Repairs Design Furniture

How to calculate laminate, rules and practical tips, video instructions. How to calculate how much laminate is needed: calculation by laying method and important details of the laminate for 18 square meters

When choosing a laminate as an outdoor coverage, attention should be paid not only to performance technologies. No less important is the preparatory stage, namely the calculation of the required amount of material on the room. Otherwise, the specialist risks at the most responsible moment to remain without laminate, and in the store may not be the required shade, as a result, the work will be soldered indefinitely.

Factors affecting the flow of laminate

At first glance, the question is how to calculate the number of laminate on the room is quite simple - you just need to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and divide the obtained number on the area of \u200b\u200bone panel. But everything is not so simple, when calculating it is necessary to take into account the fact that the flow of laminate is different and the flow of laying. In addition, the panels are stolen not back to the wall, it also affects the need for laminate.

The way its laying is affected by the laminate consumption of it. Such such laying methods are influenced:

  • direct - with the method of the panel fit parallel to the wall along or across the light flux. The difference consists only in the magnitude of the displacement of each next row. Usually the offset is about 1/3 panels.

But the installation method at which each subsequent row is shifted to ½ length relative to the previous one (by analogy with brick masonry). This causes the material overrun, but looks like a laminate laminated according to such a technique, more effectively;

  • a diagonal method is much more laborious and, most importantly, causes a significant overrun of laminate. In waste will take up to 15% of purchased volume;

  • the combined method - sometimes around the perimeter of the room laminate is placed in a direct method, and in the middle - diagonal, other combinations are possible. Laminate consumption depends on which area accounts for the appropriate type of laying of laminate;

  • lying by a Christmas tree;

  • laying the pattern - in this case, the focus is on the preservation of the pattern and its accurate positioning. In some cases, this may lead to a consumption of material in 20-40%.

The choice of a particular method of laying is carried out depending on the type of room and financial capabilities.

Laminate calculation formula

In principle, all the work is performed in 2 stages:

  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is calculated, the stroke is made on the seams at the walls;

  • knowing the area of \u200b\u200bone pack of laminate, the desired number of packages is calculated.

If someone has a problem with the definition of the size of the room, then the laminate size is better to know in a particular store. It is desirable that all packaging are from one batch, it guarantees a homogeneous shade of all slats and their identical size.

It must be remembered that laminate is susceptible to moisture and other external influences, the poet the area of \u200b\u200bthe material from several different packs may differ.

The calculation should be performed only after a specific type of laminate is selected. The fact is that the market shows a variety of sizes of this material, it is necessary to read the size of 110-120 cm in length and approximately 15-20 cm in width. But there are also exotic sizes, for example, the Quick-Step series laminate in the form of squares, the QUADRO brand is 39.4x39.4 cm, Arte- 62.4x62.4 cm, Majestic Pro is characterized by large sizes - 205x20.5 cm.

Theoretically, you can determine the exact flow rate of the laminate panels, because the size of one board is known. But in practice it is the area of \u200b\u200bone pack that is used, because the laminate is realized only in packages. Moreover, the number of panels in the package differs depending on the manufacturer and class of material. Typically, there are 6-8 panels of the standard size.

But in this rule there are exceptions. For example, in the 1st pack of the Quick-Step Exquisa laminate, only 2 boards are contained.

After calculating the required number of laminate on the room, the resulting number should be rounded to the large side, and then increase by 5-7% (in the case of direct laying). This will take into account the inevitable loss of material when cutting the boards.

On this, the question of how the required number of laminate on the room is calculated, can be considered solved. The correct calculation guarantees a clear and fast performance.

Trust this thing is completely - not always a rational decision. Suddenly you consider too much, and will take the difference? It is better to do everything yourself, especially since nothing is difficult in it. Our instruction will help.

What needs to be done before going?

