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What is marketing simple words: species and functions, goals and objectives, strategies and plan. Main types of marketing and their characteristics

Following the laws of the market, the manufacturer of goods or an organization providing services, in its activities relies on the features of the situation, first of all, in demand and purchasing power. Thus, the organization's strategy is based on marketing principles, according to which the company is always focused on meeting the needs of its customers.

Products and services organizations must be in demand. The competent policy of the firm certainly is aimed at developing and improving strategic and tactical efforts in the context of various types of marketing used by the organization.

What two groups are divided by all types of marketing

Types I. Types of Marketing Aimed at meeting the needs of end users and services. Based on marketing mechanisms, the company establishes for itself the desired sales volumes, production volumes, regulates pricing, embodies advertising strategies in order to strengthen the position of the brand, trademark, etc.

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We interviewed businessmen and found out what modern tactics helps to increase the average check and the frequency of purchases of regular customers. Tips and practical cases we published in the article.

Also in the article you will find three tools to determine the needs of customers and raise the average check. Using these methods, employees always fulfill the plan for predict.

Types of marketing can be divided into two groups:

1. Classic Marketingwhose goal is:

  • choosing a strategy to promote products and services in the business management process
  • regulation of the number of nomenclature positions in the composition of the product portfolio and expanding the choice of choice for the consumer inside the brand
  • sale of goods and services to the final consumer with a benchmark for production capacity, but not for the needs of social communities.

2. Modern marketingbased on the principle that the production of goods and services should be repelled from demand, and not vice versa. Principles of modern are based on the following aspects:

  • production of goods or provision of services in which the buyer really needs
  • the volume of production directly depends on the volume of demand, as well as the purchasing power of the population
  • stimulation in creating new and expand the old needs of the buyer to extract profits.

Both types of marketing in the market economy are of great importance, despite the fact that there are weighty differences between them, for example, in the functionality and solved tasks. In addition, there are differences in strategic and tactical directions of marketing:

  • the general strategic direction pursued not only by the marketing department, but also by the production, logistics, managerial and other divisions of the organization, is to increase the production capacity of the company, the volume of product sales, the seizure of greater market share and extraction maximum profits;
  • tactical tasks are, for example, replenishment and retention of the necessary TMC stock for output, warehouse stock, as well as others, ultimately aimed at fulfilling the organization's mission and receiving income.
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    Main types of marketing depending on the coverage of the market

  1. Differentiated

It is characterized by the output to the market for each category of consumers of a new product adapted to certain requests for this group. Using this type of marketing, you can promote several lines of goods. Here, the needs of a certain target group and a product, to a certain extent, are obtained by relevant, functional and cost expectations of the target audience.

  1. Mass

This type of marketing is aimed at making a profit, first of all, in the short and mid-term perspective. Reduced costs and holding price level of competitors in medium-sized positions, a company that produces consumer goods is able to extract significant profits due to production and implementation.

  1. Target

The type of marketing, in which the manufacturer shares its market share on smaller components, thereby producing decomposition and accurately determining its target audience. Target marketing is successfully used in competitive markets. Its main advantage - deeper positioning for narrow market segments, which, obviously, gives a good result in the form of finite profits.

  1. Undifferentiated

The type of marketing, the purpose of which is the production and implementation of extensive consumption products. At the same time, the organization is trying to satisfy the requests of a huge audience and not adapt to each specific segment, setting prices below the average market.

  1. Concentrated

The type of marketing, in which the firm determines for itself priority areas of activity, the most profitable segments of the target audience, concentrates efforts on a specific product, developing and improving its ITP, based on SWOT analysis determines "bottlenecks" and growth points.

  1. Micro Marketing

This type of marketing is a process during which the organization is focused on a pre-known particular group of consumers of goods and services. This mechanism is used in the case of a narrow market segment. The strong side of this approach is high customer-oriented business and building strong customer relationships.

  1. Joint

With this form of marketing, the consolidation of firms manufacturing goods or providing services on the competitive market in order to capture its part. It is achieved by minimizing costs, consolidation of capacity of organizations, as well as the union of efforts to develop product lines.

Types of marketing depending on demand

  • Conversion Marketing

This type of marketing has a negative demand when all spheres of a potential market reject some products / service. In the modern world, negative demand on the market is common enough and applies to a large amount of products / services.

For example, most clients express the negative demand for various medications; Vegetarians - on meat products, etc. The main purpose of managing marketing in this form of demand is to form a strategy that will contribute to the emergence of demand for relevant products, and in the future - to develop it to a level proportionate to the offer of goods.

  • Stimulating Marketing

There is a whole group of products and services that there is no demand. In this situation we are talking Not about the expression of a positive or negative assessment in relation to the proposal, but on the expression of indifference, the disinterest of potential customers.

Demand may be absent in the following situations:

  1. products are perceived as having worth the cost, but not in the conditions of this market. For example, a boat in the desert
  2. popular products are perceived as lost its cost. For example, glass bottle --- When new products arise, the demand for which has not yet appeared, as the market is not prepared for them. For example, souvenir products.
  • Developing Marketing

Developing marketing has a connection with the emerging demand for products / services. Potential demand happens in a situation where a certain group of customers wishes to acquire any benefit that has not yet been existing in the form of a particular product / service. For example, most of the avid smokers dream of cigarettes in which there will be no substance harmful to the body. The procedure for the transformation of potential demand to the real is the main goal of developing marketing. At the same time, you need to be able to competently identify potential demand and coordinate all its strategy in the interests of market development.

An example of developing marketing: Khomips (Spain) is a developer of innovative packages that prolong the shelf life of products for fantastic time. One of its last developments is bread that retains freshness for 2 years. The use of this technology is widely: army, various expeditions, tourists, etc.

  • Remarketing

For all groups of products and any temporary interval, the moments of lowering the level of demand are characteristic. If the demand for a certain product / service is below the level of demand for the time period of the time period, then in the absence of the necessary actions aimed at reorienting the market situation and a change in the sentence, in the future it can also significantly decrease and it is necessary to revive it. This is the main goal of Remarketing - the formation of a new life stage of the product / service in the market.

Example Remarketing: Sale Shampoo - The manufacturer makes rebranding packaging and launches the shampoo for men's advertising company.

  • Synchromearketing

In most cases, the company is basically satisfied with the general level of demand for its product, but it does not suit the demand for one particular product at a certain time interval. It can seriously exceed the possibility of production or, on the contrary, the volume of the released product may be more market demand. The fluent demand is a state when the demand system depends on the seasons of the year or other factors that do not coincide with the structure of the product supply structure.

For example, many types of urban passenger transport most of the working time are not fully equipped, but they definitely lack the peak hours. In this situation, the demand level can be changed using motivation or using an advertising campaign. Otherwise, changing the level of demand is possible only by the result of many years of work aimed at changing the habits of the population.

  • Supporting Marketing

With the existence of full demand, the purpose of the marketing department is the implementation of a supporting type of marketing. It is aimed at preserving the desired level of demand in everyday marketing work, as well as incessant attention to those moments that may affect its level. The employee responsible for the implementation of supportive marketing is primarily obliged to resolve issues related to the maintenance of competent pricing policies, maintaining the volume of products, the implementation of control over financial spending.

An example of supporting marketing is a refreshing sprite carbonated drink, manufactured by Coca-Cola. To date, it is one of the most popular drinks in the world and is sold in almost every country. And everything began in 1961, when only two cities knew about him. For the purpose of widespread beverage recognition, special containers were created. It is then that bottle dark green I became a kind of symbol of this means for thickening thirst.

  • Demarketing

There are situations when the demand for the product / service significantly exceeds the existing supply on the market. Excessive demand is a condition where production is very exceeded, commodity resources. It may have a relationship with great fame of individual products. The task of reducing excess demand is solved in several ways: increase the cost of products, stop the advertising campaign of this product, etc.

An example is the propaganda of healthy nutrition, when people convince not a lot of fatty, etc. Warnings on the dangers of smoking and alcohol, found in advertising - this is also demarketing. It is worth saying that this type of marketing is most often carried out in relation to the whole class of goods (alcohol, cigarettes, fatty food), and very rarely - in relation to a certain brand.

