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Homemade cyclone type vacuum cleaner from bucket. Homemade vacuum cleaner: cyclone, construction or for workshop. Materials for manufacture

About filters.
The cyclone filter does not delay more than 97% of dust. Therefore, additional filters are added to them. From English "HEPA" translates as High Efficiency Particulate Air "- a filter for particles contained in the air.

Agree that even you can not imagine your life without such a necessary equipment like a vacuum cleaner? They cope not only with dust, but also with mud.

Of course, vacuum cleaners can be used not only at home, but they are also different: rechargeable, detergent, pneumatic. As well as automotive, low-voltage industrial, ranksis, gasoline, etc.

Principle of operation of vacuum cleaner cyclone

James Dyson is the first creator of a cyclone vacuum cleaner. The first creation was his creation, G-Force in 1986

A little later in the 1990s, he filed a petition for the manufacture of cyclone devices and had already collected his center for creating vacuum cleaners. In 1993, his first vacuum cleaner was on sale - known as "Dayson DC01".
Still, how is this a cyclone miracle work?

Looks like the creator Jame Dyson was a wonderful physicist. Thanks to centrifugal strength, the dust is involved.

The device is two-chamber and it is divided into two types - external and internal. The air that spins inside the dust collector moves up as if on the helix.

According to the law, large dust falls into the outer chamber, and in the inner remains everything else. And the purified air comes out of the dust collector through the filters. This is how the vacuum cleaners with a cyclone filter work.

Cyclone filter vacuum cleaners, features

Do not stop your choice on those models that require little power. You will not like this cleaning and most likely, want to throw away such a device.

Do not waste money in vain, and come to buying a vacuum cleaner more seriously. It is only worth contacting the seller consultant and he will help you with the choice of one or another vacuum cleaner.

The device is worth choosing, which is 20-30% more powerful bag vacuum cleaner. It is best to take the one with a capacity of 1800 W. Almost all producers of vacuum cleaners produce models with this filter, which cannot but rejoice.

Pluses of cyclone dust collectors

1. Let's probably, it happened when the Inexsee need was inadvertently necessary in a dust collector? Now this is not a problem, because it is transparent! And you can always notice the items that you need to pull out from there.

This is one of the most important advantages.

2. The power of such vacuum cleaners is maximum and does not slow down and power, even when the container is clogged. Cleaning is much more pleasant, power does not fall, cleaning cleaner.

Such a vacuum cleaner is able to delay much more than you represent. Up to 97% !!! Is it probably true? Although some are unhappy and such a result, since vacuum cleaners with a water filter are preferred.

3. Buying a cyclone vacuum cleaner, you not only make a profitable purchase, but also save a place to store it, as its weight is quite easy. You do not have to carry gravity.

4. No need to constantly change paper bags for a vacuum cleaner.

5. Power. It does not lose from fullness.

6. It can be perfectly rinsed with water and dried.

Cons of cyclone dust collectors

1. One of the minuses of these vacuum cleaners is not very pleasant. It is washing and cleaning the filter. Of course, it does not have to clean the container with the help of a brush every day, but all this is one of the minuses. Laziness is present in every person. Yes, of course it is unpleasant to face the fact that the handles need to be stained.

2. Noise. Noise from this type of vacuum cleaner much more than the usual one.

3. Power consumption. It is also much higher than from the ordinary vacuum cleaner. This is a little tornado.

Buy this little miracle or not, to solve only you. In fact, all his merits overlap those not many of its flaws. Clean the house is much more pleasant than not to the end of the completed tidy, agree?

Personal impressions

Compared to the old vacuum cleaner, the cyclone dust collector looks rather modestly in size. It is impossible to believe that such a baby is capable of something serious. Now the old vacuum cleaner can only be used with a wet cleaning.

I have accessories, when you first use, insert the pipe not large in diameter, turn on the device, and that's what is really surprising, the brush brush carpets significantly better than my previous helper.

He cleans everything. Dirt, wool of our pets. Previously, it was necessary to make not small efforts to cope with such "now small things."

