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How Russian traditions are manifested in the arrangement of the house. Interior arrangement of Russian huts. Shop with chest in the hut

Russian hut: Where and how our ancestors, a device and decor, elements, videos, riddles and proverbs about the hodge and reasonable housekeeping were built.

"Oh, what choirs!" - So often we say now about a spacious new apartment or dacha. We speak without thinking about the meaning of this word. After all, choirs are a peasant antique housing consisting of several buildings. What were the choirs in the peasants in their Russian sings? How was the Russian traditional hut?

In this article:

- Where did they build before the hut?
- Attitude towards Russian isa in Russian folk culture,
- the device of the Russian hut
- decoration and decor of the Russian hut,
- Russian oven and red angle, male and female halves of the Russian house,
- elements of Russian huts and peasant yard (dictionary),
- Proverbs and sayings, signs about Russian hut.

Russian hut

As I come from the north and grew up on the White Sea, then I will show the article in the northern houses. And I chose the epigraph to my story about the Russian hill, I chose the words D. S. Likhacheva:

"Russian North! It is difficult for me to express my admiration for my admiration, my worship before this edge. When I drove for the first time for the first time, I drove on the Barents and the White Seas, on North Dvina, I visited Pomorov, in the peasant skews, listened to songs and fairy tales, looked at these unusually beautiful people, I was just and with dignity, I was completely stunned. It seemed to me that it was only possible to live truly: measured and easily, working and receiving so much satisfaction from this work ... In the Russian north, the amazing combination of the present and past, modernity and history, watercolor lyrical water, land, sky, terrible strength of the stone , storms, cold, snow and air "(D.S. Likhachev. Russian Culture. - M., 2000. - P. 409-410).

Where did the hut before?

The beloved place to build the village and the construction of Russians was the bank of the river or lake. The peasants were guided by both practicality - proximity to the river and boat as a means of movement, but also aesthetic causes. From the windows of the hut standing at a high location, a beautiful view of the lake, forests, meadows, fields, as well as on his yard with barns, on a bath at the river itself.

The northern villages are visible from afar, they never were located in lowlands, always on the hills, in the forest, in the water on the high bank of the river, became the center of the beautiful picture of the unity of man and nature, fited organically into the surrounding landscape. At the highest place, the church and the bell tower in the center of the village were built.

The house was constructed thoroughly, "on the century", the place for it was chosen quite high, dry, protected from cold winds - on a high hill. The villages tried to locate where there were fertile lands, rich meadows, forest, river or lake. The horses were put so that a good entrance and approach would be provided to them, and the windows were addressed "for the summer" - on the sunny side.

In the north of the house, they tried to have a hill on the south slope so that his top reliably closes the house from the brown cold northern winds. The south side will always warm well, and the house will be warm.

If we consider the location of the hut on the plot, then it was tried to arrange closer to the northern part of it. The house covered the garden part of the site from the wind.

In terms of orientation of the Russian hut in the Sun (North, South, West, East) Also there was a special structure of the village. It was very important that the windows of the residential part of the house were located on the sun. For better illumination of houses in the ranks, they were put in a checkerboard relative to each other. All houses on the streets of the village "watched" in one direction - in the sun, on the river. From the window it was possible to see sunrises and sunsets, movement of ships on the river.

Prosperous place for building horses It was believed to be at which the horned cattle was resting. After all, cows were considered by our ancestors as fertile life, because the cow was often a family feed.

They tried not to build houses on the swamps or next to them, these places were considered "chilly", and the crop on them often suffered from frosts. But the river or the lake next to the house is always good.

Choosing a place to build a house, men wondered - used experiment. Women never participated in it. They took sheep wool. It was placed in a clay pot. And left for the night at the place of the future at home. The result was considered positive if the wool will answer the morning. So the house will be rich.

There were other divisions - experiments. For example, in the evening left the chalk at the place of the future at home. If the chalk attracted the ants, it was considered a good sign. If the ants do not live on this earth, it is better not to put the house. The result was checked in the morning the next day.

Chicken the house began early in spring (great post) or in other months of the year in the new moon. If the tree cut down on a decreasing moon, it will quickly rot, so there was such a ban. There were more stringent prescriptions by day. The forest began to harvest from Winter Nikola, from December 19. The best time for the workpiece was considered to be December - January, according to the first frosts, when the extra moisture comes out of the trunk. Dry trees or trees with growths, trees, who fell to the north, did not cut the dry trees or trees. These beliefs were treated precisely to trees, other materials were not seen such norms.

They did not build houses on the site of houses burned with zipper. It was believed that Zlinia Ilya - the Prophet amazes the places of unclean strength. They also did not build at home where there was a sauna earlier, where someone was covered with an ax or a knife, where human bones were found, where there used to be a bath or earlier the road was held, where there was some misfortune, for example, flood.

Attitude towards Russian hut in folk culture

The house in Russia had a lot of titles: hut, Hut, Terem, Huples, choirs, Khorichnie and Temple. Yes, do not be surprised to -Hram! The choirs (Izba) were equated to the temple, because the temple is also a house, the house of God! And in the hut was always holy, red angle.

The peasants belonged to the house as a living being. Even the names of the parts of the house are similar to the name of the parts of the body of a person and his world! This feature is the Russian house - "Human", that is anthropomorphic names of parts of horses:

  • Chela hings- This is her face. Broma could be called the frontal hut and the outer hole in the furnace.
  • Schelch- from the word "man", that is, the decoration on the chel is
  • Platbands - From the word "face", "on the face" of horses.
  • Wanted- From the word "eyes", window. Thus called and part of the female headdress was also called the window decoration.
  • Forehead- So called the frontal board. There were also "lobovins" in the design of the house.
  • Fifth, Stop - So called part of the doors.

There were in the device of huts and yard and zoomorphic names: "Bulls", "Chicken", "Konk", "Zhuravel" - Well.

Word "Izba" Comes from the Vine Slavonic "Istiba". "Istbie, Istopkoy" was called heated residential log house (and "crate" is a unheated log house of a residential building).

House and hollow were for people living models of the world. The house was the innermost place in which people expressed ideas about themselves, about the world, built their own world and their lives according to the laws of harmony. The house is part of life and the way to combine and form your life. The house is a sacral space, the image of the kind and homeland, the model of the world and life of a person, the connection of a person with the world of nature and with God. The house is a space that a person builds with his own hands, and which with him from the first to the last days of his life on earth. The construction of the house is the repetition by the man of the Creator's case, because the human dwelling, according to the ideas of the people, is the small world created by the rules of the big world.

According to the appearance of the Russian house, it was possible to determine social status, religion, the nationality of its owners. In one village there were no two absolutely identical homes, because each hut carried individuality in himself and reflected the inner world of the genus, in her living.

For a child, the house is the first model of the external large world, he "feeds" and "grows" the child, the child "absorbs" from the house of the laws of life in a large adult world. If the child has grown in a bright cozy good house, in the house in which the order reigns is so the child will continue to build his life. If the chaos house is chaos and in the soul, and in a person's life. Since childhood, the child mastered the system of ideas about his home - radiated and its structure - Matitsa, red angle, female and male parts of the house.

The house is traditionally used in Russian as Synonym for the "Motherland". If a person has no feeling at home - then there is no feeling of the homeland! Attachment to the house, care for him was considered virtue. House and Russian gettingborn, the embodiment of the native, safe space. The word "house" was used and in the sense of "family" - and they said "on the hill four houses" - this meant that four families. In the Russian hollow under the same roof, the overall farming lived several generations of the kind - grandfathers, fathers, sons, grandchildren.

The internal space of the Russian hut has long been associated in popular culture as a space of a woman - she followed him, put on her order and comfort. But the external space is the courtyard and further - it was the space of a man. My husband's grandfather still recalls such a division of duties that was taken into the family of our great-grandfathers: a woman wore water from a well for home for cooking. And the man also wore water from the well, but for cows or horses. Shame was considered if the woman began to perform male duties or vice versa. Since they lived in large families - there were no problems. If someone from women could not wear water now - then this work was performed by another family woman.

The house also strictly observed men's and female half, but there will be a conversation further.

In the Russian north, residential premises and economic were combined under the same roof, So that you can run the economy without leaving the house. So the vital sequal of northerners living in harsh cold natural conditions was manifested.

