Repairs Design Furniture

Trade of frameless furniture as a business. Business on frameless furniture: plan, how to start from scratch

Frameless furniture is convenient and easily fits into the interior of any apartment or cottage. Modular sofas or bags-chairs are like adolescents, and for the convenience and simplicity of movement, exceed their frame and massive brothers. Modular furniture with pleasure buy at any time of the year. A large variety of models will make a frame of frameless furniture attractive for people of different ages. Below is a business plan for the production of frameless furniture, which will help beginners to realize the idea.

Information about the company

Main activity: Production of frameless furniture, modular and simple.

Form of legal responsibility: IP. If cooperation with children's gardens and schools is planned, as well as other government agencies, LLC opens. IP open easier and for the first few years of the work of this form is enough.

Users: Parents of children from 1 to 18 years, as well as young people up to 35 years old, children's centers.

Sales are carried out through a specialized store and through a group in social networks. The group makes it possible to cover large quantity Buyers without binding to the terrain. Delivery to neighboring cities is carried out through transport companyWith which a written contract is concluded.

Purpose: for the first year of work, draw attention to its products and conquer the market modular furniture in the region. Pay off debt to the bank. By the end of the year expand sewing factory And increase the turnover by 2 times.

Accommodation: The workshop is located on the outskirts of the city, occupies a rented room, with an area of \u200b\u200b83 square meters. m. The office stands out a small part of the area in the amount of 10 square meters. M. Main sales will be carried out through a group on social networks.

The table below shows the separation of premises in the workshop for the manufacture of modular furniture:

Rental of the room is confirmed by the rental contract. The rental price does not include electricity fees, which is carried out on the meter each month separately.

Taxes: Immediately after receiving the IP, an application is drawn up for the transition to a simplified taxation system (income minus consumption).

Workshop work schedule: every day from 09:00 to 18:00, including weekends. The office works until 20:00. Masters and managers work shift.

Price price price:

The package includes 1 replaceable case, if desired, the second is immediately sewn at 20% discount. When buying in the amount of over 20 000 rubles. 15% discount is provided.

Registration of documents

Initially, IP. Working with schools, children's gardens can not be able to approve a small workshop for the manufacture of modular furniture on the market of this form will be enough. For registration of IP, the following documents are submitted to the tax:

  • Notarized photocopies of the passport and the Inn of the person who are carried out by the registration of IP.
  • Application for registration of a specific activity. The main type of activity and two additional activities may indicate in the IP. If the types of entrepreneurship choose related to activities, then in the future you do not have to register additions. The statement indicates the following OKVED code: 13.92 "Production of products from various textiles, except for clothing."
  • Receipt from the bank to confirm the payment of state duty.

Marketing program

Before drawing up the marketing plan, the market on this product in the region is analyzed, prices and features of the work of competitors are being studied.

When marketing analysis, the following tasks are performed:

  • Market segmentation.
  • Studying the economic situation, the ratio of supply and proposals.
  • Study of consumer requirements of this type of services, determining the level of competitiveness of the workshop.
  • Analysis of the socio-psychological features of a consumer group, motivating solutions when contacting the workshop.

The product policy is to increase the competitiveness of the services provided, improving them qualitative characteristics In accordance with the requests of consumers, the optimization of the range.

Communicative marketing component includes advertising, stimulating sales, service policy. Planning an advertising campaign consists of the following steps:

  1. Defining an object (workshop), addressee (consumer group) and advertising motive.
  2. Choosing advertising tools and their optimal conformity, graph of advertising speeches and estimates for advertising costs.

Service policy I. maintenance Include product delivery to the house.

Equipment of the company

To attract buyers atelier uses individual catalog. Each version of the product is possible from of various types Fabrics (cloak, Bologna, eco-button). More than 10 color options are offered, the development of an individual model is possible, at a price higher by 25%.

And now spend complete analysis The main production facilities are part of the property of the enterprise. They function in the field of material production, repeatedly participate in the production process, wears gradually. All data are entered in the table.

To open a small workshop of soft frameless furniture, you will need to purchase equipment in the amount of 239,000 rubles. In addition to equipment, consumables are purchased:

  • Fabrics.
  • Artificial leather.
  • Filler.
  • Sewing fittings.
  • Threads.

For consumables per month, it is planned to spend at least 350,000 rubles. Analysis of the state of the main production assets suggests that the workshop has the necessary material and technical base for the provision of high-quality frameless framework furniture.

