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Slavic tribes. Officially recognized Slavic tribes

Antique authors were confident that on the lands, which later took the Old Russian state, lived wild and militant Slavic tribes, which he and then were hostile to each other and threatened more civilized peoples.


The Slavic tribe of Vyatichi (according to the chronicles, his sonor was Vyatko) dwells in a huge territory, at which Smolenskaya, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Tula, Voronezh, Oryol and Lipetsk region are located today. According to anthropologists, externally, Vyatichi was similar to their neighbors of Northerners, but they differed from them a higher-positioned nose and the fact that most of their representatives had Rusy hair.

Some scientists, viewing the ethonym of this tribe, believe that it comes from the Indo-European root of "VENT" (wet), others believe that from the Vennevian "VęT" (large). Part of historians see the relationship of Vandalov with the German tribal union of vandals, there is also a version that connects them with the tribal group of Venenov.

It is known that Vntychi was good hunters and skillful warriors, but it did not prevent them from gathering, cattle breeding and gravy agriculture. Nestor The Chronicler writes that Vyniki preferably lived in the forests and was distinguished by the "Zerinsky" temper. They resoligned the introduction of Christianity longer than other Slavic tribes, while maintaining the pagan traditions, including the "Wock of Brides".

The most actively commercially fought with Novgorod and Kiev princes. Only with the coming to power of Svyatoslav Igorevich, the winner of the Khazar, Väniki was forced to temper their warlike dust. However, not long. His son Vladimir (Holy) again had to conquer the challenge Vyatichi, the finally this tribe conquered Vladimir Monomakh in the XI century.


The most northern Slavic tribe - Slovenia - lived on the shores of Ilmeny Lakes, as well as on the river Molot. The story of his origin is still not clarified. According to the common legend, the brothers are Sloven and Rus. Nestor Chronicler calls them the founders of Veliky Novgorod and Old Russ.

After Slane, as a legend tells, the power was inherited by the prince of Vandal, who took the Varangian Vary's Vajazy's wife. Scandinavian saga tells us that Vandal as the ruler Sloven went to the north, East and West, Sea and land, won all the surrounding peoples.

Historians confirm that Slovenian fought with many neighboring peoples, including with Varyags. Expanding their possessions, they continued to develop new territories as farmers, passing into commercial relations with the Germans, Gotland, Sweden and even with Arabs.

From the Ioamakhova chronicle (which, however, do not trust everyone), we learn that in the first half of the 9th century, the Slovenian Prince of Burvy was defeated by Varyag, who fell by the people of Tan. However, the Son of the Bouring Gostommin returned the lost position, again subdues to his influence neighboring land. It was Slovenia, according to historians, later became the basis of the population of the Volga Novgorod Republic.


Under the name "Krivichi", scientists imply the tribal Union of the Eastern Slavs, the arral of which in the VII-X centuries was distributed to the headwaters of Western Dvina, Volga and Dnipro. Curvichi are known, first of all, as the creators of the extended military mounds, during the excavations of which archaeologists were amazed by the diversity and wealth of weary, ammunition and items. Curivities are considered a relative tribe of the mudich characterized by aggressive and fierce temper.

Curved settlements were always located on the banks of the rivers, for which the famous path of "Varyag in Greeks" was walking. Historians found that Crivichi interacted quite closely with Varyags. Thus, the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin VII bugger wrote that curvacies make vessels on which Rusa go to Tsargrad.

According to the information that has come to us, the curviti were active participants in many Varya expeditions, both shopping and military. In battles, they were little inferior to their militant associates - Normans.

After entering the Kyiv Principality, Crivichi took an active part in the colonization of extensive northern and eastern territories, known today as Kostroma, Tverskaya, Yaroslavl, Vladimirskaya, Ryazan and Vologda region. In the north, they partly assimilated Finnish tribes.


The territory of the settlement of the East Slavic tribe is predominantly modern Zhytomyr region and the western part of the Kiev region. In the east, their ownership limited the Dnieper, in the north - the River Pripyat. In particular, the Syative Marsh, according to historians, created a natural barrier, separated by the Ridge from their neighbors of Dregovich.

It is not difficult to guess that the habitat of the Drevlyan - Forests. There they felt like full owners. According to the chronicler of Nesor, the Drevlyan was noticeably different from the east of meek pollasts: "Drevlyan Zvlovyu Zv_rinsky, Lyessheski: Understanding a friend, the Yodyah is unclean, and the marriage is not former, but Washing the Water Dѣvitsya.

Perhaps for a while, Polyana was even danutrics of the Ridge, who had their own reign. At the end of the IX century, Drevlyan subjugated Oleg. According to Nestor's testimony, they were part of the troops with whom Kiev Prince "went to the Greeks." After the death of Oleg, the attempts of Drevlyan freed from the power of Kiev, but in the end they received only an increased amount of Dani imposed on them Igor Rurikovich.

Arriving to the Treaks for the next portion of Dani, Prince Igor was killed. According to the Byzantine historian Lion's deacon, he was grabbed and executed, having broke it out (tied up for their hands and behind the legs of two trees, one of which was bent greatly bent, and then released). For a terrible and bold murder, Drevlyan was cruelly paid. Moveing \u200b\u200bthe thirst for revenge, the spouse of the deceased prince Olga destroyed those who came to wrapping the Treastse ambassadors, joining them alive into the ground. With Princess, Olga, Drevlyan finally submitted, and in 946 they became part of the Kiev Rus.

The history of Russian statehood begins with the time for ten centuries before the new era in the northern and central parts of the Eastern European Plain began to settle numerous Slavic tribes. They were engaged in hunting, fishing and agriculture. Those who lived in the steppe were engaged in animal husbandry.

Who are Slavs

The term "Slavs" means an ethnic group of people who have a centuries-old cultural continuity, and which speak a lot of related languages \u200b\u200bknown as Slavic languages \u200b\u200b(they all belong to the Indo-European language family). Little is known about the Slavs before their mention in the Byzantine records of the VI century N. e. At the same time, most of what we know about them before that time scientists got through archaeological and linguistic studies.

