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Adjective turkey, kobychy, frogs outdated, in modern language the forms of turkey, cat, frog

Literacy is an urgent need for many people. In our country, a total dictation is carried out annually. Important officials and people of other professions in dozens of cities diligently reflect on how to write this or that word, where to put the comma, dash, etc. It is not necessary to think about it, because Russian is not such a simple language. And unmistakably write on it without knowledge of the rules is impossible.

Ash is the question of spelling primarily for schoolchildren. After all, dictations for them are not held once a year. They write verification works almost weekly in different subjects. Therefore, they should know not only the rules given in this article, but also others. For example, be able to write correctly English adjective suffixes. Or know when he was born and died some famous figure ...

Sufifixes - I, -EV, -We, -Ev. Words-exceptions

They say, you need to climb into the water to learn how to swim, and to learn how to write without mistakes - you need to train, produce the skill of the competent letter.

The choice of vowels in this morpheme depends on several reasons: the emphasis, hardness or softness of the preceding sound, values. And even the origin of the emphasis and competent letter are connected with each other because only the shock vowels are clearly audible in the stream of our speech, it's more difficult with unstressed letters. And you do not know the rules - errors will appear.

Remember! If you doubt what kind of suffixes are adjective to write, put stress: - - if the shock, and - - if e unwelked (playful, fake, but key); -, - are derived from -IvSo they are written in them and (intensive, shouting). Exception: Outer, gracious.

Now check yourself: zero ... howl, care ... left, games ... howl, male ... no, bo ... howl, arrogant ... left, etc. (Answers: E, and, and, and, E, and, and).

Suffixes -On ,Ohn and -Ev, -Evat

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov did not like ugly intact sounds and avoided the use of hissing and whistling. Our spelling cannot do without them.

Over the spelling of suffixes - OV -, - - After unloved classics, w, sh, s thought often. They are confused by the sounds of the same letters about and it. And everything is simple: about - shock, and without emphasis - e. (kumachovy, penny, plush).

And if the emphasis falls on the root or console? In this case, the adjectives suffix become dangerous for an illiterate person. Here you need to remember the rules! Last letter Basics should write suffixes -On-, item-, (rude). And if the soft consonant, hissing or c, then -Ev-, -Evat, -Evit- (key, glossy, apple-bodied, swept).

And now I will check the knowledge gained: the gift ... WITY, REQUIREMENT ... CHAIR, WATER OIT, ... howl, floor ... howl, synth ... batted, canvas ... the new, younted ... hawired. (Answers: Oh, O, E, E, E, O, E).

Suffixes -onk and-idea

It is impossible not to be surprised by the possibilities of the Russian language. To make the word change, it is enough to replace the suffix in it. And now the thick turns into a plump, and thin in the slender. It is quite another attitude towards the subject of speech. Shades of sympathy, lapiness, irony, neglect, as well as a real decrease, give the words of adjectives -onk- and-idea. Only possess the ability to use these forms.

Adjectives with a diminutive value are formed by suffix -In and - Onty (cinema, plump).

After letters r, k, x are possible and -Look and -Ek. (Lyongy and Light).

Check yourself! Poor ... cue, round ... cue, beautiful ... cue, good ... cue (oh, e, e, e).

Show the attitude towards what they say help help -Omokh, -Ehonk, - Singing, -Yenk (Smirkony, tiny, tonny).

Sufifixes -Ensk, -insk. Exceptions

Adjectives are formed not only from the nominal, but also from their own names of nouns and geographical names. Morphemes -Insk- and - Yensk- Used to form such words. Unstressed adjective suffixes sound. There are such speech situations when necessary and write, and use the word in oral speech. Incorrectly formed form cuts ear. Do not want to make a mistake - remember the rule.

Suffix -insk It serves to form nouns with finite-, -I, - and. (Yalta - Yalta, Mytishchi - Mytishchinsky, Catherine - Ekaterininsky). In other cases, underfix is \u200b\u200bused -Ensk- (Grozny - Grozny, Grodno - Grodno).

Russian is beautiful. And he does not tolerate discrepancies, therefore exceptions appear from the rules that should be learned. This is Presnensky (from Presnya), Penza (from Penza), Kolomensky (from Kolomna), etc.

Remember exceptions from all the rules is impossible, and it is not necessary. In the case of difficulties, contact dictionaries and reference books.

The spelling of adjectives formed from the nouns on-in, the words "wind" and "oil"

Nouns with finite -Shp (Frog, cat) form adjectives, about the spelling of which you need to know the following: Writing and "frogschy", and "frog", koshechy - cat. Both writing are true. Only ache is different.

The spelling of some adjectives is associated with their lexical value. From the word "wind" and "oil" you can formulates that have different adjective suffixes. Examples of such words: a windmaker - chickenpox, oil - oil. There are no errors here.

It is worth remembering! 1. Windy (with the value "Wind" in the direct and figurative value. Wind on the street (straight.) And the wind in the head (overrud.) 2. Windmage (with the value "leads the strength of the wind"). 3. Windshield ( From the conversational word "windmill"). 4. Oil (consists of any oil). 5. Oil (lubricated, saturated, blurred by oil). 6. Oil eyes (figurative meaning). 7. Maslenitsa - Oil Week.

Sufifixes -Sh and -K. Exceptions

"It is not ashamed not to know, not a shame to learn," the folk wisdom says. And to replenish the knowledge is constantly. Often the spelling of adjective suffixes causes difficulty. In the words "sharp" and "sailor" the end of the word sounds the same. How to choose a true writing option? We argue like that. Once the adjectives are formed on the basis of the noun, we allocate this basis and look at what the letter is the last (weaving - weaving). If a k, h, c - boldly substitute the suffix -to. An alternation may occur. This is a normal phenomenon. Such letters no? Dream from form. Happened? Then feel free to write suffix -to.

