Repairs Design Furniture

Kitchen 9 square meters. Secrets of close kitchen

For Russians, the kitchen has always been and remains the main place in the house. And television programs and culinary shows made the process of cooking and feeding food by a fashion trend. But to create a delicious dish and it is not enough to file that it is not enough, it is advisable to do it in a pleasant interior.

Glossy surfaces Source

White facade Source

Kitchen design 9 square meters. At first glance, it may seem uncomplicated, since according to our standards it is quite a large room. However, in order to place furniture, kitchen utensils and equipment on such an area, you need to have certain knowledge, take into account many subtleties and tricks.

Apron with print Source

Light room Source

9 square kitchen layout nuances. M.

Designers often use computer programs for design. But you can simply carefully plan everything on a sheet yourself on a sheet itself, that is, noted where furniture objects and kitchen appliances will be located. The most convenient option of the room is a square, each side of which is 3 meters. In a narrow, long or incorrect kitchen form, it is harder to embody your ideas.

Saturated green in the kitchen source

Neoclassic style kitchen for 9 sq.m Source

Kitchen design 9 square meters starts with the creation of a "work triangle". For washing and stoves, permanent places are usually allocated, you can put the fridge nearby, then when cooking everything you need will always be at hand. Watch that the distance between them is at least 80 cm.

Stylish kitchen in pastel colors Source

Saturated color of furniture Source

Cuisine design for 9 square meters Source of furniture

If you wish to buy a large kitchen set, its dining area is better to immediately put in the living room, and in the kitchen, leave equipment, kitchen utensils, wardrobes for products and dishes.

It is recommended to select the built-in headset or corner. It is important that the cabinets be freely opened, there remained a free pass between all subjects. Hinged cabinets are located at a distance of at least 60 cm from the working surface.

Kitchen with access to the balcony-dining room Source

Stylish interior of modern kitchen Source

Built-in equipment releases a lot of space, just like high lockers to the ceiling. Do not climb the room with furniture and appliances.

Embedded equipment in the kitchen BUILD 4-U.INFO source

Examples of 9 square kitchen design. Meters: Best photos

The main thing when planning - competently zonate the room, that is, to determine the place for the working area and the dining table. At the same time, communications are taken into account: gas, water and electricity. They are usually already carried out, although their location is possible to adjust with flexible hoses and wires.

Consider several options for competent zoning.

Saturated raspberry color source


Narrow white kitchen source MYDIZAJN.RU

Kitchen Island

The table with integrated lockers and shelves in the middle of the kitchen is used for cooking and eating, as well as a buffet for dishes.

Kitchen interior source


The more compact option island, although the functional properties are the same. A small oblongable table becomes a continuation of the working area, a kind of protrusion.

Location of the working area near the window

At the same time allows you to expand the space and provides additional lighting. The window with the opening segment will help avoid the formation of condensate on the surfaces.

Kitchen along the window: Design Source

Linear placement

The kitchen set is put along one of the walls. A lot of space is released for a dining area where you can even put a sofa and a few chairs near the large table, preferably folding.

An example of how to put furniture and technique in the kitchen Source

P-shaped planning

Convenient with a large number of built-in technology, as well as in apartments studios. The working area is drawn up in the form of the letter "P", but may occur with the dining area. To eliminate this problem, the kitchen sets are placed in the form of a peninsula or bar console.

If the bar rack is large enough, it serves as a dining area. The sofa is not always possible, but several chairs will be enough.

Parallel accommodation

All furniture and interior items are located along parallel walls. In the middle, you can put the dining table or leave the space free if there is less than 1.2 meters between the table and furniture.

Beige cuisine for 9 square meters Source

Corner layout

Provides a convenient working area in which all items and utensils are always at hand. Here is a M-shaped headset. In the opposite corner or near the free wall put a dining table. It is quite ergonomically and functionally. The volume of the working area depends on the size of the table, is it planned to put a sofa, which width will be cabinets.

Small angular kitchen source

Bar rack in the interior

It serves as a supplement to the dining table or replaces it. A small console does not take up much space, but allows you to use the space properly.


It is applied with incorrect kitchen form when the work area has several protrusions. The headset takes a semicircular shape, a kitchen corner of a semicircular shape with a sofa is mirrored, on the contrary.

Of great importance in the design of 9 square cuisine. M has a choice of style. Even a small room can be made by the place of incarnation in the life of the most advanced ideas and designer projects.

Beautiful kitchen lighting Source

Kitchen in style High-tech

At first glance, the style seems strict and cold, but such a kitchen looks neat and unusual. High-tech involves the abundance of glass, stainless steel, brilliant white color, metallic. These materials are complemented by wood, stone trim on the walls and sex, bright accents.

