Repairs Design Furniture

Which organization carries out input control of the main materials. Input and output control


This article discusses the quality of the quality of automotive components of domestic production. As a result of the review of scientific publications, it was established that in the Vladimir region up to 40% of customer complaints on the quality and repair of cars are associated with low quality spare parts. In this regard, on the basis of a regulatory document GOST 24297-87, a methodology for conducting input control of the quality of spare parts at the automotive service enterprises, which includes the monitoring algorithm for components. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the control of spare parts established in systems affecting the safety of motor vehicles. The introduction of these activities will not only prevent the ingress of poor-quality components to the consumer, but will also contribute to the implementation of the basic principles of quality management: "Consumer orientation" and "verification of purchased products".

input quality control

spare parts

1. GOST 24297-87. Input control of products. Basic provisions. - Introduction 1988-01-01. - M.: Publishing House of standards, 2003. - 8 s.

2. Russian Federation. Laws. Federal Law "On Consumer Protection": [Feder. Law No. 2300-1: Accepted State. Duma February 7, 1992: Ed. of July 18, 2011].

3. Vereshchagin D. Trust, but check // Right auto service. - 2011 - No. 4 (71). - P. 5-6.

4. Karagodin V.I. Repair of cars and engines: studies. For stud. environments prof. studies. institutions / V.I. Karagodin, N.N. Mitrochin. - 2nd ed., Ched. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 496 p., ISBN 5-7695-1125-7.

5. Latyshev M.V., Sergeev A.G. Quality management in car service: monograph. - Vladimir: Publishing house VLSU, 2005. - 160 s.

6. Stepanova E.G. Managing the quality of car maintenance by improving the supply system: author. dis. ... Cand. tehn science - Tolyatti, 2012. - 16 s.

7. Lada Priora: History of a faulty steering power amplifier [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (Date of handling: 15.10.2013).

Introduction It is noted that the competitiveness of car maintenance stations (STEA) largely depends on the system of interaction with spare parts and materials suppliers, which operates within the framework of the principle of "mutually beneficial relations with suppliers", and established procurement requirements (clause 7.4 GOST ISO 9001-2011).

It is believed that cooperation with leading wholesalers and manufacturers is a guarantee of the quality of component car. In this case, the enterprise of the AUTOTHOCHER service system has the opportunity to rely on the good faith of regular partners. Those infrequent marriage cases with which Staa will face will bring less costs than the organization of input quality control. But this situation is possible only when the firm specializes in the repair of car leading manufacturers.

The purpose of the study: develop a methodology for conducting input control of the quality of spare parts at the enterprise of the autothek service system.

Research methods: Analytical study.

Currently, the quality of automotive components of domestic production remains relatively low, compared with foreign analogues, the level. Thus, the results of research conducted on the basis of FGBOU VPO "Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Tabletovaya "(VLGU) in the Vladimir region, which showed that up to 40% of customer complaints on the quality and repair of cars are associated with the low quality of spare parts or materials.

In the current situation, it is advisable to organize an input quality control of spare parts for STA. This mechanism is particularly important for companies specializing in the repair of automobiles of domestic production and collaborating with a large number of small suppliers. In this case, the cost of organizing the postponement of spare parts will pay off due to reducing the number of complaints and related costs.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" of 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1, the consumer has the right to choose the goods based on its needs and opportunities. The law prohibits the seller to determine the acquisition of one goods with the mandatory acquisition of other goods. The consumer has the right to choose the original spare part or a node produced by an independent enterprise.

Considering that among non-original autocomponents, the factory marriage is evaluated among non-original specialists, the organization of the postponement of the quality of spare parts is one of the mechanisms included in the quality management system (QMS) of the enterprise and to prevent the entry of low-quality assemblies and units to the final consumer .

It should be noted that special attention should be paid to the control of spare parts established in motor vehicles (PBX), which directly affect the safety of motion. As an example, consider the electromechanical steering amplifier of cars VAZ 2170 and its modifications. The work considers the problem of malfunction of this node, which consists in the fact that when the vehicle moves at a speed of 40 km / h, a spontaneous rotation of its steering wheel is possible. The specified defect, in the event of its occurrence during the operation of the car, contributes to the loss of its controllability, which significantly reduces the active security of the PBX and increases the risk of road accident.

Taking as the basis of the requirements of GOST 24297-87 and recommendations on the organization of the input quality control of spare parts in the car service set out in, developed an algorithm for conducting input control of the quality of spare parts for STA.

Input quality control of products (in this case - spare parts), which is one of the elements of the interaction of the supplier (plant-producer, spare parts dealers) and STEA, provides for the prevention of enterprises to enterprises of the system "AUTOTHOON" of products that do not meet the requirements of regulatory and technical and Design documentation (NTD and CD), as well as established requirements.

In accordance with GOST 24297-87, input control of components conducts an input control unit, which is part of the technical control of the quality of the enterprise (OP).

The main tasks of the input control are:

  • monitoring the availability of accompanying documentation for products;
  • monitoring the compliance of quality and completeness of products with the requirements of design and regulatory and technical documentation;
  • the accumulation of statistical data on the actual level of the quality of the products received and the development on this basis offers to improve quality improvement and, if necessary, revise the requirements of NTD to products;
  • periodic monitoring of compliance with the rules and timelines of storage of suppliers.

Input control is carried out in a specially designated room (plot) equipped with the necessary means of control, tests and office equipment, as well as meeting the safety requirements.

Measurement tools and test equipment used in input control are chosen in accordance with the requirements of NTD on controlled products and GOST 8.002-86. If metrological means and control methods differ from those specified in NTD, then the SPO STOA coordinates the technical specifications of the funds used and the control methods with the supplier.

To ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of GOST 24297-87, as well as the standard GOST ISO 9001-2011, the maintenance and repair of cars should be developed by its own NTD, which establishes the procedure for the organization, conducting and designing the results of input control of spare parts supplied to the organization.

Taking into account that the spare parts come to the cost of small parties, it is advisable to introduce continuous quality control, and not selective. In addition, the control of incoming details will be effective only if all the spare parts arrive in it will be held through it.

Solid quality control is control, in which the decision on the quality of controlled products is made based on the results of checking each unit of products.

The main document on the basis of which the input control of parts is performed is a working drawing containing information about the basic parameters of the product.

By itself, the technology of verification implies manual measuring all the parameters of the part using a special measuring instrument or the use of digital equipment, if this is available at the organization. When controlling the compound node, it is necessary to pre-disassemble it.

The proposed method of input control of components provides for working events in three stages:

  • at the first stage, an external inspection of products is carried out, checking the accompanying documents (passport, certificate, overhead), the presence of a shield and stamp supplier, the date of manufacture and compliance of the completeness;
  • at the second stage - checking the quality characteristics of products;
  • in the third stage - checking the health of the element after the installation into the car.

Only those components that fully comply with the manufacturer's documentation and supplier are allowed to the second phase of input control. The performance of work on input control should be entrusted to employees of warehousing and recruitment staff.

According to the results of input control, make a conclusion about the compliance of the products established by the established requirements and fill the register of the results of the input control results (ad. 1 GOST 24297-87). The list, volume, the work sequence must be determined by the instructions (a technological card in which the entire check procedure is steadfast).

Results of research and discussion. In fig. 1 shows the proposed algorithm for conducting continuous quality control of spare parts for STA.

Fig. 1. Algorithm for conducting input control of spare parts in the car service.

In accordance with the algorithm of conducting input quality control, the products received from the supplier prior to the input control should be subjected to a documentary and quantitative reception. To do this, in the warehouse of the enterprise, the "product acceptance zone" is organized. Warehouse staff, in accordance with the standard of the enterprise (STD) STA, conducts control of the accompanying documentation, external inspection and quantitative acceptance.

When detecting inconsistencies, the entire batch of products is braked and stored in the place, eliminating the possibility of mixing with the products that have passed the input control ("marriage insulator"). Employees of the OTC are recorded in an input control journal, an act of complaint is drawn up, and the defective party is returned to the supplier.

In the absence of accompanying documentation certifying the quality and completeness of products, if necessary, the urgent replacement of the refused node, autocomponents, by decision of the OTB, can be aimed at conducting input quality control with the mandatory compilation of the act on the completeness indicating the missing documents.

If the product batch is accepted at the first stage of control, the details and documentation are sent to the "Input Control Waiting Zone", where it is stored separately from products adopted and rejected by input control.

The time of finding components and documentation in the "Input control expectation zone" should be regulated by the CST enterprise.

Taking into account that it is not recommended to reason the conjugate pairs that are treated at the factory assembly or balanced, because The resource of the car design element is reduced after the analysis of the assembly operation, at the second stage of the input quality control of the spare parts, it is planned to separate components for composite and non-consuming.

If the controlled node is intimidate, it is sent to the input control, which provides for checking the documentation, size and surfaces of the product (for the presence of scratches, cracks, chips, etc.).

In the case of controlling the composite assembly, the staff members of the STA should be guided by information on previously advertising related to the failures of this spare part. If there was a repeated node refusal after mounting on the PBX, then the spare parts received on the enterprise are subject to disassembly and control of each part of its part. Otherwise, the element of the design of the car is exposed to external inspection and verification of the accompanying documentation. According to the results of the control, the conclusion is drawn up whether the part is a suitable or defective, and the corresponding entry is performed in the input control journal (Ad. 1).

