Repair Design Furniture

Orthopedic pillows, bolsters, headrests. Orthopedic pillow for legs Pillow for legs during sleep

Blanket, bed linen, mattress. But how many of us have an orthopedic pillow under our feet? Do you think this is overkill? We are sure that your opinion will change to a cardinally opposite one after you appreciate all the advantages of this accessory and try to at least sleep a night with such a pillow.

When will an orthopedic leg pillow come in handy?

If you spend most of the day on your feet or, on the contrary, sit in front of the computer for a long time, and in the late afternoon you feel aching and pain in your legs, then in addition to orthopedic insoles, which should be used during the day, you should purchase a special pillow for your feet.

She ready to relieve tension from tired legs, relax muscles, improve blood supply to the limbs, thereby preventing the development of serious diseases. During sleep, not only will your torso and head be in the correct anatomical position, but also your legs will be perfectly positioned, which means they will have a great rest.

During pregnancy and with varicose veins, an orthopedic foot pillow is indispensable. It is useful for arthritis, back pain, heaviness and pain in the legs and many other ailments.

Professional athletes also try to put a pillow under their feet while sleeping., whose training is accompanied by heavy loads on the lower extremities (weightlifters, athletes, etc.).

Types of orthopedic pillows for feet

All manufactured orthopedic foot pillows can be divided into several large groups.

By location

  • Cube pillow

If you prefer to sleep on your back, then a pillow consisting of two cubes with notches for the shins is for you. It should be placed below the knees, and each leg should be laid on its own cube.

  • Pillow roller

A foot cushion is produced, consisting of several rollers of different volumes fastened together. The smallest is under the knees, and the largest is under the heels. Legs are comfortably extended and raised to improve blood flow.

  • Contour pillow

Contour pillows are models whose surface follows the anatomical contour of straight legs.

  • Transformer

If you sleep on your side, you can use a transforming pillow that attaches between your knees.

  • Beveled cushion-cube

Bulky but effective models that men love. They are a cube, one side of which is beveled in such a way that the legs are parallel to the surface of the bed, and the thighs are at an angle.

  • Universal pillow for the whole body

There is also a universal pillow option. These are full-length models that women often acquire during pregnancy. Only on such a pillow it is possible to comfortably place both the stomach and the swollen legs..

By type of filler

  • Polyester balls

A pillow with such a "filling" perfectly supports the legs, does not deform and quickly regains its shape. If you buy a quality product with balls no more than one and a half centimeters in diameter, then it will last 5-8 years and will not lose its original characteristics.

  • Natural latex

These pillows are more expensive than the previous ones. The filler is well ventilated, so your feet won't sweat even on the stifling night... By the way, it is the latex foot pillows that are placed on bedridden patients in order to exclude the formation of bedsores. Latex is elastic and effectively supports the legs in the correct anatomical position. It does not crumble and is not subject to the negative effects of moisture, therefore, with proper operation, it will last for 15 years.

  • Memory foam

Innovative material adapts perfectly to body contours Therefore, foam pillows are placed between knee joints affected by arthritis. There are models for those who sleep on their backs. The material is very comfortable and does not heat up even if the room is very hot.

Indications and contraindications for use

For preventive purposes, you can choose a pillow for your feet yourself. But if you are suffering from any disease, be sure to consult your doctor to find the optimal shape and size of the accessory for you.

Orthopedic leg support pillows are prescribed in the following cases:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • swelling of the lower extremities, including after injuries;
  • poor circulation in the legs (cold feet effect);
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis, including in the thoracic and cervical spine, when the refusal of a pillow under the head can be recommended;
  • muscle cramps;
  • aches and pains in the legs;
  • pregnancy;
  • breathing disorders.

Contraindications include only individual intolerance to the components in the pillow.

When choosing a pillow:

  • choose the right height: it is better to give preference to models with adjustable parameters due to removable elements;
  • hardness: medium hardness - universal;
  • sizes so that the pillow does not occupy the entire surface of the bed, and it was possible to comfortably place your legs on it;
  • materials - it is better to give preference to natural ingredients or high quality synthetic analogs.

The cost of a foot pillow can vary from one thousand to five thousand rubles, depending on the fillers used, the complexity of the design and the name of the manufacturer.

If you still think that a pillow under your feet is too much, we strongly advise you to lie on an orthopedic product in the nearest salon, and after 10 minutes you will feel how your legs get rid of fatigue and pain. And if you are lonely in bed, then pay attention to the hug pillow, on which you can throw both legs and arms.

Orthopedic pillows are an important part of any sleeping place.
Are you used to sleeping on your stomach? The pillow should be nearly flat. On the side? The thickness of the pillow will depend on the softness of your mattress and the size of your shoulder. On the back? Place a roller under your neck.

It is very easy to buy orthopedic pillows in Moscow in our online store of medical equipment MedMag24.

