Repair Design Furniture

DIY decorative pillowcases. Choosing a pillow for a good night's sleep: buy it or sew it yourself? Round cushion for a chair or stool made of shreds

Surely, many homeowners have thought about how to freshen up the interior of the house without conducting renovation works... And although some believe that it is impossible to do this, in fact, it is not.

Using decorative pillows made by with my own hands, you will not only bring new notes to the decor of the room, but also will not spend a lot of money on it. Beneficial, isn't it?

In addition, one should not forget that a thing made with one's own hand automatically becomes unique and inimitable. The pillows, which the hostess personally worked on, will become not only worthy decoration apartments, but also a real source of pride.

To date, there are quite a few options for sewing a decorative pillow for the home. And therefore, in this case, everything largely depends on your imagination and the budget that you have at your disposal.

The more money you can spend on a product, the more expensive materials and accessories will be used. However, we hasten to assure you that even if you do not have the funds necessary to buy expensive materials, this is not a reason to abandon your plan.

By choosing budget options, you can also create a beautiful, graceful or extravagant piece that will amaze everyone who visits your home.

A little about decorative pillows

For the first time, pillows were used as a decorative element for a long time. With their help, designers set accents using products with bright colors or prints.

Over time, it became quite popular, most novice designers adopted a simple, but effective method dilute the background of the room. Products began to appear in a variety of colors.

Note! Decoupage - original version decor. Step-by-step instructions +70 photos + Video.

The lineup has been replenished with goods decorated with stones, rhinestones, and embroidery. And since they were quite expensive, housewives began to "parody" branded goods.

And after some time, the "parody" became more popular and in demand than the original. This surprised few people, because the desire to purchase something unique, and not a product from the assembly line, is quite normal and understood.

Most often, materials such as synthetic winterizer or holofiber are used as filler for decorative pillows. This choice is due to the fact that these materials keep their shape better than others and do not roll.

It is impossible to achieve this using cotton wool or fluff as a filler. In addition, one should not forget that the products made from them are quite heavy, while pillows from the same padding polyester are not only lighter, but also comfortable.

Therefore, if you want to get not only beautiful, but also quality product, we recommend that you use the above filling materials.

Decorative pillows are very different in shape. The choice regarding the shape of the product depends on the purpose for which you want to use the item.

In the event that you plan to use the pillow not only as a decorative element, but also for its intended purpose, limit yourself more simple forms... A rectangle or square shape is ideal.

For those products that will be used only as decor, you can choose absolutely any shape. Quite often, you can find pillows not only in the shape of an oval or circle, but also in the shape of letters, animals, and other objects.

Such products look very creative and unusual. They can be successfully used to decorate a children's room.

Where to begin?

Have you got a great idea to decorate your interior with decorative pillows and are in a hurry to get to work? Then you should moderate your ardor and first think about what style your product will belong to.

Based on this, you can choose the most suitable shape, material and color palette. Always remember that the choice of fabric should be carried out according to the criteria and requirements that are imposed by the style itself.

The most popular are natural materials, which are most often used for sewing Provencal or Scandinavian-style decorative pillows.

And materials such as silk and satin are ideal for classic style... For country-style rooms, fabrics with natural colors and rough textures work very well.

If your house has rooms decorated in high-tech style, then it should be mentioned that the style itself does not accept the use of decorative elements. This means that decorative pillows should be used with extreme care.

To harmoniously fit them into the overall design of the room, take enough time to select suitable color and shapes. Most optimal solution, according to the designers, in this case is the sewing of a rectangular or square pillow from artificial material... Fabric in mandatory should be smooth.

Particular attention should also be paid to the selection of accessories. Especially if it acts as a decorating rather than complementary element. After all, only French and romantic styles allow the abundant use of accessories.

For other styles, this is completely unacceptable, since preference is given to a minimum of decorations. Of course, the product itself can be quite bright and catchy. However, there should not be an abundance of stones, rhinestones, buttons, stripes.

Products decorated in this way will look ridiculous and inorganic. Therefore, if you do not want to violate the integrity of the style, you should not get too carried away in the decorating process.

