Repairs Design Furniture

What is applied decorative plaster. Methods for applying decorative plaster, video and photo examples. Decorative plastering methods

First of all, methods of application decorative plaster depend on its variety and in connection with this - from the consistency.

Some common moments

Consider the following factors:

  • liquid mass work is not entirely convenient because it cannot be additionally distributed with water;
  • material with large aggregate - crumb is applied only by manual way;
  • formulations with a variety of crumbs are difficult to apply manually;
  • plasters, closed with water less toxic, but are more susceptible to negative environmental action.

Remember back important momentsThat is spoken by all lessons for applying decorative plaster.

  1. On dense surfaces of plastic oil paint., Polyurethane foam material will dry much longer than on plaster or porous concrete.
  2. OSP, chipboard, plywood, wood can be deformed during work with a decorative water-based coating.
  3. If the base surface has defects, a thicker layer will be required, which means that consumption will increase.
  4. When applying water masses on ferrous metals, rust stains may appear on them.

Note! Almost all species artistic plastecrockers Possess the same rejection duration. Catching occurs for 3-5 hours, for drying it is necessary to 1-1.5 days, the complete rejection occurs in 7-9 days.

In the first 48 hours, the surface must be protected from temperature differences, moisture and damage.

Surface preparation

It does not differ from similar operations for ordinary plaster: the walls should be clean, dry and deemed, not having cracks and high damage.

Grinding soften negative effects Drops of temperature, humidity, deforming voltages and strengthen the carrier layer.

For various types of primers are produced. Weak and sinking bases must be treated with a strengthening composition.

Before making decorative plaster, drywall is processed by ground penetration soil. For GVL and GVLV, insulating compositions are recommended.

The manufacture of the primer layer has several features:

  • its thickness should not be less than 2 cm;
  • when smoking, the soil must be severely seal so as not to break the invoice subsequently;
  • the layer must be withstanding 7-12 days wet, wet it with water two or three times a day.

Application methods

Technology tensioning

Floor texture on decorative plaster

The coating of different types is created by various tools. Application technique may require the use of brush, relief roller, trowel, spatula, blades.

The most common is stretching. It is performed by a celma or steel grater, work goes from bottom to top.

The grater holds at an angle of 60 ° to the surface of the wall. The thickness of the material layer should be correlated with the filler fraction.

When the solution stops sticking to the tool, you can form a final texture and a coating pattern with a plastic grater.

A little about how to properly apply decorative plaster of different types.

Sand and creating a variety of species textures. It is carried out by molding instruments.

So, how decorative plaster is done with various textured drawings. Instructions for creating your own hands:

  • Wave. In the fresh, in advance of the heated surface are made in front of. Next, it is wetted with water and the strips are superimposed by a layer of solution. Strips can be made straight or zigzag. The waviness of the surface is attached to the scapula.
  • Boulders. A colored solution is applied to the soil with good plasticity. Cross it with a hunchier and hard brush to make the surface of the surface. In this case, keep the chain at an angle of 90 ° to the wall. The more rigid it will, the sharper the boulders will be outlined.

  • Travertine. The forced solution with throws is applied with a thin layer on the surface and smoothed with a spatula or halfter.
  • Furrows. For this texture, a small lad is needed with a semicircular shape, 3 cm wide and intervals between them 1.5 cm. Before working the teeth must be sharpened. Minimal plaster is applied to the primer and immediately smoothed by halfter. Then the rule is applied to it and sharpened part of the little girl, which keeps at an angle of 45 °, furrows are formed. Their form depends on the configuration of the teeth.
  • Fur coat. It can be created by spray, embroider through the grid, shaking off the brush. The cross section of the cells in the grid should be about 1 cm. Tension it on a frame, dimensions of 1 × 1 m, lean to the soil and pull the mixture with a blade through the grid. Apply the solution is necessary with equal powerso that the coating is homogeneous.
  • Related technology - spray applying. The solution is recruited by a broom, which hits the stick so that the composition is sprayed along the wall.
  • Flakes. If spray is done with liquid and plastic mass, a texture resembling flakes is formed different sizes and forms.
  • Sponge. The solution of sour cream-shaped consistency is applied to the primer and levels. The sponge is leaning with the selected intervals. So that the mixture does not stick, moisten it with soapy water.
  • Terrazitic plaster You can give the texture of the strokes. It is obtained from a fine-grained cluttered solution. The interval after which you can start processing ranges from one to five hours. The texture is formed by notches, for which the comb is used.
  • Choir stone. To get such an invoice, you need to score a hole in the hardened solution. It will chop out pieces of coating, the resulting deepening will give the coating grain.

Spraying technology

In the photo, apparatus for spraying decorative plaster (price - from 52,000 rubles.)

There is another technology for performing decorative plaster - spraying. In this method, the composition is applied to the slopes, decorative elements or complex geometrically surfaces.

It serves to increase the aesthetic effect by working with artistic plasters of various fractionality. For example, for the main surfaces, the composition is selected with a thickness of 3 mm, and on decorative elements and the slopes are sprayed a layer of 1 mm.

Before applying decorative plaster by this method, you must purchase or rent a special device.

A spraying on one wall must be performed continuously, starting on top and observing the "Wet wet work". If you need to interrupt work, along the line, where the decorative layer ends, glue the painting tape. Subsequently, applying plaster, form its structure and only then remove the tape.


These are the most common and simple ways Application of artistic plasters. Before you take for work, be sure to watch the video in this article.

Photo Gallery

Preparation of walls

First of all, it is necessary to carefully clean the surface of the wall from previous coatings, remove the dirt. Next, you need to perform the following actions:

    Scap the walls of cement putty.

    Progress the walls of primer deep penetration.

Please note that when applying decorative plaster can not be used beacons, since the base of the wall must be homogeneous, and the grooves for lighthouses this homogeneity is broken, which will lead to a rapid degradation of decorative plaster.

Decoration of walls with decorative plaster

It should be noted that there are three groups of decorative plaster:

    Textured plaster with finished drawing

    Texture plaster with arbitrary embossed pattern

    Smooth surface using colored pigments and divorces

Regardless of the type of decorative plaster, it is necessary to begin with a uniform applying the solution on the wall with the help of ironing. Before starting drawing, let's dry the first layer at least 12 hours.

Tip! Before proceeding to the execution of decorative plaster, practice on a small segment of the wall or on drywall. This will help you decide on the layer thickness and select a method of drawing a picture.

The method of applying decorative plaster depends on the specific type finishing material. Detailed instructions You can read on the package.

Creating a textured drawing on decorative plaster

Depending on what kind of decorative plaster you want to use, the tools and application technology are distinguished.

    The factory can be created using a roller. You can use the usual roller or roller with the applied ornament.

    To apply the drawing, you can use ready-made stamps. This is a special tool on the surface of which any drawing is made. Apply the tool to the wall, attach and drawing is imprinted on the wall. The stamp must be cleaned from the excess plaster and can be cleaned with water.

    You can also use a spatula, cuelma and brush to create your own unique pattern.

You can add colored pigments into the solution itself before applying plaster or cover the paint layer already ready to draw. From how you will apply paint, will be different exterior design. For example, you can paint the whole wall with a darker color, and then select the protruding ornament with a lighter shade. There are other options. If you paint the wall with a short pile roller, then the deepening does not punish and another effect will be turned out.

Wax decorative coating

In order to protect the decorative plaster from dirt, it is recommended to cover it with a wax layer. In addition, natural wax will give decorative plaster glossy glitter, and synthetic will make the surface matte.

Decoration of walls with decorative plaster - these are works that are conducted on internal or external surfaces. They are aimed at giving the walls or ceiling of a certain texture and color. Depending on the selected composition, used different techniques Applying this material. Alternatively remains unchanged preparatory work.

For the decoration of the walls, the following will take the following:

  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • terks and Halfury;
  • trowel;
  • capacity;
  • brushes, rollers and sponges;
  • drill with a macker;
  • stepladder or scaffolding;
  • polyethylene film, painting tape;
  • plastering mix, wax, paint.

For preparatory stage Needs the following tools and materials:

  • sandpaper, grinding machine;
  • rule;
  • level and plumb;
  • spatulas;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • primer deep penetration;
  • starting plaster, putty.

Preparatory stage

Stucco finishing requires perfectly prepared surface. To do this, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Fully remove the old coating or clean it from traces of paint, wallpaper and so on.
  2. Align the walls using starting plaster and reinforcing mesh or plasterboard sheets.
  3. Seared possible surface defects, such as potholes and cracks, putty.
  4. Remove protruding fragments.
  5. Check the evenness of the walls with a level or plumb.
  6. Twice apply a layer of primer to increase adhesion.

Decoration of wall structural plaster

With this material spend finishing work on external and internal surfaces. Decorative stucco finishes do not require rich experience or qualifications - house master Easy to cope with it. Difficulties may occur only with applying a mixture to the ceiling.

Preparation of solution

The modern building market offers ready-made mixtures in plastic containers of various volumes or dry powders in bags that need to be diluted with water. If a we are talking About budget savings, it is better to buy powdered material and prepare decorative plaster yourself. For this purpose, an electric door with a nozzle-mixer, water and a mixing container are required.

Important! Most structural plasters dry very quickly, while they cannot be added to them after cooking, so it is not recommended to do large rasters in order not to lose the material.

The material consumption directly depends on the filler fraction:

  • Coarse material - 2 kg per square meter.
  • Average - 1.7 kg.
  • Fine-grained - 0.7 kg.

First of all, you need to wash the container for breeding and pour into it such an amount of water that indicated the manufacturer on the package. The fluid temperature should be approximately 20 degrees. Then it should be gradually add a solution into water, stirring it with a mixer.

After that, you need to wait about 15 minutes and stir the plaster again. If the material is made on the basis of acrylic resins, then a kole is added to it, otherwise it is subject to later color.

Features of application

The prepared composition is gaining to the spatula and apply it on the wall, after which it stretch the plaster on the surface. Surplus material is also removed by a spatula. During application, it is important to observe the thickness of the plaster layer, which should correspond to the material fraction, so it is not recommended to do it more than 3 mm. At the same time, too thin layer will not be able to completely close the walls, and after drying, the primer will appear on them.

As mentioned above, this material is driving instantly, therefore, a limited time is given to work. So that the layer of plaster turned out to be uniform, it should be applied at a time. If the surface being processed is too large, it will have to divide it into the plots with a painting ribbon. Then apply plaster with the allen, remove the ribbon until the material is frozen, and in the same way to process the rest of the area.

The applied layer of plaster should not be the thickness of the grain of the filler included in the composition

Rubbing plaster

This stage is considered the most responsible. Depends on his correct conduct appearance The resulting surface and its operational indicators. Works should be started immediately after the material grabs. Usually it takes 30 minutes. Check the wall availability is simple: enough to lean the palm to it, if it does not stick, you can start.

The procedure is carried out by means of plastic celma. To achieve various effects use miscellaneous techniques rubbing (see photo):

You should know! If for some reason it is impossible to treat the whole wall at a time, then it is not necessary to break exactly to the boundaries of the processed area. It is necessary to leave the plaster on the edges not touched, and after applying the entire layer, it is thoroughly losing joints.

Video: Application of decorative plaster "lamb" (master class)


A day after the main work, it is possible to start staining the wall. First of all, it is necessary to process the entire surface emery paperTo align small defects. Then the wall is painted in dark color And wait until it dry. The next layer of paint should be lighter by 1-2 tones. Works are carried out by a conventional painting roller, and the walls of the wall joints with the floor and the ceiling are treated with a brush. After drying the second layer, it is recommended to apply glossy varnish.

Wall decoration textured plaster

First prepare a solution taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations, after which they apply it to the surface with spatulas. Dries longer than structural, so you can safely handle the entire wall. Surplus material is also removed by a spatula. After processing the entire wall area, you can proceed to creating an invoice.

How to make a flat layer

Such a coating can be obtained using the following tools:

  • roller;
  • stencil-stamp;
  • kelma and spatula.

The use of roller is the easiest and fast way. With this tool, you can create a surface resembling velor. To do this, it is necessary with the effort to go through the entire surface of the wall, while the movements should be directed in one direction. Then wait for the material to dry and remove protruding fragments of the spatula blade.

If it seems too complex process, you can purchase special stencils-stamps with embossed patterns. These products are simply pressed to fresh plaster, after which it remains relief. The main inconvenience is the need to constantly wash the stencil with water to remove the remnants of the material from its surface.

On a note! While buying all the necessary need to purchase several small stencils for corners.

With the help of spatulas and Kelma, create pictures that resemble the texture natural stone, suede or concrete. It is necessary to work with them by the same principle as with all the above tools. Brush, spatula or culma pressed to the surface and spend over its entire area. If a building tools Under hand it did not turn out, you can use the usual sponge or even a cellophane package. In general, everything is suitable for which it can leave on the surface of the relief.

Video: Wall decoration textured plaster

How to spend staining

Such decorative plaster for internal work Does not require mandatory staining, but to underline the invoice, it is still better to hold it. First, the surface is cleaned with fine-grained emery paper, then brown the resulting dust. The first layer of paints is applied by a long-haired roller, and the second is short-haired. Tone paint should be a little different. It is necessary to apply them at the interval per day, while the plaster after making the texture should dry about 48 hours.

If there was no roller at hand, the process of staining decor-plaster looks like this:

  1. Open the can with paint and pour it into a special container. It is completely dipped into it, full of bristles. Then press about the embossed edge of the tank to remove excess paint. If there is no special capacity, you can squeeze the brush brushes about a piece of multilayer cardboard.
  2. Now you can proceed to applying paint. You don't need to cry out every detail, you should apply a layer with squeezed movements, barely touching the surface. Thus, the paint will not get into the invoice, but only the protruding fragments will fall.
  3. It is waiting for drying the first layer and apply the second, brighter. In this case, the same technique is used as for the first layer.
  4. The last stage will be the application of varnish. This material is first diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, then apply a wide clean brush. After some time (each lacquer dries a certain period) you can apply a second layer. About 1-2 days can be touched on the plastered wall.

Some wizards use the blur method. It implies applying only one layer of paint, which is subsequently triturated with a damp cloth. As a result, the texture remains saturated color, and the protruding parts are lighter.

Pictures and panels

Before working with decorative plaster, you need to immediately determine the presence of additional design elements on the walls, for example, various drawings or panels. They are able to decorate and ennoble even the most normal interior, especially if they are combined with correct backlight.

What pictures can be applied and where to place them

The win-win option is a separate wall, which is pre-separated by a stone or stucco around the perimeter. Also these elements are appropriately located between windows, near interior doors Or along the edges of the arched passage.

If we are talking about a children's room, then here you can fantasize how much you want. Pictures can be addressed to the topics of the beloved fairy tale or the cartoon of the child. For the children's room, it is permissible to apply drawings on the area of \u200b\u200ball walls.

As for bedrooms or living rooms, everything is much more complicated here. The first rule - the drawing should not make a disharmony in the interior. Pictures on the walls are permissible only for classical design, baroque, ampira, etc. It goes without saying that in modern or high-tek, drawings and panels will look superfluous.

Bas-relief on the wall is perfect solution To create a stylish and unique interior

The tone of the painted panel should either contrast with the tone of the adjacent wall, or differ from it by 2 tones. The combination of mothers and dark tones is unacceptable.

Application techniques

There are three basic method of decorating the surface that require artistic taste. Therefore, it is better to trust professionals or get a master class on decorative plaster.

Working with stencil

This option is the easiest. As a stencil, you can use fragments of plywood or drywall, pre-cutting patterns on them.

The process of application occurs as follows:

Creating a bas-relief using construction tools

The method of relief graphics is also considered one of the most popular. It implies the use of plastic fine-grained plasters based on synthetic binding components, acrylic paints and colorless varnish. For such operations, brushes will also need different shapes and sizes, spatulas from different materials, pointed wooden pegs.

The process occurs as follows:

  • After applying the finishing layer of the plaster, the master through the selected tool puts on the surface embossed pattern. Most. simple example are waves drawn by a painting brush.
  • The composition is completed with a decorated embossed frame, which is created using a sponge or foam roller.
  • After complete drying, the drawing is painted. There are also no clear recommendations - it all depends on fantasy and talent.

Manual layer

The last method is considered the most difficult and without profile education sculpture, most likely nothing will happen. The purpose of this operation is to create a relief on the treated wall by means of a manual modeling. Such panels can only occupy part of the wall, and can and the entire area. After their drying, the surface is also treated with paint and varnish.

Decorative plaster with your own hands is simply applied, if you do not take into account artistic aspects of the issue. The main thing is to adhere to the above councils and recommendations of manufacturers.

Walls from dry plaster - drywall must be impregnated with water-repellent primer, crossing the reinforcing ribbon, align the surface to the finishing putty.

All joints and cracks need to be hushed out with a solution and cry for the reinforcing ribbon

If the walls are freshly plastered conventional plaster, then they need to give drying within 4-5 weeks, to the complete formation of the layer. Further depends on the type of decorative plaster selected for finishing. If it is coarse-grained, with a pronounced relief, it is not necessary to put the walls, if with a fine fraction - it is better to apply a thin putty on the walls.

General rule

Scaled Walls must be passed by small abrasive, well mix dust formed after grinding. Next is applied primer that increases the adhesion of surfaces. After drying, for many types of plasters, it is necessary to apply a basic, shelled layer of primer, usually white or gray, sometimes melted under the finish finish.

Look at the learning lesson how it is properly made by the preparation of walls for decorative plaster, video shows in detail all stages of preliminary work.

Many beginner builders have a question: is it possible to apply decorative plaster on the plaster? It is worth paying attention to this issue, as this is primarily a financial issue, and then the question of beauty. If you master well the technique, you can save on costs.

You can finely cope with this work, not referring to the specialists. It is worth considering:

  1. What is decorative plaster?
  2. How to apply it?
  3. What instruments need?

Is it possible to apply decorative plaster on the surface of the main - the features of the material

Under the decorative plaster implies weight. It is used to arrange different types of surface. Since she has an attractive appearance, it wears the name decorative. After all, when it is applied to the wall, it looks pretty aesthetic.

In order to start plaster walls, two types of materials will be required. To the first species should be attributed.

For more information about the decorative textured plaster, watch the video:

To another type of materials includes structural plaster.

It is worth noting that in the composition of the material already there is a coloring substance. However, after tough and polymerization occurred, the wall needs additional coloring. And sometimes it is enough just to toned.

An even more beautiful surface will look, if you treat it with metallic and pearlescent pigments.

Structural spacure

And what can be said about the structural putty. They are less plastic than textured, when working should also be considered. Thanks to the mineral granules that they contain, and the texture is formed. Including a large role is played by quartz, marble, granite and other. The relief is achieved due to the fact that the grains are located or on the surface itself or inside it.

In specialized stores you can find several more types of materials. Including fibers, plaster software, as well as almost transparent mixtures for plaster. Use them less often than previous ones. Therefore, we will not talk about them.

In principle, there are other types of materials on the market - fibrous products, translucent plastering mixes etc . However, they are used quite rarely, therefore it will be more expedient to give the focus of more common finishing techniques. Let's talk about how to apply decorative plaster on plaster.

Required tool

First of all, it is important to decide which tool will need to be plaster. Interestingly, in some cases one spatula can be used. However, if we are talking about fast work, so it will not go. Such option will suit Only in the case when a specialist took the case.

Without a workshop, you can not do. In order to work successfully, it is important to use the following tool:

  • specially for kneading work - the capacity of large volume;
  • for direct work - a small capacity;
  • a drill having a nozzle mixer;
  • for coating seashers;
  • celma;
  • from plastic and metal grater;
  • different sizes of the spatula;
  • having hard pile, brushes flat form (one of them McList);
  • sponge of a rigid structure;
  • roller having a drawing to create relief on the walls.

In the course of work, you may need more tools, but for starters enough and these. The main thing to purchase everything in advance is not to be distracted from work. Pro decorative panels under the brick for interior decoration Wands. Find out.

Preparation of walls

We prepare the foundation for a strong future decorative composition. It is worth remembering that it is quite possible to apply decorative plaster on plaster. The only question is how correctly the preparation of walls is performed. Let's talk more about stages of working with plaster.

The first thing we proceed to, we remove all unnecessary on the ground. When you approached the plastering layer, then make sure it does not fall off. Each case is individual and stands to solve himself, to remove the plaster completely.

How to determine what is better in your case?

Take a heavy hammer and start tapping the entire surface. Determine whether the material begins to turn or remain in place. Also identify possible empties using a characteristic sound.. If all this is not, you can safely apply decorative plaster on the old plaster.

Now it is important to determine which condition is the surface. Remit, whether there are cracks, slots or any other defect. Using the composition of cement, or, fill in all these voids. When you already applied repair mix For polymerization, drive all the walls with a penetrating agent.

For this it will take about two layers of primer, but not less. Before applying the next layer, stop and wait about 5 hours that the material is completely dry.

After these steps, the first primer layer is applied to the walls. The thickness of this plaster must be 20 mm. Thanks to this approach, the base will be reliable, and the whole surface is smooth. It is important that any big differences are eliminated. In some cases instead of basic shuttering, applying putty.

At the same time, when the material dry it does not grind it, because adhesion will decrease. This concerns the processing of the hypin. And what can be said about different types walls? How are plaster apply on them? Wood and the material that is created with its use is distinguished by hygroscopicity. There will tell about the price of putting the walls under the wallpaper.

During work, the putty can begin to grind on the basis and deform. Also, the mode of drying the plaster will be broken. So if you decide to process wooden walls, Use the primer in which there are moisture-protecting components.

If the surface is coarse (plastic or plywood), then use rough abrasive. After all, without this, the plaster will start to crawl off her. And what can be said about the metal elements that you will meet when repairing? If you use a decorative composition for processing, then over time there will be spots from rust.

What to do? Use an anti-corrosion coating and you will avoid unpleasant moments.

Varieties of structural compositions

Consider spray "fur coats". We defined that it is suitable for the basis of plaster for the scenery, but now it is important to determine which finish technology we will use. As for structural coatings, they rather easier to apply them than others. It is worth starting with them.

"Shuba" is one of the species decorative coatings. He is quite popular, and based on cement-sandy solution. We mix all 1 to 3. That is, on 1 part of the cement we put about 3 parts of the sand. Now we apply all on the walls with splashes.

There is a special plastering machine that facilitates the process of applying plaster. After all, its work is based on the fact that the resulting pressure begins to throw away the solution. At the same time, the mixture flies to the walls and the necessary relief occurs on them.

What to do when you have no car and nowhere to take it? Then the simple broom is suitable. For this take right hand And begin to omit into solution. Take the amount of means you need, but a little. When the broom is brought closer to the surface, it is necessary for them to hit the stick (they were kept in the other hand). Also read how to make a dry floor screed with your own hands.

An interesting technique is interesting. Use the brush. To do this, you need to take a long pile. Put a few solution on it. Now spend the board on it. Show effort and move it to yourself. When the bristles are straightened, the solution will fall on the surface in the desired small quantity.