The spare part recognized by suitable returns to the warehouse in the "zone of storage of suitable products". The defective node should be labeled with a red paint or a red marker marker "marriage" and sent to the warehouse in the "Marriage Isolator". Advertising requests are compiled, and defective elements are returned by the supplier.

The final stage of the quality control of spare parts is to test the performance of parts immediately after installation on the serviced vehicle.

If the node malfunction is detected after installation on the car, this element is subject to dismantling and transporting to a warehouse in a "marriage insulator", followed by compiling a complaint and return to the supplier.

Output. Since one of the important objectives of such a post is to fulfill the basic quality management principle "Consumer orientation" (clause 5.2 GOST ISO 9001-2011), it is important that information on the presence of input quality control of spare parts fell into the stands of STA. Also, the organization of input control of spare parts involves the implementation of the quality management principle "verification of purchased products" (clause 7.4.3. GOST ISO 9001-2011).

Information about the presence of such a post should also be provided to the supplier of spare parts at the time of signing the cooperation agreement. And in the contract itself there should be a mechanism of action of the enterprise "AUTOMECHERNING" in the event of a marriage detection. It is also desirable to provide partners with information on the methods of analysis and obtain their consent to the case if the wholesaler intends to dispute the results of the inspection when discovered. Such a preliminary agreement will subsequently avoid unnecessary disputes and promptly replace substandard products. Then the post of input control of components will become a mechanism to promote the quality of the quality of the automotive equipment in the enterprise and, as a result, an increase in the loyalty of his clients.


Gots A.N., Dr. N., Professor, Professor of the Department of Heat Engines and Energy Installations of FSBEA "Vladimir State University. Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Councilovoy, "G.Vladimir.

Kulchitsky A.R., Dr. N., Professor, Chief Specialist of the CTZ Innovative Product Plant, LLC, G.Vladimir.

Bibliographic reference

Denisov I.V., Smirnov A.A. Methods of conducting input control of the quality of spare parts at the enterprises of the system of autotheth service // Modern problems of science and education. - 2013. - № 5;
URL:\u003d10753 (date of handling: 03/30/2019). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

The quality of construction products One from the main factors affecting the efficiency and profitability of the completed construction of an object that ensures its reliability and durability.

In general, the quality of the object is determined by the quality of the project, building materials and products, as well as the quality of production of construction and installation work.

Production quality control is performed by the executor of work and includes:

    input control of project documentation provided by the developer (customer);

    acceptance of a geodetic center base made in nature;

    input control of used materials, products;

    operational control during the execution process and upon completion of operations;

    an assessment of the compliance of the work performed, the results of which are inaccessible to control after the start of subsequent work.

input control of project documentation provided by the developer (customer)

With input control project documentation All the presented documentation should be analyzed, including poses and work documentation, checking:

    its completeness;

    compliance of design axial sizes and a geodesic basis;

    availability of coordination and allegations;

    availability of references to materials and products;

    compliance of the borders of the construction site on the buildingpenplane installed servitudes;

    the presence of a list of works and structures whose quality indicators affect the safety of the object and are subject to assessment of compliance during the construction process;

    the presence of limit values \u200b\u200bcontrolled by the specified list of parameters allowed by the levels of inconsistency for each of them;

    the presence of instructions on control and measurement methods, including in the form of references to the relevant regulatory documents.

If deficiencies are found, the relevant documentation returns to refinement.

Acceptance of the geodetic center base

The performer performs the acceptance of the developer provided by him (by the customer) geodesic center base, checks its compliance with the established requirements for accuracy, the reliability of fixing signs on the ground; To this end, he can attract independent experts. Acceptance of the geodesic center foundation in the developer (customer) should be issued with the appropriate act.

Input control of used materials, products

Input control check compliance with quality indicators purchased (obtained) materials, products and equipment requirements of standards, technical conditions or technical evidence of them specified in the project documentation and (or) contract contract.

At the same time, the presence and content of the accompanying documents of the supplier (manufacturer) confirming the quality of these materials, products and equipment is checked.

If necessary, control measurements and tests of the above indicators can be performed. Methods and means of these measurements and tests must comply with the requirements of standards, technical conditions and (or) technical evidence of materials, products and equipment.

Input control results must be documented.

In the case of control and testing, attracted accredited laboratories should check the compliance of the methods of control and testing by the established standards and (or) with the technical conditions on controlled products.

Materials, products, equipment, non-compliance with the established requirements, identified input control, should be separated from suitable and marking. Works with the use of these materials, products and equipment should be suspended. The developer (customer) must be notified of the suspension of work and its causes.

In accordance with the law, one of three solutions can be made:

    the supplier performs the replacement of inappropriate materials, products, equipment with appropriate;

    inappropriate products are being finalized;

    inappropriate materials, products can be applied after compulsory agreement with the developer (customer), the designer and the state control authority (supervision) for its competence.

Operational control in the process of execution and upon completion of operations

Operational control, the performer checks:

    compliance of the sequence and composition of the technological operations of technological and regulatory documentation that extends to these technological operations;

    compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations;

    compliance with the quality of the performance of operations and their results with the requirements of project and technological documentation, as well as the propagating technological operations of regulatory documentation.

Places of performing control operations, their frequency, performers, methods and measuring instruments, form of recording results, the procedure for making decisions in identifying inconsistencies to the established requirements must comply with the requirements of project, technological and regulatory documentation.

The results of operational control must be documented.

Assessment of the compliance of the work performed, the results of which are inaccessible to control after the start of subsequent work

In the construction process, an assessment should be performed hidden work, as well as completed construction structures and sections of engineering networksThe elimination of the defects of which identified by the control is impossible without disassembling or damage to the subsequent designs and sections of engineering networks. Representatives of the relevant state supervisory authorities, author's supervisory, as well as, if necessary, independent experts can participate in these control procedures.

Hidden work  work, which, after performing other subsequent work, become inaccessible for visual assessment (preparation of bases for foundations, waterproofing of walls, armature of monolithic structures, mortgage parts, etc.). Hidden works are issued actssigned by the manufacturer of the work and representative of the technical supervision. For the registration of acts on complex and responsible works, special commissions are created. The developer (customer) may require a re-examination after eliminating the identified defects.

Tolerances (permitted)  possible deviations in the size of parts, structures, premises, etc. They are shown and technical conditions. Retreats from them  marriage. The responsibility of the Proba and the representative of the technical supervision is to follow the quality of construction and installation work. The representative of the technical supervision has the right to force to remake poorly performed work.

Defects in the production of work can have a different reason. Due to the poorly performed sealing of the joints of the wall panels, an unattractive view of the facade is created and the temperature-humid regime in the rooms is disturbed. Intensive corrosion of mortgage parts leads the building into an emergency state, which entails the implementation of complex and labor-intensive repair work.

The main reasons for the poor quality of construction work may be the use of low-grade and overdue use of materials, retreats in the work on project technology (failure to comply with all layers of plaster outtage, the lack of waterproofing required by the project, etc.), the use of obsolete machines and an imperfect tool, lack of proper control by ITR, etc.

Sometimes defects occur due to improperly performed breaking of buildings and structures in the axes and in height, unsatisfactory sealing of soil in bulk and removing, incorrect installation of fittings (including undergraduate) when performing reinforced concrete work, incorrect and poor-quality maintenance of welding work and T d.

The procedure for assessing the compliance of individual structures, tiers of structures (floors) The artist must submit acts of examination of all hidden work that are part of these designs, geodesic executive schemes, as well as protocols of tests of structures in cases provided for by project documentation and (or) construction contract . The developer (customer) can perform the control of executive geodesic schemes represented by the performer. To this end, the artist must maintain an acceptance axis and assembly guidelines until the acceptance of acceptance is completed.

The results of acceptance of individual structures should be issued by acts of intermediate acceptance of structures.


Tests of sections of engineering networks and mounted engineering equipment are performed according to the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and are issued by the acts established by them.

When determined as a result of a phased acceptance of work defects, structures, sections of engineering networks, appropriate acts should be issued only after eliminating the identified defects.

In cases when subsequent work should begin after a break in more than 6 months from the time of the completion of the phased acceptance, these procedures should be renewed before renewing the work again with the design of relevant acts.

Methods of monitoring

Quality control of the work is performed by visual inspection, to a simulation of linear dimensions, testing structures by destroying and non-destructive testing methods.

Mechanicalor destroy methodcontrols are used to determine the technical condition of the structures.

Physicalor non-destructive methodused to determine the main characteristics of the physicomechanical properties of structural materials. The method is based on impulse and radiation methods.

Pulse acoustic wayit consists in measuring the rate of propagation of elastic waves in the material under study and the dispersion of the energy of these waves.

Pulse vibration methodit is based on the measurement of the attenuation of its own oscillations, taking into account the constructive forms of the element under study.

Radiation methodit is based on determining the change in the intensity of streams of y-rays when the material is shifted. According to the testimony of meters that determine the amount of emitted, absorbed and passed through the studied object of isotopes, y-rays determine the quality and properties of materials.

Non-state educational institution of higher confession education

"Elabuga City Institute of Innovative Technologies"

Engineering and Technical Faculty

Department of Quality Management


by discipline: "Means and methods of quality management"

on the topic: "Input quality control"

Elabuga 2011.


