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Sounds and letters. What letters are not needed in Russian & nbsp

In the Russian alphabet there are two amazing letters - a soft sign and a solid sign. They themselves do not indicate any sounds. But affect the neighboring.

Soft sign performs two important features in Russian. It denotes the softness of the previously consonant and is used as a separation mark.

Sometimes a soft sign in the Word is heard, but not. Conversely ... remember all the rules and exceptions difficult, and I really want to write correctly. It turns out that it's not difficult to learn this.

Soft sign after hissing

Does not need a soft sign after the hissing second declination of the only number (, garage), the first and second decline in the multiple number of the parental case (puddle, skis) and in brief adjectives of the male family responsible for the question "What?". For example: Fresh - fresh, similar - similar. In with the consonant, at the end (so married, insecurity), a soft sign is also not used, but in the word manifest it should be written.

A soft sign is not written in the pronouns "ours", "yours", in the particle "Already" and the pretext "between".

Soft sign for the designation of the softness of consonants on the letter

Soft sign is not written in combinations: -Ch.- (line, crust), - (Burning, laundry), -Nch- (branding, bubbler), - (Racer, Banchik), -Resch- (collector, debater ), -Rech- (curl,), - (elegant, powerful), -st- (bridge, reed), - NT- (Fantik, Cint).

In foreign words with a double letter l, a soft sign is not written (team, college. Collie).

For spelling composite numerals there is a rule. If the second root is inclined in them, you should not write soft sign. For example: eighteen - eighteen, fifteen - fifteen.

If the basis of the word, from which the relative adjective is formed, ends on -ny, -er, then in front of the suffix -sk-soft sign is not needed. For example: Beast - brutal, horse - horse. The exception is the adjectives formed from the names of months (except January), the words of Chinese origin and adjective type of day. For example: September, November, but January; Sichuan - Sichuan; Day - day.

Nouns on a preceding consonant, a soft sign is not written. For example: Tower - towers. Exception: the lady - the ladies, - kitchens, hawker - hawa.

To find out if a soft sign is needed in the verb, ending, ask him. If there is no soft sign in the question, then the third person does not need to write a soft sign: "He (what does it do?) Learn", "they (?) Care."

If you want to write competently, perform exercises to secure the theory and read more.


  • Spelling of solid and soft signs
  • Spelling of a soft sign at the end of the words after hissing

Writing a "not" particle with pronouns can be a real problem - because Russian is famous for its ambiguity in such matters. Nevertheless, if you know a few simple rules, it may not be so complicated.

Primoplation is a special part of speech in Russian, which is usually used instead of designating the subject or creature, as well as its properties and other signs. At the same time, the pronoun is characterized by its own spelling rules, including cases of writing with a particle "not".

The rules for writing a particle "not" with pronouns

The total particle "not" in the case of its use with the pronoun says that in this situation they should be written separately. In this case, this method of consumption concerns the most different types of pronouns. In particular those that denote the subject, creature, a sign of the subject and other concepts. For example, a particle "not" is used in the following cases: "Not that", "not you", "not everyone" and so on.

Special cases of consumption of particles "not" with pronuches

A separate situation is cases of consumption of particles "not" in negative pronsections. They may designate the absence of an object, creature, a sign of an object or another object. For example, the group of such negative pronouns includes such as "no one", "nothing." In addition, negative pronouns may also denote the uncertainty of the object under consideration, they include such pronoun, as "something" or "someone." It is noteworthy that in most such pronouns, the "not" particle will be under stress. If you met the situation when in a negative particle is in an unstressed position, in most cases we are talking about another particle - "ne".

In all the examples given and similar, it should be written "not" particles with pronoun. However, this rule concerns only those situations where a negative pronoun is used without an excuse. If the situation in which a negative pronoun is consumed requires the presence of the pretext between the "not" particle and the main word, they should be written separately. For example, separate writing is required in the examples "not with anyone", "not anyone" and the like.

Finally, the special situation of the use of particles "not" is associated with the phrase "No one, how". In this case, it is obvious, there is a negative pronouns with a private station "not" without an excuse, however, it is an exception to the rules and requires separate writing of the particle and pronoun. The same rule applies to some variations of this phrase, namely: "No one else, like", "nothing else like", "nothing else, how." However, this rule applies only to the above-mentioned variants, in other combinations there are conventional rules for writing the particle "not".

