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Is it possible to make a CNC machine with your own hands? CNC milling machine in home (garage) conditions manufacturing CNC machine with their own hands

In order to perform a bulk drawing on wooden surfaceThe factory milling machines are commonly used. But it is quite possible to make such a mini-model yourself, however, it is necessary to get acquainted with the design. The basis may lie on the spare part from the printer, which can be purchased for a penny.

Principle of operation of the machine

If you decide to make a CNC mill with your own hands, you must familiarize yourself with the features of such equipment. It is intended for forming a drawing on a wooden surface. In the design there must be an electronic and mechanical part. Together they allow you to automate work.

For the manufacture of a tabletop, you should know that the cutting element protrudes the cutter. It is installed in the spindle on the shaft of the electric motor. The whole design is fixed on the bed. It can move along two axes of coordinates. To mount the workpiece, perform a support table. Step-by-step engines need to connect the electronic control unit.

The motor and control unit ensure the carriage offset relative to the part. Such technology allows the volumetric patterns on the surface. Mini equipment works in a specific sequence. At the first stage, a program is written, which will prepare a plan for moving the cutting part. This uses software complexes for adaptation in self-made models.

The next step will be the installation of the workpiece. The program is entered in CNC. The equipment turns on, and then controls automatic actions. In order to ensure maximum automation, it is necessary to make a scheme and choose components.

Before making a CNC milling mill with your own hands, you need to get acquainted with the factory models. For complex patterns and drawings, you should use several types of cutters. Some of them you can do it yourself, however thin work We will need factory options.

Scheme of homemade machine

The most complicated and important stage in the manufacture of the described equipment is the choice of scheme. It will depend on the degree of processing and size of the workpiece. For household conditions, it is better to use a mini-machine that will be installed on the table. Suitable option It is a design of two carriages that will move along the axes of coordinates.

Metal polished rods can become grounds. They are installed carriages. To create a transmission, stepper electric motors and screws are supplemented with rolling bearings. To automate the process, it is necessary to consider the electronic part. It will consist of:

  • power supply;
  • controller;
  • drivers.

Manufacturing CNC Mill With Your Hands, you must familiarize yourself with constructive features Devices. For example, the power supply is required to supply electricity to stepper motors and a controller chip. To do this, use the 12V 3A model. The controller is required to submit commands to the engine. For the device, there will be a simple circuit for the controller, which will serve commands for three engines.

The driver is also the driver. It will be responsible for the rolling part. To control, use standard software complexes. As one of them serves KCAM, which has a flexible structure to adapt to any controller. This complex has one important advantage that consists in the possibility of importing common formats files. With the application, you can create a three-dimensional drawing of the workpiece for analysis.

In order for stepper motors to work with a given input frequency, technical parameters will be added to the control program. When drawing up a program, some blocks should be made. They are designed for:

  • drawing;
  • milling;
  • engraving;
  • drills.

This will eliminate idle milling cutters.

Selection of components

Before performing a CNC milling mill with your own hands, you must select components for assembly. The appropriate option is the use of primary agents. The base of the machine can be plexiglas, aluminum or wood. For the proper functioning of the complex, the design of the calipers should be developed. Their movement should not be accompanied by oscillations, which may cause inaccurate processing of the part.

Before assembly, the components are checked for compatibility. As for the guides, the steel grinding rods will perform as them, the diameter of which is 12 mm. For the axis x length is equivalent to 200 mm, for y - 90 mm. Before you begin to make a CNC milling mill with your own hands, you must find the caliper. The appropriate option is textolite. The dimensions of the site will be as follows: 25x100x45 mm.

The fastening unit can be made of textolite. Its configuration will depend on the existing tool. The power supply is usually used by the factory. If you want to do these works yourself, you should be prepared for possible errorswho negatively affect the equipment.

If you want to collect your own mills, you can use the 24V model to do this. As an excellent option, it also serves 5a. It is often compared with drive drives, the first of which has a more impressive power. For soldering controller board, use capacitors and resistors in SMD enclosures. This will reduce the parameters, as well as make the inner space more optimized.