Concept and types of product quality control

Input quality control, definition, concept assignment, main tasks, input control, efficiency



Relevance. Quality control is one of the basic functions in the quality management process. It is also the most surround function according to the methods used, which are devoted to a large number of works in different areas of knowledge. The control value is that it allows you to reveal errors in order to then quickly correct them with minimal losses.

The purpose of this work is to consider quality control, as well as determine the concept of input quality control, its purpose, the main tasks, the organization of input control and efficiency.

Examination consists of an introduction, 4 chapters, conclusions, where all the conclusions of the work and the literature of the literature are summed up.

The first chapter discusses the concept and types of product quality control. The second chapter discusses the input quality control of products, definition, concept. Appointment, main tasks, organization and efficiency of input quality control, is considered in the third chapter. And how the input control of the quality of metal products is carried out on the enterprise is considered, in the fourth chapter.

quality Control Standard Metal Production

1. Concept and types of product quality control

Under quality control it is understood as the verification of the compliance of the quantitative or qualitative characteristics of the products or the process, on which the quality of products determined by the technical requirements.

Product quality control is an integral part of the production process and is aimed at checking reliability in the process of its manufacture, consumption or operation.

The essence of product quality control in the enterprise is to obtain information on the state of the object and comparing the results obtained with the established requirements recorded in the drawings, standards, supply contracts, TK. NTD, that and other documents.

The control provides for testing products at the very beginning of the production process and during the period of operational services, providing in case of deviation from the regulated quality requirements, the adoption of corrective measures aimed at the production of proper quality products, proper maintenance during operation and complete satisfaction of the consumer's requirements. Thus, the control of products includes such measures at the site of its manufacture or at its place of operation, as a result of which deviations from the norm of the required level of quality can be corrected even before defective products or products that do not meet the technical requirements are released. Insufficient control at the stage of production of serial products leads to the emergence of financial problems and entails additional costs. Quality control includes:

input control of the quality of raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, components, tools entering enterprises' warehouses;

production operational control over the compliance of the established technological regime, and sometimes an interoperative acceptance of products;

systematic control over the condition of equipment, machinery, cutting and measuring instruments, instrumentation, various means of measurement, stamps, models of test equipment and weight management, new and operating devices, conditions for the production and transportation of products and other checks;

control of models and prototypes;

control of finished products (parts, small assembly units, subasters, nodes, blocks, products).

Input quality control of products, definition, concept

appointment, main tasks, organization of input control,


Under the input quality control of products, it is necessary to understand the quality control of the supplier's products received to the consumer or customer and intended for use in the manufacture, repair or operation of products.

These recommendations establish the main provisions on the organization, conducting and designing the results of input control of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, etc. coming from suppliers to the consumer.

Recommendations are designed to provide methodical and practical assistance to enterprise specialists in the implementation and use of a product quality management system based on the application of international standards of MS ISO Series 9000.

The main tasks of the input control can be:

obtaining with a lot of accuracy of assessing the quality of products for control;

ensuring the unambiguity of mutual recognition of the results of the product quality assessment by the supplier and the consumer carried out by the same techniques and by the same monitoring plans;

establishing compliance of product quality assigned requirements for the purpose of timely presentation of claims to suppliers, as well as for prompt work with suppliers to ensure the required level of product quality;

preventing the startup into production or repair of products that do not meet the established requirements, as well as permission protocols according to GOST 2.124. [GOST]

One of the elements of relationships with the supplier is the organization of input control, under which the quality control of the supplier's products (source materials, components, information, information) entered the organization is a consumer and intended for use in the manufacture, repair or operation of products, as well as providing services. Its main purpose is to eliminate the possibility of penetration into production of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, tools, information with deviations from the requirements for the quality reflected in the contractual obligations. The imperfection of this type of control can bring significant losses, both manufacturer of products and its consumer.

Input control is very laborious and expensive, while it duplicates the output control of the producing enterprise. In this regard, the input control is becoming more urgent by increasing the output control, which entails the establishment of special relations with the supplier. Abroad, the practice of such relations has existed for a long time. For example, on the Japanese company Bridgestone Corporation, the supplied parts and raw materials are controlled mainly in order to verify their quantity and compliance of technical documentation. Checking the quality of the materials is not carried out, as it is carried out providers before sending to the consumer. This system is based on mutual trust and cooperation.

In accordance with the terms of the Treaty of Supplies, the input control can be both solid and selective. For its implementation at industrial enterprises, specialized units are created in the SPE system. In secondary and large enterprises, input control laboratories are functioning. The main tasks of these divisions are:

conducting input quality control of the material and technical resources entering the organization;

registration of documents on the results of control;

control of technological tests (samples, analyzes) of incoming resources in shops, laboratories, testing stations;

monitoring compliance with warehouse workers of the rules of storage and issuing in the production of proceeding products;

challenge representatives of suppliers to jointly compile an act of defects detected during input control, etc. Demonstration of the effectiveness of input control is to reduce income cases of incremental material and technical resources or services.

Input control forms include:

Periodic control of the efficiency of the quality assurance system by the supplier (the so-called audit of the "second side");

Requirement for the supplier to accompany shipment of goods by protocols of control procedures;

Supplier requirement to carry out one hundred percent control and testing of supplied material and technical resources or services;

Selective reception and delivery of goods batch by the supplier and the consumer simultaneously;

Using a supplier of a formal quality assurance system defined by the consumer (for example, based on ISO 9000 standards).;

Requirements for independent certification of supplier products by a third party.

If you are guided by the international standard ISO 9001: 2008, then in section 7 "Production Production" in the subsection 7.4 "Procurement" clause 7.4.1 reads: "The organization must ensure that the purchased products are compliance with the established procurement requirements. The volume and nature of the management in relation to the supplier and the purchased products should be determined by the degree of influence of this product for the subsequent production of products or ready-made products. "

The organization should evaluate and choose suppliers based on their ability to deliver products in accordance with the requirements of the organization.

The criteria for selection, evaluation and revaluation of suppliers must be installed. It is necessary to record records on the results of such an assessment and subsequent actions. "

In paragraph 7.4.2 "Procurement Information" We read: "Procurement information should contain a description of the products ordered and include where necessary:

requirements for the assertion of products, procedures, processes and equipment;

requirements for personnel qualifications;

requirements for quality management system.

The organization must make sure that the established purchase requirements are adequately to the provider.

And, finally, paragraph 7.4.3 "Check (verification) of purchased products sounds as follows:" The organization must determine and implement measures to control or other activities necessary to ensure compliance of purchased products with the requirements specified in the procurement information. In cases where the organization or its consumer suggests checking (verifying) purchased products at the Supplier's enterprise, the organization must establish in information on procurement of the intended measures on such an inspection and the production method. "

Input quality control of metal products

The main indicators of metal quality are: chemical composition; micro and macrostructure; main and technological properties; Dimensions, geometry and surface quality of metal products. Requirements for the quality of metal and products are agreed in national standards, technical conditions of firms (enterprises) or individual agreements between the consumer and the supplier. Metal quality and reliable methods for determining its main indicators are the main in the manufacturing chain of production. The quality of metal products entering the enterprise is determined when input control (VC).

Input control of metal products is mandatory on firms (enterprises) developing or manufacturing industrial products, as well as repairing it. This control is organized and carried out in accordance with GOST 24297-87, as well as with standards and other regulatory and technical documentation (NTD) of the enterprise.

Organization of input quality control of metal products:

In accordance with GOST 24297-87, the input control holds an input control unit - the input control bureau (BVK), which is part of the technical control of the quality of the enterprise (OP).

The main tasks of the input control are:

monitoring the availability of accompanying documentation for products;

monitoring the compliance of quality and completeness of products with the requirements of design and regulatory and technical documentation;

the accumulation of statistical data on the actual level of the quality of the products received and the development on this basis offers to improve quality improvement and, if necessary, revise the requirements of NTD to products;

periodic monitoring of compliance with the rules and timelines of storage of suppliers.

Input control must be carried out in a specially designated room (plot) equipped with the necessary controls, tests and office equipment, as well as meeting the safety requirements. Measurement tools and test equipment used in input control are chosen in accordance with the requirements of NTD on controlled products and GOST 8.002-86. If metrological means and control methods differ from those specified in NTD, the consumer coordinates the technical specifications of the funds used and the control methods with the supplier.

In the enterprise to ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of GOST 24297, as well as the standard standards of the GOST R ISO 9,000, taking into account the profile and features of the products, its own NTD is developed. For example, in large enterprises, enterprise standards (STP) "Input control of metal materials" are being developed, "technological instructions (T) input control of metal materials", etc.

STE establishes the order of the organization, conducting and designing the results of input control of metal products used in the enterprise. TI determines the volume and types of input control in accordance with the list of metals and semi-finished products to be VK. The volume and types of input control are set in accordance with the NTD and the technical conditions on the manufactured products.

CCA assigned to BVK. In the input control, the warehouse of the purchase of metal products or the CEE-consumer (hereinafter the warehouse) and the central factory laboratory (CZL) are involved.

Input monitoring of metal products provides the following checks:

accompanying documentation certifying the quality (certificate, passport);

marking, containers, packaging;

geometric sizes;

surface states;

special properties;

material grades (chemical composition), mechanical properties, structures.