Photo of decorative pillows in the interior

Evgeniya Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart is the artist's purpose

Soft, comfortable pillows in the original design are always appropriate even in a strict interior. Knowing the simple rules of needlework, you can independently add a little coziness to your home. In this article, you will read step by step recommendations how to sew a pillow, learn about materials for a pillowcase, pillowcase. You will figure out which filler is better for decorative pillows, learn how to sew products unusual shape and destination. Sew couches, alphabet shaped, toys, maternity pillows and other pillows! Let's start by considering general rules manufacturing.

DIY step-by-step instructions for sewing pillows

If you already have a desire to practice design and creative design products, before making a pillow, you need to select the necessary tools and materials. To make crafts, you will need the following accessories:

  • sewing machine;
  • tissue cuts;
  • needles and threads;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • centimeter;
  • graph paper for patterns, if the pillow will complex shape;
  • for marking - pencil, crayon or fabric marker;
  • decorative elements.

Products with a pillowcase and pillowcase should always be chosen for hygiene purposes, if the product is not only a decorative element, but also an accessory for sleeping. The material for the napernik is taken from natural (satin, calico), dense, so that the stuffing does not come out. A variety of formulations are used as a filler. It should be borne in mind that filling with down or feathers can cause allergies, so it is better to choose modern technological materials: synthetic winterizer, holofiber, komfortl. For a good sleep, it is good to put a roller filled with fragrant herbs and hay near the bed.

Pattern of a sofa cushion

To make rectangular pillows on a sofa with your own hands, they determine what size they should be, and depending on this, when cutting fabric, you need to choose one pattern:

  • cut 2 identical pieces of fabric the right size, having made 1 cm of allowance for processing seams from each edge;
  • or measure two pillow lengths, add 2 cm across the seams, fold the fabric in half, sew two sides.

Sew up the edges with a linen seam, and last seam:

  • do it to the middle, stuff the filler through the remaining hole and sew it to the end with a blind seam;
  • or sew in a zipper.

When sewing a pillowcase, it should be remembered that the pattern is made in the same way as the pillowcase, but its size should be 1 cm larger than the base of the pillow, and 1 cm should be allowed for processing the seams. In the future, it will be very convenient if a zipper or Velcro is inserted when sewing the pillowcase. If the pillowcase has a smell, you need:

  • add 15 cm of fabric to the length size, which is folded to the wrong side;
  • put on top of the other side of the pillowcase, while its edge should coincide with the fold of the smell;
  • sew side seams.

Making a pillow letter

To make the pattern even, the desired letter draw on graph paper, checking symmetry by folding ready-made layout along the central axis. On the fabric, two outline letters are indicated: once along the layout, the other - by flipping the layout in a mirror-like manner. The side part (the thickness of the letter) is cut like a long strip of fabric, cutting the material in one direction along the lobar thread. Since the thickness of the pillow will be very important, it is better to make an allowance of 2 cm, because after filling with insulation, the volume will visually decrease. Rules:

  1. Simple letters, for example, "G", "T", "C", are sewn from the inside out and turned inside out.
  2. If the letter "A" or "D" is being assembled, first the outer contour is sewn to the front side.
  3. At the same time, a mark is applied on the other side of the strip in parallel so as not to stretch the material by sewing the other side.
  4. Leave a piece on one side unstitched below the crossbar of the letter - it will be filled through the hole.
  5. The strip, which will be the thickness of the letter, is first sewn from only one inner (above the crossbar) part of the letter.
  6. The rest of the seams are made after the thing has been turned inside out.

In the shape of a heart

There are two answers to the question of how to sew an original heart-shaped pillow. First: make two patterns in the shape of a heart, sew them, insert filler, decoratively process the seam. The product looks unusual if you decorate one side of the pillow with a photo print with a picture of a loved one or small fabric satin roses. The second way is to place the heart on a pillow. To do this, you need to carve out a pillowcase.

On another piece of fabric, contrasting in color (red fabric is good), draw a heart according to a previously cut cardboard template, and cut out 2.5-3 cm along the contour with a margin. Further actions:

  1. On the seamy side of one half of the pillowcase, symmetrically lay out and secure with pins a cut out heart, on top - a cardboard template, the outline of which is drawn around the fabric.
  2. Sew 1 cm away from the outline of the template.
  3. Attach a cardboard template on the front side in the center of the embroidered figure, circle it again.
  4. Separate two sewn pieces of fabric, understanding that the bottom sewn is the heart. You just need to make an incision in the pillowcase and carefully cut out the fabric along the just outlined contour.
  5. To decorate the seam, make a nice frill out of soft fabric.

