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Compatibility Rooster Cancer Bull Lion. Compatibility of the rooster and bull - the opinion of astrologers. Polish compatibility Couple born in the year bull and rooster

The compatibility of the bull and rooster is considered stable and favorable. In this relationship, everyone has the opportunity to show their strengths. A man with a great responsibility comes to any cause. His chosen will manifest itself as a reliable administrator and an excellent executor who is able to fulfill the instructions of any complexity. The man-bull admires his beloved, as it offers excellent designs and has a number of advantages and talents.

Both enjoy analyzing and look for suitable solutions. If the partners act together, they are much on the shoulder. Loves are not looking for in the second half of the shortcomings and weaknesses. A bull male is distinguished by demanding and practicality. He feels great next to the caring and reliable female-rooster. At the same time, the desire of a woman to criticize everything and behave in a certain degree defiantly does not cause a man any inconvenience. Such an idyll is the key to the compatibility of a bull and female female.

Male bull and female rooster: general compatibility

In relations with the bull, as a rule, all conflicts begin a female cock

A man and woman fit well each other. The key to the strength of their union is a comprehensive understanding. Lovers associate a set of hobbies and similar points of view. Each in this tandem is committed to stability in family life. In addition, both wish financial well-being.

The man does not have anything against his chosen to shine both in a family circle and in secular events. From the moment of dating a man, bull bull, a woman understands that I found the one who was looking for. It is he who will become a reliable support for it and will help expand the circle of interest. After acquaintance with a female cock, a man forgets about short-term intrigues and meetings with buddies. Now he directs all his strength to build a career and expanding business. He seeks a material well-being to give his beloved everything that she needs.

A couple of rainbow future. However, somehow, some problems may arise. Often, the initiator of conflicts is the woman as she likes to argue and defend their right. In addition, it is a restless and somewhat aggressive person. Similar behavior does not like her beloved. The relationship from provocations of a woman is spoiled and suffering.

Bull is a business, concrete and solid man. He responsibly comes to the fulfillment of his duties. Whatever he had to do, he will certainly depose one hundred percent. Behind the striking results, which a man reaches in any field of activity, concealability and amazing endurance. Usually, he drags a successful career without much difficulty and takes a guideline post. The best spheres for the professional implementation of a man bull-bull, are politics and agriculture.

He has a developed sense of self-esteem. He is independent. This man can be described as a strong, brave and purposeful person. Such qualities attract women to him. They intuitively feel that next to such a man does not threaten them that he will be able to provide a calm, stable and secure life.

With representatives of most signs in the bull, there is no constructing relationship. The fact is that he has high demands on the future companion of life. It should be beautiful, smart and sports. His chosen is a standard of positive properties. The man-bull is a conservative. He dreams of a big and friendly family. Only, in this case, he will be able to feel completely happy.

The female rooster stands out to atypical and bright appearance. She knows a lot about clothes. It is interested in fashion trends and trends, brands, accessories and expensive perfume. Even in the store, she will go with perfect make-up and hairstyle. Intellect and beauty of a female rooster provide it with popularity in any society. She loves to be the center of attention and applies every effort so that everyone watched only on it.

Woman cock can be lavaling in different circumstances. She likes changes. It may seem that it is always at the ready. For her, much knows dating new people and entertainment events. Woman adores himself. And that is, weighty bases. Throughout his life, she is tirelessly engaged in self-improvement. It dedicates the time to education, professional growth and raising children. But the female rooster will not sacrifice his own interests for his spouse and family interests.

A bull man can not fall in love with such a charming beauty. In addition, it is distinguished by an exceptional discipline that can be traced in everything that it does. She will not allow themselves to be late, even if it is too busy. A woman born in the year of the rooster does not think his life without beautiful and high-quality clothing. At the same time, it will not spend all his money on the wardrobe, which indicates a rational approach to finance.

Male bull and female cock: marriage compatibility

A bull man knows and loves to make money

Each of the lovers prefers truth in any kind. Both love and know how to work and put goals that seek to implement. Nevertheless, the female rooster need a strong male shoulder. And she will gain support next to a bull man. In addition, the bull does not like to be in sight and does not want universal attention. He has enough pessimistic views on life. And his chosen will be able to attend him and configure the positive way.

