Repair Design Furniture

How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis and not suffer from pain. Why do doctors recommend sleeping on an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis? Cervical osteochondrosis what kind of pillow for sleep

All kinds of pain in the back and neck associated with osteochondrosis are quite common. In the same case, if the person is healthy, then it should try to maintain the health of the neck and back as long as possible. Do not forget that we spend a third of our lives in a dream. During general rest and relaxation, a person should make sure that the muscle "frame" of the spine and neck also feels relief, the muscles are relaxed, and there is no chronic muscle spasm. Only under these conditions, the blood supply to the brain occurs fully.

Healthy dream at diseases of the cervical spine

One of the important conditions for achieving this goal is the correct position of the sleeping person's head. For this purpose, there are various pillows, cushions and other sleeping aids. But, often, they only interfere with normal blood circulation: headaches, numbness of the fingers and many other symptoms of an incorrect neck position occur.

In order to correct the full position of the neck and head, you need orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis. What kind of pillows are there and how to make the right choice?

What are pillows

Usually, orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis- this is a rectangular parallelepiped with dimensions of 60 - 40 - 10 cm. On top of them both a regular pillowcase and a special cover that is included with the pillow are put on.

The material from which the pillows are made is not allergic feathers and down, but modern synthetic materials. The most famous are:

  • foam material with "shape memory". This is the "elite", as it has the highest price and long service life. The material is able to completely copy the shape of the body;
Orthopedic pillow with shape memory
  • viscose eraser (viscose);

  • penolatex, polyurethane foam. It is able to quickly regain its shape when the load is removed. This material is hygienic, it can be bathed and washed even in a typewriter;

Polyurethane foam pillow
  • polyester in the form of balls. Ball fillers are easy to shape, durable and require a minimum of maintenance;

Ball pillow - these pillows are also considered to be anti-stress
  • ecological pillow from buckwheat husk. It is light, sometimes it smells like buckwheat, and it also takes the shape of your body. The main thing is to refuse such a pillow if it is damaged by mold and emits a corresponding smell, and at home it must be protected from dampness, so such pillows are not washed, but ventilated.

The merit of the orthopedic pillow is that it maintains the normal physiological curves of the cervical spine throughout the night, preventing it from either "sagging" or rising. This is usually the case with too soft and too hard pillows, respectively.

Both "sagging" and lifting leads to an additional, prolonged static load on the intervertebral discs, and in the presence of osteophytes - to compression of blood vessels.

What is the main thing in a pillow?

Pillow for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine the spine should be pleasant to you intuitively, there should be a desire to sleep on it. Mental comfort is very important: part with your old pillow without regret.

However, the main criterion for the suitability of the pillow is the ability to gradually, under load, take the shape of the head and neck contour and stop there. When you change posture, the pillow material "reorganizes" and takes on a new configuration, adapting to your body.

The next important factor is size. Typically, wider-shouldered subjects with a strong chest need a taller pillow - up to 16-18 cm in height. Likewise, when sleeping on a hard mattress, you need a higher pillow, as it is more "crushed". If you like to sleep on your side, then the pillow should be higher.

What is a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis suitable for a person if he likes to sleep on his stomach? In this case, it will be a soft and low pillow.

This pillow is suitable for those who like to sleep on their stomach.

It often happens that a person is tempted to choose a pillow that is too large, which is clearly too large for him. In this case, he can restlessly sleep all night and toss and turn from side to side. In this case, you need a smaller pillow.

In conclusion, I would like to note that pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, reviews about which the best are products from shape memory foam. Therefore, when choosing a product, you should not dwell on the first product that comes across, but study the models of several manufacturers.

The price of such a pillow as in the photo is about 3500 rubles (price as of mid-2016). In this case, of course, pillows must have a hygienic certificate, an expiration date for the filler, and a warranty period. Do not forget: although this is a pillow, it is still a medical device, and in this sense it is legally indistinguishable from a glucometer or a blood pressure monitor. And, of course, you need to purchase orthopedic pillows only in specialized orthopedic salons or pharmacies, but not in the markets.

Osteochondrosis is a disease characterized by complex degenerative-dystrophic processes in the articular cartilage. It most often affects the intervertebral discs. Depending on the area of ​​localization of the disease, there are several types of it. Osteochondrosis is quite common. The progression of this pathology is associated with dangerous consequences, since in this part of the spine, the most important arteries responsible for the blood supply to the brain pass through the holes located in the transverse processes of the vertebrae. Because of this, pinching of the vertebrae is fraught with extremely negative phenomena.