  • Anti-Marketing

There are products / services whose popularity can be considered as irrational from the position of the well-being of society due to the destructive properties of the relevant products.

Classical examples of such goods are alcoholic beverages, tobacco products. The task of liquidation or reduced demand for such goods is the basis of opposing marketing. If Demarketing is associated with a reduction in demand for a benign product, then opposing marketing represents the goods as unwanted.

Classification of types of marketing in geographical basis

  1. Global - type of marketing, in which marketing tasks covers the territory of the whole world as a single market for the implementation of goods / services. Such a strategy can be implemented only by large trademarks, companies with the already established leading positions in the most famous world markets. Such brands form a single communication, price and advertising strategy that can be used at any point of the Earth without the passage of cultural and geographical adaptation. In other words, the task of the organization is understandable to everyone and finds a response everywhere. For example, the work of Coca-Cola in the Russian market: opening of industries, a special strategy in management, advertising campaign, etc.
  2. Export - Promotion and sale of products in international markets, taking into account all geographical, cultural, religious differences, differences in mentality that can affect the choice of marketing concept and adapting it in local markets. For example, the work of Nestle's company on the market of our country: the introduction of slogan "Traditional Chocolate Russia", the creation of a network of representative offices of the company, etc.
  3. Geomarketing - This is the study and evaluation of the geographical positions of the points of sale of goods. Such actions and information contribute to the adoption of faithful solutions to increase distribution in specific geographic areas, states, help in finding potential places for the sale of goods, identify possible problem situations. Without such a type of marketing research, the risk of complex moments during the workflow is very large, which adversely affects the desired result. For example, Search "Sears" selection of the relevant product range. Having a database of customer mail indices living in a certain area and information that there are many people who rent a living space, "sears" in the process of opening a new trading point in the area can reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe department with inventory for summer cottages or to completely remove it from shop.
  4. Territorial - Market method of promotion, which is used in a specific geographic location. Actions focused on the formation of a certain image of the area contribute to the further development of the desired value of the product among potential customers and can affect the demand. For example, in the spring of 1996, an unusual advertising was posted on the streets of Moscow: the country of Tunisia was presented as a unique terrain for tourism and recreation. The result of this campaign was the increase in Russian tourists 2 times in this country. The Government of Tunisia, taking care of the well-being of citizens, arranges advertising campaigns in all states of the world, their annual budget is equal to $ 100,000 million. $
  5. Marketing territories - Marketing concept focused on protecting the interests of geographical territory and obtaining possible benefits from this area. This definition can be applied to states or regions of the country. The country is a product that needs to identify competitive advantages, present them in the best light and form the concept of promotion. For example, Ocelozound (Switzerland) developed a slogan "We are in search of residents". The strategic development base was associated with the formation of the relevant proposal - modern and beautiful residential complexes, a high standard of living of the population, a well-thought-out strategy for the development of the district.

What types of marketing species depending on the scope of application

1. Non-Profit Marketing

Non-commercial marketing is a type of marketing, which is aimed at forming, maintaining and developing relationships of potential customers with certain trademarks and their professional activities. Sometimes non-profit marketing is referred to as marketing of non-profit companies. The branches of its use are varied: medicine (hospitals), art (theaters and museums), education (schools and institutions), public organizations, funds. It is also used within the framework of government agencies (administrations, police, housing and public utilities). For non-profit companies to organize their own working process is much more complicated than commercial, because they are forced to influence their potential audience, and on their sponsors.

2. Commercial marketing

Commercial marketing is a type of marketing, in which companies operate in order to obtain financial profit by meeting customer needs.

This type of marketing is divided into the following subspecies: consumer, industrial and marketing intermediaries.

  • Consumer marketing - Type of business entrepreneurs aimed at identifying and meeting customer needs. In the overall mass, individual customers create a consumer market, which is distinguished by the variety of demand demands. This is the personal nature of the use of products, and the impact on the choice of products of individual psychological factors, as well as pricing policies, etc. All these items identify the specifics of working with such a type of markets, which is displayed in the marketing strategies of companies.
  • Production (Industrial) Marketing - type of marketing focused on maintaining the relationship between companies (manufacturers) with other companies (clients) buying products for subsequent use in the production process. The number of all buyers organizations refer to the business type of market. The production organizations themselves form only one sector, other participants are wholesale clients and states. institutions. The specificity of the business market can be called the production nature of demand, a small number of clients, large sales volumes, etc. Despite the fact that we can allocate the uniform features of demand from all participants in this type of market, but the tasks and nature of the activities of enterprises, state. Institutions and wholesalers are very different in this regard, the marketing of intermediaries and non-commercial marketing should be distinguished.
  • Marketing intermediaries It guarantees the satisfaction of consumer desires in a certain number of services, which are related to time, place and possession of the exchange process. Temporary benefit is that customers can acquire and apply the products when they need it. The usefulness of the place is that all products are focused in the place required for them. And the usefulness of possession is that customers can exchange the goods for money and become its owners.

What types of social marketing can be used to create a positive image company

The essence of socially targeted marketing is that the decision of the social. Problems can easily be effective and from the position of a commercial organization, and from the position of benefit to society. The specific social is determined. The problem, to the solution of which is attracted not only by the organization itself, but also its buyers. As a rule, funds for its decision are collected by contributing the established interest on the sale of products / services. This contributes to the formation of the valuables system, the buyer's interest, significantly increases positive setting Customers to your brand, encouraging them to make purchases exactly here.

But do not forget that we are talking about social marketing, and not about charity. Accordingly, the organizers of this event are counting on compensation in the form of the increased popularity of the trademark, as well as a positive attitude towards it. There are several types of social marketing:

1. Fundraising

Fundraising (Fund - "Financial Resource" and Raising - "Collection, Formation") - a set of events aimed at sustaining the Society / Community to connect to a single integral resources and provide them to help the already formed Internet project, which has social and economic Significance and formed under the most favorable conditions.

Determine several types of fundraising in modern society:

  • collection of funds within local communities
  • collection of financial resources among large enterprises that are constantly engaged in charity and participation in competitive events for grants from charitable organizations
  • personal fundraising.

Example Successful Fundraising: Vera Charitable Organization was able to collect almost 1 million rubles. These funds were obtained from the sale of tickets for the festive event "Sweet day for those who have disadvantaged", which was organized by this charitable background together with the Foundation "Give Life". In total, 978 260 rubles were collected. Of these, 200,000 rubles. were translated into accounts of funds, and 778 260 rubles. Received directly at the event in the form of donations. All financial resources are used to assist children (Patients of the 1st Moscow Hospice).

2. Organization of shares of brand sponsors

Commercial companies are participants in such shares, primarily to create an image of their organization. They are interested in potential customers, attract their attention to a social issue. Direct revenue from this event they do not get, but these noble deeds form the popularity of their brand.

As a successful example, you can consider the charity campaign "Starting a help hand", which was organized as part of the event of the same name for saving lives seriously sick children, the permanent sponsor of which is Alpha Bank. It was held in Moscow in the Pushkin Square of June 1 and was devoted to the Day of Protection of Children.

3. Stimulation of sales

Sales stimulation are shares aimed at creating certain involvement of any useful event for society.

In the role of a successful example, you can consider the network of famous McDonald's restaurants, which constantly organize similar shares, where each client, when buying any products, helps social funds. In this situation, a significant percentage of sales is sent to charitable funds.

What types of internet marketing is better to use to promote your site

Marketing on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular with advertisers. An increase in demand for online purchases and payment using Internet resources helps its development. The fundamental point here is that each second person has a telephone, with which you can enter the network. Now most organizations refuse to issue printed promotional products in favor of developing mobile applications, invest major financial resources in Internet marketing.

How will Internet marketing in your organization look like, depends on potential customers, types of products and services that will be implemented by the company.

When deciding on the investment of financial resources in Internet marketing, the main thing is to develop or improve the Internet resource of your company. Subsequent stages should be applied depending on the results of marketing analysis.

