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Culturally growing and wild plants. Warranty plants: title and value

The plant world is incredibly rich and diverse. Plants are able to live everywhere, adapting even to the most severe habitat. They can be found in hot deserts, fry marshes and northern pole. When many years ago, people began to engage agricultureAll the vegetation world was divided into wild and cultural plants.

The difference between cultural plants and wild

All plants that can be found on the globe are conventionally divided into two large groups:

  • Warming up - Herbs, shrubs and trees that do not need special care. They can grow anywhere, depending on where the seed fell from which the plant in the future has fallen.
  • Cultural - Plants that grown by man and whom he regularly cares. They grow in gardens, gardens, dumart sites, parks, squares.

All plants on our planet have a lot of general: the structure, features of nutrition, absorption of carbon dioxide and the production of oxygen. However, as a result of human activity, the plants acquired a lot of differences, and it concerns that, above all, the methods of their cultivation.

So, wild-growing plants are able to grow perfectly and without the influence of man. For this they use those natural resourceswho surround them. And even if the habitat conditions are completely imperfect, the plants manage to adapt to them. Precisely because they grow in wildlife, they were called wild.

Fig. 1. Forest Bow

Types of wild plants:

  • trees;
  • shrubs;
  • herbs.

Cultural plants, on the contrary, need careful and regular care. The person grows them to get a rich harvest.

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Views cultural plants:

  • vegetable;
  • grain;
  • fruit;
  • decorative;
  • spinning.

Fig. 2. Wheat - Typical Cultural Plant

How cultivated plants appeared

In ancient times, all plants on the planet were wild. Ancient people only collected edible berries, fruits, roots and herbs, and spent a lot of time on their search. The situation has changed when our ancestors guess to grow plants with seeds, and began to grow them near their settlements.

From this point on, the wild plants began to be gradually evilted. Under the influence of man, they changed: they became larger, tasty, crops. Thus, cultural plants appeared on the planet.

What is the ochultering of plants?

The quality of fruits of wild plant plants is very different from cultural fellow. It is enough to compare the berries of wild raspberry and an aligned: in forest raspberry, growing on "will", the fruits are very small and not at all so sweet, and the amount of them on the bush is much less than that of garden raspberry.

Fig. 3. Wild raspberry

Translated from the Latin word "culture" means "processing", "cultivate". For many hundreds of years, people have taken care of plants, carefully choosing only the best copies. So gradually improved the taste qualities of indulged plants, their yield increased.

Thanks to the influence of man, the range of products has grown. So, if the wild apple tree fruit is small, sour, greenish color, then there exists huge selection Apples of various tastes, colors and sizes.

Wild and cultural plants

Children, and whether you noticed that wherever you are, everywhere they surround us various plants? You see them, walking and returning from school, walking in the park, resting at the river or being in the forest. Plants are everywhere. They grow along paths, in the meadows, fields, vegetables, in the steppes and even high in the mountains. Plants can even be found in anhydrous deserts, in lakes, firing swamps and even in Antarctica.

But today we will talk about those plants that grow on the expanses of our country.

Vegetable world is a very diverse structure, habitat and on the use of plants by man.

And did you think about the similarity and what is the difference, for example, between pine and apple tree, or tomato and dandelion?

Of course, you know that the pine and apple tree are trees, and the dandelion and tomato are treated to grassy plants. But, their difference is that the apple tree and tomatoes need care, but pine with a dandelion can grow by themselves.

Warranty plants

You know that some plants grow in the fields, gardens, and some in the meadows, along rivers and lakes, in parks and forests. What do you think, are there any significant differences between the plants that grow man in their garden, garden or on the field? And how do these plants differ from those that can be found on the lawns, along the paths or in the forest? And everything is very simple. It turns out that all plants that grow in themselves and without human intervention are called wild plants.

Now let's get acquainted with such plants. Among wild plants there may be not only herbal, but they also include trees, shrubs. In a word, these are those plants that grow everywhere and by themselves.

Cultural and wild plants

All those plants that we can meet on our planet are divided into two large groups.

To the first such group include plants that grown by man and what he cares. Such plants are called cultural.

The second group includes trees, shrubs and herbal plants, followed by which they do not need to care because they grow anywhere and by themselves. These plants are wild.

Now let's try to consider in more detail, which is the difference between these plants.

All wild plants grow, as a rule, without human intervention and in those territories where nature is created for them. suitable conditions Or to these conditions of the plant were able to adapt themselves. In addition, behind wild plants, no one cares, and they grow by themselves.

But for cultural plants it is necessary to care for. Such plants man sow or plant and get good harvest Cultural plants, a person needs to care about them carefully.

