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The year of the rooster looms on the doorstep. Your image - what to wear. Don't forget the green

All inhabitants of our planet are accustomed to the fact that each coming year corresponds to a certain sign Eastern calendar. It has long been customary for an admirer of the ruler of the year to present him with all kinds of gifts, and in general, to try to please.

Those people who liked the "owner" will receive a blessing from him for a whole year. New 2017 will be held under the auspices Fire Rooster ... This colorful bird has a complex character and habits. We will talk about all this below.

Features and characteristics of the Fire Rooster

The rooster is a bird that has a clear voice, bright plumage and exudes cheerfulness. This symbol marks the beginning of something new, because the rooster is one of the first to wake up at dawn and notifies people that a new day has come.

People born in the year of the Fire Rooster are distinguished by their indestructible willpower. This type of rooster has all the makings of a leader and often uses all these qualities. They make excellent leaders and managers. Nature has endowed such people with a strong, punchy character, thanks to which they do not give up their plans halfway through, but always achieve their goals. Another feature inherent in Roosters is straightforwardness.

They tell a person in person everything they think of him. Of course, some do not like this behavior, and they stop making friends with the Rooster. That is why the representatives of this sign do not have so many friends.

Due to the fact that element at the symbol of 2017 Fire, they are extremely energetic and purposeful. Many will envy their temperament; it is rare to see the Rooster exhausted or tired. They literally emit waves of energy that are transmitted to those around them.

This sign is appreciated for hard work, assertiveness and ambition. There is an opinion that such people are not afraid of problems - they are ready to endure and overcome everything.

Roosters are excellent rivals, they are reckless and ready to win at any cost. It is worth noting that the love of victory is manifested not only in the professional sphere, but also in the love sphere! Although in love, representatives of this bird show too much selfishness, which prevents them from building normal long-term relationships.

Rooster color, element and compatibility with other signs

As the ancient Chinese believed, each year has its own animal, which corresponds to a certain color and element. If we turn to the Eastern calendar, it becomes clear that 2017 will be the year of the Fire Rooster. From this we can conclude that the favorite color will be Red, and the element, of course, will be Fire.

Fire Rooster will become a full-fledged ruler 28 January, and until this moment the Fire Monkey will "sit out" his the last days on his landmark “throne”.

The Rooster is extremely incompatible with signs such as Tiger, Rat, Rabbit and Horse. But with the Ox, the Snake and the Dragon, long-term friendships and love relationships are possible.

Horoscope for people born in the year of the Fire Rooster

Most people who were lucky enough to be born during the "reign" of the Fire Rooster are too fixated on their appearance, on the impression they make on others. At first glance, they seem rather thrifty, but as soon as the opportunity to get to know them better, it becomes clear that Roosters are ready to spend a fortune on their wardrobe.

But don't take it as a waste. No, people of this sign can wander around the shops for hours, looking for goods with more favorable price... They know all the dates of the sales in the city. In any case, no matter how much money they spend, they will still get the most out of their purchase.

Roosters never follow the lead of a friend or loved one. Rarely will anyone be able to make him "dance" to his tune. These self-sufficient individuals decide for themselves which side to take and with whom to make friends. Fire Roosters are distinguished by an extremely sharp mind, which helps them to build logical conclusions without external pressure.

If the Rooster is not touched, they are given the right to decide for themselves what to do and in which direction to move, they very often reach heights in life and career. Such people need time to think over everything, to build a plan of action. Having received what he wants, the Fire Rooster is able to produce a huge amount useful ideas that will be useful not only to him, but also to society.

But there is also back side character Petukhov. Under the influence of others, they are lost, begin to worry and lose the clarity of thinking. Many problems lead Roosters into a stupor - they can even withdraw into themselves. Another unpleasant feature is possessed by representatives of this sign - irrepressible waste, which can be exacerbated in cases where a certain financial height is reached. Therefore, it is necessary to pull up and control them in time. It should be reminded to Roosters that pedantry must be shown not only in work, but also when planning your personal budget.

