Repairs Design Furniture

Nozzle on a drill for chopping apples to buy. Crushers for apples with their own hands from girlfriend. Homemade equipment for processing fruits and vegetables. The process of creating a crusher

Crusher (chopper) - This is one of the devices used in the technological process of producing juice from such raw materials like berries, fruits, vegetables, apples. Its action is based on a mechanical impact leading to the destruction of plant raw materials cells, resulting in a percentage of juice and the end of the final product.

How does the chopper for vegetables and fruits

Shredding - This is one of the stages of preparing for pressing and separating juice from berries, vegetables and fruits. The chopper at this stage is simply indispensable. Without it, most of the liquid fraction will remain in the cake and the percentage of separation will be quite small.

Raw materials (berries, fruits, vegetables) fall asleep into the bunker of the device and grinding between the rollers. The distance between them can be changed by adjusting the degree of grinding. Depending on the volume of the hopper and the type of drive, as well as the speed of its operation, the performance changes. When buying, this figure is the main, although, besides it, attention is paid to other parameters.

So the rollers are regulated on our crushers, you can crush various berries with the help of our models.

What chopper for vegetables and fruits is better, electric or manual?

When choosing a chopper, the buyer faces the fact that the drive on these devices can be different - electric or manual. Which one to stop, each decides depending on the following factors:

  • financial opportunities;
  • required level of performance;
  • features of the model and other.

Manual crushers and their advantages

These devices are reliable, easy to handle, do not require specific care, are easily repaired and clean. In the process of cleaning, it is not necessary to ensure that the water does not get inside the unit. Another advantage is their low price. For small amounts of recycling, the best option is not found.

Advantages of electrical crushers

Shredders with electric drive choose those who do not want to spend a lot of time to prepare fruits and berries to get juice, and this is quite justified. In order to bring such an apparatus, it is enough just to fall asleep plant raw materials and press the button.

The main drawback is the cost of electrical crushers an order of magnitude higher than manual. Otherwise, they are not inferior to manual models. They are easy to handle and provide high quality grinding product, high productivity.

Shopping crusher for apples

Another kind of this technique found in the market is shredders for apples. Such devices will be indispensable for those who do or want to make the processing of various volumes of apples, you used to stock up for the winter dozens of liters of juice or has its small production of this profile.

Apple juice causes positive emotions from most people. But the quality of the product sold in stores does not always satisfy the necessary requirements. Therefore, it is worth getting it with your own hands using special tools.

Why is it so important?

In principle, you can do without a crusher for apples, applying a meat grinder with a special nozzle or even squeezing juice manually. But this significantly increases the consumption of time and labor. An independent manufacture of crushing devices allows you to simplify your work. In addition, it is much more profitable than buying a finished product. The apple mass fragmented into small pieces allows you to extract more delicious juice.


  • radically reduces the mass of waste;
  • the work becomes less tedious;
  • designed for all the rules of the crusher is not difficult to fix on their own.

How to make everything?

To make a self-made crusher with your own hands, you will need a typical set of tools that there are almost all craftsmen. No special devices will need. Grinding design happens:

  • wooden;
  • steel;
  • combined type.

It is necessary to start with the choice of a sheet of tin. The metal is treated with a lathe, made of fusters make steps for shaft and bearings. In the manufacture of a gear shaft, you need to remove 8 faces, and it is also required to form triangular peckers with the assistance of the ABM. Making the body will be from the old washing machine that has vertical loading. But the designs with horizontal loading for work will not fit.

From the machine take an external part, which consists of stainless steel with a thickness of up to 0.2 cm. When processing, the metal blank is required to cut into four segments. Half them becomes the end elements, and the other two are lateral details. Next, you need to connect all these parts using a welding machine. Before the finish welding of lateral fragments, steel sheets below need to be carefully adjusted.

In this case, a gap is formed separating the wall from the spinned shaft. It is very important that the shaft is thoroughly fixed. If this requirement is not respected, the rotation of smooth will not be. Recommended mount on bearing units similar to those used in circular saws. But the vibrating and shake crusher should be set very stable.

The crushing apparatus is attached to the support ram. These frames are made using metal corners. Not every tree is suitable for work, but only material from strong rocks. Also, when drawing up drawings, it is necessary to provide a tank for accumulating recycled apple pulp. This tank is placed under the press.

There are few more subtleties when designing. A frequent problem is an unusually strong bending of the hull. Prevent it helps Fastening the housing to the top points of the frame at the expense of bolts.It is necessary to provide a place to install with widespread dishes, otherwise the juice will be sprinkled on the sides. The low frame is preferable: with its high location, the pulp will fall down and also provokes the splashes.

