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What praying before the orthodox icon of Alexey. Icon "Alexy man of God, Rev.

The icon of St. George Alexy, the man of God (the day of memory on March 30) directs on the righteous way, helps not to be tied to the material benefits and earthly pleasures, not forget about God.

Turning to the image of Rev. Alexia, you can get help in overcoming destructive addictions and dependencies, to make sure to change your life towards spiritual perfection.

Doesn't the life experience convinces us that attachment to the body, the various benefits of the world make people make atrocities? Therefore, in our time, the example of devotees, who became the power of the spirit above the earthly affections, minor interests and coolly changed their lives in the name of higher spiritual aspirations.

In the Orthodox churches of the icon of Rev. Alexia, the man of God always placed next to the images of the most revered devotees. The worship of this saint was particularly noticeable during the rule of the Russian king Alexei Mikhailovich, who was immensely honored his heavenly patron.

To the image of Saint Alexy, the person of God is treated with a prayer for recovery in spiritual and physical diseases. Its icon will save from the consequences of severe ailments, will save from fear before the trials of fate, facilitates the humble adoption of difficult life changes.

Rev. Alexy, the man of God, was born in Rome from noble and pious parents. His father Evfimian was a senator. He was distinguished by peaceful kindness, was merciful to sick and suffering, every day arranged three tables at home: for orphans and widows, for travelers and for beggars. Evfimian and his wife's wife had no children for a long time, and it was overshadowed by their happiness. But the piety of Aglaid did not leave hope and heard her God, and sent him the Son. Father called Baby Alexy (translated from the Greek "Defender"). Holy Alexy rose a healthy child, well and diligently studied. When he reached the majority, Euteimian and Aglaid decided to marry him. They chose a girl of royal blood for his son, very beautiful and rich. Left after the wedding alone with a young wife, Saint Alexy gave her his golden ring and the belt buckle with the words: "Save it, and it will be between you and me, the Lord will not upgrade us with His grace." Then he came out of the marriage rest and left the father's house that night. Sitting on the ship sailing to the east, the young man arrived in the Syrian Lodicia. Here he stuck to donkeys and got to the city of Edessa, where the delicious image of the Lord, imprinted on the loatching. Distributing the remnants of the property, the young man was dressed in rags and began to ask the alms in the focus of the temple of the Most Holy Virgin. Every Sunday he was acquired by the Holy Tyne. At night Alexy was awake and prayed. He fell only by bread and water.

In the meantime, the parents and the wife of St. Alexy, saddened by his disappearance, sent their servants to search. They were in the Edess, they entered the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos and served by Saint Alexy, without recognizing him.

After some time, the servant returned to Rome and not finding Saint Alexia. And no one from the relatives had no revelation about him. Then they resigned and although they continued to grieve and wander about him, but relied on the will of God.

Rev. Alexy held in Edessa, asking for alms in the focus of the temple of the Virgin, seventeen years old. The most recent, appeared in a dream church watchman, discovered that the beggar of Alexy is the man of God. When the inhabitants of Edessa became His, Rev. Alexy fled secretly. He thought to go to the city of Tare (in Malaya Asia, the Motherland of the Holy Apostle Paul), but the ship on which the Rev. Alexy sailed, he drove into a strong storm from the course, wandered for a long time and finally stuck to the shores of Italy, not far from Rome. Saint Alexy, Uzrev in this fishery of God, went to his father's home, for he was sure that he would not recognize him. Having met the Father of his Eufimian, he asked him a shelter and mentioned his blood, staying in the sides. He glad to take a beggar, gave him a place in the sieves of his house, ordered him to wear him food from the master's table and put the servant to help him. The rest of the servants of the envy began to insult the beggar, but the Rev. Alexy was clear about the devilish demand and took bullying with humility and joy. He still fed on bread and water, and at night awake and prayed. So there was still seventeen years. When the hour of the death of his death was approaching, Rev. Alexia wrote his own life, and then the secret that was known to the father with his mother, and the words spoken by his wife in marriage.

On Sunday, after the Divine Liturgy, a miracle was accomplished in the Cathedral of the Holy Apostle Peter. From the Holy See, the voice of Over: "Look for a person of God, so that he pose about Rome and the people of His." All the people are terrified and delighted by NIC. On Thursday evening, in the Cathedral of the Apostle Peter Prayali, the Lord open them the person of God and from the throne he was glad: "In the house of Eupiimian - the man of God, is looking there." The temple was attended by the Roman Emperor Honorius (395-423), as well as Pope Innocent I (402-417). They appealed to Euteimian, but he knew nothing. Then the servant, close to Saint Alexy, told Eutimian about his righteousness. Eutimian hurried to Reverend Alexy, but no longer found him alive. Lick blissfully imprisoned the saint shone with the light of the alternate. In hand, Rev. Alexy held a firmly clamped scroll. The body of Saint Alexy with the submerged honors was moved and put on the bed. The emperor and dad Roman keen knees, asking for the saint hand. And Saint Alexy performed their request.

