Repairs Design Furniture

Fashionable curtain fabrics. Modern trends in fashion curtains.

Anyone is trying to arrange a house so that it is cozy, stylish and fashionable. Professional designers have many different techniques that help to transform the room in a certain atmosphere. One of the strong techniques is the scenery of windows. Decorated in a specific window style, set the tone to the entire residential space. Modern tendencieswill tell what now fashion curtains And what will be fashion curtains in 2017.

How to choose curtains?

If I wanted to be a designer or simply do not pay him, but to do everything yourself, transform your home, you need to follow some prompts, in order to competently pick up fashionable modern curtains.

It is necessary to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, how many windows in it, their size. The color of the room, furniture, the type of its upholstery, decorative elements in the room, all this must approach the window design. It is necessary to present well as the selected fashionable design of the curtains will be combined with common interior Rooms and finishing of its walls.

Fashion curtains in the living room

Looking at the photo of fashionable curtains, it can be said that this style is minimalized. Laconic and simple. But this should not be infringed with convenience and functionality.

Like any classic, straight to the floor curtains is a win-win version. You can not apply garardine at all, while the room is filled with warmth and light, which will penetrate into all its corners. An excellent option, such curtains will become, if there are two narrow windows nearby. Located between them, some decorative element will be a logical conclusion of the living room design.

Horizontal decorative drape or lambrene at the top of the curtains is better used in rooms with high ceilings. Because of the volume of such curtains, they are not profitable to hang them in small living rooms, as they will seem low and narrow. IN modern styles Especially prevailing simplicity. And such curtains are no longer decorated with such accessories as, tassels. The fringe and other other decor.

In modern interiors are considered the most fashionable curtains - rolled. Pictures made on such curtains of cotton and flax, are perfectly suitable for a solid background.

Roman curtains are well suited for kitchen or bedrooms. They are well combined with ordinary curtains Or they themselves become a pleasant decoration for the window.

For the living room fit perfectly vertical blinds from the fabric. They do not exceed the bright daylight and give visually the height of the room. Such curtains give the rigor to the room, and make a warm cozy atmosphere will no longer be released. In the horizontal version, such curtains are weakly protected from light, they are perfectly combined with classic designs Curtain in white execution.

Curtains with plastic or metal rings. Everything is also popular in various fashion versions. They are always neat and restrained. Only dense tissue curtains are dressed on such rings. This type of curtains is great in children's rooms, they are elegant and simple, and beautiful drawings with fabulous animals, plants or patterns will become an excellent addition to the nursery.

Color selection for trendy curtains

Today are popular in the colors of wildlife. Based on the color on the walls, the color of the curtains on the tone is darker or lighter. Such colors are dominated as: walnut, gray blue and various shades of green. White color is also in trend, as always. It visually gives the volume and makes the design by air and light.

An attractive will be an option from Roman curtains in which there are strips of light and dark tones of fabrics. If you wish to make a common tone of the room darker, simply collect the chart so that the dark strips lay onto the bright.

Drawings on the curtains today came to us from fashion in the 80s ready last century. They are presented in the form of strips, big flowers, geometric shapes.

A good complement to the design of the living room is also a hauling furniture with covers or adding pillows for the sofa. To circumvent styles, the type of furniture fabric must be one tone. With this execution, striped curtains or black and white tone will be well combined. If the living room has drawings on the furniture and walls, it is better to use the scope and the curtain itself, different colors, which will be similar to the color of the drawings on the furniture or walls.

Well-decorated windows - this is the face of your home. Deciding and choosing the most fashionable curtains in new designs, give the room not only good viewBut also add functionality. You can not choose one color or design of a curtain, which will become a fashionable embodiment for any type of room, because fashion strives to be democratic. If you really want to decorate your home, then you do not need to redo everything in it. Textiles will help in this. After all, he is mobile, and it can be easily changed. At the same time, your home is significantly transformed in a miraculous way.

Photo of the most fashionable curtains of 2017 in the interior

Decoration of premises with curtains - real art. In this article we will tell you how to make a room with the help of Gardin and Porter. Designer Tips will help visually enlarge small space And, on the contrary, make a cozy - big. Fashionable design Curtains in 2017 implies the following ideas.