To work later it was more convenient, the tensioning belt uses. The hold of the belt is ensured by a special bolt. The movement of the main unit will occur on guide structures. Rollers and a special handle add on the frame. Thanks to these elements, moving the shredder is greatly simplified.

Assembling other elements

A high-quality apple crusher must have a device for adjusting the start. Despite the "high-tech" name, there is nothing complicated in this - there is only a switch button. The electric motor will side from the main design of the crusher.

With high-quality design and neat work, homemade crushers often exceed the branded products. It is necessary to think through everything so that the washing of even the most distant corners of the shredder was not difficult.

Before making your own drawings, you should familiarize yourself with the development of other craftsmen. In order not to look for, whatever the motor to put, you can take the engine from the same washing machines or vacuum cleaners. Instead of metal, sometimes for the design of the crusher take a tree. This option turns out to be noticeably easier for work. In this case, the container where the apples have to be loaded, make with three horizontal walls, one more is placed under the tilt.

Such a solution has already many times already justified itself, simplifying the loading of the processed products. Shafts form from steel or from particularly durable wood. Hats screwed into the shaft of the screws turn out to be a tooth, with contact with which even the most durable apple is crushed. To note: Increased performance demonstrates structures in which the screws are supplied against the spiral. It is on this trajectory that the flesh is moving.

The magnitude of the bunker is always selected according to the number of apples that are planned to be recycled. It is very good when the working chamber rests on a special stand having legs. From the side where the container will be set, the hole immediately make. The magnitude of the passage should also be selected according to the productivity of the crusher. The original way to bring the shaft to move - use the drill:

  • the axis immediately derive outwards;
  • the tip of the drill is planted on this axis;
  • such a solution helps to ensure rapid rotation and recycle a large volume of apples in a short time.

It is useful to think about the replaced by nozzles. They help to achieve a variety of fruit grinding. Some knives do the extruded holes of the circular shape. Others also make an extruded recess, but already in the form of a slot. Third again squeeze the hole, this time having burrs.

For fastening parts of crushers, apply:

  • m8X20 screws having inside hexagon;
  • screws to hold knives with convex head parts M3x8;
  • m12x25 bolts;
  • screws with hexagons M10X16 and M10X25;
  • bearings of the 6307 series;
  • iS6731-32 carbed washers;
  • round nuts with slots version M32x1.5.

additional information

All parts that will be in contact with food products need to be made from stainless steel suitable brands. When selecting the diameter of the pulleys, it is necessary to focus on the standardized series of parts with the transmitting coefficient 2.

Apple crushers allow you to confidently process and peret meat. As a reservoir for fruit mass, you can use aluminum pans. It will only be necessary to drill holes in it around the perimeter at one level.

Another option to manufacture a working chamber involves the use of a cylinder made of steel stainless steel. The length of such a cylinder should be 0.4 m, and the diameter is 0.2 m. The screws are performed on the left and on the right. It looks like a spring for a car. This technique allows you to radically reduce the noise when working.

About how to make a shredder for apples with your own hands, see the next video.

