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Fighting ticks in the USSR. Russians demanded to make mandatory processing of forests and fields from ticks ticks in the USSR

Recently, in some regions of Russia, more and more ticks appear. Citizens suffer from their bites, many were in hospitals. I remember that there were much less in the USSR, so the problem was so acutely stood.

On the territory of the USSR, definitely there were ticks, but not in such quantities as today. In those days, there were no problems with these insects that are carriers of dangerous diseases. Over the past five years, 400,000 - 500,000 Russians are treated for medical help after their bitees.

Why was there less ticks in the USSR than in those days forests were processed

Of course, in the USSR, the ticks also caused fear, because, going to the forest, everyone had to wear clothes with long sleeves, heads covered with head removes, but were not very concerned and cautious. Scientists learned about encephalitis not so long ago: for the first time they described in 1935. Two years later, the tick-borne encephalitis virus in the tissues of infected people and insects was opened with Zilberg's virus. In 1985, Burreliosis revealed, and only in 1971 to make it in the list of diseases.

As soon as the first deaths were registered from Encephalitis and their reasons were established, the USSR authorities began to take action. The ticks became less when they began to process dichlorodiphenyltrichloretan (DDT) of the forest, the territory of the pioneer camps, children's sanatoriums. Also treated with trichlorofosomes. The processing was carried out by the ground method, but more often - aviation.

DichlorodiphenylTrichloretan treated city parks, forest belts, country forests with forest roads, paths. Usually it was done in the beginning of spring until the snow melted. This method of combating ticks turned out to be very effective: sometimes there were no insects for 2-5 years. At the end of the "eighties" dichlorodiphenyltrichloretan banned in the USSR, because it was harmful to the environment and man. The substance has been maintained for a long time in the soil, plants, water, fell into the human body, created a danger to health.

According to scientists, the ticks became more due to global warming. They survive well in warm winter, as well as due to the fact that spring comes earlier, multiply, spread. Experts consider dichlorodiphenylthrichloretan indefinitely, the most effective substance, but it had to be replaced by less dangerous chemicals for human health. They do not accumulate in the soil, water, because very quickly become ineffective and do not act on the ticks.

Why did not have problems with ticks and tick-borne encephalitis in the USSR? Recently, some illnesses that were considered rare or very rare, suddenly began to spread rarely or very rare. The tick-borne encephalitis virus was opened in 1937, when a team of doctors and biologists under the leadership of Virusologist Lion Zilbera went to the expedition to the Far East to find out what hundreds of local residents die, and the survivors remain disabled, often paralyzed. Scientists singled out the virus from the tissues of patients and the dead, and then discovered it in the body of the ixodic ticks. One of the participants of the expedition, Mikhail Chumakov, during an opening, became infected with encephalitis. He survived, but the disease passed into a chronic form, scholars, and his right hand paralyzed. According to the results of the expedition, it was finally proven that it was the ticks that endure encephalitis and infect people when they are sick to get drunk. Encephalitis is a very dangerous disease: severe damage to the nervous system develop in 10-20% infected, 1-2% die. Recently, the media appears alarming, sometimes even panic reports that the disease is very stronger and soon and will not be saved from it anywhere. "The pronounced incidence of incidence from the beginning of the 90s, but since 2002, for most entities, it falls," Alexey Nikitin, a doctor of biological sciences, a leading researcher of the Zoo-Parasitological Department of the Irkutsk Research Anti-Restaurant Institute of Siberia and Far East. Encephalitis causes viruses of the Flaviviridae family, which are mainly shown. "Fellow" encephalitis on the family is a yellow fever virus, dengue fever virus, hepatitis C virus - as a selection of unpleasant guys. The disease caused by them is bad and strive to kill the owner as soon as possible. Good bad reagent in addition to household benefits as a means of combating pests such as flies, cockroaches and moths, as well as benefits for agriculture as a means to combat pests such as the Colorado Flash, DDT has a number of generally accepted world-scale merit, Among them are the most significant following: in January 1944, with the help of DDT, a typhoid epidemic was prevented in Naples. In addition to the effectiveness of DDTs against Tifa, the relative harmlessness of this insecticide was discovered: 1.3 million people were sprayed about a 15-gram dose with a 5% "dryer" content, and no detrimental effects were recorded for people, except for several cases of skin irritations. : 679 This is the first winter epidemic of Typh, carrying by the Vesh, which was able to stop. [Source is not specified 2880 days] Significant success of DDT in the fight against the title were then achieved in Egypt, Mexico, Colombia and Guatemala.: 679 in India due to DDT in 1965 No man died of malaria, whereas in 1948 3 million people died. According to WHO, antimary campaigns using DDT saved 5 million lives. In Greece, in 1938 there was a million patients with malaria, and in 1959, only 1,200 people. In the Italian province of Latia in 1945, mortality from malaria per month was 65-70 people, and after it began to apply DDT, it decreased to 1-2 people in 1946. [The source is not specified 2880 days] for five years of campaign actions By the eradication of malaria in Italy, deployed A. Missiroli, by 1949, in the country, Malaria Mosquitars were practically disappeared.: 679 The use of DDTs in the framework of the Malaria fighting program largely lost India from visceral leishmaniosis (which mosquito transported) in 1950- E years. After stopping the use of insecticides, the visceral leishmaniosis epidemic broke out with a new force since the 1970s. The use of DDT in agriculture has significantly increased yields: 679 and was a key factor in the development of the so-called green revolution: 99. "DDT used in the USSR to combat ticks. This substance remains for a long time in the environment, therefore processed the territory every three or five years. Used large-scale: for example, the Baikal tract with a length of 70 kilometers sprinkled with a vehicle with a aircraft, "says Nikitin. DDT resistance - at the same time its main disadvantage: studies have shown that it accumulates in food chains, fish suffer from it, and birds carry eggs with a defective shell. In the 1960s, scientists discovered damaged eggs even at penguins! In the liver of the birds themselves were distinct traces of DDT, although the reagent was not applied in Antarctica and its surroundings. In the body of the penguins, he fell on the food chains: herbivores eaten the grass grained, then, as it should be, they became victims of predators, which, in turn, have eaten predators more. The remains of predatory and herbivores decomposed, DDT fell into the soil, and the cycle was repeated. Thus, the world quickly acquired a positive experience of using DDT. This experience caused the rapid growth of production and use of DDT. The growth of production and use of DDT was not the only result of "positive experience." He was also the cause of the formation of erroneous ideas about non-toxicity of DDT in the minds, which, in turn, led to the cultivation of prettybery in the use of DDT and a negligence attitude to safety standards. DDT was used everywhere and everywhere without compliance with the requirements established by sanitary and epidemiological standards. The current situation could not not entail negative consequences. In 1970-1980, almost all countries were forbidden to use DDT to protect against pests. Modern preparations are comparable with dichlorodiphenyltrichloretan (DDT is so decrypted) by efficiency, but very quickly destroyed - due to this they do not accumulate in the environment and organisms of living beings. "Suppose you treat Earth in early April, a month later the drug is no longer valid. And the ticks come out gradually until the middle of the summer, so those who appear in May will crawl into a clean territory, "Nikitin explains. Sources.

A few years ago, tick bites were rare. To date, this is pleased with common insects, which, unfortunately, transfer a huge number of diseases. These insects medium nutrition have chosen blood-blooded blood: people, animals. Given the number of ticks today, be careful and alert, since the period of their activities has already begun.

Why there was no tick before so much: tick who he lives how hunted

The prevalence of ticks is large, they relate to the Ixodic group, they are about forty thousands of species. They feed on the blood of warm-blooded mostly man and animals. The diseases transferred by them are not very easy. Begin ticks to appear from April, but the most peak of their activities falls on June and July.

Ticks are located on the grass, branches of falling out of wood, hemps, so they can't fall over a televant from the tree. It is believed that ticks are not a stomach in the woods of needles, but it is not, they live there on branches and grass. They also like the pine forest. If they gathered on nature, the place is chosen where less than grass, these are safer recreation sites.

On the paws in the ticks there are hooks suction cups that still have an olfactory organ. Sitting on the grass, stretching his paws, he sniffs and looking for her prey, if he met her, cling to firmly and for a split second. Since the physiology of females do not have a shield on the back, like males, they are insatiable. If the male cling to quickly and can not be noticed, that females can hang for several days. When the tick bite spits saliva, with the help of which it is glued with the skin trunk.

Why there was no tick before so much: favorable time for bites

Ticks show differently their activity depending on the time of day. So, if the day is sunny and hot, then the tick is hunting 8-10 in the morning and closer to 4 pm. If the morning with a lot of dew, then you need to fear closer to dinner. On hot days, the tick is active in the grass, where there is a damp. Ticks can bite at night, warm and wet weather. With variable weather, the ticks behave unpredictable.

During the hunting period, two stages are distinguished: spring and autumn. After the winter hibernation, they need more active and hungry, you need to be afraid of April-May, then they have a lull of June- July, and before the winter sleep you also need to reinforce the forces August-Sep. But all this is so conditional. It all depends on weather conditions. After all, the heat and many moisture they do not tolerate.

Why there was no tick before so much: the causes of increasing the number of ticks

Previously, in the spring period, all the venues of the massive fees of people where there is landscaping, there was a special processing from insects. At the moment, such treatments are carried out very rarely, as this pleasure is not very cheap. Pliers and other insects have become more actively distributed due to lack of treatment of plantations.

If you compare the temperature parameters in the winter 10 years ago, now the winter has become warmer. And this contributes to the best transfer of winter by ticks and their reproduction. Weather conditions themselves help to survive insect and ticks including.

Therefore, be vigilant, take care of yourself and children from tick bites. If the bite even happened correctly remove the ticks, do not know how to consult medical attention. Having come from a walk thoroughly inspect your body.

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The old saying about the forest and wolves in our time can be blinking on a new way: to be afraid of the ticks - not to walk into the forest. If only it helped. The "interlocutor" figured out why the problem of ticks today concerns even those who are not chosen further to the country area.

Another blood zone, even the forest is not needed

Traditionally, June in Russia - the height of the tick season, but every year reports of specialists sound all alarming. The ticks became greater, and they can no longer pick them up not only in the taiga, as in previous years, but also at the cottages, in summer camps and even in parks located within the city.

Elderly residents of the middle strip of Russia listen to this with bewilderment, recalling times when they went to their Tver, Kostroma and Novgorod forests without fear. "There was no tick then," they say. This could be written off the bad memory if the expansion of the ticks did not confirm the specialists.

Ticks on Earth 600 with excess species. Ixodes Persulcatus (Taiga Tig) was horrified on tourists traveling to the Far East of 30-50 years ago, when in the European part of Russia they did not even hear about forest bloodsuckers. To this day, it lives mostly in the taiga, not particularly expanding its habitat. But the tick of Taiga has a close "relative" - \u200b\u200bIxodes Pavlovskyi. Even a specialist will not be able to distinguish the first one from the second eye, but it is IXODES PAVLOVSKYI that goes in the immediate vicinity of the human dwelling. He feels quite comfortable, for example, on urban lawns.

- Previously it was believed that the ticks of this species prefer well-moistened aspen-fir-fir forests growing on the mountain slopes, "said Natalya Livananov and Valentina Balavalov, employees of the Novosibirsk Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals from RAS. - As our studies have shown, in comparison with the taiga tick, Ixodes Pavlovskyi is less demanding about the thickness of the forest bedding, less moisthed, and bird feeders within the city for him is more than enough. While the taiga tick female for the formation of a full-fledged offspring requires larger mining. In this case, we can talk about expanding the range of Ixodes Pavlovskyi.

They themselves are to blame

Versions that clarify the invasion of the ticks in recent decades is much - from fantastic and paranoid (in Siberia there is a bike about the "terrible 90s", when people who scattered ticks from the suitcases allegedly went along the Transsib) to quite reasonable - for example climatic. But by and large in the resettlement of bloodsuckers throughout the country we are to blame for themselves. In the laboratory of the pathology of insects of the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, they explained how comfortable conditions are created for a tick where there was never before:

- A vivid example - cutting down of indigenous trees. Wide-scale cuttings begin to overgrow birch and aspen, the plots are greatly warmed up, instead of a thick layer of needles, unsuitable for ticks, vegetable rags appear on the soil. The number of favorite feeds for the hare, moose, etc. is sharply rising. Thus, all conditions for the existence of ticks are created, and they do not make themselves waiting for a long time, arriving "on new apartments" on migratory birds and mammals.

Among the reasons why the meeting with the tick is not at all uncommon, is a building boom that covered the country. We are actively building dachas, cottages, hurrices, forest sanatoriums, where there were except experienced mushrooms, and passionately fell in love with the ribs on nature, where we leave a heap of garbage. And where is the garbage, there are mouse and pincers, respectively.

Dirty dozen

The problem of ticks was acutely stood in the USSR, but it was not successful without success. In the 30s, people died in the Far East from an unknown science of taiga disease, and those who survived often remained disabled. In the region, meanwhile there were many military units, sometimes stood right in the taiga, and it was necessary to do something. From Moscow, a group of scientists went to the expedition, which in 1937 found the cause of Taiga Mora, opening the tick-borne encephalitis virus. Expedition members received the Stalin Prize, and from now on the USSR began an active struggle against ticks.

