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The use of fire alarm security tools. Technical means of security and fire alarm. Technical means of detection

One of the most important security elements is the security and fire alarm. These two systems have a lot of total - communication channels, similar algorithms for receiving and processing information, the supply of anxiety signals, etc. Therefore, they are often (for economic considerations) are combined into a single security and Fire Alarm (Ops). Fire alarm system refers to the oldest technical means of protection. And so far this system is one of the most effective security complexes.

Modern protection systems are built on several alarm subsystems (the set of their use allows you to track any threats):

security - fixes the attempt of penetration;

alarming - emergency call system for a sudden attack;

fireman - registers the appearance of the first signs of the fire;

emergency - notifies about gas leakage, water leaks, etc.

Task fire alarm There are receiving, processing, transmission and presentation in a given form to consumers using technical means of fire information on protected objects (detection of the fire focus, determination of the place of its occurrence, feeding signals for automatic fire extinguishing systems and smoke removal). A task security alarm - Timely notification of the penetration or attempt to penetrate the protected object, with fixation of the fact, the place and time of violation of the border of protection. The overall task of both signaling systems is to ensure instant response to the provision of accurate information about the nature of the event.

Analysis of domestic and foreign statistics of unauthorized penetrations on various objects indicates that more than 50% of invasions are performed on objects with free access to personnel and customers; about 25% - on objects with unguarded elements of mechanical protection of the type of fences, lattices; About 20% - to objects with the throughput system and only 5% - to objects with a strengthened security regime, using complex technical systems and specially trained personnel. From the practice of security services in the protection of facilities, six main areas of protected areas are distinguished:

zone I - the perimeter of the territory in front of the building;

zone II - the perimeter of the building itself;

zone III - premises for receiving visitors;

zone IV - employees and corridors;

zones V and VI - manuals, negotiation rooms with partners, vandinating values \u200b\u200band information.

In order to provide the necessary level of reliability of the protection of particularly important objects (banks, cash registers, places of weapon storage), it is necessary to organize the multiser protection of the object. The alarm sensors of the first turn are installed on the outer perimeter. The second frontier represents the sensors installed in the places of possible penetration on the object (doors, windows, windows, etc.). The third frontier is the bulk sensors in the interior, the fourth - directly protected items (safes, cabinets, drawers, etc.). At the same time, each line necessarily connects to an independent cell of the receiving and control device so that with a possible bypass of the violator of one of the frontiers of the security, the alarm from the other was served.

Modern OPS systems are often integrated with other security systems in single complexes.

2.2. Fire alarm structure

In general, the system of security and fire alarm includes:

sensors- alarming detectors that respond to an alarm event (fire, attempt to penetrate the object, etc.), sensor characteristics determine the main parameters of the entire signaling system;

receiver-control devices (PCP) - devices that receive alarm signal from detectors and control over a given algorithm to the executive devices (in the simplest case, control over the operation of the security and fire alarm consists of turning on and off sensors, fixing the alarms, in complex, branched signaling systems control and Management is carried out using computers);

executive devices - Units that ensure the execution of a specified system actions algorithm in response to a particular alarm event (alert signal feeding, inclusion of fire extinguishing mechanisms, autoless on the specified numbers of phones, etc.).

Usually, the system of security and fire alarms are created in two versions - OPS with a local or closed security of an object or an ops with the transfer of private security departments (or private security enterprise) and the fire service of the EMERCOM of Russia.

All variety of security and fire alarms systems, with some part of the convention, are divided into targeted, analog and combined systems.

1. Analog (non-educational) systems are built on the following principle. The protected object is divided into areas of the laying of individual loops, which combine some sensors (detectors). When you trigge any sensor, an alarm is fed throughout the entire loop. The decision on the occurrence of an event here "accepts" only a detector, the performance of which can be checked only during the maintenance of the OPS. Also, the disadvantages of such systems are the high probability of false positives, the localization of the signal with accuracy to the loop, limiting the controlled zone. The cost of such a system is relatively low, although it is necessary to lay a large number of loops. Tasks of centralized management performs a security and fire panel. The use of analog systems is possible on all types of objects. But with a large number of areas of anxiety, there is a need for a large amount of work on the installation of wired communications.

2. Address systems Ensure the installation on one plume of the alarm of address sensors. Such systems allow you to replace multicore cables connecting detectors with a receiving and control device (PCP) to one pair of data bus wires.

3. Addressable neural systems These are, in fact, thresholds, supplemented only by the possibility of transmitting the code of the address of the shown detector. These systems are inherent in all disadvantages of analog - the impossibility of automatic controlling the performance of fire detectors (with any electronics failure, the detector's connection with the PCP stops).

4. Addressal survey systems Perform a periodic survey of detectors, ensure control of their performance in any form of refusal, which allows you to install on one detector in each room instead of two. In address polling OPS, complex information processing algorithms can be implemented, for example, autocompensation of changes in the sensitivity of detectors over time. The likelihood of false positives is reduced. For example, the address sensor for the breakdown of glass, in contrast to the nonsense, will indicate which window it was broken. The decision on the occurrence of the event also "takes" the detector.

5. The most promising direction in the field of constructing signaling systems is combined (Address and Analog) Systems. Address and analog detectors measure the size of the smoke or temperature at the object, and the signal is formed on the basis of mathematical processing of the data obtained in the PCP (specialized computers). It is possible to connect any sensors, the system is capable of determining their type and required by the algorithm to work with them, even if all these devices are included in one brass alarm. These systems provide maximum decision-making and control speed. For the correct operation of the address and analog equipment, it is necessary to take into account the unique language for each system to communicate its components (protocol). The use of these systems makes it possible to quickly, at least make changes to the already existing system when changing and expanding the object zones. The cost of such systems is above the two previous ones.

Now there are a huge variety of detectors, receiving and control devices and alarm with various characteristics and capabilities. It should be recognized that the decisive elements of the fire alarm system are sensors. Sensor parameters determine the main characteristics of the entire alarm system. In any of the detectors, the processing of controlled alarming factors to one degree or another is an analog process, and the detector unit on the threshold and analog belongs to the method of transmission from them.

At the place of installation at the facility, the sensors can be divided into internal and externalinstalled respectively inside and outside protected objects. They have the same principle of operation, the differences are in the design and technological characteristics. The installation site may be the most important factor affecting the choice of the type of detector.

Detectors (sensors) OPS Act on the principle of registration of environmental changes. These are devices designed to determine the presence of a security threat to a protected object and transmit an alarm message for timely response. Conditionally, they can be divided into bulk (allowing to control space), linear, or superficial, - to control the perimeters of territories and buildings, local, or point, - to control individual items.

Detectors can be classified by type of controlled physical parameter, the principle of the sensing element, method of transmitting information to the central control panel of the alarm.

According to the principle of forming an information signal on the entry or fire, the detectors of the fire alarm system are divided into active (Alarm generates a signal in the protected zone and responds to a change in its parameters) and passive (react to changing environmental parameters). The types of security detectors are widely used, as infrared passive, magnetocontact glass breakdown detectors, perimetral active detectors combined active detectors. In fire alarm systems, thermal, smoke, light, ionization, combined and manual detectors are used.

The type of signaling system sensors is determined by the physical principle of action. Depending on the type of sensors of the security alarm system, there may be capacitive, radiole, seismic, closing or opening the electrical circuit, etc.

The possibilities of installing protection systems depending on the sensors used, their advantages and disadvantages are given in Table. 2.

table 2

Perimeter protection systems

2.3. Types of security detectors

Contact detectors Serve to detect unauthorized opening of doors, windows, gate, etc. Magnetic detectors Consist of a magnetically controlled generic sensor installed on a fixed part, and a specifying element (magnet) installed on the opening module. When the magnet is located near Herkon, its contacts are in a closed state. These detectors differ from each other by type of installation and material from which they are made. The disadvantage is the possibility of neutralizing them with a powerful external magnet. Herkes shielded sensors are protected from an extraneous magnetic field with special plates and are equipped with signaling gear contacts that are triggered in the presence of an extraneous field and warning about it. When installing magnetic contacts in metal doors, it is very important to shield the field of the main magnet from the induced field of the entire door.

Electro contact devices - Sensors, dramatically change the voltage of the current in the chain at a certain exposure to them. They can be either definitely "open" (through them there is a current), or "closed" (current does not go). The easiest way to build such alarm is thin wires or foil strips, Connected to the door or window. Wire, foil or conductive composition "Pasta" are connected to alarm through door loops, shutters, and also by special contact blocks. When you try to penetrate, they are easily destroyed and form an alarm. Electro-contact devices provide reliable protection against false alarms.

IN mechanical door electrocontact devices The movable contact protrudes from the sensor housing and closes the circuit when pressed (closing the door). The place of installation of such mechanical devices is difficult to hide, they are easy to deal with, consolidating the lever in a closed position (for example, chewing gum).

Contact rugs They are made of two decorated sheets of metal foil and layer of foamed plastic between them. Under the weight of the body of the foil begins, and this ensures an electrical contact forms an alarm signal. Contact mats work according to the "normally open" principle, and the signal is applied when the electrocontact device closes the chain. Therefore, if you cut the wire leading to the rug, the alarm will not work in the future. For connecting mats, a flat cable is used.

