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How to photograph in tour boards. Beautiful photos from travel. How to make beautiful photos on travel? (7 photos)

Simple and useful tips, how to make excellent travel photos or on vacation:

1. The first thing to find out the tourist-photographer is where when and whom you can shoot in this country. Often, photographing of religious objects is prohibited, some traditions or beliefs prohibit their adepts to enter the camera lens. It is necessary to take into account this in order not to get into the unpleasant situation.

2. Good pictures are obtained, as a rule, in the distance from the ongoing tourist routes. Realities of local life give an excellent opportunity to get the original story for the photo. Of course, it is impossible to forget about your own security.

3. Do not take pictures of people. It is better to do it openly, and at the very first signs of discontent to apologize and stop shooting. It's good to know a few words in the local language and smile more often. The smile is understandable to all people without exception, and also simply increases the mood of the photographer itself.

4. The real enthusiast photographer is always ready for shooting. He never breaks up with the camera. And the camera is always charged. In order not to miss an interesting snapshot, it is better to always have spare charged batteries and memory cards. You should not remove the camera into the case after each shot: moments are fleeting.

5. Those times passed when the photographer was limited to 36 frames on the film. Now you can not think and remove immediately as soon as a suitable story will fall in sight.

6. In all major cities, it is very interesting to take attractions at night. For such shooting it is useful to have a light lens and a tripod.

7. Patience is the best friend of the photographer. Weather and illumination of change. Sometimes you can wait a little bit, and the photo will play with new paints. Having a photographic ace can present in advance how the frame in one or another lighting will look like.

8. Early in the morning the sunlight is very soft and gives beautiful shades. The photographer who is not striking in bed has the opportunity to receive excellent pictures of the same places that are looking Presno with bright sunlight. In addition, in the morning the attractions are significantly less than visitors.

9. At sunset shadows are long and sunlight golden. Using this knowledge allows you to get excellent pictures. You should not be afraid of lack of lighting, because the matrix of the current digital "mirrors" have excellent indicators of photosensitivity.

10. The use of the tripod is simply necessary when shooting under insufficient lighting. The use of long-term exposure will give the picture additional effect, but without a tripod, the smallest hand shake will kill a snapshot.

11. The use of light filters allows you to get spectacular pictures.

12. The presence of several removable lenses is also desirable. Tele lens, for example, will make it good to shoot street scenes, faces passers-by, festivals and sporting events. Wide-angle lens is good for shooting landscapes.

13. If you enter out the objects of different sizes in the frame than the shooting object, you can very well show the scale of the object. So, the viewer is hard to evaluate the height of the mountain if there is no suitable object in the frame for comparison, such as a house.

14. It is worth keeping behind the horizon line and verticals. The risen level is the most common bug of newcomers. It is also necessary to closely monitor the background. Accidentally caught in the frame of rubbish or pillars, wires, trees can spoil a wonderful picture.

15. The composition of the frame is based on certain canons. For example, when shooting a landscape, it is not bad to have a foreground in the photo, the average plan and sky. For example, grass - on the front, alpine meadow - on average and mountains as a background.

16. Do not shoot a person against the background of the monument. In general, a photo of the "I and Eiffel Tower" type looks quite trite, "I hold the pyramid on the palm", "I am smeared by the mud of the Dead Sea." If you want to show yourself in, much more effectively take a picture of a relaxed walk through Montmartru.

17. The question of cropping is particularly relevant in portrait shooting. It is not recommended to trim the frames of the frame of hand, feet, legs below the knees. If it is necessary for the person to be completely in the frame completely, it is better to crumble it slightly above the belt, the chest or below the neck. It is advisable to leave a free space in the part of the picture, where the person is directed.

18. It is considered appropriate and aesthetic so that the object of shooting occupies at least two thirds of the frame. But it is worth and leave a little "air" around him so that he is better read.

19. However, the deviations from the canons sometimes give magnificent photos. Here the whole question is in taste and sense of photographer. You should not be afraid to experiment, in the end, there is a "delete" button.

20. The most important advice is to shoot as often as possible, analyze and improve the skill. Experience is being studied over time, and good pictures will not make himself wait.


Going on a trip? Want to visit the beautiful beaches of Thailand, the Caribbean, etc.? Or maybe you want to see the "old woman" Europe? No matter where you want to go. Important in traveling to capture your colorful memories on photosTo show at home to show your loved ones and friends of those places where you visited, pass the atmosphere of these cities.