Loft style

Ensures the use of antiquity together with various innovations. Coarse finish, concrete, brick, textured plaster, pig iron pipes, thick beams are characteristic loft style features. In addition, there are no curtains on the windows, strict discreet colors are used.

Scandinavian style

It is characterized by such properties as restraint, conciseness, thoroughness. Bright shades of walls, floor, closed furniture facades, minimal finish are welcome. Accessories pick up bright colors, these are usually small pillows, napkins, tablecloths, covers with folk motifs. Scandinavian style involves an abundance of household colors.

Proper post layout Source

Mediterranean style

Its main features are kindness, conciseness, simplicity. A brick, beautiful plaster, aged tile is welcomed. In the interior - massive simple furniture, a lot of space, light.

How to increase space in the kitchen at 9 square meters. meters

The main purpose of the kitchen is cooking. Another function - meals. For a small family kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b9 square meters. M simultaneously performs both functions. It is important to make even a big family feel comfortable and free.

Ivory kitchen with gilding on apron Source Kvant-SPb.rf

The space increases physically, that is, by dismantling the walls and attaching an additional area, or visually, that is, using the winning use of the color gamut and designer tricks.

A large family can additionally increase the space by transferring the dining area to another room. For example, one corner of the living room turns into a small dining room. However, this will require additional measures to keep the living room in purity, will have to buy a more powerful extract.

Beautiful interior design Source

In addition, you will need to demolish the wall or move it, and then re-separate both rooms. This will cause additional material costs, as the style of the living room must harmonize with the kitchen design.

Other options, how to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room:

Release part of the kitchen on the glazed balcony or loggia, which additionally gives 1.5-2 square meters. at the same time the partition turns into a bar counter, sometimes in a French window. Balcony should be inspired.

To transfer all the large, bulky items to the balcony, to build built-in wardrobes, shelves, store products, excess utensils.

Unusual apron Source

Build a wide semicircular arched opening instead of a kitchen door. A semicircular or oval form does not eat any space as square.

Replace the usual door to sliding or hang instead of curtains in the doorway.

If you expand the windowsill, use it instead of the table, you can save a lot of space. Another option is to set a folding table.

In rare cases, you can transfer the bathroom and add it to the kitchen room. However, this will cause the need to demolish the wall, eliminating windows and doors, which often requires contacting the relevant services. Any changes in the design must be coordinated with the city administration.

The use of light or neutral tones when finishing walls, floor, facade of furniture helps to visually expand the room. It is white, beige, cream, bright shades of blue, salad or gray. No major prints and patterns needed, the tile is better to choose a one-photon.

Brick apron source

Comfortable backlight on the work surface Source

Curtains, wall decorative elements, napkins and towels are selected in the same color scheme or vice versa create bright contrasting accents with them. Curtains - short, drapery and lambrequins are excluded.

Dark kitchen Source

What are the lamps for the kitchen on nine square meters

The interior lighting is essential, especially in a small room. In the center of the kitchen or above the working area hangs a small chandelier, but it is not enough. In addition, it, without additional illumination, creates a shadow that visually reduces the space. The chandelier must be light, "air", for example, from glass.

Apron for kitchen in classic style Source HDINTERIOR.RU/?p\u003d247944.

For more uniform lighting, additionally need to light the lamps, shelves, niches. Built-in point lights that are possible to include in parts are suitable. They are sometimes allowed at the top of the cabinets. Wallpaper and several point lamps mounted on the ceiling are beautifully watching.

Dark blue in the kitchen Source

Interior on white background Source

Functional space Source

What table top to choose for nine-meter kitchen

The countertop should be made of durable material, since this part of the kitchen is most loaded and used. Buyers offer many different materials for countertops.

Glossy facade of beige cuisine Source


Differs low cost, practicality. Made on the basis of chipboard or MDF. The last one is denser, does not contain harmful resins. You can choose a glossy or matte surface that is smooth or textured. Plastic looks outwardly imitates the tree, stone or just painted in different colors.

Artificial stone - acrylate or agglomerate

Outwardly, it looks equally, but acrylate is cheaper, it scratches easier, poorly tolerates high temperature. The surface is matte, glossy, semi-shit.

Agglomerate (composite) is considered the best option for the table top of all offered. Quartz, artificial granite add to it. Jigichtack, well opposed scratches. Externally, artificial stones look like granite, there are about 20 colors for sale.

Kitchen Table - Quartz Agglomerate Source

A natural stone

It differs from artificial stones with natural beauty, a unique pattern, unique colors. Natural stones include granite, marble.


Traditional table top model. It is distinguished by beauty, durability, pleasant texture. Manufactured in two ways:

  • from chipboard or MDF, top cover with veneer;
  • dig in wooden bars.

The quality is almost no different, but the veneered countertop has a weak edge. At the same time it is much cheaper, it is better to carry moisture, temperature differences.