It so happened that Roosters perceive love as a kind of test that should be passed. They believe that only real feelings are able to overcome all the tricks of fate, get stronger and develop in strong side... If these people are not confident in their partner, they will easily let him go. There are always enough Roosters in life romance novels and passion, but they rarely show their emotions and love to their soul mate.

More often than not, the opposite happens - they are loved and admired. However, Roosters are distinguished by their devotion and romanticism. With them, you will never feel the ordinariness of gray everyday life, because a developed imagination helps such people to arrange sweet and pleasant surprises. In other words, those born under this star can both overwhelm and conquer with their behavior!

However, there is a danger that the wrong choice of a partner can completely disappoint the Rooster, deprive him of his ability to love. Then such people often become inveterate bachelors. There is no need to lie and evade in a relationship, because a bright bird will not tolerate a lying person around him. If the chosen one is honest with the Rooster, then he will soon realize that he has found his soul mate.

What to expect in 2017

In 2017, the rooster will begin to treat all people on Earth favorably, so many pleasant things can happen in the coming year:

  • In a career- some people will get the long-awaited promotion they've dreamed of for so long and worked hard for.
  • In health- you will have to think about your lifestyle and if there are any flaws, you will have to say goodbye to them. After all, health is a happy life.
  • Married- the Year of the Fire Rooster will delight all newlyweds with stability and prosperity, so everyone who wants to create a strong marriage should certainly get married this year.


Roosters should be wary of allowing people who can manipulate them to approach. You should also not get too carried away with alcoholic beverages. It is better to devote time to your health, especially if problems have happened to him. Excessive emotionality, selfishness and permissiveness very often prevent Roosters from living happily. In this case, it is recommended to maintain constant control over yourself, monitor your speech, stop yourself in time.

Adhering to all these simple rules, Roosters will spend 2017 with joy in their hearts, they will exude goodness and good mood. And if it is good for the Roosters, then it is good for everyone around.

Remember from childhood, the song: “Petya, Petya, cockerel - a golden comb, an oily head, a silk beard! That you get up early, sing loudly ... ”Remember! Yes, the rooster is like that, and even more beautiful than in the song. Bright color, proud disposition, big beautiful tail, and how many chickens are in the “harem”? Oooh! Joke! Well, now jokes aside, 2017 is ahead - the year of the Fire (red) rooster. For a very long time, the West has known the eastern calendar, the cyclical nature of certain signs of eastern mythology, their influence on the year to which they relate. Each animal of the Chinese calendar has its own character traits, its own disposition and characteristics, which of course leaves its mark on a certain year.

And since here we are considering 2017, we will understand in detail the nature of the symbol of the year of the Rooster.

1) Since the Rooster (especially the fiery one) is a symbol of the sun, and he gets up before everyone else and wakes everyone around, the talisman from him turns out to be active, cheerful, exciting.
2) In China, the Rooster symbolizes five positive qualities: loyalty, kindness, honesty, courage and dignity. This means that in 2017 everyone should try to acquire these virtues, and if they already have them, then improve and strengthen them.
3) As we already wrote, the Rooster is a mobile, active being, which means that you and I must certainly activate in 2017, if not in all spheres of life, then at least in many.
4) Rooster - loves a strong family very much. Yes, yes, even though he has many wives (chickens), he is a real harem, but how he protects his family - he can peck. So in 2017, we should pay more attention to our family, our loved ones and relatives.
5) The rooster is wayward, energetic, sometimes aggressive and can be unpredictable. Therefore, if something goes wrong in 2017, then it would be best for us to accept everything as it is (unless, of course, we can improve or even fix the situation).

Safety precautions when working with a rooster mascot.

