Repair Design Furniture

What you need to make tiles. Preparation of the components of the future concrete. Forms for the production of paving slabs

Paving slabs appeared in our country quite recently - in the 90s - and were a clear opposite of the materials that were used at that time, therefore it very quickly conquered the construction market and became very popular, as a result of which the production business paving slabs and today it is very relevant. The main advantages that explain the popularity of paving slabs are the ease of installation, sophisticated appearance and durability.

Here you will consider everything related to its production: equipment (vibrating table, machine, vibrating press), forms, manufacturing technology.

Business plan

Here we will not consider the points of the summary, market analysis and the organizational plan for the production of paving slabs, because in all business plans they are almost identical, but we will consider only the most basic information with prices that will help you in drawing up your business plan, because it is different for each company.

If you do not know how to draw up one, you can download a business plan template, which is the source for any example.

Necessary equipment

In this case, you will need the following minimum equipment for the production of paving slabs:

  • Concrete mixer;
  • Pouring vibrating table;
  • Deforming vibrating table with a set of frames for splitting;

The cost of such a minimum set of machines will be 100-500 thousand rubles. If you like convenience and speed, then it would be better to purchase a stationary vibropress for the production of paving slabs - an automated and semi-automatic line for the production of tiles and similar concrete products, but it costs from 1.5 million rubles.

Vibrating press for the production of paving slabs and other concrete products / Line price 1.5 million rubles

It should be noted right away that these machines and lines are not specialized, i.e. they can be used to make not only paving slabs, but also other similar products: various blocks, bricks, curbs. The only thing that is needed for this is the molds for making. All this is a huge advantage of this business.

In addition, you will also need a transformer, a hydraulic trolley, a loader (in case you decide to shift the finished mixture not with your hands), shovels, trowels, wheelbarrows and the like.

It is not enough to have only equipment, because one of the key components is the forms for the production of paving slabs. They are the main consumables... They look like this:

They are inexpensive - from 20 to 100 rubles apiece. The price depends on the complexity of their execution and the material spent on them. They are made of plastic.

Manufacturing technology

The process itself is quite simple and does not require any special skills. The whole technology for the production of paving slabs and the whole process looks like this (see video):

Concrete mix recipe

  1. Textured layer... It provides the basic quality indicators of the tiles. Composition of one cbm. ready-mixed concrete: cement - 500 kg, crushed stone with sand (2: 1), plasticizing additives - consumption depending on the additive used, dye - 7.5-12 kg.
  2. Base layer... It gives the paving slabs the desired thickness and is the main carrier of strength. Composition of one cbm. ready-mixed concrete: cement - 250 kg, crushed stone with sand (1: 1), plasticizing additives - consumption, depending on the additive used, there is no dye.

Manufacturing process

Consider a technology using conventional equipment:

  1. It is necessary to prepare concrete with pigment in a smaller concrete mixer (see the paragraph "Preparation of pigment"), and in a larger concrete mixer without pigment.
  2. We lay out the forms of paving slabs tightly to each other on a vibrating table.
  3. With a layer of 1-2 cm, it is necessary to spread colored concrete (covering the bottom of the mold as much as possible). No dye is required in the manufacture of ordinary gray paving slabs.
  4. Next, you need to turn on the vibrator for 5-10 seconds. During this time, the concrete will cover the bottom with an even layer. Vibrations of the vibrating table top should be moderate.
  5. Add the concrete without pigment to the molds up to their edges. Turn on the vibrator for another 5-10 seconds. Excess concrete needs to be cut metal corner aligning it to the edge.
  6. After filling the paving slabs with concrete and the end of vibration, carefully smooth the mortar in the molds (wipe). If the amount of concrete is not enough, then you need to add it to the mortar and rub it without vibration. Arrange the smoothed tile shapes on pallets in layers, laying each layer with plastic sheets. The total number of layers should be no more than 10.
  7. Cover pallets with filled forms plastic wrap... This is to keep it from drying out. It is allowed to move them no earlier than 48 hours after the tile pouring procedure.
  8. Before knocking out pavement tiles, it is necessary to heat up to 60-70 degrees Celsius in a water bath, keeping each in it for no more than 2 minutes. The heated mold is placed on a vibrating table for knocking out paving slabs. It should be noted that stripping the formwork without preheating shortens the mold life by approximately 30% and can lead to scrap. finished products especially on thin tiles.
  9. Drying of finished products in natural conditions occurs within 2 days. Pallets with products can be moved no earlier than 48 hours after pouring.
  10. After stripping the paving slabs are placed on Euro pallets "face to face", tying them with packing tape. To ensure the further hardening of concrete and preserve the presentation of the products, they must be covered with a polyethylene heat-shrinkable or stretch film.
  11. In summer, paving slabs are released when they reach 70% of the design strength, which approximately corresponds to 7 days of concrete hardening, counting from the moment of its manufacture. In winter, vacation must be done when 100% of the design strength is reached (28 days from the moment of concrete preparation).

Pigment preparation

Inorganic powder pigments must be mixed with water before their use until a uniform sour cream-like consistency is formed. Then this mixture is infused in this form for at least 1 hour. This is necessary to increase the dispersion of pigments, the value of which characterizes the coloring power of the sidewalk tiles.

Remember that this is a rather expensive component of concrete, in addition to the fact that an increase in its content deteriorates the quality of concrete, as a result of which a decrease in its share in concrete with sufficient saturation is desirable. This prepared dye can be stored for a long time, because has a stable formula, but the color may become even brighter during storage, which makes it a little economical to add to paving slabs, because the dispersion of the pigment will increase. Before adding concrete to the mixture, it must be mixed.

PS: Plastic molds for the production of paving slabs are usually washed in weak solution of hydrochloric acid(5-7%). You can use a higher concentration, but it will already be dangerous for you. After washing in acid, rinse them with additional water.

Paving slabs - simple and reliable way arrange a garden path, path, driveway in the country or lay out a site in the courtyard of a private house. Depending on the place of application, different requirements are imposed on the tiled surface of the tracks, regarding the strength and the method of laying.