The satellite scroll was read by the Chtern of the Temple in the name of the Holy Apostle Peter. Father, mother and wife of Saint Alexy with crying soldered to the body of the saint, bowed to his honest remains. At the sight of such an event, many cried. The bed with the body of Saint Alexy was delivered in the middle of the central square. People began to stop to it, to cleanse and resolve their ailments. Silent began to speak, the blinders turned, obsessed and mentally ill and recovered. Seeing such grace, Emperor Horonii and Dad Innokentia I ourselves suffered the body of the saint in the funeral procession. Honest remains of Saint Alexy, the man of God, are buried in the temple in the name of Holy Wonpathy on March 17, 411. In 1216, the relics of the saint were acquired. The life of his Icestari was one of the most beloved in Russia.

Prayer in front of the icon of Alexey God's man

Oh, the great Christ, the Holy Holy Man of God Alexie, the soul in the sky of the throne of the Lord, the Lord, on the Earth, this is more than grateful to the wonderful wonders! The proud of graciously on the upcoming of the Holy Icon of your people, migrating and seeking from you help and interpreting. Prosterly to the Lord God of God Case your Ruta and we succeed from him to leaving the sins of our free and involuntary, in a notworthy healing healing, who has been an emerging intercession, which is a thoughtful ambulation, the whole, who, peaceful and Christian abdomen, and a good answer to Scary Court of Christ. To her, the waters of God, not by the persons of hope, herself on the Bose and the Virgin, they lay, but wake up the assistant and patron to salvation, yes, your prayers are graceful and grace from the Lord, we will glorify the humans of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, in Trinity Slavimago and the Poklamago of God, and your holy intercession, now, and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Passionous Alexy, the man of God, was born in Rome from noble and pious parents. His father Evfimian was a senator. He was distinguished by peaceful kindness, was merciful to sick and suffering, every day arranged three tables at home: for orphans and widows, for travelers and for beggars. Evfimian and his wife's wife had no children for a long time, and it was overshadowed by their happiness. But the piety of Aglaid did not leave hope - and God heard her, and sent him a son. Father called Baby Alexy (translated from the Greek "Defender"). Holy Alexy rose a healthy child, well and diligently studied. When he reached the majority, Euteimian and Aglaid decided to marry him. They chose a girl of royal blood for his son, very beautiful and rich. Left after the wedding alone with a young wife, Saint Alexy gave her his golden ring and the belt buckle with the words: "Save it, and it will be between you and me, the Lord will not upgrade us with His grace." Then he came out of the marriage rest and left the father's house that night. Sitting on the ship sailing to the east, the young man arrived in the Syrian Lodicia. Here he stuck to donkeys and got to the city of Edessa, where the delicious image of the Lord, imprinted on the loatching. Distributing the remnants of the property, the young man was dressed in rags and began to ask the alms in the focus of the temple of the Most Holy Virgin. Every Sunday he joined the Holy Taine of the Holy Tain. At night Alexy was awake and prayed. He fell only by bread and water.

In the meantime, the parents and the wife of St. Alexy, saddened by his disappearance, sent their servants to search. They were in the Edess, they entered the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos and served by Saint Alexy, without recognizing him. After some time, the servant returned to Rome and not finding Saint Alexia. And no one from the relatives had no revelation about him. Then they resigned and although they continued to grieve and wander about him, but relied on the will of God.

Rev. Alexy held in Edessa, asking for alms in the focus of the temple of the Virgin, seventeen years old. The most recent, appeared in a dream church watchman, discovered that the beggar of Alexy is the man of God. When the inhabitants of Edessa became His, Rev. Alexy fled secretly. He thought to go to the city of Tars (in Malaya Asia), but the ship on which the Rev. Alexy sailed, he drove into a strong storm from the course, wandered for a long time and finally stuck to the shores of Italy, not far from Rome. Saint Alexy, Uzrev in this fishery of God, went to his father's home, for he was sure that he would not recognize him. Having met the Father of his Eufimian, he asked him a shelter and mentioned his blood, staying in the sides. He glad to take a beggar, gave him a place in the sieves of his house, ordered him to wear him food from the master's table and put the servant to help him. The rest of the servants of the envy began to insult the beggar, but the Rev. Alexy was clear about the devilish demand and took bullying with humility and joy. He still fed on bread and water, and at night awake and prayed. So there was still seventeen years. When the hour of the death of his death was approaching, Rev. Alexy recorded his own life, and then the secret that was known to father with his mother, and the words said to his wife in marriage.