How did cultural plants arise

Previously, in ancient times, all plants that grew on Earth were wild. A man collecting their fruits, berries, herbs and roots, a lot of time spent on their search. Then people understood that he could not go for the food for the natives, you can have it next to your housing. So after the expiration of some time, a man began to plant wilderness plants near his home and that they caught up and gave a good harvest, people began to care for these plants. Over time, these plants under the evil attention of man will change. In this way, cultural plants appeared. After all, translated from the Latin language, the term "culture" translates how to cultivate, or process.

The main difference is that cultural people grows purposefully, takes diverse varieties inside species.

However, this is an unscientific classification of representatives of the Flora.

Generally accepted classification of wild and cultural plants

Scientists share all plants for two facilities: the lower and higher. The first group consists of four departments: brown, green, red and higher include such horsages, plane-shaped, ppi-shaped, fern, voted and coated. The first five groups of plants breed themselves with the help of a dispute, and the last two seeds. Golorals differ from the covered bridges that they have flowers, so the plants of this department are also called flowering. Basically, cultural plants of the world belong to and in general, flowering and viced are today the most numerous groups of plants.

A variety of covered bridges

Wild and cultural plants that breed seeds are very diverse and numerous.

Let's consider first scientific classification These representatives of the Flora. So, wild and cultivated plants belonging to the flowering department are divided into two classes depending on the structure of the seeds: single-bedroom and digestive. There are such families such as cereal and lily. Such plants in most cases are cultural. You can attribute such families like birch, yawa, ternary, cruciferous, legumes, and complex, riotransclauses. Among them there are also many crops that are grown by man.

Variety of vote

In all the families listed above, the families and types are distinguished.

Other classifications of plants

Depending on the vital form, wild and cultural plants can be divided into eight groups:

Wild and cultural plants, examples of which can be seen in the pictures, can also be divided into groups depending on their life expectancy. So, allocate annuals, twilight and perennial plants. Annual and twilight mainly and perennial can be shrubs, half-workers, trees, etc.

Wild and cultural plants: examples

Consider cultural and wild plants that are used by a person in various fields.

They are demonstrated by the table below.

Wild and cultural plants: groups, examples, use
Warming upmedicinalcalendula, Valerian, Rosehip, Chamomile Field, Coniferous
for pulp and paper and furniture industriesspruce, birch, pine
for eatingbarberry, Blackberry, Blueberry, Blueberry
weedsswan, Mattik, nettle, Osay
Culturaldecorativenarcissus, Rose, Tulip, Orchid
beansoy, beans, peas
graincorn, wheat, rice, oats, millet
sugaroneasugar beets
fibrouslen, Cotton, Hemp, Kenaf
bakhchevawatermelon melon
fruitapple tree, pear, plum
vegetabletomato, Cucumber, Cabbage, Radish, Radish, Rope
stimulatingcoffee, tea, tobacco
feedfeed beets, tour

Now you know what the cultural and wild-growing representatives of the flora and which groups they share.

Theme lesson: Cultural and wild plants.

Main goals and objectives: To introduce students of the 2nd class with the fact that there are wild and cultural plants, explain the difference and give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a person is engaged in an extrusion.

Lesson plan:

  1. The concept of cultural and wild plants
  2. How did cultural plants appear?
  3. Why does a person seek the plants?

During the classes

1. The concept of cultural and wild plants

What do you think, what are the main differences of pine from the pear? (Listen to all the answers, notice the one that says that pine grows in the forest, and the pear is in the garden). And what is the difference between the dandelion from cucumber? (Also listen to all the answers, notice the one that says that the dandelion grows by itself and can be found wherever you want, and the man is cared for cucumbers and you can find it only in the garden).

And now, when you already know, what a variety of plants are, let's divide them into two large groups. Those plants that grow everywhere and who do not need a person to care for them are called wildly (their name speaks for itself). The plants that grow in the garden in the garden and for the growth of a person's intervention is called cultural. Their name in a lesser extent transfers their essence, because cultural we used to consider people who go to theaters, visit the libraries, talk without graft words. However, the word "cultural" in relation to plants has a different meaning, and we will talk about it a little later.

Practical task (on the development of logic):

What do you think, what plants appeared earlier - wild or cultural? Why? (Listen to all the answers, pay special attention to explanations, enable to express your opinion to those children for whom it is important).

2. How did cultural plants appear?

You correctly said that since the plants appeared on Earth earlier than a person turned out to be, then wild-growing plants have a longer history than cultural. In the distant times, when a person just moved away from the monkeys and was fed at what he could collect from trees and bushes, all the plants were wild. The human intervention was only that he collected a harvest.

The first cultural plants appeared when a person noticed that it was necessary to put grain to grow grain to grow grain. And in order to grow apricot, it is necessary to put a bone in the ground. In short, from this point on, when new trees, shrubs and just small bushes began to appear by themselves, but with the direct participation of a person, a group of cultivated plants began to develop.