Machine Manufacturing Instructions

Once all the components were selected, you can start making the device. All items are pre-checked, which is especially concerned with their quality and parameters. Special details should be used to attach nodes. Their form and configuration will depend on the selected scheme.

Design must have a working tool to rise. To do this, use to return to rotation on you need to apply a toothed belt. The mandatory element of the equipment is the vertical axis. It can be made of aluminum stove. This node is adjusted in size, which were obtained at the design stage and are listed in the drawing.

Before making a CNC milling mill, you can cast a vertical axis using a muffle plate for this. An excellent material will be aluminum. Two engines are mounted on the housing, which will be located on the axis. One of them will be responsible for horizontal, and the other is for vertical movement. Rotation should be transmitted through belts. Once all items will be in their places, the machine must be installed on manual control And check his work. If the shortcomings are revealed, you can eliminate them in place.

Additionally about stepper motors

CNC units must be equipped with electric engines stepping type. As such a motor, you can use the one that will be borrowed from the matrix printer. Usually installed in them powerful elements. Matrix aggregates have steel rods, based on solid material. They can also be used in homemade machine.

If you wondered how to make a CNC mill with your own hands, the photo is pre-recommended to consider. They will allow you to understand how to act. The design may provide for the presence of three engines, which indicates the need to disassemble two matrix printers. It is better if the motors will possess five control wires, because the functionality of the machine will increase several times. When choosing a stepper motor, you should find out the number of degrees per step and operating voltage. You should also know the winding resistance. This will allow you to properly configure the software.

Mounting Vala.

If you decide to make a mill with a CNC on a tree with your own hands, you can use a stud or nut of the corresponding sizes. The shaft mount is better to carry out a rubber cable with a thick winding. The same approach is relevant and when mounting the engine to the heel. Clamp you can make a sleeve with a screw. It uses nylon. In this case, the tools and drill are actuated by the tools.

Machine Equipment

The main element of the described equipment is software. You can use homemade, which will provide for all drivers for controllers. The provision must have the supply blocks and stepper motors. If you faced the task of how to assemble the CNC milling mill with your own hands, you must take care of the availability of the LPT port. It will also be necessary working programmproviding control and management of the necessary modes of operation.

The CNC unit itself connects to the equipment through the port and the installed motors. When choosing software For the machine it is necessary to bet on the one that has already proven its stable operation and has functional possibilities. Electronics will affect the quality and accuracy of the operations. After it is installed, you must download programs and drivers.

Do with your own hands performed by the same technology. However, he will cope only with subtle billets. Before working the device, you must check in the work of electronic support and eliminate the shortcomings.

Instead of imprisonment: Features of manufacturing a machine from drilling equipment

Before you begin the work on the manufacture of a CNC millingrer with your own hands, step by step need to consider the instructions. It may provide for the use of a particular schematic diagram based on which mini equipment will work. As such, sometimes acts drilling machinein which the working head is replaced with the milling.

The most difficult thing is that the mechanism that provides movement in 3 planes will have to descriptive. This mechanism is usually collected based on the same carriages from the non-working printer.

Software control is connected to the device. It will be possible to work with such a device with billets from sheet metal, Wood or plastic. This is explained by the fact that carriages from the old printer, providing moving cutting toolwill not be able to guarantee a sufficient degree of rigidity.

To the question of how to make a CNC machine, you can answer briefly. Knowing that homemade milling Machine With CNC, in general, - a difficult device having a complex structure, designer is preferably:

  • acquire drawings;
  • purchase reliable components and fasteners;
  • prepare a good tool;
  • have a turning and drilling machines with CNC to quickly make.

It will not hurt to watch a video - a kind of instruction learning - where to start. And I will start with the preparation, I will buy everything you need, I will deal with the drawing - here correct solution novice designer. therefore preparatory stagepreceding the assembly is very important.

Work preparatory stages

To do homemade CNC For milling, there are two options:

  1. Take the finished chassis set of details (specially selected nodes), from which we collect equipment yourself.
  2. Find (make) all components and start assembling CNC machine with your own hands, which would have answered all the requirements.

It is important to determine the purpose, dimensions and design (how to do without a picture of the CNC homemade machine), find the schemes for its manufacture, acquire or make some details that are needed for this, get the move screws.