In the corridor, I have a laminated coating and it is also easily cleaned. The fact is that in my reserve there is another brush, tougher than the previous one for carpets, so I just coped with this task. You know, and the sound of this vacuum cleaner is not so loud as they wrote about it on the Internet.

This apparatus pleases me by the fact that it is light and not so much, and loud. I also liked the storage compartment of all the necessary nozzles, it is very convenient that it is built into the vacuum cleaner itself.

As soon as I found out what this little tornado is capable of, it's time to clean the container. Thank God when I began to shake out the garbage from the dust collector, he fell tightly large lumps.

Since the garbage was tumped by air flow. Claws dust is not visible, and he did not rise into the air! So I finished my first cleaning with my cyclone vacuum cleaner. Washed the container and on this cleaning ended!

Cyclone for vacuum cleaner photo

All vacuum cleaners are intended for one purpose - purity. We are talking about all vacuum cleaners
Industrial and construction vacuum cleaners are usually used on machines or for cleaning any premises. These vacuum cleaners are expensive, since the principle of operation of the vacuum cleaner cyclone filter must be selected carefully.
You should also know that most often industrial devices use when repairing and construction. Leave your workplace need clean.

Cyclone do it yourself, from transparent plastic video

Construction work is carried out after its preparation and surface cleaning. As you understand, general cleaning is impossible to make a conventional vacuum cleaner. In other words, it is fraught with a breakdown of the device.
Even a small garbage, such as: sand, oil, dry mixtures of powder abrasives and wooden chips - is designed only for the industrial vacuum cleaner.
If you suddenly go to choose a vacuum cleaner for construction work, then definitely specify those kinds of pollution with which it will face.
Have you conceived using a vacuum cleaner under repair? Then consider the cyclone option for the vacuum cleaner with your own hands. There are many examples of how to make this kind of vacuum cleaner.

Cyclone for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands

1. In order to make such a vacuum cleaner, the Vacuum Cleaner of the Ural Mon-600, the plastic bucket (is suitable even from the paint), the nozzle 20 cm long and 4 cm diameter.
2. The nameplate is also unscrewed, and the holes need to be stuck.
3. The nozzle is quite fat and does not enter the hole, so it is necessary to throw rivets with the help of a grinder and remove the mounting of the nozzle. Before this, removing the springs with the locks. To the plug to wind the isolent and insert on the plug.
4. At the bottom to make a hole with a drill in the middle. Then it is to expand it to a 43 mm special tool.
5. For its seal, the gaskets with a diameter of 4 mm are cut.
6. Then you need to add everything, the lid of the bucket, the gasket, the center of the centering.
7. Now we will need a self-tapping screw with a length of 10 mm and a diameter of 4.2 mm. Self-tapping screws will need 20 pieces.
8. From the sides of the bucket, cut the hole on the suction nozzle. The cutting angle should be 10-15 degrees.
9. Take up and edit the shape of the hole with special scissors that cut in metal.
10. Do not forget that inside too inside. Also from the inside, leave the bands for the screws.
11. A marker, mark the hole in the bucket and cut the extra material with scissors. Secure the nozzle outside to the bucket.
12. To use all seal, use the 30x bandage. From an ordinary first-aid kit and glue like "Titan" for foam. Wake up the bandage around the nozzle and impregnate with glue. Preferably more than once!
13. While the glue dries, you can check how this vacuum cleaner will work. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and load it, overlapping the palm of the pipe. During the testing of the vacuum cleaner, the process of sealing and connections with a nozzle is improved. It is unlikely that he will soon be sick of himself.
14. The vacuum cleaner is best stored in the case.

The homemade vacuum cleaner is so accustomed in the farm that no one thinks about the principle of his action. Since the invention of this assistant in the cleaning of premises, a single possible way of separating dust from clean air was used - filter.

Over the years, the filter element was improved from a banal bag of dense tarpaulin, it turned into high-tech membranes, holding the smallest particles of garbage. At the same time, it was not possible to get rid of the main disadvantage.