There are such types of Internet Marketing:

SEO-optimization is a type of internet marketing that allows you to broadcast you in search engines in the first positions. With the help of competently selected and configured keywords / phrases, a user interested in a similar or similar product will be able to immediately go to your site and make a purchase.

The lack of such a type of marketing is that the procedure for lifting the online store to key positions in the search engine takes sufficient time - from a couple of weeks to several months.

  • contextual advertising

This type of marketing broadcasts your online store not only in search engines, but also directly on the pages of other sites. This type of marketing has the advantage that it contributes to the attraction of the audience only interested in your product. You pay "clicks", i.e. Only user transitions to your online page.

The main disadvantage of such marketing is that far from all the clicks of users will become your customers.

  • Banner (media) advertising

This type of marketing is advertising in pictures, i.e. Banners. A certain concept (image) is being developed, which will allow you to find out your brand and quickly remember it. Permanent translation of the picture on other sites with a large attendance contributes to the formation of an association with this product / service and a good memorization of your brand.

The disadvantages of this type of marketing include what it is valid only when a huge number Displays, and the number of broadcasts affects the cost of marketing spending, which is usually large enough for small business projects.

  • SMM marketing

This type of marketing is marketing in social. networks. Attention to the brand and traffic is attracted by using social. Networks. Users are inclined to trust the information that they got into the social. networks than the information with which they met through search engines. You can contact the well-known bloggers with a wide audience and personally do not participate in such a marketing. In this situation, only "reposites" and "husky" are important.

You yourself determine the specific social network and users, thanks to which you need to implement Internet marketing of your brand.

  • Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is such a type of marketing, which consists in placing bright content on the Internet (videos, applications, photos), which informs information (advertising your brand) to a potential audience.

The disadvantage of this type of marketing: pleaseing to advertise your brand. Here you can become interested in potential customers, so boring them with your content.

  • Mailing
  • Affiliated Marketing

Affiliated marketing is such a type of marketing, in which the partner receives a financial remuneration for each buyer given to them. You can create a single advertising campaign with a partner company in order to satisfy a number of needs of potential customers.

What new types of marketing allow you to act non-standard

None in any field of economics or politics, in contrast to marketing, are not formed so often new types. Although the transformation of the circumstances in the market, its potential and tasks is the basis for the emergence of new or rethinking the existing approaches, methods, tools.

Since marketing is in constant development and improvement, its new species periodically appear.

The most common modern types of marketing are:

1. Vertical marketing

This type of marketing is valid in the circumstances of the existence of a solid product marketing system, which includes the manufacturer, wholesale clients and retail stores that implement the products to the final consumer.

The right of ownership of all financial resources that are in this unified system, only one participant has, as a rule, it is the organizer of this system. And guarantees cooperation between all participants in the system, and also provides them with a number of privileges.

This one-piece system is a short and direct channel for the sale of goods.

This type of marketing for the first time applied a firm in the United States, which produced a computer. Her goal was to extremely quickly find potential customers and adapt products to the area of \u200b\u200bthe market on which it will be as popular as possible. The vertical type of marketing has achieved incredible popularity. In the 40s of the last century, this company had a huge staff, she also conducted trainings on which he was acquainted with the employees of other organizations with how to competently use the computer and spoke of her advantages.

2. Horizontal marketing

The horizontal type of marketing is the newly emerging type of marketing, which aims to the horizontal niche of the market and is implemented in order to satisfy the desires of consumers from a limited complex of products / services. This type of marketing has a number of differences from the previous one. They consist that the firm is trying to produce several unrelated products / services. The main goal is to maximally satisfy the desires of customers and earn as much profit as possible.

The market provides a consumer with a huge number of printed products and Internet resources that introduce it with the necessary products. Organizations should not be forgotten that by occupying a certain place in the market, another firm will always be detected, which will be your competitor. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly in finding your place, because After a while, each niche can become a market for mass production. In such a situation, the company must not leave their niche where it works on this moment. At the same time, you need to look at a new place in the market in parallel.

The most important thing in the horizontal form of marketing is that it can provide an unlimited number of consumers over a million species of various products / services.

Vertical and horizontal types of marketing have differences in the methods for finding the most convenient channels for the implementation of goods / services.

3. Lateral (side) marketing

This is the sum of non-standard marketing methods that help to overcome competition, i.e. it is a look at the problems "from the side" and the search for atypical methods of their solution.

It can be called the opposite vertical type of marketing. The lateral type of marketing is a creative approach to finding new product sales methods, which greatly distinguishes it from the vertical type of marketing. In addition, the vertical marketing exists within the boundaries of a particular market, and the lateral - presents the products by the non-standard method.

The essence lies in the fact that new opportunities are found, relying on atypical approaches to methods of interaction, implementation and establishing the hidden desires of the consumer.

Example The lateral type of marketing: Red Bull has created products that are currently referred to as energy drinks. They are aimed at the new need for customers, which beyond the boundaries of a simple thickening thirst. This is how a new consumer market is formed, who are interested in energy recovery in the shortest possible time.

4. Partisan Marketing

The partisan type of marketing is a specific type of marketing, which lies in an atypical effect on demand.

Partisan type of marketing is the most effective tool for marketing policies. Applying atypical marketing methods, it allows you to reduce spending on promotion of products / services. For example, you need to run an advertising campaign, but you do not have financial resources. Then you can paint a number of cars into the corporate color of your organization, write slogans on them, and eventually the effect of this type of advertising will be no less than from direct marketing.

The partisan type of marketing enhances the marketing efficiency due to the fact that consumers are formed attachment and loyalty to it. Going abroad of standard actions, you can impress potential customers.

Example. In the dental office, the firm engaged in the release of toothpaste, placed an entry on the ceiling: "Would you like more in life not to see this boring ceiling? Our products will help you with it! "

5. Viral Marketing

A virus type of marketing is called all the methods of advertising. It is compared with geometric progress, where the chief executive is the recipient of information and tells them to others in the form of creative content or with the help of a personal message.

The bulk of consumers relates to advertising with obvious distrust, especially if it proceeds directly from the manufacturer of products. The viral type of marketing provides the ability to transfer data to potential customers as if through an interested person. It can be both familiar and an unfamiliar man, but with the condition that it is in no way dealing with the advertising sphere of activity. For example, a consumer who heard a good feedback on the product from his acquaintance, most likely acquire him. But if the product is advertised by the manufacturer, then most likely it will be ignored, because In advertising, everything is embellished.

Example. The organization that is engaged in the release of candles Diamond Candles builds its advertising by maintaining the product conversation. By any methods, the marketing department of this company seeks discussions, discussions around its products. One of the shares is especially interesting.

Statistical data showed that 97% of consumers of candles are a female floor. In this regard, the marketing department decided to raise noise among women. It was like this: in all packaging with candles of this company included a simple ring. But in order to raise noise, several times in the package was placed a gems with expensive stones worth $ 5 thousand.

As a result, the products of this company broke out of great interest. Some women condemned the owners of the company, someone praised, but, nevertheless, the profit of the firm increased in front of the eyes and amounted to $ 1 million per year. Recall - these are just a candle!

6. Ambush-Marketing

This is the newly formed type of marketing, which is a associative connection between the brand and the event. But in such a situation, the trademark is not an event organizer and does not create such a type of communication. In simple language, the company sells its products, creating an erroneous opinion from consumers and without investing financial resources into fees. This type of activity can be quite legal.

Ambush marketing is often applied by competitors of the main organizers of any event. It is very effective, because The company attracts consumers, forming false relationships with an event that arranged and financed their competitors.

Organizations can apply a similar type of marketing for a number of reasons:

  • affiliate packages are translated money
  • only one company can be organized by the event.
  • the event has an association with only one sponsor.

This type of marketing, of course, harms both an organization that is a sponsor and the event itself. In this regard, the following tasks are set before organizing the event: protect the integrity of the event, maintain a brand reputation and increase sponsoring efficiency. But there are problematic moments before him, because In most situations, the actions of competitors are not illegal.