Passive infrared detectors (peak) Serve to detect the intrusion of the intruder into a controlled volume. This is one of the most common types of security detectors. The principle of operation is based on the registration of changes in the flow of heat radiation and the transformation using the infrared radiation pyroelement into an electrical signal. Currently, two and four-blind pyroelements are used. This allows you to significantly reduce the likelihood of false alarms. In simple peak, the signal processing is performed by analog methods, in more complex - digital, using the built-in processor. The detection zone is formed by Fresnel lens or mirrors. There are volumetric, linear and surface detection zone. It is not recommended to establish infrared detectors in the immediate vicinity of the ventilation holes, windows and doors that create convection air flows, as well as heating radiators and thermal interference sources. It is also undesirable to directly enter the light radiation of incandescent lamps, automotive headlights, the sun on the detector input window. It is possible to use a thermocomptation scheme to ensure performance in the field of high temperatures (33-37 ° C), when the signal value from the human movement is sharply reduced by reducing the thermal contrast between the human body and the background.

Active detectors They are an optical system from the LED emitting infrared radiation in the direction of the lens of the receiver. The light beam is modulated in brightness and acts at a distance of up to 125 m and allows you to form an invisible eye of the head. These emitters are both single-mead and multipath. With the number of rays of more than two, the possibility of false response is reduced, since the alarm generation occurs only with the simultaneous intersection of all rays. Zone configuration is different - "curtains" (surface crossing), "beam" (linear movement), "volume" (moving in space). Detectors may not work in the rain and strong fog.

Radio wave volumetric detectors Serve to detect penetration on a protected object by registering the Doppler shift of the frequency of reflected ultra-fast-frequency (microwave) signal arising when the intruder moves in the electromagnetic field created by the microwave module. Their secretive installation is possible at the facility behind materials transmitting radio waves (tissues, wood plates, etc.). Linear radio wave detectors Consist from the transmitting and receiving unit. They form an alarming notice when crossing the people of their actions. The transmitting unit radiates electromagnetic oscillations, the receiving unit takes these oscillations, analyzes the amplitude and time characteristics of the received signal and, if they are compliance with the processing algorithm, the "intruder" model generates an alarming notice.

Microwave sensors Lost former popularity, although still in demand. In relatively new developments, a significant decrease in their dimensions and energy consumption has been achieved.

Volumetric ultrasound detectors Serve to identify movement in a protected amount. Ultrasonic sensors are designed to protect the premises by volume and output an alarm both when the violator appears and in the event of a fire. The emitting element of the detector is a piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer, outstanding air fluctuations in a protected amount under the influence of electrical voltage. The sensitive element of the detector located in the receiver is a piezoelectric ultrasonic receiving transducer of acoustic oscillations to an alternating electrical signal. The signal from the receiver is processed in the control scheme, depending on the algorithm laid in it, and forms this or that notice.

Acoustic detectors Equipped with highly sensitive miniature microphone capturing the sound published during the destruction of sheet glasses. The sensitive element of such detectors is a condenser's electrical microphone with a built-in pre-amplifier on the field transistor. When the glass breaks, there are two types of sound oscillations in a strictly defined sequence: first the shock wave from the oscillation of the entire glass array with a frequency of about 100 Hz, and then the glass destruction wave with a frequency of about 5 kHz. The microphone converts the sound fluctuations in the electrical signals. The detector processes these signals and decides on the presence of penetration. When installing the detector, all areas of protected glass must be within its direct visibility.

Capacitive system sensor It is one or more metal electrodes placed on the design of a protected opening. The principle of action of capacitive security detectors is based on registration, speed and duration of changing the capacity of the sensing element, which uses metal objects connected to the detector or specially laid wires. The detector issues an alarm when changing the electrical capacity of the security subject (safe, metal cabinet) relative to the "land" caused by the approach of a person to this subject. You can use to protect the perimeter of the building through the tensioned wires.

Vibrating detectors Serve to protect against penetration on a protected object by destroying various building structures, as well as protection of safes, ATMs, etc. The principle of action of vibration sensors is based on a piezoelectric effect (piezoelectrics produce electric current when pressed or released a crystal), which consists in changing the electric Signal when vibration piezoelement. The electrical signal, proportional to the level of vibration, is enhanced and processed by a detector circuit according to a special algorithm to separate the destructive effect on the interference signal. The principle of action of vibration systems with sensory cables is based on a triboelectric effect. In deformations of such a cable in a dielectric located between a central conductor and conductive braid, electrification arises, recorded as a potential difference between cable conductor. The sensitive element is a touch cable that converts mechanical vibrations into an electrical signal. There are also more advanced electromagnetic microphone cables.

The relatively new principle of protection of the premises is to use the change in air pressure when opening a closed room ( barometric sensors) Until now, I have not justified expectations and is almost not used in the equipment of multifunctional and large objects. These sensors have a high frequency of false positives and rather hard restrictions on use.

It is necessary to stay separately on distributed fiber optic systems For perimeter protection. Modern fiber optic sensors can measure pressure, temperature, distance, positions in space, accelerations, oscillations, sound waves, fluid level, deformation, refractiveness coefficient, electric field, electric current, magnetic field, gas concentration, dose of radiation radiation and etc. The optical fiber is simultaneously a communication line and a sensitive element. The optical fiber is fiber with a laser with a high output power and a short radiation pulse, then the parameters of reverse Rayleigh scattering are measured, as well as Frenelly reflected from the joints and fiber ends. Under the influence of various factors (deformations, acoustic oscillations, temperatures, and with the corresponding fiber coating - an electric or magnetic field), the phase difference varies between the submitted and reflected light pulse. According to the time delay between the moment of radiation of the pulse and the moment of arrival of the inverse scattering signal, the location of heterogeneity is determined, the intensity of the radiation of reverse scattering is determined by losses on the line.

To separate the signals created by the intruder, the signal analyzer based on the principle of the neural network is used from noise and interference. The signal to the input of the neural network analyzer is supplied as a spectral vector generated by the DSP processor (Digital Signal Processing), the principle of which is based on the Fourier rapid transformation algorithms.

The advantages of distributed fiber-optic systems are the ability to determine the place of violation of the boundary of the object, use these systems for the protection of perimeters with a length of up to 100 km, low levels of false positives and a relatively low price for the temporon meter.

The leader among security alarm equipment is currently combined sensor, built on the use of simultaneously two channel detection channels - IR-passive and microwave. Currently, it displaces all other devices, and many alarm installers use it as a single sensor for the volume protection of the premises. The average time of operation for false response is 3-5 thousand hours, and in some conditions it reaches the year. It allows you to block such premises where IR passive or microwave sensors are generally not applicable (the first - in rooms with drafts and thermal interference, the second - with thin non-metallic walls). But the probability of detection in such sensors is always less than any of the components of its two channels. You can achieve the same success by applying both sensors (IR and microwave) in one room, and the alarm is generated only when you trigger both detectors at a specified time interval (usually this is a few seconds), using the capabilities of the receiving-control equipment for this purpose.

2.4. Types of fire detectors

The following basic principles of activation can be used to detect fire firemen detectors:

smoke detectors - based on ionization or photoelectric principle;

heat detectors - on the basis of fixing the level of temperature lift or some of its specific indicator;

flame detectors - based on the use of ultraviolet or infrared radiation;

gas detectors.

Manual detectors We are necessary for the forced translation of the system into the fire alarm mode by a person. Can be implemented in the form of levers or buttons covered with transparent materials (easily broken in the event). Most often they are installed in easily accessible common areas.

Heat detectors React to change in ambient temperature. Separate materials are burning almost without emissions (for example, a tree), or the spread of smoke is difficult due to a small space (over suspended ceilings). Apply in cases where the concentration of aerosol particles that have no relation to the combustion processes (water evaporation, flour on a mill, etc.) in the air is high in the air. Thermal The threshold fire detectors give the "Fire" signal when the threshold temperature is reached, differential - fix the fire hazardous situation in the rate of temperature increases.

Contact threshold thermal detector It gives an alarm signal when the predetermined temperature is exceeded. When heated, the contact plate is melted, the electrical circuit is broken and the alarm signal is produced. These are the simplest detectors. Usually, the threshold temperature is 75 ° C.

A semiconductor element can also be used as a sensitive element. With the increase in temperature, the resistance of the chain drops, and a larger current flows. When an electric current threshold exceeds an alarm signal. Semiconductor sensitive elements have a higher response rate, the magnitude of the threshold temperature can be set arbitrarily, and when the sensor is triggered, the device fails.

Differential thermal detectors Usually consist of two thermoelements, one of which is located inside the detector housing, and the second is placed outside. The currents flowing through these two chains are fed to the inputs of the differential amplifier. With increasing temperature, the current flowing through the outer chain changes dramatically. In the internal chain, it almost does not change, which leads to an imbalance of currents and the formation of an alarm signal. The use of thermocouple makes it possible to eliminate the influence of smooth temperature changes caused by natural causes. These sensors are the fastest response speed and resistant to work.

Linear thermal detectors. The design is a four copper conductor with shells from a special material with a negative temperature coefficient. Conductors are packaged in a common casing so that they are tightly in contact with their shells. The wires are connected at the end of the line pairwise with each other, forming two hinges in contact with the shells. Principle of operation: With an increase in the temperature of the shell, they change their resistance, also changing the overall resistance between hinges, which is measured by a special results processing unit. The magnitude of this resistance and makes a decision on the presence of ignition. The larger the cable length (up to 1.5 km), the higher the sensitivity of the device.

Smoke detectors Designed to detect the presence of a given concentration of smoke particles in the air. The composition of smoke particles may be different. Therefore, according to the principle of action, the flue detectors are divided into two main types - optoelectronic and ionization.

Ionization smoke detector. The stream of radioactive particles (usually applies to America-241) enters two separate chambers. If smoke particles hit (the smoke color is not important) into the measuring (outer) camera, a current flowing through it occurs, since it takes a decrease in the length of the mileage? -Carticles and an increase in the recombination of ions. For processing, the difference between currents in the measuring and control chambers is used. Ionization detectors do not harm the health of people (the source of radioactive radiation is about 0.9 mkki). These sensors give real fire protection in hazardous areas. They also have a record low consumption current. The disadvantages are the complexity of burial after the end of the service life (at least 5 years) and vulnerability to moisture changes, pressure, temperature, air movement speed.