If it is decided to create a CNC machine with your own hands and do without ready-made sets of nodes and mechanisms, fasteners, you need the scheme assembled on which the machine will work.

Usually, finding a fundamental scheme of the device, first simulate all parts of the machine, prepare technical drawings, and then on them on turning and milling machines (sometimes it is necessary to use both drilling components) manufacturers from plywood or aluminum. Most often, work surfaces (called another desk) - plywood with a thickness of 18 mm.

Assembling some important machine knots

In the machine that you started collecting personally, it is necessary to provide a number of responsible nodes that ensure the vertical movement of the working tool. In this list:

  • screw transmission - rotation is transmitted using a toothed belt. It is good because they do not slip on the pulleys, evenly transferring efforts on the shaft of milling equipment;
  • if a stepper motor (shd) is used for a mini-machine, it is desirable to take a carriage from a more overall model of the printer - more powerful; Old matrix printing devices had enough powerful electric motors;

  • for a three-way device, you will need three shd. Well, if each there is 5 control wires, the mini-machine functionality will increase. It is worth estimating the value of the parameters: supply voltage, winding resistance and angle of turning shd per step. To connect each SD, a separate controller is needed;
  • with the help of screws, the rotational movement from the shd is converted into linear. For achievement high precisionMany consider it necessary to have ball-screw pairs (SVP), but this is not cheap component. Picking for the installation of blocks a set of nuts and fastening screws, choose them with plastic inserts, this reduces friction and eliminates the backlash;

  • instead of a stepping type engine, you can take a conventional electric motor, after a small refinement;
  • the vertical axis, which provides the movement of the tool in 3D, encompassing the entire coordinate table. It is made of aluminum stove. It is important that the axis sizes are adjacent to the dimensions of the device. In the presence of muffle furnaceThe axis can be filled in size drawings.

Below is the drawing made in three projections: side view, rear, and from above.

Maximum attention - bed

The required stiffness machine is ensured by the bed. It is installed onto a mobile portal, a system of rail guides, shd, working surface, Z axis and spindle.

For example, one of the creators of the CNC homemade machine, the carrier of the frame made aluminum profile Maytec is two parts (cross section 40x80 mm) and two end plates with a thickness of 10 mm from the same material by connecting the elements by aluminum corners. The design is amplified, a frame of smaller profiles is made inside the frame in the form of a square.

The bed is mounted without using welded connections (welds are poorly removed to carry the vibration loads). It is better to use T-shaped nuts as an attachment. On the end plates, an installation of the bearings block is provided for installation of the running screw. You need a sliding bearing and spindle bearing.

The main task made by its own hand the machine with CNC CNC was determined by the manufacture of aluminum parts. Since he was approached by the workpiece with a maximum thickness of 60 mm, he made the clearance of a portal 125 mm (this is the distance from the top transverse beam to work surface).

This uneasy installation process

Collect homemade CNC machines, after preparing components, better strictly according to the drawings so that they work. The assembly process, applying the running screws, should be performed in such a sequence:

  • the knowledgeable sample begins with fastening on the body of the first two shd - behind the vertical axis of the equipment. One is responsible for the horizontal movement of the milling head (rail guides), and the second for moving in the vertical plane;
  • the movable portal moving along the X axis carries the milling spindle and the caliper (z axis). The higher the portal will be, the greater the workpiece can be processed. But the high portal, in the processing process, reduces the resistance to emerging loads;

  • for the attachment of the Z axis, the linear guides use the front, rear, upper, middle and lower plates. There, make a lodgment of the milling spindle;
  • the drive is collected from carefully selected nuts and studs. To fix the motor shaft and attach to the heel, use the rubber winding of the thick electric circular. As a retainer, there may be screws inserted into a nylon sleeve.

Then the assembly of the rest of the nodes and aggregates of the homemade begins.

Intim the electronic stuffing machine

To make your own CNC hands the machine and manage it, you need to operate correctly selected numerical software control, high quality printed posts and electronic components (especially if they are Chinese), which will allow on the CNC machine to implement all the functionality, processing a piece of complex configuration.

