Repairs Design Furniture

Flowers like dubs low when flower. Autumn flowers for the household plot: variety of species

Korean chrysanthemums (CH. X KOREANUM Makai) - The type of hybrid origin, its varieties are distinguished by the timing of flowering, height of the bush, structure and the size of inflorescences, painting and tubular flowers. Perfectly grown in the open soil, even in the conditions of the middle strip of Russia.

Chrysanthemum Korean "Summer"
Photo of nursery "Northern Flora"

According to inflorescences, they are divided into fine-color - inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter and large-color-inflorescences - over 10 cm in diameter. Small color are: single row and double. Regional tongue flowers are located in 1-2 rows, numerous tubular - in the center; semi-grade - with three and more row of edge tongue flowers; anemoneovoid - with one or more rows of edge tongue flowers; pomponny - inflorescences 2-3 cm in diameter, from numerous tongue flowers; terry - Inflorescences from numerous tongue flowers of different shapes and size, in the center a small number of tubular.

Highlights are isolated: low (burgundy) up to 30 cm high, average - up to 50 cm and tall - up to 1 m.

First group. Border, height of them up to 30 cm. For plants, the early period of flowering is characterized, a dense ball-like bush, a few root piglery.

"Balysh-Kibalchish". The height of the bush 28 cm, diameter 60 cm. A low-deciduous, but very abundant-torn, the inflorescences of Nexle (chamomile), lilac-pink color. Flower size 7 cm in diameter. The root row does not give, all the huge vegetative mass increases almost on one central escape. For a greater decorative effect, this variety requires the capacity to the first half of June. Flowers from the end of July, 30-35 days. It looks very good at almost anywhere, for example, in curb landings, along the track, around apple beds.

The second group. The average, the height of these plants is from 30 to 50 cm. Among the chrysanthemums of this group there are plants of completely different paints with non-none, semi-world and terry inflorescences.

"Amber". Plant height 50 cm, such is diameter. Dense compact bush with dark green foliage. Machrowing inflorescences, bright yellow. The size of the flower is 7.5 cm in diameter. Over the summer, it grows well, gives root pig.

Chrysanthemum Korean "Dubok"
Photo of nursery "Northern Flora"

"First snow". The height of the plant is 35 cm, the diameter is 51 cm. The bush is quite bulky, but not sprinkling, very resentment. Inflorescences are white, semi-grade. Flower size 5 cm in diameter. Flowers from the second half of August, 30-40 days.

"Evening lights". The height of the plant is 35 cm, diameter 35 cm. The bush is compact. The inflorescences are not nahrow (chamomile), red with a yellow ring around the center. Very bright, abundance-fiberid. Flower size 5.5 cm in diameter, flowering duration 30 days. The root row almost does not form.

All plants belonging to the average-resistant group can be used in group landings, in flowerbeds or homogeneous curtains. Unlike border chrysanthemums, many varieties from this group are used not only in decorative landings, but also on the cut.

Third group. Tall chrysanthemums. The height of these plants from 50 cm to 1 m. For plants, the group is characterized by a large, well-developed bush, the latest flowering and a larger size of inflorescences.

"Alenushka" - Kush compact up to 50 cm high. Leaves light green. The inflorescences are not nahrow, daishemoid, 5-6 cm in diameter, bright pink. Flowers in September. Fruit.

Altgold - bush compact up to 60 cm high. Pubonnaya inflorescences up to 5.5 cm in diameter, dark yellow. Flowers in September. Not fruits.

"Bacon"- a plant is a recreation, slim, up to 80 cm tall. Slotchy terry, up to b cm in diameter, chestnut-red. Flowers in October. Not fruits.

"Snow White" - Bushes are a reprehension, compact, 60-70 cm high. The inflorescences are terry, 6-7 cm in diameter, white. Flowers in September. Not fruits.

"Gebe"- Bushes Compact 55-65 cm high. Inflorescences are single-row, 5-6 cm in diameter. Tongue flowers Sirsno-pink, tubular - yellow. Flowers from mid-October to frosts. Inflorescence racks to low temperatures. Not fruits.

"Pearl"- Bushes. Persoams, closed, 50-60 cm high. Inflorescences are semi-world, 5 cm in diameter, white. Flowers in July. Fruit.

"Lada"- Bushes. Persoam, compact, up to 70 cm high. Slidery terry, 5-6 cm in diameter, dense-pink-lilacs, located clusters on the tops of the flowers. Flowers in the second half of September. Not fruits.