Optical smoke detector. The measuring chamber of this device contains an optoelectronic pair. A LED or laser (aspiration sensor) is used as a specifying element. The radiation of the infrared spectrum element under normal conditions does not fall into the photodetector. If the smoke particles enter the optical chamber, the radiation from the LED is scattered. Due to the optical effect of dispersion of infrared radiation on particles of smoke on the photodetector, the light is obtained by providing an electrical signal. The larger the concentration of scattering particles of smoke in the air, the higher the signal level. For the proper operation of the optical detector, the design of the optical chamber is very important.

The comparative characteristic of the ionization and optical types of detectors is given in Table. 3.

Table 3.

Comparison of the effectiveness of smoke detection methods

Laser detector Provides smoke detection at the levels of the specific optical density of approximately 100 times smaller than modern LED sensors. There are more expensive systems with forced air suction. To maintain the sensitivity and prevent false response, both types of detectors (ionization or photoelectric) require periodic cleaning.

Smoke linear detectors Indisions in rooms with high ceilings and large areas. They are widely used in fire alarm systems, as it appears the opportunity to fix the fire hazardous situation at ultrasound stages. Easy installation, settings and operation of modern linear sensors allow them to compete at a price with point detectors, even in medium-sized facilities.

Combined smoke fire detector (In one case collected ionization and optical types of detectors) operates on two angles of light reflection, which allows you to measure and analyze the ratio of the characteristics of direct and reverse light scattering, determining the types of smoke and reducing the number of false alarms. This is carried out through the use of a two-grade light scattering technology. It is known that the ratio of direct scattered light to the opposite for dark smoke (soot) is greater than for light types of smoke (glowing wood), and even higher for dry substances (cement dust).

It should be noted that the most effective is a detector combining photoelectric and thermal sensitive elements. Today, I. three-dimensional combined detectorsThe smoke optical, smoke ionization and thermal principle of detection is connected in them. In practice, it is quite rare.

Flame detectors. Open fire has characteristic radiation in ultraviolet, and in infrared spectrum parts. Accordingly, two types of devices are available:

ultraviolet - The high-voltage gas discharge indicator constantly controls the radiation power in the ultraviolet range. When open fire appears, the intensity of the discharges between the electrodes of the indicator increases and an alarm signal is issued. A similar sensor can monitor the area up to 200 m 2 With an installation height of up to 20 m. The inertia of the operation does not exceed 5 s;

infrared - With the help of an IR sensitive element and an optical focusing system, characteristic bursts of IR radiation are recorded when the fire appears. This instrument allows you to determine for 3 with the presence of a flame of from 10 cm at a distance of up to 20 m at an angle of 90 °.

Now appeared sensors of a new class - analog detectors with external addressing. Sensors are analog, but are addressed by the signaling loop in which they are installed. The sensor makes self-testing of all its nodes, checks the dyed chamber, transmits test results to the receiving and control device. The dust compensation of the smoke cameras allows you to increase the detector's operation until another maintenance, self-test excludes false responses. Such detectors retain all the advantages of targeted analog detectors, have low cost and are able to work with inexpensive non-personal PCP. When setting a signaling of several detectors into the cable, each of which will be installed in the room one, it is necessary in the general corridor to install the remote optical indication devices.

The criterion for the efficiency of the operation of the OPS equipment is to minimize the number of errors and false positives. It is considered an excellent result of the presence of one false alarm from one zone per month. The frequency of false positives is the main characteristic that can be judged on the noise immunity of the detector. Noise immunity - This is an indicator of the quality of the sensor, which characterizes its ability to work stably in various conditions.

The system of security-fire alarm system is carried out from the receiving and control device (hub). The composition and characteristic of this equipment depends on the importance of the object, complexity and branching of the alarm system. In the simplest case, control over the operation of the OPS consists of turning on and off sensors, fixing the alarms. In complex, branched signaling systems, control and management are carried out using computers.

Modern security alarm systems are based on the use of microprocessor control panels associated with wired lines or radio channels. There may be several hundred security zones in the system, to facilitate the control of the zone are grouped by sections. This allows you to put and remove with protection not only each sensor individually, but immediately floor, building, etc. Usually, the section reflects some logical part of the object, such as a room or a room group, combined with some essential logical sign. Reception and control devices allow: control and control over the state of both the entire OPS system and each sensor (on-off, alarm, failure, failure on the communication channel, attempts to open sensors or communication channel); Analysis of the alarms from various types of sensors; checking the performance of all system nodes; recording alarm signals; interaction of alarm operation with other technical means; Integration with other protection systems (security television, security lighting, fire extinguishing system, etc.). The characteristics of non-educational, address and address-analog fire alarm systems are shown in Table. four.

Table 4.

Characteristics of non-educational, address and address and analog fire alarm systems

2.5. Processing and logging information, formation of control alarms OPS

For processing and logging information and generating control signals, various receiving and control equipment can be used - central stations, control panels, receiving and control devices.

Receiving and Control Device (PKP) Carries out the power of security and fire detectors on the security and fire alarms, receiving the alarm notifications from the sensors, generates alarm messages, and also transmits them to the centralized observation station and generates alarms to respond to other systems. Such equipment is characterized by information capacity - the number of controlled signaling loops and the degree of management of management and alert functions.

To ensure that the device complies with the selected application tactics, select the control panels of the fire alarm system for small, medium and large objects.

Usually, small objects are equipped with non-educational systems controlling several fire alarm loops, and targeted and address-analog systems are used on medium and large objects.

PKP small information container. Usually, security-fire receiving and control devices are used in these systems, where the maximum permissible number of sensors is turned on in one loop. These PCPs allow you to solve maximum tasks at relatively low costs for the recruitment of the system. Small PCPs have the versatility of the loops in their intended purpose, i.e. it is possible to transfer signal and control commands (alarming, security, fire modes of operation). They have a sufficient number of outputs on the center of the central observation, allow you to conduct a protocol of events. The output chains of small PCP have outputs with sufficient current power to power detectors from the built-in power supply, can control fire or technological equipment.

Currently there has been a tendency to use instead of the PCP with a small information capacity of the PCP of the middle information container. With this replacement, one-time costs are almost not increasing, but labor costs in the elimination of faults in the linear part are significantly reduced by the accurate determination of the refusal location.

PCP medium and large information container. For centralized reception, processing and reproduction of information from a large number of security objects, consoles and central surveillance systems are used. When using a device with a common central processor with a focused or tree-like layer laying (both targeted and non-addrescent OPS), the incomplete use of the control capacity of the control panel leads to some increase in the cost of the system.

IN address systems One address must correspond to one address device (detector). When using a computer due to the lack of a central control panel with limited control and control functions in the PCP Blocks themselves there are difficulties of power reduction and the impossibility of the full functioning of the OPS system when the computer is refused.

IN address and analog firefighters PCP The price of equipment per address (PCP and sensor) is twice as bigger in them than the analog systems. But the number of address-analog sensors in separate rooms compared to thresholds (maximum) detectors is allowed to reduce from two to one. Increased adaptability, informativeness, self-diagnosis of the system minimize operating costs. The use of targeted, distributed or tree structures minimizes the costs of cables and their gasket, as well as the cost of repairs up to 30-50%.

The use of the PCP for fire alarm systems has some features. Used system structures are divided as follows:

1) PCP with a concentrated structure (in the form of a single unit, with beased radial loops) for fire alarm systems of medium and large information containers. Such PCPs are applied less and less commonly, it can be recommended to use them in systems having up to 10-20 loops;

2) PCP Address and Analog Fire Alarm systems. Address and analog receiving and control devices are much more expensive than targeted thresholds, but there are no special advantages. They are easier to install, maintain and repair. They significantly increased informativeness;

3) PCP Address Systems Fire Alarm. Group of threshold sensors form address zones. The PCP is constructively and programmatically consist of completed functional blocks. The system is combined with detectors of any design and principle of operation, turning them into targeted. Addressing all devices in the system is usually automatically produced. Allow the most advantages of address-analog systems with low-cost maximum (threshold) sensors are allowed to combine.

To date, a digital-based alarm loop has been developed that combined the advantages of analog and digital loops. It has greater informative (in addition to ordinary signals, you can transmit additional). The ability to transmit additional signals allows you to cancel the settings and programming of the alarm loops, to apply several types of detectors in one plume when you automatically configure to work with any of them. This reduces the desired number of signaling loops for each object. At the same time, the PCP may simulate the operation of the signaling loop over the command of its detector to transfer information to another same device acting console of central observation (PCN).

The PCO can not only receive information, but also transfer the main teams. This security and fire appliance is not specifically programmed (the setting takes place automatically, similar to the functions in the Plug & RLAU computer). Therefore, no highly qualified specialists are required for service. In one firefighter, the device takes signals from thermal, flue, manual detectors, engineering systems control sensors, distinguishes the operation of one or two detectors and can even work with analog fire detectors. The address of the alarm loop becomes an address address, and without programming the parameters of the device or detectors.

2.6. OPS executive devices

OPS executive devices Must ensure the execution of a given system response to an alarm event. The use of intellectual systems allows a set of activities related to the elimination of a fire (detection of fire, alert of special services, informing and evacuation of personnel, activation of the fire extinguishing system), and conduct them in fully automatic mode. For a long time, automatic fire extinguishing systems have been used, a fire-supplying substance in the guarded premises. They can localize and eliminate fires before they develop into a real fire, and affect directly to the fire foci. Now there are a number of systems that can be applied without prejudice to the technique (including with electronic filling).