Stainless steel

The most practical, wear-resistant material. Used to finish the kitchens in the style of Loft, High-tech, Scandinavian style.

Stainless steel table top in the kitchen Source

Kitchen with dining room Source

Kitchen for 9 sq.m. in french style Source

Corner Sink Source

Family at the dining table Source


With a competent layout, the skillful selection of all elements of the interior inside the kitchen of 9 square meters. M You can easily place all the necessary furniture items, technique, dishes. And the correct selection of color gamut and style contributes to the fact that the kitchen becomes a cozy, warm family.

The kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b9m² to someone will seem small, and for someone - and luxury, because in Soviet Khrushchev and in any panel house, this room usually reaches 5-7 square meters. But in any case, in a 9-meter kitchen, it is possible to implement a functional and harmonious interior from a decorative point of view.

Project: Large or Small Space

Of course, 9 square meters are a sufficiently small room, which can be excessively forced furniture, appliances and in particular a refrigerator. All the necessary accessories and attributes can somehow take place, not only visually. Therefore, all designer means should be sent to a visual increase in space so that here it was really possible to place everything you need.

First of all, designers always ask about desire and the opportunity to expand the room itself due to the neighboring. For example, a living room or a balcony can become a functional part of the kitchen. Sometimes "move" the bathroom to increase the work area, but it is a little more difficult than just combine the rooms when the wall is demolished or windows and doors are removed. It can be increased by 1.5-5 square meters. meters, the living room will increase the space more significant.

In the photo - a kitchen design of 9 square meters. meters combined with a balcony.

Often in the panel house you can not demolish the walls, so about the union of the rooms should be consulted in advance so as not to disturb the bearing structures.

In any case, the space should be planned in advance, even if you combine it with the surrounding rooms there is no possibility. At this stage, the shape and dimensions of the furniture are chosen.

Layout: Location of furniture and functional zones

The interior is beginning to draw up furniture arrangement planning, more precisely from the location of the zones. Of course, gas, electricity and water have already been carried out in standard homes. But the flow of water, plums and wiring can be carried out as convenient for you. But if the gas is also used, then with the transfer of the slab it will be more difficult, since all the work should perform a specialist. Causes a flexible hose, within which you can vary the location of the hob.

Furniture accommodation options can be different:

  • Projects with a M-shaped and dining area in the opposite corner are most popular. This is an ergonomic and fairly functional solution. The volume of free space depends on the size of the table is selected if the sofa or chairs are used and what is the width of the headset.

In the photo - a typical layout of a kitchen of 9 square meters. meters.
  • The linear placement of furniture is applicable when the headsets are located along only one wall. Then the dining area can be quite spacious - for a large family. Here you can put a sofa and a few chairs around the large table. Optimally choosing folding models that will allow you to regulate the freedom of space.

In the photo - the kitchen arrangement of 9 m2s linear placement of the headset.
  • An interesting solution will be the P-shaped layout of the working area. But in this room there is no room for a full-fledged dining room. Instead of the usual table, the headset is equipped with a peninsula or bar counter. It can be wide and spacious enough, as it takes practical place of the dining table. Of course, it is impossible to put a sofa here, and you can only put a few chairs. Usually such a project choose small families.

In the photo - an option for the idea for the kitchen interior of 9 m2 with a P-shaped headuit.

Curiously look at semicircular options for arrangement. Such projects are applicable in a house with a kitchen with an irregular geometric shape, for example, when the angle of the working area has several protrusions. Then the headsets acquire a semicircular shape, and the dining area is located opposite the mirror. To do this, use the appropriate shape of the sofa, round table. The furniture works are drawn up.

In the photo - registration of the interior of the kitchen in a circle.

Color palette of a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b9 square meters. meters

As a rule, shades for any room are chosen according to their tastes and features of the room. For example, if it is too small, it can be increased with light tones. But it is impossible to make a kitchen faceless, namely, it can become, if you choose neutral colors and not dilute them. Therefore, it is impossible to dwell on the extending spaces of shades.

  • The best ideas of designers for the design of the floor indicate that it is advisable to choose a dark material. It will make a room volume, visually increasing it, and 9 square meters. m. turns into 12 squares.
  • Wallpaper or paint for walls should be chosen light. Optimally, make a neutral finish by choosing a pair of accent details. Among those can be or its part, as well as a strip or decor on the wall in the dining area.

In the photo - a kitchen of 9 square meters. Meters with dark floors and light walls.
  • Must be white, otherwise all techniques for expanding space will be useless. The most functional for such a premises will be stretched materials. They are easy to mount point lights and lamps for zoning, without which in the kitchen can not do. Stretch ceilings It is advisable to choose matte, although glossy also increase the space, but how appropriate such a solution in the kitchen is to solve you.

