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ABC People Lunar Calendar. Lunar calendar online

Even before the onset of our era, people knew that Moon It has an impact on all alive on the planet, its influence is subject to the processes of plant and animal world, and therefore a person is subject to this force too.

In the middle of the third millennium BC Sumeramiwho inhabited Mesopotamia, which was located on the average and lower course of the Tiger and Euphrates rivers, was drawn up first moon calendar. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the first of the calendars were the lunar, and not solar, according to most of the average inhabitants.

It is known that the lunar month lasts - 29.5 days, in this way, lunar year includes 354 full days. It is important to consider what moon day, as a rule, have a different duration, sometimes can last only a few hours.

Lunar calendar for 2019 and its significance

For convenient use of knowledge about the influence of the Moon, they were all grouped into lunar calendar for a year. This calendar includes all months of the year containing detailed descriptions The effects of the moon in every calendar day.

If you want to plan the most efficiently all important things for you and make a conceived, achieving maximum results, we recommend that you use the full lunar calendar for 2019. You can apply it in different areas From personal life to business and career.

Lunar calendar for months and seasons

To provide information about lunar days most concisely, the lunar calendar is divided into seasons and months. Such a division allows the most convenient way to find the necessary information for several months ahead, and therefore more effectively predict the development of the events of the future.

In addition, the calendar for each month includes information about the movement of the moon along the zodiac circle, as well as exact time Sunrise and sunset of the moon for every day.

What is the lunar phases and what do they matter?

Why was the first moon calendar? The answer is simple, the fact is that it is the state of the moon easier to clearly appreciate and calculate the periodic pattern. Thus, the ancient Sumers were able to highlight the six main stages that the moon passes during the month. These steps are called called lunar phases.

It is important to note the fact that two of these stages are critical points of lunar activity, we are talking about New Moon and full moon. These days the influence of the moon becomes especially strong. Whereas the remaining four phases reflect periods, each of which is an average of a little more seven days. All of these four periods have their own energy painting, because when using a lunar calendar, it is necessary to take into account the current phase of the moon.

Days of the first phase of the moon

When the moon passes stage of heightcircumstances are favorable in order to lay the foundation of future accomplishments. At this time it is better to postpone with active actions, for them will suitable time a little bit later. Remember that it is during this period that you can most effectively accumulate forces.

Days of the second phase of the moon

Second phase of the growth of the moon It is able to give you the strength to implement the conceived, you only have to decide in what direction to act. However, such an energy of this period can play a cruel joke with you, as situations are rapidly leading to nervous breakdowns and stress in general.

Days of the Third Phase of the Moon

With the beginning loss of the Moon. The situation begins to change. The period of action is completed and the time has come to summarize all accepted solutions. During this lunar phase, you can abandon everything that has heal yourself and enjoy. In general, the current period your forces will go on a decline, and you will go less on decisive steps.

Days of the fourth phase of the moon

In this period, you can hardly go for decisive actions, because all your former energy has already dried up and everything you have left to rest and enjoy the fruits of our past successes. However, nothing prevents you on a decreasing moon Complete everything that you started before.

The influence of the moon while in various signs of the zodiac

When evaluating the councils that the lunar calendar gives for 2019, it is worth relying not only on the recommendation for the current day and phase, but also to pay attention to the sign of the zodiac is the moon today.

During 27.3 days The planet completely passes the zodiacal circle. Of course, such a movement in the most different way has an impact on all processes in the nature and life of people. Because if you decided to seriously follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar, pay attention to the sign of the zodiac there is a moon in the time you analyzed.

What moon calendar to choose?

IN different periods Life is interested in success in various fields, general Recommendations In such situations, it is not necessary. That is why the lunar calendar for a year eventually began to include, along with general recommendations, tips that can be applied in various spheres of life, such as business, gardening and personal life. Over time, this approach resulted in the creation of individual thematic calendarsEach of which had a narrower orientation and was relevant for individuals of life.

Below your attention is the seven most popular thematic calendars.