Curtains 2017 in the style of cafe or curtains with shutters

This model has been conquered relatively long ago by the hearts of the township. As you probably already understood from the name, they are used for the design of small and cozy cafes. They consist of two canvases, have a sufficiently small length and attach to the small eaves right above the window. As a rule, the curtains cover the window only to the middle. This allows the sunlight to penetrate the room, but it becomes muted and neuropric. Cafe style curtains sew from a fabric with a print. As a drawing, you can use polka dots, squares and floral motifs. Than the flow of and brighter will be color, the more original will look at your end. You can stay on the concise white version. Remember that design similar to this is preferable for kitchen windows or balcony openings. Among the high living room or bedrooms, the curtain cafe will look inappropriate. If we talk about styles in the interior for which the curtains are suitable, then among them certainly "Provence" and "Country".

Curtains 2017 on french manner

This is an exquisite option for the design of a large and bright room, such as living room. French curtains combine simultaneously sophistication and luxury. For their tailoring, weightless silver or organza is used. The curtain itself consists of several segments. They can be 3-4 or more, depending on the size of the windows. Each segment is laid into lush outlaws. Such curtains perfectly fit into the interior decorated in a classic way. We advise you to use calm color gamut Bed tones, as in the photo below.

Curtains 2017 in Roman style

The name of this model received due to similarity with warehouses on Tog - upper clothes once wearable in great Rome. Semicircular warehouses are formed on the cloth due to dense cords, going through the cloth. Using them, the curtains can be lifted upwards, linen or lower down. As a rule, Roman curtains make short, up to half the window no more. The tilt for sewing must be a silky light.

Curtains 2017 - Roller

Fashion for minimalism has not passed the decor of window outlook. In 2017, laconic rollers made of fabric took one of the leading places. Such a curtain is a dense web, which with the help of a special mechanism is spinning and turns from a narrow roll located at the top of the window into an elegant curtain. Rollers can be made not only from the fabric. So, for example, a bamboo suitable for the kitchen. Tight and opaque it will perfectly protect you on a summer sunny day from bright rays in the kitchen. You can choose as coloring for rollers floral print, geometric pattern and much more. Let your fantasy limit nothing!

Curtains Curtains 2017.

Under the porters imply dense curtains from heavy fabrics that do not miss the light especially appropriately arrange the bedroom. Together with massive porters on window hole Love weightless curtains from transparent tulle. Usually, the curtains have a length of the floor. Closer to the end they are intercepting satin ribbon or brushes that are attached to the walls. If there is a need to muffle the lighting in the room, the curtains are spread across the width. Otherwise, collected on the sides. The color of the port must be calm and low. It is better to choose a cloth without a large drawing.

Curtains "Colored Blocks" 2017

The English version of this name sounds Color Block. This model It appeared relatively recently in our market, but has already managed to gain popularity. Imagine a cloth curtains stitched from several stripes different color. This is the curtains blocks. You can create a masterpiece yourself, sowing for sewing machine personally. Such curtains will give your interior with ease and identity.

Variation on color panels are japanese curtains. Their photo is shown below. The same system of smooth canvases is attached to the eaves. Only here the cloth can now be combined from the tissues of different textures.

Curtains 2017 - gradient

This model is largely echoing with block curtains. But at the same time there is a smooth transition of color on the fabric. The design of the room looks in a new way!

Curtains 2017 with print

Want to do bright accent On the windows? Use the good old designer reception - Curtains with a print. It is they who are able to "revive" any room in which mostly monophonic elements are involved. Ideal for large spaces.

Curtains 2017 in the ceiling niche

The abundance of fabric flowing from under the ceiling creates the impression of a real curtain. This technique is often used in design. stylish interior. At the same time, the curtains can be thin and weightless, and may be dense canvas that protect the room from light ..

Fashion curtains in 2017 (photo)

The curtains and curtains have long ceased to be only practical elements of the design of windows that protect from the Sun and prying eyes. Thanks to a variety of assortment modern materialsCurtains effectively continues any interior style by setting a point in the decoration of the situation. To hit friends and relatives with excellent taste, you should not lose sight of fashion trends, considering all the nuances - from color to decorative details. What are the models now in trend?

Fashion curtains

The main directions of 2017

Fashion curtains 2017 are primarily popular for several years design solutions In the style of Shebbi Chic, implying the use of the resulting materials with scuffs or very light (imitating burntable) tissues. This style is presented in the form of a curtain, externally reminiscent of paintings written by watercolor of famous painters. Particularly suitable in the hall or living room.