First, measure the length and width of the room, where you will make repairs. It is more convenient to use the roulette to not be mistaken in the calculations. If, consider separately all additional recesses or protrusions. Just measure their length and width, after these values \u200b\u200bwill help to calculate the area.

And thirdly, you need to know the length and width of the laminated board, as well as how many square meters there is one packaging.

Do not forget about the material of the material. The minimum amount is 7-10% more, but if you use a figured laying method, you may need 25-30%. For details on how to calculate the material with a margin, let's tell later.

How to calculate how much laminate : 3 ways

1. Based on the room area

This method is used even, although it has some errors. The accuracy depends on how correctly the premises are samples. Next - detailed explanations and examples.

  • We take the basis of length and width. We assign them exemplary values \u200b\u200b- 5 and 3.25 meters, respectively.
  • We consider the square - according to a simple mathematical rule. Multiply indicators: 5 x 3,25 \u003d 16, 25 squares.
  • Suppose that the irregular shape room is a small niche at the entrance. Her dimensions are considered separately. Let them be equal to 1.2 and 0.5 meters.
  • We consider the area of \u200b\u200bthe niche: 1.2 x 0.5 \u003d 0.6 square.
  • Now simply lay both values \u200b\u200band get the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room. 16.25 + 0.6 \u003d 16.85 square meters.
  • Next - we take the size of the laminate board. The average option is 1.3 m in length and 0.19 - in width.
  • Based on this, the area of \u200b\u200bone bar will be 0.247 m.
  • To calculate the desired number of laminate boards, we divide the area of \u200b\u200bthe room to the area of \u200b\u200bthe plank - with rounding it turned out 70 pieces.
  • And then - divide the total amount of slats on the figure that is written on the package. In our case - 11.
  • 70 pcs / 11 \u003d with rounding 7 packs.

2. Based on sizes

  • The length of the walls is 5 meters, and the outdoor board -1.3. How many planks need? Almost 4 pieces.
  • Similarly, in width - 3.25 meters / 0.19 \u003d 17 units.
  • The figures obtained left to multiply - 68 pieces, but with a margin on niche - 70.

The second method is recommended to use for spaces with columns, various niches, it is easier to calculate the required amount. By the way, on this method you can lay trimming of the material and thus minimize costs.

3. Using the Calculator

Here is one of the options for this calculator, but for its use, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is needed, as well as the lamellas themselves.

How much will the plinth need?

In addition to the coating on the floor, it is important to choose and buy a plinth. And to understand how much it is needed, use our calculations.

  • Calculate the perimeter of the room. Formula is simple - fold the indicators of all sides.
  • Add about 10% of the resulting digit - the stock will be needed for trimming.
  • For the calculation example, take the length of the plinth of 2.5 meters, and the remaining indicators will leave the same. Add an even width of the doorway 0.8 meters.
  • So, the perimeter of the room is the exception of the opening of 15.7 meters. Add 10% with a margin and taking into account the niche - will be 17.27 m.
  • Now we divide the resulting digit to the length of one plinth: 17.27 m / 2.5 \u003d with rounding 7 pieces.

Why do I need a stock?

Buying the coating exactly on the final calculations is not entirely correct. The fact is that the boards can damage the builders, often there are defective lamellas. Anyway will have to buy. And if the collection you need is not? It is difficult to choose identical planks, and the difference in color looks ugly. Experts recommend to take a finish with a reserve, and largely the amount also depends on the type of laying.

Where do the rest of the laminate come from?

The unscrupulousness of manufacturers and repairmen we have already considered, but there are natural losses.

Planks have to cut. As it was possible to notice, the indicators we were rounded - almost never width and the length of the room are not divided into these boards equally. Remains are obtained due to improper form of space, as well as irregularities of walls and gender.

Now about the dependence of stocks of material and styling.

  • Planks laid directly to the wall require less trimming. In addition, the remnants can also be laid. For this option, you need a stock of 10%.
  • Diagonal installation takes 15-20% more material.
  • There are also texture styling. For example, "Christmas tree". It is suitable for small boards, but requires even larger volume of flooring, about 25-30%.