How to use the lunar calendar?

If you become listen to the advice, which gives the lunar calendar for 2019, then very soon learn how to use the powerful impact of the moon is exceptionally good. In particular, with the help of the Soviets of the Lunar Calendar, you can achieve success in our work, as you will know when it is necessary to show business activity, it is best to interact with partners, to modernize or launch new projects. In addition, in accordance with the lunar phases, it is possible to more effectively make important life decisions, for example, about changing the place of residence, the creation of a family, the birth of a child or a cardinal change of activity so that all your changes were only for the better.

Girls would like to share your secret to you and only you !!! Believe this worth your attention!

All his conscious life did not betray the meaning lunar calendar. But it was worth it only to experiment and trim on the recommendation of the site, namely, with a young moon, and this promises to us that trimmed hair remains healthy and grow rapidly. And everything in fact really justified!

I'll tell you how it was. Every time after the haircut, namely after 2 weeks the tips of the hair begansemiThe form becomes unhealthy and not attractive, dull. And it's not a shampoo! Believe my experience, I changed them so much! But of course there are a couple of which I rushes and recommend it to everyone (but this is a separate conversation). Here is my first pet and the second today !! And the thing is that it turned around when it fell, and specifically when he herself wanted! I'm having a good and knowing my work of Hairdresser Katyusha for more than 3 years, which I recommended this site for me, for which I am very grateful. And only thanks to Katyusha and this site ---- Hair I have a soft, healthy, healthy, grow rapidly, and the tips were almost no longer stopped seven!

The main thing to the haircut approached with the mind !!! In the right day and in the right time!

Now I will tell briefly about the site. The site is very interesting and informative, I speak to all friends: " Read-read-not re-read !!! ".I am such an opinion that it is better to read something interesting than sitting VKontakte or Insty !!!

Encyclopedia wonderful people and ideas (initial site name) - This is an informational directory-directory that embodies new information technology.

Here information is collected about everything:

- about great, famous and little-known, but worthy of people;

- about their lives, work and creativity, views and ideas;

- about their ideas, discoveries, inventions, works;

- On the various concepts, phenomena, historical events.

Information is presented in the form of:

- lives, biographies, articles, abstracts, essays,

rall illustrations, photos, as well as links to Internet resources.

I liked the most Moon calendar (you can find it in the section Calendars). I go to this section every day --- I watch which phase of the moon and a lunar day, for example today, May 7, 2013, 27 lunar day And then you read that he promises you, and not just there some kind of horoscope, but it is clear what to expect at:

- dreaming dreams;

- decision-making;

- in business in trade, real estate; ;

- creativity, art;

- studies and exams, court cases;

- communication, clarifying relationships;

- moving, traveling;

- shift work, etc. Go and read everything yourself))) to paint everything for a long time!

But when I want to sign up for my hairdresser, I watch the lunar calendar of the haircut! And I choose a day !! Let's cut in more detail!

Very good: - a lionand Virgoboth with flawed and with a young moon:

The hair trimmed under the sign of the lion becomes thick, and trimmed under the sign of the Virgin, they grow rapidly, longer hold the form and preserve beauty.

Hair trimmed with a young moon remain healthy and grow rapidly.

If you triggered with a flawed moon, then the hair will also keep health, but grow slowly.

Okay: With a young moon, with the exception of the days of cancer and fish.

bad: With a flawed moon in the sign of Capricorn.

bad: under the signs of Aries and twins. In your hair may appear propelly if you are triggered several times in a row with a flawed moon under these signs.

Very bad: On the days of cancer and fish. If possible, try to even wash your hair on such days.

