Repairs Design Furniture

Wet floor screed: cement, concrete, self-leveling mixtures. Using a self-leveling screed for floor cement screed as a bulk sex

The bulk floor is poured for alignment of the surface. When the draft floor is flooded, it detects flaws in the form of an uneven surface relative to the level and small varnishes in the form of a pamph. This material will tell and show how to fix similar defects.

So, I practiced two ways to align the surface with a bulk sex and an aligning screed. Consider their pros and cons.


  • 3 cm width brush
  • capacity 40 liters
  • drill mixer
  • needle roller for bulk
  • spatula wide, narrow
  • spatula toothed, with a height of a tooth 8-10 mm
  • level
  • rule
  • grouting Torka

Stroke work

The first way. Bulk floor

Before starting work with a bulk floor, the surface must be cleaned of dust. It is desirable to make it a vacuum cleaner. After that, the surface with liquid glass (ZHS).

From the consistency of the ZHS depends on its absorption in the base of the floor. It is necessary to dilute it in proportion 1 to 2 (one part of the water into two parts of the ZHS) and treat the surface, preferably in 2-3 layers. The time interval before the following application should be about 1 hour. Works are produced at a temperature not lower than + 10 C.

After drying the ZHS, the surface should take a characteristic shade, as after applying varnish.

This is done so that when applying a bulk sex, the entire moisture contained in the mixture was not absorbed into the floor, and the mixture itself did not save, but gradually frozen. Also, this procedure will serve as a kind of waterproofing of the floor.

Before mixing a mixture of bulk sex, we make a wooden sole under the size of the shoes with screws screwed into it. This is done so that after applying a bulk sex, it was possible to walk on it without advancing all the feet.

We mix with the help of a mixer ready-made blend of bulk sex.

This work is strictly according to the instructions specified on the bag.

After that, we pour the stirred mixture to the floor and recall the spatula.

It also contributes to uniformly smoothing the mixture along the plane.

In my case, after the floor is dry.

On the floor, crackers appeared in the form of a web, which means the temperature modes indicated on the bag were not complied with.

To eliminate them, you can stick the grid for putting the facades.

Initially, I apply glue with a toothed spatula.

In this way, we will correct the problem.

After drying the tile glue, linoleum was staminated.

The second way. Aligning floor screed

To begin with, perform the same work with the ZHS, that is, the surface is ground. Then we harvest the cement-sandy mixture (CPS), which includes a sample sand (coarse), cement, tile glue in the proportion of 3 × 1x1 (three parts of sand, one cement, one tiled glue).

The process begins with the installation of lighthouses by level. Next, we apply the CPS using a toothed spatula. The mixture must be rubbed into the floor surface.

After that, the CPS applied to the floor align the rules. While it does not quite frozen, we drag the surface with a grouting rumble.

There should be a homogeneous smooth surface.

After the leveling screed dried, it is additionally impregnated with liquid glass, diluted with water in terms of 2 to 1.

After drying the liquid glass, the linoleum is steel or any other coating.

Conclusions about working with bulk floors and leveling screed

Bulk floor. It is easy to work with it. Its thickness can be from 3 to 10 mm, but the price for the finished mixture is high. The need to comply with the instructions for working with the mixture is also a minus.

Aligning screed. If you have sufficient time and budget, this is a suitable option.
Memo: The main minus of the leveling screed - it reduces the height of the room by 10-15 mm, while the bulk thickness can be only 3 mm.

In the house under construction, everything must be done on the conscience, so that the person is comfortable and calm. In my opinion, the floor, as an element of the design, plays one of the main roles. Therefore, to achieve a flat and reliable sex, you should familiarize yourself with the axioms of the screed

A screed is one of the layers of the future floor, at the expense of which the smooth surface is achieved, on which the floor covering is directly laid.

A concrete screed is intended to achieve greater sexual strength, which in many years will be able to survive not only furniture, but also industrial equipment.