The house was understood in folk culture as a center of the main life values. - Happiness, wealth, prosperity, faith. One of the functions of the hut and the house was a protective function. The carved wooden sun under the roof is the wish of happiness and well-being to the owners of the house. Image of roses (which are not growing in the north) - the wish of a happy life. Lions and lionesses in the painting - pagan charms, scare away by their terrible kind of evil.

Proverbs about Izbu

On the roof - a heavy hat from a tree - the sign of the sun. The house has necessarily a homemade man. Interestingly, S. Yesenin wrote about the skate: "The horse both in the Greek, Egyptian, Roman and Russian mythology has aspiration sign. But only one Russian man guessed him to put him onto the roof, likening his hut under him - the chariot "(Nekrasov M, and. The folk art of Russia. - M., 1983)

The house was built very proportionally and harmoniously. In its design - the law of the golden section, the law of natural harmony in proportions. Circled without measuring instruments and complex calculations - on a little, as the soul suggested.

In Russian hollow, a family of 10 or even 15-20 people sometimes lived. It was preparing food and spruce, slept, the fabrics, were rushed, the utensils were repaired, they were engaged in all their homework.

Myth and truth about Russian hut. There is an opinion that in the Russian skeins was dirty, there was an antisanitary, illness, poverty and darkness. I also thought so before, so we were taught at school. But it does not fit the truth completely! I asked my grandmother shortly before her care to the world was different when she was already over 90 years old (she rose near Nyandomy and Kargopol in the Russian north in the Arkhangelsk region), as they lived in their village in her childhood - did soap and removed the house in the year and lived in the dark and in the mud?

She was very surprised and told that always in the house was not just clean, but very light and cozy, beautiful. Her mother (my great-grandmother) embroidered and knit beautiful seats to the beds of adults and kids. Each bed and lulee were decorated with her podzors. And each bed has its own pattern! Imagine what kind of work it is! And what beauty in the frame of each bed! Her dad (my great-grandfather) cut out beautiful ornaments on all home utensils and furniture. She recalled how she was a child under his grandmother's supervision with her sisters and brothers (my great-grandfathers). They not only played, but also helped adults. It happened, in the evening, her grandmother will say to children in the evening: "Soon the mother and father will come from the field, you need to take it in the house." And ah - yes! Children take brooms, rags, suggest the full order so that neither the sorts in the corner there are nor dust, and all things in their places were. To the coming of mother and father, the house was always clean. Children understood that adults came from work, tired and they need to help. She also remembered her mother always bleached the stove so that the oven was beautiful and in the house was cozy. Even on the day of birth, her mother (my great-grandmother) blew the stove, and then went to give birth to the bath. Grandma remembered, as she, being an older daughter, helped her.

There was no such that it was clean outside, and inside - dirty. Climbed very carefully and outside, and inside. My grandmother told me that "What is outside is what you want people" (outward is the appearance of clothes, houses, cabinet, etc. - what do they look for guests and what we want to present to people Clothes, outdoor view of the house, etc.). But "what inside is what you really are" (inside is an embroidery is an embroidery or any other work, a clothing wear, which should be clean and without holes or spots, the inner part of the cabinets and other invisible to other people, but visible We are the moments of our life). Very instructive. I always remember her words.

Grandma remembered that the beggars and dirty huts were only in those who did not work. They were considered as if weakly, a little sick, they were sorry for people sick with soul. Who worked - even if he had 10 children - lived in bright clean beautiful outbreaks. Decorated your house with love. Led a big farm and never complained about life. There was always order in the house and in the yard.

The device of the Russian is

The Russian House (Izba) like the Universe shared for three worlds, three tiers: Nizhny - this is a basement, underground; Middle - these are residential premises; Upper under the sky - the attic, roof.

Izba as a design He was a log house from the logs that bind to the crowns. In the Russian north, it was customary to build houses without nails, very durable at home. The minimum number of nails was used only to attach the decor - the breeding, towels, platbands. Built houses "How measure and beauty will say."

Roof- The upper part of the hut gives protection from the outside world and is the boundary of the inside of the house with space. No wonder the roof was so beautifully decorated in the houses! And in the ornament on the roof, the symbols of the sun were often depicted - solar symbols. We know such expressions: "Schirling", "live under one roof." There were customs - if a person was sick and could not leave this world for a long time, then that his soul was easier to move into the world of others, they took off the lid on the roof. Interestingly, the roof was considered a female element of the house - the hut itself and everything in the hollow should be "covered" - and the roof, both vendors, and dishes, and barrels.

Top of the house (People, Towel) Decorated with solar, that is, solar signs. In some cases, the towel depicted the full sun, and on the panels - only half of solar signs. Thus, the sun was shown at the most important points of its path across the sky - at sunrise, in Zenith and at the occasion. In folklore there is even an expression "three-flowered sun", reminiscent of these three key points.

Attic It was located under the roof and it was stored on it that did not need at the moment, remote from the house.

The hut was a two-storey, the living rooms were located on the "second floor", as it was warmer. And on the "first floor", that is, in the lower tier, was sweet.He prevented residential premises from the cold. The soil was used to store products and shared on 2 parts: basement and underground.

Floor Double to preserve heat: downstairs "black floor", and on top on it - "white floor". They laid the floorboards from the edges to the center of the hut in the direction from the facade to the exit. This was a value in some rituals. So, if they came to the house and sat on the shop along the floor, this meant that it came to match. Never slept and did not put the bed along the floor, since along the floorings put a deceased man "On the way to the doors". That is why they did not sleep heads to the exit. Always slept on the head in a red angle, to the front wall, on which icons were located.

Important in the device of the Russian hut was diagonal "Red Angle - Furnace".The red corner always pointed to noon, on the light, on God's side (red face). He was always associated with Veroko (Sunrise) and South. And the oven pointed at sunset, on darkness. And associated with the West or North. Always prayed on the image in the red corner, i.e. To the east, where the altar is located in the temples.

a doorand the entrance to the house, the exit to the outside world is one of the most important elements of the house. She meets everyone in the house. In antiquity there were many believes and different protective rituals associated with the door and the threshold of the house. Probably no wonder, and now many are brought to the door of the horseshoe for happiness. And even earlier, the threshold was put on a braid (garden tool). This reflected the ideas of people about the horse as an animal associated with the Sun. As well as metal created by man with the help of fire and being a material to protect life.

Only the closed door retains life inside the house: "Do not believe everyone, lock the door tighter." That is why people stayed in front of the threshold of the house, especially at the entrance to a strange house, this stop was often accompanied by a brief prayer.

At the wedding in some localities, a young wife, entering the house of her husband, should not have touched the threshold. That is why it was often made on their hands. And in other localities, the sign was exactly the opposite. The bride, entering the house of the groom after the wedding, be sure to be delayed on the threshold. It was a sign of that. That she is now her in the way of her husband.

The doorway threshold is the border of "their" and "alien" space. In the people's ideas, it was a border, and therefore unsafe place: "Through the threshold does not greet," "is not served through the threshold." Through the threshold is impossible and take gifts. Guests are found behind the threshold outside, then admit ahead through the threshold.

In height, the door was lower than human growth. I had to tilt at the entrance and head, and take off the cap. But at the same time the doorway was wide enough.

Window- Another entrance to the house. The window - the word is very older, the chronicles are first mentioned in 11th and is found in all Slavic peoples. In popular beliefs, it was forbidden to spit through the window, throw out the garbage, to pour out something out of the house, as under it "stands an angel of the Lord." "To serve the window (thorough) - to give God." The windows were considered the eyes of the house. A man looks through the window in the sun, and the sun looks at him through the window (eyes of the hut). Therefore, the signs of the Sun often cut on the platbands. In the riddles of the Russian people, it is said like this: "A red girl in the window looks" (the sun). The windows in the house traditionally in Russian culture always tried to orient "for the summer" - that is, east and south. The biggest windows of the houses always looked outside and on the river, they were called "red" or "kosy".

The windows in the Russian gab could be three types:

A) The wolf window is the most ancient view of the windows. Its height did not exceed the height of the horizontally laid log. But in the width it was one and a half times more than height. This window from the inside was closed with a valve, "dragging" on special grooves. Therefore, the window was called "Volokovoy". Through the wolf window, only dim light penetrated. Such windows more often met on economic buildings. Through the wolf window from the huts were output ("outdated") smoke from the stove. Through them also ventilated the towers, Chulans, Take and Chleva.