In the form of a cat

It is good to make such a pillow together with your child from a knitted sweater with long sleeves, which is already small for your baby. So the thing will take on a different life, and the baby will have both amusing entertainment and a thing to which it is pleasant to lie down for a nap. "Cat" is a great travel option, for example, when traveling. Let's see how easy it is to sew a toy pillow:

  1. Prepare the layout of the cat's head and ears, trace these details on the fabric and cut out.
  2. Use a sleeve for the tail; it will be fun to attach a round fur pompom to its tip.
  3. To depict the face of an animal: take a dense fabric of a suitable color (preferably from felt or leather) under the blanks for the eyes, nose, tongue. Replace their buttons. You need to sew the details on the designated places.
  4. Depict the mustache with stitched symmetrical seams or embroider.
  5. Collect details, fill with filler, sew together.
  6. Since the child will play floor games with such a pillow, it must be taken into account that it is easy to wash.

Master class on making a pillow for pregnant women

Expectant mothers will find it very useful to know how to sew a pillow for pregnant women. This hug enhances the quality of sleep. This long C-shaped or U-shaped piece is convenient to put under the tummy when the woman sleeps on her side. Measurements are based on the woman's height from approximately shoulder to knee, the usual width is 25-50 cm, and the length of the inner girth should be greater than the waist.

The pattern of a pillow for pregnant women is simple, after calculating the size, the markings must be applied directly to the fabric with an allowance for the seams, grind the details and fill. In the manufacture of such a product, preference should be given to non-allergenic materials. It is worth sewing several pillowcases so that it is convenient to use it every day, including after the birth of a child when feeding the crumbs.

Round cushion for a chair or stool made of shreds

When asked what can be sewn from shreds, the most correct creative answer is a round pillow. Rounded can be a sofa for garden furniture or textile on the hard seat of the chair. For sewing, the required number of patches is calculated and cut out - from 4 to 12 sectors or more. It is better to use a cardboard mock-up so that the details are the same.

Sew the parts in pairs, repeating until you get a round front side of the pillow. It is important to ensure that the seams of the shreds are even and continue in a straight line. Work process:

  1. Cut out a circle of thin foam rubber or batting to match the size of the front side of the pillow and sew from the inside with a double stitch along the contours of the patches.
  2. Perform the second part of the pillow in the same way, or cut it out of a piece of fabric to fit the front side.
  3. For a secure fit on the chair, attach the strings to the garment. To do this, cut narrow strips of fabric of the required size, fold in half in length, iron and stitch the edges.
  4. Collect the craft, fill it with foam rubber or a soft rag, sew it up with a blind seam.
  5. In the place where the patches converge, sew on a decorative button.

The use of decorative elements is a matter of taste. The main decoration will be the color and texture of the pillowcases. They are sewn in harmony with the color and pattern on the walls or in contrast with the upholstery of the furniture. Several different covers will allow you to change the interior of the apartment according to your mood. To decorate pillows in oriental style beautifully roll the cord with a shiny thread and attach it around the perimeter of the seams, and attach tassels to the corners.

It will be original if you embroider the names of those to whom it was made as a gift on the pillowcase. Look smart:

  • frills;
  • puffs;
  • flowers collected from fabric;
  • vintage lace.

Video tutorials for beginners on sewing decorative pillows

If the variety of cozy pillows fascinated you, do not put off the idea until later, choose the option you like and get down to business! Even if you have never practiced sewing, you will definitely succeed. original pillow thanks to the advice of the craftswomen presented in the video. According to their detailed explanations you will learn how to sew a cushion in the shape of a roller step by step, you will understand the intricacies of the filling process, processing seams and corners, secrets decorative decoration... Over time, you will learn how to carry any soft thing you like on your bed or sofa.

How to sew a zipped roller

How to sew a decorative pillowcase or cover

Photo ideas of beautiful handmade pillows

Understand the nuances completely and decide exactly what cute and cozy soft crafts you would like to add to your home. To do this, look at a photo selection of products made by craftswomen at home. Looking at the pictures and listening to the emotions that arise during viewing, you will definitely choose a pillow for you personally, you will be able to download an image and make your own version, which will pleasantly surprise your family.

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DIY pillows, and they will become a bright accent in your apartment or country house... Even by simply changing the pillowcases for them, you can set the tone for the entire space - from delicate or playful to strict and discreet.

