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What a spindle power is needed for metal processing. Choosing the spindle of the CNC machine. Device and cooling

Any milling Machine on metal and CNC wood is equipped with spindle (translated from german word "SPINDEL", that is, "spindle"), a special device, which is a rotating shaft, which transmits the rotational movement of the mill, the main working mechanism of the machine.

It is at the expense of the spindle that the entire system of the CNC machine with CNC for metal and wood is given, and that's why to know the features this deviceAs well as the rules for its operation and how to carry out its repair with your own hands, it is extremely important and simply necessary.

1 Total Spindle Information

Spindle, in fact, this is an ordinary rotating shaft, which is attached to the element of the milling machine for metal and the CNC tree. This mechanism for the milling machine is the transmission engine of the so-called rotational movement from the speed instrument to the machine milling mill, which is the main cutting tool.

In turn, the speed instrument is a mechanism for transmitting the number of revolutions to the milling machine shaft.

It is from the accuracy of the rotation of the shaft, as well as from the vibration resistance of its bulk engine, it depends on how accurate and neat processing will occur parts and spare parts with a CNC machine for metal and wood.

On the homemade or factory milling machine for metal and wood with the CNC system, the spindle is installed on a special mobile portal, which in the process moves the spindle together with the three-axis attached in it: in the plane of the machine table and along the z axis (that is, in depth).

Simply put, the movement transfers the machine milling mill through the node, without possible additional distortion from the transfer machine mechanisms.

1.1 Technical parameters

Spindle differ as technical parameters, And for purpose, there is:

  • two-zpindel milling machine with CNC (for a CNC milling machine on wood and metal);
  • with vertically swivel action (for the work complex work do-it-yourself wood and metal on milling installations with CNC system);
  • electroshpindel (including homemade, made with their own hands);
  • homemade, made with their own hands Electroshpindel or spindle with a vertically turning mechanism of work. As a rule, the details made by their own hands have a sufficiently small operational period and they need a constant repair;
  • spindle for the processing of the end. In such a model, the spindle head is connected by two carbide cassettes, as well as the head is equipped with two charts for processing chamfer at a given angle.

In addition, the shafts for the milling machine differ in the power spent and the maximum possible number of revolutions.

The maximum possible amount of revolutions are determined by the existing de facto mode of operation and operation of the machine and its scope:

  • engraving;
  • cutting;
  • milling.

Moreover, there are additional modes where it is simply Inevitably attracting additional tools. In general, for engraving work, most often use the vertically-rotary spindle.

For high-speed milling vertically, the most preferred electrospindel (including the homemade electrospindel produced by its own hands).

To work with specific materials, each of the possible listed modes determines required requirementsAnd that is why the machine spindle should be purchased with a good margin of the torque (most preferred in this case, a two-spindle variant that can be made with your own hands).

The expendable power of the spindle is completely dependent on type consumables. For example, 800 W capacities will be more than enough for accurate and high speed processing of cardboard and plywood, while the spindle having a power of 1.5 kW (two-spindle variant) is ideal for milling processing of plastic, wood and various thin metals.

A model with a capacity of 3-4 kW and a vertically turning mechanism of work will be most preferable for high-speed and accurate processing of stone elements.

Knot frequency converter The machine (inverter) cannot work without shaft, and that is why, in order to prevent interruptions and various breakdowns, which then require expensive and long repairs, the power of the two these mechanisms should always be completely identical.

It is important to understand that if necessary, replacing the spindle (for example, if the repair is made) with minor working turns on much more powerful, it is necessary to make sure that the frequency converter node has been replaced (inverter).

1.2 Advantages of application

The main and most significant advantages of spindles are as follows:

  • extremely high coefficient useful action (the so-called efficiency), which reaches a mark of 80-95%;
  • strong design elements. The spindle is very wear-resistant and durable. The head of the spindles of the newest models and their outer shell is made of bronze and it rarely need repairs;
  • the high operational period of operation of the mechanical elements of the spindle (head, fastener mechanism and so on) that do not require frequent repairs.