Example. Nike removes inspirational video with the stars of the football world, aggressively responding to the sponsorship rights of Adidas, which, in turn, acts quite conservatively.

7. Media ambient

This is the newest type of marketing, which is peculiar to what advertisements are located in the most unpredictable places. Most often it happens in the city or office. Such unexpected places include: floral landings, vehicle armchairs, painted cars, walls and bottom of pools, etc. Advertising ambient media should be positively configured and amazing potential customers. This type of marketing in the modern world is the most bright and popular.

Example Embirant advertising - Mr. Proper. The cleaning agent was applied in its immediate appointment - it bleached the strips on the pedestrian zebra. Near them is located all the well-known logo of the company. And passing by pedestrians simply could not help but notice this event.

8. Hidden Marketing

Hidden marketing is such a type of marketing that allows its department to work imperceptibly. Many data we can learn from Internet logs. Some people put them in priority, believing that the information here is more close to reality than in the media. In turn, blogs on the Internet talk about new cinema, popular music, stars' life, achievements in the scientific sphere and at the same time convincing the benefits of production, whose advertising they are engaged in.

9. Shock (Epatage) Marketing

A shock view of marketing is in three words: efficiently, inexpensively and risky. Erotic appearance Marketing is the most scandalous way to promote brand. At the same time, the influence is also on the moral side of the potential buyer, and on its cultural values. The most popular example of this type of marketing was the firm that implements mobile phones. In his advertising campaign, she hiddenly used obscene vocabulary. This method has increased its profits 2.5 times.

Example. In 2002, Euroset opened about 100 communication salons and to attract interest in his company, organized an unusual share. The first 10 men and 10 women who are divided by the devil on April 1, received the phone completely free. There were many wishing to take part, but people who wanted to look at it even more. The company spent $ 1300 for a promotion, but after the after-30,000 users attracted to their Internet resource. The company's fame rose several times, and the photo of the naked participants in the action was afraid for some time around the Internet.

Opinion expert

Partisan marketing must be used carefully

Sergey Maksyuta,

cEO Kamis-seasoning, OOO, Moscow

I believe that it's time to leave large-scale attacks or defense to small targeted strikes. The global situation is constantly changing, and financial resources are gradually starting to lose their significance, value. In this regard, the partisan type of marketing is the most efficient method of influence. For example, I personally have formed such a habit: once in three months I type in the search engine "Kamis seasoning" and read the first five hundred sites, which contain information about our company.

In this way, once I found a forum on which you can talk with the clients of our company. So, at the moment I support the connection about twenty female forums. But this does not prevent me from expressing my opinion and give various advice. For example, the question arises: "Tell me, please, what is this seasoning in Vysotskaya in transmission?" . I answer: "A, Kamis." The question is now addressed to me: "Where is it for sale?" . I answer: "In every decent store." Of course, all these methods are very delicate and use them carefully, and then they benefit for the company.

Opinion expert

The reason for the failure of companies Guide to template concepts from textbooks

Anton Uskov,

general Director of MEDIA_ACT, Moscow

As long as employees of the marketing department will use the rules from textbooks in their workflow, even the most successfully developing firms will not cease to accumulate to unreasonable losses. Naturally, research audit, interview, the opinion of the analytical department, high-quality presentations are the highlights of the marketing department, but they cannot guarantee an effective launch of a new brand or promotion already existing. Such methods allow us only to strengthen their opinion in the success of our activity.

The bulk of marketing errors appears due to the incomplete information about the psychology of the potential audience, the conditions under which the client can perceive information.

How to determine what type of marketing needs the company: 3 steps to goal

Step 1. Determine the current level of marketing

All levels of development of organization marketing can be divided into five main stages:

  1. Zero Marketing - Sales. At this stage, the development of a special marketing department in the organization does not exist, practically all decisions takes its director. In addition to the Director-General, such functions can also be performed by a commercial director or a sales division. In most companies, the implementation of marketing tasks is add. The responsibility of each sales manager.
  2. Required marketing - advertising. In the development of the organization, the need for marketing is increasing. As a rule, an advertising campaign becomes the very first component. As a result, an increase in the sales volumes of products / services, the expansion of the client base occurs.
  3. Auxiliary marketing - Marketing analysis. At this stage, the marketing department begins to engage in analytical processes (implements research, assesses the effectiveness of the advertising campaign, sales efficiency). But this department does not yet produce any solutions.
  4. Strategic Marketing - Marketing Strategy. At this stage, the marketing department and its boss begin to occupy an important position in the management of the organization, form and implement a marketing strategy in the company.
  5. Maximum Marketing - Brand Management. A large proportion of the cost of goods is based on the popularity of the brand.

In order for the work of the marketing department and the sales department to meet all the requirements of the market, you must find out at what level marketing exists in your company at the moment. For this, explore the following data:

  • financial spending on marketing in the entire revenue of your company
  • the number of specialists who work in this department
  • those functions that are performed by the marketing department.

Step 2. Determine which level of marketing needs a company

At this stage you need to find out what level of marketing is suitable for your company. You can determine it, based on the following information:

  • Industry. Organizations that work in retail industries, consumer goods, IT and television to exist and develop, the maximum fifth level is required. Medical, financial, insurance companies step by step approaching the degree of marketing development to the leading areas. It is logical that their leaders should keep a fourth benchmark, the fifth level of marketing. For industry, the third level of development is peculiar. In the construction sphere, tourism and entertainment sphere, the level of marketing is significantly worse, as a rule, it can be attributed to the second or third stage.
  • Market specificity. The marketing level is mostly depends on the availability of the goods to the final consumer. For example, organizations operating in the B2B type market can develop their marketing less than firms that are working on folk consumer markets. It is also necessary to understand the dynamics of the market. If it is developing not fast, then companies should not be taking a guide to high levels.
  • Company position on the market. The leading market organizations seek to maximize marketing within their company. Little firms to survive, this level of marketing is not needed.
  • Company size. The larger the organization, the more developed marketing it is necessary. Little firms do not need it.

To clarify the required level of marketing, all indicators should be studied.

Step 3. Determine whether you can go to a new level of marketing

At this stage, you should compare the requirements of the market and the possibility of your organization to introduce a higher level of marketing. It is necessary to realize that the result of calculating the required level is only approximate. For adoption effective solution Every organization needs to be considered separately.

Opinion expert

Marketing must be sent to an increase in the impact on the end user

Vladimir Trifonov,

general Director of CJSC "Office-SPb", St. Petersburg

The responsibilities of the marketing division of our organization include: market research, an increase in product range, production of catalogs with our products, support for the Internet resource, pricing, formation and implementation of affiliate policies, management of the company's sales. As for the improvement of marketing, it is necessary for us in the form of an increase in the impact on buyers, with which the trade representatives of our organization work. However, our sales increase by 30-40% annually and without any expensive advertising campaigns.

Information about experts

Anton Uskov, General Director of Media_Act, Moscow. PR Agency MEDIA_ACT works on russian market For more than eight years. Specializes in conducting advertising and PR campaigns in the regions. Has branches in almost all major cities countries. Among the main clients: Finam investment holding, Japanese tire manufacturer Yokohama, Diana-Trade roofing materials distributor, MTS and MN. Dr. The Agency has subsidiaries engaged in the provision of advertising and production and printing services.

Sergey Maksyuta, General Director of Kamis-seasoning LLC, Moscow. Kamis-seasoning LLC is a subsidiary of the Polish producer of spices and seasonings. In Russia, it has been working since 1999. The company employs more than 200 employees. According to the results of the ratings of the National Trade Association in 2005 and 2006, the company's products are awarded the nomination "Product of the Year". The company is at the stage of growth: according to the Company's information, over the past four years, the turnover increased six times, the number of personnel is more than five times.

Vladimir Trifonov, General Director of Office-SPb CJSC, St. Petersburg. CJSC "Office-SPb" specializes in the wholesale trade of office goods, comprehensive service of companies professionally engaged in the supply of enterprises and organizations. Head office in St. Petersburg (since 1993), branches - in Moscow (since 2001), Yekaterinburg (since 2005) and Samara (since 2006).