The female rooster celebrates self-control, businesslikeness, diligence and desire to earn their partner. In fact, it strives for rationality and orderliness, but its excessive sensitivity does not give it to pay attention to the most important. She is trying to achieve justice, focuses on trifles and tries to defend their own right. For this reason, it is not in all cases to build a career and correctly arrange priorities. But in relationships with a male bull, she will be able to become more attentive and balanced, since next to such a man she will be calm for his future.

A bull man is enthusiastic. He believes that force is the quality of purely male. However, when he realizes that his beloved is a strong person, then sincerely rejoices. Lovers can conduct many hours talk and find more and more pleasant in their partner.

For the feeling of the completeness of the life of a man, bull bull, a family and honest companion is extremely necessary. The female rooster has every chance of becoming a faithful girlfriend. It can experience difficulties with prioritization, however, the value guards in partners have a lot in common. A bull male becomes strong support for its chosen and helps her harmonize his mental state. A woman diversifies the life of his beloved, filling it with diverse and fascinating events that will not allow to bother.

Disagreements may appear in a pair due to the fact that both are difficult characters. But with them it is easy to cope if everyone strives to build a solid and long-term union. Many quarrels occur at the very beginning of the relationship, when the bull is not clearly understood by the increased fussiness of the beloved. She tries to go everywhere and make too much. And this displays it from the usual state of equilibrium. He preferences a calm and measured lifestyle. A man does not like to rush. But over time, partners manage to adapt to each other - and the relationship is harmonized.

Of course, all couples face disagreements and disputes. It is important to learn to avoid conflict situations. Most of the quarrels are due to the irritability of a woman born in the year of the rooster. In addition, she does not really like to do the house. Her spouse does not understand such behavior. If the beloved will insist on yours, then the man-bull may lose their composure.

Another reason for conflicts is the critical of a female rooster. She cannot refrain from commenting in someone else. In a relationship with his beloved, she should refuse this habit. Otherwise, a man will not be able to reveal all his abilities. In order for the relationship to be stable and joyful, the woman should be kept under control of their anger and emotions.

Male bull and female rooster: love compatibility

In sex, spouses are perfectly suitable for each other. For both in this pair, intimate life plays an important role. In addition, in bed, they may deal with emerging problems and misunderstanding. Proximity helps them harmonize their mental state. Both appreciate the time spent alone. In each other's society, each of them is calm and comfortable.

Common classes and hobbies will well strengthen the Union of Bull and Rooster

The compatibility of the bull and rooster in love and marriage is very favorable. And partners must appreciate each other to preserve such a union. They have every chance that their marriage is long-term, strong and happy. Spouses are not very similar, but at the same time they are good and calm with each other. It cannot be said that their characters and temperatures are opposite. For this reason, too strong conflicts between them practically does not happen.

The Men-Bull in this tandem has many positive and useful qualities. He is confident. He always has the goals he tries to implement and implement. A man can cope with any problems and adversities. In this regard, if he wants happiness and harmony in a pair with his chosen, then he will certainly achieve it.

A woman born in the year of the rooster should be thorough to think about her critical attitude to what is happening. If she can adjust their views somewhat, then a joint life will become much easier and more pleasant. In addition, she will certainly have a relationship with others, and the beloved will be able to achieve more impressive results on a career field. Of course, this will result in improved material situation. In the spouse you need to believe. Such an attitude gives him strength and confidence.

Partners should not forget to spend time jointly and solve emerging issues. This will increase the compatibility of the Male Bull and Woman Petushki, so their relationship strengthened and the marriage will become more reliable.

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In relations partners there are love and hatred, respect and disregard. Never only calm. The compatibility of the rooster and the bull seems to be suspended above the hollow volcano jerle, which is ready to wake up at any time.

Male cock and female bull

Having become acquainted, these people will try to make the relationship become closer. In which area it will happen, depends on the circumstances. Implementation in love, friendship, business.

In love

Love communication in the pair ^ bull and rooster - develops quickly. Woman stretches to the guy who makes a variety of quiet life. He is bright, extraordinary. Therefore, the girl falls in love instantly. He will answer feelings, if a woman is beautiful, follows himself. Such guys have special pride when the surrounding admire his beloved.

She likes to be surrounded by the attention of a young man. They attract each other, the intuition suggests that it was exactly the only person with whom happiness is possible.

If a disagreement arises, a balanced girl will be able to neutralize them in a short time. High temperament of both makes life filled with unexpected emotions. A man is generally inclined to react violently on any event. The girl gives the will of the feelings when her beloved out of equilibrium. Her anger is irrelevine. Having provoking the outbreak of its aggression, the young man will regret it.