In the photo - interior of 9 square meters. Meters: Stretch matte ceilings in combination with light walls.

If the ceilings do even dairy, the visual effect of the increase will be reduced, since only the perfect white surface can give a similar result.

The headset in such a kitchen may be in principle any, but there is a lot of layout. For example, P-shaped looks too massively and bulky if you choose dark furniture. For harmony, several dark accents are chosen. It can be embedded appliances, pattern or, from dark glass.

If you choose a C-shaped set with a bar counter, it is better to choose a light shade for facades and a dark countertop.

Modern ideas for small kitchen

It happens quite difficult to plan the design of the kitchen, because I want the stylish interior, and beautiful, and functional, and the square seems to be small. But 9 square meters. m. - It is enough to realize various ideas. We will have to unambiguously refuse classic and solemn styles that require a lot of space for entourage and volumetric parts. Most often in a modest apartment and especially for the kitchen, a modern design is chosen. What is important is that the cost of functional solutions in this case will be more affordable than when choosing retro projects.

Ideas for a technological modern interior are pretty simple:

  • The interior will be spacious if the maximum of the built-in solutions is used. Even the coffee maker, microwave, the multipeche is better to place on the shelves behind closed facades.

The photo is a functional kitchen interior with built-in equipment.
  • Do not choose too warm lighting - it is able to reduce the room at 9 square meters. m. Excessively white spectrum, of course, is not very comfortable, but there are middle options. Lighting is one of the tools in creating a harmonious and spacious interior.
  • Do not use transparentSince the different accessories will be visible behind them, and the parts climb the space. Matte or with the glass pattern will be removed from the eye.

In the photo - samples of stained glass and glass inserts for a modern headset.
  • Furniture can be extended along the window sill, and this will serve as a dining area. If you do not use this space, you can choose a set with a bar counter, which can be located where is convenient. This option is suitable for a small family or a young couple.
    The ergonomics of the interior will increase the folding dining table. If necessary, it will serve both the workspace, and the dining area.
  • Wallpaper it is better to choose monophonic and not even textured. You can choose coatings with a pattern that are darker in a darker. In this tone or a little brighter choose wallpapers for an accent wall.

In the photo - light wallpapers in the kitchen of 9 m2.
  • In the dining area you can equip mounted cabinets - Small closed shelves that will not interfere with passing by people. Such constructions will increase the number of storage spaces.

9 square kitchen solutions. Meters can be found a lot. To implement absolutely everything, of course, it will not work, and the harmony is not so achieving. It is important to choose priority and comfortable exactly for you options.

Such a kitchen is traditionally considered to be quite spacious to embody a wide range of designer ideas: from stretch ceilings to full-size and spacious heads. But, on the other hand, it is especially here and do not walk, you need to understand in advance what can be implemented on such an area. Therefore, it is logical that those who have conceived repairs are looking for options for planning with placement of furniture, household appliances and examples of registration.

Do not worry. We will talk about all these moments in this article. And will help us in this interior Designer Svetlana Murtazinwhich herself lives in an apartment with a 9-meter cuisine.

Svetlana : Indeed, with competent zoning, all the necessary household appliances, and a spacious work area, and a cozy dining area will easily fit here. A properly selected design and following with stylistic concepts will turn your kitchen in the island of comfort, comfort and beauty.

Earlier, I told in detail in detail (regardless of Square). Therefore, all "construction and engineering" moments are looking in that article. Here, I will tell you what to draw attention to zoning, choosing a color scheme for walls and furniture, and what style will be the most attractive for such a kitchen. Let's see what ways and tricks can make your kitchen more.

Expand the space

In the concept of "expansion of the area" I invest two options:

  • physical (dismantling of walls, union with other rooms);
  • visual (selection of the most winning color solutions).

Let's start with a more rough version.

1. Real extension of the kitchen area

These methods require additional investments, as it is necessary to repaint space due to related premises.

  1. 1 Remove the entrance door. She just "eats" space. At the entrance place it is better to arrange an arch - not square, but a semicircular, oval or invent an original form for the opening. And in general - the more smooth, semicircular lines, the less interior overloaded
  2. 2 can be. Of course, if the balcony is pre-closed and insulated. On the balcony you can make one of the zones - a working or dining room.

    The first option is more complicated, since the gas pipes and water pipe will have to pull. But to organize a dining room on the balcony - not a problem, especially since dining, admiring the look at the opening view, is much more pleasant.

    Another option: Organize a storage area on the balcony: Install the built-in wardrobe, place the drawers and shelves for storing products. You will see how to immediately "unload" your kitchen.

  3. 3 Kitchen and living room - The most radical method, but also the most difficult. Firstly, this union is impossible if you have a carrying wall between the kitchen and the living room, which cannot be broken. Secondly, for you need to choose the same design style, otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect. Thirdly, you will have to spend money on a powerful hood, so as not to irritate households with kitchen flavors.