On Sunday, after the Divine Liturgy, a miracle was accomplished in the Cathedral of the Holy Apostle Peter. From the Holy See, the voice of Over: "Look for a person of God, so that he pose about Rome and the people of His." All the people are terrified and delighted by NIC. On Thursday evening, in the cathedral of the apostle Peter Prayali, the Lord open them the person of God - and from the throne he was published: "In the house of Evfimian - the man of God, they are looking for." The temple was attended by the Roman Emperor Honorius (395-423), as well as Pope Innocent I (402-417). They appealed to Euteimian, but he knew nothing. Then the servant, close to Saint Alexy, told Eutimian about his righteousness. Eutimian hurried to Reverend Alexy, but no longer found him alive. Lick blissfully imprisoned the saint shone with the light of the alternate. In hand, Rev. Alexy held a firmly clamped scroll. The body of Saint Alexy with the submerged honors was moved and put on the bed. The emperor and dad Roman keen knees, asking for the saint hand. And Saint Alexy performed their request. The satellite scroll was read by the Chtern of the Temple in the name of the Holy Apostle Peter. Father, mother and wife of Saint Alexy with crying soldered to the body of the saint, bowed to his honest remains. At the sight of such grief, many cried. The bed with the body of Saint Alexy was delivered in the middle of the central square. People began to stop to it, to cleanse and resolve their ailments. Silent began to speak, the blinders turned, obsessed and mentally ill and recovered. Seeing such grace, Emperor Honorius and Dad Innocent I themselves suffered the body of the saint in the funeral procession. Honest remains of Saint Alexy, the man of God, are buried in the temple in the name of Holy Wonpathy on March 17, 411. On this day, the memory of Reverend Alexia, the man of God is celebrated. In 1216, the relics of the saint were acquired. The life of his Icestari was one of the most beloved in Russia.

Orthodox has long been specially honored by Icon Alexey, God's man who recorded the riches of earthly in the glory of the Lord. His parents were noble Romans - Senator Eviefimian and Aglaid, pious Christians. For many years, the son of Alexy was sent after the tireless praying of God after tirelessly.

Life of St. Alexia

The boy grew up very devout: strictly observed the post, there was a generous to alms, and in the rich clothes in secretly wore Visanitsa. Already in young years he wanted to leave a worldly life for serving God, but the parents decided to marry him. However, in the evening after the wedding, Alexey gave the bride his ring, announced that he decided to devote his life to God's ministry and, changing the commoner, left home.

On the ship Alexy fell to Mesopotamia, and from there he got to the Edessa, where the church of the Most Holy Virgin was shrouded with an uncomfortable image of Christ. Here, on Peniti, he stayed, selling everything he had remained, and distributed to the money revented by the poor. He lived Alexy on bread and water, and all the alms, which he was served, he gave the sick and weak. He devoted all his time to prayers. Strict post imposed on themselves, so changed his appearance that he did not even know the servants sent in search of unfulfilled parents. The servants filed Alexy alms, without recognizing her Mr.

It was 17 years old, while once the Ponoloire of the Church, on the Parity of which Alexy, did not receive the command from the Icons of God's command: to introduce the "man of God, worthy of the kingdom of heaven," which he worsens the Holy Spirit. After a long searches, the Ponomaricon appealed to the icon, with a request to indicate such a person, and the icon announced that the beggar on the pellets is the man of God.

The Ponoloire fulfilled the commandment of Our Lady and introduced Alexy to church. It became known about this case, and many began to read Alexia as the righteous. He is to avoid glory, secretly sailed on the ship in Cilicia. However, the fishery of God intervened: because of the storm, the ship was naked to the Italian shore. Relying on God's will, he went on foot to Rome, to the house of his parents, and asked him to shelter him. So, unrecognized, he returned to his father's house, where his father showed him mercy, allocated his place in the Seine, and fed to feed food from his table.

However, Alexy and here continued his own mobility life: she still fastened and prayed day and night, humbly suffered because of this mockery from the servants. Often at night he heard sobs of his mother and the bride, remaining in their house, and experienced unbearable flour from this, but the love of the Lord helped to carry it.

This passed another 17 years, during which Alexy continued to lead a ascetic life. The Lords informed it in advance about the day of the death, and Alexy, taking the Charter (paper from papyrus), left his life-friendly on her, asking for forgiveness from relatives.

On the day, when Rev. Alexy died, during the liturgy, which was served by Pope Innokenty in the presence of Emperor Honoria, the voice from the altar was announced: "Find a man of God, who leaves the eternal life, let him pray about the city." All experienced such fear that NIC rushed. Seven city searched, but the search for the righteous did not give results. During the vigil vigil, the dad appealed to the Lord with a request to indicate such a righteous, and this time the voice answered that the search for such a person needs to be in the house of Euteimian.