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  • Spelling "not" with pronouns

"B" (soft sign) By origin is Slavic. In ancient alphabet, Cyrillic was the letter "Er", which passed a reduced (loose) sound almost like zero sound or as a vice, close to the sounds [o] and [e]. After the loss of reduced sounds in ancient Russian language, the note in the letter "Ering" disappeared, but it did not disappear from the alphabet, but transformed into a soft sign And got its special purpose.

The letter "b" acts as a dividing signa: In front of the letters "E, E, Yu, I, and" in the roots, suffixes and endings of the registered parts of speech in Russian and borrowed words (Byrian, Sparrows, a quarry, Voronene); In a small group of foreign language words, in front of the letter "O" (pavilion, broth). Buck "B" is used to designate the softness of consonants: at the end of the word (except hissing): horse ,; In the middle of the word before solid consonants: Wedding, Nannik; In the middle of the word between soft consonants, if when changing the word, the second soft consonant becomes solid: take (take), on a dawn (dawn); To designate the softness "l": orange, glassmaster. Washed one function soft signa - the designation of the grammatical word: name noun in the nominal and vinegenous case, ending on (daughter, wilderness, speech); in the form of a creative case (children, people); In various verb forms - infinitive (oven, sit), imperative inclination (cut, cut), in the form of a second person (,); In adverbs that end the hissing sounds (freeze,); In grammatical forms - at the end of words from five to forty (seven, twenty), and after forty - in the middle of quantitative numerical (fifty, five hundred). Please note that in the adverbs "too", "marry", "Incluther" soft sign not. Also soft sign Not used in the form of a small case of a plural number of nouns names, which are ends for a combination of "NA", and in derivatives from them words with a suffix -k, when in the form of a nominative case of the only number of this combination precedes the consonant: bass (), cherries () . The exceptions include the words: a young lady, hawa, kitchens, sheets. Remove that the letter "b" is written in the names of adjectives formed from the noun - the names of the calendar months: June, October. To exception, the word "January" should be attributed.

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Everyone knows well that in the Russian alphabet there are two letters that do not indicate sounds, they cannot begin words and be capitalized. Of course, this is a soft and solid signs. These letters are not accidentally called "signs": their use helps to correctly transmit the sound of words. With the help of a soft sign, in addition, grammatical forms of words belonging to different parts of speech are formed. Consider the options for writing this sign.

Features graphics

Modern Russian graphics are characterized by a number of features that have developed historically and representing a specific graphical system. Russian graphics does not have alphabet in which there is a special letter for each sound pronounced in the speech stream. In the Russian alphabet of letters is significantly less than sounds in live speech. As a result, the letter of the alphabet turns out to be multi-valued and can have several sound values.
For example, the letter C can designate such sounds: 1) [s] (ships, garden), 2) [s "] (here, sit down), 3) [z] (passing, collection), 4) [s ] (Sklet, transaction), 5) [sh] (sew), 6) [F] (compress).

The value of the letter C in each of the six cases is different: in the words of the court and here the letter C cannot be replaced by any other letter, since such a replacement would lead to distortion of the word. In this case, the letter C is used in its main meaning. In the rest of the words, the letter C performs in secondary values \u200b\u200band allows for replacement with certain letters, in which the usual pronunciation of words (Wed: Deliver - "Zadend", Crest is "a goat", sew - "Shower", compress - "burn"). In the latter case, the letter C denotes the sounds that replace the sound [C] in certain positions, respectively, live phonetic laws inherent in the Russian literary language.

Thus, with multigid letters, Russian graphics distinguishes the main and secondary values \u200b\u200bof letters. So, in the word, the house of the letter is used in the main sense, and in the word at home - in the secondary sense.

The second feature of Russian graphics is the division of letters in the number of indicated sounds. In this regard, the letters of the Russian alphabet disintegrate into three groups: 1) letters devoid of sound value; 2) letters denoting two sounds; 3) letters denoting one sound.
The first group includes the letters of Kommersant, which do not indicate any sounds, as well as the so-called "unprofilable consonants" in such, for example, words: the sun, heart, etc.
The second group includes letters: I, Yu, E [E], E.
The third group includes letters denoting one sound - all the letters of the Russian alphabet, with the exception of letters that are included in the first and second groups.

