Repairs Design Furniture

What is Fan Coil, and how to choose it? Calculation of fan coils Easy way to determine the cooling capacity of fankial

Multi-gone climate system Chiller-Fan Coil is designed to create comfortable conditions inside the building of a large area. It works constantly - in the summer it supplies cold, and in winter warm, warming air to set temperature. With her device should meet, agree?

In the proposed article describes in detail the design and components of the climate system. Methods for connecting equipment are also presented and detailed. We will tell how this thermoregulation system is arranged and functions.

The role of the cooling device is assigned to Chiller - external block, Producing and serving cold on pipelines with water circulating on them or ethylene glycol. It is different from other split systems, where freon is injected as a coolant.

For the movement and transmission of freon, refrigerant, are needed copper pipes. Here, with this task, plumbing pipes with thermal insulation are perfectly cope. It does not affect the temperature of the outdoor air, while Split systems with freon lose their performance already at -10⁰. The internal heat exchange unit is fankyl.

It takes a low temperature fluid, then transmits cold to the air medium, and the heated fluid returns back to the chiller. Fan coat is installed in all rooms. Each of them works on an individual program.

The main elements of the system are pumping station, chiller, fan coil. Fan coil can be installed on a large distance From Chiller. It all depends on what force the pump has. The number of fan coils is proportional to the power of chiller

Typically, such systems are used in hypermarkets, trading complexes, structures raised under the ground, hotels. Sometimes they are used as heating. Then, according to the second contour, heated water is served in fan coat or switch the system to the heating boiler.

Design design system

According to the structural execution of the chiller-folkyl system, there are 2-pipe and 4-pipe. Installation type features wall-mounted devices, outdoor, embedded.

Rate the system for such basic parameters:

  • power or chiller cooling capacity;
  • fan coil performance;
  • air mass movement efficiency;
  • length of highways.

The last parameter depends on the strength pumping installation and the quality of thermal insulation of pipes.

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Connecting Chiller and Fan Coil

The coherent functioning of the system occurs by connecting with one or more fan coils by means of pipelines with thermal insulation. In the absence of the latter, the efficiency of the System efficiency drops significantly.

Each Fainquill has an individual strapping assembly, by means of which it is possible to adjust its performance both in the case of heat generation and cold. The refrigerant consumption in a separate unit is regulated by means of special fittings - shut-off and regulating.

To direct the cooled water into the heat exchanger, the pipe is connected to the fan coil, and the other is to remove the liquid to the chiller. The system of the system allows the refrigerant mixing with the coolant

If you can not allow mixing of the coolant with a refrigerant. Water is heated in a separate heat exchanger and complement the scheme circulating pump. To ensure smooth adjustment of the flow of working fluid through the heat exchanger when installing the strapping scheme uses a 3-chassing valve.

If a two-pipe system is mounted in the building, then cooling and heating occurs due to the chiller cooler. To increase the efficiency of heating with cold periodIn addition to the chiller, the boiler includes.

Unlike two-pipe system With one heat exchanger, the four-pipe system laid 2 of these nodes. In this case, the fan coil can work for heating, and in the cold, using in the first case the fluid circulating in the heating system.

One heat exchangers are connected to a pipeline with a refrigerant, and the second to the pipe with the coolant. Each heat exchanger has an individual valve controlled by a special console. If such a scheme is applied, the refrigerant is never mixed with the coolant.

Since the temperature of the coolant in the system in the heating season ranges from 70 to 95⁰ and it exceeds the permissible, pre-reduced it. Therefore, coming from the central heating network to the fan coils, a special thermal point passes.

Basic classes Chillerov

The conditional separation of chillers into classes occurs depending on the type of refrigeration cycle. On this basis, all chillers can be conditionally attributed to two classes - absorption and parocompressors.

The device of the absorption unit

Absorption chiller or ABCHM to work uses a binary solution with water and lithium bromide present in it - absorber. The principle of functioning is the absorption of the heat refrigerant in the phase of the pair conversion into a liquid state.