Typical scheme of the organization VK (Fig. 3.1) is as follows. The metal products received to the warehouse is accepted with the accompanying documentation on the nomenclature, assortment and quantity and no later than 10 days are transmitted to input control. Input controls are performed on the first four points (see above) and sampling is selected to confirm the metal brand, structure, mechanical and special properties. Sampling is carried out under the control of BVK. Selected samples are transmitted to the CZL. Based on the input control data, including the conclusions of the CZL, it is concluded that the quality of metal products compliance with the established requirements.

Fig. 3.1. Typical scheme of input control organization

With positive results of control in the accompanying documentation (certificate, passport), a mark "Input control is carried out, corresponds to"

In case of inconsistency of any indicator, a doubled number of samples from this metal batch is subject to control of control. When re-obtaining unsatisfactory results, the Warehouse, BVK and the supply department are marriage.

A rejected metal is marked with a red paint "marriage" and is stored in a marriage insulator before making a decision on disposal or return.

Control of geometric sizes. The amount of control size of metal products, which is usually 5% of one batch, is regulated in TI. Size control is made by measuring instruments providing measurement error equal to ½ Admission to the measured parameter.

Depending on the type of the sorting (bar, tape, sheet, etc.), the dimensions specified in the certificate are referred to as well as the measurements are carried out.

For example, measuring the thickness of the strips and the tapes should be carried out at a distance of at least 50 mm from the end and at least 10 mm from the edge. 20 mm width ribbons and less measured in the middle. Measurements are made by a micrometer according to GOST 6507-90 or GOST 4381-87.

Measuring sheet thickness and plates are produced at a distance of at least 115 mm from the corners and at least 25 mm from the edges of the sheet of the caliper (GOST 166-89).

Measuring the diameters of rods, wires produce at least two places in two mutually perpendicular directions of the same cross section of a micrometer (wire) or a caliper (rod). The width and length is measured with a metal tape measure in GOST 7502-89 or a metal line according to GOST 427-75.

Surface control. The quality of the metal surface is verified for compliance with the requirements of NTD for the supply of visually without the use of magnifying devices (except for cases specifically). The recommended amount of control is 5% of the party. In some cases (for forgings, castings, etc.) 100% of products are subject to control of the surface.

The most common characteristic defects of the surface of the metal products are given in Table. 3.1 and in Fig. 3.2.

Table 3.1 Defects of the surface of metal products

The name of the defectiveavid, the origin and brief characteristic of the defectiveness of the defect on the quality of the semi-finished product or the finished product Mavergic defects (Fig. 3.2, a) during the pressure of the walls of the bubbles and the shells of the ingots are compressed, pulled out and partially interrupted. The outer walls of the chambers with an increase in metal compression are made thin and break through. Thus, the separation of metal, more or less parallel surface and exiting it, is called a captive captivity of captions on semi-finished products, if the depth does not go beyond the tolerances in size, does not affect the quality of products. Captures on the surface of the tubes lead to the taking products of the product (Fig. 3.2, in, r, e, g) cracks on the surface, as well as internal cracks, are the result of stresses arising during uneven heating, a strong stamp, lightests during grinding, and the like caused, Without semi-finished products outside the tolerances in size belong to the corrected marriage. In the finished product of the cracks, it is the cause of the inkravekype (Fig. 3.2, b) if the outer wall of the finished bubble is very thin, then when the metal is heated, the gases inside the bubble are expanding, replete the outer wall and form a bubble on the surfaceracks of the casting on the surface of the castings are the result of unsatisfactory molding, deforestation , and in products obtained by pressure by treatment, consequence of bubbles, and other sinks did not displays the size of the product outside the installed tolerances, semi-finished products with surface shells are considered a corrected marriage. In finished products, the sinks lead to a taking conversion and a sunset, the convexity along the rolling profile, obtained as a result of the extrusion of the metal from the stream in the gap between the rolls. The sunset is called a burr, rolled in metal when finished rolling. Borrowers are also found on stamped billets when the semicading of the edged stamped rods and the rods of the profile metal in the presence of a burr or sunset take-free dents and traces on tubes, sometimes freely tested with hand, are a consequence of a large friction force arising in the process of drawing, accompanied by a strong vibration process. The finished tubes leads to taking bulk stains and polickered stains and strips - defects found mainly on aluminum products. They are a consequence of metal contamination with an electrolyte, the presence of non-metallic inclusions and impurities of sodium and calciumdefect sharply reduces the corrosion resistance of aluminum and aluminum products, as well as spoils their external visinator diseases. Disease - inclusions of nation compounds in aluminumideract translates aluminum products in straggling - spot prints of reels on the aluminum surface Products caused by sticking to rolling rolls of aluminum Chemical Pilokipetravipers are characterized by a rough surface that detects the crystal structure of the metal. A strong abandon in thin-walled products leads to a significant decrease in the cross section of the walls. The abolition is a consequence of a high concentration of grassy substances, as well as long-term excerpts of products in the nichrotravnottern - dark spots or an inhomogeneous shade of the surface. Involvement is a consequence of etching with solutions of weak acids and alkalis or exhaustion of a bath, a small excerpt in the bath, as well as the contact of the products with each other in the injury, the result of uneven etching caused by oil pollution during stamping, sniffing inhomogeneity, and so on white Spots on light metal products indicate corrosion-mehanic defects and zasadyri (longitudinal scratches) arise on internal and external surfaces as a result of poor polishing of stamps, solid particles (sand, scale, metal chips) fall into them, entering the same particles into a loofy point when broach, with non-smooth surfaces of profiles, matrices, etc. Brokes are obtained as a result of pressing at high temperatures or at high speed pressing addifts spoil the appearance, reduce the accuracy of the size of the products made, and sometimes lead to bravery and doners The result of a metal stiffness, defects of the stamping tool (sharp angles) and the wrong installation of the stamping product, the product to the brainamorchina and the folds are found on the housings of the drawn products and are vertically arranged thickening from the metal compression. These vices occur as a result of the uneven thickness of the workpiece or gap between the stamps and insufficient preheating of the preparation of the preparatory appearance and lead to the marriage of the finished product of the Honeycomb Soldering areas of products, at the bottom of which there is a bumpy, it helps the rapid wear of the product, spoils the appearance and interferes with the work with certain precision threshments obtained when Processing with abrasive tools are the service life of the product and spoil the surface of the surface. Hacking on the cutting part of the instrument lower the quality of its work of Borrozd flow - lines visible to the naked eye and running in the direction of coarse grinding on finished products (tools) The grooves spoil the appearance, reduce corrosion resistance, and in some devices and tools are reflected on the proper operation of metal or non-metallic The coating islaping of metal and non-metallic coatings is the result of a poor adhesion of them with the base metal of the fence (Fig. 3.2, e)

Fig. 3.2. Defects of the surface of metal products: a) captives; b) bubbles on the surface; c) cracks with a strong stamp; d) a crack caused by grinding auspiece; e) fears; e) hardening cracks; g) grinding cracks; (E and f - revealed by magnetic powder)

If you need to control the inner surface of the pipes, samples cut off from them, cut them from the forming and control the presence of defects. In all cases, when detecting defects (including corrosion traces), samples are selected from the locations of these defects and are sent to the CZL to determine the nature of the defect and the depth of its occurrence. The conclusion of the CZL is made a decision on the suitability of this metal batch.

Control of chemical composition and mechanical properties. This control is carried out in the CZL on specially selected samples from each batch of metal with the design of the conclusion in the prescribed form.

Chemical composition control. This type of control is carried out in order to establish the compliance of the qualitative and quantitative chemical composition of metal products by the standards declared in the certificate.

The sampling rate for controlling the chemical composition is set in TI and is usually:

for sheets and slabs - from one control sheet, party slabs;

for tapes, strips, wire - from one control roll of the party;

for rods and profiles having a magnificent branding plant supplier - from one rod, profile, batch;

for rods and profiles with labeling on the tag - from 2, 3 and 5 rods, profiles for parties in an amount of less than 30 pcs., from 30 to 50 pcs. and over 50 pieces, respectively.

Selected samples are sent to the CZL, where the chemical composition is monitored using chemical and / or spectral analysis methods.

Chemical analysis methods, which are based on chemical reactions of determinable substances in solutions, include mainly gravimetric, titrimetric and colorimetric analysis. These methods are described in the respective GOST. It should be noted that the chemistry analysis of labor-intensives is not universal and does not have a high sensitivity (especially at low concentrations of the elements of the elements).

Spectral analysis is a physical method of high-quality and quantifying the composition of the substance along its spectra.

For express and marking analysis of the chemical composition of steels, cast iron and non-ferrous alloys, spectrographs (PC-30, DFS-13, DFS-8) and quantometters (DFS-41, DFS-51, IFS-4, Papas-4) are widely used. The basis of which the generally accepted scheme of emission spectral analysis is based. When analyzing between two electrodes, one of which is the analyzed sample, a pulse electrical discharge is excited. The radiation of the elements excited in the discharge of the atoms included in the sample passes through a polychromator with a concave diffraction lattice and decomposes into the spectrum. Each chemical element corresponds to its combination of spectral lines, the intensity of which depends on the concentration of the element in the sample.

With high-quality analysis, the resulting spectrum is interpreted using tables and attributes of the spectra of elements. For quantitative analysis of samples, one or more analytical lines of each analyzed element are chosen from the spectrum.

The intensity (j) of the spectral line L Leng is associated with the concentration (C) of the element in the sample dependency:

(L) \u003d A × CB,

where a and b are values \u200b\u200bdepending on the analysis conditions.

