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Astrological lunar calendar for a year. Lunar calendar for a week

Approaching 2017 on Eastern tradition is considered the year of fire red rooster. It sounds a bit frightening - red is associated with risk and blood, and the "red rooster" in the Russian tradition - a fire. Moreover, we were visited by two fiery years in a row - the outgoing year is devoted to the fiery monkey. But is everything so bad? Is it necessary to scare what awaits us in the new year?

What can be expected in 2017

Following in a row of two "lights" really alarming - it seems that the era of great changes has not yet passed, and we still have to go through the year preparing to securely secure in history. By itself, the fiery rooster sets up for determination, energy, the ability to bring the case to the end and some adventureness. Associations with "Yard General" are quite appropriate - in the year of the rooster, the cocks are possible in all spheres of life.

Nobody will have to count on tranquility and carelessness - the forecast for all signs of the zodiac promises a year uneven, with take-offs and falls. We will have to overcome the difficulties that are not only arising directly in the new year, but also floating from relatively distant past.

Finance will move along a sinusoid - from success to failure and vice versa. It is best to get rid of the debts of the previous one at the beginning of the year, and it certainly cannot be completed with the debts of the year of the rooster - they will appear.

Work will require a lot of time and strength. Success per year of the rooster loves hardworking and persistent. It is best to start promoting your ambitions from the very beginning of the year, without going to the holidays for the ski resort. Stubbornness is not useful - in the new year, those who quickly adapt to changes in the situation will be won.

Love and family will be a pleasant island of stability among global change. True, it will largely be connected with that. As men, and women will be too busy business issues and statements in public opinion so that they are still enough for family disassembly or love intrigues.

Possible tense relationships with children, especially in summer. It is necessary to understand that young people in the new year will have to be not easy, the rooster does not seek to help preserve control of himself.

Of course, without stormy passions nowhere. But it will affect mostly those in principle inclined to increased emotionality and easily loses their heads.

What is worth fearful in 2017

In the new year, old problems will be conceived. Best before new Year's feast Analyze unsolved questions to understand what kind of surprises can visit the rooster. Otherwise, completely forgotten information can emerge at the most unexpected moment and make you refund the debts of the past.

Maybe not lucky to whom it was still lucky. Many hopes and illusions will not survive new Year. It is unpleasant, but it is useful - to live in real world. It is better to consciously go to another course and change your life than to allow fate to do this at its discretion.

During the year, invaluable life experienceBut it must be borne in mind that it usually comes along with a certain number of mental and injuries. It is not scary, it is better to meet face to face with a relatively small danger, which is really a terrible one to fall unexpectedly, soda. Those who try to avoid the tests of the coming year will regret it and as a result will remain in the loss.

It must be remembered that not everything is always exactly what it seems. The year of the rooster will make this truth especially obvious, but it is wonderful because it will make your self-esteem really real. Rooster loves those who are willing to fight, do not give up under the blows of fate and full of optimistic hope own forces Success in life success.


The wheel rotates, the movement continues.

A good day for group work, acquisition of new information, the start of new training cycles. This is a day for accumulation, acquisition, manufacturing household items. Bake bread well.

Business and intellectual activity, you need to start with questions that are of great importance. Diet is desirable.

Good day for haircut, manicure, hand care procedures.

March 20, 2019.

Asceticism, self-discipline.

Energetic day. There is a danger to give way to temptation, to become sudden and lazy. It is advisable to suppress emotions, control their passions and strengthen the self-discipline. Watch yourself calmly and peacefully.

A good time to communicate, negotiate, meeting assembly.

March 22, 2019.

Love and holiday triumph.

This is the day of the female energy heyday. Favorable for love, improvement of married relations, festivities, fun. This is the day of joy and inner freedom.

March 24, 2019.


External reflects internal.

Everything that happened to us on this day is a reflection of our inner nature. It is useful to look at yourself and find the reasons for our opinions and actions there. By changing your reactions to the outside world, you can transform all your life.

Good time For creative I. intellectual work. Be careful with emotions. Keep your feet warm. You can start upgrading. This is a good time to solve complex problems.

March 25, 2019.

Cleaning the soul and conscience.

Bad thoughts should leave. The spider bursts its network. Be careful with new ideas. It is impossible to pay debts and borrow, enter into an agreement. Cleaning is recommended: Clear yourself and your home. Just think about your actions. Get rid of useless things.

Good time for creative and intellectual work. Be careful with emotions. Keep your feet warm. You can start upgrading. This is a good time to solve complex problems.