    But this studio layout immediately decides the issue with a shortage area in the kitchen.

2. Visual expansion of space

1 Choose bright and neutral shades. Such colors visually spread the walls, and the white ceiling seems much higher than, for example, dairy or beige. Boldly "dress" walls in bright paints, but for the floor, on the contrary, you can choose saturated dark shades to increase contrast.

In the photo kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b9 sq.m. With suspended ceiling equipped with strokes around the perimeter. Above the table additional lighting provides a lamp.

2 Lighting is your most reliable assistant. The more natural and artificial lighting sources will be, the more spacious the kitchen will seem:

  • For the window it is worth picking transparent curtains that are not preventing the penetration of sunlight.
  • Suspended luminaires are not necessarily installed exclusively in the center.
  • You can select the dining area, hanging the chandelier over the dining table, and emphasize the working area by placing a whole range of lamps over it.
  • And do not forget about the built-in backlight! Backlit niches and shelves, a number of built-in lamps above the working apron, the LED tape, bruised at the top of the cabinets - these are simple techniques that immediately add your kitchen volume and depth.

3 There is one designer trick - the more free sex, the more spacious it seems the room. For example, well, if the bottom cabinets are on the legs, the dining table is on one leg, and not on the 4th, and no palaces or carpet tracks!

4 The abundance of patterns and drawings tires And makes a room visually closer.

  • Instead of painted wallpaper, it is better to choose a wallpaper with a relief pattern, but in pale colors. The same applies to textiles - the smaller and more concisely drawing, the better. For window decoration, short curtains are better fit or blinds.
  • If you do not want to refuse patterns, you will pick up a photo wallpaper with a large print-style print. Such wallpaper can be placed part of the wall near the dining table.
  • The same applies to the tiles for walls and gender - instead of mosaic it is better to use widescreen tiles. And put it not with standard ways, but, for example, diagonally or steps. To add the illusions of the space, the walls and the floor in the kitchen are recommended and in the adjacent corridor it is equally. This visually combines the premises, and the kitchen will seem spacious.

5 Furniture. Transparent furniture seems to be less cumbersome, so it is worth choosing a dining table with a glass countertop, the facades of cabinets - with transparent doors, and for apron, pick up skinned or lay out it with a mirror tile.

6 Household appliances. Of course, if on an area of \u200b\u200b9 sq.m. Place all available household appliances, then there may be little free space.

If you have a separate oven, grill, coffee maker, food processor, microwave and washing machine - it is better to order a special vertical rack, where it is easy to accommodate everything you need. Embedded technique will help solve the problem of lack of space.

Selection of decoration style

Immediately make a reservation that the choice of color gamut and the overall style of the kitchen is the taste of each of you. I advise you to do in that manner in which you first like you personally. Watch the photo, look at what kind of kitchen design options you liked and already "dancing" with the final choice of everything else.

But, in any case, my task is to show the good and most successful styles that will fall to the taste of many of you. Let's start with the classics.

Classic interior styles

There is no universal formula that would calculate what style for designing the kitchen is considered ideal.

Each style has its advantages and disadvantages that are soothable by one person and categorically will not fit the other. But there are so many styles in design that, for sure, there is one that will suit you in all respects.

Similar requirements are presented by other classic styles: natural materials, discreet, but expensive decor, symmetry in layout and pastel gamma. And the decor will help to recreate this or that direction.

With all its delicacy, stylish and luxury, classic styles have one essential disadvantage - they are expensive.

On the other hand, in the kitchen at 9 square meters. m may not have enough space - so you have to be limited to a certain set of furniture, which may affect the placement of storage areas.

Consider the most popular and try to highlight the main features of each style.

English style

The choice of people of conservative, preferring the combination of the foundation, luxurious restraint and aesthetic comfort.

  • Palette: pastel and deep shades of brown, green and mustard.
  • Planning is based on symmetry. The same lockers are installed on both sides of the working table. Dining table shape is preferable round or oval.

    Furniture - from a wood massif, expensive, respectable, often with artificially aged surfaces, with intricate carvings and rich fittings. Especially good looks in this style upper furniture eaves made of carved wood and cast handles.

  • Main patterns: strip, cage, heraldry.
  • Nothing modern should not be in sight: you have to abandon the washing of stainless steel, point lamps, and it is better to hide all the technique for deaf facades.
  • Decor: The style of porcelain, brass or copper utensils will be emphasized, - with lambrequins and brushes, woven porridge and classic crystal chandelier.

Mediterranean style: sea breathing in your kitchen

The best motives of the French Riviera, Egypt, Tunisia, Italy and Spain have imagined. This style is not a fastener luxury and glamorous chic. His main advantages are conciseness, unassumature and quality.