Adjust these values \u200b\u200bto the final amount that turned out in the calculations.

Now it's small. Choose in advance what kind of laminate you will lay, find out its size and how many pieces in the package. After make measurements and calculate the desired amount. In fact, it is easier than it seems - it is necessary to know the elementary rules of mathematics and geometry. We told you about them today.

  • Text: Anastasia Dubrovina

For several years, laminate has been left a popular flooring applied in indoors. Explain this phenomenon is simple. This coating is the optimal choice of price and quality ratio. This means that the floor can be separated in a room with an area of \u200b\u200b16-18 square meters. m or more. As a result, a aesthetic coating is obtained, which serves for more than 10 years, performs the role of a good heat and soundproof. This material is chosen for many advantages, but how to calculate the laminate on the room understand not all. To correctly determine its number, you need to consider the following factors:

  • the area you need to be seal;
  • sizes selected in the store material;
  • state condition;
  • geometry of the room;
  • method of laying coating on the floor;
  • quality panels.

The main thing when calculating

Anyone without proper experience, thinking about how to calculate how much laminate needed to the room, it will decide that the main factor affecting the consumption of the material is the area. This is the main mistake of newbies. Since all of the above factors are interconnected.

The area is a very important parameter, but all the criteria are important when calculating the required number. You can make a mistake, not to take into account the stock and acquire an insufficient number of panels, and then buy and overpay. Or take too much finishing material and spend extra money when it is not necessary.

Coating parameters

To correctly calculate how much laminate to take into a reserve for mounting to the floor, first the choice of material in the store. In today's realities, a large number of goods are manufactured according to the technical characteristics set on the factories. Therefore, the panels may differ from the generally accepted standard. And the width parameters and length are very important when the coating is placed on the floor in rooms that have incorrect geometric shapes.

According to GOST there are two types of lamellae:

  • standard: - 0.185x1.26 m;
  • extended - 0.195x1.38 m.

In this case, the package is 1.8648 and 2,1528 square meters. m, respectively. Laminate also varies by the method of fastening and shares on:

  • glue;
  • castle.

Another flooring can be classified by the scope of classes from 31 and higher.

Methods for calculating the amount of coverage

  1. Determination of the amount of material on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  2. Calculation of slasses, that is, how much laminate is 20 square meters. M is determined based on the length parameters, the width of the room and one panel.

The second way is more visual and practical, but it may not always come. Therefore, to calculate the laminate on the floor, it is important to determine the layout diagram of the lamellas.

Coating laying schemes

Lamins are laid differently. It all depends on the fantasy of the master or customer, but the practice shows the most aesthetically attractive are such laying options:

  • diagonal;
  • deck;
  • combined.

The diagonal laying scheme is the location of the coating at an angle to the walls of the room. It can be divided into a Christmas tree and straight. This option is recommended to use indoors with incorrect geometric shapes. However, when laying a diagonal will be inconvenient to calculate how much laminate needs to be bought in the second way. Therefore, it is recommended to use the first.

Deck is a diagram when the plates are stelling parallel to one of the sides of the room. This method of laying includes mounting lamellas in length or width of the room. With proper geometric shape of the room, it is more logical to use the second method of calculating the desired amount of packages. You can also apply it if the walls have protrusions no more widths of the lamella.

The combined scheme implies the combination of the first and second. It is often applied in practice, especially often when calculating the material for the premises of complex shape.

It is very important to take into account to be a margin when calculating the lamella to the room by any of the ways. For a diagonal circuit, it ranges from 10 to 16% of the total amount of material, and for deck - up to 6%. It can be seen that for the angular circuit, this parameter increases by 2 times. This is due to the fact that this method of installation requires a lot of handmade and, accordingly, a large consumption of material.