One of the factors that determines the durability of the tile walkway is the laying mortar. At the same time, many people prefer to make paving slabs with their own hands.

Vibro-pressed or vibrocast tiles

In terms of technology industrial production, tiles can be made in two ways:

Vibrated paving slabs(cheaper, used in private construction).

Manufacturing technology: concrete solution is poured into molds, which are installed on a vibrating surface. In the process of vibration, the solution evenly fills the mold and air bubbles come out of it. After that, the forms are placed on the drying racks. After 2-3 days, the tiles are removed and dried.

Vibro-pressed paving slabs(more durable, intended for use in places with intense traffic).

The production technology is similar, but the solution is additionally pressed down with a press (vibropress). The result is a more compacted mixture and, accordingly, a more durable material structure. The tiles are dried in special chambers.

You can only make vibrocast tiles for paths, paths on your own. Immediately we focus attention - homemade paving slabs are not intended for laying in places of heavy traffic, but will become indispensable for the formation of garden paths in the country.

Which paving slabs are better - vibrocast or vibropressed?

According to reviews on the forums, 80% of users agree that the best paving slabs are those that are manufactured at the factory by vibrocompression. It is more expensive (~ 20%), but more durable. The point is that a denser concrete is obtained with fewer pores, respectively, the tile absorbs little water, does not crumble and is resistant to abrasion.

But, pressed tiles have a limited choice of colors and shapes, and cast tiles, on the contrary, are simple to manufacture, which means they are more affordable, plus, you can cast almost any shape, and a large selection of shades.

Tiles are subject to the greatest destruction in winter, when water that gets inside the concrete freezes and expands. Of course, you can protect vibrocast tiles with hydrophobic compounds, but this will not make them eternal, the service life is less than that of pressed tiles. However, for private use on a tight budget, homemade paving slabs can be fine.

How to distinguish vibrocast from vibropressed tiles?

Visually. The first will have a non-uniform smooth structure, the second - a homogeneous, rough. Paradoxically, the vibrocast is more beautiful in appearance (at the time of sale) - bright, smooth (examples in the photo). The difference manifests itself during operation.

Advantages of paving slabs

Why did paving slabs become popular, leaving asphalt, concreted and bulk slabs far behind? Because paving slabs for paths in the country have a number of advantages over other types of coverage:

- moisture and vapor permeability of the coating. Natural microflora is preserved under the path, laid out of tiles, and moisture evaporation occurs as when the soil is loosened, i.e. more uniform. This does not interfere with the growth of the roots of shrubs and trees, and plants growing along the garden path do longer without watering;

- aesthetics. Thanks to the various shapes and colors of the tiles, you can make a beautiful drawing (lay out an ornament, a pattern) on summer cottage; - maintainability and the ability to replace, move concrete tiles if necessary; - durability. Cooked and
, will be in operation for 50 years; - the ability to build tracks of complex configuration with your own hands.

There are two ways to get sidewalk and walkway tiles.

  • First, buy ready-made paving slabs. Less hassle, faster, easier and not much more expensive. But no one is immune from counterfeiting in this industry, and making paving slabs with your own hands gives confidence in its quality.
  • Second, do it yourself. We will consider this method in detail, starting with the material and ending with demolding.

Workshop on making paving slabs

Material for the manufacture of paving slabs

You can't make a quality product from just about anything. Therefore, in the process of listing, we will focus on the properties of the material and the requirements for them.

1. Cement

Determines the quality of the tile. What cement to use for paving slabs? To make the mortar, you need high grade cement (M400 - minimum, ideally M500). Cement grade refers to its compressive strength. Accordingly, the higher the grade of cement, the stronger the concrete solution will be, which forms the basis of the recipe for the production of paving slabs. The use of M-500 cement will give the tiles such properties as frost resistance, strength and water resistance.

Only fresh cement is suitable for the manufacture of tiles (for a month of storage, cement loses 5% of its properties). You can check the quality of the cement by squeezing a handful of powder in a fist. If it seeps through your fingers - the material is fresh, if it gets into a lump - it is better not to buy.

Note. You should not try to save money by purchasing the M 300 brand, because in this case, the consumption of cement will increase significantly.

2. Filler for cement (concrete) mortar

  • large filler. Screenings, fine crushed stone, slag or pebbles are used as filler. They must be clean to work.
  • fine filler. It includes sand with a fraction of 0.4-0.6 mm. It is important that it does not contain impurities and clay.

3. Water

For the solution is used drinking water room temperature.

Sold in powder or ready-mixed form. What is a plasticizer for? It is intended for imparting additional properties to the mortar, reducing the consumption of cement and water, increasing the density of concrete, and facilitating the process of mixing the mortar.

Which plasticizer is best for paving slabs?

Good reviews are deserved by: Westplast, PLASTIMIX F, POLYPLAST SP-1, Master Silk. But, the best (popular among users) is the additive Superplasticizer C-3.

The addition of a plasticizer to the concrete solution guarantees low abrasion of the tile, its moisture and frost resistance.

5. Dye for paving slabs (pigment)

Paint allows you to create tiles different colors... It is important that the coloring pigments are lightfast. Considering the high price of dyes (from 1,500 to 8,600 thousand rubles), two-color paving slabs are in demand. A dye is added to the top layer, the bottom remains gray.

Material prepared for the site

6. Fiber (reinforcing fiber)

Fiber for concrete is needed to increase the strength of the tiles. For concrete reinforcement it is used polypropylene fiber(fibers up to 20 mm long and 10-50 microns in diameter).

For example, Micronix polypropylene fiber 12mm. (RUB 165.00 / kg), chopped glass glass (RUB 145.00 / kg) or 12mm MicronixBazalt basalt fiber (RUB 98.00 / kg) (in the figure, in order).

Note. The fiber length should not exceed the diameter of the largest aggregate in the concrete mix.

A well-oiled shape will make it easier to remove the tile.

You can buy a special lubricant for molds, for example, Lirossin (Ukraine, 210 rubles / 5 liters). It is a concentrate that is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Or Emulsol (Russia, 175 and 40 kg barrel, sold on tap at 38 rubles / l).

How to lubricate paving slab molds at home?