At the end of the base is not k, h, c (giant - giant), and a brief form of forming it is impossible - I feel free to write suffix -Sh..

Remember: B before -sk- Writing only after land also in words: day-day, names of months, but "January" we write without a soft sign.

Adjectives on -An: suffixes -pat, -

Mikhail Sholokhov said that the language of the people of millennia accumulates the treasures of thoughts and experience. Educated from nouns with a suffix - shatter- Words as if from the depths of the centuries brought mystery and charm (transfused, log, patterned). Denote the presence of a large number of what is expressed by the basis (framed).

The spelling of adjectives suffix depends on the standing letters. There is an alternation, the composition of the morpheme changes from this, sound.

An error may appear when writing.

Pink-Ath (from SC / Sh / Shch).

Smoke chat (from smoke).

Bar Chat-K-A (from timber).

Tile-chat (tiles-a c / t).

Adjectives with such suffixes are widely used in professional and terminological vocabulary.

not educated from verbs

"The old abandoned garden was perfect in his picture launch," we read at the classic. But to distinguish between literacy at dictation, it is necessary to remember the rule, how to choose the suffixes of adjectives and communities. The difficulty is that it is impossible to determine "H" or "NN" choose.

Remember the rule! If you forgot, look at the directory. Further analyze how this word was formed (pictures - the basis of on-one, and the suffix was added -n - Here is a double "H").

"NN" It is written and then when the adjective appeared using a suffix -On-, -nn- (excursion-on-b, craft-enny).

The letter "H" in the suffixes of adjectives is written if in the word -In-, -an-, - (Os-in-born, leather-ac-b).


1) glass, tin, wooden;

2) Young, green, pork, spicy, drunk, windy, crimped.

Spelling "N", "NN" In the suffixes of adjectives, makes breaking his head, if you do not know the rules. Therefore, they are worth a trick.

The spelling "H" and "NN" in nouns and adverbs on -o, formed from non-aggal adjectives. Words whose spelling should be remembered

The vocabulary wealth of our tongue is growing constantly. One of the methods of replenishment is the formation of new items of items and phenomena from the impression names. "N", "NN" In subfixes, the number of letters in the formed nouns is attached. Examples: Living room - hotel, related - relative, woodwoman - woodwoman, horseman - cavalry.

At adjectives can be formed and adverbs with the final -about. Interestingly, the suffixes of adventures and adjectives are the same. The number of "H" also coincides. Check writing "H", "NN" in adverbs, one can, with a complete adjective, from which adverb is formed. Write so many of these letters as in the initial adjective. Examples: courageous - courageous, great - great, excitedly - agitated.

Remember the spelling of the following words: desired, intelligent, unborn guest, named brother, unprecedented, unheard and others.

For the formation of the names of adjectives from different parts of speech, various suffixes are used. The most common from them are suffixes -N-, -on-, -Ekk-, -in-, -K-, -sk-, (step n.oh, station he Nhi art eNNborn, eagle iN.way, weight toiy, city sC.oh, birches oVbY, etc.).

Part of the subjective suffixes transmits additional shades of the value (incompleteness of quality, caress, etc.), for example: Bel ovathay, red evatbY STAR. aMKiy Lyong. oNKiy.

Spelling n. and nN. In adjectives

1. Written nN.:

a) in adjectives formed by suffix - from nouns with the basis for n., for example: lemon - lemon, machine - machine;

b) in adjectives formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -n and -he N-, for example: substance - real, morning - morning, straw - straw, station - station, lecture - lecture.

2. Written n.:

a) in non-derivative adjectives (not educated from other parts of speech), for example: young, blue;

b) in adjectives with suffixes -In-, -an- (yang), for example: orlyin, swan, living room, leather, silver.

Exceptions: tin, glass, wooden.

Notes: 1. It should be distinguished by the adjectives of windy ("with the wind": windy weather, windy day; windy girl), windmill, windmill (\u003d "wind-driven": wind engine, windmill; see also the name of the disease - chickenpox) . The adjective windy has a short shape (weather windy, windy girl), and windmill, winds do not.

2. Adjective windy written with one n., and all submissive education from the word wind - with two n., for example: weakless, leveled.

3. Two are preserved in brief adjectives. n.If they were in full form, for example: a deserted road - the desert road, but green trees - green trees.

239. Spish. Recognize adjective suffixes.

I. Basha..y crane, etch .. ends, chamber .. so fence, plan .. either feeling, having a list, tribe .. how cattle, disease .. my phenomena, spark .. by joy, Kozheke..y factory, kinship .. my relationship, Stanzio .. my porch, divisio..y commander, glass .. "Tableware, silver .. a cigarette party, sand .. soil, clay .. like a cup, Yu. .y athletes, rummy .. and apples.

II. Wind..oe Morning, Light Lee..y day, wind .. "Mill, paying .. way cabinet, cranberry..y Morse, foliage .. so alley, discussion .. my question, leather .. sofa, cocks. .y cry, mice .. wave, Masha .. my hall, older dial, hemp .. oo seed.