The main places of accommodation

Slavic tribes began to master new territories in the VI-VIII centuries. The tribes diverged in three main directions:

  • south - Balkan Peninsula,
  • western - Between Oder and Elbe,
  • to the east and northeast of Europe.

Are the ancestors of such modern peoples, like Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. Ancient Slavs were pagans. They had their own deities, they believed that there were evil and good spirits that personify various natural forces: Yarilo - Sun, Perun - Thunder and Lightning, etc.

When Eastern Slavs mastered the Eastern European Plain, there were changes in their social structure - breeding unions appeared, which later became the basis of future statehood.

Ancient peoples in Russia

The oldest of distant northern people were neolithic hunters on wild reindeer. Archaeological evidence of their existence refer to the 5th millennium BC. It is believed that small-scale reindeer herding developed another 2,000 years ago.

In the IX-X centuries, Varyagi (Vikings) controlled the central part and the main rivers of the eastern territory of modern Russia. East Slavic tribes occupied the North-West region. Khazars, Turkic people controlled the south of the central region.

Over 2,000 years BC. e., both in the north and in the territory of modern Moscow, and in the east, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Urals, the tribes were lived, which grown untreated grains. At about the same time, the tribes on the territory of modern Ukraine were also engaged in agriculture.

Distribution of ancient Russian tribes

Many nations gradually migrated where the eastern part of Russia is now. Eastern Slavs remained on this territory and gradually became dominant. The early Slavic tribes of ancient Russia were farmers and beekeepers, as well as hunters, fishermen, shepherds and hunters. By 600, Slavs became the dominant ethnic group on the Eastern European Plain.

Slavic statehood

Slavs sustain the invasion is ready from Germany and Sweden and Huns from Central Asia in the III and IV centuries. By the VII century, they created villages in all major rivers of the territory of the current Eastern Russia. In the early Middle Ages, Slavs lived between the kingdoms of Vikings in Scandinavia, the Sacred Roman Empire in Germany, Byzantines in Turkey and Mongolian and Turkish tribes in Central Asia.

Kievan Rus arose in the 9th century. This state had a challenging and often unstable political system. The state flourished until the XIII century, before its territory dramatically decreased. Among the special achievements of Kievan Rus are the introduction of Orthodoxy and the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures. The disintegration of Kievan Rus played a decisive role in the evolution of Eastern Slavs in Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples.

Slavic tribes

Slavs are divided into three main groups:

  • western Slavs (mainly Poles, Czechs and Slovaks);
  • southern Slavs (mostly tribes from Bulgaria and the former Yugoslavia);
  • east Slavic tribes (primarily Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians).

The eastern branch of Slavs included numerous tribes. The list of names of the tribes of ancient Russia includes:

  • coming;
  • buzhan (Volynan);
  • drevlyan;
  • dregovichi;
  • dleb;
  • cryvic;
  • shelter;
  • polyan;
  • radioches;
  • sloveless;
  • tivers;
  • werit;
  • croats;
  • bodrich;
  • vistan;
  • zlichan
  • luzhic;
  • luthich;
  • pokorna.

Origin of Slavs

Little is known about the origin of the Slavs. They inhabited the areas of East Central Europe in prehistoric times and gradually reached their current limits. The pagan Slavic tribes of ancient Russia migrated from the territory of the current Russia to the South Balkans over 1,000 years ago and captured Christian communities based on Roman colonists.

Philologists and archaeologists argue that Slavs settled in the Carpathians for a long time in the Carpathians and in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Belarus. By 600, the South, Western and Eastern branches appeared as a result of the linguistic separation. Eastern Slavs settled on the Dnieper River on the territory, which now belongs to Ukraine. Then they spread to the north to the Northern Volga Valley, east of the modern Moscow, and to the west - to the pools of the Northern Dniester and Western Bug, to the territory of modern Moldova and to the south of Ukraine.

Later Slavs accepted Christianity. These tribes were scattered through a large area and suffered from the invasions of the nomadic tribes: Huns, Mongols and Turks. The first major Slavic states were the West Bulgarian state (680-1018) and Moravia (the beginning of the IX century). In the 9th century, the Kiev state was formed.

Old Russian mythology

There are very few mythological materials: to the IX-X centuries. n. e. Among the Slavic tribes, writing has not yet been common.

One of the main gods of the Slavic tribes of Ancient Russia was Perun, who is associated with the Balt Persian, as well as with the Norwegian God Tor. Like these deities, Perun is the God of Thunder, the Supreme Divine of the Old Russian tribes. The God of Youth and Spring Yarilo and the goddess of Love Lada also occupied an important place among the deities. They both were the gods who died and resurrected every year, which was associated with the births of fertility. Also, the Slavs had the goddess of winter and death - Moraine, the Goddess of Spring - Lelia, the Goddess of Summer - alive, the gods of love - Lel and the half, the first was God of early love, the second - the God of mature love and family.

Culture tribes ancient Russia

In the early Middle Ages, Slavs occupied a large territory, which contributed to the emergence of several independent Slavic states. From the first century to n. e. There was a process of gradual cultural discrepancies, which spawned many closely related, but mutually exclusive languages, classified as part of the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family.

Currently, there are a large number of Slavic languages, in particular, Bulgarian, Czech, Croatian, Polish, Serbian, Slovak, Russian and many others. They are common from Central and Eastern Europe to Russia.

Information about the culture of East Slavic tribes of ancient Russia in VI-IX centuries. There is very little. Basically, they remained in recorded later works of folklore represented by proverbs and sayings, riddles and fairy tales, labor songs and legends, legends.

These tribes have some knowledge of nature. For example, thanks to the system of covered farming, an East Slavic agricultural calendar appeared, divided based on agricultural cycles on the lunar months. Also, the Slavic tribes on the territory of ancient Russia had knowledge of animals, metals, actively developed applied art.

In this brief list, there are onlyofficially recognized tribes.