"Summer"- Bushes. Strengthening, 55-60 cm high. Self-degree semi-state, 7-8 cm in diameter, red. Flowers in August. Not fruits.

Miss Selb - Busts compact, semi-shaped, 30-40 cm tall. Machrowing inflorescences, up to 5 cm in diameter, light pink, by the end of blossoms are almost white. Flowers in July. Fruit is weak.

"Orange Sunset". Plant height 75 cm, diameter 40 cm. The bush is high, but very compact. You can form a stramb form. The inflorescence of brown-red coloring, terry, size is 10 cm in diameter.

"Svetosar". Plant height 65 cm. Light green foliage. Inflorescence of white color, terry, very elegant, flower size is 11 cm in diameter. Very good and long blooms at home in a pot.

"Anniversary" - Compact bushes, up to 50 cm high. The inflorescences are terry, 8-10 cm in diameter, terracotta-sire-neo-pink. Flowers in August. Fruit.

The bloom of Korean chrysanthemums is quite long, and with timely removal of the blurred inflorescences early varieties There may bloom over 4 months. Early neakhrovaya and semi-grade varieties give seeds.

"Swam Kars"
The photo
Irina Mursa

The photo
Irina Mursa

The photo
Dronova Tatiana

Location: Chrysanthemum is a very demanding plant. For good height, the development and maximum decorativeness they need a warm, well-lit place (at least five hours of the sun a day) .. Chrysanthemums do not tolerate the winds and are poorly growing in the shade.

The soil: It must be loose, moisture-permeable, rich organic substances, weakly acidic (pH from 5.5 to 7.0). To prepare such a soil, support it with a compost and dry cow. On the changed soil of the plant "ignite" to the damage to flowering. In addition, a well-drained soil is vital for chrysanthemums: excessive dampness is harmful to wintering plants. To improve the drainage of the soil, add some major sand buckets into it. It is better to plant chrysanthemums on high flower beds to avoid water stagnation.

Landing: Acquire the planting material chrysanthemums usually in the form of rooted cuttings. Cuttings are planted in open sad In the second half, and better in late May - early June, i.e., when the last frosts end. The landing should be carried out in varieties, noting their previously harvested labels. It is better to plant garden chrysanthemums in spring than in the fall. Landing diagram for section varieties 30x30 cm, and for varieties with splashing bushes (type crystal, rosette daughter), you need to increase this distance by 10 cm. The planting and transplantation of plants should be carried out with a lump of land, without shaking it with roots. Seedlings hold in plastic cups or in plastic bags (if it is large bushes with a lore land).

Select varieties for the regions of the middle band of Russia should be cold-resistant, better less terry and low. Of great importance when choosing varieties for flowering in the open soil has a calendar period of flowering. Better, if it is early and medium, as well as the average variety flowering period. From the collection of GBS RAS, you can advise from miniature attachments: talisman, copper thunder, Lucy, youth; And from higher border: Balysh Kibalchish, evening lights, Gypsy, Korean, radiant, Swamba Kare, radiant, Alexandrite, Flamingo, Swan song, first snow, Petruch. From the cutting medium-sized flowering varieties, you can recommend helen, orange sunset, Isabelle, cherry garden, Evgenia Grande, Evelyn Bush, Xayvo. Do not buy heat-loving Dutch and Crimean chrysanthemums grown in closed soil. They bloom no earlier than October - December, and in middle lane Russia at this time is already much cold. If you still turned out such a plant, try to take advantage of K. Frolov's advice.

An important point - plants do not like to be disturbed too late, it affects the winter hardiness. It's funny that they sell them just at the end of summer and in the fall. Maybe this explains unexpected attacks and disappointed conclusions about cheerful sellers. Such a sign is given: if there are no vegetative shoots at the base of the bush, it does not pump. Whether they testify to good rooting, whether the young pieces of the bush are better overwhelming, unknown. Try to plant a "chhusy" in the spring, leaning on "reliable" assurances that plants exactly the color you need.

Do not put the bushes in the blooming condition at the end of the autumn - in October. Such landing will certainly lead to the death of plants. If you bought the landing material in the fall, at the end of September - October, it is better not to leave it in the open soil. For wintering these plants will suit Dry basement with a positive temperature where vegetables are stored, - damp in winter Garden chrysanthemums do not endure.