Filter creators are constantly looking for a compromise between cell density and air bandwidth. In addition, than polluted membrane, the worse the air flow passes through it.
30 years ago, the physicist James Dyson produced a breakthrough in dust cleaning technology.

He invented a compact dust separator operating on the principle of centrifugal force. I must say that this idea was not Nova. Industrial sawmills used centrifugal storage devices and chiclone chips like a long time ago.

But no one guessed to apply this physical phenomenon in everyday life. In 1986 he registered a patent for the first vacuum cleaner of the cyclone type, with the name G-Force.

In general, there are three ways to separate dust from clean air:

  1. Filtering membrane. The most massive and cheap way to remove dust. It is used in most modern vacuum cleaners;
  2. Water filter. The air with the garbage passes through water tank (as in hookah), all particles remain in the liquid medium, the perfectly clean air flow arrives at the exit. Such devices have won popularity, but their use has not become mass due to high cost.
  3. A centrifugal filter of dry cleaning type "cyclone". It is a compromise at the cost and quality of cleaning in comparison with the membrane and water filter. On this model, we will stop more.

Principle of operation of cyclone

The illustration shows the processes occurring in a cyclone filter chamber.

Polluted air through the nozzle (1) enters the cylindrical filter (2) housing. The nozzle is located on the tangent of the housing walls, due to which the air flow (3) is twisted into the helix along the walls of the cylinder.

Under the action of centrifugal force, the dust particles (4) are pressed against the inner walls of the case, and under the influence of gravity is settled in the dust collector (5). The air with the smallest particles of garbage (on which the centrifugal force does not act), enters the chamber (6) with a conventional membrane filter. After final cleaning come into the receiving fan (7).

The membrane filter is dirty minimal, and it only needs to occasionally clean after cleaning. All dirt simply falls out of the drive, and the vacuum cleaner is ready to work again.

Vacuum cleaners with such a filter are cheaper than water, but still more expensive, in comparison with the membrane. Therefore, many folk craftsmen make a "cyclone" type filter with their own hands, and connect it with the entrance to the ordinary vacuum cleaner.

Quite often, after a different type of work, a large number of fine dust and garbage remains, which can be removed only with good vacuum cleaner. A simple home apparatus is not adapted to this. It is necessary to apply the industrial vacuum cleaner of high power. The filter for it can be done independently.

People who are constantly working in the field of construction, it is necessary to remove the large number of different small garbage and dust. It may be old plaster, residues of foam, drywall or wood dust. Such garbage is able to settle the thick layer around the room. Sooting the broom or wipe this dust is very difficult, because because of the large size of the room, this cleaning will be delayed for a long time.

In this case, the vacuum cleaner is optimal. The usual product that is applied at home is not suitable for these purposes. Fit pinch or sawdust will lead to a burner of a vacuum cleaner or will lead it out of action. And also a large number of small dust will quickly score a dust collector, which will need to be cleaned every 20 minutes.

But the construction vacuum cleaners have large sizes, inconvenient in application, maintenance and have a very high cost. For this reason, some homemade masters have learned to increase the capabilities of their domestic product, equipping it with a specialized cyclone filter. Such dust collectors can be purchased in a construction store or make in their homework. On the Internet you can find a lot of drawings of dust collectors for woodworking workshops.

Experts allocate the following the advantages of cyclone filters:

  • no need to constantly buy disposable bags and containers for collecting shallow dust;
  • small sizes;
  • quiet device operation;
  • when the filter housing is made of transparent plastic, it is possible to monitor its contamination;
  • high efficiency.

The principle of operation of the cyclone filter

Cyclone consists of several parts:

  • nozzle;
  • housing;
  • dust collector;
  • a camera with a membrane filter;
  • reception fan.

Dirty air Through the nozzle enters the cylindrical body of the product. The nozzle is located on the side of the housing side walls, so the air flow near the cylinder walls is spiral. Due to the centrifugal force, the dirt particles are pressed against the device body, and then fall into a special dust collector. The remaining air with dust particles falls into another chamber, which is equipped with several membrane filters. As a result, all the assembled dust enters the receiving fan.

The membrane compartment is less polluted, which must be cleaned only after the end of cleaning. The assembled dust is simply removed from the special drive, and the device is ready to fulfill its duties.

Vacuum cleaners with a similar principle of action are much cheaper than water, but more expensive than membrane. For this reason, the home masters independently collect cyclone, and then connect it to the domestic vacuum cleaner.

Cyclone with their own hands from girlfriend

The cyclone filter for the vacuum cleaner with your own hands is quite simple. It is often necessary when processing wood. Together with the Fraser or Electric Branches, the membrane type vacuum cleaner is very quickly clogged, and it needs to be often cleaned, which distracts much from the production process. When the master is engaged in a carpenter in a small place, then small sawdust create a lot of problems. For this purpose, a cyclone from simple details was designed and manufactured, which is not inferior to its factory analogues.

Materials for manufacture

To make a homemade cyclone, such materials will be needed:

Cyclone assembly for household vacuum cleaner

On the plastic container cover, a special bracket is fixed for a small air filter, which can be made from a metal strip or corners. The air filter is obliged to very firmly fit to the plastic capacitance lid. Otherwise, the air with dust will penetrate the outlet. Next, the outlet should be tightly fixed on top of the lid. Through it, the purified air will flow into the household vacuum cleaner. Specialists advise to leave a domestic membrane filter. This will help save the fan from dirt and will not weaken the power of the air flow.

Near the air filter is worth putting a special dust bumpman, which is assembled from fine metal tin. This element is able to beat small particles of dirt, which do not fall under the influence of gravity, which allows you to clean the filter much less often. The same work can perform an old female stocking that protects the pores of the filter from large and light pieces of dust.

The homemade inlet nozzle must be positioned on the tangent of the housing walls and slightly tilt towards the bottom of the device. Dirty air will immediately go to the desired direction. In order for the walls of the tanks, they are not collapsed from the vacuum medium, they must be well increased by a metal strip. Plastic container is not able to withstand heavy loads, because the material is quite thin. Since the device is obtained by large sizes, it is worth making a plywood bar, which does not prevent small turntable wheels.

Next, it is necessary to qualitatively consolidate the collected filter and household vacuum cleaner. Fastening must provide quick disassembly to clean the container from the collected garbage. At the end of the work, you need to test the device. At the bottom of the plastic container should remain all the garbage.

How to make aquilter for a vacuum cleaner

When a person does not need a professional building vacuum cleaner, you can make a water filter for chips in another way. For example, it can be made from an ordinary road cone. A dust collector will serve any plastic container with dense walls and a well-closing lid. It is worth noting that Plastic container performs the role of the air systemAnd the leakage does not affect the power of the device. It is necessary to cut off the reference square from the road cone. According to the resulting hole form, you need to carve out the top cover of plywood.

In the upper cover with the help of sealant, the outlet is fixed, which should be made from a conventional sewer tube. This item must be lowered to the middle of the construction cone. When it is raised above, the twist of dust will be incorrect. In the event that the output tube descends too low, the dirt will be sucked into it.

The narrow part of the road cone is also hermetically fixed in the circle of plywood, which joins the garbage compartment. It is worth checking the tightness of all seams and connections several times. Near the top cutting cone is put inlet pipe, which will fall into dirty air.

Next, it is necessary to check the correctness of the assembly of the dustwater. The outlet can be connected to the entrance of the household vacuum cleaner using the factory hose. Therefore, the nozzle should be selected in accordance with the diameter of the hose of the vacuum cleaner. The garbage collection hose is attached to the receiving nozzle of the product. Be sure to trigger. When the device is assembled correctly, all the garbage will accumulate at the bottom of the plastic container, and the membrane filter of the household vacuum cleaner should remain clean.

The form for the cone can be made with your own hands. For example, make from metal tin, after calculating the product scan. And it can also be suitable for an old bucket of galvanized metal.

Today we will tell you about the cyclone filter for the vacuum cleaner in the workshop, because one of the problems with which you have to deal with woodworking - dusting. Industrial equipment is quite expensive, so we will make a cyclone with your own hands - it is absolutely easy.

What is cyclone and why he need

In the workshop almost always there is a need to remove the trash of a fairly large fraction. Sawdust, fine trimming, metal chips - all this, in principle, can catch the usual filter of the vacuum cleaner, but he will quickly come into disrepair with a high probability. In addition, there will be no extra opportunity to remove and liquid waste.

The filter cyclone uses aerodynamic twist to link the sizes of different sizes. Spinning in a circle, the garbage time to stick to such a consistency when it can no longer be carried away by the stream of air and settles on the day. Such an effect occurs almost always if the air flow with sufficient speed passes through a cylindrical container.

This kind of filters are included in many industrial vacuum cleaners, but their cost is not called available for the average man. At the same time, the spectrum of tasks solved with homemade devices is not at all. The handicraft cyclone can be used both in conjunction with plans, perforators or jigsaws, and to remove sawdust or chips from different types of machines. In the end, even simple cleaning with such a device occurs much simpler, for the majority of dust and garbage will settle in the containers from where it can be easily removed.

The difference between wet and dry cyclone

To create a swirling stream, the main requirement is that the air does not follow the shortest path to the exhaust hole. To do this, the inlet pipe must have a special shape and be directed either to the bottom of the container or by tangent to the walls. The exhaust channel for a similar principle is recommended to do the swivel, optimally, if it is directed to the lid of the device. An increase in aerodynamic resistance due to pipe bends can be neglected.

As already mentioned, the cyclone filter is potentially able to remove liquid waste. With liquid, everything is somewhat more complicated: the air in the pipe and the cyclone is partially delivered, which contributes to the evaporation of moisture and its partition into very small drops. Therefore, the inlet nozzle must be located as close as possible to the surface of the water or even lower under it.

In most of the detergent vacuum cleaners, air is supplied to the water through the diffuser, thus, any moisture contained in it effectively dissolves. However, for greater versatility with a minimum alteration, use such a scheme is not recommended.

We are made of girlfriend

The simplest and most affordable option for the cyclone capacitance will be bucket from paint or other construction mixtures. The volume should be comparable to the power of the vacuum cleaner used, approximately this is one liter for every 80-100 W.

The lid of the bucket must necessarily be intended and tightly to wear on the body of the future cyclone. She will have to modify, having done a couple of holes. Regardless of the bucket material, the easiest way to make the holes of the desired diameter are to use the homely zircule. It is necessary to screw two self-taking into a wooden rail in such a way that their tip is from each other at a distance of 27 mm, nor more nor less.

Hole centers need to schedule 40 mm from the edge of the lid, it is desirable that they are as much as possible from each other. And the metal, and the plastic are perfectly scratched with such a homemade tool, forming smooth edges with almost without scaling.

The second element of the cyclone will serve as a set of sewer knees under 90º and 45º. We note in advance that the position of the corners must correspond to the direction of air flow. Their attachment in the case cover is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The knee is inserted until it stops into the side of the socket. Pre-under the side is applied silicone sealant.
  2. From the opposite side, a rubber sealing ring is tensioned with an effort. For confidence, it can be additionally clipped with a screw clamp.

The inlet nozzle is located a narrow turning part inside the bucket, the fool is located on the outside almost flush with the lid. The knee must be supplied by another turn of 45º and send the defects down and tangent to the wall of the bucket. If the cyclone is manufactured by calculating wet cleaning, it is necessary to grow extremely knee of the pipe cutting, reducing the distance from the bottom to 10-15 cm.

The exhaust nozzle is located in the reverse position and its fool is under the lid bucket. It also needs to insert one knee so that the air fence takes place at the wall or make two turns for suction from under the center of the lid. The latter is preferable. Do not forget about sealing rings, for more reliable fixation and exclusion of knees, they can be copied by Plumbing Scotch.