Formation of personnel

The administrative part of personnel consists of the director and accountant. Work schedule: From Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday - weekends. Posts can be combined, at first they are performed by the IP itself.

Salary and Prize of the Company Administration:

The working category includes masters, designer, customer service manager. The masters work at the production of frameless furniture with two replaceable brigades of three. Managers accept incoming orders and contact with customers. The designer has an art education and works on the development of models.

Salary and Prize of Workers and Auxiliary Personnel:

Position Regular units Salary,
Prize, rub. Prize and salary of all rubles. FZP, rub. Total rub. a month for the total number of employees
% rub. mem. year
Master 6 15 000 10 1 500 16 500 16 500 198 000 99 000
Manager 2 14 000 10 1 400 15 400 15 400 184 800 30 800
Designer 1 15 000 10 1 500 16 500 16 500 198 000 16 500
Cleaner 8 200 0 0 8 200 98 400 8 200

Consolidated statement of the number of workers:

TOTAL BY wages Total staff and deductions to various funds will be needed per month. Amount: 283 500 rubles. This amount is added to the initial capital, since the first month the company does not bring sufficient profits.

Stages of implementation

You can implement the project from scratch for 3 months. The first month will leave for documents, search suitable premises. In the second month, the main emphasis is on the equipment and selection of suppliers of the feedstock, as well as the promotion of the group on social networks. The profitability will depend on the quality of advertising, so the last month is carried out marketing policies and the experienced staff is recruited.

Schedule opening workshop:

All stages are scheduled for specific periods of time. This will help control the processes and launch the workshop on time with less time loss.

Investment and income


To implement a business plan for the organization of workshop of frameless furniture, initial investments will be required:

Costs can be reduced by reducing the number of employees and the purchase of equipment used. But this will increase wage and depreciation costs, as the old equipment will more often fail. The amount of 1,012,500 is taken on credit in Sberbank under 18% per annum for two years. Monthly payment is 11,000 rubles.

Monthly spending

We plan revenues

The profitability of the workshop will not affect seasonality, therefore the main factors on which the profit depends is the permeability and action of advertising. Next to the workshop there are no competitors, so in a month 1 master will bring at least 800,000 rubles. And per year, revenue will be from 9,600,000 rubles.

We calculate the net income, deducted from revenue costs per month:

800 000 - 421 500 \u003d 378 500 rub. From this amount, 50% will go on procurement consumables. Total per month net income is 189 250 rubles. In year small shop The manufacture of frameless furniture will bring 2,71,000 pure revenues.

Calculate profitability:

(189 250/1 012 500) x 100% \u003d 18.69%.

While the entrepreneur will not return the main investment, the profit will be divided into the following parts:

  • 15% - exproductive costs (payment of furniture delivery to the client, buying household tools for cleaning, depreciation of equipment, etc.).
  • 15% - the main fund.
  • 40% - premature repayment of the loan.
  • 30% - the income of the entrepreneur.

Since the return of investments will be 40% monthly, which is 75,700 rubles, the project will be calculated:

1 012 500/75 700 \u003d 13.3 months. Taking into account all risks, the return on the project is 1.5-2 years.


This business plan for the production of frameless furniture with calculations can be corrected for any region. Our example was calculated for the Regional Center. Minimum attachments The project consists of 1,012,500 rubles, with an effective promotion pays off after a year and a half. After this time, the entrepreneur will increase the main fund and will be able to expand production. Business is not suitable for people who want to get a quick and high income. Products will have to advertise and conquer your permanent buyer.

The furniture is classified by the form factor (case, soft), destination (working, kitchen, sleeping) and manufacturing material. The first frameless furniture was produced for a long time. It includes all sorts of baffies, chairs, sofas, etc. All models are combined with a lack of frame. They consist of fur, fabrics, skin, etc.

Market analysis

Frameless furniture is comfortable and comfortable. It is environmentally friendly, universal and good for health. Many doctors recommend purchasing such furniture for a child. It contributes to harmonious development, evenly distributing the burden on the spine.

Fillers-balls make a light massage. Such furniture will be in demand among young people, as it is a modern, budgetary, creative version of the apartment. Preference to such a subject of furniture will be given by dacities, thanks to its mobility and opportunity to solve the problem with pollution.

Upper case can be wrapped in washing machine. The idea of \u200b\u200bproducing frameless furniture is so universal, which is also suitable for the owner of his own workshop and young mother, located on maternity leave.

