Repairs Design Furniture

Pillow cat knitted with his own patterns. Touching gifts do it yourself: sew a pillow in the form of a cat. Choose an idea for a pillow

Whatever darid fashionable designersHow far the progress would not step, and without this subject could not do. After all, in it - comfort, warmth and healthy sleep man. Especially since modern pillows can please both adults and children with their unusual species. After all, B. lately became very popular a variety of flattening, hugs and just pillows - Toys. And one of the most favorite - pillow Cotwhich can be quickly made and getting pleasure from it, as from a real purring kitten.

Pillow Cot

If human irritation or fatigue has accumulated, then he should not be upset. After all, any negative, any negative emotions Leave it, only he will take the cat's hands. All scientists have already been proven that it is the best antidepressant. But the inventive moms made an incredible discovery: if there is no possibility to start a living animal, then it can be easily replaced by an amazing toy in its simplicity and originality to a toy-antistress in the form of the same big friend.

Antistress toy - excellent gift Children. Bright colors I. unusual form Such a product will surely enjoy the child. And done with her own hands, it will be absolutely safe for the baby at any age, because the mother on her manufacture will use only high-quality, non-toxic materials, avoiding stacked uncomfortable parts.

In addition, the anti-stress toy can become an unchanged element of any interior. Over time, it will not lose its fresh look. The pad made with love will be moderately soft, comfortable and easy so that the child can carry it from place to place. A properly chosen filler will make it resistant to exposure sun ray, washing and moisture. Therefore, it will not survive, does not water and will not redeem. Yes, and the kind of kitten will definitely be very cute and kind to the child grow in the atmosphere of happiness and joy.

Orthopedic cat 🙂

Cool pillows in the form of feline face

Funny balls

For many years, knitting is not associated with the "grandmother's" occupation, turning into a way to create bright, unusual things, including toys and interior items. And to those who decide to embody their love for the neat-striped, it is possible to do this with the help of threads and spice. But first will need a pattern of a cat pillow. It can be downloaded from the Internet, but you can come up with myself, because it will not need a portrait similarity with the original, but only a stylized interpretation of the cat's image. You can, for example, for the idea of \u200b\u200btaking the heroes of the good Soviet cartoons - Leopold, Matroskin, a kitten named Gav. Their cute facesties are very easy to embody in the fabric and any other material. And besides, they will cause the most good bright feelings in the kid.

Knitted cats

Rollers under the neck with funny face

Playful cat 🙂

Cute fluffy. Such exactly like kids

So, determined with the way, drawing the pattern, you need to calculate required amount and pick up the type of thread. You can stop your choice on fantasy yarn, any product from which will already be initially looked. An approximate size 50x50 cm toy will need 600 g of yarn, for example, melange. You will also need eye and spout, which are used in the manufacture of toys. Do not do without spice, the size of which must match the thickness of the yarn. Everything needs to be prepared in advance and take the knitting when there is a small pause between the main affairs.

Pillow cat do it yourself

It knits the pillow-cat with his own hands is quite simple. Having made the pattern, you need to calculate and dial the necessary number of hinges that will correspond to the desired size. By the same principle, the size of the tail and the paws is determined. The yarn is very pleasant to the touch, so it does not want to produce it from the hands. She happens to be ordinary thread With uniformly distributed neat balls on it. The front loops are tied by a gap from one ball to another. And thanks to this feature, the nickname will be uniform, because the ability to perform the knitting is weaker or the tight. The product fit pretty quickly: for five to six evenings. Is it time to create such a miracle!

Try to sew such cute little animals who will live on your sofa.

You can sew a pillow, which will be only a cat's head. You will only learn to try your eyes, nose and mouth

After knitting, the finished parts are stitched, stuffed with a holofiber. It remains to glue her nose and eyes. But you can also reach the thread of red. But in no case do not need to use volumetric solid objects as eye, which can be dug into tender child skin.

Like its original, reminds a cheerful mischievous being. And, probably, that is why they are made by different ways. For example, you can sew a toy with your own hands. This pretty toy will be able to please others and decorate any home. In this way, it is also absolutely easy to make it. Such materials will be needed: a piece of fleece, a synthetone or another filler, threads under the color of the fabric and black threads. You also need to make a needle, scissors and pencils. And naturally, do not do without a good mood.

