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Phalaenopsis mini mark. What is it and what does it look like? Classification scientific and consumer

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The decorative beauty of the orchid family would not be complete if mini orchids were not added to some of the huge representatives and lush flowering varieties.

These flowers have gained popularity recently. Among them, the Phalaenopsis mini orchid is very prominent. In this article, we will discuss the Phalaenopsis mini variety and the features of caring for these beautiful representatives of the orchid family.

Important! Mini orchids are different from small-flowered ones. First of all, the fact that small-flowered varieties grow to large sizes.

general information

The height of these miniature beauties is no more than 15-20 centimeters, containers for them are also selected according to size. These are monopodial plants with a short stem, leaves are wide and leathery. Grow only vertically upwards. Aerial roots may also appear, which, like flower stalks, grow from the axils of the leaves. Flowers, like all Phalaenopsis, resemble a butterfly.


The east and west sides of greenhouses and rooms are best suited for these little beauties. If the dwarf orchid is located differently, then they create shading or diffused lighting.

The temperature regime is very important for Phalaenopsis dwarf orchids. The temperature all year round must be maintained in the range from 17 to 29 degrees. High and low temperatures harm the flower and lead to serious diseases, such as rotting and atrophy of the roots, loss of the ability of the leaves to photosynthesize.

Important! For stable growth and good development, daily temperature differences are created. The difference between night and daytime indicators should be from 5 to 8 degrees in summer and 3-4 degrees in winter.

Watering and humidity

Phalaenopsis mini does not tolerate low and high humidity, as they lead to death, therefore, the constant humidity should be approximately 60%.

Important! Dry air will not allow the flower to bloom, and too humid air will create conditions for decay.

Watering this orchid variety depends on how quickly the substrate dries out, which must have good drainage properties. Also, it depends on how big its volume is. Usually, watering once every 5-7 days will be sufficient.

There are several additional irrigation options:

Bathing in the shower. Many growers claim that this is the best way to care for mini orchids. The water temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees, while the water should not be hard. Bathing is carried out for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure is completed, excess water is allowed to drain and the remaining water is wiped off in the axils of the leaves to avoid rotting.

Mini Phalaenopsis do not tolerate stagnant air, so the place where the orchid is placed should be well ventilated.

Important! Drafts are still avoided.


Healthy mini orchid roots

It is carried out once every 2 years in the event that there is no more space in the old bowl and aerial roots have begun to appear.

Important! Transplantation can only be carried out during the dormant period.

The flower is carefully pulled out of the pot, the roots are cleaned of the old substrate, and the dried ones are cut off. Watering after transplantation is carried out in a week. It is also worth changing the temperature regime and the lighting regime in the direction of decrease.


Fungal diseases. The leaves turn yellow in spots, and tubercles are also formed. Treated with antifungal solutions. The reason is improper care.

  1. Bacterial spots. The old leaves of mini orchids are affected, which acquire a dark yellow hue. It is treated by removing the diseased leaf. Sections are treated with bactericidal preparations and coal.
  2. Root atrophy. Leads to the inability of the root system to feed the plant. The reason is the wrong soil and care for the mini. It is treated by dividing the bush and fertilizers.
  3. Putrid disease. The reason is improper watering, poor-quality soil for mini, incorrectly selected humidity mode. It is treated with a complex of transplantation, cutting off the affected sections and changing the humidity regime.

In this article, we talked about what a Phalaenopsis mini orchid is and how to care for these orchids.

As the name implies, the word Mini in the name of the phalaenopsis indicates its small size compared to the standard-sized "brethren" that can most often be found in flower shops and large hypermarkets.

In this article, we will look at what care is required for Mini Phalaenopsis at home, and also talk about the most popular varieties of Mini Phalaenopsis and look at their photos.

The word mini itself speaks of a small size - up to 20 cm (this is the growth of an adult plant). Standard - can meet up to a meter in height. But usually 50-70 cm.