When the arrived there, Alexy was found already dead, but with a luminous face and with the Harty clamped in his hand. All attempts to pull it out unsuccessful. And only when the knee-free dads with the emperor turned to the deceased, as a living, with a request to break the hand, she was broken, and the charter was able to read. Parents and bride, sobbing, bowed the remains of the righteous.

The body of God of God on a richly decorated appaled was exhibited on the square. People immediately reached for her, and healing began to occur. Even after the emperor and dad moved the body to the church, and in a week they were placed in the marble tomb, it continued to fool around the world and give healing the suffering.

Why is Alexy, God's Man in Russia

Holy Rev. Alexey, whose icon is located in many temples, has always enjoyed special reverence in Russia, and his life was a favorite reading. His king, Alexey Mikhailovich, especially honored, for whom Alexy was heavenly patron. And in our time, his icon for Alexey - the names of the great devotee - will be the best gift. Most often, icon depicts a saint in a rubbish, emaciated, but with an expression of humility and meekness on the face.

We, modern people, it is difficult to understand what caused his decision to break with the previous life and parents, whom he deeply read, because he had to understand what suffering his disappearance would cause them and his bride. Why he went to this step, allows you to understand the icon of Alexey, the man of God. He wanted to experience and redeem the suffering of all humiliated and suffering and dedicated to this spiritual feat.

How to protect and helps Icon of St. Axcia

Prayer in front of the icon of St. Alexey will help you choose the righteous path, refuse to chase the material, earthly benefits and always remember about the Lord, who donated to all of our spiritual salvation.

In the prayers of the holy devotee, they ask for healing from bodily and mental illnesses, from detrimental dependencies, about getting rid of fear of life tests and the humble accept of complex changes in life.

Prayer Alexy, man of God

Oh, the great Christ, the Holy Holy Man of God Alexie, the soul in the sky of the throne of the Lord, the Lord, on the Earth, this is more than grateful to the wonderful wonders! The proud of graciously on the upcoming of the Holy Icon of your people, migrating and seeking from you help and interpreting. Prosterly to the Lord God of God Case your Ruta and we succeed from him to leaving the sins of our free and involuntary, in a notworthy healing healing, who has been an emerging intercession, which is a thoughtful ambulation, the whole, who, peaceful and Christian abdomen, and a good answer to Scary Court of Christ. To her, the waters of God, not by the persons of hope, herself on the Bose and the Virgin, they lay, but wake up the assistant and patron to salvation, yes, your prayers are graceful and grace from the Lord, we will glorify the humans of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, in Trinity Slavimago and the Poklamago of God, and your holy intercession, now, and are confessed, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Tropear, voice 4

Having won on virtue and mind, Ablade Alexie.

Transfer: Walking in virtues and clearing the mind, you achieved the desired and highest (Christ), decorating our life and with a clean conscience to accept the feat of a special post, in prayers staying like an infrequent angel, you have excused as the sun in the world.

In Tropar, Glas 4

Yako cleanliness lamp has led to the show, / marvelous Alexie, / for a raised dentusion / on the non-dedicated God's kingdom of preming, / Yako chaste the maternity dealer. / This is for the sake of the prestigious of the Lord, all the king. // Eagle moths, give us peace and knowledge of the world.

Transfer: You were an overwhelming lamp of purity, amazing Alexey, because rack married people changed to the awesome kingdom of God, as a special hoist chastity. Therefore, you are prestone in front of the Lord, the king of all. Pray to give us peace and great mercy.

Rev. Alexy was born in Rome in the family of pious and jurisdly, Euteimian and Aglaid. Spouses for a long time were childless and tirelessly praying the Lord about the date of the offspring. And the Lord comforted the spouses by the birth of Alexia's son. At six years, the Latches began to learn and successfully studied secular sciences, but especially diligently read the sacred writing. After becoming a young man, he began to imitate his parents: strictly fasted, he handed out alms and under rich clothes secretly wore Vseason. In it, the desire to leave the world and serve to serve one God. However, parents were going to marry Alexy and, when he reached the age of majority, they found him a bride.

After the engagement, staying in the evening alone with his bride, Alexy took the ring from his finger, gave her and said: "Save it, and let the Lord be with us, with our grace by arranging us a new life." And secretly left the house and sat down on the ship sailing to Mesopotamia.

After hitting the city of Edessa, where the delicious image of the Lord was kept, Alexy sold everything that he had a money in the back of him and began to live in the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Peniti and fed up. The reverend was fed only by bread and water, and the alms received with weak and the elderly. Every Sunday, he was involved in the Holy Taine.