A properly fitted pillow can affect the quality of sleep and the rate at which it occurs. The head of an orthopedic pillow should be moderately soft, and preferably orthopedic. And it's not just about the length of the rest.

Orthopedic pillow - an essential attribute of healthy sleep. Incorrect position of the neck and head during sleep leads to inevitable painful sensations. The muscles cannot relax while trying to keep the head in the correct position, and blood flow decreases. If in the morning you feel pain in the cervicobrachial region, headache, then it's time to purchase an orthopedic pillow.

Modern orthopedic pillows are made of high-tech artificial or natural materials. Most often, latex and memory foam are used in the manufacture of such pillows.

Benefits of using orthopedic pillows: anatomical, hygienic, durable.

After many hours of walking, everyone dreams of giving rest to their legs, but not many people think about buying specialized orthopedic pillows for this. They are not widely known in Moscow, but their qualities are useful to everyone. They are great for:

  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • getting rid of fatigue, heaviness and swelling;
  • healing rest after long standing;
  • therapy of arthrosis and arthritis.

Orthopedic pillows are especially useful for pregnant women, relieving the joints of the hip and small pelvis. The anatomical shape of the orthoses is selected in a special way - it follows the contours of the body. All muscles - legs, calves, feet - from this relax, being in an optimal position.

The healing effects of foot pillows

This kind of stand can be used at any convenient time - both day and night. The clever design of the orthosis includes additional inserts. With the help of them, you can change the height to a comfortable one.

Get an orthopedic pillow and your legs will thank you. The rollers act in different directions - they:

  • relieve stress;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • make it easier for the heart;
  • therapeutically affect the knee and hip joints;
  • reduce the likelihood of trophic disorders.

For the pillow to be useful, you need to rest in a horizontal position. The legs should be slightly raised and placed on an orthopedic orthosis. In this position, blood flows to the lower extremities, its flow is stabilized, and muscle and joint functions are performed better. The heels, calf muscles, and ankles receive reliable and correct support.

An exceptional choice

For a truly useful and comfortable stay, it is important to choose a quality orthopedic product. Pay attention to:

  • material - it must be high quality elastic polyurethane with "memory";
  • coating - it should be non-slip so that the legs remain in a favorable position in a dream.

Caring for the product is no less important. These pillows can either be cleaned or washed by hand with mild detergents in warm water. Dry naturally.

Buying an orthopedic seat cushion expresses all your gratitude, love and care for your feet. With a relaxing stand, you will forget about swelling and fatigue.

It is advisable to use foot pillows for the prevention of diseases such as varicose veins, fatigue and heaviness in the legs when walking, as well as during pregnancy to minimize swelling of the lower extremities. The special anatomical shape perfectly follows the contours of your body and allows the muscles of the feet, calves and lower legs to completely relax.

Features and purpose of orthopedic leg pillows

A footrest can solve several problems at once - from swelling to diseases of the joints and musculoskeletal system. The products are made of high quality polyurethane, so they perfectly follow the contours of your legs.

The product can be used for day and night rest. The main characteristics of leg models are as follows:

  • Relieve tension and heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • Facilitate the work of the heart;
  • Improves blood circulation in the lower body;
  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Significantly reduces leg swelling due to their elevated position;
  • Normalizes the condition of the knee and hip joints by giving them the correct anatomical position and improving blood circulation.

Rollers of this type are widely demanded for preventive purposes, for example, for the prevention of ligament injuries. Arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, back pain, varicose veins. In addition, they are used for unloading the hip joints and small pelvis during pregnancy, as well as for rehabilitation purposes after surgery.

The shape of the pillow is most often rectangular with a slope.

You will immediately feel the effect of using this product, the heaviness and fatigue in your legs will go away!

In our online store you can buy orthopedic pillows from leading manufacturers at great prices! You can place an order on the website or by calling us on the hotline. We provide quality certificates for all products and organize prompt delivery throughout Russia! You can contact the consultants of the online store to select a product from the catalog.

Read more

Many are scrupulous in choosing a mattress, pillow for sleeping and bedding accessories. And this is understandable! A comfortable sleep is in no small measure related to the general state of health, morning vigor and good mood. In some cases, the above accessories are not enough for a comfortable sleep. Have you already heard about the orthopedic pillow? Most consumers do not need it, but in the case of a number of diseases it is an irreplaceable help. We offer to consider the advantages of this accessory, the types of orthopedic pillows for the legs and the types of fillers. After reading the article to the end, you will be able to form your opinion.

Who needs an orthopedic pillow under their feet

The orthopedic pillow under the feet is a rather ergonomic invention. Its benefits are appreciated even by many of those who do not have chronic diseases of the joints and limbs. Among other things, it is designed to improve sleep comfort.

