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Workshop for teachers "modern technologies as a tool for managing the quality of education." Synopsis of the workshop for educators “If the child does not obey. Synopsis of the workshop for teachers of the dhow "components of the process of playing games

The problem of children's conflicts is always relevant. Educators often do not know how to properly resolve the conflict, they do not solve the problem constructively. The teacher-psychologist presents the seminar “Children's conflicts. Methods of prevention and methods of resolution ”, which will acquaint teachers with the peculiarities of the course of children's conflicts, methods of their prevention and possible ways of resolving them.

Purpose: to familiarize teachers with the peculiarities of the course of children's conflicts, methods of their prevention and possible ways to resolve them.

1. To acquaint teachers with the concept of "conflict", as well as the peculiarities of the course of children's conflicts.

2. To acquaint teachers with some methods of conflict prevention in children's groups.

3. To train teachers in some methods of preventing children's conflicts.

Preparation: presentation; print cards for the game "Rope"; pencils; print memos.

Psychologist: Hello, dear colleagues! The topic of our seminar today is “Children's conflicts. Methods of prevention and methods of resolution "

The seminar, conditionally, will consist of 3 parts. In the first, we will try to highlight the features of children's conflicts. In the second - some methods of their prevention, and in the third - the characteristics of the teacher's behavior in conflict situations of children, as well as ways of resolving them.

So let's get started. Part 1 of the seminar: "Features of children's conflicts."

Each person is unique. And even when he is only three years old, he forms his own ideas about the world around him. The child's worldview already includes general information about the rules of behavior, usually this happens through the assessment of adults. And so, so different, each with their own childhood ambitions, they come together. In any team, conflicts are inevitable, the children's community is no exception.

Conflict (from Latin conflictus - quarrel, collision, dispute) is defined as a lack of agreement between two or more parties, a clash of oppositely directed and incompatible tendencies in the minds of individuals, in interpersonal or intergroup interactions, associated with negative emotional experiences.

What do you think are the reasons for the conflicts in the group?

Adults encounter conflicts with children quite early. Some scientists attribute their appearance to the age of one year. In younger children, conflicts most often arise over toys, in middle-aged children over roles, and at an older age over the rules of the game. Children's conflicts can arise over resources, discipline, communication difficulties, values ​​and needs, mutual hostility, rivalry, age difference, lack of cohesion of the children's team, etc.

It must always be remembered that conflict situations will arise in any case. All children's quarrels are usually resolved by themselves, and therefore should be treated as natural phenomena in life. Small quarrels and clashes can be regarded as the first life lessons of interaction with equal people of the same circle, the moment of interaction with the outside world, the stage of learning by trial and error, without which the child cannot do. Therefore, adults should not enter into quarrels of children without special need. It is necessary that they learn to independently get out of controversial situations and end conflicts.

In the children's group, the main and most frequent cause of conflict is a heightened sense of ownership. In other words, the toys. As a rule, children treat their objects of play very anxiously, protect them, and get nervous when someone else takes them. At the same time, the child often considers other people's things as potentially his own. This is where it is necessary to lay in the child the basic concepts of his own and someone else's. In addition to the fact that "you cannot take someone else's", adults (parents and educators) must explain why this cannot be done. It is advisable to convey to the minds of children what feelings will be experienced by someone from whom they have taken or taken away a thing without asking.

But before they develop empathy and generosity, they must establish safety limits for themselves: the constancy of being surrounded by close adults, their place in the house, relationships with people, with their toys. An attempt on a toy that a child considers his own is an attempt on his safety, on his personal space. Adults, often themselves deprived of the ability to share something with others, constantly demand this from children.

Awareness by adults of the child's right to property is very important, since it removes many unnecessary worries and makes them think about giving children the means to resolve conflicts, instead of calling the child a greedy, bad boy or girl, etc. Teachings about justice, threats, instilling a sense of guilt do not lead to anything good. The task of adults is to help children see in each person, teach them some rules of life among other people, which include the ability to express their desire, listen to the desire of another, agree, together find a way out of a difficult situation. At the same time, the child should be an equal participant in this process, and not just blindly obey the requirements of an adult or a stronger partner.

Observations of children in conflict situations indicate that often its participants solve the problems that have arisen in different ways, some by forceful methods, while others, who are good at communicative methods, settle their disputes and disagreements in a more peaceful non-violent way. These are the two main ways of resolving conflict situations: destructive and constructive.

Constructive ways out of the conflict presuppose progress in the situation and its resolution ("I will offer another game", "I will ask the guys what is better to play, and we will agree"). Proponents of a constructive approach are more sociable, they try to work together to find a way out of the situation and relieve tension by adopting a consensus. It is these methods of resolving conflicts that need to be taught to children.

Destructive methods involve either avoiding the situation (“I’ll leave and not play with them”, “I myself will play alone”), or its aggressive resolution (“I will beat everyone and make them play”), or the attraction of external means to resolve the conflict (“ I will call the teacher, she will make everyone play ”). The use of aggressive, violent methods of conflict resolution speaks, as a rule, of difficulties in communication, misunderstanding and rejection of another point of view, and forceful influence may indicate disturbances in the emotional and personal sphere of the child.

In the communication of children with each other, situations often arise that require coordination of actions and the manifestation of a benevolent attitude towards peers, the ability to abandon personal desires in order to achieve common goals. The preschooler is not yet aware of his inner world, his experiences, intentions, interests, so it is difficult for him to imagine what the other is feeling. He sees only the external behavior of the other: he pushes, shouts, interferes, takes away toys, etc., but the child does not understand that each peer is a person, with his own inner world, interests and desires. It is important to help the child look at himself and his peer from the outside.

Most often, children who are popular and unpopular stand out brightly in the group. Popular children are dexterous, skillful, smart, tidy; unpopular include untidy, quiet, whiny, harmful, weak and poorly proficient in game actions and speech (such children include children from conflict families with an acutely unfavorable emotional atmosphere, children from families with hypo- or hyper-care, disharmonious types of upbringing, these are aggressive children, poorly controlling their behavior, anxious children). Peers are also irritated by those children with whom it is difficult to negotiate, who break the rules, do not know how to play, slow, incapable, inept.

There is even a peculiar typology of conflict children who most often provoke conflict situations in a group:

1. "Aggressive" - ​​bully others and get annoyed themselves if they are not listened to or perceived. This is what provoke rejection.

2. "Complainants" - often complain about something, thereby they can provoke other guys among themselves.

3. "Silent people" - calm and laconic, but it is very difficult to find out what they really want. By this behavior, they create barriers to communication.

4. "Super-compliant" - they agree with everyone, do not have their own position.

5. "Know-it-alls" - consider themselves smarter than others, arrogant, condescending.

6. "Indecisive" - ​​hesitate to make decisions, are afraid to make mistakes, get stuck.

8. "Hidden" - harbor resentment and unexpectedly attack the offender, vindictive.

9. "Innocent liars" - mislead others with lies and deceit.

At the same time, the following methods of influencing such children on other participants in the game conflict were identified - manipulation tactics:

1. "Physical impact" - such actions when children, especially younger ones, push each other, fight, and also take away toys, scatter them, take someone else's place in the game, etc.

2. "Mediated influence" - in this case, the child acts on the opponent through other people. This includes complaints about a peer to the caregiver, crying, screaming in order to attract the attention of an adult, as well as influencing with the help of other children involved in conflict to confirm their claims.

3. "Emotional suppression" - this includes such methods of influencing the opponent that are addressed directly to him, but this is carried out at the level of crying, screaming, stamping feet, grimacing, etc., when the child does not explain his claims, but exerts on the opponent certain psycho-emotional pressure.

4. "Verbal suppression" - in this case, the means of influence is already speech, but these are mainly various instructions to the opponent what he should do or what he should not do. These are statements such as "Give back", "Go away", a kind of labeling of one's own actions - "I will be a doctor", refusal to perform the action required by the partner, as well as questions requiring a specific answer, for example, "Where are you doing the car?" In the latter case, the peer must also perform a certain action, but not substantive, but verbal.

5. "Threats and sanctions" - this includes statements in which children warn opponents about the possible negative consequences of their actions, for example, "I'll tell you"; threats of destruction of the game - “I will not play with you”; threats to break off relations in general - "I am no longer friends with you", as well as various interjections and words pronounced with a threatening intonation: "Well!", "Oh, so!", "Got it?" etc.

6. "Pseudo-arguments" - these include statements with the help of which children try to explain, substantiate their claims or show the illegality of the claims of rivals. These are statements like “I am the first”, “This is mine”, statements about my desire - “I want to too”, an appeal to my position in the game - “I am a teacher and I know how to teach”, rhetorical questions like “Why did you break everything ? "," Why did you come here? ", In which a negative assessment of the partner's actions is clearly visible, as well as direct assessments of one's own actions and the actions of rivals (“ You don’t know how to play ”,“ I know better how to treat ”) and various offensive nicknames, teasers, etc. This group also includes cases when children try to appeal to certain rules - for example, “It is necessary to share”, “The seller must be polite”, etc.

If you know the features of these types of children and take into account their possible ways of communicating and interacting with peers, then you can learn how to correctly prevent children's conflicts. And instead of resolving a quarrel in a destructive way, teach children socially acceptable norms of behavior and communication.

But the most important thing, of course, what I want to say is that it is better to prevent conflicts in the children's collective than to resolve them.

So, we have come to the second part of our seminar: "Methods of conflict prevention".

The most promising is the prevention of conflicts in the early stages, at the stage of their inception. Signs of the emergence of conflicts can be: clashes between children, violation of discipline, name-calling, molestation, violation of the rules in games, alienation of the child from the group, protracted showdown. The teacher is obliged to pay attention to every such stroke and take measures to prevent an impending conflict.

In order to prevent conflicts, and the most difficult thing, in my opinion, a group of children at a certain time must be formed, and then ensure and maintain a healthy moral and psychological climate in it, cultivate a respectful attitude towards everyone's personality, its merits and individual characteristics; educate self-criticism, benevolence; encourage the organization of productive activities; maintain the high authority of the educator. The teacher should be able to notice in time the unwanted behavioral tendencies of children and, also, be able to rebuild them not by an order, but by a psychological and pedagogical way, using joint games and activities.

So, here are some basic methods of preventing childhood conflicts.

1 method. In the theory and practice of preschool pedagogy, great importance is attached to children's collective activity in the classroom. She acts as the main method of preventing conflicts in preschoolers. Joint activity brings children together with a common goal, assignment, joys, griefs, worries about a common cause. It has a distribution of responsibilities, coordination of actions. By participating in joint activities, the preschooler learns to yield to the desires of his peers or to convince them reasonably that he is right, to make efforts to achieve a common result. In general, it helps to unite the team of pupils.

In this case, conflict prevention occurs in the process of developing communication skills between children and peers. For this purpose, you can use:

Role-playing games (including those with a problem situation);

Imitation games (purely imitating any human

Interactive games (interaction games);

Socio-behavioral trainings (aimed at teaching a model of constructive behavior in resolving a conflict situation);

Playing with conflict situations and modeling a way out of them;


Reading and discussing works of art;

Viewing and analyzing fragments of animated films with subsequent modeling of new versions;

Discussions, etc.