Natives everywhere were looking for missing Alexy, by unsuccessfully. The servants sent by Newimian on the wanted list also visited the Edessa, but did not recognize in the poor, sitting on Parity, their Mr. From a strict post, the body dried it, the beauty disappeared, the vision was weak. The blissful learned them and thanked the Lord for getting ahead of his servants.

The awesome mother of St. Alexy fell in his room, incentively praying for his son. His wife grieved with mother-in-law.

Rev. lived in Edessa seventeen years old. Once the Ponomar of the Church, in which the Rev., was a revelation of him: Mother of God through his holy icon commanded: "We enter the Church of God, worthy of the kingdom of heaven; Prayer goes back to God, like an incense cadyl, and the Holy Spirit is already doing ". The ponaroscience began to look for such a person, but I could not find a long time. Then he turned to the Most Holy Mother of God with a prayer, asking her to resolve his bewilderment. And again there was a voice from the icon, which argue that the man of God is the same, who sits on church pellets. The Ponolone found Saint Alexy and introduced into the church. Many learned about the righteous and began to read it. Saint, avoiding glory, secretly sat down on a ship sent to Kilicia. But the fishe of God judged otherwise: the storm took the ship far to the west and nailed to the shore of Italy. Blessed headed to Rome. Unrecognized, he humbly asked his father to resolve into some kind of corner of his yard. Eviefimian placed Alexy in a specially arranged room at the entrance to the house and ordered it to feed it from his table.

Living in the parent house, Blessed continued to fast and spend his days and nights in prayer. He humbly endured offenses and mockery from the servant of his native father. The Alexy's room was in front of the windows of his bride, and the devotee was suffering, hearing her crying. Only immense love for God helped blissing this flour. Saint Alexy lived in the house of his parents in seventeen years and was notified by the Lord about the day of his death. Then the holy, taking the charter, described his life, asking for forgiveness from the parents and the bride.

On the day of the death of Saint Alexy in the Cathedral Church, Liturgy Roman Dad Innocent (402-417) was served in the presence of Emperor Honoria (395-423). During the service from the altar, a wonderful voice rang out: "take me to me, WSI we are more frauding and burdennia, and Az you still" (MF. 11, 28). All those who were present in fear fell on Earth. The voice continued: "Find a man of God who leaves eternal life, let him pray about the city." Began to search all over Rome, but did not find the righteous.

From Thursday, on Friday, Dad, making a whirlpool, asked the gentlemen to point out the ashes of God. After the liturgy, a voice was heard again in the temple: "Look for the man of God in the house of Euteimian." All hurried there, but the saint has already died. His face glow like a face of an angel, and in his hand, the charter was shrilled, which he did not release, no matter how hard they tried to take it. The body of blissful was put on the ADR, covered with expensive bedspreads. Dad and the emperor kept kneeling and turned to the reverend, as to the living, asking for a hand. And the saint performed their Molub. When the letter was read, the father, the mother and the righteous bride with the cry bowed to his honest remains.

The body of the saint, from which healing began to commit, was delivered in the middle of the square. All Rome gathered here. The emperor and dad themselves made the body of Holy in church, where it was a whole week, and then it was put in the marble tomb. From the saints of the relics began to expire the bunnored world, which was healing the patient.

The honest remains of St. Alexy, the man of God, are buried in the Church of St. Wonpathy. In 1216, relics were acquired. The life of St. Gelexia, the man of God, has always been one of the beloved in Russia.

Rev. Alexy, man of God (Greek. ̓Αλέιις ὁ ἄνθρωπος τοῦ θεοῦ) (about 411). One of the most revered in the Orthodox world of saints.
MEMORY on March 30 in the new style / March 17 in the old style (in Western tradition - July 17, in Syrian - November 3).

Born in Rome from noble and pious parents. His father Evfimian was a senator. He was distinguished by peaceful kindness, was merciful to sick and suffering, every day arranged three tables at home: for orphans and widows, for travelers and for beggars. Evfimian and his wife's wife had no children for a long time, and it was overshadowed by their happiness. But the piety of Aglaid did not leave hope - and God heard her, and sent him a son. Father called Baby Alexy (translated from the Greek "Defender"). Holy Alexy rose a healthy child, well and diligently studied. When he reached the majority, Euteimian and Aglaid decided to marry him. They chose a girl of royal blood for his son, very beautiful and rich. Left after the wedding alone with a young wife, Saint Alexy gave her his golden ring and the belt buckle with the words: "Save it, and it will be the Lord between you and me, the report will not update us to be a grace." Then he came out of the marriage rest and left the father's house that night.
Sitting on the ship sailing to the east, the young man arrived in the Syrian Lodicia. Here he stuck to donkeys and got to the city of Edessa, where the delicious image of the Lord, imprinted on the loatching. Distributing the remnants of the property, the young man was dressed in rags and began to ask the alms in the focus of the temple of the Most Holy Mother of God. Every Sunday he was acquired by the Holy Tyne. At night Alexy was awake and prayed. He fell only by bread and water.