And all this, due to the fact that both ordinary spindles and spindles are vertically with two heads do not have erased or abrasive elements and they almost completely lack the effect of magnetic elements (head, rotor, and so on).

2 Device and cooling

The rotor magnet, which, as a rule, is made of rare-earth solid metals, performs rotational motions inside the machine stator having a winding.

For uninterrupted and stable performance, the spindle freresser is equipped with three-phase engines and a special frequency converter that transmits a three-phase signal to the stator winding.

In the process of operation, the machine spindle constantly needs good cooling (which is especially applicable to vertically-turning models), which can only be provided with two known methods: With the use of water and using air use.

Water scheme cooling systems is a closed circuit, According to which water circulates and falls into specially intended for the coolet system of the spindle cavity.

And although this scheme of the cooling system does not always work perfectly (which is especially often on vertically turning models), but, as a rule, such cooling usually copes with its duty.

The scheme of the cooling air system is somewhat more complicated. Here, the air run is carried out through the so-called "air intakes" and special collapse of the shaft.

And despite the fact that this method More preferable and most often used to cool the shafts, it has a significant minus.

The fact is that gradually system air cooling It is clogged and its repair is required (especially the filters of the uncoolette engine and the spindle head). And it happens, as a rule, most often with dusty materials like wood and on vertically rotary spindles.

Therefore, although this method It is very effective, it takes constant repair and cleaning, both the filters of the cooling air system and the repair of the entire design as a whole.

2.1 Useful information about milling spindles (video)

1 The most budget spindle for self-made CNC Machine - Engraver, Figure 1, Price from 500r. Power 125W. Of the cons of this choice - weak torque on small circulation and, as a result, it is suitable only for the execution of engraving and for work on the mild tree of wood with small diameters.

Picture 1

2 The second spindle option for homemade desktop mill-engraving machine - Bormashinka Proxxon, Figure 2, price from 2000r. Compared to inexpensive engravers, the following advantages can be noted: it works much quieter, high-quality cartridge clamp, not so much loses torque at low revs.

Figure 2.

3 Third option for inexpensive desktop CNC This spindles from DC motors for 12 ... 48V, Figure 3. Power up to 400W. Turns up to 12,000. A separate power source of the machine spindle is required. You can attribute to the advantages of this spindle: 1) a sufficiently low beating, which makes it good choice as a spindle for conductors in the manufacture printed circuit board or in the manufacture of models of 2) Low noise level, 3) Standard CNGA ER11A. For disadvantages: 1) required additional source nutrition, 2) relatively small power limits the possibilities of applying cuttings to 4mm, only for milling soft materials3) strong enough overheating in operation, which requires good cooling, blowing, ventilated space.

Figure 3.

Included with electronics It is possible to control the number of spindle speed Figure 4, from the Mach3 Machine control program, for this, the PWM output is provided in the machine controller, an output indicated on the housing as PWM.

Figure 4.

4 Next Spindle Option for Inexpensive Desktop CNC self-assembly These are milling mills and straightening machines.
The FME-850W Enhaul is a sufficient power for processing any materials (wood, plywood, non-ferrous metals). Very noisy in work. Included there is a Cangga by 6mm, which allows using a 3V6mm adapter to work with various diameters cut from 0.1mm to 6mm. It is worth noting that far from all the milling mills are equipped with a Canguy 6mm, for example, a common intercol has no collet 6mm, which does not allow the cutters less than 8mm and makes it unsuitable for use on milling CNC machines. The disadvantages of this mill can include the absence of electronics maintaining stable revolutions, which makes it difficult to use acrylic and other plastics processed on low revs. As well as low bearing quality, which limits the continuous operation of 2 hours of operation. This time is quite enough to cut words from plywood, or small up to 10x10cm of carved 3D paintings and Pano, 3D products of large sizes will require significantly more time and therefore the use of this spindle for 3D products of large-sized will lead to increased wear of bearings and quick failure.