You and I can right now, on our own, try a couple of exercises to develop children's communication skills with each other.

Exercise "Centipede"

Purpose: to demonstrate a model of behavior in a conflict situation.

Time: 10-15 minutes.

Exercise progress:

Participants stand in a circle holding hands. Everyone chooses the place in the room where he would like to go, but does not say it out loud. Within three minutes, participants must visit the place they have chosen. The task is performed in silence, the participants do not separate their hands.

At the next stage of the exercise, the participants are allowed to talk. The task too.


1. How did you feel when you did the exercises in silence?

2. What did you want to do?

3. Did you manage to achieve your goal when you were allowed to talk to each other?

Exercise "Tramples"

Purpose: teaching the technology of forming tolerance and constructive behavior in conflict situations in children.

Time: 10 minutes.

Exercise progress:

“Starting with me, we carry out the task in a circle. We will step on the neighbor's left leg with our right foot. The one who has been stepped on will try to justify the offender, calling by name. For example, I step on Inna's foot. Inna says: “I forgive you, Tatyana, because you were in a hurry to work,” and steps on Marina's foot. Marina says: “I'm not offended by you, Tanya. This trolleybus is so cramped and everyone has to go "and so on.

Explanations can be anything but should not be repeated.

Note: Step on the foot must be purely symbolic, without effort.


There are situations in life when objective conditions for a conflict arise by chance. This also happens in the children's team.

Agree that sometimes it is very important to restrain the irritation and desire to act aggressively with your own, tactfulness, and tolerance. Smile, joke, say warm words, and you will feel that your irritation has evaporated and the pain has passed. It is necessary, if possible, to prepare yourself for such situations. It is very important to develop children's sense control skills.

Method 2. A personal example of a teacher as one of the methods of preventing children's conflicts. It helps in maintaining a positive personal example of a teacher, the development of self-control is a process of awareness and volitional humility of individual behavior (behavior is understood as: thoughts, emotions, actions), which must comply with certain standards, rules, regulators established in society.

A number of principles can be distinguished according to which the teacher can influence the pupils by personal example:

1. Children are more willing to respond to the arguments of adults if they feel mutual affection and trust in each other. Children are less aggressive with adults who provide them with emotional support. It's about respecting and accepting the child.

2. External control over behavior is necessary for all children of preschool age. The character is formed in the child and the constant correction of behavior on the part of the adult is very necessary for him. However, the means of control should not be extreme (from permissiveness to rigid authoritarianism), such means are unproductive. Educational techniques can be based on the organization of the child's activities, for example, as mentioned above, with the help of interesting role-playing and outdoor games, toys, environmental equipment. This implies the teacher's ability to maintain internal balance and objectivity in relation to children.

3. Educational techniques are more effective when their effect is permanent, rather than temporary. The positive effect is achieved if adults do not disagree on discipline issues. Here we are talking about internal self-organization and educational consistency.

4. Education is easier when the process is dominated by encouragement for positive actions or statements, and punishments are applied in extreme cases. Disciplinary actions cease to be effective if you constantly scold the child, regardless of what and how he did it. Physical punishment should be ruled out. Overly severe, humiliating and cruel punishments do not have a positive effect, since they provoke opposition, feelings of alienation and aggressive behavior on the part of the child. Here, of course, it is said about the principle of reliance on positive individual characteristics of pupils.

And now, I suggest you practice a little in resolving some conflict situations that are possible in your teaching practice. In which, in my opinion, the principle of the personal example of the educator is realized. After all, his authority in the eyes of the pupils will depend on how the teacher will act in a difficult situation.

Problem situations for teachers

Vanya is 2.5 years old. He not only does not give children toys, but also reacts very violently and emotionally. If he plays with one toy and someone takes another at this time, he throws everything away, runs to take away, while he can still knock, bite (on the clothes), stomp his feet, growl, snort and shout: “Don't I will! " He takes someone else's toys, and at the same time, if the owner wants to take it, he reacts as violently as in the case of his toy.

What to do in such a situation, how to wean Vanya not to react so violently to the fact that children take his toys?

Usually children are greedy when they are afraid that their toys will be taken away from them forever. They do not believe that their "good" will be returned to them. You need to explain to the child that his toy will remain with him in any case. You can try to "play", rehearse the sharing and exchange of toys in the game at home. Let the toys be shared by the Greedy Bear and the Good Hare. Let the Hare explain to Mishka that others take his toys for a while and will certainly return them back. Ask your child to play the role of both the Greedy Bear and the Good Hare. And don't rush him. He needs time to master these rules.

Vika is 2 years 1 month old. She solves problems with other children by biting them. Since birth, the girl's family has been home to her cousin, who is a year older than Vicki. The sister often takes Vicky's toys and fights. Now Vika with bites solves all the problems that arise between her and other children.

Tell me what to do?

Conflict resolution:

It is necessary to explain to the girl that biting is not allowed, to show other ways of overcoming conflicts with children. If possible, you just need to physically prevent her bites, watch the child's games. Teach her to say “give it up,” “don't take it - it's mine,” before she starts biting. If a cousin takes away toys from a girl all the time and is not punished for this and does not even make remarks, then it is not surprising that the child is fighting for justice in his own way. You need to help her learn the rules of joint games and show how to behave if her rights are violated.

Method 3. In preschool practice, the persuasion method is very widely used. The peculiarity of using the method lies in the fact that the teacher deals with preschoolers who, for whatever reason, have not formed generally accepted norms and rules of behavior in society, or have formed distorted concepts about these norms and the corresponding forms of behavior. When convinced, the teacher influences the consciousness, will and feelings of the preschooler. However, one should not confuse the concepts of "persuasion" and "moralizing" when well-known truths are declared; and if they are also pronounced in a commanding tone, then the child stops listening to the adult or treats him aggressively. Persuasion can be realized through such well-known methods in pedagogy as storytelling, conversation, positive example, etc.

For confidential conversations with children in a group, you can equip such corners and zones as: "Solar circle"; "Corner of Trust"; "Island of Desires"; "Island of Trust"; "Island of Feelings"; "Secret Room"; Cozy Corner; "Negotiation table"; "Corner of Silence"; "The rug of the world"; Peaceful Chairs; "Corner for Friends". Literary heroes can visit children.

But what to do if the conflict has already been unleashed? We will learn about this from part 3 of our seminar: "Ways of resolving conflicts in a children's team"

Conflict resolution is the minimization of the problems separating the parties to the conflict, carried out through the search for a compromise, elimination (in whole or in part) of the causes that gave rise to the conflict, changing the goals of the parties to the conflict, reaching an agreement on a controversial issue.

Since in a child conflict, as a rule, the educator is assigned the role of an observer-mediator, his main goal in this case is a purposeful influence to eliminate or minimize the causes that gave rise to the conflict, to correct the behavior of the conflict participants, to ensure a normal exchange of views between the conflict participants so that they listen and heard one another through the one in between. Therefore, for the educator in the conflict, it is not the object and material of the conflict itself that is important, but the formal side of the interaction, i.e. his organization. The activities of the educator should be aimed at reaching an agreement between the parties to the conflict.

The basic skills of conflict management, in general, include communication skills and decision-making skills - constructive techniques and techniques of active listening, dialogue, the ability to distinguish between positional requirements and basic interests, vision, etc.

When becoming a mediator in resolving children's conflicts, the educator must take into account the characteristic features of such conflicts:

1. When resolving a conflict situation, the educator, the teacher bears professional responsibility for the correct resolution of the conflict situation, since the pupils learn the social norms of relations between people.

2. Different understanding of events and their causes by the participants, the conflict through the eyes of the educator and the children is seen differently, therefore the educator cannot impose his decision.

3. The presence of other children in a conflict turns them from witnesses to participants, and the conflict acquires an educational meaning.

4. The professional position of the educator (teacher) is to take the initiative to resolve the conflict and put the interests of children first.

5. Child conflicts are easier to prevent than to successfully resolve.

You will learn about the algorithm of the teacher's actions in resolving conflict situations from the memos, and now I propose to perform one exercise. It illustrates the position of the educator who mediates in children's conflicts and their resolution. It often happens that in conflict situations between pupils, the educator is, as it were, opposed to the pupils.

Exercise "Rope"

Purpose: to illustrate the position of an educator who mediates in children's conflicts and their resolution.

Time: 10-15 minutes.


Divide into "A" and "B" (there is a division into pairs). Now you will need to break into pairs "A" opposite "B" and grab the ends of the pencils.

This seminar - workshop is intended for psychologists and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. It reveals the issues of effective communication between teachers and parents, children and colleagues. The seminar itself is structured in the form of a training, which allows solving many issues in a short time. teachers are happy to complete assignments.




The purpose of the workshop:


Preliminary work:

Event progress:



1. Game "Name +"

Teacher - psychologist:

Teacher - psychologist:


Educator-psychologist: continue the phrase) continue the phrase) ", only … ( number of chips)

Teacher - psychologist: Communication -

4. Independent work.


5. Exercise "Quotes" ( teamwork)

Teacher - psychologist:

6. Game "Colors"

Teacher - psychologist:

Name of fruits, vegetables (


  1. Ability to listen and hear.

Options for questions:

  1. Would you like to eat?

(Answers from participants)

Teacher - psychologist:

be able to be observant and attentive

9. Self-presentation

Teacher - psychologist:

  1. division by color of badges)

10. Summing up.


Teacher - psychologist:



for teachers of preschool groups "Effective Communication"

(in the form of psychological training)

The purpose of the workshop: the formation of teachers' skills, which are basic in the implementation of communicative competence.

1. To generalize the methodological and practical material on the problem for the implementation of the development of effective communication skills.

2. Provide an opportunity for teachers to conduct a self-assessment of communicative


3. Motivate teachers to develop and improve their communicative

4. Contribute to the improvement of teachers' level of development of communication skills through practical exercises.

5. To create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere, to activate the potential of the group.

6. Apply different types of group work to achieve the objectives of the workshop

Preliminary work:

All participants are invited to come up to the stand and “evaluate their ability to communicate”. To do this, each participant attaches 1-2 flags to the sheets with the designation of communication skills. This will mean that these abilities are well developed in the teacher.

Event progress:

Before the beginning of the lesson, each participant is given badges with inserts, on which they write their names in markers. Participants are seated in a semicircle.


Educator-psychologist: good afternoon, dear teachers! I would like to start our meeting with an acquaintance. Before the start of the lesson, each of you wrote your name on the badge. This means that it will be more convenient for the participant if he will be called that way.

1. Game "Name +"

Teacher - psychologist: the one who has the ball in his hands calls his name and an adjective on the first letter of his name, which would characterize him in interaction with other people. For example, Natalia is persistent; Svetlana is compassionate, shy, independent; Galina is the main one, heroic, etc.