In order for no problems in management, self-made CNC machines, among the nodes, are required:

  • stepper engines, some stopped for example NEMA;
  • the LPT port through which the CNC control unit can be connected to the machine;
  • drivers for controllers, they are installed on the milling mini machine, connecting in accordance with the scheme;

  • switching fees (controllers);
  • 36V power supply unit with a downstream transformer converting to 5V to power the control circuit;
  • laptop or PC;
  • the button responsible for an emergency stop.

Only after that the CNC machines are tested (at the same time, the sample will make its trial start, downloading all programs), the existing disadvantages are detected and eliminated.

Instead of imprisonment

As you can see, make a CNC that will not give way to Chinese models - real. Having made a set of spare parts with necessary sizehaving high-quality bearings and fastener enough for assembly, this task is under power to those interested in software technology. The example does not seem to search for a long time.

In the photo below - some samples of machine tools that have numerical management, which are made by the same craftsmen, not professionals. No item was done hastily, arbitrary size, and suitable to the block with great accuracy, with careful excretion of the axes, using high-quality head screws and with reliable bearings. True statement: As you collect, you will work.

The CNC is the processing of dural billet. Such a machine that gathered the craftsman, you can perform many milling works.

Another sample of the assembled machine, where the Fiberboard plate is used as a desktop on which the manufacture of a printed circuit board is possible.

Everyone who starts to make the first device will soon go to other machines. Perhaps he wants to test herself as a collector of a drilling unit and, unnoticed, will replenish the army of the craftsmen who gathered a lot of self-made devices. Classes of technical creativity will make the life of people in an interesting, diverse and rich.

This is my first CNC machine collected with his own hands from available materials. The cost of the machine is about $ 170.

Collect the CNC machine dreamed for a long time. Mostly, I need it for cutting plywood and plastic, cutting some details for models, homemade and other machines. Collect the machine hand scored almost two years, during which time collected details, electronics and knowledge.

Machine is budget, its cost is minimal. Next, I will use words that ordinary person It may seem very terrible and it can scare away from self-building the machine, but in fact it is all very simple and easily mastered in a few days.

Electronics collected on Arduino + GRBL firmware

Mechanics is the simplest, plywood from plywood 10mm + screws and bolts 8mm, linear guides from metal corner 25 * 25 * 3 mm + bearings 8 * 7 * 22 mm. The z axis moves on the heap M8, and the x and y axes on the belts T2.5.

Spindle for the CNC homemade, assembled from the neckenet motor and the collet clamp + gear belt transmission. It should be noted that the spindle motor is powered by the main power supply of 24 volts. IN specifications It is indicated that the motor is 80 amp, but it really consumes 4 amps under serious load. Why I really do not explain it, but the motor works perfectly and copes with its task.

Initially, the axis Z was on homemade linear guides from the corners and bearings, later I redid it, pictures and description below.

The working space is approximately 45 cm by x and 33 cm on y, by z 4 cm. Considering the first experience, I will do the next machine with large dimensions and I will put two engines on the x axis, one with each latch. It is associated with a large shoulder and load on it, when the work is done at maximum removal along the Y axis. Now there is one motor and this leads to the distortion of parts, the circle is obtained a little by ellipsis due to the bending of the carriage by X.

Motor's native bearings quickly dispersed, because they are not designed for side load, and she is serious here. Therefore, on top and bottom on the axis, there were two large bearing with a diameter of 8 mm, it would be necessary to do immediately, now there is vibration because of this.

Here the photo shows that the z axis is already on other linear guides, the description will be lower.

The guides themselves have very simple designI somehow have somehow found it at Youtube. Then this design seemed to me perfect from all sides, at least effort, minimum of details, a simple assembly. But as practice has shown, these guides work not long. In the photo you can see what the groove was formed on the Z axis after the week of my test launches CNC machine.

Self-made guides on the Z axis I replaced on the furniture, cost less than a dollar in two pieces. I have rooted them, left the course of 8 cm. On the X and Y axes there were still guides old, I will not change it yet, I plan on this machine to cut the items for the new machine, then this simply scatter.