This disease is characterized by manifestations that adversely affect the quality of life and work capacity. Patients go to doctors with complaints of headaches, pain in the neck and other areas of the body. Moreover, cervical osteochondrosis is also dangerous because, figuratively speaking, it is "disguised" under various other ailments, including diseases of the cardiovascular system. Patients report nausea, dizziness, sudden changes in blood pressure, numbness of the tongue and even loss of consciousness.

Correct positioning of the neck and head during sleep is extremely important in order to prevent complications of this disease. It is known that during a night's rest, the muscles and ligaments of the back, shoulder girdle and neck are relaxed, which reduces their supporting effect on the spine. Moreover, often the wrong posture can last for a long time. Doctors often register the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, caused by just the wrong posture during sleep.

The correct position of the head and neck during a night's rest primarily depends on such an element of the sleeping place as a pillow. It should be noted that such a device as, in itself, the full range of problems will not fix. For the treatment of this disease, complex treatment is needed under the supervision of a qualified doctor - physiotherapy exercises, medication and other measures. Nevertheless, the elimination of mistakes in the organization of the sleeping place, and in particular the choice of a suitable pillow, provides a very noticeable improvement in the patient's condition. The manifestations of the disease gradually decrease and subsequently rarely reappear.

What pillow is better to buy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine?

Now many suppliers are working on the production of such a device as an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

The most common products are those with the upper surface in the form of a wave with one or a pair of rollers. This pillow design takes into account the natural anatomical contours of the head and neck, so that they are in a physiologically correct position. This provides the required relaxation of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the cervical spine, promotes normal blood flow in the vertebral arteries. Some pillows also have a special shoulder recess for added comfort when sleeping on your side.

The head and neck when sleeping in this position are not in the anatomically correct position. Proper relaxation of muscles and ligaments is not provided, in addition, a negative effect on blood flow in the vertebral arteries is possible. All these circumstances are extremely unfavorable for people who have problems with the spine.

In some cases, people who are used to sleeping on ordinary pillows may not find this shape quite familiar. However, reviews on orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis indicate that possible discomfort quickly passes and then the quality of sleep and general well-being improves.

These products can be made from different materials, both natural and artificial. Modern fillers give orthopedic pillows a number of advantages over traditional feather and down pillows. These materials are hypoallergenic, in addition, they do not create a favorable environment for the reproduction of bed mites.

One of the materials from which it can be made is polyurethane foam ("foam rubber"). Latex foam is also a fairly common filler. It is a natural material, foamed sap of hevea (rubber tree). It is characterized by optimal elasticity, provides high-quality moisture and air exchange. The latex orthopedic pillow is stain resistant and has a long service life.

Now it is possible, which has a "memory effect". The filler of such products, under the influence of the heat of the human body, temporarily changes the plastic characteristics, the surrounding areas of the material continue to remain elastic. Thanks to this, the pillow precisely follows the curves of the body due to their "memorization".

How to determine the size of an orthopedic pillow?

Before you buy an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, you need to determine the appropriate height of the roller.

There is a method that allows you to find out the correct size of the roller when sleeping on your side. This requires measuring the length of the shoulder girdle - the distance from the beginning of the shoulder to the base of the neck. It is required to add 2 cm to this value - this is due to the fact that the mattress is crushed under the weight of a sleeping person. A small error of about 1 cm will not have a significant effect.

People with very wide shoulders often find it difficult to choose an orthopedic pillow, as a model with a roller of a suitable height may not be available for sale. However, there is a way to easily fix this problem. To do this, increase the height of the pillow by placing a terry towel under it.

Also, when choosing an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • A lower pillow is suitable for sleeping on your back;
  • If you sleep on a soft mattress, which is heavily crumpled, the best choice would be a pillow with a roller of a slightly higher height;
  • If during sleep there is a desire to put your palm under the pillow, then the pillow roller is too small;
  • Pay attention to the dimensions of the pillow - it should not be wider than the mattress.

Finally, it is necessary to mention some other circumstances that are extremely important for healthy sleep. First of all, you should pay attention to possible defects in the bed. The base must be flat, no deformation must be present.

You should be responsible when choosing a mattress. Now on sale are orthopedic mattresses that promote the correct position of the spine, comfortable and healthy sleep. If you are looking for a mattress for someone with a spinal disorder, seek the advice of a healthcare professional. As a rule, in this case, doctors consider it necessary to have a high or medium degree of severity.