2. Exercise "Wish each other"

Teacher - psychologist: and now we will continue to work with expressing wishes to each other for today. It should be short, preferably one or two words. You throw the ball to someone you want to wish something and at the same time say this wish. The one to whom the ball was thrown, in turn, throws it to the next, expressing his wish for today. We will make sure that everyone has the ball, and we will try not to miss anyone.

And now I propose to split into teams according to the color of the badges and take their places at the tables.

(teachers sit down at the tables)

Educator-psychologist: Before the start of the seminar - each of you was asked to evaluate your abilities in communication. I propose to summarize the results.

(participants marked only those abilities with a special sign (no more

2), which they have very well developed. The number of flags is counted, the most developed "ability" in the opinion of the group is selected.)

Educator-psychologist: The data of express diagnostics show that the most developed "ability ... (continue the phrase) ". And also the greatest difficulty is caused by "the ability ... (continue the phrase) ", only … ( number of chips) noted its high level of development. Thus, it is possible to indicate the relevance of this workshop in connection with the fact that no matter how sociable a person is, there is always something else to learn. It is not by chance that the topic of our seminar was chosen - the workshop "Communication Effectiveness". What is "Communication"?

3. Disclosure of the concept of "effective communication"

Teacher - psychologist: Communication - a complex multidimensional process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a single strategy of interaction, perception and understanding of another person.

Problem question: what is effective communication? What is meant by this concept?

I suggest you complete the task yourself.

4. Independent work.

You are given 1-2 minutes to think it over. Participants write down their thoughts on pieces of paper.

A Whatman paper with the words EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION is hung on the board. Participants share their perception of this concept, expressing their opinion, the leaves are glued to the Whatman paper, and a COLLABORATIVE concept is obtained.

Educator-psychologist : indeed, the EFFICIENCY of communication depends on everything you have listed: psychological comfort in the workplace, interest in work and a positive attitude, creativity in work.

While preparing for the workshop, I found some quotes about communication. I invite you to discuss them in small groups and comment on your perception of these words for everyone. present. I suggest dividing into groups according to the color of your badges.

5. Exercise "Quotes" ( teamwork)

A quotation sheet is offered for each group. In 5 minutes, you need to read the quote and prepare a short commentary on it.

1. "When the self-esteem of one of the interlocutors is hurt, the communication itself certainly suffers."

2. "It is not what they say that matters, but what others hear in the speaker's words is important."

3. "There is no guarantee that your interlocutor hears what you would like to tell him."

4. "Tune in to the person, not the message."

5. “Learn to listen and you can benefit even from those who speak poorly.

(After preparation, each group of educators presents their comments.)

Teacher - psychologist: and now I propose to rest and play a little. Come out and stand in the circle.

6. Game "Colors"

Teacher - psychologist: now I will give you cards with the names of colors, which are repeated several times, i.e. if you, for example, got a card that says "red", then you know that someone else has the same card. I will list the names of vegetables and fruits, and each time the colors should appear that correspond to the named fruits and vegetables. As the exercise progresses, keep a close eye on the actions of the rest of the group. Try to figure out who has what color.

Name of fruits, vegetables ( the task is repeated several times until the teachers understand where their pair is)

And now you need to unite in groups for those who got the same colors. This should be done silently, without showing colors. Now each group names its own color.

Well done! Now I invite you to take your seats again.

7. Methods of effective communication.

  1. Ability to listen and hear.

It is very important for a person to be listened to, heard and understood, and if we learn to be good listeners, success in communication is guaranteed to us. During the listening, tasks are solved: the content of the message is perceived and the emotional state of the interlocutor is captured.

The effectiveness of communication depends on the correct formulation of the question.

Questions: Open-ended (designed to help the child clarify his problems)

Closed (only implies “yes” or “no” answers)

(Further, the participants are invited to practice in the correct formulation of the question, which presupposes the child's motivation to continue his story. Then a closed question is read, the participants "make" it open.)

Options for questions:

  1. Did you have a good day today?
  2. Did you behave badly in kindergarten today?
  3. Would you like to eat?
  1. Ability to be observant and attentive to all members of the group

Question: How does this ability help us establish effective communication?

(Answers from participants)

8. Exercise "Division of a group into subgroups according to a certain criterion"

Teacher - psychologist: now one of the participants goes out the door, has been there for some time. In the meantime, we will be divided into groups according to some criterion chosen by us. The sign should be visually recorded and clearly divide the group into two parts. The groups are located in different places so that they are spatially separated. The returning participant must determine on what basis the group was divided into two parts.

(a feature is selected, teams are lined up. The game is repeated again with another participant, but the group is divided on a different basis. You can share, for example, by hair color; by the figure; by the presence of trousers or a skirt; according to the age.

In the course of the development of the collective, certain group norms arise and are consolidated, which to one degree or another must be shared by all its members. If a person does not accept them, then he risks being rejected by the group. In order not to be rejected, it is necessary be able to be observant and attentive to all members of the group, to their relationships.)

9. Self-presentation

Teacher - psychologist: the ability to form a favorable impression of oneself in others, that is, to “present oneself” in a favorable light, is very important in life. To varying degrees, we constantly manage the experiences we create. We always play in front of an audience: if we want to make a favorable impression, or intimidate the interlocutor, or appear helpless. In familiar situations, this happens without conscious effort. In strangers - we know exactly what impression we make. Self-presentation refers to our striving to present the desired image, both for other people and for ourselves.

  1. Exercise "Business card" (division by color of badges)

A group of participants draws up their business card on the theme: "Teacher's speech". It reflects the general opinion about the teacher's speech as a factor in the development of children's speech. (on the business card there should be an emblem characterizing this topic, which can be supplemented with statements, words, except for your own names)

Time to complete - 10 minutes

The groups then present their business cards. To facilitate the process of self-presentation, the participants are offered a story outline.

1. What is depicted on your business card?

  1. Was it difficult to come to a common solution?
  2. How did the person decide to present the result of the group work?

10. Summing up.

Educator-psychologist: the communication process is a very complex process. Every day we interact with each other, exchange information, communicate, sometimes not thinking about where and how to apply certain techniques that increase the efficiency of these processes. Today at the workshop, you learned the basic methods of effective communication. But you need to constantly improve your communication skills. This means that the topic of communicative competence remains relevant at all stages, so our meeting on this topic is not the last.

11. Final game "Sun"

Target: evoke positive emotions in the participants.

Teacher - psychologist: now on sheets of paper you will need to draw a sun with rays. The rays should be equal to the number of participants excluding yourself. In the center of the sun, you write your name. Now we will transmit the sun in a circle and on the rays we will write down wishes, compliments to our colleagues, until your leaflet with the sun comes back to you.

(The participants are given blank sheets of paper. They draw a whole sheet of sun with the number of rays equal to the number of participants, excluding themselves. In the center of the sun they write their name. Then they pass the sheets to each other in a circle, write wishes, compliments to their colleagues on the rays. circle, returns to its master.)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten №30 "Dolphin", Pavlovo
Seminar - workshop for teachers

