Repairs Design Furniture

Laser for cutting plywood with their own hands: features technology and basic design elements. Powerful laser do it yourself for one evening pumping laser at home

Metal cutting with a laser - the most advanced and modern technologyBut the most expensive. Its main advantage is a beam, with unlimited possibilities. The laser cutting of the metal makes it possible to cut the blanks in any directions, while the edges of the cut will be neat, and they do not need further processing. In addition, the laser beam is monochromegen, that is, it has a clear and strict wavelength (it is fixed) and constant frequency. This makes it possible to easily focus even with ordinary lenses.

So, equipment for laser cutting For metal - the thing is inaccessible to many, too expensive is pleasure. Therefore, homemade craftsmen emerge from the position using various already almost unnecessary items from which they are manufactured homemade instrument. There are many laser cutter options for the manufacture of laser cutters, one of them is based on the use of laser pointer, and it will be discussed.

Making homemade laser cutter

For assembly, the cutter will be needed:

  • laser pointer;
  • flashlight;
  • CD / DVD-RW - not necessarily new, the main thing is that he has a laser with a drive;
  • tools: soldering iron and screwdriver.

Please note that the laser cutting machine requires a DVD writer. It must be disassembled and find a carriage with a laser that writes and reads information from a compact disk. Next to the carriage should be a red diode. It is also necessary to dismantle with the assistant, because it is soldered to the scheme in the plateau. By the way, with a diode you need to handle carefully, shake it, drop, hit, and so on, it is impossible.

Now that's what moment is the laser cutter (it is a diode) consumes more current than the diode of the laser line. Therefore, it is necessary to take care that this current is more. There are several options here, but since a flashlight has been cooked, then its batteries will be used to power the diode. The battery in the laser pointer is less, and it is alone.

Now you can go to the assembly of the laser cutter.

  • A laser pointer is disassembered.
  • It is extracting its diode from it, and the diode dismantled from DVD is installed in its place.
  • Now you need to connect to a new more powerful power source. To do this, the front of the pointer is installed in the flashlight, removing the lens from it. It is fixed on the device with a presser nut, screwed by carving.
  • The diode is connected by wires from the terminals that are connected to the batteries. It is important not to confuse the connection polarity.
  • In principle, everything is ready. Laser miniature cutter can be used.

Of course, they will not cut the metal, but the paper, the polymer films of the M are burned. Even matches such a device can be adjusted.

Metal cutting laser

By adding several devices to the above used, you can make a more powerful device, almost 500 times more powerful. Added:

  • optical collimator is a device with which the light flux is created from parallel beams;
  • capacitors 100 PF and 100MF;
  • one resistor resistance 2-5 ohms.

From radio components, a driver is collected together with a diode that will display the cutter on the required power. The optical collimator is equipped with a place where you can install a diode, and this is its great advantage. That is, instead of a laser pointer, a collimator is used in this installation. In addition, the pointer is made of plastic, and in the process of cutting its body will be very hot. This will lead to its warping, and the cooling itself will be cool.

The rest of the assembly technology is exactly the same as in the previous case. It should be noted that the diode is very sensitive, so it is necessary to remove static electricity from it before use. This can be done using an antistatic bracelet. If there is no bracelet in stock, then you can wind a thin wire on the diode, which will be discharged from the detail statics.

Making a laser with their own hands for cutting metal requires certain actions that are reflected on its high-quality capacity. First you need to test the collected driver. To do this, you will have to find another exactly the same diode. It is attached to the device and is tested by a multimeter. 300-350 mA is the norm for many homemade devices. But if there is a need to raise the power of the entire unit, then it is better if the multimeter will show 500 mA. True, for such a cutter you will have to collect another driver supporting this current.

Do not forget about the aesthetic side of the question. Case options can be invented different. For example, a LED small flashlight. It is recommended to store the finished instrument in a special case so that the optical collimator lens is not covered with dust. By the way, such a cutter can cause many questions from the relevant law enforcement agencies, so it's not worth carrying it in your pocket.