Registration and business organization

The essence of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe business is to create a sewing shop of frameless furniture. At the beginning of our activities it is necessary to consider all the steps. The market and target features of advertising should be analyzed. The business plan should include such moments as registration. legal entity, analysis of competitive activity, search for a suitable room, marketing strategy, profitability.

It is important to consider that creative people who prefer exclusive options are the main consumers of such furniture items.

Therefore, the product range should differ by the variety of forms and colors.

At the first stage, you will need to register entrepreneurial activities. To do this, it will be necessary to choose the OKVED code suitable for the type of activity and provide required documents In the Tax Inspectorate:

  • a copy of all passport pages;
  • receipt of the payment of state duty;
  • a copy of the certificate with the number of individuals;
  • application for registration of IP.


One of the main stages of the organization of business on tailoring of frameless furniture is the selection of the room. At the initial stage, it will be enough to rent an area from 30 to 50 square meters. m. There are no special requirements for the premises, except for the need for good lighting.

In the event that the entrepreneur plans to produce polystyrene foam itself, the room should be ventilated. With a large amount of production, you should think about the additional area for the warehouse, which must be kept clean and dry.


To produce frameless furniture, you will need to purchase:

  1. Sewing industrial machine.
  2. Tables for cutting.
  3. Pekal.
  4. Fabric, threads, fittings.

The entrepreneur can independently produce a filler for soft seatsByking additional equipment.

Requirements for materials

The following materials will be needed to create goods:

  • stuff the best option which will be polystyrene foam;
  • frame. It requires a hard fabric that can keep the form: spunbond, polyester, dense synthetic fabric;
  • bright, fatty matter for the outer shell, for example - jacquard.

The main requirement for products is tailoring, according to furniture guests.

Manufacturing process

The production process of the manufacture of frameless furniture items is quite simple. The bag consists of the upper and lower case. The lower case of dense tissue (satin, cloak fabric) is filled with polystyrene foam balls.

The fabric for the top cover can be chosen to their taste, jacquard, velor, taffeta, velveteen, jeans, etc. To date, artificial leather bags are very popular. The top cover must necessarily have a zipper so that it was possible to remove it for washing.

For one chairs, a bag will need about five meters of fabric and four kilograms of filler.

To make a 90x120 chairs, it will take to make 2 identical covers: internal and external. To do this, perform an initial pattern on paper, and then transfer it to the material. The bottom can be made of several pieces. This will significantly reduce waste.

Next you need to cut all the details and proceed to sew. First of all, wedges are sewn. On the side of one side of the case should be inserted with a lightning of 40 cm long. Through the hole in it, the bag is filled with expanded polystyrene. For the convenience of filling, you can use a paper funnel. To the top you need to enhance the velcro so that the cover is not crushed.

By filling out the lower case, it is necessary to test, and if necessary, shove the filler. The next stage is the tailoring of the top cover. It is sewn by the same principle, but the lipped lightning should be 1 m long. Then you need to insert an inner case filled with polystyrene foam in the outer and combine the velcro together.

During the day, one seam can sew two - three products.


At the beginning of business development, in the absence of a large investment opportunity in production, made frameless sofas and chairs may be at home. For sewing covers, it is allowed to conclude an agreement with the Sweden or order finished goods At wholesale prices, selecting a supplier with the most favorable offer.

If you plan to open the workshop, then you will need to choose a professional shooter. The number of personnel depends on the planned volume of production. Selecting employees for an enterprise must be focused on the presence of experience in candidates, because the quality of products directly depends on their skills.

Advertising and sales

Each manufacturer of furniture should take care of developing a logo and trademark to differ from competitors. In addition, you need to come up with the original name of your company to attract customers.

Customers buying frameless furniture, in most cases focus on the embodiment of their own fantasies.

Therefore, the proposed furniture should be exclusive.

You should consider the collection, ruler, assortment.

In the first stages of work, you will need to spend a considerable amount of time and money. It is recommended to print booklets and leaflets containing product information and its assortment. In leaflets it is necessary to present beautiful pictures Goods and indicate what it is filled.

To attract customers, it is important to indicate that the filler is an environmentally harmless product, as well as one of the best thermal insulators, which is not afraid of moisture and temperature drops.

For advertising, you should not neglect traditional media: newspapers, thematic catalogs. You can put ads on free boards designed for advertising.

The best method to advertise your products is an Internet resource. It can be your own website, social networks, thematic forums. In addition, you can submit your goods on well-known sites, having previously agreed with its owner.

Frameless furniture lately Enjoy the polarity in holiday homes, nightclubs and private hotels. We must independently go to the owner of such an institution and offer your product. Having received an order, you can earn a good amount and additionally advertise yourself.

