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Electric power

What is power and power? What is measured by this indicator, while the instruments are used, and as mentioned physical quantities are applied in practice, we will look at the article further.


In the world, all body physical nature begins to move through force. With its impact, with a passing or opposite direction of the body movement, work is performed. Thus, any power affects the body.

So, the bike begins with the place due to the power of the person's feet, and the electric locomotive thrust acts on the train. This impact happens at any movement. The work of strength is the value in which the power module is multiplied by the module for moving the point of its application and the cosine of the angle between these indicators. The formula in this case looks like this:

If the angle between these vectors is not equal to zero, then the work is always done. At the same time, it can have both positive and negative meaning. The body will not act at the corner, equal to 90 °.

Consider for an example a cart that the muscular power of a horse pulls. In other words, the work makes the force of thrust in the direction of the traffic of the cart. But the power of gravity, directed down or perpendicularly, does not work (by the way, horsepower is what the engine power is measured).

Work work is a scalar value and is measured in Joules. She may be:

  • relaxing (when exposed to several forces);
  • non-permanent (then the calculation is made with the integral).


What is the measured this value? To begin with, we will analyze that it represents. It is clear that the movement of the body begins at the expense of the force performing mechanical work. However, in practice, in addition, it is necessary to know exactly how it is committed.

that is, the product of the vectors of force on the speed of movement - and there is power. What is it measured? According to the international system C, the unit of measurement of this value is 1 watt.

Watt and other power measurement units

Watt means the power, where in one second work is done in one joule. The last unit was called so in honor of the British J. Uatta, who invented and built the first steam car. But at the same time it used another value - horsepower, which is used to this day. One horsepower is approximately 735.5 watts.

Thus, besides watt, power is measured in metric horsepower. And with a very small value, ERG is also used equal to ten in minus the seventh degree of watts. It is possible to measure in one unit of mass / strength / meters per second, which is 9.81 watts.

Engine power

The title is one of the most important in any motor that has the most different power. For example, an electric razor has hundredths of kilowatt, and the rocket spacecraft There are millions.

For different loads, various power is needed to save certain speed. For example, the car will become harder if more cargo put it. Then the friction force about the road will increase. Therefore, in order to maintain the same speed as in unloaded state, high power will be required. Accordingly, the motor will eat more fuel. About this fact is known to all drivers.

But at high speed, the inertia of the machine, which is directly proportional to its mass. The experienced drivers who know about this fact are found when driving best combination Fuel and speed so that gasoline leaves less.

Current power

What is the current current? In the same unit of SI system. It can be measured by a direct or indirect method.

The first method is implemented using a wattmeter that consumes substantial energy and a heavily loading current source. With it, it is measured from ten watts and more. An indirect method is used if necessary to measure small values. Devices for this serve as an ammeter and a voltmeter connected to the consumer. The formula will in this case will have such a form.

From the client's letter:
Tell me, for God's sake, why the power of the UPS is indicated in Volt-amps, and not in the usual kilowatts. It strains hard. After all, everyone has long been accustomed to kilowatts. Yes, and the power of all devices is mainly indicated in kW.
Alexei. 21 June 2007.

IN specifications Any UPS indicates complete power [kVA] and active power [kW] - they characterize the load capacity of the UPS. Example, see photos below:

The power of not all devices is indicated in W, for example:

  • The power of transformers is indicated in VA: (TP transformers: see application) (TSGL transformers: cm app)
  • The capacity of the capacitors is indicated in Vary: (K78-39 condensers: cm app) (UK condensers: cm app)
  • Examples of other loads - see applications below.

The power characteristics of the load can be accurately set to one single parameter (active power in W) only for the case direct currentSince the DC circuits exists the only type of resistance - active resistance.

Power Specifications Loads for Case alternating current It is impossible to accurately set one single parameter, since there are two in the AC circuit of different types Resistance is active and reactive. Therefore, only two parameters: active power and reactive power accurately characterize the load.

The principle of operation of active and reactive resistances is completely different. Active resistance - irreversibly converts electric energy To other types of energy (thermal, light, etc.) - examples: incandescent lamp, electric heater (paragraph 39, physics 11 class V.A. Kasyanov M.: Drop, 2007).

Reactive resistance - alternately accumulates energy, then gives it back to the network - examples: condenser, inductance coil (paragraph 40.41, physics 11 class V.A. Kasyanov M.: Drop, 2007).