The third feature of Russian graphics is the presence of unambiguous and double-digit letters in it: the first includes letters having one basic value; By the second - having two meanings.
For example, the letters h and c are among the unambiguous, since the letter h in all positions means the same soft sound [h "], and the letter C is a solid sound [C].

Two-digit letters include: 1) all letters denoting consonant sounds, steaming hardness and softness; 2) letters denoting vowels: I, E, E, Yu.

The two-hazale of these letters of the Russian alphabet is due to the specifics of Russian graphics - it is with its sludge principle.

The syllated principle of Russian graphics is that in a Russian letter at certain cases, the letter is not the letter, but a syllable. Such a syllable, i.e. The combination of consonant and vowel letters is a one-piece graphic element, the parts of which are mutually determined. The syllable principle of graphics is applied in the designation of pairs of hardness-softness of consonants. In modern Russian, consonant sounds, steaming on hardness-softness, have a phondermatic value, i.e. Serve to distinguish sound shells words. However, in the Russian alphabet there are no individual letters for the designation of pairs on the softness-hardness of consonant sounds, so that, for example, the letter T is also used for solid, and for soft sound [T] - (Wed: Will become strut).

The absence in the Russian alphabet of individual letters for pairs on hardness-softness of consonant sounds is compensated by the presence of vowel sounds in our schedule. So, the letters, oh, y, e, s point to the hardness of the preceding consonant, pair of hardness-softness, and the letters - I, E, Yu, E, and - on softness (Wed: Rad - row, mol - ME , Tuk - Bay, Sir - Ser, was - Bil). Thus, the letters denoting consonant sounds, steaming on hardness-softness, double-digit: without taking into account the subsequent letter it is impossible to determine, hard or soft is a pair of hardness-softness consonant sound. Only in the end of the word and before the consonants (truth, not always) the softness of consonants, pairs of hardness-softness is indicated by a special letter.

The syllable principle also applies to the designation of the consonant sound [J] (iot), and this application is carried out only inside the words. The consonant sound of Yot is indicated by a special letter, only in the case when the syllable ends with this sound, following the vowels (Wed: Sing - Pow, Leyte, in spring, blind, etc.). In all other positions, the sound of Yot together with the next vowel sound is indicated by one letter, namely: I -, E -, E -, Yu -. Such value of the letters I, E, E, Yu takes: 1) at the beginning of the word (cf. Yam, Yozh, South, Spruce); 2) after vowels (mine, mine, I will go, my); 3) After the dividing signs of Kommersant and b (declare a monkey, the volume - by the congress - the mouth, the conjuncture - blizzard).

The use of a sludge principle in the Russian chart is a very convenient solution to the issue of transferring on a letter of solid and soft consonants, as well as the sound of Yot (reducing the number of letters, a significant savings of the place by eliminating writing with yot). However, the syllable principle is carried out in Russian graphics not consistently. The main retreat from the syllable principle is the designation of vowels after consonants, unpaired by hardness-softness. So, after always solid consonants [f], [sh], [c] vowel sounds are designated, contrary to the sludge principle, letters and, e, o, occasionally, I (cf. fat, wide, gesture, pole, firing, whisper , brochure, jury, parachute, digit, chain, Kotsyubinsky, Changlovsky, etc.); After always soft [h], [Shch], contrary to the syllable principle, the letters a, o, y (cf. bowl, choking, miracle, food, schist, pike, etc.). These retreats from the syllable principle in modern Russian graphics have developed historically. In modern Russian, the sounds [F], [Ш], [C] do not have soft varieties, and sounds [h], [sh] - solid varieties. Therefore, the hardness and softness of these sounds are denoted by the consonant letters themselves, which are uniquely and do not require the designation by subsequent vowels.

Special cases of deviations from the syllable principle: 1) writing foreign-language (most often French) words with both instead of it (Wed: Broth - Lower, etc.); 2) Writing comprehensive words with BO, BA, B and YU (CP. Sellokrug, Selodrome, Dalugol, Stroychastok); 3) Writing at the beginning of foreign language words yo instead of E (Wed Hedgehog, Yersh - Yot, iodine, Yorkshire, New York).