Another option is to use visual advertising in the salons and hairdressers. To do this, you can agree with the owners to temporarily put our products in their institution.

Financial component of business

Starting capital for opening a business can range from 10 thousand to 10 million rubles. It depends on what place in the market wants an entrepreneur.

Opening and maintenance cost

To open an average firm with a small sewing shop and warehouse, you will need about 400,000 rubles. These funds will be aimed at such expenses:

To reduce the cost of production, you can purchase a minivarm. It is necessary for the manufacture of granulated polystyrene foam. If you plan to start a mini-business yourself without hiring a shvent and rental of the room, then the costs will be doubled.

The size of future income

The price of the standard budget chair is on average - 2500 rubles. The upper price limit does not exist - it all depends on the tissue and brand of the manufacturer.

As a rule, the cost of this creative furniture exceeds the cost of its production twice.

The predicted monthly income may vary from 100,000 to 150,000 rubles.

Payback period

According to statistics, the profitability indicator of the project is from 30 to 40%, and in some regions it reaches 200%.

Profitability and payback periods of such a business range from two months to two years.

Production of frameless furniture - profitable and simple process. With a proper strategy of actions and desire to work, doing this business activities, You can get a tangible income.

With each day, the demand for this products is growing, and manufacturers of shapeless sofas and comfortable chairs have not yet been very much. Demand at this stage exceeds the offer. This is explained by the novelty idea. Therefore, it is possible to confidently say that fill this niche with its products will not be much difficulty.

Soft, creative, light object of furniture is known in the world for more than 10 years. On the russian market The product came in 2008, at about this time the first domestic business for the production of frameless chairs and sofas appeared.

Statistical data note its high profitability, the minimum indicator of which is 30% in small cities, and the maximum of about 150% in megalopolis.

To start, it will take from 10 thousand rubles. The return on the enterprise is possible during the first half of the year. How to start organizing your own production?

Who prefers the ordinary chair frameless? Finding out the answer to this question, you can limit the circle of consumers and adjust the appearance and quality of products according to their preferences.

Potential customers include:

  • children - they love to play on the floor, watch cartoons in a comfortable posture, they like all unusual and bright;
  • young people can choose interesting bags with a small filler to furnish the apartment, as a budget and modern version;
  • dachnips will prefer the chair, which is easy to move and, if desired, take out to the street, and with contamination, quickly solve the problem of the usual washing of the top cover in the washing machine.

Determination of the format of the case

You can implement only that products that will be sewn in accordance with Furniture Goste. If you have the skills of the cutting, and in a state of self assemble the design, then you can consider the use of the domestic workshop.

An alternative can be sewing products in a studio, which specializes in the manufacture of curtains or car covers. Experts will make internal and outdoor layers, and you will need to fill them and collect.

The third format is the organization of its own workshop, where several employees will be occupied by the manufacturing process. In this case, starting costs will increase by an average of 30 times. We need a rental of premises, the purchase of specialized equipment, payment of salary to employees. For beginners, such a format is unbearable, since the exit to obtain constant income and the full payback of the business may take 2-3 years.

Purchase of materials

To create the first batch of goods in the number of 6 copies, the following materials will be purchased:

  1. Putting. It is best to cope with this role foamed polystyrene petty fraction.
  2. Pattern. It can be selected on the Internet at its discretion.
  3. Frame (base). It will take a rigid fabric that will keep the shape. Polyester, spunbond or dense synthetic tissue can be used.
  4. Outer shell. Jacquard or other bright, fatty matter.

The main costs will be 9660 rubles.

Organization of advertising and sales

If the products are implemented in the city with a population of 200-400 thousand, it is better to establish sales through the online store. The cost of renting the exhibition hall may not recoup themselves. You can advertise your resource on social networks, using printed products or announcements in the journal. The main thing is that the information is available for a specific consumer (children and young people).

The choice of furniture is perhaps one of the most open and confused things that can improve the comfort of your housing and sang it.

The above case can solve this eternal problem, the production and sale of frameless furniture in last years Just gain momentum and if you are interested in this direction of business, I can say for sure that it is undoubtedly promising.

Having broken into the market in the early 2000th parody of all the adopted canons of furniture, she became in our time almost the most popular.

Comfort and simplicity in production only add fans of this know-how of the designer thought and the business idea of \u200b\u200bcreating and selling frameless furniture is quite promising.

Before you start, I will tell the story that he pushed me to write this article.

