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New Year's corporate party competitions game draws. New Year's features for adults

The celebration of the New Year traditionally begins a little earlier calendar dates. So, in the last weeks of December, many enterprises and institutions are arranged by merry corporates - with incendiary competitions, games and other entertainment. In addition, in kindergartens and schools, matinees are held, in which the guys get delicious gifts from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

It will take quite a bit of time, and here we will listen to the heart of the Fight of the Kurats, makes the cherished desire for New Year's Eve. Then follows a series of festive days off, when guests receive guests in each house, and they themselves visit relatives and loved ones. Of course, an integral part and a "nail" of the programs of such events is considered a generously covering table.

However, together, they are going not only for the sake of delicious dishes and drinks - the holiday should become a bright and unforgettable event. We offer to include in the script the best funny and funny contests for the new 2019 Year of Pig (Kaban) - for a fun company of adults or children. We are pleased to share the ideas and video of drinking "sitting" and mobile entertainment and fun New Year's games. Happy New Year's Merry!

Many workers are still long before the new year planning a festive scenario for their colleagues. But now more and more organizations are ordered by professional leading. If the organization is young and only develops, then you can organize a corporate on our own forces.

Contests for the new 2019 - New Year's games and entertainment for children, families

New Year is the most "family" and a sacheant holiday, uniting close people. So, the yellow earthen pig patronizes the house and children, and just adores cheerful entertainment. If you want to respect the future mistress of the year, spend the New Year's Eve at home, in a cozy home setting. We picked up the most fun contests - for the new 2019 you can come up with a lot of interesting fun! In such New Year's games, children, adults or the whole friendly family will be able to take part.

Selection of New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for the new year of the pig (Kabana)

To carry out this competition, you will need a certain amount of Christmas toys - one thing less than participants. Merry music sounds, which children are "strolling" near the table with bright toys. Suddenly the melody breaks down, and everyone should grab one toy - the one who did not have time to leave the game. The winner is declared the most promotable player who will get the last "mining". However, as a comforting prize, retired participants can be given sweets or toy pigs - symbol of 2019.

The room has several people - adults and children, relatives, friends. The essence of the competition is that the selected player with tied eyes should "guess" of each of those present. To complicate the task of the main character you can wear mittens. All participants are approaching "identification", which is not so simple in the mittens. Such a New Year's competition always causes a lot of laughter and fun, contributing to the establishment of a relaxed spiritual atmosphere.

Scenes-jokes for corporate party for New Year 2019

Scenes can be both pre-reheated and unexpected. The most interesting thing is that unexpected scenes are much more interesting and funnier.

Options for scenes on corporate party:

  • Knight. The presenter chooses the most beautiful man and a woman. A woman is getting on a chair, she is a long-haired princess. In addition to the men, 2 more men participate in the scene. One plays the role of the knight, the second knightly horse and raincoat. At the same time, the knight tries to remove the princess from the chair, but he sits on a horse, and on it there is a cloak. Office employees are delighted with the scene.
  • Teremok. For the scene you will need all participants in the fairy tales, as well as costumes. And men's roles play women and vice versa. It is necessary that the host read the fairy tale, and the heroes entered into a large box or a fenced area, as in teremok. You can give in advance to the participants of the word of each hero on the leaflet.
  • Fly Tsokotukha. Also, the fairy tale is converted to a new way. Participants are chosen from the hall, these are the main characters as in the fairy tale. The scene is complemented by tenderloin of modern songs that are suitable in meaning to a particular segment of the fairy tale.

The most cool contests for a cheerful company - for the new 2019, video

With the approach of the new 2019, I want to arrange a bright and unforgettable holiday. Today we will enter the usual New Year scenario adjustments - in the form of funny competitions and games for the fun company of adults and children. The perky and cheerful pig welcomes active pastime, so it is better to prepare cool contests in advance - 2019. On our pages you will find several original ideas for New Year's competitions, as well as an interesting video with festive entertainment.