Modern appliances for spectral analysis are usually combined with a computer that allows you to fully automate the analysis of the spectra. In addition to these devices, enterprises find the use of styles (Fig. 3.3) of the "Spectrum" type for a quick visual qualitative and comparative quantitative analysis of black and color alloys in the visible region of the spectrum. The portable version of the stylograph (service) allows such an analysis in the workshops, in warehouses, on large-sized parts without destruction of the surface.

Spectral analysis of metals are carried out by GOST, namely:

steels - GOST 18895-81;

titanium alloys - GOST 23902-79;

aluminum alloys - GOST 7727-75;

magnesium alloys - GOST 7728-79;

copper - GOST 9717.1-82, GOST 9717.2-82, GOST 9717.2-83;

copper-zinc alloys - GOST 9716.0-79, GOST 9716.1-79, GOST 9716.2-79, GOST 9716.3-79;

heavy Bronze - GOST 20068.0-79, GOST 20068.1-79, GOST 20068.2-79, GOST 20068.3-79.

X-ray effect. Compared to optical spectra, X-ray characteristic spectra contain a smaller number of lines, which simplifies their decoding. This advantage is determined by increasingly used X-ray analysis in factory laboratories.

The characteristic X-ray spectrum of the sample can be obtained, or by placing it on the anode of the X-ray tube and irradiating the electron beam with an energy of 3-50 keV (emission method), or by placing the sample outside the tube and irradiating it outgoing from the tube with sufficiently rigid x-rays (fluorescent method).

The fluorescent method is more preferable. Q .:

has a higher sensitivity (up to 0.0005%);

more prompt and technologically (there is no need to make a handset collapsible and pump it for maintaining a vacuum);

the sample is not exposed to heating.

Used in industry to control the chemical composition of steels and alloys fluorescent radiographs (Spark-1-2m, Lab-x3000, ED 2000, MDX 1000) are equipped with a computer, which allows you to automate the processing process of spectra and increase the efficiency (Fig. 3.4).

The results of the control of the chemical composition of the metal are drawn up in the accompanying documentation and are recorded in the passport of input control.

Fig. 3.3. Optical Streamcop Scheme: 1 - light source (electric arc between electrodes that samples under study serve); 2 - condenser; 3 - gap; 4 - swivel prism; 5 - lens; 6 and 7 - prisms that decompose light in the spectrum; 8 - Okular

Fig. 3.4. Functional diagram of a fluorescent X-ray spectrometer: RT - X-ray tube; A - analyzer; D - detector

When input control of imported materials, the material grade is determined in accordance with the certificate of chemical composition.

Monitoring mechanical properties. This type of control is carried out in the CCL in accordance with the requirements of STP and TI. The content and volume of control of the mechanical properties of the metal products entering the enterprise is determined by the metal brand, the state of delivery and purpose in accordance with the NTD.

As a rule, mechanical properties are monitored during testing: on a uniaxial stretching, hardness, on a shock viscosity (see ch. 2). The form and sizes of test samples must comply with the requirements of GOST 1497-84 and GOST 9454-78.

For tensile tests of the metal round, square and hex section from each batch, 2 samples are taken, a length of 60 mm from any end of the rolled.

For tensile tests of the wire entering the bays for the manufacture of springs, a sample of 600 mm is selected from one bay of each batch, and for wire diameter 0.9 mm One sample is 1500 mm long at a distance of at least 1 m from the end of the bay.

For tensile tests of sheet rolled steel from one sheet, two samples of 250 mm long and 50 mm wide along the rolling direction, and from sheets of aluminum and magnesium alloys - across rolling. For ribbons and strips from one roll of each batch, a sample is selected with a length of 400 mm at a distance of at least 1 m from the end of the roll.

For testing on the shock viscosity from sheets, strips with a thickness of at least 11 mm, from pipes with a wall thickness of at least 14 mm, rods with a diameter of at least 16 mm from any end near the tensile test breakdown 2 samples of 11 × 11× 60 mm for making samples size 10 × 10× 55 mm. 2 samples for the manufacture of samples of 5 are taken from rolled steel up to 10 mm. × 10× 55 mm. For testing viscosity tests at minus temperatures, 3 samples are selected.

Upon receipt of the results that are inappropriate for the certificate, the test is repeated on a double quantity of samples. If with repeated tests, negative results are obtained at least one sample, then the entire metal batch is braked. The results of the mechanical properties of the metal are reflected in the input control passport with the test table app.


In the conditions of the global market, which integrates the Russian economy, management is needed for enterprises, providing advantages over competitors for quality criteria. Gradually comes to understanding that for the release of products of the required quality, there is no longer enough availability of a technical control department.

An increasing number of enterprises in order to increase their competitiveness is aware of the need to create a quality management system and certify compliance with the requirements of international standards.

Having studied the topic "Quality Management", found out that the direct leadership of the quality management system exercises authorized that its responsibilities include:

ensuring the development, implementation and maintenance of the quality management system;

control over the conduct of internal audits of the quality management system, analysis of its effectiveness;

representation of reports Director on the functioning of the quality management system, analysis of its effectiveness.

Also found out that operational activities related to the functioning of the quality management system implements a specially created quality service, which includes:

coordination of work and direct participation in the development, implementation and operation of the quality management system;

creating a database on the quality management system;

organization of accounting and control over the implementation of measures and documents of the quality management system, conducting internal inspections;

improving the quality management system.

In accordance with the new requirements, the organization must establish and detail to determine the requirements for measuring products / services, including acceptance criteria. Measurement should be planned in order to confirm their compliance with detailed requirements. The organization should plan to use statistical methods for data analysis. When analyzing problems, the causes must be determined before the start of the planning of corrective or warning actions. Information and data from all parts of the organization must be integrated and analyzed to assess the overall work of work in the organization. Based on objective information, methods and means are determined for continuous improvement of processes.

The effective functioning of the quality system involves the creation and operation of the information retrieval system, corrective actions and the results obtained in the field of quality.

The presence of a certified quality system at the enterprise is not an end in itself. First, in a number of industries there are specific certification systems. Secondly, ISO 9000 certification is a necessary, but insufficient element of competitiveness. And, thirdly, the recognized market economy leaders create their own, more developed and perfect quality management systems. But, undoubtedly, the lack of an appropriate quality system deprives the enterprise of the prospects to survive in the face of tough competition.

List of used literature

1. Rerin Yu.I. Quality management: Tutorial. Taganrog: Publishing House, PRTR, 2004. 174c.

Big Soviet Library, BSE; # "Justify"\u003e. Pluchan O.P. Methods and test devices RES and ECU. - M.: Higher. School., 2001 - 335 p.

Informal site of guests; # "Justify"\u003e. Stroy Consultant; # "Justify"\u003e. A.I. Orlov Mathematics Case: Probability and Statistics - Basic Facts: Tutorial. M.: MH-Press, 2004, - 110 s.

V.G. Shipha. Lecture: Input quality control of metal products.

The quality control of products in enterprises is carried out by the technical control department (OP).

Product quality control is divided into three types: input, inter-operative and output (acceptance).

Input control- Check the quality of raw materials and auxiliary materials entering production. Permanent analysis of the quality of the supplied raw materials and materials allows you to influence the production of enterprises-suppliers, achieving quality improvement.

Inter-operational controlcovers the entire technological process. This control is sometimes called technological, or current. The purpose of the inter-operational control is to verify the compliance of technological regimes, the rules of storage and packaging products between operations.

Output (acceptable) control- quality control of finished products. The purpose of the output control is to establish the compliance of the quality of finished products with the requirements of standards or technical conditions, identifying possible defects. If all the conditions are completed, the delivery of products is allowed.

SLE also checks the quality of the packaging and the correctness of the labeling of finished products.

Input, inter-operational and output control can be selective, solid and statistical.

Selective- Control of portion of products, the results of the verification of which are distributed to the entire batch.

Solidall products are subject to control (with indispensable technological mode).

Statisticalcontrol - warning. It is carried out throughout the technological process in order to prevent marriage.

The conditional measure of the quality of goods is their variety.

Variety- This is a high-quality gradation of goods for one or several indicators established by the regulatory documentation.

In case of acceptance control of quality, the product is divided into varieties indicated by numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) or words (higher, selected, extra, etc.). Some products (complex-technical, furniture, plastic products, etc.) are not divided into varieties, but differ as suitable and unfit.

Gradation of goods in varieties is carried out by defectsappearance, less often by deviations from other properties. All appendices of appearance are divided into permissible and unacceptable. Products with unacceptable defects are married.

Defects defined by the product variety are divided into the following features: origin, size and location, the possibility of identifying, the possibility of correction, degree of importance.

According to origin, the defects of raw materials, technological, occurring during storage and transportation.

In size and location - defects small, large; Local, common.

If possible, identifying - defects visible (explicit) and hidden.

By the possibility of correction - defects corrected and incorrigible.

According to the degree of importance - defects are critical, significant and insignificant.

In the presence of critical defects, the use of goods is impossible or unacceptable.

The degree of reduction in the quality of the product depends on the significance, the magnitude, location and the number of defects.

The amount, size and location of permissible defects are indicated in the standards.

The definition of the variety is carried out on the score and restrictive systems. The variety of products is installed at an industrial enterprise controllers OTV. The higher the grade, the higher the quality of the goods.