But it happens so that photosthat you did in journeyIt is fuzzy and faded, uninteresting and flat. Some pictures do not pass those emotions at all, that atmosphere that you would like to convey. And even more generally happens when you got a battery at the most inopportune moment. If it happened in your life, this article is for you. After reading our tips, you will learn how to make high-quality and interesting pictures on travel. So, let's begin.

Keep the camera always ready

When you leave the hotel, see how much charge remains in the battery and how many frames will be enough for your flash card. Maybe it is today today you will see some kind of unexpected and interesting moment or scene. This often happens.

The most interesting and memorable shots are those you did not expect. We recommend that you take a journey at least a couple spare batteries To camera. Also well, if you have several flash cards in the reserve, or one but large volume. Better if you grab a special photo Storage Device. It's called " Photobank».

Try to fill the frame only by the shooting object

Go closer to the shooting object. Remove everything excess from the frame, then the object in the picture will be detailed and accentuated. If you want to photograph a person or an animal, but so as not to attract attention (secretly), use the zoom of your lens. But it is important to note here that self quality photos Operate when shooting at close range.

People are best shooting At the time when they are busy, for example, they make some kind of work, talk or just moving. At the same time, well, if they do not notice you. They then behave more naturally. You do not need in photographs People with frozen unnatural persons who are waiting for the "bird will fly out."

If you are photographing the events of people, make sure that they do not notice you, and you do not attract their attention. Otherwise, it is best to ask them to remove them, as the morals of people of different countries may differ from yours, and they may not like the photo session. It is very cool photos of peopleWhen they are calmly engaged in their work, and do not look tense into your lens.

Try to find a uniform, non-timing and nonsense background for an object. The rear background should have as few details as possible that distract from the main object of shooting, that is, the background should not be a motley. A view of the viewer should focus on the acting object itself, so the background will be background, the better the photo will look.

Try to choose such Point shootingSo that in the frame did not fall unnecessary background details. If it fails to do, just wicked the background by opening the sewn diaphragm (select a small diaphragm value). Then the object will be highlighted on a blurred background. This reception is called shooting with small.

How to place the object shooting object in the frame

Try when laying a frame Do not place the main object of shooting in the heart of the frame. In such cases, your snapshot will seem static and boring. You need to move a little shift object from the center to the side. Such a layout will give photos of the dynamics and expressiveness.

There is such a rule in the photo -. It means that you need to break a mental image in the viewfinder to three parts horizontally and vertical, so that the grid containing 9 square areas is. The theory of photography states that the snapshot will be more balanced and will make a strong impression on the viewer if important shooting objects will be placed at the intersection points or along the lines of this imaginary grid.

Studies were conducted, which established one very important feature of our vision - the human eye involuntarily chooses one of the points of intersection of the lines of this grid, and not the center of the image. That's what it is . Therefore, you must try to have all the important shooting objects where you want to concentrate the attention of the viewer at the intersection points of these lines. And if you take off the landscape, the horizon line needs to be located on one of these horizontal lines.

Optimal lighting of the object

Choose always optimal lighting for the shooting object. It is very important in order for your photos to be clear, clear and beautiful. To do this, a sufficient amount of light should be accessed on the camera's matrix.

The best conditions for shooting are natural lighting during the day (sunlight). If on the street is overcast, twilight or light is not enough (for example, indoors), enable all possible lighting and, if necessary, use the flash. For shooting with flash The distance to the shooting object should not exceed the range of the outbreak of your camera.

Built-in flash range ranges from 1 to 6 meters depending on your camera model. Specify the outbreak range in the instructions for your camera. If possible, do not use the flash. The fact is that when shooting with a flash, photography is obtained unnatural and less beautiful. Of the two options, or take a picture from the hands, but with a flash, or without a flash, but from a tripod, choose the second option.

Each genre and object shoot is suitable for certain lighting. You can use the shadows pattern during shooting. We often experiment with different light sources - it can be lights, incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps, as well as candles or natural lights of the sun or moon. Variety of your experience, you will receive very interesting and fascinating pictures.


If you remove in the evening On automatic camera mode, then there is probability to get too light frame. If you want to transfer the evening lighting, make an exposure amendment for one or two steps. When shooting an object of white, for example, a person in white clothes or a white machine, we recommend that you add 1-2 diaphragm steps (approximately +1.5 EV).

If you take pictures in cloudy weather, the snapshot can get gray and inexpressive. To avoid this, make the exposure amendment +0.5 - +1.5 EV. You can make several photos with a different exposure and choose the best. Do not be afraid to experiment!