Advice! Buying designer pillows (they are, by the way, not cheap) is not at all necessary: ​​it is enough to arm yourself necessary materials and use your imagination.

We offer you a selection interesting ideas to create original decorative pillows do it yourself and we hope that soon these lovely newcomers will play with colors in your interior and bring their share of good mood to House.

DIY decorative pillows: subtleties of materials

If you decide to make a decorative pillow with your own hands inside and out, you will need to stock up on not only ideas, but also everything you need to create it. First of all, you need to decide on the material. For this purpose, you can use fabrics intended for furniture upholstery as well as cotton, linen and sometimes even jersey (be careful: the material is rather capricious). In addition, jeans, felt, fleece, and canvas are great options for creating a pillow.

Advice! Sewing pillows from old favorite clothes is also a great creative idea.

Without combinations of different fabrics v this process you can hardly do it, so make sure that fabrics that do not stretch do not adhere to stretch fabrics, otherwise, after filling, you may end up with not a pillow, but something shapeless. If you know how to knit, then this skill will be a great bonus, because knitted pillows look quite stylish and unusual. Yes, and try to use fur: short or long pile - it's up to you, so long as it doesn't fall off.

How to stuff the pillow?

It should be noted right away that it is better not to use cotton wool for stuffing - it will break down pretty soon. Take a better synthetic winterizer. True, if you use the pillow for its intended purpose, then it will also lose a little in volume.

Advice! Ideal option for stuffing there will be a synthetic winterizer or fireteck, which can be purchased at a fabric store. These materials are unique in their kind, because they do not get confused, do not cake, are absolutely hypoallergenic and, moreover, retain their splendor and volume even after washing.


To work you will need:

  • Needles;
  • Threads - they need to be matched to the color and thickness of the fabric. In addition, you may need threads for knitting or floss when it comes to making decorative seams by hand or decorating a pillow;
  • Scissors;
  • Chalk (pen, pencil, marker or soap to transfer the pattern to the fabric);
  • Also stock up on pattern paper and other sewing items that you usually use.
  • Find all the necessary knitting or embroidery tools if you decide to tackle them.

Note! Of course, it's great if you have a sewing machine at home, but if it is missing, do not be upset. You can also sew a pillow by hand, only it will take more time.

DIY pillowcases for decorative pillows

It is quite possible to make a decorative one out of an ordinary pillow by using a pillowcase you have created yourself. In this case, its decorative effect will not diminish in any way, but the hassle of sewing will be much less.


A decorative pillow (pillowcase) made of fur with your own hands is created in a few hours. For this, you can use both artificial and natural fur.

Note! Fur is a specific material, therefore, special skills and tools are needed to work with it - such a pillowcase cannot be sewn on an ordinary sewing machine.

A huge advantage of such a pillowcase is the ability to create it from pieces, so it will look even more original. Do not forget that the seams on the fur must be made strong and flat, then the elements of the pillow will not come apart.


Another beneficial material for creating a pillowcase is denim. A decorative pillow case for a pillow with your own hands from old jeans is original and stylish. Main advantages:

  1. The ability to reuse the material. That is, you do not need to buy new fabric for sewing, old denim things are quite suitable. Abrasion will add charm to the product.
  2. Creation speed. Jeans can be stitched by hand (although this is not easy, especially if the denim is thick), and on a sewing machine.
  3. A denim pillowcase will look original.
  4. Pieces of pant legs can be used to create original product in the patchwork technique, due to the fact that the colors of jeans are varied, and you can even make up a whole artistic composition.

Decor and design

Well, if you have the basis (that is, a ready-made pillow), and you will create a pillowcase, stock up on all kinds of various materials and more - here the choice depends only on your imagination. So, lovers of embroidery can. A variety of techniques - satin stitch, cross stitch, decorative stitches - and a wide range of thread colors allow you to create your own small piece art. By the way, a combination of thin and thick yarn for knitting gives an interesting effect when embroidering a pattern. Only for this you need a thick needle.

Kirill Sysoev

Callous hands do not know boredom!

Such pleasant little things as cushions for the sofa can give a special coziness to the home environment, decorate the room, arrange correctly bright accents and become a great decor. The design of the products allows you to place them anywhere: on a sofa, armchairs, even on the floor. You can choose to tailor cushions for the sofa to order, but it is much more pleasant and cheaper to try to sew them yourself.