Spouses are distinguished by an unprecedented purposefulness. The need to be the first contributes to the rapid achievement of material stability. Conservation of financial weight throughout life. If the spouses achieve welfare, the compatibility of a man-rooster and women bull will reach high indicators. The relationship will dominate the friendly attitude, mutual respect.

The wisdom of the spouse will break the heast of her husband. Under the influence of the second half, a man will try to make life in marriage romantic than, joyful, more pleasant. The wife will appreciate the efforts of a loved one, will repay him care, attention. The spouse is able to contain a family, knows how to earn good. She does not feel sorry for money for the family, on his beloved. Next to such a wife, the husband will feel confident, he will achieve success.

In friendship

Partners are fine. They having fun together, the guy will show a lot of new girl. A couple of options to spend time with benefit. Enough easy fun, unobtrusive communication. Cockerel sociable, he will show a lady, as well located in the company of friends. She will also share life experience, teach him a thoughtful attitude to life.

Female cock and man bull

Pare is destined to deal with a number of difficulties. If both partners are mature people, they will be able to overcome the problems. Then the compatibility of the female rooster and the Bull Men will be quite harmonious, the couple will create a strong union in love, marriage, business, friendship.

In love

Merities, shakingness, not always appropriate perseverance of the girl significantly complicates the compatibility of the rooster and bull in love. The woman is so convincing in his hysterics, which is capable of entering a guy in an alarm state. Male bull is not ready to live in the feeling of disharmony, fears, emotional discomfort. He will try to leave a loved one, just to return peace of mind. If a woman in the horoscope Aquarius, she will conquer his beloved by his openness, loyalty, the ability to give himself a beloved.

If a woman shifts wisdom, she will not panic, impose his beloved her point of view. It is better to relax, relying on the chosen. He will assertist, strong, so it will definitely do everything possible. If he triggers the approval, the support of his beloved girl will reach big heights, lifting the beloved after him. If the girl will interfere with him, he will not even think to take care of her.


The female rooster in marriage is not too successful. She does not like to do household chores, it is tired of the need to take care of lunches and dinners. She does not repel the mess, not ashamed of non-heavy, uncompatible children. A man is not capable of accepting chaos. If the spouse does not rebuild, does not overcome himself, breaking the couple: a conservative bull and unrestrained rooster - not avoid.

In conflict situations, she can not be dissolved, bring a quarrel before rising a voice. If she goes to a cry, a calm husband will come out of equilibrium, then it happens to what the lady is completely not ready. Therefore, noticing that the believer loses patience, it is necessary to stop, forget about the disagreement, to become the most gentle, appeal.

In friendship

Long friendly relationships - the norm for such a pair. Often, pleasures peel the warm feelings of a friend of Rough through all his life. Having become acquainted in childhood, they communicate in his youth, maturity, old age. They are easy to communicate, because friends understand each other with a semi-dislice. In the event of difficulties, everyone is ready to sacrifice its interests for the save of another.

Sexual compatibility

Course is not a relationship without sex. For them, this is a way to tell about your love, strengthen the connection. In bed, partners are obsessed with the desire to delight beloved, completely relax. They are not alien experiments, the embodiment of sexual fantasies in practice.

Important! Astrologers assure that steam in sex is compatible by 90 - 95%.

Sex brings clips a couple. Intimate life helps spouses to put up in bed, they get used to smoothing sharp corners in relationships. Delivering the pleasure of each other, the lovers splash extra emotions, make a peaceful in their soul.

Work and business

Partners successfully cooperate in all fields of business. If we are talking about conventional colleagues, they also feel comfortable in the same team, show good results. They not only help each other carry out production duties, colleagues sincerely rejoice in the success of the partner.

The following common qualities of the pair contribute to effective cooperation:

  • ability to work in a team;
  • the skill of the rooster to direct a bull into the right direction, push it;
  • the ability to support a partner, inspire an feeling of optimism.

The horoscope promises good compatibility of the rooster and bull in marriage and in love relationships. They are not immediately riveted. Even feeling the attraction, they first learn the person you like, only then will begin to make the first steps. By creating a family, they begin to live a stable life, carefully weighing every decision. The surrounding call their family boring, monotonous, but partners no change suits.

The bull and rooster relations will strengthen thanks to common values:

  • improving material well-being;
  • home improvement;
  • parenting.