Care: In one place without transplanting there may be no more than 2-3 years. Exceptionally drought-resistant. In the first month after planting the soil, it is advisable to loosen more often, since during this period there is a very intense increase in the root system, and that is especially important - underground escapes, at the expense of which the entire bush is formed. The jumper should be stopped, in order not to damage the growing young shoots. Chrysanthemums are very loved when they are mulched. The mulch will prevent the pathogens of mushroom diseases living in the soil, to get on the plant with splashes during irrigation and rain. Pine needles are especially good for this purpose, which, to all of the time, also prevent the growth of weeds. For mulching, chrysanthemums are also a crushed pine bark and oat straw.

Chrysanthemums grow very quickly. In a short period, a rather powerful bush, a rather powerful bush, has a rather powerful bush, who has time to be abundant and fall in the autumn. Therefore, frequent feeders are needed chrysanthemums. The first feeding is carried out nitrogen fertilizers Immediately, as soon as the cuttings fit and go to growth. Next - 10-15 days later, a cow or bird litter. During the bootonization period, it is desirable to feed phosphorus-potash fertilizers. Many chrysanthemums nearly immediately after the landing begin to appear buds. They are broken to give the opportunity to give the strength to a small and fragile bush. The september must be carried out throughout June. It will help the plant better form a bush and will contribute to a more abundant flowering. It must be borne in mind that the interval between the last chipper and the beginning of flowering is approximately 30 days.

Mass flowering chrysanthemums falls at the end of August - September. But some varieties can be earlier or later. For example, almost all low-spirited, border chrysanthemums bloom first. And the last in late September - early October - more powerful, tall varieties. After the first autumn frosts, when all the greens will already appear, the remaining chrysanthemum remains in the soil. Trimming can be high (in this case, the remains of old shoots will have to be removed in spring) or low, under the root. At the occurrence of sustainable frosty weather, bushes are covered with a sweetheart. If it is not, you can throw the plants by any cut branches, and on top of them - foliage. However, the shelter should not be too dense and heavy. Otherwise, the plants are simply erected. Before the shelter, the bruises of the soil or heated to the neutral reaction (pH 6.5-7) peat in a mixture with sand should be performed. It is better than others to transfer the winter grade of Cherish-Kibalchish, youth, evening lights, pearl. After the winter, as soon as chrysanthemums begin to grow, it is necessary to remove all last year's residues of the stems, and the central dead escape is desirable to get out of the ground, as it is not resumed. The growing bush is due to underground side shoots. Once every 3 years, the bush must be divided.

The heat-loving cutting terry large-flowered late varieties should be swollen on the winter and stored in a cold room, better light. The temperature in this room should be maintained at +2 - + 6 ° C, and the relative humidity is not higher than 80%. Such wintering needs to be arranged for late or medium-varietary varieties, such as Slavs, Charyvna Flute, Necklace, Svetosar, Valley Ruff, Palevy, Crystal, Golden Orpheus.

Diseases and pests: vegetative reproduction Chrysanthemum is associated with a significant accumulation in their artificial populations of various diseases. The greatest damage is applied in this case viral diseases that cannot be chemically controlled. Virus distribution dictates the need to constantly maintain high level Agrofona, as well as lead an active breeding work, allowing to conduct a quick change of varieties. Partially this problem can be solved due to the reproduction of intricate material in the culture of tissues and cells of in vitro plants.

Among the diseases chrysanthemums are especially destructive are mushroom diseases. Of these, different spots are the greatest danger, for example, black spot, white spotty (Mildew), as well as rust mushrooms, stem rotes, root rot, verticillosis, etc. These diseases are particularly manifested in violation of cultivation conditions - on heavy soils and with excessive them Moisturization, primary high humidity Air and bad ventilation, low temperatures, etc. The essential damage chrysanthemums also apply bacterial diseases, of which the bacterial rotches of the stems caused by the bacterial pseudomonas of chicarium, the bacterial wilt caused by the Yeruinath of Chrysanthemia, and the bacterial cancer caused by the agrobacterium of the Tumefaciennes. The struggle against bacterial diseases is serious difficulties, since most of the available chemicals has antihabilic activity. Typically, recommendations are reduced to the destruction of the affected plant and a rigid disinfection of the place where it grew.

