Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a soldering iron from the battery. How to make a battery soldering iron. How should the work surface of the soldering iron should be processed

The review considers a portable soldering iron that runs from batteries without wire. The device is quite workable, has its niche, can be used in the case. Next - the sample.

A few words about "niche". The device is designed to find faults and minor repairs. Not for mounting (although you can also use if there is nothing else). Why so - the soldering iron is much harder to the wired brother and inferior to him in energy-proof - to swing it for a long time is just inconvenient. On the other hand, he does not intersect with gas solders - they are sharpened under "climbing on the roof, soldering an antenna", they are unsuitable for picking electronics. The thought of such a soldier arose at me during the repair of the TV - a google was told about treatment - 4 SMD transistor, one of which was rotten and should be replaced. Naturally, he turned out to be the last, and I had to do the next routine (because during the repair the box was lying just on the floor - I live not in the workshop): Telik turn off from the network - to disconnect interfering loops - turn on the soldering iron and wait for it to replace the transistor - disable it Soldering iron and carry it to not burn the carpet - loops in place - the network box. And so 4 times :) A soldering iron would have a small and wireless, he would just lay on the chassis of the TV, interfered with his tail.
And so, I had to fit

Set: safety cap-case on the sting, the desalted, but the working stand and the spiral of the low-melting solder. Wear a case - a fuse is shifted from inclusion, the soldering iron cannot be powered.

I feel: I have long wanted to replace the red LED on the blue, the most such work for this soldering iron. I change the LEDs together with ballast resistors

Fine. You can work completely. This is despite that I use the refractory solder

It (on the scareboard with a thermostat) should be heated to 350 degrees, so that it does not have to be smeared like plasticine. The soldering iron copes on non-missive conclusions.
On the catcher and the beast - was visiting, the bulb went out, confiscated, I open - and I was already cleaning :) I changed ballast. Soldered the flask like this

As you can see, the near end disappeared, and how soldiles can be seen on the far tip. Pipette. Fix

Warming up the soldering iron stood to the operating temperature occurs for twenty seconds. The cooling to the temperature "can be removed" - about a minute. For the dough of long-frequency, I took an ancient BP, which I had to throw out a long time ago, but it was a pity. And there everything is massively. Well, the villages are not in a rush. Of course, I would put it with a soldering iron with an appropriate sting, but, nevertheless, it went

In general, with Elelauha inside, indeed, about half an hour of real work. (It is written on a blister - 1 hour) when repairing the entire telly can be repaid. Even Soviet.

In hand looks like

Please note that in general, the case hints that it would be necessary to keep it, it is more convenient

But then the button to press nothing. Button - blue lightly lung pusher is located inside an orange fuse engine. While it is not shifted - the button does not click. The inclusion of heating is indicated by the ignition of the Red LED. Even child can work - easy

Thick wires (network cable, stranded) I could not carefully discharge this solder. That is, everything keeps, everything is firmly, but - lumps and snot because of non-shooting. In an emergency, it will take off, but then it will be necessary to remake.
Summary - with soldering elements on printed circuit boards - copes with a bang (the fenced wires from the diode on the star also managed to solder normally, even though it is more difficult than the network soldering), something is large - there are already nuances.
The sting looks like this, it is easily

Personally, in the farm, "came up." Under lithium I think it is trying to remake it, what?
Do you think the gadget is free? That's not - many points have accumulated, it's time for them a little ...
Thank you for attention!

I plan to buy +97 Add to favourites I liked the review +108 +216

There are situations when such a soldering iron is needed that does not depend on the connections to the 220 V network, besides, which does not require waiting for heating. Such equipment provides the ability to store it in pocket and quick use in field repairs. The project of such a device intended for self-making can be soldered on affordable and inexpensive details.

Its nutrition: 2 x 18650 Lithium batteries, which during the work of the soldering iron are connected sequentially, and when charging is parallel (to simplify the selection of the memory module).