True, seven trouble was one answer: DDT. Swiss Chemist Paul Muller, who invented using this chemical to fight insects (Muller at that time was most caught by the malarious mosquitoes and lice spreading the rapid title), in 1948 he received the Nobel Medicine Prize. Then it turned out that DDT destroys not only hazardous bloodsuckers, but also their peaceful neighbors type bees, and in addition, poisoning reservoirs and habitat of forest animals and birds. Environmentalists, the American biologist Rachel Carson in 1962 wrote the book "Silent Spring" in 1962 - controversial, but nevertheless a sign, in which he called on to refuse to hobby pesticides. The total of many years of hypers such: DDT is headed by a "dirty dozen" - a list of 12 persistent organic pollutants prohibited for using the Stockholm Convention. In the USSR DDT banned in 1989.

Who did not have time, he is looking for money

What do we have now? Pliers are almost throughout the country. More than half of the regions endemic on tick-borne encephalitis, absolutely everything where ticks are found, - on borreliosis. More sparing than DDTs, drugs for anti-leak processing are - currently apply a short residual recycling poisons based on pyrethroids. However, they only kill active individuals and act only 30-40 days (one DDT processing was enough for 4-6 years), then the new generation will grow up. Theoretically, it would be possible to treat the territory again, but, firstly, even such poisons are still the poisons, and secondly, the problem of financing arises in full growth.

- Such processing is carried out at the local level and are funded from the local budget, "Natalia Shashin, a leading researcher of the Research Center of the Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor explained. - With the help of special spray equipment, the so-called high risk zones are processed - such as forest parks, cemeteries, where cases of people infection were recorded.

In order for the processing to be paid from the budget, the administration, for example, a sanatorium, a summer camp or cemetery must be in advance, for six months, apply. Who did not have time, but received the prescription of Rospotrebnadzor to treat the territory, pays from his pocket. In the Moscow region anticipating work cost 7,700 rubles per 1 hectare. The territory of the middle children's camp - 10-15 hectares, cemeteries - 30-40 hectares. By the way, in the Moscow Regional Disinfection Center, the issue of processing cemeteries was surprised and reported that he did not remember a single such application. In the region between them more than one and a half thousand.

This is part of the answer to the question why the tick can be picked up where you are not waiting at all. If the prescription of Rospotrebnadzor still obliges to abandon the fight against the ticks, then there is no, as they say, and no ships are not to spend money on prevention in our mentalite.

Some experts offer to return to DDT, referring to the fact that six years ago, the World Health Organization decided to continue its application in countries where malaria is rampant - as a smaller of two angry. We have no malaria, but there is mite encephalitis and borreliosis, the incidence of which grows. In the Research Institute of Disinfectology, they said that they already wrote about the renewal of the use of DDT to the main sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko.

Environmentalists and biologists are categorically against. According to Dr. Biological Sciences Viktor Sillya, it is a rake, for which we have already come, and in the case of returning to DDT there is a risk of obtaining such effects, compared to which the current problem of ticks seems to be seeds. It is in good way to look for new effective funds, but this is already deep chemistry - the matter is not easy, no soon and very expensive. And money for him, as it is not difficult to guess, no.

help yourself

Kosite, Shura, Kosite. And the vaccination does not hurt

In an actively traveling to the nature of a person, a chance to avoid a meeting with a tick a little. Therefore, everyone will have to build antiquity defense independently. Currently available:

- Vaccine from Encephalitis. For the full course of vaccination you need 12 months, for emergency - 3 weeks;

- Acaricides for applying clothes.On the basis of disinfectology, the disinfectology was developed, which protects against the tick both mechanically and chemically, the tissue is treated with an acaricidal composition, which paralyzes it, and the special cut and traps are deprived of his chance to get to the skin. Such suits are for sale in overalls stores, cost from 3,500 rubles;

- Simple ways of prevention- bright, dense, closed clothes for hiking in the forest, self-impacts every 20 minutes, washing of things and shower on returning home, constant inspection of animals;

- Caring for the cottages: Regular mowing and harvesting of grass, processing insecticides, and even better - processing of adjacent sections. This service is actively offered by commercial disableries - the minimum cost, for example, in St. Petersburg, is 3 thousand rubles.

In the complex, all this allows you to reduce the probability of bite so much so as not to be that scared ravener, which is afraid of every bush.