Prepared by:
Kominova V.B.
Senior educator
Synopsis of the seminar - workshop for teachers
"He who seeks, he will always find - the search and cognitive activity of a preschooler"
Purpose: to improve the pedagogical competence of preschool teachers in the field of methods of organizing the search and cognitive activity of preschool children.
Seminar - workshop:
Good afternoon, dear teachers! Let me invite you on a trip to the "Island of Search". On the island of Tom, we learn about interesting methods of teaching children to search for activities.
And now I invite you to stand in a circle and greet each other with kind words and wishes.
For a long time, the main attention of teachers was focused on the first function of methods - the assimilation of knowledge. Their second function - the development of cognitive abilities - remained in the shadows. As a result, a certain type of educational process has developed, characterized by the teacher's desire to present all knowledge in a finished form.
Such a teaching methodology leads to the fact that the cognitive activity of children acquires a one-sided reproductive character: their main efforts are directed at the perception of ready-made knowledge, memorization and subsequent reproduction.
As indicated in modern works on the psychology of assimilation of knowledge, the greatest activity of thinking is stimulated when a "problem situation" arises. This approach underlies problem learning, which is implemented using three methods: problem situations, partial search (heuristic conversation), cognitive - research activity.
Let's talk about these three methods!
Cognitive - research activity.
The formation of research skills of preschoolers is one of the most important tasks of modern educational practice within the framework of the new federal state educational standards. The modern world is so dynamic and it is changing so rapidly that it is impossible to survive in it, relying on established stereotypes, a modern person must constantly show research, search activity. The formation of a holistic, complex, integrative systemic - activity approach to the upbringing of a preschooler is the goal of the Federal State Educational Standard.
So, cognitive research activity is a child's activity aimed at comprehending the structure of things, the connections between the phenomena of the surrounding world, their ordering and systematization .. This activity arises in early childhood, at first representing a simple, as if aimless (procedural) experimentation, with things, in the course of which perception is differentiated, the simplest categorization of objects by color, shape, purpose arises, sensory standards, simple tool actions are mastered. By the older preschool age, cognitive and research activity is isolated into a special activity of the child with its own cognitive motives, a conscious intention to understand how things work, learn new things about the world, and streamline their ideas about any area of ​​life.
The following are designated as the main developmental functions of cognitive-research activity at the stage of senior preschool age: - development of the child's cognitive initiative (curiosity); - the child's mastery of the fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience: cause-and-effect, genus - species (classification), spatial and temporal relations; - the child's mastering of the fundamental cultural forms of ordering experience (schematization, symbolization of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world); - development of perception, thinking, speech (verbal analysis-reasoning) in the process of active actions to search for connections between things and phenomena; - broadening the horizons of children by taking them beyond the limits of direct practical experience into a wider spatial and temporal perspective (mastering ideas about the natural and social world, elementary geographical and historical ideas).
Practical part:
Dear teachers, there are sets of phrases on the tables in front of you. I suggest you remember what types of research you know and from the proposed phrases make up the names of the types.
Research types:
Experiments (experimentation) with objects and their properties
Collecting (classification work)
Traveling on the map (spatial relationships)
Traveling on the "river of time" (temporary relationship)
Heuristic conversation.
Heuristic conversation got its name from the Greek. heuristic - looking for, opening.
The essence of heuristic conversation lies in the fact that the teacher, by posing certain questions to the children and joint logical reasoning with them, brings them to certain conclusions that constitute the essence of the phenomena, processes, rules, etc. them theoretical and practical knowledge, experience, compare, contrast, make inferences. Heuristic conversation is used in senior preschool age, when children already have a certain store of knowledge and experience.
A characteristic feature of heuristic conversation is that students, with the help of skillful posing of the teacher's questions and thanks to their own efforts and independent thinking, are led to the acquisition of new knowledge.
Conducting and guiding a heuristic conversation requires special training of the teacher: dividing the content of a future conversation into logically related parts, formulating questions, arranging them in accordance with the logic of reasoning, thinking over possible answers of children and their own reactions to them, wording, main conclusions.
not asking several questions at once - this scatters the attention of students and often causes them confusion;
encourage questions of children to each other and to the teacher;
offer to answer the question at will; more often contact children with an invitation to think, evaluate a friend's answer, correct a mistake in an answer, express their opinion, etc.;
to draw the attention of children during the conversation to the main, key points, facts, conclusions that make up the essence of what is being discussed;
ensure that these main points are learned by the majority of children;
not be limited to working only with active children, involve the silent ones in the conversation.
Ensure that all children of the group are active in the conversation;
Not be satisfied with answers and explanations of a general nature, using additional questions to seek specific answers;
When asking leading questions, formulate them in such a way that the answers to them make the children think, do not immediately lead to the correct answer, but leave room for independent reflection;
Be sure to summarize the conversation; comment on the answers and formulate conclusions not only at the end of the conversation, but also at its stages, as the need arises.
Until now, it was about the way of conducting a conversation, when the teacher asked the questions, and the children, thinking over the answers to them, came to certain conclusions. This construction of a heuristic conversation is most typical. However, in the course of the conversation, questions can also be asked by children, both to the teacher and to group mates.
The practical part.
I suggest you practice drawing up a heuristic conversation. For this we need:
Define a topic.
To make a plan.
Develop the content of the conversation.
Think over the questions for the children and the intended answers.
Topic: Why do the same flowers bloom differently?
Draw the attention of children to the flowers on the site.
Show that some flowers have blossomed and some have not.
Asking why is this happening?
What does it take for flowers to be in the same condition?
The flowering of flowers is influenced by weather conditions, the location of flowers - in the shade or in the sun, dry or wet ground.
Why do flowers bloom differently?
What weather conditions affect their flowering and growth?
Where is the best place to plant flowers?
How should you care for flowers?
Problematic situations.
Problematic education in kindergarten is such an organization of interaction with pupils, which involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problematic issues, tasks, situations and the active independent activity of children to resolve them. Therefore, the main essence of problem learning is in posing a problem for the child, a cognitive task, creating conditions for exploring ways and means of solving it, that is, developing a problem vision.
It is important to note that knowledge and methods of activity in problem learning are not presented to children ready-made, rules or instructions are not offered. The material is not given, but is given as a search subject. And the whole point of training is precisely to stimulate the search activity of the preschooler. Problem-based learning technology brings the learning process as close as possible to the thinking process. It presupposes not only the assimilation of the results of scientific knowledge, but also the very path of cognition, the methods of creative activity. The technology of problem learning is based on the laws of the psychology of thinking. It should be remembered that the technology of problem learning is applicable in working with preschoolers, provided that the problem situation proposed to the adult is in the "zone of proximal development" so that the child can resolve it only on the verge of his capabilities, with the maximum activation of his intellectual, creative and motivational potential. Cooperation between a child and an adult in studying at the ZPD is carried out in a problematic situation, which the child copes with with the help of an adult.
Problematic question. The answer to the problematic question implies the need for reasoning, and not just the reproduction of knowledge. These are the questions "why?", "Why"? For example, which birds of our lands are the last to fly south? (just a question) Why are wild ducks and geese the last to fly south? (problematic question). Why does a duck swim and a chicken not? Why aren't shoes made of iron?
Problematic task. The problematic task can be roughly divided into two parts. Does it have a condition (description) and a question? For example: Children blinded two identical snowmen. One melted a week later, and the other stood until the end of winter. Why? - Pinocchio dropped the key into the water, you need to get it, but jumping into the water, Pinocchio pops up. How can I help him?
A problem situation is the most difficult form of problem learning. When solving a problem situation, a state of mental difficulty of children arises, caused by the lack of previously acquired knowledge and methods of activity. In each problem situation, its main components can be distinguished: the unknown, that is, the new knowledge or method of activity assimilated by the child; cognitive activity; - creative possibilities and the level of knowledge achieved by the child.
The practical part.
Dear teachers, I suggest you practice again in a practical lesson. For this we need to choose one teacher - he will be the educator, and the rest play the role of children. The teacher organizes a problem situation for children on the topic "Water".
Educator: By studying the properties of water, children will learn that 80 percent of humans and animals are water.
- "Why is our body not liquid, because we have so much water?"
Together with the teacher, the guys are looking for an answer and come to the conclusion that water is inside the body, therefore it does not flow out of a person. The teacher, in the search for an answer to the question posed, listens to all the arguments of the children, encourages them for their activity, an attempt to show their knowledge. After all the guys offer their answers, a common solution is jointly chosen.
To consolidate the findings, we are conducting an experiment.
Children, together with the teacher, rub carrots, beets, potatoes, squeeze juice, thereby proving that there is water in almost any organism, but we cannot see this outwardly.
Further, teachers are invited to choose a new teacher and a new topic:
Topic: "Fruit"
Traveling through the desert, the children became thirsty. But with them there were only fruits. Can I get drunk?
Topic: "Material Properties"
In rainy weather, you need to come to kindergarten, but what shoes to choose to come to kindergarten without getting your feet wet.
Topic: "Friendship of Colors"
Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but is only allowed in dresses painted orange. And Cinderella has only yellow and red.
Learning will be problematic when there is a problem situation. The value of classes based on this technology is enormous.
Problem-based learning reflects the requirements for modern education (according to Dewey):
The child's own acquisition of knowledge, thus eliminating the contradiction between the logic of a separate scientific field of knowledge and the logic of the process of cognition of a particular person;
The subjectivity of the appropriation of knowledge;
Taking into account the interests and inclinations of the child, his value orientations;
"The joy of discovery", enjoyment and positive reinforcement.
Problem learning activates the thought of children, gives it criticality, teaches them to be independent in the process of learning. The problem situation is specially created by the educator with the help of certain techniques, methods and means.
Each new knowledge reveals to the child little-known aspects of the cognized object, arouses the question, guesses.
So, the use of problematic situations in the educational process helps the teacher to fulfill one of the important tasks set by the kindergarten reform - to form independent, active, creative thinking in children. The development of such abilities can be carried out only in the creative independent activity of students, specially organized by the teacher in the learning process. Therefore, the teacher must be aware of the conditions in which preschoolers should be placed in order to stimulate genuine productive thinking.
Teachers ask questions, discuss the topic.
The presenter offers to mark their mood from the seminar with stickers attached to the emoticon that describes their mood.

Not interested! Very interesting! Unclear!

Afanasyeva M.E. - teacher-psychologist

preschool institution number 99 "Zhemchuzhinka"

KSU "Research Specialized Center-School

complex of developing education "East" for gifted children "

Ust-Kamenogorsk 2016

Workshop for teachers on the topic:

"Components of the game therapy process"


    show teachers the importance and significance of play therapy;

    to acquaint teachers with directions, methods, techniques of game therapy;

    promote the acquisition of practical knowledge about the use of techniques and methods of game therapy.

Issues for discussion: the concept of "game therapy"; methods and techniques of game therapy;

Preparatory work: selection of material on the topic; preparation of presentation “Components of the game therapy process”; preparation of a memo;

Event progress:


Good afternoon, dear teachers and educators! Today we will talk about the concept and the main components of the game therapy process.

In order to make it easier for us to communicate, let's play one little game:

Greetings. Everyone greets the group members in a circle, in their own way, in different ways, for example: "Hello, I am very glad to see you all."

Exercise - "Echo" greeting

Each in a circle calls his name, accompanying him with a gesture or movement of the whole body, and the group, like an echo, repeats it all after him.

Theoretical part

And now, we will move on to the theoretical part.


Play therapy - a method of psychotherapeutic influence on children and adults using games.

The various techniques described by this concept are based on the recognition that play has a strong influence on personality development.

In play, the child feels natural, adequate to his human nature, since the natural state of a person is the state of a doer, an initiator of his own development.
The child is fully involved in the game: with all his intellectual, personal, emotional potential, his life experience and creative resources. The game contributes to the creation of close relationships between the participants, relieves tension, anxiety, fear of others, increases self-esteem, allows you to test yourself in various situations of communication, removing the danger of socially significant consequences.

Game for the child Is one of the forms of self-therapy, thanks to which various conflicts and troubles can be edited. Often for a child, play therapy is the only way to help.


The main objectives of play therapy:

1.Elimination of the psychological distress of the child;

2. strengthening the child's own self, developing a sense of self-worth;

3. development of the ability of emotional self-regulation;

4. restoration of trust in adults and peers, optimization of relations in the systems "child - adults", "child - other children";

5. correction and prevention of deformities in the formation of the self-concept;

6. correction and prevention of behavioral deviations.

Game therapy: methods and directions


Play therapy methods include many tools, ranging from ordinary drawing . Isotherapy uses the symbolic language of drawing, which more accurately than words conveys the content of the inner world of a person, relieves psychological stress,the child draws his house or his family, thus expressing what is not yet able to express in words: these are fears, and psychological trauma, and the current emotional state. Until now, drawing is used as an excellent therapeutic method for controlling a child's emotional mood.

In addition to drawing, other game therapy techniques are known and widely used.


Today, one of the most effective techniques is . Moreover, the sandbox is an important place for children: it is there that widespread communication with other children begins: the kids begin to make friends with their peers, the first fights take place over buckets and scoops. The sand attracts children with its unusual structure, new sensations that they can experience by touching it. Therefore, it is so important to give the child the opportunity to spend time in the sandbox, pouring sand, which calms and relaxes, sculpting all kinds of figures, buildings, cities from it, which awakens imagination and develops fine motor skills of the hands, looking for buried treasures, which increases the child's interest, composing fairy tales and drawing them, which allows you to creatively vent existing problems.


But other methods of game therapy are also very useful for the development of the child! Games help children learn how to build a dialogue correctly, in addition, with the help of games, you can influence the child's psyche, reduce his aggressiveness or hyperactivity.

The main, most simple, accessible and effective among play therapies is considered to be role-based or, more simply, playing in ... Children give the dolls names, often the names of the real people around them, most often members of their family. If a child calls the dolls "mom" and "dad", then, observing the course of the game, not only the psychologist, but also the parent himself can draw certain conclusions: if "mom" and "dad" argue, they fight or the child does not want to be with them being friends is a reason to think about a possible conflict in the family; if the dolls and the child are friendly, then most likely the emotional situation in the family is favorable.


Thus, the game, on a par with , it is one of the best practices for the development of children, regardless of their physical and mental abilities. While playing, the child learns to think more flexibly, to make independent decisions, to communicate with others. When we buy toys for a child, we actually buy him his mind, logic, activity and even physical development, since the training of fingers, hands and the whole body is best done in a playful way.


Music therapy ... It includes four main areas of therapeutic action: emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy; development of interpersonal skills (communicative functions and characteristics); regulating influence on psycho-vegetative processes; increasing aesthetic needs.


Clay therapy. Clay is sensitive to feelings and can effectively help respond to anger, aggression, fear, anxiety, guilt, thereby reducing the likelihood of their manifestation in real life. The plasticity of clay allows you to make changes in work and "correct" the emotional state. The indicators of the rehabilitation effectiveness of clay therapy are the development of intelligence, fine motor skills, mastering the skills of professional skill


Occupational therapy. General strengthening therapy is aimed at distracting the child's thoughts from the disease, at improving his motor skills, developing skill, increasing the vital activity of the body.