Pulse soldering iron scheme

S1 - Heated S2 - Switch Power / Charge. The LED illuminates the place of the soldering and signals the power on the power and the state of the batteries.

The scheme has protection against deep discharge of AKB (Q1, TL431). Chip 555 - transducer pulse generator. The IRF1010 transistor will be replaced on any powerful, with a current of about 20 A. Wire fuse for 15 amps is required! The sting - thick withdrawal from the electrolytic capacitor or from some resistors, you need to try different.

Permit 14, and seconds 1 turn. Less than one turn on the secondary winding is incurred by a sharp rise in current, and an increase in the number of turns on the primary causes a too strong increase in the inductance of the transformer, which reduces the efficiency.

As the tests showed, the soldering of small elements does not cause difficulties.

Sometimes there are situations where the owner is simply not to do without a simple soldering iron. For example, you need a stranded cable for a socket, or from a burnt device. At such moments, it is necessary or counted the tool, or to postpone the case indefinitely. After all, it does not want to buy an expensive soldering iron or a soldering station if it is not a repairman. However, from this situation there is a simple way out - to assemble a small soldering iron yourself, it is just suitable for small work. The manufacturing process does not take much time and forces, but you can save some amount of money and get invaluable experience. Next, we will tell you how to make a soldering iron with your own hands at home. You will be offered several designs, and you can choose the one that will suit you the most.

Idea number 1 - we use a resistor

The first and most simple technology of manufacturing an electric soldering iron with their own hands - using a powerful resistor. The device will be designed to work at a voltage of 6 to 24 volts, which will allow it to feed it from various sources of current, and even make a portable option feeding from the car battery. In order to independently make a tool, you will need the following materials:

To make a soldering iron from the resistor at home, you must perform the following steps:

  1. In the end of a thick copper rod, you need to drill a hole and drive a thread under the screw with a tap. It is also necessary to cut the groove under the retainer, which in our case is the ring ring. This can be done with a triangular appliance or hacksaws for metal.

  2. From the second end, drill the hole with a diameter, like a thin bar, which will act as sting mini soldering iron.
  3. All elements of the rod must be collected in one as shown in the photo.
  4. The resistor is prepared for fastening the soldering iron fastening, which you need to insert and lock the rear with a puck with a puck.
  5. From the textolite or plywood plate, you need to make a comfortable handle with a landing space for a resistor and wire. To do this, with the help of a jigsaw, drink two identical half of the handles and do holes and recesses under the screws and nuts.

  6. To the outputs of the heater, you must connect the cord for power. It is necessary to fasten it to the screws so that the contact is reliable.
  7. The finished homemade soldering iron is twisted and checked.

We draw your attention to the fact that such a portable gun can easily solder chips and even with your own hands. It can not only work from the power supply, but also from the battery. On the forums, we met a lot of reviews where this version of the homemade was connected from the cigarette lighter by 12 volts, it is also very convenient!

Please note that when you first turn on, all soldering iron can smoke and stab some time. This is normal for any model, as some elements of the paint coating burn out. Subsequently, it will stop.

Video instruction managing the simplest electrical appliance

Idea number 2 - the second life of the ballpoint handle

There is one more unusual, but at the same time a simple idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make a soldering iron with your hands from girlfriend for soldering small parts or SMD components. In this case, we again come in handy, but now it is no longer a PEV (as in the past version), and MLT, with a capacity of 0.5 to 2 watts.

So, first of you must prepare the following materials:

  • Ball handle simple design.
  • Resistor with characteristics: Resistance 10 ohms, power 0.5 W.
  • Two-way textolite.
  • Copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm, it can be opened with an old throttle or buy an unwitting copper wire in the store an insulation and gently remove it with a stationery knife
  • Steel or copper wire with a diameter of no more than 0.8 mm.
  • Wires for connecting to the network.