It should be noted that the power of the diode depends on the current, and not from the voltage. With the increase of the latter, the rate of the brightness of the diode glow is exceeded, and this leads to the destruction of the resonator in the design of the diode. That is, the light source ceases to heat the laser cutter. He just glows like an ordinary light bulb. Temperatures also affect the operability of the diode. For low temperatures Its productivity increases, the resonator fails at high.

Of course, it is not necessary to say that this laser cutter will cut thick billets at home. But it will cut a thin tin or aluminum foil. Such installations will be suitable for designers, which are made from various unnecessary items to different design accessories. For example, an unusual lamp can be made from aluminum cans from under beer.

Who in childhood did not dream of laser? Some men dream still. Ordinary laser pointers with a small power have long been not relevant for a long time, since their power leaves much to be desired. It remains 2 ways: to buy an expensive laser or make it at home from undergrades.

There are the following methods of making a laser with their own hands:

  • From old or broken DVD drivebut
  • Of computer mouse and lantern
  • From the set of parts purchased in the electronics store

How to make a laser at home from the oldDVD Drive

How to make a laser made of computer mouse

Laser power made from computer Mouse It will be much smaller than the power of the laser made by the previous way. Production procedure is not much different.

  1. First of all, find an old or unnecessary mouse with a visible laser of any color. Mouses with invisible glow do not fit for obvious reasons.
  2. Next, carefully disassemble it. Inside, notice the laser that will have to be disappeared using the soldering iron
  3. Now repeat items 3-5 from the instructions described above. The difference in such lasers, repeat, only in power.

Made with your own hands, come in handy in every home.

Of course, the homemade device will not be able to gain a greater power, which production devices have, but still some benefit from it can be obtained.

The most interesting thing is that it is possible to make a laser cutter with the help of old unnecessary items.

For example, with your own hands, make a laser device will allow the use of an old laser pointer.

In order for the process of creating a cutter to be promoted as quickly as possible, it is necessary to prepare the following items and tools:

  • laser type pointer;

  • flashlight on battery batteries;

  • old CD / DVD-RW writing, you can have failed - you will need a drive with a laser;

  • electrical and screwdriver kit.

The process for making a cutter with your own hands begins with the disassembly of the drive, where you need to get the device.

Extraction needs to be done at the maximum neat, while you have to show patience and be attentive. There is a lot in the device. different wires with a practically the same structure.

Choosing a DVD drive, you need to take into account that it is writing, since it is this option that allows you to record with a laser.

The record is performed during the evaporation of a thin metal layer from the disk.

In the process of reading, the laser is functioning half of its technical capabilities, slightly illuminating the disk.

In the process of dismantling the upper mounting element, the view will fall on the carriage with a laser that can move in several directions.

The carriage must be carefully removed, carefully remove the connectors and screws.

Then you can go to the removal of the red diode, due to it, there is a burning disk - it can be easily made with your own hands using an electrician. The extracted element should not shake, but even more so drop.

After the main part of the future cutter is on the surface, you need to make a thoroughly thought out plan for assembling a laser cutter.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the following points: how best to place a diode, how to connect it to the power source, because the diode of the writing device requires more electricity than for the main element of the pointer.

This question can be solved by several methods.

To do hand cutter with more or less high power, It is necessary to get a diode located in the pointer, after which it is possible to change it to the element extracted from the DVD drive.

Therefore, the laser pointer also disassemble carefully, as well as the drive of a writing DVD device.

The subject is spinning, then separated its body into two halves. Immediately on the surface it will be possible to see the item, which you need to replace with your own hands.

For this, the native diode from the pointer is removed and neatly replaced with more powerful, its reliable fastening You can perform with glue.

It is possible to remove the old diode element immediately will not work immediately, so it can be hiding it gently with a knife tip, then slightly shake the pointer housing.

At the next stage of the manufacture of a laser cutter you need to make a housing for it.

For this purpose, a flashlight is useful with rechargeable batteriesThat will allow the laser cutter to get an electroatkuchka, acquire aesthetic appearance, and ease of use.