Put the concrete tie for the floor with two options:

Dry Floor Screeds

It is considered a new way of alignment. It takes the top with the fact that it is simple in laying. When choosing this method, you will be delivered from need to prepare solutions, fearing "flying" with the proportions of components, incredibly for a long time to smooth out the surface. After completing the installation of a similar screed, the floor is immediately ready to accept the finish coating. Accordingly, you significantly save time. Make a layer from all sorts of "dry" plates, sheets of chipboard, GVL, small ceramzit.

Liquid flooring

Make with the use of liquid mixtures, which, after a short time, mowed. When hardening, the cement screed will certainly give a shrinkage, so in the process of work do not forget about shrinking seams, especially if the coverage area is more than 30 m2, and the side length is more than 6 m. After full of a concrete screed, it is necessary to close the seams to look monolithic. The floor with such a screed is more durable.

Floor screed cooking

In the manufacture of a floor screed is the main way to position the liquid mixtures so that the chips and cracks do not appear, as well as elevations / recesses exceeding 2 millimeters.

To determine the materials for the screed, find out the purpose of the room. In production, in the shops more reliable floor will be when used in a concrete screed. Special mixtures are often used in apartments, ensuring not only reliability, but also the preservation of heat. In the individuals of the private sector, it is rarely used, because the floor remains cold.

Currently, when making a concrete screed in residential buildings, preference is given to cement-sand mixtures. They are quite common, and they are not disturbed. Usually it is a bag with a gray powder, which is bred before the start of work.

Before the direct use of mixtures, the surface is prepared. The quality of preparation depends on what will play the role of flooring. If the floor is assumed to put the tile - the screed is not needed at all.

Floor screed selection

When choosing a tie for the floor, carefully read the product description, this manufacturer on the packaging of the mixture. Pay attention to such items as a method for breeding the mixture, indoor air temperature, humidity, drying deadlines.

Alignment of a mixture with a spatula

Our article will tell how to quickly and qualitatively perform a self-leveling tie of the floor, which moments and features need to be taken into account in the process of performing work. It's no secret that for high-quality laying of any finishing flooring, it is necessary to create a perfectly flat and smooth surface of the draft floor, so the self-leveling gender screed is currently considered to be the best basis. It does not require the use of special construction technologies and expensive materials - it suffices to comply with the technology of work and use quality materials.

In the same case, if this floor is not perfectly smooth, then with time any floor covering (no matter whether it will be a ceramic tile or the same laminate) simply cracks and loses its beauty. To eliminate these defects, it will be necessary or sufficiently expensive repair, or the complete replacement of the entire floor in the room. That is why it is necessary to carry out such an important process as a filling of self-leveling sex before laying outdoor coverage.

As a rule, the technology of applying bulk floors includes the use of special building mixtures. Nowadays, such mixtures are special solutions that are perfectly spread throughout the perimeter of the room and can, if necessary, to be processed during the application process. The main feature of similar mixtures is an independent distribution over the entire surface of the base, the formation of an ideal smooth and smooth horizontal surface. The fill technology itself consists of several stages.

Under the bulk floor there should be a special restoration layer, which will fill all irregularities and depressions

The tool for can be purchased today in almost any specialized store or in the construction market. These tools are universal and accessible to everyone - they can be required not only for the device flooring, but also for many other construction and repair work. For example, among the most significant, it is possible to highlight: a drill with a special nozzle, a roller (needed to apply soil) the usual and needle, container for mixing materials. It is also necessary to purchase special lighthouses for the ball screed - without these fixtures, it is impossible to get an ideally smooth surface.

As for the materials, the use of such materials such as the bulk sex itself and the primer under it is involved. It is necessary to stock materials in the case and acquire them somewhat more, with a sufficient stock. The fact is that the consumption of material on the self-leveling floor can in some points increase depending on the initial state of the surface, its material, and therefore it is necessary to exclude extra trips to the outlets, search for materials of the same brand and batch, and, importantly, The same manufacturer.

Tip! The composition for the alignment of the floor and the primer should be the same brand and from the single manufacturer. Proper Floor Screed Technology can guarantee high quality and durability of floor operation.