Picture rather simple form. The image of the cat is described or embroidered after

Another option of a feline head

Simple but beautiful pattern

This cute thing can be sewn as manually and on sewing machine. You can add to sewing and children who will be happy to participate in the work, happily helping mom.

After making patterns from paper (40x50 cm), it is necessary to fold the cloth in the pressure and cut two smooth parts, not forgetting the allowances (1 centimeter). In addition, you can immediately draw nose, mouth and eyes on the fleece. Then they need to be embroidered on the front, where there will be a muzzle, black thread with a stem seam. Although the nose can be sewed from a piece of felt. The tail is sewn on the rear half or embroidered. It remains to be sehered between both halves, leaving the turning hole. After stuffing, the product can be sewed. And if you like the needlework, you can make a whole company of several funny soft animals.

Pillow cat do it yourself

Sustrate an aromatherapy toy that will help you fall asleep

You will need these templates.

After the "pillowcase" is ready, you will only be able to fall asleep there dry herbs and gently sew a hole

Pillow-cat video

Today we will sew this original and very pretty cat. If you wish, you can use it as a pillow. Although it is more appropriate, it looks like an unusual interior detail.

Sew this beautiful and original pillow The cat is quite simple.

Cat Pillow Production

1. First, we need to make a pattern of all individual details of the cat: his heads, ears, paws. Then go to the abundance of the main body pillow. The width of the pillow should be provided such that the head and paws fit in it.

2. Nose cut on the lecture, increasing it linear dimensions Approximately 1-1.5 cm. To fill the nose, we cut three parts from the synthet board, each must be less than the other (the first is somewhat less than the base of the nose). Details can be completely connected with glue.

Insert sinter fragments to the main nose part of the nose, we are wearing around the edge and tighten by giving the desired shape.

3. We make eyes. We take a special cardboard for bags to then wash the main cover. From the cardboard, cut out two circles in the size of the eye on the pattern. From white tissue, we cut two circles, a diameter of 1-1.5 cm lamp.

Take black yaris threads. With the help of a big needle, we make a French knot. We are wearing white fabric in a circle. Inside insert cardboard and tighten.

4. Cut the head of two squares from the blue tissue. We glue one square fliesline with an inside. We translate the drawing on the fabric, outlining it stitches.

We put on the bottom for easier promotion of the tissue sheet of paper. We grasp the mustache and mouth zigzag on the marked lines. It is better to use thick threads. We bring the thread with a needle inside out and fix it, carefully removing the surplus of the paper.

5. Send to the head nose. First, gently glue it, and then sew in a circle.

6. Similarly, sew your eye to your head.

7. We make ears. Inside the ears need to be embedded one or two synthetic gaskets with a size of a little less than the base and snap them from below.

8. Cut the head out of the square by adding 1.5-2 cm on the seam. Sevive ears. Here the main thing is not to confuse the right and left.

We fold the top and bottom of the head, sew them between themselves. Below, leave the segment to be removed.

Cut the surplus of the fabric. Soak your head, fill it with syntheps, sewing a hole.

9. Cut the paws and tail. We cross the parts with each other, turn out, fill with syntheps. In places marking the paws "we indicate", flashing with large stitches with thick threads 2-3 times.

10. Cut the cat's body from a rectangular piece of main fabric, with zipper stipulated on the side. We insert the front paws in the front seam and spend. In the rear transverse seam insert the tail and two rear paws. Also grow. Sevive manually to the body of a cat head.

Separately, sew a pillow of cotton fabric desired size. Fill it with a synthet board. Pillow insert the cat in the body. All, our cat pillow is ready!

Here we have a charmachechka!

Now in fashion decoration for home handmade. Very good help to create an atmosphere of harmony and coziness all sorts of textile accessories. Fun and unusual will look at this product very simple. With the manufacture of a soft sofa guest, even a beginner needlewoman will cope.

What will required for sewing?

Take advantage of the list below so that you have a beautiful cat pillow:

  • pattern;
  • fabric of several natural for animal shades or bright motley ornamental colors;
  • pins, chalk, scissors;
  • threads with a needle;
  • filler (synthetone, holofiber);
  • sewing machine, although you can make a pillow and manually, for example, from a felt that does not require the processing of edges and is connected on the front side, and such parts as eyes and nose are easy to glue.

So, nothing special will not need to fulfill a cute souvenir. Small loskutka probably have at home. Any billet can be made even from several parts, just need more seams.

