Repairs Design Furniture

Electronic tools for collecting, processing and displaying information. Tactile mightmose for premises Magazine service

  • MONICHEMA - a set of signaling devices and signaling images of equipment and internal connections of a controlled object placed on dispatchers, operator panels or performed on a personal computer. The information that is displayed in the mneophe can be represented as an analog, discrete and relay signal, and graphically. Visually displaying the system structure, MEMOSHEM facilitates the operator to memorize the objects of objects, the relationship between the parameters, the purpose of the instruments and controls. In the control process, the mnemoshem is the most important source of information on the current state of the system, the nature and structure of processes occurring in it, including those associated with the violation of technological regimes, accidents, etc.

    Murals reflects the main equipment, signals, state of regulatory authorities. Murals can reflect both the overall picture of the state of the system, the technological process, and the state of individual units, devices, parameter values, etc. The auxiliary and reference material must be located in additional formas of the display, with the possibilities of as quickly as possible to extract these auxiliary forms to the screen.

    Murals help the operator working in a large number of incoming information, facilitate the process of information search, subjugate it with a specific logic dicked by real bonds of the parameters of the controlled object. They facilitate the operator logical systematization and processing of incoming information, help the implementation of technical diagnostics in the process deviations from the norm, provide an external support for the development of optimal solutions and the formation of control influences.

Connected concepts

Mnemonic shield (from Greek. Μνημο - "Memory") is a dispatching equipment, a device for visualizing information intended for the operational display of data on the state of observation object. It is a carrying structure with the scheme of the dispatching object layered on it (mightm).

Read more: Mnemoschot

The electrically indicator (lat. Indicator - pointer) is an electronic showing device intended for visual control over events, processes and signals.

Adaptive control is a set of management theory methods that allow synthesize control systems that have the ability to change the parameters of the regulator or the structure of the regulator, depending on the change in the parameters of the control object or external perturbations acting on the control object. Such control systems are called adaptive. Adaptive management is widely used in many application theory applications.

Data collection system (CDD; Data Acquisition, DAS, DAQ) - a complex of funds designed to work in conjunction with a personal computer or a specialized computer and performing an automated information about the values \u200b\u200bof physical parameters at the specified points of the study object with analog and / or digital sources of the signal , as well as primary processing, accumulation and data transfer.

Neurupping (English Neurocontrol) is a special case of intelligent control using artificial neural networks to solve the tasks of controlling dynamic objects. Nearuplement is at the junction of such disciplines as artificial intelligence, neurophysiology, automatic control theory, robotics. Neural networks have a number of unique properties that make them a powerful tool for creating control systems: ability to learn examples and summarizing data ...

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Car alarm lamp (eng. MalFunction Indicator Lamp - MIL) also known as a fault alarm lamp or checklist Check, is a signaling device for transmitting the status status, mechanism or system.

Spectral seal channels (eng. Wavelength-Division Multiplexing, Socre. WDM - multiplexing with a division of wavelength) - technology that allows you to simultaneously transmit several information channels by one optical fiber at different carrier frequencies.

Telemechanics - science of managing and controlling the transmission (over the channel) of coded electrical or radio signals carrying control information or data on the status of the controlled object. Technological processes, machines, devices, biological systems, etc. can serve as telemechanical management and control objects.

The device selection device is called the television receiver assembly, which is assigned to the tasks listed below ...

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A communication device with an object (USO) is a device in the automated control system for combining the analog and digital parameters of the real technological object. It is intended for entering signals from an object to an automated system and output signals to an object.

PlesiOhron Digital Hierarchy (PDH, also PDH from English. Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy) - Digital data transfer method and voice based on the time separation of the channel and signal representation technology using a pulse-code modulation (IRM).

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Pointer of the damaged section (ICP, the short circuit indicator, UTKS is a short circuit current pointer) - a device for determining the damaged portion of the power line and alarm-out of the emergency occurrence. Depending on the purpose and execution, the short circuit indicators are installed in the distribution unit cell on the power line support or directly on the phase wire wire. In addition, the uppa is figuratively ...

The universal remote control (UPD) is a variety of remote control, designed to manage multiple household devices. Unlike the classic remote control supplied with many types of homework, UPD is an independent product and is purchased separately.

Acoustic processor (eng. "Sound System Processor") - an electronic device or software complex designed to control multicomponent soundsuilent systems. The emergence of this class of instruments is associated with achievements in the development of sound operation techniques where a large number of devices are required for correct signal routing, separating it from frequency bands and other processing in accordance with the acoustic components of a complex system and others.

Operator panel (operator panel, jarg. Panel or English. HMI, also the settee. The operator's console) is a specialized computing device of mass (or large-scale) production, implemented as an industrial controller (and not a computer), widely using a man-machine interface for managing Operators are separate automated devices or integer technological processes in the ACS TP in industrial automation.