In the meantime, the parents and the wife of St. Alexy, saddened by his disappearance, sent their servants to search. They were in the Edess, they entered the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos and served by Saint Alexy, without recognizing him. After some time, the servant returned to Rome and not finding Saint Alexia. And no one from the relatives had no revelation about him. Then they got torture, and although they continued to mourn and wander about him, but relied on the will of God.
Rev. Alexy spent seventeen years in Edessa, asking for alms in the focus of the temple of the Virgin. The most recent, appeared in a dream church watchman, discovered that the beggar of Alexy is the man of God. When the inhabitants of Edessa became His, Rev. Alexy fled secretly. He thought to go to the city of Tars (in the Malaya Asia, the Motherland of the Holy Apostle Paul), but the ship on which the Rev. was sailed, got into a strong storm and got off the course, wandered for a long time and finally stuck to the shores of Italy, not far from Rome. Saint Alexy, Uzrev in this fishery of God, went to his father's home, for he was sure that he would not recognize him. Having met the Father of his Eufimian, he asked him a shelter and mentioned his blood, staying in the sides. He glad to take a beggar, gave him a place in the sieves of his house, ordered him to wear him food from the master's table and put the servant to help him. The rest of the servants of the envy began to insult the beggar, but the Rev. Alexy was clear about the devilish demand and took bullying with humility and joy. He still fed on bread and water, and at night awake and prayed. So there was still seventeen years. When the hour of the death of his death was approaching, Rev. Alexy recorded his own life, and then the secret that was known to father with his mother, and the words said to his wife in marriage.

On Sunday, after the Divine Liturgy, a miracle was accomplished in the Cathedral of the Holy Apostle Peter. From the holy throne, the voice of Over: "Look for the person of God to pray for Rome and the whole people." All the people are terrified and delighted by NIC. On Thursday evening, in the cathedral of the apostle Peter Prayali, the Lord open them the man of God - and from the throne he was heard: "in the house of Euteimian - the man of God, they are looking for." The temple was attended by the Roman Emperor Honorius (395-423), as well as Pope Innocent I (402-417). They appealed to Euteimian, but he knew nothing. Then the servant, close to Saint Alexy, told Eutimian about his righteousness. Eutimian hurried to Reverend Alexy, but no longer found him alive.
Lick blissfully imprisoned the saint shone with the light of the alternate. In hand, Rev. Alexy held a firmly clamped scroll. The body of Saint Alexy with the submerged honors was moved and put on the bed. The emperor and dad roman kented the knee, asking for Holy Out of hand and Saint Alexy performed their request. Scroll with saint's life was read by the Temple reader. Father, mother and wife of Saint Alexy with crying soldered to the body of the saint, bowed to his honest remains. At the sight of such grief, many cried. The bed with the body of Saint Alexy was delivered in the middle of the central square. People began to stop to it, to cleanse and resolve their ailments. Silent began to speak, the blinders turned, obsessed and mentally ill and recovered. Seeing such grace, Emperor Honorius and Dad Innocent I themselves suffered the body of the saint in the funeral procession. The honest remains of St. Alexy, the man of God, were buried in the temple in the name of Holy Wonpathy on March 17, 411, when the memory of St. Alexy, the man of God is celebrated.

Life tradition
Recognized by the now the most ancient Syrian version of the lives of Rev. Alexia does not call his name, and tells only about the flight of the saint from Rome and staying in Edessa. After 17 years spent in prayer and post, it says this legend, Saint died in a shelter for homeless and was buried in the general grave. Shortly thereafter, the Ponoloir of the Church, where he was holy, told the bishop of the human life of God, which he told him before the death. The bishop ordered with the honors to reburial the power of such a great saint, but his body miraculously disappeared from the grave, where they found only a miserable burial mercy. Since the Edessian bishop was called Ravela (412-435), it can be assumed that the life of the saint was written, probably on the basis of oral legend, in the second half of V - at the beginning of the 6th century.
The addition to this life amounted to Greek legend, who received a newness of the first IX century in Constantinople (perhaps, in connection with the relocation of the Syrian Monks-Akimites there). It is likely that it was the PRP. Joseph Pigsois († 886), making the Canon to the Holy, in which his name was first named - Alexy. According to this legend, Holy, seeking to hide from the glory spread in Edress about his righteous life, left the city on the ship and found himself in Rome, for which the second half of his mobilic life follows.