Basic errors when shooting on a journey

Many people, being on vacation, do not give the special importance of the composition and the quality of the pictures received. "There was little time, removed, just to have to take off, and I'll understand at home." They think so. This is a big mistake, since rushthe main enemy of the photographer.

The most frequent mistakes of such "grief-photographers" are "soap" photos, the horizon and improper placement of the object in the frame.

"Soap" frames (Fuzzy pictures) are obtained when the camera moves during shooting. Even if you are removing absolutely fixed objects, the lubrication in the photos may appear as a result of hand shake when shooting. Such a jitter will tell more when shooting on a large focus and a small field of view.

According to the rule, if you take off your hands, the maximum possible exposure that will not allow the "coil" equals the reverse focal length in millimeters. For example, if you are shooting 300 mm on a focus - you need to put 1/500 excerpt or 1/1000. As a last resort, you can try to remove on shutter speed at 1/250 seconds. But 1/125 is already unacceptable.

What to do to avoid chamber movements? Install the camera still, for example, put it on the table, on the step or other rigidly fixed item. But it is best to use a tripod for this case. If you are a happy owner of a mirror chamber, you can choose a small walking tripod, and if you have a small digital compact soapbox, you can do and a desktop, portable tripod. Its size and weight will not be too burdens.

Dished horizon

If the skyline is tilted in the photo, it will not decorate your picture, so it can be fixed in photoshop. But then you will have to sacrifice the edge of the frame. It is best to keep track of the correct horizontal camera location initially during shooting.

See the horizon to be smooth. If there is such an opportunity in the camera, turn on the grid of the third. It will help you navigate the horizontal plane. If there is no such function in the camera, but they are displayed in the focus point viewfinder, you can navigate the horizontal symmetrical points.

Frame border

Follow the frame borders carefully. It happens that vertical objects (trees, people in full growth, high buildings, towers) do not fall entirely in the horizontal frame. Then turn the camera so that the frame becomes vertical, make sure that the shooting object is not cut across the edges and falls into the entire frame. To enlarge or reduce the object in the frame, use the zoom of your camera. If there is no zoom, you can go closer or move away from the shooting object.

Of course, there are cases when you do not need to fully entered the frame. You can take a picture of a part of the object, a fragment of the building and so on. It all depends on your idea. Perhaps, it is some kind of single fragment that is more interest than the whole object as a whole. Do not allow emptiness in the frame, avoid unnecessary and foreign objects around the main object of shooting. If there is no possibility to put the entire object in the frame and have nowhere to move away, you can make several overlapping personnel, which can be easily glued at home in a graphic editor to get a panorama.

And the most important thing. More often photograph. The more you will give time photos, the faster you will become experienced photographerAnd your pictures will be more interesting and better. Successful pictures!

First of all, to do really good photos, such as you view which others will not have the feeling that this unsuccessful attempts to copy the National Geographic, you need very little.

The main component of any photo is the emotion that is invested in it. If the picture does not show anything that would provoke this emotion, it is empty. This is a philosophical and an extensive question, which is well discovered for a cup of something.

And now let's go to more practical advice, and gross mistakes that should be avoided when you are taking pictures on travel.

1. One of the most frequent errors is when you are present almost at all photos from the journey. Do not abuse it! No one except you will be interested to watch such photos, and you will close really worthy things.

2. Monuments and museum exhibits are unlikely to give you memories of unforgettable moments from your trip. Look for interesting "live things" things. It can be both people and animals or plants, what will tell about the place where you are. (Local fruits and spices, goods selling local residents, plants inherent in this region, etc.).

4. Photos of individual details can be said much more than the general plan.

5. Be original, do not repeat the script with the bus and tourists who jump out for 2 minutes to take a picture of the same, no one else interesting photos.

6. If you are already on the bus tours, look for an interesting perspective, experiment with front and rear plans, flowers and objects that fall into the frame.

7. Try to find the time to record a few notes about the events of the day and about your emotions. This will help you to systematize your photos in the future, write some keywords to them, or even a small description with your impressions from the place.

8. Explore the laws and culture of behavior in the countries you plan to visit. Some of them may be illegally photographing people without their consent. There are also beliefs or customs that approve of the photo. For example, aborigines in some areas believe that their souls are captured when they are photographed. Funny, but fact.

9. There are certain situations in which shooting with an outbreak may be inappropriate. The flash usually does not light more than a few meters, so it is impractical to photograph everything with a flash, as it quickly plant your battery, worries others, and even can spoil some vintage things (frescoes, paintings).