Such aggregates use heat allocated during operation. industrial equipment. In this case, the absorbent absorber with a boiling point significantly exceeds the corresponding refrigerant parameter, the latter dissolves well.

The scheme of the functioning of the chiller of this class is as follows:

  1. Heat from the external source is summarized to the generator, where it warms the mixture of lithium and water bromide. When the working mixture is boiling, the refrigerant (water) is completely evaporated.
  2. Couple is transferred to the condenser and becomes liquid.
  3. The refrigerant in liquid form enters the choke. Here it is cooled, and the pressure drops.
  4. The fluid enters the evaporator, where water evaporates and the absorption of its vapor with a solution of lithium bromide - absorber. The air indoors is cooled.
  5. The diluted absorbent is heated again in the generator, and the cycle starts again.

Such an air conditioning system has not yet been widespread, but it is completely consonant with modern trendsConcerning energy saving, therefore has good prospects.

Construction of parokompression installations

On the basis of compression cooling, most refrigeration plants are functioning. Cooling occurs due to the incessant circulation, boiling at low temperature, pressure and condensation of the coolant in the closed type system.

The design of the chiller of this class includes:

  • compressor;
  • evaporator;
  • capacitor;
  • pipelines;
  • flow regulator.

The refrigerant circulates in a closed system. This process controls the compressor in which the gaseous substance with a low temperature (-5⁰) and a pressure of 7 atm is amenable to compression when taking the temperature to 80⁰.

Dry saturated pairs in a compressed state goes into a capacitor, where it is cooling up to 45⁰ at a constant pressure and turning into a liquid.

The next point on the movement is the throttle (reduction valve). At this stage, the pressure decreases on the value of the corresponding condensation to the limit at which evaporation occurs. At the same time, the temperature is reduced to about 0 °. The liquid is partially evaporated and a wet steam is formed.

The diagram shows a closed loop, which operates a parokompression installation. In the compressor (1) there is a compression of a wet saturated pair until it reaches the pressure P1. In the compressor (2) pairs is high and transformed into the liquid. In choke (3), both the pressure (P3 - P4) and the temperature (T1-T2) are reduced. In the heat exchanger (4) pressure (P2) and the temperature (T2) remain unchanged

By enrolling in the heat exchanger - the evaporator, a working substance, a mixture of steam and liquid, gives cold to the coolant and takes the heat from the refrigeration agent, drying at the same time. The process occurs with constant pressure and temperature indicators. Pumps are supplied with low temperature fluid to fans. Having passed this path, the refrigerator agent returns to the compressor to repeat the entire parokompression cycle again.

Specificity of parokompression chiller

In the cold time, the chiller can work in the natural cooling mode - this is called freuciling. In this case, the coolant cools the street air. Theoretically use free cooling can be external temperature less than 7⁰s On practice optimal temperature For this 0⁰.

When setting up on the "Heat pump mode", the chiller works for heating. The cycle undergoes changes, in particular, the capacitor and the evaporator are exchanged by its functions. In this case, the coolant must be exposed not to cooling, but heating.

The most simple are monoblock chillers. They are compactly combined into one whole elements. They go on sale equipped with 100% up to refueling refueling

This mode is most often used in large offices, public buildings, In warehouses. Tileler is a refrigeration unit, giving cold 3 times than consumes. Its efficiency as the heater is even higher - it exists electricity 4 times less than heat gives.

What is the difference between the refrigerant from the coolant?

The refrigerant agent is a working substance that in the process of the refrigeration cycle can be in different aggregate states at different values Pressure. The coolant does not change phase states. Its function is the transfer of cold or heat for some reason.

The refrigerant transport controls the compressor, and the heat carrier - the pump. The temperature of the refrigerant may be descended both below the boiling point, so ride it. The coolant, in contrast to the refrigerant, is constantly working in conditions of temperatures that are not growing above the boiling point at the current pressure.