It should be noted that connecting to security and fire PCP automatic fire extinguishing installations is somewhat inefficient. Therefore, experts recommend applying a separate fire department with the ability to control automatic fire extinguishing and speech alerts.

Autonomous fire extinguishing systems It is most effectively installed in places where the fire is especially dangerous and can cause irreparable damage. The composition of autonomous installations necessarily include storage and feeding devices, fire detection devices, automatic starting devices, fire signal or setting the installation. According to the type of fireproofing substance, the system is divided into water, foam, gas, powder, aerosol.

Sprinkler and drencher automatic fire extinguishing systems It is used to extinguish water foci of fire on large areas with thin water flows. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of an indirect damage associated with the loss of consumer properties of equipment and (or) goods during wetting.

Foam fire extinguishing systems Used to extinguishing air-mechanical foam and apply without restrictions. The system kit includes a pennies mixer complete with a strapping and a tank-dispenser with an elastic container for storing and dosing a foam concentrate.

Gas fire extinguishing systems Apply to protect libraries, computing centers, bank depositories, small offices. At the same time, it may be necessary for additional costs to ensure due tightness of the protected object and conducting organizational and technical measures for preventive personnel evacuation.

Powder fire extinguishing systems Used where it is necessary to localize the fire center and ensure the safety of material values \u200b\u200band equipment that is not damaged by fire. Compared with other types of autonomous fire extinguishers, powder modules are distinguished by low price, ease of maintenance, environmental safety. Most powder fire extinguishing modules can operate both in an electric mode (using fire sensor signals) and in self-wave mode (when critical temperatures). In addition to the autonomous mode of operation, as a rule, provide for the possibility of manual start. These systems are used to localize and extinguish fire foci in closed volumes and outdoors.

Aerosol systems fire extinguishing - systems that are used to extinguish fine solid particles. The difference between the aerosol fire extinguishing system from the powder is only the fact that the aerosol is allocated at the moment of operation, and not a powder (larger than the aerosol). These two fire extinguishing systems are similar to among themselves and by functions, and on the principle of action.

The advantages of such a fire extinguishing system (such as simplicity of installation and installation, versatility, high stewing ability, efficiency, use at low temperatures and the ability to extinguish materials under voltage) are primarily economic, technical and operational.

The disadvantage of such a fire extinguishing system is the danger to human health. The service life is limited to 10 years, after which it must be dismantled and replaced with a new one.

Another important element of the OPS is alarming alert. Alarm alert Can be carried out by manual, semi-automatic or automatic control. The main purpose of the alert system is a warning in the building of people about a fire or other emergency and the management of their movement into a safe zone. The alert of fire or other emergency situations should differ significantly from the alarm alarm alert. Clarity and uniformity of the information submitted in the speech alert are crucial.

Alert systems differ in the composition and principle of operation. Management of blocks analog alert system Exercised using a matrix control unit. Control digital alert system Usually implemented using a computer. Local alert systems Translated in a limited number of premises recorded a previously text message. Usually such systems do not allow to quickly control the evacuation, for example, from the microphone console. Centralized systems In automatic mode, the recorded emergency message is translated into a predetermined zone. If necessary, the dispatcher can transmit messages from the microphone console ( semi-automatic translation mode).

Most fire alert systems are built according to the modular principle. The procedure for organizing the alert system depends on the features of the protected object - the object architecture, the nature of production activities, the number of personnel, visitors, etc. For most small and medium-sized fire safety standards, the installation of the 1st and 2-type alerts (sound and light signals in all rooms of the building). In the alert systems of the 3rd, 4th and 5th types, one of the main methods of alert is speech. The choice of the number and power of the enabling of the alarms in a particular room directly depends on such fundamental parameters as the noise level in the room, the size of the room and the sound pressure of the inflamed alarms.

Alarm calls are used as high-strength calls, sirens, speakers, etc. As the lights, light scores "output", light indicators "Direction of motion", light flashing alarms (strobe flash) are used as lights.

Usually alarm alert manages other means of protection system. For example, in the case of a non-standard situation between advertising messages, the usual announcements may be transmitted, which are informed by the conditional phrases of the security service and staff of the enterprise about the incidents. For example: "Duty guard, call 112." The number 112 may mean a potential attempt to make unpaid clothing from the store. With extraordinary circumstances, the alert system should ensure control of the evacuation of people from premises and buildings. In normal mode, the alert system can also be used to transmit background music or advertisements.

Also, the alert system can hardly or programmatically integrate with the access control system, and upon receipt of an alarm pulse from the sensors, the alert system will issue a command to open the doors of additional evacuation outputs. For example, when an alarm event occurs, an automatic fire extinguishing system is activated, the smoke removal system is activated, the compulsory ventilation of the room is turned off, the power supply is turned off, the autodoam is turned off according to the specified telephone numbers (including emergency services), emergency lighting is turned on. d. And when the unauthorized passage of the room is detected, the automatic door locking system is activated, the SMS messages on the cellular telephone are sent, messages on pager and others are sent.

Communication channels in the OPS system can be specially laid wired lines or existing telephone lines, telegraph lines and radio channels on the object.

The most common communication systems are strategic shielded cableswhich to improve the reliability and safety of the alarm operation are placed in metal or plastic pipes, metalworkwood. The transmissions on which signals come from detectors are physical loops.

In addition to traditional lines of wired communication in the OPS systems, security and fire alarms are proposed today using a communications radio channel. They have high mobility, commissioning work is minimized, quick installation and dismantling of the OPS is ensured. Setting the radio channel systems is very simple, since each radio button has its own individual code. Such systems are applied in situations where the cable cannot be stretched or is not justified financially. The secrecy of these systems is combined with the ability to easily increase them or reconfigure.

It should also be forgotten that there is always a danger of intentional damage to the electrical chain by an attacker or the cessation of energy supply due to the accident. And yet security systems must maintain their performance. All fire alarm devices must be provided with uninterrupted power supply. The power supply of the security alarm system must necessarily have redundancy capabilities. In the absence of voltage in the network, the system is required to automatically switch to backup power.

If the power failure is disabled, the signaling function does not stop due to the automatic connection of the backup (emergency) power source. To ensure uninterrupted and secure power supply systems, uninterruptible power supply systems, batteries, backup power supply lines, etc. Apply the centralized backup power source leads to the loss of the used capacity of reserve batteries, to additional costs for the wires of increased cross section, etc. Application of distributed The source object of backup power does not allow you to control their condition. To implement their control, apply the power supply to the address system of the OPS with an independent address.

It is necessary to provide for the ability to duplicate the power supply using various electrical applications. Also possible implementation reserve energy supply line From its generator. Fire safety standards require that the fire alarm system can keep working capacity in case of disappearing network power supply during the day in standby mode and at least three hours in an alarm mode.

Currently, the integrated use of OPS security systems to ensure the safety of an object with a high degree of integration with other security systems such as access control systems, video surveillance, etc. When constructing integrated security systems, compatibility issues appear with other systems. To combine security and fire alarm systems, alert, control and control of access, security television, automatic fire extinguishing installations, etc. Apply - software, hardware (is the most preferred) and the development of a single finished product.

Separately, it should be mentioned that the Russian SNiP 2.01.02-85 also requires that the evacuation doors of the buildings do not have constipation that cannot be opened from the inside without a key. In such conditions, special handles are applied for evacuation outputs. Knob "Antipank" ( Push-Bar.) It is a horizontal bar, pressing which at any point causes the door to open.

The head of the enterprise or the owner of any real estate will take care of the protection of its property from the negative impact of man-made disasters and intruders. Ensure the safety of the room and all objects that are in it can not only specially trained people standing near the doors. Modern technologies allow the safety of the room due to the specially developed connected subsystems into one system. Many people are known to respond to fire and security alarm systems.

Security and fire alarm: the concept and its task

An integrated system that includes fire and security alarm systems is called a fire and security system. This system acquires greater popularity today. Most often, the system is part of an integrated security complex. The main function of the fire alarm system is provided by GOST 2642-84. Its main task is to receive, process and transfer in the prescribed manner of information on an emerge on the protected object of fire and fire or penetration of foreign people.

The main functions of the fire and fire system are:

  • control over the state of the territory during the day;
  • detection of even the slightest fire on the facility;
  • determination of the exact location of the ignition or penetration of intruders;
  • information should be provided in a clear form;
  • responding to hacking attempts and system breakdowns;
  • responding to malfunctions of detection device.

The fire alarm system is a difficult system, has a sufficiently large value, but according to consumer reviews and experiments, is the only reliable electronic protection device.

Modern security equipment includes several subsystems that depend on the executive functions:

  • security - the device reacts to any external penetration;
  • firefighter - devices react to the occurrence of any signs of fire;
  • alarm - the device causes the necessary assistance if an unexpected attack signal appears;
  • emergency - the device gives a signal when some emergency situations occur: gas leak, water breakthrough, water overflow, etc.

Each subsystem has its own strictly established goals. All subsystems are combined into one security system by integrating with each other.

What alarm consists, providing protection against fires and theft

The components of the fire control system and attackers are:

  • sensors that are danger signal receivers;
  • the equipment that receives the hazard signal;
  • elements that inform about the danger
  • communication installations;
  • autonomous battery element (generator, battery);
  • programs that provide the correct operation of the device.

The principle of operation of alarm

The principle of operation of the security and fire alarm is very simple. The main receivers of information about the fire, penetration of thieves or ill-wishers are the sensors. About fire or attack Sensory mechanisms transmit information to the control panel, which is responsible for collecting data, and in more complex integrated systems, the transmission of information occurs on the control panel. Once the information goes to the destination item, the software starts the system to respond.