Figure 5.

5 Sparky mills, Figure 6. Power from 500W to 1050W. In the models of 750W and 1050W, electronics are maintained to maintain stable revolutions, which allows it to use it for milling acrylic (plexiglass), bilateral plastics, PVC, model plastic, etc. The processing of plastics is carried out on low spindle revolutions to avoid melting plastic, while sufficient power requires to provide acceptable performance, speed, and avoid overheating in the milling zone and plastic sticking on the mill. For work with plastics are used overcome.

Rugs 6.

6. Mill Kress. Best quality from the segment of inexpensive collector spindles for desktop Made with your own hands. Price from 13t.r. The beating is normalized, which makes it possible to attribute it to a higher class of spindles. High reliability, service life on the CNC machine to the house and small business machine is incomparably above all above the listed spindles and is inferior only by professional uncommunicative (asynchronous) spindles

7. Professional spindle liquid cooling.

Advantages: high reliability, in the design of such spindles 3 or 4 bearing, while at domestic collector only 2, and the absence of wear brushes inherent to collector motors.

The accuracy of the assembly I. high quality Balancing provides both the minimum beating on the shaft, which is necessary for high-quality processing with a thin and / or long tool.

The advantage of liquid cooling spindles over air cooling spindles:

1) more quiet work, due to the absence of noise created by the impeller forced blowing

2) The ability to work in non-declaring rooms at elevated ambient air temperatures either in cramped conditions where there is no possibility to ensure normal air circulation.

3) The ability to work in indoor rooms with dust, air cooling spindles when working in dusting rooms can collect and accumulate abrasive particles that cause damage to the spindle mechanical nodes

The disadvantages include only the price of 10000r and the need to use the frequency converter to power (another 10000r) and the cooling system.

Under the phrase "Spindle for the CNC milling machine" usually, it is usually taken to mean the engine, with a collet self-activated cartridge installed on it (as on a manual milling machine), which serves to fix cutting tool, such as a cutter, grindstone, drill, etc., and the transfer of rotational movement at high speed.


They can be divided into 2 small groups - this is home and industrial:

  1. The homemade includes various bormers, small household milling mills or drills.
  2. Industrial include the engine, calculated to withstand high loads in the process of operation, having ceramic bearings and, often equipped with a complex system of liquid or air cooling and lubrication system directly to sections with high friction and heating levels.

When used in the CNC home machine, Drills in the role of the spindle, it is necessary to understand that its bearings are not designed for high side load and will very quickly begin to "swell", which can lead to high heating Winding, reducing power on the shaft, and later such a spindle will simply burn.

In this case, the cooling will not help, and it is necessary to refine the drill itself, namely: replace the ball bearing shaft on the roller (preferably with ceramic rollers), rigidly fix it in the case and takes care of the constant lubrication in it.

Spindle features dependent on the type

Basically, during the operation of milling machines, all loads are perpendicular to the spindle axis, and parallel loads appear only at the moment of the insertion into the body of the workpiece. That is why it is necessary to choose a motor that can withstand such loads over a large period of time, since the operation of milling machines can be continuous during the day and even more.

Spindles intended for industrial purposes do not need constant cleaning and lubrication of bearings on the entire service life, but if you begin to notice extraneous sounds in his work on idling, it is better to disassemble the engine housing, blow from the inside compressed air All pollution (if contained) and well lubricate the bearing with a special lubricant that does not lose its properties at high temperatures.

In addition, the industrial spindle is equipped with a high-quality collet cartridge with minimal beating when working, providing the necessary processing accuracy, the minimum difference between the actual and real size of the cutter and allows you to clamp cutters with a conventional cylindrical shank.

Canguble clamps

Basically, the most common colts of type ER11 and ER16, which becomes drill or mill with a diameter of the tail part from 2.5 to 3.2 mm, even if it is made by a cone. There are also cartridges designed for a larger diameter of the tool, but they are used at rough processing Metal or milling steel and have a hole under the clamp of a tool 6 and more than millimeters.