Make a soldering iron from the handle at home is quite simple, you just need to perform the following steps:

  1. Remove the paint layer from the resistor's surface. This operation can be carried out with the help of skins, downtile or file, in extreme cases, a knife. The main thing is not to rearrange, so as not to damage the resistor. If the paint is poorly removed, plug the product to the adjustable power source and slightly heat.
  2. The barrel comes out 2 wires, one of them cut and drill in this place a hole under the copper wire (diameter of 1 mm). So that the wire does not come into contact with the cup (it is necessary to avoid it), make the spinning of a thicker drill, as shown in the photo below. In addition, it is necessary to make a small propyl for the wire right on the resistor's cup. In this, the triangular feet will help you again.
  3. Examine the steel wire on the shape of a handle with a mount in the form of a ring, diameter, like drank on a cup. If you have a copper wire, then you need to hold the cup in it and make a twist with the help of the passage so that the contact is reliable, but do not overdo it, otherwise you remember the housing. Remember that the wire must be without wasting isolation.
  4. Gently from the two-way textolite cut the board with your own hands, exactly the same as shown in the example in the photo. It is not necessary to buy exactly a new sheet of textolite. You can feed a suitable piece from any unnecessary bilateral board. Or do it without it without it: twist the wire with wires, and attach them to the handle using a super block. The main thing is to pay attention to the distance between the heating element and the handle more than 5 cm, otherwise plastic can melt.

  5. Next, you need to assemble a homemade soldering iron from the handle that should not cause difficulties.
  6. It remains to establish a subtle sting in the landing place. To make the copper wire, the resistor does not need to make a protective layer from a piece of mica or ceramics between the rear wall and sting.
  7. The last thing you need to do is to connect the homemade to the power supply to 1 A and the voltage of no more than 15 volts using wires.

That's all the technology of creating homemade mini soldering iron at home. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the manufacture of this tool, and you can easily handle it, and all the materials can be found at home, breaking the old technique or searching for them in the covers.

How to make a more complex model of mini soldering iron at home?

Video review device with nichrome wire, operating from 12 volts

Idea number 3 - Powerful pulse model

This option is suitable for those who are already more or less familiar with radio engineering and can read the relevant schemes. The master class on the manufacture of a self-made pulse soldering iron will be provided for the example of this scheme:

The advantage of this tool is that the sting is heated after 5 seconds after turning on the power, while the heated rod can easily melt tin. At the same time, it is possible to make it from the pulsed power supply unit from the daylight lamp, a little improved the board at home.

As in the previous examples, first consider the materials from which you can make a soldering iron with your own hands at home. Before assembly, you must prepare the following techniques:

All you need is to connect the sting to the secondary winding, which is essentially it is part of it. After that, one of the conclusions of the ballast must be connected to the primary winding of the transformer and consolidate all the elements of the scheme in a reliable case, which will save you from random electric shock, as in the diagram there is a life-threatening voltage 220 volts!

The principle of operation of this design is that the ballast from the lamp creates an alternating voltage, which is supplied to the primary winding of the transformer and decreases to low values, while the current increases many times. One turn, which is, in essence, the sketch of the soldering iron acts as a resistor, on which heat dissipates. When you click on the button, the current is fed to the circuit, and it takes a quick heating, after the button is released, the sting quickly cools, which is very convenient, since it is not necessary to wait for heating and cooling the tool for a long time.

Idea number 4 - simple wire option

There is another option to make a miniature soldering iron - using nichrome wire. To do this, you will need:

Manufacturing process:

  1. Drill in the bar a hole under the copper wire 3 times more than its diameter.
  2. Place a piece of copper wire in it so that he spoke about 5 cm and secure it there with a thick grout from the gypsum, let me dry.
  3. Dress on the copper bar, which is a sting, isolation and wrap the desired number of nichrome wire, leaving the distance between the turns. At the ends also put the insulation and move them closer to the handle. Then connect to twists with wires. Take them to the handle on the isolent.

That's all, you turned out another simple and reliable paintwork design made by your own hands.

We still recommend using either the first or the second option, which is more understandable and easy to manufacture. As for the transformer option, it is even more powerful, but still not so convenient to use. We hope that these photos of the instructions were useful for you and finally recommend that all video examples in which the assembly process is considered in more detail!