Machine vision is the use of computer vision for industry and production. While computer vision is a general set of methods that allow computers to see, the area of \u200b\u200binteractive interest, as an engineering direction, are digital I / O devices and computer networks designed to control production equipment, such as robots - manipulators or removal machines defective products. Machine vision is a subsection of engineering ...

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The tracking control system is an automatic control system in which the controlled value reproduces an arbitrarily changing specifying effect.

The main parallel interface (MPI) is a standard that defines a set of lines and processor exchange procedures and peripheral modules inside a computer using a combined (multiplex) bus and data bus. The standard provides for the exchange rate of up to 5.6 MB / s when the transmitted data of the transmitted data is 8 or 16 bits and the address of the address from 16 to 24 bits and was focused on using small and medium performance systems. The requirements of the standard are set forth in OST 11.305.903-80 and GOST ...

Onboard means of objective control (onboard juice), also control and recording equipment (CZA) - technical means designed to register and maintain flight information characterizing the field of flight, crew action and functioning of on-board equipment. Juice are used for: analysis of reasons and warnings of flight accidents; technical diagnostics of onboard equipment and predicting its technical condition; Estimates of the actions of the flight composition during the fulfillment ...

Shutdown, shutdown (from English. Shutdown) - the operation of the standard or emergency termination of the computing system, as well as the operations preceding it.

Communication via LEP, PLC (English Power Line Communication) is a term describing several different systems to use power lines (LPP) for voice information or data. The network can transmit voice and data by overlapping an analog signal over a standard alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz. PLC includes BPL (Broadband Over Power Lines - broadband transmission through power lines), providing data transmission at speeds up to 500 Mbps, and NPL (eng ...

Telephone negotiation technology - Methods and means of protection aimed at ensuring the confidentiality of information exchange between subscribers. Telephone negotiations remains one of the most common types of industrial espionage and actions of criminal elements. Reasons are simple - low cost levels and risk of threats, the option of entering a controlled room, a variety of ways and seats of information eating, etc. Control telephone conversations can be ...

Video wall (eng. Video Wall) is a video uniforming device system (projection videoabs, plasma or LCDs), which are combined with each other and form a single screen, which allows you to reproduce large parts of information from different sources in multi-block mode. A large number of video sources is very important when using a system for prompt decision-making. For comparison, the traditional projector can use, maximum, three sources.

The system of information transmission of the spacecraft is a set of software and hardware to transmit information between the spacecraft (ka) and the flight control center of this spacecraft.

The showing device (Eng. Indicating Device) is a set of elements of measuring instruments that provide visual perception of values \u200b\u200bof the measured value or associated values.

The technical system is an artificially created system designed to meet a certain need that exists 1) as a product of production, 2) as a device, potentially ready to make a beneficial effect, 3) as the process of interaction with environmental components, as a result of which the useful effect is formed.

Monitoring is a system of continuous monitoring of phenomena and processes passing in the environment and society, the results of which are for justification ...

User-programmable valve matrix (PPVM, English Field-Programmable Gate Array, FPGA) - semiconductor device, which can be configured by a manufacturer or developer after making; Hence the name: "Programmable user". The PPVM is programmed by changing the logic of the function of the schematic diagram, for example, using the source code in the design language (type VHDL) on which this microcircuit logic can be described. The PPVM is one of the architectural ...

Alarm via a dedicated channel (ang. Channel-Associated Signaling), also known as "alarm on a trunk" (English Per-Trunk Signaling) - view of signals in digital communication. Like most telecommunication signal transmission methods use routing information to direct the payload from voice or data to the destination. With this type of signals, the routing information is encoded and transmitted in the same channel as the payload. This information can be transferred ...

The control system is systematized (strictly defined) a set of means of collecting information about a controlled object and means of influencing its behavior designed to achieve certain purposes. The control system can be both technical objects and people. The control system object may consist of other objects that may have a permanent interconnection structure.

Position tracking (English Positional Tracking) is one of the technologies of virtual reality underlying the interaction of a person with a virtual world. It is intended to determine the position and orientation of a real object (for example, hands, heads or special devices) in a virtual environment with a few degrees of freedom. As a rule, three coordinates of its location (x, y, z) and three angles, asking for its orientation in space ("roll", "pitch", "lying" or Euler angles). Definition ...

Telemetry, telecision (from Dr.-Greek. Τῆλε "far" + μέτρεω - "Measure") - information on the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters of the parameters (voltages, current, pressure, temperature, etc.) controlled and managed objects by methods and means of telemechanics. The term is formed from the Greek roots of the "body" - "remote" and "metron" - "measurement". Although the term itself in most cases relates to the mechanisms of wireless transmission of information (for example, using radio or infrared systems), it also concludes ...