Why you can not install it on my home machine with CNC, you ask?

If you press the mill with a diameter of 2 mm with a shank diameter of 3.2 mm into a collet cartridge, then when processing, you practically don't notice the difference, but if you install a milling machine with a milling machine, a diameter of 10 mm and a 3.2 mm shank, you can easily deform the guides as the load on In this case, they increase at times. In the machine, all the details must be perfectly combined with each other, otherwise there will be more problems with it than quality work. Therefore, we recommend that you choose from Cangge EP-13, it is enough for small amounts of work and almost any working tool applied to the processing of various materials.

Spindle power

When choosing a spindle power, you need to be guided by the Golden Rule - the more, the better. Basic rules when choosing power:

  1. If you plan to use milling machines only for drilling or engraving small parts, it will be quite enough spindle, with a capacity of up to 600 watts.
  2. For milling solid wood and metal, you need to consider the engine with a capacity of 600 to 1400 watts.
  3. In the event that further modernization of the machine is planned (there are machines with two spindles and more) or need a large power supply, it is necessary to look towards spindles that have a power of more than 1.6 kW, they will allow processing almost any materials, and the quality of work will depend only From the reliability of the mechanical part of CNC machines.

Methods of milling

We clarify some subtleties. Milling can be in two ways, or with a quick feed and slow rotation of the cutter, or with a slow feed, but with a high rotational speed of the cutter. The first method is called high-speed, and the second is powerful.

In industry, power milling is usually used in order to quickly select excess material From the workpiece. Before this, it is necessary to study the description and passport details of a certain cutter and make the necessary cutting modes specifically for it in the machine, namely: speed of rotation, plug and feed. Thus, it is possible to use a mill, getting the maximum performance from it without overloading it.

If the mechanical part of your machine does not allow you to get a good effort and begins to deform, it is better not to experiment, but use the second milling method - high-speed, developing the maximum speed of rotation of the cutter and setting the minimum feed rate.

Criteria for selecting spindles

After analyzing the foregoing, it is necessary to determine what is more important to us, the speed of the spindle or its power. Buying high-quality and expensive spindle, you can not ask for such a question, because most of them have enough high power And the high speed of rotation at the same time.

At a maximum, such spindles are practically not used, and they are loaded by 60-80% of all power and use up to 90% of the maximum speed, which is undoubtedly a big advantage, since the spindle for such conditions milling CNC The machine does not overheat and will not work for wear. High speed Rotation (18000-20000 rpm) is practically not used for the reason that when processing at such speeds, the tool and the billet begins to warm and burn, spoiling all the work.

Separately, it is worth considering spindles feed from the three-phase network. They are connected by five wires, three of which are linear, one zero and one for grounding. To the household network they will not be able to connect without refinement.

Previously, for such purposes, launcher capacitors were used, which, according to electrical engineering law, changed the phase angle and were artificially created 3 phases from one. But the CNC milling machine for such a method is unlikely to be relevant, since in this case the possibility of regulating the spindle speed is lost. Therefore, in our time, electronic frequency converters (IF) are used, the principle of operation of which is built on the straightening of household voltage and generating 3-phase from it with the possibility of smooth frequency adjustment.

The frequency converter or frequency, as it is called in the people, has many useful functions, among which you can select: spindle temperature control, smooth adjustment of the speed of their rotation, and the most useful function is that it can be connected to the Milling Machine Control Unit and software It will automatically set the necessary tool rotation speed. In addition, frequency gives the possibility of smooth start-up and braking spindles, which significantly increases their life.


As mentioned above, spindles can be equipped with both air and liquid cooling. Air is a conventional impeller fixed on the motor shaft and blowing it windings.

A large disadvantage of this type of cooling is the fact that the impeller not only injected the air to the hot motor, but also sucks into its case chips, dust and everything that cuts the cutter from the workpiece. Also when processing on low speeds Air cooling is ineffective, because directly depends on the rotation speed of the spindle shaft.