Vyatichi - Union of East Slavic tribes living in the second half of the first millennium N. e. In the upper and middle course of the Oka. The name of Vnatichi presumably occurred on behalf of the tribe probe, Vyatko. However, some bind by origin is the name with the "veins" and vents and vents (or venets / vents) (the name "Vyatichi" was pronounced as "valves").
In the middle of the 19th century, Svyatoslav joined the land of Vyatichi to Kievan Russia, but until the end of the XI century, these tribes preserved certain political independence; Mention of campaigns against venna princes of this time. From the XII century, the territory of Vyatichi was part of the Chernigov, Rostov-Suzdal and Ryazan principalities. Until the end of the XIII century, Many pagan rites and traditions retained, in particular, they were cremated the dead, removing small mounds over the burial site. After rooting among the venated Christianity, the rite of cremation gradually gone out of everybody.
Vytychi longer than other Slavs kept their tribal name. They lived without princes, the social structure was characterized by self-government and democracy. The last time Vyatii is mentioned by the chronicles under such a tribal name in 1197

Kuzane (Volynyan) - the tribe of the Eastern Slavs, inhabited in the basin of the Upper current of the Western Bug (from which they received their name); From the end of the XI century, Buzhans are called Volynians (from the locality of Volyn).

Volynian - East Slavic tribe or tribal union, mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years and in Bavarian Chronicles. In accordance with the latter, Volynian owned seventh fortresses at the end of the 15th century. Some historians believe that Volynians and Kuzane are descendants of dleb. Their main cities were Volyn and Vladimir-Volynsky. Archaeological studies indicate that Volynians have developed agriculture and numerous crashes, including forging, casting and pottery.
In 981, Volynians were subordinated by Kiev Prince Vladimir I and became part of the Kiev Rus. Later, the Galician-Volyn Principality was formed on the territory of Volyan.

Drevlyan - One of the tribes of the Russian Slavs, lived on Pripyat, Goryni, earnings and Tether.
The name of the Drevlyan, on the explanation of the chronicler, is given to them because they lived in the forests. Describing the temples of the Ridge, the chronicler exhibits them, as opposed to the tribesmen to his glades, the people are extremely rude ("Skalish, killing each other, naughty, and they are not a marriage, but waters have a girl").
Neither the archaeological excavations nor the data consisting in the chronicle itself do not confirm this characteristics. From archaeological excavations in the country, it is possible to conclude that they have a famous culture. The firmly established burial rite indicates the existence of certain religious reports on the afterlife: the lack of weapons in the graves indicates a peaceful nature of the tribe; Finds of sickles, shards and blood vessels, iron products, tissue and leather residues indicate the existence of bubble, black, black, weaving and leather fishing; Many dice of pets and spurs point to cattle breeding and horse breeding; Many products made of silver, bronze, glass and carnelian, ingenic origin, indicate the existence of trade, and the absence of coins gives reason to conclude that trade was exchanged.
The political center of the Drevlyan in the era of their independence was the city of estuary; In the later minutes, this center, apparently, moved to the city of hand (Ovruch)

Dregovichi - East Slavic Tribal Union, who lived between the Pripyat and Western Dvina.
Most likely, the name comes from the ancient Russian word of treacheva or Diryagva, which means "swamp".
Under the name of the Friends (Greek. Δρονγονβίται), Dregovichi is already known to Konstantin Porphyuronian as a tribe subordinate to Russia. Being on the way from the "Way of Varyag to Greeks", Dregovichi did not play a prominent role in the history of ancient Russia. The chronicle mentions just that Dregovichi had no time for their reign. The capital of the principality was the city of tours. Submission of Dregovichi Kiev princes occurred, probably very early. In the territory of Dregovich, the Tour Principality was subsequently formed, and the northwestern lands were included in the Principality of Polotsk.

Duleby (not Duleby) - Union of East Slavic tribes in the territory of Western Volyn in the VI-early X centuries. In the VII century, the Avasian invasion (obverse) was subjected. In 907 participated in the campaign of Oleg on the Tsargrad. We broke up on the tribes of Volynyan and Bujan and in the middle of the X century finally lost independence, entering the composition of the Kiev Rus.

Krivichi - Numerous East Slavic tribe (tribal association), which ranked in the 6th centuries of the Verkhovaya Volga, Dnieper and Western Dvina, the southern part of the Judgment of the Lake and the Neman's pool. Sometimes Ilmen Slavic is counted to the cryvic.
Curivichi were probably the first Slavic tribe that moved from the Carpathia to the northeast. Limited in their distribution to the north-west and West, where they met the steady Lithuanian and Finnish tribes, curviti spread to the northeast, assimilating Finns living there.
After settleting on the Great Waterway from Scandinavia to Byzantium (the path from Varyag to the Greeks), Crivichi took part in trade with Greece; Konstantin Bagrynorodnaya suggests that curvacies make boats on which Rusa go to Tsargrad. Participated in the campaigns of Oleg and Igor on the Greeks as a tribe subordinated to the Kiev prince; In the agreement of Oleg, their city of Polotsk is mentioned.
Already in the era of the formation of the Russian state, Krivich existed political centers: Izborsk, Polotsk and Smolensk.
It is believed that the last tribal prince of Krivich Rog Volodov, together with his sons, was killed in the 980 Novgorod Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. In the Ipatievsky list of Curvichi, they were mentioned for the last time under 1128, and the Polotsky princes are named curvice under 1140 and 1162. After that, curviti is no longer mentioned in East Slavic chronicles. However, the tribal name of Crivichi was still used for a long time in foreign sources (up to the end of the XVII century). In Latvian, the word Krievs entered the designation of the Russians in general, and the word Krievija for the designation of Russia.
South-Western, Polotsk Branch of Curvich is also referred to as Polotozhan. Together with Dregovichi, the Radmichs and Some Baltic tribes, this branch of Krivic was the basis of the Belarusian ethnic volume.
The North-Eastern Branch of Crivic, Main Mained on the territory of modern Tverskaya, Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions, was closely in close contact with Finno-Ugric tribes.
The boundary between the territory of the settlement of the curvist and Novgorod is determined by archaeologically by the types of burials: the long mounds in the curvice and the hills of Sloven.