Phalaenopsis Mini: variety varieties

pink girl

  • Phalaenopsis Jiaho's Pink Girl and Phalaenopsis Wenlong Pink Girl;
  • This pink girl maybe with a smell. Or maybe without it.

Pink Girl (Jiaho's Pink Girl).

Mark Fragrant

Phalaenopsis Mini Mark:

  • Phalaenopsis Mini Mark is best known. This is a hybrid of created miniature phalaenopsis from the novelty group;
  • Grows up to 10-15 cm in height y. And you need a miniature pot - 6-9 cm;
  • The leaves are the color of malachite and can be 10-15 cm long;
  • Flowers are small, only 3-4 cm. Orange dots on white petals. He is also fragrant;
  • On other Mini Stamps there are inclusions of other colors (yellow or pink). And the lip is orange-brown.

Mark is fragrant.

Variety Multiflora

Multiflora (profusely flowering) is the name orchids with many small flowers (up to 6 cm). They can also be medium in size. Often multiflora flower stalks are constantly growing during the entire flowering cycle, while they are branching, creating the opportunity for the growth of even more buds.

Those. the presence in the name of the variety at the same time the words Multiflora and Mini can be understood as a small-sized plant (mini) with many small flowers (multiflora).



  • . Hybrid ( and );
  • And originally from the Philippines;
  • Found in the natural environment;
  • Silver-green leaves seem to be painted with marble;
  • Flowers of different colors, but more pink-purple.



  • miniature orchid notable for its star-shaped flower;
  • And more of a hummingbird;
  • Small in size and original in appearance;
  • The peduncle is also small. But it has several flowers.

Phalaenopsis hummingbird "at the withers" reaches 40 cm.

Lyrical digression, or a little about the history of orchids

Activation of root growth

Analyze. Maybe you have not created the necessary conditions for the plant.


How often do they give children?

  • appear on flower stalks. Healthy plants give good babies;
    • And they do this by separating new side shoots. If they have grown to 5-6 centimeters. They are called children;
    • Can be transplanted directly into prepared containers (pots). Cut plastic bottles are often used. With multiple holes;
    • You can place in special greenhouses with wet sphagnum. If they are.

    Remember! It is necessary to cut off with a disinfected tool (knife, scalpel, scissors).

    Moss transplant - you will carry out for phalaenopsis purchased in stores:

    • You can implement it right away;
    • And you can wait. Until it blooms;
    • At the same time, ensure proper care.

    Useful videos

    Video about the main rules for growing Phalaenopsis Mini:

    The video below shows one of the landing methods:

    The following video is about transplanting mini phalaenopsis:

    How to properly care for a dwarf orchid, the following video:


    • The long flowering of phalaenopsis increases the number of people who want to have such flowers. And not just one copy.
    • It is enough to buy one. And there is excitement. And experience comes. It turns out you can. Yes, and the Internet will help;
    • BUT miniature orchids provide additional opportunities to grow them.

    In contact with

    Orchid variety Mini Mark (Mini Mark) is collectible. If you're into orchids, check out this very optimistic flower. A bright orange lip, orange tufts on a white flower, small compact plant size, multifloral flowering in tassels will add joy and sunshine to your home. With the age of the plant, the number of peduncles, twigs and flowers increases. Phalaenopsis lives on average up to 10-15 years and needs to be updated with babies or division. All hybrid phalaenopsis, regardless of variety or size, need the same conditions. An exception is specific (natural) forms. Phalaenopsis of this variety can be presented both with one and with two or three peduncles.

    Orchid variety Mini Mark (Mini Mark) is collectible. If you're into orchids, check out this very optimistic flower. A bright orange lip, orange tufts on a white flower, small compact plant size, multifloral flowering in tassels will add joy and sunshine to your home. With the age of the plant, the number of peduncles, twigs and flowers increases. Phalaenopsis lives on average up to 10-15 years and needs to be updated with babies or division. All hybrid phalaenopsis, regardless of variety or size, need the same conditions. An exception is specific (natural) forms. Phalaenopsis of this variety can be presented both with one and with two or three peduncles.