With a score system, each defect or deviation from the nominal value of the property indicator is estimated by a certain amount of points, taking into account their significance and size. The variety is determined by the amount of points.

With a restrictive system for each variety, a list of permissible defects is established, their number, size, location.

When discrepancies with the standards for this variety by type, quantity and location of defects, the goods are transferred to the lowest variety or marriage.

The non-compliance of the goods to the regulations at least one defect or deflection gives grounds for translating it into a lower variety or marriage.

Quality assurance when monitoring and testing products

The purpose of creating quality protection systems is to protect the consumer from unintentional receipt of products that do not meet the established requirements and avoid excessive costs associated with the revision of such products. It is necessary to identify and documented the actions against non-relevant products.

Control- Activities that include measurements, examination, tests or evaluation of one or more characteristics of the object and comparing the results obtained with the established requirements for determining whether the correspondence has been achieved for each of these characteristics.

An important role for the production of high-quality goods and quality management has the quality of goods.

Quality control of goodsit is a procedure for verifying the compliance of their quality indicators to the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and supply contracts. The main task of quality control is to identify product defects to which each individual non-compliance with the goods is established. At the same time, product defects can be detected both with organoleptic and measuring control; And can be detected only during operation.

Depending on the possibility of identifyingdefects can be obvious and hidden.

Explicit defect product- Defect, to detect which in regulatory documentation, mandatory for this type of control, there are relevant rules, methods and funds. Many explicit defects are found already in visual control of products.

Hidden defect product- Defect, to detect which in regulatory documentation, mandatory for this type of control, does not provide for the relevant rules, methods and funds. Hidden defects are detected during the operation of goods (products).

By origin, defects may be production and non-manufacturing.

Production defectit occurs in the process of producing goods, due to the violation of the technological mode of manufacturing the product.

Non-derivative defectit occurs after the completion of the product production process - during transportation, storage, implementation, operation, or. consumption.

If possible, the defects are divided into disposable and unreasonable.

Disposable defects- Defects, the elimination of which is technically possible and economically appropriate.

Focipal defects- Defects, the elimination of which is technically impossible and (or) is economically inexpedient.

When studying defects, it is necessary to determine its significance - the relative value determined by the type, size, location of the defect and characterized by the degree of its influence on the level of product quality compared to other defects. Depending on the degree of influence on the quality of the defects, there may be: critical, significant, insignificant.

Critical defect- Defect, with the existence of which the use of the goods for its intended purpose is almost impossible or unacceptable.

Significant product defectssignificantly affect the possibility of consuming the goods for its intended purpose, on its quality and duration of operation.

Unconscious (insignificant) Defectsit does not significantly affect the use of the product for its intended purpose and on its durability.

In the process of continuous or selective product quality control, suitable products and marriage are found.

Products- Product that meets all established requirements.

Marriage-products, the transfer of which to the consumer is not allowed due to the presence of defects prevented by regulatory documents.

It must be remembered that for some groups and types of products is provided division in varieties.It depends on the presence of defects and deviations on some indicators of consumer properties.

Procedure for setting varieties:

1) sorts are installed on a score or restrictive system. The most common point system in which regulatory documents for each ofvarieties limit the type of defects, their number, sizes, location on the product;

2) with a scoring system of deviation from the standard of standard according to controlled indicators and defect parameters are estimated in conditional units - points;

3) by comparing the amount of points acquired by the product when monitoring, with the regulatory requirements of standards providing for each variety the permissible amount of points, the goods belong to one or another variety.

But in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the number of varieties or in general to fails to divide goods on the variety.

There is next classification of types of control:

For control purposes:

■ product control;

■ Process control.

At the stage of the production process:

■ Input control;

■ Transport control;

■ operational control;

■ acceptance control (control of finished products);

■ Storage control.

The nature:

■ Inspection control;

■ Flying control.

For accepted solutions:

■ active control;

■ Passive control.

By the degree of product coverage:

■ solid control;

■ Selective control.

If possible, further use of products:

■ destructive control;

■ Non-destructive testing.

By means of control:

■ visual control;

■ Organoleptic control;

■ Instrumental control.

In general, quality control should confirm the fulfillment of the specified product requirements. It includes:

■ Input control.It is used to ensure the quality of the purchased materials, components and components, which come to the manufacturing enterprise. Input control depends on the information coming from the subcontractor, and their influence on costs.

■ Intermediate (operational) control. It is carried out at certain points of the manufacturing process, to confirm compliance. Verification sites and their frequency depend on the significance of the characteristics and convenience of checking during the process. There are the following types of checks: automatic control or automatic testing; Installation check

(and first sample; control checks or tests conducted by the machine manual; control at the established process points at certain intervals; periodic monitoring of specific operations carried out by special controllers.

acceptance control.Such control is the resulting step, summarizing the total production process. On it, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the quality system currently in the enterprise. It is he who has the most complete information for improving the quality management system in the enterprise. At the same time, two forms of checking finished products can be used, which can be used both together and separately:

a) acceptance control or acceptance tests to confirm the compliance of the finished product established requirements. A link to order for the delivery to check the type and quantity of the supplied goods can be made. Here you can include solid control of all units of goods, selective control of goods parties and continuous selective control;

b) Check the quality of goods, carried out on selective units, representative for staffing parties, on a continuous or periodic basis.

In general, acceptance control and product quality checks can be used to provide operational feedback in order to conduct corrective impacts regarding goods, process or quality system. Goods that do not satisfy the established requirements must be included in the acts and analyze, import or analyze, repair, take with a resolution to retreat from or without any, redo, reimball or turn into scrap. Renovated and / or converted goods must be repeated or re-testing.

permission to ship output, reports on checks and testing (data registration).Products can only be sent after all work specified in the quality program or documented procedures have been successfully completed, and relevant information and documentation will be approved and officially approved.

Control of control and measuring equipment.To achieve confidence in the correctness of the decisions taken or measures based on measurement results, it is required to continuously manage all measurement systems used in the development, production, installation and product maintenance. The control is subject to measuring instruments, sensors, special test equipment and necessary software for testing. It is also recommended as necessary to distribute control procedures for technological equipment, various devices that can affect the specified product characteristics or process. Need to be developed docounted proceduresto manage and maintain the measurement process itself in a state of statistical regulation, including equipment, techniques and professional training of operators. Documented procedures involve the use of appropriate instrumentation and test equipment, including test software that guarantees the accurate measurement error data, which must comply with the required measurement capabilities. It is necessary to take appropriate measures in cases where the accuracy of the equipment does not allow properly measuring the characteristics of the process and products.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

■ set the parameters of the range, accuracy, convergence and stability in the specified environments;

■ conduct a source check before initial use to evaluate the required accuracy;

■ Provide a periodic return for adjustment, repair and re-calibration, taking into account

technical requirements of the manufacturer, the results of the previous verification, order and intensity of use to ensure the necessary accuracy during operation; "To carry out documentary confirmation of the uniqueness of the designation of measuring instruments, the frequency of re-calibration, the provisions with the verification and order of recall, transportation, conservation and storage, adjustment, repair, calibration, installation and operation;

■ ensure the connection of measuring instruments with the source references of certain accuracy and stability, preferably with references recognized as national and internationally; In the absence of such standards, it is necessary to document the foundation for conducting verification.

■ Evaluate software and control procedures automatic test equipment.

Verification of measuring instrumentsit is a combination of operations performed by the state metrology authorities or other accredited organizations in order to identify and confirm the compliance of the measurement tools by the established technical requirements.

The term "Calibration of Measurement Tools" is introduced by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Support Unity of Measurements". Calibration of measuring instrumentsit is a combination of operations performed in order to determine and confirm the valid values \u200b\u200bof the metrological characteristics and (or) suitability for the use of measuring instruments not subject to state metrological control and supervision. Only those measuring instruments that are not subject to state metrological control and supervision are subjected to calibration, i.e. verification Verification is a mandatory operation that the state metrological service authorities are performed, and the calibration is any metrological service or an individual who have all the necessary conditions for the implementation of this activity. Calibration is an additional feature that is performed either by the metrological service of the enterprise, or on its application by any other organization capable of performing work.

Management of inappropriate products.Such activities are carried out in order to protect the consumer from unintentional receipt of products that do not meet the established requirements and avoid excessive costs associated with the improvement of such products. It is necessary to determine and documented in the action procedures in relation to inappropriate products. To such actions, as a rule include:

■ Identification.This process, in which, units or batch of products, suspected in non-compliance with the established requirements should be immediately identified, and their appearance should be registered. As necessary, conditions must be provided for

surveys or re-examination of previous parties.

Isolation.The process in which products that do not meet the established requirements are isolated from products that meet the established requirements, and are appropriately identified to avoid their further unforeseen use before making a decision on their disposal.

Return products.Sometimes it may be necessary to refund finished products, which is located in the warehouse of finished products, on the way to distribution organizations, in warehouses or already in operation. Decisions on the refund are based on security reasons, legal responsibility for product quality and customer satisfaction. But, ending with the disposal of the identified inappropriate product, the process of quality management would look at least unfinished. All identified inconsistencies, after systematization and careful analysis, should become a solid information base for the development of measures to make the level of defectiveness of products to a minimum. Consequently, the development of corrective and preventive measures is an integral element of quality management.