240. Spish. Orally explain the spelling of adjectives with missed letters.

I. 1) I quickly fly along the rails of Chuhu..m, I think my doom. (N.) 2) The yellow strip of sand is far visible .. the shore. (M. G.) 3) Late .. the wind breath reminded that it is now January and what we are in the sea. (Sieraf.) 4) Longs .. my pure sacli with flat land .. the roofs and red pipes were located on uneven stony strums. (L. T.) 5) Paul almost in all rooms was clay .. () 6) A minute later, the kibitka stopped in front of the tree .. well. (P.) 7) From time to time we pumped out the water Bereshchi .. my bucket. (ARS.) 8) Near the wind .. and Bosoy Mill Bosoy Bald Boy of Seven Pace Gusey. (Shol.)

II. 1) Over the rattling log already raised the pink morning poplars. (Shol.) 2) The car stopped. Now they were heard, besides the griends .. well, human voices. (A. N. T.) 3) Volga was empty ..a. (A. N. T.) 4) on a bulky writing .. the table was stood in a checker order telephones .. the devices of direct communication with the plots. (V. Al.) 5) Blue Vazis sometimes was delayed with a solid gray fog, sowing a fine water. (NOV.-PR.) 6) in sunny in the morning we are flying over silver .. and ribbon ribbon. (S.-M.) 7) Infinite Kame..a Street ... It was dead, empty. (Bun)

241. Replace selected words with adjectives and write phrases. Subject suffixes indicate. When is the sign expressed more specifically - before or after replacement?

Traces beast, Puss moserPaws goose, egg pigeon, head horses, nest sparrowTrelli solovya, dress from wool, cups from clay, spoons from silver, shirt from the canvas, knives of steelProducts from iron, house from wood, bite ant, butter from cannabis, Buttons / I\u003e Out of tin, roof from straw, the juice from cranberry, doctrine about evolution, the buildings under the stationProducts leather, day celebrations, responsibilities housework, day with wind.

242. From these words with the help of suffix -to- Form the adjectives. Make up and record with them phrases.

Honor, anger, community, root, ideal, without a limit, without a prize, without fear, without care, underground, behind the river, abroad, on the border, before the election, on the road, at the shore, with the city, without time, without name, without clouds, before the anniversary.

243. I. Spinit, setting these combinations in the plural and selecting the synonyms dedicated adjective.

Extra ... message. Non-good... Dating. Rum .. one face. Podl .. document. Sokols .. one a wish. East .. Incident. Traditsy .. a meeting. Baghr .. one banner.

II. Spariate, picking up to the dedicated adjective antonym with n. or nN..

Oske..yay. weather. In .. Higher s ... Elderly chess player. Interest..oy phenomenon. Stand .. Work. Nature..y. Obstacles. Progressive..y. Forces.

244. Spinit, inserting missed letters, missing punctuation signs, opening brackets. Determine the style of speech. What tongue expressive means are used in the text by the author? What types of speech are combined in the text? Choose synonyms for the word (not) hastily. Give interpretation of the word rushnik. In case of difficulty, contact the dictionaries. Make a morpheme analysis of the selected words.

In the middle of the summer, the Senokosy boiled down. Before that usually (c) the lifestyle .. several days stood (not) bonding warmth of the sky high Cream and stretch on it (c) Breakdown (not) witch. White Sun White Lace Clouds. Two times (three) above the opening .. The clouds in dense symptoms and (from) there, from heights, from the villages (not) rushing to the meadows to the meadows silver .. Oka. Embed .. she has been high in .. Higher in Sin..h rushniki Rain rains and fell gracious r..kotala and hit the thunder and suddenly it was deafeningly fun Sharakhal in a few rings .. the gums and a glass ... The gum was spoken under the warm. Paul .. Found in a merry dispute the rain of the grasty vozn .. and namokali song .. The shores of the emitted herbs drank the grass of the land of Nab .. the reserve moisture in mobbo holes and lowering the head submorted and willingly mook among the meadows of a rinsed horse. And in the district where there was a cloud, the cloud had already hung over the Sin ... Orange Rainbow Forests. (From) there t .. a mushroom premium straight .. so zap .. so.

Forest Zap..hi. mix .. With honey zap..hmi meadows became similar to Zap..hi firmly infusion .. well from which was done by Khmelno and (not) from .. and young Rados (?) But the young on the soul. (On E. nosov)

Adjectives with suffixes -to- and -sk-

1. Suffix. -to- Written:

a) in high-quality adjectives (they have a brush form), for example: daring (daring), flat (flat);

b) in relative adjectives formed from nouns with the basis for k, C, h, For example: Fisherman (fisherman), German (German), weaving (weaving). At the heart of the noun, from which the relative adjective is formed, to and c. Alternate S. c..

Note. In some cases, relative adjectives are formed from nouns with the basis for to and c. With the help of suffix -sk-, for example: Uzbek, Uglich (from Uglich).

2. Suffix -sk- He is written in relative adjectives with other consonants at the heart, for example: Kyrgyz (Kyrgyz), children's (children), Ryazan (Ryazan), Bunlet (Buntar).

Before suffix -sk- letter b Writing only after l. (friendly, Ural), as well as in adjectives formed from the names of the month on -N. and -Re. (June, September, Oktyabrsky, etc., except January). Letter b written also in phraseologism day-day (all day).

3. Adjectives with suffix -St- (-OVSK-)Formed from their own names are written from the lowercase letters, for example: Onega epics, Pushkin poems, Levitan landscapes. With the capital letters, such adjectives are written only when they are included in the items that have the meaning of "name, memory", for example: Mendeleev's readings, Vakhtangovsky Theater.

Note. From adjectives with suffix -St- (-OVSK-)formed from intrinsic names, it is necessary to distinguish educated also from the names of their own attractive adjectives with suffixes -Ev, -On-, -in-, -ynWriting from a capital letter, for example: Next, the dictionary, the oline notebooks.