DIY cushions

Sofa cushions will make any home inviting. This decorative element can not only decorate a home, but also please loved ones with stylish and an original gift... It is not so difficult to create such a surprise with your own hands. All that is needed, except for materials and tools, is a little perseverance, imagination, a desire to make beautiful thing... A master class on sewing cushions for a sofa will help you do it right, neatly.

The size

A set of pillows in several sizes will look stylish: small, medium and large. All these options fit perfectly into the interior of one room. Products are considered small if the side size or diameter is 30-40 cm, the average size is 40-70 cm, and the large one is 70 and more centimeters.

The form

Sofa cushions are different. One of the most popular types is “dumka”. This regular pillow is square, round and rectangular shape, has small dimensions: edges from twenty to forty centimeters. It can be used as a cushioned chair seat or back. A modern dummy can be of absolutely any kind - from the classical to the form of fairy-tale characters, animals, bottles, transport.

The classic shape of the dummy is square, round, rectangular. But there are others, unusual and interesting options:

  1. Sectional - parts are connected using side inserts of different rigidity, used on wicker furniture.
  2. Turkish - with oriental ornaments, folds in the corners, rounded shape.
  3. Quilted - the model is decorated with decorative stitching on one or two sides.
  4. Oxford - decorated with a border, tassels.
  5. Dumka-roller is the most common type.
  6. Custom shapes - flowers, letters, animal shapes, etc.


The cushion should be soft and pleasant to the touch. Filler is of no small importance. In addition to comfort, you need to take into account its hypoallergenic properties. When choosing the filling of an accessory, you should immediately exclude old fabric items or cotton wool. These materials knock over time, form hard lumps. Optimal options: synthetic winterizer, fireteck, foam rubber, holofiber, fluff. Foam or synthetic pillow filler is characterized by the absence of allergic properties, softness.


The first stage in sewing a dummy is the choice of fabric. The material must be durable. Beginners are advised to choose simpler fabrics, for example, chintz, cotton. In the manufacture of pillows, fabrics such as silk, linen, felt, denim, calico, bikinis, and upholstery are often used. Sometimes an old knitted sweater and a voluminous pullover are used to create knitted pillows. The most important thing is that the colors of the material are durable, the surface is dense and does not allow the filler to fall out.

Each type of fabric used has its own pros and cons:

  1. Linen - does not cause irritation, persistent, "breathes". Minus: easily wrinkled, a little harsh, sits down quickly.
  2. Silk is durable, pleasant, wear-resistant (can withstand washing at 110 degrees), and is breathable. Cons: expensive, wrinkles quickly.
  3. Chintz is breathable and easy to clean. Disadvantages: short-lived, afraid of high temperatures, wrinkles and shrinks easily.

Denser fabrics have their own characteristics. These include Firth, Jeans, Bike.

  1. Felt - wide color palette, easy to work with, no front or back side, composition: 90-100% wool. Minus: afraid of high temperatures, may lose shape if washed incorrectly, pellets appear.
  2. Denim fabric (denim) - durable, breathable, eco-friendly, fashionable. Disadvantages: shrinks after washing, hardens, fades.
  3. The bike is hypoallergenic, low cost, practical, pleasant to the touch. Minus: inelasticity, difficulty in sewing (crumbles).

When sewing decorative pillows, you can combine fabrics: for example, one part is made of silk, the other part is made of felt, resulting in a winter-summer version. Inserts from several types of fabric look beautiful. If the material has fallen into disrepair, there is no need to rush to throw out the dummy - the sewn-on colored flap will not spoil the appearance. Give a zest to the furniture different sizes from colored upholstery fabric.

Decor pillows

To decorate ready-made furniture pillows, you can choose any decorations you like. Various accessories, applique, embroidery will look great. A patchwork style dummy made of knitted items looks interesting. The finished dummy is decorated with soft decorative elements: braid, flap, ribbon, less often zippers, beads, buttons are used.

The design of the product is carried out in any way. The most common decoration options:

  1. Application and printing. Photo printing is available today, the image is durable and of high quality. Printed patches can be part of the appliqué.
  2. The key element is the center of the decoration: a simple button, one or framed with fabric, tassels, pom-poms, etc.
  3. Knitting, embroidery, lace can give an interesting and very expensive look.
  4. Embossed decor - bows, flowers, fringes, puffs.