Users are advised not to waste funds on industrial lubricants, but to use analogues (substitutes):

  • engine oil (can be used);
  • soap solution. The cheapest solution of water and detergent, which facilitates the rapid removal of tiles from the mold;
  • sunflower (vegetable) oil.

Some craftsmen use a saline solution, but after it, salt stains remain on the tiles, and silicone and plastic molds quickly deteriorate. Others suggest covering the mold with two coats of varnish. This coating will allow the tiles to glide easily. But, this method is applicable only for plastic forms, plus, the varnish quickly deforms, which will affect the quality of the sides and the front surface of the tile.

Tools and equipment for the manufacture of paving slabs

Depends on the number of tiles produced.

The simplest solution is to use the old washing machine included in the spin mode. Such a homemade vibrating table for paving slabs allows you to get a perfectly compacted (compacted) mixture for the manufacture of paving slabs.

3. Rack for drying paving slabs (dryer)... Any place where tiles in a mold will dry for 2-3 days, another week without a mold, and then finally dry out for another month.

4. Bucket, bowl or suitable container... Serves to heat the mold with tiles and facilitate the process of removing tiles from the mold.

5. Forms for the manufacture of paving slabs... There are no problems with the forms at all due to their variety (you can order in the online store). To speed up the process, it is better to immediately acquire a dozen forms.

Types of forms for tiles

... Used for the manufacture of tiles complex shapes with different textured surfaces. The elasticity of the material (silicone) is both plus and minus forms. The advantage is that they reproduce the drawing in the smallest detail. The disadvantage is that the shape expands (swells) from the concrete and changes its shape, which affects the geometry of the product (deformation). One form is designed (withstands) 50 cycles.


Used to make a simple pattern. Advantages of the plastic mold: flexibility, strength and durability. Settlement period operation of forms - 800 cycles.


Polyurethane holds its shape better than silicone, but is more expensive. The polyurethane mold will last for 100 cycles.

How to make molds for paving slabs with your own hands

Several options for making forms from available tools:

  • Wooden forms can be knocked down from scraps of plywood or boards, and fastened together with metal corners.

It will not work to make a shape out of wood with complex geometry. A wooden mold can be made in the form of a triangle, square, rhombus, rectangle or hexagon.

Note. When planning to make a form for paving slabs, please note that its internal dimensions are taken into account.

  • Plastic molds can be made from strips cut from communication boxes. It is difficult, but quite realistic, to make a complex polygonal shape, the diagram of which is shown below.

Note. In such homemade uniform the tiles are cast directly at the place of laying.

  • Forms from food containers (dishes, trays, plastic containers)
  • Make it yourself from polymer (but this is already from the category of private entrepreneurship, it will remain to issue an individual entrepreneur and open your own business - a business for the production of paving slabs on an industrial scale).

Advice. When choosing a curly shape, pay attention to the presence of halves and details (constituent elements, fragments) in order to avoid unnecessary cutting of the tiles when laying.

Studying the question of how to make paving slabs with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to how to choose the right proportions and how to knead the solution for laying.

Paving slab mortar - proportions, composition, preparation

To begin with, we will provide a ready-made recipe for a mortar for paving slabs with a given thickness of 60 mm. And then we'll show you how to mix the ingredients correctly.

The composition of the mortar for paving slabs is shown in the table

Components (additives) Proportions for manufacturing in% For 1 sq. tiles For 1 cbm. solution
Cement M 500 21 % 30 Kg 500 Kg
Screening or fine gravel 23% 32 kg 540 kg
Sand 56% 75 kg 1300 kg
Plasticizer S-3 0.7% by weight of concrete 50 g 1.9 liters
Dye 7% by weight of concrete 700 g 10 Kg
Fiber fiber per 1m3 of concrete 0.05% by weight of concrete 60 g 0.7-1.0 kg
Water 5.5% by weight of concrete 8 liters 130 liters

From 1 cubic meter solution can be made 16.5 sq. m. paving slabs, with a thickness of 60 mm.

To prepare good solution for paving slabs, you need to mix the components in a concrete mixer in a certain sequence, with a certain mixing mode.


1. Preparation of the solution

The plasticizer is mixed with a small amount of water and poured into a concrete mixer. Only warm water is used for mixing, because additives do not dissolve in cold. While stirring, make sure that the plasticizer is completely dissolved.

The dye is also mixed with hot (about 80 ° C) water in a ratio of 1: 3. It is necessary to observe that the coloring solution is homogeneous. The presence of lumps will "result" in the appearance of craters on the face of the tile.

Next, the filler (crushed stone and sand) is added in turn, then cement. Periodically in cement-sand mixture water is added for more convenient mixing. The bulk of the water is supplied at the end of the batch.

Optimal mode (time) of cement slurry mixing

The mixture for paving slabs is ready when it is held on a trowel in a dense mass, without spreading. When pouring, the grout should easily fill the mold.

2. Preparation of the form

The surface of the mold is lubricated with the selected lubricant. In the process, you need to ensure that no lubricant stains form on the surface. The shape should be a little greasy, for better gliding of the product on the surface.

Notes. Excessive lubrication will cause depressions on the tile. If it is insufficient, it is difficult to take it out.

3. Technology of manufacturing paving slabs (molding)

At this stage, the solution is poured into molds. Moreover, if a two-color tile is made, then the form is filled with gray concrete by 75%, and then filled with colored one. The interval between fillings should not exceed 20 minutes. Otherwise, the layers of the solution will loosely adhere to each other.

Shake the poured molds and place them on a vibrating table. The duration of the stay of the form on the vibrating table is 5 minutes. The readiness indicator is the appearance of a white foam - this means that all air bubbles have escaped from the solution. Excessive vibration treatment (shaking the mold) can lead to separation of the solution. The signal to stop vibrations is the settling of the white foam.

Advice. In the manufacture of two-color paving slabs, vibration should be carried out after pouring each layer. The second vibration lasts 2-3 minutes, while the foam may not appear.

4. Drying paving slabs at home

The mortar-filled molds are placed on racks for subsequent drying, which takes 2-3 days. The drying area must be protected from direct sun rays well ventilated. To reduce the rate of evaporation of moisture from the solution, it is better to cover the mold with plastic wrap.

