is a dispute about the teachings and on the names and about your law, then disassemble yourself: I do not want to be a judge in this. " And they drove them from the trill. They did not have time to leave the courtroom, when Greek pagans gathered there, angry with these fictional charges surrounded the chief of the synagogue of Splepen and thoroughly beat him. Gallion did not pay attention to it.

Next to the temple built in honor holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Corinth, there is a marble monument, on which in four languages, including in Russian, is drawn the so-called "Hymn of Love". It is also necessary to visit the market square - the place of the preaching of the Apostle Paul. The first message to the Corinthians was written to them three years after he, together with Akila and Sequilly, left there to Ephesus; The second - after another year, when he was in Macedonia, before the last visit of Corinth.

After visiting Corinth, the Apostle Paul continued his missionary path and came to the eastern port of Corinth (it was preserved), which is called Kehreon (Kenhrey), where ostrig head by vow (Acts 18, 18). Here, by making a stop at the Corinthian Channel, which was built at the end of the 19th century, to connect the two Sea Aegean and Ionical, should be remembered about the Holy Martyr Galina Corinthian, which suffered in 258 at the Emperor of Decia. It was drowned with a stone on the neck in the ancient port of the old town of Corinth. Then the Apostle Paul returned to Malny Asia, in Jerusalem, again in Macedonia. In Jerusalem, he was taken into custody and sent to Rome. Eusevia writes that after two years of conclusion in Rome of St. Paul, he was liberated, and he preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ for ten years. Then he returned to Rome. Here the Apostle Paul accepted the martyrdom. This happened on June 29th 67 or 68 years from the Nativity of Christ.

Antique Nikopol,where the Apostle Paul preached after his liberation in Rome "When I will send Artem or Tigg to you, hurry to come to me in Nikopol, for I put the winter there" (Tit 3, 12). The activities of the Apostle Paul turned Nikopol to the largest Christian center of his time. The picturesque ruins of Nikopol are located near the preservation.

Research Alexey Mishina.

About Orthodox shrines: Christian shrines, Orthodox shrines Greece, Orthodox shrines Crete, the most famous shrines, the temple of the Holy Apostle Tita, Monastery of Paliani, Kaliviani Monastery, Shrine photos, map, how to get

If we talk about the Orthodox shrines, then the first thing you have to turn the look at Jerusalem - the cradle of Christianity. In addition, there are also Christian shrines on the territory of modern, but it is known not to every believer. I would like to recall Oh and (in it there is a chapel of the unandlared bunk). We have already told about these holy places in our posts. Today invites you to visit holy places, we will get acquainted with Orthodox shrines.

Orthodox shrines in Greece

In the territory of the current Greece, the great many of the oldest Christian shrines, leading their history since the times of the Apostles of Christ, has been preserved. In addition, in Greece there are temples built during the Byzantine Empire - the cradle of Christianity. One of the closest apostles of Jesus Christ - Paul - came to Greece to preach Christianity and had one of his best student here - Tita, who was born and grew on the island.

Good advice from the traveler's assistant: gathering through the holy places, be sure to dress strict clothes, women need to cover headscarf, as a sign of respect for faith and believing.

Let's start our story from Crete Greece Island, it is here that more seven hundred of the ancient Christian monasteries and temples have been preserved. The most visited from them are located in Heraklion and its surroundings:

The most famous:

  • church of the Holy Apostle Tita (Heraklion)
  • monastery of Paliani (Panagia Paliani, near Heraklion)
  • monastery Agarafa (near Hudubsi)
  • monastery Kera Cardiotissa (near the Lassiti Plateau)
  • monastery Varontisio (near the zot)
  • monastery Georgy SGIU ORARY (Monophotsi)
  • monastery Palliaianis (Vegeito)
  • monastery of Our Lady of Juveniotissa (Hudubsi)

Church of the Holy Apostle Tita in Heraklion

In this temple (Cretato Cathedral of the Iraklion Archbishopia of the Cretan Orthodox Church) today remains the remains of the Face of St. Titus - the Apostle, who saw Jesus Christ and was in his nearest surroundings. It is the Holy Apostle Tit, a native of Cyprus, "he had the inevitable happiness to see Jesus Christ, hear the divine teachings from his own mouth ..." Also, on behalf of the Apostle Paul, Tit watched the spread of Christianity on the island and appointed the presbyters of the Church.