Late dull autumn evening, I walked on a famous furniture store in my city.

Showcases were just sleeping with a huge number of diverse sofas, chairs, cabinets, etc. After half hour wandering, I came across the frameless furniture. She seemed interesting to me. Especially struck by the beauty of baggy chairs.

I sat down comfortably, ached, even dotked this miracle and realized that the thing is very convenient and looks very cool.

All my dreams and desires scattered at the sight of the price tag for this chair 30,000 rubles on the price tag in the first seconds seemed to me just a ridiculous accident. As it turned out this is not. The price was true.

Not few myths and stories are connected around the appearance of this know-how.

Definitely no one will tell you how people thought of doing from not intended for furniture materials, cozy and comfortable, most importantly, the model. In recent years, there has been a rumor that the appearance of Frames is the merit of three well-known designers from Italy.

I can not say together they came up with or not, but it turned out right enough. I think you and so it became clear that the creature of the frameless furniture is not so hard, but still need.

We need only two binders of details - this is a filler in the form of polystyrene balls (foam in general) and the casing itself.

With the first problems there should be no. Once building an extension at home I used the insulation just expanded polystyrene. I gave about 200 rubles for a huge bag, which is enough for two chairs at least. The problem may occur with the second binder, namely with the casing.

If you have sewing skills, then everything is simple. You can do everything yourself. Another option will be to order this casing on the Internet.

There is not enough option and with various materials.

So everything is simple: either you all do, or order on the Internet and make it from all this good candy.

Suppose you passed the point above and could collect your first sample. It seems to you normal and quite presentable. So it's time to think about selling your brainchild.

When selling for example, the same frameless chairs you should remember one thing. The price of your product will be directly dependent on one factor.

And this is not your work, but the material from which your furniture was made.

The most expensive will say immediately covers from genuine leather. They are drunk less and wear out. However, with the price, the Council is not particularly overlapping, because the buyer must first see the difference between your goods from the shop in its price, and then in quality, etc.

For sale of frameless furniture

First thing for sale hand-made frameless furniture I recommend the online store, as in this case you can sell frameless furniture throughout the country. Of course you will have to invest in this money, but these are justified one-time costs. To do this, contact one of the developers of online stores.

As for the sale of frameless furniture through its trading point, it is not worth spending your time and means. Do not forget that you make it and how the manufacturer best goes to furniture storesBy offering them cooperation on favorable terms, it will be possible to increase their sales well.

Perhaps the most favorable condition for furniture stores will be the provision of your product to implement. When you get a name yourself, you can already work on prepayment.

That's all! If you are looking for business ideas up to date this year, then you should look at our. Do not forget to subscribe to the group to receive information about the latter

  • How much can earn money
        • Related business ideas:

Today, the furniture market is represented by an extensive choice of goods. This soft, cabinet furniture, furniture for metal frame, glass and office furniture, wooden and exclusive furniture and much more. It seems that competition among trading enterprises in this area has reached its limit. Create profitable businesswithout spending a large fundamental, almost impossible. But it is not all that bad. Finding your niche nice entrepreneurs will help the opening of a trading point for the sale of relatively new goods for the furniture market - frameless, alternative furniture.

The market of frameless furniture in our country is only gaining momentum and everyone has a chance to firmly take their niche. The demand for such furniture, as practice shows, is quite high. This is due to the fact that frameless furniture is very attractive from the point of view of design, convenient from the point of view of comfort and affordable, in terms of price. The range of goods sold includes: puffs, pillows, hammocks, chairs, sofas, sofas, seats from PPU, Children's furniture, animal beds, frame furniture for cafes, clubs, restaurants, bars, fur carpets, storage items and much more. Furniture price segment - from 1500 to 4000 rubles. Furniture is a bag filled with foam polystyrene that takes the shape of a human body. This allows you to relax as much as possible after a hard working day. Various color schemes and forms will help the consumer pick up the furniture that perfectly fit into their interior. Furniture is bright, motley and strict colors, various ornaments may be present. Any caprice of the client can be completed.

In addition to furniture, anti-stress goods can be included on sale, which perfectly complement the range of the trading point and allow you to get an additional revenue. These are products such as head restraints for sleep, blanks, rollers, gift cushions in the form of a heart, transformer cushions, vibrator massages. A big plus is that the opening of the trading point does not require renting large areas. To accommodate the most running products, it is enough to rent from 10 to 15 m2 of retail space, the rental price in this case will be from 8 to 20 thousand rubles per month. These may be the first and second floors. shopping centers, furniture rows and markets, individual rooms on the first floors apartment houses And many other places.