Also on the site you can find Rules and recommendations of the lunar calendar for hair removal! Like this!!! For such a procedure as shugaring, I also go with the prompt of this calendar)))))). Laugh, laugh .... and there is an effect))))

(Waxing Crescent).
At 04:41 ends the period of the moon without a course
At 04:41, the moon passes from a lion in the sign of the Virgin.
At 16:12 the 14th lunar day begins. until 16:12 lasts the 13th lunar day

Symbols - Wheel, Ring.
Magic day. In these lunar days, the processes of the body is rejuvenated. Therefore, it is very good to do: visit the sauna, use all sorts of cosmetics, to use more useful products - They will die out great. Energy, blood, useful material - Everything is perfectly circulating in the body. On this day, it is good to receive new information - to read books that allow us to better understand yourself and the world. Well lay a new cycle of learning. The period is good for contacts in a group, exercise. Old problems may appear - take it calmly, try not to be nervous, but somehow smooth them, or, if possible, to solve them. Deciding the problem, you will get fresh forces for a new life. The day will help you easily get rid of the ship's shipment if he presses you and prevents life. This is the day of accumulation of information, the manufacture of round talismans, strands of the threads, the organization of contacts, the correction of the past, work with karma. For successful transformation of lunar energy, physical energy is also needed. It is impossible to keep a passive lifestyle even on the day off. This day follows the bake bread.
Divination. Energy recharging. It is meaningless.
Dnah. Dreams, as a rule, are not simple - you can see the difficulties and problems that you really pursue in life, but they can appear in symbolic form. In any case, try to understand: Dreams of truth, they reflect the problems that need to be solved.
In medical attitude The day is associated with the stomach and pancreas. It is not recommended on this day to starve and fast (if it is an unplanned cycle).
The case, happy or unhappy, will play in the life of the child the main role. The whims of Fortune and the laws of Karma will be shown the most concrete way. Freedom or complete dependence on the circumstances. Long life.
Very good disciples are born in this lunar day. Often have unusual abilities. They may live to deep old age, if they do not die in children's and young years. "; at 16:12 the 14th Lunar Day begins

Symbol - Pipe.
Do not miss this day: it is exceptionally successful to start any important thing. All started in these day, with glitter. The next such chance will have to wait a whole month. Useful work with sacred texts. It is being obtained by secret knowledge and a person opens the third eye. Useful any physical work. You can not load your eyesight, eat perfume, it is better not to look in the mirror. On this day, sorrow, longing, sadness, melancholy are often poured. Drink them away and do business. If the longing is not overcome, give yourself a good physical activity.
Divination. It is better not to guess. Or guess the most important.
Dnah. This night can be seen prophetic dream, so, waking up, do not hurry to jump off the bed. Remember and analyze it.
In medical attitude The day is associated with the intestines and the chakra manipura (slightly above the navel). It is necessary to purify the intestine. It is good there is more almonds and salty products, refuse bitter and sweet.
The child is winning this day, will not lose touch with another world. He is assisted ancestors. The voice of the conscience will forever call him. The incomprehensible longing and foreboding will always cover it. But he will be stored amazingly in the most catastrophic situations. Do not think only to guess this day.
This lunar day is born by people who, as a rule, fate will patronize. They have a calling. They are characterized by longing for authority, adaptability, ability to disguise, mind and cunning, the ability to captivate. They are ready for a feat, internally clean, rather sterile, very squeezing.

Latitude: 55.75, longitude: 37.62 Time Zone: Europe / Moscow (UTC +3: 00) Calculation of the Moon Phase on 03.11.2019 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city Sign up or login.

Lunar day today, March 19, 2019

On the date 19.03.2019 in 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". it 13 Lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Virgo ♍. Percentage of light The moon is 96%. Sunrise Moon at 16:10, and sunset at 06:26.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 13 Lunar day C 14:40 03/18/2019 at 16:10 03/19/2019
  • 14 lunar day C 16:10 03/19/2019 until next day

Influence of the Moon March 19, 2019

Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Virgo (+)

Moon in the sign Virgo. Time is favorable for any painstaking work requiring a thoughtful and serious approach. Absolutely all directions of financial activities, with a serious approach, will ever bring the corresponding material remuneration.

Any banking operations and real estate transactions are successful. It is not bad for commercial and procurement and intermediary. Also fruitfully progress are promoted, advanced training and any self-improvement.