The correct selection of a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is an extremely important thing that can both positively and negatively affect the course of the disease. Using a regular pillow is fraught with a worsening of the situation, in particular, increased pain in the neck and dizziness.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, you only need to choose orthopedic corrector pillows, which not only improve sleep, but also prevent the progression of the disease. You can buy such products at almost any pharmacy.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine does not develop out of the blue almost never, with the exception of congenital pathologies leading to degenerative and dystrophic changes in the spine.

In most cases, the cause of the development of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of prolonged static stress of the cervical spine and, of course, the wrong position of the head during sleep.

Come out, that if not for a final cure, then at least to stop or slow down the progression of the disease, you should first learn how to sleep properly. Is it that simple?

In fact, the greatest responsibility for healthy sleep rests on the pillow. The wrong selection of such a product threatens with chronic lack of sleep, headache, and, accordingly, the development of cervical osteochondrosis.

By "correct pillows" is meant orthopedic. The layman should not be intimidated by this definition of a product, since orthopedic does not mean curative and quite healthy people can use it. For example, to prevent the development of diseases of the spinal column.

With an already existing disease, you cannot do without an orthopedic pillow at all. Even powerful therapy against the background of an incorrect head position during sleep may not bring results, since we treat during the day and cripple at night (speaking metaphorically).

What should be the pillow for osteochondrosis?

Choosing an orthopedic pillow specifically for yourself for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is not an easy task. In most cases, pharmacies and rehabilitation centers sell “template”, one might say “universal” products of this type.

They are suitable for some, for others they will be meaningless, and for others they will do harm at all. Moreover, the third point should be specially noted, since the patient may purchase an unsuitable orthopedic pillow and constantly use it.

The very definition of a product (orthopedic!) In such patients causes a persistent feeling that everything is working as it should. And this is a very serious problem, the person is sure that since the pillow is orthopedic, the treatment is underway, but in fact, due to the wrong choice, the disease only progresses.

How, then, to choose an orthopedic pillow for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine for yourself? The first step is to turn to those goods that:

  1. During sleep, the natural curves (lordosis, kyphosis) of the spine are preserved.
  2. When lying on which the head is level with the spinal column.
  3. When lying on which the vertebrae have a comfortable and moderately firm support.
  4. Muscles during sleep on such a pillow should be relaxed (the patient will easily feel this pleasant feeling).

When purchasing a product that meets the criteria described above, use it within two weeks and follow the changes carefully... If you start getting enough sleep, your head does not hurt in the morning, your neck muscles are not constrained - the choice is correct, if not, you should choose another product.

Pillow for cervical osteochondrosis (video)

How to choose a pillow for osteochondrosis?

If from the first time it was not possible to choose an orthopedic pillow individually for yourself, you will have to spend a little time choosing the "one". It is necessary to choose such products specifically for the treatment and prevention of cervical osteochondrosis according to three criteria:

  • the degree of rigidity (products that are too hard or too soft should be ignored, they are harmful even to healthy people);
  • form (despite the non-obviousness - the most important criterion);
  • dimensions (here it is not so much the width of the product that is important as its height).

You should choose a product for rigidity based on how you sleep: on your back or on your side. If on the back, then it is best to choose a pillow with medium hardness, if on the side - hard, when sleeping on the stomach, it is desirable to be softer.

You need to choose a pillow according to the shape, too, focusing on the posture during sleep. If you sleep on your back, it is best to choose a product in the form of a roller or a crescent (the roller is also suitable for sleeping on your side). When purchasing a rectangular pillow, make sure that your neck and head are on it while you sleep, and your shoulders are slightly lower.

It should look like this: there should be a pillow under the head (a characteristic dent will form), and under the neck - a roller (to support the spine strictly along the physiological bend).

Consultants who are available in every store with similar goods can help you with the choice of a specific product. Naturally, you should not rely only on them, but we strongly recommend listening to their opinion.

How to choose a mattress for osteochondrosis?

With the choice of a mattress is about the same story as with pillows - it will take time to find the right product specifically for you.

The first thing to consider is that you should not choose a mattress by body length. It is advisable to choose a model with a length that exceeds your height (10 centimeters of length from the side of the legs and head is enough).

The width is simpler, classic models with a width of 80 centimeters or more (but not exceeding 90 centimeters) are suitable here. When choosing a double mattress, keep in mind that its width should be at least 140 centimeters.

If we talk about the inner component of the mattress, then products with springs are best suited. They are good for both single and double mattresses. At the same time, we recommend choosing products with independent springs, they better support the body during sleep, preventing "falling through".