The eastern horoscope is divided into twelve-year cycles, where every period of time corresponds to a certain animal. The year of the rat marks the beginning of the cycle, and its end falls during the Board of Kaban. It is believed that, depending on the date of birth, the person acquires a patron beast, thanks to which it receives individual character traits, abilities, preferences and compatibility with other representatives of the signs.

Bull (ox) - general characteristics

People born in the year of the bull are quite slow, patient and kept in the manifestation of their feelings. They are distinguished by calm temperament, logical thinking, self-sufficiency and analytical mind. This is a person who will always keep his word, he is judged, reliable and therefore has great authority in his surroundings. In difficult situations, the WHO will never humiliate before it is added to someone and will not adapt to anyone, but will be able to solve its problems with a more noble way.

Men-bulls are always methodically and carefully fulfill any work, necessarily bringing it to the end. Such people love and know how to work, possess a strong character, so most of them become independent of them. Due to its performance and perseverance, they are able to achieve leadership positions with which they will be able to cope in the future. By nature are conservatives, not particularly trusting various innovations, considering from unreliable.

Bulls do not like noisy pastime, empty entertainment and large companies, they appreciate the true, attorney for years. Representatives of this sign are usually benevolent and straightforward in communicating with others, they know how to listen and maintain a conversation on any topic, without any problems conquering the location of the interlocutor. But if someone tries to deceive or strongly offend can quickly come out of themselves and demonstrate a rather terrible rage that can truly frighten the enemy.

In the life, men-bulls are accustomed to hard and consistently achieve everything themselves. Go to the goals to go almost alive and do not calm down until they want what they wanted. With respect to the opposite sex, representatives of this sign are very open, they are alien to love intrigues or romantic games. WHO can directly tell the choices about his feelings and suggest creating a family, guaranteeing reliability and loyalty and stability.

Women born in the year of bull are good hostesses, neat and pedantic. They are glad to engage in the arrangement of a family hearth, can be loyal, loving and gentle, but at the same time quite practical and sensible.

People of this sign are stubborn, strong, very devoted to their family and work. They are accustomed to walking forward and persistently achieve the goal, overcoming all the obstacles on their path. Of these, beautiful gardeners and farmers, teachers, doctors, artists, police and leaders of large enterprises can get.

Compatibility with other representatives of the Eastern Horoscope

The ox has a calm character, appreciates real friendship and strives for stability in a romantic relationship, so his relationship with representatives of other signs can be added differently:

From bulls are faithful husbands and beautiful fathers, a house and family for them - the main thing in this life. And to have such a friend is a big luck, because it will never betray and even in the most difficult situation will always support, it will help and will be there.

In love and family relationships

Representatives of this sign are very serious, so they consider flirting, coquetry and romance with empty fun. Therefore, their chosenses should not count on the sea of \u200b\u200bcompliments, the serenade under the window or cute and reckless nonsense, which are characteristic of many in love.

How no exhibits his feelings

Men of this sign are always tuned to marriage and serious relationships, so they choose a calm and well-educated, economic woman in their companions. Usually, the bull conquers the partner with its reliability, internal force, mind and loyalty. Although he is not inclined to romantic actions, it will get a wonderful husband and a stunning father, and women intuitively feel it.

Despite the closed and shy character, the bull man is capable of strong feelings, if it is very passionate about its chosen. Since WHL believes that the strength of the Union depends on the financial situation of the family, he will be struggling to take care of the material provision of beloved.

I will present this sign very jealous, so it will never forgive betrayal to his second half. Often a bull can handle his wife as if she is his property, if he decides that she, in his opinion, looks at other men. The wheels are very tied to their family, so they will try to do everything to keep near close people.

A bull-man really appreciates comfort and comfort in his home. He loves a beautiful setting in the house, a delicious food that the beloved woman will cook. For a stay, it will prefer their own house surrounded by a green garden.

What women will be interested in

To win the location of this strong sign, you need to know what kind of representatives of the beautiful sex can pay attention. He will always be interested in a girl who has the following qualities:

At the beginning of the Bull relationship may not demonstrate that New Passasya likes him. In fact, he was simply not used to showing his feelings and if communication continues, it means that a woman is interested in him and after a while the will will definitely reveal his heart to her.

Male bull and female rooster: compatibility

The Union of Bull and Rooster is considered very successful due to the same values. For them, the first place is family, then financial well-being and professional achievements. These signs think very rationally, do not perceive romance and love to work.