5. De-molding of paving slabs (demoulding)

How to remove a tile from a mold?

To facilitate the extraction process, you can lower the mold with filling for 5 seconds. into hot (about 60 ° C) water. The form expands from the heat, and the tiles can be removed without defects or problems.

The product should be knocked out on a soft base, for example, spread an old blanket.

Please note that the removed tile holds its shape well, but the solution has not yet completely hardened, so the composition will crumble and may crack or break. The removed tiles are stored on the same drying racks for another week. Then it can be folded on a pallet and finally dried for another month. During this period, the tile will gain the required strength.

How much does it cost to make paving slabs at home?

This is not an idle interest, but a rational approach that requires calculations, budgeting to determine the budget and profitability.

Calculation of the cost of manufacturing paving slabs

Material Price
Cement (M 500 Portland) 300-500 rub / bag 59 kg
Granite crushed stone, fraction 3-10 mm (the larger the cheaper) RUB 1,500-2,000 per cube
Seeded sand 600 rubles / cubic meter
Plasticizer (C-3) 80 rub / l
Dye from 1500 to 8600 rubles / 25 kg
The cost depends on the resistance to the external environment
Fiberglass from 98 to 165 rubles / kg
Mold lubricant from 0 to 100 rubles / l
Shapes (price varies depending on shape, size and material)
- plastic made of primary plastic:
RUB 69-200 / pcs. (depending on size) 43-60 rubles / piece.

from recycled plastic:
RUB 43-60 / pcs.

- silicone 120-150 rub / piece
- polyurethane RUB 200-370 / pcs.
- simple "bricks" from 30 rubles / piece
- original up to RUB 1,500 / pc.

The table shows approximate prices per unit of production. The total amount depends on the expense.

The price of ready-made paving slabs of a simple configuration starts from 200 rubles. per sq. m., textured from 450 rubles. Multiply by the required square (area) and add shipping. Compare your results. On average, savings range from 10% (for local tiles) to 25% (for branded tiles). At the same time, it should be understood that each manufacturer in a competitive environment seeks to reduce the cost of its products as much as possible. As a rule, this affects the quality, which cannot always be determined immediately, but only after some time.

Defects of paving slabs

In favor self-made paving slabs can be noted:

  • confidence in the quality of the product;
  • the ability to make tiles in between other activities;
  • the fascination of the process;
  • beautiful result and pride in our own successes.

The technology for the production of paving slabs is quite simple. You can do it at home. For the manufacture of paving slabs, you will need equipment that is reasonably affordable. Judge for yourself, the most expensive thing you have to buy is a concrete mixer. The vibrating table can be made by hand. Tile molds will have to be bought, but today they are not as expensive as they used to be. A good shape made from quality material can be purchased for $ 1 apiece. The price of the form is determined by the quality of the material, the size and design style of the form itself. To complete the line, you need to purchase a picking shovel, a good metal bucket for 10 liters, flights that will be filled with ready-made tiles, rubber gloves for safe work. When you have a complete line for the production of paving slabs, you can purchase and deliver raw materials for the production of:

  • cement grade not lower than A-Sh-400;
  • plasticizer C-3;
  • pigment dye;
  • screening out granite;
  • lubricant for forms.

The production cycle itself can be divided into several stages:

  • preparation of plastic forms;
  • preparation of colored concrete;
  • daily vibration casting process;
  • excerpt;
  • demoulding and new preparation of forms.

Paving slabs are made according to a simple technological process

Preparation of molds before the manufacture of vibrocast products. Paving slabs are made using simple equipment:

  • vibrating table;
  • concrete mixer;
  • forms.

Here detailed instructions for the manufacture of concrete products by vibration casting. At the beginning of the production cycle, it is necessary to prepare the molds for pouring. It is better to use plastic forms. The technology provides for the nuances of the shaping and demoulding of vibro-cast products. Before manufacturing, we lubricate the molds with a special lubricant for high-quality stripping. Also, the lubricant adds the service life of the forms up to 500 cycles and more. It is better to wash oiled molds after stripping before the next pouring. This is also very important. For beginners, it is better to purchase a special lubricant. If desired, you can make the lubricant yourself. But here it is important to clearly guess the proportions. A plastic mold lubricant is done like this. 50 grams engine oil should be diluted with 1.5 liters of water. It is necessary to shake such a mixture very well and for a long time. Experiment very carefully with the proportions of the lubricant. It is important for you to choose the ideal balance of fat content. Too greasy grease will wash over your entire batch. After a very greasy lubrication, sinks are obtained in the tiles. Such paving slabs are more like a shell rock. Low fat content in the lubricant will not give the desired effect when stripping. After the molds have been lubricated, the concrete can be prepared.

Preparation of compound components for concrete preparation. Before cooking concrete mix it is required to prepare the concrete mixer itself. Rinse the concrete mixer out of the nutria with a bucket of water. Be sure to pour out the water. The walls where the concrete will be mixed must be damp. For the manufacture of paving slabs, it is necessary to do half wet concrete... Its strength and duration of exposure of products in molds depends on this. Wet walls will mix the concrete composition better and will not allow the concrete mixer to become heavily clogged with mortar deposits. Next, you should prepare a plasticizer and concrete dye. The plasticizer should be 0.5% of the amount of all components of the solution in dry form. For 40 liters of concrete, 200 g is needed. plasticizer. In no case should a dry plasticizer be added. It must be prepared first. We dilute with 200g. plasticizer in 1 liter of hot water 70-80 degrees Celsius. The water must be hot so that the plasticizer dissolves well. V hot water from a measuring cup, splitting well, add the plasticizer powder in small portions. The sediment must not be allowed, it must dissolve well. Next, we prepare a pigment dye for concrete. The percentage of the dye should be at least 2% of all dry components. If you make high-quality paving slabs, you cannot save on dye. You should have a rich concrete color that will keep its shade for years. Pigment dye is quite expensive and many are trying to keep the cost of production by saving on plasticizer costs. But this approach is unjustified. After a year or two, the tiles will lose their color. Two years after the rain, the wet tile will look like new, but when it is dry, the color is almost invisible. To justifiably save dye, it is better to use the two-layer fill technology. Fill the molds halfway with colored concrete and immediately colorless. This tile will be even stronger. Only the intervals between filling layers should not exceed 20 minutes. This way you can save 2 times expensive dye. Dilute 800g of dye in a 3-liter jar with water at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. Stir well and add in small portions. In no case should precipitation be allowed in the dye. This kind of sediment can spoil your tiles. A small lump of dye sediment in the face of the tile makes a sink. So paving slabs can lose their presentation and strength due to poorly diluted dye. If the pigment dye is poorly diluted, it will not give the tiles the desired color.