Chrysanthemums are often amazed by many orange pests. Leaf and root nematodes can be a serious problem, but, subject to the rules of the agrotechnology, this problem is solved. Sheet nematodes are usually distributed when used on cuttings of infected materials, and root - with poor sterilization of the soil. Chemical methods of combating them are little effective. Chrysanthemums are actively affected by several types of tools, which are also carriers of viruses. Modern preparations make it easy to control the spread of this pest. A serious danger for this culture is leafy miners, it is possible to fight with them possible by intensive processing by chemicals. TRIPS, ticks and whiteflies are also often affected by chrysanthemums, and the fight against them requires significant efforts.

"First snow"

"Pink Dream"

Photos Drronova Tatiana

Chrysanthemum cultivation is often associated with physiological problems. Intensive growth in conditions of limited food space often leads to different deficits, which is expressed in the oppression of plant growth, lesions of leaves and their death, violation of the formation of buds and the development of degenerative flowers. Balanced plant nutrition makes it easy to solve these problems.

Reproduction: Usually dividing the bush and cuttings. Cuttings from your garden (or kind neighbors garden) We recommend cutting in the spring when the temperature rises to 21-26 ° C. Select the plants with a height of 15-20 cm and cut the tops of soft shoots (centimeters 8-10), remove the bottom leaves and stick the cuttings for rooted in a chipper with wet soil. Support the soil in a wet state (just do not overdo it with watering!) And remove the box to the street, placing an angle in closed from the rain and wind. If suddenly grows it, make a box with a seedle in the house. Weeks through two cuttings are rooted, and you can safely transplanted chrysanthemums in open ground.

As a rule, nurseries sell plants reproduced by cuttings, because Most varieties chrysanthemum are hybrids that are not so easy to grow from seeds. However, if you like surprises, quench the seeds of hybrids - and get the richest color spectrum and a variety of forms. Sowing need to produce in early spring In boxes with wet soil. Only in no case, do not sprinkle the seeds of the earth: so that the seeds are sprouted, they need light. Shoots appear in about a week.

When warming up, transfer shoots to the garden and take patience: in the north of plants grown from seeds, as a rule, bloom only for the second year. If you want to breed chrysanthemums as soon as possible in the garden, buy adult blooming plants in pots and at the end of summer or at the beginning of the autumn, land them into the ground. Be careful! Chrysanthemums in pots are often sold in flower shops without tags with a variety and may not be sufficiently frost-resistant for the north. Pereparing in an open soil blooming chrysanthemums from the pots for a month and a half before the first matinees hit, so that the roots manage to strengthen. How to water them, so as not to be silent, but it is not necessary to fertilize right away, wait until next year.

Using: In the fall of flowering plants, there are few, so chrysanthemums become a very attractive and interesting culture. Moreover, they are with their openwork foliage, the diversity of paints perfectly look at the flower beds, Rabata, in curbs, feel good in container landings and pots. In the cut, saved from 20 to 30 days. They have many different varieties of domestic and foreign selection, are very promising for use in landscaping, especially the southern regions of our country. For growing in the middle lane of the European part of Russia, preference must be given to Finnish, German, English, Dutch and local grades; French and Chinese are better to use in the south.

Partners: Chrysanthemums, especially in combination with color harmony, texture and growth decorative plants, perfectly suitable for the flower bed landscape style. Autumn-flowering annual decorative sage with blue flowers It looks great next door to chrysanthemums of yellow and bronze color. But next to red chrysanthemums, I would not plant such a sage: too sharp contrast. But we recommend some Salvia varieties, such as rosebad with gentle pink flowers and all varieties with red flowers that perfectly complement red chrysanthemums. Ostrodichi Ear of Salvia make a variety of rounded outlines of chrysanthemum. We recommend combining chrysanthemums with flaky ornamental plants, for example, with pod. Fiesta's grade pepper with small bright orange pods looks in the neighborhood with chrysanthemums. And a high decorative herbs will suit the chrysanthemums, such as Miscantus (Miscanthus Sinensis) Morning Light: He has green leaves, and blizzards of bronze color. Chrysanthemums can be planted next to brightly colored and volatile plants, such as Sun-Corubful Koleus, as well as next door to marigolds and cosmeys - after all, they, like chrysanthemums, bloom to the most frosts.