The Internet combines all civilized countries. Little left of those people who are not looking for information on the Internet. Statistics shows that only in RuNet - 87 million users. And this figure increases every year. Only those companies that do not know about the existence of the Internet do not want to convey their messages to such a huge audience. So how best to do it? It is for this that there is internet marketing.

What is marketing?

To bookmarks

There are 145367 marketing definitions. But if you speak brief, then:

Marketing is a managerial process in which groups of people by creating products and their exchange get that they need.

Types of marketing depend on the tools that are used in promotion. This is an advertisement on the Internet, copywriting, video advertising and many other ways to increase sales.

Let's immediately explain: in this article we will talk about the types of marketing, not marketing, because marketing is bad marketing :) Well, if we dealt with the emphasis, now we will break all the points over and and figure it out in each of them to know what Better for your business.

Craw Marketing

In English Crowd-Marketing, Crowd - "Crowd" and Marketing - "Advertising" - this is a marketing technology on the Internet, placement of reviews about the product / service at various venues, such as: Sites, forums, blogs, answer sites, answers, social network.

The purpose of the tool:

Increase sales growth and loyalty of current customers due to positive reviews.


  • spassing comments looks as natural as possible
  • links to posts give real transitions
  • confidence - the more often the brand name is mentioned, the more trust it causes
  • increasing target audience transitions
  • a variety of traffic - storage marketing allows you to cover as many as 3 such sources: the transition directly on the link; Copying and inserting links to the browser string; Search by name specified in the comments
  • maintain reputation


  • not everyone will receive the desired result: for example, for a small stall it will be unprofitable and inexpedient
  • long process: you do not get a quick result, the minimum waiting time is 3 months
  • high Cost: Craw Marketing is a very laborious process that is performed by a manual specialist, such work is more expensive

Content Marketing

Content marketing is an approach to promoting goods or services, which differs from direct advertising by the fact that the product is not imposed on the consumer, you do not call it to buy, order or subscribe. Based on the information provided, the client itself is free to make a choice - buy from you or go to competitors. And it forms trusting relationships between you and users, creates the image of the leader in niche, because you do not just offer the goods, but also help you choose it, solve pressing problems, advise.

What is included in Content Marketing:

  • blogs
  • infographic
  • video reviews
  • master classes (seminars, trainings)

Content can be divided into:

  • entertaining
  • teaching
  • newspaper
  • research

Content marketing sites:

  • own website or blog
  • mailing e-mail
  • social networks

The purpose of the tool:

Awakening the desire of potential customers to make a profitable action for you (buy a product, order a service, leave an application for consultation).


  • company image: Good content is valued, and you are an expert in the eyes of users
  • high sales: Improving sales occurs due to consumer opinions; reading reviews on your site or blog, the client highlights you among others
  • natural website promotion: if your articles are interesting - they will refer to them that it does not threaten the imposition of filters from those very search engines
  • comparatively low cost


  • does not give rapid results, it is a long-term strategy
  • not suitable for all areas and tasks
  • the complexity of the implementation of the strategy

Video Marking

Video recording is a set of actions aimed at promoting goods, services or brand companies using video.

The purpose of the tool:

To convey the information to the user as visualized as possible, through the performance of the characteristics of the product or service.


  • suitable for all areas of activity
  • improving conversion: not everyone loves to read, and not everyone is well absorbed by the read information, especially if the product described is not familiar to the visitor
  • not every person will spend time on reading long text.
  • increase traffic
  • growth of the number of potential customers
  • minimum costs


  • advertising, especially video, is often ignored on the Internet
  • difficulty in optimization and audience coverage


Social Media Marketing - Promotion of brands in social networks. If you have accounts in Instagram or VKontakte, then you do not need to know what is when advertising is pursued. For example, accounts are often signed with a proposal to make a manicure, buy a black face mask, food delivery :) When leafing the tape, you see the photo with the inscription "Advertising" - this is all SMM.

SMM playgrounds:

  • personal Accounts: Users create and promote their accounts and in the future they earn advertising goods / service for money or on barter
  • brand Promotion Thanks to Corporate Accounts
  • public groups, groups: entertainment / cognitive, where there is no specific brand, but there is an interesting content and periodically advertise goods / service
  • state organizations that inform users on their accounts

The purpose of the tool:

Improving brand awareness, great interest in your product, permanent communication with potential and existing customers.


  • users do not relate to promotion on social networks as advertising, they trust this information more than advertisements
  • wide coverage of the target audience, it is possible to attract visitors regardless of their regional affiliation
  • the relatively low cost of advertising contact (at times cheaper advertising in the press, with great coverage - cheaper than advertising on TV)
  • the presence of feedback with the target audience allows you to quickly respond to wishes / comments of potential customers
  • operational advertising reaction: Unlike search promotion, the reaction to publication on a social network or a blog should not be waiting for weeks - the speed of collecting and sharing information is very large


  • does not give instant results
  • to ensure a long-term result, constant work is necessary: \u200b\u200bupdating information, publishing news, copyright, posts, etc.
  • the impossibility of accurate calculation of the budget of the advertising campaign
  • it is impossible to give a 100% results guarantee
  • users are usually looking for goods and services you are interested in using the search: if a person needs any product, he will not look for a group for selling candies on a social network, and introduces a request in the search engine
  • the ability to spoil the reputation strongly - just just a few times to be mistaken in the comments in the selected posts, etc.
  • people have long learned to distinguish advertising content from other types of information.

E-Mail Marketing

Appeals to a potential client directly, using an e-mail or SMS mailing, is called direct marketing, because this type of advertising is addressed to address. The site's subscribers receive information about any event associated with the selling product (about the promotion, opening a new store). The mailing is carried out on the basis of the CRM or formed from the subscribers to the newsletter. Some business owners buy customer bases and arrange mass mailing. And it is completely in vain, because such messages are usually moving in spam mail services.

The purpose of the tool:

Informing about updates, attempts by repeated sales, refund of lost customers.


  • ability to control the result
  • fixation - drawing up address lists according to characteristics and potential customers
  • you can distribute the received information with other users.


  • efficiency in this field with time significantly reduced
  • such letters fall into spam
  • looks like annoyance

PR Marketing

PR is the creation of a company image in the network. PR marketing is a permanent job with the site, analyzing visitors, improving the site from a visual point of view. Optimization for better indexing in search engines.

  • placing information about the site and activities of the organization in the media and on sites of similar subjects
  • support and advertising site on forums
  • regular updating site

The purpose of the tool:

Work on the image of the company.


  • the possibility of an instant reaction to the actions of competitors, processes in the company
  • low cost and causes more confidence than advertising appeal


  • since the PR campaign on the Internet is carried out quickly and is inexpensive, information diverges quickly. Then the quality will suffer - articles will be bad to reflect what I would like to see the customer in them.

Viral Marketing

One of the types of Internet marketing, which received its name for incredibly quick distribution in social networks of hidden advertising, contained in interesting and attractive video footage, online games, applications, photos and texts. Advertising unobtrusively mentions the offer of the customer.

The purpose of the tool:

Entertain, remind, inform.


  • minimum costs
  • unobtrusive type of advertising
  • holds user attention


  • requires a creative idea that is not so easy to come up
  • there is no guarantee that your virus audience will appreciate

What other types of advertising are:

Media advertising

Otherwise, this type of Internet marketing is called yet banner advertising. Ads are aimed at increasing the popularity of the brand. When you press the mouse button, it transfers the user to the seller's website. The link sends to that section of the site, where the potential client can immediately make a purchase, make an order. Media advertising is usually aimed at a certain type of product that is in demand.

Chap advertising

CPA (COST PER ACTION and translated from English as "action fee") is a certain model of payment on the Internet for advertising.

Mobile advertising

Mobile advertising is a type of advertising at which the user contacts occurs through mobile gadgets in the form of various advertising messages. Year of year, this advertising channel is becoming increasingly creative and interesting from the point of view of the formats and methods of communication with users.