Do not buy soft models of orthopedic mattresses, they are good for lumbar osteochondrosis, but not suitable for cervical. It is much better to buy a rigid model that is suitable not only for cervical osteochondrosis, but also for diseases of the pelvic region of the spinal column.

Manufacturers, models and prices

There are literally a thousand different models of orthopedic pillows and it is very difficult for a person who first encountered osteochondrosis of the cervical spine to choose a quality product on their own.

What are the best orthopedic pillows that do not bite for the price? We recommend paying attention to the following models:

  1. Fleece 310N. Size 50x70 centimeters, silicone filler, bleached calico fabric (100% cotton). Price: 320 rubles.
  2. Bilerbeck Comfort. Size 40x60 centimeters, 70% anti-allergenic fiber and 30% sheep wool (combed). Price: 1000 rubles.
  3. MirSon DeLuxe Thinsulate + EcoSilk. Size 50x70 centimeters, filled with EcoSilk and Thinsulate. Price: 1100 rubles.
  4. PROF MISHLE. Size: 70x (20 + 30) centimeters, made of poetic beads and cotton. Price: 1900 rubles.
  5. SOFT MEDICAL. Size: 40x60x12 centimeters, made of down, feathers, poetry balls and cotton. Price: 1890 rubles.
  6. Royal DeLuxe No. 1 (elastic). Size: 50x70 centimeters, made of EcoSilk and Thinsulate materials. Price: 1050 rubles.
  7. MEDI RELAX R Size: 60x43x11 / 10 centimeters. Made from polyester and lurex. Price: 4100 rubles.

Where can you buy?

You can buy orthopedic mattresses and pillows for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in any major store of relevant goods. The problem is that in such stores they sell products of a general type, in fact, universal models.

We have already described their problems, but how then to be? Doctors advise contacting specialized stores or pharmacies. For example, large medical equipment stores or rehabilitation centers will be able to choose a mattress or pillow as closely as possible to fit your body.

Please note that when you go to specialized stores, you should expect high prices for such orthopedic products. And this is quite obvious, since such outlets sell products made of high-quality materials and specifically for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

But we do not recommend buying such goods in transitions, at flea markets or from hands. And the point is not so much that the goods bought in this way are often of poor quality and have defects. And the fact is that in this way you with a very small degree of probability will be able to choose a product specifically for you.

Is it worth spending your time, money and health (after all, while you are choosing the necessary model, the disease progresses) on such activities? The question is rhetorical.

The human body needs full, healthy sleep. The position of your body during sleep influences your condition throughout the day. It is important that the body takes the correct posture, muscles, bones relax, rest. The correct pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is the key to good health. On the orthopedic product, the cervical region, the head are in a comfortable position, the spine is aligned, the departments take natural curves, the muscular frame of the back relaxes. When a person sleeps in the wrong position, there is a high risk of exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the spine, complications arise.

The pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is small in size, rectangular, not high, allows you to position your head and shoulders. The head does not roll, does not fall. If there is no special pillow, you should take a regular one, fold it in half. The main condition is that it should not be high, otherwise the cervical vertebrae during sleep feel discomfort, possibly displacement, impaired blood circulation in the brain. Doctors do not recommend sleeping on a mattress or using a small pillow - muscles do not relax.

Manufacturers produce a range of orthopedic pillows. Recommended for people suffering from spinal diseases. An orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis ensures that the cervical vertebrae have strong support. Relaxes the cervical muscles, reduces irritation of damaged nerves, helps to avoid headaches, insomnia, pain in the upper body.

The use of an orthopedic pillow is indicated for osteochondrosis of the neck, for lumbar - it is placed under the knees.

Types of orthopedic pillows

It is easy to get confused among the number of pillows on the market. Two types are recommended for cervical osteochondrosis - in the form of a roller or crescent, rectangular with convex edges.

The crescent pillow suggests sleeping on the back, free edges wrap around the neck, fix in one position. Medium soft, do not lose shape under body pressure. Not everyone likes sleeping on their backs. Therefore, they choose the second version of the pillow - with convex edges, a small depression in the center. The rectangular pillow is practical, allows you to sleep on your back, side. Should be suitable for height, so try lying down before purchasing. It is unacceptable that the pillow is deformed, not restored.