At the same time, high permeability is not a mandatory profitability factor of the trading point. A significant proportion of success depends on the advertising campaign being conducted - the creation of a city site, groups on social networks, communication on forums, working with regular customers, receipt positive feedback Through the Sarafan Radio. Especially well these advertising methods work in small cities, where you can be the only representative of such products.

What franchise to choose for trade of frameless furniture

Today there is an opportunity when minimum costs Start a full-fledged business in the trade of frameless furniture. For example, to acquire Amm'AntimeBel ™ franchise. This company produces frameless furniture since 2003, and has its own representative offices in many cities of Russia.

There are over 100 stores in the regions of the Russian Federation and the CIS under their brand. If your city has no representation or dealer of this company - you can become one of them. In this case, you will receive products at discounted prices.

How much money is required for starting business

The franchise of this company is very "humane." You will not be required for the use of the company's brand name, nor royalties or a paustal contribution. The necessary investments begin from 25 thousand rubles, which basically includes the purchase of samples of goods. In general, the company offers three options for the start: the "starter" package - from 25 thousand rubles, the PACE package - from 75 thousand rubles, and the package "Elite" - from 150 thousand rubles.

For a relatively small price of the franchisee receives products of European quality, assistance in the design of commercial premises, training personnel, advertising and PR support, free shipping, personal interaction manager with company and content for the online store. Business payback is estimated at 3-5 months of operation of the trading point.

As for the work with the delivery of the goods, everything is extremely simple here. You buy special covers and fillers in the form of balls, then at home with ease, make samples of furniture. For this not required additional equipment and special knowledge. Thanks to such collapsible design, Furniture delivery occurs without any damage and breaks.

What taxation system to choose for this business

To start trading, it is enough to register individual entrepreneurship in the local department of the IFNS. This is the most profitable option for the start of a small case. As a system of taxation, it is advisable to apply a special regime - UTII. The amount of tax will depend on the trading area of \u200b\u200bthe outlet, and the region in which you work. The trading department should employ 2 sellers on the payment system salary + percentage of day revenue.

Trade in alternative frameless furniture is great idea To open your own business with minimal starting investments. High demand for products in aggregate with ease of opening business, low competition and wide opportunities for the development of the network of outlets - make business attractive for many business people.

Where to start opening a business

Due to the fact that this category of goods is relatively not very long ago appeared in our market, it is necessary to carefully approach the process of starting trade of frameless furniture. At the first stage, it is necessary to find out who will continue to be potential customers who will be able to carry out similar purchases. Due to this, you will have to focus on the product that enjoyed in great demand.

After that, it is necessary to choose the room in which you plan to carry out your trading activities. Then B. obligatory You must take care of the product assortment that you will sell. It is desirable that it be wide and very diverse. And in mandatory in the last step after the paperwork, take care of advertising your own company.

How much can earn money

If we consider income, which can be obtained when selling frameless furniture, it can be 100-200 thousand rubles. Naturally, in this case, everything will depend on the range of goods and the quality of materials from which such furniture is made. If you can open the online store in parallel, then the costs of opening this business can be recouped for 3-4 months in case of active sales.

How to choose equipment for such business

In the event that you encountered the need to purchase various equipment and all kinds of materials, then if they are selected, it is mandatory to pay attention to quality.

It is from this criterion most often depends on a certain type of furniture. Despite the fact that less qualitative materials It is cheaper, you should not save on future clients, as your company's negative assessments are not needed at all.

What kind of OKVED indicate when registering a business

If you are planning to open a business on trade of frameless furniture, in this case you need to use OKVED code 46.47 - the exercise of household trade and office furniture. In the event that when you once plan to make a similar furniture yourself, you can additionally specify the OKVED code 31.01 - the manufacture of furniture.

What documents are needed to open

You need the following documents:

  • document confirming the registration of the IP or LLC;
  • notarized statement;
  • passport details of the owner;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Do I need permission to open

Special permits for this not required. You may need to conclify the sanitary and epidemiological service, as well as you must have quality certificates for the material from which the furniture will be manufactured in the future.

Framework Furniture Production Technology

In the event that besides the sale, you decide to make frameless furniture, you need to clearly go on the planned plan. Initially, the customer should find out all preferences. After that, you can create a draft of the intended furniture and present it to inspect the customer. As soon as the project is approved, you can safely begin the manufacture of frameless furniture.