How to make a shredder for apples with your own hands? To squeeze the juice from apples or grapes using the press, you need their pre-processing. Apples need to grind, and grapes suppress. After all, the higher the degree of grinding, the greater the yield of the juice. The crusher for apples can not only buy, but also make it yourself. For this, enough tools that are in your garage and of course a little ingenuity is useful. The chopper (crusher) for apples, fruits, vegetables and grapes working from drill with their own hands is the cheapest way, since it is not necessary to buy an electric motor, to order the parts from Tokary, etc. The shredder for apples and grapes can be made from a plastic bucket. 1) Plastic bucket Buy a bucket of 20 liters. Remove the plastic lid and remove the handle - they will no longer suit you. 2) Cutting knife for making a knife Take a 3mm stainless steel and sharpen it on a sandpaper. In the center weld the tube, and to the end of the tube hexagon, so that the axis of the knife can be good in the cartridge. On the reverse side of the knife, make a piece of metal that will cut through the way down the knife down. (See photo) 3) Cover Make stainless steel lid or plywood with hole in the middle. Make on the lid clips so that you can fix the lid on the bucket. To cover with 4 screws with frictional plastic sprinkling plastic. Cover made from Phaneur Cover with varnish. 4) Foot pad to the bottom of the buckets screw the floor pad so that the apples do not scrolled the bucket during grinding. The platform can be made of stainless steel or 10 mm plywood. Fanoire cover lacquer. 5) Use only a powerful high-quality drill, or a perforator in drilling mode. To simplify the manufacturer of the crusher for apples and grapes, you can buy in our online store such a whole crusher assembly or order with us the most complex in the manufacture and search for the materials of the part (for example, a knife and sleeve). It is very convenient to do when buying a press, as everything fit into one box and will not need to be overpaying for delivery of 2 products. As a result, you will get a ready-made piece of juice. It will only be left to assemble the chopper with your own hands. Electric chopper (crusher) for apples and fruits on juice with their own hands (1st version) 1) Grinding cylinder Out out the wooden cylinder with a diameter of about 160 mm and a height of 160-180mm. The large diameter of the cylinder is necessary that the apples do not need to press and push in the grinding process. The cylinder himself will capture them. In the middle, crush the through hole and pose shaft (10-12mm stainless circle). In the cylinder, screw the stainless self-tapping screws in the chess manner so that the screws of the screws perform at 7-8mm. Also, the cylinder can be made of stainless pipe. Snap the bearings on the ends of the shaft and screw them to the case. A shaft joke with an electric motor through the pulleys and a belt transmission. 2) Electric motor - engine power 0.55 kW - frequency of revolutions 1400-1500 revolutions per minute, - so that it can be connected to a regular outlet, it is better to take a single-phase engine. When working with the shredder, be sure to use the electric network with a grounding !!! 3) Case housing of the shredder Make out of a tree or stainless steel in such a way that the tank for falling asleep apples gradually jumped to the grinding cylinder. Electric shredder (crusher) for apples, fruit with your own hands (2nd option) 1) Cutting disc Make a cutting disc from stainless steel 1mm thick. To do this, cut the circle and chop it alternating holes with a diameter of 8mm. It is best to cut such a disk with a laser cutting. Then "Select" holes and sharpen with a file or milling mills. Screw on the other side of the disk 2 blades that will push the chopped apples outward. 2) Case weld the case of stainless steel so that when grinding, the apples are well flipped out, and the juice did not enter the engine. To do this, you can use the gland or the principle of "inverted glass". 3) Engine - engine power 0.18-1.3 kW depending on the required performance - frequency of revolutions 1400-1500 revolutions per minute, - so that it can be connected to a regular socket, it is better to take a single-phase engine. When working with the shredder, be sure to use the electric network with a grounding !!! 4) Engine support 5) Boil the engine support or make legs so that the grinder is stable when working, and to the outlet you could put a bucket for chopped raw materials. The manufacture of an electric chopper for apples and grapes is a rather laborious process, you also need to comply with all electrical safety requirements. Therefore, it's easier to buy a ready-made chopper for apples. We are manufacturers of equipment for pressing the juices and in our online store you can buy both a compact electric shredder for your own cottage and a chopper of fruits for a small line for the production of natural juices of direct pressed. If you all decided to make an electric shredder with your own hands, then we can offer you to buy our already ready-made cutting disc, sleeve, chopper case or other parts. So you will simplify the task of manufacturing and save time. Drawings of a crusher for apples and grapes with their own hands, as well as drawings of the shredder for apples and grapes, with their own hands are the intellectual property of the company "Apple Press Ltd.", therefore, this article describes only the basic principles of manufacture. Read more on our website.

Apple trees and pear trees are growing on the site of almost every Russian dacha or gardener. Someone does not think about their varieties and simply annually collects yields. Someone, on the contrary, landfits specific species to get fruit for certain purposes.

Rarely yields are collected for use in original form. After all, they cannot be kept for a long time, retaining their qualities. Apples and pears most often become the basis for cooking jam, jams, liqueurs and juices.

Juices love everything. However, those that are represented on store shelves have far from the most useful additives in their composition. And in order to find a natural product, you need to work hard and lay out a lot of money for him. It is much easier to be confident in the naturalness of juice, producing it with your own hands.

In this article we will tell about shredders of apples, their features.


Of course, you can always go to the household appliances store and purchase an electric juicer or combine. But it requires considerable costs. You can build a hydraulic chopper with your own hands using funds that are in your garage.

Initially, we will tell about the main advantages of this device.

  • First, as already noted, it is a fairly cheap way to produce juice at home. Secondly, with the help of this equipment you can save time. Large amounts of fruits are processed in a short time.
  • Thirdly, this method of spinning is the most profitable as possible, because it allows you to get almost all the juice, which is contained in the apple. The number of waste at the same time.
  • Fourth, the self-made chopper will allow you to save not only money, but also your own strength. After all, he requires you the slightest physical effort.
  • Fifth, with the help of equipment you can quickly put into the case of excess harvest.
  • And finally, in-sixth, due to its simplicity, the chopper is endowed with durability and reliability. If he for some reason, still fails, you can always fix it with your own hands with the help of priests.