  • Planning. The main place in the Mediterranean cuisine is allocated to the dining area, while the entire working compact is placed in one corner.
  • Colors: saturated natural shades - sea color, sand and magnificent vegetation: blue, turquoise, blue, emerald, lemon yellow, strawberry, orange, pistachio, fuchsia color.
  • Finishing: Brickwork, textured plaster, mosaic, imitation of frescoes are welcome. For floors - porcelain stoneware, sandstone, marble or imitation of natural stone terracotta. The apron is laid out with a tile by adding compilation: rubbing, uneven edges, the effect of "breakdown".
  • Furniture - often massive, cumbersome, but laconic forms. Stressed the style of a mosaic table top, a massive buffet with transparent doors, open wooden shelves, decorated with carvings, metal chairs with tied pads. Ideally fits into the style trend of furniture from rattan.

Scandinavian style - Norman calm

Looks like Mediterranean - the same conciseness, thoroughness and restraint. And it is said Scandinavian many designers consider 9 sq.m.

First, for this style, the abundance of bright shades is characterized: beige, dairy, matte white. The deaf facades of furniture create the illusion of a solid wall.

Minimum fittings and maximum functionality are distinguishing features of the Scandinavian style furniture.

The distinctive features of the Norman style also include abundance of lighting, a lot of textiles made of natural fabrics (pillows on chairs, napkins, curtains, tablecloths, covers). If the drawing is a nonsense floral patterns or a traditional cell.

Scandinavian style Loves a lot of indoor plants. So, if you are interested in breeding home cacti, orchids, or you have a luxurious collection of geranium or violet - then the Scandinavian style is simply created for you.

Other modern styles

Modern styles - the choice of people of dynamic, active, prefering functionality and bright image. This is an excellent choice, as they allow you to more quickly handle the placement of household appliances, and clear zoning attaches to the premises of completeness.

High Tech - High Technologies for Your Comfort

Someone can call the style of a sore and cold, but such a kitchen will always look stylish and relevant.

Main features:

  • abundance of glass and stainless steel. So in the kitchen there is a place for stainless car wash, and for numerous rails, and for metal tiles.
  • Preferred furniture colors: glossy white and metallic. Request bright color inserts.
  • Working surfaces - from Coriana, steel or other composite materials. Well fit into the concept of styles glass shelves and furniture from plastic. If you want to add cuisine transparency and lightness - pick up chairs from transparent plastic, and glass countertop.
  • The abundance of metal is diluted with a tree or stone: for the floor you can choose a laminate or a stone masonry, for walls - tiles.
  • As a decor, small household appliances and dishes are used from matte glass.

Loft - Mix of Starny and Innovation

Loft is the choice of creative natures, which easily refuse to generally accepted norms and do not accept any restrictions. Loft style kitchen turns out to be spacious, unusual and interesting.

Here are the main features that can be implemented in such a kitchen:

  • Open planning. Loft style is ideal for a kitchen combined with a balcony, living room or dining room. The smaller the walls and partitions, the better.
  • Finishing - deliberates is coarse, with a raid "Industriality": brickwork, concrete, coarse plaster, deposited with cast iron pipes. The ceilings are often decorated with massive beams.
  • The windows are large, and no lush curtains or curtains. It is better to leave windows without curtains. In extreme cases, you can allow something easy and transparent.
  • Technique - all in sight: It can be a stood cooking panel, an ultramodern TV, a brass closet or a refrigerator.
  • Furniture - any, but best will emphasize the style of a combination of retro and novelty. So, for example, a retro chair can coherent with a fashion glass table, behind the doors of the ancient buffet well accommodate modern stainless steel dishes or matte glass.
  • The palette is muted. Loft loves discreet shades of brown, gray, matte white.

As a result, it turns out a kitchen with a history and an industrial spirit that gives it a special charm.

In the interior of the 9-meter cuisine, it looks good at minimalism with its "sterility", bright pop art or any other modern style. The chief council of designers - clearly decide on the style of the interior. And he suggests and choosing color, furniture and accessories.

Designers a large apartment makes it possible to improvise, bring to life your most fantastic ideas. For a real professional designer, it is not difficult to develop a design kitchen of 9 square meters. meters. Moreover, in its functionality, it will not give up similar kitchens of a large area. If a person has never been engaged in construction, did not come across finishing materials, nothing knows about modern furniture and its capabilities, it will be difficult for him to do it yourself.

Paniring and interior of a kitchen of 9 square meters

Such work in which the ergonomics of the room will be taken into account and each free centimeter is used, it is better to give an experienced designer. With it, it will be possible to make a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b9 square meters. meters very cozy and comfortable.

Unfortunately, everything described above is not always possible.