10. Pay attention to the ban sign "not to photograph", especially when you visit some holy places, churches and other religious institutions. Or during certain rituals or processions. (Attention, do not "not take pictures", namely "Please note" ;-))

11. Expensive equipment attracts thieves, especially in some countries and, especially, in tourist sites. It is not necessary to suck your camera. If you pull out the camera from the bag, wrap the wrist strap several times and hold it tightly in your hand. It is also not necessary, especially in tourist sites, walk with the camera on the neck, it attracts thieves-motorcyclists. Branded bags for cameras attract attention to what lies with them, it may be safer to keep the camera in a regular backpack or bag, putting it, for softening, clothing.

It is impossible not to touch the question of photography of people, because it is an integral, but also the most difficult component of Travel photos.

Need to ask permission from a person before photographed it? - often asked about this nuance. There is no definite answer, but there is advice: if you want to keep the sincerity of the moment and, as a result, the photo will not distort or humiliate a person, try to photograph unnoticed. But if you doubt that you will be able to stay imperceptible, or you want to make a more personal portrait, and it is also interesting to talk, then feel free to come to a person and ask permissions.

The worst thing that can happen is a negative answer. It all depends on very many factors, and, most likely, people will smile and nour their heads as a sign of consent.

How to act correctly, if you gave consent? Do not impose too much, try to make several frames. Often you will see that a person in the photo is obtained compound, it can be seen that he is shy, or it is not comfortable. In this case, it is important to discharge the atmosphere. You can show them their photos on the screen of your camera, tell something interesting, funny. You will be very useful to study several foreign words, the local population will like it.

Below is a small list of what is interesting to photograph travel:

- Landscapes

- local population (during some kind of activity);

- travelers with whom will get acquainted;

- food and drinks;

- transport;

- markets / shops;

- Street scenes (Street photo);

- Interesting signs, road signs, architecture elements;

- yourself (one and with others);

- Inherent plants and animals inherent in this territory.

And a set of minimum that you should take with you on a journey:

- Digital Camera Zoom Lens.

- Protective, and even better polarization filter.

- Easy tripod.

- Microfiber for cleaning optics.

- Bag for the camera.

These small and, allegedly, obvious facts, will better improve your photos and the shooting process itself.

If we talk about the opposite side of the medal, the so-called "invalid Trevel photo", there are hazards and unpleasant nuances. There may be a problem when it bothers to carry a camera with you and completely disappears the mood to the photo. Why? It's simple, the motivation disappears and becomes lazy. Photographing is a lot of work, as well as the creative process. Both in work and in creativity there are decals when it becomes indifferent.

But remember, you need to take pictures with taste and with pleasure and believe in your dreams. Travel is beautiful, and Travel photos are your memories of the brightest moments of your life. Make them right!

But for me, as for a blogger, traveler, not a pose and not face in the photo main thing. The main thing is to be able to transfer to readers what I saw on the journey. Maximum full, accurately and beautiful.
About how I photographing on the journey, I wanted to write a long time ago. Even threw a small article, but finished hands did not reach. But now I want to return to the conceived. It's time to come. I will tell you how I photograph me, and you will tell you in the comments as you take pictures. So to speak, the main principles of shooting, giving a good result.
Yes, this is the exchange of experience among lovers. If a professional photographer inserts his weighty advice - a low bow.

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But being an amateur - it does not mean to shoot badly. This is not an excuse. It will be learned to remove well. My husband is confirmed. For this, at a minimum, you have to try - not to make brazy photos, do not rush and do not fuss, wipe the lens before shooting and be sure to choose the right, balanced composition. If you still come to the photography creatively, it will be wonderful at all!
So, I present you a small list of tips, how to photograph travel. They are designed for those who shoot just for themselves, for their home archive (and wants to do it well), and in order to show photos to people, make a photo report about the trip, etc.
So let's go!

1/ Watch out for the cleanliness of the lens! Even one fingerprint can spoil the photo. What to talk about a fully contaminated lens. Wipe it with a special napkin for optics and keep this napkin always with you.
An example from my practice. I arrived in (Crimea) and did not check the lens. Some photos were spoiled only because I was shared at some point and touched the lens with one finger. This is how it looks in the photo.

Lviv Park "Tagag" in Crimea

2/ "Catch" horizon! This is the easiest, the most elementary thing can be done in order for the photo to be good. Leaving (falling, curve) The horizon completely spoil the photo. Does not work? Stand and remove until it turns out! Do not take pictures casually, on the go, one hand never! Photo is geometry, everything must be verified and clearly.