Place of room and its geometry

To make an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to calculate the number of laminate in the room, you need to properly determine the floor area and its geometry. Most often, residential premises are found to form the following forms:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • round;
  • ellipsed;
  • combined.

Rectangular and square shapes of the floor occupy the first place in total in civil buildings. To calculate their area, you need to multiply the width of the length or take the square of one of the sides, respectively. It happens that there are round and ellipsed rooms, but more often you can see a combination of all geometric forms. This means that the surface of the floor has an irregular shape. And to calculate how much laminate needed to the room, you will need to work hard.

The floor area, despite the obvious complication, is calculated fast enough. First, the surface is divided into several proper geometric shapes. Then they determine their square and fold into common.

  1. It is necessary to find how much the coating is required for 20 square meters. m, if the room has a rectangular floor, a length of 5 m and a width of 4 m. Consider the solution of this problem at the deck laying scheme and make a calculation. When buying a product, the customer stopped on the laminate of standard sizes, then in width it is necessary to put 20 pcs., In length - 4. In total, the required amount will be 96 panels or 12 packs.
  2. Now we define how much laminate needs to go 18 meters, if it has a round floor. Consider the solution of this problem in the diagonal laying scheme and make a calculation. When buying a product, the customer stopped on the coating of standard sizes, then by 18 square meters. m, given the reserve, you need to take 89 pcs. or 11 packs and 1 panel.
  3. In the third case, it is necessary to find the required number of square meters. M coatings for a room located on the second floor of a private house and having the following parameters:
  • consists of a semicircular and rectangle;
  • length 3.65 m;
  • width 3.54 m;
  • the length of the semicircle is 5.56 m.

Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe first figure simply. After multiplication of length and width, we get 13 square meters. m. To find this parameter for another half of the floor, you need to perform several actions. First find the radius of the semicircle. Based on the known formula for determining the length of the circle, we establish a radius equal to 1.77 m. Now you can determine half of the area of \u200b\u200bthe circle, which will be 5 square meters. m. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe room is 18 square meters. m.

Through the resulting parameter, you can calculate how much laminate is 18 squares. The customer stopped on the elongated plates and the diagonal laying method. In this case, considering the required stock material, 69 pieces need. or 8 packs and 3 panels.

Tips when calculating the amount of flooring

Before starting all the calculations, it is necessary to prepare a measuring instrument and notebook with paper. As a meter, it is better to use a roulette from 5 to 10 meters long with a 1 mm error. The device must be in working condition and proper quality. In the opposite case, you can allow a critical error, so use a recently purchased meter.

When performing all measurements in advance, it is worth making labels on the wall using a laser or water level to eliminate the error. To obtain the most accurate data, it is recommended to do up to five measurements. All results obtained need to be recorded in the notebook, and on a clean sheet, draw the room plan and designate all the sizes and irregularities of the wall. Thanks to these operations, the calculation process is accelerated and is greatly simplified.

In the process of calculating, fractional values \u200b\u200bmust be rounded only in the most side. When calculating, be sure to add the required stock, because the coating may come across the defective or not sufficiently durable.

Laminate in recent years has become an alternative substitute for linoleum. Depending on the class of wear-resistance, it can fit not only in urban apartments and country houses, but also in premises intended for commercial purposes. At the same time, it is not bad to save if installing the floor alone.


Remember that you need to exercise all measurements on a purified surface, the furniture must be taken out of the room, remove all the equipment, roll carpets. Ideally, a rough finish should be made and removed all the garbage. It is desirable that the screed has already dried. Before proceeding with the calculations, you should know that the laminate may differ in length and width. In different manufacturers, these indicators may vary, on average, the laminate length is 1300 mm, and the width is 185 mm. Laminate that imitates a parquet board, in width equal to 90 mm, ceramic tiles - 330 mm, and a wooden board - from 1850 mm in length. Working with long laminate is not very convenient.