Relay protection is a complex of devices intended for the rapid, automatic (with damage) detection and separation from the electric power system of damaged elements of this electric power system in emergency situations in order to ensure the normal operation of the entire system.

Element of the ergonomic process.


A graphic model that displays a dynamically changing functional and technical scheme controlled by an object operator. These are different types of displays, devices.

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000.


(eng. mnemoschema.) - Graphic , conventionally displays a functional and technical scheme of a managed object and information about its state in the amount required to perform the operator with the functions assigned to it. M. are implemented using different types of information display tools (Displays, arrogant and digital indicators, projection technique, etc.) and their complexes. Widely used on dispatching points for the management of energy facilities and systems, technological processes management points in various industries.

To M. The next is presented. Requirements. M. must contain only those elements that the operator needs to control and control the object. Separate elements or groups of elements, most significant to control and control the object, on M. should be isolated by dimensions, shape, color or other methods. It is allowed to isolate the components of the managed object that have offline control. When laying M., a spatial correspondence between the location of the elements per M. and the location of the controls on control panel. It is allowed to place on the field of M. Instruments of control and controls, which do not have to close from the operator Dr. Elements of M. When laying, familiar should be taken into account associationoperator. Connecting lines on M. must be solid, simple configuration, minimal length and have the smallest number of intersections. A large number of parallel lines nearby are avoided. The shape and size of the M. panels should provide the operator to the unambiguous visual perception of all the information elements you need.

Great Psychological Dictionary. - M.: Prime-Evro. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, Acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .


Watch what is "mnemosham" in other dictionaries:

    mnemoshem - MONICHEM ... Orphographic Dictionary

    mnemoshem - A means of displaying information intended for mnemonic representation of the structure and dynamics of the state of the object. [GOST 27833 88] MONICHEME CONDITIONAL PICTURE OF OBJECTS, THEIRS OF THEIRS, PROCESSES, PATHES. [GOST 25066 91] Themes ... ... Technical translator directory

Page 15 of 20

Equipment factory "Electrical".

Sectional mosaic dispatching shields of the Electropult plant mainly serve to place mnemonic schemes of electric power facilities (power plants, substations, power lines).
According to the method of reproducing information on the mph shields are made by mimic and light. On the mimic shields, the position of individual switching devices of controlled objects (oil switches, automata, disconnectors, etc.) is played by the position of the machine (key) - the symbol on the shield. If the telemechanics receives the discrepancy signal between the actual position of the switching apparatus and the symbol on the shield, the warning lamp lights up in the latter. When the symbol manager is brought to the conformity position, this lamp goes out. Under the lights are the shields, on which the positions of which the position of switching devices of controlled objects are reproduced by the sunbathing of the signal lamps of various colors. As already noted, the front field of the shield consists of removable elements of 40x 40 mm in size, made of plastics.
By constructive execution, removable elements are divided into two main types:
Elements designed to apply on their facial surfaces of the symbols of tires, lines, transformers, etc., as well as elements without designations intended for filling out free fields of the shield;
Elements designed for the recessed installation of mimic or luminous characters of equipment, keys and control buttons, reinforcement of signal lamps, etc.
For fastening on perforated fees of elements of the first type, two latches are provided in their designs and two fixing protrusions made from the material of the element (Fig. 29).
In the elements of the second type (Fig. 30) latches and fixing protrusions are absent. The mounting of these elements on perforated boards is carried out with the help of fastening brackets related to the mounted equipment, and special "rectangular washers.
The adopted method for attaching removable elements provides the possibility of their fast installation or replacement on panels without the use of a special tool.

Fig. 29. General view and fastening of elements without built-in equipment of the mosaic shield of the "Electropult" plant.
To refer to the monschemes of equipment output operations to repair, disable protection, overlapping the protective ground, etc. On the front sides of the removable elements of the second type, holes allowing the checkboxes with the corresponding warning signs are provided.

Fig. 30. Communities The type and fastening of elements with the built-in equipment of the mosaic shield of the Electropult plant.