How to adjust the device for machines and tools

To be able to draw waste when the manual and stationary tool is required, the adapter system will be required. Typically, the hose for the vacuum cleaner ends with a curved tube, the diameter of which is comparable to the fittings for bags of dust collectors of the power tool. As a last resort, you can compact a compound by multiple layers of two-way tape for mirrors wrapped with vinyl tape to eliminate stickiness.

Stationary equipment is increasingly harder. Dust dealers have a very different configuration, especially in homemade machines, so you can only give a few useful recommendations:

  1. If the machine dust removal is designed for 110 mm or larger sleeves, use plumbing transitions by 50 mm diameter to connect the corrugated vacuum cleaner hose.
  2. For docking with dust trap homemade machines, it is convenient to use press fittings for PND pipes by 50 mm.
  3. Working out the casing and removal of the dust collector, use a convection stream created by driving tool parts for greater efficiency. For example: nozzle for removal of sawdust from the circular saw should be directed along the tangent of the saw disk.
  4. Sometimes it is necessary to provide dust from different sides of the processed part, for example, for a ribbon saw or a mill. Use 50 mm sewer tees and corrugated hoses for wastewater.

What vacuum cleaner and the system of connections to use

Usually, the vacuum cleaner for homemade cyclone is not selected independently, but use the one that is in stock. However, there are a number of restrictions in addition to the capacity mentioned above. If you want to continue using a domestic vacuum cleaner, then at least you will need to find an additional hose.

All the charm used in the design of sewer knees is that they are ideal for the diameter of the most common hoses. Therefore, the spare hose can be safely cut on 2/3 and 1/3, a shorter segment should be shrinking with a vacuum cleaner. Another, longer segment, in such a form as it is refilled into the socket of the cyclone inlet. Maximum, which will be required in this place - compact the connection with silicone sealant or sanitary tape, but usually the landing density is high enough. Especially in the presence of a sealing ring.

On video Another example of the manufacture of cyclone for dusting in the workshop

To pull the short segment of the hose on the exhaust pipe, the extreme part of the corrugation will have to be dissolved. Depending on the diameter of the hose, it may be more convenient to fill in. If the straightened edge does not fit a little on the pipe, it is recommended to warm it up slightly with a hairdryer or an indirect flame of a gas burner. The latter is considered an excellent option, because this compound is located optimally relative to the direction of the moving stream.

Very often, when assembling with an electrician, it is impossible to do without a vacuum cleaner. First of all, this is due to the processes of the strokes of the walls.

Use for this business homemade household models can not, otherwise you will threate them on the first day of work. Their dust collectors will be filled very quickly, and the vacuum cleaner itself overheat.

Buy a construction, which is not at all small money, can afford only professional masters, daily earn this type of activity.

And what if you are not a builder and you need a similar device only to finish the repair of electricians in your apartment? The optimal output in this case is one - independently make a building vacuum cleaner from the usual one.

And in terms of time for such a rework you will leave only a few minutes. And the materials that will be required for this can be safely found in the storage room, or purchase in the nearest plumbing store.

Let us consider in more detail the two very similar methods that are nevertheless structural differences between themselves.

Homemade cyclone from domestic vacuum cleaner

The first method has been presented for quite a long time on the Internet and on YouTube. You can easily find a lot of rollers with similar homemade cyclones.

However, professional builders, they cause quite natural questions and skepticism. Therefore, it should immediately make a reservation that they are suitable for the maintenance of chips from the tree.

But with cement dust, such devices are better not to work. Under it is more "sharpened" the second option.

The main "chip" which will allow you to calmly suck the kilograms of garbage, wood, metal sawdust and at the same time not to worry about the frequent change of filter bags, lies in the homemade "separator".

Its will need to be constructed from several components. For the entire assembly you will need:

Better here is suitable for a bucket from shtatleki stitches. It is heavier to flatten with vacuum.

The first thing in the center of the bucket cover drill or carefully cut the end-to-end hole under the tube.

Three holes are placed closer to the edges of the lid, where the edge rib.