Polochana - East Slavic tribe, inhabited in the 9th century of land in the middle course of Western Dvina in today's Belarus.
Polochane is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years, which explains their name as living near the river, one of the tributaries of Western Dvina. In addition, the chronicle claims that the curvacies were the descendants of the shelter. Earth Polochanas proved from the Sweetheart along Berezina to the land of Dregovichi. Fucks were one of the tribes, of which the Polotsky Principality was formed later. They are one of the hedlemen of the modern Belarusian people.

Polyana (Poly) - the name of the Slavic tribe, in the era of the settlement of the eastern Slavs settled by the average flow of the Dnieper, on the right bank of him.
Judging by the chronicles and the newest archaeological studies, the territory of the Earth of Polyan in front of the Christian era was limited to the course of Dnipro, Rosi and Irpen; In the northeast she was adjacent to the village earth, in the West - to the southern settlements of Dregovich, in the southwest - to the tivers, in the south - to the streets.
Calling Slavic Polyanov settled here, the chronicler adds: "Zanezh in the Sedyu field." Polyana differed sharply from the neighboring Slavic tribes and according to the moral properties, and according to the forms of public houses: "Polyana Boy of his father's customs of the faith and meek, and shame to the sneahs to their sisters and their sisters .... Marriage customs. "
The story cares of Polyan already at a fairly late stage of political development: the social system is composed of two elements - community and prince-doubly, and the first is strongly suppressed by the last. With ordinary and oldest classes of Slavs - Hunting, Fisheries and Borutrodstva - Polyan has more than other Slavs, cattle breeding, agriculture, "antododbrew" and trade were distributed. The latter was quite extensive not only with the Slavic neighbors, but also with foreigners in the West and East: on the mint valves it is clear that trade with the East began in the VIII century - stopped during the instruments of the specific princes.
At first, about half of the 7th century, who paid tribute to Khazarm Polyan, thanks to the cultural and economic superiority from a defensive position in relation to the neighbors, soon moved to the offensive; Drevlyan, Dregovichi, Northerners and others by the end of the 9th century were already subject to the glades. They have earlier than others and Christianity. The center of Polyansky ("Polish") was Kiev; Other of its settlements - Vyshgorod, Belgorod on the Irpen River (now the village of Belogorodka), Zvenigorod, Trepol (now Trepole), Vasilev (now Vasilkov) and others.
The land of pollas with the city of Kiev became the center of Rurikov's possessions from 882. For the last time in the chronicles, the name of the Poluna is mentioned under 944, on the occasion of the events of Igor on the Greeks, and is probably already at the end of the century, the name of Russia (Rew) and Kiyan. Polyanov The chronicler calls the Slavic tribe on the Vistula, mentioned for the last time in the Ipatiev Chronicle under 1208.

Radmichi - The name of the population, which was part of the Union of East Slavic tribes, who lived in the interfold of the top flow of the Dnieper and the gums.
About 885 radios became part of the ancient Russian state, and in the XII century they mastered most of the Chernihiv and southern part of Smolensk lands. The name comes on behalf of the Radima tribe.

Northener(more correctly - the north) is a tribe or tribal Union of Eastern Slavs, which inhabited territories to the east of the middle course of the Dnieper, along the rivers of the Desna, Sejm and Sula.
The origin of the name of the North is not fully clarified. Most authors associate him with the name of the Savirov tribe entering the Gunno association. According to another version, the name goes back to the ease of consuming the Valves in the word, meaning the "relative". Explanation from Slavic Siver, North, despite the similarity of the sound, is recognized as extremely controversial, as the North has never been the most northern of the Slavic tribes.

Slovenia (Ilmenie Slavs) - the East Slavic tribe, who lived in the second half of the first millennium in the Lake Basin Ilmen and the Upper Molot Current and the majority of the population of the Novgorod land.

Tivertsy - East Slavic tribe, who lived between the Dniester and the Danube off the coast of the Black Sea. For the first time mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years in a series with other East Slavic tribes of the IX century. The main occupation of the tivers was agriculture. Tiverztsi took part in the campaigns of Oleg on the Tsargrad in 907 and Igor in 944. In the middle of the 10th century, the lands of Tiversev entered the Kiev Rus.
The descendants of the tivers became part of the Ukrainian people, and their western part was subjected to Romanization.

Designer - East Slavic tribe, in the period of the VIII-X centuries of the Earth along the lower flow of the Dnieper, the southern Bug and the coast of the Black Sea.
The capital of the street was the city intersection. In the first half of the 19th century, the distances fought for independence from Kievan Rus, but after all, her supremacy was forced to recognize and enter her composition. Later, the disiences and neighboring tivers were ousted on the north of those who arrived by St. Petersburg nomads, where they merged with Volynians. The last mention of the streets is dated to the chronicles of the 970s.

Croats - East Slavic tribe, living in the vicinity of the city of Peremyshl on the San River. They called themselves white Croats, in contrast to the tribe who lived in the Balkans. The name of the tribe is produced from the ancient war word "shepherd, guard of livestock", which may indicate the main lesson - cattle breeding.

Bodrichi (encrypts, rarogs) - Polandskie Slavs (the lower flow of Elba) in the VIII-XII centuries. - Union of Vagrov, Poland, Glinakov, Smolyan. Rarog (Danes Rickik) is the main city of Bodrich. Meklenburg Land in East Germany.
According to one of the versions, Rurik - Slavs from the Bodrich tribe, grandson of the Gostomysl, the son of his daughter Umila and the Bodritic Prince Godoslav (Godlava).

Vistane - Woster Slavic tribe, who lived at least from the VII century in Malaya Poland. In the 9th century, a tribal state with centers in Krakow, Sandomira and Stradew formed. At the end of the century were conquered by the King of the Great Moravia Svyatopolk I and were forced to take baptism. In the 10th century, Vistan land were conquered by the meadows and included in Poland.

Zlichane (Czech. Zličane, Polish. Zliczanie) - one of the ancient tribes. Painted the territory adjacent to the modern Court (Czech Republic). Served as the Center for the Education of the Zilician Principality, which covered in the early 10th century. Eastern and South Czech Republic and Dowlebov tribe region. The main city of the Principality was Libice. The Libitsky Princes of Slavices competed with Prague in the fight for the combination of the Czech Republic. In 995, the Zlichanes were subordinate to Prezhisov.