Technological process for the manufacture of vibrocast tiles. When our molds are lubricated, the plasticizer and pigment dye are diluted, the concrete mixer is moistened, concrete can be hammered. The technology of manufacturing paving slabs has its own characteristics for the preparation of concrete. It is a low water composition. The strength of concrete products depends on the ratio of cement to water. One has only to add 30% more liquid and the concrete will lose its strength 2 times. The tile mortar, as mentioned above, must be half wet (like wet ground). It may seem too dry to you, but as soon as it gets on the vibrating table, it already seems too wet. This is the kind of trick that awaits you in the process of making paving slabs. Therefore, we add water less than 30% of the volume of cement. 3 buckets of cement takes 2 buckets of water and this is inclusive of plasticizer and dye. This concrete is difficult to mix. For this, the concrete mixer must be pre-moistened. Well, now we turn on the concrete mixer and first of all fill in a measured portion of water without dye and plasticizer. Then add a portion of the cement and mix to get a homogeneous emulsion (people say milk). Then we add screenings and we already have a solution. Mix well and add the pre-diluted components: plasticizer and dye. And we knead all this well until we get a homogeneous mass that is beautiful in color.

This recipe for semi-dry concrete is intended for vibration casting of thin-walled concrete products or for the production of cinder blocks on a homemade machine.

When we have the concrete ready, we fill in the molds and place them on the vibrating table. The number of molds on the table plays an important role in the vibration intensity. The table springs should not be too overloaded or too loose. The vibration should be at a certain intensity. As soon as you put the concrete molds on the table and turn on the vibrating table, the magic begins. Dry concrete starts to turn into liquid. More and more space appears in the forms and more should be filled in. It seems that the forms on the vibrating table already contain liquid concrete, but if you turn the form over, its contents do not fall out, but stick tightly to the edges of the form, which means that you are doing everything right. The vibration should last approximately 4-5 minutes. With proper vibration, do not turn off the vibrating table until a white foam appears on the concrete in the form. This indicates that all the air has escaped from the concrete. Then remove the forms and take them to a room that has been replaced by sunlight. The tile dries up in just a day. This is helped by the low water content and the plasticizer, which is included in the composition of the tiles. The plasticizer not only gives elasticity during formation, but also effectively dries and strengthens the strength of the concrete product. The next day, you can do the stripping and you have finished tiles. She needs 5 days to rest before selling. This will give it maximum strength. After stripping the molds, it is necessary to wash the forms, despite the fact that they have been oiled. The concrete is so tenacious that it still leaves marks on the plastic molds. Do not wash them with plain water. It is better to use a lot of salt. Prepare high concentration saline solution in advance. It is much easier and faster to wash this way. plastic molds for paving slabs.

Calculation of profitability in the technology of manufacturing paving slabs

In order to produce 1 square meter of paving slabs, we need:
One bucket of A-Sh-400 grade cement - the price per bucket is $ 1.5
Three buckets of dropping out - the price for three buckets is $ 0.4 (cost of dropping out for 4 tons with delivery = 32 $)
Plasticizer 200g. - price for 200g. $ 0.4 (price for a 25kg bag of plasticizer = $ 47).
Pigment dye 400g. (subject to two-layer filling of the color / color forms) - price 0.9 $ (30kg bag = 62 $)
TOTAL: $ 1.5 + $ 0.4 + $ 0.4 + $ 0.9 = $ 3.2, and the cost of one square meter of colored paving slabs = $ 7.5.
The business profitability is 135%. The technology for the production of paving slabs brings quite tangible income. Of course, a certain percentage of rejection is possible. But the marriage of such material will always find its application at a construction site. With such profitability, you can be inferior to the competitive price under various conditions. For example, when ordering 1000 squares, there is a 30% discount. For colorless paving slabs, the level of profitability is at the same level. But it's harder to sell. Colorless tiles can be suggested to create budget patterns for installation. Thus, you can save and embellish the tile flooring.

Equipment for the manufacture of paving slabs and prices

To make paving slabs, you need to buy equipment.

Name Photo Price
Concrete mixer. The price depends on the volume in liters on average $ 1.5 per liter. Concrete mixer 300 l. will cost $ 450. The larger the volume, the cheaper the price for 1 liter.
Vibrating table. You can do it yourself, it will cost you a maximum of $ 180. A new one will cost from $ 500. I highly recommend making a vibrating table with your own hands, there is nothing complicated there.
Forms for the manufacture of paving slabs. It is better to take forms from good thick-walled plastic. The cost of such forms is from $ 1 per piece. One square meter of "rocky" cover will need 25 pieces. And for a square "brick" you need to buy 50 forms. It all depends on the size of the tiles.
Bucket. Shovel. Latex gloves. Available to everyone.

To calculate the payback period, we need the following indicators: the cost of equipment in dollars, productivity square meters per day the cost of production in dollars per 1 sq. profitability as a percentage (%).

It is better to start calculating the payback period of a business with performance indicators.