It has this building material and thickness. The most subtle are copies from 6 to 8 mm, and thick - 12 and 14 mm. Basically, for apartments they buy laminate with a thickness of 8 or 10 millimeters.

Laminate thickness is responsible for noise reduction: The thicker builderial, the sound permeability below. This indicator answers and for wear resistance - the thicker the board, the longer it will last. Before buying, you need to ask a question to the seller-consultant about the number of squares in one pack of laminate. Usually boards in the box fit about ten pieces - this is if the package is 2 square meters. meters. If in the package another number of boards, most likely is a laminate, imitating parquet or tile.

For laying a small room with an area of \u200b\u200b12 square meters. m, on average, you need to buy 7 packs. But much will depend on the presence of niches, protrusions and other non-standard features of the room.

Types of laying

An amazing fact, but the installation of laminate for some people is carried out faster than counting the required quantity. By the way, it will depend on, including the laying varieties. Total there are four schemes.

Classic scheme

Laying with this form occurs along the length of the room, from one wall to another. This method is the most economical, because trimming completely go into business. To avoid the visibility of the joints, laying the floor in the direction of the fall of the sun's rays.

Diagonal scheme

It is a difficult method for a beginner, as a laminated board is to be located at an angle of 45 degrees diagonally. This option is suitable for rooms with an angular door, there is a visual expansion of the room. Consumption will be slightly increased compared with the first way. For ease of installation, starting styling from the center of the room.

Installation process can be accelerated using a special tool. - Circular saw. With it, you can cut the panels very quickly and smoothly. Only it is worth knowing that it is necessary to cut on the back side, because, otherwise, you can damage the upper protective layer. If there is no circular saw in the farm, you can use the metal hacksaw. The usual saw on the tree does not help in this business, but rather, even harm, leaving the jar and uneven sleeves.

Chess scheme

Ideal for different laminate colors, stacked in a checker order. Very strong connection.

Art scheme

Performed by masters of his case, because the drawing can be individual. Output in this case will be maximum. As an example, you can mark the laying of the Christmas tree. Consumption with this method increases to 35%. The reserve of laminate at the first method of laying should be 5%, for the second and third, this indicator is 15%.

Methods of calculation

Immediately, I would like to note the fact that trimming will be in any cases, since the size of the premises is all different, and they will have to be cut off the panels. In order to correctly calculate the required amount of laminate on the floor to the room, first of all, it will be necessary to find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. For these purposes, you need a laser measuring device or an ordinary roulette, preferably a length of 5 m. The layout calculation is best illustrated by an example. Suppose that the width room is 3 square meters. m, and in length - 6 square meters. m. Remembering the school course, you need to multiply these indicators on each other - we get 18 square meters. m.

If there are niches, protrusions and asymmetric walls in the room, then it will not be possible to calculate the area in size. The area of \u200b\u200beach part of the room will be measured separately. If there is a niche, then to the square of the room you need to add a niche area calculated in the same way, and with a protrusion, on the contrary, to subtract it from the total area. Suppose that the niche length is 50 cm, and the width is 120 cm. Calculate the square - it will be 0.6 square meters. m. By summing the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and niches, we get in the end of 18.6 square meters. If the standard laminate is selected, in which 18.5 cm width and 126 cm length, then the area of \u200b\u200bone board (after multiplying one indicator on the other) - 0.185 x 1.26 - will be 0.2331 square meters. m.

Further actions relate to division: the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is needed to divide on the area of \u200b\u200bthe laminated board. 18.6 / 0.3131 \u003d 80 boards (after rounding to the biggest). Knowing how much laminated doctors fit into the package, you can count how many packages are needed to the room. For example, if there are ten boards in the box, it means it is necessary to buy eight packs with laminate in the room. Remember that from the edge of the wall you need to retreat about a centimeter, sometimes due to this you can safely save.

This gap is needed to laminate during the operation of "breathing". It can expand and narrow under the action of temperatures and humidity, if there is no retreat, the floor will "lead."