13 lunar day (+)

March 19, 2019 at 12:00 - 13 Lunar day. Self-analysis day. If you manage to disassemble your mistakes and learn lesson from them, then you will have a real opportunity to raise credibility and strengthen your position in the eyes of the people around you. A splash of creative energy and activity is very likely.

Growing Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The second lunar phase is the gap between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the moon continues. For the second phase, an even more significant rise in energy and domestic forces is peculiar, strongly pronounced activity.

IN business sphere It begins a favorable time to implement the planned affairs, solving difficult issues and problems. Cases requiring great activity will be difficult.

In second lunar phase Experience can be useful, it is during this period that new workouts start good. Changes are favorable in absolutely all areas of activity, both in relationships on personal terms and business.

Not bad time to move, trips, change the type of activity. Vital energy It is going to get more and closer to full moon. Its peak is marked. This period is distinguished by emotional outbreaks, increasingly emerging conflicts, the emergence of traumatic situations.

Influence of the Day of the Week (+)

Day of the week - tuesday, This day is under the patronage of Mars, so he is full of energy. Good luck is waiting for strong, volitional people in which the energy beats the key.

If you develop rapid activity on this day, you are waiting for success. However, on Tuesday it is difficult to focus, choose the right way to solve the problem. But if you all thought about in advance, then - forward, without a shadow of doubt!

This is a suitable day and for physical exertion (athletes and dachensons you need to take it note). You spent energy easily and quickly recover. The same, who is busy on this day only mental labor, useful to broadcast intelligent exercises with charging.

Today you need to be tolerant, tolerant, learn to perceive the signs that fate sends you. If old friends are returned to you, people from the past, connected ties and contacts, lost many years ago, it means that you karmically did not work out some things in the past, and it is necessary to complete the work begun. Rehend to this with a maximum of attention, each person needs to be freed from the shipment of the past to actively move into the future. The 13th lunar day is a period of cleansing from unnecessary things, thoughts, people and accumulation of new, fresh information. Carefully watch the current events and make the right conclusions from lived .. day, when with the help of astrology, you can clarify your karmic tasks, understand to whom you have not worked for karmic debts. In the flame, the candles can be symbolically burning the past, the candle must be white coloras a cleansing symbol. To obtain and assimilation of information, fuse the premises of pine incense.

The most powerful day moon month. The day of strong, decisive action, today you can sharply affect the events. It is today that you can take a step, the decisive outcome of all the previously started projects. The most important thing is to concentrate on the main thing, without spraying in trifles. In the 14th lunar day, much is managed. On this day, it is necessary to listen to the advice, even third-party people - they can be very useful. The period of building air locks. It is better to refrain from any promises, you can overestimate your strength .. The 14th lunar days are not suitable for fortunes. Today you need not to build plans, but to implement them. From heaven should be asked only one - as much as possible. To activate your energy, use a red candle. And in order to speed up the thought process, fool the workbook or room where you have the most books, incense - eucalyptus. Decorations better prefer with hyacinth.

Growing Moon in Virgo

What to wear?

Add bright yellow and yellow brown to your clothes.

Aroma day - The light smell of mint will improve your mood.

Talismans - Avenue, Almanandin.Metal - brass.

What do you eat?

It is better to stick to a vitamin or vegetable diet - vegetables, fruits and greens in all kinds.

beauty and health

It will be good to visit the hairdresser, nutrition and washing the hair. Use any fruit masks feeding with vitamins.

Light exercise with an emphasis on the abdominal press. Protect the digestive organs and especially the pancreas from poor-quality food. IMPORTANT BE ECIDE nervous system From overwork.

Intimate scenario

The moon in the sign of the Virgin gives boring sex for health. The manifestation of stormy passions and sensuality these days you will not be characteristic, most likely. The initiative will be entirely transferred to the partner's hands. You will even be ready to play out to him, if only he did not notice your cooler. Days of the Moon in Virgo are not the best for making love.

What do you do at home?

You can plant and replant everything you want.