1) Never, do not use this talisman (or any other) to the detriment or harm of other people. After all, what you wish for another, you yourself will receive ... and even more.
2) Since this talisman, as we already wrote, is quite active and energetic, in no case should you install the Rooster talisman (especially the Fiery one) in the bedroom.
3) Since the Fire Rooster symbol refers to the element of fire, placed in the bathroom or toilet room, will conflict with the abundance of water (water element).
4) The Rooster also has such character traits as sincerity and frankness, and therefore in 2017 we should try to become like that. But without fanaticism, because if you do not control your statements and judgments, then you can inadvertently offend someone, offend, since straightforwardness is not always good in communication.
5) There is such a saying: “They meet by their clothes, they’ll see them off according to their minds”, yes, of course, “they see them off according to their minds,” but ... “They meet them by their clothes !!! “And since the symbol of 2017 loves bright, extraordinary clothes, and he himself is such, with motley, multi-colored plumage, in order to appease the wayward Rooster and get huge success in all your affairs in 2017, dress brightly, you can be extravagant; the style of behavior should be energetic, creative, unusual (but I repeat: without fanaticism! so that you are not considered a madman, you need to know when to stop).
6) Workaholism, pedantry, these are the distinctive features of the Fire Rooster, therefore in 2017 you should be persistent in work (again, without fanaticism), develop your business qualities, get rid of laziness, and most importantly, find your purpose in life. And if you do what you love in the new year, then in addition to the pleasure you will receive a tangible increase in your financial condition.
7) Hot temper and aggression are also inherent in the Fire Rooster, and therefore in the new year everyone should remember that it is best to keep himself in control, since excessive arrogance and rage can lead to disastrous results, and worsen the situation, and not correct it. So we control ourselves and our behavior and try to treat others with understanding.

Where to place the talisman of success - the Rooster.

Choose a Rooster figurine from natural materials: metal, wood, stone, glass (better not plastic). The figurine should be as bright as possible, more colorful, richer, and the size, in principle, is not important.
1) To place your talisman in the first place, of course, is best in the glory sector (the south of your house, apartment, living room), since the Rooster loves fame, honor, respect. The material of this talisman should be - wood, the colors are of course brighter, the predominance of cranes, yellow, orange colors.
2) If your desire is to become richer financially, place the Rooster figurine in the southeast of your apartment, living room or house. And since the southeast of the premises is a sector of wealth, the talisman placed here will actively attract an increase in income (salaries, for example) to you, contribute to the improvement of your business or promotion. The material of the Rooster figurine can be wood or glass.
3) And of course, if your goal is to improve relations with family and friends or to build strong family, then of course place the Rooster figurine in the family sector, which is located in the eastern zone of the room. Choose a figurine for this sector from glass or any type of wood.
4) There are legends about the love of the Rooster, which means that everyone who lacks love, who wants to find their “soul mate” - a Rooster figurine (or better two) in the love zone will help. The love zone is in southwest sector premises of your apartment or house. In this sector, it is advisable to put the Rooster figurine in clay or ceramic, as well as from any stone.
5) If by year of birth you are a Rooster, then this symbol can be placed in the kitchen, for example, on the windowsill, on the desktop. You can also carry your talisman in your purse, purse, jacket pocket, like a key ring, a pendant on your phone. In the living room, also put the symbol of your year, regardless of the sector where you want (turn on intuition).
6) Another place for the Fire Rooster is the hallway. If the talisman looks to the side front door- he will protect you from negativity coming from outside; if inside the apartment, it will attract success to you in all matters.

How to activate the Fire Rooster Talisman.

Having purchased a figurine or figurine of a Rooster, before placing it in the place of your choice, be sure to clear the energy of the talisman. For example, fumigate it with an incense stick (with your favorite scent) or a candle (color doesn't matter). You can hold the figurine in salt water. And then you can already activate your talisman of success, for example, do this meditation: Sit on a chair, your back is straight, your chin is slightly raised. If the figurine is too large or heavy, put it on the table in front of you, but if the Rooster figurine is small, hold it in front of you in your left hand, at a distance of about thirty centimeters from your heart. Close your eyes, right hand stroke the figurine on the comb, on the back, on the tail, rub the spurs on its paws, while you can say the following words: “Rooster, my Fiery Rooster, you bring me happiness! Wealth and opportunities, I know you will attract! ” or come up with your own statement, a positive quatrain, or just a sentence that will express your desire. Having said that, open your eyes and place your talisman in the right place. Throughout the year, periodically remember to stroke the Cockerel and repeat your affirmation. That's all, do it and get success in all your endeavors.

How and what to celebrate 2017.

Of course, to celebrate the new 2017, the year of the Fire Rooster, is best in a red outfit. But this does not mean that other colors cannot be present in festive clothes, because not everyone suits red, someone does not tolerate this color at all, which means: yellow, orange, pink, coral, golden, lilac, lilac, violet - not are prohibited. One more important point: be sure to have an element of the symbol of the new 2017 on your clothes, for example: a badge, brooch or hairpin in the form of a cockerel or a hint, a mention: a boa made of bright feathers, a feather on a hat or dress, a bright manicure resembling a multi-colored rooster tail, or depict a cockerel on one of the nails. Shoes are preferable with high heels. And make-up is possible bright, using pearlescent, glitter eyeshadows or lip gloss. You can do any hairstyle: a ponytail, lush curls, loose and smooth hair, wavy, combed to the side - any hairstyle will be to Fire Rooster's taste. The main condition is that the hair must be healthy and well-groomed. One taboo in a festive outfit is leopard, tiger and any other predatory prints, motifs and any mention of them in clothes, accessories, jewelry, etc.

How to set the New Year's table in 2017.

The tablecloth on the New Year's table must be made of natural fabrics: for example, cotton or linen. Tablecloth color: red, orange, yellow or even several bright colors... Prepare dishes for the New Year's table simple and light, in no case should there be chicken on the table, even as a component of a salad. It is best to stick to the rustic theme of New Year's table decoration: linen napkins, tiny sheaves of straw, wicker baskets, wooden bread bins, in a vase wheat spikelets, bunches of golden onions or bunches of red, hot peppers, an abundance of various pastries, all kinds of pickles and herbs.
Connect your imagination, do not be afraid to experiment, believe in your lucky star, and the Fire Rooster will help you become successful and happy.

How to make the most mascot of the year - Rooster

You can make a wonderful mascot of 2017 with your own hands. For example, from threads: take two yellow pompoms (you can make them yourself). One pompom should be larger than the other. Sew them together, you get a chicken preparation (and who said that the Cockerel should be an adult? You will get the Cockerel young, young, and therefore more energetic). So, we just have to glue the eyes to a small pompom (can be made of beads), a red beak, a comb and a beard (can be made of red felt). Attach paws to a large pompom from below (can be made of wire, wrap with red thread). And of course, do not forget to make the cockerel a tail, it should be very small, short, remember the cockerel is very young. Here is your Cockerel and ready. It turns out very cool Cockerel from salted dough. Take: 1 cup flour, half a cup of salt, 60 ml water, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Knead the dough, roll it out 1 cm thick. sharp knife, apply a drawing, highlight the eyes, wings, make the ponytail textured and other parts of the cock. Then bake your workpiece in the oven. As soon as the baked goods have cooled down, immediately paint your creation with paints. Then you can varnish, attach a loop and your talisman of happiness and success is ready! And if, in all these actions, you hum, shout or purr positive statements, then success will accompany you throughout 2017!
And here's how very easy and simple you can make the mascot of the year, Cockerel. Take a small piece of felt, of any color, cut out the shape of a rooster according to the template, and fill in, embroider the entire felt with colorful, bright buttons. It will turn out to be very creative and beautiful. You can make a rooster out of self-hardening polymer clay.


There is not much time left before the New Year, it's time to start preparing. What do we usually think about when we are going to celebrate our favorite holiday? First, of course, we determine the meeting place and decide in which company we will spend the best night of the year. Then we think about the menu and go through our outfits in our minds ... Stop! But one of the main questions remained behind the scenes. It sounds like this: in what colors should the new 2017 year of the Red (Fiery) Rooster be celebrated so that this bird will willingly enter our house?