What to choose a sample?

So that you have the original cat pillow, the pattern should be appropriate. First of all, you need to choose how your product will look and find the corresponding pattern. If you want to take your favorite workpiece, simply, print it on the printer on the desired scale. If the element does not fit completely on the sheet, divide it into two or more, and then glue the scotch.

Consider your experience if you are new, try simple schemes. Below are templates designed for beginner masters, so you can safely choose any option.

Like a sequence of actions)?

To make an easy accessory, you need to do the following:

  1. Make paper blanks of parts.
  2. Explore the elements on the fabric, circle taking into account points on the seams and cut out.
  3. Treats usually parts along the involving side, followed by turning and filling with sintepsum or holofiber. Do not forget to leave a small hole for this, which is sutured manually at the very end.
  4. If the ears and the tail were outraged as separate details, they should be sewed to finished product or in seam.
  5. Eye, nose, mouth and mustache embroidered (do not forget to use the hoop) or billet parts are attached using a needle with a thread. It must be done before the stratification of the cores of the base. Blind parts can be larger.

Work always goes according to such a scheme, regardless of the complexity of the product. Differs technology with the number of seams that you want to do. The simplest thing is to connect two identical details in the form of a feline silhouette.

In this case, you will actually make only one seam if the tail is not performed separately. In the figure below the pattern involves the presence of a side part in the pillow. For this, additional two stripes are made. So, the product you can give a larger volume.

Although it is enough to sew just two details.

The simplest product

If you do not like to smoke on arcuate lines, you can choose very easy way. You quickly and effortlessly have a pillow-cat with your own hands. Patterns here can not do at all. The basis is performed in the form of a conventional rectangle or square, and ears, tail and muzzle parts are sewn to it.

If you choose the material with feline plots and patterns, it turns out the original, attracting a bright accessory.

Flat Form

If you do not make it difficult to perform a line in the round line and you want a pillow-cat with your own hands turned out to be more realistic, and not in the form of a square "bag", use the following templates.

The first option is performed as one as a whole tail and ears. On the arrow scheme, the direction of the share thread is indicated, although if the size of the tissue does not allow you to position the item that is exactly how it is possible. This is not a dress, but just a small accessory. Also indicated in the seams and the line where the line is performed. An opening for turning and filling is left side.

Second option - great idea The contour of the product is very similar to the heart, and additional decorative stripes of the same form can be used in any quantity and size.

In the third sample, the tail is manufactured separately and is sewn to the base. You will need to carve two parts of each element.

Feline Pillow Pillow

Another cheerful option is an animal head with an emotional, which can be both cheerful, satisfied and sad, causing lunizing.

Using such a workpiece, it can be made volumetric only the foundation itself, and the remaining details sew or glued flat. But even better to perform all parts slightly volumetric. Sending a spout or a piece of face, just put a little filler under them and attach the element to the end.

Pillow toy

If you have a certain needlework experience or you have already been trapled on simple samples, you can go to the creation of a volumetric souvenir. Below is a pillow toy cat. Pattern on the same figure allows you to create a cute volumetric creature for your sofa. If you choose a terry or fluffy fabric, imitating wool, it will turn out a very natural animal.

Pillows "Offended cats"

The pattern to create such a cute accessory will suit any of the above, since these creatures can be any form, as in flat versionand in the form of a 3D toys. The most important thing is to perform the appropriate emotions of the "expression".

All parts are easy to make felt or fleece. You can draw a template yourself or take advantage of the dressing pattern, which has already been considered. To make different pillows "offended cats", the pattern does not matter in essence. The main thing is the cross the arc mouth, and it is usually embroidered, although it is possible to cut out of pink material. Details of the muzzle are easy to shoot or even glue, for example, from felt.

You saw how the cat pillow is made. Pattern (any of the options), given in the article, will help you in creating this cute accessory,

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Beautiful decorative pillows Capably revive even the most reserved interior. They bring the atmosphere of comfort, home heat and allow you to relax. To decorate your dwelling, you do not need to spend big money, because you can create these pretty decor elements yourself.

We picked up the thematic master classes for you, of which you will learn how to sew a pillow of your dreams. Thanks step-by-step photos and detailed description I will cope with this can even beginner.

Volumetric Heart of Roses

Pillow made by hand, can become a wonderful gift. Armed with a fantasy and thread with a needle, it can be turned even into a unique valentine. We are offering to you step-by-step master class Making an unusual pillow with a surround heart.