Corporate culture is gaining increasing distribution in our country as the introduction of Western standards and Western companies to the Russian labor market. Of course, carrying out activities outside the office is an important component of corporate culture, because it is at the expense of them that it is most often possible to rally the team and re-get acquainted in colleagues in an informal setting. Therefore, on the shoulders of the organizer of this event, a great responsibility was entrusted: to come up with contests with the theme "" to the corporate party - the task is not from the lungs! Perhaps our tips will help you handle it.

Unfortunately, most of the contestants offered by the world-leading competitions "gives naphthalene", and even more - indicate the absence of a leading and participating normal sex life. In addition, if the company is very small, and the budget is limited to the corporate party, many try to cope with their own. Therefore, if you, as a responsible employee, commissioned, we picked up for you several advice and recommendations.

To begin with, thinking key points:

  • Write an exemplary script to be focused during the evening.
  • Alternate movable and drinking competitions - so that the corporate party does not turn into ordinary sites, but also not too tired of the gathered guests.
  • Choosing games, pay attention to the necessary inventory and think about how to prepare it.
  • No vulgarity. Corporate event - first of all meeting colleagues, albeit an informal meeting. Give preference to cheerful, but adequate tasks for the corporate party, because of which you do not have to blush before the bosses and expose fools of employees.
  • Try not to repeat last year's program, otherwise guests quickly bore.
  • Be sure to prepare prizes - symbolic gifts and souvenirs, small treats, also incentive presents for participation for everyone - it can be Christmas magnets, symbolic chocolates or a set of Christmas tree toys. The budget should discuss with his bosses.

Paging contests

Intellectual game

If the organization does not very much like the understanding of corporate culture with it, frankly, not always interesting and sometimes strange competitions, on the holiday of colleagues you can organize an event in the form of an intellectual game.

Depending on the scale of the company and the number of employees, we scatter on the teams - they can be from two to five. Of course, it is worth taking care of the game format and asked questions in advance. They should be printed on separate cards.

Creative New Year competitions for corporate party - cool and funny

Wall newspaper for adults

Guests are divided into 2-3 teams and must be for several (on average 5 minutes) to create a "wallpaper" with the original New Year greeting. For congratulations, they must cut the words or phrases from the publication, as well as supplement the text with illustrations.

You will need: old newspapers or magazines, scissors, glue, Watman Sheet for each team.
Each participant receives a prize, and the newspapers remain as an office souvenir.

Christmas decoration

Two teams decorate two Christmas trees for a limited amount of time (let's say 10 minutes). All that can be used for decoration is various office devices - paper clips, paper, scissors, tape and other stationery. The creators of the most original decor are relying prizes.

"Puzzles" department

If several departments are involved, prepare joint photos of each department in advance. Print them on the printer and cut into parts.

In the process of the competition, each department receives "puzzles" and should collect as soon as possible and glue the original snapshot on a sheet of paper. Whose department will be the first - he won!


For holding in advance, it is necessary to find and cook lines from little-known poems about winter, a new year or christmas holiday. The lead pronounces the first couple of lines, and the rest of the assembled should guess the continuation or come up with their own. Prizes are relying the most creative players.

"I am an artist, I see so"

Three volunteer are selected. Watman and tiny stickers are prepared for each of them. They will need to "draw" with stickers drawing on New Year's topics or the wishes of those who gathered in a couple of minutes while there will be funny music. One condition is to do it with tied eyes. The one who has turned out the most original and neat drawing, awarding the Present. You can participate several times - after all, stickers are easily removed and released "the canvas" for new art.

The game "Burim" is incredibly popular in children, and among adults. It is that there is one sheet of paper and handle on the table, and during the evening a sheet of paper is transmitted from one guest to another. The first participant records one phrase or a proposal for a predetermined (for example, New Year's) theme. Then part of the sheet on the written closed (folds) and the paper is transmitted further. The first participant voices the next only last word, and he must come up with a phrase, rhyme with the last word. And so "poems" are transmitted further. As a result, it turns out a funny confusion, which at the end of the evening can be considered all the gathered.