And more marketing, which you could do not hear:


Conversion marketing - not new method, but very relevant in marketing. It is necessary in the case when a previously thoughtful plan was failed or negative demand is observed or to your item. This happens if it was mistaken in the development of a product promotion strategy.


The main task is to find ways to develop and stimulate the demand for products and services in the absence of demand for them. The absence of such demand may be due to the weak awareness of consumers about the product.


Used in conditions of hidden demand, when many consumers are not satisfied with existing products. The task of developing marketing is to assess the size of the potential market and the development of effective products that can turn the demand in real.


Restarketing is the restoration of demand on the basis of rethinking the previously used marketing approach. Remarketing is to find new opportunities for reviving demand.


Synchromearketing task is to search and implement marketing methods that provide smoothing irregular demand using one or more tools from the marketing complex: price flexibility, various methods of promotion, reorientation to other sales channels. Synchromearketing allows the company to conduct such events that will lead to smoothing irregular demand for its products.


The type of marketing used in full-fledged demand when the organization is satisfied with the sales volume.

The task of supporting marketing is to maintain an existing level of demand, taking into account the change in the client preference system.


This is the strategy of the seller's behavior, which is aimed at having to reduce the demand temporarily or constantly. It turns out that there is too much demand, which exceeds the offer, and the enterprises are simply not able to increase it. This may be associated with several reasons, one of them is the inability to increase production.


The task of opposing marketing is to convince people to abandon consumption harmful products. Tools of opposing marketing are: price increase, restrictions on the availability of harmful products and false / negative information.


Marketing global organizations that conduct their production activities, considering the whole world as one large market, on which its regional and national differences are not playing a decisive role.


Study of the market for the sale of goods, the adaptation of production to the requirements of foreign consumers, control over the passage of goods throughout the path from the manufacturer to the consumer.


Commercial, political, social and other activities based on marketing principles, in order to create, maintain or change the relationship and behavior of individuals and organizations of a commercial and non-commercial nature, regarding the specific territory, a change in the image of this territory.


This marketing that is aimed at meeting the non-standard needs of customers. The company evaluates a variety of market segments and chooses those on which they will act. At the same time, for each sphere of the enterprise, they develop their strategy.


The organization carried out with the mass production of one product intended for all buyers immediately. At the same time, market segmentation and the study of consumers are not conducted. This approach allows selling products at the lowest prices.


Marking type based on unity of external and internal marketing.

The purpose of the integrated marketing is to deliver the activities of all divisions of the organization to the service interests of consumers.


This is a job aimed at the "Promotion of Marketing" within the company - from here and name. Often, the top managers and colleagues themselves do not understand what marketing needs and why it needs to spend money.

Marketing relationships

Creating long-term relationships with all links that take part from the process of creating a product before distribution to the end user.


The use of the most effective methods of sales, trade marketing .. other targets of operational marketing can be, for example, achieving the company's level company, profits and other objectives established by the operating plan, ensuring the profitability of various goods, territories, markets and sales channels.

Time Marketing

Client time management technology in order to improve the efficiency of promotion and sales of goods and services.

Finding a logistic model that will allow the product to be delivered to the client faster than competitors that will bring additional benefits. This approach may be applicable to all business processes that are involved in production.


The term that describes marketing interaction as a single mechanism of work. These actions can be concentrated, both inside the organization, and to exist for its levels by setting up communication with distribution and trade missions.


This is the principle of organizing interaction between the seller and the consumer, in which large sales and best satisfaction is achieved with direct and very operational interaction between them.


This is primarily our responsibility within the framework of business development tasks in general, this is our competence not only in instruments, but also in the implementation of a comprehensive effective marketing solution.


The result of a creative "fantasy" of a marketer professional. In essence, it is freedom to accept marketing solutions, taking into account experience, knowledge, consumer behavior in each of the market segments. All this in the aggregate is the basis for developing a creative strategy.


Performance Marketing

This is the achievement of business goals due to the most efficient communication with the target audience at all stages life cycle client.

How will marketing change in 2018

  • advertising in social networks will lose its popularity

Modern Internet users are so accustomed to advertising that they have long learned not to notice her. Users of social networks is also unpleasant to see in the news feed, obvious intrusive advertising information, and this is not at all that they subscribe to those groups.

  • advertising in messengers is gaining momentum

Initially, the appearance of Telegram messengers, WhatsApp, Viber Users perceived incredulously. But now more and more Internet users go to these applications as a simpler and convenient way to communicate.

Therefore, this type of marketing can be focused on the way of existence in the Internet space:

  • gadgets oust computers and laptops

No one will not surprise anyone, now more and more people go to comfortable, pocket gadgets: tablet, phone, even the same smart watches. Mobile Internet access technologies use 3.722 billion people.

Statistics show that the number of social network users in 2018 is 3.196 billion people, which is 13% more than last year. Moreover, 90% of users get access using mobile devices and every day this figure is only increasing.

  • cryptocurrency will soon "be in the wallet" of each second Internet user

Agree, more recently, you didn't know what it was, and today at every step only hear the news about Bitcoin, right? On the Internet, the cryptocurrency is very popular, it is not difficult to extract it, but then you can exchange money on good. Now even open farms on "mining" cryptocurrency. Statistics show that at the moment the cryptocurrency wallets use 6 million unique users. We can pay virtual money, the future has come!

If we forgot to write about a kind of marketing that you use in work, write in the comments :)

Marketing is a holistic concept of the management activity of the company, which is characterized by a uniform entity, common principles and functions and is aimed at the orientation of production and sales, to the requests of finite consumers.

However, depending on the accents in the marketing activity itself, as well as depending on the sphere and object of application of the marketing concept of management, distinguish diverse species Marketing.

Dependence on the structure of the marketing concept.

Managers Marketing Presums the primacy of the marketing concept in the management of the company and the nomination of the marketing service to the level of management managers, for example, is headed by the vice-president of the firm, which coordinates all its work.

Bihewic Marketing The main emphasis makes to study the psychology of the consumer, the motivation of consumer behavior. This type of marketing is especially important for large, advanced firms, which are able to carry out serious and quality and in terms of marketing activities in the market in the form of commodity, target, sales and communication policies. Integrated Marketing
It pays special importance to coordination and linking all components of marketing measures to the market, namely: commodity, price, sales and communication policies and equilibrium their participation in solving global strategic objectives of the company.

Innovative Marketing It overcomes such a lack of ordinary marketing, as the limited development of new goods based on high-quality races in the development of science and technology. Innovative marketing is coming from scientific and technical developments based on fundamental and applied scientific research, the results of which are later "sifted through the sieve" of preferences and market requirements and are then introduced into production and are offered to end users.

Direct Marketingit is characterized by a direct method of selling goods and services and involves the organization of sales activities in the form of personal sales through sales agents - commruises, as well as in the form of sales on catalogs and TV marketing, when the manufacturer and the seller of appropriate products come into direct contact with the end user.

Strategic Marketing Determines as the most important function of development global strategies and strategic planning. It also strengthened the active side of marketing, which contributes to the creation and formation of demand and consumer suggestions according to the long-term goals of the company and submissal to these goals of all production and sales activities of the company.

Ecological, or Green View Marketing It is intended to solve market and production and sales tasks in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection.

Social, or Social and Ethics, Marketing Directed not only to satisfy the requests of finite consumers, but also to the optimal solution of the economic and social tasks standing before all society, respecting his long-term interests.

Marking types in coverage territories.

Internal marketing associated with the issues of the implementation of goods and services within the framework of one country and is limited to its national borders.

Export Marketing It is associated with the complication of functions and objectives in the field of marketing activities of the company, as it implies additional studies of new foreign markets, the creation of foreign sales services and networks, etc.

Imported marketing Some economists are recognized, others are already denied, since it is not related to the technology of promoting goods to the market, the organization of successful sales and efficient sales. In my opinion, import marketing has the right to exist, as it implies a special form of market research to ensure highly efficient purchases.