How to sew a pillow on a sofa with your own hands

If an experienced needlewoman is able to sew a pillow without much difficulty, then beginners need to know the principles and sequence of work. The first thing to do is to prepare everything you need to work. Beautiful sofa pillows are made in two stages:

  1. Sewing the thought itself, working with the selected filler.
  2. Making a pillowcase or a cover for it.

First you need to prepare a set necessary tools and materials:

  • sewing machine;
  • dense fabric for the napernik - satin, coarse calico;
  • stuffing;
  • a tailor's tape, pencil or chalk to mark the fabric;
  • scissors, needle, pins, thread.
  • cardboard, paper for patterns, diagrams, ruler,
  • materials for decoration;
  • hoops, special threads or knitting needles if you plan to make embroidery or knitted items.

When all the materials and tools are collected, the idea of ​​a pillow for the sofa is ready, you need to move on to the sewing process.

  1. You need to decide on the size, shape. Suppose that the dummy is square, 45x45 cm.
  2. Draw 2 identical squares on the seamy side of the fabric. Along the perimeter, add 2 cm for the seams.
  3. Fold the squares right side inward, pierce the lines with pins so that the fabric does not slip. Cut out every detail.
  1. Sew on three sides, 2 cm apart from the edge of each. You can sew on pins, this will not interfere with the machine needle, but will prevent the fabric from slipping.
  2. Fold the seam allowances to one side and press them in, turn the pillowcase with its “face” outward.
  3. Fill the resulting bag with filler, sew up the hole manually, bending the seams inward.

How to sew a cushion pillowcase

To sew pillowcases for sofa cushions from the fabric that will be outside, you must cut square details slightly larger. The base was 45x45 cm, which means that the removable cover is 46x46 centimeters. A case that is too small will not fit on a bag full of filler, or will make it hard. It is best to cut out the main details (the sides of the cushions for the sofa) from different fabrics: the pattern, texture on one side will make it the front, the simpler material on the other - the wrong side. Do not forget to leave seam allowances of 1-1.5 cm.

The sequence of making a pillowcase is similar to the process of working on a pillowcase:

  1. Fold the cut out parts facing inward.
  2. Pin it with pins (photo).
  3. Sew with machine stitch around the perimeter on three sides. For strength, it is recommended to make 2-3 lines.
  4. All seams are ironed.
  5. Excess fabric is cut at a distance of at least 3 mm from the seam.

After the product is turned onto the front side, corners are additionally formed. This is done with a needle: the fabric is gently pulled to the desired sharpness of the angle:

  1. The edges of the 4th side are folded inward by 1-1.5 cm, ironed on.
  2. A dummy is inserted into the cover, everything is leveled, adjusted in the corners.
  3. The hole is manually sewn up with a blind seam.

At the stage of sewing a pillowcase, it can be decorated with braid, scallops, a combined cover, borders, buttons, etc. When deciding on the decor, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the quality, the color of the threads. They should be ideal not only for colors, but also in terms of density, thickness. For example, denim, raincoat fabric involves the use of threads No. 40 (for finishing seams, dense fabrics), coarse calico, flannel, bike - No. 60 (for linen and light materials), silk, cambric, chintz - No. 80 (for fine fabrics) ...

The decorative tape is sewn to the pillowcase from the front side until the 4th side is sewn and the cover is put on the pillowcase. This is done manually:

  1. Sew on each side decorative ribbons any width along the edges of the dummy.
  2. All decorative elements are attached to the bases (squares) from the front side with a simple seam.
  3. The pillow is stitched, while the seams, fastening tapes are tucked inward.
  4. If the braid will be located not along the edge, but on one of the bases, you can attach it before the sides of the pillow are sewn.

For trimming with borders, squares are cut out with a large margin. The stock width is equal to the width of the curbs plus 2 cm for seam allowances:

  1. First, borders are sewn along the edge on three sides.
  2. Then the cover is turned over.
  3. The line is made according to the size of the dummy also on three sides.
  4. The finished pillow case is inserted into the hole.
  5. To close it, a line is sewn along the fourth side, slightly retreating from the edge of the dummy inserted inside.
  6. The last part of the border is processed: the edges are folded inward, ironed with an iron.
  7. They are sewn manually with a blind seam.