    Phalaenopsis needs an influx of fresh air, but it is important that there is no draft. At t above + 35C, the orchid must be placed in a cooler place, the roots and foliage should be sprayed with warm water. Excess moisture should be removed from the rosette of leaves, good air ventilation is the key to the health of the plant. Shortening of daylight hours stimulates flowering. The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight, flooding and cooling of the roots, grows well in partial shade.

    during the growth period, the substrate should be moderately moist, with periodic drying. Phalaenopsis should be watered with soft water at room temperature. In winter and after flowering, watering is limited, but the substrate is not allowed to dry out too much.

    during the period of active growth from March to September and preparation for flowering, water once every 10 days with a solution of complex fertilizer for orchids at a dosage of 1/2 of that indicated on the package.

    transplanted as needed: if the pot has become too small or the substrate has decomposed. Usually this is done no more than once every two years, in the spring. The mixture is made up of large and medium pieces of pine bark, sphagnum moss and charcoal.

    propagated by dividing the main rosette or "children" - young shoots that appear on a faded, unremoved peduncle.

    We are all looking forward to the upcoming Spring Festival. And I have two gifts from the mini-Mark! Finally, my varietal phalaenopsis Mini Mark pleased me with two buds and the flowering of one of them. I bought it as a fairly grown-up baby and I observe the first white star with an orange lip. However, unlike many of his relatives, he is quite capricious in keeping on the windowsill. And that's what we're talking about now. Orchid Mini Mark: care at home.

    Himself with a poppy seed - and as if strewn with poppies. This hybrid orchid is definitely one of the most adorable greenhouse sized creatures. Such a miniature phalaenopsis is distinguished by slightly elongated leaves. Its flowers are small, graceful, with white speckled petals. And like the sun shines the lower "petal" - the lip, bewitching with a bright orange color:

    Orchid Mini Mark

    I have been dreaming about this miniature for a long time, but it came to me as an exchange last summer. As I already said, it was a grown-up baby, well overgrown with greasy roots. It did not bloom at the previous owner - but I laid flower stalks two months after its appearance. However, I did not wait for the buds then ...

    One of the bloggers advised me to share my successes, but not to talk about defeats - they say, readers do not like losers. But I want to make a useful entry, so I'll talk about my personal observations of the "tastes" of this flower, which I learned from my own experience.

    Phalaenopsis Mini Mark

    So, on orchid sites that I respect very much, it says: they say, the Mini Mar orchid to quite satisfied with the average humidity. But in reality, this turned out not to be the case. I recalled the statement of Professor Preobrazhensky, which I want to paraphrase a little: "Do not read resources on caring for orchids. - But there are no others. - But don't read any." It turned out that such a miniature is very capricious in terms of dryness - the biggest sissy of all my phalaenopsis. If her relatives quite normally tolerate the medium-humid and even dry air of apartments, then this poppy color does not want to put up with it.

    So, he dried his first flower stalks. And both. With what pain I watched the green "twigs" turn into straw. With such regret, she cut off what did not give flowers ... One consolation: the plant was too young - and, perhaps, earlier flowering would have exhausted the strength of this teenage child.

    In the present eshnem year this variety has matured, and he had the strength to "pull out" one peduncle. (The second one still withered, despite the fact that this one is on the windowsill boy with a finger I was located, from all sides oh circled water containers).

    Therefore, remember the most important rule: the Mini Mark orchid loves high humidity. No options.

    It is also considered a thermophilic plant. Like, the temperature should not fall below 18 degrees Celsius. I have it grew and at 13 degrees. Thanks to the reformed Housing Office: heating was provided only in December. However, the same thing happened in the past (or rather, the year before last!) year. Possibly low temperatures were another reason why such phytobeauty did not stretch the flower stalks.