Calculate the quadrature of the floor in asymmetric parameters will not be difficult. The calculation formula will coincide with the above, but only in cases where it comes to rectangular rooms. If one of the walls is longer, you can consider it over the wall with a niche, and, on the contrary, if less - with a protrusion. It will only remain subtract or fold. You can calculate the flow of laminate in the area and in a non-standard apartment. The area of \u200b\u200bthe round room is calculated taking into account the radius, the triangular room - according to the Geron formula, and the half-versioner of the triangle - having aroused all the parties and sharing them into two. Remember that the installation of the floor in a non-standard room without certain skills is very difficult: it will be pretty soared, there will be a lot of trimming, especially in oval and round rooms.

Those people who have several pieces of laminated boards from last repairs can indoors where repair is planned to produce a visual measurement. For this, the board is laid in length and similarly by width, and the resulting result is written. It should only be remembered about trimming and correctly summarize them. You can simplify the task, dividing the length and width of the room to the corresponding values \u200b\u200bof the laminated board. Thus, the number of lamellas that will be used.

On the Internet, the program for calculating the laminate is often found, it can be easily calculated to calculate the number of building materials when laying with different patterns, especially without deepening in the index dimensions.

To make data you need to know the following parameters:

  • Room area. It can be easily calculated, knowing the length and width of the room.
  • The size of the laminated board. It can be viewed on the package.
  • The number of boards in the package. And this information is indicated on the box.
  • Method of laying. The simplest can be considered diagonal and classic options.

After administration in the special windows of all data, the calculator will calculate how much laminate is required.

Where do not laminate?

Most often, the laminate is not put on the place where the bulky cabinet is planned or already installed. The future wardrobe is enough to attach to the screed, thanks to this there will be no deformation of the floor under the cabinet. If the room already has a built-in wardrobe, then laying the laminate can be made around it, without forgetting about a small gap, which can be covered with a plinth.

By the way, if the plinth is replaced, it is necessary to make calculations. First, you measure the length and width of the room, so that it is easy to calculate the room area. We subtract the length of the doorway from the resulting value, since the plinth is not installed in this place. It will be left to find out the size of the plinth itself and divide one to another. Do not forget about a margin equal to 5% and that the plinth must be attached to the wall, and not to the floor.

For example, we take the room, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 20 square meters. m. Parties, respectively, 4 and 5 square meters. m. Suppose that the length of the doorway is 1.5 m, and the plinth is 2.5 m. The perimeter of the room minimize the opening will be equal to 20 - 1.5 \u003d 18.5 square meters. We add a five percent compensation stock - it is 18.5 * 0.05 \u003d 19.425 m. It remains only to share the resulting result on the length of the plinth -19,425 / 2.5 \u003d 8 pieces.

Laminate is low class - 21, 22, 23 - should not be laid in rooms with high humidity. Such rooms include kitchens, bathrooms and pools.

Remember that in no case you can not lay the laminate on the uneven surface, since several years later, the connecting locks will come into disrepair, and the laminate will break.

Calculation of the substrate

To prevent the contact of laminate with concrete, a substrate was invented. It eliminates laminate from moisture, providing ventilation, thanks to which the laminate serves for a long time. Additionally, the substrate acts as a soundproof material. Remember that the substrate protects the product from insects and rodents, protects against a cold base - concrete, reduces the load on the connection. In this regard, without a substrate can not do. But before we hurry to the economic store, it is necessary to choose a substrate for your needs and room. Substrates are different types.