Foreign Trade Marketing Determines its object export and import types of marketing activities regarding foreign trade facilities.

Foreign Scientific and Technical Marketing It concerns the specifics of sales and procurement of the results of scientific and technical activities - patents and licenses, which largely changes the nature of marketing work, and is associated with the preparation of licensed and patent materials for sale, with the tasks of studying the directions of the patent law of the respective countries, etc.

Marketing Direct Foreign Investment Includes issues of studying the conditions of foreign investment activities, a deeper and comprehensive analysis of the possibilities of the work of a new enterprise and its sales activity, as well as the specifics of the organization of sales in the foreign market, which expresses the interests of the parent company, but operates according to the laws of the foreign country, where it is located.

Foreign Economic Marketing As a character, considers the forms not only to foreign trade, but also foreign economic cooperation (scientific and technical, industrial, etc.).

International Marketing It implies a new level in marketing development, in particular, the implementation of it on the sale of products by national enterprises (or controlled by national companies) registered abroad, in third countries, or foreign companies in its own country.

Multinational Marketing It is characterized by the specifics of production and sales tasks and inherent mainly to transnational companies, covering the market territories of a large number of countries.

Global Marketing It is associated with the marketing activities of the largest firms and transnational corporations in the world, global scale and includes strategies for the development and formation of world markets, regardless of national borders and territories in accordance with standardized marketing programs.

Types of marketing depending on demand.

conversion - transforming negative, negative demand in positive;

creative - creation, if demand in the market on this product in this period of time there is no;

stimulating - boost demand when it is low;

remarketing - reviving demand if it is reduced;

synchromearketing - stabilizing fluent demand;

supportful - ensuring the preservation of optimal demand;

demarketing - reduced unnecessary high demand;

counteracting - eliminating the demand for goods wearing antiguman, antisocial character.

Products and search for ways to sell goods, as well as to maximize the number of consumers, that is, the extension ultimately the work should increase the profit received by enterprises from the main activity. Types of marketing differ depending on the economic situation in the country, the level of supply and demand and many other factors.

So, the main types of marketing and their characteristics.

Global marketing is in this way of studying the market, which covers the entire world community. That is, in this case there is no separation into separate national or regional groups, and all operations in the market are a single activity of production and sales of products.

Also isolated marketing such types as differentiated and integrated. When the market is first, the market is divided into separate segments or groups for homogeneous goods or services, by the similarity of the marketing policies. Due to this, experts plan to carefully examine each segment and, accordingly, to develop the most effective concept of attracting customers. Integrated marketing involves the unity between the internal and external market, that is, the policy is carried out on the same criteria. Thus, it is supposed to satisfy customer requirements at all levels. Therefore, the organization of the organization will be based exclusively at the desires and requirements of the target audience of consumers.

There are such types of marketing that are based on a personal relationship with the client. This can be attributed to the interactive, in which attention is focused not only on the quality of the work performed, but also on the degree of customer satisfaction. This type is often used in the service sector, as there is direct contact with the client. The work of the personnel service is very important in this matter, because on how welcoming an employee of a particular company depends on the level of consumer confidence in the products offered by the company.

The concentrated type of marketing is applied at small businesses that distribute produced goods on certain small goal of studying various sales options is to take a leading position in a specific segment. And for this organization will have to spend more funds to attract which will be able to develop fast but effective ways to gain customer confidence.

In mass production of products, mass marketing is usually used. Of course, the production of goods in large volumes requires an extensive spectrum of consumption, therefore sales is carried out deployed. In this case, experts are not so much oriented to the client's desire, as they are developing minimizing costs. And it is not surprising, because, with such a calculation, even those consumers who completely abandoned the purchase of these goods are taken.

IN lately We received widespread types of marketing types such as multichannel and networks. The first associates its activities with the expansion of the distribution of the product, for example, by the implementation of retail and wholesale trade. It is based on attracting as much as possible like-minded people. It can be identified with the network type of marketing, that is, his task is to interest the maximum of people, talking about the benefits of a particular company. In the modern world, such a system is actively used in the distribution of cosmetics of foreign manufacturers.

Types of Marketing

marketing Sales Consumer Market

Depending on the stages of the evolution of marketing, the areas of its application, the nature of the demand in the market of goods and services allocate such characteristics of marketing as species, shapes and types of marketing.

The main types of marketing are: undifferentiated, differentiated, concentrated, comprehensive and communicative (interconnected) marketing.

Untifferentiated marketing is one of the types of marketing strategy when advertising is focused on all groups of buyers, without the allocation of individual target groups. The company that uses such a type of marketing, as a rule, produces a product designed for a massive buyer, it does not focus on the difference in customer needs, and pays a major attention to the general needs as much as possible customers.

Undifferentiated marketing does not need additional studies of various market segments, but it justifies himself at the initial stage or in the absence of strong competitors, spending additional funds for segmentation of the consumption market.

When choosing the method of market coverage, some factors must be taken into account.

Undifferentiated marketing is advisable in the case of:

if the produced goods are homogeneous;

in the case of homogeneity of the consumer market;

if a new product comes to the market, when we release only one species;

if competitors do not apply other market coverage strategies.

Untifferentiated marketing was active in the 50s. According to its content, this type of marketing was characterized by a waste from the principles of "maximum production and subsequent sales" to the principle of integrated, interconnected activities for the elements "product-buy-sales-advertising".

Differentiated marketing is a marketing that is aimed at meeting the non-standard needs of customers. The company evaluates a variety of market segments and chooses those on which they will act. At the same time, for each sphere of the enterprise, they develop their strategy.

Differentiated marketing is very often adjacent to the positioning of goods in the market. The Last company holds, finding out the consistency of the goods to the consumer requirements, its position compared to the same goods of competitors.

An example of differentiated marketing can be considered the production of mobile phones: the buyer with any taste and sufficiency must be able to pick up the goods for itself. Specific example ACCOR Hotels can be differentiated marketing. It works under twelve various names and manages large quantity Hotels under different brands and different types.

Differentiated marketing usually brings significantly higher profits than undifferentiated, but the cost of its implementation is much more significant.

The differentiated marketing strategy is a major compromise between different approaches. The company chooses several market segments and develops a separate marketing plan for each. The differentiated marketing strategy implies that the firm organizes its activities in various fields, while it will come to each of them with a specially developed product and program. Thus, the company will increase product sales due to deep penetration into a separate segment of the market, which it masters.

The differentiated marketing strategy is advisable to apply if the company has enough funds to implement several parallel marketing programs, as well as if the company has the opportunity to release different kinds Goods for several market segments.

The differentiated marketing strategy has its drawbacks and advantages. Its disadvantages include: considerable expenses, competitors in all segments, the complexity of achieving competitiveness.

Advantages: Sustainable company position; weakening the response to failures in some segments; the possibility of maneuver in the strategy; Customer commitment to the goods offered by the enterprise, which can provide protection against switching to products-substitutes.

Differentiated marketing types

Commodity-differentiated marketing is the production of several products with different properties that have different design and quality produced in a variety of packaging. As a solution, inventory marketing is applied by the company in order to offer customers products other than competitive.

Product and differentiated marketing is the release of products that have different properties, but are intended for all buyers, while they are designed for absolutely different tastes. Often concepts inventory-differentiated marketing and product-differentiated marketing can be considered synonyms.

The features of differentiated marketing were outlined in the 60s, when the market segmentation acquired the importance of the most important attribute of marketing, the process of finding customers began (and only then the implementation of production). Production began to be considered as a market supplier, research was launched to study the demand of various groups of buyers. At this time, three segmentation directions were scientifically substantiated: territorial, product and consumer.

Development of the idea of \u200b\u200bsegmentation led to a new type of marketing - concentrated marketing, the meaning of which is the deepening of its targetting due to the state of activity and funds not on all market segments, and on the main one - the least studied and covered by the market segment ("White Spot") having a good purchasing power.

During this period, hypercorescence and sharp diversification of the range appear. There is an offset of accents from the quantitatively to the assortment-high-quality characteristics of the demand, modeling the optimal range.