The water cooling system does not have such a shortage, but when it is used, it is necessary for a separate place for the coolant tank and the correct fixation of the tubes with it on the body of the milling machines, which strongly complicates the design, if it is a milling two-zpindel machine.

She is much effectively system Air cooling, since the speed of the fluid current through the spindle is the same thanks to the use of a special pump. The main condition that needs to be observed, having a water-cooled spindle is that it is impossible to turn on the engine without turning on the pump, since in this case it will not cool at all, it will be overheated very quickly and, as a result, burns.

Spindle for CNC is the most responsible part and loaded knot. For right choice always take into account that the power of the motor and mechanical strength kinematics should exceed 2 times calculated values. This is required to preserve expensive parts when subflinking.

basic information

Programs for CNC machines are written according to the stiffness of the design and maximum spindle revolutions. During milling processing, the likelihood of breakdowns of a rotating tool from heating or metal fatigue should be taken into account. Therefore, safety clutches are often set, calculated under the specific dimensions of the motor shaft and the diameter of the cartridge.

All programs for CNC machines are previously carried out step by step without moving axes. When the user is 100% confident that the spindle cams will not be borrowed, then they start working with movements in step mode or single cycles. When the check is over without workpiece, proceed to directly cutting the part.

The CNC spindle is an expensive node and the most powerful one, however, it can be easily dealt with careless handling of equipment. Some systems have complex calculations of the proofreaders, the improper definition of which turns into long-term repairs. To work on each new machine, a pre-retraining of the operator is required, even if it already has experience in a similar rack.


Spindle for CNC should be chosen according to the following criteria:

  • Type of cooling node: air, liquid.
  • The power of the spindle motor and the gear ratio of the gearbox.
  • Engine's type.
  • View of bearings and the method of their lubrication.
  • Work modes, braking system type.
  • Positioning accuracy and type of tracking sensor.
  • Spindle fastening

In addition to the listed parameters, the engine is important: the size of the motor: the number of windings, the type of rotor, the method of removing and supplying the load on the winding. Take into account the torque and the ability to adjust the node centers relative to the feed axes. Cartridges should also change: self-arc, hydraulic, manual, pneumatic.

The spindle for CNC is chosen taking into account the possibilities of changing the consumables. You should look at the options available bearings that are available in warehouses, learn about the delivery time. It may be so possible that due to the small consumility, production will rise for a long period, or it will be necessary to pay a ten-fold price for the manufacture of the part. A small spindle for CNC should have a lightweight design and small dimensions.

What can a node make yourself?

Spindle for milling wood, plastic and other soft materials can be a conventional electric drill. It is important to set it up and measure the cutting of the cutter. it cheap optionallowing you to improve the already existing design.

Any engine with exactly the instrument is suitable as a rotating axis. Signed reliable I. hard fastening Spindle. The launch of the axial should not be more than 0.01 microns for most holes. Fits borver, turning drill, can even fit the engine from washing machine or sewing. Which spindle is suitable in a particular case depends on the goal. The type of material, the required accuracy of the part size, the loading in the automatic cycle is taken into account. Can and order already ready solutions In the online store.

Engines to order

Used to improve the accuracy of the output and reduce time costs for production. For single products, the cost of technology exceeds the amount of invested funds for its release. It will be cheaper to order a detail in any company engaged in metalworking.

For homemade spindle ordered ready-made motors. Popular engines direct current, synchronous and asynchronous. Turns by 12 thousand for such engines - not the limit. Additionally, a gearbox can be used with manual or automatic drive. Sustainable power is required for powerful spindle engines. This is their disadvantage. But if you put the simplest drive and the motor with feedback, then on such a machine you can already process more sophisticated products. An additional axis is introduced in the CNC, which can hold not only the mill, but also cylindrical parts.

What is better to order engines?

The factory motors have already been balancing the shaft and the bearings with minimal beating are selected. It remains only to put the finished engine on standard fastening And set the alignment on the indicator rack. Milling accuracy is required in the production of printed circuit boards, kinematics details.