Luzhica, Luzhitsky Serbs, Sorben (sorben), Vendi - a native Slavic population living in the territory of the lower and upper puddles - regions that are part of modern Germany. The first settlements of the Puzhitsky Serbs in these places were recorded in the VI century. e.
The Luzhitsky language is divided into Verkhnezhitsky and Nizhneelzhitsky.
Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron gives a definition: "Sort - the name of the vendors and in general Polabsky Slavs." Slavic people inhabiting a number of areas in Germany, in the federal lands of Brandenburg and Saxony.
Ludi Serbs are one of the four officially recognized national minorities of Germany (along with the Gypsies, friezes and Danes). It is believed that Serbolusky roots now have about 60 thousand German citizens, of which 20,000 live in the lower poison (Brandenburg) and 40 thousand - in the upper puddle (Saxony).

Luthichi (Wilians, orders) - the Union of Western Slavic tribes who lived in the early Middle Ages in the territory of the current Eastern Germany. The center of the Union of Luty was the sanctuary of the "Radohost", which gave the god of Mosairch. All decisions were taken at the Great Tribal Meeting, and the central government was absent.
Luthi was headed by Slavic uprising 983 against the German colonization of the Eastern Elbe, as a result of which the colonization was suspended almost for two hundred years. Already before that, they were Yary opponents of the German king of Ottone I. About his heir, Henryth II, it is known that he did not try to enslave them, and on the contrary, lured them with money and gifts to his side in the fight against the Poland of Bolevlav Brave.
Military and political successes strengthened the commitment of paganism and pagan customs to the LuTićs, which also applied to related Bodrich. However, in the 1050s among the leutoff, a transcendent war broke out and changed their position. The Union quickly lost the power and influence, and after the central sanctuary was destroyed by the Saxon Duke Lotar in 1125, the union was finally collapsed. Over the next decades, the Saxon Dukes gradually expanded their possessions to the East and conquered the lands of Lutych.

Pomanene, Pomeranian - West Slavic tribes who lived from the VI century in the lower reaches of Odra on the Baltic Sea coast. It remains unclear whether the residual German population, which they assimilated, existed before their arrival. In the 900 border of Pomoriyansky Areal passed on Odra in the West, Vistula in the East and Notechu in the south. They gave the name of the historical terrain of Pomerania.
In the X century, Polish Prince Meshko I included Prsyan land into the Polish state. In the XI century, the rebellion was raised and regained independence from Poland. During this period, their territory expanded to the west of ODRED in the earth. At the initiative of Prince Vartislava I, Christianity was adopted.
From the 1180s began to increase the German influence and German settlers began to arrive at the land of Pororayan. Due to the ruin wars with the Danes, Pomoriyan feudalists welcomed the settlement of the German devoted lands. Over time, the process of Germanization of the Porroyan population began. Avoid assimilation by the residue of the ancient Pokorni today are Kashuba, numbering 300 thousand people.

Ruyang (wounds) - the West Slavic tribe, inhabiting the island of Rügen.
In the 6th century, the Slavs settled the lands of the current East Germany, including the Rügen. The Ruien tribe of the princes, who lived in the fortresses. The religious center of Ryan was the sanctuary of the yarromera, in which God was worshiped.
The main occupation of Ryan was cattle breeding, agriculture and fishing. There are information on which Ruyan has branched trade connections with Scandinavia and Baltic States.
Ruyang lost its independence in 1168, when they were conquered by the Danes who turned them into Christianity. King Ruyan Yaromir became the Vassal of the Danish King, and the island is part of the Bishopric Roskill. Later, the Germans came to the island, in which Ruyang was dissolved. In 1325, the last Ruien Prince Vislav died.

Ukrainian - West Slavic tribe, settled in the VI century in the east of the modern German federal land Brandenburg. The lands that once belonged to Ukrainians are called Ukkermark.

Smolyan (Bulg. Smolyani) - Medieval South Slavic tribe, settled in the VII century in Rhodopes and the Valley of the River Places. In 837, the tribe rebelled against the Byzantine supremacy, concluding an alliance with Bulgarian Khan Prijan. Later, Smolyan became one of the components of the Bulgarian people. The city of Smolyan in the south of Bulgaria is called this tribe.

Streams- South Slavic tribe, inhabited in the Middle Ages of the Earth along the River Strosh.

TiMochha - Medieval Slavic tribe, living in the territory of modern East Serbia, west of the Timok River, as well as in the Banat and Syrmia regions. Timochna joined the first Bulgarian kingdom, after the Bulgarian Khan Krum won their land from the Avar Kaganate in 805. In 818, in the era of the Crown of Omurtaga (814-836), they rebelled together with other border tribes, as they refused to make the reform that limited their local self management. In search of an ally, they turned to the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Louis I pious. In 824-826, Omurtag tried to resolve the conflict with diplomatic way, but his letters to Louis remained unanswered. After that, he decided to suppress the uprising by force and sent warriors along the River Dravé in the land of Timochan, who again returned them under the power of Bulgaria.
Timochny was dissolved in the Serbian and Bulgarian peoples in the late Middle Ages.

For this interesting material we are grateful to Saych "Rusich":

Popov Flegontt Petrovich
Kishinev, 1986

East Slavic tribes Before
The formation of the Kiev state.

Tribe names.

Northern band.

Slovenia Novgorod - one of the northern groups of Eastern Slavs. The Slavic colonization of the peil belongs to the 1st half of the 1st millennium of our era. Slavic tribes, come from the south, assimilated the local Finnish-Ugro population, which is evidenced by the toponymy of this edge. According to the chronicle, Slovenia lived near Lake Ilmen and the rivers adjacent to him. In 6-8 centuries, it seems, apparently, a large breeding union has developed. In the 9th century, the territory of Slane amounted to the basis of the Novgorod land.