Psycho-gymnastics. This is a course of special classes (sketches, games, exercises) aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child's psyche, both his cognitive and emotional-personal spheres.


Developing computer games. The advantages of a computer as a tool are that with its help it becomes possible:

1. to motivate children to activities that are difficult for them;

2. to simulate the subject content of complex and hidden from direct observation of objects of knowledge in any necessary sign forms, freely passing from one to another;

3. to model productive types of group and individual activities of children (design, experimentation, forecasting, classification, etc.);


Garden therapy - this is a special direction of psychosocial, labor, professional play with the help of familiarization with working with plants. This activity is directly related to the positive therapeutic effects of the energy of the earth and plants. The special emotional mood associated with doing the necessary work is mentally balancing and calming. This type of activity has a pronounced psychotherapeutic focus, which makes it possible to use it in the correction of behavioral and emotional disorders, to improve the psycho-emotional state (work in the winter garden, in the personal plot, making crafts in the floristry and phytodesign studio).


Technique "Phototherapy" . The use of photography for solving various kinds of psychological problems, as well as for the development and harmonization of the personality.

Phototherapy techniques: photo album, photo collage, poster design. For the development of social competence, it is recommended: drawing up maps of the district or city, house, garden, shop. To strengthen the image of I, to comprehend or reassess the meaning of life, to comprehend and actualize the properties and roles of a person, you can use, for example, a strip of paper (cone): "life path", "life line", "childhood memories", "facets of my childhood."


New game direction (technology) Mozartic is a synthesis of game therapy, art therapy and psychoanalysis.Mozart - development helps the child learn and master color, shape, counting, analysis, synthesis, modeling. Tasks are also aimed at pronouncing difficult sounds, developing speech, developing imagination, the ability to fantasize, compose, etc..

"Role gymnastics" (T. Mazepina)

Target : emotional revitalization, expansion of behavioral situations in the child.
a) Tell the poem (of the child's choice) as follows:
very fast;
in a whisper;
at the speed of a snail;
as a foreigner;
like a robot.
b) Walk like:
a lion;
old man.
c) Smile like:
cat in the sun;
the sun itself.
d) Sit like:
bee on a flower;
rider on a horse.
e) Jump like:
f) Frown like:
autumn cloud;
angry mom;
angry lion.

"Mimic gymnastics" game (N. Yakovleva)

Target: relaxation of the facial muscles of the child's face.

Invite participants to choose the following mimic exercises: wrinkle forehead - relax. Raise your eyebrows - relax. Wrinkle your forehead - raise your eyebrows - relax. Close your eyes - open and widen your eyes - raise your eyebrows - open your mouth - relax. Wrinkle your nose, widen your nostrils - relax. Smile.

"Guess who is this?" the game (E. Lebedenko)

Target : assess the psycho-emotional state; clarify the child's self-esteem; to form a positive attitude towards yourself and others.
The psychologist invites the children to guess who he will talk about. Then, giving a description of the appearance of each child, emphasizes the positive traits. For example: “This girl has blonde hair, neat hair, beautiful blue eyes, a mole on her cheek, a sweet smile,” etc.

Warm-up exercise "Waste bin"

Target: Release of negative emotions in the child.


Meditation game

Sit on a chair, relax your shoulders, arms, legs, stomach, close your eyes

"Imagine that we are sitting in a room and looking out the window, and there is a blue-blue sky. Clouds are slowly floating across the sky. It is very beautiful. Suddenly we see that one fluffy cloud is approaching our window. Its shape resembles a pony. We admired this spectacle, and the cloud swam very close to us. Look, it waves its paw, as if inviting us to sit down! We carefully open the window and sit down on the warm cloud. Make yourself comfortable, feel how soft and cozy it is. You can even lie down. will we fly? Probably, you need to think about a place where you always feel good. Think about such a place.

The cloud began to move. Now our house seems tiny in the distance, flocks of birds fly by below. Surprisingly good. It seems that we are starting to decline. The cloud brings us down to the ground. You can go now. We are where you are calm and happy, where you feel very good. See what's around there? What smells in this place? What do you hear? Are there any people or animals here besides you? Here you can do whatever you want. Stay in this place a little longer while I count to ten, and then we go back to the cloud (slowly count from one to ten). Well, it's time for us to return, climb on the cloud. We're flying through the bluest sky again. Our house has already appeared. The cloud gently floats to the very window. You and I climb into our room right through the window. We thank the cloud for a wonderful walk and wave our hand to it. It slowly floats away. When I count to five, it will dissolve into the sky, and you will open your eyes (count to five). "

Exercise "Wish in a circle"

Everyone is sitting in a circle, and everyone in a circle expresses his wishes in a circle to all participants.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten number 62" Zavodskoy district of Saratov


Seminar - workshop for educators

Finger games

Educator - psychologist

Sergeeva Elena Mikhailovna

Target: To improve the level of professional skill of preschool educational institutions in the field of health-saving technologies

1. Introduce finger games.

2. Introduce the technique of finger massage.

3. To involve in the production of manuals for the development of speech.

4. To teach game techniques: accompanying actions with words in the game; repetition of sound combinations; conducting logorhythmic exercises.

Meeting plan:

1. Exercise "Greetings".

2. A story about the development of fine motor skills.

3. Showing finger games (poems, illustrations to them).

5. Outcome of the meeting.

1. Exercise "Greetings".

Good afternoon. I invite you to stand in a circle and say hello to each other.

2. We develop fingers - we stimulate speech development

The relationship between fine (finger) motor skills and speech development has been known for a long time. Our great-great-grandmothers also used games like "Ladushki" and "Magpie cooked porridge" in the upbringing of children.

Why is the development of fine motor skills so important?

In the research of M. Koltsova, it was found that the level of development of mental processes is in direct proportion to how dexterous the child's hands are.

On the basis of this relationship, a method has been developed that determines the level of speech development in children in the first years of life. It consists in the following: the child is asked to show first one finger, then two fingers and three ("do it like this" - and show how to do it). Children who succeed in isolated finger movements are talking children; if the fingers are tense, bend and unbend only all together or, on the contrary, are sluggish ("cotton") and do not give isolated movements, then these are non-speaking children. Thus, without hearing a single word from the child, you can determine how his speech is developed. Until the movements of the fingers become free, the development of speech cannot be achieved.

The ability to work with fingers does not come to kids immediately, so the task of adults is to turn learning into an exciting game!

Exercise regularly. Pronounce the text expressively and show the children the accompanying movements. Let each child try to do gymnastics with you, first at least completing the text.

The rain came out for a walk. We step with the fingers of both hands on the table.

He runs down the lane, bend our fingers on every line

Drumming on the window

Scared the big cat

I washed the umbrellas of passers-by

The rain washed the roofs too.

The city immediately became wet. Shake our palms

The rain is over. Tired. We put our palms on the table

3. Showing finger games.

I offer you games that you can play with your children. (Annex 1)

4. Acquaintance with the method of finger massage.

In all preschool institutions in Japan, starting from the age of 2, the method of finger massage and self-massage is used.

Since the nerve endings on the fingers are directly connected to the brain

Hand work promotes mental calm

Prevents the development of fatigue in the brain centers

Promotes a soothing effect

Advice to adults: if children are worried when speaking and twirl objects in their hands, they should not be snatched out of their hands - this is how the child's body relieves its excitement.

Japanese scientist YOSHIRO TSUTSUMI has developed a system of exercises for self-massage, which I want to introduce you to (Appendix 2)

5. Outcome of the meeting.

I want to thank you for your work and ask you to tell us about your impressions and wishes.

Annex 1

Fine motor skills (practice)


We shared an orange

(left hand in a fist, right grasping it)

There are many of us - and he is one

This slice is for a hedgehog

(with the right hand we alternately open the fingers on the left hand)

This slice is for the siskin

This slice is for kittens

This slice is for ducklings

This slice is for beaver

And for the wolf - the peel!

(shake both brushes)

The guests came running to Katya,

(we run our fingers on the table or on the floor)

All shook hands with each other.

Hello Zhora,

(we connect the thumb and forefingers)

Hello Jeanne, (large and medium)

Glad Seryozha, (large and unnamed)

Rad Snezhana (big and pinky)

Would you like a pie? (put palms together)

Maybe a biscuit (show 2 open palms)

Or a horn (we put 2 fists on top of each other)

Here are the pills for your track

(with a finger poking into an open palm)

Take a little

(we bend our palms into fists several times)

Everybody shook off the crumbs quickly

And they clapped their hands!

Lived - were in the house (clench and unclench fists)

Little gnomes:

Toki, Biki, Leakey, Chiki, Mickey.

(bend your fingers, starting with the little finger)

One, two, three, four, five (unbend fingers)

The gnomes began to wash (rub their fists against each other)

Taki - shirts, (bend your fingers, starting with the big one)

Tiki - handkerchiefs

Leakey are panties

Cheeky - socks

Mickey was smart

Everybody wore some water.

Knock-knock-knock, there is a knock somewhere.

Hammers are knocking, building a house for rabbits -

Here with such a roof, (palms above your head)

Here with such walls, (palms near the cheeks)

Here with such windows, (palms in front of the face)

Here with such a door, (one palm in front of the face)

And with such a lock! (handles linked)

I walk in the yard (clapping hands on my knees alternately with each hand)

I see a house on the mountain (rhythmic clapping)

I will climb the ladder (open your palms in front of you and, touching alternately with your fingertips, fold the ladder, starting with the thumbs)

And I'll knock on the window.

Knock, knock, knock, knock! (alternately knock with the fist of one hand on the palm of the other)

Hedgehog (the baby has a rubber prickly hedgehog in his hands)

Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog, where are your needles?

(the kid rolls the hedgehog with his palms)

It is necessary for the squirrel to sew a vest

(the baby rolls the hedgehog on the tummy)

Fix the trousers for the naughty hare (we roll on the legs)

The hedgehog snorted - move away and don't cry, don't ask

(roll on the floor)

If I give you needles, the wolves will eat me !!!

(the hedgehog runs into the house, into a place in a box or on a shelf)

There is a lock on the door (hands in the lock)

Who could open it? (we pull our fingers without unclenching)

Pulled, (pulled)

Twisted, (twisted hands)

Knocked (knock with the base of the palms)

And - they opened it! (hands open)

We chop cabbage, chop (chop with palms)

We are three cabbage, three (fists rub each other)

We salt the cabbage, salt (salt with a pinch)

We crumple cabbage, crumple (we squeeze and unclench our fingers)

We put it in a jar and taste it.

A fly flies around the ear, lzhzh (we run our finger around the ear)

Wasps fly around the nose, ssss (we run our finger around the nose)

A mosquito is flying, on the forehead - op (we touch our forehead with our finger)

And we clap it (palm to forehead)

And to the ear, zzzz (we clamp the cam, bring it to the ear)

Let's release the mosquito? Let’s let go!