Also read:

Good day!

This post will be devoted to all radio amateurs, or those who are thinking to engage in this not a cunning case. It will be about such an interesting thing as the "battery soldering iron".

It all started with the fact that I accidentally saw on the Internet an interesting, previously unprecedented thing with a thing, called -cker soldering iron. And after that, I set out the goal of making myself something similar. What happened from this, you can learn at the end of the article.

For greater understanding, I make a detailed photo report + Description.

Materials and tools

To make the battery soldering iron I needed:


  • soldering iron;

    hoven for metal;

    stationery knife;

    glue pistol;


    broken Power Bank (body base), you can take any tube of the required diameter;

    battery of type 18650 (important !!! To take without protection, otherwise it will not work properly, since the protection against closure is triggered, and the sting is quickly cooled);

    the charge module Li-Ion batteries TP4056;

    small switch;

    plumbing clutch;

    washer (size is selected in the size of the coupling);


    the sting (I bought on Aliexpress, the search bar prescribed "a sting for USB soldering);

    two LEDs 5 mm;

    resistor 100 ohms;

    self-tech under the skin.

Making soldering iron

And so, first I took my breakdown Power Bank, and disassembled it to the components, removed the electronic stuffing, left the most necessary.

Next, I took a sting that it was decided to consolidate the collet cartridge in me, Tsangu took my very much that was (3.2 mm).

After the sting has become in his place, picked up a puck on the size of the pipe from Power Bank, the headlock crawled to the desired diameter, so that it is tightly entering the hole.

Then I decided to add backlight, as it would very help with a soldering of different small elements.

On the puck caused a markup for two holes, two 5 mm of LED will be placed in them.

That's how I planned to locate everything.

With the help of hacksaw for metal, the coupling has a little rooted, as it interfered with the further placement of the battery inside the tube.

The coupling fastened with the help of 4 small screws, drumped the hole slightly smaller diameter, screwed a little with the effort, thus cut the thread for them.

Next, it began to solder the LEDs parallel to each other, so that there was no closure added to the heat shrink.

To reduce the speakers of the LEDs, the resistor was added 100 ohms to the positive wire.

Then, to the stall, connected the positive wire (the core sting is +), added an insulating tube of fiberglass.

When part of the work was done, I wanted to visually decorate the body of the soldering iron, as it was decently charged, and did not cause a sense of the beautiful. To do this, used self-keys with imitation under the skin, I liked it most.

We produce the fixation of the washer to the clutch, for this I drilled two holes, and with the help of two small screws secured it, so. If necessary, everything will easily understand.

To begin, I take the tray from Power Bank, and I refine it a bit, namely I install the charge module Li-Ion batteries, and cut the seat under the circuit breaker, everything fixes on heat meters.

Then I install the battery and solder the wire to the charge module, then to the switch, etc. I will not particularly describe this process, for this I make a connection scheme.

Connection scheme

So we came to the final part!

Photos of homemade battery soldering iron

Everything is soldered and ready to work.

Tests of homemade soldering iron

I conduct an inspection for performance.

The charge indication is visible through the hole done near the switch, to output the special LED did not become, since it is already built on the charge module.

If necessary, when the battery sits down, connect the soldering iron to Power Bank, and thus solder further.

I want to add from myself that the soldering iron came out successful, very much he helps me out, especially in those moments, when you need something to solder, but there are no sockets, or you just don't want to mess with wires from the network soldering iron.

Characteristics of rechargeable soldering iron

And a little about its characteristics:

  • We sold in mostly small elements, since the sting is more not calculated.
  • Charge is enough about 35-40 min work.
  • The heating time of sting is about 1 min
  • Charging time 1.5 hours

On this, perhaps, everything, if something is incomprehensible - ask!

Thanks for watching!