B) Wild window - consists of a deck made up of four firmly interconnected BRUSEV.

C) The roaming window is the opening in the wall, fortified by two side bars. These windows are also called "red" regardless of their location. Initially, the central windows in the Russian hill were made.

It was through the window that it was necessary to transfer the baby if the children born in the family were dying. It was believed that so you can save the child and provide him with a long life. In the Russian north, there was such a belief that the man's soul leaves the house through the window. That is why the window was put on the window with water so that the soul, who left the person could be washed and fly away. Also, after the commemoration, the towel was postponed to the window, so that the soul was climbed into the house, and then descended back. Sitting by the window, waited to lead. The window at the window in the red corner is the place of honor, for the most honored guests, including the matchmaker.

The windows were highlighted high, and therefore the view from the window did not stumbled into neighboring buildings, and the view from the window was beautiful.

When construction, there was free space (sedimentary grooves) between the windows bar and the log wall of the house. He was covered with a blackboard, which we all are well known and called concubine ("On the face of the house" \u003d platband). The platbands were decorated with an ornament to protect the house: circles as symbols of the sun, birds, horses, lions, fish, caressing (animal, considered a cumulator - believed that if you depict a predator, it would not harm the pet), floral ornament, juniper, rowan .

Outside the window was closed by shutters. Sometimes in the north, so that it is convenient to close the windows, galleries were built along the main facade (they looked like balconies). There is a master of the gallery and closes the shutters on the windows overnight.

Four sides of hut Add to four sides of the world. The appearance of the hut is facing the outside world, and the inner decoration is to the family, to the family, to a person.

The porch of the Russian isob It was more often open and spacious. Here were those family events that the whole village streets could see: they were accompanied by soldiers, met the woven, met newlyweds. They communicated on the porch, exchanged news, rested, talked about things. Therefore, the porch occupied the prominent place, it was high and rose to the pillars or fires up.

The porch is the "business card of the house and its owners", reflecting their hospitality, prosperity and glad. The house was considered non-residential if his porch was destroyed. Decorated the porch carefully and beautifully, the ornament was used the same as on the elements of the house. It could be a geometric or vegetable ornament.

What do you think from what word the word "porch" was formed? From the word "pitch", "Roof". After all, the porch necessarily was with a roof that protects against snow and rain.
Often there were two porches in the Russian hut Two inputs. The first entrance is the main, shops were arranged for conversation and rest. And the second entrance is "dirty", he served for household needs.

Bakelocated near the entrance and occupied about a quarter of the spacing of the hut. The furnace is one of the sacred centers of the house. "The oven in the house is the same that the altar in the church: there is bread in it." "Oven our mother's mother", "House without a furnace is a non-residential house." The oven had a feminine start and was in the female half of the house. It is in the furnace, a raw, unfounded turns into boiled, "his", mastered. The furnace is located in the corner opposite from the red corner. It slept on it, it was used not only in cooking, but also in healing, in folk medicine, in her small children washed in winter, children and old men were buried on it. In the furnaces necessarily kept the damper closed if someone went out of the house (to return and the road was happy), during a thunderstorm (because the oven is one entrance to the house, the connection at home with the outside world).

Matitsa - Bar, walking across the Russian hut, on which the ceiling is held. This is the boundary of the front and rear of the house. The guest coming into the house, without the permission of the owners could not go further by Matitsa. Sitting under Matitsa meant to match the bride. To succeed everything, it was necessary to hold out for Matitsa before leaving the house.

All space of the huts shared on the female and male. Men worked and rested, took guests on weekdays in the male part of the Russian huts - in the front red corner, aside from him to the threshold and sometimes under the remedies. The workplace of the man with the repair was near the door. Women and children worked and rested, walked in the female half of the hollows - near the oven. If women took guests, then guests sat at the stove threshold. Only the female territory of the guests can only go on the invitation of the hostess. Never of representatives of the male half without much extremely needed did not enter the female half, and women are on men. It could be perceived as an insult.

Lawn served not only the seat for seating, but also a place to sleep. Under the head with a dream on the shop led the head restraint.

The shop's shop was called "Konik", she could be a workplace of the host of the house, as well as anyone who went into the house, beggar could be spent on it.

Shelves were made over the shops above the windows above the windows. They put caps, threads, yarn, straws, knives, spice and other household items.

Adult couples in marriage slept in the journals, on the cauldron, in some of their own cells - in their places. Old men slept on the stove or in the stove, kids - on the furnace.

All the utensils and furniture in the Russian northern hollow are located along the walls, and the center remains free.

Svetlitsy It was called the room - the lightweight, the rore on the second floor of the house, clean, well-groomed, for needlework and net lessons. There were a wardrobe, bed, sofa, table. But as well as in the hut, all items were separated along the walls. In the journal there were chests, in which gathered dowry for daughters. How many daughters on the issuance are so many chests. Here girls lived - the bride to issue.

Dimensions of Russian isubi

In antiquity, the Russian hut had no internal partitions and was in the form square or a rectangle. The average sizes of the hut were from 4 x 4 meters to 5, 5 x 6, 5 meters. The middle peasants and wealthy peasants were hindered by 8 x 9 meters, 9 x 10 meters.

The decoration of the Russian isob

Four angle differed in Russian hives: Chimney, Babi Kut, red angle, rear corner (at the entrance under the reservation). Each corner had its own traditional destination. And the whole hollow in accordance with the angles was divided into the female and male half.

Women's half is It goes from the mouth of the furnace (Outside of the furnace) to the front wall of the house.

One of the corners of the female half of the house is Babi Kut. It is also called "bakes". This place is near the oven, the female territory. Here they prepared food, pies, stored utensils, millstone. Sometimes the "female territory" house was separated by a partition or shirma. At the female half of the hollows, there were cabinets for kitchen utensils and edible supplies, shelves for dining rooms, buckets, cast iron, bags, furnaces (bread shovel, kocherga, grasp). "Long shop", which went on the female half of the hollow along the side wall of the house, was also feminine. Here women hung, the fabrics, sewed, embroidered, hung a baby cradle here.

Never a man on the "female territory" did not enter and did not touch the utensil, which is considered female. And someone else's person and guest can even look in Babi Kut could not, it was offensive.

On the other side of the furnace was male space, "Male kingdom of the house." There was a threshold men's shop, where men were engaged in their homework and rested after a working day. Under it, it was often a cabinet with tools for male work. Weekly sit on the threshold shop was considered indecent. On the side shop in the back of the huts they rested during the day.

Russian oven.

Approximately the fourth, and sometimes the Russian oven occupied the third part of the hut. She was a symbol of a homely hearth. It was not only prepared for food, but also prepared the food cattle, baked cakes and bread, washed, heated the room, they slept and dried clothes, shoes or products, dried mushrooms and berries in it. And in the sun, even in winter could contain chickens. Although the furnace and very large, it does not "eaten", but, on the contrary, expands the life space of the hut, turning it multidimensional, bottling.

No wonder there is a saying "to dance from the stove", because everything in Russian beast begins with the oven. Remember the epics about Ilya Muromets? We have said to us that Ilya Muromets "lay on the furnace 30 years and 3 years," that is, could not walk. Not on the reagents and not on the shops, but on the furnace!

"The furnace to us as a mother is native," people said before. Many folk medical practices were associated with the stove. And signs. For example, it is impossible to spit into the oven. And it was impossible to swear when the fire was burning in the furnace.

A new furnace began to warm up gradually and evenly. The first day began with four lungs, and gradually they added one day every day to rolling the entire oven and so that it was without cracks.

First, in Russian houses there were global furnaces that were treated in black. That is, the oven then did not have an exhaust pipe for the exit of smoke. Smoke was released through the door or through a special hole in the wall. Sometimes they think that black huts were only in beggars, but it is not. Such furnaces were in rich sorry. The black oven gave more heat and kept her longer than white. Purchased walls were not afraid of damp or rot.

Later, the ovens began to build white - that is, they began to make a pipe through which smoke went out.

The furnace was always in one of the corners of the house, which was called a chimney, door, small angle. A red, holy, front, large corner of the Russian house was always diagonally from the furnace.

Red angle in russian

Red angle - central main place in the hut, in the Russian house. It is also called the "saint", "God", "front", "senior", "big". It is lit by the sun better than all other corners in the house, everything in the house is oriented towards him.

The Borean in the Red Corner as an altar of the Orthodox Temple and comprehended as the presence of God in the house. The table in the red corner is the church throne. Here, in the red corner prayed to the image. Here all the meals and main events in the life of the family were held at the table: Birth, Wedding, Funeral, Wires in the army.

There were not only images, but also the Bible, prayer books, candles, they brought the sprigs of consecrated willow in Palm Sunday or birch twigs in the Trinity.

The red corner was especially worshiped. Here, during the commemoration, an excess device was put on a different soul.

It was in the red corner that chopped birds of happiness, traditional for the Russian north suspended.

Places at the table in the red corner were tightly fixed by tradition And not only during the holidays, but also during ordinary meals. Trapez united the family and family.

  • Place in the red corner, in the center of the table, under the icons, It was the most honorable. The owner was sitting here, the most respected guests, the priest. If the guest without an invitation of the owner passed and sat down in a red angle - it was considered a gross violation of etiquette.
  • Next side of the side of the table - right from the owner and the nearest places to him on the right and left. This is a "male shop." Here they were sitting on the seniority of the family of the family along the right wall of the house to his exit. The older the man, the closer he sits to the owner of the house.
  • A. "The lower" end of the table on the "Women's Lavea", Women and children walking along the front of the house.
  • Mistress at home It was placed opposite her husband from the furnace on the donkey bench. It was more convenient to serve food and arrange lunch.
  • During the wedding newlyweds Also sat under images in the red corner.
  • For guests It was its guest shop. It is located at the window. Until now, there is such a custom in some areas to seen guests by the window.

Such a location of family members at the table shows a model of social relations within the Russian family.

Table - He was attached great importance in the red corner of the house and in general in the hut. The table in the hut was standing in a permanent place. If the house was sold, it was sold to him together with the table!

Very important: the table is the ladies of God. "The table is the same as the throne altar, and therefore sit at the table and behave like in the church" (Olonetskaya province). It was not allowed at the dinner table to have foreign objects, because it is the place of God himself. It was impossible to knock on the table: "Do not beat the table, the table is God's palm!" Always on the table should have been bread - a symbol of wealth and well-being in the house. Same as: "Bread on the table - and the table of the throne!". Bread is a symbol of wealth, abundance, material well-being. Therefore, he always had to be on the table - God's Palm.

Small lyrical retreat from the author. Dear readers of this article! Probably, do you think all this is outdated? Well, what have the bread on the table? And you bake homeless bread houses with your own hands - it's easy enough! And then you will understand that this is completely different bread! Unlike bread from the store. Yes, and loaf in form - a circle, a symbol of movement, growth, development. When I didn't bake the pies, not cupcakes for the first time, but the bread, and the smell of bread, the whole house, I realized what a real house was a house where it smells .. bread! Where want to go back. You do not have time? I thought so too. So far, one of the moms, with the children of which I do and whom she has ten !!!, did not teach me the bake of bread. And then I thought: "If a mother of ten children finds the time of the oven your family bread, then I have a right time!" So I understand why the bread is everything head! It is necessary to feel it with your own hands and your soul! And then a loaf on your desk will become a symbol of your home and bring you a lot of joy!

The table was installed necessarily along the Half, i.e. The narrow side of the table was directed towards the western wall of the hut. This is very important, because The direction "Longitudinal - transverse" in Russian culture was attached to a special meaning. The longitudinal had a "positive" charge, and the transverse one is "negative." Therefore, all objects in the house tried to put in the longitudinal direction. Also, therefore, it was along the floorings sitting at rites (walling, as an example) - so that everything successfully passed.

Table tablecloth In Russian tradition, there was also a very deep meaning and constitutes a single integer with the table. The expression "table and tablecloth" symbolized hospitality, hospitality. Sometimes the tablecloth was called the "boss" or "self-bare". Wedding tablecloths kept as a special relic. The table was not always covered with a tablecloth, but in special cases. But in Karelia, for example, the tablecloth should always be on the table. On the wedding feast, the tablecloth took a special and champed it with an inlet up (from damage). The tablecloth could spread on Earth during the commemoration, because the tablecloth is "road", the relationship between the world of the space and the world of man, no wonder the expression "tablecloth - the road" came to us.

The dining table was going to families, baptized before meat and read prayer. Fir chinno, it was impossible to get up during the meal. The head of the family - a man - began to the meal. He cut the food into pieces, cut bread. A woman served everyone at the table, served food. The meal was long, leisurely, long.

On holidays, the red angle was decorated with woven and embroidered towels, flowers, trees branches. Embroidered and wovel towels with patterns hung on the divinence. At Palm Sunday, the red angle was decorated with Willow sprigs, in the Trinity-Berezov branches, Version (Juniper) - to the Great Thursday.

It is interesting to think about our modern homes:

Question 1. The division into the "male" and "female" territory in the house is not by chance. And we have a "female secret corner" in modern apartments - personal space as a "female kingdom", do men interfere in it? Do we need us? How and where can I create it?

Question 2.. And what is in the red corner of the apartment or giving - what is the main spiritual center of the house? Let's look at your home. And if you need to fix something, we will do it and create a red corner in your house, create it really unifying the family. Sometimes there are advice on the Internet to put in a red angle as in the "Energy Center of the Apartment" computer, organize your workplace in it. I am always surprised at such recommendations. Here, in the Red - the main corner - to be what is important in life, which unites the family, which carries true spiritual values, which is the meaning and idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of the family and the kind, but not a TV or office center! Let's think together that it can be.

Types of Russians

Now many families are interested in Russian history and traditions and build at home as our ancestors did. Sometimes it is believed that there should be only one type of house at the location of its elements, and only this type of house "Right" and "historical". In fact, the location of the main elements of the hut (red angle, furnace) depends on the region.

At the location of the furnace and the Red Angle, 4 types of Russian hut difflice. Each type is characteristic of some terrain and climatic conditions. That is, it is impossible to tell: always the furnace was strictly here, and the red angle is strictly here. Let's consider it more in drawings.

The first type is the north-russian hut. The furnace is located next to the entrance to the right or left from it in one of the rear corners of the hut. The furnace is turned to the front wall of the hut (the mouth is the outlet of the Russian oven). Diagonally from the furnace - a red angle.

The second type is the Western Russian hut. The furnace was also located next to the entrance to the right or left of it. But she was turned to the mouth to a long side wall. That is, the mouth of the furnace was near the entrance door to the house. The red angle was also diagonally from the furnace, but the food was prepared in another place of horses - closer to the door (see drawing). The side of the furnace did the flooring for sleep.

Third type - Eastern South Russian hut. The fourth type is Western South Russian Holes. In the south, the house was put on the street not a facade, but a side long side. Therefore, the location of the furnace was completely different. The furnace was placed in the corner far from entering. Diagonal from the furnace (between the door and the front long wall of the hut) was a red angle. In the eastern South Russian skews, the mouth of the furnace was turned to the entrance door. In Western South Russian skews, the mouth of the furnace was turned to the long wall of the house, which went out.

Despite the different types of His, they are complied with the general principle of the structure of Russian dwellings. Therefore, even being far from the house, the traveler could always navigate in the hut.

Elements of Russian huts and peasant estates: dictionary

In the peasant manor The farm was large - in each estate there were from 1 to 3 barns for storing grain and valuable things. And there was a bath - the most distant from the residential building building. Each thing is their place. This principle from the proverb was always observed and everywhere. Everything in the house was thought out and arranged reasonably not to spend extra forces and time on unnecessary actions or movement. All at hand, everything is convenient. Modern ergonomics of dwellings come from our history.

The entrance to the Russian manor was from the street through a strong gate. Above the gate was the roof. And at the gate on the side of the street under the roof. Not only villagers could sit on the bench, but also any passerby. It was at the gate that it was customary to meet and accompany guests. And under the roof of the gate, it was welcome to meet them or talk to goodbye.

Barn- Separately standing small structure for storing grain, flour, supplies.

Banya - Separately worth the building (the furthest from the residential building building) for washing.

Crown- logs of one horizontal row in the Siruba of the Russian Hisp.

Windman- Carved sun, attached instead of towels on the front of the hut. The wish of a rich harvest, happiness, well-being family living in the house.

GUMNO- Playground for grinding compressed bread.

Cool - The design in wooden construction is formed by the crowns from the logs laid on each other. Choir consist of several centes combined by transitions and genes.

Chicken - elements of the roof of the Russian house built without nails. They spoke so "chicken and horse on the roof - in the hives will be quieter." In view of the elements of the roof - lump and chicken. The chicken was stacked by a watery - wrapped in the form of a chute log for removal of water from the roof. The image is the "chicken" not by chance. Chicken and rooster binds to the folk consciousness with the Sun, as this bird notifies the sunrise. A crock of a rooster, according to popular beliefs, distilled unclean power.

Glacier- Pradedunka Contemporary Refrigerator - Looking with Ice For Product Storage

Matitsa- Massive wooden beam, on which the ceiling is a chain.

Concubine - window decoration (window opening)

Barn -Pruck for drying sheaves before grinding. Sheaves laid out on the flooring and dried.

Хлупен- Horse - connects two wings of the house, two roof slides together. Horse symbolizes the sun moving across the sky. This is a mandatory element of the design of the roof, built without nails and charm home. The chick is also called "shell" from the word "helmet", which is associated with the protection of the house and means the helmet of an ancient warrior. Perhaps this detail of the hut was called "Gulup", because when laying in place, he publishes the sound "clap". Ohlupni used to do without nails during construction.

Warm -thus called the most beautifully decorated part of the Russian female headlife on the forehead ("The chewise was also called a part of the window decoration - the upper part of the" Decoration of the forehead, chela "at home. Warehouse - the top of the platband on the window.

Take - Senov, here it was possible to enter right on the cart or on the sleigh. This room is located right above the cattle courtyard. Here they also stored boats, fishing gear, hunting equipment, shoes, clothes. Here dried and repaired networks, malli flax and did other work.

Sink- Lower room under residential premises. The soil was used for storing products and household needs.

Polyati.- Wooden flooring under the ceiling of Russian hut. They were arranged between the wall and the Russian oven. On the climbing it was possible to sleep, as the oven kept the heat for a long time. If the oven for heating was not treated, then vegetables were stored on this time.

Politsa- Figure shelves for utensils over shops in the hut.

Towel - Short vertical board at the junction of two apartments, decorated with the Sun symbol. Usually the towel repeated the pattern of the breeding.

Schelins - Boards on a wooden roof of the house, navalized to the ends above the fronton (Holiday of Holidays), preventing them from Harrowing. The breeds were decorated with carvings. The pattern consists of a geometric ornament. But the ornament with grape berries is the symbol of life and the continuation of the kind.

Svetlitsa - One of the premises in the choir (see "choirs") on the female half, in the upper part of the structure, intended for needlework and other domestic training.

Seni.- The inlet cold room in the hut, usually can not be heated. As well as an entrance room between individuals in the sorry. It is always a shop for storage. The home apparers were kept here, there was a bench with vendines and subsidences, work wear, rocker, sickles, braids, rake. In the Seine did a dirty homework. In the Songy there were doors of all rooms. Seni - Cold Protection. The entrance door was opened, the cold was accustomed to Seni, but remained in them, not reaching residential premises.

Apron- Sometimes at homes from the main facade, "Aprons", decorated with fine threads. This is a boardwalk, protecting the house from precipitation.

Hlev - Placement for livestock.

Choirs- A large residential wooden house, which consists of separate buildings, combined with genes and transitions. Gallery. All parts of the choir were different in height - a very beautiful multi-tiered structure was obtained.

The utensils of Russian isob

Dishes For the preparation of food was kept in the stove and in the stove. These are boilers, cast-iron for porridge, soups, clay marks for baking fish, cast-iron pans. Beautiful porcelain dishes were kept so that it was visible to everyone. She was a symbol of wealth in the family. The festive dishes were kept in the hubby, in the closet - a post was put up. Casual dishes were kept in mounted cabinets. Dining tableware consisted of a big bowl of clay or wood, wooden spoons, bark or copper solon, cups with kvass.

For storage of bread in russian extended painted boxbrightly painted, sunny, joyful. The painting of the box highlighted it among other things as a thing is significant, important.

Tea drank out samovar.

Sieve The flour and as a symbol of wealth and fertility was used, and as a symbol of wealth and fertility was likened to be a heavenly column (the mystery "Sito Vito, heets is covered", the deposit is the sky and the earth).

Salt - This is not only the food, but also a charm. Therefore, it was served to guests with salt as a greeting, a symbol of hospitality.

The most common was clay dishes pot.In the pots prepared porridge and soup. The soup in the pot was well respected and became much tastier and the boost. Yes, and now, if we are comparable to taste soup and porridge from a Russian oven and from the slab - then you will immediately feel the difference in taste! From the stove - tastier!

For the economic needs of the house used barrels, hubs, luxury. Fat food in frying pan, as well as now. We knew the dough in wooden troughs and chains. Water was carried in buckets, jugs.

At the good owners immediately after meals, all the dishes were withered, wiped out and put on the shelves tilted.

Domostroy said this: "So that everything was always clean and ready for the table or in the supply."

To put the dishes in the oven and get from the furnace were needed mixt. If you have the opportunity to try to put a full pot in the oven filled with food or get it out of the furnace - you will understand how physically hard work is and how strong there were women even without fitness items :). For them, each movement was charging and physical education. It's seriously 🙂 - I tried and appreciated how difficult it is to get a big boiler with food for a big family with the help of grasp!

For increment coal used poker.

In the 19th century, metal came to replace the clay pots. They're called cartoon (from the word "cast iron").

For frying and baking, clay and metal Frying pans, marks, roasters, plates.

Furniturein our understanding of this word in the Russian hollow there was almost no. The furniture appeared much later, not so long ago. No wardrobes or dresser. Clothes and shoes and other things were not stored in the hut.

The most valuable in the peasant house - the main utensils, festive clothes, dowy of daughters, money was kept in chests. Chests were always with locks. The design of the chest could tell about the prosperity of his owner.

Decor of the Russian isob

To paint the house (they used to say "blooming") a master of painting. Descended on bright background. Warrant patterns. These are the symbols of the sun - circles and half-facing, and crosses, and amazing plants and animals. Also, the hut was decorated with wood carvings. Women fabrics and embroidered, knitted and decorated their house with their needlework.

Guess what tool made a carving in Russian hut? Ax! And the painting of houses did "Malyary" - the artists called this. They painted the facades of houses - Frontton, platbands, porch, whims. When white ovens appeared, they began to paint in the outbreak and partitions, lockers.

The decor of the front of the roof of the northern Russian house is actually an image of the space. Sun signs on the panels and on the towel - the image of the sun path - sunrise, the sun in the zenith, sunset.

Very interesting the ornament decorating the breeds. Below the solar sign on the panels, you can see several trapezoid protrusions - the paws of waterfowl. For the northerners, the sun rose from the water, and he also sat down into the water, because there were many lakes and rivers around there, therefore, waterfowl was depicted - the underwater world. The ornament on the panels personified the seven-layer sky (remember the ancient expression - "be on the seventh heaven from happiness"?).

In the first row of the ornament, the seaches - mugs, sometimes connected to the trapezes. These are the symbols of heavenly water - rain and snow. Another series of images from triangles is a layer of land with seeds that will wake up and give a crop. It turns out that the sun rises and moves along the seven-layer sky, one of the layers of which contains moisture reserves, and the other - plant seeds. The sun first shines not in full force, then it is in the zenith and rolls down at the next morning to start his way across the sky. One row of the ornament does not repeat another.

The same symbolism ornament can be found on the tricks of the Russian home and on the decoration of the windows of the middle strip of Russia. But in the decoration of the windows there are its own features. On the bottom of the platband - uneven relief of the hut (plowed field). At the lower ends of the side boards of the platband - the heart-shaped images with a hole in the middle - a symbol of seed immersed in the ground. That is, we see the world's projection in the ornament with the most important attributes for the farmers - the seeds of the land and the sun.

Proverbs and sayings about Russian horses and management

  • Houses and walls help.
  • Every house owner holds. The house is painted by the owner.
  • What is at home - such and yourself.
  • Nazhi Cherlehu, and there and cattle!
  • Not at home Mr., and the house by Mr.
  • Not a house owner colites, and the owner is a house.
  • Houses - not visiting: Sideways, you will not leave.
  • A kind wife's house will save, and thin-sleeve ceases.
  • The hostess in the house is that pancakes in honey.
  • Mount to someone who lives in the house.
  • Kolya Kriva - the mistress is bad.
  • What a builder is also the abode.
  • Our hostess is all in the work - and the dogs wash the dishes.
  • The house is not to weave.
  • In the house owner more than a bishine
  • Anchirts of the house to start - not the ruin of the mouth walk.
  • The house is small, but you do not lie.
  • What is born in the field, everything in the house will come in handy.
  • Not the owner who does not know his farm.
  • It is not a place for wealth, but the owner.
  • The house did not utter - and the city does not help.
  • The village is rich and the city is rich.
  • Good head a hundred hands feeds.

Dear friends! I wanted to show in this hill it is not just a story of the Russian home, but also learn from our ancestors with you to keep a household - a reasonable and beautiful, pleasing soul and eyes, to extend in harmony and with nature, and with your conscience. In addition, very many moments in relation to the house as a home-based hearth of our ancestors are very important and now for us living in the 21st century.

Materials to this article were collected and studied by me for a very long time, checked in ethnographic sources. And I used the stories of my grandmother's stories, which shared memories of the early years of your life with me in the northern village. And only now, during the holidays and my life - to be in the village in nature, I finally completed this article. And I understood why I could not write it for so long: in the bustling of the capital in the usual panel house in the center of Moscow under the roar of cars I was too difficult for me to write about the harmonious world of the Russian home. But here - in nature - I am very quickly and easily, from the heart completed this article.

If you want to learn more about the Russian house in more detail, then below you will find a bibliography on this topic for adults and for children.

I hope that this article will help you to be interested in telling about the Russian house during summer travels to the village and in the museums of Russian life, and will also tell me how to consider with children with children to Russian fairy tales.

Literature on Russian

For adults

  1. Bayburin AK Residence in rites and ideas of the Eastern Slavs. - L.: Science, 1983 (Institute of Ethnography. N.N. Miklukho - Maclay)
  2. Buzin V.S. Ethnography of Russians. - SPb.: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University, 2007
  3. Permlovskaya AB Peasant house in the culture of the Russian North. - Arkhangelsk, 2005.
  4. Russian. Series "Peoples and Culture". - M.: Science, 2005. (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. N. N. Miklukho - Maclay RAS)
  5. Sobolev A.A. Wisdom ancestors. Russian yard, house, garden. - Arkhangelsk, 2005.
  6. Sukhanova M. A. House as a model of the world // Human House. Materials of the Interuniversity Conference - SPB., 1998.

For kids

  1. Alexandrova L. Wooden architecture of Russia. - M.: White City, 2004.
  2. Zarchevskaya E. B. About the peasant choirs. Book for children. - M., 2014.

Russian hut: video

Video 1. Children's informative voice video: Children's Museum of Rustic Life

Video 2. A film about the Northern Russian isa (Museum of Kirov)

Video 3. How to build Russian huts: a documentary for adults

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"Development of speech from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat Sheet for parents"

Russian hut has always been a bad, kind and distinctive. Its architecture testifies to the loyalty to centuries-old traditions, their durability and uniqueness. Its layout, design and interior decoration were created over the years. Not so many traditional Russian houses have been preserved to this day, but still in some regions you can meet.

Initially, the huts in Russia were built from a tree, partially blocking their foundation under the ground. It ensured greater reliability and durability of the structure. Most often, it was only one room, which the owners were divided into several separate parts. A mandatory part of the Russian hut was a furnace corner, to separate the curtain. In addition, individual zones were distinguished for men and women. All corners in the house were built in accordance with the parties of the world and the most important among them were East (red), where the family organized the iconostasis. It was on the icons that guests had to pay attention immediately after the entrance to the Izbu.

The porch of the Russian isob

The architecture of the porch has always been thoroughly thought out, her house owners paid enough time. It combined with excellent artistic taste, centuries-old traditions and ingenuity of architects. It was the porch that combined the hut with the street and opened all guests or passersby. Interestingly, on the porch in the evenings after heavy work, the whole family often gathered, as well as neighbors. Here, guests and owners of the house danced, sang songs, and the children ran and smelling.

In different regions of Russia, the shape and sizes of the porch were significantly different. So, in the north of the country it was high enough and large, and the southern facade of the house was chosen for installation. Thanks to this asymmetric placement and unique architecture of the facade, the whole house looked very peculiar and beautiful. Also quite often it was possible to meet the porch, set on the pillars and decorated with openwork wooden columns. They were a real decoration at home, making his facade even more serious and good.

In the south of Russia, the porch was installed on the front side of the house, attracting the attention of passersby and neighbors in openwork threads. They could be both two steps and with a whole staircase. Some home owners adorned their porch canopy, while others left open.


In order to preserve in the house the maximum amount of heat from the furnace owners separated the living area from the street. Seni is exactly the space that immediately saw the guests at the entrance to the hut. In addition to conservation of heat, the Seni was also used to store the rocker and other necessary things, it was here that many did chulaans for products.

For the separation of hay and heated residential zone, a high threshold was also made. It was made to prevent the cold penetration into the house. In addition, for centuries-old traditions, each guest was supposed to walked at the entrance to the hut, and it was impossible to go inside before the high threshold. Otherwise, the guest just hit the bare naked.

Russian oven.

The life of Russian huts rotated around the furnace. It served as a place to cook, rest, heating and even bath procedures. The top led the steps, there were niches in the walls for different utensils. The furnace has always been with iron departments. The device of the Russian oven - the hearts of any hut is surprisingly functional.

The furnace in the traditional Russian skeins has always been placed in the main area, to the right or left of the entrance. It was her who was considered the main element of the house, because the furnaces were preparing food, slept, she heated the whole house. It is proved that the food cooked in the oven is the most useful, since it retains all useful vitamins.

Since ancient times, many believes associated with the stove. Our ancestors believed that it was on the furnace to live in houses. The garbage was never endured from the hut, and burned in the oven. People believed that so all the energy remains in the house, which contributes to an increase in family wealth. Interestingly, in some regions of Russia, the furnace was batted and washed, and also used to treat serious diseases. Lekari of that time claimed to cure the disease, simply leaving for the furnace for several hours.


He was also called "Babi Angle", because it was exactly the whole kitchen utensils. It was separated by a curtain or even a wooden partition. Men from their family almost never came here. The huge insult of the owners of the house was the arrival of someone else's man for the curtain in a furnace corner.

Here women were erased and dried things, they prepared food, treated children and gadal. Almost every woman was engaged in needlework, and the most calm and convenient place for this was the chimney. Embroidery, sewing, painting is the most popular types of needlework girls and women of that time.

Claws in the hut

There were mobile and fixed shops in Russian, and from the 19th century chairs began to appear. Along the walls of the house, the owners installed fixed beats that were attached by supplying or legs with carved elements. The stand could be flat or narrowed by the middle, in its decor, carved patterns and traditional ornaments were often present.

Also in every home there were mobile shops. Such benches had four legs or installed on the deaf boards. The backs were often done so that they could be shifted to the opposite edge of the bench, and a carved decor was used to decorate. The bench has always been done longer than the table, and also often covered with a dense cloth.

Male angle (Konics)

He was on the right of the entrance. Here it was sure to stood a wide bench, which was fencing with wooden boards on both sides. They were cut in the form of a horse head, so the male corner is often called "Konik". Under the bench men kept their tools intended for repair and other male works. In this corner, men repaired shoes and utensils, as well as splashed baskets and other products from the vine.

All guests who came to the owners of the house for a short time were embarrassed on the bench in the male corner. It was here that the man slept and rested.

Women's Corner (Head)

It was an important space in the female fate, because it was because of the chimney curtain that the girl went out during a glance in an elegant attire, and waited for the groom on the wedding day. Here women gave birth to children and fed them away from prying eyes, hiding behind the curtain.

Also in the female corner of the guy you liked the girl had to hide the magazine to get married soon. They believed that such a magazine would help the daughter-in-law to make friends with mother-in-law and become a good mistress in a new house.

Red corner

This is the brightest and important corner, since it was he who was considered a sacred place in the house. By tradition, during the construction, it was highlighted on the eastern side, where two adjacent windows form an angle, so the light drops, making the corner with the brightest place in the hollow. Here I necessarily hung icons and embroidered towers, as well as in some sprues - the faces of ancestors. Be sure to put a large table in the red corner and took food. Under the icons and towels, freshly baked bread always stored.

To this day, some traditions associated with the table are known. So, young people are not desirable to sit at the corner to create a family in the future. The bad sign leave dirty dishes on the table or sit on it.

Cereals, flour and other products Our ancestors were kept in the hannels. Thanks to this, the mistress could always quickly cook food from fresh products. In addition, additional buildings were provided: a cellar for storing vegetables and fruits in winter, hlev for livestock and individual structures for the hay.

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Our ancestors - Slavs had their own art of home arrangement, folded for thousands of years and consonant with our generic spirit. In the ancient Slavic Volkhov art of "Volarg" there was a whole section dedicated to the device and arrangement of the house, which was called "Lady House" or "House-Obereg".
If you turn to the world viewing of our ancestors, then we will see that all the universe for them was built on the principle of similarity, where small - Yar reflects the Great - Yarg. So the house was the likeness of the Universe, a kind of universe, the workplace owner and his binding with the outside world. But so that the house becomes like a living universe should be filled with his life force - a residential. To do this, it was necessary to observe a number of conditions, the first of which is the choice of the right place for future housing.

Places are strong, neutral and sleeves. On the latter, it is impossible to build housing, such places include cemeteries, places near the operating temples and sanctuations, or places where temples and sanctoes stood and were destroyed. Also to the places where the steep emitters of rivers should not be seen, the place where the road was held - it was believed that in such a place in the house will not be delayed happiness and wealth. The strong place is rich in underground keys, the trees and shrubs on it grow smooth and high.

There was a special rite to help determine whether the place was chosen for the construction of the house.

Lady house

The location of the house was also important, it was coordinated with the parties of light and, accordingly, with the so-called. geomagnetic network or, according to the old - Navi lines. The house itself was built in the traditional span system of measures, which was tied to the human body. So, it was originally sweet with his owner, was created exclusively for him. And the man in such a house felt free and cozy. The internal layout of the house was agreed with Kolovrats, generated by the elemental flows of heaven and land. The exterior decoration of the house was framed by the coated patterns to attract positive natural streams into the house and eliminate the effects of thin flows. In the houses of the house there were special items of power dedicated to the patrus of these parts of the houses.

When building a house, a mortgage was laid under his foundation - special chapters with rune symbols and conspiracies that had to attract, attracted to the house lived. The same charms and signs were placed or cheat on the floor under the top coating were laid in the corners, under the plinth and jamps of doors and windows.

The house itself was arranged on a certain principle, and each part of him was interconnected with the gods. Horizontally, the house was divided by a Perunov Cross into four sectors, correlated with four gods - the organizers of the house space. Moreover, each of these sectors could also be divided according to the principle of nestened spaces. Vertically, the house repeated the three-part structure of the world: the lower part is the foundation and an underground or cellar - Nav, the past, the basis; The middle part is residential - yawn, the place where the life of households passes; The attic and the roof are the heavenly arch, right - the abode of the higher strength. Through the roof in the house there are heavenly streams, which is why the roof of any house was with skates, so that the power from heaven was not stuffed and did not create an extra voltage, but washed the house, like the rain. The bartal roof was usually located in the direction of East-West, and horse heads, symbolizing the chariot or the lady of the djbog-sun, in which he floats through the sky.
The southern side of the house was considered the stronger, the party in which the elements ruled on the earthly colover of the Earth, and on Heavenly Kovovrat - Strib of Sun Fire. It is on the south side that the sun walks, the facade was located - the face of the house. From this side it was usually the most over the entire windows.

House of Slavs

In the south side of the house there was also a living room and a kitchen, since the south side is the side of fertility, good and health. And the living room was closed with the eastern side, for the Eastern side carries the streams of vagabond, nomadic - just the guests to tell. Pressing the living room Belobogo - the organizer of an explicit life and Streper - the owner of the space, the father of the winds. Therefore, all important family matters were solved in the living room, family councils were conducted and the guests came to the house. The kitchen was closed with a side of Western, since the West carries the streams of material wealth and stability. There is a kitchen under the control of the number of time custodian, numbers and deities of account and calculations and Macoshi - Heaven's straight, patroness of women. The kitchen space from the furnace to the southern wall was called a female kut - here the woman was a full mistress. The kitchen is also located one of the most significant points of the house - the furnace. According to the ancient Slavic legend, the first thing that the heavenly Koval Svarog was groaning - there was a stove. And the first words of him were: "May there be a fire in this focus!" And the light, already from the fire, in itself appeared. The first liver was God Svarog, because all the masters of the Choves - the Svords of the brothers. The furnace is the gate to the Nava - the ancient world of mankind. Behind each oven lives the God of the beginning, our first-enders. He now lives there, only people have forgotten about it, who is friends with the furnace, he can see him. Usually it appears in the flame in the form of a fire. Women's launo arranged in the image of the oven, inside which the weld placed the fire in the life-giving. Invest raw in it, and you get ready, with a spirit and soul. The furnace from death translates from last to the future. The hearth in the house is life in the house. The house without a hearth is not at all, even in a temporary house there is a hearth. Modern apartments in the kitchen are gas, electric, but ovens. Fire all can be nature. Any oven is the child of the Divine Card. Any fire that is warming up and on which food is preparing, the house in the temple turns. It is necessary to contact the hearth with an understanding, according to all the rules: keep clean, as you contain your body clean, wipe every day. If the furnace is well asked, she and the house will save from anything of uncleanness, and the disease rolongs, and sadness all. In the furnace, you can burn your sorrow, to run any trouble. And the firebed fire can be misunderstood, the premonitions are bad. The furnace is almost like God, Almighty! Prabogue lives in the world, called Nav, there live Navia - the souls of the ancestors, and we will leave there after death. From there, new souls come to the world. The furnace is the image of Mother Earth. The oven is praying for future children and straighten the premature and sick. In the furnace, the wild fire turns into manual and serves a person.

From the west to the south side, it is usually adjacent, an entrance hall or a veranda. With that, the entrance to the house should be from the west side so that we flow and stability flow into the house. The hallway and the entrance are under control of Perun - it rules streams flowing into the house. And standing on guard by mezh, separating the space of the house from a foreign world of the backyard, rules the flow in the house. From the outside, on the porch above the entrance door, it is usually horn by horseshoe, I have definitely visited the horse and found on your own. To attract happiness and wealth hang her horns up, this is how it symbolizes the full bowl in the house. But from the inside, the needle or knife usually stick to the platband to kill the course of thin flows and lean the intentions going to the house. The platbands themselves on the entrance door and the fronton of the porch are decorated with carved signs of Perun - gradines.
From the west side of the house should be located all material values, whether money, jewelry or storerooms with product reserves. Then the pros and well-being in the house will continuously dominate. In the West, you need to equip and business place, then any case will bring a tangible material result.

These are just some principles of arrangement of the root house by our ancestors capable of being an overlap and a real generic nest for those inhabiting it. The Slavic knowledge of the home arrangement itself is very extensive, and include including information on the creation of home overalls that distinguishes misfortunes and illness, and attracting the good, the ancient rites calling the strength and grace of gods and elements. And much more.

And even if you do not live in your own home, but in the apartment of a high-rise building, I can use the wisdom of our ancestors to turn it out of a gray sample cold crypt into a warming soul and a native corner.
On the image:
Perunov - Cross one of the variants of the wanted sign of the laid in the house.

Chariot or switter of the dazhboga. Ornament of the North - Russian embroidery.
Gradina - Perun sign, cut over the front door.

Bar rack in the interior of the living room

The interiors of modern living rooms today are increasingly complemented by bar racks. They become not only a stylish solution, but also carry a payload. With their help, you can give a living room of individuality, make it more, more convenient and updating the interior with minimal cost. Read about this and many other things in our article.

How to choose and place a bed in a girl's room

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Kitchen Design with Bar Stand

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Design Kitchens with furniture from the store "IKEA"

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Cabinet in the interior of the living room

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Best Big Kitchen Design Ideas

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Decor of the old cabinet with their own hands

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Design projects living room for apartment and private house

The interior of the living room creates our mood, and before that we choose the design project for it. Of course, repairs in the photo of designer agencies looks stylish and beautiful. At the same time, few people wondered that this beauty was not for living people. So why not make it more comfortable by contacting real professionals?

Sofa in the interior of the living room

The sofa can be called the main subject of any living room. This is a recreation center, a room center and a favorite place for gatherings with friends or family. The correctly chosen sofa can create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere, will help tune in to a relaxing way and, of course, will become a stylish accent of the room. If you find the desired color and size of the sofa, then the whole room is transformed. In this article we will talk about what role the sofa is playing in the interior of the living room.