Movable contests

In whatever format, you spent the New Year Corporate, contests with the movement are very desirable - after all, the public willing to sit all the time at the table!


This game can be held both in the office and in the cafe. All that will be required for it - a trash can and stack of paper sheets for each team. Baskets are installed at a certain distance (about 2-3 meters) from participants. They are issued a certain number of sheets for the command. Who will fill out its basket "snowballs" from crumpled paper - won! Tip: Do not use wastefully new sheets of paper: We are sure, in every office full-full of "Circus" and filled with unnecessary text "Chernivikov", which can be safely allowed.

Dance night

The team is divided into teams, each of which is issued one song, which is associated with the New Year. The task of each group is to make a clip on the topic of songs, but to fulfill it in front of other participants in the fun at the beginning is required without music. It turns out something like the game "Crocodile". Regardless of the guessness of other team members, a few minutes turns on the music and everything is fun.

Dance marathon

Several volunteers are assigned from each team, or, if the team is small, the assembled can participate together together. Music turns on and each team in turns must come up with any movement and synchronize with each other in its execution. Then the music switches, and the task must be repeated. It is recommended to use 5-6 different chorus or musical passages to not be very tired of the participants. In addition, it is worth choosing a different music in styles - from classic ballet and children's songs and relevant pop hits.


Prepare a little notebook with parts of the body ("elbow", "Miseinets", "eyebrows"). And when the audience already starts dancing and will be liberated, offered to enthusiasts to dance under incendiary music. Only for this they will have to pull out the phanta with a part of the body and to be stolen or one hand.

Be that as it may, contests for the corporate party for the new year should maximize the requests of workers and take into account the target audience. It is also worth considering the gender composition of the participants, although we tried to choose the most neutral options.

New Year's meeting unites many people on this planet. With this holiday, we all associate great hopes for the future. It doesn't matter what the outgoing year was, in the soul, almost everyone is confident that the next will be more successful and happy. People did not have to dream, which means that a small miracle must necessarily happen if you believe in it. From early childhood, I remember how the new year noted with their parents, then with friends and their own family. We carefully store cute little things associated with this fabulous winter time, giving us an unforgettable vacation and strength for further victories. But for the New Year's celebration to be remembered for a long time, it is necessary to take care of its preparation in advance. For the long-established tradition, we encounter a new year with the most expensive and close people, so we must certainly take care that each of them is a holiday delivered a lot of impressions and pleasures.

The main rule is not to start the New Year's entertainment on Samotek.

In addition to the traditional preparation for the new year, in the circulation of which we will plunge long before it, it makes sense to think about the thematic party. Let the Holiday idea inspire a mischievous fiery monkey, which will reign in 2016. You can report the guests of the party guests invited guests. Any of them will be able to choose their role and costume, and become an active participant in the festive action. This is an excellent opportunity to express yourself and get satisfaction from what is happening. Such parties are usually remembered for a long time. Here any little things are important, because it is from them an emotional mood is formed. Advanced creative preparation of a celebration program, multiplied by the impaired fantasy of all involved - the key to the maximum success of any holiday.

Video jokes: a monkey saddled the goat, and as you know, the outgoing 2015 took place under the sign of the goat.

Cheerful competitions for the new year 2016 for an adult party or corporate party.

If a company of different interests gathered to meet a new year, then funny contests will unite them and entertain the playful foolish monkey. She will give up any moving fun, and she will gladly share the fun of people. What New Year's Eve and Cheerful Games can be offered to meet 2016, the year of the fiery monkey:

1. Monkey Pantomimima

The queen of the year herself inspires the creation of parodies and mimic contests. After the guests sat at the festive table, you can warm up and try our strength in this art. Guests are distributed to two teams, each of which comes up with any simple offer in three words, for example: "Snow Maiden broke champagne." Someone from the detachment of opponents should try silently to portray the movements and gestures each word separately. As a result, it turns out a fascinating and funny idea, because the team still has to guess, which depicts their partner. Especially children suddenly show themselves on this field, and how adults are laughing! Tips here are strictly prohibited.