In the phraseological combinations, in which the connection of the adjective with the noun has already been lost, the lowercase letter is used, for example: work Sisyphers, Ariadnin thread.

245. Spinit, inserting missed letters. Subfixes indicate, explain (orally) their spelling.

1) I see a bottom .. a house with a gallery of small blackened woods .. Some columns. () 2) There was a clear January day, the silver sparkled everywhere .. the sun. (M. G.) 3) Well done..y binding hears. (N.) 4) At the porch compendant .. the Cossack held a beautiful white horse Kyrgyz under the boils. (P.) 5) For the cart, she walked her owner, smoke from a small cabardine .. and tube. It was an officer .. and a surtuk without an EPUPULA and Circass .. "Mochnaya hat. The dark color of the face showed it that it had long been familiar with the Transcaucasus .. in the sun. (L.) 6) Suddenly sees bl ... two shadows. (P.) 7) It's nicely der..y the epigram to scribe a protest enemy. (P.) 8) In the meadows glitter the dew skills, which only happens in the morning. (Ch.) 9) Longs. The shadows of houses, trees, fences lay beautifully on a light dusty road. (L. T.) 10) fraction, fraction, wave of night, and foam Oroshai Brega in Tum .. so Mol. (L.)

246. Form from these words adjectives with suffix -to- or -sk-. Record them together with suitable existing ones.

Sailor, Kazakh, French, Well done, Odessa, Kazan, July, Weaver, Cossack, Bogatyr, January, Rus, Harbor, German, Caucasus, December, June, Commander, October, Kyrgyz, Delegate, Rybak, Siberia, Horse, Ural, Giant, village, Czech, Pole, Institute, University, Miner, Riga, Candidate, Prague, Passenger.

247. Spish. Explain the use of lowercase or capital letters.

Wonderful (L, L) Ermontovskaya prose, (g, Gogol Satire, representative (f, f) Amusovsky society, (f, f) Edorino Mountain, (and, and) Vanovo, (h, h) Ekhovsky humor, (t , T) Urgeless novels, (L, L) Omonosovskaya premium, (P, P) Ushkinsky readings, (C, C) Only happiness, (A, a) Hilles Fifth.

Adjectives with suffixes -On-, -Ev-,
-, -the- ,- ,-, -the-, -on

1. After hissing and c. under stress is written suffix -, without emphasis - -, for example: hedge, penny, pepper, plush, key, sieve.

2. In suffixes - and - Written and, for example: arrogant, caring, persistent.

3. To distinguish suffixes - and - It should be remembered that suffix - It happens under stress for example: playful, flattering (but: gracious, weakly). Suffix - It is written in an unstressed position, for example: lilac, edge.

4. Suffix. - Writing with the letter but, for example: stepped.

Word board (from the board) must be remembered.

5. In dimensional adjectives after g, k, x Sufifix consumed - or - For example: quiet - Pacific, lonely - Light; In other cases - only -For example: white.

248. From these words, form adjectives with suffixes. Make two phrases with adjectives of each group.

1) - or -: Lead, Kumach, Parcel, Cite, Spring, Gross, Roman, Pear, Plush, Tiezen, Gloss, Canvas, Thing;

2) - or -: to trust, calculate, serve, think, change, resist, drought, please, fad, evade;

3) - or -: field, battle, fire, laziness, fasting, lies, worm, apple tree, branch, nickel (arrange in adjective stress);

4) -: log, explosion, pattern, freckle, scatter.

249. Spariate examples, inserting the necessary suffixes instead of the points ( -the-, -the-, -t-, -ov-, -Ev-, -Enk-, -Enk-, -sk-, -K-, -n-, or -). Subfixes indicate and explain (orally) their spelling. Find metaphors and epithets.

I. 1) Lisa's glance was now sprinkling, soft, and at the same time Dover..y, caress. (Cost.) 2) Women were extremely greedy. (N.) 3) We have a bad official..y and that floors do not take place. (N.) 4) In winter, the Society is ser .. either, uninteresting. (Ch.) 5) The most doors stood a simple seed table, covered with a tablecloth. (Cost.)

II. 1) In September .. the evening there are some special, census..yuns. 2) The first snow falls on a red bristle of compressed fields. 3) Bluidic Mouricing ... The light made his way into the alone .. the shed slits. 4) Petya was estimated .. and conversation .. my boy. 5) Frost squeezed the window of the etch. 6) Passing Riga..y Bay, the ship went out into the open sea. 7) We moved on the logs .. of the bridge through the Uz .. my sponge. 8) Birosis was brought to the warehouse. 9) The herd was guarded by a watchman .. how dogs. 10) Each by the shoulders had a thing .. a bag.

250. Read, specify the diminutive nouns and adjectives, determine their stylistic role. Spish, arranging the missing punctuation signs.

1. Ilya Ilyich woke up in his little lunch. He is only seven years old ... What is it good .. "Handsome .." Full ... Brushes are such a round .. "What another shalun is inflated on purpose and there will be no such. (Rock.)

2. - But what is Mr. Benkovsky? "He's black .." Sweet .. "Tych .." He has a mustache, the sponge of the handles and the creak. He loves gentle dog .. so and the jam .. ahead. I always want to sweat it in the face .. so. (M. G.)