A scalloped pillow is made according to a different principle. Feston is decorative element, an ornamental stripe with a downward-facing pattern in the form of leaves, flowers, stepped teeth, waves. First, all the details are made, then they are put together. Fabric festoons are jagged, rectangular, rounded. Monochrome or contrasting fabrics are used. You will need a material for decoration (scallops), a base (squares for covers), a zipper, a pair of compasses or a glass to draw the edges, a regular sewing kit.

The work begins with the marking of the parts:

  1. Make a pattern. Leave 1-1.5 cm on the seams. Retreat from the edges of the fabric so that after cutting out the squares 10-11 cm remain in stock.
  2. Cut out the resulting squares. The remaining square hole fabric will be used to mark and cut the scallops.
  3. Scribble on the paper for the scallops. Smooth and equal edges will help to make a glass or compasses. Cut everything out.
  4. Pin the resulting template with pins along the perimeter to the edges of the fabric left over from cutting out the squares. Cut to pattern.

After that, he proceeds to processing and grinding the edges of the scallops:

  1. Fold the cut-out parts together facing inward.
  2. Sew with a machine along the wavy lines (edges of the scallops).
  3. Trim the drawing, from the seams at least 3 mm. Turn outwards.
  4. To even out the edges, sew on all sides of the scallops. You need to do this with outside, but very neat and even.
  5. Updated: 05/13/2019

In modern furniture stores, a myriad of the most various subjects for the decor of sofas, beds and rooms in general. But why buy ready product if you can do better yourself? Do-it-yourself decorative pillows are an irreplaceable piece of furniture in any home. The design options are endless and the pleasure of the work process is immeasurable.

Like any other type of hand-made, the process of creating a pillow begins with preliminary preparation. Before starting work, you must decide on the design of the future craft and, already starting from the concept, choose everything you need to implement your idea.

Choosing a fabric

Fabric is the most important component of our future creation. Her choice must be approached with full seriousness and responsibility. It should be not only beautiful, but also pleasant to the touch, so that you can admire your product and enjoy the sensations of touching it.

In fact, there are practically no restrictions in the choice of this material. The main thing is that he is flexible and does not create problems in his work. And, of course, it should look impressive and be of good quality.

If you are unable to decide on the design in advance, you can just go to a fabric store, look at the product, dream up, and you will definitely come up with a couple of brilliant ideas regarding certain materials that you will immediately acquire.

You can sew a decorative pillow with your own hands from furniture upholstery, linen and cotton fabrics. In some cases, even knitwear works well, but you need to be very careful when working with it. You can also use canvas and jeans. And from felt and fleece it is really possible to create very soft cute crafts that will delight you for a long time.

Alternative materials

Don't be afraid to take non-standard approaches. For example, an unexpected material such as fur is an excellent basis for creating very stylish and unusual items interior. Moreover, an old fur coat with both long and short nap will fit for work.

Any old stuff is great as a base. In this case, you do not have to spend money. You can make something beautiful with items of clothing that have already been written off.

If you know how to knit, feel free to use your talent to create decorative pillows with your own hands. In this case, the technique that you own does not matter. And as a material, both standard threads and strips cut from clothes, connected into a continuous ribbon, are suitable.

Remember an important detail. During work, you will have to combine different variants fabrics. It is very important that you use materials that have a similar texture. In no case, do not combine stretch models with those that do not stretch, otherwise, after the pillow is full, it will not be able to keep the correct shape and will be very skewed.


The stuffing of a product is just as important as its casing. Immediately remember very important rule: do not use ordinary cotton wool for this purpose. It quickly collapses into a lump, which is why the pillow flattens a lot and loses not only its attractiveness, but also its convenience.

Fibertek and synthetic fluff are also ideal. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are able to maintain their volume for a long time and not get lost.

In addition, these materials are hypoallergenic, so they can be used for any room, including a nursery. They will retain their qualities even after you wash the product.

Additional funds

Also, foam rubber is useful for you for work. It is ideal for cushions called bolsters. It is produced in different thicknesses, and this allows you to choose the best option for a specific craft.

If you don't want to spend money on filler, use fur and shreds cut from old clothes. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that with this material the pillows are not always neat. Although if you are planning to make a floor accessory out of hard fabric, this option may well suit you.

Those who do not want to sew decorative pillows with their own hands can buy a ready-made accessory, and then simply create a pillowcase for it with the desired design. But in this case, your options in choosing a shape will be limited, since ready-made interior items of this type are most often only square and rectangular.