What colors does the Fire Rooster like?

Let's immediately note an important point: even if you decide not to invite anyone and not go anywhere, but just sit with your family at the TV, you will definitely need a bright outfit. No dull house dresses and old slippers! You don't want the Fire Rooster to shower you with contempt, do you?

Therefore, we are looking at the next colors: yellow, gold, green, orange, chocolate brown colors. All shades of red will do, of course. Let's not forget about black, but it should not be the only color or the prevailing color. But it can serve as a wonderful background.

Red is a symbol of energy

Red is a symbol of energy, fire, striving for leadership, and in the end, a symbol of life itself. Therefore, let it be present in decorative elements or on festive table... For example, hang raspberry tinsel over the window and spread bright scarlet napkins on the tablecloths.

White plates with red polka dots are also great. Speaking of white: White color is a unifying principle, integrity, solidarity. Let the white paper snowflakes on the glasses not melt into this new year's eve... They will be able to unite, make friends with the family in an imperceptible way for you.

Golden and yellow shades

Without gold and yellow, one cannot meet the year of the Fire Rooster: golden sparks often sparkle in the glare of the flame. These colors will attract wealth to the house, contribute to well-being, and improve material well-being. Hang a few large golden balls on the tree: let them shine in the light of lamps and candles.

Don't forget the green!

Be sure to cook something green. However, you don't have to think about this color on purpose: it will appear in your house anyway. After all, you do not think to celebrate the holiday without a Christmas tree or at least a pine branch? The green needles of this tree are a symbol of stability and prosperity.

Colors and decorations for the Christmas tree

There are no special rules dictating how to decorate the Christmas tree. The Fire Rooster will be satisfied in any case: the more vigorously your imagination manifests itself, the better. After all, the Rooster is a "comrade" with a clear creative beginning! The only thing he will definitely not tolerate is the lack of decorations and, in general, a complete disregard for the holiday. Therefore, we will start thinking about the outfit for the Christmas tree early, otherwise there will be no time left.

Highly good idea- decorate the Christmas tree in a spiral: arrange the garlands in the form of spiral turns. In this case, you will need to hang the toys in the same order. By the way, among the latter, in addition to colorful newfangled toys, you can hang gingerbread, chocolate candies, and put a Kinder surprise under the tree for each of the household members. Let everyone get a tasty treat and figurines, and let everyone come up with and voice what the symbol they received means and what they prophesy in the coming year.

You can simply arrange the decorations on the tree around. You can intersperse a layer of balls with a layer of toys and so on - in short, act according to your own intentions. Just do not overdo it: it is best if both the tree and the entire New Year's decor include 2-3 colors. Too much a large number of of all kinds of shades can bring some chaos and cacophony into the festive atmosphere.

We see - the Fire Rooster is not so simple. He loves everything bright, but does not tolerate disharmony. He follows fashion and novelties with interest, but does not tolerate pretentiousness and vulgarity. We will try to please his tastes: we will decorate the house so that the Red Rooster would express his approval to us.

Soon, the Fire Monkey will transfer its control rights to the Fire Rooster, and given the fact that next year will have to live under fire sign, you and I can hardly count on a quiet life.

So what will be the upcoming 2017 year of the Rooster, what to expect from it in the signs of the eastern calendar, what it will turn out to be, whether it will bring good news, what to prepare for - this is what we will tell you about in this article.

Tune in in advance in a serious and responsible way, do not take rash and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts, because the Rooster is a well-known provocateur and bully, and there will be plenty of situations in which you can get yourself into trouble.

Therefore, be careful, vigilant and judicious, behave rationally, do not make hasty decisions!

In the upcoming 2017 Fire Rooster, dramatic changes are expected in public life all over our planet.

The struggle for leadership will continue, the conflicts started earlier are unlikely to be ended - the Rooster will not allow. Let's hope that you and I will be able to avoid troubles, to cope with ourselves and our problems, not to make unnecessary mistakes.