There are three types of apparatus, depending on the materials from which it is manufactured:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • combined.

However, specific materials do not play a large role in the work of the shredder. The main thing is that they are qualitative and able to withstand the necessary load.

How to do

Now go to the main assembly of the device at home. To begin with, prepare materials and tools that you need. Immediately warn you, you will need turning and milling machines. Of course, few people have in a personal farm, but someone from your acquaintances will definitely be able to help you. Machines do not require large volumes of work. You will need a welding machine and "Bulgarian", to get them much easier.

First of all, you will need a metal sheet D80 MM stainless fuss. It is produced from it to exit a gear shaft from under bearings. For pre-processing sheet and need a lathe.

The next step is the manufacture of that very tree. Here the milling machine is entering, with which you need to remove eight faces. Experienced engineers are recommended to make triangular penetrations on teeth. This should increase productivity. For this work is approaching a simple Bulgarian.

An important assembly stage is the manufacture of the housing. The outer case of the Soviet washing machine with vertical loading is becoming the most suitable and frequently used for it. They were made, as a rule, stainless steel, and the wall thickness was one and a half or two millimeters. Good parameters for the future shredder.

The basis must be divided into four equal parts. Now the welding machine is entering into business to turn individual parts into a single housing. But before proceeding to welding side fragments, the lower part of the sheets costs a little so that the gap remains between the wall and the shaft.

The gear must be fastened to rotate smoothly. For these purposes, simple bearing nodes use.

The crusher needs a strong reference frame. It is most often made of strong wooden boards. At the bottom of the frame, the base is fastened on which the packaging will be placed. To attach a crusher to the support frame, metal corners are used, welded using a welding machine.

The engine is the heart of an electric shredder. Motor can be purchased in specialized electronics stores. And you can use the node from the same old washing machine, provided that it is still working.

The main thing is to establish an electric motor so that during the operation of the shredder, the splashes and other processing products did not fall on it. For the correct operation of the motor, it needs to be equipped with a remote control that regulates the work process. It is a simple mechanism with a button to turn on and off the electronics. You can also purchase a remote in the electronics store.

By the way, many gardeners note that homemade crushers often turn out to be more reliable and more powerful electronics from manufacturers. And you can prepare with their help you can not only juices, but also wines.

How to modernize

Homemade chopper is pretty simple and easy to handle. However, there are several ways to improve the process of operation.

  • Mobility.Not at all areas can be left for a crusher to a comfortable place. Someone has to move it often, and the design weighs a lot. To facilitate this task, screw the rollers to the frame. You can also equip it with handle. Together, these fragments will provide easy transportation.
  • Strengthening.During operation, the crusher case can bend. You can avoid this by attaching it with bolts to the upper corners of the frame.
  • Convenience.For its collateral recommends stretching a special belt. It is possible to fix it with a special clamp bolt, as well as by the main block on the guides.
  • Reducing splashing.It will give you a lot of problems. As already mentioned, the electric motor needs to be secure from fluid. To do this, it is worth using the most wide dishes. The frame at the same time should be slightly lower, so that the products do not fall from a high height.

In various reference materials and specialized Internet resources you can find drawings. They will noticeably facilitate the assembly processes and will decompose the improvement of the device.

How to care

Grinder assembly is a complex process. If you did everything right, then the hardest behind. However, this does not mean that the device will no longer require anything from you. To ensure correct and high-quality work, you need to regularly care for the shredder.

In the process of operation, the crusher is constantly dirty, waste will fly into different directions, but to clean it simply. It must be thoroughly rinsed. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach places. Accuming bacteria and mold can fall into juice, causing it to quickly damage.

And do not forget to turn off the crusher from the power grid before cleaning. After washing the device needs to be completely dried.

The process of assembling a homemade chopper is not easy. It is necessary to have skills, engineering thinking, as well as a variety of tools and materials at hand. If you manage to make a shredder yourself, then you can every summer and autumn to get natural juice from apples and other products directly on your homestead.

Details on how to make a shredder for apples with your own hands, see the video below.

At home apple juice mass of fans. And not only because it is distinguished by pronounced taste - fresh apple juice contains vitamins and nutrients. In stores fresh juice, as they say - real, without chemistry and preservatives are not found. The only option is to squeeze the jar of fresh juice yourself. But this will require a special device.

Overcome a number of difficulties for the preparation and processing of fruits will help the chopper for apples and juicer. With such equipment for the preparation of juice, it will take three times less than with manual processing.

Familiarize yourself with the advantages, characteristics and process of manufacturing the shredder in the domestic workshop.