Let's say we want to produce 40 sq. tiles in the form of "rocky" per day. We will need a 300-liter concrete mixer (this will be about 6 mortar stabs) at a cost of $ 450. Homemade vibrating table $ 180. Forms 1 $ * 25 pieces per square meter "rocky" * 40 sq. M. = $ 1000. Bucket, shovel, rubber seals = $ 20. Total expenses for the purchase of equipment are $ 1000 + $ 450 + $ 180 + $ 20 = $ 1650. The sales value of forty squares of the finished product will be 40 sq. M. * $ 7.5 (price for 1 sq. M.) = $ 300. And the cost of tiles is 40 sq. M. * $ 3.2 = $ 128. With an established sales market, the turnover balance (net profit) is $ 300 - $ 128 = $ 172 per day. It is important to note that the cost of production does not include the cost of wages to workers. The plan is designed for one person. This means that you will need to prepare 1000 forms. Preparation can take up to 5 days. For this reason, your real balance per day will be $ 172/5 days = $ 34. Therefore, the fair payback period for the equipment will be: $ 1650 (equipment purchase) / $ 34 (net profit) = 50 days. If you plan to work on weekends, then 50 days / 22 working days = 2.5 months.

Pros and cons of the paving slab business

In general, the business looks very attractive. Advantages of a business idea: The idea does not require specialized investments to start A high percentage of profitability Simple technological process production Short payback period. Of the minuses, it is worth noting. Business is highly seasonal. Quite a long and boring process of preparing the forms (all forms must be washed from concrete with salt water and treated with lubricant). Anyone can start this business. It can be made both the main and the additional source of income. Also, the production of vibrocast products can be used in order to save money. For example, consider purchasing tiles for installation near your home as an alternative.

If you are on a construction site, then you have probably already acquired a concrete mixer. You will make the table yourself, but you need to buy the forms. In cases of defective products, they can be used for other purposes at the construction site. If you are a very cautious person and not ready for risks, then get a couple of forms and try your hand at meager costs. I assure you everything is working out. Paving slabs are a popular product in the building materials market. This is a consumable item. This is the most practical yard cover. For example, when heated, asphalt emits toxic fumes. Concrete cracks at sub-zero temperatures. The mobility of the tile flooring allows you to freely replace worn out areas. Believe in the product you are selling and they will buy from you.

Production of paving slabs: business plan step by step + 5 types of tiles + 3 production methods + detailed investment calculations.

Capital investment: 968 800 rubles.
Payback period: 3 months.

Production of paving slabs - profitable business with a long-term development perspective.

The infrastructure of modern cities requires constant replenishment of reserves of building materials, including paving slabs.

Why paving slabs? Because this is a business that is always relevant. Think of how many sidewalks are tiled in your city. The building materials market is always in demand + the pace of infrastructure development is increasing, which implies an increase in the demand for consumables.

Own tile production is an expensive business, because the cost quality equipment starts at $ 5,000. home positive side- this is a profitability of over 100%.

You have money and desire to open own production paving slabs? Let's start building now!

Paving slab production - let's start with marketing

To begin with, you should answer a few basic questions about promoting any product:

  1. What to sell?
  2. Whom to sell to?
  3. What price should I set?

The right answers to these questions can form the perfect sales marketing plan. Start with the first one.

What to sell?

Paving slabs? This is not the answer that will give you a competitive edge.

It is necessary to decide on a specific product. Initially, you will have a small production line - no need to spray.

Consider the main types of tiles, and choose the option that suits you:

Viewa brief description of
Paving stones

The surface of the tiles is hard and frost-resistant, the composition includes granite chips. Rectangular or chipped shape, bottom and side edges are smooth, colors are mostly strict.

Reusable, resistant to mechanical damage.

Rubber crumb tile

The composition includes rubber crumb+ polyurethane glue. The shape and size may vary depending on the area of ​​use.

It is used for playgrounds and sports grounds, places with an increased risk of injury.


High strength tiles. There is a wire mesh inside, which can significantly increase the mechanical resistance of the product.

Produced only by vibration casting. It is frost-resistant, adheres to a strict design, and is used for laying parking lots, entrances to factory buildings.

Polymer sand

Consists of polymer, sand and pigment. Lightweight and frost-resistant, used for laying pedestrian areas. The only drawback is low strength.

The production method is characterized by the use of high pressure to increase the homogeneity of the mixture.

3D design

Paving slabs with 3D print. The peculiarity lies in the resistance of the print to mechanical damage and all kinds of weather conditions.

In terms of its physical qualities, it does not differ in any way from the most ordinary paving slabs.

So, the production of paving stones for sidewalks is the best solution for a novice entrepreneur.

Paving stones are easy to manufacture, popular both in the city and in the private sector. Simplicity sells well. Uncomplicated forms appeal to most potential buyers.

Whom to sell to?

The sales market for paving slabs is limited in scope.

Think about where you might have come across a tile? Obviously on the sidewalks! Do you understand that it is advisable to use paving slabs only for laying urban roadsides, or to use them for the decoration of a private sector zone?

We define a list of potential customers:

  • State communal structures that are engaged in the improvement of the city's territory.
  • Construction companies.
  • Private sector home owners.

Which one to focus on?

Of course, the best customer is government agencies. They will provide you with consistent sales.

But, as a beginner, you do not have the necessary status and the opportunity to immediately get into the ranks of the leaders.
The target audience of the project that will be discussed in this guide is the private sector.

Owners of private buildings buy large volumes of tiles. It gives a certain status to the "estate" and contributes to comfortable movement in the yard in any weather.

What price should I set?

Vibration pressing. This way will allow the entrepreneur to increase the volume of goods. But at the same time, you will have to pay a fairly substantial amount for equipment for the production of paving slabs.

Financial issue: equipment for the production of paving slabs

Equipment for the production of paving slabs is the main expense in opening this business.

Buying a new vibrating press or finding a used option is a topical question for a novice entrepreneur.

Compare prices for all basic equipment and draw the appropriate conclusions:

EquipmentCost, rub.)Appointment
~ 500 000 Manufacturing of paving slabs. Depending on the shape of the matrix, it can be used for the production of blocks and other building materials from concrete mortar... Due to vibration and the influence of the punch, the solution is converted into a dense structure.
450 000 Allows to shape tiles with high hydraulic pressure, thereby compacting the mixture to the desired hardness.
Vibrating table
30 000 The solution in the matrix hardens due to prolonged exposure to vibration. At the exit, we get a tile, which needs to go through a long drying.
100 Formation of the product of the specified parameters. The molds are made of plastic, which ensures durability and functionality + resistance to the influence of the solution.
2 750 Size: 2000x300x1000 mm. Used to position the tiles during the drying process. The base is steel. The rack must be able to withstand the appropriate load.
Concrete mixer
14 000 With the help of a concrete mixer, the solution acquires a homogeneous consistency, which avoids composition differences finished tiles.