If you do not have a special crown, then pre-skew the selection of the circle and gently cut through with its stationery knife.

The edges will turn out uneven, but they can be treated with a round file.

Two sewers are inserted into these holes. So that they securely held and there was no additional air supply, it is better to glue them.

To do this, first treat the edges of the tube with a sandpaper or file, in order to create a rough surface.

The same operation is done with a lid.

After that, insert into the inside the cover of the tube and apply a thick layer of glue by a thermopystole.

Adhesion do not spare. This will help create good tightness in these places and close all the gaps tightly.

There is a truth to another option at which you can do without glue and fan pipes. To do this, buy in Lerua merchant rubber transitional couplings.

They are different diameters. Pick up your hose.

For example, the tube from the hose 35mm is tightly inserted into the 40/32 coupling. But in 40mm pipe she will hang out. You will have to get out and collective me.

On that tube, which is located with the edge of the lid, dress the sewer with 90 degrees.

This design of the separator can be said virtually ready. Install the cover with discharges on the bucket.

The air hose from the vacuum cleaner is inserted into the central hole.

And the piece you will collect all the garbage and dust, stick to the angular connection.

It is desirable that sealing rings in the size of the corrugations of the vacuum cleaner are present in the tubes.

On this, the entire assembly is over. You can include a vacuum cleaner on the network and use.

Here is a visual video from within a bucket of a similar design. It is perfectly seen on it as sawdusts are absorbed into the separator, but they cannot break out of it and get into the vacuum cleaner.

The principle of work here is the next. Large dust sucking in the container drops on the bottom of the tank. At the same time, it does not fall into the zone where air pumps directly.

Three factors helps in this matter:

  • Gravitis
  • friction
  • centrifugal force

They are forcing the garbage to rotate inside the bucket clinging to its walls, and then fall to the bottom. And only the small fraction gets directly in the vacuum cleaner dust collector.

Usually, such a cyclone on factory structures has a cone shape, but also cylindrical copies, too, often coped with this task.

True, the higher the bucket will be, the better the installation will work. Much here depends on the correct conjugation of the design of the tank and the power of the vacuum cleaner. Here is the plate from Chinese cyclones on the correct selection of the diameter of the hoses and the power of the aggregates.

In cylindrical buckets, the input of the tangential air flow is carried out not through the curvilinear side wall, but through the flat lid. Collect such a device an order easier.

In addition, if you have a few buckets, you can use them alternately. Just take off the lid from one and rearrange to another. And this is done even easier than in bulky cyclones.

If you have a powerful vacuum cleaner, instead of a plastic bucket from under emulsion paint, it is better to use a metal tank of the same form. Otherwise, the bucket will be shared and it will be plotted.

Recalls the power regulator in this business. If it is certainly present in your model.

Why the vacuum cleaner still fails

With this method, all the small dust will flow into the bag of the vacuum cleaner, and more or less large fractions will simply fall and remain in the bucket. As self-relocities assure, more than 95% of the construction trash will settle in the separator and only 5% falls directly to the dust collector of the household vacuum cleaner.

However, the thing is that even these 5% are able to gradually kill the vacuum cleaner. In addition, even in industrial cyclones, the claimed efficiency is rarely more than 90%, and what to talk about products made by their own hands, in which aerodynamics are far from perfection.

For 100% assembly of shallow fraction, you need an electrofiliter or a bubble column.

By the way, from some types of dust, a very strong static voltage appears. Be careful when working.

The longer you work with an aggregate without turning it off from the network, the higher it may be charge. Here you read the instructive comment by one real user such a self-made.

Therefore, on many cyclones, even the factory assembly, the flange grounds.

Five percent of fine wood chips are certainly not scary for a domestic vacuum cleaner. And if it is a small cement dust when sticking?

Such particles when entering inside, tightly clog the filter.

And it happens very quickly. All the effectiveness of the "cyclone" for a few minutes drops at least 2/3.

The main problem is in a bag for collecting dust. It is dense, and the filtration area is small. Therefore, it is not suitable for waste from plaster and concrete walls.