Curvichi - East Slavic tribe; Inhabited the territory in the upper reaches of the Dnieper, Western Dvina and Volga. Crivichi was engaged in agriculture and fisheries. In the 9th century, Smolensk arose in the earth, seems to appear. In the 11th century - Toropets. Together with Vyatichi and Novgorod, summoras amounted to the basis of the Great Russian (Russian) people. In the 2nd half of the 9th century, the authorities of the Kiev princes were subordinated. The last mention of the curvacons in the chronicle refers to 1162.

Polochana - East Slavic tribe. Polochana is the chronicle name of Slavic-Crivic, who lived along the river is still (the influx of Western Dvina) and part of the population of Polotsk Principality.

Radmichi - the East Slavic tribe, who lived in the rivers of the Dnieper rivers and the gums, by the flow of the rivers of the Socialist and Iputi. In the culture of Rodimichi were close to Vyaticham and Northerners. The main occupation is agriculture; Cattle breeding, hunting and Bortnovnia were also developed. Tribal centers are unknown. In the 9th century they became part of the ancient Russian state. The last time is mentioned in the chronicle under 1069.

Vyatichi is the East Slavic tribe, who lived along the top of the ocean and her tributaries - the rivers of the Ugra, Moscow and others, as well as, apparently, in the upper reaches of Don. Vyatichi was engaged in agriculture, hunting and fishing. In 11-12 centuries, Moscow, Deadoslav and others have arisen on Earth. In the 9-10th centuries, Vyatichi paid tribute to Khazar. Around 981 were subordinated by Kiev Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. In the 12th and 12th centuries, the land of Vyatichi was part of Rostov-Suzdalsky, in the future - Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, later the composition of the Moscow principality. Vyatichi was an important component of the Great Russian Nature. The name "Vntychi" disappeared in the 14th century.

Southern Group.

Polyana is one of the largest East Slavic tribes living in the middleprovier. Polyan was engaged in pashane agriculture and cattle breeding. The main city of Polyan was Kiev. A higher level of socio-economic development of Poland compared to other Eastern Slavic tribes was one of the factors that determined the nomination of the Middle Podprovia as the center of the Old Russian state. The last mention of the glades in the chronicles refers to 944.

Northerners - the East Slavic tribe, who lived in the basin of the River River, Seimas and Sula. In the prince of Oleg (end 9 - early 10th centuries) were included in the ancient Russian state. The last time is mentioned in 1024. By the name of Northern, the territory of the Chernihiv principality until the end of the 17th century was called Seversk Earth. The main city of Seversk land was Chernigov.

Dregovichi is an East-Slavic tribe living in 9-10 centuries between the Rivers Pripyat and Western Dvina. The name "Dregovichi" occurs, obviously, from the Slavic word "Diryagva" - swamp and indicates the nature of the area where this tribe lived. Dregovichi was engaged in agriculture and fisheries. The center of Dregovich was the city of tours. Apparently, in the 2nd half of the 9th century, Dregovichi was subordinated to the authorities of the Kiev princes. After the middle of the 12th century, the sources are not mentioned.

Drevlyan - the East Slavic tribe, who lived in the 9-10 centuries south of the Pripyat River. The name "Drevlyan", apparently, comes from the word "Tree" and indicates a wooded nature of the terrain where this tribe lived. Dracks were engaged in agriculture and fisheries. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, the Treastan in the 10th century has also retained significant liabilities of group marriage, blood revenge, pagan beliefs. The center of the Drevlyan was the city of estuary. In the 2nd half of the 9th century, the authorities of the Kiev princes were subordinated, who laid down the Dania. In 945, Drevlyan, headed by his prince, was rebelled against the prince of Igor and his squads who re-charged Dani. After murdering, Igor, his wife, Princess Olga destroyed the estuary and eliminated an independent reign of Drevlyan. After 990, the mention in the chronicles about the arms is not.

Dulyba is a Slavic tribe, living in 6-9 centuries along the River West Bug; Subsequently began to be called Volynians.

Buzhany (Volynian) is the tribe of the eastern Slavs who lived in the basin of the upper flow of Western Bug (from which they were called). From the end of the 11th century, Buzhans are referred to as Volynians.

Volynian - the East Slavic tribe, who lived in the territory of modern Volyn. According to the chronicles, the territory of Volynyan and Bujan (inhabitants of waging) used to dulbam - the tribe, who was subjected to the 7th century with cruel oppression of Avar. Volynians were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding. The Arabic writer Masidi (10th century) reports on the existence of the tribe "Vallenna" led by the King Madzhak. In the 9th and early 10th centuries, Volynians were part of the ancient Russian state.

Croats are an East Slavic tribe who lived in the Carpathians.

The designer (hunting) - the East-Slavic tribe, who lived initially in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, and then settled between the Bug and Dniester. Powered settlements reached the Black Sea. From the middle of the 10th century, the iniquity is mentioned in the composition of the Kiev Rus.

Tivertsy is a Slavic tribe, who lived in the 9-11 centuries between the Dniester and the Danube.

Settlement of Slavs.

Talking about the resettlement of Slavs, the chronicler talks about how Sedosha's Slavs are "Sedosha on the Dnieper and Snapped Polyan", others were called "Drevlyans" ("Zan Sedosha in Leshe"), the third who lived between Pripyat and Dvina, were called Dregovichi, the fourth lived The flow of the river of the Food and was called Polochan. Ilmen Lake lived Slovenia, and on the gum, the Seimas and Sulu - Northern.

Gradually, the names of other East Slavic tribes appear in the chronicler's story.

In the top of the Volga, Dvina and Dnieper live curvitus, "their country is Smolensk." "From the curvice" the chronicler displays northerners and shelter. The chronicler talks about the inhabitants of waging, which in antiquity was called dulybami, but now by Volynanians or by Juban. The inhabitants of the chronicler are the inhabitants of the chronicler, and the inhabitants of the Radias - Issići, and Carpathian Croats, and the inhabitants of the Black Sea steppes from the Dnieper and Bug to Dniester and the Danube - Oitsy and Tivers. "CEY BOKMO Slovensk Language (people) in Russia," finishes his story about the resettlement of the eastern Slavic Chronicler.