A complete production line costs from 50,000 to 800,000 rubles... Equipment for the production of paving slabs using a vibropress will cost 520,000 rubles.

1) Forms for the production of paving slabs.

Forms for the production of paving slabs deserve special attention. They differ in their design, resistance to mechanical damage, and composition.

Consider a comparison table that will give you an idea of ​​the main types of forms, depending on the composition:


Durable, simple construction... If you have experience with welding and metal, you can try making a mold yourself.

Problem: The constant influence of water on the metal leads to rapid corrosion. It is important to use stainless steel.


Affordable cost, you can easily assemble it yourself using plywood and wooden slats... Easy to modify.

Problem: The wood becomes saturated with moisture and swells, making it difficult to remove the tiles. Polyethylene underlays can be used to avoid direct contact of the mortar with the tree.


The forms are light, strong enough, but short-lived, since plastic has not the best strength indicators


It is impossible to make a form on your own - work with liquid plastic very difficult.


Flexible molds capable of withstanding 50 to 100 cycles of use.

High-quality silicone allows you to create tiles of any shape, which is a huge plus.

Before each tile manufacturer the question arises - is it possible to make a mold on your own?

The standard mold is used 50 (plastic) to 200 (metal) times.

To avoid big expenses, you can make forms yourself. Best material- metal, or wood. Savings - 50%. But if you are unsure of your designer skills, the best way out is to buy a ready-made form.

Self-production of forms makes sense only in the case of using a vibrating table as the main production method. Assembling the matrix for the vibrating press yourself is not best idea because you won't be able to stick to the workflow from start to finish.

2) Machine for the production of paving slabs.

The cost of a vibrating press ranges from 300,000 to 500,000 rubles. Not the most profitable price for the aspiring entrepreneur! Can you find an alternative to the new tile machine?

A used machine costs 40-50% less than a new one. But it is important to understand that such savings in the early stages of production will lead to future expenses for repairs + may end up with a complete stop of work.

And do you trust a paving slab machine with such an appearance?

Is risk a noble cause?

It's up to you to decide. Remember that the simple operation of the mini-plant will lead to a decrease in efficiency. The best solution is not to save money and buy a new press, which will ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise.

How will you decide on the premises?

We sorted out the equipment. Now it's time to think about where to place all the production equipment.

What should be considered when choosing a room?

    Remember, you need to consider the location of the warehouse and workshop in the same room. For these purposes, you need 100-120 sq. m.

    It is obvious that the production of paving slabs at home is nonsense.

  1. Ceiling height> 3 m.
  2. Water supply.

    Water is essential both for forming concrete and for hygienic purposes.

  3. Electricity - 3 phases.
  4. The presence of space zoning.

    It is necessary to separate the workshop area with a warehouse and a hygienic corner.

    Convenient access to the warehouse.

    You are in the business of making tiles, and transporting them is not an easy task. Take care of your customers - arrange a comfortable entrance.

Rent price for 1 sq. m. warehouse - 150 rubles. Respectively, room with an area of ​​100 sq. m. will cost 15,000 rubles / month.

Personnel for the manufacture of paving slabs

How many personnel are needed to service the workshop? To begin with, you need to figure out the volume of tiles that you are ready to produce per day.

For the work of the workshop, which produces 50 sq. m. tiles per day using a vibropress, you need to hire 3 employees:

The job of a sales manager and accountant will fall on your shoulders. When will the business start to bring stable income, you can hire specialists for these positions.

New to the paving industry

often make a lot of mistakes due to ignorance of technology.

The important manufacturer secrets in this video will help you avoid them!

Production of paving slabs: equipment, personnel, premises - financial calculations

    968,800 rubles - start-up capital for starting a tile production. How much money should you spend on monthly injections?

Monthly investment in tile production

Every month, production will take 383,000 rubles away from you.

Calculation of profitability

  • 50 sq. m tiles per day - 1,500 sq. m per month;
  • 1 sq. m. costs 550 rubles;
  • "Dirty" income will be - 825,000 rubles;
  • "Clean" - 442,000 rubles;
  • payback period - 3 months.

The profitability is very high, which allows you to achieve a payback in 3 months and then work on expanding production. This is the most obvious plus of this business idea.

You learned the basics of how to organize production of paving slabs. Business plan- this is only a small part of the practical implementation of the project. Study the technological process, legislative component and start working on your case today.

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Paving slabs (paving stones, figured paving element) is one of the better solutions in the design of sidewalk and garden paths, playgrounds and places for recreation. This durable and non-toxic construction material allows for styling in areas of any size and shape, gives suburban area well-groomed appearance and acts as a high-quality and affordable alternative to asphalt pavement.

High-quality paving slabs withstand more than 200 freeze / thaw cycles; when heated, harmful substances do not evaporate from it.

- a creative, uncomplicated and financially affordable process, even for people unfamiliar with construction.

Home production allows you to save money, get a quality guarantee (subject to technology) and create exclusive option paths on the site. High quality withstands more than 200 freeze / thaw cycles, when heated, harmful substances do not evaporate from it. Simplicity, affordability, abundance of shapes, sizes and colors make this type of material popular for making at home.

Selection of production technology

The vibrating table includes a movable table with a vibrator. All this is rigidly fixed on the bed. The installation is served by 2 people.

The adjustment of our own technological plant is based on the use of technologies from specialized factories. There are two production methods:

  1. Vibration pressing of concrete mixtures of high hardness with low water content.
  2. Vibration casting with the addition of plasticizers.

These methods help to make a variety of concrete elements that are characterized by low porosity and perfect surface finish. Such characteristics are achieved due to the low water content in the concrete mixture, which is tightly packed due to vibration or vibrocompression.

None of the methods have any fundamental advantages. To comply with the technology of vibration pressing, the manufacturer must have special expensive equipment available. It is easier to achieve the guaranteed quality of paving slabs by applying the vibration casting method and using plasticizing additives. This method is better suited for self-made tiles.