Potted culture Chrysanthemums: in last years gained widespread. Miniature species are especially popular. In fact, these are standard small-bedroom plants grown by special technology. To obtain such potted plants, the lighting and temperature mode and temperature regime are actively used. The rooted plants are first grown in a long day mode for 1-3 weeks at temperatures above 20 C. Then they contain them in a short day (day 12-13 hours), reducing the temperature to 18-20 "S. In a short day of the plant form Buds and bloom. Reducing the temperature of up to 16 s inhibits the formation of buds, and from the laid buds are formed underdeveloped or ugly flowers. For growing chrysanthemums should be used light soils. In pot culture, good results can be obtained when using peat with acidity level.

materials Articles of O.Linsky "Ochra of Charming - Chrysanthemum" // "In the world of plants" - 1999 - №11

If you want to be happy, grow chrysanthemums. So they say in the country Ascending sun. Beautiful and sad flowers of autumn can be delight at other times of the year, if you try to grow care for them - this is an art worthy of a whole study.

Once the Greeks were unarked by this flower "golden" ("χρῡσανθής"). Probably it was a long time ago, because the plant today has about one and a half hundred species and up to two thousand varieties of all imaginable and unthinkable colors. Chrysanthemum came to us from the East, China and Japan competed for the right to be called her homeland.

In both countries, this flower is considered national heritage, special days are established in honor of him, festivals are held. In Japan, Chrysanthemum is considered a symbol of the imperial power. The practice of presenting the highest award - the Order of Chrysanthemum - also exists in Japan.

Chrysanthemum - Multi-Year decorative culture This is a height of 20 to 80 centimeters high - depending on the variety. The flower invariably causes a landscape, but you can see it in flower and sellers at any time of the year: it has long been learned to grow chrysanthemums in a pot.

The care of them, of course, is needed special. First of all, it should be borne in mind that this is a short-day flower. Getting light more than ten o'clock for a day, the plant will not bloom or will give single flowers. And therefore, deciding to plant this spoiled should be able to ensure that it has a favorable lighting mode. AND temperature mode Must be no higher than 17-18 degrees for chrysanthemum in a pot.

Sitting leaves - protection against dust, spraying - very important. They are even more sensitive to differentials in conditions of detention than flowers. If something does not like the plant, the lower leaves begin to fade and turn - a familiar picture for those who grow street varieties of Chrysanthemum "Dubki". For small color varieties, it is enough to discharge the tops to get a thick bush. And if you need large flowers, they can only be grown by a single-way method.

Watering also has its own characteristics. These flowers remain true to their whims: they do not carry no dryness, nor the mooring of soil or air is chrysanthemums! In the pot of the exercise, they are much blinking than in natural conditions. On the open air For example, they are easier to carry increased temperatures, even the sun. It may be quiet to survive the rain pouring roots, and then dry soil. Naturally, in reasonable limits.

In the room - in the room or greenhouse - of course, differs from their content in the open flower bed. If only because on the street root system saved, winter and year after year gives new flowers, whereas in room conditions They are grown as annuals.

And this is from ignorance. Chrysanthemums after a bunching can be trimmed under the root and remove into a dark cool place - to wintering. Spring to take into the world, start watering - and wait for new flowering.

But what many probably do not know what kind of chrysanthemum - medicinal plant. It is not enough that the very beginning of these flowers in the room, loving them, inhalation of fresh tap fragrance can give a complete feeling of happiness and peace - tea from their petals acts toningly, raises the mood, favorably affects the cardiovascular system, and also recommended for colds As an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent.

And how after that not to love chrysanthemums - Flowers of autumn?

Dubka flowers - gentle and bright symbol longevity

Dubki is perhaps one of the most beloved and common colors that are grown in flower beds and on garden sites. They just fascinate with their colorful colors and variety. Dubki is often called chrysanthemum Chinese, since the birthplace of this plant is China. After a while, the flowers of Dubqi began to grow in Japan, and after - throughout Europe.

Growing conditions

This plant is a symbol of longevity. Regardless of the variety, all kinds of dokov have very gentle and bright flowers. This long-term shrub is considered frost-resistant, however, it is better to hide it for the winter. The Chinese have been practicing this for many years.

The cultivation and landing of Dubkov is simple, since these flowers are unpretentious. There are several reasons for which gardeners choose them for decorating their garden.

That's all the care of oaks, which will not be difficult even for novice flowerflowers.

How to propagate the oaks yourself?

Dubkov reproduction occurs with the help of seeds. So that the cultivation has passed successfully, you need to know some rules in this process. Seed landing should be held a year after their collection, since it is precisely such seeds that have almost 100% of the germination. Planting material, shown a month after a collection, can practically not climb. The germination of such seeds is no more than 10%. Seeded seeds should be periodically water and in the midday clock is contacted from the sun. This is the main care for seedlings.