A few words about mills. I never worked with CNC and milling experience I am also very small. I bought a few mills in China, all 3 and 4 grooves, later I realized that these cutters are good for the metal, for milling plywood, other cutters are needed. While new cutters overcome the distance from China to Belarus, I'm trying to work with what is.

The photo shows how the milling cutter of 4 mm burned on the birch plywood 10 mm, I did not understand why, plywood is clean, and on the cutting of a naigue like a resin from pine.

Further in the photo of the milling cutter 2 mm four-day after attempting of plastic milling. This piece of molten plastic was then very poorly shot, biled on a slightly lipplanses. Even on small turns, the milling cutter will still eat, 4 grooves are clearly for metal :)

The other day, uncle had a birthday, on this occasion decided to make a gift on his toy :)

As a gift made anchlag to a house from plywood. First of all, I tried to mill on the foam to check the program and not spoil the Phaneur.

Because of the backlash and the booming of the horseshoe, it turned out to be cut only from the seventh times.

In total, this feature (in pure form) It was milled about 5 hours + a bunch of time on what was spoiled.

Somehow I published an article about the key, below in the photo, the same key, but already carved on the CNC machine. Minimum effort, maximum accuracy. Because of the backlash, the accuracy of course is not a maximum, but the second machine I will do more hard.

And on the CNC machine, I cut gears from plywood, it is much more convenient and faster than cutting with your hands the jigsaw.

Later cut and square gears from plywood, they actually circled :)

The results are positive. Now I will do the development of a new machine, I will cut the details already on this machine, manual labor is practically reduced to the assembly.

It is necessary to master the cutting of plastic, because work has been working on a homemade robot-vacuum cleaner. Actually, the robot also pushed me to create his CNC. For a robot I will cut the gear plastic and other details.

Update: Now I buy cutters straight with two edges (3.175 * 2.0 * 12 mm), cut without strong scaling on both sides of plywood.

In the home workshop it is desirable to have the simplest table machines - drilling, grinding, etc. But if you need to perform accurate work, you can not do without a milling unit. To do this, you can make a simple CNC with your own hands. This can be done in two ways:

The homemade CNC machine is required for accurate drilling or circumcision, as well as turning parts.

  • buy a set for the manufacture of such a design;
  • make such a mill.

The first way is associated with certain financial expenses. Branded machines for home use Have a relatively high price and not for everyone to pocket.

CNC requires certain knowledge and possession tool to create it.

How to start designing a homemade milling mill?

First you need to select the appropriate scheme of the unit. As a basis, you can take a regular drilling machine, only instead of drill to use a milling cutter. Naturally, it will be necessary to think through the mechanism of its movement in three planes. Usually for small units use recycled carriages from the printer, with which the working tool can move in two planes. This is beneficial and in terms of connecting software to work in automatic mode. But such structures have one drawback - they allow processing wood, plastic and thin sheets of metal (1-2 mm).

Therefore, for more serious works, the CNC mill must have stepper engines of high power. They can be made by finalizing the standard electric motors of this class, which will allow you to abandon the use of screw transmission while preserving all its advantages. To transfer efforts to the shaft, the best uses toothed belts.

When using self-made carriages to move the working tool, you can use parts from large printers. Below will be described one of homemade structures like type.

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Production of CNC milling

This machine for its design resembles samples of industrial aggregates. The basis of it is the low beam of the rectangular section, directly fixed on the guides. This allows you to obtain the desired stiffness of the design and minimize welding work when creating a milling mill.

As the basis of the metal square trumpet with a side of 75-85 mm. For mounting to the guides, it is necessary to apply the soles of the rectangular type 65 x 25 mm. This allows you to abandon the welding at this stage of work and will help with the exact setting of the mill. It is necessary for the right corners of 90 degrees. The main beam and sole are connected using 4 M6 screws, which must be tightened until it stops to get the desired rigidity. This will eliminate the backlash, although the deflection of the guides are possible with a large load and problems in the sliding bearings (any suitable, even Chinese) can be applied.

The vertical lifting of the working tool is carried out using the screw transmission, and the toothed belt is used to return to rotation on print. This makes it possible to avoid beats, lower the center of gravity of the aggregate and save space. The vertical axis itself is made of aluminum stove. It must be processed on the milling machine in size, desired for homemade machine. If the home workshop has a muffle furnace, then it can be pulled out of aluminum.