Mnemonic designations of sections of schemes and equipment on removable elements, with the exception of symbols of generators, switches and disconnectors, are performed by 1.5 mm thick aluminum. For the conditional designation of the stress steps, all the elements of the mneems are painted with enamels of different colors. Miscellaneous sort of inscriptions and alphanumeric designations in mnemonic circuits are performed either by overhead numbers and letters of 25 mm high (two signs on the element), or by engraving method directly on the front side of the removable elements of numbers and letters height 12 (four characters on the element in two rows) or 8 mm (six characters on the element in three rows). In fig. 31 is shown for an example of a substation mnemonichem, made on the mosaic elements of the Electropult plant.
The main switching devices installed in the control panel mnemoshes are symbols of types of PCM-1 and HVM-2, two-position arration and non-marketing keys of KTC-I types.
The SCM symbols allow you to mimically display in the mightmosham state of the switch (on or disconnected) and optically reproduce the signals accepted via the TC device, on the mismatch of the position of the mimic pointer of the character of the actual position of the switch and violations of the mode on the KP.

RNS. 31. Monsham substation on elements of the mosaic shield of the Electropult plant.

In the "Included" position (Fig. 32), the turning pointer of the SCM symbol is raised. Its color coincides with the color of the symbols of the tire or lines. When the swivel pointer is omitted, the color of the character differs from the color of the specified characters.
The KTS type keys are used both as a symbol (similarly) and as a switch of various electrical circuits in television management and telepensification schemes.
The KT type keys differ from the CCC key keys in the absence of a built-in signal lamp are used in telemechanic chains, where non-compliance optical signaling is not required, for example, in circuits on and disconnect the telemechanic device. KHT-I keys are a two-position switch with a button-type returnable drive. They are used in general champions of telemechanics and as individual telecision call keys.
In fig. 33 For example, the mounting images of the contact groups of telemechanic keys, the number of which corresponds to the factory number of the contact group is shown. At the same time in fig. 33, and shows an example of a key image, such as KTC-I or KTC-II with a built-in lamp, and in Fig. 33, B - without a built-in lamp, for example, for KT-I, KT-II or KHT-I keys. The location of the contact groups in the figure is shown from the mounting side.
Contacts of these keys are designed for a long passage and a current break 0.25 A at a voltage of 60 V, and the built-in switching lamps of the KM type - to voltage 24, 48 and 60 V.

Equipment plant "Promavtomatika".

Sectional mosaic dispatching shields of the Plant "Promavtomatik" are used to place mnemonic schemes of any energy facilities, technological lines, pipelines, etc.

Fig. 32. The symbol of the type of HM television signaling of the two-position object.
At the sectional control panel of the type of shdsm-1, the mimichem is reproduced according to the principle of the mimic shield.
The elements of the mneophemes are made of leaf organic glass, they are painted with nitroemals of the corresponding colors and glued on the mosaic elements of the shield. Each mosaic element with a portion pasted ones can be removed from the cell without a violation of the whole mneophem.
The inscriptions on the shield are performed by plastic letters and white numbers with a height of 16 and 32 mm, which are glued on the mosaic elements.

Fig. 33. Mounting image of telemechanic keys.
A -so luminous handle; B - Lightweight handles.

Small inscriptions are performed by engraving on plastic signs, the dimensions of which should not exceed the dimensions of the removable mosaic element.
In fig. 34 is shown for the example of a pumping station mnemosham, made on the mosaic elements of the plant "Promavtomatics".
The following command-receiving equipment can be embedded in mosaic elements: Keys, ASK signal lamp fittings, a symbol of the CP-2 disconnector. This uses mosaic elements with special cutouts under these devices. The main switching devices are KU type keys.
Control keys are intended for switching electrical circuits and signaling the position of controlled objects of telemechanics systems in mnemonic schemes of dispatching panels and consoles, as well as for use in control circuits, alarms and protection with voltage up to 220 V DC and AC industrial frequency. The key action is based on the principle of closure of fixed contacts movable when turning the handle of the switching mechanism. nine
The key has built-in fittings for installing a signal lamp of the LOW voltage to 60 V. The key design provides the ability to replace the signal lamp using a tuber without removing the key from the panel and disassembly.
Conclusions of fixed contacts are numbered and completed with the calculation of the addition of exhaust wires using soldering.
Connecting the keys to the schemes is carried out using rectangular miniature RPM connectors,

Fig. 34. Monsham of the pumping station on the mosaic elements of the plant "Promavtomatika".
consisting of RG1N-1-5 sockets and pH2H-1-29 plugs. The connectors are designed for a subformation to each conductor contact with a cross section to 0.35 mm2.
The keys are available in two types: Kua is a control key with two fixed switching positions; Cube - key control with self-return mechanism in fixed source switching

Position and with two non-fixed switching positions.
By the number of contact groups and contact circuit diagrams are seven key execution options.



As part of an automated power supply management system (ASUE) of the Social Software Software and Technical Complex (Social PTC), various jobs are provided for various workplaces of specialists, including the dispatcher's workplace - dispatching mnemoscht.