Deciding on the decor

When choosing a design for a future craft, the main rule that you need to follow is the following: do not hold back your imagination. You can create any craft you want. Some models require less cost time and effort, others - more.

There are the most different kinds decorative pillows. You can make an accessory of any shape and color, decorate it with any fittings you like. Many needlewomen use ribbons, ribbons, cords, buttons, sequins, buckles, lace, beads and other all kinds of accessories to create unique designer crafts.

You can also make some design elements yourself. These include, for example, pretty appliqués, cute bows, and luxurious flowers. In addition, in your work, you will need fabric paints to apply drawings to the product, and embroidery.

Choosing threads

When you make decorative pillows with your own hands, the right thread is just as important as other materials. They should work well with your fabric, match in color, and be thick enough.

Also, you will need a floss and knitting accessories to create beautiful seams and such individual elements like, for example, tassels that decorate a product.

Preparing tools

To make your fantasy come true, you cannot do without needles, scissors, and crayons. The last element is needed in order to transfer the patterns of decorative pillows from paper to fabric. Instead of crayons, we also use soap, markers, pencils, pens and any other tools that can draw on our material.

If you plan to use knitted items, be sure to prepare knitting needles or a suitable crochet hook. If you want to embroider something - take care of the hoop, special fabric and thread in advance.

You can also use a sewing machine. But if there is none, it is not scary. Decorative pillows for a sofa can be made by hand as well, although it will take more time.

WITH preliminary preparation figured out, now let's get down to business. Let's consider several master classes on creating this accessory.

Tassel Hexagonal Pillow

This model is made using the "patchwork" technique, which is based on working with various fabric patches. You can choose two basic tones that will alternate with each other. Or make multi-colored sectors. The main thing is that the composition looks harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

First, cut 12 equally sized triangles out of the fabric. To make the process more convenient, first sketch the shapes on paper, and then transfer them to the main material.

The pattern of this type of decorative pillows resembles an umbrella. Lay out two such hexagons from the finished fragments. These will be the top and bottom of the craft.

Sew the triangles of each half together, and then connect the sides, folding them with the front surfaces to each other. Do not forget at the same time to leave a small part of the craft unstitched, so that through it you can then turn the product out and fill it.

After filling the pillow with padding polyester or other selected material, close the free hole. Sew buttons in the central part of both sides, connecting them through and through. Thus, depressions should form around them. Pre-glue their hats with a cloth. Now decorate your creation with a brush. This concludes your work on this accessory.

We knit pillows

Crochet decorative pillow is the simplest product that can be crocheted. Even a novice craftswoman can cope with this task. Any kind of yarn is suitable for creating this craft.

If you plan to combine several types of thread, make sure that they are of the same thickness. You will be able to achieve uniformity of the pattern and so that the surface of the accessory is smooth.

Pillows, crocheted, look elegant and sophisticated. They fit perfectly into the interior of any room. If you want, make your creation monochromatic or, conversely, variegated. Decorate it with the simplest or most intricate patterns and designs, sew on voluminous flowers.

Do not be discouraged if the first craft made using this technique does not work out perfect. Over time, you will fill your hand and create products of incredible beauty. Try the most simple options, knitted with ordinary air loops and posts with two or three crochets.

Puffs - what are they?

Decorative pillows, a master class on the creation of which is presented in the article, can be not only elementary in execution, but also very complex, even intricate. These techniques include puffs.

They look luxurious both on the bed and on the sofa, and can delight even a person who is not fond of hand-made. But the technique of working on them is very painstaking, it requires a lot of patience.

How are these decorative pillows sewn? Buffers, the schemes for the creation of which are the basis of the work, are performed according to the following principle. The points of connection of specific points are marked in advance on the fabric, which are then fastened together and form beautiful folds. Shiny materials like satin are best for these crafts. The size of the workpiece should be approximately twice the desired parameters of the finished product.

Principle of operation

Cut off about a meter of thread, thread through the needle and tie. Then insert the needle at the top of the first target line. Pull in the second vertex and connect them with two tight knots.

Without cutting the thread, go to the next fragment and do the same operations with it. Process the entire workpiece in the same way. This will be the top of the pillow. Connect to the bottom piece. Put the ready-made cover on the pre-sewn regular pillow and enjoy the result of your labors!