Based on these early Syrian and Greek life, the second Syrian version was created (probably around the 15th century), in which the combination of two led led to an indication of the "double death" of the Holy: first in Edress, then in Rome, in explanation of what was indicated by a miracle With an empty grave (not mentioned in the Constantinople tradition). In the first Arabic (carcass), an attempt was made to agree on both traditions, removing or smoothing noticeable contradictions, while the second Arabic edition dates solely to Constantinople and completely ignores the initial Edess. In the X century, a Greek arrangement of lives in the collection of Simeon metaphrate appeared. In addition, several Greek versions are known, as well as a number of Latin editions of life, in which in addition to the names of the man of God and his parents are named after the bride of the Holy (Adriatic), Archbishop (Dad Innokenti I) and emperors (Arkady and Horoni).
A variety of translations of life Alexia of God, ascending either to the Latin version (German, Starofrantsia, Provencal, Anodorvezhskaya), or to Greek in the editorial office of Metaphrastructure (Ancient Gruzinskaya and Old Armenian). With Western Life Tradition, the "Songs" of the Alexia of God, who appeared, probably in the XI century in Normandy and Germany (the poem of Conrad from Würzburg) were probably connected. In the west of Alexy, the man of God was considered the Heavenly Patron of the Brotherhood of Alexian (Celebrates), which took care of the worshi and their burial.

West and power
If in the east, the reverence of Reverend Alexy began to spread already from the V-VI century, then in the West, the Alexia of God's Alexia is not witnessed in ancient agiographic and liturgical monuments, but undoubtedly existed for the X century. Its widely associated with the arrival of the Metropolitan of Damasky Sergius in Rome from his department of Metropolitan. Having received the temple of St. Wonpathy from the dad (where, according to one of the versions of life, Alexy, the man of God was married on the eve of his flight from the house), Metropolitan Sergius founded a monastery there for the Greek and Latin Inocities, since 987 mentioned in sources under the name of the Sainpathes And the Alexia of God of God. In 1216, the absence of the relevance of the Alexia of God of God was announced here and their solemn transfer took place to the Upper Temple, which caused the dispute with the Canon Cathedral of St. Peter, where, according to one of the versions of life, Saint was buried.
In the medieval Rome, pilgrims showed the "Chambers of Eventimian", which reports an unknown member of the Russian delegation in the Ferraro-Florentine Cathedral in the "Rome Notes" (the building has not survived).
In the Greek Monastery, the Holy Lavra in Kalawrite (Peloponnes) is kept by the head of the Alexia of God, according to legend, the emperor Manuel II Paleologist in 1414. Alexy man God worshiped here as a defender from epidemics. In 1773, Albanians plundered the monastery and sold the Holy chapter in Larisa, where, after a few years, she was found by Igumen Lavra Anfim and returned to the abode.

In Russia, in the Novgorod Cathedral of Saint Sophia, there was a hand Alexia of God, kidnapped from Rome by the Novgorod merchant, according to the leaking of the XVII century. In the inventory of the Sofia Cathedral of 1749, the silver gold-plated ark with the relics of the man of God, which was in front of the main iconostasis of the cathedral, on the left side of the royal gates. Currently, the relics of the Alexia of God in the Sofia Cathedral is not.
As in Europe, in Russia Alexy, God has become a hero of numerous spiritual poems. Holy reverence was especially noticeable in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, whose heavenly patron was Alexy man of God. In 1662, the release of the fourth edition of the prologue was dedicated to the day of the saint's memory, in the afterword to whom Alexei Mikhailovic was said as a portion of Alexy, man of God. At the board of Alexei Mikhailovich was written and published in 1671-1674 years of Alexy's service to God.
However, despite the widespread reverence of the Alexia of God in Russia, it is known not so many temples consecrated in his honor. In Moscow, for about 1358, a female monastery was founded in the name of Alexy, the man of God, who was originally on Ostozhenka, in 1547, was translated "on Dalyol" (where the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is now), in 1837 - in the Red Selo (Church Building The name of the Alexia of God of God 1853-1858 has been preserved, there is now the house of children's creativity).

In 1642, in the Moscow region village of Alekseevsky (now in the city of Moscow, near the metro station "VDNH" and "Alekseevskaya") was erected in the name of the Alequia of God of God; In the same way, according to the command, Alexei Mikhailovich was built a travel palace, in which the king stayed on the road at a mantis in Trinity-Sergiev Monastery. In 1682, a temple was raised next to the Palace in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Subsequently, the dilapidated Alekseevsky church was dismantled, its throne was transferred to the Tikhvin temple in 1824, in which the sensible image of the Alexia of God of God is now located (the end of the XIX-beginning of the XX century).
In 1855, the church in the name of the Alexia of God of God was consecrated in the second tier of the bell tower of the Moscow Passionate Monastery. Currently, in several Moscow temples, there are chassions in the name of the Alexia of the person of God. In Novgorod, famous Navy has been known. Catherine and Alexia of God of God at the Church of Assumption at Bear (1399) and Alekseevsky Temple behind the shaft of the district city near Lyuba (pottery) end in a tonal settlement, mentioned in the annals from 1340; In Pskov - the temple in the name of the Alexia of God in the middle city (built until 1697); In Tver - the gratuous temple of Zheltikov in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God of the Monastery (1609); in Vologda - the noteworthy temple of the Gorean Assumption of the Women's Monastery (no later than the beginning of the XVIII century); In Suzdal, the Petropavlovsk Church near the Pokrovsky monastery, built on the means of the Oplia queen Evdokia Lopukhina. In the Kursk Diocese, there is a female monastery Alexy, man of God.