To do this, it is necessary to introduce a modified top of the former pointer to the lantern housing.

Then you need to connect to the dode charging, through a flashlight rechargeable battery. It is very important during the connection process to accurately establish polarity.

Before the flashlight is assembled, it is necessary to remove the glass and other extra elements of pointer, which can be a hindrance of the laser beam.

At the final stage, the laser cutter is prepared for use.

For comfortable handmade All stages of work on the device must be strictly observed.

To this end, you need to check the reliability of fixation of all embedded elements, the correctness of the polarity and the flatness of the installation of the laser.

So, if all of the above assembly conditions are accurately observed, the cutter is ready for use.

But since the homemade manual device is endowed with low power, it is unlikely that a full-fledged laser cutter on metal will be obtained.

What will ideally be able to perform a cutter, it is to make holes in paper or plastic film.

But a laser fixture, made by your own hands, cannot be done, here it will be enough to harm the health of the body.

How can I enhance the homemade laser?

To make your own hands a more powerful laser cutter for metal work, you need to use devices from the following list:

  • DVD-RW drive, no difference working or not;

  • 100 PF and MF - capacitors;

  • 2-5 ohm resistor;

  • 3 pcs. rechargeable batteries;

  • soldering iron, wires;

  • steel lamp on LED elements.

Assembling a laser cutter for handmade occurs according to the following scheme.

With the use of these devices, the driver is assembled, subsequently, it will be able to provide a laser cutter with a certain power by the board.

In this case, no power cannot be connected to the dude directly, since the diode burns. It is also necessary to take into account that the diode must take a feedback not from the voltage, but from the current.

As a collimator, a hull is used, equipped with an optical lens, at the expense of which rays will accumulate.

This detail is easy to find in a special store, the main thing is that it contains a groove to install a laser diode. Price this device A small one is approximately $ 3-7.

By the way, the laser is assembled in the same way as the elevated cutter model.

A wire can also be used as an antistatic product, it is wrapped with a diode. After that, you can proceed to the layout of the drive device.

Before moving to full manual assembly Laser cutter, you need to check the driver's performance.

The current power is measured using a multi-meter, for this take the remaining diode and carry out measurements with their own hands.

Taking into account the current speed, it is picking its power for a laser cutter. For example, in some variants of laser devices, the current will be 300-350 mA.

Others, more intense models, it is 500 mA, subject to the use of another drive device.

To homemade laser It looked more aesthetically, and they could be conveniently used, it is necessary for him a housing, a steel flashlight functioning on LEDs can be used.

As a rule, the mentioned device is endowed with compact sizes that will allow him to fit in his pocket. But in order to avoid pollution of the lenses, you need to purchase or sew a case in advance or sew your own hands.

Features of production laser cutters

Not everyone by pocket the price of a laser cutter for metal production type.

Such equipment is used for processing and cutting metal materials.

The principle of the laser cutter is built on the development of a powerful radiation tool, endowed with the evaporation property or blow the metal molten layer.

Such a production technology when working with different types Metal is capable of providing high quality Cut.

The depth of processing materials depends on the type of laser installation and characteristics of the materials being processed.

To date, three types of lasers are used: solid-state, fiber and gas.

The device of solid emitters is based on the use of specific varieties of glass or crystals as a working environment.

Here in an example, inexpensive installations operated on semiconductor lasers can be brought.

Fiber - their active medium operates due to the use of optical fibers.

This type of device is a modification of solid-state emitters, but according to experts, the fiber laser successfully displaces its analogues from the metalworking area.

At the same time, optical fibers are the basis of not only the cutter, but also the engraving machine.

Gas - working medium of the laser device combines carbon dioxide, nitric and helium gases.

Since the efficiency of the radiators under consideration is not higher than 20%, they are used for cutting and welding of polymer, rubber and glass materials, as well as metal with a high degree of thermal conductivity.

Here, in an example, you can take a metal cutter manufactured by Hans, the use of a laser device allows you to cut copper, brass and aluminum, in this case the minimum power of the machines only wins from its analogues.