Also, Fashion 2017 dictates the following rules for design of windows:

Popular decor elements

Curtains this season is not only suitable fabric, suitable color and competently selected style, but also special decorative decorations.

Here you can allocate the following trends:

  • Edging. This element must be harmonized with a common Gardin and at the same time create a spectacular contrast. It does not need to choose too rich tones, because in the favorite tenderness and ease. You can decorate textile ruffles of soft fabric, when decorating the rest of the rooms optimal option There will be a fluffy fringe or a seamless satin ribbon;
  • Drapery. To form neat fashionable folds will help special devices selected depending on the type of fastening system and. Machines attached to walls or eaves It is advisable to choose with a trendy floral pattern.
  • Embroidery and drawing. Such a decor is especially relevant for halls and bedrooms in the Art Deco or Baroque style. The kitchen or children's rooms can be arranged using fashionable curtains and tulle from lightweight material with an elegant weightless embroidery in the form of an openwork pattern or stroit.
Room decor

Fashionable materials

The room decorated with fashionable trends is decorated with linen, cotton or woolen curtains (better wear resistance is characteristic of flax). As in the previous season, now fashion curtains sew mostly from natural materials. Therefore, along with the above options, bamboo models remain popular. Also, a combination of natural and synthetic fibers is allowed.

From synthetic models that complement the fashionable list of this year, such types of curtains like dense eggs are in popularity. They not only decorate the window opening, but at the same time zonate the room, so you can visually divide the space. Light curtain It is proposed in a rainbow or monophonic design with decoration of stones, beads, rhinestones. There are options decorated with ribbons. If you wish, you can combine the filament curtains and dense curtains.

Among the fashion trends and watercolorism characterized by using blurred colors. Choosing a fashionable blue or green tint And such an execution technique, it is possible to create a modern interior of a living room or a cabinet. Watercolor design of burgundy and dark red flowers will suit For a spacious dining room. It should be remembered that only light tower curtains can be red. Creating a spring mood and feeling of lightness watercolor curtains are particularly suitable for modern style.

And, of course, you can not forget about popular gray color, calm wine, beige shades. Fashionable porters of the 16th year are created by using combinations of dark tones and softening them. beige colour. In addition, the spectacular combination is achieved by a combination of light tulle of a dark brown shade with dense beige curtains, for sewing a heavy tissue is selected. Separate element The interior not tied to the overall setting during the design of bedrooms and halls, there may be a beige curtain.

Along with Beige, it does not lose popularity. But this season it is unwanted to be used in its pure form. SAME fashion options are light curtains With the ornament or dark shade of chocolate color.

Separately indicated the color palette for curtains with ethno-prints. Such models are performed only in natural shades, as softness is the defining criterion of ethnic style, glamor is inappropriate.

Advantages of the room design in trendy style

Curtains are an indispensable interior attribute, since without this element it is impossible to create a complete picture, fill the room with heat, comfort. Choosing fashionable curtains, it is possible to simply transform the usual situation with minimal cost.

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The windows are always in sight, so the corresponding fashion trends Curtains and Gardina immediately emphasize the wonderful taste of the hostess, the desire to meet the requirements modern fashion. Properly selected curtains can not only bring fashion trends in the situation, but also hide the disadvantages of the room, distracting attention bright colors, original forms, decor.

Today, curtains are a mandatory element of all window Operactions. They help refresh the interior or make it brighter. Interesting, bedrooms and living rooms appear every year. These include unusual color solutions, new types of fabrics, interesting accessories, weathered in a certain stylist. In order not to get lost in the ocean of proposals, we suggest discussing the most fashionable curtains of 2017.

Main trends in 2017

Although fashion on the curtain is not so changeable as Haute Couture, it still has its own new items that everyone needs to know who chooses textiles for their apartment.

  1. This year, all natural and close to nature will be popular. And the curtains, as testifying the photos of new products, did not remain aside. In fashion, not only natural matter, but also colors, prints that identify nature. Already now we can safely say that silk, cotton, flax and organza will be in favor. A special position is occupied by flax - high strength and lightweight material. Bamboo curtains and solutions that combine natural fabrics and synthetics will be relevant.
  2. Another main feature in the design of the new season is one-time. Designers are confident that even one correctly chosen base shade can recreate the character of the whole room. And you can easily agree with them if you look at the interior photos. Here, as it is impossible, the well-known rule is working: the lighter wallpaper, the more saturated color should be the curtains, and vice versa. However, this does not mean that in the room with snow-white walls it is impossible to hang white curtains from organza. Interior stylists allow such a merger. And if you judge the photo, then this technique looks very not bad.
  3. Another trend that is popular for several seasons is one-way. If you want your interior to be relevant, then use only Gardina window or only Tulle. Both variants in the same composition are multi-layered.