Museum-Manor "Petrovskoe" (Pushkin Mountains)

3/ Build the composition. For example, on the principle of three parts. Do not take pictures a lot of sky and little land (water). Removing nature, make the "heavenly part" size in 2/3, "earth" - 1/3. Or vice versa.

Sunset in Gelendzhik

Do not forget about the Golden section rule - the best point for the location of the main object - 1/3 of the frame borders. Four such points. Photographing, mentally imagine this scheme and place the main object in one of the four places indicated on the circuit dots.

Of course, so take pictures more convenient for beginners. With the experience of any scheme you, of course, you will not think.

Pos. Crynica (Chernomorsk Coast of the Caucasus)

Mountain Bear and View of Gurzuf (Crimea)

4/ Photographing, do not rush! Hurry is not interesting photos. Hurry - these are muddy photos. Muddy photos - photographer marriage. They cannot be improved in any way, change.


5/ No good lighting there is no good photo. Even to remove well on the seller well in the twilight, it is difficult to soap - it is impossible. What to do?
On the street on a sunny day, try not to take pictures against the sun (the sun ideally should be for your back).

Monument to the Sofia Infantry Regiment in the Lopatin Garden. Smolensk

In the dark room, the output is one - on the soap remove with the flash, on the mirror - in manual mode or also with a flash.

In the cafe "Caramel" in Pskov

I usually take off and so, and so. Then I choose that frame that it turned out better.

6/ Prefer horizontal photos. Vertical photos should always be justified. For example, the desire to transfer (emphasize) the length / height / perspective of the object (staircase, bridge, road, tower), the desire to remove an undesirable subject / object from the frame (if there is no possibility to remove the interference itself), the need to remove the object is larger.
Cases when the vertical is justified:

In Kondopoga

Kivach Reserve

I love to do portrait photos vertically. Also, it seems to me, it turns out to be placed.

Sonya in Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

7/ Change the angles, do not remove the object from one point! If it is possible, go around the object in a circle, depart at different distances, take pictures from different angles. So you will kill two hares - you will find the best point for shooting this object and see and show the object from all sides.

St. George Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky

8/ The general plan and details are a place of action and accents. Always remove both shared plans (panorama, object, landscape) and parts (elements). The general plan will show where what happens what you want to tell. The items characterize the object itself. Remove the house - Always remove the street where it stands, as well as the most bright architectural details of the building itself.

Museum-Manor "Petrovskoe" (Pushkin Mountains)

9/ Shooting in the museum - everything is not so simple. Removing the stand with information, stand on it straight, not at an angle, if you want it to read. Remove the stand as a whole, and some document (ad) and the photos are large - the most interested in you and hooked, which most characterizes the object / subject, gives it additional paints.

In general, the same concerns museum expositions - the general plan can be removed from any angle, details, individual items - directly.

Russian Museum (Petersburg)

10/ Purify correctly! Removing a large object (building), go out to a sufficient distance to get into the frame completely. Crosses on the temples do not cut off! Just like legs and hands to people. Do so that in this frame do not hit unwanted items. If the extraneous objects are inevitable, look for options for a more aesthetic angle, in which objects do not enter dissonance.
There are tasks in this regard are not easy. For example, a cathedral in Kronstadt from this point with difficulty placed in a frame. Personally, my taste, there is not enough space here, I would have departed further. But there was nowhere to continue, the cathedral began to hide behind the trees.

Sea Nikolsky Cathedral in Kronstadt

From the square to remove the Nikolsky Cathedral is much easier - space, which means there is more opportunities.

11 / Removing in the city, crowded or low, be sure to remove general plans with people (Or without it). How else do you give the city atmosphere? Remove not only at home and their elements, but streets, squares, people, movement and breathing of the city. These photographs give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe city as a whole.

Optina desert

Petersburg, ul. Small marine

12 / Making overall plans select individual people. The local resident is sometimes more colorful, and more transfers the atmosphere of the city than at home and monuments.
Here is such a grandfather with pleasure posing with my husband in Suzdal.

Local resident of Suzdal

And these are my observations on the Tolstaya Cape in Gelendzhik.


Young man with a book and bicycle, sits on a high shore and enjoys life.