Survey.Inappropriate products are subject to a survey of specially appointed personnel in order to determine the possibility of its acceptance after or without repairs in the presence of a permit for retreat from the requirements, the feasibility of its repair, alteration or rejection. Persons survey should be fairly competent to assess the impact of decisions made on interchangeability, subsequent processing, operational characteristics, reliability, safety and aesthetic properties.

Taking various measures.As a rule, there are measures to prevent use or installation not to appoint non-conforming products. Such measures may include an examination of other products, designed or processed according to the same procedures as products recognized as inappropriate established requirements and / or previous batches of the same products.

With regard to unfinished work, corrective actions should be implemented as soon as it is possible to save the cost of repair, alteration or rejection. Renovated, converted and / or modified products are subject to re-control or re-testing to verify compliance with the established requirements.

Disposal.Dispose of inappropriate products must be carried out as soon as it becomes necessary. The decision on acceptance of such products should be documented (together with the rationale) in sanctioned permits for retreat from the requirements indicating the appropriate precautions.

Corrective actions.Corrective actions begins with identifying quality problems. Corrective actions involve repair, alteration, refund or rejection of unsatisfactory quality products. The need for action to eliminate the cause of inconsistencies can be determined by the following factors:

a) consumers;

b) information on the operation of products;

c) tests conducted by manuals;

d) reports on the inconsistency of the technological process;

e) audit checks (internal and / or external);

Events to eliminate the causes of existing or potential inconsistencies include:

Evaluation of the importance of an existing problem affecting quality.Such an assessment should be carried out in terms of the potential impact of the problem of such aspects as the cost of quality, raw materials and manufacturing processing costs, operational characteristics, reliability, safety and customer satisfaction.

Studying the possible reasons to contribute to the emergence of the problem.It is recommended to determine the important parameters affecting the ability of the process to meet the established requirements. It is necessary to establish the relationship between the cause and consequence, taking into account all possible reasons. The results of the study must be documented.

Analysis of the problem.At the same time, it is necessary to establish the root cause of the problem. Very often, the root cause is not obvious, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of technical requirements for products and all relevant processes, operations, registered data on quality, service reports and opinions of customers. When analyzing problems, statistical methods can be used. At the same time, it is recommended to create a map of inconsistencies, from which the problems of general nature would be indicated, individual problems, as well as how to solve them.

Eliminating the causes of actual or potential inconsistencies.Detection of causes or potential causes can lead to changes to the technical requirements for products and / or to revise the quality system, as well as in the processes of production, packaging, maintenance, transportation or storage. When eliminating the reasons, it is necessary to do everything possible to prevent their re-appearance in the future.

Process management.It is necessary to make appropriate measures to manage processes and procedures for avoiding re-emergence of problems. In the case of a corrective action, it is required to control its consequences in order to ensure the solution of the tasks.

Changes held.Conducted changes that are the result of corrective actions must be recorded in the instructions for the performance of work, documentation for production processes, product requirements and / or documentation for the quality system.

How to keep records in the construction journal? Details

1. The magazine of input control of the quality of the supplied materials and products is a document that is issued by the representative of the construction contractor, the journal contains accounting for all materials and products that entered the object.

2. The supplied materials must comply with the requirements specified in the PSD. In case of inconsistencies, the TN engineer issued an order to eliminate, on the basis of which the Customer, together with the design institute, makes a decision on coordination or not coordinating the material, replacement to similar in accordance with the Register of the TU.

3. Input control is carried out by representatives of the contractor (appointed by the order according to the necessary qualifications) and the customer and engineer of technical supervision in accordance with technological maps of visual-measuring control.

4. The log indicates the date, object, party number, certificate, technical passport, number, storage conditions (not a storage place - warehouse, platform, and conditions), controlled parameter, control results, signature by artist, and supervisory and determining the degree of suitability or the cause of rejection.

In column 1: indicates the date of control of the product or material

In column 2: the name of the material or product is indicated indicating its main technical parameters.

In column 3: indicates the number of the party, certificate number, technical support, GOST or the factory of the manufacturer in accordance with which the product (material) has been released and is checked whether this one in the register of allowed

In column 4: indicates the amount of material (product) in the pc. kg. Packages (decipher)

In column 5: the conditions for storage and storage are indicated in accordance with the data of the accompanying documentation and the factory of the manufacturer

In column 6: indicated controlled parameters (length, width, diameter, steel brand, weight, etc.) in accordance with the data of the accompanying documentation

In column 7: indicate physical parameters in accordance with the requirements of the project documentation

In column 8: Signature of the PSO employee who performed the input control

In column 9: the signature of the laboratory assistant controller either specialist of the CCM

In column 10: the record is made "suitable for use in accordance with the project requirements", or "is not suitable in connection with the presence of unacceptable defects (damage)," does not comply with the requirements of project documentation, after receiving relevant approvals. "

5. On each sheet of the input control log on the part of the technical supervision is a mark on confirming the input control procedure (signature, personal stamp).

6. The input control log must indicate:

Name of the customer

Name of contracting organization

Diameter and section of the oil pipeline

Dates of the beginning and end of the journal

7. The magazine on input control of the quality of materials and equipment must be numbered, laid and fastened to the printing organization.

8. After the end of the journal is the responsible person, the registration "Magazine is completed" is made, the date is made, the signature with decoding the person responsible for the journal is.

Input control log

Hello, dear reader of the Blog of Probala, in this article the magazine of input control will talk about accounting for construction materials on a construction site, how to fill in the magazine and why it is necessary.

Why do you need to keep accounting materials and equipment at a construction site? If you are working in small construction companies engaged in one type of activity, such as the production of industrial floors, roofing works, plumbing, and so on, then you can hardly have such magazines.

I say this on the basis of their own experience, working as a studio in the company specializing in the production of concrete floors. I did not led the input control log.

He was not for a facility from 10,000 m2 or more, the main building materials are fittings and concrete.

The reinforcement took at the beginning of work at the facility in the amount of on the whole object, concrete was taken as the fill cards are harvested and its number was recorded in a magazine concrete work.

It is quite another thing if you work a studio in an organization engaged in general construction work and building a building from scratch to finishing works.

Here without the magazine input control can not do. It rarely happens that the construction materials delivered immediately go into business. Mostly after the supplier's supplier, he tries to immediately deliver your products, reinforcement, crushed stone, hollow plates, brick, metal frame, sandwich panels, etc.

Imagine the situation, you still have not done the foundation, but you have already labeled metal columns with farms and sandwich panels wall and roofing. When you take, we store, you think you remember. When the time is suitable before they are installed, it will not be problems, since you remember everything.

But it takes 2-3 weeks, during this time there were still materials and equipment, plus the usual working problems with deadlines, with workers who do work not qualitatively and so on. And you are not so easy to remember that you took 3 weeks ago and where it all stored.

How fits the installation of these columns and sandwich panels, you begin to remember where they lie. Do not remember you start rummaged in folders with documents and accounts to watch what was taken a month ago and did I take these products.

I also did not invent this situation, such a story was at a construction site, a complex of the railway unit in Kstovo. The magazine input control has become serious in the middle of construction, since there was a mess. There was a bunch of materials at the construction site, and where no one knew it or forgotten it.

Calls to the supply department begin to say that we do not have such materials, and in response you get them accepted they should be.

To all of the above, you can still add, found and applied these materials in construction, but you need to pass your job with the help of acts of hidden work. To which must be applied to the quality of materials.

And again the problem, by taking these materials by scholars, in the invoice and invoice accounts. You put documents on the shelf and consider that remember forever, where they lie. But when they need them, you can't remember, about their existence and in general, in general, they were.

Such problems may be if it is not serious about the input control of the materials at the construction site. If the log of input control is conducted from the very beginning of construction, then opening it and looking at what and when all these problems can be avoided.

Fill out the input control log

How to enter and fill in the log of input control can be found from the GOST "R 50-601-40-93 recommendations. Input control of products. Basic provisions. "

"The log of input accounting and quality control of the obtained parts, materials, structures and equipment" The first sheet is filled with intuitively clearly, specify the name of the object, the object address, the name of its organization and the date of the beginning and the end of this document.

The magazine itself consists of 9 count.

In 1 graph, the delivery date indicate the date at the time when we accept this material.

2 Name of materials and structures, write the designation of materials according to GOST or the manufacturer, party number

3 Number of total volume, let's say if in one machine the valves of different diameters and quantity, then the name and quantity and quantity will be prescribed in each new line.

4 supplier, rewrite from the invoice invoice the name of the organization that caused you materials.

5 Name of the accompanying document, the number of the invoice, here rewrite the numbers of documents and certificates of the quality of these materials.

6 Deviations from GOST, SNIPA, TU. All defects This item You fill out after the visual inspection of the accepted products, best when you have already unloaded. When I was accepting reinforced concrete products, cracked wetting plates, reinforced concrete rings were found. In this case, I recorded that there are deviations in the form of cracks.

If the stove was not suitable for installation, then the act in which the driver was signed, which caused these products. And in the invoice corrected the amount of materials, only after that they signed and gave to the driver.

7 Signature of the person performing control, here everything is clear to the person who accepts materials. If, what is known will be, who has to ask where he stored these materials and where quality documents hid.

8 Note, in this column there must be a signature of a laboratory controller

This is how the magazine is filled with each material or equipment delivered to you. In my own experience, I will say a carefully completed magazine facilitates the work when drawing up acts of hidden work or the work journal, if you also launched it.