The chronicles still remember those times when the Slavs of Eastern Europe were shared on the tribes when the Russians' tribes "have their customs of their customs and the law of their own and loyal, the cable of their own" and lived "individual", "the cable with their own way and in their places owning the cable of his own. "

But when the chronicle initial arch (11th century) was compiled, the tribal life was already leaving the area of \u200b\u200blegends. New associations came to replace the tribal associations - political, territorial. Tribal names disappear. Already from the middle of the century, the Tribal name "Polyana" is replaced by the new - "Kiyan" (Kievans), the region of Polyan, the "field", becomes Russia. The same thing happens on Volyn and waggble, where the ancient tribal name of the inhabitants of the region is "dulaby" - inferior to his new name - Volynian and Bujana (from the cities of Volyn and Bujuzka). The exceptions are residents of the dopeds of the regional forests - Vyatichi, who lived "individuals", "come true" in the 11th century.

From the Carpathian Mountains and Western Dvina to the Verkhovyev Oki and Volga, from Ilmena and Ladoga to the Black Sea and the Danube lived Russian tribes on the eve of the formation of the Kiev state: Carpathian Croats, Dongyaniy District and Tivers, Mature Dongs or Volyn, Inhabitants of the Swampy Forests - Dregovichi, Ilmen Slovenia. Residents of the dopesky forests - Vyatichi. The numerous curvaches of the Verkhovyev Dnipro, Western Dvina and Volga, the Dnieper Northerners and other East Slavic tribes constituted a certain ethnic unity "Slovensk language in Russia." It was the eastern, Russian branch of Slavic tribes. Ethnic proximity to contribute to the formation of a single state, and the one state consolidated. The Slavic tribes in the ethnic array was rafting.

But the Russian tribes did not arise themselves in the finished form with all the characteristics of the language, life, culture, but were the result of a complex ethno and glottonic process. The story of the chronicler on the resettlement of Slavic tribes in Russia is the last act of a complex process of forming Russian tribes. In the "Tale of Bygone Years", only the last clock of the existence of breeding life was reflected. New production relations, the birth of the state broke the old - tribal boundaries, they paid the masses within new political borders, united in a new territorial basis. When the chronicler was narrated about the East-Slavic tribes, they have already stopped exist, and many of them, even if not all, have long been essentially not tribes, but the unions of the tribes.

In the story of this year, it is told about the resettlement of Slavic tribes. Initially, according to the chronicler, Slavs lived on the Danube, then they settled on Vistula, Dnieper, Volga. The author indicates which tribes spoke in Slavic language, and which in other languages: "Che Bo Tokmo, Slovenian tongue in Russia: Polyana, Drezlyan, Novgorod, Polochan, Dregovichi, North, Kuzane, Zan Sedosha in Bugu, after the same -Led. And the essence of the Invest Little Litua give Rus: Chede, Merry, the whole, Muroma, Damn, Mordva, Perm, Pecheque, Yami, Lithuania, Zimigol, Court, Norova, Libe. Si the essence of your own language from the knee of Apachov, others like to live in the countries of the semi-unrest. " The chronicler gives a description of the life and customs of the Slavs: "... the cadry's life with his family and in his places, which owns the cable to his own in its places," etc.


Vyatichi, ancient Russian tribe who lived in the pool of the river. Oka. The twinel valum V. The chronicle considers the legendary Vyatko: "And Vyatko Sedge with his native on Oce, Naznychi nicknamed from him." Vyatichi was engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding; until 10-11 centuries. Vyatichi retained the patriarchal-generic system, in 11-14 centuries. The feudal relations developed. In 9-10 centuries. Vyatichi paid tribute to Khazara, later - the Kiev princes, but before the beginning of the 12th century. Natishi defended their political independence. In 11-12 centuries. A number of handicraft cities arose on Earth, a number of handicrafts - Moscow, Koltska, Dedoslav, Nerinsk, and others in the 2nd half of the 12th century. Mergenic land was divided between Suzdal and Chernigov princes. At the 14th century Vyatichi in chronicles are no longer mentioned. The early mounds of venential, containing troves, are known along the top of the Ode and on the top don. They contain several rhodium burials. The thair rite of burial remained up to 14 V. From 12-14 centuries. They reached the numerous small migration mounds with corpecursions.

Lit.: Arzikhovsky A. V., Kurgan Vodyachi, M., 1930; Tretyakov P. N., East Slavic tribes, 2 ed., M., 1953.

Crivichi (Vost.-Slav. Tribal Association)

Curvichi, East Slavic Tribal Association of 6-10 centuries, which occupied extensive areas in the upper course of the Dnieper, Volga and Western Dvina, as well as the southern part of the Judgment Lake Basin. Archaeological sites are mounds (with troves) in the form of long grinding embankments, the remains of agricultural settlements and a settlement, where traces of iron, blacksmith, jewelry, etc. were detected. Main centers - GG. Smolensk, Polotsk, Izborsk and, possibly, Pskov. The composition of K. included numerous Baltic ethnic groups. At the end of 9-10 centuries. There were rich burials of the warriors with weapons; Especially many of them in the nesting cougars. According to the Chronicles, K. to the inclusion of them in the Kiev state (in the 2nd half of the 9th century) had their own reign. The last time the name K. is mentioned in the annals under 1162, when the Smolensk and Polotsk Principality already emerged on Earth, and its northwestern part entered the Novgorod possessions. K. played a big role in the colonization of the Volga-Klyazmin interfold.

Lit.: Dovanar-Zapolsky M., Sketch of the history of the Crimit and Dregovichy lands until the end of the XII Art., K., 1891; Tretyakov P. N., East Slavic tribes, 2 ed., M., 1953; Sedov V. V., Krivichi, Soviet Archeology, 1960, No. 1.

Polyana is a Slavic tribe that dwells through the Dnieper. "Tako and Slavna who has come and Sedosh in the Dnieper and the Polyana," says the chronicle. In addition to Kiev, the glades belonged to the city of Vyshgorod, Vasilev, Belgorod. The name of the meadow comes from the word "field" - flamespace. Kiev Podneprovier still in the Scythian time was mastered by farmers. A significant part of the Dnieper forest-steppe, according to some researchers, belonged to another Slavic tribe - Northerners. Polyana buried his dead and in graves, and by burning.