Synchronous motors showed themselves well in the manufacture of jewelry parts by engraving. Permanent motors have a low noise level during operation, which can be useful for managers trying to improve their production. However, they have a property to warm while working on large revolutions. Therefore, cooling, at least the air, will be required separately.

Selection of professionals

More expensive engines for spindles are necessarily equipped with liquid cooling. They have more high accuracy Positioning, a fairly powerful torque, and reliability above mentioned several times. Usually they are installed on 3-4 bearing, and not 2, like classic motors. Due to this, the minimum testing of the instrument or part is achieved in the cartridge.

Hello everyone's friends, collecting a small machine CNC and the other day I purchased a set of spindle, frequency, collet, in general the most necessary for complete happiness. The thing is not cheap, and the review will be very useful for those who are going to buy but doubt the choice. The seller proven and I didn't take one of him, delivers quickly, there are warehouses in Russia and packed all super!

After seven days, I had already fled my studio with a huge box of all sorts of nishtyakov and I wildly wanted to unpack her.

Ago why I chose exactly such a kit. I agree, the capacity of 2.2 kW for a small machine is redundant, but the price difference between 1.5 kW. and 2.2 kW. Not big but the differences between them are essential! Firstly, the ER20 on the more powerful ER20 spindle that allows to mount the cutters with a larger diameter shank, which increases the rigidity and increases its functionality, and secondly, the C7005x2 C7002x2 bearing is installed on this model, which will increase the service life of this unit.
And so, the characteristics:
Sizes: 80 mm
Power: 2.2kw.
Voltage: 220 V
Frequency: 0-400 Hz
Speed: 0-24000 rpm.
Water cooling
Tsang ER20.
Spindle size dimensions

The kit goes:
1 x 2.2 kW Water-cooled spindle
1 x 2.2 kW / 220 V VDF frequency converter
1 x pump for water cooling system
1 x 5 meters tube for cooling system
1 x 80 mm. Bracket for spindle
13 x Set of CANG ER20 (1.2, 3.175, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9, 10,11, 12.7, 13 mm)
Actually now you can look at live photos of what was in the box. Let's start with the spindle, everything is as promised by the seller a huge metal thing that weighs exactly five kilograms, the Tsang nut steel with traces of balancing, in the upper part there are two fittings with nuts for the cooling system hoses and a power connector (the response part also goes to Complete) In the 4 pin connector, only 3 can be connected in any combination, resistance of windings 2.5 ohms.

Pomp for water cooling system DS3500 model operating voltage 220 V. 50 hz power 75 W. Productivity 3000 liters per hour and pump can raise water to a height of 3.5 meters. Pump submersible type is attached to 4 suckers, in the kit there is a transitional fitting with a quick fixation of the hose of 8 mm. American Standard Fork Type A

Standard bracket for a spindle with a diameter of 80 mm. Included with it 3 screws, one in the center of the squeezing so that you can insert the spindle and two to fix the spindle on the spot.

Included I had 15 CANG ER20 13 in individual containers, one installed in the spindle and one was just in the bag as a bonus that is very nice.

HY02D223B frequency of HY02D223B is quite common, although the instruction is included in the kit but it is all on english language And sufficiently detailed but it is difficult to figure it out. Fortunately for us on the Internet it is easy to find instructions for setting up and a description of the basic functions. Attention In order to avoid the premature death of the spindle, I recommend resetting the frequency to the factory settings and set up the characteristics of your spindle, respectively. In the frequency itself, the fan is installed immediately after the power supply. The control panel is a cigarette, but the cable is short, if desired, it can be significantly lengthened.

The same included 5 meters of hose external diameter 8 mm. Inner 5 mm. Hard enough. I unfortunately it turned out to be little and I bought another 5 meters in the nearest auto shop.

Well, finally, when I all unpacked everything was connected and verified if someone would be interested in watching a video on the launch of this spindle.

I plan to buy +26. Add to favourites I liked the review +31 +60