Fashionable color solutions

Color is the main criterion that determines the nature of the curtain, and therefore, and the entire interior. Now at the peak of popularity shades of nature. Dark and cool tones are particularly honored: gray, blue, green, brown and nut. In addition, many stylists recommend to give preference to blue-green curtains, they not only fit perfectly in almost any design, which can be judged by the photo, but also refresh the room. For example, can be represented by soft yellowish-green curtains. The spacious guest room will look good for stylish ciano color curtains.

Not to lose its relevance and white colorwhich, along with fabric air, creates the effect of lightness and helps to visually "push the space". At the same time, the snow-white can be not only curtains from organza, but also curtains. In the latter case, it is better to select lungs in silk or cotton.

Actual prints and drawings

Although one of the main trends in 2017, it is quite well combined with another stylish trend - bright and original prints. It should be noticed that in the fashion eccentric 80s, which naturally affected the design of apartments. Now the eclecticism is popular, and together it is the fashionable colors of those times. Relevant large flowers, geometric figures, wide and narrow strips and futuristic prints.

Natural motives are equally popular. If you are interested in what, then these are images of representatives of flora and fauna, landscapes, imitation under the skins of wild animals, etc.

It is also worth noting that the design of Gardin is characterized by decorativeness. This means that there is no direct functionality (protection against the obsessive sun and curious eyes), but its harmony with the overall style of the room. Therefore, as ever will be relevant curtains with a print that repeats the drawing on textile or ornament on the walls.

Stylish models of 2017

If we talk about the types, then one of the main trends in the interior design is the bulk curtains. The abundance of drapets and layers from different materials - All this visually increases the space. It is important that the curtains are sewn exclusively from light and bright fabrics. Otherwise it will give the opposite effect.

In the new season, Japanese and Roman curtains will not lose their relevance. The first are tissue canvas that move along the opening like the doors in the wardrobe. A wonderful idea to hang such, they miss the light well and make it softer. The second option is a design of wide textile bands that are developing through a special mechanism. They can be adjusted in length depending on their own preferences. Such stylish curtains will become an excellent solution for the bedroom and the style of minimalism, as well as for the balcony.

Gardina at the chamoirs should not be called a novelty, while they are also popular in the new season. That way they may look. In fashion, smooth falds from the ceiling to the floor.

Tip: To visually increase the height of the room, use eaves that are fastened to the ceiling.

In a room with high ceilings, stylish, air curtains on the "hidden" profile cornices will look good. The flowing curtains can be replaced by the «Kieos» with the binding curtains. Actual as one-color threads and multicolored options decorated with beads and rhinestones.

Curtains with swags and lambrequins are rare in the new season. This option is more acceptable for large roomsWeathered B. classic style. If you like such an idea, then choose the same material for curtains and lambrequins.

Curtains play a very important role in the interior design of any room, because they not only "protect" you from curious eyes, but are an element of the decor of the room. Therefore, it is necessary to select new curtains for the hall very scrupulously, paying attention to the whole list of nuances. Today we will talk about how fashionable curtains for the hall 2016-2017 should be, we will tell about the main trends in the world of window textiles and give a number useful Soviets For those who seek in the interior of their home to combine both the functionality and beauty, keeping up with modern trends.

Curtains for the hall 2016-2017: Trends

Fashion for minimalism and concluded Scandinavian design with styles with these styles and emphasized simplified approaches to the design of the windows began to learn. It is nice to note that in the collections of fashionable window textiles since 2016, more magnificent, bright, complex and elegant trends began to appear. Therefore, we will gladly present you the following landmarks that will help you choose fashionable and functional curtains to the hall and be sure that they will not come out of fashion in the next few years:

1. Lush decoration

As we have already mentioned, laconism in the design of interiors begins to take positions, which means that simple and modest, practical "naked" windows go into the past. Long live intricate drapery, lush multi-layered and heavy, luxurious curtains.