2. Who flies

A traditional contest, which is more relevant in monkeys a year. He will "light up" active and movable youth. You can use music at any pace and style. Players dance on Watman Sheet, which in a certain time it is twice as well, then quadruple and so on. The most resistant dancer, which will be able to dance on a paper piece of size from shoes, solemnly awarded the festive prize.

3. Funny Competition "Unexpected Chorans"

When meeting guests, you can distribute colorful envelopes with different tasks that need to be performed at the specified time.

An unexpected checkpoint on the table during a toast or dog bark during the burning of the Christmas garland, will pretty worship everyone around.

4. "Peas for a real princess"

The task can be offered to cute ladies. All participants are built in one row blindfolded. Behind the chairs are put on paper-wrapped items. Sitting on the chair, using only the "fifth point", the lady should determine which item it got. Then she will be able to carry it home as a gift from the monkey.

Variation on the topic - a cool contest with a monkey:

5. New Year's "Wall of Wishes"

6. The game "Night of questions and answers"

The presenter makes up a list of questions with obvious answers. Usually answering such questions, people are not mistaken and do not think for a long time. This time it is proposed to answer them wrong. The pace of the game is quite fast, time on thought is not enough. As a rule, many are quickly mistaken and drop out of the competition, as they offer the right answer.

7. Funny fun "TRANSPORT OF BALL"

A cool contest, which will especially like the soul of an ending youth company. Two teams will be required, in which women and men become each other. It is necessary to prepare inflatable long balls in advance. It is necessary to move the ball with the help of legs across the entire column, without dropping and does not bursting it inadvertently. Hands do not do it.

1. New Year's contest "Monkey Lunohod 2016"

A new contest for those who are slightly drunk will give the opportunity to think in the form of a New Year's mistress. Guests get up in a circle. Children's reader chooses one participant who inside the circle wanders squatting and serious tone says that he is lunoko -1. Who laughs first, he joins him, portraying by lunohod-2. Who laughs next, he becomes moonport-3. Thus, the cheerful chain stretches on. The most serious as a prize is offered to drink.

2. Competition "Shashka-Ryumashki"

Guests are invited to play a batch in checkers. But instead of checkers on the usual boards of a glass of white and red wine (you can and stronger: vodka and brandy). "Ate" the enemy's checker, Toste said and drank a glass. "Visual Hall" will never be empty for such a party.

3. Competition "Nose Snowman"

It will make anyone. On a large sheet of Watman paint a funny snowman, but without nose. Nose is issued separately. Frequently, the padded players get the task to attach the "carrot" to the place. Especially fun, if the participant is well promoted before that.

Without good music, it is difficult to imagine any festival, whether it is a corporate party, youth party or a children's matinee. Music creates a festive and warm atmosphere, so necessary for the meeting of the new year. The choice of musical design parties should be taken very carefully, given the preferences of the gathered guests. In addition to traditional singing, the karaoke can be offered to the participants to participate in musical entertainment. Here are examples of some of them:

1. Theatrical and musical fun "Song on the roles"

The simplest children's song is chosen. All those who wish to test themselves in randomly nouns from this song. When guests begin to fulfill its choir, you can observe an interesting mono performance. This contest will like both adults and children.

2. Competition "Own Song"

Each participant on the team leader (one cotton) begins to mentally perform his song, well known to him. According to the next team (two cotton) everyone sings out loud. Then one cotton again - to myself. Wins the one who will sing the whole song without having gotting down. From the game the one who confuses the words will somete the rhythm or distort the melody.

3. Competition "Care choir"

Players start the choir to fulfill a very familiar song. Lead Commander: "Silence!", All go to mental performance. Further on the team "Severat!" Participants continue to sing, but already out loud. As a rule, many are knocked off from the pace, and at the end of the game people sincerely laugh.