The first temple, built in honor of the Apostle of Tita in 961, was very simple, many times rebuilt and was destroyed in the middle of the fifteenth century. In 1446, the construction of a new temple on the place of the old one was completed, but in 1508 he was very victim from the earthquake, and in 1544 - from the fire. However, after these disasters, all the relics of the temple and holy relics were carefully saved. This is primarily about the face of Holy Titus, as well as about the icon of Our Lady "Panagia Mesopenditis".

In 1557, the temple was rebuilt anew, "from scratch." He was great! In 1669, the city of Handak, which houses the temple of the Holy Titus, fell under the head of the Turks. Holy relics had to save again. This time they were hidden in Venice. And the temple was converted to the mosque.

In 1856, the island again underwent an earthquake and the temple was thoroughly destroyed. The Great Vizier of the Empire Ali Pasha instructed to build a new (Geni Dzami), while maintaining his old name - the Church of the Holy Titus. In 1922, this magnificent sample of the Christian shrine was returned Orthodox churchAnd in 1925 - consecrated by the Metropolitan of Crete.

The Church of the Holy Titus is an architectural monument, in which the elements of Ottoman art and the skillful architecture of the Byzantine architectural masters were intertwined. His style very much resembles the temples of Constantinople, decorated with decorative crowns cut out of stone.

In 1966, Venice returned the holy power - the remains of the Face of the Holy Titus. But the holy icon of Our Lady "Panagia Mealponditis" is still not returned to the temple, continues to remain in Venice (, Dellal Salute's Cathedral).

Holy Titus Church honors on August 25 (according to old style), or September 7 - according to a new one. He lived 94 years old and always distinguished to meekness, love for neighbor and mercy.

Monastery Panagia Paliani

This Orthodox Shrine is a very ancient female monastery. It is located about 25 km from Heraklion.

It is said that the first records about him appeared much later than he was built. For the first time in the chronicles there are information about the monastery dated 632 AD. What is so famous among Christians?

On the spot where the monastery was built, the world was the icon of the Blessed Virgin, Panagia Phanami. Before the construction of the monastery in these places was an impassable forest. Once he caught fire. People who endured the fire on the site of the burnt trees found a miraculous icon. Praying the face of the Mother of God, over time, believers began to notice that the tree depicted on the icon began to germinate, enjoy the roots. Time went, the tree grew, the icon began to disappear in its branches.

Today, next to the monastery of Paliani, built on the site of the Miracle of God, grows great ancient tree Mirt, in whose branches only children can consider the face of the Blessed Virgin. And branches, and the bark, and the leaves of the Martit are considered healing. A copy of the icons of Panagia Phanami, written from the original in ancient times, today is kept in the monastery and helps pilgrims around the world.

Monastery Panagia Paliani for all the time of its existence several times collapsed, but again restored due to the works of believers and prayers to the Most Holy Virgin.

  • Iraklion 700 11, Greece
  • Eparchiaki Odos Veneratou - Kiparissou
  • tel.2810 335840-7

Orthodox shrines Monastery Kaliviani

In the very south, Crete, on the coast of the Mesar's bay, in the town under the same name, 40 km from the city of Mires is the oldest Orthodox shrine - Kaliviani Monastery.

Today it is a female monastery, but during the time of Byzantium, there were prayed and had their own monks of a man. On the territory of the monastery, the temple of the miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Library Source, dated to the fourteenth century of our era.

The icon of the Mother of God, bearing the same name, is considered the main shrine of the monastery. In the Cathedral Temple of the Deviviani Monastery also stored list miraculous icon The Blessed Mother of God The root of Jesseev. In kyota, the boards impregnated with the world from the original icon, which is currently stored on the island of Andros.