Dispatcher mower is used for operational visual control and automatic registration of information about the state of objects included in the dispatch control system. Reflects the fundamental scheme of the power supply of the integration substation with the necessary level of detail, is equipped with telemechanics and light elements that allow you to record operational switching in automatic mode.

Figure 1. Appearance of dispatching moonset

Main functions:

  • visual display of the power supply scheme of dispatch control objects,
  • registration of objects of objects to perform the functions assigned to it;
  • mapping the links and the nature of the interaction of a managed object with other objects;
  • alarm about changes in objects;
  • fast identification of the possibility of localization and malfunctional elimination.

Composition Mnemoschta

Dispatcher meschat is a modern modular design and is characterized by increased reliability and quality of manufacture. Consists of the following main nodes:

  • carrier design;
  • self-supported facade with inflicted graphic scheme;
  • control systems, including mescuta controller, indicator control modules;
  • power systems;
  • software.

The composition of the equipment kit depends on the parameters of the ordered mp temperature, based on the developed project documentation.

Basic structure

The bearing design of the shield is made of light steel profiles interconnected using screws and special connecting elements. All elements of the supporting design are protected from corrosion.

A set of design profiles allows you to mount the carrying installation of any separately standing dispatching shield with a height of no more than 6,500 mm and the radius of the facade curvature is at least 6000 mm, the length of the shield is not limited. The height and length of the shield varies with a step of 24 mm, while the radius of the curvature of the facade can change smoothly. It is permissible to execute the shield with a replaceable radius of the curvature of the facade, for example, by hyperboloid. The typical width of the shield is 580 mm in case the shield has a height of more than 3000 mm. For lower shields, the depth can be reduced to 400 mm.

Figure 3:
H - the full height of the shield, L is the total length of the shield, without restrictions;
S is the height of adjustable backups, from 30 to 80 mm;
P is the height of the stand,\u003e 0;
G is the thickness of the edging of the facade, 5 mm;
But - the height of the facade, N × 24 mm;
Lo - Length of the facade, M × 24 mm.

In the standard version, the carrier design of the shield is open on the back side. By request, you can make a design, fully closed with folding shirms. Execution options are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: 1 is a direct location;
2 - curved shield with a bend radius of at least 6000 mm;
3 - broken shield.

Figure 5. Example of self-supporting facade

Self-supporting facade

The facade is built from mosaic elements with a module size 24 × 24 mm. Mosaic elements are made of difficultly flammable plastics of the ABS or PC group. Each element consists of a housing and a mosaic chip. The housings are equipped with a system of clamps that provide their mutual compound, fastening the mosaic chips, a connection to the active module (alarm) as well as the attachment of the elements of the employees to connect the facade with the supporting gear design of the dispatching shield. An example of a self-supporting facade is shown in Fig.5.

The facade is mounted to the upper and lower edge of the supporting structure in the bandwidth of two modules with the help of strokes aligning it (4 pcs / m). The design of the facade allows you to mount a large number of typical measuring instruments, pointers, regulators and monitors in its plane. The thickness of the self-supporting facade is 37 mm.

Facade shield elements can be as follows:

  • passive chips (various elements of schemes, letters and numbers of any colors);
  • lED modules (passive chips with elements of diagrams and holes for LEDs and LEDs of various colors and sizes);
  • digital indicators (different heights and number of digits displayed);
  • rotary elements (used to display non-geomechanized switching vehicles);
  • portable chips.

Control system

Designed to transmit data from the top level of the control system and display them on the dispatching shield.

Consists of the following elements:

  • lED indicators control modules (UDS-1);
  • digital indicators control modules (UDS-2);
  • interface converters;
  • optical probe;
  • controller of the dispatching shield.



Short description:

Designed to manage the operation of individual LEDs, receiving and transmission data over the RS-485 interface with a exchange rate from 1200 to 115200 BPS. Provides the function of two brightness of the luminosity of LEDs: day and night. During the control panel setting, the module number and the channel number of a specific LED gives. It has a self-control mode (reading the memory state of the module), as well as echo mode (confirmation of the LED response). Additionally, it has the ability to read data from the ambient air temperature sensor, transmit via RS-485 and a further display on the shield indicator.

  • Number of channels: 64
  • Module Power: 5V ± 0.25V
  • Maximum removal from the server at a data transfer rate 115200 BPS: 100 m
  • Dimensions: 202 x 113 x 38 mm
  • Module weight: 200 g



Short description:

Designed to control the operation of digital indicators, receiving and data transmission over the RS-485 interface with a exchange rate from 1200 to 115200 BPS. Provides the function of two brightness of the glow of digital indicators: day and night. During the control panel setting, the module number and the channel number of the specific indicator displays. Additionally, it has the ability to read data from the ambient air temperature sensor, transmit via RS-485 and a further display on the shield indicator.