Primer base

Let's look at how to pour the floor screed. As a rule, the essence of the stage in strengthening the surface, its cleaning and drying. Additionally, you can process the base of the primer, after the drying of which can be applied to the screed. Anyone should be removed at this stage, even the smallest building trash - the final result and state of the floor covering depends on the thoroughness of this stage.

Preparation of walls

All over the perimeter of the room on the edge of the walls, bordering the floor, you need to glue a special edge tape. Thus, it will be possible to create an aligning bulk floor, which will not stick to the wall. Otherwise, the self-leveling screed after drying may simply burst, and it will be necessary or removed the entire applied solution, which has already managed to dry well, or repair and apply a new layer - this may not affect the height of the room.

How to make a solution for liquid screed with your own hands

As a rule, this process is quite simple and consists in falling asleep dry mixture into the container and adding water to it, according to the manufacturer's instructions, thoroughly mixing the resulting solution in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of this building material. Then the fill of the floor tie occurs.

The mass obtained earlier, it is necessary to pour on the base surface in such a way that the bulk sex characteristics depend only on the quality of the mixture, it was uniformly distributed. The layer thickness can be 3-30 mm and immediately after the fill it is necessary to ride a mixture with a special needle roller. Thus, it will be possible to remove air bubbles from the mixture.

Note! The level of self-leveling is needed to fill with frequent periodicity, not allowing the simplicity of the mixture.

Stir the solution

Self-oriented in bulk floors throughout the day. The time when it is possible to lay the finishing materials, as a rule, indicates the manufacturer itself. But, nevertheless, wait after the fill you need at least two weeks - the excerpt will help to avoid unwanted "complications", because the hurry in such a matter is completely unacceptable.

Instructions Paul in bulk implies the finishing finish of the screed with various materials. For example, you can use both traditional floor coverings (tile, parquet, laminate, linoleum) and various more modern, including 3D technology created. In any case, it will be possible to achieve the highest quality floor covering, extend the durability of its operation and significantly improve the style of the room.

The screed itself will not cause complaints from the owner of the house, as it will make the surface of the base as smooth as possible and smooth. In turn, it will also provide an opportunity to provide a "polygon" for laying various floor coverings in the future - when repairing repair in the future, it will not be necessary to carry out all these works again.

The self-leveling band screed makes it possible to perform high-quality surface alignment. This uses a special mixture that facilitates the creation of necessary evenness. This option has advantages over a simple cement screed, which is poured much more difficult and has a rather long period of drying.

Screed with self-leveling effect has undeniable advantages that allocate it among standard options:

Compared to competitors, self-determining coatings have the shortest time of frozen

Of course, the advantages are much more, which makes such a solution quite popular for a solid sexual coating device.

But with all the positive properties of these compositions, there are disadvantages:

  • The impossibility of quick dismantling. Indeed, such a coating will require a large amount of time for full removal.
  • The screed is performed only on the horizontal plane. If you need to create some bias, according to the design plan, it is simply impossible.
  • Not the highest strength. Such a parameter is explained by a small thickness, which often ranges from 5 to 15 mm.
  • The possibility of the emergence of numerous cracking. This problem occurs due to poor-quality surface preparation and disorders of the installation technology.

Self-leveling floor requires careful preparation of the foundation, otherwise the coating will be irrevocably corrupted

Thus, the majority of negative points are associated with non-compliance with the correct fill technology.

Species of the mix

The leveling screed has various types of thickness created. Each of the options is suitable for performing a specific task:

Important! It should be borne in mind that, despite the possibility of correcting defects with a self-leveling screed, a thorough approach to the preparation of the base for the fill is required.

In addition to separation by the method of use, there are varieties that differ in composition:

Gypsum and cement self-leveling mixtures are equally well suited for water and electric heat floors

Thus, there is a wide selection of materials, which gives this screed additional advantages over other options.