On the channel Aka Kasyan, one of the options for manufacturing the battery soldering iron is considered. A similar soldering iron in online stores costs from 15 to 50 dollars, but it is not for our pocket, so it will be cheaper to make it with your own hands.

See from 1:50 minutes

A sting with the heater, how to do it is shown in the video at the end of the publication.

Lithium ion Battery of the 18650 standard, capacity, the more, the better. Charging the charge of one lithium battery bank with protection based on the TP4056 chip. The MT3608 DC-DC Module of the MT3608 converter. Case from cheap charging of the battery of the standard 18650, in which the soldering iron will be collected. A small switch with a retainer, if only the dimensions were compact. Current about 3 a and above.

Where to buy radio components, etc.

You can buy a battery soldering iron in this Chinese store. DC-DC Converter will find there by typing in search: MT3608 2A MAX DC-DC STEP. Buy charge charge in search by request: Li-Ion Professional 5V Micro USB 1A 18650.
Before you, the soldering iron scheme. Why everything is so difficult, you will understand later.

Scheme of battery soldering iron

Manufacturing of the body of the soldering iron

At the very beginning, we prepare the body. Slightly processed, removed everything too much. This option is convenient because the battery can be changed or replaced if necessary. The housing can be different, if only the battery entered. A pair of medical syringes of 20 milliliters is perfect.
The work part of the soldering iron had to be adapted. Recorded on the terminal made from Ebonita. If you work as a soldering iron continuously for ten minutes, the ebony begins to slightly stink. But plus the use of this button is that it has a brass thread bushing and no additional rims for fixing the working part are not necessary.
The plastic housing and that the ebonite retainer does not give it away, decided to cut the front part of the case and replace the implant from the fiberglass. Then all these parts glued by the Chinese epoxy resin.

DC-DC converter

Why is it needed? The fact is that the heater is designed for working voltage of about 9 volts. You can do without a converter. If you use 2 batteries connected sequentially. But in this case the costs are increasing, the overall sizes and weight of the soldering iron. In addition, it will become problematic to charge a soldering iron from the usual yusb of the connector.

And why the master did not make the heater, sharpened under one bank of the lithium ion battery, already explained in the first video.
Let's return to the converter. Pretty popular thing. The maximum output voltage can be about 28 volts at a current of up to 2 A. But the real tests have shown that it begins to boil already in 1 A. If the weekend rectifier diode and the chip are heated godlessly, but at some point the temperature ceases to grow, then with the throttle In general, things are bad. After a while it starts to stink. Therefore, I decided to replace it. Under hand, it turned out to be non-working Chinese voltage stabilizer module on 3 A. Simply replaced one throttle to another.

Power Inverter

Next, connect the inverter to the lithium battery, and even better, to the laboratory power source. The course of the voltage is 3.8-4 volts. By rotation of the line resistor we achieve 9 volts of the output voltage.
On the charge charge of the lithium battery has not changed anything. The charge current is in the area 1 A, which is quite suitable. The only thing that did, replaced the 2 LED indicator. Used a two-color LED, which brought to the prominent place. By the way, this board is provided with protection that will turn off the battery when the latter will be discharged below the critical level.
If you need to work in the field for a long time, you can grab a pair of charged batteries and quickly replace them if necessary.

Connection is unrealistic to confuse if you navigate the picture above.
In addition to the charge indicator, the LED added, lights up when the soldering iron is turned on.

Testing soldering iron

And now, when the assembly device, you can test. The sting may heat up to a temperature of 350 degrees, but the best thing is that the inverter allows you to adjust the output voltage, therefore, the heating temperature of the sting. So, if there is a desire, you can display a variable resistor at a convenient place and get a battery soldering iron with the possibility of adjusting the temperature. This is one of the advantages of using the inverter.
Of the minuses. We lose 5-10 percent of the transformation power. This is minus, given the fact that the tool is portable and every millivatt in this case of roads.
Soldering iron can be used as a USB charger for the 18650 standard - also a small bonus.

Homemade battery soldering iron

How to make a sting for the soldering iron