Further in any textbook on electrical engineering, you can read that the active power (dispelled on the active resistance) is measured in watts, and the reactive power (circulating through reactive resistance) is measured in the worsh; Also, two more parameters are used to characterize the load capacity: full power and power factor. All these 4 parameters:

  1. Active Power: Designation P., unit: Watt
  2. Reactive Power: Designation Q., unit: Var. (Volt Ampere Jet)
  3. Full power: Designation S., unit: V. (Volt Ampere)
  4. Power factor: Designation k. or cOSF, Unit of measurement: dimensionless value

These parameters are associated with relations: S * S \u003d P * P + Q * Q, COSF \u003d K \u003d P / S

Also cOSF called power coefficient ( Power FactorPF)

Therefore, any two of these parameters are set in electrical engineering to the power characteristics as the rest can be found from these two.

For example, electric motors, lamps (discharge) - in those. Data specified P [kW] and COSF: (AIR engines: See Appendix)\u003d38 (DRL lamps: See Appendix)
(examples of technical data for different loads, see the application below)

The same with power sources. Their power (load capacity) is characterized by one parameter for DC power sources - active power (W), and two parameters for East. AC power. Typically, these two parameters are complete power (BA) and active (W). See for example the parameters of DSU and UPS.

Most office I. household appliances, active (reactive resistance is absent or a little), so their power is indicated in watts. In this case, when calculating the load, the value of the power of the UPS in watts is used. If the load is computers with power supplies (BP) without correction of the input power factor (APFC), laser printer, refrigerator, air conditioning, electric motor (for example submersible pump or the motor in the machine), luminescent ballast lamps, etc. - when calculating all outs are used. Data UPS: KVA, kW, overload characteristics, etc.

See electrical textbooks, for example:

1. Evdokimov F. E. Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004.

2. Nemtsov M. V. Electrical Equipment and electronics. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007.

3. Freewomans L. A. Electrical Engineering. - M.: Higher School, 1989.

Just see AC Power, Power Factor, Electrical Resistance, Reactance


Example 1: The power of transformers and autotransformers is indicated in VA (volt · amperes) (TSGL transformers)

Single-phase autotransformers

TDGC2-0.5 KVA, 2A
TDGC2-1.0 KVA, 4A LATER 1.25 AOSN-4-220-82
TDGC2-2.0 KVA, 8A LATER 2.5 AOSN-8-220-82
TDGC2-3.0 KVA, 12A

TDGC2-4.0 KVA, 16A

TDGC2-5.0 KVA, 20A
TDGC2-7.0 KVA, 28A

TDGC2-10 KVA, 40A
TDGC2-15 KVA, 60A

TDGC2-20 KVA, 80A (LATR / Laboratory Autotransformers TDGC2)

Example 2: The power of the capacitors is indicated in the Vary (Volt · Amperers of Jet) (condensers K78-39) (CC condensers)

Example 3: Technical data of electric motors contain active power (kW) and COSF

For such loads as electromotors, lamps (discharge), computer power supplies, combined loads, etc. - in the technical data P [kW] and COSF (active power and power coefficient) or S [KVA] and COSF (full power and coefficient Power).
(Combined Load - Plasma Cutting Machine / Inverter Plasma Cutter LGK160 (IGBT)\u003d365&area\u003den (PC power supply)

Supplement 1.

If the load has a high power factor (0.8 ... 1.0), then its properties are approaching the active load. Such a load is ideal for both the mains line and sources of electricity, because Does not generate reactive currents and power in the system.

Therefore, many countries adopted the standards normalizing equipment power factor.

Supplement 2.

Single-loading equipment (for example, PC BP) and multi-pass combined (for example, a milling industrial machine, having several motors, PCs, lighting, etc.) have low power coefficients (less than 0.8) internal units (for example, PC BP rectifier or electric motor have Power coefficient 0.6 .. 0.8). Therefore, at present, most equipment has an input block of power factor corrector. In this case, the input power factor is 0.9 ... 1.0, which corresponds to the regulatory standards.

Supplement 3. Important note regarding the power factor of the UPS and voltage stabilizers

The load capacity of the UPS and DGU is normalized to the standard industrial load (power coefficient of 0.8 with inductive character). For example, UPS 100 kVA / 80 kW. This means that the device can feed the active load of the maximum power 80 kW, or a mixed (active-reactive) load of the maximum power of 100 kVA with an inductive power coefficient of 0.8.