3. (No) looking at the fact that over eight years of their marriage of them are still every every other or a piece of them or a piece .. well, Yablo..a or a candy or a nut. .. And he spoke to a touching voice to the soul. . And I have my mouth of you floor .. I'm some piece .. what. It goes without saying that the mouth .. and revealed at this case very graceful. ()

251. Spinit, inserting instead of points the necessary adjectives, data in brackets.

1) One of the doors was hung with huge ... Porn's velvet. (Estimates) Thomas took with him from the old man ... Feeling: Shchurov, and liked him, and at the same time was fighting. (M. G.) (double, dual) 2) I saw a small middle-aged person, with ... a little painful face. (V. K.) Blue shutters of three windows and ... The lattice shutter of the attic window. (M. G.) (ordinary, single) 3) My buddy was the easiest and most ... Man, although the poem. (P.) Karl Ivanovich with glasses on the nose and the book in his hand sat on his ... place. (L. T.) (ordinary, ordinary) 4) Around the lonely bushes of Saksaul rumped up ... Hollyk. (S.-M.) Levinson watched how to be in the core of stewed, ... Colors of the bug. (F.) (sandy, sandy) 5) "Poison and Duma" - a wonderful monument ... Literature of the XIX century. Many buildings of Moscow are installed ... Boards (memoir, memorial). 6) After the war, I decided to go to ... work. (First.) Varvara Dmitrievna turned out to be a woman in a sensitive and .... (F.) (diplomatic, diplomatic) 7) ... The repertoire of the theater was replenished with a new play. He [Werner] came to such despair and ... excitement that I could not resolutely cope with a laugh with stuffing me. (L.) (comedy, comic)

Orfogram: Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (Exhacifiable - / - nn-): The spelling of suffixes of nouns, names of adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

1. Spelling suffixes of nouns

Suffixes - Church / Schedule.Suffix - Pic Writing after the roots ending on d, t, s, s, f, suffix Schedule - In other cases (scout, tap, sample, subscriber, otser, porter, alter).

Suffixes -Ak / -K.Suffix -Ek. It is written if the word vowel in the suffix falls out suffix -ik. It is written if the word vowel in the suffix is \u200b\u200bpreserved (lock - lock, key).

Suffixes -Ethe / isce.Suffix - Net Written:

  • in nouns male (brother, dealers, loaf);
  • in nouns of the middle kind, when the emphasis falls on the end (writing, palfast).

Suffix - Written:

  • in nouns female (street, soap, mill);
  • in the nouns of the middle kind, when the emphasis falls on the basis (dresser, construction).

Suffixes -Iwk - / - Echkin.Suffix -Iw written in the nouns of the female family formed from the nouns on - (bulb - bulb, mittens - mitten). Suffix - shop written in words formed from noun not on the -Oit- (nurse, lukochechko, tanya).

Suffixes -sk - / - Ushk - / - Yushk-. Suffix - It is written in nouns of the middle kind (after it is written ending -o) (grain, sunshine, donyshko). Suffix - Writing in nouns for male and female family (grandfather, girl, nightfriend). Suffix --Yushk- Written in the words of all three birth (pole, dat, uncle).

Suffix -Ink - (- in- + -k -) / - ENK-. Suffix -ink- written in words formed from nouns with suffix -in- (Solmin - Solominka, Rowan - Ryabinka). Suffix - written in decreasing forms of nouns on -Not, -nowho have in R. p. MN. h. do not write on the end of a soft sign ( blesna - Blossom - Brilliant, Tower - Towers - Turkey ), as well as in words refugee, Sleeping, Frenchwoman, Cherry etc.

2. Spelling suffixes of adjectives

Suffixes -Iv - / - EU, -Evat - / - Evit. Suffix - written under the stress - In an unstressed position (beautiful, swelling, stroke, alloy). Exceptions : merciful, whiskey.

Suffixes -and -Ev-.After hissing I. c. under stress is written suffix -, without emphasis - suffix - (Parchina, pepper, reed, key, end, bucket, clothing).

Suffixes - I / - Liv.S. always written and (Friendly, changeable).

Suffixes -K- and -sk-.Suffix -to- Written:

  • in high-quality adjectives, which have a brush form (sharp - cut, low - low);
  • in adjectives formed from nouns with the basis of the K, H, C, Suffix -sk- is simplified in K; Sounds to, h alternate with C (Nenets - Nenets, Cossack - Cossack, weak-weavky). Exceptions: Uzbek - Uzbek, Uglich - Uglich).

Suffix -sk- persists in relative adjectives with the basis for consonants d, t, s, with (sailor, french, fraternal, urban) and with the basis for consonants g, k, x, which are often alternate (Onega - Onega).

3. Spelling of verbs suffixes

  1. In the verbs of the past time in front of the suffix -L- the same letter is written as indefinitely -t. (To see - I saw, relieved - eased, accept - accepted).
  2. In an indefinable form of verb and in the form of the past time, suffixes are written -OV, -if in the 1st face verb ends on - I, -Yu (Draw - draw).
  3. If in the 1st face verb ends on -You, - Ivyu without emphasis on but, then suffix -Iv- ,- It is maintained (thinking - inflated, finish - finish).

Spelling of adjective suffixes

Especially often, errors are allowed in the letter when choosing vowels in subfixes of adjectives in front of the letter V.

Need to remember:
1. The CUFFICS is only under the stress (playful, courteous), and - - - in an unstressed position (steering, gauze). The exceptions are the words of gracious and the weak;
2. The suffixes - and - are always written with the letter I. (in Russian there are no suffixes -chev- and -lev-.) Consider the words of the plumb-liv, which is Nermishel-Ev . In order not to make a mistake, you need to disassemble the word according to the composition. In the first two words, after the root, the suffixes are followed by - and -s, and in the third word the root ends onto l and then follows the suffix -Ev-.