  • Number of channels: 64
  • The number of seven signs managed by one module: 8
  • Switched current (day / night mode): 20mA / 10ma
  • Module Power: 5V ± 0.25V or 12V ± 1V
  • Maximum removal from the server at data rate 115200 BPS: 100 m
  • Maximum number of modules in one chain RS-485: 256
  • Self-monitoring time of one module: 0.2 sec
  • Temperature range measured by the sensor: -55 ... + 125С
  • Measuring accuracy of temperature sensor: 0.5 ° C
  • Temperature conversion time: 750 ms
  • Power consumption: not more than 6.5 W
  • Dimensions: 202 x 113 x 38 mm
  • Module weight: 200 g

The RS-232 interface conversion module in the "RS-422/485" interface

  • 1 port "RS-232" (RXD and TXD lines)
  • 1 port "RS-422/485" (RXD and TXD lines)
  • Maximum data transfer rate: 115200 BPS
  • Galvanic insulation: at least 2500 V
  • Module Power: 5V ± 0.25V
  • Power consumption: no more than 0.5 W
  • Dimensions: 70x50 mm
  • Operating temperature range: -40 ° C ... + 85
  • Module weight: 50 g

Optical Property

Optical probe is used in the process of setting up the control panel. Designed to determine the addresses of control modules of LED indicators and their channels, with the subsequent recording of the received information into the database of the AWP "Telemechanics". The probe is a photo sensor with an open optical channel that converts a modulated light stream into an electrical signal and transmitting it to the controller.

Controller of the dispatching shield

Personal computer with installed software PTK "Socialist". Performs the role of the controller, taking data through the local network, and issuing them to the UDS-1 and UDS-2 modules through the RS485 interface. Separate port is designed to connect the optical probe during the setup process.

Supply system

Memoring power is carried out by voltage of AC 220V. On each section of the dispatch meters, the sockets are installed to which the feed cable is supplied. Power blocks are connected to sockets. Each BP can be connected from one to several control modules.

To implement the function of autonomous operation, monechut is equipped with an uninterrupted power source (sources).

Voltage transformer

It is designed to power the control module of LED indicators, a digital indicators control module and an interface conversion module.

Short description:

The 220/2 24B power supply unit serves to convert the voltage 220V voltage to the stabilized 24V voltage. It has a built-in battery charge charger. Metal case is attached to DIN rail.

Basic specifications:

  • Entrance and output chains are galvanically insulated
  • Provides restriction of the initial current and voltage pulse
  • Protection against short circuit and overvoltage at the output
  • Built-in battery charger module
  • Input voltage
    • aC: 90 ... 264 V
    • dC: 110 ... 370 V
  • Input voltage frequency: 47 ... 63 Hz
  • Output voltage: (24 ± 1) in
  • Output voltage (battery): 19 ... 30V
  • Maximum output current, A: 2.0
  • The triggering threshold of the output current, A: ≤2.4
  • Battery capacity, a * h
    • recommended: 1,3
    • maximum: 4.5
  • Overload protection: yes
  • Overvoltage protection: yes
  • Battery Recharge Protection: Yes
  • Battery performance: yes
  • The lack of input power: yes
  • Battery discharge monitoring and troubleshooting: yes
  • Metal housing
  • Case protection degree: IP20
  • Mounting Method: 35 mm DIN Rake
  • Overall dimensions: 112 x 57 x 120 mm
  • Mass: no more than 300 g
  • Operating Temperature Range: -40 ° C ... + 65 ° С


Dispatch messenger management software is integrated into the ASUE PTC "Socialist" and included in the AWP "Telemechanics". In the settings of the AWP "Telemechanics", the Module "Shield Management Editor" is activated. Therefore, when the dispatcher is noted, there is no need to run third-party messenger management programs.

If the dispatching shield is supplied as part of a third-party dispatching system (not a space), the customer is provided with the necessary software to integrate with the top-level software system according to standard protocols.

When initially launching the messenger and reconfiguration of the dispatch meters, the following programs must be used during operation:

  • Communication Server "Socialist";
  • "Setting the AWP DB to work with a shield";
  • "Configuring the dispatching shield."

Communication server "SOCHOTION"

The communication server is an intermediate link between the controller of the dispatching shield, UDS-1 modules, UDS-2 and the top-level program of the Telmechanics. It performs the following functions:

  • organization of communication with the existing data collection system
  • organization of communication with controllers on various communication channels
  • periodic communication channel testing and checking communication status with subscribers
  • maintaining the system protocol and communication protocol
  • admission of information about the automation object from controllers
  • entering information to the database
  • repeatance of received data in various protocols for remote servers, arms, dispatching shields
  • relay controllers of teams on television management
  • parameterization of controllers
  • displays the status and modes of communication channels in various windows

In addition, through the communication server is integrating with third-party systems according to standard protocols.