13/ Do not be afraid to take pictures of people - His child, her husband (wife), be photographed by himself. But not against the background of each of the fifty monuments of the city (on the background of 2-3s it is possible), and on the streets, in nature. Taking pictures of themselves, be natural, do not replay, but also do not stand the column.
Photographing catch interesting moments, human emotions, gait, interaction with another person (genre scenes). The presence of a person in the photo should always be justified, must always talk about something, to emphasize something. A person must be interested in what sees and does. If this is a living statue, not expressing anything that does not make a frame expressive, then the "statue" is better to remove.

Gorivsky monastery

Manor Arkhangelskoe

14/ Experiment, but do not abuse it. Just good photos should be more than unsuccessful, albeit bold experiments. Although experiments are good, I admit. :)

In the Assumption Church kondopoga

In Kirilla-Belozersky Monastery

Sophie under the palm tree on the embankment in Sochi

15/ If there is no confidence how it is better to remove immediately, do not 1, and 5 photos. Then you will choose the best at your leisure, delete too much. I often do that when I take off the buildings. It happens that you can't catch the horizon, you will not find the best angle. I can not stand soaring buildings. I struggle with this. Moving the camera in different positions, changing the shooting points. And at home already choose the best photo.
That's how I removed the Lensovet Theater in St. Petersburg (by the way, did not find the perfect option, it was limited in time):

Lensovet Theater in St. Petersburg

16/ Not a simple thing to shoot monuments. Often they are dark. If the monument is small, the lighting is quite smooth, I recommend to take two pictures - with an outbreak and without it. Then you can choose the best.And it happens just just remove the monument to a larger plan.

In Oranienbaum

However, if the day is very sunny, then no flash, nor the approach will most likely help. Especially if the monument of impressive sizes.
So I got in Kronstadt when I shot a monument to Admiral Makarov against the sun. I changed the point of shooting several times.

Monument to Makarov in Kronstadt

17/ Do not abuse outbreak! If you have a mirror, altogether forget about it. It only spoils photography, makes them contrasting, very dark.

18 / In some city (area) you were during the journey - look for spectacular species platforms. It can be specially equipped viewing platforms (on buildings or just high points of the city), and there may be completely natural places where the surroundings are opening on the palm.
Here is a view of the optical desert we saw along the way.

Road to Optio Desert

View from the observation deck in Sergiev Posad on Trinity-Sergiev Lavra.

Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra

And in conclusion I present you my algorithm for shooting a new place (for example, manor) on a journey.

Photographing plan on the object, if you plan to do photo report:

  1. You arrived by car. Remove parking.
  2. You buy tickets at the box office. Remove the cash desk, stand with information, prices.
  3. You go to the territory. Remove the input, gate at a distance.
  4. You go along the alleys of the manor. Remove alleys, signs, monuments, buildings. Transfer the prospect. Take pictures - show how much (little) people in the manor, what they do (take pictures of, consider monuments, communicate, sit thoughtfully on a bench, etc.). Transfer the atmosphere.
  5. Of course, remove the main house (palace) from all possible points. Make a few common plans. Emphasize how the house in the environment is entered by architects. And he entered! Old houses have always been built on this principle. One emphasized another.
  6. Remove all vintage details - stairs, statues, balustrade. Look for interesting perspectives, emphasizing beauty, antiquity, sophistication.
  7. Be sure to remove yourself or remove those with whom you travel, against the background of surrounding beauty. Especially interesting to photograph children (they are very immediate, their curiosity and delight, the joy of the surrounding beauty is natural). Take pictures yourself. Not necessarily (although it is welcomed) possess acting data. Do not possess - be just yourself.

My photo reports about visiting the estates:

What can be the object shooting on the journey? Everything! Houses, streets, people, nature, museums, estates, cafes, hotels. I remove all that I attend and I see. In this case, I have the opportunity to make detailed photo reports. Does it be sure to remove everything? Of course not. Everyone has its own style, your handwriting, its Izyumine. The main thing to find it.

Successes and good luck in travel! Let the memories be always bright, the impressions are bright, and the photos ... and the photos are clear, juicy, interesting, and most importantly with a highlight. Create! Look for your secret of beautiful photos. And if you have already found it, if you know how to take pictures on the journey, share your experience with us in the comments.

We all take pictures on travel and on vacation - who is on the phone, who is on the soap, but many - on the digital model. How to achieve high-quality photos of beaches and architectural objects? How to shoot children? The advice of an experienced photographer will help those who are going on vacation.

Beach photos

Well, how did we come to the sea, which means you have to take pictures on the beach! Many such photos warmed in the winter and give an incentive to wait for a new vacation. In order for the desire to return to exotic places, I will try to learn how to make such beach photos, for which it is not ashamed.