Also, the difficulties in the letter raises the spelling of suffix -sk- and -K-.
1. With the help of suffix, the relative adjectives are formed, which do not have a brief form, except those that the foundations will end on K, C, h, for example: city - urban, Belarus - Belorus-SK-Ii, sailor - sailor-sk -I'm. Please note: the final consonant base in front of the suffix is \u200b\u200bmaintained.
2. With the help of suffix, a qualitative adjectives are formed, having a browse form (viscous - mating, daring - bolder), and relative adjectives with the base ending on the letters to, C, h (weaving - weaving, German - German). Exceptions in this case will be the words of Uzbek, Tajik and Uglich: In them, after the final K and H, the suffix -sk.
3. It is especially attentive to be when writing geographical names. If the basis of the noun ends on the C, which is preceded by the consonant (for example, Worms, Reims, Odessa), then when the adjective with suffix is, it is usually lowered (Wormian, Reimsky, Odessa). Exceptions are the words of Helsingfors and Daugavpils.

The exercise
1. It happened that in an hour after the resentment, he answered the offender, or he himself spoke with him, with such a trust of a wisched and clear look, as if nothing was between them at all. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
2. Kovalev was Caucasus_ Xe college_ Xy Asessor. (N. Gogol. Nose)
3. He was even very beautiful, stored, medium-high height, the Darkurus, with the right one, although somewhat elongated the facial oval, with brilliant dark gray eyes, widely with her eyes, very hard and, apparently, very calm . (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
4. From early morning, all the sky laid the rampage of clouds; It was quiet, not hot and boring, as it happens in gray cloudy days, when the clouds were already hung over the field for a long time, wait for the rain, and it was not. (A. Chekhov. Gooseberry.)
5. Of course, you need to have a sailor_ yi stomach, that is, you need a sailor's mione to digest these pieces of rods and onions with a boiled cabbage - a favorite sailors and the useful on the sea dish. (I. Goncharov. Frenge "Pallada".)
6. The poor have a heart so squeezed that it would be possible to put it in Walt. (A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. Mullah Nur.)
7. She may have wanted to declare women's independence, go against social conditions, against the despotism of his kinship and family, and helping his fantasy convinced her, put it on the moment only that Fyodor Pavlovich, despite his rankman, after all One of the bold and mocking people of that transitional to the whole of the best, the epoch, whereas he was only an angry jester and nothing else. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
8. Celebrating several days at home and putting everything that without it in the household came to the disorder, Marya Nikolaevna was again sent on foot for a hundred miles to his factory, until finally, at the end of the second year, came from there cheerful and happy, with the basics, Patterns and wools, and, putting in the bright angle of the poor, the weaving of the weaves of the weaving, the beginning of the houses began to have carpets already as an experienced master. (N. Leskov. Smeaddly genus)
9. Having become acquainted with the editorial board, Ivan Fedorovich then did not break the relationship with them all the time and in recent years, the university began to print a very talendl_, the analysis of books on various special topics, so even became known in literary circles. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
10. In the end, some guessed people decided that the entire article is only a bold farce and mockery. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
11. People, persistent constant while holding the beard and Russian caftan, was pleased with his victory and looked indifferent to the German_ in the lifestyle of the vitrated boyars. (Alexander Pushkin. Notebooks.)
12. Meanwhile, he joined this house in such infant years, in which it is not possible to expect in the child the calculation_ howl of tricks, prions or arts to search and like it, to reduce to force themselves to love. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
13. The richer and wonderful of all Laurek was his native great-grandfather Fedor Ivanich, Andrei, a cruel man, Derz_i, smart and crazy. (I. Turgenev. Noble nest.)
14. - Predazoomel_ new old man, - noticed aloud by Musov when Maximov's landowner ran back to the monastery. (F. Dostoevsky. Brothers Karamazov.)
15. To the one who would look at this sight from the top of one of the hills surrounding the place, it might seem that this gigant_ I will stretched along the road near the chapel and lies here motionlessly, in times just a pestworking matte scales of different colors. (V. Korolenko. Blind musician.)
16. There, at the Salt settlement, Lieutenant_ Iy Son went to school. (E. Limonov. We had a great era.)
17. He sat down on the step and laid his long hair and neck, and the water near him became brown_ howl. (A. Chekhov. Gooseberry.)
18. In the Kabaska and Kabatsy_i custom. (A. Chekhov. On the big road.)
19. I ride balls from bread, I think about the dog tax and, knowing my quick-tempered character, I try to be silent. (A. Chekhov. From the notes of a hot-tempered person.)
20. It was not equipped with the people of Khokhli on the hay, and Tulyaki bold food for themselves, like Kerzhaki. (D. Mamin Sibiryak. Three End.)
21. The prince sought to catch the feast of the return of birds to Perm. (A. Ivanov. Parma's heart.)
22. Mattresses, old wasopted bathrobes, pantalonians, shirts with blue stripes, not anywhere, fascinated shoes, - All this ribs fell in heaps, pounding, implanted, rotates and publishes suffocated. (A. Chekhov. Chamber No. 6.)
23. Go in the summer to Kronstadt_ Xi Raid, to any warship, address the commander, or the older, or, finally, to the Watchtheless (guard) officer with a request to inspect the ship, and if there is no "avral" work on the ship, then I turn to you For the most pleasant reception. (I. Goncharov. Frenge "Pallada".)
24. It should be noted that Kovalev was extremely offended by a person. (N. Gogol. Nose.)
25. Bates him! - He shouted incense, turning to Porphyria and Pavlushka, and he grabbed the cubber himself in his hand. (N. Gogol. Dead souls.)
26. He, dressed in Cherkes_i Suit, jigita riding and walked two times in an ambush with Bogdanovich, although they didn't cut anyone in both times and did not kill anyone. (L. Tolstoy. Haji Murat.)
27. It gives linen, shoes, will come up with some tricked out of the Sarafan, Istracted all my pocket money and long after it saves. (I. Goncharov. Open)
28. - In the past year, Vasily Ivanovich remarked, "I bought myself on Kuznetsky Bridge flannel_. (V. Sologub. Tarantas.)
29. Well, I went, of course, the ordinary fishing_ they streaming ... (Vladimov. Three minutes of silence.)
30. Lustful was, sniffing a man, began with a penny and soon managed to nourish a big capital. (P. Melnikov-Pechersky. On the mountains.)
31. The waves hit the boarded sides of the plashcot, the steers of the cooler turned the wheel, and the shore began to quietly remove from us, exactly discarded by hitting it asking him. (V. Korolenko. Clever.)
32. She has bought two dresses in the shop in the shop, shoes and a ski suit, big, though, mans_, but Kasyanka will grow up, and he will be just right. (V. Astafiev. King Fish.)
33. He was a man's footpiece, exactly, he carried for himself the fate of the world and went on the road to Korchm, sat down at the counter, hurt and began to go shop, but completely without pleasure, since this is not his business. (N. Leskov. Antuk.)
34. The new director is a man of arrogant, with modern ideas, with a head, curled back, seemed inaccessible to his subordinates. (I. Panayev. Beautiful man.)
35. The nail to whom the Karetny door was scored more in order to enjoy Vasilyev, when he clears, was taken out, and Vasilyev seemed to the light of God. Dooked, slightly or drowned. (F. Dostoevsky. Village Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants.)