Flow consumption

All works begin with the correct calculation of the required amount of self-leveling mixture. For this indicator, numerous factors should be taken into account:

  1. First of all, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room will be measured, which will be filling.
  2. The state of the base is determined. If the surface has significant defects, they are recommended to be eliminated during preparation. The fact is that solutions with self-leveling effect are able to correct many shortcomings, but it significantly increases their consumption.
  3. The desired thickness of the flooded layer. This indicator is determined depending on the type of product and existing irregularities.

Even minor curvatures of the foundation lead to serious consumption of expensive bulk floors.

Each manufacturer indicates the layout of the calculation rule, depending on the conditions. But there is a standard calculation method: with a layer of 10 mm with a thickness of 10 mm, taking into account minor deviations of the surface, the total amount of dry solution will be 1.5-2 kg.

The fill process

This process begins with careful preparation. The self-leveling mixture is delivered mainly as a final coating, so any drawbacks significantly complicate the work. The general principle of training is:

  • cracks and potholes are expanded and closed with spacure compositions;
  • the surface is cleared of dust and dirt, a layer of primer is applied;
  • if required, the reinforcing mesh of fiberglass is stretched, it is fixed using glue;
  • when creating a layer with a thickness of more than 20 mm, special beacons are installed.

The basis is prepared in stages, and each of the stages equally important

They are exhibited according to the measurements to determine the maximum irregularity and the lines over the entire perimeter.

Additionally prepared the necessary tools for work. It should be borne in mind that the process should be carried out at a temperature of from 15 to 30 degrees and air humidity not more than 65-70%.

Self-leveling screed is created as follows:

  1. Prepare a solution. It is mixed with a mixer or drill with a special nozzle. Due to the fact that the composition has a high setting speed, all work is performed quickly.
  2. The prepared mixture is poured into the surface and are distributed using a spatula. When it is required to quickly disseminate the composition of the large area, it is possible to use Rapps for greater amenities.
  3. To achieve uniformity, a needle roller is used, which drives air bubbles. All work must be completed for half an hour.

Phase phases

Thus, it is possible to quickly align the surface of the floor with minimal labor costs. It is important to take into account that the setting of the solution comes within an hour, but the laying of decorative materials can be started after several days.

When entering the room, the floor is the first thing we see after the doors. Therefore, there are always increased requirements for it, and the best materials are used for finishing. But whatever qualitative it is, an uneven surface or insufficient resistance of the floor will destroy the expected effect. Therefore, before decorative work, laying linoleum or carpet, ceramic tile or even painting, the surface of the floor should be perfectly aligned and stable.

Concrete or wooden old floor can "go", and potholes and chips disappear due to modern rapidly hardening plastic compositions. You do not need to use old technologies anymore and conduct special training, forget about the complex leveling and long-term solidation. Now you can make much faster without any special knowledge to make a tie of the floor alone with the help of a self-leveling mixture. All you need is to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

The composition for the self-assessment of the floor screed is a set of specially selected components. When breeding the mixture to a liquid state, it acquires the ability to spread, creating a completely smooth surface. Such a composition of the mixture components has the property of rapid solidification, creating an opportunity for the resumption of construction work in a short time.

There will be no heavy construction equipment for work.

The advantages include high solidness, wear resistance, as well as the complete absence of shrinkage. Since the thickness of the layer is small, the use of low ceiling in buildings will not affect the overall feeling of the height of the room.