Setting up ARM DB to work with a shield

Program window "Setting up ARM DB to work with a shield"

The program "Setting the BD AD to work with a shield" is part of the AWP "Telemechanics" and is intended for automating the routine process of drawing up tables in the database of settings of AWP and screen forms in the preparation of working with a shield.

Configuring Dispatcher Shield

The program "Configuring Dispatch Shield" program

The program is designed to automate the process of assigning LED conclusions to the contacts of USO (UDS-1) during the installation or reconfiguration of the shield. Using the optical probe, the USO number and channel number is determined. It is also possible to manually enter the USO number and channel number. The results of the destination are brought to the Tables of the AWP settings for future use in AWP "Telemechanics". At any time there is a visual verification of the correctness of the binding of a specific signal by selecting it in the table and issuing the command to turn on the LED.

On the maintenance of mposhem and e-magazine of the energy facility

Dispatcher Information System - Composite Part of the Software Software Mode. It is based on the application maintains and e-magazine dispatcher.

On the mainstream and e-magazine, together with a set of extensions described in the sections Integration with databases, working with telemechanic data and other extensions is Dispatch information system.

The work of the program is based on the operator by the operator of the operational scheme of the energy supply presented in graphical form (mnemonic). The operator contributes to a change in the scheme in accordance with the change in the state of the power supply. It is possible to connect a system for collecting telemetry information, as well as a television management system, in which case the program acquires the capabilities described in the section Work with telemechanic data.

The electronic log is filled automatically in accordance with the changes in the operational scheme.
Software is focused on maintaining schemes of any level - PES, RES, urban electrical networks, electricity supply schemes of industrial enterprises, power systems, substations, electrical schemes of stations, relay protection equipment and automation equipment, SDTA devices.
Special benefits on those enterprises where large power supply schemes are available with a relatively small number of telemechanics. First of all, these are urban networks, distribution networks, industrial enterprises.

Early this application was called an e-magazine, and before that the operational magazine. Currently, these names are not used, as they do not quite accurately convey the basic purpose of the program.

By keeping mnemoshem

Main features:

  • Allows you to keep switching switches both on primary (switching devices) and on the secondary (relay protection and automation state) schemes;
  • Provides verification of the admissibility of performing operations based on switching rules in electrical installations;
  • Allows you to switch to blanks or switches, or open;
  • Allows you to keep track of the location of the OVB, repair teams, areas for carrying out repair work, locations of accidents installed portable protective grounds;
  • Allows you to carry out energy facilities in the schemes
  • Has developed tools for printing states of the schema (normal, operational, at a given point in time), provides a search and selection of the elements of the scheme in the scheme for a number of criteria;
  • Provides the printing of an e-magazine, the formation of reports on the data available in it.

Magazine service functions

  • Examples of samples on the magazine:
     - from the moment of registration of the operator in the system;
     - with the previous registration of the operator in the system;
     - changes in the operational scheme for the specified period of time;
     - related to the difference between the operational scheme from normal;
     - emergency switching;
     - installed / removed portable grounds included / disconnected sn.
  • Display of de-energized and grounded sections
  • Export samples as files.
  • Quick transition between records in the log, diagram elements and points in switching blanks.
  • The display of deviations of the state of the operational scheme from the normal circuit and from the state at the time of the last change of shift.
  • Printing and mapping mneopion object
  • In the state of the specified point in time
  • In the current state of the operational scheme
  • In the normal state of the scheme
  • Displaying equipment of a faulty, de-energized, embossed, unused, etc.
  • Displays the chains of cable and air lines and TPs that are part of the feeder
  • Displaying in the pop-up hint of the PS, the supply center and RP from which feeder eats
  • Diagnosis of incorrectly detected feeders
  • The ability to view the current status of the schema and the log by other users on the network.

Service functions of the scheme

  • Displays the sampling result directly in the diagram.
  • Viewing data related to the elements of the schema (for example, passport or settlement data) from the databases of the existing customer. The standard mechanism for connecting such bases is built into software.
  • Setting up the display of the "on the fly" scheme (without redrawing) in accordance with the standards adopted at the enterprise or the preferences of the operator.
  • Automatic alignment of lines directions from the supply center to the consumer
  • Automatic formation and illumination of normal (by normal tokestons) and the current (at a certain point in time) feeders.
  • The complex provides a multi-page system of transitions from the general network scheme to a geographic map of the area.