2. Saturated, dynamic colors

Also exit from fashion minimalism and scandinavian style marks the return of bright and saturated colors of window textiles. And what can be better supplemented by the atmosphere of the room and make it more cozy and memorable, if not the curtains in the correct color selected? Especially good bright curtains In the cold and rainy season - they create the illusion of a warm sunny day and raise the mood.

We note that in 2016-2017, the curtains for the sea wave color hall, a noble emerald color, the exotic color of the tropical jungle (and the corresponding prints cannot also be ignored) will be extremely popular.

3. Curtains for the hall 2016-2017: Natural materials

In this case, we are talking about vertical and horizontal blinds From a tree and rolled scot from bamboo, which for several years in a row included in the list of the most relevant "window" trends. Wood and bamboo blinds are not only reliable protection From the Sun, but also complete environmental harmlessness, natural tones and a memorable style for your home.

Note that popularity is gaining rolled curtainsthat close up upwards. This option rolled curtains is one of the most profitable and convenient for people living on the first floor (curtains can be raised to a certain height to close the review from the street, but at the same time the upper part of the window remains open and penetrates enough into the room sunlight) and for those who ripen hide their houseplants From direct sunlight.

In order to pick up ideal curtains For the 2016-2016 hall, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • room Metage and Halways;
  • the number and shape of the windows;
  • stylistic interior design;
  • interior color palette;
  • color, texture and other furniture upholstery features;
  • color, texture and prints (if any) wallpaper or wall coatings;

Note that the use of such bulky and immediately catching up decorative elements In the hall is permissible only if you have a spacious room with high ceilings. Otherwise, you risk making a room visually even closer, and the ceilings are even lower.

Cotton and flax rolled curtains modern interiorwhich can be used as in combination with classic curtainsand separately - depending on the interior stylistic solutions chosen by you.

Beautifully and modernly watch rolled curtains for the 2016-2017 hall made of thin translucent print material. Such curtains are perfectly combined with severe monophonic porters.

Roman curtains also fit perfectly into the interior of the hall, allowing you to create a spectacular, classic design.

If you pick up textile blinds for sting,pay attention to the vertical blinds - it is this option perfectly fit into a strict living room interior. Note that such an option is especially good for small lounges with low ceilings: laconic vertical blinds will provide your room perfect illumination and allow you to visually increase her in the pattern and make the ceilings visually higher.

However, horizontal textile blinds can be used in the interior of the hall. But in this case, give preference to light shades.

Very modern and stylishly look at the curtains for the 2016-2017 hall on the chalks or rings. This is a very practical and convenient trend that many mistresses appreciated:

Curtains for the 2016-2017 hall: Trend colors

Dense dark monophonic curtains are an immortal classic that will never come out of fashion. In a fairly bright and spacious hall, dark curtains will look very exquisitely and stylish.

How to choose the drawing of the curtain to the wallpaper drawing: follow simple rule: If there is a drawing on your walls, it is better to choose one-picture curtains without print and vice versa - if the walls are monophonic, then you can pour yourself curtains with a print.

For those who want to make a hall visually more spacious and light, you should choose curtains from the fashionable palette of pastel shades.

For rooms with dark walls the best option There are curtains curtains from translucent and lightweight fabrics of light leaks.

All shades brown color - From bitter chocolate to Light Beige should also be considered if you want to acquire a trendy curtains for the 2016-2017 hall. These natural and calm shades will make the interior of your living room more sophisticated and rich and bring the room to the atmosphere of the comfort and peace.

Bright curtains of trendy orange, red, yellow or emerald-zeletono colors can be the main focus of any room. If your interior was created in more comfortable and muted tones, then bright curtains are just what you need in order to bring color glare into the decoration of the hall. And when one or another sharp color you get tired - it is easy to replace it to another - just changing the curtains.

Curtains for the 2016-2017 hall may well be with prints - currently very fashionable both bright and large floral prints in watercolor sizzling and simple laconic geometric motifs, as well as intricate abstract prints. Note that curtains with vertical stripes or waves are perfect for small rooms with low ceiling - They make a room visually above and more.

Light and weightless and such a romantic-gentle curtain from Tuli never goes out of fashion and if you are looking for for your windows in the hall of curtains in a romantic style, then why not try this classic option?

Especially good snow-white translucent tulle curtains in combination with dense dark curtains.