Practical task:

What did you need to make a person in order for the cultural plant to give a harvest? (Right answers - plant, water, remove harmful insects, glow from weeds, treat, if the plant is sick, drive away wild animals that would like to be destroyed with tasty).

3. Why is a person seeking to enjoy the plants?

Why didn't a person satisfy that harvest that was given wild plants? Compare fruit wild apple and an aligned, you probably saw those and others in your life. The wild apple tree fruits are small, mostly sour, and their number is relatively small. As for the apple tree growing in the garden, then the fruits are much more in size, they are sweeter, and their yield is much higher. The same applies to the raspberry - smooth and sour and sour, and the cultural, which can be found in the garden, is large and sweet.

All this is the result of human impact. It turns out that the word "culture" has another meaning - in translated from Latin, it means "to cultivate", "process". Similarly, as we are "treated" in the theater, in the books, in the process of education, by putting positive qualities and properties, the person comes in relation to plants.

What else did a person do in order to emphasize the plants? He watched which seeds give best harvestAnd the next year was only on them. It increased yield, improved the quality of the plants he grown.

And the person diversified the products that he grown. For example, a smaller sweet cherry, sour, with a large bone, mostly light red. And the sweet cherry, which we buy in the bazaar and eat every spring and summer (that is, cultural) - it is completely different. First, there are many of its colors and shades - from pale yellow to dark burgundy. Secondly, there are many taste shades, so that everyone will be satisfied - both the lovers of sourness, and fans of sweets.

Practical task:

List all kinds of cabbage that you know (the right answer is white, blocked, colored, broccoli, Savoy, Kohlrabi, Brussels, Peking, Chinese). Report to children that all these varieties brought a person in the framework of breeding - special science, which is engaged in improving varieties of plants or rocks of animals, as well as the removal of new ones.

Evaluation: Ask students to answer verification questions. According to their answers, it will be possible to determine how much they learned the lesson material:

  • What plants can be called wild? What are cultural? Plum, which gives fruit without human intervention and grows on the road to the sea, belongs to cultural or wild?
  • Why does a man inhabit plants? What additional benefits do it gives him?
  • What is the name of the science, which is engaged in improving the existing properties of plants and animals, as well as the formation of new varieties?

In addition, due to large quantity Practical tasks can be encouraged by children who were most active during the lesson.

4. The results of the lesson:

During the lesson, the student learned:

  • What plants are called wild, which are cultural.
  • What is the difference between them.
  • How cultivated plants appeared.
  • Why man opuls plants.


Find 5 wild and 5 cultivated plants that are not growing in Russia and which were not mentioned during the lesson.

In the wild, a huge variety of herbs, trees, shrubs. They are found along the river shores, in the steppes, in the forest and in the country areas. The names of wild plants many people are familiar with childhood, among them there are very beautiful and useful copies. However, many and dangerous weeds, from which it is sometimes difficult to get rid of.

IN vegetable world Flora is classified by characteristic features, life expectancy and range . Life term is divided into several vegetative periods:

In its purpose are divided into edible, neutral, dosage and dangerous to economic activity and human health wild plants. Names and properties of many of them are important to know to avoid poisoning.

  • Useful - these are plants that are used in cooking or in phytotherapy.
  • Neutral are not consumed by people in food and are not harmful. They are eating herbivores and birds.
  • Hazardous herbs contain poisonous substances or are weeds that slow down the growth of garden crops.

Some edible species have their own ducts. These include sorrel and forest strawberry. They differ from their home collections with smaller size of leaves and fruits.

Many wild herbate plants According to mine healing properties Superior pharmacy preparations and are widely used in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Some grow only in wildlife, others have long been grown at home. The most popular plants include the following types:

Herbs such as mint and a chamber, not only possess medical propertiesBut also give the brave a pleasant taste. Dried leaves can be used instead of tea all year round.

Warranty shrubs

In a vegetable manifold, larger types of flora occupy an important place, which relate to the family of shrubs. They are unpretentious to weather changes, do not require artificial pollination and can decorate any plot. Shrubs, like herbs, are divided into groups:

Before transferring natural shrubs to your site, you must carefully familiarize yourself with their characteristics and the way of care.

The most attractive forest inhabitants are flowering plants. Each of them has its own period of flowering. Therefore, admire the careless beauty of forest colors from early spring and to deep autumn.

Kalanchoe Kalandiv: care and cultivation at home

The first spring flowers appear on the forest edges, when the snow is still lying. They are called snowdrops. When the soil is finally warming up, the valley, violets, crocuses, anemones begin to bloom. Among decorative varietiesbred by breeders on the panstones There are and very rare species:

Flowering in summer

Summer is pleased with a rich variety of natural flora. Wild Flowers Cover Plains and Forest Polyany . Among them, plants with therapeutic effects occupy a special place: