Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade overpass in the garage: how best to do. Automotive overpass overpass do it yourself for car sizes

Each car owner knows that the main "sores" of the car are hiding in two places: in the engine compartment and under the bottom. You can get to the engine by opening the hood. But to fix the suspension or remove the transmission, without climbing under the body, it will not work.

To perform work under the bottom, you can use the pit, lift or overpass. A pit can be equipped only in dry ground, so it is not available in all garages.

The lift is an expensive pleasure that the repair workshop can afford. As a result, a self-made autoquada for a car that does not require high costs and time for assembling remains for the ordinary motorist.

In this article, we will consider the most popular and affordable design, as well as step by step describing the process of their design and installation.

Main types of automotive hoists

Depending on the budget and complexity of repair, there are two types of overpass structures:

  • Allow only one car bridge (front or rear).
  • Full-size (designed for entering the entire car).

The first option is economical and convenient. A mini-overpass for a partial arrival has small dimensions and weight. It is easily installed on a flat site and is removed after the repair is completed. The main drawback is in the work it is not as convenient, as a full-size design, since the car lift here does not exceed 50-60 centimeters.

Full-quality option is more expensive and more difficult in implementation, but gives the car owner simultaneous access to all body units. Note along the way, that regardless of the type of the overpass, it is necessary to make a drawing for its quality manufacturing, and when assembling it is accurate to withstand the dimensions of the design.

Three groups of sizes are especially important:

  • height and width of supporting Tumbers "Highchairs";
  • length of the ladder (entrance and horizontal);
  • route width.

In addition, attention should be paid to the docking nodes of the docks with couches. They must withstand the weight of the car without deformation.

Popular Options Overap for Auto Repair

The easiest view of the mini-overpass is two pairs of broken together cutting a wooden bar with a cross section of 20x20 cm. Cutting under the oblique angle the edge of such an improvised support, we will get a solid platform on which you can call in front of or handing the machine back (photo №1).

Disadvantages of such support are obvious: there are no forwarding on the side of the side of the wheel, which requires the driver of the limit accuracy at the entrance. There is no rear "bidder", which will prevent a random congress. Stand height is insufficient for convenient access to the bottom.

There is a more perfect version of the wooden support for simple repair work. Such an overpacks on the cottage is made of cropping boards consistently shot into a wide shield. One of his face forms a step bias for entry (photo №2).

This design has a jackhammer and two straps for carrying. Its width can be chosen such to drive to inspect the machine without risk of wheel breakdown. The cost and complexity of manufacturing such a stand is minimal.

Most often, mini-overaps are made from profile metal (pipes, corners and reinforcement). They are more durable and stronger wooden. An example of such a design you see in the photo number 3.

Instead of a corner for the bearing part of the ladder, you can use fittings or pipe. Explifting the horizontal ladder for 1 meter, we will get a mini-overpass more convenient for work. Using it, it can be reached by most of the units located under the bottom of the body (photo №4).

Photo №4 Extended Options Overap Stand

Completes the review of the compact design of the mini-flight for the car collapsible type. It occupies an intermediate position between portable and stationary options (photo №5, 6, 7).

Photo №5 Portable overpass assembled

An important feature of this design is the ability to dismantle horizontal labels after entering the car for convenient access to the wheeled arches and thresholds.

It is possible to work, lying or sitting under the car, but not too comfortable. Therefore, for regular repairs, a stationary high-tip, assembled on the Foundation column (photo No. 8), is needed.

Such a design, if necessary, will take not only the car, but also a small truck or bus.

How to make a collapsible auto elestacade yourself?

The manufacture of the design begins with the preparation of a detailed drawing. By making it, you can take into account and think over all the assembly stages, avoiding errors inherent in hastily performed work.

The collapsible overpass must have the following dimensions:

  • The length of the entrance and horizontal ladder is equal to the length of the car + 1 meter.
  • The width of the ladder is a minimum of 40 cm.
  • Height of supporting Tumb - 70-80 cm.
  • The width of the upper part of the supporting tab is equal to the width of the trap.

In order to make the battery durable, do not save on the metal. For traps you need to buy an equalone corner of 63 mm. Supporting cabinets "Chairs" can be welded from angle with a width of the shelf 50 mm. Filling the trails is made by reproductive reinforcement with a cross section of at least 14 mm.

Without a welding machine, grinder and drill to work better do not start. In addition to the assembly tool, you need to prepare 12 pairs of bolts and nuts for fastening gears to "chairs".

Stages of work

The first step is the manufacture of supporting tumb. They need to give a trapezoidal form to increase sustainability. To accurately assemble the base and top of the "chair" cut in size, the angle must be decomposed on the OSB plate, fixing each other with clamps or the magnets of the welder.

First weld the bottom base of all four supports. Then they collect the frames of the upper sites and the legs from the corner are attached to them. The final stage is the installation of the upper frames with legs into the lower supports and the fixation of them with welding.

Please note that on the assembly circuit, one of the corners of the upper frame will be rotated up and forms a bump to protect the wheels from the breakdown from the overpass. On the end supports you need to fight another one jacking corner. They will not let the car move from the ladder.

In order to make an overpack with your own hands as stable as possible, you can install cross-links from the steel profile. It is fixed by bolts to the stands. This measure will not be superfluous because it will increase the rigidity of the entire design.

The horizontal and entry lady are made from angle of 63 mm and reinforcement rods that perform the role of "ladder". The length of the inclined ladder for the passenger car should be at least 3 meters. The size of the horizontal section is selected by adding 1 meter to the length of the car. The width of the traps is at least 40 cm.

Before installing the reinforcement rods, the corners turn over so that their shelves look up and served as an external sidelight. "Lestenka" will turn out to be smooth if the profile is laid on a solid horizontal platform. Attach it to concrete or asphalt is difficult. Therefore, two transverse corners can be used as a mounting base. To them, guides "Lanenki" are fixed by clamps. Having done this operation, you can start the welding process. The cuts of profiled reinforcement will be more convenient to set, using a 63 mm corner as a template.

Making an inclined trapping overpack for car repair is slightly different from the assembly horizontal. It needs to leave a free end of 10 cm long (without reinforcement rods), which will serve as a docking node. The vertical edge of the profile is cut through the grinder to the horizontal shelf. After that, it is necessary to bind the docking ends.

If you do not have a bending machine, and there is a couple of solid weight friends, then ask them to climb into the end to create a counterweight of the bend. Before this operation, you need to put inbound ladder horizontally, put it with its free end. In the support part of the profile and the corner of the "chairs" on the place, two holes are drilled. Fixing the ends of the "Lanenka" with bolted joints, it is tilted with an effort down to the ground. In the place where the profile has been cut, you need to breed a piece of steel plate to enhance the support node.

Horizontal ladder mount, putting it on the couches. After that, drill holes for the bolts in the bearing corners and the upper support profile of the couch. For a more reliable fastening of the overpass to the site to the "chairs" you can breed the eyes. Fixing them with a dowel to concrete or steel pins to the soil, you will protect yourself from the displacement of the parts of the overpass at the entrance to her car.

Making a trial entry, pay attention to the behavior of the inclined "Lestenka". If it begins, you will have to make two intermediate reference frames and attach them to bolted connections to the corners.

It may not always be nearby an overpack or lift to inspect the car from below or replace any detail in the preventive formation. Do not depend on external circumstances will help mini-ramp, which is quick, without much effort and costs can be made independently.


The easiest way is this fixture from wood, so we need to prepare:
  • edged boards of the desired length;
  • rollers for or carts - 4 pcs.;
  • screws and nails.
In our work we will use the following tools and accessories: tape measure, line and marker, circular and pendulum saw, nail gun, screwdriver, clamps and hammer.

Procedure for performing operations

From six edged boards, we make the side profile of the ramp.

To do this, taking into account the size of the wheels and the front of the car, we will place the inclined line on one of them with a roulette and marker.
Cut the placed board with a portable circular saw. Using the first workpiece as a template, mark the remaining five and also cut them.

We lay the four side profiles pairly in parallel on a flat surface of the base up and at the calculated distance from each other.
On each pair of lateral profiles, we put flush with their ends on the board. With the help of a novelty pistol, we fasten these elements of the ramp with nails, which finally finish the hammer.

To control the line, measure the distance between the side profiles in several places. From the fifth and sixth blanks with the contours of the side profile, we cut off the pendulum saw of two pairs of rectangular bars, taking into account the measurements made.

We insert them at the beginning and end of the straight sections of the side profiles that will perform the functions of strut and at the same time amplifiers. Fix them outside with nails.
The remaining wedge-shaped elements are labeled between the inclined areas of the side profiles and, fixing on top of one nail in a suitable place, the mounting is taken from below through the base board.

Cover the board, aligning its end with the ends of the side profiles, the upper horizontal platform and make a mark for cross-cut.

Nail a short part of the board to the horizontal portion of the side profiles with nails. The long part is drained to the short and fix the nails to the inclined area.

Open ends ramp close the board and cut it slightly above the top of the horizontal platform. This protrusion will serve as a wheel limiter, not allowing their rolling from the site. Also fix them to the ends of nails.

To the top of the restrictive element, the bottom is transversely screwed by two rollers using screws and screwdriver. Rollers will allow moving the ramp if necessary, which is much easier than to carry it on weight or wolf.

Check ramp in business

Drink and put the ramp in front of the front wheels of the car.

Carefully apply the machine forward, overcoming the inclined area of \u200b\u200bthe ramp, drive the front wheels to the horizontal platform. We put the car on the handbrake. Also, it will not be superfluous to substitute the focus under the rear wheel.

We are convinced that the distance from the floor to the Niza machine was quite spacious and can be easily located under it for a prophylactic examination or repair.

After completing the work, carefully let's go with the ramp and remove it into a secluded place where it will be until the next application.

If you do not have an observation pit for a car, you can replace it with your own hand in the garage or in your dacha, overpass. To do this, you will need a pair of sleepers and several thick boards or a bit of scrap metal, welding machine and Bulgarian. Of course, the pit in the garage is more convenient, but for various reasons you can not equip it in every garage. It may interfere with the proximity of underground communications or groundwater, and then, if you wish to repair a personal car, the exit for you will be a constructed overpass with your own hands.

Types of estakada

Depending on the size, the overpass for cars are of two types:

  1. For access to one car bridge.
  2. To enter the entire car.

Mini Estakada The first category is usually collapsible and requires a small amount of material in order to make it with your own hands. She is mobile, but not as convenient for the repair of the car with their own hands, as full-size. The inconvenience of mini overpass is that due to its small height, the implementation of the repair of the car with its own hands with its help is possible not in full growth.

Devices that give access to the front and to the back of the machine simultaneously, there are two types:

  • Installation, in the same place. Entry for their repair site occurs at best at an angle of about 30 ° K horizontal.
  • Located on a slope. Entry on them occurs without lifting up (horizontally).

Wishing to make a mini-flight to repair a car with their own hands, we present the simplest design, for the repetition of which the drawings do not need.

So, to make the simplest mini-flight for the car with your own hands, you need to put two pairs of sleepers in pairwise side surfaces to each other and combine the sleepers of each pair of each other with steel brackets. Turn over their brackets down and cut one end of each pair at an angle of about 30 ° to horizontal for the convenience of entering them. Put the pair parallel to each other, according to the width of the rut of your car, cut into one direction. Portable mini easter ready. The height of such a structure is regulated by lining the thickness of the cutting boards under the rectangular ends of the sleeve. So that the car does not roll from the overpass, make from trimming of the shoe boards and put them under the wheels when repairing. In order not to fall from the facility at the entrance to it, attach to the ends up two cutting boards so that they stick out a little up.

To work under the machine on such an overpass, be sure to get a piece of thick felt or at least an old cotton blanket. Do not leave health on the concrete floor.

Those who say that the car can and raise the car in such a height, I will object that if you put fat lumps for it, then not every jack raises so much, and secondly, it is much safer than on the jack.

Full-sized design

Those who do not want to endure the inconvenience when repairing their cars, we suggest making our hands a full-size version. You will be easier for it to enter it if you build it on the slope. Yes, and the boards will leave less. So it makes sense to look after the place on the slope for it. Of course, the overpass is better made of metal: it is stronger, does not absorb oil and rust is not as fast as a tree rotates. But if you have a tree in stock, the choice of material is obvious, not to buy the rental.

Metal installation

As a support, you can use two steel pipes with a diameter of at least 150 mm. They should be opened in the ground below the level of its freezing otherwise the height of the overpass with the onset of winter will increase, and in the spring it is reduced. After installation, the pits should be made to broken bricks, and it is better to concrete. If the depth of the primer of the soil in your area is small, block the supports into the ground at least meter. The height of the supports above the surface of the Earth depends on your growth, but should be no less than 1.5 meters.

It should be installed at a distance of about 5 meters from the intended entry to the overpass, and at a distance of each other equal to the rut of your car. From above to the supports of ribs down, put a segment of a width of about 150 mm wide, it should be 50 cm more than the width of your car. Welcome a channel to supports. After that, for the side stability of the structure, connect the supports of the cross with two corners. Four corners with ribs at least 7.5 cm about 5 m long laying in parallel with the ribs to each other, and the space between each pair fill in the sections of the reinforcement with a length of 50 cm and weld them to each, observing a straight angle. The resulting ladders put so that one side of everyone was on the edge of the chapellery, and the other on the ground. Check their horizontalities with a level. And also set out the width between the centers of the edges lying on the ground, which should be equal to King your car. We breed them to the chawller, and they are stopping, preventing the fall of the vehicle, and take greetings, you welded the flight from steel with your own hands.

Features of wooden structures

  • Instead of a pipe as a support, two segments of timber sections are used in a cross section of at least 15 × 15 cm.
  • The parts of the supports are knocked into the ground, for durability it is necessary to impregnate with a creosote or at least to work.
  • Each ladder should be collected from two boards with a thickness of 5 cm one of them width from 10 to 15 cm put on the edge. The other one width of about 40 cm put the plafhmy on top and nail to the first nails per hundred or fasten with screws.
  • In each bar, it is necessary to perform one reduction width of 5 cm and depth in accordance with the width of the boards set on the edge. Duties do in order to insert the lower boards in them. It is necessary to attach to the supports to the supports, it is not from top to the ends, but in front of the boards of the ladder coming out of the cut.
  • The stops can be done by briefing the screws to the supports of two cuts, so that they stick out over the traps.
  • To reduce the probability of slipping wheels from edges, it is advisable to make ribs. One of the options is to attach to the end of the upper board of the ladder with a thickness of about 2 cm and 10 cm wide. Fix better self-storms with flat hats with a length of 50 mm.
  • Below are crosslinked for the lateral stability of the design of the support, it is necessary to make a cross-cross-eater with two boards.

During the current and capital repairs in the garage conditions, the motorist has to pay a lot of attention to the incapregious space and. Some operations with the engine will be able to perform from above, but when diagnosing or restoring the suspension to work with a car from below. To ensure comfortable plumbing conditions in such situations you can in two ways: omit the repairman to a hole or raise the car on the flight. Most preference to raise the car, because it is a less costly option. However, before making a flight, it is necessary to prepare a project and choose materials for him, tools.

Methods for making the overpass for the car with their own hands.

Popular varieties of automotive hoists

Folk craftsmen implemented a large number of all sorts of designs that help it conveniently socose the car before repair. Thanks to such successful results, you can allocate popular groups of auxiliary equipment:

  • For one bridge. In such a situation, the car will have only one bridge, front or rear. The advantage of the form in compactness, since the large area is not required for it. Disadvantages are that the method is not suitable for integrated repair.
  • Full-size type. The format allows you to pitch a car completely lifting on a sufficient height of the whole body. The option is relevant to work under all the bottom, but requires a significant space and more materials for implementation.
  • Stationary type. Mounted in one place, for example, in the country, which minimizes mobility. It may have a good equipment, a close distance to electric and pneumatic connection, an indoor type is allowed.
  • Mobile variety. Presented in the form of a metal tumb or from wood. For mounting you need an even playground. After completing the work, the design is easily or another utility room. Easily adjusts to any type of vehicles when complying with load limits.

Important! Mobile overpass for cars made by hand, can be intended for both one bridge and for two.

How to independently make a collapsible auto estabida

Most motorists prefer collapsible auto elestacades. This is due to the fact that they will be able to do themselves with minimal costs, which will allow them to quickly pay off. At the stages of the development of this auxiliary device for repair of a passenger car, it will be necessary to consider some to which include:

  • the width and height of the basic tube, which relies with the design;
  • length of the Count part and the horizontal platform;
  • width for intercolespace (gauge).

The initial knowledge of the resistance area of \u200b\u200bmaterials will be welcomed, which will help to form durable knots and joints of the product, carrying out the mass of the vehicle without breaking or deformation. On materials should not save.

After various repairs there may be trimming boards. It is rationally to use them for making with your own hands the overpass, as the product from the tree will have a minimum weight with optimal strength. Popular is a design from a pair of meter bars with an approximate cross section of 200x200 mm. On one of the sides, wooden billets are cut at an angle of 40-450 to form the cage. Next, you feed the parts on a two-meter board with a cross section of about 200kh40 mm. We put ready-made products under the wheels and can travel to a mobile mini overpass from the boards with one of the bridges. For optimization, we recommend that fill the frontal bar from above as a retractable limiter. Although the height of the lift is small, but will allow a number of operations under the machine.

Another wooden type is the design, shot down from cropping boards with equal thickness of the blanks. Usually, the base for each support serves a pair of durable wide rails, a thickness of about 40 mm. and a length of 1.5-2.0 m. They are stuck on them across the planks to the desired height (about half a meter). The front part is also equipped with an antifotex. For ease of carrying to the design, loop straps made of durable material. The total cost of the product is minimal.

Larger reliability has or on a flat platform made with their own hands a metallic overpass. The product will be much harder than the wooden analog, as well as more expensive in the manufacture. However, homemade will last much longer and can withstand heavy cars. For the manufacture of a slide of metal, any material will be required:

  • profile rental (hollow square or rectangle);
  • pipes or fittings;
  • corner.

Everything is joined with a welding machine. The finished product is recommended to paint. Recommended vertical racks from the profile pipe. The horizontal platform is preferable to cook from fittings, and check-in - in the form of steps from the corner. The angle of arrival is desirable not to raise, therefore, 30-350 will be the best value. The horizontal part above is completed by a vertical focus that does not allow rollback. The height of the racks is chosen at the request of the car owner. The design can be used both for a full-fledged car race and as a ministacade for entering one bridge.

Convenience to users provides folding type of the flight. The option refers to an intermediate type between stationary and mobile structures. Thanks to its large dimensions, the hill gives a lot of space to repairers, and there is little space in a disassembled form. The designer consists of elements:

  • four standby bases;
  • two horizontal plates for moving;
  • two inclined plates for arrival.

Tubes are placed in a particular way that each of them is under the wheel of the car. Improve accessibility to wheel arches helps a maneuver at which horizontal beams are removed, while the car remains on the couches. Under the stationary version of the overpass will be required to find a smooth free platform. The cabinets usually add up of bricks, slag block or poured from concrete. Beams entrance and horizontal weld from metal corners, fittings and rolled products. The reinforced site can take not only passenger, but also truck cars with proper planning.

Phased manufacture

At home after the preparation of the plan, it is possible to start making the manufacture of Tumb. They can be made with straight corners and 60x60 cm with dimensions. And up to 80 cm high. For an inclined ladder, we use two three-meter corners of 60x60 mm. Located in parallel at a distance of 40 cm. We put the ladder between them after 60-65 mm. Armature with a diameter of 14 mm. and weld it. Similarly, a horizontal ladder is manufactured.


What type of overpass to collect, every motorist chooses based on current needs and perspectives. Optimal is a mini version or prefabricated design. The masters choose between cheap, practical wooden products and metal expensive, but durable structures.

Each car owner knows that the main "sores" of the car are hiding in two places: in the engine compartment and under the bottom. You can get to the engine by opening the hood. But to fix the suspension or remove the transmission, without climbing under the body, it will not work.

To perform work under the bottom, you can use the pit, lift or overpass. A pit can be equipped only in dry ground, so it is not available in all garages.

The lift is an expensive pleasure that the repair workshop can afford. As a result, a self-made autoquada for a car that does not require high costs and time for assembling remains for the ordinary motorist.

In this article, we will consider the most popular and affordable design, as well as step by step describing the process of their design and installation.

Depending on the budget and complexity of repair, there are two types of overpass structures:

  • Allow only one car bridge (front or rear).
  • Full-size (designed for entering the entire car).

The first option is economical and convenient. A mini-overpass for a partial arrival has small dimensions and weight. It is easily installed on a flat site and is removed after the repair is completed. The main drawback is in the work it is not as convenient, as a full-size design, since the car lift here does not exceed 50-60 centimeters.

Full-quality option is more expensive and more difficult in implementation, but gives the car owner simultaneous access to all body units. Note along the way, that regardless of the type of the overpass, it is necessary to make a drawing for its quality manufacturing, and when assembling it is accurate to withstand the dimensions of the design.

Three groups of sizes are especially important:

  • height and width of supporting Tumbers "Highchairs";
  • length of the ladder (entrance and horizontal);
  • route width.

In addition, attention should be paid to the docking nodes of the docks with couches. They must withstand the weight of the car without deformation.

Popular Options Overap for Auto Repair

The easiest view of the mini-overpass is two pairs of broken together cutting a wooden bar with a cross section of 20x20 cm. Cutting under the oblique angle the edge of such an improvised support, we will get a solid platform on which you can call in front of or handing the machine back (photo №1).

Photo 1. Two crashes of timber - the simplest lifting fixture for repair

Disadvantages of such support are obvious: there are no forwarding on the side of the side of the wheel, which requires the driver of the limit accuracy at the entrance. There is no rear "bidder", which will prevent a random congress. Stand height is insufficient for convenient access to the bottom.

There is a more perfect version of the wooden support for simple repair work. Such an overpacks on the cottage is made of cropping boards consistently shot into a wide shield. One of his face forms a step bias for entry (photo №2).

Photo №2 mini-overap from scraping boards

This design has a jackhammer and two straps for carrying. Its width can be chosen such to drive to inspect the machine without risk of wheel breakdown. The cost and complexity of manufacturing such a stand is minimal.

Most often, mini-overaps are made from profile metal (pipes, corners and reinforcement). They are more durable and stronger wooden. An example of such a design you see in the photo number 3.

Picture №3 Stand Outacade from Corner

Instead of a corner for the bearing part of the ladder, you can use fittings or pipe. Explifting the horizontal ladder for 1 meter, we will get a mini-overpass more convenient for work. Using it, it can be reached by most of the units located under the bottom of the body (photo №4).

Photo №4 Extended Options Overap Stand

Completes the review of the compact design of the mini-flight for the car collapsible type. It occupies an intermediate position between portable and stationary options (photo №5, 6, 7).

Photo №5 Portable overpass assembled

An important feature of this design is the ability to dismantle horizontal labels after entering the car for convenient access to the wheeled arches and thresholds.

Photo № 6 Option of partial assembly of the overpass for lifting one part of the body

Photo №7 In disassembled form, the universal flight is completely placed in the garage

It is possible to work, lying or sitting under the car, but not too comfortable. Therefore, for regular repairs, a stationary high-tip, assembled on the Foundation column (photo No. 8), is needed.

Photo number 8 stationary auto-station from metal on a concrete base

Such a design, if necessary, will take not only the car, but also a small truck or bus.

How to make a collapsible auto elestacade yourself?

The manufacture of the design begins with the preparation of a detailed drawing. By making it, you can take into account and think over all the assembly stages, avoiding errors inherent in hastily performed work.

The collapsible overpass must have the following dimensions:

  • The length of the entrance and horizontal ladder is equal to the length of the car + 1 meter.
  • The width of the ladder is a minimum of 40 cm.
  • Height of supporting Tumb - 70-80 cm.
  • The width of the upper part of the supporting tab is equal to the width of the trap.

In order to make the battery durable, do not save on the metal. For traps you need to buy an equalone corner of 63 mm. Supporting cabinets "Chairs" can be welded from angle with a width of the shelf 50 mm. Filling the trails is made by reproductive reinforcement with a cross section of at least 14 mm.

Without a welding machine, grinder and drill to work better do not start. In addition to the assembly tool, you need to prepare 12 pairs of bolts and nuts for fastening gears to "chairs".

Stages of work

The first step is the manufacture of supporting tumb. They need to give a trapezoidal form to increase sustainability. To accurately assemble the base and top of the "chair" cut in size, the angle must be decomposed on the OSB plate, fixing each other with clamps or the magnets of the welder.

First weld the bottom base of all four supports. Then they collect the frames of the upper sites and the legs from the corner are attached to them. The final stage is the installation of the upper frames with legs into the lower supports and the fixation of them with welding.

Please note that on the assembly circuit, one of the corners of the upper frame will be rotated up and forms a bump to protect the wheels from the breakdown from the overpass. On the end supports you need to fight another one jacking corner. They will not let the car move from the ladder.

In order to make an overpack with your own hands as stable as possible, you can install cross-links from the steel profile. It is fixed by bolts to the stands. This measure will not be superfluous because it will increase the rigidity of the entire design.

The horizontal and entry lady are made from angle of 63 mm and reinforcement rods that perform the role of "ladder". The length of the inclined ladder for the passenger car should be at least 3 meters. The size of the horizontal section is selected by adding 1 meter to the length of the car. The width of the traps is at least 40 cm.

Before installing the reinforcement rods, the corners turn over so that their shelves look up and served as an external sidelight. "Lestenka" will turn out to be smooth if the profile is laid on a solid horizontal platform. Attach it to concrete or asphalt is difficult. Therefore, two transverse corners can be used as a mounting base. To them, guides "Lanenki" are fixed by clamps. Having done this operation, you can start the welding process. The cuts of profiled reinforcement will be more convenient to set, using a 63 mm corner as a template.

Making an inclined trapping overpack for car repair is slightly different from the assembly horizontal. It needs to leave a free end of 10 cm long (without reinforcement rods), which will serve as a docking node. The vertical edge of the profile is cut through the grinder to the horizontal shelf. After that, it is necessary to bind the docking ends.

If you do not have a bending machine, and there is a couple of solid weight friends, then ask them to climb into the end to create a counterweight of the bend. Before this operation, you need to put inbound ladder horizontally, put it with its free end. In the support part of the profile and the corner of the "chairs" on the place, two holes are drilled. Fixing the ends of the "Lanenka" with bolted joints, it is tilted with an effort down to the ground. In the place where the profile has been cut, you need to breed a piece of steel plate to enhance the support node.

Horizontal ladder mount, putting it on the couches. After that, drill holes for the bolts in the bearing corners and the upper support profile of the couch. For a more reliable fastening of the overpass to the site to the "chairs" you can breed the eyes. Fixing them with a dowel to concrete or steel pins to the soil, you will protect yourself from the displacement of the parts of the overpass at the entrance to her car.

Making a trial entry, pay attention to the behavior of the inclined "Lestenka". If it begins, you will have to make two intermediate reference frames and attach them to bolted connections to the corners.