In the future, when they grow up, it should be care for them as well as adult plants.

In addition, the cultivation of oaks is carried out with the help of cuttings. The process of drawing is carried out in spring. Young, well-overwhelmed shoots, cut about 15 cm long, then lowered in the growth stimulator corpering and plant in the ground. Further care Behind the shoots lies in regular and moderate irrigation of the soil.

Adult specimens that require transplants can also be divided and propagated. This is pretty successful cultivation Dubkov on the division of the bush. A bush is separated into two parts and put on separately. Such a rejuvenating procedure allows you to get two buoy and bright flowering plants from one.

Diseases and pests

Like many other garden flowers, oaks may be amazed by pests and diseases. The most frequent enemy of this plant is the TLL. Feeding with juice stems and leaves of Dubkov, the insect thus slows down their growth and development. In addition, the tl is striking floral buds. Ticks, snails, trips, leaflers and caterpillars - they all love to enjoy juicy foliage of Dubkov. Also, the flowers may be affected by gray rot, ring spot, rust and verticular fading.

Since most of the types of doubes are poorly transferred to wintering and may die - they are recommended to be stolen for the winter. Romashkovoid oaks are considered an exception. They are not afraid of frosts. But the hybrid views is better to transplant to the greenhouse as soon as the cold will come. If Dubkov have competent care, they will delight with their beauty over the years.

Additional information on how the cultivation occurs, planting the oaks, and what care you need, you can find out, looking.

Dubki is perhaps one of the most beloved and common colors that are grown in flower beds and in garden sites.

They just fascinate with their colorful colors and variety. Dubki is often called chrysanthemum Chinese, since the birthplace of this plant is China. After a while, the flowers of Dubqi began to grow in Japan, and after - throughout Europe.
  • Growing conditions
  • Diseases and pests

Growing conditions

This plant is a symbol of longevity. Regardless of the variety, all kinds of doodles have very tender and bright flowers. This long-term shrub is considered frost-resistant, however, it is better to hide it for the winter. The Chinese have been practicing this for many years.

The cultivation and landing of Dubkov is simple, since these flowers are unpretentious. There are several reasons for which gardeners choose them for decorating their garden.

That's all the care of oaks, which will not be difficult even for novice flowerflowers.

How to propagate the oaks yourself?

Dubkov reproduction occurs with the help of seeds. So that the cultivation has passed successfully, you need to know some rules in this process. Seed landing should be held a year after their collection, since it is precisely such seeds that have almost 100% of the germination. The planting material, shown a month after a collection, can practically not climb. The germination of such seeds is no more than 10%. Seeded seeds should be periodically water and in the midday clock is contacted from the sun. This is the main care for seedlings.

In the future, when they grow up, it should be care for them as well as adult plants.

In addition, the cultivation of oaks is carried out with the help of cuttings. The process of drawing is carried out in spring. Young, well-overwhelmed shoots, cut about 15 cm long, then lowered in the growth stimulator corpering and plant in the ground. Further care of shoots lies in regular and moderate irrigation of the soil.

Adult specimens that require transplants can also be divided and propagated. This is a pretty successful cultivation of doodles according to the division of the bush. A bush is separated into two parts and put on separately. Such a rejuvenating procedure allows you to get two buoy and bright flowering plants from one.

Diseases and pests

Like many other garden flowers, oaks may be amazed by pests and diseases. The most frequent enemy of this plant is the TLL. Feeding with juice stems and leaves of Dubkov, the insect thus slows down their growth and development. In addition, the tl is striking floral buds. Ticks, snails, trips, leaflers and caterpillars - they all love to enjoy juicy foliage of Dubkov. Also, the flowers may be affected by gray rot, ring spot, rust and verticular fading.

Since most of the types of doubes are poorly transferred to wintering and may die - they are recommended to be stolen for the winter. Romashkovoid oaks are considered an exception. They are not afraid of frosts. But the hybrid views is better to transplant to the greenhouse as soon as the cold will come. If Dubkov have competent care, they will delight with their beauty over the years.

In this photo shows the chrysanthemum flower Korean close-up in the early summer. At the beginning of flowering, the flower of chrysanthemum is a bit, but closer to the middle of the summer the size of the flower will be larger, and the flowers themselves on a small bush of chrysanthemum will be more hundreds.