The response itself depends on the system equipment. If the alarm is supplemented by a scot, then thanks to the transfer of information, locks, gates, turnstiles begin to respond to the signal. During the fire, additional evacuation doors open to avoid obstacles to leaving people of the danger zone.

If the system is equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing program, then at risk it necessarily works together with the function of removing smoke. It is important when the fire alarm is operating in blocking the power of the power supply, which protects against additional danger.

When penetrating the thieves and receiving the signal, the system launches its protection program depending on the type of signaling.

A variety of security and fire systems

The market of modern equipment is a variety of choice of fire alarm. The choice of consumers provides systems with a simplified program of protection, systems with additional environmental control sensors that react to overabundance of gas, water leakage, temperature or humidity.

The main allocation of alarm occurs on:

  • Non-educational;
  • Address;
  • Targeted questionnaires;
  • Neural address;
  • Combined.

This classification occurs on the basis of differences in the principle of alarm operation.

On the principle of action of detectors, the danger is divided into:

  • ultrasound;
  • detectors light;
  • detectors vibration;
  • radio wave;
  • acoustic;
  • infrared;
  • combined.

In the fire system, sensors of this type are installed:

  • reacting to smoke;
  • reacting temperature indoors;
  • reacting to the flame;
  • gas reactive;
  • multisensory, which include response to 4 signs of fire;

All sensors differ from each other, have a different degree of sensitivity and reaction rate.

In the security system, the detectors of such types are known:

  • sensors that respond to changes in the distance between the magnet on the doors (windows) and the german;
  • detectors that react to blow or surface damage;
  • sensors that react to any movements inside the security object;
  • detectors that react to approach or touching the security object.

By a method of reaction to one or another problem, the sensors are divided into active and passive.

At the location of the alarm allocate:

  • Internal;
  • External;
  • Combined.

There is a division of the system depending on the manual sensors:

  1. By the method of obtaining information, it is distinguished: analog and thresholds;
  2. By the location of the sensors relative to the room: internal and external;
  3. By a method of response to changes in space: linear, surface, volumetric;
  4. Depending on the response to individual items: local and point;
  5. By factor of action: thermal, light, manual, combined, ionization;
  6. Depending on the physical impact: closing, capacitive, radar, seismic.

The result of the system is the result

Thanks to the operation of the security and fire alarm, many objects are protected from a sudden attack, penetration, accidents and fires. According to the statistical data of an unauthorized invasion of objects in our country, this system is the safest. It is enough to analyze the statistics to understand the importance of alarm:

  • 50% and more percent of unauthorized penetration on objects that have free access to working personnel and incoming customers;
  • About 25% of the territories were objects of illegal penetration, while equipped with mechanical elements of protection;
  • 20% of the protected bandwidth objects were subject to illegal penetration;
  • 5% of territories equipped with complex electronic protection systems were exposed to illegal action of intruders.

Managers should worry about the protection of their facilities and ensure a high level of reliability by organizing a multi-level protection system.

Alarm sensors are set in this case in several levels:

  • on the outer perimeter of the territory;
  • on windows and doors;
  • in interior;
  • at objects that are considered the most important in the protected area: safes, cabinets, drawers.

Each item setting the sensors must be connected to its separate cell of the device that controls the signal from the sensor and reacts to it. This allows you to avoid bypassing the attacker of a separate point, as well as get a timely signal about the very first signs of fire, attack or emergency.


Subject: "Technical Fire Alarm Tools"


1.Technical means of security and fire alarm, their classification and purpose

1.1 Basic Terms and Definitions

1.2 Classification of technical means of signaling, security and security and fire detectors

2. Organization of protection of objects of owners using a security alarm system

3. Radiation, specifications, principle of operation of receiving and control devices

3.1 Appointment of receiving and control devices

3.2 Typical instruments of receiving and control, application conditions




In this paper, we consider the characteristics of the technical means of security and security and fire alarms, allowed for use, and the technical means of fire alarm, recommended for use at present GU in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as the technical means of protection of the most widely used previously used.

As well as consider the organization of the protection of objects of owners using security alarms on open areas, buildings, premises and individual items. We describe the organization of information about the alarm trigger. We list the types of receiving and control devices and the conditions of application.

1 Technical means of security and fire alarm, their classification and purpose

1.1 Basic Terms and Definitions

Security and Fire Alarm (OPS) - This is obtained, processing, transferring and presenting in a given form to consumers of information on the penetration of protected objects and fire on them using technical means. The consumer of information is the staff to which the response functions are entrusted to the alarming and official notices coming from protected objects.

Notice The technique of OPS is a message that causes information about controlled changes in the state of a protected object or the technical means of the OPS and transmitted by electromagnetic, electrical, light and (or) sound signals. Notifications are divided into anxious and service. Anxious notice contains information on penetration or fire, service - about "taking" under protection, "removal" with protection, malfunctions of equipment, etc.

Protected object (oo) A separate room containing material or other values, equipped with technical means of OPS, or a complex of premises dispersed within one or more buildings, united by a common territory and protected by security departments. The places of possible penetration on oo or individual protected areas are equipped with various detectors, which are included in the signaling loop.

Protected zone - This is a part of a protected object controlled by one plume of the OPS or a set of them.

Fire alarm complex - This is a combination of jointly active technical means of a security, fire and (or) security and fire alarms installed on a protected facility and the combined system of engineering networks and communications.

Detector security (fireman) - the technical means of the OPS for detecting the penetration (fire), an attempt to penetrate or physically exposure exceeding the normalized level, and the formation of the notice of penetration (fire). In the Security and Fire Detector combined security and fire functions.

Device receiving-control (PPK) - This is a technical means of security and fire alarm to receive notices from detectors (signaling loops) or other PPKs, signal conversion, issuing notifications for direct perception by man, further transmission of notifications and issuing commands to turn on the bisteners. To the exit of the PPK, depending on the protection system, which includes a complex of the OPS, another PPK can be connected (in the case of autonomous protection in the presence of an autonomous protection point) or the object device terminal (in the case of centralized security).

Security and Fire Hanging - This is a hydraulic equipment of the OPS, designed to notify people about penetration, attempt to penetrate and (or) fire.

Autonomous Security System Consists of OPS complexes with outputs and (or) other PPKs installed at the autonomous protection point.

Autonomous Protection Point (PJSC) - This is an item located on a guarded facility or in close proximity to it, serviced by the service security service and equipped with technical means displaying information on penetration and (or) fire in each of the controlled facilities (zones) of the object for direct perception by man.

Notification System (SP) - This is a set of jointly existing technical means for transmission through communication channels and reception at the point of centralized protection of notices on the penetration of protected objects and (or) fire on them, service and control and diagnostic notices, as well as for transferring and receiving telecommunication commands (if available reverse channel).

Sleep provides for the installation of terminal devices (UN) on objects, repeaters (P) on the crossings of the PBX, in residential buildings and other intermediate items and consoles of centralized observation (PCN) in centralized security items.

UO, R, PCNs are composite parts of the sleep. The UN is installed on a guarded facility for receiving notifications from the PPK.

Point of centralized security (FOS) - This is a dispatching point of centralized protection of a number of dispersed objects from penetration and fire using sleep.

Depending on the characteristics of the OO (length, number of rooms, floors, etc.) and the magnitude of the material values \u200b\u200bplaced on the object, its protection can be implemented by one or more signaling loops. In that case, the structure of the protection of the object includes several loops placed in such a way that when the intruder is penetrated and moved to material values, it needs to overcome several protected areas controlled by various loops with outputs to individual PCN numbers, security should be considered as multi-residents . Thus, the loop or a set of loops that control the protected areas on the way of movement of the violator to the material values \u200b\u200bof OO and having access to a separate PCN number is called the line of alarm, and the aggregate of protected areas controlled by the line of alarm is the line of protection.

1.2 Classification of technical means of signaling, security and security and fire detectors

Technical means of security and security and fire alarms, designed to obtain information on the status of controlled parameters on a protected object, reception, transformation, transmission, storage, displaying this information in the form of sound and light alarms, in accordance with the OST 25 829-78 is classified by two Signs: applications and functional purposes.
The scope of TCs is divided into security, firefighters and security fires; According to the functional purpose - on the technical detection tools (detectors), designed to obtain information on the status of controlled parameters and the TC alerts intended for receiving, transformation, transfers, storage, processing, and displaying information (sleep, PPK, and unscakers).

In accordance with GOST 26342-84, fire detectors are classified according to the following parameters.

For appointment: For closed rooms, for open areas and perimeters of objects.

By type of zone controlled by the detector: Point, linear, surface, volumetric.

According to the principle of operation, security detectors are divided into: ohmic, magnetocontact, shock-plane contact, piezoelectric, capacitive, ultrasound, optical-electronic, radio wave, combined.

By the number of discovery zones: Single-room, multi-zone.

For the range of ultrasound, optical-electronic and radio-wave security detectors for closed rooms are divided into: low-range - up to 12 m, medium range - from 12 to 30 m, large range - more than 30 m.

For the range of optical-electronic and radio-wave security detectors for open areas and perimeters of objects are divided into: low-range - up to 50 m, medium range - from 50 to 200 m, large range - over 200 m.

According to the constructive execution of ultrasound, optical-electronic and radio-wave security detectors are divided into: single-position transmitter (emitter) and the receiver are combined in one block (there can be several transmitters and receivers in one block); The two-position transmitter (emitter) and the receiver are made in the form of separate blocks; Multiposition - more than two blocks in any combination.