Over the axis you need to install two stepper Engine: The first rotates the driving screw of the vertical displacement, and the second provides the horizontal movement. Rotation is transmitted using belts. Some details must be ordered from tokar if there is no own lathe.

After the manufacture of all items and assembly, you need to check the CNC mill in operation using manual control. After that, you need to do stepping controllers and software. If there are no relevant knowledge, then you can contact the company that has good programmers.

Maybe you may need a metal bed or artificial stonewhich is better to order on the desired size.

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What step engines can have a homemade CNC?

These are the most important elements of the future mill.

In order to get such electric motors, you need to disassemble old matrix printers (for example, Epson). Inside such devices there are two stepping motors and good steel rods from tempered steel. To build a milling mill, you need to have 3 electric motors, so you will have to disassemble 2 printer.

In order to simplify the production of operations on a homemade machine, it is best to apply engines with 5-6 control wires: they have a good torque, and easily work with them. For proper program settings, you need to know the number of their degrees per step, operating voltage and winding resistance.

To drive on a homemade CNC, a nut and a hairpin is usually used. To secure the shaft of the stepper motor, a piece of a thick-walled rubber cable is usually used, with its help the electric motor is attached to the heel. The fixators use homemade sleeves with screw. They are made from nylon, applying a drill and a file.

Knowing about what is complex technical and electronic deviceMany craftsmen think that it is simply impossible to make it with their own hands. However, such an opinion is erroneous: it is possible to make such equipment yourself, but for this you need to have not only it detailed drawing, but also a set required tools and the corresponding components.

Processing of dural billet on a homemade desktop milling machine

Deciding on the manufacture of homemade CNC, keep in mind that it can escape a significant amount of time. In addition, certain financial costs will be required. However, not afraid of such difficulties and correctly approaching all the issues, one can become the owner of an affordable, efficient and productive equipment available, allowing to carry out the processing of blanks from different materials With a high degree of accuracy.

To make a milling machine, equipped with the CNC system, you can use two options: buy a ready-made set, from specially selected elements of which such equipment is assembled, or to find all components and with your own hands to assemble a device that fully satisfies all your requirements.

Instructions for assembling self-made milling machine with CNC

Below in the photo you can see the made own hands to which attached detailed instructions For the manufacture and assembly, indicating the materials used and components, accurate "patterns" of the machine parts and approximate costs. The only minus is the instruction on english languageBut it is quite possible to understand detailed drawings, and without knowing the language.

Download free Machine Manufacturing Instructions:

CNC milling machine is assembled and ready to work. Below are some illustrations from the instructions for assembling this machine

"Patterns" machine parts (Reduced view) Start of the machine assembly Intermediate stage Final stage assembly

Preparatory work

If you decide that you will design a CNC machine with your own hands, without using the finished set, the first thing you need to do is to stop your choice on conceptwhich will work such mini equipment.

As the basis of milling equipment with CNC, you can take an old drilling machine in which the working head with a drill is replaced by the milling. The most difficult thing to be designed in such equipment is a mechanism that provides the movement of the instrument in three independent planes. This mechanism can be collected on the basis of carriages from the non-working printer, it will ensure the movement of the instrument in two planes.

To the device assembled on such a schematic diagram, easy to connect software control. However, its main disadvantage is that only billets made of plastic, wood and fine sheet metal can be processed on such a CNC machine. It is explained by the fact that carriages from the old printer, which will ensure the movement of the cutting tool, do not have a sufficient degree of rigidity.

So that your homemade machine with CNC is capable of performing full-fledged milling operations With workpieces from various materials, a sufficiently powerful stepper motor must be answered for moving the working tool. It is absolutely not necessary to look for the engine that is precisely a step type, it can be made from a conventional electric motor, subjected to the last small refinement.

The use of a stepper motor in your will give the opportunity to avoid using the screw transmission, and the functionality and characteristics homemade equipment From this will not be worse. If you still decide to use the carriage from the printer for your mini-machine, it is desirable to choose them from a more large-sized model of the printed device. To transfer efforts on the milling equipment shaft, it is better not to apply usable, and gear straps that will not slip on the pulleys.