Women character traits

For representatives of this sign, such features are characteristic:

Female roosters are pretty honest, open people, although they can slightly exaggerate their own achievements. Representatives of this sign will not be deceived for their benefit or telling a lie about other people. Roosters are inborn pedants, beautiful appearance, new clothes, cleanliness in the dwelling are very important for them.

Career and material well-being play a very large role in the lives of such women, especially Capricor Petrolees. Often they begin to work with the mature years and reach the desired results in the professional sphere.

The representatives of this sign are striving for a long-term relationship, in contrast to a rooster man. In love prefer alliances with strong and interesting personalities. They greatly respect their partner, support all, help to cope with problems. The family is able to show the best quality. Conditionally able to build relationships, which are based on respect, mutual understanding and trust.

Compatibility in Love

These signs are very suitable for each other. Here is possible a harmonious relationship, however, it will have to make a little effort. The problem may be that the female rooster is overly fussy, and sometimes can be unsure. Bull, on the contrary, always calm and decisive. Therefore, in such situations, she should trust his man who will definitely cope with all the difficulties of life. Both sign are very hardworking, so they can succeed in family business and teamwork will become their common cause, and various troubles will remain in the past.

With the advent of children, such a family will become even stronger, as the spouses will suit their upbringing very seriously and with full responsibility. Bull and rooster will always always support and help each other. The couple will be able to preserve their feelings for many years, admiring all relatives and friends with strong relationships and restless feelings.

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The compatibility of the female rooster and the Male Bull is considered favorable. Partners unites the general worldview and interests. Both are serious about life, targeting the result in all its spheres. Flirt and do not bind relationships - not their path. A man looks at the woman, and a woman on a man, as on a potential satellite of life.

Characteristics of the Bull Men

In the youth, a man-bull rushes from side to the side in search of the meaning of life, but it will last exactly until he encounters a woman who wants to marry. At that moment, he will clearly understand that the family and care for her is the true meaning of life.

The man-bull is usually successful in work, has a high income, but it all does it in order to provide children and his wife, self-realization is in the second plan. For a bull, it is important that the woman who will be next to him had similar vital values, was a real custodian of a homely hearth, a cute, tender, caring, attentive.

Characteristics of a female rooster

Externally, it may seem that a calm family life - not exactly what a female cock dreams, but it is not. Nature has awarded her restless and unbalanced character, and it prevents her in time and properly arrange priorities. The hot temper of the rooster leads to the fact that it is diverted on trifles and does not notice the main thing.

But, having met a Bull Men, she will finally find in it so necessary support, will be able to calm down and see the desire for a new one. filled with deep meaning, life.

Compatibility of female rooster and men-bull

The happiness of this union can also prevent the aggressiveness and stubbornness of a female rooster. With his sharp criticism and hysterical outcomes, she can beat the soil from under his feet, to interfere with the best side, which ultimately will end badly for both.

But if she understands that he will feel behind this man, he will feel behind the stone wall, and you should not be afraid to come down with your immature principles in return for his wise instructions, then everything in the life of the couple will be successful. Everyone will be in place: a woman will remain feminine, a man is courageous, and together they will be happy.

A rooster man and a bull female are simply created for each other. Both have similar values, strive for the creation of a family and simply a love relationship. They see a happy life equally and try not to spray for outsiders. As a result, they will be able to create durable and durable relationships.

The spouses get along well with each other and help each other to disclose the best qualities in themselves. So, the restraint, composure and practicality of the women's bull is enhanced. And Prudence and the thriftness of a woman born in the year of bull contributes to the creation of a reliable family hearth, in which a man-rooster needs.

The ambition of both spouses and their desire to success allow them to go together and faster to achieve their goals. Both partners are easily taken responsibility and do everything possible so that their marriage is durable and happy. The similarity of interests and views, makes the Union even more reliable.

During the years of the rooster and outstanding personality. Therefore, you can be sure that the union of these signs among themselves also have properties to be bright, interesting and unorded.

Male Cock and Female Bull - Compatibility

A rooster man falls in love with him immediately. It is distinguished from the crowd, always tastefully and impeccably dressed. It thinks out his appearance to the smallest detail. The mind and external appeal allow a man-rooster in any society to feel comfortable and cozy. It is about him - "Soul of the Company".

But the bull woman most attracts the observation and the execution of a man born in the year of the rooster. And he is always nice to be the center of attention. For this, the man is also very important to the appearance of a woman nearby. He even likes when other men pay attention to his companion, it becomes even more expensive from this. The appearance and conservative style of women bull is quite in taste.