The role of fan coil in the air conditioning system

Fan coil is an important element of centralized climatic installation. The second name is a fan closer. If the term Fan-Coil is translated from English literally, it sounds like a fan-heat exchanger, which most accurately conveys the principle of its action.

The fankeal design includes a network module that provides a connection to the central control device. Durable case hides the structural elements and protects them from damage. Outside the panel is installed, evenly distributing air flows in various directions

The purpose of the device is to receive the carrier with low temperatures. The list of its functions also includes recirculation and air cooling in the room where it is installed, without air intake outside. The main elements of FAN-COIL are located in its housing.

These include:

  • centrifugal or diametrical fan;
  • heat exchanger in the form of a coil consisting of copper tube and aluminum ribs planted on it;
  • dust filter;
  • control block.

In addition to the main nodes and parts in the design of the Fan Coil, the pallet for capturing the condensate is included, the pump for pumping the latter, the electric motor, by means of which the air dampers rotate.

In the photo channel fan coil Trane. The performance of double-row heat exchangers is 1.5 - 4.9 kW. The unit is equipped with a low noise fan and a compact case. It is well placed for false panels or overhead ceiling construction.

Depending on the installation method, there are fancoille ceiling, channels mounted in the channels for which the air flow is carried out, inappropriate, where all the elements are mounted on the frame, wall or console.

Ceiling apparatuses are most popular and have 2 version options: cassette and channel. The first are mounted in bulk rooms with suspended ceilings. Behind the suspended design there are housing. The bottom panel remains visible. They can dispersed air flows on two or all four parties.

If the system is planned to be used exclusively for cooling, then the best place For him - the ceiling. If the design is designed for heating, the device is placed on the wall at its lower part

The need for cooling does not always exist, therefore, as can be seen in the scheme that transmits the principle of operation of the chiller-fainquill system, the hydraulic module is built in the container that performs the role of the accumulator for the refrigerant. Thermal water expansion compensates expansion tankconnected to the feed pipe.

Managed fan coil both in manual and automatic modes. If the fan closer works for heating, then in manual mode is cut off cold water. When working on cooling overlap hot water And open the way to enter the cooling fluid.

The console to control both 2-pipe and 4-pipe fan coil. The module is connected directly to the device and placed near it. Control panel and wires are connected from it to power

To work in automatic mode on the panel, the temperature is set for a particular room. Support for a given parameter is carried out by means of thermostats that adjust the circulation of coolants - cold and hot.

The advantage of Fan Coil is expressed not only in the use of safe and cheap coolant but also fast elimination troubleshooting water leaks. It hearses their service. The use of these devices is the most energy efficient way to create a favorable microclimate in the building

Since any large building has zones with different requirements for temperature regimeEach of them must serve a separate fan coil or their group with identical settings.

The number of aggregates is determined at the system design of the system. The cost of individual nodes of the chiller-funk system is quite high, therefore, both the calculation and the design of the system must be performed as accurately as possible.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video # 1. All about the device, work and principle of the thermoregulation system:

Video # 2. On how to install and enter the chiller:

Installation of the chiller-funk system is suitable in medium and large buildings with an area exceeding 300 m². For a private house, even huge, the installation of such a system of thermoregulation is the pleasure of expensive. On the other hand similar financial investments Provide comfort and well-being, and this is a lot.

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Installation of the Chiller-Fan Coil system requires high designer skills and accurate calculations. Without them, the parameters of climatic equipment will be incorrect, there will be insufficient or reduced energy supply, the service life will decrease, the probability of breakdowns of functional nodes will increase.

On the methods of calculating the power that allow engineers of our company with high accuracy to determine the performance of the industrial air conditioning system in this article.

How to choose a fan coil? Factors affecting equipment parameters

When calculating the functional characteristics of Fan Coils, a number of indicators are taken into account. Relying on them, a professional with high accuracy will determine the necessary parameters of the system. This will establish optimal equipment that is balanced at cost, performance and resource consumption. The following is taken into account:

  • Dimensions of the room and the purpose of its use;
  • The number of openings in the walls and orientation relative to the parties of the world;
  • Climatic indicators of the region, the average temperature and humidity of the outer air;
  • Cleaning material and cladding walls of the building;
  • The number and power of devices in the room that highlight heat;
  • Installation of the ventilation system;
  • Average number of people inside.

Each of these parameters individually affects fankyl performance, lowering or increasing it. The set of listed indicators is able to significantly change the capacity of the equipment needed for the comfort of people in the room.

Ways to determine the power of fankyl

There are three main techniques. Each of them requires various time spent on calculations and gives a certain percentage of accuracy.

Depending on the situation, one of the following methods is applied:

  • Academic - long, but the most accurate;
  • A refined - balanced solution between the accuracy of calculations and the time spent;
  • Caiden - allows you to quickly determine the approximate equipment performance, but does not take into account the parameters of the room and the building. Differs high error.

At the academic method, all factors affect the heat exchange processes in the room are taken into account. The exact reference indicators of the values \u200b\u200band thermal conductivity and heat transfer coefficients are used.

The high duration of the technique justifies itself when installing fan coils in research laboratories, on pharmacological or medical production, at objects where the maximum precise definition parameters.

Technical specialists of our company to calculate the power capacity most often use a refined method. Calculations are based on the averaged values \u200b\u200bof indicators from reference books and give results high precision. When determining the indicators, it is important to take into account air humidity. For this reason, there are the following types of fankyl performance:

  • Direct - all heat-crims in the room without entering into calculations of air humidity are taken into account;
  • Indirect - calculated on the basis of all incoming inflows of thermal energy, taking into account air humidity;
  • Full - determined on the basis of two types.

Calculations are based on i-D readings Wet air diagrams, which makes it possible to take into account the set of room characteristics and improves the accuracy of the result.

A capex technique can be made independently and does not require special knowledge, but it does not take into account the masses of the parameters. The averaged value is obtained by selecting a fan coil with a capacity of 1000 W for every 10 m2 of the room, the height of which is 2.7-3 m. Approximate parameters are reflected on the operation of the entire air conditioning system, so it is not recommended to rely on it. Climatic equipment will work in incorrect mode and quickly fails.

To get the maximum accurate calculations It is necessary to seek help to professionals. The company "Smart Climate" provides services for qualified specialists who will make calculations for a limited time and will help you choose the optimal power of fankial in accordance with the parameters of operation.

In the premises of a large area filled with many sources of heat dissipation, the installation of air conditioners is irrational. To achieve comfortable conditions with lower energy costs allows the use of fan coils. These are heat exchangers consisting of a fan and radiator, inside of which water circulates. Before buying equipment, its power is calculated. Depending on the degree of consumer preparedness, the calculation is carried out by an academic or simple approximate way.

How to choose the power of fankial

The total power of fan coil should not exceed the power of chiller

Chiller-Fan Coil system is one of the options for climatic equipment to create a comfortable microclimate in office, commercial, industrial and household premises. The equipment is designed for two modes: cooling in the warm season and heating in the cold period. For multi-zone air conditioning systems, a combined version is recommended: the thermal and humidity load falls on fan coil, and the purity of the air provides ventilation.

The main elements of the system: Chiller - a cold generation machine; And Fan Coils - closers or fan closers, which are a heat exchange device. The coolant is water or ethylene glycol mixture. The hydraulic assembly provides circulation of fluid in the pipeline. The purpose of the fan coil is to bring the air temperature in the room to the specified parameters.

Principle of operation of the device: The fan blows the air through the heat exchanger. Cold snake lowers flow temperature. Chilled air returns to the room. The process is accompanied by the dedication of condensate drawn into the drainage.

Selection of Fancois

Air conditioning - the closer is selected at full cooling capacity. Costing costs exceed the power consumed on heating, so the calculation is carried out at maximum indicators. Calculations require accounting for many parameters affecting the amount of heat and moisture allocated in the room:

  • Receipt of explicit warmth room:
    • a) the location of the room and windows relative to the parties to the light;
    • b) the number of people (with an average physical activity, an adult generates 130-150 watts of heat);
    • c) material, thickness and quality of thermal insulation of walls and overlaps;
    • d) the capacity of lighting devices;
    • e) heat allocated when working household appliances, computers.
  • Climatic conditions are characteristic of this region on temperature and humidity.
  • Cold temperature in Chiller-Funkyl system.
  • The presence of ventilation, the magnitude of the inflow of fresh air.
  • Functional purpose of the room.

Ways to calculate fan coils

Teplockotieri at home

Having determined the total thermal load in the room, the calculation of the power of fankyl is beginning. Three calculation techniques are used. They are distinguished by the complexity of the performance and accuracy of the results.


The most accurate embodiment takes into account all possible parameters. The academic method suggests a long and challenging process of calculation, the newcomer will need 8-10 hours to choose a fan coil for an area of \u200b\u200b25-30 square meters. m. The calculations are similar to the studies conducted for the heat exchange processes of the air conditioning system. For work you will need:

  • thermal conductivity coefficients of fencing materials;
  • indicators of heat transfer of structural materials into an external environment;
  • moisture content and enthalpy (component ID diagrams).

When calculating air humidity and its processing, the ID diagram is used. It contains several parameters:

  • relative humidity;
  • temperature;
  • moisture content (number of steam in 1 kg of air);
  • entalpy (the amount of heat in 1 kg of air).

By connecting with lines, all available indicators are obtained by a diagram of air condition. It is applied by experts to calculate air heating and fan closer.


Technical specialists related to the design of air conditioning systems are calculated on the averaged values \u200b\u200bof reference values. The method is less accurate than academic, but gives a fairly reliable result. The calculation is carried out taking into account the influence of humidity on the power of fan coils. Manufacturers in characteristics indicate two performance: explicit and complete. These parameters require explanations:

  1. Explicit productivity of the device - takes into account all the tributaries of the heat indoors without an amendment to humidity.
  2. The full performance of the fan closer is the cold power consisting on compensation for explicit and hidden heat. The second parameter is the heat of the condensation of steam into the liquid. It is calculated by the ID of the diagram or special tables.

With a small humidity of air, the hidden heat is up to 20%. Adding this number to explicit performance, get complete. With increasing moisture indicator, the proportion of hidden heat increases to 50-60%.

Approximate or caidious

The easiest option of calculation, which is offered by employees at the points of sale of air conditioning systems using fan coils that have no professional selection skills. Calculations occur quickly with a minimum set of parameters used. Generalized preliminary calculations in various destination premises provide the following data:

  • for offices with office equipment and computers, an air conditioner-closer with a capacity of 150 watts for each 1 kV is required. m;
  • residential premises with a height of ceilings 2.7-3 m in need of fan coil with a capacity of 100 watt per 1 square meter. m Square.

For example: room area in the apartment 20 square meters. M - Q \u003d 100 x 20 \u003d 2000 W or 2 kW.

The final power is defined without a hidden heat. In the regions with a dry climate, the error is up to 20%, and when high humidity (80-90%) Error within 50%.

Possible difficulties

Some climatic equipment manufacturers indicate the cooling capacity of the fan closer is not in the usual kW, but in BTU. British Thermal Unit means a British thermal unit. The ratio of units of measurement is 1 kW \u003d 3412 BTU / H.

The power of the instruments for simplicity of customer orientation is indicated by the rounded one. For example: 7000 BTU / H \u003d 2100 W.

Features of the calculation of the fan closer

These manufacturers of cold working on the air conditioner-closer are tied to standard temperature indicators:

  • on a dry thermometer 27 °;
  • on wet thermometer 19 °;
  • water at the entrance to Fan coil 7 °.

The variable factors refers the speed of the fan, the characteristics indicates high. There is still average and low. Among the factors, the change of which affects the performance of the fan coil:

  • water temperature at the entrance;
  • air flow (fan speed);
  • the amount of water passing through the fan closer;
  • indoor air temperature.

Independent calculation electrical power Fan coils for office or manufacturing workshop can cause serious difficulties. Such work is trusted by specialists. With refined calculation helps online calculator On the sites associated with climate techniques. Approximate calculation is suitable for domestic use of the device.

Initial data:

Office premises (7 rooms) with total area 150 m2, the height of the room H \u003d 3 m, the resulting "Armstrong" type ceiling - only in the corridor. The rooms have the possibility of natural ventilation (by opening-closing windows (see the layout of the rooms in Fig. 1).

The facade of the building goes to the central street, and the installation on the facade of external blocks of split systems is not permitted.

To create comfortable conditions in offices in this case, the most optimal decision Air conditioning is the Chiller-Fan Coil system. ( refrigerator) It is installed on the roof of the building, fan coils (closers) are installed under the ceiling of each room.

To provide system hot water (45-40 ° C) not only in summer, but also in a transitional period of time, when the heating system is not functioning, you will choose your choice on a chiller with a "thermal pump" type WRAN company Clivet. Such a mode of operation "Heat and cold" is possible due to the use of a reversing refrigeration contour ( thermal pump) with high energy efficiency.

The outer case of the chiller is made of the "peraluman" alloy, suitable for outdoor work. The WRAN unit is equipped with a microprocessor control system that allows you to configure, adjust and optimize all functions. Remote controller remote control, connected to the microprocessor, allows you to carry out all settings and control the functioning of the chiller at a distance.

Internal blocks (Fancois) and outdoor block (Chiller) are interconnected by steel water-gas pipes that need to be insulated to avoid condensate falling on the pipe walls when it is circulated with the parameters. \u003d 7 ° C, Tempec. \u003d 12 ° С (when operating the system in cooling mode). Each fan coil has a trap pallet from which the drainage pipeline is given. All drainage pipelines are connected by a common collector and connected to existing system sewage. All communications are placed on the corridor in the zone of the stitched ceiling. To lay the drainage pipeline, it is necessary to ensure a slope of 10 mm per 1 m length.

Initial dataEstimated data
Pom.Volume Position, V, M3Colich. People in the presence, peopleColich. Office equipment, pcs.Communion. heat, kvModel of selected equipment and its characteristics
1 35 1 1 1.45
2 88 3 2 3.53
3 88 3 2 3.53 FC50 cold - 3.64 kvteploh - 4.27 kW
4 92 3 2 3.65 FC50 cold - 3.64 kvteploh - 4.27 kW
5 71 3 2 3.12 FC50 cold - 3.64 kvteploh - 4.27 kW
6 27 1 1 1.20 FC20 cold - 1.5 kvteplo - 1.81 kW
7 52 1 1 1.95 FC30 cold - 2.02 kvteplo - 2.40
Total cooling capacity of all fan coils:19.6 kW

To ensure the circulation of the coolant in the system, a pumping station is installed.

Clivet pump stations include automation and all necessary technological strapping. They are ready to work immediately after connecting them to electrical and hydraulic systems.

To determine the sizes of the equipment incoming to the system, appropriate calculations should be made.

Calculation of insulability and selection of equipment

The calculation of the heat load of the fan coil is carried out on the basis of the data obtained on the presence of people in each room, office equipment and other sources of heat release.

Plot numberQ1, kwQ2, kcal / hG1, kg / hG2, l / sØ, mm.R, mm in. Art.I, M.R x i, mm in. Art.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 19.6 16897 3379 0.94 32 77 5 385
2 18.09 15595 3119 0.87 32 73 3 219
3 14.43 12457 2491 0.69 32 47.5 6 285
4 10.81 93119 1864 0.52 32 29 7 203
5 7.17 6181 1236 0.34 25 56 5 280
6 3.53 3043 609 0.17 20 63 7 455
7 2.02 1741 348 0.1 15 100 4 400
Last Fan Coil900
8 2.02 1741 348 0.1 15 100 4 400
9 3.53 3043 609 0.17 20 65 7 455
10 7.17 6181 1236 0.34 25 56 3 280
11 10.81 9319 1864 0.52 32 29 7 203
12 14.45 12457 2491 0.69 32 47.5 6 283
13 18.09 15595 3119 0.87 32 73 3 219
14 19.6 16897 3379 0.94 32 77 5 385
Chiller Wran.2800
Amount, mm in. Art.8154

We define for each room the total amount of insulating and from the Delonghi catalog is chosen from the fan coil production of the model. The calculation data and selection of fan coils are shown in Table. 2.

Based on the total cooling capacity of all fan coils (19.6 kW), according to the CLIVET catalog, we select chiller (with the nearest greater cooling capacity) - WRAN 91 (cold \u003d 20.6 kW, heat \u003d 23.1 kW).

The selection of chiller with the "heat pump" allows you to use the air conditioning system in the heating mode during the year of the year, when the heating system is not yet included.

Based on the calculation of insulating inspection, the thermal load of the entire system is 19.6 kW. Coolant - water with parameters 7-12 ° C. Steel pipes, water-gas pipes.

Chiller WRAN 91 cooling capacity of 20.6 kW without a built-in pumping circuit. Fan coat - according to Table 1.

Hydraulic calculation of the system

The purpose of hydraulic calculation is to determine the diameters of the pipelines of each section of the system and the selection pumping station For steady operation of the water circuit.

If a chiller is used with an integrated pumping station (hydraulic circuit), then it is necessary to determine whether its pressure is enough for normal operation of the system.

If a chiller is used without a built-in pumping station (hydraulic circuit), then according to the hydraulic calculation, the necessary pumping station is selected.

In accordance with the plans of the premises, an axonometric scheme of the Chiller-Funkyla system is performed, the numbers of the plots are indicated and their lengths are determined (Fig. 2).

Calculation of pressure loss must be produced for the most remote funky. In this case, this is Fox 30. Pressure loss is made up of losses in length and losses for local resistance. Loss lengths are determined in accordance with the tables for the calculation water pipes. Losses on local resistance can be taken equal to 30% of the length of the length of length.

Consider the method of hydraulic calculation on the example of a portion No. 1 (see Fig. 2).

Plot No. 1 is a plot between Chiller and the first water in the course of water. Its load is a general system load:

Q1 \u003d 19.7 kW or

Q2 \u003d 19.7: 1,16 · 1000 \u003d 16 982 kcal / h.

The temperature difference in the catalog at the entrance and the outlet of the fan coil is DT \u003d 5 ° C (from the catalog). Thus, it is possible to calculate water consumption in section No. 1:

where Q2 -, kcal / h; C - water heat capacity equal to 1 kcal / kg · ° C.

G1 \u003d 16896/1 · 5 \u003d 3376 kg / h (0.939 l / s).

According to the table of calculating the water supply system, for example, from the "Designer Director", we select the diameter of the pipeline 32 mm, based on the condition that the water velocity does not exceed 1 m / s.

Determine the specific pressure loss along the length R (see, for example, the "Designer Handbook"). It is 77 mm of water. Art. / m.

a) knowing R and the length of the site, one can calculate the resistance of the section R_i, equal to 385 mm water.

c) hydraulic resistance of fankyl, equal to 900 mm water., - determined by catalogs.

d) knowing the water flow (general) and the chiller's chosen brand (), the heat exchanger resistance in the chiller itself can be determined by a diagram from the Clivet directory.

IN this example The hydraulic resistance of the heat exchanger is 28 kPa or 2800 mm water.

e) after the addition of resistance of all sites, we obtain general pressure loss in the system; We add 30% - the stock into local resistance - and we obtain the necessary pressure, which should develop the pump station DRN≥106 kPa.

DP \u003d R1 + 30% (R1) \u003d 8154 + 0.3 · 8154 \u003d 10600 mm of water. Zht \u003d 106 kPa

According to a diagram from the CLIVET directory, we determine the M2 pumping station brand, which develops the pressure on the 135 kPa network, that is, more than 106 kPa.