Filling the orthopedic pillow

The pillow for cervical osteochondrosis contains a special orthopedic filler inside. It is more expensive than usual. High-quality filler restores the shape of the product after pressing. The result is called the "shape memory" effect. Pillow fillers:

Choosing an orthopedic pillow

When choosing an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis, it is important that it fits in height and shape. It is worth trying to lie down, as they used to fall asleep. The rules will help you navigate:

  1. The orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis supports the cervical spine and the head. Feels relaxed. The head is flush with the body so that there are no unnatural curves of the spine.
  2. The width of the human shoulder affects the height of the pillow. If you prefer to sleep on your back, get a short pillow.
  3. Pay attention to the pillow material, filling. The filler affects the comfort of the spine.
  4. A pillow with bolsters of different heights is recommended for a person sleeping on their side. If you sleep on your back, buy a classic-shaped product.
  5. Shoulders should not be on the pillow. The task is to keep the cervical spine.

Healthy sleep rules

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine causes discomfort, painful sensations. The patient often hurts, dizzy, hands go numb, neck mobility is limited. It is important for the patient to feel comfortable during rest. Not everyone is able to fully relax. Complain of fatigue, weakness after waking up. It is associated with improperly selected bedding, a person sleeps in an uncomfortable position, the spine does not relax, it is in a pinched state. This provokes the development, exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

When a person lies down, the pressure on the spine decreases. It is important to be in the correct position to keep your spine relaxed.

Make sure the bed is flat and firm. In case of osteochondrosis, healthy people are not recommended to sleep on a cot or in a hammock. This position of the body is wrong. Give preference to a flat mattress, medium firm, elastic. On the mattress, the spine is in a natural position, fully relaxes, rests. On a soft mattress, the lumbar spine is strongly flexed. The spine is deformed, the vertebrae are displaced, nerves are pinched. It is advisable to purchase a special mattress with orthopedic characteristics. The use guarantees a relaxed state throughout the night, an improvement in blood circulation, tissue nutrition, - a decrease in pain in the back.

Better to sleep on your side. The shoulder rests against the mattress, the pillow supports the head. In case of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to fall asleep in the "embryo" position. In the position, the spine stretches, relieves pressure on the damaged tissue. It is undesirable to sleep with your face in the pillow. Falling asleep, the neck muscles relax, the head is turned to the side, the arteries responsible for the blood supply to the brain are compressed. Leads to a stroke at the site.

The best pillow for cervical osteochondrosis is an orthopedic pillow, selected taking into account the width of the shoulder, made of high-quality material, supporting the cervical spine, without leading to deformation of the spine.

The article was written for general educational development. To establish an accurate diagnosis and prescription of treatment, ALWAYS consult a doctor

Special orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis are a necessary accessory. With this disease, it is extremely important to have the correct position of the body during sleep, which allows you to relieve the load in the neck area.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region is considered the most common disease of the spine. It affects not only the elderly, but also the younger generation, which leads a sedentary lifestyle. Even school-age children, forced to sit at a computer and textbooks, often complain of pain in the cervical region. Sleep quality is the most important prerequisite for well-being throughout the day. When resting, the spine must be able to fully relax, so choosing a pillow is critical. Using an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis, you can easily prevent morning headache and stiffness in the cervical muscles, as well as provide a healthy sleep.

Features of rest

Wrong position of the head in a dream leads to curvature of the vertebrae in the cervical spine and exacerbation of symptoms of osteochondrosis. To eliminate morning sickness and ensure relaxation of the cervical muscles during rest, it is necessary to choose the right accessories for sleeping:

  1. The base of the bed should be rigid, without deformation, and should not bend. Rest on cots and in hammocks is contraindicated for people suffering from cervical osteochondrosis.
  2. The mattress should be of high quality, firm enough, but elastic, preferably with an orthopedic effect. It should be selected taking into account the height and weight of the person. Sleeping on feather beds in the presence of osteochondrosis is not recommended.
  3. The pillow should be orthopedic, specially designed for people with neck pathologies. Such an item will provide a full sleep, exclude clamping and curvature of the neck muscles.

It is very important for osteochondrosis of the neck to provide the body with such a position in which the cervical spine is not subjected to stress, and the muscles can relax. The posture during rest is of decisive importance for people with such a pathology, therefore, the question of how to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis is quite relevant.

The most unfavorable position is the position on the stomach, in which the head is turned to the side. In this position, the vessels narrow, interfere with the supply of blood to the brain, this increases the pressure in the arteries. When you sleep on your stomach, the neck is in a position that increases the risk of curvature and displacement of the cervical vertebrae.