The essence of the vibration casting method is that the concrete mixture is compacted in molds on special tables under the action of vibration, which is caused by electromechanical vibrators. This production technology is used everywhere in construction (vibrocast reinforced concrete slabs, poles, supports, curbs, etc.). Depending on the operations performed, one-layer and two-layer production technologies are distinguished.

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What do you need?

The reliability of the tiles produced is influenced by the quality of the raw materials, correct proportions components in the composition of the concrete mixture and the organization of drying in vivo.

The reliability of the tiles produced is influenced by the quality of the raw materials, the correct proportions of the components in the composition of the concrete mixture and the organization of drying in natural conditions. For the production of paving slabs, you will need simple and affordable equipment, as well as raw materials. Used as equipment:

  1. Concrete mixer. It is recommended to use not a gravity concrete mixer, but a forced action.
  2. Vibrating table. You can buy it ready-made or assemble it yourself.
  3. Forms for tiles. Manufacturers offer ready-made forms different sizes and styles. You can make the form yourself.
    Collecting shovel, bucket (10 L), rubber gloves.

The components of the concrete mix for the production of paving stones are:

  • crushed stone of fraction 3-10 mm, better than hard nonmetallic rocks (alternative - gravel or granite screening);
  • sand;
  • cement without additives, grade 500 (in extreme cases, not lower than 400);
  • chemical additives (plasticizers, concrete modifiers, etc.);
  • dry pigments (dyes);
  • mold lubricant;
  • pure water.

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The production cycle

The whole process of making paving slabs can be divided into several stages:

  1. Preparation of forms.
  2. Preparation of concrete mix.
  3. Shaping on a vibrating table.
  4. Exposure in forms (1-2 days).
  5. Removal of finished tiles and new preparation of forms.

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Preparation of molds for the production of vibrocast products

The materials from which the molds are made allow them to be used several times. Rubber molds withstand up to 500 times reuse at home, plastic - up to 250, polyurethane - up to 100. Silicone, fiberglass and other primary raw materials are also used for the production of tile forms. You can make your own molds from wood or galvanized metal.

Rubber molds can withstand up to 500 times of repeated use at home, plastic - up to 250, polyurethane - up to 100.

To facilitate further work with the forms and the process of stripping, before pouring the mortar, the "templates" must be lubricated with a special compound. Lubrication extends mold life and makes cleaning easier before next use. The coating layer should be thin; pores may form on the surface of the finished tile from excess fat. Do not use lubricants that contain petroleum products.

Home conditions allow you to prepare the lubricant yourself. To do this, dilute 50 g of engine oil in 1.5 liters of water and stir for a long time. It is important to experimentally select the ideal fat balance. Vegetable oil or dissolved in water is often used as a lubricant. laundry soap... When working without lubrication, new forms are treated with an antistatic agent, and after stripping, if necessary, washed with 5-10% hydrochloric acid solution.

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Mixing of concrete mix

Pigments, as well as a plasticizer, are added to concrete from the mass of cement, but not more than 3%. The color of the pigment is used the way you want to make your colored paving slabs.

You must first prepare additional components - plasticizer and concrete dye. The dye will be needed in the case of making colored paving slabs; in the production of ordinary gray products, there is no need for it.

The plasticizer should constitute about 0.5% of the amount of all components of the mixture in dry form. To mix 40 liters of concrete, you will need 200 g of plasticizer. You cannot add it dry, 200 g of the substance is diluted in small portions in 1 liter of water at a temperature of 70-80 degrees Celsius. At least 2% of all dry components should be dye. 800 g of the dye is gradually added to water (3 l) with a temperature of 40-50 degrees Celsius, stirring thoroughly.

The walls of the concrete mixer must be damp; for this, rinse the inside of the machine with water and drain the water. The strength of concrete products depends on the ratio of cement to water. To mix half-wet concrete. To obtain this effect, it is necessary to add 30% less water than cement. For clarity: 3 buckets of cement (including plasticizer and dye) take 2 buckets of water.

First, water is poured into the concrete mixer, then a portion of cement is added, screening is added to the homogeneous emulsion obtained after mixing, and a solution is obtained. It is mixed well and pre-diluted plasticizer and dye are poured in. It is necessary to knead until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

You can also prepare a concrete mixture at home by manual mixing. This requires a lot of physical effort and extra time.

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Forming, holding and stripping

The ready-mixed concrete has workability OK = 3-4 cm. Therefore, short-term vibration treatment is used to compact it.

The molds are filled with ready-mixed concrete and placed on a vibrating table. The height of placing the concrete in the mold should not exceed 4 cm. To save money, the concrete mixture can be laid in the mold in layers. In this case, concrete for the outer (colored) and base layers are mixed separately.

If for some reason gravel or crushed stone is not used in the concrete mixture, for the strength of the product, they must be replaced with metal reinforcement (reinforced mesh or wire). It is laid in the process of filling the forms with concrete between the first and second layers.

The vibration intensity depends to a large extent on the number of placed molds; the table springs should not be overloaded or weakened too much. After turning on the vibrating table and the beginning of the influence of vibration on the forms filled with solution, a free space appears in them, it must be additionally filled. The vibration duration is 4-5 minutes until a white foam appears on the concrete, which indicates the completion of the air release process.

The forms must be removed from the vibrating table and placed on flat surface in a room protected from direct sunlight. The low water content and the presence of a plasticizer allow the tiles to dry quickly. Stripping can be done after 1-2 days. Before "knocking out" the tiles, it is necessary to lower the mold into water with a temperature of about 50-70 degrees Celsius for a couple of minutes. Then place the mold on the vibrating table and tap the sides lightly with a rubber mallet to prevent the mold from cracking. The service life of each mold is shortened by approximately 30% when using demoulding without preheating. Such removal of products is especially dangerous for thin tiles, it can lead to rejects.

After completing the stripping, leave finished goods"Lie down" for 5-6 days on pallets, having previously covered them with polyethylene shrink wrap for further hardening. Prepare the forms for the next cycle.