Perennial chrysanthemum plant has many varieties. On this page you see the photo of the Chrysanthemum Korean (Dubok) of two species. The top of the pink chrysanthemum is shown in the bottom - yellow.

If you buy chrysanthemum seedlings in our nursery of plants and seeds, we will put recommendations on landing it into open soil. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with detailed in the article: Korean Chrysanthemum and Chrysanthemum Care Councils. In the section "Descriptions" there are recommendations to landing any plants chosen by you to send by mail.

In this photo shows the chrysanthemum of the oak at the beginning of flowering. Even without colors, chrysanthemums look very decorative. In particular, when the freshness of green leaves is emphasized by rare pink buds.

Korean chrysanthmomy is sometimes called "Dubki" or "Dubok", thanks to the shape of their leaves, in shape resembling oak leaves. With this feature it is easy to distinguish this kind of chrysanthemum from others.

In our nursery you can buy chrysanthemum seedlings Korean winter-hardy with ZKS, that is, the root is in the ground, in a pot. This allows for a long time transport such a plant and with a high degree of survival when replanting it into open ground

Chrysanthemum Korean (Dubki) Yellow

Chrysanthemum Korean Dubok has many varieties, varieties. In this photo you see one of these examples. This Dubok Chrysanthemum has the same flower, the same leaves and height of bushes, only petals of flowers of another color.
His gentle yellow shade looks very attractive all summer and even retains its fresh view until the middle of the autumn.

This is how the chrysanthemum bushes look like at the beginning of flowering, at the beginning of summer. Judging by the number of buds, the colors on this bush of chrysanthemum will be much, but you need to wait a bit, two weeks at least.

Abundant flowering of chrysanthemum of this variety begins with the middle of the summer. Unlike the first grade of chrysanthemum, this variety has a larger flower size, which significantly distinguishes it from the previous variety.

Sometimes a chrysant of Dubok is called terry chrysanthemum, and in fact the petals of her as if velvet, especially closer to the fall. This photo is done in September and this effect is good noticeable.

So the flowers of chrysanthemums look at early October. Despite the fact that some petals have already begun to fade, but to bend the stalks, looks like a flower is still quite attractive.
You can even say that the flowers have become more beautiful, instead of yellow shades, red, coinciding with color gamut The setting sun.

it last photo Made at the end of the season. Many flowers have long been linked, and stems are cut and covered for the winter. And the chrysanthemus cut off until the hand rises.
The branches of the plant have already fallen on the ground, and the flowers of chrysanthemum still reach the sun, keeping their freshness and attractiveness.
This snapshot was made at the end of October.

Brief description of the plant:

Korean Chrysanthemum (Dubki) is unpretentious, resistant to frost and high temperatures grade chrysanthemums up to 80 cm high.
It blooms abundantly since the end of July to November.
Flowers small raspberry - pink colour, diameter up to 4 cm.
For a long time familiar to gardeners, unpretentious perennial, not requiring any attention.
Located in flower beds with other perennials.

How to buy chrysanthemum saplings Korean

Buy one Korean chrysanthemum plant is 250 rubles.
The minimum order amount may be 1,500 rubles, but the cost of delivery by mail (or Pack) is paid to you.
Delivery by mail for free if the cost of plants (set) is 3000 rubles.
The maximum weight of one parcel is no more than 5 kg.
The parcel is sent by the Russian Federation 1st class or transport company Pack.

Other plants:

Any varieties of chamomile, as well as chrysanthemums are indispensable in any garden. They bloom long, winter-hardy, growing them simple and they can perfectly perform as a soliter or in compositions with other high flowers.

Gaylardia requires certain conditions When landing. Here you will find recommendations for landing, growing and care of Guylardia.

Ratibid "Sombrero" - Perennial flowering plant up to 70 cm tall from North America. The seedling of this plant we send by mail, with a closed root system.

Iris Bearded Hybrid - Powerful perennial, not afraid of disassembly, nor drought, no frost. It will grow in any corner of the garden - at least in the sun, even in half. The most unpretentious and very beautiful plant Your garden.

Fern, having an additional name "Ostrichnik" is a shadowless perennial plant. Ideal for decorating your garden along the jigsaw or fences.

The plant of such beauty as Echinacea Purple is rarely found in our latitudes. Therefore, each gardener should grow such flowers.