Five important issues about ticks and the consequences of their bites

From the danger, even the most careful ticks are not insured today. The malicious tick can be shifted in the city park, in the country, in the forest, in the yard of their own home ... Precautionary measures taken (closed clothes, repellents and inspections of the skin every half hour) also do not always save. Why does this happen and what to do to feel safe? Questions who are spinning in the language helped to find answers to the specialists of the regional center of hygiene, epidemiology and public health.

1. Why was the ticks so much?

There are many of them now not only in Belarus. An increase in the number of ticks and the rise of the incidence of tick-in-law infections is marked in almost all countries of the middle strip of the Eurasian continent. According to experts, a certain cyclicity is characteristic of tick-mite infections. When our parents remember that 20-30 years there was no ticks, and if anyone was biting, he did not hurt, then this is true. A similar problem took place in the late 40s - early 50s, and about 80% of cases of tick-borne encephalitis registered in the Belarusian SSR were associated with a dairy factor (during the war, the Germans brought almost all lives, people began to breed goats to Family feed, and goats are more vulnerable to tick-borne infections than cows). By the mid-60s, the decline was planned, and in the 70s and 1980s, cases of infection with tick-level infections were isolated. The next rise has begun since 1992 throughout the northern hemisphere and continues until now. Scientists disagree in opinion, which causes this cyclicality. According to one of theories, it is associated with outbreaks of solar activity and social factors (weakening immunity on the background of stress).

2. Can the ticks be broken due to the fact that the forests stopped processing the handle?

In Belarus, forests have never been processed by a man. Siberia conducted experimental work on the processing of individual regions, but the effect turned out to be zero: after 30-40 days the territory was again settled with ticks, and serious damage was caused by wildlife. Nowhere in the world now forests are not treated from ticks. We can talk about local treatments (territories of children's health camps, sanatoriums before the races of vacationers, etc.) with the most gentleproof drugs. The main processing is to miserably grass (it disrupts the habitat of the tick) and laying the bait for mice, which are also a source and a peddler infection. The problem is that the largest natural encephaal foci are located on the territory of the reservations and reserves, where the human intervention in the environment is unacceptable.

3. What should I do if the tick bit?

4. How to check if you were not infected if there was no possibility to pass the tick on the study?

You can contact the laboratory (pl. Freedom, 8) and pass the blood test for tick infections. If there are no symptoms, the service is paid (the package "tick-borne encephalitis plus lime borreliosis" costs 21 rubles 84 kopecks "new"). It is necessary to donate blood after 3-4 weeks after the bite, so that the antibodies should be formed (on Encephalitis - on the 9-10th day). The incubation period for tick-borne encephalitis is from day to 14 days (in 80% of cases). For Lime Burreliosis - up to the month. The negative result of the analysis by encephalitis means that there was no infection. According to Lime Burreliosis more difficult. The infection is not for nothing called the "chameleon" - it can slowly and imperceptibly develop in the human body and manifest themselves even several years later in a variety of forms - in the form of colds, erythema (a characteristic stain in the place of bite - appears in 60-70% of cases), Heart diseases, headaches and pains in the joints. It is necessary to track the content of antibodies in the blood. If the result is positive, the infectious doctor will appoint a corresponding examination. It is important to track the situation at least for six months.

5. If the tick was bitten and it turned out that he was infected with encephalitis, a person would surely get sick?

No, if it is a tick not with a encephalic focus. In the Brest region there are several natural encephalitis foci, where the infection of the tongs of encephalitis ranges from 20 to 50%. This is the entire Belovezhskaya Forest, including the territory of the central manor in Kamenyuki, the Ruzhanskaya forest and the so-called Kosovsky zone adjacent to it, in the Berezovsky district and the forest site in Maloritsky district, adjacent to the Shack of the National Park (border with Ukraine). These are active foci, and the risk of becoming becoming very high here. If you picked up the contaminated tick in the vicinity of Brest, it means only that you got a little vaccination. To grow a "aggressive" tick, you need a set of certain natural factors, biological and nebiological: woodland, soil structure, humidity, etc. Including - the abundance of wild animals transmitting a tick from one species to another. Western (Central European) type of virus, characteristic of our locality, unlike the Far Eastern and Ural-Siberian version of the virus, is not as dangerous for a person and does not cause deaths and disability. For 60 years of observations, only two lethal cases have been identified. Doctors explain their simultaneous infection with several types of ticky infections against the background of chronic diseases and weakened immunity.