The main household rule of beach photos: they never like people depicted on them. Too firmly sit in our consciousness images from glossy magazines. Therefore, try to make good pictures, hiding the shortcomings of a person and emphasizing his dignity.

Many lovers to be photographed on the beach are amazed: I go to rest in Goa - and the photos are still obtained, as from the 1987 Tuapse! Usually the problem is in the environment: people go to the most famous public beaches and put lounge chairs there, "where apples could not fall." Moreover, the contingent of the Tuapse beaches is mastered or long-distance abroad, transferring with them and the unique atmosphere of the Soviet rest.

What to do to be on your pictures was the same as in magazines - endless sandy beaches and palm trees, palm trees? .. The answer is easier than it seems: you need to either choose an hour when the beach is empty, or a little wander and find a place where There are not much people or go to another, less than Ludid Beach.

In any case, I advise you to pay great attention to the artistic component of the picture. For this you need to comply with composite rules. It is also necessary to take into account the light: do not remove against the sun (if, of course, you do not expect to get silhouettes on the picture), if possible, take pictures in the shade - for this, beach umbrellas, trees or palm trees are suitable nearby.

To obtain bright photos of the sea or ocean, you can change the contrast settings in the chamber menu.

So how do you still take pictures of people and take pictures yourself? After all, I want to show how you saw the place in which we visited. And that your pictures cause emotions not only with you, but also from others. To do this, try not only to take photos with optimal technical settings and according to the rules of the composition, but also to invest in them. "What did the author wanted to say this picture?" - This question should not arise from the viewer. And if, after reviewing your album, someone will say that it also wants to visit this place, mean you did everything right.

The main thing on portraits is people, not a background. The place where the photo is made, and it will be recognizable, even if the back plan is blurred. But the blurred background does not distract from the most important thing - what you wanted to transfer with this photo.

How to photograph children on vacation

Some prefer not to take with them in the travel of children (especially for infants). Photographing them on the background of attractions really does not really mean, so you can immediately forget about the usual plots of shooting "like adults". Children need to create special conditions.

The child is both the easiest, and the most difficult object for shooting. It all depends on age. If the kid is completely small, to make a frame, it is enough to catch the right moment. But in order to photograph children who can already easily move and express their thoughts, will have to stock in inhuman patience. But as a reward, you can get almost "masterpieces" pictures. Usually, children behave completely naturally and do not worry, so the main task of the photographer is to attract and keep their attention.

Architectural plan for photographer

Here I bring the most practical advice based on personal experience.

  • Do not think about what exactly you are shooting - landscape or architecture: it is usually difficult to carry out the border between them, and their shooting rules are largely similar.
  • When shooting architecture, follow the overall rules of the composition, based on what you want to pass through your picture. In any case, the photo must be volumetric, alive (despite the inanimate shooting object) and impressive.
  • No need to photograph everything in a row. Hundreds of pictures, for example, the same type of houses, do not possess the artistic value of the originality. Select the main thing - the brightest and interesting objects.
  • It is better that there was nothing superfluous in the frame. The main enemies of the photographer in this case are the lines of power transmission, advertising banners and billboards, scaffolding and other items, spoiling a general type of structures. They need to be either not at all in the frame, or try to get harmoniously in it.
  • Such shooting objects do not change for years, or even hundreds of years. But each photographer has the opportunity to create its own unique frame. Therefore, do diverse pictures from different angles, from different places.
  • Pay attention to the one from where it is customary to photograph known architectural objects.

The ideal will be the point of shooting at the level of the middle of the object vertically. To do this, you need to look for natural or artificial hills that are nearby - buildings, hills, and so on.

Not bad pictures of architectural objects can be obtained using any technology. Obviously, than a professional camera, the greater the opportunities for shooting it provides. In the case of mirror digital cameras, I recommend photographing an architecture with a wide-angle lens. At the same time, only one is minus - it is possible to distort the object in the picture, but for non-professional photographers it does not matter.

Pay special attention to the horizon. With a littered building of the building in the picture "fall", and any of them resembles the Pisa Tower. In order not to be this, keep the camera smoothly. In many models of cameras, there is even a special level of level - it is quite difficult to make mistakes.

The most famous building that will "fall" will be even a horizon, is the tower in Pisa. For the sake of one snapshot on its background (model, "supporting" structure), crowds of tourists go to this small town.