(we bring the fist to our mouth and blow on it, unclenching our palm)

Kitty (perform actions within the meaning)

The cat washes himself with his paw

Apparently going to visit

I washed the nose.

I washed my mouth.

I washed my ear.

He wiped dry.

I walked alone along the path (show one finger)

My two legs came with me, (shows two fingers)

Suddenly there are three mice to meet, (showing three fingers)

Oh, we saw a kitten! (Claps his cheeks with his palms and, as it were, shakes his head with his palms)

He has four legs, (showing four fingers)

On the paws - sharp scratches, (we scratch the surface of what is at hand with our nails)

One, two, three, four, five, (for each count we show the corresponding number of fingers)

You need to run away quickly! (with two fingers, index and middle, we run along the surface)

The chicken went out for a walk, nibble fresh grass

(clap hands on the knees)

And behind her, the guys are yellow chickens (let's go with our fingers)

Co-co-co, co-co-co, don't go far! (shaking a finger)

Row with your paws (we rake with handles),

Look for grains (pecking grains with our fingers)

Ate a fat beetle, earthworm

(showing with pens what a fat beetle)

We drank a full trough of water

(we show how we draw water and drink).

Appendix 2

Japanese finger massage technique

1. Massage the fingers from the thumb to the little finger. First rub the pad of the finger, and then slowly rise to the base.

I'll take a toothbrush

To stroke your fingers.

Get nimble soon

Daring fingers.

2. Massage of palmar surfaces with stone, metal or glass colored marbles balls: they are needed

twirl in hands, snap fingers on them, “shoot”.

My ball does not rest

He walks on his palm.

I swing it back and forth,

Left and right - as I want.

3. Massage with hexagonal pencils:

Skip the pencil between one and two or three fingers, holding it in a certain position in the right and left hand.

I roll a pencil in my hands,

I twirl between my fingers.

Certainly every finger

I will teach you to be obedient.

4. Beads massage. Fingering the "rosary" (beads) with your fingers:

At home I was bored alone

I took out my mother's beads.

I sort of beads

I develop my fingers.

5. Massage with walnuts:

Roll two nuts between palms, roll one nut between two fingers

I roll my nut

To become the roundest of all.

Olga Krasheninnikova
Synopsis of the workshop for educators "If the child does not obey"

Municipal government preschool educational institution

Kindergarten number 10 "Sun"

Synopsis of the workshop for educators

« If the child does not obey»



Krasheninnikova O. E.

Target: developing the competence of teachers in maintaining discipline.


1. Introduce educators with the main reasons disobedience of children, ways constructive disobedience;

2. Develop the ability to respond to specific situations, select the most effective methods of regulating behavior baby;

3. To form the ability to see the positive qualities of children.

Course of the lesson

We all often have a question, "what to do, if the child does not obey... To answer this question, you must first identify the reasons disobedience of the child.

Let's try with you to remember one of the recent situations disobedience... Describe your emotions and actions in stages. Now try to determine the main thing, what is the prevailing feeling that you experienced then. (anger, resentment, despair, irritation, or other feeling)... There is a hypothesis by which you can determine the reason disobedience of the child, for this you need to determine the feeling that you experienced when disobedience of the child.

If you are irritated then disobedience most likely caused by a battle for attention. If a child does not receive the necessary amount of attention, which he needs so much for normal development and well-being, then he finds his own way to get it - disobedience.

To solve this problem, you need to pay to kid a sufficient amount of attention, find interesting activities for him that would captivate him. Parents need to make a rule to allocate some time, albeit not very long, exclusively for communicating with baby.

Do you get angry? Then, most likely the reason disobedience is a struggle for self-affirmation against excessive parental care. It is especially difficult for children when parents communicate with them mainly in the form of comments, concerns, instructions. The child begins to rebel... He responds with stubbornness, actions in spite of.

To solve this problem, you need to analyze your behavior and attitude towards to kid and give him more freedom and rights.

If feeling is resentment then the reason disobedience - desire for revenge... Children often resent their parents. TO example: parents are more attentive to the younger; parents separated; a stepfather appeared in the house; parents often quarrel, etc. Many single reasons: harsh remark, unfair punishment. Deep in my soul child is going through and on the surface there are protests disobedience, school failure.

To fix this problem, you need to find out what exactly child holds anger at you, and try to fix the situation.

If You fall into the grip of a sense of hopelessness, and sometimes despair - in this case, the reason disobedience is the loss of faith in one's own success. Having accumulated a bitter experience of failure and criticism, child loses self-confidence, he develops low self-esteem.

To solve this problem, you need to help to kid improve his self-esteem.


Work on pedagogical situations: read the situation, identify the cause disobedience of the child, build an algorithm of actions.


The teacher asks the child five years to remove the paints and the album from the table, since dinner will be served on the same table. Child continues to go about his business. The teacher repeats the request, baby says"now" or "yes" and continues to paint with enthusiasm. Why is he ignoring the request educator, does not pay attention to it?


The child at breakfast poured the compote on the table. Educator knitting her eyebrows, shook her finger at him and took away the cup. At lunch child repeats the experiment. But have teacher good mood, she does not punish baby... At dinner - the same situation, but the teacher loses his temper, outputs baby from the table and punishes him.


Educator walks with children on the site. Child playing in the sandbox, suddenly takes a handful of sand and throws it at another baby. "Do not do this. It is forbidden!"- is talking educator. Child laughs and throws again. "Don't do this, otherwise I'll ask!"- raises voice educator. The child repeats one more time. The teacher takes the child out from the sandbox and puts it on the bench.


Once upon a time educator a mother of two asked for advice (boys - 3.5 and 4.5 years): "What should I do? If children commit the same offense, I punish them - I forbid them to watch their favorite cartoons. But at the same time one endures it calmly and with an understanding of guilt, is quickly distracted, finds another occupation, while the other begins to cry, scream, demand and sometimes does not calm down for several hours in a row. "

Draw a portrait obedient child: what qualities should have obedient child.

Working with memos: A reminder is distributed to each participant in the training.

Memo “Variants constructive adult behavior in different situations disobedience»

- If there is a struggle for attention, you need to provide to kid this is positive attention. Come up with some joint activities - games, walks.

- If the source of conflicts is the struggle for self-affirmation, then, on the contrary, you should reduce your involvement in affairs baby... It is very important for him to gain experience of his own decisions and even failures. Most of all, understanding that stubbornness and self-will baby- only a form that annoys you supplications: "Let me live my mind."

When you are offended, you need to ask myself: what made baby cause her to you? What kind of pain does he have? What have you offended or do you constantly offend him? Having understood the reason, we must, of course, try to fix it.

The most difficult situation for the desperate educator and a parent and lost faith in their abilities baby... You need to stop demanding "relying" behavior, to minimize your expectations and claims. For sure baby can do something, he has a capacity for something. Find the challenge level available to him and start moving forward. Help, together look for a way out of the impasse. Wherein the child cannot be criticized! Look for any excuse to praise him, celebrate any, even the smallest, success. Try to insure him, save him from major failures.

Memo: “What kind of adult should you be so as not to provoke your child for even more disobedience».

Be patient. This is the greatest virtue that can be caregivers and parents;

Be able to explain to kid WHY his behavior is wrong, but at the same time avoid boring, be extremely brief;

Be able to distract, suggest to kid something more attractive than what he wants now;

Take your time with punishments;

Be able to express gratitude to kid for the good deeds that he does. Reward him. Rewards are more effective than punishments. If you praised a child for good behavior, instead of considering it ordinary, then one and this will awaken in him the desire to do so further, in order to hear the praise again.

Olga Krasheninnikova
Synopsis of the workshop for educators "If the child does not obey"

Municipal government preschool educational institution

Kindergarten number 10 "Sun"

Synopsis of the workshop for educators

« If the child does not obey»



Krasheninnikova O. E.

Target: developing the competence of teachers in maintaining discipline.


1. Introduce educators with the main reasons disobedience of children, ways constructive disobedience;

2. Develop the ability to respond to specific situations, select the most effective methods of regulating behavior baby;

3. To form the ability to see the positive qualities of children.

Course of the lesson

We all often have a question, "what to do, if the child does not obey... To answer this question, you must first identify the reasons disobedience of the child.

Let's try with you to remember one of the recent situations disobedience... Describe your emotions and actions in stages. Now try to determine the main thing, what is the prevailing feeling that you experienced then. (anger, resentment, despair, irritation, or other feeling)... There is a hypothesis by which you can determine the reason disobedience of the child, for this you need to determine the feeling that you experienced when disobedience of the child.

If you are irritated then disobedience most likely caused by a battle for attention. If a child does not receive the necessary amount of attention, which he needs so much for normal development and well-being, then he finds his own way to get it - disobedience.

To solve this problem, you need to pay to kid a sufficient amount of attention, find interesting activities for him that would captivate him. Parents need to make a rule to allocate some time, albeit not very long, exclusively for communicating with baby.

Do you get angry? Then, most likely the reason disobedience is a struggle for self-affirmation against excessive parental care. It is especially difficult for children when parents communicate with them mainly in the form of comments, concerns, instructions. The child begins to rebel... He responds with stubbornness, actions in spite of.

To solve this problem, you need to analyze your behavior and attitude towards to kid and give him more freedom and rights.

If feeling is resentment then the reason disobedience - desire for revenge... Children often resent their parents. TO example: parents are more attentive to the younger; parents separated; a stepfather appeared in the house; parents often quarrel, etc. Many single reasons: harsh remark, unfair punishment. Deep in my soul child is going through and on the surface there are protests disobedience, school failure.

To fix this problem, you need to find out what exactly child holds anger at you, and try to fix the situation.

If You fall into the grip of a sense of hopelessness, and sometimes despair - in this case, the reason disobedience is the loss of faith in one's own success. Having accumulated a bitter experience of failure and criticism, child loses self-confidence, he develops low self-esteem.

To solve this problem, you need to help to kid improve his self-esteem.


Work on pedagogical situations: read the situation, identify the cause disobedience of the child, build an algorithm of actions.


The teacher asks the child five years to remove the paints and the album from the table, since dinner will be served on the same table. Child continues to go about his business. The teacher repeats the request, baby says"now" or "yes" and continues to paint with enthusiasm. Why is he ignoring the request educator, does not pay attention to it?


The child at breakfast poured the compote on the table. Educator knitting her eyebrows, shook her finger at him and took away the cup. At lunch child repeats the experiment. But have teacher good mood, she does not punish baby... At dinner - the same situation, but the teacher loses his temper, outputs baby from the table and punishes him.


Educator walks with children on the site. Child playing in the sandbox, suddenly takes a handful of sand and throws it at another baby. "Do not do this. It is forbidden!"- is talking educator. Child laughs and throws again. "Don't do this, otherwise I'll ask!"- raises voice educator. The child repeats one more time. The teacher takes the child out from the sandbox and puts it on the bench.