Ready-made kitchen project with furniture location

Therefore, to expand the space, it is worth purchasing a technique having a glossy surface: the game of light visually will increase the space.

When the interior design of a similar kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b9 square meters is being developed. Meters, during wall decoration is not allowed to use large drawings. The fact is that the use of horizontal strips is much visually reduces the kitchen, it acquires a narrowed look.

Near the window should be mounted wide window sill. It can be a continuation of the kitchen headset, combined with several high chairs designed for the bar counter. For the game of light, it is advisable to use steel surfaces.

The finish should not have a contrast view, only light tones are suitable for a small area.

Stages planning

In order for the interior design to look spectacularly, it is necessary to make the placement layout correctly. To do this, you need to properly organize the following zones:

  • pass;
  • dining room;
  • working area.

To create such zoning, it is required to comply with a certain technological order:

  • Pick up the appropriate finishing materials, followed by installation;
  • Competently position the kitchen headset;
  • Apply Various Accessories:
    • clock;
    • paintings;
    • shelves;
    • flowers in a vase.

Work zone

The food is preparing on this area, it is located here:

  • plate;
  • countertop;
  • washing;
  • refrigerator;
  • utensil;
  • trash box.

Layout and zoning of 9 square meter kitchen. m. from the living room

In some cases, instead of closed cabinets use an open shelves.

Dining room

In this zone install:

  • Table;
  • Chairs;
  • Lamps;
  • Decorating elements.


This area of \u200b\u200ba small size, which will move people. If it will have big clutter, the household will have a sense of discomfort during the kitchen.

19.01.2017 Read 9 minutes.

Today the cuisine is still one of the main premises in the apartment, and thanks to various television shows and transmissions about cooking, tasty and professionally cook at home has become fashionable. And, of course, great importance is given aesthetics. After all, even the taste of food directly depends on how to file it, from interior design.
Although the kitchen is 9 square meters. M cannot be called too spacious, professional designers are capable of competently organize space that immeasurably increase its functionality and aesthetic properties.

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m in modern style

The leader of the Moscow repair and construction services market, the Fundam Group of Companies, repair turnkey kitchens at the highest level. Many customers, including well-known people show business, actors, leading and businessmen, leave grateful reviews about the work of designers. We will get acquainted with this review with some ideas of planning, color solutions, kitchen design 9 square meters. M On the example of works from the portfolio of the Fundam Group.

Cuisine planning ideas 9 square meters. m. Photo interiors 2016

Layout kitchen 9 square meters. M is one of the main issues to be solved at the initial stage. There are several of the most common planning methods that can serve as a guideline.

1. Corner layout of the kitchen in beige tones

Corner layout of the kitchen is one of the most popular, because it is suitable for the premises of any area. In addition, it helps to create an ergonomic "working triangle" when the main zones are always "at hand". On the free space or the opposite wall is conveniently located a dining table.

2. Parallel layout

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m in the style of minimalism

The location of the furniture in a parallel way can be ideal from the point of view of ergonomics, but is suitable in cases where it is not necessary to post the middle of the dining table (the exception is the kitchen of the large area, as the distance from the table to the furniture should be from 1.2 m).

3. P-shaped kitchen layout

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with a P-shaped layout

The P-shaped layout allows you to place a large number of embedded equipment, make the design kitchen ergonomic. This layout is suitable for kitchens with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 9 square meters. m or for the arrangement of the kitchen area in the interior of the studio apartment.

4. Linear layout

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with multi-level kitchen island

Linear layout is most suitable for small square kitchens. Sometimes it is used in order to highlight more space for the dining area. In this case, linear layout is used in the interior of the cuisine in the style of Loft with a stylish multi-level island - a dining table.

5. Kitchen Island

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with kitchen island

The advantage of installing the kitchen island in the kitchen interior is its high functionality. Such an island can serve as a dining table, and an additional work surface, and a buffet thanks to the built-in boxes and shelves.

6. Peninsula in the interior

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with peninsula

The peninsula in the kitchen interior is a kind of kitchen island: keeping the same features such a solution is more compact, which allows you to apply it in small kitchens. The peninsula usually refer to the continuation of the working area forming the protrusion.

7. Organization of the working area by the window

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with a working area at the window

For optimal use of literally "each centimeter" space, the working area can be organized by the window. In addition, good illumination during the daytime is an additional advantage of such a layout.

8. Console-Bar Stand at the window

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with a bar with a windows

The area by the window can be used for a bar counter in addition to the dining table, and in some cases, with a lack of area - as a full place for food intake. A small console will not take a lot of space, but will make the interior extraordinarily functional.

Corner kitchens 9 square meters. m. photo new products 2016

Corner kitchens are perhaps the most popular, because they are suitable not only for the arrangement of the premises of any area, but also very comfortable and functional.