What will be the year of the Rooster 2017

The symbol of 2017 will be the Rooster, the controlling element of the year is fire, therefore the Rooster will be Fiery. The main color is red and all shades close to it, including fiery tones, are gold, orange, yellow.

As noted in the East, the Rooster is the head of the family, he gets up early, keeps order and keeps everything under control. That is why in the coming year you should try not to fall out of rhythm, keep your finger on the pulse, be in time everywhere, and then luck will definitely be on your side.

For many zodiac signs, 2017 can be a fateful year for the fiery Rooster. It may concern business sphere, monetary or love - anyone, each of us will feel the influence of the difficult temper of the patron of 2017.

If we talk about what the 2017 year of the Fire Rooster will be like, then we can definitely say that this period will be bright, like a rooster's tail, stormy and unpredictable as the character of the symbol of the year.

One event will rapidly change another, so it is important to keep track of what is happening in order to make the right decision in time.

Changes will take place both in the social life of people and in the world as a whole. Some astrologers predict an extremely unstable situation in the world, however, given the location of the planets, so far there is no reason for serious concern.

The year will be fruitful and successful for those who will try to prove themselves, show off their talents, an extraordinary approach to the situation. If such a chance presents itself, and it will certainly present itself, then it should not be missed in any case.

The rooster does not tolerate inaction, appreciates neatness and order in everything, many will have to put their thoughts in order, draw up a plan of action and systematically go towards their goal without unnecessary fuss.

If for its implementation you have to revise your principles, attitude to life, worldview, then it is better to work on it.

The Rooster is a careerist, and the Fire Rooster is the leader, organizer, responsible leader and brain center of many operations. If there is such a person in your environment, then the new 2017 will favor his career growth, and you should listen to his opinion - he can help you too.

If you yourself feel confident and firm in solving business issues, have experience, you know how best to do this or that work - this year is completely yours. You can achieve a lot if you give yourself to your work.

The stars advise in the year of the Fire Rooster to learn to be responsible by taking on certain obligations, you should not neglect them.

Characteristic of the Year of the Rooster

What will the 2017 year of the Fire Rooster be like?


The financial characteristics of 2017 will be as follows - in terms of money, the first half of the year will be especially tense. This is due to the unstable economic situation in the world.

The Fire Rooster is very passionate about money - for him they are an excellent indicator of success.

If you want to become more financially independent, then do not set yourself such a goal.

You should not wish for the money itself, but for success in your affairs, then all the other components will simply be added.


In terms of health, 2017 will be very dangerous for those who have completely neglected themselves and do not work with their bodies.

You should think about the fact that all diseases suppressed by temporary solutions will sooner or later affect, and this can become a real problem.

If you have chronic diseases, then do not hesitate to improve your health, and at the first symptoms, seek medical help.

Do not neglect vitamins, healthy food and classes at fresh air... Physical activity is completely obligatory for all signs of the zodiac.

The Fire Rooster does not like lazy people. Only those who work on themselves, on their career and personal growth, will deserve from the Rooster his location and help in all their endeavors.


The characteristic of the coming year tells us that the most best time for a change in the field of activity, it will be precisely - the year of the Fiery Rooster.

Do not be afraid to try yourself in an unknown field, learn and develop. This applies not only to mental abilities, but also to physical ones.

If you have long thought about getting yourself in shape, then this is the right time.

If you have some kind of ailment, then the decisiveness and assertiveness of the patron saint of 2017, the Fire Rooster, will help to cope with it.

Born in the year of the Rooster

The life of people born in the year of the Fire Rooster is always filled with bright colors and all kinds of events. the main task parents in raising their child, like the Rooster himself, to cope with emerging problems and life challenges, to correctly calculate their strengths to master new goals and opportunities.

Both men and women born in the year of the Rooster are quite eloquent and fully possess the gift of persuasion. These people can achieve success in almost any professional field, reach unprecedented heights in any profession, especially in creative and financial areas.

Born men and women under this sign of the eastern calendar, in almost everything they strive to get the maximum benefit, they always try to get the highest paying and honorable job, make every effort to this, often even to the detriment of people around them, work colleagues.