The study of the agiographic tradition associated with Alexy God, began with the first scientific publication of Latin lives by Bulladists in Actass. Then it was noticed that in the Arabic version given in the Latin translation of the Arab version, there is no part with the return to Rome, and the Holy is not named by name, and Mar Risha (Sir.- "Mr. Prince").
Masman and D.V. Dashkov proceeded from the fact that the Tale of Alexby man of God has Constantinople origin and the source of it is canon PRP. Joseph Moon. The considered opinion on the primaryness of the ancient Syrian version of life was first expressed in 1889 G. Paris and A. Amio. As later showed H. Drivers, the image of the nameless "man of God" is extremely characteristic of the Syrian understanding of holiness.
A special problem represents the attitude of the Byzantine legend of Alexia's man God to legend about the PRP. John Bushshchika. The main events of the legend about this holy, who lived in Constantinople in the first half of the V century, coincide with the Life of the Alexia of God of God - Escape on the wedding day, return and life in the hometown is not recognized. A number of scientists consider these saints with the same person, however, the Life of the Alexia of God of God is far from everything coincides with the history of the PRP. John.

The oldest Slavic extension version of life, rising to the Greek edition, in which elements of both the Byzantine and Latin traditions are present, was transferred to the end of the XI century and soon gained distribution in Russia. The second Slavic edition is made using a spicy Greek version. The brief life of the Alexia of God of God was translated in the XII century as part of the prologue of Konstantin Mokyskiy, was secondally translated in the first half of the XIV century (apparently, Serbs on Athos) as part of a sticious prologue. In the XVI century, the ancient Slavic extensive lively, corrected in Greek texts, as well as short lives included on March 17 into the great mines of Cheti. The new translation of life from the Greek, made in 1659 by the Arch of the Greek, was printed in the anphology (1660) and the prologue (starting from 1660). In the lives of Saint Svt. Dimitri Rostov's narration about Alexia's A man, founded on the great mines, is supplemented by the translation of the Arseny of Greek, Peter Skargi, also texts from Actass and L. Suria are also used. It is this life, compiled by the saint on an extensive living material that established by the XVII century, underlies the Russian Orthodox Church in the Chenet Minuses.
There are also south-west Russian translations and recycling Alexia of God of God, ascending to the Latin originals. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, the translation of life of the human of God in Ukrainian, made on the basis of the edition of SKARGI appeared.

In Russia, one of the earliest images of the Alexia of God of God was in the painting Konth of the satellite of the Savior Church in Nereki near Novgorod (1199), where Alexy is a man of God and the unknown saint are presented in the scenario on the parties to the Edessic image of the Mother of God "the embodiment"; In the frescoes of 1378, Feofan Greek in the Savior Church in Ilyin Alexy, the man of God is represented in the growth of the altar on the eastern face of the northeast pillar; In the Church of Assumption on the Volotoval Field, the 80s of the XIV century, - in the Diaconnica on the eastern face of the South-Eastern Pilon. The saint was depicted in the hidden tunic before his knees, naked on his elbow with his hands in front of the breast or, as in the church of the rescue on Ilyin, with the right hand with a revealed up palm. In the air "saved in Ullus with the upcoming", 1389 (GIm), it is represented in a number of elected saints, under Deesi. The saint is shown on the belt with their homes divorced. The image of the Alexia of God of God in the northern wall opens a number of 25 reverend depicted semi-imaging on the altar barrier (prealtarian wall) of the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (painting 1482 or 1514-1515), the image of the Savior "Good Silence" with hands was written above the entrance to Petropavlovsky crossed on the chest, this gesture is repeated in the figure of the Alexia of God of God; Next to Alexia, the Lambiansky, John of the Distrowedler, John the Bucchuster, are presented next to the Alexiam of God. In the wallopiism of the 1957-1551 of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (preserved the initial painting program 1508), the growth image of the man of God on the northern face of the south-east pillar is also included in a number of images of the saints, located on the altar barrier, adjacent to the sections of walls and altar pillars; Nearby, on the northern wall of the Vama, presented SVT. Alexy, Metropolitan Moscow.