4. Competition "Song Chain"

Play two teams. The first team is singing a song verse, for example: "What are you standing, swinging, thin rowan". Another team of the participants chose the word "Rowan" and sings a coupler, in which this word is mentioned: "Oh, Ryabina Curly ..." The chain of songs stretches until it turns around. Won a team that the latter will sing the song.

5. Competition "Music ticket"

Guests form two circles: men - external, women - inner. Men must have one more person. Wonderful music sounds, two rounds move in opposite sides. When the music ships, the man's player must hug a woman player. "Hare", who did not have enough "happy ticket", performs any New Year's task.

6. Competition "Songs on the specified topic"

Very simple, but the musical competition enjoyable success. Any topic is given, for example about snow. Everyone can remember the song in which it is mentioned about him. In this marathon, each version must be encouraged by candy. It does not matter, in which sequence the participants acted - the one who will win the largest number of sweet prizes.

We pay, let's notice and wish on New Year's Eve

They dream and make up the cherished desires for the new year even those who never believed in Santa Claus and always considered the useless all this festive tinsel. The end of the year we associate with a certain summary of the results and build plans for the next year, how can I do without dreams? We sincerely want to wish you a lot of good and kind people in New Year's Eve. We also traditionally guess that the coming year promises us. This habit has rooted not only with us. For example, according to the Catholic tradition, people write their wishes for the new year on a tiny note that hides inside the tin toy. When it is melted in a midnter over fire and then lowered into the water, the shadow remains on the wall. They are trying to recognize their fate. Beautiful custom. But instead of tin you can use any candles, they are also bizarrely frozen, falling into the water. They say if there are many small holes and scale figures on the resulting figure, then the year will be profitable.

Its congratulations and wishes for the New Year can be closed in any forms, fantasy in this area is endless. For this, any New Year and modern attributes are suitable for this: Christmas toys, candy, tangerines, champagne and glasses, musical instruments and electronic gadgets (the list is infinite). Let that be inspiration to surprise and please their friends and relatives.

How to meet the New Year, so it will

You can believe or not believe in miracles - this is a personal matter of everyone. But the holiday will turn out to be unforgettable if they are "conducting the magic hand of the director," if each guest is involved in what is happening. The most talented and creative people work on the good mood of the big company. Of course, all the desires will not come true, but let them come true the most important. We all like this in the New Year's Eve.

Soon the year of the dog will come, and, of course, in many friendly workers teams, the authorities (or the employees themselves) will decide to celebrate this event. In addition to the panels and alcohol - faithful satellites of each new year - guests will need to be injured by something less material, otherwise, the charter of monotonously chew food and raise the toasts "for happiness and" for good luck ", the gathered will simply begin to yawn. To fall asleep guests will not give cool contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018, conducted at the table and in nature. Funny drinking games and cheerful entertainment will even revive the most ordinary evening passing under the sound of glasses and shots of champagne. Mark for yourself the most memorable funny ideas and video with contests posted on this page: for example, the game "Question-answer" or dance competition.

Games and contests for New Year's corporate party 2018 with jokes: ideas on video

As a rule, about the upcoming New Year's party in the company colleagues is reported in advance. Each invited receives its "homework": make salads, hot, pastries, sweets, buy disposable dishes and champagne, bring napkins, tablecloths and towels, etc. However, the most difficult task gets the future leading evening. It should not only choose interest in every game and fun competitions for an organized New Year's Corporate 2018 with risks and draws, but also to know how to spend them. Our ideas on video will help him in organizing fun.

Cool New Year's Eve Contest on Nose

To carry out this competition, the presenter prepares many cotton balls, vaseline and four volumetric bowls. Two bowls are put on cotton balls, and 2 others remain empty. Two guests of the corporate party take part in the competition - the tips of their noses are lubricated with vaseline and launch a timer. The player who managed the tip of the nose to move the largest number of balls to another bowl, wins. The prize can be a chocolate or kiss a wonderful head department.