Once upon a time educator a mother of two asked for advice (boys - 3.5 and 4.5 years): "What should I do? If children commit the same offense, I punish them - I forbid them to watch their favorite cartoons. But at the same time one endures it calmly and with an understanding of guilt, is quickly distracted, finds another occupation, while the other begins to cry, scream, demand and sometimes does not calm down for several hours in a row. "

Draw a portrait obedient child: what qualities should have obedient child.

Working with memos: A reminder is distributed to each participant in the training.

Memo “Variants constructive adult behavior in different situations disobedience»

- If there is a struggle for attention, you need to provide to kid this is positive attention. Come up with some joint activities - games, walks.

- If the source of conflicts is the struggle for self-affirmation, then, on the contrary, you should reduce your involvement in affairs baby... It is very important for him to gain experience of his own decisions and even failures. Most of all, understanding that stubbornness and self-will baby- only a form that annoys you supplications: "Let me live my mind."

When you are offended, you need to ask myself: what made baby cause her to you? What kind of pain does he have? What have you offended or do you constantly offend him? Having understood the reason, we must, of course, try to fix it.

The most difficult situation for the desperate educator and a parent and lost faith in their abilities baby... You need to stop demanding "relying" behavior, to minimize your expectations and claims. For sure baby can do something, he has a capacity for something. Find the challenge level available to him and start moving forward. Help, together look for a way out of the impasse. Wherein the child cannot be criticized! Look for any excuse to praise him, celebrate any, even the smallest, success. Try to insure him, save him from major failures.

Memo: “What kind of adult should you be so as not to provoke your child for even more disobedience».

Be patient. This is the greatest virtue that can be caregivers and parents;

Be able to explain to kid WHY his behavior is wrong, but at the same time avoid boring, be extremely brief;

Be able to distract, suggest to kid something more attractive than what he wants now;

Take your time with punishments;

Be able to express gratitude to kid for the good deeds that he does. Reward him. Rewards are more effective than punishments. If you praised a child for good behavior, instead of considering it ordinary, then one and this will awaken in him the desire to do so further, in order to hear the praise again.

Related publications:

Consultation for parents "What to do if the child does not obey?" It is very difficult for the teacher to do his job if the child does not obey, does not want to get dressed, put away toys, and many others.

Physical education lesson as part of a workshop for parents with children Synopsis of an open physical training lesson of an instructor in FC Gordeeva Olga Yurievna "Workshop-workshop for parents with younger children.

Synopsis of a workshop for preschool teachers within the framework of the program "Prevention of emotional burnout" Topic: "Body, emotions, mind: principles of interaction" Equipment: music center + music. disc with fun music, hoops by number.

Synopsis of the workshop for teachers "Theater and play activities with older preschool children" Purpose: increasing the competence of teachers in the use of theatrical activities in kindergarten, the development of imagination and creativity.

Workshop on the development of speech "Development of speech activity of preschoolers in the organization of the pedagogical process"

The purpose of the workshop:
creation of an information space for the exchange of pedagogical experience and improvement of professional competence, the skill of preschool educational institutions in the development of children's speech.

1. Development of speech activity in various activities.
2. Encourage preschool teachers to think and practice to master the technologies of design and modeling of the pedagogical process for the implementation of complex tasks of speech development of preschoolers, ensuring the assimilation of generalized ideas about the construction of the pedagogical process of teaching children their native language.
3. To deepen ideas about the content of speech development on the basis of the modern paradigm of developing personality-oriented education.


Teachers sit on chairs in a circle, introduce themselves in turn and name a personal quality that begins with the first letter of their name, for example, "I am Lena and I am light."

K. D. Ushinsky - the founder of scientific pedagogy:
"Teach a child some five unknown words - he will suffer for a long time and in vain, but associate twenty such words with pictures, and he will learn on the fly"

What is Mnemotechnique?
Mnemonics is a “memorization technique”. These words come from the Greek "mnemonikon" - the art of memorization.
The modern encyclopedic dictionary gives the following definitions of mnemonics.
MNEMONICS is the art of memorization, a set of techniques and methods that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory through the formation of artificial associations. Mnemonics uses the natural mechanisms of memory of the brain, allows you to fully control the process of memorizing, storing and recalling information. Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, and of course the development of speech. A special place in the work with children is occupied by didactic material in the form of mnemonic tables and schemes - models, which significantly facilitates the mastery of coherent speech for children; in addition, the presence of a visual plan - the scheme makes the stories (fairy tales) clear, coherent and consistent. A mnemonic table is a schema that contains certain information. For children of younger and middle preschool age, it is necessary to give color mnemonic tables. Since individual images remain in the memory of children faster: fox-red, mouse-gray, herringbone-green The essence of mnemonic schemes is as follows: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is invented; thus, the entire text is sketched schematically. Looking at these diagrams, the child can easily reproduce text information.

1 task to compose a mnemonic table for learning a poem:
1 I have pockets on my new dress.
On the pockets of these daisies are embroidered
Chamomile, chamomile, like meadow
Chamomile, chamomile as if alive.
2. There are many ridges in the garden. Here and turnip and salad
There are beets and peas, but potatoes are they really bad?
Our green vegetable garden will feed us all year round
We bought a cat
For the holiday - boots.
Combed her mustache
Sewed new panties.
Just how to put them on
The ponytail has nowhere to go.
Ira asks: “Hedgehog, hedgehog,
Will you sew me a dress?
The hedgehog answered from under the tree:
- No threads, only needles!
The hedgehog bought boots at the bazaar.
Boots on your feet,
A little less - to my wife,
With buckles to my son
With clasps for my daughter.
Conclusion: Mnemonic tables-schemes serve as didactic material in the work on the development of coherent speech of children.
Let me emphasize that all work on the development of coherent speech in children is not limited to mnemonic tables. This is, first of all, as an initial, "starting", the most significant and effective work, since the use of mnemonic tables allows children to more easily perceive and process visual information, save and reproduce it.
2. Task: Game: "Similar words".
Assignment: find nouns for an adjective by association.

There is a sweet word - candy
There is a quick word - rocket,
There is a word with a window - a carriage.
There is a sour word - lemon!

And now do not yawn, choose word by word!
Fast words - (rocket, plane, tiger, eagle).
Sweet words - (candy, cake, cake, sugar).
Funny words - (holiday, clown, gift, music).

Assignment: name items that have two characteristics at the same time.
Bright and yellow - (light, lemon, sun, cherry, lamp).
Sweet and light - (cotton wool, cherry, life, smell, victory).
One of these technologies is games for the development of imagination and verbal creativity. For your attention, I want to invite you to play games and feel like children.

Game "Magic Wand"
Here's a magic wand, it can increase or decrease, whatever you want.
So, the first command will talk about what they want to increase, and the other to decrease.
Here is what the children answered: I want to decrease the winter, increase the summer;
I want to enlarge the candy to the size of the refrigerator, etc.
Game "Box with fairy tales"
The box contains pictures of fairy-tale characters. Participants take pictures out of the box, take turns inventing their own fairy tale using fairy-tale characters.
The first participant said 2-3 sentences, the next one takes out a picture and continues the tale.
Game "Think of an unusual creature"
Draw and tell about a fictional character
The game "Ridiculous"
Distribute black and white pictures and colored pencils. The task is to find and paint over the absurdities. Who will name them faster and more.
Answers to the test
Picture for the test "Ridiculous".
Note. Both parts of the instruction are executed sequentially. At first, the child simply names all the absurdities and points them out in the picture, and then explains how it really should be.
The time for exposing the picture and completing the task is limited to three minutes. During this time, the child should notice as many ridiculous situations as possible and explain what is wrong, why not, and how it really should be.
Another direction for the development of speech is oral folklore. In children's folklore, it is necessary to distinguish between works of adults for children, works of adults that have become children's over time, and children's creativity in the proper sense of the word.
Children's folklore of the Russian people is unusually rich and varied. It is represented by a heroic epic, fairy tales, numerous works of small genres.
Assignment: show one finger gymnastics at a time.
It is proposed to show one exercise from finger gymnastics (preferably with speech accompaniment).
Assignment: The facilitator invites the team representatives to choose cards with tongue twisters. Tell about the technique of telling tongue twisters. The first tongue twister must be pronounced quickly, and the second must be pronounced quickly with a certain intonation.

In the educational process of retelling literary works, teaching telling about a toy and a picture, all speech problems are solved in a complex. However, the main task is teaching storytelling. Realizing this task already from the 2nd junior group, I recommend that educators use various play methods and techniques, didactic exercises in working with children. For example: When examining a picture, you can use game techniques that help to highlight the object, carefully examine it: "WINDOWS"
Benefit. The picture is covered with a white sheet with cut-out windows of various geometric shapes. Pictures, similar in plot.
Option 1. One window (of any shape).
Option 2. The number of windows by the number of objects.
The course of the game.
- Whom (what) do we see in the windows? What picture is hidden?
Benefit. Painting, paper rolled into a tube.
Course of the game: Offer to look at the picture through the pipe and name as many objects seen. Offer to find an object according to the description of an adult and a child.
"WHO WILL CALL MORE?" Goals. Learn to highlight an object against a "noisy" background.
Benefit. Painting, real images of painting objects. Name who you see in the picture.
The course of the game In the course of naming objects, clarifying questions are asked to clarify the color,
spatial location, belonging, etc.) "WHY?"
Purpose: to develop logical thinking, to establish connections between objects,
build sentences of a simple design. "WHAT DO YOU NEED?"
Purpose: To develop initiative of speech, to activate and expand vocabulary. In the middle group, we are already using symbols, signs to draw up a graphic plan as a kind of visual support, reflecting the sequence of the story.