By the method of power supply are divided into: current consolidating (dry "contact); powered by SC, from an internal autonomous power source, from an external DC source with a voltage of 12-24 V, from an AC power voltage 220 V;

Security and Fire Detectors According to the principle of operation, they are divided into: magnetocontact, ultrasound and optical electronic. By the number of detection zones, range and constructive execution, fire detectors are classified similarly to security detectors.

2. Organization of protection of owners' objects with the help of security alarm system

Protection of the perimeter of the territory and open areas

The technical means of security alarm perimeter can be placed on the fence, buildings, buildings, structures, or in the rejection zone. Security detectors should be installed on walls, special collisions or racks, ensuring the absence of oscillations, vibrations.

The perimeter, with incoming gates and gates, should be divided into separate protected areas (zones) with the connection of their individual signaling loops to small-scale PPKs or to the internal protection console mounted on the checkp or in a specially dedicated placement of the object protection. The length of the site is determined on the basis of the tactics of the protection, the technical characteristics of the equipment, the configuration of the external fence, the conditions of direct visibility and terrain, but not more than 200 m for the convenience of technical operation and response.

The main gates must be allocated to an independent section of the perimeter. Spare gates, wickets should enter that section of the perimeter on which they are located. Internal and high-capacity (hubs), sleep, automated notification transmission systems (aspi) and notification radio systems (RSPIs) can be used as the internal protection considerations. Internal security consoles can work both with directly round-the-clock personnel duty on them, and autonomously in the "self-selected" mode.

The installation of security detectors at the top of the fence should be made only if the fence has a height of at least 2 m.

On the checkpoint, in the security room, it is necessary to install technical devices of a graphical display of a protected perimeter (computer, light scoreboard with a monscable protected perimeter and other devices). All equipment included in the perimeter security alarm system should have an autopsy protection. Open areas with material values \u200b\u200bon the territory of the facility should have a warning fencing and equipped with volumetric, surface or linear detectors of various principles of operation.

Protection of buildings, premises, individual items. T.

Objects subgroups AI, AII and BII are equipped with a multi-section of the security alarm system, the objects of the subgroup of Bi - one-pass.

The first line of security alarm system, depending on the type of alleged threats, the object is blocked: wooden entrance doors, loading and unloading hatches, gates - to "opening" and "destruction" ("break"); Glazed designs - on "opening" and "destruction" ("breaking") of glass; Metal doors, gates - on "opening" and "destruction", walls, overlappings and partitions that do not meet the requirements of this guideline or be charged with the premises of other owners, allowing hidden work on the destruction of the wall - to "destruction" ("break" ), the shell of warehouses of values \u200b\u200b- to "destruction" ("break") and "shock impact"; Lattices, blinds and other protective structures installed on the outside of the window opening - on "opening" and "destruction"; ventilation boxes, chimneys, input / output sites with a cross section of more than 200x200 mm - to "destruction" ("break");

Instead of blocking glazed structures on "destruction", walls, doors and gates on the "break" and "shock impact", allowed, in justified cases, to block the specified structures only on "penetration" with the help of volumetric, surface or linear detectors of various principles of operation . It should be borne in mind that the use of passive optical-electronic detectors in these purposes provides protection for premises only against direct intruder penetration.

If it is impossible to block the entrance doors of the openings (tambour) by technical means of early detection according to claim 5.6.5, it is necessary in the doorway between the main and an additional door to establish security detectors that detect the intruder penetration. These detectors should be included in one lock of the security alarm blocking of doors. To eliminate possible false positives when taking an object of protection, the specified signaling loop must be displayed on the PPK, which has a delay in taking an object of protection.

Detectors blocking input doors and unopened room windows should be included in different alarm loops, for the possibility of blocking windows during the daytime when the security alarm is turned off. Detectors blocking the input doors and the windows opened is allowed in one box of alarm.

The second frontier of the security alarm is protected by the volumes of premises for "penetration" with the help of volumetric detectors of various principles of operation. In large sizes with complex configuration, requiring the use of a large number of detectors to protect the entire volume, only local zones are allowed (tambura between doors, corridors, approaches to values \u200b\u200band other vulnerable places)

Separate objects, safes, metal cabinets, in which values \u200b\u200bfocus are blocked by the third frontier of the security alarm system. Installation facilities installed in buildings should fit into the interior of the room and, if possible, installed hidden or disguised.

In different overheads it is necessary to use security detectors working on various physical principles of action. The main types of detectors providing protection for the facility of the object and its structures from the intended method of criminal impact.

The number of security alarm loops should be determined by the protection tactics, the size of buildings, structures, structures, the floor, the number of vulnerable places, as well as the accuracy of localizing the place of penetration for operational response to the alarms.

The perimeter of the protected building, as a rule, should be divided into protected areas (facade, rear, sides of the building, central input and other areas) with allocating them into independent signaling loops and the issuance of separate signals on the PPK or the internal control panel of the object.

To enhance the protection and increasing its reliability at objects, additional detectors should be installed. Trap signals are displayed according to independent or, in the absence of a technical capabilities, according to the existing security alarm loops. Each room subgroups AI and AII should be equipped with independent security alarm loops. Premises subgroups BI and BII, enshrined at one materially responsible person, the owner or united by any other features should also be equipped with independent trails of security alarms, and, for ease of operation, one loop should be blocked by no more than five adjacent rooms located on one floor .

In rooms where staff should be, the security alarms must be equipped with separate areas of the perimeter of the room, as well as safes and metal cabinets for storing values \u200b\u200band documents.

Organization of signaling information transmission. The transfer of notifications on the operation of the security alarm from the object on the PCA can be carried out with the PPK of low capacity, the internal remote control or terminal device devices.

The number of the security alarms that are displayed on PCS individual numbers is determined by the joint decision of the management of the object and the private security unit based on the object category, risk analysis and potential threats to the object, the possibilities of integration and documentation of the PPK (internal protection or terminal device) of the incoming information, and also Procedure for organizing home personnel duty at the facility.

The minimum quantity of the overseas alarm, derived from the entire protected object, must be for a subgroup.

BI - one combined frontier (first - perimeter);

AI, BII - two combined borders (first - perimeter and second - volume) *.

In addition, if there is at the facility of special premises (AII subgroup, safe, armory and other rooms, requiring increased protection measures), the conclusion is also referred to as the frontier of the security alarm of these premises.

If there is an internal security console with a round-the-clock duty of its own security service or a private security enterprise, it is displayed on a PC: one common signal that combines all the boundary of the security alarm system with the exception of the objects of special facilities of the object; Lightling alarm (perimeter and volume) of special premises. At the same time, the registration of all incoming information of each border of the protection of premises on the inner security console will be provided.

In the presence of an internal protection console with a round-the-clock duty of private security officers (micro-FOS), all the boundary of the security alarm system of all facilities (including special premises) are connected to the internal security console, providing automatic registration of all incoming information, and one is displayed from it. General signal on the PCO.

At objects where only special premises are protected, the conclusion on the PCO is subject to all boundary of the security alarm of these premises.

When protecting only individual devices (ATMs, slot machines, distribution cabinets and other similar devices) One-line of the security alarm system is displayed on the FOS (blocking to "destruction" and "opening").

In the absence of a technical ability to fulfill the requirements, the issues of the output of the burglar alarm are solved by a subdivision of private security in each particular case. Lubricated alarms should be displayed on a PPC from the internal protection console, the PPK or the terminal device that ensures the storage of the alarm state and fixing it on the remote light (sound) unbaggering or indicator. For the objects of the residential sector, it is allowed to use terminal devices and blocks of objects without the corresponding memorization of the alarm condition and its fixation.

Announcement of the alarm and the alarm loops with one combined signal is displayed on a PC and / or on the duty unit of the internal affairs organs directly or through the PPK, the terminal device of the sleep, the duct of the internal protection.

The notifications of the security and alarm can be transmitted to the PCS on the specially paved communication lines, free or switchable for the period of protection of telephone lines, radio channel engaged in telephone lines using the sealing equipment or informative sleepers by means of a switchable telephone connection (automated transmission method) with mandatory channel control Between the protected object and the PCO. With the protected objects "Avtodozvon" should be carried out on two or more phone numbers.

To eliminate access of unauthorized persons to detectors, PPKs, branching boxes, the other protection installed at the facility should take measures to disguise them and the hidden installation. Cover terminal blocks of these devices must be sealing (sealed) by an OPS electrician or engineering worker of private security units indicating the name and dates in the technical documentation of the facility.

Distribution cabinets intended for crossing the signaling loops should be closed on the lock, be seated and have blocking (anti-sensible) buttons connected to the individual numbers of the internal protection of the "without a shutdown right", and in the absence of the internal protection remote control - on the POS as part of the alarm .

3. Appointment, technical specifications, principle of operation of receiving and control devices

3.1 Appointment of instrument and control devices

Device-control devices In security and fire alarm systems are an intermediate link between object primary penetration detection or fire detection (detectors) and notification systems. In addition, the PPKs can be used offline operation with connecting audio and light bonding on a protected object. Depending on the purpose of the PPCs are divided into security, security-fire, security-route, universal, programmable.

PPKs perform the following main functions:

- receiving and processing signals from detectors;

- Nutrition of detectors (SC or separate line);

- monitoring the state of the SC;

- transmission of signals on the PCN;

- control of sound and light bells;

- Ensuring procedures for taking protection and removal of an object with protection.

The main characteristics of the PPC are information container and informative. PPK small information containers are intended, as a rule, to organize the protection of one room or a small object. Large Capacity PPKs can be used to combine the alarm of a large number of rooms or overheads of the protection of one object (hubs), as well as as a remote control for autonomous object protection systems. For certain types of facilities, there are also special types of PPKs, for example, to protect apartments, fire and explosive premises. According to the method of organizing communication with the detectors of PPKs, divided into wired and wireless (radio channels).