    But now a happy start - the Mini Mark orchid is blooming, and pleases me with its white star.

    However, try to keep it warm, avoiding high differences in day and night temperatures.

    Otherwise, home care for this charming miniature is the same as for other phalaenopsis - bright diffused light, watering as the soil dries (I use the bottom one with immersion in a container) with soft warm water, a bark-based substrate , regular under feed in the summer. Sometimes I also use spraying with succinic acid with vitamins.

    Of course, the Mini Mark orchid is somewhat difficult to maintain, but how much admiration its lovely flowers cause! Moreover, they usually open in winter, when we do not have enough colors. So , I obl yudala the birth of the first star at the end of February ...

    P.S. The second bud has just opened. It turned out that phalaenopsis Mini Mark is fragrant ! Exudes a subtle, barely perceptible fragrance, similar to a train of expensive French perfumes .

    History in store

    I recently saw this scene in a flower shop. There were many different orchids in the window, including phalaenopsis. There was one rather impressive specimen there, but its flowers were small, and there were quite a lot of them on one peduncle.

    And nearby stood a very tiny "falik" almost in a 100-gram cup and was about to bloom. Moreover, the size of its buds compared to the size of the leaves was wow!

    The girl who was looking at the window asked the saleswoman, pointing to that impressive orchid: “Is this a mini phalaenopsis?”. The saleswoman grinned so caustically and said, waving in the direction of a tiny glass: “There is that mini phalaenopsis, but this one is not!” The girl got embarrassed and left.

    First mini, then midi, then maxi?

    Many people really like compact orchids with small leaves and flowers. They also take up less space on the windowsill, and look more elegant.

    And often on the forums you can find such stories: “Last year I bought a miniature fan, the length of the sheet was about 10 cm. But during this time it has grown leaves so much that I am already beginning to doubt that this is a mini. Or maybe they sold me a midi orchid?

    What's wrong with these stories? And what is the difference between mini phalaenopsis and miniature phalaenopsis? And how not to get into a mess when buying? Let's figure it out.

    Classification scientific and consumer

    To make it easier for you to understand further reasoning, we will first introduce you to some terms in the taxonomy of orchids.

    You probably know that all species, varieties and hybrids are subject to official registration and classification based on pedigrees. On the one hand, such a strict scientific classification helps to quickly navigate the names, but in practice it is often inconvenient to use it.

    Therefore, the so-called consumer classification arose, in which all varieties of phalaenopsis were divided according to the type of flowering. There are 3 main groups:

    1. Standard. In them, after flowering, the apical bud of the peduncle dies off. The peduncle is long, the flowers are large (9-12 cm), and are located in its upper part. The genes of such species as Phalaenopsis stuartiana, Ph. schilleriana, Ph. amabilis and others close to them.

    2. Novelty. In this group, the peduncle repeatedly grows from the upper bud after a dormant period. The flowers are medium-sized (4-8 cm). The shape is usually regular, the petals can be ovate or pointed. Novelties are further subdivided into 2 subgroups: classical and modern. The classical pedigree consists only of natural species of the subgenus Polychilos. In modern ones, in addition to orchids of the subgenus Polychilos, standard phalaenopsis are also present in the pedigree.

    3. Multiflora. In plants of this group, the peduncle grows in the process of flowering. It usually branches. The flowers are quite small (3-6 cm) and often in large numbers on one peduncle. Their shape is in most cases the same as that of standard varieties. The genes of Phalaenopsis schilleriana and Ph. dominate in the cells of these hybrids. stuartiana on the one hand and Ph. equestris on the other.

    Mini phalaenopsis orchid

    So, let's look at what is hidden under this name.

    In fact, this is a rather large group of varieties, which are united by common features - firstly, their flower shape is classic, like that of standard white varieties, but smaller.