Permanent organizational and technological tasks:

  • Approval of the normal scheme and user admission to work.
  • Reception (delivery) of the transmission of the object with operational personnel, the transfer of information on shift.
  • Maintaining the operational scheme, the maintenance of an e-magazine.
  • Using a system of preparation and fixing the execution of typical and one-time shifts of switching and switching programs.
  • Maintaining a list of current tasks.

Types of records in the magazine

    Actions with objects - locking switching, operational removal / locking installation, installation Removal protection, etc.

    Acknowledging television signals and messages about the exceeding settings.

    Check actions, results of bypass and inspections.

    Negotiations between operational personnel, orders.

    Expustion and accounting of away and repair brigades on destination.

    Installation / removal of mobile elements - portable grounding, poster, separation, etc.

  • Marking crash places.

Editor of operational tasks

As part of the mainstream and e-magazine, the program "Editor of operational tasks" has been implemented. It is designed to control the state of operational tasks at the workplace of the dispatcher.

Software allows:

    Sustainment of operational tasks by performing operations on the electronic layout of the power supply.

    Checking the operational task according to the mightmone (layout) with the control of the execution of operations:

      the inclusion of grounding knives under voltage;

      disable disconnectors under load;

      control of operational blocking;

      showing on the diagram dotted of disconnected electrical sections of the circuit, etc ..

    Marking of operations in operational tasks, which ensures control over the real state of active operational tasks.

    Quick access and switching between active tasks.

    Saving an active task to a file and download from the file up to date.

    The ability to view the meterosham energy facilities.

    The ability to print an operational task in the form of a form of switching of standard form.

    Drawing up conventional shifting blanks and work with them.

    Preparation and storage of the database of typical switching blanks.

    Checking the possibility of performing a type of switching form in the current state of the power supply scheme.

    Creating conventional switching blanks based on typical blanks in electronic form and work on them.

The program provides control over the state of several simultaneously executed operational tasks. The dispatcher can switch between them in the list of operational tasks. The editor of operational tasks is integrated with the application for the maintenance of mnemonic and e-magazine.

Additional logs in the composition of dis

Starting from version 5.20, the disk includes a number of additional logs:

  • Changes in the power supply of consumers,
  • Technological disorders
  • Consumer applications
  • Defects of equipment ..

These additional logs are stored in the ERD database and contain information of parameters and event time, power facility, explanatory part, data on the face that made an entry:
Designed logs are fully integrated with the electrical circuit. The automatic transition from logging to the diagram element and back is provided. It is also possible to work logs without a scheme.
All logs allow you to form reports in Word format

Magazine Change Sources
The log of changes in power sources allows you to record changes in the power supply of consumers.

Form of the Power Sources

Magazine registration of technological disorders
In the journal of technological disorders (TN) registered:

  • Time occurrence TN.
  • Object of occurrence of TN.
  • The number of de-energized TPs, PS, health facilities, heat supply
  • Disabled power
  • Running time TN in operation

The report on de-energized subscribers is generated automatically on the basis of pre-prepared subscriber reference books and analyzing the current network configuration.

Magazine form of technological disorders

Technological disorders log recording form

Consumer applications magazine on power supply violation.
To organize the process of registration of consumer applications, an appropriate module has been developed, which allows you to record information about the full or partial loss of power supply using corporate information systems formed at enterprises.

Form of Consumer Applications

Consumer application log entry form

Magazine defects and troubleshooting and troubleshooting
A module of registration of defects and malfunctions has been developed, fully integrated with the electrical circuit. This ensures an automatic transition from recording to the diagram element and back.
The module provides the ability to samp records by:

  • the planned date of elimination of a defect (indicating a specific date or indicating the period),
  • subdivision responsible for eliminating the defect
  • all not eliminated defects, defects, whose elimination time has expired;

The module allows you to transfer the defect to eliminate the defect.

Form of magazine defects

Defect magazine recording form

Security and legal aspects

All changes in the magazine are recorded on behalf of the dispatcher who has stated to shift. Forgery and change in the rear number of entries in the electronic magazine are excluded. For insurance against malfunctions, it is possible to maintain a solid copy (printing) simultaneously with the log entry.

Connecting television signaling / television management

The dispatching information system can be viewed as an integral part of the OIC (top level), which implements support for operational switchings and there are ample integration possibilities.

The software is built into the possibility of receiving telephony and telecases, as well as telegraduations with energy objects through the OPC industrial software interface. This programming interface is maintained by many modern telemechanic complexes, as well as OIC / SCADA systems.

The exchange of such complexes is carried out without additional programming. In the case of using information from systems that do not support OPC, docking can be carried out on a contractual basis for developers modus or other contractual organization (optimal is usually the development of the appropriate OSR server).

Thus, the software complex can be viewed as an integral part of the OIC (upper level), which implements support for operational switching.