Having met, a man-cock and a bull female, immediately attract each other, feeling the community of interests, aspirations and realizing that this is the person who dreamed of each of them. Between them are quickly established relationships. For both, an important place in life is the family. This is a prerequisite in order to feel completely happy.

A bull woman knows how to make money and with pleasure puts them into his family and the house. For a man-rooster, she becomes a reliable support that can expand its horizons and life horizons. She skillfully organizes both everyday and professional life, both their own and spouse. And for a man born in meaning.

The fact is that he has a very unbalanced character, and its constant throwing and bustle on allowing it to see the main goal in life. He is very much sprayed on the disputes and evidence of his rightness, it does not know how to concentrate on the task set at the moment.

It is too attentive to the trifles and is critically configured to pay attention to the main one. But, a psychologically balanced bull female easily pacifies his man and helps him relax and distract from obsessive thoughts.

And the man-cock gladity teaches a bull woman to be fun and relaxed, cheerful and free, bright and extravagant. Conservative and in a limited female bull admires the openness and frank courage of the rooster.

Moreover, she strives to become similar to him. He learns with his society and gradually begins to notice that her life next to this man is much brighter and more interesting than without him.

The man-roostech needs to be praised, and a bull female will always relate to indescribable delight and admiration for what makes this man. Naturally, it flatters him, raises self-esteem and teschit pride.

After all, a female bull is a very strong spirit man, and her weakness to the rooster causes him a reply warm feeling. She loves him for what he is. He loves her for what she understands that he is the best. All this positively acts on all the life spheres of both.

The rooster man has a distinctive feature - he loves to paint and admire himself irresistible. This feature causes irritation around others, but not in a woman's bull. She is ready to endure his roasting prault. A rooster man does not leave it unnoticed. He is experiencing great gratitude and is ready for any feat for his beloved.

Unlike a bull female, a man-cock does not really like to work. Therefore, all the troubles of family life lay on the shoulders of a woman. But, her, this state of things is quite suitable, as she is all used to doing herself. And the man at this time will sing the diffilaments for his beloved, delighting her hearing and inspiring new things.

A rooster man in order to shine in society, a stable family needs a stable family. The bull female is superbly coping with this. For her, the family leadership is as natural as for him - the attention of the public.

It is worth noting that in this union, the spouses perceive the shortcomings of each other positively. They respect the personality of everyone and help to become better. A bull female knows how to unobtrusively and harborer to cut his chosen one, giving him confidence in the future. And he, in turn, would noticeably enrich the life of his spouse with some spontaneity, bright emotions and a large number of surprises.

The rooster man and a bull female easily agree with each other and distribute the duties that are conscientious by virtue of their responsibility. Their mutual understanding is always on top. Very often they have a common hobby or even a joint business.

Over time, their family is only stronger and becomes coarse. They receive real pleasure from the common one with each other, because everyone learns something new and interesting from their spouse.

Of course, even with perfect compatibility, spouses may experience difficulties. No exception and pair of a man-cock and a bull female. The fact is that the man-rooster has an explosive, assertive character that can make troubles and confusion in family life.

A bull female can adequately perceive throwing and busting his partner, and, despite his huge patience, she can also get out of her own, and then, without a scandal, it is certainly not to do.

Rooster and Female Bull - Love Compatibility

The rooster man and the bull female are very sexually attractive for each other. And while between them there is a sexual attraction, they even disadvantages to each other will be perceived as advantages. The intimate side is important for both. They both know how to delight each other, without forgetting about themselves.

A bull woman likes a high sensuality of a rooster man and those bright emotions that he gives her. Next to this man, she becomes more committed and able to give him joy from each meeting. And he does not get tired of admiring it with comprehensive tenderness and elegance of feelings.

Tips from "Moon today" pair a man-cock and a bull female

A pair of a rooster man and a bull female have so good compatibility that they have practically no conflict. Some tension can be at the very beginning of family life until the spouses adapt to each other, but they quickly overcome it.

In order for the relationship to become even stronger, the spouses must simply listen to the interests of each other. A bull female though has good patience, you can work on to strengthen it. Next to such a fermented and temperamental man, it will not be superfluous. And the man-roostech must be pacified by their egoism. You should not withdraw your spouse, otherwise, if suddenly her patience is over, she can leave without explaining the reasons.