Diagram of driving operation

Only a desktop laser can be operated from the drive, this type of device is a portal console machine.

According to the guide rails of the device, the laser block can move both vertically and horizontally.

As an alternative to the portal device, a tablet model of the mechanism was made, its cutter moves only horizontally.

Other existing variants of laser machines have a desktop equipped with a drive mechanism and the property has navigated in different planes.

On the this moment There are two driving mechanism control options.

The first ensures the movement of the workpiece due to the operation of the table drive, or moving the cutter is performed due to the functioning of the laser.

The second option provides for simultaneous movement of the table and cutter.

At the same time, the first model of control compared with the second option is considered much easier. But the second model is still characterized by high performance.

General technical characteristic Cases considered is the need to introduce into the CNC block device, but then the price for assembling the instrument for handmade will be higher.

Precise cutting of metal - the task is not from the lungs. Mills, plasmores, hydroabrasive cutters are used.

Recently, it became possible to use scientific research in industry and even in everyday life, and a laser cutter for metal from a fantastic accessory turned into normal toolwhich can be purchased. Including, for personal use.

Cost industrial equipment It goes beyond common sense. But with certain volumes of commercial use, the purchase is possible. If the processing area does not go beyond 0.5 m per 1 m, it is quite possible to meet 100 thousand rubles. This is a real amount for a small metalworking workshop.

Installation of laser cutting of metal - the principle of operation

We are not talking about Garin's hyperboloid engineer, leave this topic for science. The dimensions of the emitter and its power are still an insurmountable obstacle to the creation of portable combat lasers, or cutting tool based on them.

Industrial installations for manual application In fact, they are not manual devices. Installation is stationary itself, and gives the energy of the laser beam to cutting head With the help of fiber. Yes, and the operator's defense should be at the level of the cosmonaut or at the thin end of the steelmaker.

Important! Anyone, even a low-power laser, with uncontrolled inclusion, can lead to a fire, serious injury, and material damage.

Before you start making a laser with your own hands for cutting the metal, and the greater is a trial switching on, take care of the safety and eye protection measures. The ray reflected from metal also has a devastating force.

Principle of operation

The laser beam creates a point hyper heating of the material being processed, leading to the melting, and with long-term exposure - the evaporation of the metal. The last option is suitable for destruction, since the seam is obtained with uneven edges. Yes, and the metal pairs are deposited on the elements of the machine, especially on optics. This reduces the service life.

Each of us kept in the hands of a laser pointer. Despite the decorativeness of the application, it contains the real laser, assembled on the basis of a semiconductor diode. The same elements are installed on laser levels and.

The next popular product assembled on the semiconductor is a written DVD drive of your computer. It has a more powerful laser diode with thermal destructive power.

This allows you to burn a disk layer by applying tracks with digital information on it.

How does the semiconductor laser work?

Devices of this type inexpensive in production, the design is sufficiently massive. The principle of laser (semiconductor) diodes is based on the use classical P-N Transition. It works such a transition as in conventional LEDs.

The difference in the organization of radiation: LEDs emit "spontaneously", and laser diodes "forced."

The general principle of the formation of the so-called "population" of quantum radiation is performed without mirrors. The edges of the crystal are crystal mechanical path, ensuring the effect of refraction on the ends, the rigid of the mirror surface.

For getting of different types Radiation can be used "homochrome", when both semiconductors are the same, or "heterogerer", with different materials Transition.

Actually laser diode is an affordable radio component. It can be bought in stores selling radio components, and can be removed from the old drive DVD-R (DVD-RW).

Important! Even a simple laser used in light pointers can seriously damage the retina.

More powerful installations, with a burning beam, can deprive vision or cause skin burns. Therefore, when working with similar devices, observe maximum caution.

Having at the disposal such a diode, you can easily make a powerful laser with your own hands. In fact, the product may be completely free, or you will be hung for funny money.

Laser do it yourself from dvd drive

To begin with, it is necessary to get the drive itself. It can be removed from the old computer or purchased on the flea market for the symbolic cost.