Comprehensive marketing (marketing-mix) should be considered as an integral action of the management system for all elements of marketing (product-price-buy-sales-advertising), which ensures the possibility of obtaining a synergistic effect from the use of marketing.

Recently, such a type of marketing as communicative marketing is actively considered. In this case, attention is drawn to the fact that the marketing function should go far beyond the marketing service and spread throughout the organization, entrepreneurial units and cover all staff involved in the process of creating and marketing products. This type of marketing is clearly manifested when marketing interaction, relationships and communications.

Depending on the nature of the demand in the market, the following marketing types are distinguished by the following types of marketing: conversion, stimulating, developing, remarketing, synchroniarketing, supporting, demarketing, anti-marketing. In the literature are given various characteristics These types of marketing.

Conversion marketing is carried out with negative demand in the market, when a significant part of consumers "does not like" the product and can even pay a certain price for refusing to use it. This type of marketing focuses consumers to change the negative attitude to some product on a positive product by reworking the product, reducing price and more efficient promotion.

Conversion marketing is used, for example, tobacco organizations, when the activity of health and public authorities leads to a sharp reduction in the number of persons who use tobacco products.

Vegetarians, for example, are carriers of negative demand for meat, meat products. The task of marketing in such a situation is to develop measures for the emergence and development of demand for this type of product in the territories where a large number of vegetarians live.

Stimulating marketing - type of marketing used in such a market situation when the buyer's passivity is observed, its weak interest in the product is observed; Demand is practically absent. The task of stimulating marketing to stimulate the consumer's interest, create demand. Stimulating marketing is aimed at eliminating the causes of the indifferent relationship of the buyer to this product.

The task of stimulating marketing is to find how to link the benefits of the product with the needs and interests of potential consumers in order to change their indifferent attitude to the product.

The main tools of stimulating marketing are: a sharp decline in prices, increased advertising and other product promotion methods. It is used when consumers are absolutely not interested in products. The task of stimulating marketing understand why not and create demand. The gardener-amateur goes to the shops, looking for a garden inventory: rake, shovels, roasters. He is doing to the universal earthro. It is necessary to understand why and, on the basis of this, carry out stimulating marketing. Maybe shelf for earthling is high and difficult to notice it; Maybe buyers who are needed, do not go to business stores, but in the salons of the phyto-design. Or maybe it's just incomprehensible: how to use this thing? Here is the stimulating marketing and offers: exchanging from the upper shelf and send to the phyto-design salon to his own stand, and to it to put a consultant with a detailed instruction manual.

Developing marketing is used in conditions of hidden demand. The task of this type of marketing is to estimate the size of the potential market and develop effective products to turn the potential demand in real. Studying the unsatisfied needs of buyers when using existing products, the development of new products to meet the needs of the needs, the use of special advertising tools can facilitate the creation of real demand.

Example: For a long time, there is a demand for peculiar "deodorants for cosmodromes" - means of neutralization of poisonous components of rocket fuel. The design bureau of transport engineering (CBTM) proposes to be installed on the starting positions an absorption-catalytic installation, which decomposes the toxic components to environmentally friendly: nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water.

The Spanish company "Khomips" is known for its developments from long-term storage of products. Packed in hermetic shell, they can be used in emergency circumstances as an inviolable supply on any latitudes. The latest development of the company is bread, which does not worry for two years. Consumers of this product - Spanish contingent of "Blue Cassack".

As we see, developing marketing, as, by the way, and other types of marketing, actually actually, when consumers are specific people, and when customers are such important state objects such as polygons and cosmodromes.

In case of falling demand, remarketing , The task of which is to restore demand through the penetration of new markets, changes in the properties of goods focused on new needs of buyers.

Example Remarketing

It is no secret that cases of terrorist acts regarding tourists in Turkey largely turned away from this place permanent rest of German tourists. The advertising campaign conducted by government bodies of tourism supported by the attractive proposals of Turkish private firms provided the opportunity to successfully fill out free places with our compatriots.

In the presence of seasonal, daily or hour fluctuations in demand can be recommended synchromearketing . His task is to smooth demand with the help of flexible prices, transition to other market segments, search for individual methods of promoting and stimulating goods.

Supporting marketing is used when the organization is satisfied with the results of sales activities, its volumes and qualitative indicators. In such cases, there is a complete demand, and the task of this type of marketing is to maintain existing demand, taking into account the change in consumer preferences and the competitive environment in the market.

Demarketing - type of marketing used in excessive demand. Its task is to search and the use of methods and methods that contribute to a decrease in demand. As such methods, price increases, temporary termination of advertising work, the transfer of rights to the production of this product, license, know-how to other organizations. In the latter case, the need to refer to the company's brand, who has submitted its rights to another organization.

There are goods and services, the demand for which can contradict public requirements and consumption standards. In such situations, the demand satisfaction seems undesirable due to the negative consequences of consumption of relevant harmful goods and services (for example, alcoholic beverages, drugs, tobacco products, pornography, etc.). To eliminate or reducing such a demand, which is called irrational or irrational, apply opposing marketing.

The use of a type of marketing allows flexible marketing activities based on high responsibility to buyers and society.

Marketing classification Along with the release of marketing by type and type involves the difference in marketing, depending on the purpose of exchange in the system of entrepreneurship (business), the scope of exchange, scope and type of activity that marketing covers

Depending on the purpose of the exchange, the results of this or that activity distinguish commercial and non-commercial marketing.

Commercial marketing is carried out in organizations whose goal is to receive profits. Therefore, sometimes commercial marketing is called marketing of profitable organizations. And marketing of non-profit formations and organizations (for example, the organization of the municipal level, city, region, schools, clinics and hospitals, various parties, etc.) are called non-commercial marketing.

The main forms of commercial marketing are most fully described by Professor X. Mefefer. The classification proposed by it is presented in Fig. 1.1.

On the scope of exchange or territorial sign, the most often allocated national (regional, local) marketing, and international (export, global, world) marketing.

On the scope of application distinguish between consumer, industrial , investment marketing as well marketing services.

Depending on the type of activity of a single person or organization, it can be: marketing organizations, marketing of a separate personality (egomarketing), place marketing, social marketing, etc.

Continuing competition in the food market requires the formation and development of agromarketing.

In non-commercial organizations, the use of philosophy and marketing tools require a more comprehensive approach. This is explained by the following circumstances:

The diversity of the objectives of non-commercial organizations and the lack of an increase in profit;

A large degree of dependence of non-profit organizations from the level of risk of decisions, which can be reduced by profits;

Higher competition in the market of non-profit organizations than in the market of commercial organizations;

The closer attention to the public and the state to non-profit organizations.

In Russia, in the field of non-profit organizations, the most typical is the use of marketing library, theatrical and sports services. At the same time, it should be noted that in modern conditions of the transition economy in these sectors, both non-commercial and commercial marketing, i.e. There are free services and products and paid services.

Along with the marketing classification considered, individual marketing schools (American, Scandinavian, Western European, etc.) use other varieties of marketing.

Marketing Social is a marketing activity related to the development, implementation and control of social programs aimed at raising the level of perception of certain layers of the public to certain social ideas, movements or practical actions.

Marketing Social and Ethics is a type of market-oriented marketing activity, the main principle of which is decision-making, based on consumer requests, the requirements of the enterprise itself and the long-term interests of the Company.

In 1986, F. Kotler introduced Megamarketing concept, which is considered as strategic thinking, taking into account not only the creation of the supply of goods or services for target consumers, but also the need for approval possible consequences This proposal with the MacroGroups of the Market Environment: trade unions, government, public organizations.

French scientist Professor J. Lamben most clearly showed the strengthening of the role of macromarketing in developed market relations, determining macromarketing as a factor of economic democracy. It is macromarketing that, according to J. Labene, creates a system that listens to the buyer's voice, orients investments and production on foreseen needs, stimulates innovation and business activities

Analysis of other marketing varieties, such as egomarketing, marketing ideas, marketing organizations and others can be found in the works of A.A. Braverman, E.P. Golubova, F. Kotler and other authors.