New Year's competition karaoke 2018

The most fun games and competitions for the New Year's corporate party 2018 with jokes can be the song. Their ideas are prompted by the contestants themselves, posting video on the network. Anyone can become a member, but he wins the one whose singing causes the most stormy response of the audience.

Merry contests with jokes at the table for the New Year's corporate party

The charter of the dance and eating Salad "Olivier" guests of the holiday can arrange a breather by organizing fun contests with jokes at the table for the New Year's corporate party. For such games, as a rule, paper sheets and handles are required for each of the guests.

Zabbit Contest "New Year's poem blind": Burim game

Cheerful contest with jokes at the table for the New Year's corporate party can be the game of Burim . Before the start of the game, each contestant must cook the handle. The first participant is a sheet of paper, on the top of which he writes any phrase. The field of this sheet is wrapped in such a way that the written line remains hidden from others, but the remaining part of the paper could be used further. The first participant reports the last word of the line of the second contestant, and he comes up with an arbitrary line, rhyme with the previous one. For example: "I love the wind and frost" and "Not anything else is my nose", etc. The leafle is transmitted in a circle, and everything is written by rhyme. The last participant reads the resulting poem - everything is laughing here!

Humorous contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018 - Fun game "Question-answer"

Among all the humorous competitions for the New Year's corporate party, a funny game "Question-answer" will probably cause the greatest laughter. Before starting the game, the presenter prepares several dozen arbitrary issues on individual small leaves, and on other leaves - the answers "at random", no matter how it would seem not related to the questions. One participant pulls out the question from the header and asks it to any contestant. He, not stroking, pulls out the answer and announces it to everyone. The coincidences are so funny that during this game it is the case of the bang of laughter.

What can I ask in the game "Question-answer"

If you want to learn humorous contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018, the fun game "Question-answer" will be remembered for you forever. You can ask here about anything; Answers - any sets of words. For example, the contestant may fall out the phrase "Why do you run in the morning?", And another participant - the answer "then I do not see you."

Funny contests for corporate party for New Year: video and ideas

Sometimes it happens that all guests of the party have already gathered, and the lead is late or decided to skip the event at all. What to do: Send endless toasts and pick up their own cooked snacks? No, the most cool contests for the corporate party for the New Year can suggest guests of the evening. This will help them with video and ideas of such evenings with colleagues.

Competition "Guess who in front of you"

To carry out this and other cool contests for the corporate party to the new 2018, pay attention to the videos and ideas of funny games with the participation of adults presented on this page. In order to play "Guess who in front of you", men tie their eyes, and women put in a row on chairs. In turn, triggering only to the knee of each lady, the holders are trying to guess who sits in front of him this time. The guess of the greatest number of women colleagues guessing.

Funny contests for the new year for corporate party in nature

Not always winter brings us only blizzards and jersey. Sometimes December is extremely warm: fluffy snow falls, stacked with soft snowdrifts, and in the air smells of frosty freshness. During this weather, you can arrange funny contests for the new year and conduct corporate in nature. It may be the usual "snowballs", and riding a sleigh from the mountain and the struggle in the snow.

Examples of New Year's competitions in nature

Not always funny contests for the new year for a corporate party in nature should be associated with active activities and physical exertion. Tired of throwing out the opposite team with snowballs or from rave "ski" races on branches tied to legs, you can relax and turn on your intelligence. Why not play "Perevils" - guessing the versions of the names of songs, movies and books "On the contrary". For example, the "inverted" line "Woman, I am not dancing" will sound like a "man, I sing." And now try to guess what kind of book is encrypted in the name "Koking Cat". Well, of course, the "dog heart"! Here you have a few examples of "flourishing" for a fun competition.