Exercise prepared B. A. Panov ("League of Schools").

Adjective suffixes

The adjectives are replenishing the vocabulary of the Russian language as actively as the names of the nouns, due to the various methods of morphological education: from the foundations of nouns ( kind, plastic, bear) adjectives ( red-brown, sour-sweet), verbs ( wicked, deceptive, griming). The most productive way of education is suffixing. In this case, the suffixes are usually used depending on the caterinary basis. So, the adjectives are formed from the Sufifixes -One-, -nong-, -an - (- Jan-), -M-, -y-, - (- Ev-), - and etc.; from verbal - -the, -n, -th-, -im-, and etc.

The spelling of suffixes in the shameless and ungalled adjectives is governed by special rules

Sufifixes of adjectives formed from the names of nouns and adjectives

1. Sufifix is \u200b\u200bwritten by adjectives under stress, suffix

- - - without emphasis : playful, beautiful, plaxy, courteous, but: aluminum, mountainous, guest, mud, dolly, yeast, potassium, doodle, adhesive, pole, steering, soy, rod.

Exceptions: gracious, yurody.

2. Suffixes -the-, write only with vowels and (In the Russian language of suffixes "-v-", "-chev-" no): bizarre, sleepy, conscientious, reckless.

In adjectives gutta reader, emaley suffix -Ev-, And the consonants h, l are included in the root (Guttapercha, Enamel).

3.Suffix -I (version of suffix -J-) it is written in adjectives formed from noun with suffixes -ik-, -, -, -, while alternating with h : verified (cab), hunting (hunter), carpenter (a carpenter), colonel (Colonel), overlook (landowner). In indirect cases, these adjectives are written the letter b ( landlord, landlord etc.).

In adjective type lyaguschy and frogsychy In an unstressed position, only E is written: indyuschy - turkey, old woman, balishery, feline (Writing koshechy outdated).

4. Suffixes -On-, it is possible, they are written after solid consonants (except C); -Ev-, it is, it is written after soft consonants, after hissing and c : whitish, business, angular, house, speech, nostril, reddish, glossy, scarved.

5. Suffix -oning after rear-speaking g, k, g; After other consonants, suffix is \u200b\u200bwritten -: high, lingerie, dry; Cinema, cheap, rubbish (from trashy), warm.

6. In adjectives in front of the suffix -sk-ultimate consonants of the noun, on which the adjective is formed, in some cases are stored unchanged, and in others - alternate or disappear :

1) consistent d, t, s, s: abbat-SK-Ii, Adjutant, Abkhaz, Vegessky, Volgograd, Dutch, Giant, Dieletanatsky, Decadent, Canadian, Kronstadt, Kurdish, Occupantsky, Post Office, Positivist, Polessky.

If the basis of the noun ends onto the C (or CCC), which is preceded by a vowel, then the adjective uses suffix -k-: cherepovets (Cherepovets), Nitzsky (Nice), German;

2) consonants to and h Basics of nouns alternate with C, while in adjectives are written - to-: Batrans-K-Xi (Brake), Burlats (Burlak), Gornyatsky (Minor), Kabatsky (Kabak), Kalmytsky (Kalmyk), Permytsky (Permyak), Rybatsky (Fisherman), Slovak (Slovak), Weavky (Weat).

In some adjectives, the ultimate consonant base does not change and writes suffix -Sh. -: uzbek-SK-IY (Uzbek), Tajik (Tajik), Uglich (Uglich);

3) If the basis of the noun ends on the C, which is preceded by the consonant, then the ultimate basic noun disappears: reim-Sky (Reims), Wales (Wales), Odessa (Odessa), Cherkasy (Cherkasy).

An exception: Helsingfors-sky (Helsingfors), Daugavpils (Daugavpils), Tamemeferors (Tammerfors).