To work, you will need:

  • finished cushion of the desired size;
  • fabric for roses, which does not require cutting cut;
  • scissors;
  • needle with thread.
Cut from the fabric circle with a diameter of about 8 cm, they can be slightly curved and differ slightly in size. This will only add volume and realism of flowers.

Take the mug of the fabric for the middle, please select it, forming folds as in the photo. Fix the workpiece B. right position pair stitches.

Sew the bottom of the tissue below, forming a bulk bud.

Continue to sew the circles to the rifle until you get the flower of the desired size.

In the same way, prepare the rest of the roses. Their quantity depends on the size of the flower heart.

Sweep flowers to the pillow starting with the heart circuit.

Place the workpiece tightly to each other, so that there were no gaps between them. The lush heart is ready to conquer and conquer the hearts.

Such a designer pillow will decorate the climbing room of fashionista or it will become a highlight of your living room. And she will raise the mood when just look at her.

Fluffy pillow

The original pillow with fringe successfully will fit into any interior. Pleasant Fleas will make her beloved thing not only in the nursery.

To work, you will need:

  • fleece for the base of pillows and fringe;
  • filler;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • sewing machine.
From the fleece cut two square 40 to 40 cm.

For the fringe it is better to choose cloth several colors of one gamma - It turns out a stylish transition between them. In our case, 10 strips of 37 * 10 cm of three shades of brown are used.

To put each strip in half and cut the fringe.

The first strip of the cushion is to the base, retreating 1 cm from the edges. This is the result should work out.

Next, remove the fringe in one direction.

Sew the second strip at a distance of about 1.5 cm from the first.

Continue similarly to sew a bachrom. Alternate dark strips with light through several rows, seeking a beautiful and smooth transition of colors.

On top of the workpiece with a fringe, impose a second square and scalp on the edges of the pins. Sew the pillow around the perimeter, leaving a small hole for stuffing.

Remove the pillow and vail the filler. It is better to use a synthetone or holofiber. Natural materials, such as cotton and fluff, with time can compete and the product will lose a neat look.

Sewing a hole for turning the secret seam.

It turns out very beautiful cushionwhich will create in your home the atmosphere of heat and coziness.

Pillow "Butterfly Wings"

We present to you detailed photo Lesson for decorating an interior pillow. Even if sewing is not your horse, you can easily master it: you will need a ready-made cushion. Guided stepwise instructionsYou will turn the usual pillowcase in the ART design masterpiece.

Pillow-toy "Owl"

A funny and bright sovuchka is a win-win version of a gift for both an adult and a child. When such a cute bird settles in the bedroom of your baby, he will gladly be with her not only to sleep, but also play.

To work, you will need:

  • cotton of two colors;
  • felt for eyes and beak;
  • black buttons or beads for pupils;
  • tape for a bow;
  • chalk;
  • threads;
  • needle and sewing pins;
  • scissors;
  • lace;
  • filler.
Transfer the paper on the paper in the desired size.

Attach patterns to fabric and cut out required detailsFor body and wings, make the allowance of 1 centimeter.

To decorate toys, lace, bows and wooden butt-flower are used. If you use a natural size pattern, then cut a rectangle 8 * 16 cm for a bow and a square with a side of 4.5 cm or change the size of these parts in proportion to the owl.

Sweep the beak and lace seam zigzag. Lace is located in the center of the body, between the wings.

The same seam is the wings and eyes. Manually attach black butt pupils.

Fold parts of the body of the face face inside, fix with pins and sew. Below between the wings, leave the hole for further manipulations.

Remove the toy, swallow it and recruit the filler. If you used conventional scissors to cut parts, make careless notches near the ears and in all convex places, so that the fabric is not tightened.

Sewing a hill secret seam.

You can do decor. Fold the square for a bow strip and swing it.

Rectangle Fold in half the front side inside and sew, leaving the allowance of 1 cm.

Remove it, collect the prepared strip in the middle and trigger, forming a bow. Sew him to the Owl's Ear.

Tie from a small cut slicing of a bow of a bow, see it and a wooden button to the toy toys.

Such a cute sovuka will reliably guard your sleep.

Another idea for the embodiment is to be sustained by this scheme of solid philine. Enough just to show fantasy and pick up the toy appropriate color gamut and registration.