Removing the soap box, try not to apply zoom - then you can use the maximum viewing angle of your camera.

Do not take pictures with a flash - it can only illuminate what is located within a few meters from your camera. The night photo of a huge cathedral will not benefit from the fact that the outbreak will highlight flying nearby midges.

When shooting architecture, almost the same rules apply as when shooting people. Ideal will be soft reflected light (such happens in cloud weather).

If you can find reflections - look for them: clouds in mirror glasses of skyscrapers, reflection of the objects themselves in water bodies, beautiful blurred contours of buildings on the stroits of urban channels. Such accidentally caught pictures are often obtained very successful.

Do not forget about the details - sometimes they are more interesting than common types of objects. Small figures on the facades, fences around village houses, splashes of fountains - all this gives an individual character that you are photographing.

Pay attention to the background. The more blurred it will, the volume will be a snapshot.

Do not forget to find out before shooting the weather forecast. It is on travel that I do not recommend taking pictures in the rain - such pictures are catching up longing, and we need positive emotions.

Do not be upset if for some reason the photo is obtained by the "open" picture of the architectural structure against the blue sky. Each city has its own characteristic weather that creates its unique appearance. So, in London, which is called Misty Albion, it is better to transmit the essence of the city in this weather than with a bright sun.

Try to take pictures of those structures that capture the spirit, and preferably at the time of the day when they look most attractive. If the Color Houses of the Venetian Quarter Burano is best looking at the day, then the Spanish Sagrada Cathedral of the Sagrada seems to be winning at night when they turn on the backlight. Do not be lazy - do not take pictures of the huge creation of Gaudi, standing next to him: if you move a little, the amazing view of the cathedral will open, and on the reservoir, on the surface of which trees are artistically reflected.

Beautiful evening snapshots It is advisable to do from a tripod or other "submitted means", for example from a parapet of the bridge. So the camera will be fixed, and you can get the minimum blur in the picture. Be careful: do not put the camera on a slippery surface and do not use a very light mini tripod - under the weight of the technique (especially the seeds) it can fall from any blow of the breeze.

The less crowded where you go, the better. And it is better not to depend on the group, because the excursions are all planned in minutes. For independent movement in some (most dangerous) countries, I recommend a taxi, in Europe and America worth renting a car, and in popular among tourists Asian countries, it is more convenient to rent a scooter. In any case, even if only public transport is available to you, try to get on it to the attractions you are interested in and plan your stay there.

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Very good article! Just going on a journey, I will definitely use advice!

Comment Article "How to take pictures on travel: children, beaches, architecture"

Photos of vacation and travel: Rules How to photograph children on vacation. Architectural plan for photographer. How to take pictures: shooting rules and photo processing programs. Natalia Goncharov: 7 famous portraits of Pushkin's wife.

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How to photograph children. I photographed my children bare and did not cover anything and I'm not going to do this. In the representation of most people, the "school" photographer is a person appearing at the end of the school year and shooting ...


I would have been caught up with adult ... if. For this question, the well-good grandfather Freud replied - after 5-6 years, the child must go under the jurisdiction of the parent of his sex - to swim and change clothes only with the parent of his sex. Son with dad, daughter - with mom. If this does not happen a child unconsciously reads it as a "conquest" of the parent of the opposite sex and it will create problems in the future with a marriage partner if it comes to marriage. Maybe not to reach, because such a "conquest" of 6 years creates an unconscious illusion "I am married to dad" or "married to my mother" and loops a large number of marriage connections. It is even harmful, if not "won", and simply, for example, the son with mom after 5 years is close - sleeping together, disgrevated, and dad left the family - here is quite sad. And also with the girl - the mother fell ill \\ gone \\ died.

Up to 2 years old can walk at least naked. The floor does not have. After 2 - all. Nights, bathrobes, weighed unnoticed by children. I put such a deadline for myself. True, with the boy he turned less. As the chest left and I had to hide. Well, sex of course in another room and when children are tightly sleeping. With a waking child, it is not a question of himself. Is that children at grandma :)

family photo for kindergarten. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Incomplete family. Education of children in incomplete family: divorce, alimony, communication family photo for kindergarten. I have two children walk in kindergarten. The husband left the family when the journey was 3 months, after which 1 ...


we brought a photo of a baby mother-grandmother - this is our family! And the educators directly asked her son once again not to injure (he was very worried about the departure of the dad at 4 years), no poems and drawings about the dad do not give. Recovered with understanding. Why hide? Is it ashamed? Rast the child complexes?