In these dreams, life itself knocks on your door and tells you where you need to go to change. It is important not to ignore these hints and begin to follow them, then you free up a little energy for future actions. Do not forget to record your dreams when you wake up to analyze them.

Gardening today

Days of the Virgin - the days of the roots with descending energy. This sign is the best for landing any plants.


  • planting any plants.
  • planting trees for which the height of the crown is important.
  • landing fast-growing shrubs and hedges.
  • transplanting old trees (spring and autumn).
  • transfer indoor plants (For better sustainability of diseases).
  • the enrichment of the soil and the fight against underground pests.


  • preservation of vegetables and fruits

The moon is not only a satellite of the Earth, it also has a powerful influence on the biological rhythms of all living beings, as well as plants. Many depend on the moon life cycles and natural phenomena. In order to be aware of future changes and changes in health, as well as to understand what day the lunar calendar is created favorable or unfavorable for various undertakings.

It was designed in ancient Egypt and is considered the oldest system for calculating the lunar cycles. Moon calendar For 2017, like the calendars of past years, is based on the phases of the moon and includes data on its position during a certain period of the year.

Why does the moon have such an action on people living on the planet? The answer lies in the fact that our body is 70% consists of water, and many have long been known that tides and foals on Earth are completely dependent on this heavenly shine. Surprisingly, the millions of people believe the lunar calendar and argue that, thanks to him, they turn out to be planned many urgent affairs.

Moon Calendar: Characteristics

The lunar calendar is called detailed description Cyclic shifts of four night shone phases. In this calendar, not only favorable and unfavorable periods are indicated, but also days when it is best to carry, sit on a diet, start jumping in a garden or to start a new business project.

The lunar month consists of 29-30 days. The lunar days are not always equal to each other by duration. This is explained by the fact that the real lunar cycle is 29.5 sunny days. The lunar calendar compiled by us will give you the opportunity to predict your actions in the future without resorting to astrological calculations.

All of what you think will be most effectively if you begin to adhere to recommendations and cautions. Act aimed and then you can get the best result.

Calendar for 2017 by months

Features of lunar days

Scientists-astrologists have long noticed that every lunar day does a special effect on the state of a person and on his actions. To understand which one of these days is most favorable, you must first find out when the lunar year begins. To be honest, it is impossible to call some specific date that would have given a new one lunar year. As a rule, this period falls for the interval from January 21 to February 19.

The lunar year consists of lunar cycles, which begin to the new moon and end with the new moon. These cycles can be complete and incomplete, and incomplete lunar cycles are regarded by the name of the astrologers as unfavorable.

The lunar month consists of lunar days. Note that the lunar day can last only a few hours or be longer earthy days. It is these time intervals that can affect a person, and the account of strengthening or weakening the energy of the Moon.

  • Favorable lunar days. As a rule, it is 3,7,12,16,24.28 day. During this period, the positive energy of the moon is strengthened, which means that all undertakings are successful.
  • Unfavorable days. This is usually 4.18.26 day. These days, a person can feel unreasoning, fatigue and apathy for everything that is happening.
  • Neutral days Fall at 8.11,14,19,20,25.
  • "Satanian" days. 9,15,23.29. As a rule, at this time there is a shift lunar phasesBecause of what many of us may feel the decline of strength, and new things are unlikely to be crowned with success.

Phases of the Moon in 2017

Call various forms of this celestial luminaries, lit by the sun, which are visible to us from the ground. If the lunar days affect our behavior and actions, then the moon phases determine general state Our body is responsible for its endurance and activity.

Several main phases of this celestial body will be allocated:

  • New moon
  • First quarter
  • Full moon
  • Last quarter

New Moonthe state is called when the moon is not visible in the sky. On the astrological map it connects to the sun.

First quarter - In this state, only one side is lit in the moon. With the sun at this time, it forms the right square.

Full moon - This state opens up all the charms of the Earth's satellite. It is completely lit by the sun and is in opposition with him.

Last quarter - In this state, only one side is lit in the moon. Left quadrature is formed with the Sun.

New Moon and Full Moon - These are the main critical points of the lunar cycle. Based on statistics, it is these days that happens a large number of accidents, and chronic diseases are exacerbated. The man feels bad about these days, and the psyche is in an depressed state. Astrologers are not recommended on such days to begin a new case, because it is unlikely to be crowned with success. Even folk wisdom warns people from new undertakings during the New Moon or Full Moon.

The most important astronomical and astrological events of asterisals consider solar and lunar eclipses. The eclipse people have a special effect and often act as catalysts of fatal events. In the eclipse, it is not recommended to make important decisions or begin important things for you. Business trades or business trips are best postponing for several days to avoid failure. During lunar eclipse It should not be overly strained and be unnecessary emotional.