It is also possible to find out how to find out how the magazine of concrete works is filled.

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Control quality of construction. Supervision of construction.

6 Construction quality control. SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION

6.1 Production quality control is carried out by the performer of work and includes:

# 8212 Input control of project documentation provided by the developer (customer)

# 8212 Acceptance of a geodetic center base

# 8212 Input control of used materials, products

# 8212 Operating control in the execution process and upon completion of operations:

# 8212 Evaluation of the compliance of the work performed, the results of which are inaccessible to control after the start of subsequent work.

6.1.1 In order to control the project documentation, all the presented documentation should be analyzed, including posters and working documentation, checking out:

# 8212 Her completeness

# 8212 Compliance of design axial sizes and geodesic foundations

# 8212 Availability of coordination and allegations

# 8212 Availability of references to materials and products

# 8212 Compliance of the borders of the construction site at the construction plan installed servitudes

# 8212 Availability of a list of works and structures whose quality indicators affect the safety of the object and are subject to assessment of conformity in the construction process

# 8212 The presence of limit values \u200b\u200bcontrolled by the specified list of parameters allowed by the levels of inconsistency for each of them

# 8212 Availability of instructions on control and measurement methods, including in the form of references to the relevant regulatory documents.

If deficiencies are found, the relevant documentation returns to refinement.

6.1.2 The performer performs the acceptance of the developer provided by him by the developer (customer) of the geodesic center, checks its compliance with the established requirements for accuracy, the reliability of fixing signs on the ground for this purpose, it can attract independent experts. Acceptance of the geodesic center foundation in the developer (customer) should be issued with the appropriate act.

6.1.3 Input control in accordance with the current legislation, they check the compliance of the quality indicators of the purchased (obtained) materials, products and equipment requirements of standards, technical conditions or technical evidence of them specified in the project documentation and (or) contract contract.

At the same time, the presence and content of the accompanying documents of the supplier (manufacturer) confirming the quality of these materials, products and equipment is checked.

If necessary, control measurements and tests of the above indicators can be performed. Methods and means of these measurements and tests must comply with the requirements of standards, technical conditions and (or) technical evidence of materials, products and equipment.

Input control results must be documented.

6.1.4 In the case of monitoring and testing by attracted accredited laboratories, it is necessary to verify the compliance of the methods of control and testing by the established standards and (or) technical conditions on controlled products.

6.1.5 Materials, products, equipment, the discrepancy of which the established requirements are revealed by input control, should be separated from suitable and marking. Works with the use of these materials, products and equipment should be suspended. The developer (customer) must be notified of the suspension of work and its causes.

In accordance with the law, one of three solutions can be made:

# 8212 The supplier performs the replacement of inappropriate materials, products, equipment with appropriate

# 8212 Inappropriate products are being finalized

# 8212 Inappropriate materials, products can be applied after compulsory approval with the developer (customer), a designer and state control authority (supervision) for its competence.

6.1.6 The operating control of the work performer checks:

# 8212 Compliance of the sequence and composition of performed technological operations of technological and regulatory documentation that extends to these technological operations

# 8212 Compliance with technological modes established by technological maps and regulations

# 8212 Compliance with the quality indicators of operations and their results with the requirements of project and technological documentation, as well as extending to these technological operations of regulatory documentation.

Places of performing control operations, their frequency, performers, methods and measuring instruments, form of recording results, the procedure for making decisions in identifying inconsistencies to the established requirements must comply with the requirements of project, technological and regulatory documentation.

The results of operational control must be documented.

6.2 In the construction process, an assessment of the work performed, the results of which affect the security of the object, but in accordance with the technologies adopted, they become inaccessible to control after the beginning of the execution of subsequent works, as well as the construction structures and sections of engineering networks, eliminate the defects of which identified by control, It is impossible without disassembling or damage to subsequent designs and sections of engineering networks. Representatives of the relevant state supervisory authorities, author's supervisory, as well as, if necessary, independent experts can participate in these control procedures. The executor of work is not later than three working days notify other participants about the deadlines for the specified procedures.

6.2.1 The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent work, in accordance with the requirements of the project and regulatory documentation, are issued by acts of examination of hidden work (Appendix B). The developer (customer) may require a re-examination after eliminating the identified defects.

6.2.2 The procedure for assessing the compliance of individual structures, tiers of structures (floors) The artist must submit acts of examination of all hidden works that are part of these designs, geodesic executive schemes, as well as protocols of tests of structures in cases provided for by project documentation and (or) contract of construction contract. The developer (customer) can perform the control of executive geodesic schemes represented by the performer. To this end, the artist must maintain an acceptance axis and assembly guidelines until the acceptance of acceptance is completed.

The results of the acceptance of individual structures should be issued by acts of intermediate acceptance of structures (application d).

6.2.3 Tests of sections of engineering networks and mounted engineering equipment are carried out according to the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and are issued by the shapes established by them.

6.2.4 When determined as a result of the phased acceptance of work defects, structures, sections of engineering networks, relevant acts should be issued only after eliminating the identified defects.

In cases when subsequent work should begin after a break in more than 6 months from the time of the completion of the phased acceptance, these procedures should be renewed before renewing the work again with the design of relevant acts.

6.3 Technical supervision of the developer (customer) for construction performs:

# 8212 Verification of availability of documents (certificates in established cases) at the artist's work (certificates) on materials, products and equipment, documented input control results and laboratory test results

# 8212 Control of observance by the performer of the work of the rules of storage and storage used materials, products and equipment when identifying violations of these rules, a technical supervision representative may prohibit the use of incorrectly stored and stored materials

# 8212 Control of the compliance of the operational control performed by the Contractor requirements 6.1.6

# 8212 Control of the presence and correctness of the executive documentation performer, including an assessment of the reliability of geodesic executive schemes of executed structures with selective control over the position of the position of the elements

# 8212 Control over the elimination of defects in project documentation identified in the construction process, documented refund of defective documentation designer, control and documented acceptance of corrected documentation, transferring it to the performer of work

# 8212 Control of execution by the performer of the prescriptions of the state supervisory authorities and local self-government

# 8212 Notice of state supervision organs about all cases of emergency condition at the construction facility

# 8212 Control of the compliance of the volume and timing of the work of the contract conditions and the calendar plan of construction

# 8212 Evaluation (together with the performer of work) Compliance with the work, designs, sections of engineering networks, the signing of bilateral acts confirming the compliance with the control over the execution of the work of work on the inadmissibility of subsequent work before signing these acts

# 8212 Final assessment (together with the executor of work) Compliance with the completed construction of the object with the requirements of the legislation of project and regulatory documentation.

For the implementation of technical supervision, the developer (Customer), if necessary, forms a technical supervision service, ensuring its project and necessary regulatory documentation, as well as instrumentation and instruments.

6.4 In cases stipulated by law, the developer of project documentation carries out the construction supervision. The procedure for the implementation and function of the author's supervision is established by the relevant regulatory documents.

6.5 Remarks of representatives of the technical supervision of the developer (customer) and the author's supervisory are documented. The facts of eliminating defects according to the comments of these representatives are documented with their participation.

6.6 The architect author's supervision is carried out by the architect in an initiative order, regardless of the decision of the developer (Customer) and the availability of an agreement on the author's supervision. The territorial body for architecture and urban planning at the author's statement, making sure that it may issue a developer (customer) to ensure the author's admission to the construction object, the possibility of making entries in Journal of author's supervision. Claims of the author-architect on the implementation of architectural design solutions can be considered by the authority for urban planning and architecture, the solution of which is mandatory for the developer (customer).

6.7 State control bodies (supervision) are evaluating the compliance of the construction process and the objective of the object with the requirements of legislation, technical regulations, project and regulatory documentation appointed from the condition of ensuring the safety of the facility in the construction process and after commissioning it in accordance with the current legislation (Art. 33, Part I).

State control bodies (supervision) are evaluating the compliance of the construction of a specific facility upon receipt from the developer (Customer) notice of construction work (4.15).

6.8 Evaluation of the compliance of buildings and structures with mandatory safety requirements as products that represents the danger to life, health and property of users, the surrounding population, as well as the environment, and as products produced without testing a typical sample in a single copy at the site of operation and not reaching the final instance. Functional characteristics before commissioning is performed in forms:

inspection checks of completeness, composition, timeliness, reliability and documentation of industrial control (6.1)

# 8212 Inspection checks of completeness, composition, reliability and documentation of procedures for examination of hidden work, intermediate acceptance of structures of structures, structures, as well as supporting structures of buildings and structures in cases where these tests are provided for by project documentation.

6.9 Representatives of state control bodies (supervision) for the notice of the contractor can participate in accordance with their powers in assessing the compliance of the results of work hidden by subsequent works, and individual structures of 6.2.

6.10 In identifying inconsistencies, state control authorities (oversight) apply the sanctions provided for by the current legislation (Art. 34).

6.11 Administrative control over construction in order to limit the adverse effects of construction and installation work on the population and territory in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of the leading construction is conducted by local governments or authorized organizations (administrative inspections, etc.) in the manner prescribed by the current legislation.

The supervision is to preliminarily establish the conditions of construction (the size of the construction site fence, the temporary mode of work, destruction of garbage, maintaining order at the adjacent territory, etc.) and monitoring the observance of these conditions during the construction. The developer is responsible for the local self-government body, unless otherwise established by treaties.