In here, that you can apply - metal grid placed on wooden frame. For this design is attached to the wall and aligns. Pressed with bricks. Now with a cell solution, the solution is attacked on the surface. Remove the grid and then eliminate possible defects.

With the brush, lay the wall.

Use mineral granules

Apply such formulations is quite simple. Among them, the "Coroed" became one of the popular. This type of plaster look looks like wood, which is damaged by insects. Apply the composition is easy and not difficult. For this, it is necessary to prepare in advance and align with the help of the composition of the plaster walls.

We apply on them decorative mixture. In this case, the grater will need. The angle of its holding is about 60 towards the wall. It is not necessary to make a layer applied thicker than the biggest grain in the composition. This is important to stick. When you have already applied a mixture, then dry the wall. On the consumption of putty Knauf on 1 m2 will tell.

And only as you noticed that the hands stopped sticking to the surface, you can start decorative plaster. We take the grater from plastics and put it on the wall completely. I press a little and move further.

When the movement occurs, the grains begin to move and at the same time leave on the walls of a furrow.So the beautiful drawing occurs. This is not finished about this. It is important after final work (drying and processing) to paint the surface with the help of pigments on acrylic.

Features of textured plaster

This type of surface is somewhat different from the previous one. Than? It is important that the person who is doing this has a certain skill in his business. After all, the processing technique does not quite affect the result. Relief in this case looks like painting or sculpture.

Therefore, if you decide to take advantage of this option, then practice in advance to understand how best to behave with the specified material. Initially, it is important to apply the main layers. Of course, the work is applied to the aligned surface. The base of the first layer has a thickness of a couple of millimeters.

This will ensure adhesion. This is a background for future design. It is worth paying attention to one detail. Since the material is applied to a small layer, it is important to paint it in advance to the color you need. To do this, pigment is introduced into the plaster for applying and mix it.

It is necessary to thoroughly dry the foundation before the state while the tools no longer leave the traces when they append a little to the surface. Now it is necessary to use a spatula to the surface of several smears.

Take a very little mixture, especially if you are just starting work.

The thickness of the layer of application should be thin - about 3 mm. And at the end this thickness of half a millionth. How you send the strokes will affect the fact that you will get. If this is "Venetian" finish, then direct them in chaotic order. But if it's "rain", then make diagonal movements and apply the markup at first.

Alternative to spatulas and graves you can apply brushes. Then we apply to the base of the fatty plaster and begin to ram it with the help of a grater. In the end, it is necessary to handle everything with a hard brush. Thanks to the footsteps that remain from the bristles, an interesting relief will be on the wall.

You can apply another interesting technique. Using polyethylene film. Special tricks do not need. Polyethylene is glued on the pre-applied 2-millimeter layer. It should have a lot of folds. We are waiting until the material is dried.

After a couple of hours, the film is removed and the unusual relief drawing is obtained. However, there is advice. It is not necessary to dramatically remove the film, because the coating will be damaged in this case. But do not stand the film. After all, it will dismissed her parts to the base, and the plaster will disappear along with it. About finishing putty for outdoor, facade work Find out.

The use of the roller is suitable for those who are not confident in their abilities.. Purchase a special roller. Thanks to its protrusions and varnishes, a drawing is formed. He is imprinted on a non-frozen plaster. So her appearance will be very beautiful. Available to use and conventional painting roller.

However, for this it is necessary to pull out the pile. You can still wrap the work part with a cord or other tool to create folds.


Summing up can be said that the decorative plaster can be freely applied to the plaster. The shortcomings can be attributed, the need for additional wall processing, surface preparation to apply a new layer of plaster, as well as testing for the strength of the old layer of plaster.

The advantages include saving time on the removal of the old layer of plastering financial costs for additional work.

Decorative plaster, like, with proper preparation The walls and the ability to apply it are easy to apply and becomes a beautiful part of your interior. At the same time, it will be very durable and practical, but provided that it will be applied in compliance with all the conditions described.