Pillow with Applique "Cat in Love"

An elegant pillow with a cool applique is a wonderful gift for any occasion. With it, you can confess your feelings or just raise the mood to your beloved person.

To work, you will need:

  • dense white pillowcase on the pillow 35 * 35cm;
  • loskutka cotton 4 colors;
  • white Fliselin;
  • iron;
  • 3 green bispers for eyes;
  • threads in tone tissue;
  • decorative braid.

Cut two rectangles 17 * 13 cm - Clouds around the cat and fish. In our case, they are white in orange polka dots. You can choose the color to your taste.

Cat Body - Rectangle 16 * 12 cm, orange in small white peas.

Cut the rectangle from white cloth 20 * 11 cm. It will turn out of it and thoughts of cats.

Cut a rectangle 10 * 5 cm From the green fabric for the body of the fish.

Fold the fliseline with the adhesive side with the invalid side of the rectangles and shifted them so that they glue. So it will be easier to cut minor parts and they will not turn.

Cut blanks for appliqué. You can use cardboard templates or immediately cut the parts from the fabric.

Position the elements on the pillowcase and achieve the desired picture. Note the land line with a decorative braid. Select the expression of the cat's lovers.

When you decide on the location of all application elements, you can start the last step. It remains to sew them to the pillowcase.

Take a small white zigzag of the contour of a white cloud to a cloud of polka dot.

Green zigzag Sweet Fish contour to a prepared two-layer cloud. Out of fish fins and head contour. Attach the biserinka-eye.

Sustrate cat details with small zigzag threads in tone tissue. Last but you will attach your eyes and take it a mustache.

Embroidered legs will give the little girl even more charm. You can supplement the application with small flower, to make the composition more expressive.

The finished pillow will definitely take a corona place on the sofa in the living room and will be the star of your interior.

Pillow-Singley "Sleeping Kitten"

Want more quotes? We are offering to you an interesting idea For creativity: Sustach the charming kitten, who brings down with one of her species to Drema and a pacification.

To work, you will need:

  • cotton fabric 3 colors;
  • fleece;
  • fliselin;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • filler;
  • chalk or special marker for fabric;
  • threads Muline;
  • 2 buttons;
  • pins;
  • pattern.
First of all print on paper or redraw a manually pattern of a kitten. Cut all the elements.

Attach the torso torso on the fabric, circle and cut it out of 2 cm. Put the detail with the involving side on the adhesive side of the fliesline, secure the pins and cut down. Similarly, prepare the second part of the fleece body.

Cut the paws, ears and kitten's tail.

Remove the pins and join the iron two-layer details of the body, so that the cotton glued to the fliesline.

Fold pairwise details of ears, paws and tail face inside and place them on a typewriter, leaving holes for turning. Stitched blanks do trim figure scissors or make notches as usual.

Remove the details and shifted them, gain the filler. Sewing a zigzag hole. Attach the parts to the front of the front of the cat. Sew them to the kitten's body Zigzag.

Draw a face of a cat shallow.

Put the fleece detail (back) on top and fix it with pins. Sustrate the workpiece, leaving a small hole for turning down below. Cut the stamps on the seams with figured scissors or make notches as usual.

Remove the workpiece on the front side and turn it out. Will the toy filler and squeeze the previously left hill.

Sun to the torso. Upper legs and buttons for decor.

Nose and closed eyes with lidery Moulin.

Soft cat-spool is looking for his loving owner. This homemade pet will be happy. He will be happy to settle down both in a crib of a child and in a cozy living room.

Feel the strength and desire to create, but still consider yourself a newcomer? We bring to your attention a cognitive video from which you learn how to sew a funny cat-pillow from ordinary pillowcase. The original pattern, minimum of active actions, a little decor and fantasy - and you will get an elegant cat or a naughty cat.

For the same principle, a cheerful hare will be turned out, it is enough to make a more authentic ears.

Download even more grudges of funny cats in order to realize your most brave creative ideas. Such cute little animals will become a wonderful decor of the house or cottage, as well as the original presentation for your expensive people.

Sofa pillow-dog

Do you think animals are not a place in the house? And here is mistaken. You can always have a charming pillow dog. Merry dachshund will gladly take their place on the couch and will not give you any trouble.

A detailed description is represented in our step-by-step master class.