In voltage stabilizers, it is different. For the stabilizer, the load capacity coefficient is indifferent. For example, voltage stabilizer 100 kVA. This means that the device can feed the active load of the maximum power of 100 kW, or any other (purely active, purely reactive, mixed) power 100 kVA or 100 KARs with any coefficient of capacitive or inductive power. Note that this is true for a linear load (without higher harmonic current). With large harmonic distortions of the load current (high books), the output power of the stabilizer is reduced.

Supplement 4.

Visual examples of pure active and clean jet loads:

  • AC 220 VAC network is connected to a 100 W incandescent lamp - everywhere in the circuit there is a conduction current (through wire conductors and tungsten hairs lamps). Load characteristics (lamps): Power S \u003d P ~ \u003d 100 VA \u003d 100 W, PF \u003d 1 \u003d\u003e electric power Active, which means it is entirely in bulk in the lamp and turns into the power of heat and light.
  • A non-polar Condenser 7 of the ICF is connected to the AC 220 VAC network - in the wire circuit there is a conduction current, an offset current (through a dielectric) is within the condenser. Load characteristics (condenser): Power S \u003d Q ~ \u003d 100 VA \u003d 100 Var, pf \u003d 0 \u003d\u003e All electrical power reactive, and therefore it is constantly circulating from the source to load and back, again to the load, etc.
Appendix 5.

To denote the prevailing reactive resistance (inductive or capacitive) power factor attributed to the sign:

+ (plus) - If the total reactive resistance is inductive (example: pf \u003d + 0.5). The current phase is lagging behind the voltage phase at the angle of F.

- (minus) - If the total reactive resistance is a consuming (example: pf \u003d -0.5). The current phase is ahead of the voltage phase at the angle of F.

Supplement 6.

Additional questions

Question 1:
Why in all textbooks of electrical equipment when calculating alternating current circuits, imaginary numbers / values \u200b\u200bare used (for example, reactive power, reactive resistance, etc.) that do not exist in reality?

Yes, all individual values \u200b\u200bin the surrounding world are valid. Including temperature, reactive resistance, etc. The use of imaginary (integrated) numbers is only a mathematical reception that facilitates the calculations. As a result of the calculation, a valid number is obtained. Example: Jet load capacity (condenser) 20Kvar is a real stream of energy, that is, real watts circulating in the source load circuit. But what would be distinguished by these watts from watts, irrevocable loaded load, these "circulating watts" decided to call Volt · with amperas reactive.

Previously, only single values \u200b\u200bwere used in physics and in the calculation of all mathematical values \u200b\u200bcorresponded to the real values \u200b\u200bof the surrounding world. For example, the distance is the speed to multiply by time (S \u003d V * T). Then with the development of physics, that is, as more complex objects are learning (light, waves, alternating electric current, atom, space, etc.) appeared a large number of The physical quantities that it was impossible to calculate each individual. This is a problem not only manual calculation, but also the problem of compiling programs for computers. To solve this problem, close single values \u200b\u200bbegan to combine into more complex (including 2 or more single values), obeying the transformation laws known in mathematics. So there were scalar (single) quantities (temperature, etc.), vector and complex dual (impedance, etc.), vector structure (magnetic field vector, etc.), and more complex values \u200b\u200b- matrices and tensors (dielectric constant, tensor Ricci et al.) To simplify expectations in electrical engineering, the following imaginary (complex) dual values \u200b\u200bare used:

  1. Full resistance (impedance) Z \u003d R + IX
  2. Full power S \u003d P + IQ
  3. Dielectric constant E \u003d E "+ IE"
  4. Magnetic permeability m \u003d m "+ im"
  5. and etc.

Question 2:

On the page, S p q f is shown on the complex, that is, an imaginary / non-existent plane. What does this all have to do with reality?

Conduct calculations with real sinusoids is difficult, therefore, a vector (integrated) representation is used to simplify calculations as in Fig. above. But this does not mean that those shown in Figure S P q are not related to reality. The real values \u200b\u200bof S p q can be represented in normal form, based on the measurements of the sinusoidal oscilloscope signals. The values \u200b\u200bof S p q F I U in the AC circuit "Source-load" depend on the load. Below is an example of real sinusoidal signals S p Q and F for the case of a load consisting of a sequentially connected active and reactive (inductive) resistance.

Question 3:
The conventional current ticks and multimeter was measured by the load current 10 A, and the voltage on the load 225 V. is alternating and obtaining the load power in W: 10 A · 225V \u003d 2250 W.

You got (calculated) the full load capacity of 2250 VA. Therefore, your answer will be fair only if your load is purely active, then really volt · Ampere is equal to watt. For all other types of loads (for example, an electric motor) - no. To measure all the characteristics of any arbitrary load, you must use a network analyzer, such as APPA137:

See additional literature, for example:

Evdokimov F. E. Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004.

Nemtsov M. V. Electrical Equipment and electronics. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2007.

Freewood L. A. Electrical Engineering. - M.: Higher School, 1989.


Theory and Calculation of Transformers low power Yu.N. Starodubtsev / Radiosofoft Moscow 2005 / Rev D25D5R4FEB2013

Automakers from different countries Measure the power of their cars in various units. What for? Answer you will learn below

Reading an article about cars, be sure you will always meet with these data. With which? With car power. Car engine power This is one of the most important indicators, relevant at any time, in any situation. Both with practical and theoretical points of view.

Always relevant. According to statistics, one of the most interesting readers of the parts of information about new products lies precisely in the power of car engines. Thus, on the subconscious level, people compare the models, their advantages and weak sides Regarding each other, only one parameter is the power of the motor.

Power as the essence is a measure of how quickly and how far the engine with physical work can move the machine forward using the torque. In mechanical engineering, this phenomenon is generalized by the concept of the number of "work", which the power unit of the car should make to promote the car forward. As a measure of measurement, such work received many different units over time. With some of them, we will get to know today.

Kilowatts (kW)

From the technical side of the question, this form of measurement is the most versatile power calculation method. She enjoy engineers worldwide.

Watt is a unit of measure that is part of the SI system (the international system of units), means what power will be required to perform a 1J work per unit of time.

Mainly used by professionals as the more "correct" in terms of fundamental science. As a unit of measurement in the automotive sphere is used mainly in the southern hemisphere, so historically developed.

The method of measuring power in kilowatts on cars is mainly occurring by finding the torque of the torque transmitted from the wheels on the dynamometric stand, then this equation is applied for calculations:

Kilowatts, became a modern measure of fixing the output power of cars and maybe in the future they will become a generally accepted world measure. At least, if you look at any official data offered by automakers, you will definitely see units of kW power engines internal combustion Along with horse forces.

Moreover, with starting stir around cars with electric engines, the entry into the use of this measurement form will become even more justified, because the amount of work produced by the electric motor is measured using kW⋅ch (kilowatt-hours), which determine how long the electric motor can produce a certain amount of energy, for example, for the movement of the car.

Horsepower (hp)

The creator of the "maestro" and part-time the creator of productive steam engines - Mr. James Watt is a power unit, based on horsepower in some way alive and to this day, the counting of a brilliant engineer through a century. It is the main unit of car power in many countries, including in Russia, is used not only as measuring the power of the internal combustion engine in official documents for car models, but also for calculating taxation in the automotive sphere, for example, the counting of transport tax.

So what is horsepower (hp)? How did she appear and how do they calculate it? How was her appearance related to horses?

Scotland, the inventor James Watt brought his first to mind steam deviceThat could help hundreds of industrialists and artisans in their everyday work. And it seems that the engine was good to everyone, but how to explain it to ordinary people? The answer suggested itself by itself, it was necessary to compare the work of the most common at that time " power device"(Horses) with work new car. Said done, WATT sat down for counting.

Counting and comparison of units of measurement

In most European countries, horsepower is defined as 75 kgf · m / s, power spent with a uniform vertical lifting weight of 75 kg with a speed of 1 meter per second when accelerating free fall 9.8 m / s.

In the international metric system SI officially measured in watts. 1 hp (metric horsepower) is 735 W or 0.73 kW.

In turn, 1 kW is 1.35 hp

Moreover, in the measurement system in the United Kingdom, as well as in the US, horsepower (HorsePower, HP) is equated to 745 W, which is why there is a slight discrepancy with European "horses". Thus, 1 hp In the USA is 1.0138 hp from Europe.

For example, power 3.8 liter engineNissan.GT-R is 570 hp, in kilowatts it will be equal 419 , in hp. 577 units.

See also:

How James Watt introduced his steam cars and the concept of "horsepower"

Now for sure no one knows how strong the horses were who spent in the experiments of the Watt were whether they were in the heyday or it was old klyachi. However, several legends have been preserved.

According to one of which a kind of brewer, the first buyer of the Watt steam unit is likely to bring down the price of the inventor car decided to hold a contest. The horse in the brewing production was put into effect a water pump, instead of her a brewer and wanted to purchase a steam car.

In order for sure to win, the industrialist not pure into the hand chose the most severe horse for the competition and by manipulation with a whip and other tools to improve labor productivity squeezed out of the poor Maximum efficiency. In response to the challenge of James Watt, applying his car exceeded the work performed by a horse for some data 1.5 times, which served as a sample metal deviceworked on a water pair.

The second legend on the contrary, tells us that the Beat itself is a bit "twisted" calculations in their favor. It took him to convince the non-promotional owners of coal mines for moving with heavy horses to steam machines. In the 18th century, the coal of their mines raised with the help of horses with rope through the block system. Calculating the performance of the average horse, the WATT applied the coefficient, multiplied by the resulting number to 1.5, due to which its machine easily won in performance from any horse who committed the same job.

Since horsepower has significantly spread throughout the globe due to the simplicity of counting and clearer for users, appeared different kinds (Definitions) of horsepower: metric horsepower, mechanical horsepower, boilers L.S., Electric L.S.and water horsepower.

Perhaps in some articles and news, both in foreign and domestic, you have repeatedly come across incomprehensible contractions, for example: nHP,rHP, BHP, SHP, IHP, WHP. What are they denoted?

NHP orrHP,Nominal.horsePower,ratedhorsePower- Useful power, was used to estimate the power of steam engines.

BHP,Brake.horsePower- Effective power in hp, the power "removed" from the crankshaft of an internal combustion engine does not take into account the power loss from the gearbox and the transmission of the car.

SHPShaft.horsePower- engine power on the shaft, it is the power, supplied to the screw shaft, on the turbine shaft or on the output shaft of the automotive gearbox. Gross

IHP,IndicatedhorsePower- Indicator power in hp, this is the theoretical power of the piston engine, determined by the amount of power from the crankshaft, efficient power, and the energy consumed for friction.

Hello! To calculate the physical quantity, called power, use the formula where physical quantity - work is divided for a time for which this work was produced.

She looks like this:

P, W, N \u003d A / T, (W \u003d J / s).

Depending on the textbooks and sections of physics, the power in the formula may be denoted by the letters P, W or N.

Most often power is applied, in such sections of physics and science, as mechanics, electrodynamics and electrical engineering. In each case, power has its own formula for calculating. For AC and DC, it is also different. Wattmeters are used to measure power.

Now you know that power is measured in watts. In English Watt - Watt, international designation - w, russian abbreviation - W. It is important to remember because in all household appliances There is such a parameter.

Power is a scalar value, it is not a vector, in contrast to the strength that may have direction. In mechanics, the general view of the power formula can be written as:

P \u003d f * s / t, where f \u003d a * s,

From the formulas can be seen, as we instead of substitut the power of F multiplied by the path s. As a result, the power in the mechanics can be recorded, as the force multiplied by speed. For example, having a car certain power, I have to reduce the speed when driving up the mountain, as it requires greater strength.

The average power of a person is accepted for 70-80 W. The power of cars, airplanes, ships, rockets and industrial installations is often measured in horsepower ah. Horsepower used long before the introduction of Watt. One horsepower is 745.7W. And in Russia it is made that l. from. equal to 735.5 W.

If you suddenly accidentally ask in 20 years in an interview among passersby about power, and you remember that power is the ratio of work A, perfect per unit of time t. If you can say so, pleasantly surprise the crowd. After all, in this definition, the main thing is to remember that the divider is working here a, but a dividious time t. As a result, having a job and time, and dividing the first to the second, we will get long-awaited power.

When choosing in stores, it is important to pay attention to the power of the device. The more powerful the kettle, the faster it will get water. The air conditioner power determines which size of the space it can cool without extreme load on the engine. The greater the power of the electrical appliance, the more current it consumes, the more electricity will spend, the greater the fee for electricity.

IN general Electrical power is determined by the formula:

where I is the current strength, U-voltage

Sometimes even it is measured in a volt-ampere, recording like in * a. In the Volt-amperes measure full power, and to calculate the active power you need to multiply the efficiency of the efficiency (efficiency) of the instrument, then we obtain active power in watts.

Often, such devices like air conditioning, refrigerator, iron work cyclically, including and disconnecting from the thermostat, and their average power for the total working time may be small.

In alternating current chains, in addition to the concept of instantaneous power, which coincides with the media, there are active, reactive and complete power. Complete power is equal to the amount of active and reactive power.

Electronic devices are used to measure power - wattmeters. The unit of measurement of WATT, received its name in honor of the inventor of an improved steam car, which made a revolution among the energy attitudes of that time. Due to this invention, the development of industrial society accelerated, trains, steamboats, plants that use the steam engine for the movement and production of products appeared.

We all faced many times with the concept of power. For example, different cars are characterized by different engine power. Also, electrical appliances may have different power, even if they have the same destination.

Power is a physical value that characterizes the speed of work.

Respectively, mechanical power is physical quantitycharacterizing the speed of mechanical work:

That is. Power is a job per unit of time.

Power in the SI system is measured in watts: [ N.] \u003d [W].

1 W is a job in 1 J, perfect for 1 s.

There are other power measurement units, such as horsepower:

It is in horsepower that the power of the car engine is most often measured.

Let's go back to the formula for power: the formula for which the work is calculated, we know: Therefore, we can convert the expression for power:

Then in the formula, we have a relationship of the movement module by the time interval. This is how you know the speed:

Just note that in the resulting formula we use the speed module, because at the time we divided not to move itself, but its module. So, the power is equal to the product of the force module, the speed module and cosine of the angle between their directions.

It is quite logical: let's say, the power of the piston can be increased by increasing its strength. Applying great strength, it will make more work for the same time, that is, it will increase power. But even if you leave the power constant, and make the piston move faster, it will undoubtedly increase the work performed per unit of time. Consequently, power will increase.

Examples of solving problems.

Task 1.Motorcycle power is equal to 80 hp Moving along the horizontal site, the motorcyclist develops the speed of 150 km / h. At the same time, the engine runs 75% of its maximum power. Determine the force of friction acting on a motorcycle.

Task 2.The fighter, under the action of constant thrust, directed at an angle of 45 ° to the horizon, accelerates from 150 m / s to 570 m / s. At the same time, the vertical and horizontal speed of the fighter increases to the same value at each moment of time. The mass of the fighter is 20 tons. If the fighter accelerates for one minute, then what is the power of its engine?

If you need a power measurement unit to bring in one system, you will use our power transfer - an online converter. And below you can read what power is measured.

Length Converter and Distance Converter Mass Converter Volume bulk products and Food Converter Square Converter Volume and Units Measurement in Culinary Recipes Temperature Converter Pressure Converter, Mechanical Voltage, Jung Converter Energy Converter And Work Converter Power Converter Power Converter Time Converter Converter linear speed Flat angle converter of thermal efficiency and fuel efficiency Converter numbers in various systems Number Converter Units Measurement of the amount of information Currency Courses Sizes of women's clothing and shoes Sizes of men's clothing and shoes Converter angular speed and speed converter acceleration angular acceleration converter density converter specific volume inertia torque converter power converter torque converter combustion control (by weight) energy density converter and electrical heat combustion converter converter temperature converter Thermal resistance converter specific thermal conductivity Specific Respected Converter Energy Exposure Converter and Heat Power Converter Heat Flow Converter Masse Consumption Converter Mass Consumption Converter Molar Consumption Mass Consistency Converter Mass Converter Molar Concentration Converter Mass Concentration Converter Surface Converter Cinematic Surface Tension Converter Parry Permeability Converter Parry Permeability Converter and Steam Transfer Speed \u200b\u200bConverter Sound Converter Microphones Sound Pressure Level Converter (SPL) Sound Pressure Level Converter Light Converter Light Converter Light Converter Converter Permissions In Computer Grade Frequency Converter and Wave Frequency Converter Optical Force diopteria and focal length optical power in diopters and an increase in lenses (×) Electric converter Charge converter linear density Charge Surface Density Converter Charge Converter Converter Converter electric current Linear Density Converter Current Surface Density Converter Voltage Converter electric field Electrostatic Potential Converter Electrical Resistance Converter Specific Electrical Resistance Converter Electric Conductivity Converter Specific Electrical Conductivity Electrical Capacity Inductance Converter Converter American Wiring Callers Levels in DBM (DBM or DBMW), DBV (DBV), Wattes, etc. Units Magnetotorware Converter Converter Converter Magnetic field tension magnetic flux converter magnetic induction converter radiation. Power converter absorbed dose of ionizing radiation radioactivity. Radioactive decay converter radiation. Converter exposure dose radiation. Converter of absorbed dose converter decimal consoles data transmission converter units typography and image processing converter units measurement of timber volume calculation of molar mass Periodic system chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev

Source value

Transformed value

watt Exavatt Petavatt Teravatt Gigawatt Megawatt Kilowatt Hectovatt December Devatt Sunitutt Millivatt Mixatt Nanovatt Pivott Femtovatt Attovatt Horsepower Horse Power Metric Horsepower Boiler Horse Power Electric Horsepower Pump Horse Power Horse Force (German) Breet. Thermal unit (interface) at BRIT hour. Thermal unit (interface) per minute of Brit. Thermal unit (interface) per second Brit. Thermal unit (thermohim.) at Brit. Thermal unit (thermohim.) per minute of Brit. Thermal unit (thermohim.) per second MBTU (international) per hour thousand BTU per hour MMBTU (international) per hour Million BTU per hour of cooling cyocaloria (interface) per hour of kilocaloria (intercourse) per minute of Cylokaloria (Interza) in A second of Cylolaria (Term.) per hour of Cylolaria (Term.) per minute of Cokealoria (Term.) per second of calorie (interface) per hour of calorie (interface) per minute of calorie (interface) per second of calorie (Term.) per hour Calorie (Term.) per minute of calorie (Term.) per second foot Pound-power per hour foot · pound-power / minute Foot · pound power / second pound-foot per hour Pound-foot per minute Pound-foot per second erg In a second, Kilovolt ampere Volt-ampere Newton-meter per second Joule per second Exedjoule per second Petajoule per second Terajwall per second Gigjowle per second Meghadzhoule per second Kilodzhoule per second Geotodzhoule per second Decjoule in a second Decijoule per second Santijoule per second Milljoule per second Microdzhou In a second Nanodezhouil per second Picodzhoule per second Femtodzhoule per second Attodzhoule in seconds Joule per hour Joule per minute Kilodzhoule per hour Kilodzhoule per minute Platform capacity

The principle of operation of the gamer counter

Read more about power


In physics, the capacity is the ratio of work by time, during which it is performed. Mechanical work - this is the quantitative characteristic of the action of force F. on the body, as a result of which it moves to the distance s.. Power can also be defined as energy transfer rate. In other words, power is an indicator of the machine performance. Measuring power, you can understand in what quantity and at what speed work is performed.

Units of power

Power is measured in joules per second, or watts. Along with watts, horsepower are also used. Before the invention of the steam machine, the power of the engines was not measured, and, accordingly, there were no generally accepted power units. When the steam machine began to use in mines, engineer and inventor James Watt took up her improvement. In order to prove that his improvements made a steam machine more productive, he compared its power with the performance of horses, as the horses were used by people throughout for long yearsAnd many could easily imagine how much work can horse for a certain amount of time. In addition, steam vehicles were used in all mines. On those used them, the WATT compared the power of the old and new models of steaming machine with a power of one horse, that is, with one horsepower. WATT determined this value experimentally, watching the work of heavy horses on the mill. According to its measurements, one horsepower is 746 watts. Now it is believed that this figure is exaggerated, and the horse can not work for a long time in this mode, but they did not change the unit. Power can be used as an indicator of performance, since with increasing power increases the number of work performed per unit of time. Many realized that it is convenient to have a standardized power unit, so horsepower has become very popular. It began to be used and when measuring the power of other devices, especially transport. Despite the fact that watts are used almost as long as horsepower, horsepower is more often used in the automotive industry, and many buyers are clearer when it is in these units that the power engine is indicated.

Power of household electrical appliances

Power sheets are usually indicated on household electrical appliances. Some lamps limit the power of the bulbs, which can be used in them, for example, not more than 60 watts. This is done because higher power lamps highlight a lot of heat and a luminaire with a cartridge may be damaged. Yes, and the lamp itself at a high temperature in the lamp will last long. This is mainly a problem with incandescent lamps. LED, fluorescent and other lamps usually operate with less power with the same brightness and, if used in luminaires intended for incandescent lamps, no power problems occur.

The greater the power of the electrical appliance, the higher the energy consumption, and the cost of using the device. Therefore, manufacturers are constantly improving electrical appliances and lamps. Light stream of lamps, measured in lumens, depends on power, but also from the type of lamps. The greater the light flux of the lamp, the brighter it looks like. For people, it is high brightness that is important, and not the power consumed by the lama, so in lately Alternative to incandescent lamps are becoming increasingly popular. Below are examples of type of lamps, their power and the light stream created by them.

  • 450 lumens:
    • Incandescent Lamp: 40 Watt
    • Compact fluorescent lamp: 9-13 watts
    • LED lamp: 4-9 watts
  • 800 lumens:
    • Incandescent lamp: 60 watts
    • Compact fluorescent lamp: 13-15 watts
    • LED lamp: 10-15 watts
  • 1600 lumens:
    • Incandescent lamp: 100 watts
    • Compact fluorescent lamp: 23-30 watts
    • LED lamp: 16-20 watts

    From these examples, it is obvious that the LED lamps are consumed the smallest light and more economical, compared with incandescent lamps. At the time of writing this article (2013) price lED lamps Many times the price of incandescent lamps. Despite this, in some countries banned or are going to prohibit the sale of incandescent bulbs due to their high power.

    The power of household electrical appliances may differ depending on the manufacturer, and is not always the same during the operation of the device. Below are the approximate power of some household appliances.

    • Household air conditioners for cooling residential buildings, split-system: 20-40 kilowatt
    • Monoblock window conditioners: 1-2 kilowatta
    • Wind cabinets: 2.1-3.6 kilowatta
    • Washing machines and dryers: 2-3.5 kilowatta
    • Dishwashers: 1.8-2.3 kilowatta
    • Electric kettles: 1-2 kilowatta
    • Microwave ovens: 0.65-1.2 Kilowatta
    • Refrigerators: 0.25-1 Kilowatt
    • Toasters: 0.7-0.9 Kilowatta

    Power in sports

    You can evaluate the performance using power not only for cars, but also for people and animals. For example, the power with which the basketball player throws the ball is calculated by measuring the force that it applies to the ball, the distance that flew the ball, and the time during which this force was applied. There are sites that allow you to calculate work and power during exercise. The user chooses the type of exercise, introduces growth, weight, duration of exercises, after which the program calculates power. For example, according to one of these calculators, a person's power with an increase in 170 centimeters and weighing 70 kilograms, which made 50 pushups in 10 minutes, is 39.5 watt. Athletes sometimes use devices to determine the power with which the muscles work during physical exertion. Such information helps determine how effective the exercise program selected by them.


    For measuring power, special devices are used - dynamometers. They can also be measured torque and power. Dynamometers are used in different industries, from technology to medicine. For example, with their help, you can determine the power of the automotive engine. Several basic types of dynamometers are used to measure car power. In order to determine the engine power using some dynamometers, you must remove the engine from the machine and attach it to the dynamometer. In other dynamometers, the measurement force is transmitted directly from the car wheel. In this case, the car engine through the transmission leads to the movement of the wheels, which, in turn, rotate the dynamometer rollers measuring the engine power under various road conditions.

    Dynamometers are also used in sports and medicine. The most common type of dynamometers for these purposes is isokinetic. This is usually a sports simulator with sensors connected to a computer. These sensors measure the strength and power of the entire body or individual muscle groups. Dynamometer can be programmed to give out signals and warnings if the power exceeds a certain value. This is especially important to people with injuries during the rehabilitation period, when it is necessary not to overload the body.

    According to some provisions of the theory of sports, the greatest sports development occurs at a certain load, individual for each athlete. If the load is not heavy enough, the athlete gets used to it and does not develop its abilities. If, on the contrary, it is too heavy, the results are worse due to the body overload. Physical activity during some exercises, such as cycling or swimming, depends on many factors ambient, such as the condition of the road or the wind. Such a load is difficult to measure, however, you can find out with what capacity the body counteracts this load, after which it is possible to change the exercise scheme, depending on the desired load.

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