The Rooster is reluctant and hostile to the daily routine, as well as to submission. The life of this person will never be boring, monotonous and ordinary. With him you will live an eventful life, full of bright adventures, unexpected turns, although sometimes dangerous and unpleasant.

The childhood, youth of the Rooster, like the mature years, are oversaturated with events, full of all sorts of necessary and far-fetched problems, but in old age he calms down, she is cloudless and joyful for him.

People born this year are charming and pleasant to talk to, especially women. They are more ready to create a family for adulthood, although they most often tie the knot in early youth.

They are friendly, easy to talk to, but you just should not trust them. Not everyone succeeds in getting along with the Rooster “under one roof”, because these people value and defend their freedom very much and are unlikely to tolerate command over themselves, interference in their lives.

What will be the year of the Rooster for the signs of the Eastern horoscope

Born in the Year of the Rat- forecast for 2017 (born in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 ...) - For people of this sign of the eastern calendar, everything should go pretty well, and the changes in society around them will not touch this person a lot.

Born in the Year of the Ox- forecast for 2017 (born in 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009 ...) - This person will regain confidence in his abilities, which means that you can take on new things - you will succeed. Do not trust the "first comer", evenly calculate your strengths and capabilities.

Born in the year of the Tiger- forecast for 2017 (born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 ...) - For him, the coming year is a difficult period of problems, struggle, rebellion and disappointment. The Tiger will not do much, although he will make a lot of efforts to achieve success.

Born in the year of the Rabbit / Cat- forecast for 2017 (born in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 ...) - These people are not expected to have a very good period in their lives. They will be annoyed by the surrounding useless vanity and endless far-fetched problems, which, nevertheless, will have to be solved.

Born in the Year of the Dragon- forecast for 2017 (born in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 ...) - The dragon can be said to be lucky, he will have another chance to show off this year, in which the Rooster will help him ... But will he want to prove himself - big question.

Born in the year of the Snake- forecast for 2017 (born in 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 ...) - For the representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar, it is simply a harsh and dangerous year. The rooster can peck at you, "throw" problems at you, drive you to despair.

Born in the Year of the Horse- forecast for 2017 (born in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 ...) - Everything is fine with these people, the created margin of safety will allow you to live a year in peace. If the Rooster begins to harm this person, then he risks being trampled by the Horse.

Born in the year of the Goat / Sheep- forecast for 2017 (born in 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 ...) - All coming year will be held on a positive note, these people will strive for a bohemian, measured life, refusing to make unnecessary efforts to ensure their well-being.

Born in the year of the Monkey- forecast for 2017 (born in 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 ...) - Although her year has just ended, everything will become less funny, the time is coming for everyday life. Although the Rooster's reign will entertain the Monkey, it will not let her get bored.

Born in the year of the Rooster- forecast for 2017 (born in 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 ...) - A wonderful year for the Rooster and no wonder! After all, everything around him sparkles, he is in the spotlight, he succeeds in everything. However, you should not count on the fact that everything will work out by itself - you will have to work if you hope for success.

Born in the Year of the Dog- forecast for 2017 (born in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 ...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar, the year of experiences, overcoming obstacles and fighting for better life... Set yourself up to be positive and do not get distracted by trifles from your goal.

Born in the Boar / Pig year- forecast for 2017 (born in 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 ...) - Painstaking work will certainly bear fruit. The representatives of the eastern calendar in the person of the Pig / Pig will succeed in life if they do not harm themselves with their thoughtless steps. Do not be distracted by insignificant things, focus on the main thing.

New: Read our fresh 2019 review of who, what animal and what awaits us.