During the lesson, we use a variety of children's activities that can be integrated with each other, for example, dramatizing a fairy tale with construction from building material, pronouncing a tongue twister and drawing what it says. (The wasp does not have a mustache, do not whisker, but antennae). Integrated learning contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in children, makes it possible to realize creative abilities, develops communication skills and the ability to freely share impressions. When using ICT in classes for the development of speech, even for younger preschoolers, their interest increases significantly, and the level of cognitive capabilities increases. Multimedia presentations allow you to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid supporting images. An assistant for the development of speech of preschoolers is the Internet sites: "Everything for kindergarten", the site "September 1", http: //, etc. Here you can find an illustrated dictionary for the development of children's speech and plot albums that mainly designed to increase the vocabulary of children; didactic games and exercises, class notes, various illustrative material, both static and dynamic (animations, videos). In order to implement the tasks of forming the components of oral speech, teachers need to actively use the project method using the technology of fairy tale therapy in the development of speech and communication skills of pupils.
Educators give examples of different forms of work for the speech development of preschoolers: literary and musical holidays, folklore fairs, dramatization games, different types of theaters, propaganda team, social actions, speech newspapers, homemade books, problem situations, gatherings, a log corner, interactive speech stands, a calendar events, etc.
LEGO constructors are widely used in preschool educational institutions. They represent a variety of thematic series, designed on the basis of basic building elements - multi-colored Lego bricks. Developing the speech creativity of preschoolers, the teacher can invite children to come up with a fairy tale about how one building turned into another, carrying out this transformation in the course of the story
LEGO elements are also used in didactic games and exercises. The teacher can develop various manuals and use them to conduct exercises with the aim of developing speech and mental processes in children, developing interest in the pouch, "in which children develop tactile perception of learning, the formation of communicative function. For example, the game “Wonderful form and speech can be performed with LEGO.
The use of didactic exercises with the use of LEGO elements is quite effective when conducting classes in preparation for literacy, correction of sound pronunciation, familiarization with the outside world, etc.
In the process of constructive play activity, the teacher, relying on the involuntary attention of children, activates their cognitive activity, improves the sensory-tactile and motor spheres, forms and corrects behavior, develops the communicative function and interest in learning. In the process of constructive play activity with LEGO, the teacher can use various forms: the teacher gives the tasks, the children perform; tasks are formulated by the child and performed by children and the teacher; tasks are given by children to each other; assignments are given by the teacher, the parents and the child are carried out.
Pozdeeva S.I. notes that “when organizing any educational situation, any lesson in a preschool educational institution, it is important for a teacher:
- firstly, to think over the organization of different ways of adult-child and child compatibility,
- secondly, to see the resources of different stages of the lesson for the development of children's communicative competence "
Thus, various forms of work are resources in terms of the development of speech of preschoolers, the formation of the communicative competence of children, if: - children jointly solve an interesting and meaningful educational and game problem for them, acting as assistants in relation to someone,
- enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary by completing speech and practical tasks,
- the teacher is not a tough leader, but an organizer of joint educational activities, who does not advertise his communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child to become an active communicator.


"Effective interaction of the teacher with the pupils of the preschool educational institution"

Kiyaykina Natalia Fedorovna

educational psychologist

MBDOU kindergarten number 31 "Zarya", Pyatigorsk

Stavropol Territory

Target: educating teachers about effective interaction with children.


1. Continue to acquaint teachers with the ways of constructive interaction.

2. To form communication skills and abilities.

3. To create conditions for personal growth of teachers and harmonization of relations in the context of "adult - child".

Equipment: relaxation music, an image of a dove on a Whatman paper, yellow and blue paper feathers, glue stick, massage ball, questionnaires for each participant, pencils, an interactive board, sets for laying out pictures according to the "Mozart-development" method.


1. Exercise-greeting "Dove of mood".

2. Neuro-gymnastics for the brain "Ear-nose".

3. Questioning of teachers "Methods of influence with children".

4. Game exercise "Let's remember our childhood."

5. Ways of effective communication.

6. Exercise "What to do?"

7. Laying out pictures according to the method of "Mozart-development" on the topic: "Communication

a teacher with children ”.

8. Reflection.

Event progress:

Relaxing music sounds. The teachers enter the music hall and sit in a circle.

Psychologist. Dear Colleagues! I am delighted to welcome you to the next workshop. The topic of our today's meeting is "Effective interaction of a teacher with preschool educational institutions."

1 . Greeting exercise "Dove of Mood"

Purpose: to contribute to the comprehension of the tasks set, to form an attitude towards positive cooperation.

Psychologist . Dear Colleagues! In front of you is a drawn dove, select each feather that now corresponds to your emotional state, glue it to the dove. Each participant performs an exercise.

Conclusion: Look how interesting the "Dove of Mood" turned out. Yellow means a feeling of comfort, and blue means something between comfort and discomfort.

I propose to fulfill the psychological attitude to activate brain activity and relieve stress.

2. Neuro-gymnastics "Ear-nose"

Each participant independently performs the already familiar exercise "Yoga Breathing" (counting 1-4: inhale, hold the breath, exhale) 3 times, and then independently perform neuro-gymnastics: the right hand touches the left ear, and the left hand touches the nose, rhythmically changing positions hands.

3. Questionnaire "Methods of influence with children"

All participants are invited to fill out an anonymous questionnaire and carry out self-analysis of frequently used methods of influencing children. (Annex 1)

Conclusion: Every teacher should strive for personal development and the formation of skills and abilities to use constructive methods of interaction with children.

4. Game exercise "Remember your childhood"

Participants are encouraged to recall their childhood. The psychologist throws the ball, and the teachers catch it and answer the question.

Were you an obedient child?

Did you enjoy visiting kindergarten?

Do you remember the names of your caregivers?

Did you take toys from children in the group?

Have adults scolded you for eating poorly?

Do you remember your favorite toy as a child?

Did you enjoy putting away your toys?

As a child, did you dream of growing up as soon as possible so that you could do what you want?

What is your most memorable childhood experience?

From the answers received, we can conclude that in childhood we, adults, were cheerful, perky, sometimes capricious and disobedient, inquisitive, pampered…. We were all very different ... But we knew and felt that we were always with kind and strict adults, attentive and patient, wise, beautiful, and most importantly - LOVING. The main need of a preschool child, subject to the harmonious development of the personality, is the need for love, acceptance, understanding and respect.

Is this always the case in reality?

5. Ways to communicate effectively

In everyday communication between an adult and a child, there are many problems and stresses, therefore, it is very important for a teacher to acquire the skills and abilities of effective communication with a child.

Questions for teachers:

What ways of effective communication? (Answers of teachers)

The existing methods of effective communication, communication techniques that provide the opportunity for constructive dialogue, can be conditionally divided into verbal and non-verbal.

Here are some of them. Teachers are invited to look at the table "Ways of effective communication" on the interactive board.

The first way. Active listening

The presenter says:

When a child is upset, hurt, or agitated, you can help by actively listening.

Actively listening means returning to the child in a conversation what he told you, while showing that you respect his feelings (in active listening, it is important to determine the child's feelings).

The scheme of active listening is as follows: the situation and the words of the child; feelings of a child; an adult's answer.

For example: a child - Oh, Kolya hit me hard! (situation, words of the child). Resentment, pain, anger (child's feelings). - Kolya hit you and it hurts you very much (an adult's answer).

How do you think the child felt after being listened to?

Practical exercise.Participants act out several situations from pedagogical experience (4 situations) according to the scheme of active listening.

Output. The teacher's use of the active listening method contributes to:

Reducing anxiety and weakening the experiences of the child;

Second way. Reflection

It means connecting to the child on a non-verbal level (using posture, gestures, facial expressions). This method will help you reach an understanding with him. That is, if an adult with a gaze, a pose shows interest in the child's appeal, uses the "language of emotions", listens attentively, then the child will believe and trust, but if, on the contrary, the adult will not get a chance to establish contact with the child.

Practical exercise "Mimicry of a teacher".

The participants are divided into two teams. The presenter voices the problem situation: “There is a lesson in the kindergarten group, the children are busy with an exciting game. Suddenly there is a loud noise. The teacher turns around and ... "

The psychologist distributes to the teachers the supposed reactions of an adult written on sheets of paper and invites one of the team members to mimic the reaction of the "educator", and the members of the other team to understand the facial expressions and voice what the "educator" wanted to say.

The list of reactions of the "educator": surprise ("what happened?"), Condemnation ("who is this?"), Demand ("stop"), waiting ("I'm waiting for silence"), anger ("what is this!") , suffering ("when will this end?").

Output. The teacher's use of the reflection method contributes to:

Establishing contact with the child;

Increasing the child's confidence in the teacher and the desire to communicate with him

6. Exercise "What to do?"

How often can one hear the statements of adults: "Well, what kind of look are you?" Waiting for me?" In such a destructive way, many adults prefer to talk to the child, scold him, shame him, while using "YOU ARE SPEAKING".

If your child is causing you negative experiences with his behavior, tell him about it.

When talking about your feelings to a child, speak in the first person. Inform about yourself, about your experience, not about him, not about his behavior.

There is a saying: "If you want to change the behavior of another, you should first of all change yourself."

While showing respect for the child's feelings, it is important to express your needs and desires in dialogue. In what form do we express them?

Exists speech communication technique "I-message", which has a number of advantages over "You-message".

"I-statements" are addressed to the situation, and not to the personality of the child, and are effective means of influencing the child in order to change his behavior.

An example of a situation: the child left the scattered toys.

Solving the situation using the "I-statement": "When I see the scattered toys, I feel dissatisfied, and I want them to be removed."

The presenter asks to analyze the feelings of an “adult” and “child” with such a communication model and offers teachers a scheme for constructing an “I-statement” on an interactive board: an event (when ...), your reaction (I feel ...), the prevailing ending (I would like so ... I would be glad ...).

Practical Exercise "I-Messages"

The psychologist invites the participants to stand in two circles (outer and inner), the participants in the inner circle turn to face the participants in the outer circle, thus standing in pairs. Teachers independently build a constructive dialogue according to the "I-messages" scheme.

7.Laying pictures according to the method of "Mozart-development"on the topic:"Communication of a teacher with children"

Purpose: generalization of the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Participants put pictures from various images on the playing fields, which, in their opinion, correspond to the concepts of constructive communication with pupils. After the completion of the activity, the participants present their paintings.

A kind attitude towards children, affection, acceptance, attention and love - all this is what the child expects from you, dear teachers, always. And your love is bearing fruit. The fruits of good!

The psychologist reads a poem.

The child is the sun, the child is the teacher,

Child is the wind, Child is merit,

The child is the main thing, He can become the enemy,

What we have in the world. Or maybe become a best friend ...

Child - care, what should he be?

A child is a joy, a great responsibility

His success and good luck - Lie on you,

There is a reward for every mother! Oh grown man!

Baby is excitement, let it grow up

A child is anxiety. Without haste, without interfering,

The Lord only knows which ones And with joy in my soul

They are waiting for the baby's road ... Enter the coming century.

What is the meaning of this poem to you?

8 reflexion

Used Books

Bolshakov V.Yu. Psycho-training. Sociodynamics, exercises, games. - SPb .: Sots.-Psychol. center, 1996 .-- 379 p.

Bolotova N.P. "A systematic approach in psychological and pedagogical support of the family, using the technology" Mozart-development "

Brain Jim "Brain Gymnastics".

Volkov, B.S., Volkova N.V. Children's psychology. / B. S. Volkov, N. V. Volkova. - M.: 1994 .-- 524s.

Gippenreiter Yu.B. Communicate with your child. How? / Yu.B. Gippenreiter. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2008 .-- 238.

Gorbushina. O.P. Psychological training. Secrets of conducting. SPb .: Peter, 2008.

Work of a psychologist with adults. Correctional techniques and exercises. - M., 2003.

Rogov E.I. Handbook of a practical psychologist in education. - M .: Vlados, 1995.

Internet resources. Institute of New Technologies website

Annex 1.

Questionnaire "Methods of influence with children"

Dear teachers! We offer a questionnaire for introspection. Choose the methods of influence on children listed in the table that you often use.

Order, command

Warning, threat

Persuasion, compromise

Tips, ready-made solutions

Notations, teachings

Criticism, disagreement, shaming

Praise, approval, agreement

Mockery, name-calling

Behavior analysis, interpretation

Consolation, support

Inquiry, questions