    If we take into account the classification according to the type of flowering, then mini phalaenopsis can be related to standard, novelty, and cartoon. But still, most of them are multiflora. Just like most of the multiflora is mini.

    Representatives of this group, as a rule, are not at all miniature in size. Take, for example, one of the most famous among them - Phalaenopsis Be Tris (photo 2). Many of its hybrids have a much larger leaf span than standard varieties.

    Photo 2. Phalaenopsis Be Tris

    Therefore, the term "mini" refers in this case to the flowers of the orchid, and not to the general size of this houseplant. Breeders, reducing the size of flowers, achieve an increase in their number on one peduncle.

    The pedigrees of almost all varieties of this group contain the following species ancestors (one of them, or all together): Phalaenopsis schilleriana (photo 3), Ph. stuartiana (photo 4) and Ph. equestris (photo 5). Notice, the same as with multiflora.

    Photo 3. Phalaenopsis schilleriana Photo 4 stuartiana
    Photo 5. Ph. equestris

    Schilleriana and stuartiana have branching peduncles with many small flowers. Accordingly, all hybrids based on these species also have branching peduncles and a large number of flowers, and this is the second sign of this group.

    Here are some of the most famous and prominent representatives:

    • Phal. Be Tris
    • Carmela's Pixie
    • Be Glad
    • Timothy Christopher
    • Cassandra
    • Sogo Vivien A
    • Brother Pico Stripe
    • Formosa Dream

    miniature phalaenopsis

    Some varieties of novelty can be called miniature, although they have rather large flowers (up to 8 cm), but the leaf span of many does not exceed 20 cm.

    But still, the term "miniature" was assigned to one small group, standing apart. Compared to novelties, representatives of this group are in the full sense of the word miniature, including flowers (up to 3 cm).

    All varieties in the parents have the following species: Phalaenopsis parishii (photo 6), Ph. maculata (photo 7), Ph. lobbies (photo 8).

    The very first hybrid miniature appeared in 1980, it was created by Henry Walbrunn - this is Phalaenopsis Micro Nova = Phal.parishii x Phal.maculata.

    Among the dozen Micro Nova hybrids, the most famous was Phalaenopsis Mini Mark = Phal.philippinense x Phal.Micro Nova.

    The Mini Mark variety itself (photo 9), as well as many of its clones ("Valle Pixie", "Polka Pup", "Mt.Mitchell", "Finally", "Banner Elf"), received high awards.

    Photo 9

    Mini Mark, in turn, does not have many hybrids, and the most significant of them is Phalaenopsis Tricki Woo = Phal.equestris x Phal.Mini Mark.

    All these varieties, as well as some others that are not very well known, make up a small group of miniature phalaenopsis.

    Watch out baby!

    It is also worth mentioning that some unscrupulous seller can sell you a standard phalaenopsis under the guise of a miniature transplanted baby (photo 10).

    Photo 10. Phalaenopsis baby

    It happens that babies appear on the peduncles and even begin to bloom. Such children, if they have roots, are planted from the mother plant. And these crumbs can very easily be mistaken for real miniatures. So, be careful! Be sure to ask for the name of the orchid when buying.

    Commercial classification

    In practice, you can find another classification according to the general size and size of flowers.

    Depending on the overall size, phalaenopsis are divided into mini, midi and standard.

    For example, on sale you can see all 3 copies of the same variety, which will simply be at different stages of development. Moreover, for all 3 specimens, the size of the flowers will be the same, because it is genetically laid down, only the size of the leaves will differ (photo 11).

    Photo 11

    Depending on the size of the flowers, the halyards are divided into multiflora, standard and grandiflora. Just like the type of flowering, but sellers are only interested in the size of the flowers.

    This is not an official classification, but rather only used in the orchid trade. Most likely, the characteristics of these groups affect the pricing of exotic beauties. The larger, the more expensive.

    Well, let them call them whatever they want. But now you will know exactly who is who!