  • The orthopedic leg pillow will be appreciated by those who, due to their occupation, have to spend a significant part of the day on their feet (standing or walking). Its use helps to relieve the spine and improve the blood supply to the lower extremities.
  • People who often experience joint aches at night is another category that should be considered a specially shaped orthopedic pillow for legs. This product allows you to keep your pelvis and knees at the correct angle. It promotes rapid release of stress and maximum relaxation of the leg muscles.
  • Often, those who like to sleep on their sides want to place a pillow between their knees. This adds comfort and relaxation to the pelvis.
  • Some of those who prefer to sleep on their backs most of the night sometimes feel like putting a roller under their knees.

Reference! If you are relatively healthy, and you decided to choose an orthopedic pillow for your feet solely for the purpose of increasing the comfort of sleep, be guided by your own preferences. However, during pregnancy and in the presence of chronic diseases of the lower extremities, be sure to consult your doctor for additional advice.

In what cases is it especially relevant

The orthopedic leg pillow was originally designed for people with special needs.

During pregnancy... To maintain the legs in a certain position, in order to relax other parts of the body (pelvis, lower back). The assortment of boomerang shapes, letters U, C, I, G and G.

For a number of chronic diseases... As an aid, the product can be recommended for those suffering from varicose veins, arthritis, osteochondrosis, edema, insufficient blood circulation or aches.

For athletes... In particular, those experiencing heavy loads (weightlifters, weightlifters). The product is a good prophylaxis and additional support for the spine, joints and ligaments of the legs.

What are the types of foot pillows

Orthopedic leg pillows differ in location and in the type of internal filler.

By location

Rollers and half rollers... The classic version. Absolutely versatile item that can be placed under the neck, lower back, knees and ankles (if necessary). Adds comfort while sitting and lying down. There are models with a relief surface that provides an additional massage effect.

Combi rollers... Inflatable PVC models, consisting of three roller sections with different diameters. The smallest is placed under the knees, the largest, respectively, under the feet. Each section is individually inflated, allowing for height and stiffness adjustments. Placing the legs above the level of the body helps in the fight against edema, fatigue, heaviness in the legs, calf cramps, varicose veins. Not the most anatomical model, but still better than lying with your buzzing legs on the wall.

Pillow-wedge for legs embossed... Also called contouring. Also ensures that the legs are positioned above the level of the body. Better option than combi rollers. Anatomical bulges exactly follow the shape of the legs (knee, calf muscle, ankle), which creates a "quick rest" effect. On sale you can find options for medium and high growth. Filling material - polyurethane foam.

Two blocks (pillows) in a wave-like shape... In the unfolded state, the orthopedic pillows fastened together can be placed under the knees, calves or feet - to relieve fatigue, against decubitus heels (for bedridden patients). A particularly relevant item for those who have undergone surgery on the knee and hip joints. When folded, it can be placed between the knees or thighs when lying on its side. This need may arise during pregnancy, in the postoperative period (hip joint or legs), for people who have injured legs. Filling material - polyurethane foam and viscoelastic memory foam.

Knee cushion with anatomical notches... The version with a fixing tape allows you not to "lose" the pillow when turning over to the other side. An especially relevant model in the postoperative period (3-4 months) for hip replacement.

Full body or universal... Allows you to position the pillow under the entire body, choosing the most comfortable position. A topical option for pregnant women and those who suffer from sleep deprivation due to the inability to find a comfortable position.

Pillow cube... An inflatable travel pillow that allows you to raise your legs while sitting to a more comfortable level.

By type of filler

  • Latex. Elastic and at the same time soft, natural material. Among the advantages are a long service life (on average 15 years) and ease of maintenance. The main disadvantage is the high price.
  • PPU (polyurethane foam). Modern foam rubber, sometimes called artificial latex. Excellent elastic filler.
  • Holofiber. Synthetic filling (100% polyester) in the form of small balls. The technology of twisting hollow fibers into a spiral gives the material elasticity and springy properties. The elastic filler is not subject to deformation, does not cake, is practical, easy to maintain, and has a long service life.
  • Viscoelastic foams. The most high-tech products, which directly affects the price. The filler adjusts to the anatomical features of the shape of the legs, does not exert reciprocal pressure on the joints, does not crush the vessels and veins (which is especially important for varicose veins), and does not create a springy effect.

Contraindications and care

The product has no special contraindications. The exception is cases of individual intolerance to the filler material (it is more about 100% natural latex, and then in extremely rare cases).

Note! A foot pillow should not be used for those who have open wounds on their feet. It can become a source of irritation, preventing adequate oxygen supply to the wound.

The product does not require any special care. Anatomical pillows should not be crushed, knocked out or fluffed - this can damage the filler. If not in demand, the orthopedic pillow is stored in a special case away from moisture.

Summing up

An orthopedic leg pillow is a great help for those who experience constant discomfort caused by chronic diseases of the lower extremities (cramps, edema, varicose veins, postoperative period, and other problems). It is also able to provide a “quick rest” for the buzzing legs of those with standing work - helping to relieve fatigue, relieve heaviness in the legs, edema and cramps. However, the soft accessory is intended not only for those who have health problems, but for everyone who wants to improve the quality of sleep.