According to the climatic execution of PPKs are available for heated and not heated premises.

3.2 Typical PPCs, Application Terms PPK small information container

Silent Devices receiving and control "SIGNAL-3M-1", "SIGNAL-31" are the earliest developments and perform the simplest functions. The delivery of an object of protection is made on the tactics "with an open door" (there is no time delay in the input - output). There is no reservation of the power circuit.

Silent Devices receiving-control "SIGNAL-37 A", "SIGNAL37M", "SIGNAL-37U" Have the tactics of passing an object under the protection "with an open door". The redundancy of the power circuit is missing, but in the case of the disappearance of the power supply power supply, the PPK switches the SC into direct control from the PCN and back without issuing an anxiety.

Single Device receiving and control "WATS-1-1" It has the tactics of the object to protect the "open door". The device provides for the reservation of the main nutrition chain, two exits on the PCN (normal-closed and normally open relay contacts). In SC, it is allowed to include security and fire-consuming detectors with a total consumption current of no more than 13 mA and current limit at no more than 20 mA.

Single-blade device receiving-control "WATS-M" It has the tactics of the object to protect the "open door". The device provides for the reservation of the main nutrition chain. In SC, it is allowed to include security transmissive detectors. The instrument provides a separate issuance of notifications on the Violation of SC and the deviation of its parameters from the established limits.

Silent Devices receiving-control "Signal-41", "Signal41m" Designed to protect apartments. The delivery of an object under protection is made on the tactics "with a closed door" (there is a temporary delay in the input). The redundancy of the power circuit is missing, but in the case of the disappearance of the power supply power supply, the PPK switches the SC into direct control from the PCN and back without issuing an anxiety. In the device is provided: the security control of the SC, the indication of the progress, the control of the penetration into the guarded apartment.

Single Device receiving and control "Signal-45" Designed to protect apartments. The delivery of an object under protection is made in tactics "with a closed door". The reservation of the power circuit is missing, but in case of the disappearance of the power supply, the PPK switches the SC into direct control from the PCN and back without issuing an anxiety. In the device is provided: the control of the power of the SC; Indication of proceeding; Control of penetration into a guarded apartment.

The device has three modes of operation:

- Centralized protection with shc switching on the PCN when disconnecting the supply voltage. At the same time, two options for issuing alarm notification can be implemented - alarming notice is permanent permanently, the device is not restored to the standby mode independently of the state of the SC, the alarm notice is issued a limited time, the device is restored to the duty regime after 6 ± 4 s after the reduction of the SC;

- Centralized protection without switching SS to control from the PCN when disconnecting the supply voltage. At the same time, both options for issuing anxiety notification are implemented;

- Autonomous protection (without connecting to the PCN). In this case, there may be two options for issuing an alarm notification - alarming notice is permanent permanently, the device is not restored to the standby mode regardless of the state of the SC; Anxiety notice is issued for 3.5 minutes. Regardless of the state of the SC.

Single Device receiving and control "Signal-VK" It has the tactics of the object to protect the "open door". The device provides: reservation of the main nutrition chain; Ensuring the power supply of active detectors to output ± 12 V; setting the delay on the inclusion of a sound units (up to 30 seconds) after issuing an alarm notification; Alarm notices when turned on for 1 - 4 min. not fixed; Preserving performance while reducing the network and backup power supply, respectively, up to 140 V and up to 12 V; Control of the device status according to the built-in indicator when working from a backup power source. In SC, it is allowed to include security and fire-consuming detectors with a total consumption current of no more than 1.2 mA and current limit at no more than 20 mA.

Single Device receiving and control "Signal-VK-R" Similar in its characteristics of the Signal-VK PPK. A distinctive feature of the Signal-VK-R PPK is the ability to control the device by radio channel (up to 30 m) using a transmitter keychain. At the same time, the device provides: remote taking protection and removal from the protection outside the protected object; Remote object transfer outside without autopsy; transmission using the alarm radio alarm to the device; Installation of the device in a hidden, inaccessible place.

Four-shredded device receiving and control "Signal-VK-4" Used to replace up to four monostellular instruments or organization at the object of multiser protection. The device has an additional input of the encryption connection or a remote switch for remote protection and disarming, it allows you to install the device in secretive unavailable places. The delivery of an object under protection is made both by tactics "with an open door" and in tactics "with a closed door". The device provides: reservation of the main nutrition chain; Ensuring the power supply of active detectors to output ± 12 V; Alarm notices when turned on for 14 minutes. not fixed; preservation of performance while reducing the power supply voltage up to 140 V; selection of input signal in duration; Tracking a slow change in the resistance of the SC and the fixation of the "Alarm" signal with the rapid change in the resistance of the SC; monitoring the state of the device in embedded indicators; Four independent exits on the PCN. In SC, it is allowed to include security and fire-consuming detectors with a total consumption current of no more than 1.2 mA and current limit at no more than 20 mA. When the jumpers installed "SC3" and "SC4", the device controls all four SC only in the "Protection" mode, when the jumpers removed - SC3 and SC4 are installed in the "without removal right" mode, i.e. Control of these SC and in the "Removal" mode.

Single Device receiving and control "SIGNAL SPEA" It has the tactics of the object to protect the "open door". The device provides: reservation of the main nutrition chain; Ensuring the power supply of active detectors to output ± 12 V; setting the delay on the inclusion of a sound units (up to 30 seconds) after issuing an alarm notification; Alarm notices when turned on for 14 minutes. not fixed; Preserving performance while reducing the network and backup power supply, respectively, up to 140 V and up to 12 V; monitoring the state of the device according to the built-in indicator, including when working from a backup power supply; Two goals on the PCN (normal-closed and normally open relay contacts). In SC, it is allowed to include security and fire-consuming detectors with a total current consumption current no more than 1.2 mA and current limiting at no more than 20 mA offline operation.

The device works in two modes: centralized protection (joint monitoring of the state of the SC PPK and SP); autonomous protection (monitoring the state of the SC is only PPK).

Five-stake device receiving-control "Quint" Used to replace up to five monostellular instruments or organization at the object of multiser protection. The delivery of an object under protection is made in tactics "with a closed door". The device provides: reservation of the main nutrition chain; In the event of the power supply and backup power supply, the PPK switches the SC1 and SC5 into direct control of the PCN and back without issuing an anxiety (the outputs of the PCN1 and PCN2, respectively); Alarm notifications when turned on for 1.52 min. not fixed; preservation of performance while reducing the power supply voltage up to 140 V; monitoring the state of the device for a remote indication board, including when working from a backup power source; two switched independent exits on the PCN; Indication of the object of protection; Installing the "without disabling" mode on Shs1, SC2 and SC5. SC is allowed to include security and fire-consuming detectors.

Four-shredded device receiving and control "Accord" Used to replace up to four single-shuffle devices or organizations at the object of multiser protection with variable work algorithms. The device has an optional input to connect the encryption or the remote switch. The delivery of an object under protection is made both by tactics "with an open door" and in tactics "with a closed door". In the device is provided: reservation of the main power circuit with the built-in battery voltage 12 V or external power supply voltage 12 V and 24 V; Ensuring the power supply of active detectors along two outputs ± 12 V, and one output is turned off; preservation of performance while reducing the power supply voltage to 160 V; CC monitor control over built-in indicators; two relay access to the PCN (normal-closed contact) and two high-frequency exits organized by the type of devices "Atlas-3" and "Atlas-6"; To transfer notices at busy telephone lines, memorizing SC violations. SC is allowed to include security and fire-consuming detectors. The device works in three modes: on duty ("removal") - control of alarm and fire secretion; "Protection" ("Take") - control of all SC; "Alarms".

Changing the algorithms for the operation of the device, the operation modes of the SC are set using the technological jumpers installed on the boards of the IPC, MPa and MIA.

Monottable device receiving and control "Interval" Designed for technical control of service carrying through the personal protection of the object. The device provides: reservation of the main nutrition chain; including a built-in power supply (battery type 3336) to power the memory hours of operating hours and the number of passage of the route; Indication of the duration of work (up to 31 hours) and the number of passes of routes (up to 7); the ability to set the patrol time (15, 30, 45, 60 min) and pause time between patrolling (30, 60, 90, 120 min); relay access to the PCN; Transfer the alarm notification when you pass the route or with a three-fold press of any button "Mi" or the "Militia Call" button.

Installation of the PCP and BP is produced on the wall of the room, excluding the direct ingress of sunlight on the front panel. The distance between BP and the PCP should not exceed 10 m. Mi is installed in a convenient place.

PPK medium information container

Device receiving-control "Rubin-3" Designed to organize autonomous protection of large objects with the possibility of transmitting a generalized alarm signal to the PCN. The device consists of a 10-number base and 10-numbered line blocks that allow you to increase the container to 50 numbers. The PPK provides for main nutrition.

Device-control device "Rubin-6" Designed to organize autonomous protection of large objects with the possibility of transmitting generalized alarm signals, "Fire", "malfunction" on the PCN. Maximum amount of SC - 20. In the device is provided: main nutrition reservation; preservation of performance with a decrease in power supply voltage to 140; Mode "Self-screen" on the 20th SS with delivery under the tactics "with an open door"; diagnostic mode of both the device itself and SC; Indication of the taking of PPK under protection with PCN; Four outlets on the PCN, and three outputs for transmitting alarm notification and one to transmit the SC malfunction signal; Changes to the signal processing algorithm for each SC, and the SC can be grouped to various instrument outputs, set to "without disabling" mode (alarming and fire alarm). PPK has a modular design. In this case, modules controlling the SC (selection modules) are interchangeable.