In addition to the specified inconsistency in applying the syllable principle, it can be noted in the Russian chart the lack of designation of the shock syllable in the word, as well as a special letter for the sound ["] (cf. yeast, squealing, driving, etc.).

Thus, with multigid letters, Russian graphics distinguishes the main and secondary values \u200b\u200bof letters. So in the word houseletter aboutused in the main sense, and in the word at home- In secondary sense.

The second feature of Russian graphics is the division of letters in the number of indicated sounds. In this regard, the letters of the Russian alphabet disintegrate into three groups: 1) letters devoid of sound value; 2) letters denoting two sounds; 3) letters denoting one sound.

The first group includes letters kommersantnot denoted by any sounds as well as the so-called "non-pronounced consonants" in such, for example, words: sun, heartetc.

The second group includes letters: i,yu,e.[E], e..

The third group includes letters denoting one sound, i.e. All letters of the Russian alphabet, with the exception of letters included in the first and second groups.

The third feature of Russian graphics is the presence of unambiguous and double-digit letters in it: the first includes letters having one basic value; By the second - having two meanings.

So, for example, letters c.and c.refer to the number of unambiguous, as the letter all positions indicates the same soft sound [h "], and the letter c.- solid sound [C].

Two-digit letters include: 1) all letters denoting consonant sounds, steaming hardness and softness; 2) letters denoting vowels: i, E, E, Yu.

The two-wave qualities of the indicated letters of the Russian alphabet is due to the specifics of Russian graphics - it is with its sludge principle.

Syllated principle of Russian graphicsit is that in a Russian letter in certain cases, not the letter, but a syllable. Such a syllable, i.e. The combination of consonant and vowel letters is a one-piece graphic element, the parts of which are mutually determined. The syllable principle of graphics is applied in the designation of pairs of hardness-softness of consonants. In modern Russian, consonant sounds, steaming on hardness-softness, have a phondermatic value, i.e. Serve to distinguish sound shells words. However, in the Russian alphabet there are no individual letters to designate pairs to the softness-hardness of consonant sounds, so, for example, the letter is also used for solid, and for soft sound [T] - (Wed: stant - Styanut).

The absence in the Russian alphabet of individual letters for pairs on hardness-softness of consonant sounds is compensated by the presence of vowel sounds in our schedule. So, letters i, Oh, U, E, sindicate the hardness of the preceding consonant, pair of hardness and softness, and the letters - i, E, Yu, E, and- Software (Wed: rad - a row, mol - ME, Tuk - Bay, Sir - Ser, was - Bil). Thus, letters denoting consonant sounds, steaming hardness-softness, double-digit: without taking into account the subsequent letter it is impossible to determine, solid or soft is a pair of hardness-softness. Only in the end of the word and before the consonants (truth, not always) the softness of consonants, steaming on hardness-softness, is indicated by a special letter b.

The syllable principle also applies to the designation of the consonant sound [J] (iot), and this application is carried out only inside the words. Consonant yotindicated by a special letter j.only in the case when the syllable ends with this sound, following the vowels (Wed: sing - Pow, Lei - Leite, Spring, Blindetc.). In all other positions sound yottogether with the next vowel sound is indicated by one letter, namely: i- ,e.- ,e.- ,yu-. Such a value of letters i, E, E, Yutakes place: 1) At the beginning of the word (cf. yama, Yozh, South, Spruce); 2) after vowels ( my, mine, I will go, my); 3) after dividing signs kommersantand b(declare - Monkey, volume - knock, congress - mouth, conjuncture - blizzard).

The application of the syllable principle in Russian graph is a very convenient solution to the issue of transmission on the letter of solid and soft consonants, as well as sound yot(reduction in the number of letters, significant location savings by eliminating writing with yotom). However, the syllable principle is carried out in Russian graphics not consistently. The main retreat from the syllable principle is the designation of vowels after consonants, unpaired hardness-softness. So, after always solid consonants [f], [sh], [c] vowel sounds are designated, contrary to the sludge principle, letters and, e, itoccasionally yu, I.(cf. fat, Shir, Gesture, Six, Golobe, Walking, Brochure, Jury, Parachute, Figure, Chain, Kotsyubinsky, Tshevilovskyetc.); After always soft [h], [sh], contrary to the sludge principle, the letters are written a, oh, u(cf. bowl, Choke, Miracle, Food, Shchors, Pikeetc.). These retreats from the syllable principle in modern Russian graphics have developed historically. In modern Russian, the sounds [F], [W], [C] do not have soft varieties, and sounds [h], [sh] - solid varieties. Therefore, the hardness and softness of these sounds is denoted by the consonant letters themselves, which are unambiguous and do not require the designation by subsequent vowels.