One of the most important nodes of any similar machine is the mechanism of the mill. It is its manufacture that it is necessary to pay special attention. To properly make such a mechanism, you will need detailed drawings that need to be strictly followed.

CNC milling machine drawings

Establish the equipment assembly

The basis of the self-made milling equipment with CNC can be a rectangular beam, which must be securely fixed on the guides.

The carrier design of the machine should have high rigidity, when it is installed, it is better not to use welded connections, and you only need to connect all the elements using screws.

This requirement is explained by the fact that the weld seams are very poorly transferred by vibratory loads. obligatory will be subject basic structure equipment. Such loads will eventually lead to the fact that the machine frame will begin to collapse over time, and it will occur in geometric sizes, which will affect the accuracy of the equipment setting and its performance.

Welded seams When mounting the frame of the homemade milling machine often provoke the development of the backlash in its nodes, as well as the deflection of the guides formed during serious loads.

In the milling machine, which you will collect with your own hands, a mechanism must be provided that ensures the movement of the working tool in the vertical direction. It is best to use a screw transmission for this, the rotation to which will be transmitted using a toothed belt.

An important part of the milling machine is its vertical axis for homemade device Can be made of aluminum stove. It is very important that the dimensions of this axis are exactly adjacent to the dimensions of the device being collected. If you have a muffle furnace, you can make the vertical axis of the machine with your own hands, sings it from aluminum in size specified in the finished drawing.

After all components of your homemade milling machine are prepared, you can begin to assemble. Begins this process From the installation of two stepper electric motors, which are attached to the equipment body for its vertical axis. One of these electric motors will be responsible for moving the milling head in a horizontal plane, and the second is for moving the head, respectively, in vertical. After that, the remaining nodes and units of homemade equipment are mounted.

Rotation to all nodes of self-made equipment with CNC should be transmitted only by belt gears. Before connecting to collected machine System control system, it is necessary to check its performance in manual mode and immediately eliminate all the identified disadvantages in its operation.

You can see the assembly process on the video that is easy to find on the Internet.

Stepper engines

In the design of any milling machine equipped with CNC, stepper motors are necessarily present, which ensure the movement of the tool in three planes: 3D. When designing a homemade machine for this purpose, you can use the electromotors installed in the matrix printer. Most of the old models of matrix printing devices were equipped with electric motors with sufficient high power. In addition to stepper electric motors from the old printer, it is worth taking durable steel rods that can also be used in the design of your homemade machine.

In order to make the CNC milling machine with your own hands, you will need three stepping motors. Since there are only two of them in the matrix printer, you will need to find and disassemble another old printing device.

It turns out a big plus if the engines you found will have five control wires: this will significantly increase the functionality of your future mini-machine. It is also important to find out the following parameters of the stepper electric motors you find: how much degrees are carried out in one step, which is the supply voltage, as well as the value of the winding resistance.

The design of the self-made milling machine with CNC is collected from nuts and studs, the dimensions of which should be pre-pick up the drawing of your equipment. To fix the shaft of the electric motor and to attach it to the stud, it is convenient to use a thick rubber winding from electric cable. Such elements of your CNC machine, like fixators, can be made in the form of a nylon sleeve in which the screw is inserted. In order to make such simple structural elements, you will need a normal file and drill.

Electronic equipment filling

Manage your CNC Machine made with your own hands, will be software, and it must be properly pick up. Choosing such a provision (it can be written independently), it is important to pay attention to that it is workable and allowed the machine to implement all its functionality. This software must contain drivers for controllers that will be installed on your milling mini machine.

In the CNC homemade machine, the LPT port is obligatory through which electronic system Control and connect to the machine. It is very important that such a connection is carried out through the steady electric motors.

Choosing electronic components for your machine made with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to their quality, since it is from this that the accuracy of technological operations will depend on it, which will be performed on it. After installing and connecting all electronic components, the CNC system needs to download the necessary software and drivers. Only then follows the trial launch of the machine, checking the correctness of its work under the control of downloaded programs, identifying deficiencies and their operational elimination.