Selection module Fireman "SME" Allows you to organize two fire alarm loops in the PPK "Rubin-6" with the possibility of connecting top-use fire detectors. The module "SME" is installed instead of any selection module "Rubin-6".

The maximum number of current-consuming fire detectors N for each loop is determined by the formula: N \u003d 5 / IP, where the COD is the current of the consumption of one detector in standby mode.

In Rubin-6 PPK, it is allowed to include up to five modules "SMEs".

Device receiving and control "Rubin-8P" Designed to organize autonomous protection of medium-sized objects with the possibility of transmitting a generalized alarm signal to the PCN. Maximum number of SC - 8, of which two firefighters and six security. The fire trains are allowed to include active current-consuming detectors, fire fighters can be transferred to security (cancellation of the "without removal right"). The device provides: main nutrition redundancy; Mode "Self-screen" on 8-μs with delivery under the protection of the "open door" tactics; diagnostic mode of both the device itself and SC; Indication of the taking of PPK under protection with PCN; One way out on the PCN.

Device receiving and control "Pulsar" Designed to organize autonomous protection of large objects with the possibility of transmitting a generalized alarm signal to the PCN. Maximum number of SC - 40. In the instrument provided: main nutrition reservation; preservation of performance with a decrease in power supply voltage to 140; Mode "Self-shrine" in 40 minutes with surrender to the tactics "with an open door"; diagnostic mode of both the device itself and SC; Indication of the taking of PPK under protection with PCN; Four outlets on the PCN, and three outputs for transmitting alarm notification and one to transmit the SC malfunction signal; Changes to the signal processing algorithm for each SC, and the SC can be grouped to various instrument outputs, set to "without a shutdown right » (alarming and fire alarm). PPK has a modular design. In this case, modules controlling the SC (selection modules) are interchangeable.

PPK large information container

Device receiving and control "Bug" Designed to organize autonomous protection of large objects (especially important). Maximum number of SC - 60. In the instrument provided: main nutrition reservation; automated delivery of objects under protection and removal with the help of a cipher; Automatic registration of messages about the status of objects and official information on a digital-printing device; antisabotant protection of the device blocks; Majoritarian signals processing logic; The decision on the correctness of the adopted information is fixed after threefold confirmation; diagnostic mode of both the device itself and SC; Five exits on the PCN; Software change of the signal processing algorithm for each SC, SC can be grouped into the protection zones with output to various PCN lines, set to "without disabling » (alarming and fire alarm); Software change of the input / exit delay time for each SC.

The maximum length of the four-wire line at the diameter of the wire is 0.5 mm, depending on the number of objects connected to it: 150 m - 10 pcs., 300 m - 5 pcs., 600 m - 1 pc. Provided that the supply voltage at the last block of the object is not lower than 18 V, otherwise the additional four-wire laying is required. The Bug device consists of a signal processing unit and control (BOU), a digital-printing device (CPU) and up to 30 bo.

Device receiving-control "Address" Designed to organize autonomous protection of geographically concentrated objects on a two-wire line. Maximum number of SC - 96. In the instrument provided: main nutrition reservation; manual delivery of objects under protection and removal of protection; Automatic registration of messages about the status of objects and official information on a digital-printing device; antisabotant protection; The decision on the correctness of the adopted information is fixed after threefold confirmation; diagnostic mode; two exits on the PCN; Software change of the signal processing algorithm for each SC, SC can be grouped into the protection zone with output to various PCN lines, set to "without disabling" mode; non-polar inclusion of object blocks (Bo) in communication line; Two options of connecting Bo to communication line. According to the first version, it is allowed to connect up to 32 bo, on the second - to 96. In SC, it is allowed to include security and fire-consuming detectors with a total consumption current of no more than 0.5 mA. The maximum length of the two-wire line with the diameter of the wire is 0.5 mm, at 96 (32) BO connected to it is 200 m. The supply voltage on the last bo should be no below 24 V. Address "Address" consists of a control unit (bu), Power supply (BP), digital-printing device (CPU) and up to 96 bo.


Thus, we summarize, we arrive at the following conclusion - technical means of security and security and fire alarms, designed to obtain information about the status of controlled parameters on the protected object, reception, transformation, transmission, storage, mapping this information in the form of sound and light alarm, In accordance with GOST 25 829-78, it is classified for two features: applications and functional applications.

The technical means of the perimeter alarm must be chosen depending on the type of intended threat to the object, the interference, the terrain, the length of the perimeter, the length of the perimeter, such as the fence, the presence of roads along the perimeter, the rejection area, its width. The security alarm of the perimeter of the object is designed, as a rule, a one-pass. To enhance the protection, determining the direction of movement of the violator, the blocking of vulnerable places should be applied to multiser protection.

T. All rooms with permanent or temporary storage of material values, as well as all vulnerable areas of the building (windows, doors, hatches, ventilation mines, box, etc.), should be equipped with all vulnerable areas of the building (windows, doors, hatches, ventilation mines, ducts, etc.).

The transfer of notifications on the operation of the security alarm from the object on the PCA can be carried out with the PPK of low capacity, the internal remote control or terminal device devices.


1. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation No. 455 of September 3 ,9.91 "On approval of the rules for the application of special funds consisting of the Russian ATS".

2. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 19 - 1991 "On measures to fulfill the resolution of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of September 3, 2009" On the approval of the rules for the use of special funds consisting of the Russian ATS ".

3. Technical descriptions and instructions for use SCS, PCP, detectors.

4. Information and Technical Journal of Protection Technique, M., NIC "Protection" of VNIIIPI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 1994-1997.

Fire is a terrible element that takes thousands of lives every year. No less problem is the protection of the property of organizations, enterprises and individuals. To prevent the victims, the death and the embezzlement of material values \u200b\u200bat objects, the means of security and fire alarm or, abbreviated, OPS are installed. With the help of technical and hardware, to prevent and minimize the loss of enterprises and organizations, a security and fire alarm is used. In addition to the timely alert, the fact and time of the protected area of \u200b\u200bthe protected zone is additionally carried out.

Functions of modern OPS:

  • Perimeter security;
  • Warning about the emergence of fire;
  • Call help (alarming function);
  • Warning of some emergency situations in the life support systems of buildings (gas leakage, plumbing, etc.).

Fire alarm installation was prescribed by fire safety law, the installation of security alarms at the facility is most often a mandatory requirement of enterprises providing security services, as well as insurance companies.

Development, design installation and maintenance of the security and fire alarm system of any generation is one of the most demanded services of our company GEFEST Alarm LLC.

Why do you need a security and fire alarm?

As mentioned above, the purpose of the security and fire alarm is the timely alerts of responsible personnel and people who are at the facility, emergency situations, such as the emergence of a fire or a disturbance of the perimeter. This is one of the oldest, efficient and well-proven security complexes.

Combining security and fire alarms into one system caused by purely economic considerations. After all, the security and fire systems have a lot in common other than obvious destination to save lives and property. These are identical communication channels, the processing algorithms coming from information sensors, the flow of anxiety alerts and signals similar to many technical means.

Composition and means of security and fire alarm

The technical means of security and fire alarm are quite diverse. The composition of the modern OPS includes the following means and components.

  • Sensors and alarming detectors, the purpose of which is to respond (automatic trigger) to a specified alarm event. They are infrared, vibration, optical, vibration, etc.
  • Communication lines - wired and wireless, including through the Internet;
  • Reception and control devices (PCP, "Controllers") - the purpose of this OPS tool is to receive and process on specified signaling algorithms of signals coming from sensors and control actuating devices, i.e., turning on and off sensors if they worked falsely, the inclusion of alert and etc.
  • Executive devices - their purpose to perform the specified work. This means - to submit a signal, make a dialing by salvation, activate other systems, for example, fire extinguishing or smoke removal.

Modern security and fire alarm means include complex electronic components, and they are often carried out by the computer, so they also include software.

Varieties of security and fire alarm systems

The varieties of the ops are currently applied quite a lot. According to the principle of operation, they can be divided into 3 main categories:

  • Non-educational (analog) security and fire alarm systems, today are used mainly in small objects, the signal when one sensor is triggered throughout the cable;
  • Address OPS allow you to determine the locations of the ignition or disturbance of the perimeter on communication protocols, there are surveys and non-questionnaires;
  • The combined OPS systems are the most common prices of funds and components due to the versatility.

Employees of Gefest Alarm LLC have extensive experience in the design and installation of systems and fire alarm systems, we can introduce and help to agree on any OPS solutions on the scale of the scale of objects. All necessary tolerances needed to conduct such works, we offer warranty and post-warranty service.

The classification of security and fire systems by types and types can be made on a number of different parameters. The most obvious of them is an appointment. There are three large groups here:

Types of security alarm

As part of security systems, various types of sensors can also be used, which are wired and wireless, differ in the method of detecting penetration, signal processing. The principles of building security systems may vary depending on their destination: for home and cottage, apartments, objects of various organizational and legal forms.

An elementary option is alarm consisting of one motion sensor with a built-in GSM module. Despite the seeming simplicity, this type of protection is quite reliable and is well suited for the protection of small country houses.

In general, the security alarm system uses several types of detectors that are classified for the purpose and the principle of operation. Controlling sensors are used to ensure reliable security:

  • opening windows and doors;
  • breaking glazed surfaces;
  • break of walls, partitions and overlaps.

The listed equipment serves to protect the perimeter of the room. In addition, there is a group of sensors that detects movement inside or on the approaches to the object. The choice of specific types of detectors is made taking into account the individual characteristics of the object to be protected.