Private cases of deviations from the syllable principle: 1) writing foreign-speaking (more often French) words with bLinstead e.(Wed: broth - Lampsetc.); 2) writing comprehensive words with bO, BA, Band yu(cf. sellock, Selodrome, Dalugol, Building); 3) Writing at the beginning of foreign language words yoinstead e.(cf. hedgehog, Yersh - Yot, iodine, Yorkshire, New York).

In addition to the specified inconsistency in applying the syllable principle, it can be noted in the Russian chart the lack of designation of the shock syllable in the Word, as well as the special letters for the sound ["] (cf. yeast, squealing, drivingetc.).

Cyt. By book: Vigina N.S., Rosenthal D.E., Fomina M.I. Summer Russian Language: Textbook / Edited by N.S. Valgina. - 6th ed., Pererab. and add. Moscow: Logos, 2002.

What kind there isletters and sounds in Russian? What letters what sounds indicate? What is the difference between soft and hard consonants? When will the consonant are firmly, and when soft? Why are you needing soft (b) and solid signs (k)?

Want to find answers to all these questions? Then read on!

Letters and sounds

Below you will find the interactive alphabet of the Russian language with audio. For each letter [in square brackets], the sounds that it can be denoted, as well as examples of words with this letter are given.

And here, for sure, you will immediately appear two questions:

№1 Why do some letters have two sounds?

This is a feature of the Russian language. Some letters can designate two different sounds: solid and soft consonants. To clearly demonstrate this principle, I specifically picked up for such letters two examples: one - with solid, and the other - with a soft consonant.

No. 2 Why no sounds are shown for "b" and "ъ"?

This is a soft and hard sign. By themselves, they do not indicate any sounds. They show us how to read the previous consonant: the consonants before the hardware will be firmly, and the consonants before a soft sign - soft.

Also, sometimes we need to separate the consonant sound from the vowel, and for this, between them we will write one of these signs. So we distinguish, for example, the words "seed" and "family".

Solid and soft signs do not indicate any sounds. A solid sign performs a separation function and is used after consoles ending with

consults, as well as before the root of the word, beginning on E, E, Yu, Yu or I (preditionable, dismissed, eliminate, cite). He, for example, helps us distinguish between the words "sat down" and "ate". Soft sign denotes the softness of the previous consonant: bindweed, monkey,

earlier, seven. Sometimes a soft sign helps to distinguish a noun male genus from female: for example, the word "thing" of the female kind, and "Horseta" is male. In addition, it often contributes to the creation of various forms of the same verb: meet and meet.

But in ancient Russian language, soft and hard signs (EP and EP) meant quite real sounds. The first meant a brief sound "and", and the second is the same brief "O". Even before the decision of Christianity and the development of writing in the language, there were complete, brief and nasal vowels, and they all performed various functions. By the time of the baptism of Rus, the nasal vowels from the Russian language disappeared, but the letters remained for their designation. Former brief vowels L and Kommersant in some words were in strong positions (for example, under the stress, before the accumulation of several consonants, in the adjacent syllables with other briefs

vowels or far from shock syllables with any vowels) and thus turned into full vowels about or e, and in others - in weak positions (in the absolute end of the word,

in the neighboring syllables with shock vowels) and gradually just disappeared from everybody. Previously, a solid sign was in the word "to connect" instead of "O", soft - in the word "day" instead of "e". In modern Russian, there is a concept as "fluent vowels". This is an ancient Russian heritage. That is why texts in ancient Russian language is so hard to read.

Do we need solid and soft signs? It is hard to say. In Czech, for example, they have long been replaced by diacritical symbols. Language is subject to change, and it is possible that sooner or later Kommersant will stop exist as the letters of the alphabet.