Name. Short descriptionPackaging kg.Consumption kg / mm / m2CostMPA strengthLayer thickness in mm
Alfapol VP - bulk floor finishing self-leveling M200 F200 RK5 W12 on cement basis25 1,75 375-471 20 2-40
Floor recovery, high-quality dry construction mixture on cement basis25 1,7 360 20 2-80
Bergauf Boden Zement Medium, Self-leveling floor for final leveling of horizontal surfaces, ideal for further laying of any flooring (ceramic tiles, parquet, carpet, linoleum)25 2 289-324 20 6-60
Forbo Eurobond 915, fast-riding bulk floor, with a small shrinkage, self-leveling, quick-drying. Suitable for heated floors. For use indoors incl. in wet premises. Withstands the load from furniture on the rollers.25 1,7 405 20 3-50
Petromix PS, for alignment of floors on concrete and other solid foundations in dry, wet and rawrooms. Serves as a base for floor facing coatings (parquet, ceramic tile, textile carpets, plastic coatings, linoleum, etc.)25 1,5 441-471 25 2-30
T-42 Nipline, self-leveling, high-strength, moisture resistant, a non-showing level on cement-sand-based, using special chemical additives.25 1,7 342-433 25 3-30
Ceresit CN 178, for the manufacture of screeds operating under conditions of low and moderate mechanical loads, incl. With a constant impact of moisture (in residential and public premises, on exploited roofs, balconies, terraces, open areas, etc.), with external and internal works, in civil and industrial construction.25 2 370 35 5-80
WITHOUT CEMENT BASED WITH CENTER 4100, for alignment of concrete floors indoors25 1,6 520-537 20 2-30
vetonit 4150, suitable for rapidly aligning concrete floors and creating screens in residential buildings, offices and public buildings. It is used for repair and new construction under various types of flooring. Used in the designs "Warm floor"25 1,6 520-550 20 2-30
Bergauf Boden Zement Final, self-deemed cement-based floor for perfectly smooth surfaces. For premises with normal and high humidity (bathroom).25 1,8 435-490 20 0,5-5

Scope of application of self-leveling screed

  1. Preparation for finishing floor finish. It is used to remove the defects of the draft coating, while the thin layer of the self-leveling screed from 2 to 25 mm height is applied.
  2. With the device waterproofing. It is used when the base is saturated with oils or other aggressive media, and when the base is a wooden coating. The thickness of such a screed ranges from 25 to 60 mm.
  3. When thermal insulation device.
  4. When creating warm floors. Self-leveling screed hides cables and water tubes warm floors, along with this, leveling the surface. The thickness of the layer directly depends on the height of the laid heating element, but the overall height of the screed layer should not exceed 60 mm.

Types of floor screed

Self-leveling mixtures can be conditionally divided by the main binder component or intended purpose.

Basically, under construction, the main component of the mixture for alignment of floors is cement or gypsum. There are also polymer mixtures, but they have a special scope of application and purpose.


Mixes on a cement basis, in addition to cement and construction sand, contain polymer additives.

Plasticizers give the liquid mixture increased spreadability and increase the speed of solidification. The finished floor is characterized by a high standard of strength. You can use the tool in any rooms regardless of the level of humidity. The thin coating layer of several millimeters is achieved by a cement-based screed.


The composition of the gypsum mixtures also includes cement, but plaster is the main binding component. Used for screed in rooms with controlled humidity. It is often used when aligning high height drops, when you need to make a high thickness screed, sometimes a layer of fill is up to 100 mm.

By strength, the gypsum screed is not inferior to cement, and taking into account the thickness of the layer sometimes exceeds it.

Gypsum has a high thermal conductivity, which is what is actively used when the warm floors is used.

Mixtures can be divided by intended purpose:

  • for coarse alignment. It is used for a screed with a very uneven base or large defects, while the thickness of the generated layer can reach up to 10 mm. Can be used as a basis for laying ceramic tiles or laminate;
  • for fine alignment. Scope of application - finishing, perfect alignment. It is usually produced by filling the cement mixture to the already aligned screed. The thickness of this coating is up to 5 mm. The quality of the finished floor is suitable for mounting all sorts of finish and decorative coatings;
  • for complex bases. Such mixtures include reinforcing fibers and plasticizers with special properties that give the screed additional properties: increased strength in compression, hydrophobicity, etc. Such compositions are used for the screed device on the complex wood surface, based on the separation layer.

Calculation of the amount of material

Calculate the number of material

Calculation of the number of purchased material is the most important stage for a person who independently makes the screed. Since the material is quite expensive, buying even an excess bag will be burdensome, and vice versa - an insufficient amount of harvested material will not allow to complete the work, it means that the screed layer will not be monolithic and lost the necessary qualitative characteristics.