According to eastern calendar, the coming 2017 will be the year red or fire rooster... The rooster is the 10th sign of the horoscope, an animal from the yang group, he controls the time interval from 5 to 7 pm. The most successful "Rooster season" is autumn, namely the month of September (in the horoscope this time corresponds to the sign of Virgo) and here you can download beautiful calendar for 2017... In addition to fire, the symbol that brings good luck to the Rooster is metal, and the color is yellow. Symbols of the year in flora there will be orange tree, hawthorn, palm and gentian. England, Austria, Haiti, Paraguay and Ghana are considered favorable for the Rooster.

Despite the fact that we meet the calendar New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1, formally, the rooster year will begin on January 28, 2017, and end on the night of February 15-16, 2018. What will this year be like? According to the horoscope, the Year of the Rooster is always bright and important events. Red rooster color is energy and strength, precision and scrupulousness, practicality and self-confidence. It is believed that in such a year, luck smiles at the courageous, those who make efforts to achieve a result, who are not afraid to purposefully and methodically move towards their goal, but are also ready for decisive actions. It is worth noting that the previous year of the rooster was in 2005 and he will return to us again in 2029. The element of 2017 is Fire, but you should not be afraid of this, because, for example, in ancient times, the domestication of fire gave humanity a huge leap forward in development. Moreover, previous similar years were not extremely difficult or fateful for the world.

Surprisingly, in different cultures the rooster is a symbol of the same phenomena: a new day, light, as well as perseverance and good deeds. It is known that the rooster jealously defends its territory and does not give up until the last breath, so it is not surprising that it has become the emblem of the most daring campaigns more than once. His proud posture and ability different ways instilling fear in the enemy have always been valued.

Characteristics of the year: what awaits us and what to prepare for

2017 - the year of the fire or red rooster, a wayward, cheerful vociferous animal. He meets a new day, so the Rooster is a symbol of everything new, he is curious, sociable, effective, likes to attract attention and win victories on all fronts. In general, this symbol is accompanied by good luck. The rooster is practical and even calculating, which is why 2017 is well suited for the implementation of fateful projects: discoveries own business, buying real estate, moving. On the other hand, it is good year in order to achieve something new in a thoroughly studied area - the Rooster is conservative and does not like changes, but he will definitely "approve" new contracts, scientific research, renovation of the house or in the country, replenishment in the family. The cock's disposition tends to be thrift, attentive to his outward appearance and health, so all acquisitions and investments in yourself in 2017 will be extremely successful.

Another hallmark the symbol of 2017 is a sociable nature - despite its domineering nature, the Rooster does not tolerate loneliness. For 2017, you can safely plan trips with noisy companies or big family holidays, anniversaries, weddings - any such undertaking will go with a bang. It is important to emphasize the Rooster's legibility - being quick-tempered by nature, he makes important decisions carefully, and this is worth learning from him. In the most successful way, the year of the Fire Rooster will develop for those who take leadership positions, something organizes and creates, be it new company or a large family - the symbol of 2017 will be forgiving to such people, he loves those who make decisions. The rooster is ready to support the most ambitious plans and the most daring ideas, but any action will need to be carefully prepared.

It is impossible to call 2017 simple, but it will definitely not be boring, because the Rooster does not tolerate boredom and despondency. The most important thing is to believe in yourself and not lose your presence of mind. Well, where did you see the sad Rooster? The most controversial coming year will be for interpersonal and love relationship- a quick-tempered character and some inconstancy often prevent the Rooster from establishing connections with friends and lovers. On the other hand, if the choice has already been made, the Rooster is able to throw all his strength into strengthening relationships, he is ready to present gifts and surprise loved ones.

The same applies to big politics - in the year of the Rooster conflicts are possible at the international level, but the year is good for the implementation of serious reforms within the country aimed at improving the quality of life. The rooster zealously defends its territory and cares about the well-being of loved ones, therefore, any actions in this direction will be accompanied by good luck. The main thing is to know when to stop, not to overdo it and remember that the best is the enemy of the good. The rooster is reasonable, and is able to accept the right decision taking into account the interests of all parties, even if at first glance the situation seems insoluble. In the year of the Rooster, new strong leaders may come to power, while not focused on conflict, but, on the contrary, capable of establishing stable and strong relations with neighbors.