An excellent moment for any form of activity. In the morning, it is better to reflect about the future, and leave all important things to the afternoon. Take time for homemade troubles, return debts and adjust relationships with friends. Do not be angry and less nervous on trifles.

Influence of the Moon March 19, 2019

13 Lunar day

On the 13th day of the lunar calendar should not begin new things. It is worth performing current tasks. It is advisable to work not alone. The chances of success in the case are rising under collective work. The day is suitable for any communication, including for a serious conversation with the bosses. To change the place of work, this is not the best time. During this period, any financial transactions are allowed. It is not recommended to work around the house. From traveling is better to refrain.

Growing Moon (2 phase)

The second phase of the moon - a favorable period for the start of new cases, solutions complex questions, business negotiations and deals conclusions. The plans are desirable to implement before the Moon transition to the third phase. This is a good time to dating people, transition to new level Relationship with your loved one, communicating with family. Communication must be controlled by their emotions.

Moon in Vid.

Moon in Virgo is not the best time for new undertakings. This is a favorable time to perform current routine tasks that require considerable concentration. Large business is better not to start. It is undesirable to lead a serious conversation with the bosses and change the generation of the activity. This is a good period for shallow monotonous homework. Optimal time for financial transactions. An unfavorable time for any communication - it can be unpleasant due to the picky and petty entrance. Inappropriate time for travel.


Tuesday - a favorable day for new undertakings, continuation of old cases, devices on new job. This is an inappropriate period to perform routine tasks. Good time for homework. Not the best day for dates.

The lunar calendar today helps learn what moon day, the Phase of the Moon, in which sign of the zodiac is the moon. It indicates the time of sunrise and sunset of the moon, the degree of its illumination.

It contains overall characteristic day. Lunny horoscope today takes into account the influence of the lunar day, the Phase of the Moon, the position of the Moon in relation to zodiacal constellations, day of the week. He will tell you what matters it is better to do on this day, whether to plan a serious conversation with the boss, find out relations with people, make large purchases, try cleaning or repairing the house, go on a trip.

Today you need to be tolerant, tolerant, learn to perceive the signs that fate sends you. If old friends are returned to you, people from the past, connected ties and contacts, lost many years ago, it means that you karmically did not work out some things in the past, and it is necessary to complete the work begun. Rehend to this with a maximum of attention, each person needs to be freed from the shipment of the past to actively move into the future. 13th moon day - a period of cleansing from unnecessary things, thoughts, people and accumulation of new, fresh information. Carefully watch the current events and make the right conclusions from lived .. day, when with the help of astrology, you can clarify your karmic tasks, understand to whom you have not worked for karmic debts. In the flame, the candles can be symbolically burning the past, the candle must be white coloras a cleansing symbol. To obtain and assimilation of information, fuse the premises of pine incense.

The most powerful day moon month. The day of strong, decisive action, today you can sharply affect the events. It is today that you can take a step, the decisive outcome of all the previously started projects. The most important thing is to concentrate on the main thing, without spraying in trifles. In the 14th lunar day, much is managed. On this day, it is necessary to listen to the advice, even third-party people - they can be very useful. The period of building air locks. It is better to refrain from any promises, you can overestimate your strength .. The 14th lunar days are not suitable for fortunes. Today you need not to build plans, but to implement them. From heaven should be asked only one - as much as possible. To activate your energy, use a red candle. And in order to speed up the thought process, fool the workbook or room where you have the most books, incense - eucalyptus. Decorations better prefer with hyacinth.

Growing Moon in Virgo

What to wear?

Add bright yellow and yellow brown to your clothes.

Aroma day - The light smell of mint will improve your mood.

Talismans - Avenue, Almanandin.Metal - brass.

What do you eat?

It is better to stick to a vitamin or vegetable diet - vegetables, fruits and greens in all kinds.

beauty and health

It will be good to visit the hairdresser, nutrition and washing the hair. Use any fruit masks feeding with vitamins.

Light exercise with an emphasis on the abdominal press. Protect the digestive organs and especially the pancreas from poor-quality food. IMPORTANT BE ECIDE nervous system From overwork.

Intimate scenario

The moon in the sign of the Virgin gives boring sex for health. The manifestation of stormy passions and sensuality these days you will not be characteristic, most likely. The initiative will be entirely transferred to the partner's hands. You will even be ready to play out to him, if only he did not notice your cooler. Days of the Moon in Virgo are not the best for making love.

What do you do at home?

You can plant and replant everything you want.