Before buying, thoroughly analyze the market offered by mixtures, do not neglect the attentive reading of the instructions printed on the package or on the manufacturer's website.

With external similarity, the compositions have different purposes, characteristics, indicators of thickness, strength, consumption. Be sure to pay attention to the units of measurement in which the consumption is indicated.

The mathematical calculation of the required number of self-leveling screed can be carried out according to the formula:

Material \u003d Area * Medium thickness * Consumption * 100

Sharing the result of calculations on the weight of one bag, we obtain the desired amount of the mixture in bags. To correct the result, taking into account the reserve "just in case", multiply the resulting number by 5%. You can not be corrected at the "stock" if you feel that your calculations at the necessary height of the superimposed layer are accurate.

For clarity, we give an example. Let the room be an area of \u200b\u200b17 square meters. meters, and the average floor level should rise by 6 mm. We will assume that on the packaging of the mixture in the instructions, the consumption of material is 14 kg per 1 kV. Meter square, and the weight of packaging is 20 kg.

M \u003d 17 * 0.006 * 14 * 100 \u003d 142.8 kg

5% stock \u003d 7.14 kg

142.8 + 7,14 \u003d 149.94 kg

149.94 / 20 \u003d 7,497 ≈ 8 bags

Thus, it is possible to calculate the amount of dry construction mixture in bags. Even with such a small area and the thickness of the future coating, it will take a lot of material, because of what the thoroughness in the measurement and calculation of the layer thickness needs to be paid special attention.

Tools and materials

The specifics of the creation of a screed consists in continuing the fill process. Ensure the speed and clarity of action will help all the required devices and tools.

The rake during the distribution of the solution will be more convenient, especially considering the possibility of adjusting the gap between the floor and the fill itself.

In addition to the dry mixture, some materials will be needed for work. When the base for the screed is concrete, you will need a primer if a wooden is an antiseptic. The damper tape stacked around the perimeter of the room, the width should be slightly larger than the height of the future floor.

Putty to eliminate defects in the preparation of the coating, it must correspond to the coating of the base. When the base is tied with a separation layer, waterproofing will be needed.

Preparation of the foundation

Because of the low thickness of the screed, any extraneous inclusion (fragments of the old concrete coating, wooden sins, etc.) can spoil all the work. The floor must be carefully cleaned from dust and wash away from dirt. It will give the opportunity to see potholes, chips and cracks at the base. Related surface particles should be removed.

If the base serves a wooden surface (for example, a parquet board), you need to check the individual elements on rotting, tenting, loss. All flaws of the surface of the base need to be corrected and close with splock or cement and sand solution.

Check the level of flatness, if there are significant altitude deviations - to align the same materials as possible. The smaller the floor will be after preparation, the less costs for the main material.
When all defects are eliminated, the gender once again needs to be cleaned and washed. After drying the surface with the surface taking into account the flow rate indicated on the package.

If the primer absorbed quickly, it means that the base is high porosity, so after complete drying of the first primer layer is applied the second.

The process of applying the mixture

In this process, there is nothing complicated, the organization is important, as it is necessary to work at a pace and without delays. Along the unprepared employee will be hard to cope with this task.

The whole process as a whole consists of repetitive actions: damping, pouring, leveling. These actions are repeated several times until the entire surface is covered with self-leveling solution. Between the kneading and the end of the leveling you have only 6-8 minutes.

In the details it looks like this:

Note that the poured solution is frozen quickly. If you work without an assistant, a constant time shortage will lead to the fact that the solution you will not have time to mature or you do not have enough time to sprinkle the mixture in the surface. When the delay, when the surface of the surface is already frozen, and a fresh solution is poured near, there will be influxes. What will adversely affect the evenness and quality of the finished coating.

Video - kneading and applying a solution

Video - Secrets of alignment of floors by self-leveling mixture