According to this scheme, both a small toy puppy, and a solid adult dog. It all depends on the number of primary materials and your desire.

And if you have a lot of unclaimed pieces and flasks of fabric, you can sew a bright dog pillow of them. A patchwork toy made in the technique of Patchwork with a cute face will become a favorite character of the children's room.

This toy can be done with the children and spend time fun and with benefit. And your child will receive the first cutters and sewing lessons.

Piggy bank master classes on pillows + interesting ideas

Cardiac pillow - Valentine:

Original circles:

Checkered dog:

Romantic option:

In the form of a star:

A few other original pillows for inspiration:

Pillows for children: cats, bunnies, owls, dogs, bears:

Decorate pillowcases of plants imprint

The original way to decorate the pillowcase by floral ornaments is to transfer the prints of lively fresh grass and leaves to it. The product with such design will be unique and unique in its kind. And it will also warm you with winter evenings about the thoughts about warm summer.

To work, you will need:

  • natural light fabric;
  • fresh-blood plants;
  • a hammer;
  • scissors;
  • parchment, preferably siliconed for baking.

For prints, fern, plantain, clover are perfectly suitable. Cut the plant you need, straighten it on the fabric and cover with parchment. Very much beat on it with a hammer, so that the juice from the leaves, which is absorbed into the fabric and forms a print. Remember: Churn plants needed on a solid flat surface.

Experiment with different leaves, stems and their location to get the desired result.

Good afternoon, dear needleworks and all blog readers!

Once I published photos, fun, positive. Among them were cushions cats. And here some readers are interested in them. Today I decided to tell how to make a cat pillow.

Probably there are many people who love these cute pets. They are so affectionate, so smart. It is known that cats and cats remove fatigue and stress and even treat!

The cushion in the form of a cat will also help raise the mood, it can be squeezed or lie down, comfortably bolding and hugging.

Pillows cats

Faster to sew a cat's pillow. It can be like small pillows toys and a big cat - a sofa pillow.

Cat pillow. Pattern

I offer you a selection of patterns for pillows of cats from Prettytoys magazine, as well as other found in free sources of the Internet.

Save the pattern to the computer, zoom in the editor and print.

You can move the pattern to millimeter paper, and then draw a larger pattern pattern by cells.

Or simply draw the details of the cat's pillow on a sheet of paper (newspaper), looking at the sample on the screen. Even if you do not know how you draw, you will definitely work out! After all, it is very necessary to observe accuracy.

How to sew a cruise cat do it yourself

For a cat, pillows pick up a bright fabric, it will be interesting to make a cat with a fabric in a flower, from different flap.

We carry the pattern on a folded twice fabric facial side inside, cut the part and drain on the typewriter, leaving a little space in order to be fill the pillow with the filler.

For double cats, the details of the torso sew among themselves.

Tip: B. case, if the face, eyes and different elements of the decor are sketched from above, then you first need to carve them and sew from the front side.

Small details cut no need! We rock them with pins and drain on the typewriter along the drawn lines, and then cut out. So much more convenient to sew and details will not shift.

By the way, you can make the seams from outside, then you don't have to turn out small parts, but only gently treat the edges with a zigzag. Such products seams are also very interesting and creative.

If the edges of the fabric are not very squeezed, you can try to cut into a fringe scissors around the edge, it will turn out a lured cat pillow.

It remains to fill the details with a synthet or hollofiber. Send paws and tails to the body, if required by the model.

Send eyes - buttons, decorate flowers and bows. Is it not true, got a funny cushion cat with your own hands?!

I want to introduce you to work - two teddy charming little cats.

Plush kittens. Work Olga Arisep

Kittens are made of artificial fur with a short pile. The head is made on a plotted fastening, so kittens can turn their heads. For eyes used special glass eyes for cats. The nose is embroidered with Moulin threads. The inner side of the ears - cotton in a small white-pink cell. Tail on a wire frame. Filler - superpins. The bow is made of satin tape and decorated with a bead "under pearls".

The size of a white kitten: 14 cm in height, 13 cm in length without a tail, red - 20 x 22 cm.

Cat on the pillow

Other options for pillows with cats

Sew ordinary rectangular case From the fabric and embroider a cat on it or make appliques from flaps.

Such a drawing, as in the photo on the left, can be made in for example.

According to the diagram in the photo on the right, you can not only embroider a cat, but also to connect the cover in the filleic technique.