Radmichi - Union tribes in. The Slavs of Meternreach The Vigorus Dnieper and the gums. Main region - Pool r. Coolant Culture is similar to other Slavic tribes. Main features: Seven-eye temporal rings. Deaders burned on the site of Kurgans on a special subtype. From the XII century. They began to place the dead in the pit specially dug under the mounds.

Russian Slavs and their neighbors

As for the Slavs, the ancient place of their residence in Europe was, apparently, the northern slopes of the Carpathian Mountains, where the Slavs under the name of Venenov, Ants and Zlaven were known even in Roman, Gothic and Gunnight times. From here Slavs diverged into different directions: south (Balkan Slavs), west (Czechs, Morava, Poles) and East (Russian Slavs). The eastern branch of Slavs came to the Dnieper probably in the VII century. And, gradually spreading, reached Lake Ilmena and to the top of Oka. From the Russian Slavs near the Carpathians, Croats and Volynians (Dulyby, Buzhani) remained. Polyana, Drevlyan and Dregovichi were founded on the right bank of the Dnieper and on his right-wing tributaries. Northerners, Radmichi and Vnatichi overwhelmed for the Dnieper and sat on his left tributaries, and Vntychi managed to advance even on OKU. Curvichi also came out of the Dnieper system to the north, on the top of the Volga and Zap. DVY, and their industry Sloveni took the river system of Lake Ilmena. In its movement, up the Dnieper, on the northern and northeastern outskirts of their new settlements, the Slavs came to close proximity to the Finnish tribes and gradually pushed them further north and northeast. At the same time, Lithovsky tribes were found in the north-west neighbors of Slavs, gradually receded to the Baltic Sea before the head of Slavic colonization. On the eastern outskirts, from the steppes, the Slavs, in turn, a lot tolerated from nomadic Asian aliens. As we already know, the Slavs especially "inscribed" obras (Avara). Later, Poland, Northerners, Radmichi and Vyatichi, who lived east of others, are more close to the steppes, they were conquered by Khazari, it can be said to be included in the Khazar Power. So the initial neighborhood of Russian Slavs was determined.

The most wild of all the tribes comes with the Slavs was a Finnish tribe, which constitutes one of the industries of the Mongol race. Within the current Russia, Finns lived from a time immemorative pore, obeying the impact as Scythians with Sarmatians, so later ready, Turks, Lithuanians and Slavs. Runing on a lot of little miners (chud, all, EM, Estaurants, Merry, Mordva, Cheremis, Water Tags, Zyryan and many others), Finns occupied the huge forests of the entire Russian north with their rare settlements. Scattered and did not have any internal device weak Finnish miners remained in primitive wildness and simplicity, easily leaving any invasion of their land. They quickly submitted to more cultural aliens and assimilated with them, or without a noticeable struggle he was inferior to them and left them to the north or east. Thus, with the gradual resettlement of the Slavs in Central and Northern Russia, the mass of Finnish lands passed to the Slavs, and a unbound Finnish element was poured into the Slavic population. Only occasionally where the Finnish shimans-shamans (according to the old Russian name "Volkhva" and "Kudesniki") raised their people to fight, the Finns became against the Russians. But this struggle ended the unchanged victory of Slavs and began in the VIII - X centuries. The division of Finns continued steadily and continues to the present day. Simultaneously with Slavic influence, the Finns began a strong impact on them from the Turkic people of Bulgar Volzhsky (named so unlike Bulgarian Danube). Come to the mouths of the Kama Bulgarians who came from the low-levels are founded here and, not limited to nomads, built cities in which lively trade began. Arab and Khazar merchants brought here from the south along the Volga products (by the way, silver utensils, dishes, bowls, and so on.); Here they changed them on valuable fur, delivered from the north to Kamou and the Upper Volgo. Interbays and Khazars were distributed between Bulgarians Mugomethane and some formation. Bulgarian cities (especially the Bulgarian or Bulgarians on the Volga itself) became very influential centers for the entire region of the upper Volga and Kama, inhabited by Finnish tribes. The influence of Bulgarian cities affected the Russian Slavs who traded with Bulgarians, and subsequently hostile with them. Politically, Volzhsky Bulgarians were not a strong people. Initially, it was originally from Khazar, they had, however, a special khan and many of the kecks or princes subordinate to him. With the fall of the Khazar kingdom, Bulgarians existed on their own, but a lot tolerated from Russian raids and were finally ruined in the XIII century. Tatars. Their descendants of Chuvashi are now a weak and little developed tribe. Lithuanian tribes (Lithuania, Zmmur, Latvians, Prussians, Yatvägi, etc.), which constitute a special branch of the Aryan tribe, already in ancient times (in the II century. According to R. Khr.) There were those places on which they later found Slavs. The settlements of Lithuanians occupied the pools of the rivers of Neman and Zap. Dot and from the Baltic Sea reached the r. Pripyat and sources of Dnipro and Volga. The retreating gradually in front of the Slavs, the Lithuanians focused on Neman and Zap. Dvina in the dense forests closest to the sea of \u200b\u200bthe strip and there for a long time they retain their original life. The tribes were not combined, they were divided into individual bodies and mutually beneficial. The religion of Lithuanians was to deify the forces of nature (perkun - the God of Thunder, the Slavs - Perun), in the reverence of the deceased ancestors and was generally at a low level of development. Contrary to old stories about the Lithuanian priests and various sanctuations, it is now proved that Lithuanians had neither an influential priesthood or solemn religious ceremonies. Each family brought victims to the gods and gods, revered animals and sacred oaks, treated the souls of the dead and engaged in divination. Rough and stern life of Lithuanians, their poverty and wildness put them below Slavs and forced Lithuania to give way to the Slavs that Russian colonization was sent. There, where the Lithuanians immediately proceed with Russians directly, they were noticeable to cultural influence.