Transferred - movies

1. "Seventy-one eternity of the fall" ("Seventeen Moments of Spring").
2. "Trouble with the surname of the Hippo" ("Dundee on the nicknamer crocodile").
3. Dynamo (Spartak).
4. "The cape of the French Republic" ("Crown of the Russian Empire").
5. "Everything on the street" ("one house").
6. "Glass Leg" ("Diamond Hand").
7. "VOROVSKY PTU" ("Police
8. "Cadets, back!" ("Midshipmen, ahead!").
9. "Black Moon of Jungle" ("White Sun of Desert").
10. "Home Cactus" ("Wild Orchid").
11. "Cold Feet" ("Hot Heads").

Calling - the names of movies (second option).

1. "Devil Liver" ("Heart of Angel").
2. "Sing, sing!" ("Dance Dance!").
3. "Uryupinsk smiles trusts" ("Moscow does not believe in tears").
4. "I will die after the environment" ("Let's live to Monday").
5. "Vasil is kind" ("Ivan Grozny").
6. "In the rock all men" ("in jazz only girls").
7. "Little Hike" ("Big Walk").
8. "Cat under the straw" ("Dog on Seine").
9. "Posada Pope by Plane" ("Remove mom from the train").
10. Sidorovka, 83 "(" Petrovka, 38 ").
11. "Short lesson" ("big change").

Perevils - lines from songs

1. "Over the gender of His shag" ("under the roof of my house").
2. "A painter who smears the snow" ("The artist that draws rain").
3. "Wake up, your girl is sick" ("Sleep, my boy is small").
4. "Striving green sock" ("Stylish orange tie").
5. "With you, I will live a hundred years" ("I do not live without you a day").
6. "The tree was lying on the tree" ("The grasshopper was sitting in the grass).
7. "Russian in the house is not waiting for the sunset" ("Chukchi in a plague is waiting for dawn").
8. "I, I, I'm in the morning and in the evening" ("You, you, you at night and day"),
9. "That night damage to the bullet does not smell" ("This day of victory is gunpowder").
10. "Polonais of the Black Dash" ("Samba White Motilla").
11. "He hates tomatoes on fire" ("She loves strawberries with ice").

Adult contests for corporate party for New Year 2018 - New Year's games and entertainment

If you are looking for the most extraordinary fun adult contests for a corporate party for the new year 2018, look at this collection of New Year's games and entertainment. Remember the most you liked the draws, jokes, fun and offer their guests a festive party.

Examples of adult competitions for New Year's corporate

Perhaps the guys often think that all the best adventures and fun events happen to man only in happy childhood. They will convey all those who even find out what funny and "flying" adult contests for the corporate party for the New Year 2018, New Year's games and entertainment arranged their moms and dads at work. Well, for example, will it not be fun to fulfill the request of the lead, offering alternately to each of those present to portray in the dancing journey to the country whose music he hears at the moment?

Pitting games for New Year's Corporate 2018 at work

Not always a new year - only a gastronomic holiday and a great reason to drink without complaints from a close environment. Why not remember childhood, which ended so recently and not to spend drinking games for the New Year's corporate party 2018 at work? Details for such games - paper and pencil or pen - will always find at least one of the guests of the event.

Game "Who? Where? When? What?" for new year

A drinking game for a fun New Year's corporate party 2018 at work does not copy the most popular television quiz. This contest has a different, lighter and fun interpretation. The essence of the modern game "Who? Where? When? What have you been doing?" is as follows. All participants are heard sheets and handles. After a given question of the lead "Who?" All participants write a name on a sheet and, turning the sheet so that the word is not visible, give him a neighbor on the right. The following questions "When?", "Where?" And "What did you do?" They are written and transmitted through the same scheme. After that, the sheets unfold and "secret" becomes clear. For example, well, who could guess that "Ivan Ivanovich in a supermarket on May 1, Solished tomatoes?"

Remember these funny games in Questions and Answers, Cheerful Entertainment and Funny Contests for New Year's Corporate 2018, and arrange a real holiday at work!