In adjectives abosky (Abo - Swedish name of the Finnish city of Turku), bordeaux (Bordeaux), tartusky (Tartu) is written alone with (suffix -sk-);

4) In the adjectives formed from Russian geographical items ending on the SC, one C is written, as suffixing suffix -sk- on the base of the base: amur (Amursk), omsky (Omsk), volga (Volga). The foreign language names of this type are raised by the final K, so the SS is written in adjectives: damas-sky (Damascus), san Francisky (San Francisco), etruscan (Etruscan).

An exception: Basque (Basque), osksky (OKS).

7. In adjectives in front of the suffix, it is not written the letter b If the basis of the noun ends on ny or py: amgun-sky (Amgun), Kuban (Kuban), Ryazan (Ryazan), Hsenther (Huntsman), Skarsky (Zakharist), Monastic (Monastery), Pisarian (clerk).

Exceptions: a) adjectives formed from the names of months: June, September, October, November, December (but: January), as well as a day-day combination; b) adjectives formed from foreignate names: Sichuan, Taiwanese, Tien Shansky.

8. Diffuses writing consonants to suffixes - aT-, - in adjective type board, bruly: she is written in cases where the sounds indicated by it belong to the same morpheme (meaning part of the word): pot-aT.-oh - Board-A (I alternate with the SC within the same morpheme - root), village-an.- Wax.

9. Before suffix - Ultimate C Basics of Entrances Alternate with T: chuck-chat (Crupitsa), ciliated (eyelash), tiled (Tile).

10. Adjectives ends on -insky:

1) If they are formed from nouns on -a, s (s): yelninsky (Yeland), oktinate (Ohta), mytishchinsky (Mytishchi), taborinsky (Tabor);

2) if from the relevant nouns it is possible to form attracted adjectives on the in: elizavetsky (Elizabeth - Elizabetin), mariinsky (Maria - Mariin), olginsky (Olga - Olgin), sister (sister - sister);

3) if the adjective is formed from the noun to the in: military (warrior), hellenic (Hellene).

In other cases, adjectives ends on -Ensky: groznensky (Grozny), zarechensky (District), kerchensky (Kerch), cemetery (cemetery), nishchensky (beggar).

Adjectives kolomna (Kolomna), krapivsky (Krapivna), Lebanese (livne) and some, the like, are formed from the nouns with the help of suffix -Sh-, And the vowel E (denoting the runaway) is part of the root.

Adjectives inzensky, laustansky, penza, presnensky They are written with e according to tradition (although Inza, Bane, Penza, Presnya).

13. In adjectives formed on the basis of K, C, h, in front of the suffix - (although it can pronounce [sh]): mustard (mustard), operman (pepper), kulachnaya (fist), squorter n.ha (starvation), lactic (milk), bakery (Bulka), boring (boredom).

In adjectives formed from the bases on x, in front of the suffix is \u200b\u200bsh : buckwheat (buckwheat), fun (fun), cute (turmoil).

Writing options subscription and budnic Equally admissible, although the first is preferable.

Sufifixes of adjectives formed from verbs

1. Suffix -, - The exclusive adjectives are written only with vowels and regardless of whether they are under the stress or without emphasis. flattering, medoiding, envious, talkative, hardy.

2. Suffix - -, - Used in the formation of adjectives with the prefix, and without it from non-transcendible verbs, as well as from transient verbs of the perfect species: - - is no emphasis, - - - under the stress: indescribable, indisputable, waterproof, unscathed, inhabited, irrefutable, invincible, negienic.

3. Suffix. - history Writing only with vowels and: slip, sparkling, merry, through, rassed. Cf. Also in adjectives formed from noun: clayey, shoulder, glib.

End of adjectives

Adjectives are characterized by the fact that they do not have independent morphological signs of the genus, numbers and case. These signs are determined by the name of the noun, with which the adjective is combined, i.e. is in connection with the approval. In other words, the values \u200b\u200bof the genus, the number and case of the adjective express syntactically.

1. Adjectives are written with the endings similar to the endings of an interviewal word which is set on behalf of the noun: with merry s (as them?) Character, about cheerful oh. (as oh.?) Character etc.

It should be distinguished:

a) at the adjective male and medium kind of the only number of completion - (-I) in the apparel case ( wind as them ? fresh them, abroad as them ? fALS them ) and ending -You (s) in the proposed case ( about wind as oh. ? fresh eatabout abroad as oh. ? fALS eat );

b) at the adjective female genus the only number of graduation - I (-Yu) in the vinegenic case ( road as yu ? rove yu, Zara as yu ? spring yuu. ) and ending -Ohu (-yu) in the apparel case ( doro as ooo ? rove ooo, zareu as ooo ? spring hy. ).

2. In the Parental case of the only number of adjective male and medium kind in the end -Oh(-his) written by tradition g. , though pronounced in , For example: good, good, big, blue.

3. Hardening adjectives on -y, -ye, -ye, -ye (Hare, Hare, Sladychye, Hare) In all cases, except for the nominative and similar to him, the vinitive case of a male genus the sole number is written with b: bearish, bearish, bearish, bear, about bearish; Bear, bearish, bearish, bearish, bearish, misleads.

Such adjectives are formed from the names of nouns with the help of suffix -J- (iot), so before the ending is written, as the indicator of this suffix.

4. Adjective country, long-distance, suburban change over a solid deposit variety and are written with endings

, -ay, ,y,, / e; adjectives of nonresident, endlessly changed on a soft variety of declination and are written with endings -y, -Ya, -one, (forms non-resident and beless - Outdated). Adjective long-distance has option intercity.

5. Adjectives ending on -ynyhave in the nominative case of the only number of male soda brief form on -En: sultious - znown, calm - calm, slender is stored. An exception: decent - one.