The recommended correct posture for resting is on your side or back. In this position, it is necessary to ensure that only the neck and head are on the pillow. The shoulders should be at the level of the body, this position in the best way contributes to the normal blood supply to the vessels and the brain.

What should be a pillow

Healthy sleep, its duration and mood upon awakening depend on the quality of the orthopedic pillow. The presence of pathology in the neck area significantly complicates the process of rest, makes it difficult to get enough sleep, so the choice of a pillow should be taken seriously. When choosing an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  1. Rigidity. For people with this disease, a pillow of medium hardness is needed, but at the same time it is quite plastic.
  2. A height of 5 to 9 cm is considered optimal for the correct position: the shoulders are at body level, the head is raised.
  3. The form. For basic sleep, a rectangular orthopedic pillow is recommended for osteochondrosis, which has a special roller that repeats the anatomical structure of the neck. Small pillows in the shape of a log or a horseshoe are only suitable for a short rest on your back.
  4. The size. Depends on the width of the shoulders. The pillow should be slightly wider than your shoulders or the same size.
  5. Filler. Orthopedic pillows are made mainly from natural materials: bamboo, latex, buckwheat husk, cotton. Artificial fillers are sometimes used to prevent allergic reactions.

When choosing a pillow, you should take into account the individual characteristics of the body. If the pillow causes discomfort, it should be replaced with another one.

Varieties of pillows

Today, a large selection of orthopedic products is offered, different from each other in shape, characteristics, type of filler. If the size of the product varies from 40 to 70 cm, then there are only two pillow shapes:

  1. Roller. The standard pillow is in the shape of a log or a crescent. It perfectly fixes the cervical region, but is only suitable for sleeping on the back or in a sitting position, for example, while traveling.
  2. Rectangular pillow. The product has a special recess for the head, consists of one roller in the middle or two along the edges. The pillow is used for constant rest, so it should not deform.

Fillers for pillows are of plant origin and synthetic. Vegetable include:

  • flaxseeds and buckwheat husks - the materials are able to follow the contour of the head, have massage properties, improve blood circulation in the neck;
  • bamboo fibers - the material has a special practicality, promotes air circulation, does not accumulate dust.

Synthetic fillers are:

  1. Polyester - the material consists of round granules, which diverge to the sides under the weight of the body and provide the necessary height and COMFORTABLE head position.
  2. Artificial latex - the material has antibacterial properties, is non-toxic, easily takes the desired shape.
  3. Elastic foam is a viscous material that easily takes the shape of the head, has a memory effect and very slowly comes to its original position.
  4. Gel is a special high-tech liquid that easily takes the shape of the head, but takes some getting used to.

How to choose a pillow

It is necessary to choose an orthopedic pillow taking into account all the factors and features of these products. The height of the pillow deserves special attention, because you need to choose the most convenient from a variety of options.

If the product does not fit in height, the positive effect of using the pillow may not be, moreover, the state of health may deteriorate.

To determine the required height, it is recommended to measure the distance from the base of the neck to the edge of the shoulder, and then add 1-2 centimeters to the resulting figure, which will go to the deflection of the mattress. This height of the roller will be optimal in order to rest on your side.

Sleeping posture is important to consider when choosing a pillow. People who sleep on their backs are advised to choose a pillow that is low and firm. For sleeping on your stomach, you need a soft pillow with a low bolster. The height of the product also depends on the softness of the mattress: the softer it is, the higher the pillow will be needed.

Before purchasing a pillow, you need to lie on it if possible, this is the only way to determine whether it suits you or not. Doctors recommend purchasing multiple pillows for different sleeping positions. Sometimes, in order to find the right pillow, you have to try several options. You can determine if a pillow is suitable by analyzing the following points:

  • after sleep, the person feels rested;
  • during rest, you do not need to put anything under the pillow;

The pillow does not fit and needs to be replaced if:

  • in a dream, a person often turns over;
  • puts something under the pillow, changes its position;
  • after waking up, there is pain in the neck and shoulders.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a very insidious disease that can contribute to the occurrence of malfunctions in the work of various body systems, including the functioning of the brain. This cervical osteochondrosis is more dangerous than other types of pathology of the spine.

Purchasing orthopedic bedding can greatly facilitate sleep and wake up people with neck pain. The special pillows are designed with regard to the anatomical structure of the spine, and are able to support the neck muscles in the correct position, ensuring complete relaxation. It must be remembered that the pillow does not relieve osteochondrosis, but only helps to improve the condition during sleep and after waking up, and also ensures the prevention of neck diseases and eliminates the possibility of relapses.