9. Design of white angular kitchen 9 square meters. M.

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with corner layout

White, kitchen interior is performed in a light neoclassical style. A large window in the work area is draped by shortened curtains made of light fabric. Thanks to this planning solution, the work surface turned out to be quite large.

10. Kitchen with angular sofa

In the photo: Design of beige cuisine 9 square meters. m with an angular sofa

In this project, an angular bright kitchen with built-in equipment and lacquered facades is located symmetrically an angular soft sofa occuping a place near the opposite wall. Round dining table with a pair of chairs and a sofa with a convenient dining area.

11. Corner layout with kitchen island

In the photo: angular kitchen 9 square meters. m with kitchen island

For the studio space kitchen-living room, the optimal layout of the planning is often an island layout. In addition to functional advantages, the kitchen is the island contributes to the competent zoning of the kitchen-living room.

12. Loft interior

Corner layout is suitable for kitchen design in any style. The remaining part of the wall is finished with brick masonry and decorated with posters - thanks to this, Loft style features easily guessed in the interior.

13. Ergonomics and compactness

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with corner layout

Corner layouts due to their compactness, allow you to optimally use the kitchen space. In this project, the window organized a bar rack, which can serve as a table for breakfast. A full-fledged dining table with chairs is located at the free wall.

Selection of style for kitchen design 9 square meters. M.

Kitchen 9 square meters. M provides ample opportunities for interior design. Yet classic style with severe stucco, half colonents with pilasters requires a larger space. But light classics, Provence, any of the modern styles are perfect for the design of such a kitchen.

14. Provence

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m in the style of Provence

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with mint accents

Mint accents add freshness to a bright kitchen interior in Provence style and brick masonry. Ovrian, light beige tones gently complement the color gamut of the interior.

16. Loft style

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m in loft style

The kitchen interior is resolved in the Loft style with a rough brick masonry in the working area, the original hood, reminiscent of the factory pipe, as well as lamps with wrought-iron elements.

17. Classic style

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m in classic style

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m in modern style

In modern interiors, the features of the styles of past epochs are organically. For example, a modern chandelier and a round table surrounded by soft chairs, modern bright furniture kitchens make up a style and composite unity.

19. High-tech

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m in the style of high-tech

Glass doors to the balcony not only skip light well, but also expand visually space, allowing you to see the "continuation" of the room. Roman curtains on the balcony - a stylish and very convenient option that allows you to protect against excessive light if necessary and, on the contrary, fill the room with light in one moment.

21. Modern kitchen with access to the balcony

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with access to the balcony in the style of Modern

The velvet curtains of emerald color, free-winning on the metal cornices and forming the so-called Swag - semi-winds draped by folds - in fact, combine lambrequin, and curtains. Such a solution is a very concise and elegant version of the window drapeting in the modest style.

22. Modern kitchen with balcony

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with access to a balcony in modern style

The connoisseurs of minimalism and modern solutions will appreciate the monophonic, simple curtains that are in soft folds. Batiste, organza, chiffon, crest-chiffon are perfect as the material.

23. Elements of neoqulassics in the interior with access to the balcony

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with access to the balcony

Even the interiors in the classic style and light neoclassic today are simple, concise solutions. Curtains in the kitchen interior in the neoclassical style can be simple in design, but differ in high quality fabric and a finely selected color scheme.

Kitchen design 9 square meters. m with a sofa. Photo interiors 2016.

24. Corner sofa and multicolored lamps

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with a sofa

The corner sofa is ideal for organizing the dining area space. The kitchen interior is supplemented with bright accents of lamps, which repeats the main tones of the mosaic flooring of the floor and apron.

25. Compact Blue Sofa in the Dining Area

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with blue sofa

The modern sofa can be very compact and be indispensable in the design of 9 square cuisine. m. Simple concise design and bright blue color will make such a sofa with a stylish interior item.

26. Light kitchen with a sofa in a modern style

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with a sofa in modern style

The sofa and soft chairs of the colors of foam milk create an atmosphere in the kitchen and have a pleasant pastime at breakfast or lunch. Kitchen furnishings with simple laconic furniture decorate the original lamps in the form of cylinders and monochrome panels in the modern style.

27. Laconic straight sofa

In the photo: 9 square kitchen design. m with a sofa in style minimalism

Another solution for organizing a dining area in the kitchen can serve as a straight sofa, located one side from the table. A free wall occupies a spacious wardrobe or floor shelving to the ceiling.

Examples and ideas of design kitchens from the portfolio of the foundation GK "Fundam" can help determine the choice of planning, color and style solutions for the design of your kitchen or kitchen-dining room.

Designers, engineers, builders and specialists of other professions of the Fundam Group of Companies will help to implement at the highest level: develop a design project and implement the apartment to be repaired, the quality of which is confirmed by the implemented projects.