Why it is worth getting a crusher

The named device can be easily found and purchased on the Internet or in the store, but real craftsmen design crushers with their own hands, spending in the process of manufacturing a minimum of funds. Such a device is made from girlfriend.

The crusher is needed for grinding apples into small pieces. So apples will be easier to put pressure, and the yield of juice increases. It is believed that the smaller the mass, the more productive the result of the production of apple juice at home.

Advantages of chopper

The crusher universal has a number of advantages:

  1. For the processing of apples of large volume will take at least a time.
  2. The amount of waste is minimized. From the fruit squeezes all juice, and a small amount of cake is due to the residues.
  3. Designing a homemade chopper is a little costly process.
  4. When processing fruits in such a way, physical efforts are minimized.
  5. Small batch of apples are most convenient to process what is perfect for the household.
  6. The equipment is distinguished by practicality and reliability.
  7. If the installation failed, it can be repaired independently, without resorting to the help of the masters, which significantly saves the means.

To construct an apple crusher in home conditions use a standard set of tools. Special inventory here will not need. In addition, materials for the manufacture of the device will also be required, and if there are no suitable parts at hand, you will have to make purchasing.

Grinders are different:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • combined.

But the main thing is that the installation is made, but how it copes with the functional tasks. So let's look at how to make a crusher with your own hands.

Preparation of material

To work, prepare a sheet of stainless fissure, D80 mm. In the future, the metal will be treated on the lathe and make a stage from it to exit the shaft and under bearings.

Construction of the gear tree

For the manufacture, the milling machine is used and removed 8 faces. In order to increase the productivity of the installation, the grinder on the teeth (along the entire length) make triangular peckers.

Manufacture of housing

For the base, the body is suitable from the old washing machine with vertical loading, namely, its outer part, made of stainless steel with a thickness of the walls up to 2 mm. In the process of processing, the workpiece is cut into four parts, getting 2 end and side parts. Elements are folded into one design and grabbed the welding machine. Before finally weld the lateral parts, metal sheets at the bottom side are slightly sweeping, making a small gap between the rotating shaft and the wall of the structure.

For smooth rotation, the shaft is well fixed using bearing nodes similar to those are installed in the circular. In order to make a crusher for apples, it stood reliably, it is attached to the support frame, for the manufacture of which metal corners are used.

For the base of the machine take wooden billets from a solid rock. Below, placed a militant basis for which the container for receiving the recycled mass at the exit, which is required in the future to be placed under the press for apples.

Improving device

For the convenience of work, stretch the belt, which is fixed using a special bolt for clamping and by the main block on the guides.

The rollers and handle are screwed to the frame, which makes it easy to transport the shredder.

Avoid bending a crusher case for apples, it is possible by mounting to the upper corners of the frame using bolts.

Note! To avoid splashing during the processing of apples, take care to the dishes in which you collect mashed potatoes, was wide. In the process of design, make a low frame, otherwise the processed products will flop into the pelvis and spray on the sides.

Build a control unit

To do this, you will need a special flow-adjusting equipment. Do not scare a loud name - this is the button responsible for feeding commands: "Enable" and "Turn off".

The electric motor is mounted on the side of the design so that the liquid and splashes from the processed fruits do not fall on it.

Made with your own hands, the crusher from the girlfriend is nothing worse from purchased models, but differs only by appearance. By the way, sometimes self-made devices show greater performance and technicality than the aggregates developed by experts.

In order to save on design, you can not even buy a motor, and take the old knot from the washing machine.

The use of the installation running from the electric motor allows you to crumble apples not only on juice, but also for cooking.

An apple crusher is an indispensable thing in the farm. Moving fruits through the chopper only 1 time, you will get a monotonous mass, and after re-processing - the substance, a consistency resembling a puree. Home crusher under the power of apples of any varieties, even the hardest.

After that, recycled fruits are loaded under the press for apples or into the juicer to obtain a freasse or juice.

How to care for a homemade crusher

If you managed to make a shredder, then the most difficult behind. Do not worry about leaving and cleaning the crusher - it's easier than simple.

The main rule of the operation of instruments in contact with food products is the purity of the aggregates. After each shredding, wash the surface of the device thoroughly, clean and dry even in hard-to-reach places - these are the main foci of the accumulation of bacteria and mold, which not only lead to the ambulance of juice, but also are dangerous to human health.

Important!Before you begin to wash, de-energize the crusher!

To be able to enjoy delicious juice and in summer, and in the winter, it is enough to design a homemade crusher for apples and learn how to crush juice. Collect such an aggregate is quite simple. You will receive undoubted advantages and will noticeably save funds.