Hallway design in a private house

Each modern person strives to make his home attractive, stylish and cozy. It is good that in the modern world there are all the conditions and opportunities for profitable and practical purchases. Therefore, many people happily use such conditions in order to decorate their home and make it bright and unusual. Each room plays its big role, so do not give up the prospects to take advantage of such excellent conditions. The modern design of the hallway in the house helps to make it practical, convenient for everyone. Therefore, many gladly order design projects, or create it themselves, with their own forces. If you want the design of an entrance hall in the house to be made with the mind and arrangement, it is necessary to use the tips of this article.

The arrangement of the house with their own hands is a creative and very interesting process. Moreover, modern materials and a huge selection of tools will allow you to embody a designer idea to life. Many now ask: why start living home? Creating decor elements for a man who at least once in his life kept the tools in his hands, will not be particular difficulties.

Initially, it is necessary to make a drawing, acquire all the necessary details and collect them according to the instructions. Thus, saving your money, you create a new unique homemade style. The place for making furniture with your own hands is necessary to choose with good lighting. Agree to show your friends a wardrobe that you have done with your own hands - worthy of respect.

Recently, the individual building is becoming increasingly relevant. This is due to the fact that people try to retire, moving from major cities in small settlements with environmentally friendly air. It is in such a district that a person can feel calm and comfortable, but only to build such a country house, it is necessary to make a lot of effort, as well as to equip it. The harmonious ratio of interior items will give a feeling of comfort and warmth in your home.

Ideas for home improvement

The arrangement of the house in the city somewhat limits creative scope, but nothing, you can independently upgrade any of your rooms, for example, it can be setting mirrors or assembling furniture, or just a room scenery with unusual colors. Balcony equipment with decorative lattice or ropes for drying linen and flower beds makes a more efficient balcony space for household needs, and will also decorate the facade of your home.

Some tips for increasing apartment area:

  • Replacement of direct angles on the curved partitions;
  • Disassemble the inner walls between rooms and make one;
  • Free from partitions and make a studio apartment;
  • Replace the doors to sliding.

There are also other alternatives:

  • Hang translucent or bright curtains;
  • Make some mirror wall;
  • Wall mural either painting. For example, the coastline will be able to visually increase the space;
  • For a spacious apartment will be just time stretched ceilings in the living room and parquet. And to smash the apartment for several sections, specialists recommend applying wooden floors. Also, spacious apartments can be equipped with a working office, and there are many such cases now.

Cost of arrangement of the house

How much is the arrangement of the house? The question that interests many people. The approximate cost of home improvement ranges from $ 100 to several thousand dollars depending on the cost of materials and complexity of work.

Traditions of arrangement of the house

What traditions are manifested in the arrangement of the house? Our ancestors had other views about the arrangement of the house where children grew, took guests, loved and celebrated. Let's try to restore Russian traditions and create space, observing customs to improve your home life. Initially, the choice of space played a very important role. Russian villages were not in vain near the lakes and reservoirs, on the hills near the keys. The zone was well washed with energy streams of air and water.

When building a house, a man asked orientation on the sides of the world. He put the dwelling, where the sun rays were most given warmth and light, where a picturesque view of the land processed was opened. At home they tried to build on the south. In no case can not be built on the spot, where the road was in the past. Because the energy of life did not accumulate in the house, but passed by the old way. The same place was unfavorable if the remains of human bones were discovered there or other unpleasant events took place. It entailed the misfortune to residents of the future at home.

Construction on the site of the bath is also prohibited. Because the bath was considered the place of removal of dirt not only physical, but also energy. It was said that there lives the spirit of the banner. It was a unlit place where there was not a single icon. Therefore, there sometimes something unusual happens there, if you do not observe the rituals of visits.

A favorable place for the construction of the house was the place of cattle rest. In the people, it indicated fertility strength. Animals are more sensitive to energy flux, and the ancients knew about it.

I would like to note that the Orthodox Vera has pagan roots that Christianity has kept. This is confirmed by the traditions of arrangement of the house of the Russian people - it is still a serious and responsible matter.

The Slavic interior was a sample of simplicity and comfort. For example, the Russian oven was the most important symbol in any Russian house. She covered the area of \u200b\u200babout three square meters. All warmly went from the oven, evenly heating the room for a whole day. She allowed for a long time to keep food in a hot condition, dryed underwear, and to sleep on her and cloudy weather. The fact is that the fire, lighting in the furnace, is a symbol of all pagan holidays. And in the future, this revered element moved to the Orthodox church in the form of lit candles.

Each family member had its own space in the house. The place of the hostess - near the furnace, the place of the owner - at the entrance itself. This is the place of defender and guard. Old men were often lying on a warm and comfortable oven. And the children were scattered throughout the house, or sat on the floor, raised at the furnace level. The red corner in the house indicated the Christian altar, the place where everyone who went to Hiswa was obliged to see and cross, welcoming the owners. Only a table and one or two benches that replace the modern bed can be called from the furniture. Such space is characteristic of the peasants, because wealthy people lived quite differently.

And these are Russian traditions in the arrangement of the house:

  • The threshold of the house is its basis. It is the opinion that the generic spirits accumulate in its place. That is why at the entrance doors hang or draw a horseshoe or cross - a symbol of housing.
  • In the kitchen, the dried inflorescences of the Sunflower and Corn Cobs were placed - charm for children from diseases and evil eye. "Spit" garlic, bow and pepper - give good health.
  • Embroidered linen towels in various patterns - the symbol of life and the guarantee of the health of residents of the house.
  • Windows is a kind of connection with the environment. The face of life, warmth in Slavic traditions is the eastern and south side.
  • Unnecessary things in the house create chaos and mess not only in the house, but also thoughts. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them systematically. And best of all it is to do on the eve of Easter or before Christmas.

In the past times, the Russians observed the traditions for which each thing in the dwelling should have its place, and for many centuries. The ancestors knew that all living on our land wakes up thanks to the Sun, so the doors should go strictly south. In some villages still comply with such a tradition.

The left side of the house was considered the ownership of the otherworldly forces and had a female entity. And the right side was alive and wore the name "Gurnitter". Here was the kingdom of God warmth and light - Dazhbog. The arrangement of the house in Orthodox traditions included the presence of a set of icons and a home altar.

The peasant hollow out of the log impeding the centuries is considered a symbol of Russia. According to Archaeologists, the first horses appeared in Russia for another 2 thousand years ago BC. For centuries, the architecture of wooden peasant houses remained almost unchanged, connecting everything that was necessary for each family: a roof over his head and a place where you can relax after a hard work day.

In the XIX century, the most common plan of the Russian hut included a residential premises (hut), senses and a plug. The main premises were hut - heated residential premises of a square or rectangular shape. As a folding room performed a crate, which was connected to rally at the expense of Seine. In turn, the Seni was an economic premises. They were never heated, so it was possible to use them as a residential premises only in the summer. Among the poor layers of the population there was a two-chamber planning of huts, consisting of hut and hay.

The ceilings in wooden houses were flat, they were often laid in painted shade. The floors were made of oak bricks. The decoration of the walls was carried out with the help of red tesa, while in rich houses, the finish was complemented by red leather (less wealthy people were usually used by Rogozh). In the XVII century, the ceilings, vaults and walls began to decorate painting. Around the walls under each window put shops, which were reliably attached directly to the design of the house. Approximately at the level of human growth over the shops along the walls, long shelves made of wood, which were called the Voronians. On the shelves located along the room, kitchenware stored, and on others - tools for men's work.

Initially, the windows in the Russian spa were wicked, that is, viewing windows that were cut down in adjacent logs on half the logs down and up. They looked like a small horizontal gap and sometimes decorated with carvings. They closed the opening ("clouded") with the help of boards or fish bubbles, leaving a small hole in the center of the valve ("Glotchka").

After some time, the so-called red windows became popular, with a frame framed by shoals. They possess a more complex design, rather than wicked, and always decorated. The height of the red windows was at least three diameters of the log in the srub.

In the poor, the windows were so small that when they were closed, it became very dark in the room. In rich houses, the windows from the outdoor side were closed with iron shutters, often using pieces of mica chunks instead of glasses. Their these pieces could create various ornaments, painting them with paints with images of grass, birds, colors, etc.