What to do? Is it really not to do without real construction? With intensive work, it really saves only the expensive and professional tool.

What is the difference between the construction vacuum cleaner from the usual

But for work on occasion to occasion, this design can be modified and improved. The idea belongs Shaudra Andrei.

Before we consider the second design option, ask yourself the question: "What is one of the main differences between household vacuum cleaners from the construction?"

In household models, cooling occurs due to the absorbable air.

That is, you vacuum the floor, the air sues garbage. Next occurs its filtering and cooling of the engine itself. After which the air is thrown out.

From here and implies the entire risk of engine damage. First, when clogging the filter, the engine cooling sharply falls.

Secondly, cement dust is 100% not delayed in the dust collector, and part of it flies through the windings, while removing the path of Naznya isolation. Such disperse dust kills all rubbing and spinning.

Adding water to the bottom of the tank does not particularly help. Instead of dust you get a lot of dirt, the burden of the bucket, and the filter will eventually elapse.

In the professional devices, the engine cooling is carried out separately, through special technological holes. Therefore, they are not as scary scored completely garbage bags.

Moreover, they still have automatic cleaning or shaking.

In order to remake the household model in the mind, you will need a little more spare parts than in the first case.

Working version of the construction vacuum cleaner from domestic

The main additional element here is a filter bag of nonwoven material. Copies are very well suited from the company Karcher - Article 2.863-006.0

Actually, this disposable filter. Your task make a reusable element from it.

To do this, cut its lower part and fold it a bit, a bit reducing the width (up to 22cm).

Next, this lower part must be closed with a special closure. We make it of two elements of the plastic cable channel and a piece of polypropylene tube.

The tube is split along, with a width of the slot about 5mm.

Apply them to the back of the fabric at the bottom.

Then inwhew through the slot prepared pipe.

As a result, from one-time you got a reusable filter bag. Moreover, much more than the one is installed inside the household model.

Next, have been done previously reviewed stages on the modernization of the bucket. In the lid, drill the holes and insert rubber corrugated workers in them.

One will be for connecting a filter bag, another - for the hose. Pick the diameters of their devices.

Here you can do without fan pipes and corners. Next, wear a plastic insert from the reusable filter on the adapter.

It remains tightly close the lid on the bucket. The design is ready to work.

It is although it looks like, but differs from the above first option. After you turn on the unit and start sucking garbage, it is a self-made reusable dust collector and will collect all the mud and dirt in itself.

Dust will not fly around as in the previous case. On the contrary, this bag from the air flow will swell inside the bucket.

Gradually, it will be filled with both heavy and small fractions that could be missed by cyclone.

However, do not forget about clogging of the walls in a reusable filter and reduce the thrust of the cooling flow of air. In order not to burn the motor of the household vacuum cleaner, it is necessary to carry out another event.

How not to burn a household vacuum

Most modern models have an integrated safety valve. It shows when the filter is already clogged and an additional air flow opens at that moment.

True, this is considered an emergency. Your task is not waiting for the moment of triggering this valve, and take advantage of a few other cunning.

Some devices directly on the handle have a thrust regulator in the form of a hole that opens or closes. Its just follow and should be opened in any kind of work.

If you do not have such a factory regulator, you can drill a small additional opening with a diameter of 12mm in a bucket itself.

Well, the most important thing is not to forget that any household vacuum cleaner, no matter how you upgrade it, has a certain period of continuous work. Be sure to fix the start time and do not work longer than the period.

That is, it is elementary to pause. At least in order to shake the homemade filter. And he shakes just with the bucket.

When the dust collector is significantly filled, open the bucket cover and pull the tube from the guides at the bottom of the bag.

It will open with you and the garbage with dust can be deleted. After that, collect the whole design back and work on.

The normal functioning of the bag is enough for about three full fill. After that, cement dust in the tissue itself begins to slow down the air flow.

You will have to either replace the filter to a new one, or not just shake, but to capitalize it from any fine garbage and continue to work as if nothing had happened.