  • From foamed polyethylene. Such a substrate is not highlighted by special strength, under the action of gravity loses its volume and skeys. At the same time, the mold does not appear, it is resistant to moisture, has a democratic cost and fixes to the floor using an ordinary adhesive tape.
  • From extruded polystyrene foam.Maybe in a roll version or in sliced \u200b\u200bsheets. When adding an aluminum foil layer is suitable for roughing. It has a low cost and also quickly thinned, while the installation has its difficulties.
  • Polyethylene film.Only packaging is suitable as a substrate - with air bubbles and a thickness of about 3 mm.
  • From corrugated cardboard.
  • From wood fibers. This is a material from environmentally friendly raw materials, its price is very high.
  • From rubber and bitumen.Most often used for laminate laminated in commercial premises.
  • From cork tree and rubber with bitumen. A composite substrate is characterized by all previously voiced pluses, has a democratic cost.

All the substrates, in addition to the last species, are stacked not to therapy, so they are bought, pushing out from the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, and for composite substrates it is necessary to add an adhesion from above - usually about 20 cm.

How much to take in stock?

Some people without measuring events immediately go to the construction store to buy laminate for repair. Unfortunately, in this case, the likelihood that the insufficient number of building materials will be bought, and after some period they will have to go to the store again, and if we assume that such a collection and colors may not be a second time, then this is an excessive waste of money . If you buy more, then after the repair is completed, there will be several boxes, which, most likely, will not come back to the store, which means again money to the wind. Therefore, it is very important to make measurements before departing to the construction store. But it is not necessary to buy in principle, a small amount of boards should always be ready, because during transportation there are cases of damage lamellas. Do not forget about it when you buy building materials.

When laying a laminate, listen to the councils of specialists. And they recommend before making calculations, take a sheet of office paper A4 format, a simple pencil and schematically pop up all the protrusions, niches, batteries, pipes. The diagram needs to specify all sizes, it will be useful for the correct calculation. This Council will come in handy, first of all, to those people whose premises have non-standard forms. Applying all the protrusions, niches and partitions on the drawing, as well as their size, it will be clear to see and calculate how much laminate is required. Yes, the calculations are easier to produce and record on paper, and not keep these numbers in your head.

Calculate the number of laminate for the room can be both independently and using our calculator. It is simple enough, and the knowledge of the elementary class arithmetic will be enough. But we will leave the laminate calculator, and turn to the theory.

First you need to decide with the method of laying. There are two laying options:

  • Straight.
  • Diagonal.

Everything else is the gradations of these options relative to the light source:

  • Parallel.
  • Perpendicular.

or layout location relative to each other:

  • Simple (10-20 cm disengagement).
  • Chess (dispersion of 50% of the length of the plank).

You can still lead as a separate embodiment of the patterned type of laying. In this case, from the planks of the laminate of different shades on the floor is laid out any drawing. But this option is the most consumable, and laminate with your own hands in this way, without experience it will not work. And a very important point - without disintegration, climbing laminate can not.

Do you repair in your apartment or house yourself? The article "" will be useful to you more than ever.

Sizes of slats and consumption of material

The most common sizes of laminate planks 128 - 139 cm. In length and 18.5 - 19.6 cm in width, we will turn on in our calculation. There are no single standards for all manufacturers. Laminate is found from 0.5 to 2.1 m long and width from 1.8 to 60 cm. Therefore, to answer how many m 2 laminate in the package is uniquely impossible. On each packaging of the laminate, except for the size costs the total area of \u200b\u200ball slats in the package.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe required laminate will always be larger, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The amount of waste depends on the method of laying and the finishing experience:

  • Patteritorial - waste up to 33%.
  • Diagonal - Waste 11-14%.
  • Direct - waste 5%.

Calculations are presented on the example, because It is the most common option.

How to calculate the number of laminate

You can calculate the number of laminate in two ways. For example, consider the standard room 4 by 5 m. A laminate size of 1.285 x 0.186 m. One plank area: 1,285x0,186 \u003d 0.239m 2. In the package of 8 slats, the total area of \u200b\u200b1.912 m 2. How many squares in the pack of laminate need to be specified right in the store, because Different manufacturers make them different standards.

Easy way

Use our online calculator to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room: