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How plants react to electricity. Plants and their electrical potential The use of electric fields for growing plants

Electrical field of land

Measurements by the electrometer show that the surface of the earth has an electric field, even if there are no charged bodies nearby. This means that our planet has some electrical charge, i.e. it is a charged ball of a large radius.

The study of the electric field of the Earth showed that on average the module of its tension E. \u003d 130 V / m, and the power lines are vertical and directed to the ground. The highest value of the electric field strength has in medium latitudes, and it decreases to the poles and equator. Consequently, our planet as a whole has negative charge that is estimated by the value q. \u003d -3 ∙ 10 5 CL, and the atmosphere generally charged positively.

The electrification of thunderstorm clouds is carried out by the joint action of various mechanisms. First, crushing the rain droplets of air flows. As a result of crushing, increasing larger drops are charged positively, and the remaining cloud remaining in the upper part - negatively. Secondly, electrical charges are separated by an electric land field having a negative charge. Thirdly, electrification occurs as a result of selective accumulation of ions in the atmosphere of droplets of different sizes. The main of the mechanisms is the drop in sufficiently large particles, electrified by friction about the atmospheric air.

The atmospheric electricity of this area depends on global and local factors. The areas where global factors prevail are considered as "good" zones, or undisturbed, weather, and where the operation of local factors prevails - as the zones of violated weather (Rhost areas, precipitation, dust storms, etc.).

Measurements show that the potential difference between the surface of the Earth and the upper edge of the atmosphere is approximately 400 square meters.

Where are the power lines of the field ending on Earth? In other words, where are those positive charges that compensate for the negative charge of the Earth?

Studies of the atmosphere showed that at the height of several tens of kilometers above the ground there is a layer of positively charged (ionized) molecules called ionosphere. It is the charge of the ionosphere compensates for the charge of the Earth, i.e., actually the power lines of the earth electricity go from the ionosphere to the surface of the Earth, as in a spherical condenser, the plates of which are concentric spheres.

Under the influence of the electric field in the atmosphere, conductivity current is underway. Through each square meter of the atmosphere perpendicular to the earth's surface, the current undergoes I. ~ 10 -12 A ( j. ~ 10 -12 a / m 2). On the entire surface of the Earth, there are current strength of about 1.8 ka. With such a strength of the current, the negative charge of the Earth would have to disappear within a few minutes, but this does not occur. Thanks to the processes going in the earth's atmosphere and outside it, the charge of the Earth remains on average unchanged. Consequently, there is a mechanism for the continuous electrification of our planet, leading to the appearance of a negative charge. What is such atmospheric "generators", charging the land? These are rains, blizzards, sandstones, tornadoes, volcanic eruption, water splashing by waterfalls and a surf, steam and smoke of industrial facilities, etc. But clouds and precipitation contributes the greatest contribution to the electricalization of the atmosphere. As a rule, the clouds in the upper part are charged positively, and at the bottom - negatively.

Careful studies have shown that the current of the current in the atmosphere of the Earth is maximum at 19 00 and is minimal in 4 00 according to Greenwich.


For a long time it was believed that about 1800 thunderstorms, simultaneously occurring on Earth, give a current by force of ~ 2 ka, which compensates for the loss of the negative charge of the Earth due to the conductivity currents in the zones of "good" weather. However, it turned out that the current thunder is significantly less than the specified and necessary to take into account the processes of convection throughout the surface of the Earth.

In zones where the field strength and the density of volume charges are the greatest, may be born with lightning. The discharge is preceded by the emergence of a significant difference in electrical potentials between the cloud and the earth or between adjacent clouds. Thus, the potential difference may reach a billion volt, and the subsequent discharge of the accumulated electrical energy through the atmosphere can create short-term currents by force from 3 ka to 200 ka.

Two classes of linear lightning are isolated: ground (struck in the ground) and intra-cloud. The average length of lightning discharges is usually several kilometers, but sometimes intracelastic lightning reach 50-150 km.

The process of development of ground-based lightning consists of several stages. In the first stage in the zone where the electric field reaches a critical value, the shock ionization begins, created by free electrons existing in a small amount. Under the action of the electric field, the electrons acquire considerable speeds towards the ground and, facing air molecules, ionize them. Thus, electronic avalanches occur, turning into the threads of electrical discharges - the streamers, which are well conductive channels, which, merging, give rise to a bright thermo-ionized channel with high conductivity - a stepped leader of Zipper. As the leader moves to the Earth, the field strength at its end is enhanced and under its action, a response streamer, connecting with the leader, is thrown from its protruding on the surface of the Earth. If you do not give a string (Fig. 126), then the lightning strike will be prevented. This lightning feature is used to create lightning conductor (Fig. 127).

The usual phenomenon is multichannel zippers. They can withdraw up to 40 digits at intervals from 500 μs to 0.5 s, and the total duration of the repeated discharge can reach 1 s. It usually penetrates the clouds deep into the clouds, forming a plurality of branched channels (Fig. 128).

Fig. 128. Multichannel Lightning

Most often lightning occurs in the heap-rain clouds, then they are called thunderstorms; Sometimes lightning is formed in layered rain clouds, as well as with volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and dust storms.

Lightning with a high probability will restart at the same point, unless the object is destroyed by the previous blow.

Lightning discharges are accompanied by visible electromagnetic radiation. When the current increases in the zipper channel, the temperature increases to 10 4 K. Changing the pressure in the zipper channel when the current strength changes and the cessation of the discharge causes sound phenomena called thunder.

Thunderstorms with lightning occur almost all over the planet, with the exception of her poles and arid areas.

Thus, the system "Earth is an atmosphere" can be considered a continuously operating electrolyte machine that electrocardcing the surface of the planet and the ionosphere.

Lightning has long been for a person a symbol of "heavenly power" and a source of danger. With the clarification of the nature of electricity, people learned to protect against this dangerous atmospheric phenomenon with a lightning conduction.

In Russia, the wound track was built in 1856 over the Petropavlovsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg after lightning hit the spire twice and set fire to the cathedral.

We live in a constant electric field of considerable tension (Fig. 129). And it would seem, there should be a difference in the potentials of ~ 200 win between the top and heels of man, why is it not the electric current? This is explained by the fact that the human body is a good conductor, and as a result of this, some charge from the surface of the Earth moves to it. As a result, the field around each of us changes (Fig. 130) and our potential becomes equal to the potential of the Earth.


Zhilko, V.V. Physics: studies. Manual for the 11th CL. general education. institutions with rus. Yaz. Learning with a 12-year learning lifetime (basic and elevated) / V.V. Zhilko, L.G. Markovich. - Minsk: Nar. Asveta, 2008. - P. 142-145.

Bovin A.A.
Krasnodar Regional Center UNESCO

All living organisms that exist on Earth, one way or another, in the course of long evolution fully adapted to its natural conditions. Adaptation occurred not only to physicochemical conditions, such as temperature, pressure, atmospheric air, lighting, humidity, but also to the natural fields of the Earth: geomagnetic, gravitational, electrical and electromagnetic. Technogenic human activity for a relatively short historical period has had a significant impact on natural objects, dramatically violating a subtle balance between alive organisms and environmental conditions, which was formed during the millennium. This led to many irreparable consequences, in particular, to extinct some animals and plants, numerous diseases and to reduce the average life expectancy of people in some regions. And in recent decades, scientific studies have begun, studying the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on humans and other living organisms.

Among the listed factors, the impact of electric fields per person, at first glance, is not essential, so the studies in this area were few. But still, despite the growing interest in this problem, the influence of electric fields on living organisms remains a little learned area.

This paper made a brief overview of the works related to this problem.

1. Natural electric fields

The electric field of the Earth is the natural electric field of the Earth as a planet, which is observed in the solid body of the Earth, in the seas, in the atmosphere and the magnetosphere. The electric field of 3 hours is due to a complex complex of geophysical phenomena. The existence of an electric field in the Earth's atmosphere is mainly due to air ionization processes and the spatial separation of positive and negative electrical charges arising from the ionization of positive and negative electrical charges. Air ionization occurs under the action of cosmic rays of the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun; radiation of radioactive substances existing on the surface of the earth and in the air; Electric discharges in the atmosphere, etc. Many atmospheric processes: convection of the formation of clouds, precipitation and others - lead to a partial separation of different charges and the occurrence of atmospheric electric fields. Regarding the atmosphere, the surface of the Earth is negatively charged.

The existence of an electric field of the atmosphere leads to the emergence of currents, discharge of an electric "capacitor" atmosphere - Earth. In the exchange of charges between the surface of the Earth and the atmosphere, precipitation is played by a significant role. On average, the sediment brings positive charges in 1.1-1.4 times more than negative. The leakage of charges from the atmosphere is also replenished by the currents associated with the lightning and charges of charges with pointed objects. The balance of electrical charges, brought to the earth's surface of 1 km2 per year, can be characterized by the following data:

At a significant part of the earth's surface - over the oceans - currents with the edge are excluded, and there will be a positive balance. The existence of a static negative charge on the surface of the Earth (about 5.7? 105 CB) suggests that these currents are on average balanced.

Electric fields in the ionosphere are due to processes flowing both in the upper layers of the atmosphere and in the magnetosphere. Tidal movements of air masses, winds, turbulence - all this is the source of generation of the electric field in the ionosphere due to the effect of hydromagnetic dynamo. An example is the solar-daily electric current system, which causes the daily variations of the magnetic field on the surface of the earth. The magnitude of the electric field strength in the ionosphere depends on the location of the observation point, time of day, the general state of the magnetosphere and the ionosphere, from the activity of the Sun. It ranges from several units to dozen MV / m, and in the high-grade ionosphere reaches a hundred and more mV / m. At the same time, the strength of the current comes to hundreds of thousands of amps. Due to the high electrical conductivity of the plasma of the ionosphere and the magnetosphere along the power lines of the magnetic field of the Earth of the electrical field of the ionosphere are transferred to the magnetosphere, and the magnetospheric fields in the ionosphere.

One of the direct sources of the electric field in the magnetosphere is a sunny wind. When streamlined the magnetosphere, the solar wind occurs in EMF. This EMF causes electrical currents, closed by reverse currents, currently on the tail of the magnetosphere. The latter are generated by positive spatial charges on the morning side of the tip of the magnetosphere and negative - on its evening side. The magnitude of the electric field strength across the tail of the magnetosphere reaches 1 mV / m. The difference in potentials across the polar cap is 20-100 square meters.

With the drift of the particles, the existence of a magnetospheric ring circuit around the Earth is directly related. In periods of magnetic storms and polar beams, electrical fields and currents in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere are experiencing significant changes.

Magnitohydrodynamic waves generated in the magnetosphere are distributed by natural waveguide channels along the power lines of the magnetic field of the Earth. Finding into the ionosphere, they are converted into electromagnetic waves, which partially reach the surface of the Earth, and partially spread in the ionospheric waveguide and fucked, on the surface of the earth, these waves are recorded depending on the frequency of oscillations or as magnetic ripples (10-2-10 Hz), Either as very low-frequency waves (oscillations with a frequency of 102-104 Hz).

The alternating magnetic field of the Earth whose sources are localized in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere, induces an electric field in the earth's crust. The voltage of the electric field in the near-surface layer of the crust varies depending on the place and electrical resistance of rocks in the range from several units to several hundred MV / km, and during magnetic storms intensify to units and even dozens in / km. The interrelated variables of the magnetic and electrical field of the Earth are used for electromagnetic sensing in exploration geophysics, as well as for the deep sensing of the Earth.

A certain contribution to the electric field of the Earth makes a contact potential difference between the rocks of various electrical conductivity (thermoelectric, electrochemical, piezoelectric effects). A special role can play volcanic and seismic processes.

Electric fields in the seas are induced by a variable magnetic field of the Earth, and also occur when conducting conductive seawater (sea waves and flows) in a magnetic field. The density of electrical currents in the seas reaches 10-6 A / m2. These currents can be used as natural sources of an alternating magnetic field for magnetovariating sensing on the shelf and at sea.

The question of the electric charge of the Earth as the source of the electric field in the interplanetary space is not finally solved. It is believed that the Earth as the planet is electrically neutral. However, this hypothesis requires its experimental confirmation. The first dimensions have shown that the electric field strength in the near-earth interplanetary space ranges from the tenths to several tens of MV / m.

In the work of D. Dutkin, the processes leading to the accumulation of electrical charge and the formation of electric fields in the depths of the Earth and on its surface. The mechanism for the occurrence of circular electric currents in the ionosphere leading to the excitation of powerful electric currents in the surface layers of the Earth is considered.

In the basics of modern geophysics, it is noted that in order to maintain the tension of the geomagnetic field, the mechanism of continuous generation of the field should be operated. The predominance of the dipole field and its axial nature, as well as the Western drift with an extremely large speed for geological processes (0.2 | or 20 km / year) indicate the connection of the geomagnetic field with the rotation of the Earth. In addition, the direct dependence of the field strength on the rate of rotation of the Earth is proof of the interconnectedness of these phenomena.

This can be added that a huge statistical information has been accumulated that connects the change in the parameters of solar activity, the geomagnetic field, the speed of rotation of the Earth with the time frequency and the intensity of various natural processes. However, the clear physical mechanism of the relationship of all these processes has not been developed yet.

In the works of Professor V.V. Surkov, the nature of ultra-low-frequency (UNG) electromagnetic fields is considered. The mechanism of excitation of UNG (up to 3 Hz) electromagnetic fields in the ionospheric plasma and the atmosphere is described, the sources of UNG electromagnetic fields in the ground and the atmosphere are indicated.

Hypotheses about the occurrence of electrical and magnetic fields of the Earth are considered in the scientific and popular article of the doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Ponayreva. According to the hypothesis of academician V.V. Sushuikin, electric currents in the waters of the world's ocean create an additional magnetic field that is imposed on the main one. According to V.V. Schuuleikina, electric fields in the ocean should be of the order of hundreds or even thousands of microvolt on a meter - these are quite strong fields. Soviet scientist-ichthyologist A.T. Mironov in the early 1930s, studying the behavior of the fish, found them well-pronounced electrohatax - the ability to respond to an electric field. This brings it to the idea that electric (televuric) fields should exist in the seas and oceans. Although hypothesis V.V. Shuuleikina and A.T. Mironova Pa Practice was not confirmed, they still have not only historical interest: both of them played an important stimulating role in the formulation of many new scientific tasks.

2. Live organisms in a natural electric field

Currently, many studies have been conducted concerning the influence of electric fields on living organisms - from individual cells to humans. Most often the influence of electromagnetic and magnetic fields is considered. Alternating electromagnetic fields and their impacts on living organisms are devoted to a large proportion of all works, since these fields mainly have anthropogenic origin.

Continuous electrical fields of natural origin and their meaning for living organisms are still investigated enough.

The most simple and intelligibly about the influence of the constant electric field of the Earth per person, animals and plants are set out in the work of A.A. Mikulin.

According to the latest research, the globe is negatively charged, that is, with an overpressure of free electrical charges - about 0.6 million pendants. This is a very big charge.

Stripping from each other by the forces of the Coulomb, the electrons strive to stick on the surface of the globe. At a high distance from the ground, covering it from all sides, there is an ionosphere, consisting of a large number of positively charged ions. Between the land and the ionosphere there is an electric field.

With a clear sky at a distance of meters from the Earth, the potential difference reaches about 125 volts. Therefore, we have the right to argue that the electrons seeking to escape from the surface of the earth, penetrated the naked feet and the electrically conductive ends of the nerves of the muscles of the primitive man who went on the ground with barefoot, which did not carry boots on an electronic artificial sole. This penetration of electrons continued only until the general free negative charge of man did not reach the potential of the charge on the site of the earth's surface, where he was.

Under the action of the charges of the charges, penetrated into the human body, they sought to break out the outward, where they were captured, recombined with positively charged atmospheric ions, directly in contact with the heads of the head and hand. The human body, its living cells and all the functional dependences of metabolism of millions of years have been adapted by nature for a healthy human life under conditions of an near-earth electric field and electrobism, pronounced, in particular, in the influx of electrons in the feet and outflow, recombination, electrons in positively charged atmospheric ions.

Further, the author does an important conclusion: the muscles of animals and a person in contact with the Earth are arranged by nature so that they must carry a negative electric pressure that corresponds to the magnitude of the earth's charge on which a living being is currently at the moment. The magnitude of the negative charge of the human body should vary depending on the electric field strength at this point of the Earth at the moment.

There are a lot of reasons for changing the electric field strength. One of the main clouds, which carry the strongest local electricity. They reach at the time of the formation of tens of millions of volts. In the living organism on the surface of the skin, the tensions of electric charges reaches sometimes such a magnitude that sparks appear when contacting metal, when removing nylon linen.

The newest observations of the staff of the Institute of Public and Communal Hygiene showed that when changing the weather, the well-being of a sick person depends on the magnitude of the local tension of the Earth's field, as well as from the change in barometric pressure, in most cases the concomitant change in the field strength. But since in everyday life we \u200b\u200bdo not have instruments for measuring the magnitude of the voltage of the Earth field, then we explain the state of well-being is not the main cause - a change in the field strength, and the consequence of a drop of barometric pressure.

Experiments have shown that any mental or physical work performed by a person who is isolated from the ground is accompanied by a decrease in its negative natural charge. However, none of the described changes in the electrical potential is observed and is not measured even the most accurate devices, if the human body comes into contact with the ground or is associated with the ground with the conductor. The lack of electrons is immediately eliminated. On any oscilloscope, it is easy to notice these currents and determine their magnitude.

What changes in the life of a person led to his departure from natural primitive being? The man put on the boots, built at home, invented the conductive linoleum, rubber soles, flooded the streets of cities and road asphalt. A man today is much less in contact with the electric facilities of the Earth. This is one of the reasons for such "publicly available" diseases, as headaches, irritability, neurosis, cardiovascular diseases, fast fatigue, poor sleep, etc. In the past, Zemstvo doctors prescribed a sick barefoot walk in Russia. In England and now there are several Societies "Bares". This treatment cannot be called otherwise as "grounding the patient's body."

At the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Dr. Biological Sciences E. Zhurbitsky raised a number of experiments to study the effect of the electric field on the plants. Strengthening the field to a known value accelerates growth. Planting plants in the unnatural field - upstairs negative belt, and in the ground is positive - the growth is oppressing. Zhurgitsky believes that the larger the difference between the potentials between shoots and the atmosphere, the more intense the photosynthesis proceeds. In the greenhouse, the harvest can be increased by 20-30%. A number of scientific institutions are engaged in questions of the influence of electricity on the plants: the central genetic laboratory named after I. V. Michurin, employees of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, etc.

Presents the interest of the work of R.A. Novitsky, dedicated to the perception of electric fields and currents of fish, as well as the generation of electric fields with strong-protected fish (freshwater electric eel, electric scat and soma, American star). It is noted that weaklyelectric fish have high sensitivity to electric fields, it allows them to find and distinguish between objects in water, determine the salinity of water, use the discharges of other fish with an information goal in interspecific and intraspecific relationships. Weak electric currents and magnetic fields are perceived mainly, fish skin receptors. Numerous studies have shown that almost all weakly and highly electric fishes are electrically designer derivatives of the side line. The shark and rods have an electro precipitative function, the so-called Lorentzini ampoules are performed - special mucous glands in the skin. Strong electromagnetic fields affect the nervous centers of water organisms directly.

3. Technogenic electric fields and their influence on living organisms

Technical progress, as you know, brought humanity not only relief and convenience in production and everyday life, but also created a number of serious problems. In particular, the problem of human protection and other organisms from strong electromagnetic, magnetic and electric fields created by various technical devices arose. Later, the problem of human protection from the long exposure to weak electromagnetic fields appeared, which, as it turned out, also harms human life. And only recently began to pay attention and conduct relevant studies to assess the impact on living organisms of screening of natural geomagnetic and electric fields.

The effect of powerful constant and variable electrical fields of man-made origin on living organisms is studied relatively long. Sources of such fields are, first of all, high-voltage power lines (LEP).

The electrical field created by high-voltage power transmission lines has an adverse effect on living organisms. The most sensitive to the electric fields of ungulates and man in shoes, insulating it from the ground. Animal hoofs is also a good insulator. In this case, on the conductive bulk body, the conductive body body is prevailing the potential depending on the ratio of the body capacity to the ground and on the wires of the LAP. The smaller the container to the Earth (the thicker, for example, the sole of the shoes), the greater the induced potential that can be several kilovolts and even reach 10 square meters.

In the experiments carried out by many researchers, a clear threshold value of the field strength was found at which the striking change in the reaction of the experimental animal occurs. It is determined equal to 160 kV / m, the smaller field strength of any noticeable harm does not cause a living organism.

The tension of the electric field in the working areas of the 750 kV LEP at the height of human growth is about 5-6 times less than hazardous values. The adverse effects of the electric field of industrial frequency on the PEP staff and 500 kV voltage substations and above are revealed; at a voltage of 380 and 220 kV this action is expressed weakly. But at all stresses, the field effect depends on the duration of being in it.

Based on the research, relevant sanitary standards and rules are developed, which indicates the minimum permissible distances of the location of residential buildings from stationary emitting objects, such as power lines. These norms also provide maximum allowable (limit) levels of radiation for other powerful objects. In some cases, bulky metal screens are used to protect a person, in the form of sheets, grids and other devices.

However, numerous studies of scientists in various countries (Germany, USA, Switzerland, etc.) showed that such security measures cannot fully protect a person from the influence of harmful electromagnetic radiation (AM). At the same time, it was found that weak electromagnetic fields (EMF), the power of which is measured by thousandths of Watt, is not less dangerous, and in some cases are more dangerous than low power emissions. Scientists explain this by the fact that the intensity of weak electromagnetic fields is commensurate with the intensity of the emissions of the human body itself, its internal energy, which is formed as a result of the functioning of all systems and organs, including cellular levels. Such low (non-pecked) intensities are characterized by emissions of electronic household appliances available today in each house. This is mainly computers, televisions, mobile phones, microwave ovens, etc. They are sources of harmful, so-called. Technogenic AMI, which have the property of accumulating in the human body, disrupting its bioenergy equilibrium, and first of all, the so-called. Energy Information Exchange (ENio). And this, in turn, leads to a violation of the normal functioning of the basic systems of the body. Numerous studies in the field of biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) made it possible to determine what the most sensitive systems of the human body are: nervous, immune, endocrine and sex. The biological effect of EMF under conditions of a long perennial exposure can lead to the development of remote consequences, including the degenerative processes of the central nervous system, blood cancer (leukemia), brain tumors, hormonal diseases, etc.

In the work of V.M. Korshunova reported that in the 1970s, experts returned to the effects of weak and very weak magnetic and electric fields on model physicochemical systems, biological objects and human body. Mechanisms causing these effects "work" at the level of molecules, and sometimes atoms, as a result of which are very difficult. Nevertheless, scientists experimentally demonstrated and theoretically explained magnetic and spin effects. It turned out that although the energy of magnetic interaction is several orders of magnitude less than the energy of the heat movement, but at that stage of the reaction, where everything actually happens, the thermal movement does not have time to prevent the magnetic field.

This discovery causes a new look at the phenomenon of life on Earth itself, which originated and developed in the conditions of the geomagnetic field. The laboratory shows the effect of relatively weak (on the order of magnitude above geomagnetic) permanent and variable magnetic fields on the output of the primary reaction of photosynthesis - the foundation of the entire ecosystem of our planet. This influence turned out to be small (less than percent), but another thing is important: proof of its real existence.

In particular, in the same paper, it was noted that household electrical appliances surrounding us at a certain position regarding our body (or our body relative to the instruments) can affect electrochemical processes occurring in the cells of the body.

4. Instruments and methods for measuring electric fields

To study and control the electromagnetic situation, it is necessary to have appropriate devices - magnetometers for measuring the characteristics of magnetic fields and the electric field strength meters.

Since the need for such devices is small (so far), then, mostly, such devices are released in small series for two purposes: 1 - to control sanitary safety standards; 2 - for intelligence geophysics purposes.

For example, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NPP" Cyclone-Test "serially produces the EEP-05 electric field meter, which is designed to measure the rms of the strength of the electric fields created by various technical means.

Meters of electric and magnetic field strengths are designed to monitor electromagnetic safety standards in the field of nature protection, occupational safety and population.

Within its technical characteristics, the instrument can be used to measure the electrical component of electromagnetic fields regardless of the nature of their occurrence, including under the control of SanPiN "Electromagnetic fields in production conditions" and SanPine "Sanitary Epidemiological requirements for residential buildings and premises. "

The device has a direct countdown of the measured field value (real-time) and can be used for electromagnetic monitoring, control of the spatial distribution of fields and the dynamics of measurement of these fields in time.

The principle of the action of the device is simple: in the dipole antenna, the electric field brings the difference of potentials, which is measured by a Miliquatmeter type device.

The enterprise NPP "Cyclone - Test" produces other devices designed to measure the parameters of electrical, magnetic and electromagnetic fields.

At the same time, the methods of electrical exploration of minerals have been used in geophysics. Electrical reconnaissance is a group of exploratory geophysics methods based on the study of natural or artificially excited electrical and electromagnetic fields in the earth's crust. The physical basis of electrical exploration is the difference in rocks and ores by their electrical resistance, dielectric constant, magnetic susceptibility and other properties.

Among the various methods of electrical exploration should be noted the methods of the magnetotelluric field. With these methods, the variable component of the Earth's natural electromagnetic field is investigated. The depth of penetration of the magnetotelluric field into the ground due to the skin effect depends on its frequency. Therefore, the behavior of the low frequencies of the field (hundredths and thousandths of Hz) reflects the structure of the earth's crust at depths of several km, and higher frequencies (dozens and hundreds of HC) - at depths of several dozen m. The study of the dependence of the measured electrical and magnetic field components from its Frequencies allows to study the geological structure of the territory under study.

Electrical exposure consists of current sources, sources of electromagnetic field and measuring devices. Sources of current - batteries of dry elements, generators and batteries; Field sources - grounded at the ends of the line or uncontrolled contours, powered by a constant or alternating current. The measuring devices consist of an input converter (field sensor), an intermediate signal converter system that converts a signal to register it and filter interference, and an output device that provides a measurement of the signal. Electrical exposure, designed to study the geological cut at a depth, not exceeding 1-2 km, is made in the form of lung tolerated sets.

For research purposes, special equipment with the necessary parameters is most often manufactured.

The paper discusses the most accurate and sensitive spectral methods for measuring ultra-plastic magnetic fields. However, there is an important statement that on the basis of atomic spectroscopy, the standard of electric field strength can also be built. It is noted that it is possible to measure the absolute value of the electric field strength with high accuracy using the pulp effect. To do this, it is necessary to use atoms with an orbital torque in the main state. However, so far, according to the author, the need for such measurements has not become sharp enough to ensure that the appropriate technique is developed.

On the contrary, it is now that it is time to create super-sensitive and accurate devices for measuring natural electric fields.


The results of numerous studies show that invisible, intangible electromagnetic, magnetic and electrical fields have a major impact on human and other organisms. The effect of strong fields has been studied quite wide. The influence of weak fields that did not pay attention before, it turned out to be at no less important for living organisms. But research in this area has just begun.

Modern person more and more time spent in reinforced concrete rooms, in car cabins. But there are practically no research related to an assessment of the impact on the health of people shielding premises, metal cars, aircraft, etc. This is especially true of the shielding of the natural electric field of the Earth. Consequently, such research is currently very relevant.

"Modern humanity, like everyone else, lives in a kind of electromagnetic ocean, whose behavior is now determined not only by natural causes, but also artificial intervention. We need experienced lotsmans who thoroughly know the hidden flows of this ocean, his shallow and island. And there are even more strict navigation rules to help protect travelers from electromagnetic storms, "so figuratively described the current situation one of the pioneers of domestic magnetobiology Yu.A. Colds.


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  16. FSUE "NPP" Cyclone Test ".
  17. Yakubovsky Yu.V .. Electrical Intelligence. Article in BSE, Publishing House "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969 - 1978
  18. Alexandrov E. B. Applications of atomic spectroscopy to the tasks of fundamental metrology. Physico-technical institute. A. F. Ioffe RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia



Plants and their electric potential.

Performed: Markevich V.V.

GBOU OOSS number 740 Moscow

Grade 9.

Leader: Kozlova Violetta Vladimirovna

physician teacher and mathematics

moscow 2013.



    1. Relevance

      Goals and work tasks

      Research methods

      Significance of work

    Analysis of studied literature on the topic "Electricity in life

plants "

    1. Indoor air ionization

  1. Methodology and technique research

    1. Study of damage currents in various plants

      1. Experiment No. 1 (with lemon)

        Experiment No. 2 (with an apple)

        Experiment # 3 (with a leaf of the plant)

    2. Study of the effect of electric field on seed germination

      1. Experiments on the observation of the influence of ionized air on germination of pea seeds

        Experiments to observe the effect of ionized air on germination of bean seeds




Chapter 1

"No matter how surprising electrical phenomena,

inherent inorganic matter, they do not go

no comparison with those related to

life processes. "

Michael Faraday

In this paper, we appeal to one of the most interesting and promising areas of research - the influence of physical conditions on the plants.

Having learned the literature on this issue, I learned, Professor P. P. Glyaev, with the help of highly sensitive equipment, it was possible to establish that a weak bioelectric field surrounds any living and even more famous: each live cell has its own power plant. And the cell potentials are not so small. For example, some algae, they reach 0.15 V.

"If 500 pairs of halves of peters are assembled in a certain order in the series, then the final electrical voltage will be 500 volts ... It's good that the cook does not know about the danger that he threatens when he prepares this special dish, and fortunately for him, pea do not connect In ordered series. " This statement of the Indian researcher J. Boss is based on a strict scientific experiment. It combined the inner and outer parts of the pea with a galvanometer and heated to 60 ° C. The device at the same time showed the potential difference of 0.5 V.

How does this happen? What principle do living generators and batteries work? Deputy Head of the Department of Living Systems of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Eduard Truchan believes that one of the most important processes occurring in the plant's cell is the process of absorption of solar energy, the process of photosynthesis.

So, if at that moment the scientists succeed to "grow" positively and negatively charged particles in different directions, then, in theory, we will get a wonderful living generator at our disposal, the fuel for which water and sunlight would serve, and in addition to energy, he I would also produce pure oxygen.

Perhaps in the future such a generator will be created. But for the implementation of this dream, scientists will have a lot to work hard: you need to take the most suitable plants, and maybe even learn how to make chlorophyll grains artificially, create some membranes that would allow to divide charges. It turns out, a live cell, a stock of electrical energy in natural capacitors - intracellular membranes of special cell formations, mitochondria, then uses it for the work of very many works: the construction of new molecules, tightening the cells of nutrients, the control of its own temperature ... and that's not all. With the help of electricity produces many operations and the plant itself: breathes, moves, grows.


Already today it can be argued: the study of the electric life of plants is beneficial to agriculture. Even I. V. Michurin conducted experiments on the effect of electric current on germination of hybrid seedlings.

Pre-sowing seed treatment is an essential element of agricultural engineering, which allows to increase their germination, and ultimately - plant yield. And this is especially important in the conditions of our not very long and warm summer.

Goals and work tasks

The aim of the work is to study the presence of bioelectric potentials in plants and the study of the effect of the electric field on the germination of seeds.

To achieve the goal of the study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks :

    The study of basic provisions relating to the teachings on bioelectric potentials and the effects of the electric field on the vital activity of plants.

    Conducting experiments on the detection and observation of damage currents in various plants.

    Experiments to observe the effect of the electric field on the germination of seeds.

Research methods

For the design tasks, theoretical and practical methods are used. Theoretical method: search, study and analysis of scientific and popular science literature on this issue. Of the practical research methods, it is used: observation, measurement, conducting experiments.

Significance of work

The material of this work can be used in the lessons of physics and biology, as in the textbooks this important issue is not covered. And the methodology for conducting experiments is like material for practical class practices.

Chapter 2 Analysis Literary Literature

History of the study of the electrical properties of plants

One of the characteristic signs of living organisms is an ability to irritating.

Charles Darwin attached importance to irrigate plants. He studied in detail the biological peculiarities of the insectivore representatives of plant world, distinguished by high sensitivity, and the results of research outlined in the wonderful book "On insectivorous plants", which was published in 1875. In addition, the attention of the Great Naturalist attracted various movements of plants. In the aggregate, all studies were presented to the idea that the plant organism is surprisingly similar to animals.

The widespread use of electrophysiological methods allowed the physiologists of animals to achieve significant progress in this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. It was found that electric currents (biotoks) are constantly arising in animal organisms, whose distribution and leads to motor reactions. C. Darwin suggested that similar electrical phenomena take place in the leaves of insectivorous plants with a rather strongly pronounced ability to move. However, he himself did not check this hypothesis. At his request, experiments with a plant Venusina Mukholovka were held in 1874 by the physiologist of Oxford UniversityBourdan Sunderson. Connecting a sheet of this plant to the galvanometer, the scientist noted that the arrow immediately rejected. So, in a lively sheet of this insectivorous plant, electrical impulses arise. When the researcher caused irritation of the leaves, touched the bristles located on their surface, the galvanometer arrow was rejected in the opposite direction, as in the experience with the muscle of the animal.

German physiologistHerman Munk, continued experiments, in 1876 came to the conclusion that the leaves of the venerer of the mukholovka in electromotory attitude are similar to the nerves, muscles and the electrical organs of some animals.

In Russia, electrophysiological methods were usedN. K. Levakovsky To study the phenomena of irritability at the idle mimosa. In 1867, he published a book called "On the movement of irritated organs of plants." In the experiments of N. K. Levakovsky, the strongest electrical signals were observed in those copies.mimosa which most vigorously responded to external stimuli. If mimosu is quickly killed by heating, then the dead parts of the plant do not produce electrical signals. The emergence of electrical impulses by the author also observed in the stamensbodian and thistle, in the cutters of the leaves of Rosyanka. Subsequently it was found that

Bioelectric potentials in plant cells

The life of plants is associated with moisture. Therefore, the electrical processes in them are most fully manifested in normal humidification mode and fade during fading. This is due to the exchange of charges between the liquid and the walls of the capillary vessels during the flow of nutrient solutions on the capillaries of plants, as well as with the process of exchanging ions between the cells and the environment. Major electric fields are excited in cells.

So, we know that ...

    Right-carrying flower pollen has a negative charge , Approaching in size to the charge of dust in dust storms. Near losing pollen plants sharply changes the ratio between positive and negative light ions, which favorably affects the further development of plants.

    In the practice of spraying of the pesticides in agriculture, it is found thatchemicals with a positive charge are most deposited on beets and apple trees, lilac with negative.

    One-sided lighting of the sheet excites the electrical difference of potentials between the illuminated and unlucky areas and a camp, stem and root. This potential difference expresses the reaction of the plant to changes in its body associated with the beginning or termination of the photosynthesis process.

    Germination of seeds in a strong electric field (for example, near the coronating electrode)leads to change heights and thickness of stem and denotomy crowns of developing plants. This is mainly due to the redistribution of the plant under the influence of the external electric field of the surround charge.

    The damaged place in the tissues of plants is always charged negative relatively intact areas, and the dying sites of plants acquire a negative charge relative to areas growing under normal conditions.

    Charged seeds of cultivated plants have relatively high electrical conductivity and therefore quickly lose charge. Weed seeds closer in their properties to dielectrics and can save a long time. It is used for separating on the conveyor of seeds of cultivated plants from weeds.

    Significant potential differences in the body of plants cannot be excited Because plants do not have a specialized electrical organ. Therefore, among the plants there is no "death tree", which could kill living beings with its electric power.

The effect of atmospheric electricity on plants

One of the characteristic features of our planet is the presence of a permanent electric field in the atmosphere. A person does not notice him. But the electrical condition of the atmosphere is not indifferent to him and other living beings inhabiting our planet, including plants. Over the ground at an altitude of 100-200 km, there is a layer of positively charged particles - ionosphere.
It means when you go on the field, street, the scaber, then you move in an electric field, inhale electrical charges.

The effect of atmospheric electricity on plants has been studied from 1748 by many authors. This year, Abbot Nolepal reported on the experiments in which he electrified the plants by placing them under charged electrodes. He observed acceleration of germination and growth. Grandeu (1879) was observed that plants that were not affected by atmospheric electricity were placed in a wire grid grounded box, a decrease in weight was shown by 30-50% compared with control plants.

Lemstrom (1902) subjected to plants by air ions, having them under the wire, equipped with episodes and connected to a high voltage source (1 m above the ground level, ion current 10 -11 - 10 -12 a / cm 2 ), And he found an increase in weight and length more than 45% (for example, carrots, peas, cabbage).

The fact that the growth of plants accelerated in an atmosphere with an artificially increased concentration of positive and negative small ions was recently confirmed by the Clavier and its employees. They found that the seeds of oats reacted to positive, as well as negative ions (concentration of about 10 4 ions / cm 3 ) An increase of 60% of the total length and an increase in fresh and dry weight by 25-73%. Chemical analysis of the above-ground plants found an increase in the protein, nitrogen and sugar content. In the case of barley, there was an even greater increase (approximately 100%) in the overall extension; Increase in fresh weight was not large, but there was a noticeable increase in dry weight, which was accompanied by an appropriate increase in protein, nitrogen and sugar content.

Experiments with plant seeds also conducted Vorden. He found that the germination of green beans and green peas became earlier with increasing levels of ions of any polarity. The final percentage of sprouted seeds was lower in negative ionization compared with the control group; The germination in a positive ionized group and the control was the same. As the seedlings grow, the control and positively ionized plants continued their growth, while plants undergoing negative ionization, mostly chaxed and died.

Influence in recent years has occurred a strong change in the electrical state of the atmosphere; Different areas of land began to differ from each other by the ionized state of the air, which is due to his dustiness, gas acquisition, etc. The electrical air conduction is a sensitive indicator of its purity: the more in the air of foreign particles, the greater the number of ions is settled on them and, therefore, the electrical conductivity of air becomes less.
Thus, in Moscow, 1 cm 3 air contains 4 negative charges, in St. Petersburg - 9 such charges, in Kislovodsk, where the air purity standard is 1.5 thousand particles, and in the south of Kuzbass in the mixed forests the number of these particles comes up to 6 thousand. Therefore, where more negative particles, it is easier to breathe there, and where dust - a person goes less, since the dusting is settled on them.
It is well known that air refreshes and burtrite near the rapid water. It has many negative ions. Back in the XIX century, it was determined that larger drops in the splashes of water were charged positively, and the drops are smaller - negative. Since large drops are settled faster, adversely charged small droplets remain in the air.
On the contrary, the air in close rooms with an abundance of different kinds of electromagnetic devices is saturated with positive ions. Even a relatively short-term location in such a room leads to inhibition, drowsiness, dizziness and headaches.

Chapter 3. Methodology for research

Study of damage currents in various plants.

Tools and materials

    3 lemon, apple, tomato, plant leaf;

    3 brilliant copper coins;

    3 galvanized screws;

    wires, preferably with clamps at the ends;

    small knife;

    several adhesive leaves;

    low-voltage LED 300mV;

    nail or awl;


Experiments on the detection and observation of damage currents in plants

Experimental technique No. 1. Current in lemons.

First of all, all lemons remembered. This is done so that juice appears inside the lemon.

Screw the galvanized screw into lemons by approximately a third of its length. With the help of the knife, a small band was cautiously cut into lemon - on 1/3 of its length. Inserted a copper coin in the lemon in the lemon so that half of it remains outside.

Insert the screws and coins into the other two lemon in the same way. Then they connected wires and clamps, the lemons were connected in such a way that the screw of the first lemon was connected to the second coin, etc. Connect the wires to the coin from the first lemon and the screw from the latter. Lemon works as a battery: a coin is a positive (+) pole, and the screw is negative (-). Unfortunately, this is a very weak source of energy. But it can be strengthened by connecting several lemons.

Connect the positive pole diode to the positive pole of the battery, connected a negative pole. Diode is lit !!!

    Over time, the voltage on the poles of the lemon battery will decrease. Noticed how long the lemon battery is. After some time, Lemon darkened near the screw. If you remove the screw and insert it (or new) to another lemon place, you can partially extend the battery life. You can still try to refer the battery, moving the coins from time to time.

    Conducted an experiment with a large number of lemons. The diode began to glow brighter. The battery is now working longer.

    Used pieces of zinc and copper larger.

    They took the multimeter, measured the battery voltage.

Experimental technique No. 2. Current in apples.

    The apple was cut in half, removed the core.

    If both electrodes reserved to the multimeter are applied to the outside of the apple (peel), the multimeter will not fix the potential differences.

    One electrode was transferred to the inside of the pulp, and the multimeter will mark the appearance of the damage current.

    We will experiment with vegetables - tomatoes.

    The measurement results were placed in the table.

One electrode on the peel

other - in the pulp of apple

0.21 B.

Electrodes in the pulp apple

0.05 V.

Electrodes in the pulp of tomato

0.02 V.

Technique Experiment No. 3. Current in a cut stem.

    Sliced \u200b\u200bleaf of plants with stem.

    I measured damage to the cut stem at different distances between the electrodes.

    The measurement results were placed in the table.

Results of research

    In any plant, it is possible to detect the occurrence of electrical potentials.

Study of the effect of electric field on seed germination.

Tools and materials

    seeds of pea, beans;

    petri dishes;




Experiments on the observation of the influence of ionized air for germination of seeds

Experimental technique №1

    Daily included ionizer for 10 minutes.

Germination of 8 seeds

(5 not sprouted)


Increased Rostkov

in 10. seeds (3 not sprouted)

Increased Rostkov


Increased Rostkov

in 10. seeds (3 not sprouted)

Increased Rostkov


Increased Rostkov

Increased Rostkov

Germination of 3 seeds

(4 not sprouted)


Increased seed sprouts

Germination of 2 seeds

(2 not sprouted)


Increased seed sprouts

Increased seed sprouts

Results of research

The results of the experiment indicate that seed germination is faster and successful under the action of the electrical field of the ionizer.

The procedure for performing experiment No. 2

    For experience, the seeds of peas and beans took, were frustrated in Petri dishes and placed in different rooms with the same illumination and room temperature. Aeroionizer was installed in one of the premises - an instrument for artificial air ionization.

    Daily included ionizer for 20 minutes.

    Every day, the seeds of pea, beans were moistened and watched when the seeds will turn.

Germination of 6 seeds

Germination of 9 seeds

(3 not sprouted)


Germination of 2 seeds

(4 not sprouted)

Increased seed sprouts


Increased seed sprouts

Increased seed sprouts


Increased seed sprouts

Increased seed sprouts

Experienced Cup

(with processed seeds)

Control Cup


Soaking seeds

Soaking seeds


Swelling seeds

Swelling seeds


Without changes

Without changes


Germination of 3 seeds

(5 not sprouted)

Germination of 4 seeds

(4 not sprouted)


Germination of 3 seeds

(2 not sprouted)

Germination of 2 seeds

(2 not sprouted)


Increased Rostkov

Germination 1 semen

(1 not sprouted)


Increased Rostkov

Increased Rostkov

Results of research

The results of the experiment indicate that the longer exposure of the electric field has adversely affected the germination of seeds. They sprouted later and not so successfully.

The procedure for performing experiment No. 3

    For experience, the seeds of peas and beans took, were frustrated in Petri dishes and placed in different rooms with the same illumination and room temperature. Aeroionizer was installed in one of the premises - an instrument for artificial air ionization.

    Daily included ionizer for 40 minutes.

    Every day, the seeds of pea, beans were moistened and watched when the seeds will turn.

    The timing of experiments placed in tables

Germination of 8 seeds

(4 not sprouted)


Without changes

Increased Rostkov


Germination of 2 seeds

(10 not sprouted)

Increased Rostkov


Increased Rostkov

Increased Rostkov

Without changes

Germination of 3 seeds

(4 not sprouted)


Germination of 2 seeds

(5 not sprouted)

Germination of 2 seeds

(2 not sprouted)


Increased Rostkov

Increased Rostkov

Results of research

The results of the experiment indicate that the longer exposure of the electric field has adversely affected the germination of seeds. The germination has noticeably decreased.


    In any plant, it is possible to detect the occurrence of electrical potentials.

    Electric potential depends on the type and size of plants, from the distance between the electrodes.

    The treatment of seeds with an electric field within reasonable limits leads to the acceleration of the process of germination of seeds and more successful germination.

    After processing and analyzing experimental and control samples, it is possible to draw a preliminary conclusion - an increase in exposure time by the electrostatic field act in depressingly, since the quality of seed germination is lower with increasing ionization time.

Chapter 4 Translation

Currently, numerous studies of scientists are devoted to issues of influence of electric currents on plants. The effect of electric fields on plants is still carefully studied.

Studies made at the Institute of Plant Physiology made it possible to establish the relationship between the intensity of photosynthesis and the significance of the difference in electrical potentials between the land and the atmosphere. However, the mechanism underlying these phenomena has not yet been investigated.

Getting Started, we set ourselves target: determine the effect of the electric field on plant seeds.

After processing and analyzing experimental and control samples, it is possible to draw a preliminary conclusion - an increase in irradiation time by the electrostatic field act in oppressing. We believe that this work is not completed, since only the first results are obtained.

Further research on this issue can be continued in the following areas:

    Influenced does the processing of seed electric field for further growth of plants?

Chapter 5 Literature

    Bogdanov K. Yu. Physicist visiting a biologist. - M.: Science, 1986. 144 p.

    Collars A.A. Physics - young. - M: Harvest, 1995-121c.

    Katz Ts.B. Biophysics in physics lessons. - M: Education, 1971-158c.

    Perelman Ya.I. Entertaining physics. - M: Science, 1976-432c.

    Artamonov V.I. Entertaining physiology of plants. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1991.

    Arabaji V.I. Puzzles of simple water. - M.: "Knowledge", 1973.

    http: // www .pereplet .ru / obrazovanie / stsoros /163.html

    http: // www .npl -rez .ru / Litra / Bios .htm

    http: //

The biological effect of electric and magnetic fields on the body of people and animals has been studied quite a lot. The effects observed at the same time, if they occur, are still not clear and difficult to determine, therefore this topic remains still relevant.

Magnetic fields on our planet have a two-way origin - natural and anthropogenic. Natural magnetic fields, so-called magnetic storms, are born in the Earth magnetosphere. Anthropogenic magnetic perturbations cover a smaller territory than natural, but their manifestation is much more intense, and therefore brings more tangible damage. As a result of technical activities, a person creates artificial electromagnetic fields, which is hundreds of times stronger than the natural magnetic field of the Earth. The sources of anthropogenic radiation are: powerful radio transmission devices, electrified vehicles, power lines.

Frequency range and wavelengths of some sources of electromagnetic radiation

One of the strongest pathogens of electromagnetic waves - industrial frequency currents (50 Hz). Thus, the electric field strength directly under the power line can reach several thousand volts per meter of the soil, although due to the properties of lowering the soil already when removing from the line 100 m, the tension drops sharply to several dozen volts per meter.

The studies of the biological effects of the electric field found that already at a voltage of 1 kV / m, it has an adverse effect on the human nervous system, which in turn leads to violations of the endocrine apparatus and metabolism in the body (copper, zinc, iron and cobalt), violates the physiological physiological Functions: heart rate rhythm, blood pressure level, brain activity, metabolic proceedings and immune activity.

Since 1972, publications appeared, in which the impact on people and animals of electric fields with tension values \u200b\u200bof more than 10 kV / m.

Magnetic field tension proportional to current and inversely proportional to the distance; The electric field strength is proportional to the voltage (charging) and inversely proportional to the distance. The parameters of these fields depend on the class class, structural features and geometric sizes of high-voltage power supply. The emergence of a powerful and extended source of an electromagnetic field leads to a change in those natural factors under which the ecosystem was formed. Electrical and magnetic fields can induce surface charges and currents in the human body.

Studies have shown that the maximum current in the human body induced by an electric field is much higher than the current caused by the magnetic field. So, the harmful effects of the magnetic field manifests itself only with its tension of about 200 cars, which happens at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from the wires of the line phase and is dangerous only for service personnel during voltage operations. This circumstance made it possible to conclude that there is no biological influence of magnetic fields of industrial frequency on people and animals under LEP in this way, the LEP electric field is the main biologically effective factor in the extended power transmission, which may be a barrier on the way of migrating the movement of various types of water and land fauna.

Power lines of electrical and magnetic fields affecting a person under the air transmission line of alternating current

Based on the design features of the transmission (wire saving), the larger effect of the field is manifested in the middle of the span, where the tension for the lines over - and ultra-high voltage at the level of human growth is 5 - 20 kV / m and above depending on the class of voltage and line design.

Supports where the height of the wire suspension is the greatest and affects the shielding effect of the supports, the field strength is the smallest. Since there may be people, animals, transportation under the wires of the LAM, there is a need to evaluate the possible consequences of a long and short-term stay of living beings in an electric field of different tensions.

The most sensitive to the electric fields of ungulates and man in shoes, insulating it from the ground. Animal hoofs is also a good insulator. The induced potential in this case can reach 10 kV, and the current pulse through the body when touched to the grounded object (bush branch, blade) 100-200 μA. Such current pulses are safe for the body, but the unpleasant feelings make empty animals avoid high-voltage power transmission lines in the summer.

In the action of the electric field on a person, the dominant role is played through his body currents. This is determined by the high conductivity of the human body, where the organs with blood circulating in them and lymph are dominated.

Currently, experiments on animals and people-volunteers found that the current density of 0.1 μA / cm and below does not affect the operation of the brain, since pulsed biotions usually flow into the brain significantly exceed the density of such conductivity.

When the current density, 1 μA / cm conduction in the eyes of a person is observed flashing light circles, higher current densities are already captured by the threshold values \u200b\u200bof the stimulation of sensory receptors, as well as nervous and muscle cells, which leads to the appearance of a fright, involuntary motor reactions.

In the case of a person's touch to objects isolated from the ground in the zone of the electrical field of significant intensity, the current density in the heart zone is highly dependent on the state of the "underlying" conditions (the type of shoes, the state of the soil, etc.), but can already reach these quantities.

At maximum current corresponding to emach \u003d\u003d 15 kV / m (6.225 mA), a known proportion of this current flowing through the head area (about 1/3), and the head area (about 100 cm) current density<0,1 мкА/см, что и подтверждает допустимость принятой напряженности 15 кВ/м под проводами воздушной линии.

For human health, the problem consists in determining the connection between the density of the current induced in the tissues, and the magnetic induction of the external field, V. Calculating the current density

it is complicated by the fact that its exact path depends on the distribution of conductivity in body tissues.

Thus, the specific conductivity of the brain is determined by y \u003d 0.2 cm / m, and the heart muscle y \u003d 0.25 cm / m. If you take a radius of the head of 7.5 cm, and the hearts of 6 cm, then the product of Yr is the same in both cases. Therefore, you can give one representation for the current density on the periphery of the heart and the brain.

It is determined that safe for health magnetic induction is about 0.4 mT at a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. In magnetic fields (from 3 to 10 mT, F \u003d 10 - 60 Hz), there was an occurrence of light flicker, similar to those arising when pressed on the eyeball.

The density of the current induced in the human body with an electric field with the magnitude of tension E is calculated in this way:

with various coefficients to the brain and heart area.

Value K \u003d 3-10 -3 cm / hpm.

According to German scientists, the field strength at which hair vibration is felt by 5% of the men, is 3 kV / m and for 50% of men who have been tested, it is equal to 20 kV / m. Currently, there are no data that the sensations caused by the action of the field create any adverse effect. As for the connection of the current density with biological influence, four areas presented in the table can be distinguished.

The latter area of \u200b\u200bthe current density value refers to the effects of the proceapment of the order of one cardiac cycle, i.e. approximately 1 s for a person for shorter exposures threshold values \u200b\u200babove. To determine the threshold value of the field strength, physiological studies were performed on people in laboratory conditions at 10 to 32 kV / m intensity. It has been established that at 5 kV / m tension, 80% of people do not experience pain in discharges in case of touching grounded items. It was this value that was adopted as a regulatory operation in electrical installations without the use of protective equipment.

The dependence of the permissible time of the human being in an electric field with a more threshold approximated by the equation

The implementation of this condition ensures self-healing the physiological state of the body during the day without residual reactions and functional or pathological changes.

We will get acquainted with the main results of research on the biological effects of electrical and magnetic fields conducted by Soviet and foreign scientists.

Effect of electric field fields

During the studies on the top of the forearm of each worker, an integrating dosimeter was secured. It has been established that the workers in high-voltage lines the average value of the daily exposure was from 1.5 kV / (M-h) to 24 kV / (M-h). Maximum values \u200b\u200bare marked in very rare cases. From the data obtained, research can be concluded that there is no noticeable relationship between exposure in the fields and the general state of human health.

Electrostatic effect on man and animal hair and animals

Studies were carried out in connection with the hypothesis that the effect of the field, a felt surface of the skin, was caused by the effect of electrostatic forces on the hair. As a result, it was obtained that with a field strength of 50 kV / m, the test felt the itchy, associated with hair vibration, which is registered with special devices.

Effect of electric field on plants

The experiments were carried out in a special chamber in an undistorted field with a tension from 0 to 50 kV / m. A small damage to the leaf tissue was revealed during exposure from 20 to 50 kV / m, depending on the configuration of the plant and the initial moisture content in it. The leaning of the fabric was observed in parts of plants with sharp edges. Thick, with a smooth rounded surface of the plant were not damaged at 50 kV / m tensions. Damage is a consequence of the crown on the protruding parts of the plants. The most weak plants damage were observed after 1 - 2 h after the exposure. It is important that wheat seedlings having very sharp ends, crowns and damage were noticeable at a relatively low tension of 20 kV / m. It was the lowest threshold for damage in research.

The most likely mechanism of damage to plant tissue is thermal. The lesion of the tissue appears when the field strength becomes high enough to cause coronation, and through the tip of the leaf flows a high density crown. The heat released on the resistance of the leaf tissue leads to the death of a narrow cell layer, which relatively quickly lose water, dry and compress. However, this process has the limit and the percentage of the dried surface of the plant is small.

Effect of electric field on animals

Studies were carried out in two directions: study at the level of the biosystem and the study of the thresholds of the detected influences. Among the chickens placed in the field with the tension of 80 kV / m, the weight gain was noted, the viability, low mortality. The field perception threshold was measured on domestic pigeons. It has been shown that pigeons have some mechanism to detect low-tension electric fields. Genetic changes were not observed. It is noted that animals who are in the electric field of high tensions may experience mini-shock due to extraneous factors depending on the experimental conditions that can lead to some concern and initiating experienced.

In some countries there are regulatory documents that limit the limit values \u200b\u200bof the field strength in the zone of the highway routes. The maximum tension of 20 kV / m was recommended in Spain, and the same meaning is considered at present as the utmost in Germany.

Public awareness of the influence of the electromagnetic field on living organisms continues to grow, and some interest and concern about this influence will lead to the continuation of relevant medical research, especially in people living near the air lines.

The celestial body, called the planet Earth, has an electric charge that creates a natural electric field of the Earth. One of the characteristics of the electric field is the potential, and the electric field of the Earth is also characterized by the potential. It can also be said that in addition to the natural electric field, there is a natural constant electric current (DC) of the planet Earth. The gradient of the land potential is distributed from its surface to the ionosphere. In good weather, the electric field of the atmosphere is good for static electricity, the electric field is approximately 150 volts per meter (in / m) near the earth's surface, but this value falls exponentially with an increase in the height of up to 1 per / m and less (at an altitude of 30 km). The reason for the reduction of the gradient is including the increase in the conductivity of the atmosphere.

If you wear clothes from a good insulator, which is an excellent dielectric, such as nylon clothes, and the shoes use exclusively rubber, while not to have any metal objects on the surface of the clothes, then there can be a difference between the potentials on the surface of the earth and the scuff. Since each meter is 150 volts, then with a height of 170 cm, there will be a potential difference in 1.7x150 \u003d 255 volts relative to the surface. If you wear a metal saucepan on the head, then the surface charge will be gathered on it. The reason for such a charge picking is that the nylon clothing is a good insulator, and rubber shoes. Grounding, that is, there is no conducting contact with the surface of the earth. In order not to accumulate electrical charges on itself, it is necessary to "ground". Similarly, objects, things, buildings and structures, especially high, are able to accumulate atmospheric electricity. This can lead to unpleasant consequences, as any accumulated charge can cause electric current and spark breakdown in gases. Such electrostatic discharges may fail the electronics and be the cause of fires, especially for flammable substances.

In order not to save the charges of atmospheric electricity, it is enough to connect the upper point from the bottom (ground) by an electric conductor, and if the area is large, then the ground is performed in the form of a cell, contour, but, in fact, use what is called "Farmey Cell".

Characteristics of atmospheric electricity

The land is negative, and has a charge equal to 500,000 coulons (CL) of an electric charge. The potential difference is due to 300,000 volts (300 kV), if we consider the voltage between the positively charged ionosphere and the surface of the Earth. There is also a constant current of electricity, the value of about 1350 amps (a), and the resistance of the Earth's atmosphere is about 220 ohms. This gives an output power of approximately 400 megawatts (MW), which is regenerated by the activities of the Sun. This capacity affects the land ionosphere, as well as lower layers, which causes thunderstorms. Electrical energy that is stored and stored in the earth's atmosphere is about 150 gigjew (GJ).

The system "Earth-ionosphere" acts as a giant capacitor, the capacity of which is 1.8 pharad. Given the enormous size of the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth, 1 square meter of the surface accounts for only 1 ND electrical charge.

Earth's electric velocity extends from the sea level to a height of about 60 km. In the upper layers, where there are many free ions and this part of the sphere is called the ionosphere, the maximum conductivity, since there are free chargers of charges. The potential in the ionosphere can be said aligned, since this sphere is essentially considered an electric current conductor, there are currents in gases and transfer current. The source of free ions is the radioactivity of the Sun. The flow of charged particles coming from the Sun and from the space "knocks out" electrons from gas molecules, which leads to ionization. The higher the surface of the sea, the smaller the conductivity of the atmosphere. At the surface of the sea, the air conductor is about 10 -14 Siemens / M (cm / m), but it increases rapidly as height increases, and at an altitude of 35 km is already 10 -11 cm / m. At such a height, the air density is only 1% of the one that the surface of the sea. Further, with an increase in height, the conductivity changes heterogeneously, because the magnetic field of the Earth and the streams of photons from the sun is influenced. This means that the conductivity of the electrospheres is above 35 km from the sea level of heterogeneous, depends on the time of day (photon flow) and from the geographic location (the magnetic field of the Earth).

In order for an electric breakdown between two flat parallel electrodes (the distance between which is 1 meter), which are located at the surface level of the sea, during dry air, the field strength in the amount of 3000 kV / m is necessary. If these electrodes are raised to a height of 10 km from the sea level, it will take only 3% of such tensions, that is, 90 kV / m. If the electrodes bring it closer so that the distance between them will be 1 mm, then it will take 1000 times less voltage for breakdown, that is, 3 kV (sea level) and 9 V (at an altitude of 10 km).

The natural magnitude of the electric field of the Earth's electric field at its surface (sea level) is about 150 V / m, which is much smaller than the values \u200b\u200bnecessary for the breakdown between the electrodes even in the range of 1 mm (3 kV / m is required).

Where does the electric field potential come from?

As already mentioned above, the Earth is a condenser, one leaf of which the surface of the Earth, and the other Operation of the supercapacitor is the region of the ionosphere. On the surface of the Earth, the charge is negative, and the ionosphere is positive. As well as the surface of the Earth, the ionosphere is also a conductor, and the atmosphere layer between them is an inhomogeneous gas dielectric. The positive charge of the ionosphere is formed due to the cosmic radiation, but what does the surface of the Earth charge negative charges?

For clarity, you must remember how the usual electrotechnical capacitor is charged. It is included in the electrical circuit to the current source, and it is charged to the maximum voltage value on the plates. For such a capacitor as the Earth, something similar happens. Similarly, a certain source must also include, and multimet charges are formed on the plates. Remember about lightning, which are usually accompanied by thunderstorms. These zippers are the same electrical chain that charges the Earth.

It is the lightning, drowning on the surface, the land are the source that charge the surface of the earth by a negative charge. Lightning has a current of about 1800 amps, and the number of thunderstorms and lightning per day more than 300. The thunderstorm cloud has polarity. Its upper part at a height of about 6-7 km at a temperature of about -20 ° C is charged positively, and the lower part at an altitude is 3-4 km at air temperature from 0 ° to -10 ° C is negative. The charge of the lower part of the thunderstorm cloud is enough to create a potential difference with the surface of the Earth in 20-100 million volts. The lightning charge is usually about 20-30 pendant (CL) of electricity. Lightning beaten discharges between clouds and between clouds and the surface of the earth. For each recharge, it takes about 5 seconds, so lightning discharge can be followed with such a sequence, but it does not mean that in 5 seconds it will definitely be discharged.


The atmospheric discharge in the form of lightning has a rather complicated structure. In any case, this is an electric current phenomenon in gases, which occurs when the necessary conditions for the gas breakdown is achieved, that is, the ionization of air molecules. The most curious thing is that the atmosphere of the Earth acts as a continuous dynamomy machine, which charges the surface of the earth is negative. Each discharge of lightning beats, provided that the surface of the earth is deprived of negative charges, which ensures the necessary potential difference for the discharge (gas ionization).

As soon as lightning strikes into the ground, the negative charge flows to the surface, but then the lower part of the thunderstorm cloud turns out to be discharged and its potential changes, it becomes positive. Then there is a return current and an excess of charge, which fell to the surface of the Earth, moves up, chargeing the thunderstorm cloud again. After that, the process may repeat again, but with smaller values \u200b\u200bof electrical voltage and current. This happens until there are conditions for the ionization of gases, the necessary difference in potentials and excess negative electrical charge.

Summing up can be said that lightning beats stepped, thereby creating an electrical chain on which the current flows in the gases, alternating towards. Each recharge of lightning lasts about 5 seconds and beats, only when for this there are the necessary conditions (breakdown voltage and gas ionization). The voltage between the beginning and the end of the lightning can be about 100 million volts, and the average current is about 1800 amps. The value of the current in the peak reaches more than 10,000 amps, and the portable charge is 20-30 cabins of electricity.